Hannah (Pt 2) free porn video

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Later that night they arrived at the restaurant and were shown to a table at the back. Tom had obviously been there before and seemed to know most of the waiting staff.

Hannah looked at the attractive guy sitting opposite her.

“Did you really like what I did earlier, I mean was I OK?”

“It was great, you were great,” Tom smiled.

“Wasn’t it a bit scary for you, you were completely helpless?”

“Completely at your mercy, I know, that’s what made it so much fun,” he replied.

Hannah looked a little embarrassed. “It feels strange, I’ve locked you up, put my underwear in your mouth and sat on your face, and now we’re just sitting together in a restaurant.”

“And you still have me locked in chastity,” Tom reminded her.

Hannah had forgotten and checked that she still had the key in her dress pocket.

“You still have it?” he asked.

“Maybe,” she smiled a little self-consciously.

Tom watched her carefully. “It seemed as though you were enjoying yourself too.”

Hannah looked down at the table, breaking their eye contact. “It was amazing, I mean, err yeah.”

“So what did it feel like when I was chained up in the trunk and you were practically sitting on my face?” Tom asked.

Hannah blushed and tried to compose herself.

“Hey, I’m the dominatrix, I ask the questions here.”

Tom held his finger to his lips.

“Sorry,” she whispered.

They paused the conversation as the drinks arrived, this time carried by another waitress that Tom seemed to know. Although after giving her a quick smile, he returned his full attention to Hannah. Her dark hair was hanging around her cute face and she had an entrancing expression, a mix of excitement, embarrassment and arousal.

“You look great,” Tom said, “I love the way you look in that dress, you have no idea what effect you’re having on my locked up cock right now.

Hannah smiled coyly.

“And I love the way you giggle with excitement when you lock a padlock or cuffs on me. And I even love the way that you lock the cuffs far too tightly,” he continued as he pulled up a shirt sleeve to reveal his red and sightly bruised wrist.

“It serves you right for trying to escape,” she replied

“Escape? No one could ever escape from your cuffs Hannah.”

“Well then, do as you’re told,” she smiled, pleased with the compliment.

As they walked home, Hannah was desperately thinking through her next move. She would love to invite him back to her place and make out with him. But he hadn’t shown any interest in her before she’d become his dominatrix and so if she dropped that act now, then he was bound to lose interest in her again.

Also, while she would have loved to sleep with him and start dating, she was also excited about the prospect of continuing to dominate him. He seemed to be so besotted with her as a dominatrix, she really could whatever she wanted to him. At her whim, he could spend the night in cuffs, or locked in the trunk, or with the panties that she was wearing right then stuffed in his mouth. Her mind started to play through the various scenarios, which unconsciously brought a smile to her face.

When they reached their apartment block, Hannah had made up her mind and took Tom by the hand and led him down in the building’s underground parking area. Here each apartment had a car parking space, although Hannah didn’t have a car, and a small secure storage room. She opened the padlock, slid back the bolt to open the barred door to her storage room. Inside there was her bike and a few suitcases.

“Sit here!” Hannah ordered as confidently as her nerves would let her.

Tom had no idea where this was going, but so far he had enjoyed everything Hannah had done to him, so he played along.

She then unwrapped the old chain that she used to lock her bike from around her saddle. She then looped the chain around one of the building’s steel columns and Tom’s neck. Finally she took the combination padlock that was hanging on the end of the chain and used it to lock the chain in place. By the time she had finished, Tom was securely chained up and Hannah was shaking again from nervous energy.

“A combination lock, do I have to guess the number?” Tom asked.

“You’ll never guess.”

“It’s your bra size, isn’t it?” he joked.

Hannah responded by using the toe of her shoe to press down on his balls.

“Ouch! Sorry.”

“Bad boy! For your punishment, you can massage my legs,” she said as she lifted her dress up and over his head so that he was inside her dress.

It felt nice to have his head rubbing up against her thighs, but just as importantly, it made sure that he couldn’t look at her in that sexy way that made her fall apart.

Tom wasn’t complaining though, he had had worse punishments. Inside her dress it was warm, soft and fragranced, in fact everything that the storage room wasn’t. He started to massage her legs using both his hands and his face. When he reached her butt, he ran his fingertips up inside her black silk underwear.

Tom slowly rubbed his mouth against the front of Hannah’s panties and smiled to himself as he heard the inevitable response. He teased her by stopping and starting a few times before gently pulling the material aside and using his lips and tongue on her. He knew exactly what he was doing and by the time he had finished thirty minutes had passed and Hannah was panting.

She stepped backwards so she could see him again and sat down on one of her suitcases. “Wow,” she mouthed breathlessly.

“Does that earn me the key to the chastity cage?” he asked hopefully.

She smiled. “Why, is it getting a little tight in there?”

“Hannah, you rub your butt over my face and ask if my chastity cage is tight?”

Hannah giggled, “Good it’s supposed to be tight.”

Tom looked up at her in the half light of the storage room. She looked different to yesterday, the innocence was fading and her eyes now had a mischievous, teasing look. She was increasingly enjoying the power she had over him. Her confidence was adding to her control, with Tom now having less and less influence over what she did to him.

He watched her take the key from her pocket and hang it on a hook on the far wall, well out of his reach.

“It’s just over here,” she purred as she returned and sat down on his lap with one leg either side of his body.

“What’s the combination?” he asked.

“I’m not telling,” she whispered into his ear.

“Just the first number?”

“69,” she giggled and rubbed herself over his locked up cock.

In a moment of weakness Tom tried to kiss her, but she leant back and out of reach.

She whispered into his ear again. “I’ll do you a deal. Its 11pm, if you can escape and get to my apartment by midnight, then you can kiss me.”

With that, Hannah stood up and walked over to the storage room door. She closed it behind her and blew him a kiss through the bars. She then strode confidently away, trying hard to hide her excitement.

Tom watched her long legs and swaying hips disappear out of sight before turning his attention to the combination lock around his neck. Only three dials, Hannah would be able to open it in seconds, he hoped to crack it within the hour. Although after only a few tries Hannah turned off the lights and he was plunged into almost total darkness.

It was starting to get cold, when at 11.30pm, the lock clicked open. ‘7-4-5, easy’ he smiled as he jumped up and grabbed the key to the chastity cage. He pulled down his trousers, unlocked the padlock and finally freed his cock, over 24 hours after Hannah had first locked him in.

He then pushed the storage room door, but it was stuck and so he tried to slide the bolt back. Only then did he see the second combination lock, this time with 4 dials. He kicked at the heavy barred door and reached his hands pathetically through the bars. He’d totally fallen for her trick. He picked up his phone and dialled.

“I’m waiting for you,” Hannah purred as she answered.

“Oh you’re good.” he smiled as he lay back against the cold, hard bars.

“Don’t tell me you’re giving up already.”

“A second lock, that’s not fair.”

