Ellen's Sex Shop 6: Ellen's New Hire free porn video

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Ellen looked her potential new hire over. The nineteen-year-old was certainly on par with the rest of the shop’s girls in looks, for what little that mattered. She was roughly 5’8”, with a trim build that left her perky breasts, natural and roughly a 34C to Ellen’s trained eye, as more than ample for her frame. Blond, though a rich honey to Alice’s platinum. Deeply tanned skin, which couldn’t be natural on station, and enchantingly rich blue eyes, so vivid they were almost purple, finished off the delightful package.

As Ellen deliberately drew out her examination, letting the girl get a bit fidgety, she internally noted those eyes as being the most devastating feature the girl possessed. Anyone could get themselves augmented these days, with enough resources, but the sparkling, mischievous life radiating from those bright eyes was something no augmentation could duplicate. It was also something that made Ellen really want the girl for her store, both as another magnetic presence and to protect that inner spark from being snuffed by a more mundane existence. Of course, she couldn’t hire her purely based on that instinct. If she didn’t have exactly the right flavor of moxie, rather than just moxie in general, working at Ellen’s Delights would kill that spark even faster than the boring, mundane options for employment. Maintaining the playful, healthy sexuality of the store, the atmosphere that made it so well regarded, required girls with some hard-to-quantify personality traits. Which, of course, made her constant efforts to enlarge the staff a complete nightmare.

Lisa, the new girl, had passed every required medical, every carefully concealed psych profile. She had the looks, she had the willingness, she even had the unquantifiable spark…but only a practical test would settle if it all added up to the person Ellen needed. She hoped it did, with Tink becoming far busier with their newly expanded catalog of workshops, the other girls were beginning to feel stretched a bit thin. A new hire would really help, even if it took her a month or two to settle in.

Ellen was trying to keep that fact from her mind, not wanting it to color her thoughts. She never wanted to hire a girl on grounds of need, rather than quality of fit, and it was even more important this time than usual. Primarily, because she was worried about the girl’s age. Amber was their youngest, and she’d been twenty-one when she was hired. While age was mostly just a number, life experience counted for a lot when it came to handling the sorts of extremes that were a daily affair in the store.

The girl looked about ready to burst. Ellen took pity on her, at least pity of a sort. This would begin her final test, after all. “Alright, girlie. You’ve passed the medicals with flying colors. You’ve shown that you’re comfortable with what goes on here, at least in theory, and I genuinely like you.” She let the girl relax for a moment before continuing, “However, there are two things left.” She paused, then went ahead and admitted it. “One of them isn’t a usual concern, and you technically aren’t obligated to answer. If you don’t, I’ll do my best not to let it matter, but answering honestly may set one of my primary concerns to rest. I do need you to fully understand that you are not legally required to answer. Is that clear?”

The girl nodded, looking nervous.

Ellen leaned back in her chair, frowning. Letting the girl get fidgety had probably been a bad idea. It was part of her carefully perfected interview, but she normally went straight into the practical test, for which the nerves were useful. She sighed, resigned herself to winging it, and stood. She waved the girl to stay seated, and went to the small cooler on one wall of her office. She took out a pair of her favorite high-priced fizzy drinks. She’d yet to find a girl, old or young, who didn’t love the brand and she seriously doubted Lisa had ever had the chance to try it.

Returning to her desk, she popped their glass-bottled tops and slid one over to her guest. “Drink. They’re a rare treat I import from Raga IX, and I’d wager quite a credit that you’ll like it.”

Lisa looked a little less nervous with the offer. She reached forward and snagged the chilled bottle, taking a tentative sip. Ellen smiled at the immediate surprise on the girl’s face. A longer, more deliberate taste followed, Lisa’s eyes half closed in pleasure.

“Wonderful, isn’t it?”

Eyes popping back open, and blush spreading over her face, Lisa nodded. “What is it? It tastes like.... Actually, I’m not sure what it tastes like. It’s delicious, whatever it is!”

Ellen laughed. “That’s just about the same reaction as every woman I’ve ever given it to. At least human women. It apparently tastes pretty bitter to the natives of Raga. It’s something like their version of coffee, or so I’ve been told. A mild stimulant derived from a native plant that’s never been successfully transplanted.”

The girl looked sadly at the bottle. “I guess I’ll never be able to afford it then.”

Ellen shrugged. “Actually, I have a supplier that gets it for me at reasonable prices in exchange for a discount. She brings me however much I want, so I let any of the shop girls buy it from me at the same price. Just another tiny advantage you’ll get if you make the cut here.”

Lisa’s eyes shined at the reminder. “So, what’s the question that you’re not supposed to ask?”

Ellen settled back in her chair again, took a sip of her own bottle, and admitted, “It’s about your age and background.”

Lisa, surprisingly, didn’t react defensively. She just nodded, even seemed to relax a little. “Oh. I suppose I hadn’t considered that. I imagine you’re concerned I might not know what I’m getting into or something.”

Ellen frowned. “More the ‘or something,’ to be honest. Your initial interviews with Mara and Alice were timed for days we had events ongoing on purpose. You’ve seen what will be expected of you. No, it’s a bit harder to define than that. More about whether you have the life experience necessary to handle the long term effects. The job is hell on any sort of stable relationship, just as one example.”

Lisa frowned, then grinned. “I actually hadn’t considered that, the relationship thing, but I think you’ll find my background helps your concerns.”

Ellen’s eyebrows rose and she glanced down at Lisa’s resume. It was eclectic, that was for certain, but what did she— Oh. Hmmm, how had she not noticed that before? “This resume goes back to age fourteen. How is that possible?”

