Hunters Ch. 03 free porn video

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The steady rhythm of heavy breathing and flesh slamming into a sand-filled leather bag filled the air. Max was alone in the workout room, and he was in the center, working the heavy bag with a vengeance. Every punch was delivered with a look of concentrated fury, every kick landed with a grimace of hatred. His naked torso and arms were glistening in a sheen of sweat. Every blow on the bag caused a shower of moisture to cascade off Max’s well-muscled body. He had been at Robinson’s almost a week and a half and he was worried that he would be getting soft. He just hoped that the stitches would hold up.

A few more solid blows landed and Max heard the squawk of the paging system.

‘Morgan to the tower. Morgan to the tower,’ Jen’s voice said loudly. Her voice sounded tinny over the speakers, but there was an under current of fear in it, and that made Max put a little hurry into his step. He toweled off a little, put on a light cotton workout jacket and grabbed his cigarettes. He struck his lighter and inhaled the fire, savoring the taste after his hour and a half of pounding on the bag.

The cool air of the main building hit his skin like a tidal wave crushing an unsuspecting surfer. He loved it. He paused for a step and just enjoyed the feeling, it was like jumping in a lake after being in a sauna. He sighed happily and continued on his way to the control tower. He didn’t bother knocking as he got there, he just walked in. Inside he saw Jen, Robinson, and the ambassador who had escorted him off the Megalodon. The seat before the radar and communication screen was empty, but the screen showed an old man in a suit sitting at a desk. Max sighed very deeply and pulled the chair out with a defeated look on his face.

‘Major Morgan,’ the man in the suit said plainly, his face revealing no emotion.

‘Sir,’ Morgan replied and saluted half-heartedly.

‘Dispense with the attempted formality, Major. Your government needs your help.’

Max took a long pull off his cigarette and nodded. He slouched in his chair and looked into the screen. ‘My former government, sir. I stopped being a member of your citizenry two years ago.’

‘Be that as it may, you still are in the Martian Military and you will do as your told this time or I will take it upon myself to give the order to destroy that little piece of rock you’re on,’ the man said, still no emotion showing on his face. The radar screen left of the screen Max was talking at light up along the edge with at least 30 blips on the radar and alarms started sounding and lights started flashing. Robinson leaned forward and flipped a toggle switch, the alarms stopped, but the blips remained on the radar and the red lights still flashed angrily.

‘Max,’ Robinson said calmly.

‘Fine, what do you need?’ Max said, clearly agitated.

‘Major, we need you to go back to Earth and rescue a political prisoner. Corporal Anders is being held at the prison in Rotterdam. The charge and conviction was for piracy and we need Anders returned to us safely.’

‘Corporal Anders? One of yours?’ Max questioned non-chalantly.

‘One of ours. Until your dismissal fr. . .’ the man started. Max cut him off.

‘Court martial. Say it with me, sir, until my court marital from the Martian Special Forces.’

‘Until your dismissal from the Martian Special Forces, Anders is still under your command as well, Major.’

Max nodded. ‘What’s Anders’ specialty?’

‘Piloting. There isn’t a ship in the system that Anders can’t fly, makes you look like a grandmother driving to church on Sunday morning, Morgan,’ the man in the suit said. Morgan, Robinson, and Jen all raised their eyebrows simultaneously. The ambassador stood in the room as stoic as ever.

‘Fine. I’ll do it. What’s in it for me?’

‘First of all, you will return your stolen Mako. Second of all, you will receive a full pardon from the Martian government and you will be processed without any necessary appearances by yourself as having a discharge under other than honorable conditions. Third, we will drop our portion of your bounty, lowering it by 5 million. Furthermore, if you accept we will pull our ships back except for one and we will not incur further trespassing on Thomas Robinson’s legally held space.’

‘As opposed to if I refuse and you’ll blow up this rock and probably double the bounty on me if I escaped somehow.’

‘I have no doubt you’d escape in the Mako, that’s what she’s designed for and that’s what we trained you to do. However, the other 50 of Thomas Robinson’s employees will not be as fortunate.’