“Please, Hannah what’s the number?” he openly begged as he randomly turned the dials with his free hand.

“Have you tried my bra size?”

Hannah then hung up but two minutes later walked back into the underground parking area. She was wearing high heels and black leather jacket underneath which she wore a very short black silk night dress. The jacket was unzipped, but she held it closed with her hands in her pockets. She walked up to the bars and looked down at where Tom was slumped on the floor.

“God, you look fantastic,” Tom said.

“I see you’ve removed the chastity cage without my permission,” Hannah replied.


Hannah smiled, she was feeling more confident. She felt that she finally had some real power over him, over and above that afforded by cuffs and padlocks.

“Please Hannah, what’s the number?” he begged as he automatically kissed her shoe that she’d just pushed though the bars.

“Put your chastity cage back on,” she ordered.

Tom tried to clear his mind, but the bars, her figure standing above him, and the smell of her leather shoe that he was kissing were overpowering. He pick up the chastity cage and slowly and as gently as he could, locked his cock back inside.

“Put the key in my panties,” Hannah ordered as she opened her leather jacket a little.

Slowly Tom reached through the bars and slipped his slightly numb fingers into her black silk underwear. It was warm and right then he wished his whole body could slip inside. Reluctantly, he let go of the small key which dropped down into her crotch. He removed his hand and she quickly reclosed her leather jacket.

“Goodnight,” Hannah smiled as she turned to leave.

“Hannah, I thought we had a deal?”

She smiled and walked up to the bars. “I didn’t say I was going to let you out.”

Tom was close enough to reach the key he needed to free his cock, but he didn’t. Although this was way past anything he’d done before, he realised that her power was intoxicating him. Right then, looking at her semi naked body through the bars, she could have done anything she wanted to him.

“There are blankets and some of my old clothes in that suitcase.”

Tom looked up and smiled resignedly.

“You’re enjoying this, aren’t you,” he breathed.

Hannah started to smile, but stopped herself. “Enjoy your night behind bars,” she replied as seriously as she could manage.

He watched her silhouetted shape walk away as his numb fingers started to turn the padlock dials.

Hannah had given Tom the benefit of her sexiest walk as she’d left the basement, although once back in the warmth of her apartment she immediately questioned whether she’d done the right thing. She removed her leather jacket and looked at herself in the full length mirror.

It had seemed sexy at the time, but surely Tom couldn’t be happy spending the night locked in that cold storage room. As she put her fingers into the front of her knickers and pulled out the chastity key she felt embarrassed, why had she made him do that? Why had she locked him back into chastity? She put the key down on her bedside table and sat on the edge of her bed.

She sat there playing with her high heeled shoe, slipping her foot in and out. She had to go and free him. But maybe she shouldn’t, and anyway maybe he’d already cracked the combination. Wearing only her very short black nightie, she sat on her kitchen bench top and poured herself a glass of wine. And then another. After the second glass, Tom’s fate was sealed.


Tom was woken at 10am the next morning by a knock on his front door. He wrapped a towel around him, walked to the door and found his neighbour standing there in a short black flared skirt and low cut stripy top. She looked slightly uncertain and was staring at the floor.

“I brought you some coffee?” Hannah said hesitantly, holding up two takeaway coffees. She studied his reaction eagerly, but his smile told her that maybe she hadn’t gone too far the night before. They sat down on the bar stool in the kitchen and started to drink.

“I don’t think I’ll ever forget the look of you in that black leather jacket, and not much else, through the bars,” he smiled as he took a mouthful of coffee.

“How long did it take you to get out?”

“Long enough, it turns out 4 dials is much harder to solve than 3.”

“What time you get out?”


“Oh my god, that’s long. All you had to do was turn them to 9-4-6-9.”

Tom smiled. “Nice skirt by the way.”

Hannah smiled and slowly crossed her legs for his benefit.

“Don’t do that!” he smiled as he pointed to his crotch.

“Nice chastity cage by the way,” Hannah giggled as she pulled the towel from around Tom’s waist and let it fall to the floor.

“Any chance of letting me out Madam, Mistress, whatever?” he asked.

“Mistress, I like it,” she giggled.

“It’s aching like hell.”

“Kneel,” she ordered as both of them tried not to smile.

Hannah stood up from the stool. “Find the key and I’ll unlock you,” she said, “but you can’t use your hands.”

Tom smiled and looked up and down her body checking for pockets, but there were none. It had to be in her bra. He ran his lips over her breasts and slowly worked his way all around them, cheating only slightly with his hands.

“And no tickling,” she giggled, almost spilling her coffee.

“Enjoying yourself?” he asked as he put his lips over her erect nipples.

“Get on with the job in hand, if you ever want to get out of that thing.”

“They’re not here,” he finally complained.

“Yes they are, keep looking.”

He knelt back down and with his hands behind his back, put his head up inside her skirt. Again in no hurry, he ran his lips very gently around and inside her white silk underwear. He soon felt the key inside and used his tongue to let the key fall out and on to the floor.

Hannah pushed him backwards on to the floor and sat astride him, rubbing herself against the steel cage for several moments before unlocking him.

“Thank you,” he cried as his cock immediately became hard.

“It looks as though you wanted to get out of that for a while.”

“I did, but the key was inside your panties,” he replied.

“Shame,” she giggled as she sat back down on the stool, again playing with her shoe.

Hannah finally stood up and threw the coffee cups in the bin as Tom lay down on the sofa, put a blanket over him and closed his eyes. He opened them a few minutes later as he heard Hannah picking up his keys and phone.

“Let me cook you dinner at my place tonight, to thank you for the meal last night,” Hannah said.

“What are you doing with my keys?”

“I don’t want any distractions while you get your beauty sleep.”

Tom watched as she took the key, knowing full well what she was planning. He watched her position the chastity tube and the unlocked padlock on the table, the key to the padlock was nowhere to be seen.

“Make sure you dress for dinner,” she purred, pointing to the steel chastity device.

“And make sure you take the spare front door key from that drawer,” he smiled.

Hannah then blew a kiss and left Tom’s flat, dead locking the front door as she went. Tom lay back down on the sofa. Locked inside his own flat. Ironically, he had given the woman in the flat opposite his other spare key and now Hannah had his other keys. He was now the only person on the floor who didn’t have a key to his flat.

He didn’t even have a phone. And a few seconds later he didn’t even have electricity, as Hannah switched off his power from the meter box in the hallway. He had no choice, but to lie there, think of Hannah and wonder what surprises his newly inducted dominatrix had planned for him that evening.


Hannah clutched Tom’s front door keys with both hands as she walked quickly along the corridor and back to her apartment. She placed his keys on her sofa and sat down on top of them, if she couldn’t see the keys then maybe she wouldn’t be so over excited about the situation.

