Herbal Remedy free porn video

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My wife and I met when we were both in our mid-thirties at a convention in San Francisco. I lived in New York and Leah lived in London. We soon figured out that both of us were recently divorced and therefore available. We immediately hit it off, and I was very pleased when she accepted my invitation for dinner.

Three things attracted me to Leah. I am short, but she is much shorter. less than five feet tall. Secondly, her chest is out of proportion to her height. She wears a 34E bra, and her small stature accentuates the size of her breasts. Finally, Leah has a bubbling personality which can border on the demanding when she really wants something. That’s okay, because I like assertive women.

After dinner, we stopped off at the bar in her hotel. After two cognacs, the conversation turned to our past relationships. Leah was amazingly open, and I quickly learned that she was much more sexually experienced than I.

She later went to the ladies’ room and returned with a couple of extra blouse buttons unfastened, revealing a generous amount of cleavage supported by a lacy purple bra. After more drinks and sexual discussion, I finally mustered the courage to ask whether it was too early in our relationship to go somewhere more private.

Leah replied in her lovely British accent: “Actually, I was wondering if it was too early in our relationship for you to fuck me.”

Within five minutes, we were in her hotel room, our clothes were off and she was giving me the best blowjob I had ever had. By morning, I had come three times: in her mouth, in her pussy and deep up her arse (her pronunciation, not mine). We never made it to the convention the next day… we were too busy fucking. We finally left the room to go to lunch (and also to allow the maid to change the sheets). Leah said she was really hungry, so she dressed quickly; a very tight white t-shirt over a pair of jeans and tall black boots. No underwear. I don’t know what concerned me more, whether her nipples were going to burst through the thin material of her tight top or whether my erection would burst through my trousers.

I moved to London six months later, and we soon married. Leah and I continued to have fantastic sex. One night, as we returned home from seeing a film, she stopped on the staircase. She pulled her long, silky skirt up above her waist, revealing hold-up stockings but no underwear.

“If I don’t feel your All-American prick in my English cunt within ten seconds, we’re getting a divorce,” she said.

I dropped my trousers and entered her as she knelt on the steps. We soon switched positions, with me sitting on a step and Leah forcing her pussy down on my cock reverse cowgirl-style. She rode me while I reached under her sweater and fondled those marvellous tits until she came. She then proceeded to suck me off on the staircase. After she had drained me, she kissed me deeply, pushing my spunk back into my mouth with her tongue.

“I always wanted to do that but never had the nerve with other guys,” she said. “Your cum tastes so good, so I wanted you to enjoy it, too.”

Another time, we decided at the last minute to go to Spain for a beach holiday. The weather was perfect, so the only room we could find was at a large, family-oriented hotel rather than a smaller inn more suitable for a romantic weekend. As we were leaving our room for our first trip to the beach, I noticed that she had inflated a pool toy that looked like a cross between a tire and an old-fashioned life preserver.

“What’s that for?” I asked.

“You’ll find out” was all she said.

The beach was really crowded, mostly parents and with their kids. Once we found a place to lay our towels and get settled, she grabbed the inflated ring. “I’m going for a swim, are you coming with me?” As Leah was wearing a lime green bikini whose top barely hardly covered her nipples and whose bottom showed plenty of her ass, I was not about to say no.

We swam out to the deeper water about fifty feet from the shore, far past the families. We floated in relative privacy, holding on to opposite sides of the inflated ring until she said:

“Take your shorts off, now!”

“Are you crazy?” I replied. “There are hundreds of people back there.”

As I spoke, Leah was already removing her bikini, placing the top and bottoms on top of the floating ring.

“I want to fuck, here and now,” she said.

I was so turned on that I did what I was told. It took no time for me to get hard, even in the somewhat chilly water. Still holding the ring and facing each other, she swung her legs and pelvis toward me under the ring, and then I did the same. After a bit of adjustment, my cock entered her pussy, and I began to lazily pump in and out as we gently floated. People on the beach and in the shallow water could conceivably see what we were doing, but no one paid any notice… at least not until Leah suddenly began to orgasm. “Oh Jesus. Oh fuck. Jesus Christ! This is so fucking horny! Cum inside me now, you bastard. I want to feel your hot cum in my cunt.”

We did get some strange glances as we paddled in towards shore.

But times change, and so do people. Leah and I are now in our mid-fifties. We are still madly in love, but our nearly uncontrollable sexual passion is a thing of the past. Our lives began changing with the births of our sons, Jack and Paul, eighteen months apart. Leah and I supported each other through the deaths of our parents, assorted crises in our careers and the responsibilities that arise with raising children. About five years ago, I suffered a pretty serious back injury, which severely restricted my movements – and our sex life – for about six months.

Sex slowly became an afterthought, if we could remember to think about it in the first place. In other words, we had become a normal middle-aged couple.

