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I had noticed them at our first week in college, although we didn’t run in the same crowds, we were in many of the same classes. It did not take long to learn more about him since half the freshman class was talking about the “Dynamic Duo”. The guys envied their easy conversation with the girls and we girls dreamed of being on one of their arms. Well, I just watched them both from the back of the room just as taken with them as the rest of my class.

Jake was gorgeous with the deepest blue eyes that reflected his fun and funky personality. He had short blond hair, always long over his ears, that worked well with his athletic, tanned build. He had a muscular chest and large biceps that filled out his Rugby uniform in all the right ways. He was the guy everyone could call a friend.

His friend Ian not as athletically built; he was trim and lean with abs that were rippled all the way down to a happy trail that I would love to follow. Ian's dark eyes, which could be described as 'ole soul,' were the deepest blue and perfectly matched his dark hair which was always clipped short as if he had just had it cut. Ian was the embodiment of the sophisticated, refined good guy.

Jake and his buddy Ian were from England, their accent along with their all around good looks made them guys that women drooled after. Both were tall and attracted beautiful women. No party was complete without them; they were simply fun to be around. Together they made panties moist and broke hearts all over campus. I had often wondered if they went everywhere and did everything together.

Neither of them paid any attention to me, of course, who would expect them too? On the outside, I was a shy, bookish looking smart girl. I was not slender like the women who circled around them, my breasts and hips were larger than average, my skin was pale not tan, and my legs were short not long and lean. My green eyes and black wavy hair were what I considered my best physical attributes, and although I did not think of myself as ugly, I was not glamor magazine beautiful.

For the most part I kept quiet, watching Jake and Ian from behind a self imposed wall of anonymity, reading novels. Within the pages of my books, I could be, go, and do anything at all.

Braydon was a young cancer patient at the hospital where I volunteered. He loved sports; anything about Rugby was at the top of his reading list. Sometimes I had a hard time getting a word or two in as he talked non stop about the last game our college team played. When Braydon’s health took a turn for the worse and he was admitted full time. I decided to cheer him up, with a surprise. It would require that I get over my shyness enough to speak to Jake. After working my nerve up, I approached him, late one afternoon after class.

“Jake, I am Robin, well, err… we have had some classes together,” I mumbled, my heart racing, my voice a bit husky.

He turned towards me, and my heart nearly stopped, heat rose flooding my face with an embarrassing shade of red. I almost turned and walked away, Jake sensing my unease moved in and placed his hand at the small of my back.

“Yes, Robin how are you? I’ve seen you, of course, who could miss such a gorgeous woman like you?”

My heart, which was working overtime, kicked up another notch. Wait a minute did he say I was gorgeous? I am out of my league. My heart stopped in my chest because he flashed that sexy as hell smile at me! Then, I realized, I had been watching Jake for four long years falling in love with him by degrees. Wait, I was in love with Jake. It took a few moments for me to compose myself, while he stood there cool as a cucumber, waiting for me to continue.

“Well, Jake, I volunteer at the hospital on the cancer ward, reading with the children while they receive their treatments. A boy, I know from the hospital... I am not supposed to become attached but I did, he’s kind of special to me.”

“He loves sports so much, I mean he's been sick most of his life and he does not get to play. He follows the university's Rugby team. I thought if you had some time, maybe you could stop by.”

I somehow managed to say, before I lost my nerve - this was for Braydon and I had to try, even though I half expected him to say he did not have time or that he hated hospitals or would have some other reason to avoid the cancer ward as most people did.

“Sure, it's getting late, let’s go have something to eat, and you can tell me about Braydon.”

“Oh, well, yea, thanks.”

Jake placed his hand at the small of my back as he led me toward the parking lot. I was stunned, wow he said yes... oh God, what was I going to do now?

“We could walk to the coffee shop, or there's this pizza place across town.”

“Whichever you like,” I answered nervously.

“Did you drive or walk to class today?”

“I walked.”

“Good, ride with me then, we’ll get some pizza.” He stopped before a Classic 1970's era muscle car.

“Nice car, is that a 1972 Ford Gran Torino?”

“Yea, how’d ya know?”

“My dad had one. He loved that car, and so did I, we had one that dad and I used to take out on the weekends.”

“Yea well it’s my one indulgence.”

“Only one?” he grinned at me, flashing that rakish smile.