Lisa’s smile grew a bit sad. “My parents were traders, but there was an accident and their ship was lost with all hands. I didn’t have anywhere to go, no other family, and didn’t want to end up a number lost in the system. So, I stowed away aboard the freighter of a captain I knew was a good man. He didn’t find me until we were already outside the Alliance, which was the whole point, obviously. Anyway, I wheedled and cajoled until he let me try to earn my keep. I did, and he spoke up for me when we got back to the Alliance six months later. I’ve been bouncing around, crew-to-crew, ever since.”

Ellen looked down at the resume again in surprise. Okay, yeah, that could totally explain the eclectic skill set and job titles. Everything from cooking to plasma engine repair. Though, that left another burning question. “Okkkkaaaayyy. That actually does reassure me quite a bit. But why are you applying with me? Instead of looking for another ship?”

Lisa shifted, suddenly looking a lot less comfortable. She was silent a few moments before she sighed and spoke, much more slowly this time. “It’s because I grew up. Physically, I mean.” She shook her head, seeming to struggle with how to make the problem understood. “I was a fairly late bloomer. Pretty, but not really someone to lust after. The last half dozen trips though, well, it started getting to be a problem. I’m not professionally certified you understand, I just do odd-jobs and such. On these last trips a lot of the crews, even ones I’ve known for years, were beginning to think that meant a bit more than I’m willing for it to mean. It’s not that I’m inexperienced or anything, I just...”

She trailed off but Ellen shrewdly finished the thought. “But you just didn’t want to spread your legs for everyone who thought they had the right.”

She nodded.

“And my store doesn’t come across, to you, in the same way?”

Lisa’s reaction was immediate and strong. “Of course not! Ellen’s Delights is legendary for being hard on anything like that.”

Ellen let a small, satisfied smile surface at the claim. It was good to know that reputation was still in circulation. She took a final sip of her bottle, by now mostly empty, and addressed her potential employee again. “Alright. You set my mind at ease, for the most part. Now, back to the practical test.”

Lisa sat up straight. She’d have an inkling of what that might mean, bits had leaked over the years, but it was never quite the same, and Ellen pulled the reason why from her desk drawer. It was a ridiculously simple little randomizer, like you might find on a children’s toy. Wheel shaped, a red button on one side, and a dozen tiny screens currently showing the names of various sex-related subjects. Things like bondage, public masturbation and remote control, were joined by others like strip show, submission and domination. Ellen plunked the wheel down in front of Lisa, letting her study it.

She looked wary, but determined, and after allowing her more than long enough to read every option, Ellen explained what little needed explaining. “Once you press the big red button the randomizer will select the theme for your test. I will personally set you up with whatever is needed to put on a show for the day with that theme. If it selects strip show I’ll get you outfits and a stripper pole, if it selects domination I’ll personally play sub for you to show your stuff to the whole shop. If you don’t know what to do, I or another employee will advise you. The rules of the shop will fully apply, so you will be protected from direct touching by the general populace, but not from the same by the shop girls.”

She paused to let that fully sink in. “In fact, given that your new, and hot, they will likely all at least cop a feel at some point. If, at any point during this, you choose to quit, you can walk away freely with a partial day’s pay but no chance at a job. On the other hand, if you make it through the day, and still want to work here, you’ll be immediately hired for a one-month probationary period.”

She took another, longer pause and inspected the girl in front of her. She didn’t seem uneasy. In fact, Ellen was pretty sure the blond’s nipples were hard. She looked a bit closer. Yep, definitely hard and getting harder. That could be either good or bad. Good if she enjoyed the work, bad if she enjoyed it so much she couldn’t control herself. “Well? What are you waiting for? Give it a whirl.”

Lisa reached forward without hesitation, depressing the button with a solid click. The randomizer whirred to digital life, making a soft whooshing sound as a light ran the rim of the wheel. It slowed, then stopped, and both women leaned in to see what it said.

Pet-Play(Sub) glowed in golden colors, and Ellen’s lips curled into a grin. Well, she certainly didn’t do anything by halves, and it would be a very proper test for her concerns. When she glanced up at Lisa, she noticed the girl looking uncertain. It didn’t seem like fear, and with a moment more of study Ellen realized the problem. “I take it you’re unfamiliar with the idea?”

Lisa nodded, frowned, then shook her head. “Sort of. I mean, I know the basics of the idea in general. I just never had an interest, so I don’t have much idea what it involves, beyond sticking a collar and leash on someone, or something like that.”

Ellen nodded, it wasn’t that hard to believe. “It’s a bit more obscure than something like straight dom/sub or bondage, but still more than common enough that we supply it. I will also tell you, right out the gate, that the shop never goes for the whole humiliation angle, which is sometimes a part of it. If you’re willing to give it a try, I’ll walk you through the basics as I set you up, and more throughout the day.”

Lisa looked relieved, mostly after Ellen had mentioned not going for the humiliation. Which probably meant her limited exposure had been skewed. Ellen could and would correct that. Even if Lisa didn’t get the job, she’d at least walk away a bit better informed. She stood and motioned the younger girl to do the same. “Alright, strip. I need to see what I’m working with, before I have Mara bring the appropriate fittings.”

To the girl’s credit, there was barely any hesitation at all. A slightly deeper breath to steel herself, nothing more. She efficiently shucked her blouse over her head, released a lacy black bra, then shimmied out of tight slacks and a matching black thong. Ellen didn’t bother disguising her appreciation for the nubile flesh reveled, eyes raking over a delicious ass when the girl bent, and mouth quirking in amused appreciation as she spotted the golden hair over her entrance trimmed to the shape of a power symbol. She had a feeling Tink was going to practically adopt the girl when she noticed that, which could be highly amusing with her status as a pet today.

Once Lisa was naked, Ellen motioned her to the center of the room and walked around her, finger playfully scratching her chin. “Hmmm. You’d make a fun pony, but that’s a whole other section of the wheel. So, the question is, dog or cat? What do you think?”