‘Like I said, I’ll do it. Now what’s this business about pulling back all but one ship?’ Max asked, leaning back in the chair and taking a deep drag on his up-to-this-point neglected cigarette.

‘The ship that will remain is the Twilight. She is a two-seater and she’s the ship you will use for the mission. It is an experimental ship that we have 5 of, and she uses some of the modifications that you brought forward while you were still active. You will fly out alone in the Mako and a trade will take place between you and the pilot of the Twilight. When you return with the Twilight, you will drop the ship off at the base in Alva City along with Anders and then we will process the concessions that I mentioned.’

‘Done. When do we make the exchange?’ Max asked, moving to sit up straight in the chair. Max was getting very tired of this dialog.

‘One hour, Major.’

‘Done,’ Max said and flipped a toggle switch. The screen went blank.

‘You realize you’re going into a trap, right?’ Robinson said grimly. ‘They’re never going to let you out alive.’

‘That’s just what my girlfriend said before I joined the Corps,’ Max laughed. ‘Besides, what do we have here, thousand to one odds? That’s just getting this Corporal Anders. Then I have to get out of a military held prison and through God only knows what for defenses while avoiding the Black Dragons, the Consortium, and trying hard to not piss off the Red Dragons while I’m at it. Then I have to get back here without getting killed and drop a ship off at another military base and then get out of there.’ Max shrugged. ‘Sounds like my kind of deal,’ he said smiling. Max stood up and walked out the door. ‘The Mako ready?’

‘Has been since we gassed her up when you limped back here,’ Robinson replied calmly. He patted himself down for his cigarettes and pulled them from the inside pocket of his coveralls. He stepped out the door after Max and lit a cigarette.

‘What about the ‘Don? She gonna be ready by the time I get back?’ Max asked, taking the last pull of his cigarette and flicking it out into the shop toward the Megalodon.

‘Maybe, I won’t promise shit, Max.’

‘You never do. That’s what I like about you, Robinson. Try to have her ready, I have a feeling I’m gonna need her before this little job is done.’ Robinson only nodded in reply. Max headed for the barracks so he could shower. The shower was faster than Max would have liked, but he was filled with a sort of giddy nervousness. He was excited about finally getting the military off his back, but part of him was already sadly missing the chase. Time seemed to fly by. The shower, getting dressed, getting in the Mako and the fast trip to the rendezvous seemed to take minutes to Max.

The switch went fast, too. Max tethered himself to his pod and he floated over to the Twilight and the pilot in there, some Private, Max noted, seemed awfully frightened and very relieved to get out of the Twilight. ‘Yup, that confirms it,’ Max thought. ‘She’s got a bomb in her, probably an ELR Transponder, too. Gonna have to fix that when I get to Earth.’ He watched as the shuttle pilot got into his Mako. Max watched the other pilot pull in the tether, lock down the pod and blast away. He got a horrible sinking feeling that was the last time he would ever see her again.

‘Get a move on, Major,’ sounded a voice over the speakers in the Twilight.

‘Is that you, L.C. Upton?’ Max said as he buckled in. He started looking around the cockpit figuring out where all the buttons and indicator lights were.

‘Colonel Upton actually, Major. Move that thing, we’re on a schedule here,’ Upton shot back agitatedly. Max buckled his harness into place and he grabbed the control sticks and put his feet on the pedals.

‘Wasn’t told we were on a timeframe here, Colonel,’ Max said and brought the ship around. The smooth handling and response of the Twilight impressed Max immediately. He also noticed something quite happily, when she was moving, she had an artificial gravity field. That had been one of his recommendations. If they had gotten that one down, he wondered what else they might have gotten figured out.

‘At full speed you have 4 hours to parole Anders after reaching Earth,’ Upton said emotionlessly. Max’s left eyebrow rose. He kicked the Twilight down and the Martian ships were only a twinkling of afterburners after a few seconds.