“I will never tell.”

That night we discussed Braydon and his illness. I described how I had gotten close to him and about my brother, who Braydon reminded me of. We even talked about cars, I think he was impressed by how much I knew about classic muscle cars. I was an open book to Jake which surprised me, as I was usually closed off to people who I did not know well. He touched my hand often and put his hand low on my back while we walked. By the end of the night, I was high with excitement. Jake had noticed me. Not only would he go to see Braydon but he wanted me to go with him. We parted with a sweet kiss I wished with all my heart would deepen.

Little did I know what Jake was thinking as we parted. 'My heart and cock were pounding so hard when I took her in my arms. The smell of her hair the way her breasts pressed against my chest as I held her, God I wanted so much to take that kiss further. To sink myself deep within her, so close we could never be separated.'

That night Jake walked away from the woman he knew in his heart would one day be his. Soon he could hold her in his arms all night long.

Later that evening while taking a bath, I replayed the events of the day in my mind. My hand traced lazy circles around my breasts, rolling, and pinching the nipples imagining it was Jake's hands, his fingers. What would they feel like? Would his fingers be rough? Would he put just a bit of edge to our play?

My hands trailed lower tracing my skin from my plump breasts over my stomach, and lower toward my pussy - spreading the lips and plunging into that slick heat. My thighs spread wider of their own accord. I soon added another finger and picked up the pace. My other hand continued to pinch and roll my nipples pulling them, tracing lightly over them to soothe the skin there.

What would it be like to have his cock plunging in and out of my pussy. In my mind's eye Jake was above me, his muscular chest right within my reach with his hot cock plunging into my pussy. Water from the tub splashed over the edge, as I added a finger to my clit circling it, stroking faster and faster. The tingling in my spine spread outward flowing like a tsunami, crashing into me with an intensity I rarely felt.

“Oh, yes Jake, mimm... ohh god yes…” I cried out. Opening my eyes I looked around I knew no one was here to hear me calling out his name but I just had to look around one more time.


Seven months later and Jake had not only became a regular visitor to the cancer ward visiting often with Braydon and all the other boys. More importantly, he became my boyfriend. Jake encourages me to be open to new things sexually, so I felt confident - but still nervous talking to him about Excalibur a kink club located in our modest town. I was excited as I prepared for our evening; I wanted to get Jake as interested as I was. I took my time wearing a dress that Jake liked, cooking his favorites, setting out candles and the like. After dinner, we sat watching a comedy on TV, when I finally broached the subject.

“Jake, have you ever heard of a place called Excalibur?” I peeked up at him to see if the name meant anything to him.

"It's on the east side close to Lamont street."

“The name sounds familiar, what is it a new club?”

“You could say that. Cindy my friend from school, who came to visit last week, while you were out of town, she wanted to go, so we went. Jake, it was not your typical club.”

“How so?”

“It is a sex club!” Jake sat up straight, and it was apparent that I now had his undivided attention.

“Okay, tell me what was it like? Did you like it? What did you and Cindy do?”

“Hold on Jake and I will tell you all about it. When we arrived we entered a small waiting room. We were met by a woman who handed us a packet marked 'membership,' and a non-disclosure Agreement. Once the area was filled up we were met by Ethan Black the owner of the club who told us that we were allowed, into any of the common areas of the club, to watch only. Participation, would require completed paperwork, in addition we would need to have a medical certification form filled out. Submissive's who are unattached or un-collared could join for free for six months. It seemed safe and private, not at all what I thought it would be like,” I paused to observe Jake's reaction.

“Well, go on, tell me, you know I am on pins and needles here.”

“So, if we wanted to join the club we would need to attend a class letting us know how we were to act within the club. Tonight was 'open' - although we still must speak and be respectful all Dom's, rules were generally relaxed for visitors until twelve AM, at which time the club would be closed to all but members.”

“It was like most other clubs, but it had an extra large bar at one end and a sunken area on the other end. The bar area had, of course, a bar, but also a small kitchen area where small sandwiches and snack foods were served. There was also a moderate sized dance floor. Between the bar area and the dungeon area, was a large sitting area with couches and daybeds for 'aftercare'. Across from that area was a smaller seating area for the submissives.