“Always been more of a dog person, ma’am.”

Ellen chuckled. “Alright, we can go with dog then, leave cat for some other day. That is, if you stick around and enjoy it.” She stepped over to her desk and tapped her com key, Mara would already be waiting.

It took only a moment for a quick, “Boss?” to come over the line in Mara’s voice.

“She got an interesting one. Pet play, and we’ve settled on dog. You’ve got her sizes, so grab a selection that will work for her and bring it here.”

Mara snapped a quick, “Sure thing, boss” and the com went dead from the other end.

Ellen turned back to Lisa. “Alright. So, the basics. Pet play is used in several different ways, sometimes to degrade or dehumanize, sometimes as simply a creative form of control. I won’t say anything against anyone’s use of it, so long as all participants are completely willing, but here at Ellen’s Delights the only version you’ll encounter is what I would term as ‘playful’ pet play. This is fairly easy with your choice of animal, but it is important for both your enjoyment, and for selling the idea of it to customers, to remember the mentality involved. You’re not being dehumanized, this isn’t designed to embarrass you. Rather, it is intended for both you and us to enjoy. The grownup, sexy version of childhood playtime. Are you getting the idea?”

Lisa nodded, hesitatingly.

Ellen frowned. “Let me give you an example. If we weren’t playing, with everyone knowingly in on it and minded to enjoy it, ordering a person to go fetch a stick with their teeth would be pretty rude, wouldn’t it? Insulting, even.” She could see Lisa was beginning to grasp what she was getting at. “Right, but since we are all playing, and you’re playfully acting the part of a dog for both your and our enjoyment?”

List responded to her leading tone. “Then it becomes a game, something I’m happy to do.”

Ellen nodded. “Exactly. That’s the most important thing for you to remember today. That this it is supposed to be fun. Well, fun and arousing. We’re a sex shop, after all, and want to sell our customers sexy things.” She checked the time, still at least a couple of minutes before Mara would show, good.

“Now, for some practical basics. Once we prepare you, you will travel only on all fours. You will not speak, save in barks and yips, unless it’s with your safeword. The safeword in this case in ‘banana.’” She waited for a nod of acknowledgement before continuing. “Given that you are new to this, and may have questions, you can also speak by prefacing a question with my name. I will know you are speaking outside the ‘game’ as it were, and will tolerate it to a point.”

“As for interaction, expect myself and the shop girls to pet you, in both a sexual and non-sexual way. Do not allow customers to touch beyond a pat to the head, which is the established limit for this situation in the shop. Expect to be given typical dog commands, such as sit or fetch, and do try to carry them out. If a customer gives one, use your judgement if it’s acceptable or not. Expect to be shown off, and possibly to eat and drink from a bowl. Do not worry about needing to pee, just let us know, we don’t take things to those extremes.” Ellen grinned as Lisa looked grateful at that one. “Lastly, it is alright to mildly misbehave in order to earn punishments. The customers like it, and we won’t do anything worse than a spanking. Just try not to get carried away, and don’t damage either the customers or the shop. Also, DO NOT break the shop rules as a way to misbehave. If you break any shop rules on purpose, you will be immediately ejected from the store and banned from returning.” Once she was certain that last bit had sunk is, she asked, “Any questions?”

Lisa stood in thought for a moment before shaking her head. “I don’t think so, not yet at least. I may have some later.”

Ellen nodded. She was a complete amateur at this, it was hardly likely she’d have questions before she was equipped for her role. “I’ll ask again after we get you set up.” As if she’d be waiting for that signal, Mara poked her head through the door. Seeing them waiting for her, the rest of her followed, along with a double arm full of items from the shop.

It took Ellen and Mara a few minutes to lay everything out on the office’s couch, and a few minutes more to debate over which of the duplicate sets of items would work best on their new pet. Lisa stood looking on in interest, studying the various paraphernalia with naked curiosity. Finally, the two more experienced women settled on a selection, and both picked up a piece of gear, seamlessly moving to start equipping Lisa. Mara captured the girl’s hands, and Ellen brushed her shoulder length hair out of the way to place a brown leather collar around her throat. She spoke to explain Mara’s task to Lisa. “Mara’s putting hi-tech paws on you. They conform via a nanite memory gel to fit seamlessly over your hands. They provide a few benefits, like helping to cushion your hands from the floor, but in this case they are mainly a teaching aid, to remind you that dogs don’t have hands and can’t manipulate things.

Ellen kneeled, gaining access to Lisa’s knees as Mara switched hands. She attached a tiny wafer to the front of each knee with a thin strap. “These produce a tiny air cushion, without being very visible. It takes most of the pressure from the shop’s hard floors off your knees. Tinker has them tweaked to perfection, so you shouldn’t have any issues with them unbalancing you.”

Mara was finished with the paws. She moved back to the couch and brought over the final item, a case that made Ellen grin. “Okay Lisa, down on all fours.” The girl obeyed without hesitation, though she took a moment to stabilize, getting used to the sensation of the air cushions. By the time she stilled, Mara had the case open and Ellen withdrew a small neural wafer first, sweeping Lisa’s hair aside again to place it at the base of her skull. “Just a neural interface for your tail.” She told the girl.

Lisa looked startled. “Wait, the tail makes sense. I know about those. But what’s it need a neural interface for?”

Ellen chuckled and Mara grinned. It was Mara that answered. “The shop tends to show off the highest-end toys, and this tail is one of those.” She lifted an anal plug with a slightly extended end from the case, while Ellen grabbed the lube that had been with it. As Ellen warmed some lube in her hand Mara showed the plug to Lisa. “Watch.” She tapped a control on its side and a shiny golden tail sprouted from the plug, obviously from a mini hard light projector. As Lisa perked with interest…so did the tail. “You can see what the interface is for, now. If you’re happy, the tail wags, sad it droops, curious it perks, frightened it shifts between your legs, and so on.”