She looked around her lounge, thinking about what she would do for him that evening. It had to be good, it had to make up for a night locked up in a cold basement and a day locked inside his own flat. She had to keep his interest. She felt the keys beneath her and smiled to herself. Whether he was still interested in her or not, he was going nowhere that day.

But how would she keep his interest? She stood up and walked over to the metal trunk that she had locked him in the day before. She automatically raised her hand to her mouth as she thought about how she had locked Tom inside. She closed the empty trunk and slowly sat down on the lid. She pulled up her skirt and wriggled her butt over the air holes.

“Try and get out of that,” she purred to nobody other than herself, “and if you don’t kiss my butt right now, I’ll fart in your face.” she continued.

She blushed, jumped up and walked into her kitchen. What was she doing? Why was this turning her on? She flicked on the coffee machine and looked back at the trunk. She was fidgeting with lid of the coffee jar and dropped it noisily on to the floor. It made her jump. She looked back to the trunk.

Slowly, she unzipped her short skirt and let it fall to the floor. With her heels still on, she walked as seductively as she could back to the trunk and sat down on the lid.

“You are now completely trapped under my butt,” she whispered, afraid that someone might hear her, “and there is no way I’m letting you out.”

What would it be like in the trunk? Hannah stood up and opened the lid. She locked the padlocks to the open hasps to make sure that they wouldn’t fall down and trap her inside.

Hannah then climbed inside the trunk and lay on her back with her knees drawn up. She started to pull the lid closed above her, but the lid was heavier than she realised and it banged closed on top of her. She startled, but then calmed down and explored the small dark space. She started to imagine that someone was locking the padlocks and securing her inside, but the thought frightened her and she quickly pushed the lid up and climbed out.

Why would Tom let someone lock him up like that? Why would he let ‘her’ lock him up? Whatever the attraction, it must be pretty strong to overcome the fear of being locked inside. Hannah closed the trunk and sat back down on the lid. Whatever it was, this was fun.


It had gone midday when Tom finally woke up. He turned on the kettle to make some coffee, only to remember that Hannah had switched off the power. In desperate need of caffeine, Tom made himself a cup using water from the hot tap.

As he drank the coffee he inspected the chastity tube that Hannah had left for him to wear that evening. The idea of locking himself into chastity before going to a girl’s place for dinner seemed bizarre. Nonetheless, the thought excited him and he knew that he would comply with her request. Tom finished the questionable coffee and took a long shower.

At six o’clock, Tom changed out of his old boxers and t-shirt, and into chinos and shirt. He brushed his hair, shaved, applied aftershave and all the usual things he did before an evening out to ensure that he impressed the girl.

He examined the cock cage again, turning it in his hand. He thought about masturbating one more time, this may be his last chance for a while, but decided against it. It would be more fun to find out what Hannah had in store.

He fitted the cage around his cock and balls, although no matter how he positioned it, it was tight. He slipped the padlock in place and looked at himself in the mirror with the open padlock hanging from the lock. It actually felt nice, although if Hannah hadn’t unlocked him by this time tomorrow, it might not be so comfortable. With a picture of Hannah clearly in his mind, Tom locked the padlock. He pulled up his boxers and chinos and waited for his date to arrive.

Tom had to wait almost an hour for Hannah to unlock his door and walk in. Tom thought she looked stunning in a short fitted red dress with a thin black belt around her waist. Her long brown hair was hanging around her shoulders and she wore brown leather bangles on her wrist. Tom walked up to her and kissed her on both cheeks.

“You look fantastic,” he smiled.

“Thanks,” she replied bashfully. He was already having that effect on her.

“Your place then?”

“Umm, yeah, sure,” she replied.

Tom followed Hannah down the corridor.

“Are you wearing it?” she asked.


“And do you have the key?”

“Yes, I’m wearing it,” she smiled.

Tom studied his hostess in her tight dress, trying to imagine where the key might be.

They walked into Hannah’s apartment, where the table was laid for dinner. In front of one of the two places was a heavy steel neck and wrist fiddle. Tom started to examine the fiddle as Hannah poured two glasses of wine.

“Standard wear for dinner guests?” he joked.

Hannah felt embarrassed. She had fantasized all afternoon about locking him inside it, but now he was actually here, she was embarrassed. She drank half a glass of wine straight down and had to top it up before bringing the glasses out.

“OK,” Tom smiled as he held his hands up in front of him.

“You want to try it?” she asked hesitantly.

“I assume I have no choice,” he smiled.

“Umm, yes, that’s right,” Hannah said quickly as she put down the glasses, slightly spilling one, and picked up the fiddle.

Hannah was four inches shorter than Tom and looked up into his eyes as she positioned the fiddle around his neck. She could smell his aftershave and had to try desperately to keep a steady hand. She enclosed his wrists and locked the whole thing with the padlock. She then grabbed a glass of wine and stepped back still clutching the key in one hand.

“It’s tight,” Tom said as he tried briefly to escape.

“Can you get out?” she asked.

“Yes, if you give me the key.”

“And if I don’t?”

“Well I could try and grab the key from you,” he baited.

Hannah smiled and tucked the key into her bra. Tom stepped forward as if trying to take the key, but at the last minute bent forward and kissed Hannah on the lips. Hannah stepped back and sat down on the sofa with her eyes looking down to her lap.

“Tom, what’s happening here? Am I your dominatrix or your girlfriend?”

Tom sat down on the opposite sofa looking past his restrained hands to where his host was sitting. Tom knew why she was asking, but didn’t know how to reply. He loved being restrained and dominated by her, but he was also aware that he was falling for her.

“The truth is I want you to be both, I guess,” Tom finally replied.

“Really?” Hannah looked up timidly.

“How do you feel about this?” he asked

“I don’t know. I’ve fancied you for ages. I also really like doing.... this stuff to you, it makes..... me feel sexy,” Hannah replied.

Tom smiled. “It seems strange having this serious conversation while I’m locked in this fiddle.”

“I know,” Hannah laughed nervously, “do you want me to unlock you?”

“I really don’t.”

Hannah could see that he was getting off topic.

“So what are we?” she persisted.


“Friends?” Hannah replied, “You’re sitting her in my flat in chains and in chastity.”

“Good friends, then?”

Hannah stood up and walked over to him.

“Can this work?” she asked.

“I don’t know, but if we both enjoy it, maybe we should find out?”

Hannah thought for a moment, “OK. Good friends, who like to play umm.... games and.... maybe sleep together.”

“Really?” it was Tom’s turn to be surprised.

“Maybe, if you do as I say.”

The next two hours was spent eating the meal that Hannah had prepared. Tom ate as well as anyone who was locked in a fiddle could eat. His mishaps seemed to a constant source of amusement for Hannah, although at no point was she tempted to release him.

Halfway through desert, Hannah sat down on Tom’s lap and with her arm around him, started to feed him the crème brulee.

“What shall we do now?” he asked.

“The washing up,” she giggled.

