- 3 years ago
- 39
- 0
If you read part one you will recall this took place during a more quiet era, when young men carried draft cards and the mere mention of “69” would elicit a howl from bystanders.
“What color was the shirt?” I recognized the voice and I considered hanging up, I had resolved to abandon the idea of having her write the contract, I wanted to forget the idea and to forget Wendy. I had also resolved to never touch wine again. Especially Chardonnay!
“What color?” I stammered.
“This is Wendy calling, I’ve got the first draft of your contract done, can you come over take a look at it, say 7:30?”
“You didn’t answer my question about the color of the shirt.” were the first words out of Wendy’s mouth when she opened the door.
She was jovial, almost giddy with excitement. She was dressed in the same tight pants but the loose blouse was replaced by a sweater, white with a red trim along the V-neck. The sweater stretched tight across her small breasts. Odd, I thought. Her petite breasts did not fit the rest of her body.
The same giant white beads adorned her neck. They were not pearls after all.
“Blue, I think. No plaid, black and blue I guess.” wondering what the hell difference did it make. I took my place at the end of the table and waited expectantly for the contract to be reviewed.
“This is a different cheese, it has a good bite. I hope that you like it,” she commented, grinning mischievously as she pushed a glass of Chardonnay my way.
I was livid.
“Where’s the contract?” I muttered, through clenched teeth.
Unruffled, she produced a single sheet of paper which I accepted with my left hand while lifting the glass to my lips with the other. My five points had been expanded into three sentences each, replete with legalese and typed neatly. There were no spelling errors but the document was devoid of those standard phrases one would expect to see in an agreement of this magnitude.
“One of our standard purchase orders would probably work just as well,” I said for effect. No response.
I did not look her way but sensed that she was not paying attention as I tried once again, “I’m planning on visiting them the day after Thanksgiving and would like to go back with an agreement.”
Pulling a pen from my pocket, I jotted down some suggestions in the margins, admonishing myself for not having brought a pen with red ink.
I replaced the paper on the table and took a long gulp of wine, judging that one more would drain the glass. I would then prepare to leave.
“Blue and black plaid?” she asked, “no white or other colors? Which way did the blue run?” Demonstrating, Wendy crossed her chest with her finger, first up and down, then sideways.
She reached for the paper and slid it into the briefcase next to her seat that I had not noticed. It was a narrow folder and maroon in color. Judging by the look, I’m sure that it was made from smooth Italian leather. I wondered if that was her only such case then suspected it probably was not.
I looked around the room as if seeing it for the first time. The carpet, furnishings, wall covering and her briefcase all looked expensive. I could not help but consider the contrast.
As Marcie had claimed, Wendy came from a good family. I had considered my family good but it was not the same. She had lived a privileged life which she took for granted while I had immersed myself into the every day operation of a small business in which I had no stake.
I imagined that Wendy’s greatest worry in life had been deciding which color her brief case would go with one of the many outfits she wore! My main worry was how many gladioli to order and how they would be treated.
“Which way?” Wendy brought me back, her finger still making the crossing motion.
“I don’t remember”, I answered and reached for my glass again. I was not about to touch the cheese.
“Oh,” She said thoughtfully. “Not to worry. Did Marcie find out?”
“Did she leave you alone with Ellen again?” She looked expectantly at me as she poured a second glass of wine for herself and then refilled my glass. “Did you do her?”
I cracked up, the anticipation on her face was almost juvenile.
I leaned back in my chair and told her about Ellen and myself. The morning after our dance lesson, I had discovered the record player was still turned on.
Thank goodness Marcie had not noticed. Nor did she seem to notice. Both Ellen and I had slept in our clothes. She was in a contemplative mood.
Ellen had found me in the greenhouse. Marcie made no move to separate us, she seemed to have been in a daze, we noticed and wondered if something had happened the night before. She had come home early and had proceeded directly to her room, thank goodness. We wondered if she would be going out with Tad that night. We both speculated about Marcie and the mood she seemed to be in.