Max couldn’t help but play with some of the buttons and switches. The Twilight had an auto guidance system set up to go through gates, get in lines at the toll stations, and even had specific destinations pre-programmed into it. The artificial gravity steadily increased up to Earth’s 1G. The plane was constantly under the cockpit, Max noted, and it never shifted. The Twilight could turn tighter and faster than any other craft designed, until it hit a gravity well like a planet and then it was up to the toughness of the pilot to not pass out. She was armed with two missile launchers and twin 40mm Vulcan cannons. The magazines had 100,000 rounds in them at maximum capacity. Max noted that right now, all the magazines were empty. Max got so caught up in fiddling with things in his new toy, he barely realized the time that it took to get to the Mars gate. He could make out Alva City on the dark side of Mars before he realized where he was. He flipped the VOX on and rotated the station to the comm. channel that the gates operated on. Instantly noisy chatter filled the air, most of it sounded like long-haul couriers.

‘This is Major Morgan of the Martian Marines, I am enroute to Earth on a military emergency. Clear the gate or I will blow it clear,’ Max said in a rushed voice. He brought the Twilight into a tight turning spiral and veered sharply toward the gate. The chatter on the radio picked up dramatically with the scattered expletives of truckers and commuters. The gate controllers seemed to be amazingly calm through the whole thing, directing traffic as best they could. Max was actually impressed with the efficiency that they worked. Holding true to his word, Max didn’t even slow down. He hit the gate aperture at the maximum speed of the Twilight, skimming a mere 3 feet from a long chained freighter. Max hit the hyperspace of the gates and was gone.

The trip to Earth was taking about half the time it took with the Mako, but that was still fine with Max. He made sure the autopilot was locked on to Rotterdam and sent a communication through the gate system to tell them that he wasn’t going through the tollbooth on the other side and that he wasn’t slowing down when he was out. They were to make sure the route to Earth was clear. He was sure there wouldn’t be any problems and he went to sleep.

Max awoke later, only two hours before he got to the gate at Earth. He started pulling up what information he could about Rotterdam and the prison there. The more information he got, the less happy he became.

Rotterdam had fallen into decay in the last 50 years. It had been pounded by falling rocks from the gate accident and it had turned into the slum of Europe. The prison there wasn’t a prison, but it was a para-military controlled base of a group calling themselves The Fourth Reich. They sought to reunite Europe and build defenses to take out the incoming rocks before they hit the Earth, allowing them to rebuild. Unfortunately, they also wanted to establish Earth as the predominate power in the system again, which meant they wanted an all out war with Mars. It seems that they had been gathering men and weapons and ships for the last 10 years and were on the verge of taking over several of the cities in Europe. That meant that they had lots of people that were highly trained and this wouldn’t be just a smash and grab run. It also meant that Anders wasn’t being executed for piracy, Anders was being executed for espionage.

Max kept trying to look up information on the location of where Anders was being held and he kept coming up with blanks. His research lasted until he blasted through the Earth gate and found quite happily that it had been cleared as requested. The Twilight was on approach to the planet when the viewer screen turned itself on and a man in a uniform popped up on the screen. Max recognized him immediately as his former commanding officer, Colonel Upton.

‘Morgan, there’s not a lot of time here, so I’ll be brief,’ he said and seemed to shuffle papers around on a desk.

‘It’s night time in Rotterdam right now. We have a way in and out of the place where Anders is being held, the laundry service. They’re friendly to us and have helped us out on previous missions in Rotterdam and in other cities in Europe. Our people on the inside already have you signed up for a job. You start in 2 hours.’

Max was liking this less and less all the time. He had been lied to consistently so far. He didn’t have 4 hours, he had 2. Anders wasn’t in some prison, Anders was in a military held building. Anders wasn’t being executed for piracy, she was most likely being executed for espionage. The whole situation was spiraling rapidly out of Max’s favor, and he didn’t like that. He wasn’t even sure anymore that he was supposed to get Anders out. Or even that there was an Anders. He was given no description, only a rank and a name.

‘The landing coordinates are preset. You are going into hostile territory and you are going to encounter heavy resistance. Furthermore, the metal detectors in the facility will not allow you to carry a gun, and they have strict rules that will be explained to you when you show up for your assignment. Just show up at the Über Sauber washing service and you’ll be given instructions on how to act, what to say, and where to go once inside,’ Colonel Upton said. When he was finished, he sat back in his chair. ‘Any questions, Major?’

‘I don’t speak German,’ he said plainly.

