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Let me start by indicating that Megan and I have a great life. We love each other deeply, consider each other best friends and have a wonderful sex life. Megan is much more sexually reserved though, and it has taken me nearly fifteen years of marriage to even begin to lure any sexual fantasies out of her. I know she has them, as she is a very creative person, but she is reluctant to share them out of, I believe, embarrassment. I, on the other hand, tend to be a bit more open and comfortable with sharing, sometimes to the point that I fear it freaks her out. To that end, it was on a recent trip when one of her fantasies emerged and we discovered that it was mutual.

I had been planning a business trip to southern California to attend a conference. Now that the k**s were all in school, it was much easier for Megan to pull away and join me. I would be busy from early morning until late afternoon most days. We decided that she could spend some time exploring the city, lounging by the pool and possibly getting together with a sorority sister that lived in the area. We would have time to go out for some great dinners and evenings in the city, though.

We arrived late on Sunday evening, having made time on our flight from the east coast. Meg was tired, but I convinced her to join me for a drink in the hotel bar. We jumped on the elevator and headed down. Meg headed a table near a window, overlooking the bay and away from the din of the lounge. I walked to the bar to order our drinks and, as I stood waiting, noticed a guy at the bar staring at Megan. It would have been easy to mistake her for being alone since I had come straight to the bar. I could see that he was definitely checking her out, his eyes going over her repeatedly. She had her chestnut hair pulled back in a short ponytail and was dressed pretty casually, sporting a sheer white blouse with a black tank-top under. The blouse was unbuttoned far enough down to show her cleavage and the roundness of her breasts. She had perfectly sized tits to suit her petite and athletic frame. Her tanned and muscular legs were crossed and extended from under the table, topped by a short pair of khaki shorts. The bartender handed me our drinks, but I hesitated for a moment to watch this stranger admire my wife. She was checking messages on her phone and oblivious to him. He finally broke his gaze as his buddies pulled him back into their conversation, and I made my way over to the table with our drinks.

I made a toast to being on vacation, hoping that she had a chance to relax and enjoy her time. After some small talk about the k**s, my thoughts returned to the guy that had been watching her. "You know, there was a guy over there checking you out while I was at the bar," I said.

"Oh, no there wasn't," she responded slightly embarrassed, "No one would be checking me out."

"Yes, yes there was. That young guy over there in the blue button down, he was most certainly checking you out. I watched him the entire time I was getting our drinks and he really seemed to like what he saw." A slight blush rose to her cheeks as I continued to speak. "What wouldn't he like? You're extremely sexy, and those tanned legs are absolute eye catchers."

"You are so full of it," she said, even more embarrassed but loving my compliments. "I'm just another almost forty mom and I'm not even dressed to impress."

"That's what makes you so sexy, though. That's what attracted me to you in the first place. You were casual and laid back, not even trying to be cool or sexy. You've always rocked that natural look." I took a swig of my drink and made an animated glance under the table at her legs, raising an eyebrow and smiling. This drew an instant smirk from her as she sipped her wine.

"You know, I would love to sit in a bar and watch guys hit on you. Just sit away from you and watch them scope you out, come over and hit on you and have you flirt back." She stared at me with her mouth slightly agape over her raised wine glass. "A lot of the girls I dated in college I knew as friends long before we went out, and I had seen them get picked up in bars many times. When we dated, and eventually hooked-up, it always turned me on to think about the other guys they had been with. You've always been hesitant to tell me about any of your past hook-ups so it would be my chance to see you in action."

"My past is really not that exciting. I've told you that. Besides, I bet I could sit at that bar all not and not a single guy would come up and talk to some frumpy mom sitting alone."

"You're not a frumpy mom and, besides, you would be surprised. Single women to men are like blood in the water to sharks, we can smell you a mile away." I pulled my chair closer to her around the table and spoke softly, "I bet you would have a guy on you in a matter of minutes, definitely before the end of your first drink. I would just sit over here and watch him undress you with his eyes from afar, because he would, and then he would come over and try to start a conversation. I'm guessing you would act uninterested at first, not making eye contact and forcing him to put forth a bit more effort. He would offer to buy you a drink and then, as it was delivered, you would finally make eye contact and engage in the conversation. After a while he would casually put his hand on your knee and you might shift your weight towards him a bit, hinting at some level of physical attraction. As his confidence grew, and hormones starting flowing, he might infuse some sexual innuendo into the conversation. Taking cues from your responses, he would try to get closer to you, leaning into you and putting his arm around the back of your chair. I could imagine you turning your seat towards him and opening your legs slightly so that the hand on your knee could move to the inside of your thigh. At that point, depending on how crowded the bar was, he might either try to move his hand up your thigh, or just proposition you to return to his room for a drink."

The waitress interrupted my train of thought and I ordered us another round of drinks. I could see that she was aroused, as the blood had rushed to her neck and face. She stared at me with semi-distant eyes, as if she were still deep in my thoughts.

"Well, am I that far off?"

"I would be so embarrassed if another guy hit on me and, besides, I'm not interested in anyone but you. I wouldn't even know how to act."

"I know you're not interested in anyone else, that's why I'm sharing this with you. I'm totally comfortable in that fact." I let my words sink in for a moment as the waitress returned with our drinks. "So, what would you do?"

"What do you mean?"

"Would you let him caress your thigh, maybe even touch your panties? I mean, let's imagine you're wearing a skirt. Would you let his hand go under it?"

"I don't know. I don't want to think about it."

"Come on, close your eyes and think about it. It's just you and I talking. Would you let his hand go up under your skirt?"

She took a huge gulp of her wine and closed her eyes. "I don't know, I might. Depending on how he looked." I could see her breath deepen and the blush in her cheeks and throat increase.

"Think about his hand sliding up your thigh," I said, watching her as she fell into the image in her mind. Her legs shifted apart ever so slightly. "Think about his hand slowly rubbing up and down your thigh, moving higher under your skirt with each pass until his fingers brush up against your panties. Would you like that?"

Her eyes opened softly and she took another drink of wine. "Yes," she said in a breath.

My heart was pounding and my cock had grown stiff while I talked. "I want to take you upstairs and fuck you right now." I threw some cash on the table and offered her my hand as I stood. She made a devilish grin and nodded. We walked to the elevators and entered the open doors. I punched the button for our floor and walked behind her. As the doors slid shut, I started kissing the nape of her neck and pulled her hips back into my bulging pants.

"Oh my," she stammered, "you seem to be all worked up."