I was in the process of getting the greenhouse ready to close down for the winter. We had sold most of the Christmas plants and there was no need to heat it until spring. Ellen sort of hung around, helping me move things out of the way so that I could hose down the racks and clean the floor before cutting off the water. For the most part though, she watched as we conversed.
She talked about what a guy my age needed to know about kissing, petting and making out. I was a little embarrassed to hear her talk like that, especially when the subject of oral sex came up. I attentively listened to her descriptions. No-one and certainly not a female, had ever spoken to me so frankly about sex as Ellen had done that morning.
One minute she was speaking seriously about tongue rigidity, the next minute she would demonstrate her point by trying to stick her wet tongue in my ear. She succeeded.
I secretly hoped that Marcie would leave us alone and for the most part she did.
It was during this talk that Ellen sternly admonished me. “Never fuck and tell. That’s the worst things a guy can do.”.
“You can tell now, about Ellen I mean,. You’ll probably never see her again.”
I had almost forgotten Wendy was in the room. Looking her way I leaned forward and revealed, “That’s not her real name.”
Wendy grinned.
While we were having lunch Marcie got a phone call. Since we only have one phone and it’s in the dining room, she motioned for us to leave so that she could talk in private.
She stayed in the house until mid afternoon.
By that time Ellen had me so worked up I was walking in circles. Besides the graphic sex talk she was playing grab ass with me.
With all the distraction that she was causing, it took much longer to close down the greenhouse than it had the year before.
Marcie announced that she was going out to dinner with Tad and that we would have to fend for ourselves. I was cautiously ecstatic but Ellen couldn’t leave it alone.
“Is that Tad for tadpole or is that Tad for little one?” she asked Marcie tauntingly.
I tried to wave her off but Marcie did not answer.
“Too bad you’re going out Marcie, you could see Cotton dance, he’s learning real fast, or should that be really fast?”
Marcie bristled, “I think it is really fast’ and his name is not Cotton.” She paused and gave Ellen a cruel stare. “Tad is short for Thaddeus, he prefers Tad. It’s better politically”.
“I don’t blame him.” Ellen countered.
I was on pins and needles until we heard Tad’s car pull up. Marcie left some final instructions about what we were to eat, what time to turn in and if we insisted on using the record player to turn it off. Ellen and I glanced at each other.
After we ate, Ellen headed for the bathroom. “I’m going to get ready for bed
and I suggest you do the same. We don’t want her catching us with our jeans on, that was quite a close call last night,” she flashed a naughty grin at me.
I cleared the table and washed the dishes, the shower was running full blast. Getting ready for bed was simple. I slept in my underwear.
We danced to the same records as the night before, slowly and very close.
Frank Sinatra crooned. ‘I’d like to get you on a slow boat to China.’
Ellen’s hair was damp from the shower and it smelled like violets or rather how I supposed violets would smell. The record changed.
‘Blow me a kiss from across the room’ ‘Tell me I look nice when I’m not’
Half way through the second song her robe came untied at the waist. Somehow, my right hand had found its way inside the robe and we danced closer, barely moving.
Ellen stopped completely and took me by the hand.
She pulled the T shirt over my head, stepped back and ran both hands over my chest. I could see her face by the light coming from the bathroom, I could see a look of determination. This girl was on a mission and I was her prey.
There was a chill in the room, not from her hands which were smooth and warm and knowing, nor from the temperature to which I was oblivious.
It was from the excitement of being with a member of the opposite sex pressed up against my chest and the prospect of being on the verge of necking with her.
Ellen made two sudden moves. Her robe was flung one way as she bent in half and deposited the nightgown at her feet. She came into my arms and started necking with me. The player made a ‘clicking’ sound as the arm shifted to let another record drop, I had no idea what was playing. Time seemed to stand still.