We had sex about once a week. Leah now preferred to spend her leisure time in front of the TV, watching murder mysteries. She would respond to my sexual advances if she was in the mood, but she seldom initiated anything. Once in a while, we would get a bit drunk and have really good sex, almost like the old days. The evening would end with Leah having a great, noisy orgasm and then she would be satisfied for what seemed like months.

I grew increasingly frustrated.

Our lives – especially our sex lives – changed one Friday evening in late June. Jack and Paul had left the day before on a week-long school-sponsored cultural trip to Florence and Rome. We would have the house all to ourselves for the first time in years.

About once a month, I treat myself to a massage. Following my back injury, when traditional medicine did little to ease my pain, I began seeing an acupuncture specialist at a Chinese medical practice. Henry Chang ran the practice with his wife Jo, who was trained in therapeutic massage. The combination of acupuncture and massage helped me recover, and Jo, Henry and I became friends. I would see Henry when my back pain flared up, and I regularly visited Jo for her wonderful, stress-busting massages.

That Friday, as Jo began to massage my back, she asked: “Bill, you seem much more tense than normal. Is there something wrong today?”

As we had been friends for years, I told her about my growing sexual frustration.

Jo listened as she massaged my spine. After some thought, she said, “When we are finished, go see Henry.”

A large part of Henry’s business is selling traditional Chinese herbal remedies. While I benefited greatly from the acupuncture (and the massages), I was not a great believer in the power of herbal medication. But, after I got dressed, I wandered into Henry’s small office. Jo had already spoken to him.

“Jo tells me that you and Leah need a little help in the sack, perhaps some Spanish Fly, Chinese-style?” Henry said with his usual good humour.

Henry explained that he could recommend all sorts of concoctions that supposedly increased sexual desire, but he doubted whether they really worked. Acupuncture and some herbs could be used to treat erectile dysfunction, but as he put it, he did not stock the equivalent of ‘Love Potion Number Nine’.

However, Henry explained that one of his colleagues had recently returned from China with a collection of extremely rare herbs and had concocted a formula that, his colleague claimed, significantly increases a woman’s sexual drive. He had given a dozen of the capsules to Henry the previous day.

“I was going to ‘test’ these with Jo on Saturday night,” Henry grinned. “Maybe you should help with the research.” He then turned serious. “I really doubt if they will prove to be an answer to your problems, but I know what’s in them and I don’t think they can hurt.”

“How much do I owe you?” I asked.

“Take them, my friend. They’re on the house. You can tell me all about it when you and Leah return from the orgy.”

He gave me three of the capsules, and I headed home.

The one thing I learned after living with Leah for twenty-odd years is that you cannot con her. Honesty is always that best policy. So, with the capsules still in my jacket pocket, I broached the subject at dinner.

“You know our sex life is not what it used to be,” I said, starting a familiar conversation.

“You’ve reminded me of that about a thousand times,” she replied, “and we’ve agreed that if anyone is at fault, it’s me, especially now that your back is better. But, I’ve changed. I just don’t get excited much. What can I do about it?”

I explained my conversation with Henry that afternoon and told Leah about the herbal capsules he had given me. Leah was pissed off that I had told the Changs about our sexual ‘problems’, but she was a bit intrigued by the capsules. She was interested in alternative forms of medicine, and indeed it was Leah who had convinced me that acupuncture could help my back pain. While I was a bit worried that the capsules could make her sick, Leah was not concerned in the least.

“They’re made of herbs, right?” she asked. “So, I may overdose on ginseng… I’m not worried about it. Give me one. The boys are away, so if I decide to dance naked on the table, it will be okay, won’t it?”

I handed her a capsule, and she washed in down with the rest of the wine in her glass. I had not asked Henry how long the capsules would take to work (if they even would work), so we decided to act normally and have a normal Friday night. We got into bed early and both read novels, enjoying the peace and quiet of a house without teenage music.

After about fifteen minutes, Leah put down her book. “I was really looking forward to finishing this novel tonight, but I don’t feel like it now. My eyes are hurting. I probably shouldn’t have taken that capsule. Do you mind if I just turn out the light? I promise that we’ll have sex tomorrow night.”

While I had heard that line hundreds of times before, I was impressed that Leah had swallowed the capsule. “Sure Darling,” I said. “It’s been a long week. Let’s get some rest.”

And so we did … for about twenty minutes.

I thought Leah had fallen asleep, but then I noticed that her breathing had become heavier. She began fidgeting, almost as if she had an itch. She then kicked off the covers and, a few minutes later, took off her nightgown.

Finally, she turned to me. “Bill,” she said, “I feel like I am burning up. Could you turn on the ceiling fan?” The cooling breeze seemed to calm her, at least for a couple of minutes. However, she soon started thrashing about again.

“Honey, could you feel my forehead?” she asked. “I think I may have a fever. I am feeling really odd.”

As I sat up in bed to put my hand on her head, I couldn’t help but notice her breasts. Of course, Leah’s breasts are not hard to notice. Despite her age and the fact that she nursed two babies, she still has great tits. They had sagged a bit with age, of course, and while Leah often went without a bra when I met her, the only time she would now go braless was when we were faraway on summer vacation. However, her breasts are still a lovely shape and are adorned with large nipples that I loved to suck.