‘Du sprechst nicht Deutsch? Auch, das tut mir leid,’ the Colonel said with a broad smile.

‘Gesundheit,’ Max said with a scowl. ‘I wasn’t joking.’

‘Neither was I. It is too bad you don’t speak German. You’ll have to improvise, Major. Being a marine, I suspect you know how to do that. This is Upton, out,’ the Colonel said and Max’s viewer went blank.

‘What a bunch of sanctimonious assholes,’ Max muttered as he started to penetrate Earth’s atmosphere. The automatic guidance took over and Max just sat back and enjoyed the ride. Whoever programmed the mono-system in the Twilight did a hell of a job. It glided down into the city and parked itself on the ground floor of a multi-storied hanger. The display screen popped up with a list of directions to Über Sauber and a contact name of Heinrich. Max followed the directions and within minutes of walking through the slums, he arrived at the business. The scent of urine, death, and decay in the slums was overridden by the powerful smell of bleach from the laundry, and Max was almost glad to have that stench burn into his nose instead of the other scent oozing into his skin.

Inside, Max saw a number of people milling about, most of them trying to look busy, and almost all of them doing a very non-convincing job. The place seemed to be fairly well automated, and Max quickly surmised that while the machine was going through its cycle, there probably wasn’t a whole lot of work to be done unless something went wr
ong with the machine itself. A few heads turned his way when he entered, most went back to minding the machines, but one man stepped forward.

‘Kann Ich helfen Sie?’ the man said, the words pouring out of his mouth so fast that Max barely understood what they were, not that he could translate them anyway.

‘Heinrich,’ Max said plainly. He looked around casually, but kept his eyes sharp, continuously keeping track of the workers without really looking at them.

‘Moment, bitte,’ the German said and wandered toward the back of the laundry. Max wasn’t sure if he had just been insulted or not. He was thinking that he wasn’t, but it was hard to understand the words exactly and he kept translating them into English as best he could. ‘Moment’ seemed pretty self-explanatory, but ‘bitte’ sounded too close to ‘bitch’ for Max’s taste. He let it slide and waited.

The first German came back with another man, standing about 6 feet tall with a good build on him. He was wiping his hands off on a towel tucked into his belt. He reminded Max more of a waiter than a laundry worker.

‘Gutten Tag, mein Herr. Ich bin Heinrich,’ the new German said and extended his hand to shake.

‘I’m Morgan,’ Max said clearly as he took Heinrich’s hand. The Germans exchanged a quick glance at each other and looked back at Max. Max with drew his hand after a firm shake. ‘Du sprechst nicht Deutsch?’ Heinrich said slowly and clearly. He recognized it from Upton saying it earlier, he was pretty sure that ‘nicht’ was night and he knew that Deutsch was the German word for German.

‘I don’t speak German,’ Max said after a moment’s pause. Heinrich and the first German exchanged another quick look and Heinrich motioned to the back with his head. Heinrich looked back at Max and clasped his hand to Max’s shoulder.

‘Do not vorry, mein Ionian freund. Ve vill tell you vhat you need zu know,’ Heinrich said in his thick accent. A smile crossed his face and then it quickly faded. ‘Aber, time ist short, zo ve must be quick. Kommen Sie mitt,’ Heinrich said and turned to go in the back. Max followed and they got to a small room in the back of the laundry that appeared to be a small office. There was an actual television set up with a disk reader. Max saw the first German fire it up and move a chair a few feet from the small screen.

‘Bitte,’ he said, gesturing to Max and then to the chair.

Max sat in the chair and Heinrich shut the door behind him. The screen on the TV went to a 4-panel gray-tone with a dialing count down in the center. Max watched the 5, 4, 3, and 2 all disappear and the screen faded to black.

‘Welkommen!’ a voice said in a friendly manner. The word ‘Welcome!’ came across the still-black screen in all white letters. ‘Das ist ein Deutsche Lection für das Aulander,’ the voice said. The words ‘This is a German lesson for the foreigner,’ faded into view and ‘Welcome!’ faded out.