The tail gave a perky wag as Lisa looked at it in awe and said, “Cool!” Then it jerked in surprise as Ellen deftly began rubbing the warmed lube into her asshole. “Oh! You could have warned me you know.”

Ellen grinned. “Be grateful I warmed the lube first, or you’d have really been in for a rude shock.” She slipped a finger in, reassured at the ease of entry, the girl had clearly experimented. That was good. As Ellen slipped a second finger in, Mara deactivated the tail and handed the plug over. There was a bit of resistance still, when Ellen pressed it to the girl’s rear entrance, but Lisa made no noises of pain as it was gently worked passed said resistance. Once it was properly seated, a quick tap turned it back on. The glossy golden tail reappeared, immediately adjusting to a mid-height position and slowly moving to and fro. Huh, Ellen was beginning to wonder if this wasn’t the best option for interviews on the whole, rather than just a slot on the wheel. That tail was informative. It would only get more so with the last item too.

Speaking of that item, Mara had removed the pair of motorized, golden-brown dog ears from the case. She slipped the slim band holding them onto their new pet and activated them, syncing them with the neural chip and tail. They immediately perked up, working with the tail to show Lisa’s interest in what was going on. The ears swiveled and flicked, the tail slowing down but not stopping, as Mara pointed Lisa to look at the full length mirror in the room.

Ellen let the girl look herself over, first turning to get a view of the tail, then back facing forward where she shifted through a number of poses. She quietly pulled up the feed from the neural chip on her desk unit, reading it over. Some nerves, but that was to be expected. A great deal of arousal, equally obvious, given that she could see the shiny moisture despite her desk being on the other side of the room. More telling was the general level of excitement. She seemed to be enjoying the idea, at least for now. She closed the program and crossed the room to stand beside the girl, who was currently kneeling on her legs.

Giving no warning, she set her hand on the girl’s head, patted her hair, then began to run fingers gently through it, occasionally rubbing or altering direction as you might when petting a dog. Her face, not to mention the tail and ears, showed surprise for the first few moments. It was followed by a few tense moments of visible uncertainty, before Lisa finally accepted it, actually leaning in to Ellen’s hand with a half-content expression. Ellen smiled at that, but reluctantly stilled and addressed her seriously. “Alright Lisa, this is your last chance to back out before we move to the sales floor. Are you still okay?”

Lisa nodded.

“Any questions? Remember, no talking after we leave here, unless you have a question that can’t wait or wish to quit.”

Lisa held up a paw, which looked silly, but the intent to ask for a moment was still clear. Her noise scrunched up as she thought, leaving her looking even younger than she was and insufferably cute. The poor customers were doomed. Doubly so if the girl had any skill with puppy dog eyes. It was nearly a minute before the blond finally spoke. “Just one question that I can think of, will you still be calling me Lisa?”

Ellen’s eyebrows rose and she looked at Mara. She actually hadn’t thought about it. It had been awhile since they advertised pet play gear in the store. After a moment of silent communication with the shop’s primary dom, Ellen answered, “It’s not really critical. Most of the time we just use phrases like ‘good girl’ or ‘here girl,’ but if there’s something you’ll easily answer to that fits, it wouldn’t hurt either.”

Lisa nodded. “As a matter of fact, there is. That’s what made me think of it. A few of the crews I worked with called me ‘Gem,’ as a nickname.”

Ellen’s lips curled into a smile. “Well then, Gem, let’s go meet your adoring public.”

‘Gem,’ took a deep breath, tail drooping slightly, but nodded and headed for the door.


Ellen was watching her new hire with mild awe and high amusement. She was almost sure now that she would be hiring the girl, even if she needed a bit of work. Her initial moments in the store, two hours ago, had been full of expected hesitancy. Less expected was her reaction to the energetic Alice, who’d bounded up to pet the new ‘doggy.’ There’d been just a flash of mischief in Lisa’s eyes, before she’d buried her nose in Alice’s crotch, tail wagging. Alice, after she got over an uncharacteristic moment of surprise, had laughed and immediately taken command of her new pet. She’d clipped a leash on her, tugged her front and center at the store’s entrance, and started “teaching” her tricks.

Ellen, and Mara for that matter, had both been almost disbelieving. Within fifteen minutes, Alice had produced little candies from who-knew-where, and Lisa was performing a whole routine for nearly every customer who entered. There’d been a tense moment when one of their VIPs had started petting her, but Alice had somehow let Lisa know it was okay, that this customer knew the limits and wouldn’t push any further.

Now, Ellen watched as Alice, Tink, and Amber took turns playing fetch with the girl, throwing a slim dildo across the shop for the Lisa to race after. She even played at tug-of-war whenever she returned the “stick.” Ellen turned to Mara, relaxing next to her during the slight lull in business they were experiencing, and asked, “So, what do you think?”

Mara shook her head. “Aside from her being a natural at puppy play? She honestly reminds me a lot of Alice, with a bit of Tinker thrown in. Charismatic, devastating puppy dog eyes, the ability to not just accept but have fun with the situation, she’s got it all, boss.” She paused for a moment, eyeing the girl before giving her other professional opinion. “Probably a switch, if it matters. About where Tinker is on that spectrum, which is useful. My only remaining thought is that nothing overly sexual has happened yet, so we don’t know how she’ll handle it.”

Ellen nodded, agreeing with Mara’s assessment. While, technically, Mara was the same grade of employee as everyone other than Ellen, she was level headed, highly perceptive, and the shop’s only true dom. In combination, those factors often made her Ellen’s go to person for a second opinion, and she’d never yet regretted it. She’d summed up Ellen’s thoughts quite well this time, particularly with the comment about devastating puppy dog eyes. She was pretty sure the girl had nearly doubled the size of a dozen orders with those eyes. The poor customers had been helpless before them.