“Can’t I’m stuck in this, sorry.” Tom smiled as he rattled the heavy steel fiddle.

“Yes, I’m looking forward to watching you try.”

“No chance of being unlocked?”

Hannah shook her head and threw him a cloth which landed on his head. She then sat down on the kitchen counter, crossed her legs and watched.

Washing the dishes was almost impossible, every time he put his hands in the sink, his face almost touched the water. A couple of times Tom got bubbles on the end of his nose, which gave Hannah almost uncontrollable giggles.

“That’s so funny,” she smiled.

Tom pulled at the padlock securing the fiddle. “It would be so much easier if you gave me the key to this.”

“I know.”

“Can I have it?”

“No,” she giggled as she jumped off the kitchen counter.

Hannah instructed Tom to crouch down. She then placed one high heel clad foot inside each of his arms, so that each foot was inside a closed circle formed by his arms and the fiddle.

“OK, stand up,” she ordered.

Tom slowly worked the fiddle up between her bare legs. By the time he was kneeling, the fiddle had reached her crotch and could go no higher. Hannah slid up her dress to get a better view. Tom’s hands were up against her butt and his face was up against the front of her underwear, with his wrists and neck connected by the fiddle that ran between her legs.

“I don’t seem to be able to go any higher,” Tom observed, gently pushing the fiddle up into her crotch.

“Mmm, it feels nice when you try though.”

“Why do people always end up in this position, unable to move with their face up against your panties?”

“People?” Hannah questioned, “It’s only you who ends up in this predicament.”

Tom had already starting to kiss her black silk panties.

“Well we are good friends....” Hannah smiled as she pulled her tight red dress back down, this time with Tom’s head inside. The wine and her mood had now completely overcome her initial coyness and Tom had no option but to go along for the ride.


Half an hour later and Hannah had finally freed Tom from inside her dress. She was now pulling him along by the small steel loop attached to the front of the fiddle. She led him into her bathroom and made him lie down on his side so that his head and shoulders were inside the shower cubicle and his legs stretched out across the bathroom.

Hannah then knelt down next to his head and used a padlock to lock the front of the fiddle to the metal drain that was in the centre of the shower. Tom tried to stand up, but the drain held firm. He was still trying to detach himself from the plumbing when Hannah returned to the bathroom completely naked.

“Wow!” Tom exclaimed as he looked up.

Hannah was tanned all over, with a very athletic physique. She walked into the shower and stood with one foot either side of his head and turned on the water. Tom tried to watch her, but the water fell into his eyes and he blinked it away in an attempt to continue to watch. His shirt was soaked, but he didn’t care. All he wanted to do was to reach out and touch her, but the fiddle held his hands in place and he could do no more than touch her feet.

The chastity cage made it feel as though someone was standing on his balls. He could see the key for it lying out of reach on the bathroom floor, having fallen out of Hannah’s panties as she undressed.

Hannah stood in the shower, gently rubbing her clit. Her eyes were closed and she was completely lost in the moment. At one point, she stepped backwards and almost trod on Tom’s face. The noise of the water all but drowned out any chance of conversation and even if Tom had said something, she wouldn’t have heard.

Hannah finished her shower, stepped over Tom’s head and dried herself. She wrapped a towel around her waist and looked down at her wet, chained up friend.

“Hannah, this fiddle is driving me insane, please let me out,” Tom begged.

“If I do, will you make love to me?”

Tom looked up at her cute face, if only this wasn’t a tease.


Maybe she was serious, “Yes, of course!”

Tom watched with slight concern as Hannah rummaged through her clothes, which she had strewn across the bathroom floor, looking for the key. However all she did was unlock the fiddle from the drain and with the fiddle still locked, led Tom into her bedroom. She then used the padlock to attach the fiddle to the metal frame of her double bed.

Tom knelt on the floor by her bed as she brushed her long dark hair.

“I thought we were going to....”

“Patience,” she purred as she continued to brush.

Hannah slipped on a short night dress and then unbuttoned and removed Tom’s trousers and boxer shorts. She then played with the chastity cage and rattled the padlock. Taking her time, she took the key and unlocked the padlock and freed his cock, which immediately was hard.

Tom reacted by pulling even harder at the fiddle in a desperate but hopeless attempt to get free.


“If I unlock you, will you keep your promise?” she asked as she looked into his eyes.

“What do you think?”

The brunette smiled and after a few more minutes of teasing unlocked the padlock and opened the fiddle. It fell to the floor with a clatter. Tom stood up, peeled off his wet shirt and lifted Hannah into the air and laid her gently down in the middle of her bed. He kissed her and this time she kissed him right back. The events of the last two days had made him want her more than he’d ever wanted any woman.

Hannah lay on the bed smiling. He was incredible fit and incredibly gentle. For the first time in their brief relationship, he was taking charge. The next two hours passed in a blur.


By midnight, they had showered again, this time in a more conventional manner, and were sitting on the bar stool in the kitchen drinking Cointreau. Tom wore only his boxers and Hannah was wearing her short black night dress and panties.

“It seems strange being with you and not being locked up,” Tom observed.

“I can soon fix that,” she giggled.

“I believe you.”

“How would you like to spend the night?” Hannah purred as she ran her fingers up his thigh.

“What do you recommend?”

All sorts of ideas were running through Hannah’s mind, but she wasn’t sure how far to push it. They’d made love now, so did that change what he wanted her to do? She would love to lock him in the trunk until morning and sleep with the keys to the trunk tucked inside her panties. Was she crazy to even think that? Would that be too much for him to take? But he had asked her to suggest something.

“Will you do anything I say?” she asked.

Tom watched her as she rubbed her glass between her lips, she looked a little unsure, but still as cute as hell. Just falling asleep with this beautiful woman should have been enough, but somehow he was more excited about what else she might make him do, even if it meant suffering another uncomfortable night.

“Anything,” he replied as he downed the remainder of his drink.

Hannah already had her cuffs in her hand and was sitting on the lid of the steel trunk. She looked so cute, Tom imagined himself inside the trunk right beneath her butt. Although whether he could take that for the whole night he wasn’t sure.

“Hand please,” Hannah instructed.

“Not too tight?” Tom asked hopefully.

“Next hand.”

“That’s still quite tight.”

Hannah tried to tuck the key inside her bra, but she wasn’t wearing one, and so the key fell on to the floor. She was embarrassed as she crouched down to quickly pick it up.

“No bra?” Tom asked unhelpfully.

“Inside the trunk,” Hannah ordered slightly annoyed.

Tom climbed in and lay on the cushions that Hannah had placed on the bottom of the trunk and which she had also piled up at one end for his head and shoulders. It was actually very comfortable.

Hannah then reached in and cuffed one of Tom’s ankles, passed the chain through the handcuffs and then cuffed the second ankle.