‘Papieren, bitte,’ the voice said again. ‘Papers please’ flashed up on the screen. It showed a little play-acting between a man in a flannel shirt and a man in what looked like a police uniform. The man in the flannel produced what looked like a passport and handed it to the officer. The scene faded to black.

‘Wo bist du? Ich bin John,’ the voice said again. The voice was beginning to get on Max’s nerves, but this was at least a little entertaining. It reminded him of the typical infomercial voice actor. The words ‘Who are you? I am John,’ flashed up on the screen. Again, there was a little play-acting between the man in the flannel and the cop. The cop asked, the man answered. Max was taking careful mental notes and trying to mouth the words.

‘Was bist du machen? Ich bin hier zu arbeit,’ the voice said again. ‘What are you doing? I am here to work.’ flashed up on the screen. The scene was acted out, with the officer becoming more direct and threatening and the man in the flannel backing off a little. The picture faded to black.

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The Lesson Learnt

My story with Alexia started in the boy's toilets when we were at school. I never liked to use the urinals, as the other boys would laugh at my willy. So I was sitting on the toilet when the door slammed open and – two voices? Three? - people crammed into the cubicle next to mine. Open-eyed, I tried to understand what was going on: “Dammit – keep the noise down. They might hear us!” (boy's voice) “There's hardly any room in here. Alexia, sit down and we can get to you from the sides.” Is that...

Mind Control
1 year ago
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Ann Summers

AnnSummers! When shopping for sex toys, lingerie, or even something for your BDSM backroom exploits, it’s always important to choose a retailer you can trust. Well, perhaps you enjoy walking into your local sex shop and chatting with the cashier, telling them how you appreciated their nipple clamp suggestions last week, but not everyone is into that.In the 21st century, most people prefer to purchase their sexual paraphernalia discreetly from the comfort of their own homes. But, still, it’s...

Online Sex Toys Shops
2 years ago
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Not all that shines is gold

The bullying I talked about were always the same 4 girls and one boy who walked the first mile and a half with me who used to bully me. I had a 4 mile walk to school, and back home after school again. One of those days in which they again walked the first mile and a half with me, it started again, after calling me things and I ignoring them, they throwed my books on the ground and while I was picking things of the ground one of them pushed me and trying not to fall I twisted my ankle. It...

3 years ago
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The Irrelevant Woman

Experiments show that our senses only detect a tiny portion of what's out there. Worse, our brains manage to process just a fraction of that. It's astonishing how much escapes our notice - and escapes it so completely that we don't even realize we missed anything. Surely it wouldn't take much to exploit those limitations... (This story takes place in the "Newer Universe" series.) Whatever the girl was thinking about, it purely wasn't the groceries she was ringing up. "Excuse me,"...

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Royal Mess With a RedheadChapter 11

I knew it wasn’t over neither of us spoke of it. We passed the evening quietly watching some TV. We went to our separate rooms and slept. In the morning, I rose and went into the kitchen to start coffee. Alice was there and poured me a fresh cup. “Good morning, Sam.” “Thank you, Alice, and good morning to you.” I smiled and left for my bathroom with my coffee. As I went in there, I thought to myself that this is different from our first meeting. I also realized that I needed to examine my...

2 years ago
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Jason's girl By Lizzy I am a 19-year-old guy living in the south of the UK. I have been dressing since I can remember but have never got caught. It was Saturday night and I had been drinking with the guys from football. I was pretty drunk and had made my way home. I live at home but my parents were visiting my aunt up north. Walking home I had been dreaming of getting dressed in my sisters clothes, she was away at college, and I had been using her spare clothes for the whole term. I...

3 years ago
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Shipwrecked Part 1

This story has a fairly long lead in before you get to the action, so be patient, and I hope you think it is worth it. Part 2 will be up shortly as well, which will raise the temperature a lot of degrees more. We’d been away from home now for nearly 3 weeks, and were getting close to our goal. Our boat had conquered 30 foot waves, and horrendous hurricane force winds, and the 6 person crew (four men and two women) had become a slick team, any rough edges having been long since knocked off. ...