She slowed things down and we explored one another, our mouths locked together like a vice. I was fascinated with the curve of her butt, letting my hands rest there before squeezing her.
Moving cautiously at first I moved my hands up, down and around her ass cheeks, then with abandon as I became increasingly turned on by the feel of her.
Ellen giggled, “Remember what I told you?”
I nodded and felt a shiver graze my shoulders.
This was rather like a ‘paint by the numbers’ picture, Ellen’s step by step instructions were easy to follow.
I was absorbed with worry, ‘Would being caught naked on the couch be preferable to Ellen being caught in the same position in my room?’
Ellen brought me out of my guilty trance by pressing my lips to her breasts. Step one was under way. The nipple of her left tit rattled around between my lips, then hardened and fairly bounced against the pressure of my tongue, I switched tits and got the same reaction, ‘This was fantastic.. Why go to step two?’ I wondered.
I glanced over at Wendy, her mouth was slightly open with her head tilted backwards, her eyes fixed on the ceiling. He pupils were noticeably dilated and she stirred as if this was an intermission. She licked her lips and closed her mouth. I proceeded to continue with Ellen.
Gripping my head firmly in both hands, Ellen moved it downward. Reluctantly I gave my tongue a rest and kissed my way to her navel which I circled, making great smacking sounds as I did. It was at this point that I discovered that she was ticklish because her tummy began to ‘giggle.’ This amused both of us so I exaggerated the sounds for a while before moving on to step three, this time without any prompting from Ellen.
Ellen gasped when my lips touched her inner thigh, just inches from the V where her legs met. It was thrilling to have such a dramatic effect on someone. Sex Ed. had not been invented, I was learning by doing.
While sliding down her body I had reached the end of the couch and dropped down to the floor. This took the pressure off my cock which, up until that point had been pinned in one uncomfortable position after another. Ellen had moved her body so that her legs were stretched across the armrest at the end of the couch.
I forgot the steps and plunged my tongue into her opening, ignoring what I perceived to be a rancid taste. I was totally absorbed with the reactions from her legs, they alternated between opening wide then wider, before collapsing around my head, gripping me tight, then loosening and spreading wide again. I lapped, she bucked and jerked, it was exhilarating.
After a while, I felt a tug on my hair and moved back to the couch. Ellen was gasping for breath, her body was hot and wet with perspiration.
To my surprise, she pressed her lips to mine in a series of short breathless kisses, followed by a lip lock that sucked all taste of her from my mouth.
“Cotton, that was marvelous.” She whispered.
It was not until the next morning that I remembered the ‘magic button’ that I was supposed to have found. No matter. Ellen’s butt had moved upward so fast I had bitten my tongue! Her body shook, fit-like. At one point, I think she screamed my name in an inaudible gurgle. Her pelvis moved up and down before slowly moving to a halt.
I got up from the chair and walked around the table. I stopped in front of Wendy and leaned over. Her expensive chair was not very comfortable and I needed to stretch my back.
Wendy watched me intently with a little girl lost expression, one of wonderment. Her feet were on the floor and I rested my hands on her legs, just above the knees. She continued to watch me, puzzled but without alarm. Her mind must have been as much of a blur as mine was.
There was no purpose to my action. I had no idea why I was standing there mute with my hands on her legs but my back felt relaxed so I remained in that position for what seemed like minutes still in a state of suspension. I opened her legs wide, closed and then opened them once again. There was no resistance. Wendy was a like rag doll.
Then I noticed it. A spot at the V where her legs met.
“Hey!” I suddenly removed my hands from her legs and straightening up said, “You haven’t told me yours”.
“My what?” she looked at me, confused.
“Your first time, that was the bargain.” I reminded her.
“Would you ah, would you like some coffee?”
It was then that I observed the table, the empty wine bottle was turned on its side resting on the cheese tray which was also empty. “Sure,” I said, not really interested in coffee at that hour.