“Here’s the deal, if you can open the lid with me sitting on top, then I won’t gag you with my panties,” Hannah said as the very sight on Tom lying chained in the trunk was turning her on like crazy. She lowered the lid and sat down on top.

“OK, go.”

Tom pushed up and was just able to lift the lid. Hannah lent forward and held on the sides to balance herself. The lid was open by about 6 inches which was as far as Tom could push, but Hannah was easily able to balance on top.

“There, I’ve opened it,” Tom exclaimed as he fought to hold it up.

“OK, climb out then.”


“There’s not much use in opening the trunk if you can’t climb out,” Hannah replied.

Tom knew that Hannah was being unfair, but then she was the one sitting on the lid and so she made the rules. There was no way that he could hold the lid up and climb out at the same time. There was also no way he could hold her weight for any longer than a few seconds. He let go and the lid crashed back down on top of him, plunging him into darkness. He knew what that meant, not that he was complaining.

Hannah sat on the lid for a few moments, happy in the knowledge that her little butt was enough to trap him inside. She finally stood up and opened the lid. Once she was sure he was watching, she slowly and theatrically slid her black silk underwear down her legs. Tom opened wide as she stuffed them into his mouth and wrapped duct tape round and round his head to keep them in place.

“And this,” Hannah purred, picking up the fiddle.

Tom was again completely under her spell and so complied as Hannah positioned it around his neck and wrists and padlocked it closed. She then took the red dress that she had worn earlier in the evening and wrapped it around his head and used a piece of duct tape to hold it in place. She then checked he could breathe through the material.

With no sexy eyes to distract her, Hannah confidently closed the lid and used the two large padlocks to secure it in place. She pulled up her night dress and placed her naked butt down over the air holes. She gently touched herself and inadvertently let out a moan as the sensation sent a shiver through her body.

“Don’t worry, I won’t leave you here all night,” she purred, “just a few more minutes, just while I....”

Tom was equally turned on in the trunk only inches beneath her, but thanks to the fiddle that Hannah had locked on him, he couldn’t touch himself. He knew this was a deliberate ploy on Hannah’s part, she was starting to develop a teasing streak. But otherwise it felt nice in the trunk, warm, soft and filled with Hannah’s scent.

Hannah soon moved to her bedroom and lay down in her bed holding the keys into her crotch. She was exhausted, but the adrenalin kept her going for one more time. She then relaxed and closed her eyes, which could mean only one thing for a woman as tired as Hannah. Within seconds she fell asleep, still holding the keys between her thighs.

Tom lay in the trunk, listening to Hannah moan. Once she let him out, he would definitely suggest they make out for one last time. However things were becoming quieter, what was she doing? He then heard her breathing more heavily, which he knew meant that she had fallen asleep. He tried to call out, but panty gags are effective, particularly Hannah’s.

Really just for his amusement, Tom kicked and pushed at the trunk and at his restraints. It was pointless. With the woman in the bedroom asleep with all the keys, there was nothing he could do until the morning. A few moments later, he too was asleep.


The next morning Hannah woke and stretched out in bed. She felt the keys lying next to her in the bed and squeezed them into her body and smiled. With only a sheet to cover her, she rolled over and closed her eyes, what a lovely morning. She started to remember the fun that she and Tom had had the night before, the games, making love. She reached out, expecting to find him in the bed next to her, but she was alone.

Finally her memory caught up with her. Oh no! F***! She hadn’t unlocked him from the trunk. The poor guy had spent the whole night locked inside, completely helpless and barely able to move a muscle. He had spent the whole night with her dirty panties in his mouth! Was he alright? Even if he was, this would surely be the last time he’d let her lock him up. How could she have been so stupid?

All sorts of scenarios ran through her mind as Hannah threw off the sheet, sprang out of bed and, with the keys in her hand, ran into the lounge. She fell to her knees and peered anxiously through the small air holes in the lid of the trunk. To her immense relief, Tom was still breathing and even better, he seemed to be fast asleep.

Quietly, Hannah took her keys and unlocked the two heavy padlocks and opened the steel trunk. Tom was sleeping and looked amazingly peaceful. Maybe this would be OK after all.

Hannah quickly showered and changed into her favourite blue jeans and fitted pink t-shirt and put her long hair up in a ponytail. She sat on a stool next to the trunk and tried to compose herself. She decided that the best approach was to act confident, as if she’d meant to leave him there all night. But inside she felt stupid, and the sight of her used underwear in his mouth just made her feel worse.

By the time Tom woke, she was sitting as calmly as she could, drinking coffee.

“Morning sleepy,” she said as she bent down and pealed the duct tape from around his head.

Tom spat out Hannah’s dirty underwear and slowly got his stiff jaw moving.

“What’s the time, did I spend all night in here?”

“Yes, all night under my lock and key, held captive by a girl,” she said with a slightly false laugh.

Tom however smiled at the thought as he struggled to climb out of the trunk with the fiddle and the cuffs still locked in place.

“Any chance of getting out of these?” he asked rattling the restraints.

“Maybe,” Hannah replied as she crossed her legs and turned away to check her phone.

He started to notice the discomfort caused by the lack of movement, particularly in his arms. He knelt down next to her stool and looked up his jailer. Shit, she looked sexy. He loved those jeans, they made her butt look out of this world.

“Oh my, where did I put the keys?” she said, trying to sound as casual as possible.

Tom watched Hannah as she glanced around the room as if trying to locate the keys. Although after a little more prompting, Hannah stood up and pulled some keys from the back pocket of her jeans.

“I hope I haven’t bent the keys by sitting on them,” she said as she took her time inspecting each key to find the right one.

Tom smiled and raised his eyebrows slightly.

“And if you make one comment about the size of my butt, then I’ll lock you back in the trunk,” Hannah smiled as if knowing what he was thinking.

With plenty of further theatrics, Hannah slowly unlocked the fiddle and the foot cuffs, but left the handcuffs in place. She then tucked the keys back into her pocket and sat back down, pinning the keys beneath her.

“You forgot these,” Tom said holding up his chained hands.

“I thought it might be more fun if you tried to pick those locks.”

“Pick these! Have you seen just how complicate the key is? There’s no way.”

“Now, don’t be such a defeatist,” she smiled as she stood up and placed her bare foot down on the cuff chain, thereby pinning his hands to the floor, “I’ll even give you a hair clip.”

As promised, Hannah fetched a hair clip from her room and dropped it on the floor next to where Tom was still kneeling. She then started to walk around her apartment, cleaning up from the night before.

Tom played along and straightened out the clip and inserted it into the lock on one of the cuffs. For a few moments his positive attitude got the better of him and he tried in earnest to open it. However, a few minutes later reality kicked in and he threw the hair clip across the room. It was a pointless exercise.

“Hannah, this isn’t going to work.”

“That’s a shame, I thought we could go out for breakfast,” she replied while straightening the sofa cushions.