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My First Shemale2

Once lunch time was approaching I decided to peruse the usual sites and pick something for a nooner. The perks of being in management were no time limits on lunch and a handsome compensation that fed into my newfound hobby. This particular day I picked a girl I’d seen many times but never chose, I guess there was something deep inside I knew was wrong but today was the day I would find out what it was. I texted her and set up the date and like a well oiled machine, the plan flowed with no...

3 years ago
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A Weekend at the Beach House

This is a story about Stephanie, a new hot wife. I first introduced her in the first story I wrote, “Cards With Friends.” Stephanie is married to Jason, who is now a happy cuckold husband. This is the sixth story with her. At the end of another story I wrote about these two, called “Threesome for a Hotwife,” Stephanie now wears a gold anklet on one of her legs that has a little, spade shaped charm on it, the capital letter “Q” in the center, to indicate that she is now a “queen of spades,”...

4 years ago
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The year is 51BC, Julius Caesar just finished conquering Gaul and Rome is being flooded with gold, slaves and other spoils of war. You are the son of a member of the lower nobility, although your father has a seat in the senate your family does not hold much influence in roman politics. It does however have a few businesses, mainly brothels, and with the large amount of slaves coming into the city, your father decides to open a new one in the city of Ostia the harbour city of Rome. Your father...

2 years ago
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Dan and Gina 1

Because it was the first meeting they decided to meet each other at a restaurant close to her house. She waited for him at one of the back tables where it was reasonably dimly lit. They hugged one another as it was their first meeting. Because their conversations were so sexual they just started where they left off the previous night. He looked at her and could not believe how sexy she was. Her breasts were firm and her legs were very well formed. She had a mini skirt on and he could...

4 years ago
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untitled contd

Before I continue this love story, I am compelled to relate to those of you who are interested a thing or two about myself. Some may find my behavior disturbing. To those people, I will say this. I am, and always will be, a free man. Free to do as I please. In this life. In this world. I wish that everyone could, just for a moment, experience the freedom that I enjoy. And for the select few who stir both my emotions and imagination I will go to extreme lengths to set them free. And... I will...

2 years ago
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Monica part5

When you add it all up and take a look at it, a lot of life - my life, anyway - is fairly boring. When you're a k**, a lot of your free time is taken up by school and doing or avoiding homework. When you're an adult, most of your time is taken up by just work. And then there's also a ton of hours when you have to sleep, plus a helluva lot of time doing things you'd rather not: Taxes, commuting, going to the DMV, doing a private search online to find out if being attracted to a close relative is...

4 years ago
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My wife from housewife to hotwife 2

After our trip Biloxi where Marie really opened up showing off her body and playing a little in the theater we returned home and had several deep discussions about what happened and how she felt about it. She admitted that it really turned her on and that she would like continue and maybe expand her playfulness.We went a popular adult clothing and toy store in Jacksonville right on the main highway to look for some really sexy dresses for her. We were planning a first time visit to a local...

3 years ago
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The Butler Didnt Do ItChapter 5

“Very good, sir.” Jeeves got out of the car and came round to open the passenger door for the President. His Excellency got out and walked round to the driver’s door. He got in and adjusted the seat to his own liking, while Jeeves ascended to the passenger seat. The President fetched the dark glasses out of his jacket pocket and handed them to Jeeves, who put them on. They were completely opaque. It was like being in a dark room, with only a glimmer of the morning light round the edges. The...

4 years ago
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Friday Night in San Francisco

No, this isn't about the seminal DiMeola-McLaughlin-DeLucia performance. This is the true story of how I was simply destroyed last night by a perfectly amazing woman. Unlike most of my longer stories, this one is almost just a bit of an aside. It's nothing more than an e-mail I sent to a friend of mine here at SOS who calls himself Eldridge. He's the author of "Conflicted," one of this site's most popular series. I simply had to write down my thoughts on what happened last night,...