"More than you can imagine," I said, letting my hand course across her belt and down to her crotch. I could feel the heat through her shorts. "Seems I'm not the only one that's worked up."

The elevator doors slid open and we walked quickly down the hall to our room. I opened the door and she took two steps inside, spinning towards me as the door clicked shut. Her mouth was open wide as she pulled my face towards her with both hands. Her tongue was in my mouth desperately seeking mine and she let out a soft moan when they met. I quickly unbuttoned her blouse and slipped it off her arms as I forced her backwards into the room. I pulled her tank top over her head and reached behind her to unclasp the black lace bra she was wearing. We made it to the side of the bed and I threw her down on it, dropping down and kissing her stomach. I moved to her erect nipples, taking each of them into my mouth and sucking hard on them. Nibbling lightly to make them even harder. My tongue coursed around each nipple and glided to her belly button, where it dug in deeply. My hands unbuckled her belt and released the button of her shorts. I pulled the shorts down slowly, letting my tongue follow them down. She lifted her hips off the bed to let the shorts pass easily. My fingers grasped the top of her black lace undies and they slid down with the shorts, revealing her freshly shaved pubic mound. When the shorts passed her knees they fell to the floor and she kicked them off with her sandals in one motion. I pulled my head back slightly to admire her beautiful mound. I could see her slit glimmer with wetness and knew that she had been more turned on by our earlier conversation than I would have imagined. As my tongue traced the outline of her lips, I could taste her juices and smell the heat from within. I ran my tongue back along the inside of her left thigh and back up its length, pausing faintly above her lips before I made a similar track along her right thigh and back. I let my tongue brush the outside of her lips and I could hear her catch her breath in anticipation.

Instead of giving her the immediate pleasure of my mouth, I stood and pulled my shirt and shorts off. She remained laid back on the bed with her eyes closed, never glancing at me. I laid down next to her, letting my hand glide from her knee, up her thigh to her hips and belly, and finally to her left breast. I leaned over and kissed her deeply on the mouth. "Would you have let the guy from the bar do this?"

"Yes," she whispered.

"I want you to think about being in his room. His hands all over your body. His face buried in your pussy and his cock pounding you."

"Ok," she said breathlessly.

My hand crossed across her stomach and between her legs. My fingers touched her outer lips and I could not believe the amount wetness I found there. I slowly let a finger part her lips and slide between. She was hotter and wetter than I could remember since our younger days of dating. Her juices ran down my fingers and the insides of her thighs. Her back arched at my touch and her legs spread open invitingly. I pulled my fingers to my lips and tasted her for the first time that evening. I traced her juices across her own lips and kissed her deeply so we could both taste. I lowered myself down the bed until my knees were on the floor. I spread her legs with my hands and could see the juices flowing from her pussy. I buried my face in her, licking up her juices like a man who hasn't had water in days, sucking them from her every inner fold. I pushed my tongue deep inside her and she let out a deep moan. Her clit was completely swollen and sticking out from beneath its hood. I took it between my lips and sucked on it lightly, pulling gently. She gasped and her hips bucked forward, driving my face into her pussy.

"Make me cum, now, make me come," she gasped.

My tongue immediately went to work, coursing rings and figure eights around her clit. Her hips move methodically with my tongue as she fucked my face. Each push of her hips brought a fresh gush of juices forth from her vagina. She began to whimper and moan with each motion and soon my face was covered with her orgasm.

"Fuck me now. Oh god, fuck me."

I stood and spread her legs further apart, placing the head of my cock at her wet hole. "Are you sure you want this guy to fuck you?" I asked.

"Yes, yes I want him inside me now"

I slowly pushed the head of my cock inside her and found her even hotter and wetter than before. She hungrily pushed her cunt against me to get more cock inside. With one swift motion, I rammed the entire length of my dick inside her. She let out a scream and immediately began quivering with another orgasm. I pushed her knees back to her shoulders and began fucking her hard. Each thrust sent her juices splashing across our stomachs and down my legs. We were soon in a huge wet spot on the comforter. She was moaning with each thrust of my cock and I couldn't tell if she had stopped cumming, or was still in a prolonged orgasm. Her face was completely red with passion and her mouth open gasping for air as she moaned.

"I'm going to cum inside you," I moaned as I rammed into her, my orgasm overtaking me suddenly. The head of my cock was pressing against her cervix and I could feel my hot load filling her. My shoulders shivered while I continued to pound into her, feeling my hot cum mixed with hers. I pulled out of her and watched my cum drip from her pussy and run down her ass crack to the bed. I fell beside her and pulled her face to mine for a deep kiss. "That was amazing," I gasped as I breathed heavily.

"You haven't made me cum like that in a long time," she replied with a dreamy grin. "That was awesome."

We fell into a deep sleep entwined in the bed that night, both of us exhausted from the unbelievable sex. I awoke early the next morning for meetings and, unfortunately, stayed tied up with business for most of the next two days. I managed to say hi to Meg as she lounged next to the pool in-between meetings, but that was the extent of our time together with the exception of some conversation before bed and texting back and forth throughout the day. Finally, I had a break on Tuesday and had a chance to take Megan out for a nice dinner.

I told her that I would meet her at the room and change out of my suit into something a bit more casual. When I opened the door, I found her standing in the room wearing a simple, but sexy, black dress with a fairly low cut front that showed off her great breasts. The hem was high enough to exhibit her beautifully athletic and tanned legs. She had on nice open-toed black heels that flexed her calves and definitely showed off her ass.

"Wow," I said, not taking my eyes off of her. "I'm going to have a hard time competing with that tonight. You look fabulous"

She blushed and demurely replied, "That was what I was going for. I don't get to do this often."

I changed quickly and we headed downstairs to grab a cab. She told me about her day by the pool and shopping in some of the boutiques along the waterfront. We got to the restaurant and hopped out. The place was packed, so we checked in with the hostess and headed to the bar to await a table."

After a couple of drinks and some small talk, she looked me in the eye. "The other night was amazing and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. I had to go back to the room yesterday to masturbate because I kept thinking how great it had been."

My cock stirred to life in my pants as my mind flashed back to Sunday night and the scenario we had talked about, and the great sex that had followed. "Yes, it's been a rough couple of days in meetings with that on my mind. I found myself spacing out in daydreams a couple of times." I took a big swig of my drink to build the courage for what I was about to say. "What would you think about doing it tonight?" I asked.

"Yes," she whispered, "I definitely want to be with you tonight."