“We can, the cuff key is in your pocket!”

“I guess if you can’t get out of your cuffs, then we’ll have to stay in,” she giggled.

She was starting to drive him crazy and so he stood up walked over to her. Hannah saw him coming and gracefully ducked under his arms and skipped into her bedroom. Tom, his legs still stiff from a night in confinement, followed her more slowly.

“Hannah, the key?” Tom asked as he cornered her in her bedroom.

“Silly ole me, have I got your key,” she giggled as she ducked inside his cuffed arms and kissed him on the lips. Tom gazed into her dark eyes and hardly noticed as she pushed him backwards so that they both fell on to the bed. Hannah finally ducted out from inside his arms, sat astride him and pulled out the key.

“What’s it worth?” she asked, dangling it above him.

“Not tickling you to death,” he smiled as he lifted her t-shirt and tickled her around the waist.

Hannah burst into laughter and had to slide forward until she was sitting on his chained hands to stop him.

“OK, OK,” she giggled as she slipped the key into one of the cuff locks and released his wrist.

However, instead of unlocking his second wrist, she simply relocked the first cuff around the metal bed frame. Before Tom could react, Hannah had jumped up and with her back to Tom, slipped the key into her back pocket and started wiggling her hips from side to side. With one hand tethered to the bed, Tom tried to vain to reach her.

“Looks as though we’re having breakfast in, I’ll go pick up some coffees.”

Once again she had him helplessly chained up, she was getting quite a knack for it.

“Can I have the hair clip then?” he asked.

“Sure,” Hannah purred as she blew him a kiss and left the flat.

Hannah returned with takeaway coffees and they sat together on her bed to drink. Once they had finished, Tom grabbed Hannah and pulled her pink t-shirt up and over her head, no mean feat for a guy chained by one wrist to the bed. Encountering little resistance, he started to unbutton her jeans and one handed started to ease them down over her hips. A few seconds later he was on top of her and they were making out.

Hannah finally got to her feet and walked totally naked over to the bathroom. She then stopped, turned around and picked up her jeans and threw them out into the lounge and out of reach of the bed.

“You didn’t have to do that,” Tom said, his plan to distract her and get the keys having failed.

“You’ve got your hair clip, now get to work,” she purred, stepping into the shower.


Hannah stood in the shower debating whether or not she should share her next idea with Tom. It was a bit extreme, but the thought of doing it really excited her. So far Tom had played along with her suggestion, so maybe it would work.

Hannah towelled dry and then, to maximise her chances of success, dressed in the short yellow dress that she knew Tom liked. She returned to the bed and sat astride Tom’s waist.

“I was just wondering,” Hannah said as she played absentmindedly with the cuff that was locked to the bed, “.... whether you wanted to try something else...... maybe try a safe?”

Tom laughed out loud with surprise. “What? Well, I’m not sure. Anyway I wouldn’t fit.”

“You’d fit in the one at the advertising agency where I’m temping. It’s Sunday so we’d have it all to ourselves,” Hannah replied hesitantly, although wishing that she hadn’t said anything.

Tom thought of what to say next. So far Hannah’s crazy ideas had been fun, but surely this was too extreme. Also was it dangerous? Would he be able to breathe? What if the safe wouldn’t open again? What it Hannah chose not to let him out.

At that moment, Hannah slid further up his body, until she was sitting astride his chest. Tom’s attention quickly moved from the risks of her latest idea and back to her sexy legs and that yellow dress. Tom tried to kiss her legs, but Hannah kept them tantalisingly just of reach.

“What about we just go and look, I won’t close the door unless you tell me.”

Still fixated by the dress, Tom just nodded without really thinking.

While still sitting on top of him, Hannah unlocked the cuff from around Tom’s wrist. Finally seeing his chance for freedom, Tom quickly pushed her over on to the bed and lay on top of her. It was amazing how different and less threatening she looked on the rare occasions when she didn’t have him chained up.

Hannah led Tom on the twenty minute walk to her work. They walked through the unmanned reception, took the lift to the fifth floor and then opened the door with her pass card. As promised, there was a large safe that the agency used to store original designs, although for whatever reason it was currently empty.

Hannah took the key from her boss’s office and turned it in the lock. She then typed in a code, which with hindsight Tom wished he had watched, and then pulled open the heavy door. Inside was a space 3 foot by 3 foot and 4 foot high. As Hannah had promised it was easily big enough to accommodate him.

“OK, just sit inside and see what it feels like,” Hannah said, with her ankles crossed and nervously slipping one high heeled shoe on and off.

Tom opened the door a little wider and then carefully climbed in and sat down with his knees drawn up in front of him. He looked around at three sides of solid steel and one side of Hannah fidgeting in her yellow dress.

“Well great view of your legs,” he smiled as she reached out to touch.

“Not now,” Hannah slapped his hand away, “I want to know what you think.”

“I’m not sure, it’s a bit scary.”

“What if I close the door a bit, I promise I won’t lock it.”

“Umm, well..... OK.”

Hannah stepped back and slowly pushed the door until there was only an inch of light between the frame of the safe and the door. Tom reached out a hand to steady it and to make sure that she didn’t close it all the way by accident. Hannah crouched down and looked through the gap where the interior was still lid by a small bulb.

“OK,” Tom said slightly nervously, that’s far enough.

“See you have plenty of room.”

“It’s not the space I’m worried about, it’s the fact that I’d be completely helpless.”

“I’ve had you helplessly locked up before.”

“I know, but this is somehow more helpless.”

Hannah stood up and looked at the almost closed safe. She was so turned on by the thought of locking him in and was desperate to hear the mechanism click closed. She had already decided that she would sit on top of the safe and masturbate, but all that was academic if he wouldn’t let her lock him in.

Hannah was standing only inches from the door, a quick flick of her hips would be enough to push it closed. Oh she was so tempted, but even Hannah knew that wouldn’t be fair. She would have to take the other approach.

She pulled open the door and stood in front of the safe with her legs part and her hands on her hips.

“Kiss my foot,” she ordered, her sexual energy overcoming all her nerves.

Tom smiled and duly compiled and then worked his way up her legs as directed. By the time he kissed her inner thigh, his head was inside the yellow dress and the dress was working its spell on Tom. Hannah knew the moment was right.

“Are you ready for me to lock you in the safe?”

Hannah had to squeeze her thighs together, squashing his head, to get his attention, but Tom clearly said yes.

“Inside,” she ordered.

Completely aroused, Tom complied, his eyes still on her body. Hannah pushed the safe door to and checked to make sure Tom wasn’t protesting. She only waited a couple of seconds, but to her that was enough. She stood next to the safe and with a flick of her hips, pushed against the door with enough force to lock it.

“Oh my, silly me,” she giggled to herself as she pretended that she’d closed it by accident and was trying in vain to open it.