More to the point, Mara also hit Ellen’s only remaining concern right on the nose. While every girl in the shop had copped a feel, and Alice had gotten a couple of fingers in the girl at least once, they’d ultimately not pushed her much in that direction. Which couldn’t be allowed to last, even as much fun as watching this was. Public displays of sex and sexuality were a norm in the shop, and they needed to know how she’d react before they made a final decision. With that in mind, Ellen sighed and moved to interrupt the party.

She called out when she got close, “Here Gem, come here girl!”

Lisa’s dog ears and tail had perked immediately at the name, and she only hesitated for a moment before shifting from playing fetch to pattering over to Ellen. Ellen patted her on the head, smiling as the girl beamed at her. “Good girl. I’m sure all the fun has made you hungry, let’s get you something to eat.” She returned to the counter Mara was leaning on, Lisa trailing behind. She accepted a pair of bowls that Mara slipped her from behind the counter. One was filled with water, the other with what looked like dog food, but smelled distinctly like a quality burger. It was a specialty product they sold small amounts of, and came in several varieties. Completely safe for human dietary needs, but appearing on the surface like dog food. Ellen had tried it in the past, and had found that it was really quite tasty.

Lisa was hesitating, confused at the sight and smell difference. Ellen leaned in and whispered what it was in her ear. She immediately brightened and began trying to figure out how best to eat it, and drink the water. She was making a bit of a mess, but that was inevitable for a first timer.

Ellen leaned back, waving the other girls away and contemplating her next several moves. Lisa had, unintentionally, made things a bit harder on Ellen’s need to test her. By falling into such a natural puppy oriented pet play, she’d accidently set the tone as far more playful than sexual, and that was a problem for the remaining issues to be sorted. Breaking her from the games, and the other girls, had been the first maneuver in shifting the direction naturally. The second had been signaling Mara to wrangle the other girls, directing them away from Lisa so Ellen could handle her one-on-one for a bit. The mild, very mild, aphrodisiac that was in the water bowl was a third. It wasn’t strong enough to have any dramatic effect, but it would help shift Lisa’s mentality once Ellen set the scene.

When the blond finished her sloppy meal, Ellen held up a towel for her to rub her face against. Once she was clean, a light hand casually guided her to rest beside a low chair. It was placed in front of the store’s main counter, with a good view of the shop. Ellen seated herself in the chair, and began to soothingly stroke her hair. Lisa, stomach full, began to lightly doze, and Ellen allowed it for a good twenty minutes. After she was satisfied that thoughts of play would be fading a bit, she subtly shifted her petting hand, adding a light, back-of-her-nails caress down her pet’s spine.

Lisa shifted slightly, obviously waking a bit, and pressed herself lightly into the pleasant touch. Ellen suppressed a smirk and obligingly began increasing first the pressure, then the distance down her spine she traveled. After a few minutes she was caressing all the way down to the girl’s buttocks, and her companion was growing considerably more alert and fidgety.

It came to a head when her hand shifted focus almost entirely to Lisa’s ass and the girl couldn’t suppress a moan. It was all the sign Ellen needed. Her hand dipped lower, unceremoniously plunging a finger into the girl’s soaked folds. Lisa actually yipped in surprise, which was amusing, but not important at this juncture. Ellen thrust her finger a few times before stopping to rub her thumb over the girl’s thoroughly excited clit. The action drew another moan, but Ellen stopped.

Lisa looked up at her, cutely confused.

“Hmmm, does Gem want a reward?”

Lisa nodded eagerly.

“Welllll, I suppose she’s been a good girl…but what has she done to earn it?”

Lisa looked frustrated for a moment, then knelt to the ground, paws cutely over her head, and turned her pleading puppy eyes on Ellen.

Ellen laughed, but it went well with her plans so she rolled with it. “Alright. Alright. But only if you can prove you’re a good dog by doing something for me.”

Lisa’s tail wagged happily and she barked.

“It’s an easy thing. Fetch me Alice’s panties. You seemed to like them earlier.”

She watched that sink in, and was amused to see Lisa blush for the first time all day. She hadn’t been certain the girl knew how. Lisa hesitated for a moment, tail slowing slightly, but then it sped again and she bounded off to find Alice.

It wasn’t a hard task. As was often the case, Alice was front and center at the shop’s entrance. She was actually greeting Ellen’s friend Linda, which would just make this all the more hilarious. Though Ellen felt slightly sheepish that it might put the poor girl on Linda’s seduction list, right next to Alice. Lisa had slowed only a moment when she spotted the customer, apparently deciding, rightly in this case, that the customer would probably enjoy the show.

Ellen almost laughed out loud at the smoothness the girl pulled it off with. She barreled into Alice from behind, arranging for her small, fellow blond to tumble mostly onto Lisa, breaking her fall. She wiggled out from underneath the older girl’s weight and was between her legs, under Alice’s mini-skirt, in a flash. Alice had been wearing a side-tie G-string, part of the reason Ellen had chosen her as the target, and Lisa had it free in seconds, darting away with it between her teeth before Alice could get over her confusion.

A stunned Linda broke out in laughter when the scene processed, and helped the still baffled Alice to her feet. Ellen’s mouth twitched, but by main force of will she suppressed her desperate desire to join her friend’s merriment, focusing instead on the grinning girl in front of her with a G-string in her mouth. She patted Lisa on the head and took the scrap of cloth. “Good girl, Gem! You’ve certainly earned your reward.” She watched the girl brighten. “However!” The expressive face drooped. “It wouldn’t be right for the pet to get off before her mistress, would it?”