I followed her to the kitchen which was small but immaculate. The entire area was decked out in white, even the appliances which made for a very sterile appearance. Everything was arranged within reach, galley style. In addition to the usual things one would find, there was a dishwasher and at the far end a clothes washer and dryer.
Ellen measured some coffee grounds in the percolator. She placed the usual things on a tray, cups, saucers etc. then turned toward me.
Hesitantly and without looking at me, she began.
“There were two but I’ll tell both,” she said, looking at me. I was reminded of how big a girl she was.
‘Two first times?’ I was tempted to ask but she was speaking so softly that I did not want to spook her. I nodded.
“The first was so awful. I would just as soon skip over it but I don’t want to cheat you. It was my freshman year in college. I wasn’t very popular.” she checked to see my reaction and I gave her a sympathetic nod, “He was a junior and not very popular either so we were well suited for one another.”
She took a gulp of air and leaned back against the counter top, giving me a view of her profile but not a head on look at her facial expression.
“He was more experienced than me, a lot more experienced” She made a little sucking sound and I scolded myself for what I was putting her through.
“After a month of seeing one another I would say that they really were not dates, he
did not have much money and he wouldn’t let me pay so we usually hung around with his friends or took in free entertainment. I wouldn’t call them dates either.” She checked the coffee maker which was still perking, frowned and checked to see if I was paying attention. I was.
“All this time he pestered me for sex. We both lived in dorms which forbid visitors from the opposite sex visiting so one day I asked him where he proposed doing it, assuming I was inclined but which I was not. I only raised the question to throw up a road block but of course he took it to mean I was agreeable if only we had a place. ‘Stupid me!’” She laughed at herself, only briefly. I remained silent.
The coffee had by now finished perking. She poured two cups and I carried the tray back to our seats. This time I sat next to her on the love seat, telling myself it would be more comfortable and easier to reach my coffee cup which I almost knew she would not want removed from the tray.
“It was not more than a week before he found a place. One of his friends lived off campus and was going away for the weekend. ‘It was all ours, he said.’” Wendy gave me a ‘So that was that’ look. I winced.
“It was either put up or shut up,” she said. “Or in this case, put out or shut up!” She laughed and I laughed with her. Her mood was changing. I wondered if Wendy had told this story before and was revising it with each telling.
“I packed two changes of clothes and two nighties. I had my nails done and that was when I had my ears pierced. I wore this gaudy pair of ear rings to class that day because we planned on going directly to the apartment and staying Friday and Saturday nights, I must have looked like a cheap hooker, that’s how I felt.”
Wendy had drifted from jovial back to sullen. I rubbed her shoulder to show my support.
“The apartment was quite a distance from campus and he couldn’t borrow a car. He would not hear of me paying for the taxi fare so we had to take the damn bus. Here was me with this overnight bag and still wearing those dreadful ear rings. He was wearing his school clothes and I don’t think he even brought a toothbrush!”
Thinking I heard a sob I rubbed her shoulder again, then the back of her neck. It was hard for me to see the humor in the story but Wendy was almost giddy.
“We walked from the bus stop, me with my bag. It was about three blocks in a ratty part of town. We found the number. I nearly refused to go in, it was that bad. He said, ‘Come on, it’s on the third floor’.
So up we go and he still didn’t offer to carry my bag. He took my hand and expected me to keep up. There were noises coming from every apartment, radios were blaring and kids crying. You can just imagine the smell.”
“The place was filthy, I don’t know how the guy could live there, let alone study. I really, really should have left right then.”
Wendy shook her head, to and fro in disbelief. “I’ll bet you wonder how I ever became a lawyer?” she joked. She was right but I did not say so.
“He was all over me. Naturally he wanted to go right to bed and I must admit so did I. Can you understand that?” she enquired, looking at me.
“I guess,” I muttered. I had guessed right because she continued.
“The sheets hadn’t been changed in a month and the pillow cases had stains from hair oil and god knows what. If only I had thought to bring a change of linen, I was mad at myself and mad at him.”