Hannah’s mouth was dry as she pulled off her knickers, threw then to the floor and then jumped up and sat down on top of the safe. Her first touch made her cry out loud. She startled herself, but soon realised that no one could hear. The office was empty and Tom was behind three inches of steel.

Tom sat inside in the dark, unaware of the girl touching herself above him. He couldn’t hear or see anything; to him the world had stopped. But to his surprise he wasn’t freaking out. All thoughts had left him, he couldn’t even picture where he lived or anything else from the real world. The only image filling his mind was Hannah, her voice, her laugh, her figure, her cute face, her legs and the yellow dress. Time was standing still.

What neither of them knew was that Hannah’s boss had just walked past reception and was making her way up in the lift. Within less than a minute she would be with them. 

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Grans story Ch3

Gran's Story Ch. 03            The beginning of another pleasure trip   This is a continuation of Gran's story 1 and 2 -- This encounter involves my Aunt Fran who also lives with my Gran. I have been inundated with personal emails regarding the 2 Gran stories that I thought I would bring my Aunt into the equation. There will be another Gran story coming up after this -- so get yourselves ready to read. Don't forget to vote and comment -- it excites me when I read you comments -- both personal...

1 year ago
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The Faith of Lucy Holt

Faith is belief in the unbelievable….the more unbelievable something is….the stronger Faith needs to be. Lucy Holt had Faith; it was the only thing in her life that she did have in abundance. She was as God-fearing as anyone in Caleb County, a county renowned for its fear of the Almighty. She prayed every evening at the supper table with her parents, Seth and Annie, and every morning when she got out of bed. The Holts were one of many poor families barely eking out an existence on small...

Erotic Fiction
4 years ago
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Headlights Girl Part 8

Headlights Girl Part 8 I remember hearing that phrase, "EXTREME HOLLY, ON!" but I don't remember much of what happened after that until we got back to the house. Eric has since told me that I calmed right down and acted like the real deal, pleased as punch about my experience at the salon. We got in the car and drove back to the house, accompanied by Nancy! Eric says that we talked about everything and nothing on the way back to the house and I was as charming a Holly as had...

1 year ago
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new life for Ruth Part Two

A new life for Ruth…... part two Ruth was at the window watching as Donald left for his Sunday morning golf, only two days had passed since she had been spanked and fucked by Robert one of her bosses. Ruth had chastised herself for getting into such a position, the problem was her mind kept drifting back as she remembered how much she had enjoyed it, what sort of a women was she becoming.Her thoughts were then interrupted by the door bell, Ruth answered the door to a mail courier he smiled...

4 years ago
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Summer of Love Week 7

“Come on, baby! Come On! Give me that love!” Kerri shouts as she rides cowgirl on J.J. that evening. The stud is seated on the old, beat-up, overstuffed sofa in the hippie’s living room as she bounces up and down on his dick. “Now I’m really going to give it to you! Hold on!” he murmurs breathlessly in the hippie’s ear, and gripping his partner’s hips tightly, he pushes himself up from the sofa, keeping her impaled on his rigid dick. Getting to his feet, the stud bounces the hippie up and down...

4 years ago
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Wandering MindsChapter 18

Seth was still not completely back to normal when the semester started. He had already started shifting his class load heavily in the direction of psychology. At night, Seth avoided visiting to a large extent. His experience with Jerome made him leery of getting into anyone else's mind, because he did not know if he could help them at this time, and he wasn't sure if he was at a point where he could take not being able to help. Seth's love life was also reduced. In his first semester, he...

1 year ago
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Fanny Finds a Flaw

Fanny Farmer was a happy young girl who liked what she saw when she looked into any mirror. She was forever primping and posing with this look and that look unable to find a single flaw. Her doting parents were much pleased with their handsome daughter with her natural curls and her budding bosom. At the beginning of this month she had passed her 18th birthday with a party celebrated with much gusto and the eating of a beautiful cake that was covered with the whitest icing ever seen in the...

4 years ago
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How Polygamy Begins 43

[Heathers Narration]Sue and I came from the running a path around the ranch perimeter when Mrs. Donner came up behind us and invited us both for a relaxing sauna. I tried to make a polite exit by saying I really needed a shower.“Nonsense,” Katherine exclaimed. “You mise well take a sauna first, it will relax those tired muscles.”I had been dreading the conversation I had known was coming. I didn’t know why, I didn’t have anything to hide from Katherine. I just didn’t have a good raport with...

3 years ago
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A slight breeze blew through the garden, rustling the leaves in the trees and bending the stems of the tall flowers. A lamb lying down by the side of a small pond twitched its nostrils, but soon relaxed. This was about as rough as the weather ever got. The lamb returned to the flowers it was nibbling, unperturbed by the nearby presence of a lion on the other side of the pond. And why should it be bothered. The lion would no more wish it harm than he would himself. The sun stood high in the...

3 years ago
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Eleanor of PenkhullChapter 4

Some time had passed when Madams’ Eleanor Brigham, Agatha Brown, and indeed Violet Preston, received an invitation to Madam Marie Roussell’s residence, regarding the ceremonial sale of one of her house’s well trained products. With her blonde hair up in a tight bun, Eleanor cut an imposing picture of feminine dominance as she strutted to the entrance of Madam Roussell’s with the equally imposing Agatha, both sexually excited at the prospect of the pageant of a sale of an item of masculinity,...

3 years ago
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Becoming the office slut stage 3

That Saturday I slept and slept. I was exhausted from all the nervous energy I felt taking my first steps into the world of slutdom. I’d also been cumming quite a bit in the evenings as I thought about the effect I was probably having on the guys’ home lives. When I finally got up and showered, I headed out to do my ‘homework’. I grabbed my keys and headed to the shop that Steve had instructed me to visit. When I got there I found it sold some of the naughtier ‘adult’ outfits and gadgets. The...

4 years ago
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Kimberly Steeles Horror OrdealChapter 8

"This spaghetti tastes good Angelique!! You really know how to cook!!" Kim enjoying her spaghetti dinner at Angelique's. The two ladies were sat down by the lounge, in front of the television. Eastenders was on, soon to be followed by some other soap operas!!! They both had spaghetti plates, on top of trays resting on their laps. "So how are things upstairs??" Angelique asked. "Oh things are pretty fine!! No ghosts!!!" Kim chuckled. "You are so brave!!" complimented...

1 year ago
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Fantasy come through

My girlfriend and I have been dating for two years for now, everything is cool we both work have cars nice place to stay and most importent of all the sex life is great. We went out for dinner the other day for my birthday had good dinner and wine, after dinner she asked me if I had any fantasys I would like to talk about, I told her that I would like to have a threesome, she said she was okay with that, she told me she can post an add on a dating site and let me know with the responds. Next...