Tonight, though, her breasts looked different. Although Leah was lying on her back and only dim light filtered through the curtains, I could tell that her boobs had tightened. They were standing firm and upwards, almost as if she had just had a boob job. And her nipples were engorged; they looked as if they were almost an inch long.

I could not resist running my hand across her left breast. As I touched her nipple, she reacted as if she had just been hooked up to a high-voltage power line. A shock travelled through her body so strongly, that I quickly pulled my hand away from her tit.

“Jesus!” she cried out. “What in the fuck was that? I almost came, and my pussy is still throbbing. What’s going on?”

I thought I knew, but I moved my hand between her legs to test my theory. Her body jolted again when my hand grazed her crotch. This time, her scream was louder and more familiar.

“Arrrggghhh! Jesus, I’m cumming. I am cumming hard. Fuck, I am still cumming. I have never cum like this before!”

I didn’t know what to do as Leah continued to thrash about in the bed. The only thing I could think of was how I was going to explain what was happening to Henry.

After what seemed like minutes, Leah’s orgasm finally subsided, although her breathing continued to be more like a pant than a normal breath. I was worried that she might pass out, but instead she sat up in bed. Even though it was still dark in the room, I could see that her tits had indeed become more firm and perhaps a bit larger. To top it off, her nipples were still unbelievably erect.

So was my cock, and Leah soon took notice.

“I need to fuck you – now,” she said. “I haven’t wanted to fuck like this for years, but I have to have you in my pussy now.” With that, she scooted over in the bed, pulled her panties aside and climbed aboard my cock. While cowgirl has always been one of our favourite positions, Leah usually bends over and kisses me after I enter her. It takes several minutes before she sits up on top of me so I can see and play with her tits. Not tonight. She plunged her pussy straight down on my cock, and then leaned back and fiercely began grinding her pubic bone against mine. Those magnificent breasts were on full display.

“Shove it in me deep, deeper,” she commanded. I could feel my cock get bigger as I was really turned on. She fucked me for about thirty seconds and then began to cum again.

But this time it was different. I could feel her pussy began to tighten on my cock and begin to get warmer. That’s how I knew she was about to cum. But, as she started to scream again, I could feel a flood of juice flowing down through her cunt onto my cock. Leah had squirted for the first time I could remember, and she continued to do so for about a minute, all the while shouting: “Oh my God! Arrrggghhh! This is so fucking good, I am cumming so fucking strong.”

I was now laying in a puddle of pussy juice with a sex-craved woman who was still grinding on top of me, although her orgasm was finally subsiding. At this point, I thought Leah would roll of me and fall fast asleep, as she normally does after we have sex, but this was not a normal evening. She raised herself off my cock, releasing another flood of her juices on my mid-section. Instead of lying down, she scooted up my chest until her cunt was directly over my mouth.

“Lick me, Bill. Lick my clit. Suck my clit. I want to come on your face.”

Over the years, Leah had grown increasingly reluctant to have oral sex. She would have to be really aroused, or really drunk, before she would let me lick her (even though it is one of my favourite things to do). She had not sat on my face since before the kids were babies. Even worse, blowjobs were few, far between and not very satisfying. The best I could expect is for her to lick and suck the head of my penis for a minute or two before she got tired and quit.

Now, she was pushing her pussy hard against my face. I slowly licked around the opening of her cunt, tasting for the first time her squirt fluid, which was saltier than her normal juice. As my tongue finally brushed against her clit, another shock ran through her body, she screamed again and a fresh gush of juice squirted into my mouth.

“Oh Bill, that’s so good; that’s so fucking good. I feel like my clit is on fire, and I just love it. Eat me. Suck me. Suck my clit harder.”

Usually, when I did lick her clit, it would take a long time to get a reaction. Tonight, I triggered another orgasm – and another flood – after less than a minute of licking and sucking.

Leah lifted her pussy off my face and turned around so that her pelvis was over my mouth and her head was positioned at my crotch. This was my favourite sexual position, and now we were doing it for the first time in at least fifteen years.

Leah’s talk got even raunchier.

“I know you want me to suck your cock. Don’t worry, it’s gonna happen. But before you get your blowjob, you have to lick my ass. I want you to stick your tongue as far as you can up my ass. Fuck me with your tongue really good!”

I began to swirl by tongue around the outside of her anus and could feel it contract. I could hear her breathing become heavier and she then began to moan slightly. Suddenly, I could feel her bunghole loosen, and I started to push as much tongue as I could up her hole.

“Jesus, that is fantastic,” she said and then engulfed my cock in her mouth. She did not lick it. She did not nibble it. She did not slowly suck it. She took the length of my penis down her throat at once. I could feel her tongue swirl around my shaft as she began to suck my entire shaft. At the same time, I quickly withdrew my tongue from Leah’s asshole and then thrust it back in with as much force as I could muster.