The head shaking began again as if to say, look-at-me-I-am-so-stupid. I was glad to see that she could laugh at herself.
“I wanted to go look for clean sheets but he said there probably were none. He was busy with the buttons on my blouse. He was probably right. I wanted to turn the dirty sheets over, he said no. He reached behind me to unzip my skirt. I wanted to go to the bathroom and put on a negligee. He said, ‘Why, you don’t need it’. I wanted to hang up my blouse and skirt because the floor was dirty. Again he said ‘Why, my pants and shirt aren’t complaining.’
Wendy threw up her arms and growled, “I let this happen”.
I did not know whether to laugh with her or console her, “It happens a lot, I guess”.
“I let it happen to me. I just lay there naked, letting it happen. He plunged ahead like a bull in a china shop. I still can’t remember if it hurt or what I felt, I was more concerned about the dirty sheets on my back and my head on the oil soaked pillow case. Honestly, I can’t remember.” She started to sob so I rubbed the back of her neck. It was tensed up, all hot and sweaty. Her hair tickled the back of my hand.
WENDY NIGHTINGALE.???“Wendy's a nice girl.........................” That's what everyone always said. She was the sort of person you liked as soon as you saw her, and so bright and intelligent. Plump, 5'6” and so, so pretty. With the most vivid green eyes you ever saw. She wore glasses and had the most stunning breasts ever. When she moved to our area on her 50th birthday she always had a smile on her face, and no-one ever saw her husband, so she could be a widow, or divorced...... After all...
WendyI was walking through the mall and I saw a woman I thought I had seen before, but could not place her. I kept going as I was shopping for stuff for the house. I was furnishing my basement with some furniture and carpeting. I stopped at the food court and she was eating a burger and fries and I normally eat at the same restaurant so I ordered and got my food. I was walking past her and she looked up at me and she said “I think I know you don't I?”I was trying to place her face and then it...
Our sweet little adopted daughter was only 6 years-old so she couldn't possibly have a devious plan to reshape our entire family, could she? WENDY by BobH (c) 2012 -1- "Oh, honey that was just what I needed!" said Mel, as she rolled off me to lay panting at my side. "Glad to be of service," I said, giving a thin smile and thinking that 'service' was exactly the right word for what I'd just done for Melissa. I was really low on...
Hi. I'm Bill telling this part of the story. I was worried and I wanted some time alone with Wendy to talk about what was worrying me. I invited Wendy to walk down to the nearby surf beach. She put on very short shorts and a skimpy top, and was ready to go. In those days, all of Wendy's tops were skimpy; they still are, today. I pulled on running shorts and was ready too. Suzie was out by the pool, breast feeding her new baby. They were a beautiful sight, both naked. We called out that...
WendyAs I drove to pick up my thirteen year old daughter Wendy from School I thought back to the visit from my Wife now my ex Wife who called to clear out her wardrobe and tell me she wouldn’t be home for Christmas or anytime after as she was moving in the her Girlfriend there would be no custody battle as Wendy was an inconvenience and she would be better with me. I work from home as a writer my ex wife worked away and was never home so by default I became a house father.We have always had a...
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I had talked to Eve the night before. I was heading to Birmingham tomorrow for the weekend. She and Joan would fly down. It was the late in the afternoon when Eve called Thursday. She said, "We have been back at the table negotiating. The production company is starting to come around. I think they finally realize that I haven't been bluffing. I think the 'for sale' sign on my house here surprised and convinced them. We don't have an agreement but they will fly to Birmingham for a couple...
I have always been an exhibitionist. My mother loves to regale the story of how at two years old at my weekly ballet lessons, I would literally fight to be at the front. At secondary school after P.E I was never one of those who cowered beneath their towel dreading the communal shower. I would strip right down and run straight in because I wasn’t ashamed of my body and I couldn’t see why anyone should be ashamed of theirs but each to their own I suppose. However as I got older, my...