"No, I mean yes, but no," I stammered. "What if we followed through on part of that fantasy tonight?"

Fear immediately washed across her face and she almost dropped her glass of wine. "Oh my god, are you serious? There's no way. I don't want to be with anyone else, I love you."

"Just calm down. I'm not talking about you picking up some biker in a seedy bar. I'm not even talking about you having to go through with anything. I think it would be fun just to try the flirting part we discussed." The horror in her eyes slowly eased away and her jaw unclenched.

"I never thought you were serious about that. I thought you were just talking. I can't imagine actually sitting at a bar and trying to pick up guys."

"Honey," I said in my calmest voice, looking deeply into her eyes, "I've always had a fantasy of watching you with some other guy. I don't even know if I would even e comfortable with that, but I have often thought about watching you ride some other guy. If for nothing else, just to see you from another perspective. You sitting at a bar flirting with some guy would be kind of a fun happy medium. You would be in complete control and it would only go as far as you wanted it. As far as you picking up guys, the way you look tonight would draw them to you like flies to a picnic."

Her eyes dropped to her glass of wine in deep thought. I could tell she was thinking about it, but not sure if it was still in panic or in earnest. When she looked back up at me, I could see a twinkle in her eyes.

"I wouldn't even know what to do. Do you know how long it has been since I've flirted with anyone but you? I would just be dopey and nervous and probably come off like some dork."

Just then, the hostess came to our table to seat us. She led us to a secluded booth for two near the windows in the back of the dining room. A small candle burned low in the center of the table offering a nice ambiance for our conversation.

The waiter visited almost immediately as we sat down. I quickly scanned the wine list and found us a nice bottle to enjoy with our meal. After he left, I leaned closer across the table and talked just above a whisper. "This would be fun. I will be sitting as close as I can without being too conspicuous. You just need to sit at the bar, enjoy a drink or two and look bored. We're in a town with hundreds of military men on station and on leave. They will find you. You just need to carry on a conversation, flirt if you want an see what happens."

"I don't know. I'm already nervous just thinking about it. Look, I'm shaking." She held up her glass of wine and there were noticeable ripples across the top.

We continued our discussion over wine and dinner. She didn't seem to notice that I wasn't allowing her glass to go below half-full. We agreed, her half-heartedly, that we would return to the sports bar in our hotel. I would first find a table near enough to the bar to be in constant and complete eyesight of her, but far enough away that no one would notice me observing. She would then find a seat at the bar, order a drink and see what happens.

After the first bottle of wine was emptied, I could see her becoming somewhat more enthusiastic and involved in the planning. As we ate our meals, we laughed and talked about picking up the opposite sex in college. We both recalled how fun it had been to be single and free, not knowing who or if you might end up with at the end of the night. We recounted uber-drunk encounters that ended horribly laughable situations. I could tell that she was getting into it.

"I'm still nervous," she said as we waited on the bill, "but kind of excited. You promise nothing will happen?"

"I promise. I'm going to be less than twenty yards away from you. If some guy ends up being an ass, you just need to excuse yourself to the restroom and give me the sign." We had agreed that if she twisted her watch as she walked away from the bar, it meant I was supposed to meet her near the restrooms.

The bill was paid and we quickly made our way to a cab and back towards the hotel. She snuggled closely with me in the back seat, holding my hand tightly and resting her head on my shoulder. She turned her head and whispered in my ear, "this is actually making me kind of horny."

I turned my head and stared into her eyes, placing my lips firmly against hers. "Me too. Just remember, you are in control and we can go up to the room whenever you want." She nodded in agreement as we pulled into the hotel.

Just as we had planned, I found a table close to the bar. It was close enough to be within earshot of a normal conversation at the bar, but no so close that I would look like some kind of gawker. I had planned to feign interest in emails and texts on my phone while Megan sat at the bar. No sooner had a sat down than she strolled in. She looked beautiful. Her eyes twinkled and she walked seductively to an empty bar stool. My heart sank a bit as I noticed that she had removed her wedding rings, but we had discussed it earlier and agreed it would be better to bait a gentleman.

I immediately noticed several heads turn her way from across the bar. A group of five or six thirty-something guys had been deep in a conversation that, I assumed, was football related as they continued to watch the game on television. One of them, a handsome blonde guy with an angular jaw and deep-set eyes, was definitely checking her out. Megan ordered a glass of wine and took a huge gulp of it as soon as it arrived. She then stared off at one of the televisions surrounding the bar. I kept an eye on the guy across the bar, and saw him glance her way a few more times as he stayed involved in the conversation with his buddies.

After fifteen minutes, I could tell Meg was getting nervous and fidgety at the bar. I was afraid she was going to get up and leave. But no sooner had the thought passed than I realized I had lost sight of the blonde guy. He was no longer with his group. I casually scanned the bar and noticed him making his way around the backside of the bar towards Meg. Game on!

There was a couple sitting to Megan's left, but there was enough room to her right for this guy to sidle up to the bar. Just as I expected, he ordered a drink and did not immediately make eye contact with her. I could tell from her posture that she had gotten a little tense, so she must have noticed him. Once his drink arrived, he shifted his weight so that he could glance at her in his peripheral vision. He took a drink and turned his head slightly towards her. He said something and I quickly realized that I was not going to be able to hear anything. Megan's head slowly shook in the negative and he went back to his drink. He shifted his body weight again, opening his posture to her a bit more as he said something else. I saw a smile cross Megan's face and color rushed into her cheeks. From my own experience, I was guessing that he had paid her a flattering comment. Her body relaxed and she turned to talk to him. Over the next several minutes their conversation became more engaging and both of them were making eye contact regularly. After a while he moved closer to Megan, placing his arm on the back of her seat. I was slightly surprised that she was not getting uncomfortable at this point, but she was becoming more openly flirtatious with him. Her hand, on a couple of occasions, touched his hand on the bar and I could tell she was really enjoying the conversation.

Their conversation continued over the course of twenty to thirty minutes and the nuances of flirtation also continued. The seat next to Megan opened up and he sat down. Almost immediately, his hand disappeared from my view and I had a hunch that it was on her knee or leg. Meg stiffened up and glanced my way nervously. Without being obvious, I took a drink and winked and nodded at her, encouraging her to continue. My mind envisioned his hand resting on her tan knee somewhere just below the hem of her dress, caressing it lightly. I started to get excited and hoped that she would hang with it. I could see that she was still nervous. He turned his head away from her for a moment to look towards his friends and she caught my eyes and tilted her head towards the exit. I sat my drink down and made my way towards the bathroom, seeing her excuse herself shortly thereafter.