She popped my cock out of her mouth for a moment. “That’s it, Lover. Fuck my ass with your tongue. I want it completely filled or I will stop sucking.” She then began to suck my cock with abandon, slurping noisily as she took the entire length back into her mouth. It did not take long before I could feel my balls begin to swell and my prick become even harder. Leah felt it, too, because she stopped bobbing her head up and down and waited.

The first spurt was incredible. I could not believe the amount of cream I squirted into Leah’s waiting mouth. The second spurt came quickly and was almost as strong. I continued to cum for what seemed like a long time, aided by constant sucking and licking by Leah.

When my orgasm finally finished, Leah’s began again. I was still licking and fucking her asshole with my tongue and, just when I thought things were quieting down, Leah began screaming again. I felt more juice dribble from her pussy onto my neck and chest.

While I was beginning to go soft in the aftermath of my orgasm, Leah continued to suck my cock until she calmed down. I felt her move her ass off my face and soon she pressed her mouth against mine. As my lips began to part for a passionate kiss, I felt her spit a load of my jism into my mouth.

I was exhausted and I expected that she would also be too. She lay beside me and kissed me deeply. Then, she whispered in my ear:

“Fuck me some more. I need you to fuck me hard. I need you to fuck me in my cunt again, and possibly in my ass, just like you used to do.”

That sounded great, but there was a problem. I was fifty-six, I had just had the biggest orgasm of the past decade, and my cock was rapidly shriveling. I couldn’t get it up with a hydraulic pump, and I told her as much.

“What the fuck!” she shouted. “For the past ten years, you have been badgering me about sex. Now, I want it. I want it bad, so bad. I need it and you can’t give it to me. You fucker!”

I tried my best to be witty. “I was a good fucker, but you ruined me a minute ago,” I replied. “Give me twenty minutes, and I will be a fucker again, but if you need a fucker now, you will just have to go out and find one.

All of a sudden I got scared. The evening had been so weird, I worried that she just might do that. So I tried to recover, at least verbally. “I think there’s still a vibrator in the drawer beside the bed. Do you think that will do for the time being?”

When I met Leah, she was really into sex toys. She soon introduced me to a collection of dildos, dongs, eggs and vibrators, which she would use both when we were having sex and when she was alone. However, I had not seen her play with one of her toys in years.

“Quick, find it,” she said. “Turn on the light if you have to. Get it for me. I need it now.”

I was beginning to think I was going bonkers. Only minutes ago, Leah was apologising for wanting to go to sleep rather than having sex. Now, even after a half-dozen orgasms, she wanted a dildo so she can masturbate.

I turned on the light and could not believe Leah’s appearance. Her breasts were like those of a 25-year-old. The sagging was gone. Her nipples were still huge, much more erect than I had ever seen them. They had turned a darker shade of brown than normal. But it was her eyes that both enticed and frightened me. She wore a look of wanton lust; her eyes told me that she was not close to being satisfied. She needed more, a helluva lot more.

I found the vibrator. It was not that big, compared with some of the gigantic plastic penises she once owned, and it was even a bit smaller than my cock. I turned the dial on the bottom and thankfully was greeted with a familiar hum.

I started to guide it down to her crotch, but Leah quickly grabbed the vibrator from my hand.

“Thanks, Darling, but I know what I need better than you.” She then looked at my flaccid cock as she first pressed the dildo against her clit and then plunged it as deep into her cunt as she could. “Get it hard, fast. Do whatever you have to do, Bill, but I need a cock, your cock. If you can’t fuck me, at least suck my tits while I stick this up my pussy.”

I began to suck her right nipple. After about five seconds, her body jerked violently again.

“Shit! What in the fuck is wrong with me. Honey, I need to cum so badly! I want it and I want it now. I gotta get fucked, and this fucking vibrator is not going to do the job. I need a real cock.”

“I’m sorry, but I am momentarily unavailable,” I stammered. “However, if I keep sucking your tits, I am sure that I will be hard in no...”

“That’s not good enough!” she shouted so loud that I was sure that the neighbours – and possibly her sister in Edinburgh – could hear. “Don’t you fucking understand, you imbecile? I need to be fucked now, right now, not in a half-hour.”

She continued to frig herself with the dildo, and she had two more small orgasms in the next ten minutes. Sucking her nipples the whole time, I finally recovered enough so that I could stick my semi-limp dick into her pussy. It began to grow once inside, so we fucked – actually she fucked me – missionary style with her legs straight up in the air. I thought I would have a heart attack, but after five minutes of rutting, she stopped her heavy breathing and tensed.

“Oh My God! That's The Biggest One Yet! I love it. I love you, but I really love your cock. Thank God there are cocks in this world and I have one in me!”

Even though I had cum earlier, I began ejaculating inside my wife, not nearly as strong as before. However, that did not stop Leah from urging me on.

“That’s it baby, fill my cunt. It feels so good. I love to feel you cum inside me.”