Exhibitionismthe definition of a whore should have Nadine's picture as reference.....if you read the other stories then you know what i mean. if you have not read them, take a moment and read them. you'll know what i mean when i call Nadine a whore. she loves to be called names....in fact she calls herself all the nastiest names you can imagine even in different languages.for obvious reasons Nadine is not her real name but i'll describe her to you again since some of you have asked. she is a light skinned...
Ladies and Gentlemen... Especially LADIESThe following is an introduction to a young woman's seduction into the Life of BDSM. Ladies, do you approve? Would you kill to have a guy try this with you?Guys, would you have the patience to build a woman this way??Please Let me know what you think at the end of the story!!Thanks, and happy (wet) reading!!!***************************************“What the hell?” I thought as I walked over to the young woman holding the book on bondage. She looked so...
((Please be aware that this story is very much a heavy set fetish story. My writing is and will always be focused on the "darker" side of fetishes, and might upset some people. It is not my intention to bring discomfort, but with that said I wont go out of my way to tune down the intensity or depravity of the way that the fetishes are portrayed. This story contains plenty of dehumanization, degradation, submission and much more. Some topics might be very disturbing to some people and if so then...
BDSMThoughts I'd believed that Lady Heather would go on forever here. She'd given me much more than the best female lover of my existence. I found a stability here that I'd never felt before. From my early days where anyone who held my remote owned me without reservation to the loving times I spent with Samuel I always knew it wouldn't last forever. Samuel's death hit me harder than I ever thought it would - even after seeing what Anna had gone through with Bill, and Samuel's careful...
Thomas awoke in a haze, soft hands moving over his skin, a hot mouth closed over the hardness between his legs. He pressed back into the pillow with a soft moan, eyes still closed, warmth blossoming through him. He woke with a jolt, blinking in the light and looking around. He was in Sera's room, alone in the other boy's bed, surrounded by the eerie empty silence of a deserted house. He got up, feeling damp and sticky between his legs and his back. He went to have a shower and wash the...
8PHE0007 Word Count 2350 ********* Day 7, Monday "That feels nice." "I feel guilty about pushing you at the gym." "I could get used to this." "I do give a good massage. You want to learn how to do this?" "Sure." "First lesson. Women require a lighter touch than men. Roll over. Second, this reaction is common." She tapped his erect penis. "Shorts, off." "Is that lotion?" "Mmn, hmm." "What's a sugar suit?" "Reading labels, now. Smart cookie. More than one...
I gently bounced a ball off the ceiling, catching it in my hand as I did so. That was it, my summer was gone. Recently I turned 17, so I’m in my last two years at school. After unpacking my stuff into my room for the year, I had nothing to do. There was a new sleeping arrangement this year, each boy would share a room with a girl – as that is how my boarding school thought we would learn to respect each other, and people’s privacy. I heard a knock on my door, a soft knock, one that sounded like...
One day, goofing around on the internet, I came upon a list of things men love and women hate. First thing on the list: professional wrestling. I'll leave it to you to judge the accuracy of the observation, but it did give rise to this story.This was initially conceived of as a multi-chapter tale, but I liked the way it ended and decided, for the moment, to stick with it as written. Let me know what you think. End here? Add Pamela? Her friends? Milla and William? Somebody else? Something else?...
Mark I traveled to the west coast for two nights, heading for Los Angeles area instead of San Jose where Tom was engrossed in the nanotechnology project. He was doing fine, I trusted my new friend, and there was no need to have him think I was checking up on him. This trip I took Melanie with me for several reasons. The business reasons dealt with the fact that some of the ideas she’d come up with in Mexico had me rethinking how we’d organized and staffed the home goods manufacturing...
100% fiction! The year was 2003. I was 21 years old that time and was in the final year of my graduation. My elder brother was getting married and all of us (my parents, my siblings and many relatives) had traveled from Jakarta to a city called Medan. A few things about my life those days: - I was dating a guy called Pramud. He was in my university only but not the same class. Pramud and I used to have sex every day in his hostel room and he used to get a wonderful blow from me every day when...