We met in the short hallway near the restrooms, out of eyesight from the bar. "Are you ok?" I asked, smiling as she walked towards me, "What's his name?"

"I don't think I can do this," she said, "His name is Alex and he's starting to get close to me and I'm getting really nervous. I'm just not comfortable."

"Relax," I said, trying to reassure her. "You look great and he's just doing what every other guy in the bar wants to do. I want you to go back out there. When you sit down, face him and leave your legs open to him."

She started shaking her head. "I can't do that," she replied with trembling in her voice.

"I'm not talking about spreading them wide open, just slight open so he knows you're interested. Let's see what he does, and go with it. Remember, I am just across the room so nothing is going to happen that you don't want." I could see her calm down a bit. "Are you enjoying this?"

"Well, yes. I guess. He's handsome and funny."

"No, I mean are you enjoying this? Are you getting turned on?"

A blush immediately rose to her face. "Yes," she whispered sexily.

"Are you wet? Are you thinking about him touching you?"

"Yes, I am," she said meeting my eyes.

"Go back out there and have fun. Let him know you're enjoying it." With that, I turned before she could say anything else and returned to the bar, taking my seat without looking towards the guy.

Meg entered the room a few moments later, apparently after going to the restroom to freshen up. Alex immediately caught sight of her and arose to offer her chair. As she sat down, I could tell that she had turned directly toward him. I saw him glance down and knew that she was offering him a bit more to observe than she previously had. He sat down, but move closer to her than previously so that their faces were much closer. He had one hand on her chair, but the other was below the bar and probably further up her leg than before.

Their conversation resumed, but was much more suggestive. At times, he bent in close now, whispering things directly into her ear. I could see a sultry smile cross her face and their eyes met on several occasions. I was getting very aroused now, knowing that she was getting into this and guessing that her panties were probably getting wetter by the second. At one point, Alex leaned in to tell her something and I could tell from Megan's posture that he had moved his hand further up her leg. She met his gaze and nodded as she said something in return. He arose from his seat and made his way towards the restrooms.

I saw Meg pick her phone up off the bar and a text buzzed across my screen. "He asked if I wanted to go to his room for a nightcap."

I typed back, "What do you want to do? Do you want to go with him."

"I'm scared to death."

"It's your call. Think about him touching you, kissing you all over. Think about him between your legs. Think about his cock in you," I responded.

Before she could respond, Alex came back into the bar and she put her phone down. He sat down next to her and I could guess that he was gauging her interest in his invitation. To my surprise, I saw her nod as she said something to him. He flagged down the bartender and handed him a credit card. As he was signing the receipt, Megan made eye contact with me. I saw a look that I will remember for a thousand years to come. There was a twinkle in her eye and a grin crossed her face. Alex turned to her and offered his hand as she rose from her chair. She turned and walked out of the bar with him following.

Suddenly, panic and fear washed over me. I had been so lost in the excitement and aroused by her flirtations that I had never really stopped to consider the "what if" scenario. Part of me wanted to rush out of the bar and stop them before they made it to the elevators. I took a huge drink of my vodka and attempted to regain my composure. She'll only let him get as far as she wants him to go, I thought to myself. I ordered another drink and downed it before heading back up to our room a half hour later.

I had just finished getting undressed and was in the bathroom when I heard the door lock open. Megan walked in slowly, looking slightly dazed and ruffled.

"What happened?" I asked, meeting her just outside the bathroom door.

She turned and rushed towards me, forcing her lips against mine in a tight embrace. Her tongue forced its way into my mouth in a hungry passionate kiss. I pushed her away so that I could look her in the eyes. "What happened?" I repeated.

"We went back to his room," she replied, grinning from ear to ear.

I forced her back towards the bed and set her on the edge. "I want details, ever detail," I said, as I knelt between her legs. As she spoke, I started to remove her shoes.

"We got to the elevators and were talking about the hotel and his conference," she started. "As soon as we got in the elevator, he turned and kissed me. I felt like a schoolgirl at first, but then we started to make out. When we got to his floor he took my hand and led me to his room. He was a complete gentleman."

"Ok," I said, imploring for more as a joined her on the bed and got behind her, kissing her neck and unzipping the back of her dress.

"We got into his room and continued to kiss. He was a really good kisser. He pulled me closer and his hands went to my butt. I must have tensed up then, because he asked me if I was ok. I told him that I was and kissed him again. I could feel him pressing up against me, I mean his, you know..."

"His cock?" I offered.

"Yes, it was pressing up against me and it felt huge. His hands went below my dress and pulled it up. I could feel him squeezing my butt, then one of them slid around the front. He rubbed me from outside my undies and I could feel how wet I was as his hand pressed against me."

My own cock was rock hard at this point. I stood her up and pulled the dress over her head, revealing her wonderful body. I sat her back down in front of me and continued to kiss her neck and starting playing with her breasts as she spoke.

"Then, he slid his hand inside of my underwear and started to play with me. He put a finger inside me and I almost fell to the floor. Then he started to play with my clit and I could barely stand. I reached over and started to stroke him through his pants. He pulled away and took off his shirt and dropped his pants. We started to kiss again and he pulled my panties down. His cock poked out the front of his boxers, so I started to rub it."

I slid my hand down her stomach and to her crotch. I could feel the heat and wetness immediately. I pushed her panties down and started to rub my finger between her swollen lips.

"He kept playing with me and I came standing there. I pushed his hand away and pushed him back onto the bed. I pulled his boxers off and saw how big he was. I climbed onto the bed and put his cock in my mouth, teasing it with my tongue."

My mind was racing. I could not believe that she had gone through with this, but I was more excited than ever.

"I gave him a blow job and he came in my mouth. He rolled me over, and started to get on top of me, but I pushed him back. I told him that was all he was getting and kissed him again."

I kissed her again, darting my tongue into her mouth. I thought, now, that I could taste his cum on her lips. "What then?"

"He told me he was leaving in the morning. I kissed him again, thanked him for a wonderful evening, pulled on my underwear and left."

"So, you went to some stranger's room, let him finger you, blew him and came back to me?"

She glanced at me with a bit of fear in her eyes, "Yes?"

"Then I guess I'm going to have to give you the fucking you didn't get." With that, I stood up and pulled off her bra and panties and pushed her back onto the bed face-first. "I want you to close your eyes and think about him fucking you. Think about his cock in you and the taste of his cum on your lips." I pulled her ass and hips into the air and pushed my cock into her wet, hot cunt.