2 years ago
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All Girls Want a Pony

In the future, robotics and advanced A.I. become a ubiquitous part of society, aiding mankind in all facets of everyday life. However, they still retained the cold impersonal look of a machine until a new development rocketed over the uncanny valley. Grown rather than built, this new kind of being was made possible by hacking the human genome and combining biology with nanomachines: cyborgs down to the cellular level, but outwardly perfectly human in appearance. Too perfect, in fact. Over...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Neighbours Naughty Secret

Whilst out in the garden the postman called and delivered the usual utility bills . I went in and threw them on the table to be opened later . I returned to my front garden to dig out those pesky weeds that had been annoying me for so long. "Excuse me" a voice called. I turned round and it was the postman waving a large jiffy bag at me. I had not ordered anything I mused . " I have tried delivering it across the road but no-one is home, If you can take it for me it will save me having to take...

4 years ago
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The Most Beautiful Creature

As a matter of fact,she was able to perform her solo patrol duties and return to the ship that she has been assigned to--which happens to be the USS Philip K. Dick--without any form of problem. But that was before January the 9th,2991,for after Jessica had finished patrolling Sector 245 and started heading back to the ship,she had suddenly noticed a very bright light that had mysteriously appeared behind her from out of nowhere,which had caused Jessica to activate her helmet radio and...

2 years ago
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Son Fucks His Cougar Mallu Mom Revathi

Hello, this is Sumith again here with another erotica. This episode is a prelude to the one in which I am involved. But this one happened in a town in Kerala. An incest sex between a 41-year-old mom and her 19-year-old son, Revathi and Vishal. Jumping the gun, let me tell you that the relationship between this mother and son involves a bit of cheating. Revathi was an ordinary housewife, or that was what Vishal believed her to be. His dad worked overseas and his visits were limited to once or...

1 year ago
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MILF in the Woods

100% fiction! It was a bright sunny day in July, my relatives and me just arrived around noontime at a state park in New York. Our plan was to have a nice Filipino style family picnic. We set up quickly and people started eating and drinking. It was getting boring for me after awhile, I only had my little cousins around. I am in junior high and wouldn’t mind drinking to let time fly by, but I was with family. So I was bored out of my mind and was hanging around my mom. Then I noticed a Spanish...

3 years ago
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Maggie episode 18

Dot and Maggie were the last of the office crowd in the dimly lit lounge of a favorite dance and dinner establishment. The two ladies continued drinking after dinner. Maggie was recently divorced; again. She was crying on Dot's shoulder. It was not unusual for my wife to be out with one or more of her girlfriends. After 20 plus years of marriage I had grown accustomed to her solo adventures with other women. Many times she wouldn't show up till the next morning. I knew that I would get the...

1 year ago
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Housewife1On1 Bridgette B 23193

Your sexy Latina wife Bridgette B. doesn’t forget about you while you’re at work and she’s at home. As a matter of fact, she video chats with you and shows you her big tits busting out of her sexy lingerie. She’s so horny for you and urges you to get home as early as you can, and for good reason! You make it a point to do just that, and when you do, Bridgette pulls you by your tie into the bedroom and leads you directly to the hot wet spot between her legs. Isn’t it nice to have a wife who just...

2 years ago
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Alone at home

The bright morning sun pierced through a crack between the curtains and light up the room. Squinting, I looked at the clock. "Fuck!" I shouted to myself. "Wasting valuable time."I threw off the covers and crawled out of bed. My pink, chiffon baby doll was twisted around and I had my normal morning wood inside my panties. My girlfriend Tess had gone shopping to the States with her friends for the weekend so I was free to do and dress as I pleased. Of course she had no idea of my secret fetish.I...

3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 220 Play Before Work

I feel like she is telling me to have fun with Alex. We were both hungry, so we dug around in the kitchen to scare up some food. One of the cooks shooed us into the dining room with half a bottle of some wine. It must be something expensive if it caused Alex’s eyes to go wide. “Don’t ask me anything about wines. I have no clue,” I told Alex. “Back home, the drinking age is twenty-one. Most people don’t let kids have wine with dinner. The only time I know that I know of where a kid had...

3 years ago
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The Bloody Faithful Chapter Three Just a Player in the Band

Chapter Three Just a Player in the Band Rambo Thor showed up at my door, Monday night, three days after my debut at La Chambre Rouge. He wasn't alone. There was another guy with him, taller, older and not as buff. There were also two girls, both attractive, though the younger one, a bottled blonde, looked a little worn. I thought I recognized her from the university but didn't know her name. All of them smelled like Vampers except the blonde. I opened the door and stepped aside...