My cock was hurting, so I slowly withdrew, wondering what to do next. But, thankfully, Leah was calmer. She was till playing with her clit, but her breathing was more normal and she was no longer demanding satisfaction. I was relieved that I did not have to call Dial-A-Stud.

She finally turned towards me, appearing more relaxed, although her breasts were still enlarged and aroused. She reached over and kissed me deeply.

“I think I am calming down now. I don’t know what got into me. I am sure you must be exhausted, and I am starting to get tired. Just let me lie here and play with my pussy.”

I watched her carefully as her eyes began to softly close and her hand massaged her clit more and more slowly. I thought she had finally fallen asleep when she turned toward me as softly asked:

“Honey, how many more of those capsules do you have?”

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'Nico' and 'Tony' sat in their hotel room, writing their gloating death letters, to be revealed to the godless after the gas had dissipated and their bodies were found. They did not have to explain to the faithful. Their mission would be clear to them, and even more clear to Allah. They had no doubt about their death, Monday morning. They would open the gas cylinder and, after a few seconds, they would inhale some of the vapors that were soon going to overwhelm the Americans, playing in...

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Ian New Awakening

I was day dreaming again. In French class no less. But I was day dreaming about the teacher of the class. In my daydream, I was admiring her svelte legs descending from her very short skirt. I was imagining her skirt slowing sliding down those very same legs with only a high cut bikini panty remaining below her waist. She was pretty. No, she was beautiful. Better yet, she was absolutely, drop dead gorgeous. She was fantastically ravishing. And, she was French! Best of all, she was twenty-two...

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The steady beep of the monitor was the first thing Tony heard. Its rhythmic pace was almost soothing in a way. It certainly made up for the harsh light of the room that he was in after he opened his eyes. Tony blinked. Once. Twice. Three times. When he felt that it wouldn’t hurt to look around, he found himself sitting in a very plain looking bed, its starchy sheets practically taping him against the hard mattress beneath him. Almost immediately questions began forming. ‘How long was I out for?...

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Naughty Librarian

Where I live, I am unable to receive the ‘monthly periodicals’ with out embarrassment. But the local library has quite the collection. Usually a month behind, but they are there none the less. So today is the day of my monthly visit. Knowing that it is a very quiet day at the library. And knowing that the magazine section is in a rather secluded area of the library so I can have a little privacy when reading the ‘articles’. I also get to see my favorite librarian, Leigh. There is something...

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The Overlords GambitChapter 9

The guardsman Roquan had hired to keep watch at the Manor gate opened it just enough to allow Amanda and Sirinna to pass. He smiled at them, allowing his gaze to roam over their naked bodies in a manner that bespoke more of appreciation rather than lasciviousness. Amanda even smiled back at him as she passed. As the two of them soon turned from the main road, they passed into the encroaching darkness of deep twilight. It lasted for only a few moments. Magical torches lined the sandy path...

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Andrea Comes of Age

Andrea Coming of Age By Robin Y. "Stop right there young lady! Just where do you think you are going? I thought I told you that wearing lipstick was required for dinner. I believe in looking our best.....at all times!...Hush! Don't interrupt me again. Just put your lipstick and compact in your pockets and you can fix it after dinner....now what was I saying? Oh yes! I see you are wearing eyeliner and mascara as I instructed, but to be well dressed you must have on lipstick....and...

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Crossdressing Charlie Episode 3 Relinquishment

CROSSDRESSING CHARLIE Episode 3 RELINQUISHMENT Charlie stared at the door as if it were a wave of fire rapidly heading toward him. His eyes watered and his hands trembled with shock. His could hear his mother's heels clicking against the shiny wooden floor getting louder and louder as she approached her bedroom door. Then, something electric shocked Charlie's brain which broke him free from his frozen state as adrenaline pumped through his body. He jumped to his feet and turned for...

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cross friends trick 2

It was probably a fortnight before the call arrived. Jimmy and I had just gone back to being the best of mates, and nothing had been mentioned about what we had done that night. The phone rang in the hall and I went to answer. Jimmy had never needed to call me before, if we weren’t already together somewhere, we would have already planned what we were going to do so it was a shock when the call came.“Hello, two one, double five,” I said, and the voice at the other end whispered to me, “Would...

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Widhva Bhabhi

By : Amitjain.Mjs Main ek sadi dda aadmi hu, aur mera do bache hai mera garments ka business hai aur jab bhi koi naya samples aate hai to mujhe market mai jana padta haiek baar us se koi new samples aaye the jiske orer ke liye mujhe delhi jana pada aur mai delhi chala gaya fir main apne sample le kar market mai gaya aur waha se kafi orders liye ye ladies garments ke sample the jisme bra, pnty, aur kuch shorts gound the, ek din main market mai ghum raha tha to ek shop mai sample dikha Ke nikal...