The main part of the club was the dungeon it looked the part with a stone facade, octangular pillars with large metal rings attached. One of the these had a woman who had both arms cuffed to a long chain which ran through the metal ring she was on her knees between a man's legs servicing him. Another had a naked woman, also cuffed, who was being auctioned off to a crowd of elegantly dressed men.”

“O-My-God! That sounds so hot,” Jake exclaimed. “Oh, we have got to join this club.”

“Just listen there is so much more. Between each of these pillars are areas where scenes can be staged. One woman was cuffed to a large wooden X. Her arms and legs were spread wide, her head was thrown back as she was moaned. Her face was flush and her breathing quick - simply put, Jack, she looked like she was in ecstasy. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen; the way he swung the flogger in a wide figure-eight motion the ends coming in contact with her ass, and thighs, in a rhythm that was both erotic and chilling. His full attention was on her, he stopped every so often checking on her whispering quietly in her ear. When he was done he carefully removed her from the cross wrapped her in a blanket, carried her to a couch, whispering in her ear the whole time.”

Jake reached up and wiped a tear that had escaped my tear-filled eyes, and pulled me in close. “This really affected you didn't baby?”

“Yes, it did. One of the girls seeing how it all affected me, asked if she and her Master could talk to me, they answered many of my questions and asked some of me. I told them I thought I was a submissive... and Jake, they agreed.”

“Really, and what do you think?”

“More than ever before, I knew the moment I saw that woman on the cross.”

“We should visit this club someday soon, very soon.”

“You would do that for me?”

Jake took me into his arms, holding me close. Turning in his arms I lifted my face to his offering him my lips in invitation. Welcoming, he accepted offering me a deep kiss, licking the seam, seeking the heat within. I opened to him, my body reacting to his, of its own accord. We took from each other, our tongues performing an age-old dance, as we drank of each other's desire. Our hands became tangled in clothing, as our hearts raced and heads swam as we quickly made our way to the bedroom.

As soon as we stumbled our way into the room, Jake picked me up tossing me on to the bed. He covered my body with his, his leg between my thighs rubbing against my needy clit as our hands explored each other's bodies, drawing lines with fingertips writing a masterpiece, he took me higher into an erotically fueled haze. Light kisses circling the puckered tips of my breasts, repeating the action with his tongue, finally sucking the rosy peaks into his mouth

“I need you inside me, Jake,” I begged

“I'm not done with you yet spread those beautiful legs for me, wider, Oh, baby I will never get enough of this beautiful sight all pink and wet just for me.”

He took the rope attached to the top posts of the bed and secured my wrists, then he started at my ankle placing light kisses continuing up to my knee, the sweet torture continued ever higher, stopping at my inner thigh to lightly bite the flesh there. Heat and sexually charged need had started in my belly and now raged, like an inferno at the apex of my thighs, and only Jake could satisfy the demands of my body.

“Of all the places I could go, this one will always be my favorite,” Jake whispered.

He placed a hand on the inside of either thigh using his thumbs he spread my outer lips giving him total access. Starting at the entrance, he licked from back to front, circling my clit causing my pussy to clench in anticipation but Jake was not done he alternated between fucking me with his tongue and fingers, to tracing my clit with his tongue. I never knew when one sweet torment would end and the next was to begin.

“Oh, I am liking having you, all tied up and spread out like a buffet for me. You know I could eat at you all day long and never be satisfied,” Jake whispered against my core.

“Jake, please, I don't think I can stand anymore,” I moaned.

“Ohhh, Jake, I need you.”

Finally, Jake crawled up my body. Settling between my thighs and leaning down for a kiss that tasted of me. He pulled away, looking into my eyes for several breathtaking moments, before driving his cock fully inside me, setting the mushroomed head against my cervix. We moaned in unison contented finally. Neither of us moved, for several long seconds, minutes, I'm not sure which. When we finally started moving we were in unison it was raw and carnal. He dove into me time and time again as I arched my body upwards to his fighting the need for release. Jake drove my temperature higher, pulling me towards that swirling, tumbling, tremble in my core, then finally allowing it to burst loose freeing me from his sweet torment. My pussy clenched, pulsing with my racing heart, tipping Jake towards his own release.

Reaching up he pulled the end of the tie freeing my arms as he collapsed on top of me. The weight of his body a welcome comfort, as we came down from that incredible high as we fell asleep. Our legs and sheets still tangled together. My last thought was of the Dom and Sub. Soon very soon, I hoped, it would be Jake and me.