1 year ago
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GangbangCreampie Lucy Sunflower G345

The moment you’ve been waiting for is finally here! A new girl on the pedestal and her name is Lucy Sunflower. She waits expectantly for her FIRST GANGBANG EVER to begin. She tells the cocksmen her excitement level is 11/10. Solo, the triumphant winner of GUESS THE V, starts them off. The SIX COCKSMEN take turns fucking Lucy on the pedestal before she gets her very first creampie! Redd lifts her up into the air and delivers the first pie within the first 10 minutes!! The action is heating up....

4 years ago
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Kinky sex with my best friends husband

Okay, I will admit it. My relationship with Wade has always been a little strange. He is married to my best friend Cindy who lives about four hours from us and from the first day we met, we have always picked and tormented each other. After 20 years of knowing each other and sometimes stepping way over the line, it recently took a huge leap over the line.You see, my husband Steve is my best friend. Call it soul mates, call it BFF, whatever, we mesh so well together in every area… but one. ...

3 years ago
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My InheritanceChapter 43 Decision

When the Hermit said he wanted Lisa to suck his cock, we all froze, none of us moving an inch. Even the gentle thrusting of Lisa’s hips and her sucking of the Hermit’s thumb stopped. She popped his thumb from her mouth to stare at me. We all realized where the Hermit was going with his conversation. He would want all of them. I began to shake as the sweat oozed from my pores. My pulse accelerated, my head pounded. While Lisa enjoyed being given to others, it had always been under my orders....

1 year ago
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Cuckold Sissys First Meet Fantasy

This fantasy summary was sent to my wife and her prospective boyfriend to let her boyfriend know our fantasies and for me to know which bits got my wife and bf really wet? And feeling very horny? Which bits she really liked? And what they would you like to add to also?The text was sent to the prospective boyfriend's iphone with a picture of me on all fours showing my girlie soft pathetic knickered and caged boi-clit after he sent me a picky of his gorgeous cock which I had previously been lucky...

1 year ago
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Another Chance at Love

Another Chance at Love I was giving a lot of thought to this afternoon's appointment. It was my first time to see a psychiatrist and the possible repercussions were bothering me. I mean, sure, I had always been sort of regarded as "off-the-wall", perhaps unconventional, maybe "eccentric" even, but no one had ever called me "crazy", at least to my face. For instance, I had never thought of my little brother as the embodiment of world destruction. Nor did I see him as the Anti-Christ. He was a...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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My wife owns me now

My Wife and I are WhoresPart 4In the next few days so many things happened.On Sunday afternoon Neil appeared, fuming at our door! Karen reluctantly let him in. His wife had used his car and found not only the large cum stain on the backseat but also the buttplug! He had fed her some cock and bull story about someone at the golf club using his car while he was at some event but so far she wasn't buying it. I did a pretty good job of not laughing.Karen on the other hand saw an opportunity! She...

2 years ago
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Lets Have a Threesome

It is a cold and blustery day and it is snowing out. I decide to call my friend Jayne and my friend Mark. They come over and we decide to watch a movie and have drinks. We put the movie in and start to watch it. About an hour later, we are all pretty drunk and feeling good we start talking about things and we decide that we want to all get together and have a threesome. We all take each other clothes off slowly enjoying each others bodies, looking and dreaming of playing together. Mark decides...

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Jenna Sativa Angela Sommers Ziggy Starr Stuck In The Middle Part One

Teen step daughter Jenna Sativa is studying biology with her girlfriend Ziggy Starr when her MILF step mother Angela Sommers asks for help with something. After Jenna introduces Ziggy as her friend, because she hasn’t come out to her parents yet, she promises to help later, and Angela leaves the room frustrated. But Ziggy is upset that Jenna lied about the true nature of their yearlong lesbian relationship. Jenna calms her down with kisses, just as Angela knocks on the door again,...

3 years ago
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My LifeChapter 3 Mark

So this was the new neighbor. I'd seen the boxes and some big bruiser going in and out of the apartment across from mine when I got home this morning, but I'd been too tired to introduce myself. My thoughts were more on lying down and dying for a few hours. It was hell being on 3rd shift again - even if it was a temporary affair. With Terry gone for her honeymoon, and me being the only single lead paramedic the EMS department currently had, you can guess who was volunteered to take over...

4 years ago
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Togetherness FChapter 8 Every night

When Marilyn was taking a shower the next morning, Andy stepped into the tub behind her. He had been making a habit of that. “I’m going to miss this,” Andy said. “Oh, is it the showers you’re going to miss?” “Among other things. What I’ll miss is being with you.” “With or inside?” “Both,” he said. “You’re sexy as hell, but I’ve told you. What I want is to have you in my arms every night. Having you in my sight during the day is a bonus. But I want you in my arms every night.” “Well,...

2 years ago
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Amazing Neighborhood Gym Lady

Hi ladies and gentlemen, big fan of is, now writing a story Small introduction, name is Tarun, software employee in a MNC, Chennai . I am fair , 5foot 6 inches tall, handsome , with normal sized Indian penis. So coming to the story , i live in an 2bhk apartment with two other colleagues, we are too busy to interact on weekdays.As I am a software guy , my day is quite routine on week days. I get up at 6, daily things , office, work , come late , hit the bed . interestingly I like this routine. I...

2 years ago
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The Family Arrangement part 4 ndash Me and Melissa

Taken me a little while to get around to writing this, but... for those of you who have read the first 3 parts of The Family Arrangement, you’ll know that a few years ago, me and my then girlfriend Carol, had a couple who were regular play partners (Steve and Brenda) and that they got us into playing along with their k(id)s, Debbie and James. You’ll also know that we ended up at a party at their house where they’d invited a few more people more in their k(id)s age group – two lads from Steve’s...

2 years ago
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Office mai masti

Hi friends me Anish from Kolkata I work in a private office in Kolkata. The office is located in a really old building. We normally don’t work on Saturday’s, but as there was some work that had got postponed too much, my boss asked me to come on a Saturday and finish it off. He also asked the secretary of our department who was a girl called Anju to come and finish off some correspondence. Anyway being a Saturday, I took my own time to come to work and I arrived at around 10.00 am. Our office...

2 years ago
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Prologue:Some would call me mad or criminal or both for my actions. I do not. Instead I see myself as a liberator or an illuminator, allowing people to shed their archaic beliefs and their outdated morals, freeing them to fulfill their destinies...to find their true loves and soul mates...to allow them to live fully realized lives. To this purpose I have committed my great wealth and resources. To this noble end I attempt to save not mankind, but a few souls who might otherwise be denied the...

3 years ago
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What you name it

Susette and Brenda, were two shemales that would come by the burger joint just before closing on Saturday nights. I would always work the drive through window on those nights and got to know our regular customers well. Susette had thick brunette hair and Brenda was a dirty blonde. This particular night they arrived just as I was leaving, around twelve-thirty, they slowed down as I crossed the parking lot and called out asking 'are y'all closed already', I smiled and answered 'for about forty...

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