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Lusty Adventures of a Trophy Wife 3

Lusty Adventures of a Horny Trophy Wife (Part 3) Don Abdul ©2010 Suddenly Lynda recognized the advancing black sex gods to be the very objects of her most recent fantasies, Wyclef and Eddie the bar tender. Lynda felt an intense warmth rise from her core and spread quickly rippling through her body until once again her pussy was moist and her nipples hard in anticipation of a great night ahead. When they sighted her, they waved and then hurried over. “Lynda, meet my boy Eddie, wicked bar tender...

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His Best Friends Daughter Part IIIHis Dilemma

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The Quantum Leap

I like an orderly universe. I want control over my realm but I do not have the power to fulfill my desire so I settle for islands of safety and small channels of exploration. My husband is my central island; he is an anchor that can steady me when I drift too far. We have been together in many lives and know how to build a karma that allows us to meet in each incarnation. We never require explanations from each other, only love and understanding. I have another island, a black Bull with...

Erotic Fiction
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With respect to Twilight Zone, Groundhog Day and Memento Convergence By Tyrone Slothrop Chapter 1: Zero Point Gene knew he was going to lose it all. No amount of cramming or prayer would get him past the Math Final. He thought that Finals were aptly named. It would be the end of him. Boxwood Academy had withstood the anxiety of sixteen year olds for over one hundred years. Situated on a hill overlooking a river town, it catered to the education of both the heirs of fortune and...

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Redlights can be fun. River Fox sees a most handsome black man next to her and all she can think about is how great and massive that black cock of his must be. She knows how great it would feel throbbing in her tiny hands and how she so badly wants to feel him peel down her lingerie and suck on those beautiful large natural tits of hers! River is so wet thinking of how tightly her pussy would grasp that big black cock as it slides in and out of her faster and faster picking up the pace. She...

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Shoplyfter Ava Davis The Internet Trend

Security officer Billy brings suspected thief Ava to the backroom for questioning. After he leaves her alone to go check the store footage, she takes out an item from under her dress and tries to hide it in a drawer. Little did she know there were cameras inside the backroom as well, so when officer Billy comes back, he confronts her about it. Ava explains that it was just an online trend and promises to never do it again. Unfortunately, Billy must do his job and he can’t just let her go so...

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I had met you, Ronnie, in the office and, while you were getting coffee, I had a quick look in your diary and was not really surprised to find references to a whole new personality.You seemed to have a feminine side which you referred to as 'Jacquie'. I smiled to myself. With your delicate build and features you looked as much a 'Jacquie' as a Ronnie!!! When you returned I greeted you as Jacquie and you paled with shock. You were so frightened of your secret getting out that you agreed to do...

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Helping Damsel In Distress Is Rewarding

Hello, Indian sex stories dot net Readers, This is my story about how I met a beautiful woman on my flight from Delhi to Bangalore, where I was working. It so happened that Nazia was on her way to Bangalore to check out for some properties for her company. She was around 25 years, round face, good body and a nice pair of breasts, and an ass to die for she was pretty enough to be a model. Dark hair curled softly over her shoulders. We began talking and by the time we landed in Bangalore it was...

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MyFamilyPies Ginger Gray Penelope Kay Is That A Shark In Your Pants

Penelope Kay and her friend Ginger Gray are having fun playing with sharks to celebrate shark month. Penelope’s stepbrother Rico Hernandez comes in and asks what they’re doing. When the girls explain, Rico announces that he’d be the dominant shark. He goes on to tell Penelope that maybe she’ll bleed on shark week so he can be the shark. Penelope rises to the challenge as Ginger looks on, claiming that she’d bit Rico so hard. When Rico says maybe he’d like it,...

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Will You Still Love Me in the Morning

First of all, to remind you, my name is Brent Wilson. Like I told you a few days ago, I'm not a Brad Pitt or a Matt Damon. Not an Arnie kind of guy either. Not too skinny or to bulky either. I'm like that Joe guy I mentioned to you, who just doesn't stand out in a crowd. Or in that dance hall with bar attached, or perhaps it is the other way around, I still have no idea why that beauty, yeah, Sam ... Samantha ... latched onto me and twisted my heart to a setting it has never seen...

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Shoot it on her Prego Tummy An Adult Story

I had only lived in my small apartment for about two weeks. I was done unpacking and getting settled in. The last box I opened was my BBQ grill. It was small but did the job. I reached into my fridge to pull out a steak and a cold beer. I dumped some charcoal in the grill just outside my sliding glass door. I then tossed the steak on the grill. I put some tin foil on two ears of corn and a bake potato. I tossed them on the hot side of the grill.I was sipping my beer, minding my own...

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Yet Another Company of Women

Yet Another Company of Womenbybyronbgeo©"This isn't happening," said Kyle, almost to himself, although Erika was sitting across from him at her desk. She was very attractive with her raven hair cut short, and a revealing blouse. It was only his first week at the advertising company and twice he'd broken protocol used for filing of forms and memos. His boss, Alexa Martin, said he was careless and wasn't cut out for the job, but agreeing to spare him only if he were willing to massage and even...