Lisa’s expression brightened again and she shook her head. Ellen casually stood and shimmied out of her tight leathers. There was just no way the girl would get those off of her with those paws on. She cocked her head as she spotted Lisa staring avidly. Ellen virtually never wore underwear, so there was plenty to see, and apparently Lisa liked it. She shrugged and decided to give the girl a proper view, shucking her tight top. Again, no bra either, her gene mods were more than enough to keep her perky D’s in line. The gentle sway of her breasts as she sat back down and spread her legs clearly drew Lisa’s eyes, and she had to clear her throat to get her moving.

The girl surprised her again by not hesitating to dive right in and, as a ridiculously skilled tongue flickered an odd pattern across her core, she realized she’d once again underestimated the girl. Clearly, she’d had some practice at this. As she dug her fingers into the arms of the chair, a moan escaping her lips, she finally recognized the old trick and almost giggled through the moan. Lisa was drawing the ABCs with her tongue. It was ludicrous, something teenage boys heard about and tried when they found their chance, but even so it was working. The fact that Lisa varied her target and speed evidenced the technique as one she’d built upon, to the point that the basic trick was merely a pattern for the girl’s deft tongue to follow. The tongue dipped inside her one moment, flickered and swirled over her clit the next, and Ellen rocketed towards a climax much faster than she’d imagined. She spotted Linda and Alice watching, Alice merely grinning, while Linda mauled her own breasts. The audience fed her headlong rush and she stopped resisting, letting the whirling tongue of her young soon-to-be employee push her headlong over the edge. Lisa sensed the peak starting and latched onto Ellen’s nub, sucking harshly through the climax, extending it far longer than Ellen expected.

Eventually, Ellen pushed her head away. She was tempted to let the girl spend some more time familiarizing herself with her boss, but she still needed to make good on that “reward” as a final test. She absentmindedly raised a hand, and was unsurprised when a largeish red dildo was plopped into her palm by Mara. She’d obviously read the situation perfectly. No surprise there, Ellen had been counting on it.

Lisa’s eyes lit up at the sight of the toy, fixing her whole attention on it with an expression of longing. Ellen chuckled. “Yes, you’ve been a good girl, so you’ll get your reward.” Ellen glanced at their audience, which now included most the store, even if few of them were as obvious about it as Linda and Alice. That was perfect, but it made her mind flit rapidly through the best options for continuing. She needed Lisa to see that she was the center of attention, while still showing off the action for the customers. She frowned as she realized no position would really work for everything she needed, not in their current location. A short leash suddenly dangled in front of her, held in Mara’s hand, and she grinned. The hand moved slightly, directing her attention to a specific display at the front of the store. Perfect.

She grabbed the leash and deftly clipped it to Lisa’s collar, getting a confused look from the girl. She ignored it, stood, and tugged her pet toward the display Mara had pointed out. Lisa followed along gamely, even if she didn’t understand. They arrived at the display, it was an adjustable bondage bench, but she wasn’t interested in its function. More important was the raised platform it was resting on in preparation for tomorrow’s demo. She’d had some of the girls set it up during the earlier sales drought, and was glad for the fact now. Lisa had a slightly hard time getting on the platform without standing, but she made it in the end. Ellen tugged her in a circle around the edge, showing her all the people in the store. A mental note that it only seemed to excite the girl was followed by tying the leash off on the bench, leaving only a short length for her to move with.

She used her hands to positioned Lisa perfectly, legs spread, ass raised, and back slightly curved down. She was facing the front of the store, allowing her to see the traffic outside, and all those inside to see her spread slit, overflowing to the point a trickle of lubrication was trailing down her inner thighs. Ellen massaged the girl’s ass, drawing moans and an attempt to buck into the sensation. She didn’t try to stop the attempt, only adjusted her own pressure so it would gain the girl nothing. When she figured it out and stopped, Ellen reached down with the dildo still in one hand, lightly trailing it over the girl’s sodden lips. Her hips jerked, but only once, and Ellen nodded approvingly before slowly pressing the 8-inch fake-cock into Lisa’s gushing pussy.

A hoarse moan resulted, loud in the mostly still shop. She buried the toy fully with agonizing slowness, stopping completely twice, when the girl whimpered and tried to thrust backwards. She left it a few moments, fully sheathed inside the girl. There had been more reason for the speed than just a desire to tease. Lisa was amazingly tight and the toy was fairly obviously pressing her limits. She knelt for better access, reaching under the dildo to gently rub her pet’s engorged clit. A slight tension, present since the toy first entered her, faded under the light stimulation, and her other hand moved back to the dildo. A slow withdrawal, and an only slightly faster return. A moment’s paused, a slight pinch of the clit with her other hand, then another, faster, thrust. Lisa’s breathing had deepened, and she was pushing against the toy again, but this time Ellen didn’t stop her, speeding up in response.

She shifted her other hand from between the girl’s legs, reaching to tweak a nipple instead. She was startled by the violent response, a wildly arched back and loud cry. Another tweak, and a similar response. Her nipples must be amazingly sensitive, even more so than Ellen’s own, and Ellen’s were modded! Lisa’s hips were pressing back harshly with every thrust now, insisting on more speed. Ellen obliged while continuing to play with the enchantingly responsive breast. Her eyes caught Alice’s and she gestured the girl up with her head.

The other blond clambered onto the display, though Lisa didn’t seem to notice. Not, that is, until Alice pinched her other nipple and the girl positively howled. A single rough thrust more and Ellen felt her sex spasming violently, back arching to an almost unnatural looking degree. Her inner muscles had captured the dildo tightly, so Ellen’s hand darted to flick her clit instead. The pitch of the howl changed, the higher note drawing out for some moments before Lisa collapsed bonelessly.