IncestThere it was again, straight ahead. The mist parted, and the disk of the sun shone wanly through a thin layer of cloud. But that should not be! He was to travel a day’s journey to the north. But here he was, again, veering straight west, as if something, or someone was physically resisting his progress northward. He forced himself to turn to his right, to seek a pathway through the gorse that opposed him, but he could not find a place. The only way that opened itself to him lay to his left,...
It didn’t help that I was surrounded by gorgeous women at home. I had two stepsisters that were absolute bombshells, Kelly and Ashley. Kelly had long brown hair that fell past her shoulders in silky waves. She had beautiful hazel eyes that drew your attention as soon as you looked at her face. At 5'6" and 115 pounds, her frame was slender, but her 34c tits and amazing bubble butt gave her the right amount of curves. Ashley was a few inches shorter but matched Kelly's build very closely. She...
B.A.G.-Hotel Rafael Es war im Herbst als ich zu der Messe musste. Meine Sekret?rin hatte es vers?umt mir ein Zimmer zu reservieren. So irrte ich verzweifelt durch die Stadt und musste feststellen, dass ?berall alle Zimmer ausgebucht waren. An einer T?r sah ich auf einmal ein Schild: BAG-Hotel Urlaub ihrer Tr?ume. Ob die wohl ein Zimmer noch frei haben? Ich ging rein. In der Eingangshalle kamen mir einige gut aussehende Frauen entgegen. Komisch wie interessiert sie mich ansahen. An der ...
Jessica had been to her usual beauty salon,it didn't take much to maintain her beauty, but pampering herself was one of her vices.....whilst there she was chatting to the owner,sally,they were talking about how sally had so much work,not enough girls to work,it wasn't Jessica thing, working,working,but sally was talking about a window in the salon diary, did she want to come in and run a little clinic, the salon closed half day on weds afternoons ,as they opened all day on Saturdays when...
If you want to start the day off right, you need a morning special, and Susy is the only chica who knows how to do it right. She will show up at your casa scantily clad and ready to get your day started with a bang! After shaking her ass all up in your face, she will slowly strip and allow you to rub her tits. Before you know it, your cock is rock hard and Susys time is up! This is where you have to spring for the deluxe package. As soon as she gets her extra cash, your cock will be halfway...
xmoviesforyouDay 8 I slept in Rachel’s bed yesterday. She’s really starting to get more comfortable sleeping topless next to me. Rachel is the first one to wake up. Rachel: (He’s still here! It’s so different waking up like this. His smell, the way he holds me in his sleep. I don’t want him to wake up yet.) She turns around on her stomach and stares at my body. Rachel: (That kiss from last night, wonder if he would like to do it again. All the boys I kissed up until now were so clumsy,...
IncestCourse 8 / Day 6: Course Progress Meeting Participant Notes: Fifty Jo: Time for Fifty to start getting involved in some outdoor activities and help with preparations for the garden party. Jenny's Recollections I am waking up early and feeling refreshed these days. I guess the (very) regular hours with nothing in the way of normal household or occupational responsibilities must be good for me, and but today it's rather before the usual time (as far as I can tell) when the shutter goes...
They'd been driving on the long winding road for what seemed like forever. This place was sure in the middle of nowhere, and Jana hoped it lived up to it's billing. She was only here because she knew it was very important to her new boyfriend, Derek, who couldn't stop talking about what a great long weekend it was and how he couldn't wait to bond with her in the woods. They were driving to an annual event celebrating the summer solstice, one with a back to nature feel to it. Jana...
Hiya lads,Decided to write another story. Been two months since the last one so felt I should really update.As always, all my stories are 100% true.If you like this, leave a comment, I really enjoy reading them.And I accept all friend requests. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------This all happened after myself and a group of friends went to see Rocky Horror Picture Show at the Sunderland Empire. Afterwards we decided to have a few drinks at a bar...