She moaned as I slammed into her. She was so wet that there was no resistance. I fucked her hard; making sure my cock was going as deep as I could get it. Within minutes her hips started to buck and she started crying out. She came with force, her juices shooting out around my cock as I continued to fuck her. I came shortly after, filling her as I pushed the tip of my member against her cervix. I pulled out and sat back to watch the cum drip from her pussy. I rolled her over and buried my face between her legs, lapping up the mixture of our ejaculations. My tongue then went to work on her clit, bringing her to another orgasm almost instantly as a cry escaped her lips. I climbed the bed and forced my lips against hers, still wet with our juices. We kissed deeply for minutes, our tongues intertwined.

I finally rolled next to her, looking at her and taking in the beauty of her ravished body. "This is all still mine," I said.

"Only yours," she replied.

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My wife Jill and I met in high school which was almost fifteen years ago now. From the first time I saw her, I knew she was the one for me. I was immediately drawn to her petite physique which isn't unusual for a Japanese-American woman. At just over five foot tall with lovely 32a breasts she doesn't stand out in a crowd, but I found her shyness and modesty to be attractive. Her light brown skin was so much sexier than most American women that, when combined with her other attributes, made her...

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When Ronald visited Heidi's apartment that afternoon, the first thing he noticed as he walked in was the pair of knockers on Marta, the Mexican girl that his girlfriend Heidi worked with. He had never met her before, but he had been hearing about her from Heidi for months, and he knew that the two girls had gotten to be quite close. His immediate thought was that he did not himself exactly want to be close to Marta, he wanted to be inside of her, deep in, and resting on those...

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Sharing Author's Note: It has been a while since I have posted a story. Frankly, I've run out of ideas. I don't want to just keep rewriting the same thing by changing names and making the bartender into a shoe salesman. This suddenly came to me. I hope you enjoy. Vince stood nervously in front of the full-length bathroom mirror. He tugged at the dress he had put on trying to decide if this were really the thing he wanted to wear. It was short, almost reaching the middle of his...

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as u lay asleep next to me the early hours of the morning i slip down under the covers as u facing me on ur side i grab hold of u cock and perk him up with my mouth u stir just lil but do not resist, u begin to moan like ur were having a wet dream ..... as ur cock gets harder and harder i take off ur covers and i lick my hands to give my pussy lil extra wetness to slide smoothly down u hard cock still ur eyes closed not sure if ur still asleep but i still begin to ride u and u moan louder...

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It was a while back when Tommy called me one day and asked if we wanted to go to The City with him and his wife this Friday night and party. It had been a while since we had been up there and I decided, without asking Lainy, my wife. “Man, that would be great,” I told him. On Friday we were getting ready. Lainy was looking hot as always in a slinky little mini dress covering a thong and nothing else. But the phone rang, and Tommy said that he and Yola had a big fight, and that she has left him,...

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Cassandra stepped up behind Eric, rubbing her big breasts into his back. Cassandra loved to act sexy around her friends. She and Devin were married, but their friends were not. Of course, that didn’t matter. She just loved teasing, though it had never gone further than that. ‘Hey, big boy, wanna play around?’ she asked teasingly as her hands wrapped around him and slid from his chest to his stomach. ‘Always ready,’ he answered, laughing at her innocent playfulness. ‘Oooohhh, I’ll just bet...

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Cassandra stepped up behind Eric, rubbing her big breasts into his back. Cassandra loved to act sexy around her friends. She and Devin were married, but their friends were not. Of course, that didn't matter. She just loved teasing, though it had never gone further than that."Hey, big boy, wanna play around?" she asked teasingly as her hands wrapped around him and slid from his chest to his stomach."Always ready," he answered, laughing at her innocent playfulness."Oooohhh, I'll just bet you...

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A group of us were camping by the river one weekend to go water skiing. There were 4 couples, George and Sharee, Brook and Erin ,Brad and Deb and Janelle & I. We were going to be testing out Brad's new ski boat. We arrived late in the afternoon, set up camp and then cooked a meal followed by a few beers 'round the campfire. By around midnight, almost everybody had gone off to bed and there was only George, Sharee and myself left in the fire's glow. Soon George passed out in his chair and Sharee...

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I dressed carefully in a skintight black skirt which rides high and tight across my upper thighs and ass. Then a soft pink conservative button-up blouse, a little tight so the space between the top two buttons gapes open slightly. I have chosen my lingerie with the same careful attention, A lightweight shelf bra which showcases my ample breasts and black silk nylons supported by pink and black garters which highlight my shapely legs. The panties I leave at home as I am instructed to give him...

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Sven, darling, I'm putting this right at the top for you to find. Go to Pat's Story when you're ready. All my love, Pat Pat, if you followed the shortcut you found this, my sweetheart. I know we said we could do this, and not tell, but she wanted me to write it down. She didn't want there to be any secrets between you and me -- and, I guess, her as well. In the end it was Jan. Why was I surprised? It was always Jan. Jan was kind. Jan was thoughtful. Jan was sexy. Did I just say...

2 years ago
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Mother and I

It was almost 10 o'clock at night and I was sitting in my room studying for my junior English finals the next day. I could hear my parents arguing about something although I couldn't hear enough of the conversation to make out what exactly the problem was - this time. My folks are in their mid 40's and have been at each others throat for the past six months. I really needed some peace and quiet so I got up and walked out of my room and across the hall in an attempt to quell the fighting. I...

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My SexPacked Holiday Part Nine A Final Threesome

I awoke early on Friday morning, and lay in bed idly strumming at my clitoris. I opened my legs just far enough to let me slip a couple of fingers inside my pussy, and was pleasantly surprised to find how sloppy I already was up there. It was the last full day of my holiday, and to be honest, it hadn’t been anything like I’d expected. I’d had a hell of a lot of sex, for a start, and not just of the normal “in, out and wipe yourself clean” kind, either. Peeing, fisting, anal: I’d had my eyes...

3 years ago
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Cum AgainChapter 2

There was a story in the Southern Illinois Edwardsville school paper about fifteen students, from 19 to 21, all being pregnant at the same time! Mary assured me that they were all of age and consensual. Mom and dad had requested us to come home for a couple of weeks, so we packed up! We drove the over three hours it took, discussing how we would find time to fuck in the same house our parents were in! I offered to fuck mom and she could fuck dad then everything would be OK in our...