She gave the girl a good thirty seconds before leaning in, close to her ear. “Well, that was a nice beginning to your reward, wasn’t it, Gem?” The girl started, head turning to face Ellen, but her new boss didn’t give her the chance to say anything, deftly flicking on the hitherto unused vibrator function of the toy sheathed in the dog-girl. As it sprang to life, drawing a loud moan and surprised jerk from the girl beneath her hands, Ellen beamed.

Oh yes, she was definitely hiring this one. Assuming, of course, that she survived the next hour with her mind intact…

This is the last of the original, free, 6-part series. If you've enjoyed it, check out the links in my profile for my professional work.

Same as Ellen's Sex Shop 6: Ellen's New Hire Videos

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Gay Male
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Amsterdam Sex Shop

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In a Paris Sex Shop with my Husband

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Hot Sex With A Lady Shop Owner

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the sex shop

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Sex Shop fun

We had been having lots of naughty fun and exploring your boundaries over the recent months, I knew you had a wild streak in you when it came to sex. You liked to role-play, have sex in interesting place, loved to exchange fantasies, and watch porn together. The best thing was that you wanted to be pushed to try new things, like now you could deep-throat me and I am not small.You liked to suck my cock and liked it when I came in your mouth. You had a sexy body, and hot tits and a nice juicy...

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Sex With Jewel Banker Shop Sudha

Hi I am Kulla 26 years old, married and having beautiful wife which she satisfy all my need. I am from Villupuram – Tamil Nadu. Two years before I ran one Gift shop basically I am computer Hardware person and known DTP by experience. Opposite to my there is one Jewel banker shop. There one married woman working named Sudha age 26, have one 5 years old child. Her husband is running watch repair shop. Sudha is very beautiful woman and having big breast, her size is 34B, 30, 32 but she is...

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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 2

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "Beauty comes from pain, Louisa. A proper young woman does not present herself unless she is properly coiffed, properly made-up, properly attired and wearing the proper accoutrements. That, Louisa, is what 'proper' means." Of course, I tried to argue. That is, after all, what an adolescent is supposed to do, but my mother would just purse her lips, shake her head in disgust and repeat that one sentence that she spoke most frequently...

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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 6

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Heavily Pregnant and in a Sex Shop

They say impulsive sex is the best sex, and I have a story to tell you, that might tend to make you agree with me.I was seven months pregnant with my daughter, and we had stopped having sex three months before that, which compounded the problem, as most women in that state seem to find an increased libido, possibly due to our bodies being awash with hormones, I wanted sex more than ever and I was not getting any.On the Saturday I went into town, and being seven months pregnant, I felt like a...

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foxxiroxxi takes two BBCs in sex shop

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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 5

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "The week prior to Miranda's wedding was a hectic and crowded one at Golden Bluffs. All of our relations came to Newport for the event and many of them stayed with us. Unfortunately, we also had many friends and business associates staying as well, which did lead to some difficult choices. Father was a self-made man who had family he wanted in attendance, but they were from a lower rung of society. So, since the rooms were assigned to...

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Handcuffed in The Sex Shop Powerless as they did

Went into the city for a days shopping, and over coffee, decided to update my sex toy collection, with something new.Googled my iPhone and found directions to one shop about 2km away. It was down a down a quiet side street, where else I thought, trust the council to hide a woman's sexual needs down a back alley.Pushed through the door which sounded a buzzer, alerting the owner, or employee, a desperate woman had entered, looking for something hot to push up her pussy and cum.True to form a fat...

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Going Shopping A Little Shop Short Story

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The Chair Shoppe

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Brief sex 05 Masturbation in Sex Shop

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The New Hire

My name is Robert (Rob) my wife is Jennifer (Jen); we have been married 22 years, raised two ch***ren in a Midwestern town, and sent them off to college last year. One went to Ohio State, the other Michigan. Yes, there have been some interesting Thanksgiving dinners. Loll. The rivals match between chi***ren. Jen retired from a company after 20 years as a Human Resources director in order to spend the last high school years with the twins. I own my own small business as a manufacturing rep of 5...

4 years ago
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1 A Day At The Sex Shop

For about a year when I was at university, I worked in a sex shop, selling everything from dirty books and videos to sex toys and lingerie. There were booths in the backroom for private viewings of videos but I was not in any way required to attend to the customers using them. I simply had to make sure they were relatively clean, which in itself could be pretty disgusting at the end of a Saturday evening.I was nineteen when the following events took place and had been enrolled at the local...

3 years ago
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Baise multiple au sex shop

Texte hard Arengements Claudia de Saint Amant De temps à autres, je vais dans un sex-shop Parisien pour trouver des hommes et me faire baiser. J’aime ces séances de sexe, hard, avec de vrais très bons mâles. Cela faisait plusieurs semaines que je ne m’étais pas faite baiser, faute de disponibilité. Je m'y rends, ayant envie de sensations très fortes. Toujours vêtue sexy et très provocante je rentre et choisi un film de transsexuel pour une projection en cabine. Je prends des doses de gel dans...

4 years ago
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Female Shop Owner Sex With Customer

Hi readers, this is my story of how I made love to my crush recently. Coming to the story, her name is “Akanksha”. She is 34 and her stats are 34-30-36. She is a kind of lady any man would dream of. Coming to the story, she is a shopkeeper of a ladies emporium. I come back daily from my office by 9:30 pm. I pass by her shop and see her between 8 to 8:30 pm on my way home. She also use to look at me daily and we just share a smile. As she lives in our neighborhood, we also use to meet sometimes...

4 years ago
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sex shop

Hotel FunMy kinky boyfriend Conrad told me that he found a dirty, run down motel(that had a cocktail lounge) that was right next to an adult porno shop, but it was in a really bad neighborhood. Playing innocent, I asked him why was he telling me about it, though I knew just what he was thinking. We often stay at hotels for the weekend and play our sexy/kinky games the whole entire time. You know, roll playing and watching filthy movies or going somewhere and I flirt or flash strangers, then we...