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Living With My AuntEpisode 17

"So, what do you think, Joe?" asked Kelly. "Is this place is beautiful, or what?" "Ah, yeah ... it's gorgeous." "I just love coming here," said Jill gleefully. "It's the ideal place to be nude. I feel like I'm the queen of the world but at the same time, I feel tiny and unimportant." "It really gets my creative juices going," Kelly added. "It's the perfect spot to have you model." "So where do you want us?" asked Jill as she did an impromptu pose on the blanket Kelly...

1 year ago
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Making the RevolutionChapter 5

As the afternoon passed, the elders spoke of the Dreamtime. Thinking of the places along the Ord, the tawny frogmouth recited a story. “Once a man was making a dillybag [traditionally woven from the fibres of plant species of the Pandanus genus], called a bulbbe. The bulbbe was for carrying food when he went for his bush tucker. While he was making it, he saw a group of men coming. They were his enemies. They were going to spear him and kill him. He was scared, so he formed himself into a...

2 years ago
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Anything you want just FUCK ME PT2

I continued to meet up with Kurt after the time he and Glen introduced me to be slutty. I had such fun with the two of them that I wanted to keep exploring. Kurt had turned into a regular fuck buddy and I stopped making him wear a condom, letting him take me raw. We continued to chat about fantasies and he was pleasantly surprised by just how many I had. He was interested in them all and had a few of his own as well. After being serviced by both Kurt and Glen's cocks in one night I wanted them...

4 years ago
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Cadbury in Service

Jenny dangled her unadorned legs over the edge of the bed, her slippers had fallen off and landed on the carpeted floor silently, one across the other. Her thoughts raced and anticipation mounted with her heart as it quickened and hammered faster in her chest. It wasn't her first time with her lover, but she had decided that, this time, she wanted to take it to the next level and a Friday night would give her ample time to recover if she needed it. Just the thought of her long-term lover...

2 years ago
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Watching Littel Casey and her Friend

At sixteen, love for her was yet an undiscovered emotion, and she wasn’t sure if it was what she was feeling for her handsome neighbor-turned-lover. She’d been continuously amazed by what he was able to do with her and the pleasure he could send through body seemingly at will each time they got together. But beyond that she felt warm and comfortable and overwhelmingly happy being with him. Now, laying on his bed, utterly spent and thoroughly explored, she wanted to dissolve into him and...

3 years ago
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The wave crushed my body against the surfboard, and I felt how I began to slide off it into the sea. I came up spitting and coughing a few yards away feeling the adrenaline coursing through my body. I looked up and saw John surfing a wave and he made it all the way to the beach before he simply stepped off the board and picked it up. I took mine under my arm and began wading through the water towards the beach.“Dude, you look like an elephant on that board,” said John and handed me a bottle of...

Straight Sex
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A Girls Fantasy Wish

I’m feeling really horny and wild today. I know this is wrong, but I'm so attracted to my girlfriend’s father. I just think he's so sexy. I've never told this to my friend, but I really want to fuck her father. Often, when I’m home, I love to masturbate with thoughts of me doing all sorts of naughty things to him. My name is Gina and I’m seventeen. I'm just crazy about Mr. Foley. He's just the most amazing man. He really treats my friend Megan so good. He's always buying her anything she wants...

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Coach gets seduced by athlete8217s mom

In only his second year of teaching at the high school, the young teacher took over as head baseball coach. He loved his job and would never do anything to endanger that position. “May I come in?” she asked in a soft sexy voice. Without waiting for a reply, the attractive black woman strutted by the young teacher and walked slowly towards the bed. The soft flowing movement of her well-formed ass captured his attention and he felt the sensation of a growing hard-on. He quickly...

1 year ago
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A Cold Night

When my parents divorced I urged my mother to buy a new town house that came with a maintenance contract. But mother insisted that she wanted something with a little more character and finally chose a 70-year bungalow in Fairfax County, Virginia. I must admit the house had a certain retro charm but it did require several major improvements, including a new roof, attic insulation, and, to avoid putting in an expensive new furnace, electric baseboard heating. I’d try to get by to see mother...