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Losing My Virginity With My Dentist

Hello, I am Saurabh 19 year old from Mumbai an engineering student as well. I am fair, 5’10” with a dick size of almost 6 inch. This is my first story here in the iss. Suggestions are welcome @ Let’s start with the story now as I have braces I go for a regular checkup to the dentist (every month). Her name is ankita (unmarried) and she is the one who runs the clinic she is in her late 20’s a young gujarati girl with perfect body a very fair girl with perfect shape boobs and sweet voice. Her...

4 years ago
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My Punishment

My Punishment Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I could hardly breath as I stood in front of the mirror. What I saw sent chills down my back. My hair, once a deep brown, was blonde and I had pigtails sticking out each side, a red ribbon tied to each one for accent. On my feet I wore white ankle socks and red shoes, but the dress, well, it was short and lacy with short sleeves, a skirt that stood almost straight out and a bodice that formed over my very small breasts, merely...

1 year ago
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The Next Door NeighbourChapter 2

"Right I'm off now Debs, I'll see you later." Debbie's mum gave a quick preoccupied smile and left. Debbie looked at the clock feeling sick. Two thirty five, her mum had been running late and now so was she. She locked the back door and made her way around to Mr. Grove's garden. He was standing by his garden shed and he didn't look happy. The window that she had smashed had still not been repaired so she knew that she was still in his debt. "Come inside Debbie." He ordered...

2 years ago
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Discovery Part 4

Part 4  As they walked through the store, Diane’s eyes went from one beautiful display of bras and panties to the next. The colors were wonderful. Some of the garments were quite daring. She was excited to find out what Marsha had planned.Going past the regular fitting rooms, Marsha led Diane to a door tucked away in back of the store. “This is our private room for special guests. You will be comfortable here and should feel very safe as I am the only person that has a key to this room.Inside...

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Being Suggestive

Being Suggestive As a young college student my life and dedication to the joys of being a transvestite had become conflicting. I had to put my college classes first but living off campus made my "other" female life so much more workable on weekends. I now looked at my sexy mini skirted flirty self in a very different way now that I had discovered that attracting men had a quite enjoyable side. I realized that there were at least some men in the world that I could trust and I finally...

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Weird Cock Drug Really Made Me Cum Hard

well one friday night fingering my anus and thinking of hard cock, just the usual,I got a sudden text from a girlfriend. i was pretty goddamn bored, and i wanted to do something. anything. my friend said she had bought a new drug which was AMAZING and if i wanted to buy a hit- 'well of course girlfriend' I said. "I'm bored as fuck and you know me, that is when im at my horniest and im a skank bitch anyway' I realised it was time to take the drug and pleasure myself before going out to...

1 year ago
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Janey and the good time

Janey moaned as her eyes rolled into the back of her head. She was lying naked on her bed, her legs spread widely. She had been so horny all day. Her clit was aching, throbbing for relief, for the feel of a hard cock stuck up her tight, wet cunt. Janey rubbed her nipples, wishing she had a strong, sexy man on top of her to nibble and suck on them instead. She then moved one hand to her clit, which was already dripping with her hot arousal. Her wetness was running all over her legs, soaking up...

Group Sex
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No Angel 1

“Fuck off you bastard” She screamed as she slammed the door and ran up to her room. She being Kate, my stepdaughter. I had met her mum one night in a pub and came home with her. We fucked so hard and for so long that I had fallen asleep. When I finally woke up and got home my wife had locked me out of the house. So end of marriage. It was over anyway bar the shouting so after the initial shouting match we settled things amicably. The house was put up for sale and as I was still having great...

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Fun times a conference Pt 5

After Lisette had left us, Julia and I drifted back to sleep for a few hours more. When I woke, the clock said 9.30 and my head said ‘you’ve got a hangover’.By now the sun was streaming into our room and Julia was looking very peaceful lying on her back next to me, with her ample breasts rising and falling as she breathed and her hard nipples looking very inviting. My whole body was telling me ‘go back to sleep’, but my conscience kicked in and I pulled myself out of bed and headed for the...

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Post n Publix

It was a boring weekend with nothing happening, I did the normal yard work on Saturday and was exhausted after that. Later that evening I felt bad and needed to eat but there was little in the fridge. I went to bed hungry. I should explain that I have been interested in dressing as a woman since high school (25 years ago). After three failed attempts at marriage I now admit to myself I am a closeted submissive sissy who enjoys everything femmine and has even met a few men on craigslist...

3 years ago
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The Mirror CrackedChapter 8

Castle Wyvern: The Great hall. Elisa, Matt, and Argent broke the news of their findings at the Perez's family business to Goliath as soon as he awakened. Upon hearing the news, Goliath called for a special meeting in the great hall. Delilah and Argent were sent back to the Labyrinth to fetch Talon, Maggie, and Claw. As soon as they arrived, Owen escorted Xanatos, along with his wife and son to their seats at the table. Xanatos shot a questioning look at Goliath because this was the first...

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Miras Night of Pain and Pleasure

She glanced at the clock and decided it was time to get ready. The instructions she had received when the appointment was made were simple. She was to dress outwardly sexy but she also was not to wear any undergarments. This wasn’t particularly a problem for her. She had learned long ago to buy sexy undergarments but cheap ones. They always seemed to get torn or lost in the end.She moved into her bathroom and slipped out of her running shorts and tank top. Then she slipped the sports bra off by...

1 year ago
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If Youre Smart Youll Walk Away

I'm sitting here across the table from my lovely soon to be ex-wife, wondering how she could have been so stupid, listening to my partner Ron's bull shit. The only reason Ron was my partner is because I knew him from our school days and I needed someone with money to help me expand my business of importing and selling company overruns, anything and everything I could buy cheap and sell on the computer. I'd heard around the club house, that Ron's father who owned a successful car dealership...

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Deputy PorterChapter 52

Spring had come to the mountain, and it was glorious. I have survived the last two months without being involved in any of Mary Ellen's projects. I did pay off the Monk for saving my life, otherwise I had been celibate. How did I do it you asked. Well everybody showed me a lot of love at work and the community seemed to appreciate all that I had done. I guess I didn't need the love of a strange man to justify my existence at that particular time in my life. I was reporting for the new SOU...