4 years ago
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Surviving Dawn Part 2

I’m startled awake, one of the girls’ begins to rustle in the hay. It feels like the sun should be coming up soon, until I look at my watch and realize that it’s only 3:30. Luckily, the moon is bright and I can see the fog rolling in off of the hills; Stephanie steps out from the shadows at the back of the barn. I set my rifle down a she draws closer to me; she lets out a shiver as she sits down beside me. I motioned for her to come over and sit on my lap, as she slides over I cover her with my...

3 years ago
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A Virgin8217s Dream 8211 An Evening In The Park

Hi to all once again….this is PRAVEEN again.really thanks for ur emails and I dint expected these all from u..once again informing the same…whatever I am narrating is just an imaginary but not real as I am still virgin n never leave my ethics for my desires….coming to my details for the new readers,I am pursuing my MBA in vizag n very good at my studies n I had very nice friends who cares n loves me so much..but they dont know that i am this much naughty n hot.. Coming to the point….again I am...

4 years ago
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Your name is John Doe. Where this story takes you is up for your decision. You can choose your gender, you can choose your significant other. But after that, you will lose the ability to choose. You will become obedient, like you know deep down you should be. Ready? Pick one, and begin. NOTE: {[email protected]}It is highly recommended that you play this using Game Mode, as this story takes advantage of score tracking, and it is also suggested that you change the names this game supports to the...

3 years ago
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The Way of the WorldChapter 14

They had watched the entertainment and had then provided some to Uriah's mate while we met with the Baron. We reached our quarters. On the way, they admitted that they had taken turns on Milan sucking and fisting her holes. Unfortunately, Milan hadn't played with their bodies nor had they time for each other. They were horny and Ula and I were, too. I closed the door and said, "Get on the bed naked." All three got on the bed. "Ula, roll over and work their holes. I'm going to work...

2 years ago
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Cocklust Ch 01

I’ll never forget the first time I dreamt about the dude down the hall.I knew the guy’s name was Chad, but apart from that, I didn’t know much about him.  He didn’t seem to talk much, but he had a hell of a body.Our dorm had communal showers, so I’d seen him naked more than once.  My friends and I had always hated having to go there, but Chad had never seemed to mind.  I figured he must’ve been an athlete, so he’d probably gotten used to showering in the open.  He’d never seemed to have any...

Gay Male
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My time in a PUB part 1

Hi everyone my name is Anju. This is my true story, which happened to me. And this is my first story. Hope you like it . One weekend me and my friends where out clubbing, having some fun. We decided to stop at a pub for few drinks. there was not many people in the pub, we bought our drinks and sat down. There wee some good looking guys in there we where looking at them and talking about it. After about 20 to 30 minutes i saw a couple coming in. they bought some drinks and sat a table next to...

1 year ago
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Private Elizabeth Romanova Lets Shoot A Porno Instead

Elizabetha Romanova is a stunning blonde who has come today to our Social Media Sexy Influencers for her debut at She’s here to give us a look behind the scenes on the new action film she is shooting however when co-star Luke Hardy shows up things get really heated. Watch this horny big titted blonde as she ditches the script and turns it porno instead getting straight down on her knees for a sloppy blowjob before taking a good pounding in her sexy black lingerie that will have...

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None So Blind

None So Blind by Paul1954 Well it would soon be over; the nightmare I had endured during the last year would soon come to an end and I would have to live with whatever the fates decreed. I had met the conditions. The nurse has just injected me with the anaesthetic and I can already feel my eyes starting to get heavy and maybe I can risk closing my eyes at night from here on in! I still regret that night, when on a visit home from college I decided to let my hair down and...

4 years ago
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Alien InvasionChapter 3

One day while hunting hogs I heard two quick shots from a shotgun. Dammit, that sounded ominous! Maggie and I rushed toward the source of the noise and were just in time to see a man in a tree firing a shotgun at a hog that was determined to kill him. The tusks on the hog made me think that this was a boar, a male hog, but that was somewhat beside the point at the moment. The man was firing what must have been buckshot at the boar because there were a lot of bloody spots on its back, but the...

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