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Case Files of Nick Stud Ch 1

Chapter One: In The Beginning There are those of us who still remember the Private Investigator of old like Phillip Marlow and Sam Spade. For those to young it’s a pity for you certainly missed one of the most golden of eras when a Private Eye was tough. He gave no quarter and expected even less for himself. It’s my hope for the older generation to turn back the clock a few years so they may remember those wonderful days past. As for the younger ones, I hope to bring them some of the joy we...

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The Hypnotists AssistantsChapter 9

Ken Smith ached all over, partly because already he had stood motionless for too long and partly because he knew what was about to happen. He opened one eye ever so slightly and his worst fears were realized. Jonas Jackson had exposed his serpentine cock and was lecherously looking at Beth. He was about to fuck her, right in front of Ken. All this was made worse by the fact that Beth likely would be perfectly willing... and there wasn't a thing Ken could do about it without blowing his...

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Son of Chronos Book 1 OriginChapter 4

Friday morning when Matt woke at 6 AM. Molly was still curled up against his right side, sleeping with her head on his chest. He could reach her ass with his right hand. He reached out with one finger and started playing with her asshole. He had actually managed to work the finger in, up to the second knuckle, before she woke up. When she was fully awake he pulled the finger out of her ass and stuck it in her mouth. Molly fought a wave of nausea as she tasted shit for the first time in real...

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Who Do You Want To Be Today

A story of a machine I am sure we would all like to get our hands on. Who Do You Want To Be Today? By Catherine 1 I got the call at about three in the morning, waking me. ?Sir, this is Helena, Dr. Strauss? assistant here in Austria? He spoke very highly of you.? ?He spoke? Has something happened?? ?Yes, he passed away earlier today, and you are mentioned in his will, I never realized he knew anyone outside of Austria.? ?Well, it was a long time ago; we worked on a...

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Maries MomChapter 2

Marie enjoyed the feel of Shadow's cock in her mouth, as she sucked on him for all she was worth. What had begun as a soft, 5-inch prick, now measured almost 9 inches in length, of hard, pink dog-cock. The taste thrilled her, as she fingered her pussy while she sucked on him. In no time she climaxed all over her fingers, as she plunged them into herself as far as she could get them -- never allowing Shadow to pull out of her mouth. A few minutes later she was rewarded with a mouthful of his...

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With Strength and SteelChapter 19

"Is it done?" my father asked as I finished cleaning my weapon for the third time before putting it away. "Almost." I looked at the wooden box that sat on a table on my father's front porch. It was spelled against the stench of decomposing body parts and contained a hand, a foot and the charred skull. It was something Nathania had given to me to transport the proof back to the Demon Realms discreetly. I wasn't complaining, though it seemed too nice a box to waste on the ugly...

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The Video Store Chapters 1 2 3

The Video StoreLea had agreed to spend the weekend at her boyfriend Alex's apartment. She told her parents that she was visiting a college friend in the next state. Her little sister Jenn knew about the arrangement but had promised to keep her secret. Jenn owed Lea one since Lea had found Jenn playing with herself while looking at a body builder magazine. Jenn was just discovering her sexuality and was easily excited. But Lea had been very supportive, explaining that she also liked to...

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How I met my date and my story for now

From 5 years ago I create a facebook account to search for a date to met from time to time and to fuck, I searched on facebook for gay groups in my area installed some gay app but I wasn't able to find a person to chat for long time until we share our identity until that I get one message from facebook that someone messaged me and he is not a fake profile at all he was having a lot of friends that are religious and he have some facebook photo in place near me.I started messaging with this...

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The Story of Caya

http://www.a1adultebooks.com/ebooks/b4831-the-story-of-caya.htmI became pregnant my first night at Arun market. By the time most of you get to read this story I would have given birth. Already I have a name for the c***d, be it a boy or girl—I pray for a boy though—I will call him (or her) Arun, after the market. It's only fitting that he (she) answers the name of the place where he (she) was conceived. Unfortunately I won't be able to mother him (her) when that happens, but from seeing how...

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Fantasy about my wife and a black cop

Back before my wife retired and was still working as a mental health counselor, she traveled to several counties doing assessments for state agencies. She came home one evening and told me a young, handsome, black, county officer had pulled her over for speeding but when she told him she worked for a state agency he let her go with a warning.Here is what I am imagining really happened, He walked up to the car and she gave him her best sexy smile and told him she was sorry for speeding but she...

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Girly School Version 2

The Montana School for Boys with a Twist ? by: Jeff "Stephanie" Sevem It was three O'clock in the morning and High School Senior Jeff was on the Internet looking for a college to go to. He was determined to find a college that had a good gender studies program. He was having no such luck. After looking at over 200 college web pages Jeff was about to give up. Then he found the web site for the Montana School for Boys which was located in northern Montana. As he entered the site...

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Jims First Dress

Jim's First Dress By Gigi For Jim It started as just another day. He worked downtown at the office, dressed as usual like any typical guy; tie, dark jeans and white shirt. At the end of the day, on his way to the bus stop, he just happened to walk through a big department store. Normally he'd quickly look at the men's wear but today the pastel-coloured summer dresses caught his attention. They were on sale: just $10 apiece. He immediately thought about what it would be like to wear...