4 years ago
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Before the EnergistsChapter 11 Lets Get Physical

Fitness for Boomers’ Club, Tuscaloosa, AL Mid-Afternoon, Thursday, January 9, 2003 With my workout gear in my old, nearly worn out Canadian Jr. Olympic duffle bag, I opened the door to Kaleigh’s club right at 3pm. A solidly built young man, I assumed was Jason by his voice, said, “Welcome to Fitness for Boomers, can I help you, Sir?” “Yes, you’re Jason correct? I’m Dr. Nevins or perhaps, ‘Iron’ around here. Is the blonde whirlwind around?” “Huh, oh, yes and yes. I’m indeed Jason, Jason...

3 years ago
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Fucked My Friend For The First Time

Hi friends this is Ravi from Hyderabad (name changed),this is my first really happened sex story which had taken place recently.And my friend’s name is Ramya name changed,she has a perfect figure. Coming to story on day night time I was going through my facebook there I have seen a photo in my friends friends list and it is a ramya and she looks dam hot in that photo without late I have sent a friend request,after two days she has accepted my request and she has sent me a message saying “Hi” I...

2 years ago
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Young teen niece blows my mind

Jeff and Sarah Part 1: Im traveling this week and since im close to my sisters place I figured ill spend a couple days and catch up. I have not been here in many years so I was taken by surprise when my nieces came out to see me. 25,23,21,19,18. The 19 and 21 year old live out of the house but the middle girl Sarah just turned 18 and is amazingly hot. A little back story with my sister. When we were younger we did some fooling around. She developed very early and had tits in freshman year...

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SisLovesMe Liv Wild Fucking Over Spilt Milk

When Liv Wild spills some milk, her stepbrother just cannot let it go. She wants him to get over it, but he splashes some on her just to be a dick! Her top gets all wet, so she takes it off and jumps on him while he lays on the couch. Somehow, his cock ends up in her wet cooch, and they just roll with it. He fucks her pussy, swearing her to secrecy! Later, Liv wants to give his stepbrother a blowjob so they can continue the fun they started yesterday. She makes him nut better than he has ever...

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The Beginningtxt

THE BEGINNING A delightful fantasy by: Deborah Leigh Johnson aka Miss Karenanne Brown If you asked me now, why I even agreed to it in the first place, the only thing that I can say, is that it must have been a dormant thing in me that those particular circumstances released. I do no know why I agreed to it. To be entirely honest, I do not know why I still do it, although, now, my entire life is given over to it, I still do not understand why. I just know, I love it,...

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Yumi and Me on Campus

It was the day after my first "special lesson" with Yumi and I was scheduled to meet with her and a few other students on campus. We met in the library and went over everyone's homework. (I volunteer as an English tutor to foreign students at a local college.) Yumi looked absolutely gorgeous, as usual. Yumi was an amazingly sexy Japanese girl who was probably just over five feet tall and had a tight compact body. She was wearing a white button up shirt that seemed to have been tailored to...

2 years ago
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The Wedding Revisited

THE WEDDING REVISITED BY JANICE This story is a sequel to The Wedding. It has two of the same characters, Ron, a cross dresser madly in love with Karol, a lesbian married to another lesbian, and takes place a few years after The Wedding, it is also a prequel because of flash backs that take place years before The Wedding. You decide what it is. It has the same narrator, Ron. ...

1 year ago
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Afternoon By The Pool

As they rested by the pool, listening to the construction going in the house next door, she leaned over towards him planting a light kiss on his lips. He stirred at the touch and reached his hands to her body. Theirs lips met and they began a lovers tongue dance. Their tongues danced lighted across each other’s, both let low moans escape their mouth and their hands began to wander over each other’s body. She lifted his shirt over his head and began to plant kisses down his very trim, tanned,...

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Joannes Interlude

As Betty recounted the events of her last tryst with Bill, Joanne’s mind wandered. Images of him swam in her head. Those images were clipped from afternoons he’d spent at her pool with Sarah, her daughter. Evenings he’d stayed for dinner. And then there were the memories of Sarah’s moans and cries as Bill fucked her senseless in her bedroom. The bedroom next to Joanne’s. Joanne couldn’t hear every breath they took. But she heard enough to know that Bill was nearly insatiable. Bill had...

4 years ago
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Part Three Dot Is Confused

When I woke, my dick was stiff, but there was nowhere to put it other than in my hand. Dot wasn't in bed.I found Dot sitting at the dining table. She had a bowl of cereal in front of her, but she was playing with it, not eating."Morning, Dot." I kissed Dot and put my hand inside her dressing gown. "You were amazing last night," I told her as I felt her breast and tweaked her nipple.Dot was passive and quiet. I put my dick close to her mouth, but there was no response. "Come on, Dot. Don't you...

1 year ago
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Retreat Robledo Mountain 3Chapter 1

My head was pounding! Somehow, around the pain, I thought, ‘After seventy some years, you’d think I’d remember never to mix distilled and fermented alcohol!’ I may have looked twenty years old, but I was well over seventy. Getting sent back over 160 year’s in time was bad enough. Throw in losing everyone and everything I knew, and it was even tougher. Losing fifty years off my apparent age paled in comparison, but it was rough, too. Well, losing the years, both in time and age, had its good...

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The Missed Flight

I am Ravi 40 years old and divorcee. I have one daughter who is staying in hostel. I live alone in my apartment and well settled. I used to spend my time chatting with many friends mostly married or college students Once on rainy Friday night, I was reading and taking rest after my dinner and my daughter’s friend called me and asked me to go to airport to pick her who is her senior and very close friend. Her name was Tina. She was going to her parent’s place abroad and missed the flight. Since...

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Empyrian Chapters 1417

This is the continuation of the novel Empyrian. Please make sure you've read chapters 1-13 before proceeding! CHAPTER 14 "Andreas," Alina said, delicately scooping the last of the sorbet they had served from her dish. "Did you mother tell you more about what she was preparing for you in your dream?" she asked. "No ma'am, just that I needed to hold on until the summer solstice. I assume she means not to lose my, ah, Tor until then," he replied hesitantly. He wasn't exactly...

3 years ago
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Paris. "We'll always have Paris." Oh please! Have you no concept of why the English and Americans, who have hardly ever been to Paris or at best spent no more than a day in it, come up with bullshit like that? Or of why the most famous French quotation about Paris, in a country not known for its early risers, is "Paris appartient ? ceux qui se l?vent t?t."? There was an English joke that hinted at the truth: "How many Frenchmen does it take to defend Paris?" The answer was "I don't kn...