3 years ago
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Brian Where Are You an Alone and Afraid StoryChapter 6

We got inside and relaxed. Beth said, "What are you going to do about Nat?" I responded, "I'm not going to do anything about him." "Well, he has a crush on you." 'I don't have one on him. Besides, he's a 'good' guy like Brian and my life hasn't been exemplary up to now." "That's true. You haven't been wild crazy but you have gotten more experience than either of us even if you disregard the age difference." "I know. I'm not sure I'm proud of that fact. However, I've...

1 year ago
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BrattySis Lily Adams Athena Faris Measure Up

Lily Adams and her stepbrother Bambino have invited Ms Faris over for a study session. The girls are bored with their work, so eventually Lily invites Ms Faris to start gossiping about her love life. Bambino isn’t interested in hearing about his sister and her friend talking about their tight little pussies and big cocks, so Lily goes on the offensive about the size of Bambino’s dick. Eventually Bambino whips it out to prove it’s not small. Ms Faris is properly impressed by...

4 years ago
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The Bar

The BarSharon walked through the door and went straight to her kitchen. She grabbed the half empty bottle of wine out of the cabinet and poured herself a big glass. She had a feeling that she might need it to watch this. While she occasionally enjoyed the thought of an audience when she had sex this time it felt so embarrassing.It had been weeks since that night at the bar and finally, she had been given a DVD of the shoot and was feeling pretty nervous to watch it. It had been pretty intense...

2 years ago
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UnconqueredChapter 3

“I cannot believe you!” Ember paused and poked up with his hand, pushing aside one of the hanging drapes in the third of the pleasure rooms. June, who was looking increasingly irritated at the delay in their progress, tossed her head. “What?” she sounded entirely unapologetic. “You’re the Unconquered, you’re going to live until you die.” “I- what?” Ember looked down at her. “Unconquered, like the Sun, are immortal. They live until they are killed by some monster or another. You’re...

2 years ago
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Nilima Didi

Hi after a long time I m writing a sexiting story.hope u all will like it. And don’t forget to respond ok? It goes like this….. I was living alone at my rental home and my mooh boli behen was also living next door.well,now you all must have got the idea what the story will be about right? Well u all have guessed correctly. NILIMA was nice looking lady aged between 32-35.bhara hoova sharer but not that fat. Gora badan achchhey naak naksh aur very nice skin. That I came to know after I fucked...

4 years ago
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It had begun as a simple ride to the mall - both had had some errands to run, and he'd offered to drive when she'd mentioned it. He was more eager to spend the time with her than he was to go shopping, but was willing to make the trip. For her part, she could have postponed the shopping, but had an idea that she'd been wanting to try on for a while.They bantered and laughed on the drive over, both finding it less awkward than they'd guessed. He managed to drive and talk despite the...

3 years ago
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Betting the BrideChapter 3 Fulfillment

After leaving Keith's office, Susan spent the afternoon piddling away the day with Debbie. If Deb was embarrassed about watching Keith and her that morning it certainly didn't show. Sue highly suspected and desperately hoped that Debbie didn't know she had seen her. What she knew for absolute certain was Debbie liked to watch. Of course Susan had no idea that she had already been the center of Debbie's attention the evening before when she had unwittingly played the starring role in the...

3 years ago
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Not quite cuckolding

I guess it would have really started right around when me and my boyfriend started dating. He showed me wifelovers and I posted a picture of my pussy after he ate me out for the tenth time that day. We continued to have learn each other’s bodies and kinks. We would watch movies about cuckolding and look at picture on wifelovers. I was always satisfied with our sex. He always made sure I got off, but I’m sure he could tell I was missing something. I haven’t really had sex with huge cocks but...

3 years ago
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My Training Begins Pegged

Tina was a freak. She loved to fuck and suck and there was nothing that she wouldn't try. We met the year after my divorce. I was damaged goods. I was drinking too much and chasing women like I was back in college.Tina was a sexy brunette with several tattoos and a pretty smile. She has a short compact body with big natural C cup tits, an improbably flat stomach, wide hips and perfect thick shapely legs. She wore her hair long and straight and she told me the night we met that she loved to have...

3 years ago
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Anne Fuck

"Stupid bitch," I spat as I shoved myself into her snatch again. She shivered in response and let out a breathless and humorless laugh. She loved being mistreated and I loved the power I had over her. When we started working together I hated Anne almost immediately. She was in her early thirties, making her four or five years older than me, but old enough to have a sense of superiority. She was always polite, but anytime you tried to tease her, make a joke or disagree with her, she got a...