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BSC07 the First Lifestyle NudistsChapter 26 Good Ol Family Sex

What Tom and Belinda didn’t realize as Tom’s penis was sinking into Belinda’s body was that somehow the two sets of parents in that room had forgotten who their respective partners were. As Belinda was straddling Tom’s body she straightened up and looked around to see her mother kneeling down in front of Hank Barry’s groin. Hank’s penis was buried firmly in Jill’s mouth and her head was quietly moving back and forth along the shaft of that penis. Belinda looked over to the rug in front of the...

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The Pact Episode 1 The Elegant Solution Chapter 32

Rick braced himself and took a run at something even more dangerous -- Jean! "Mom, we've got to talk." "Dear?" "I met this girl..." "WHAT?" Jean's eyes popped. "C'mon, Mom, you know this shit isn't going to last! You said so yourself!" "Well, yes, but..." "And I can't take Candace to the Prom -- or Beth -- or Louise..." "I know, Son, but..." "I know better than to blow this, okay? It's totally separate!" Rick insisted. "Well, it is until she doesn't put out...

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Girl Code 3 No Promises

Bent over John's desk, blazing pain slammed into Nicole's bottom. The impact of the hard paddle echoed around the CEO's office, bouncing off the walls and marble floor. Landing in her ears, it confirmed the pain her butt deserved for the way she'd treated Alexa.“Six, sir,” she cried out, her breath rasping with pain.Marking off each addition to her punishment forced her to take part. She couldn't let her mind wander off while she endured it. She must accept each painful swat out loud and...

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World of Possibilities

So my story begins when I was exploring a old antique shop on the west coast. It was one of those disorganized and dirty older shops. With the dust thick in places and cobwebs clinging to everything out of reach. Had mostly seen the usual junk when a old trunk caught my eye. After haggling with the old shop owner I was able to get him down to 50 and he just said to keep the junk inside. Later that week when I got around to looking inside there was a old wood cigar box under the old news papers...

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Stormont Cottage Ch 05

CHAPTER FIVE – Far Fucking Out! ‘I feel like we’ve done this already,’ Tommy laughed as he peeled off his tight T-shirt. Julliette giggled and kept her eyes on him, eager to see what he was wearing under his silly army surplus pants. They were all in the cottage stripping down to their bathing suits before taking a plunge in the lake, but she hadn’t started yet, she wanted to have Tommy’s full attention, and she wanted to see what the other girls had on. She was so horny she could hardly...

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My First Experience With Senior Part 8211 2

Hi, all of indian sex stories dot net . Oh my god, I never knew I will get so much response from the readers. My inbox was full each day. Sorry people I couldn’t respond for all but thanks for your comments which made me pen down more about my experience. And yeah few were lucky enough to sneak peak. I hope those sneak peaks are happy. Oh sorry for fucking your time by telling some rubbish. People who don’t know me read my previous story to know about me. I won’t waste much time telling about...

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MrLuckyPOV Natasha Nice Large Natural Knockers Drain All The Cum

When it comes to women, they really don’t get much nicer than Natasha. This 100% natural beauty has some of the best pair of soft, heavy, shapely breasts you’ll ever see. This unbelievable woman is an absolute bombshell when it comes to working and pleasuring a cock. Her sweet tight pussy and unbelievable tits, along with her dirty talking, dick sucking mouth make Natasha Nice one of those incredible babes that is able to force 2 loads out of a dick in one unbelievable sexual encounter. This is...

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Gym Sex With Muscular Guys

Hi, I’m Anjana, 27 years old from Chennai. Thank you for the overwhelming response for my previous stories. This story is also a real sweet and sexy incident happened to me long back. This was my very first anal sex. Please do comment on my story. I was 22 years old during that time, when I went to Bangalore for an exam. I stayed in a hotel for a brief amount of time. The room was good enough for a single person. It had a medium king size bed and a balcony. After 2 days of staying in the room...

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Watching my mother in law

Last Friday night my wife and I went over to my in-laws. We went over a little early, so no one was home from work yet. My wife and I both had to use the restroom, so my wife took the hall bath and I went into the master bath. Looking to the left of me as I sat on the toilet I realized the window faced the side of the house that was hidden from the street and the people next door just moved out. I raised the blinds just high enough to look in, but would not be suspicious. I was so horny...

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School for hung young boys part two

"Don't worry," Mr. Vickers said softly to the newest enrollee at Private Prep School For Boys, "your parents can visit you anytime they wish, and remember, Christmas will be here before you know it and you'll be going home for the holidays!!!" "Yeah, that's true," Brian replied, "what I gotta think about now is the present, right!?!" "That's the ticket," Jordan Vickers answered brightly, "say, it's about time you met your new room mate, don't you think!?!" Now forgetting about the fact that his...


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