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My Daughter

Saturday, later in the morning, I had been outside early mowing and doing other yard work. Nothing special, I had come in and cleaned up taking a shower and wrapping a towel around myself as I walked out of the bathroom before heading down the hallway. Her door was open. Not much, but it was open far enough that I could see her nicely tanned and broad shoulders. Thick. Dark. Soft. But that wasn’t the best part of her. No, it wasn’t. Not at all. It wasn’t even her thick and long but luxurious...

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How I became a dirty anal cumslut part III

I just laid there on the bench in the locker room. My body was covered in cum. Most of it was on my face and in my hair, and I had swallowed quite a bit too, but there was a lot running down my tits and belly. My ass was wet was just everywhere from rolling around in all the positions those boys put me in. Both my pussy and asshole were quivering from the intense session I just went through.The boys all milled around picking up their clothes, spurred on by the gym teacher yelling at...

2 years ago
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Kanata SummerChapter 11

It was pretty close to noon before I finally started to come awake again that morning. The four of us had been together for the last time while still at Kanata that year. I think it was the full bladder that did it for me. For everyone else, it was probably the sounds of running water as the toilet flushed. "Who the hell were you talking to in your sleep?" Tanya asked when she'd finished her turn in the bathroom. "Mom and Dad," I told her. "Why?" "You mean ... they saw us? Sleeping...

2 years ago
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My sister caught me Part 1

My sister caught me! {Layla} I started to get excited as my mom walked out the front door, "Bye honey" she chirps, and I wave back. "Your sister will be home in an hour." She says, before getting into the car and driving off. Tingling sensations sparked at my pussy, my mother was a nurse and worked late into the night, usually not coming back until seven in the morning, she left in the afternoons, and my sister was often at her boyfriends house. I quickly walk up to my room,...

4 years ago
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A Couple Play A Sexy Game

Emily and her husband enjoyed playing sexual games. Emily went out of her way researching games on-line. She had found a game on-line that she wanted to play. She texted her husband with the details. He texted her back and told her he was looking forward to their night together.A few of Emily's friends' husbands all had affairs. She didn't want that to happen to her and her husband. She liked to keep the spice in their bedroom. She always tried to do things that would keep her husband...

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La Chatte Heureuse The Happy Pussy Ch 3

Chapter 3: A Tour of the Slave Quarters.“How many members are here at the moment?” I ask.“Six mistresses and twenty slaves, excluding those on the staff. There are also four members who belong to the Ladies caste who arrived with you this morning.”“I haven’t seen many members about the place,” I observe.“Everyone is busy working in the tower trying to finish the refurbishment before the weekend. Normally you would see the field slaves working in the gardens and around the buildings, but they’ve...

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Wild FireChapter 6

The next day, upon the arrival of Mejesse’s mother and father, Mejesse was sitting on the bedside, drinking more of the medicinal slurry. Within a week, she was able to walk to the building site and watch as Ty and Boothe laid out the hearth, then started stacking and mortaring the stone fireplace. They were only able to lay a few layers of stone each day, allowing the sand, mud and grass mortar to set. The next week, Mejesse and Willah began packing for their trip down the mountain. Boothe...

1 year ago
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InterracialBlowbang Rachele Richey 12012016

Sometimes, you end up on the wrong side of town. Most of the time that happens, it by accident. When Rachele Richey ends up on the wrong side of town, it’s for one reason: she loves to live dangerously. It turns her on. So, when she walks into a juke joint knowing full well she’s going to be the only white person in the place…well, it makes her cunt wet. When she discovers she’s the only girl in the joint…well, she knows what’s about to go down. Rachele wants...

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EdenChapter 30

Igwanda's reaction was instantaneous. Even as the burly native leaped forward to grapple with him he was bellowing "suits!" at the top of his voice while his hand shot down toward his laser. Akakha tried to block the movement by wrapping him in a bearhug, but he simply shrugged off one restraining limb to complete his draw while muttering the keyword that activated his own electric charge. He tried to repeat his call for suits, but two heavy blows to his back as knives fell and were...

4 years ago
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It Happened One Morning

This is true story and it was unplanned. I’ve been through some drama recently that was a total surprise and pretty hurtful. I’m sharing this for my lush friends who have been so encouraging and sweet to me. Four guys in particular - you know you who are (Mr. J for inspiring this - Mr. N for the daily shoulder - Mr. GW for being pissed off in my honor and Mr. A for letting me get him in trouble and for being too sweet to admit it!). But so many of you make me smile and keep the dirty thoughts...

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An Arranged Marriage

The year is 2089. The world as you know it, no longer exists. In 2023 the female slave trade hit an all time high. Women were kidnapped, drugged, tortured constantly raped and sold to harems, farms and sadists all over the world. Governments where at a loss of what to do; they tried to take out as many organisations as they could in the eastern countries, but they spread further and further until it was too late to stop. Men in office overthrew the women quickly by passing laws trapping them...

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Fiances Father 1

by Black DemonFather knocked up his own sons wife......................................................During high school Lynne Nesser was quite promiscuous and had obtained the status as a slut among her peers. She was bright in academics but fell in with the wild crowd that partied a lot. She had lost her virginity in the back seat of a car during her freshman year. From then on, Lynne found that the itch between her thighs could only be put out by a good fuck.Lynne graduated from high school...

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Mommies Make Great Pets pt 02

I was now on my hands and knees, fully naked before my daughter. Tugging on my leash, she led me into the bath tub, removed my collar, and turned on the shower. In moments I was drenched by the ice cold water as it sprayed down on my back and head. I began to shiver as the tub slowly filled. When it finally did, Stacey turned off the water, took hold of the liquid soup and poured it all over my back. "Butter Cup, you are being such a good girl doggy, now hold...

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My wife taken by three rude BBC

My sexy wife and I had been enjoying some days at Barbados.On the third night there; so Anita chose a bar at the beach for drinks.When I came back from the bathroom, I noticed that the huge black bartender, whose name was Frank, was talking close to my wife.Ana saw me coming back over and smiled: I could see relief in her face.That black bastard had been making moves on her all night every time my back was turned and Ana was thinking about moving on to get away from him.I could not blame the...

1 year ago
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The Fall GuyChapter 2 Dawn Surprises

I woke the following morning with the granddaddy of all hangovers. It didn't take me long to realise that I had been woken by the sound of a woman singing somewhere in the cottage. No amount of hiding under the duvet would dull the sound. Then quite suddenly she burst into my bedroom carrying a breakfast tray, which she placed on the table by the bed and then she went over and drew back the curtains. I deduced all this from the sounds and the sudden brightness in the room that was clearly...

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