2 years ago
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Sex At The Lingerie Shop

Hi to everyone handshake to boys boobs shake to girls thanks for your comments and appreciation to my previous stories. This time I’m going to narrate how I got lucky with my new girlfriend and a hot sales woman in an undergarments store somehow after being single for a long time and I was looking for some kind a relationship with a girl. I found a girl to be sweet and sexy at a coffee day. We somehow got to know each other and we weren’t so serious about a relationship and we became very close...

2 years ago
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New Hire

Having the view of the common areas and the entry door makes my office prime hang out and BS area for everyone. My desk is a large digital drafting table and extra PC. The girls and occasional guy would come check their email accounts and browse the web with out fear of the "boss" finding out. You should see some of the stuff these girls find to gawk at! It would make a soldier blush! Most of it was humorous, other just plain gross! Employee turnover was low here, but one day the...

3 years ago
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Sex at the opticals shop

Hello , I am Tarun from Bangalore. I am 28 years old and smart looking. I am working at a reputed company. Although I am from Karnataka, people confuse me for a north Indian and many times start speaking in Hindi. This is my first story so please forgive me for the mistakes. Any unsatisfied ladies from Bangalore can mail me at [email protected] Coming to the story which happened a few years back is about having sex with the optical showroom lady named Meena. This is a true story. As I...

2 years ago
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Cynthia Palmers New LifeChapter 7 Night At The Porn Shop

After talking with the owner of the porn shop, Rob and cynful began to shop. Cynthia giggled and acted like a girl in her favorite toy store as they went from aisle to aisle. When they got to the clamps section, she took one of every different combination of clamps. Giggling and smiling at Rob. She went up to him and whispered in his ear, "Just wait until you get a chance to try all of these on your little doggy slut... hehehehe..." cynful went to the dildo section next. She picked up a...

2 years ago
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Sexe en nature avec Meacutelissa

Je donne rendez-vous à Mélissa vers 20h dans une commune avec pour consigne une jupe sans sous-vêtement avec un petit mot bien décolleté. Arrivée 20h je rejoins Mélissa nous avons chacun notre voiture je l'embrasse en guise de bonjour et je lui dis prends ta voiture et suis-moi. Nous nous sommes dirigés vers un belvédère la nuit commence à tomber nous descendons chacun de nos voitures et nous nous dirigeons vers le point de vue, là je place Mélissa contre la barrière je lève sa jupe, elle ne...

4 years ago
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Young Life of White TigerChapter 9 New Shop Car

Chapter 9 - New Shop Car The rest of the week was alright, although I wasn’t finding high school as enjoyable as I had hoped. Although there were more subjects, I wasn’t finding them as interesting or mentally stimulating as I thought they would be. I had contacted Bill about my plan, I wanted him to proceed with the booster club contributions idea I had given him at our meeting. But now I had the specifics in mind, I wanted a good portion to go to the mechanical engineering class budget,...

1 year ago
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My Kinky sexcapades got wilder in reality BDSM Sex Stories

Kink and BDSM porns had always intrigued me. I had been so much curious about them that I got a few toys at home. I never got the chance to try them though since most women freaked out at the idea. I eventually stopped telling my dates about the fantasy and my kinky sexcapades. I am a dom, you see. I wanted to meet the perfect submissive who can appreciate my lifestyle. I never imagined it will eventually come true after the array of failed dates. Jennifer- the calm, sweet face deceived nothing...

4 years ago
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Sex Shop Swap Swinger Anal

A couple of suburbanites in the big city for a night of CW dancing. My wife was throwing down some shots and line dancing like there was no tomorrow. She even danced a two step with a couple of cowboys but I didn't mind cause her coochy was all mine lock stock and barrel. If anything it only made her friskier. She threw down one last shot and told me it was time to go. When we got to the car she was all over me. I got my hand down her pants and rubbed her clit and was driving her wild. I...

4 years ago
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Sex Shop Swap Swinger Anal

A couple of suburbanites in the big city for a night of CW dancing. My wife was throwing down some shots and line dancing like there was no tomorrow. She even danced a two step with a couple of cowboys but I didn't mind cause her coochy was all mine lock stock and barrel. If anything it only made her friskier. She threw down one last shot and told me it was time to go. When we got to the car she was all over me. I got my hand down her pants and rubbed her clit and was driving her wild. I...

3 years ago
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Glory Hole In The Sex Shop

One of the most stimulating sexual turn-ons for me and my boyfriend is to tell each other about our sex acts with other people. Jim is never more aroused than when I relate in graphic detail my sex with another man. I, in turn, get off listening to him describe how he fucks other women. Jim is a confirmed voyeur and a frequent visitor to the adult bookstores and sex shops in our city. I used to love to hear him talk about his nocturnal visits to these sex stores, about the small, dark...

4 years ago
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Love to Live The Sex Shop

My boss Ray was paying me well over the odds for the extra work I was doing for him in the evenings. And so he should, I was providing home pleasure the like of which he had to admit he had never enjoyed at home. Sex between us was so exciting, we fucked anywhere we chose; on his desk, in the men's toilets, in the women's toilets, the copier room, even in a filing cabinet. Even my husband benefited from my illicit sexual activities as I was so damned horny with the excitement, that I was, as...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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A Sexy Housewife Visits My Shop

It was a very hot day in August and I was working at my shop. I own a Automotive Gas and Service station. I have owned and operated it for the last twenty years. I have a few employees who work for me. I’m still involved and work on all the cars. I'm definitely a hands on owner. My name is Jake Rhodes and I'm forty-five and single. I'm 6'2" and weigh about two hundred and ten pounds. I have salt and pepper hair and blue eyes. I love women and often will fuck housewives who bring their...


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