2 years ago
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The Island chapter 09

when guided. This placed the boy's mouth directly onto Jimmy's groin. As Jimmy ran his hands over the boy's buttocks, admiring their shape, firmness, and beauty, he felt first a hot breath, and then a wetness against his cock. Only seconds longer and he felt himself being sucked into the boy's mouth. The little boy was well trained. When his mouth ended up anywhere near a penis he sucked. He took about half of Jimmy's length into his mouth, and then as he wet it down with his...

1 year ago
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Sheman TubeSheman TubeTG Tube, aka Sheman Tube! What’s better than a hot little slut with a pretty face, a nice ass, giant titties, and a tight, wet pussy? How about a sexy little slut with a pretty face, a nice ass, giant titties, and a raging, veiny cock? Only a specific demographic of totally straight perverts are going to opt for the chicks with dicks, but since you’re reading this, I’m guessing that’s you, huh? In that case, TGTube, formerly known as Sheman Tube...

Shemale Porn Sites
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Hyperactive AlexChapter 3 More Books

In seventh grade, his counselor suggested, not for the first time, advancing Alex to the next grade. After talking to their son, Alex's parents refused. "Why don't you want to study with older kids?" his mother asked at home. "Aren't you bored with seventh-grade classes that you have memorized months ago?" "First, high school students are all bigger than me, and would resent me coming into the class. I'm not looking forward to their hostility. Second, I will still be reading or...

3 years ago
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Two SistersChapter 10 Feasting at the Garden

Sue spoke first, "Oh, Alice, that was so wonderful. Will we ever be able to experience anything like it again?" "I don't know, Sue. We can sure hope so." "I hate to get up, but we can't stay like this forever," Alice finally said and rolled gently off of her sister. "Besides I must have crushed you, didn't I?" "Hardly. You were like a feather. A very sexy feather," she laughed in response. But when Alice sat up she realized that after a whole day of passion and no food, one...

2 years ago
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Falling Into RoutineChapter 5

Glo prepares to use what she learned from the security videos to guide her plans with Glenn. Glenn is confused by Glo’s and Mrs. Fonsi’s changed behavior. Did he accidently reveal to Glo the secret shame he has hidden since they were kids that ruined all but one of his relationships? He is determined to be brave and act – to trust Glo will accept his secret, ask her to trust he can withstand her strong will, and elevate their relationship beyond friends. Nothing heavy on today’s snack...

3 years ago
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BloodstoneChapter 14

King Martane and Queen Nathalie were indeed very pleased when told of the upcoming wedding. They sent out riders to the rulers of the other kingdoms, opening the gates of the Seventh Kingdom to royalty as well as dignitaries. The day was planned down to the smallest detail, a day that would not only herald the wedding of the prince to his princess but would celebrate Magnus's downfall. Nathalie had her seamstress and the woman's many assistants rushing about in a tizzy, for not only did...

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Made to Order

Made to Order By: Lyrissa The gentle breeze rustled the petals from a nearby cherry tree and sent little pink specks whirling through the air and onto the road. Jakkin Bloodsong afforded himself a faint smile as he looked up into the blue sky above the forest. He felt strangely at ease in the wilds of Pandaria, so far from his native Quel'thalas and yet so similar. The plants and animals were different, but this exotic land had the same majestic beauty the Eversong Woods radiated. His...

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Judge and Found Horny Sentenced to Suffer

A Gay Hardcore Older for Younger BDSM Prisoner Whipping Caning Crucifixion CBT Fantasy.I put up with some ads on a gay BDSM personal site. I'm an older man and I used to be a stud and fuck guys but now I'm not getting ground that well. I'm 6 ft 2. Around 270 getting kind of heavy in my older age but not too fat.I was looking for a younger man to come use me. Maybe some light or play bdsm. Nothing too serious. I'd like some bondage and flogging. A little bit of CBT to keep my cock hard. Some...

2 years ago
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The Making of a Sissy

She had known from a very early age that she was not like the other boys; her mother had passed her on to her strict aunt Jane at a very early age, and she had never known her father.  Jane’s strict regime of making the boy dress in girls clothes at all times when at home only furthered the yearning to be a girl which was already firmly within the soon to be a sissy’s mind.  Jane’s girls took special delight in dressing their sissy brother and loved to take him out to the mall and such places,...

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