After being laid off from my job, while I searched for the next one I decided to leave my husband for a few days and travel a few hours north to visit a favorite aunt of mine. Raman was good with the trip. I said I would be gone a few days. While I was driving, I decided to call Arnav, a friend from my old job who lived in a town maybe an hour’s drive from my aunt’s. It would be nice to see him while I was in the area. To my surprise, just minutes after I left a message Arnav returned the call....
There was a time not all so many years ago, when a boy was presented with his first gun he somehow, magically became more mature and looked on himself as being right on the brink of manhood. I was not yet years old by a few months when my pa gave me the greatest surprise present of my life, my very first gun. Here is how it happened... We were out in the barn one morning just getting ready to start the first chores of the day. Pa reached into a horse stall and withdrew something. I didn't...
2078 a.d. What if God was one of us? Hank sat up in the bed and stretched, yawning loudly. His bunkmate, Melinda, was nowhere to be seen – probably down in the dining hall sucking up eggs and pancakes. She was eating for two, after all, though so far no one knew it but the pair of them. He wasn’t in love with Melinda – nobody loved Melinda, except perhaps Melinda, and that made it difficult for others to care much about her. That was okay, though, as far as Melinda was concerned; she didn’t...
Just before Bill and Wilhelmina Sutherland ... along with Miss Megan Fox headed off to College, Dr. James J. James Ph.D. called them into the R, S and T councilors office. "We have to go to Austin before you leave. I must admit I'm disappointed in your choice of schools but, since you're paying cash ... I suppose you can go where you like." He paused, "Austin is miffed ... it's your choice and ... well ... Good Luck, and all that rot." Instead of using the Governor's State aircraft,...
It was a very different Julie who was glued to my arm as we left the Circle. Unfortunately, the old one poked out her ugly head as I guided us north along Connecticut Avenue and suggested we visit Pleasure Palace. "Ew, isn't that an adult store?" Julie incredulously asked. "Those are so dirty!" "How you would know? Have you've ever been in one?" "No, but I've heard all about them and they just sound gross." Stopping us, I turned Julie so that she faced me. "Just a few hours...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Mauree has had a bad year. Her husband left her for another man. And everyone around her had not helped her situation. We were always close and I visited her every chance I got. I arrived at her house while she was still at work. I got unpacked and decided to take a shower. Since she had one shower in her room I used hers. I got undressed went into her bathroom and started the water. I went into her closet to get a towel and when I pulled the towel out...
IncestThank God it’s Friday, I thought as I walked into the house. It had been a long, trying week and all I wanted for the weekend was to relax a bit. I knew my wife, Serena, was home and I figured that, if Serena was home, so was our “little girl” Tammy. But the den was silent and empty and I strolled through the house to the master bedroom, where I hung up my suit coat and my tie. I found them in Tammy’s room. Two womanly lumps were under the covers of the bed and they both snored lightly. I...
Taboo(A night to remember with Lydia the rock chick)Dante's was such a good club. Isn't it funny that it always seems to be the really good places that close down? Well, it's still there I suppose. It's got a different name now and you wouldn't recognise it at all. New owners, new decor, different music, different clubbers. Higher prices. But I'll always remember it as the rock club where I met her that night. The night she showed me the time of my life. Lydia. Sex goddess. Rock chick.I'd been...
The names in the following story have been changed in order to maintain the secrecy of both the people and because sex with teacher is considered a taboo. Hey there people! Sorry, I could not reveal my real name but you can call me mva. Talking about me, I’m a college going student in Ahmedabad in my 2nd semester. I have a dick of five and a half inches. For feedbacks and any kinds of comments, contact me on Talking about my teacher, she is 30 and married to a banker guy. She has a huge pair...
An hour later, Marianne parked the car in front of her home. A red Labrador raced up to the car to greet her, followed by her parents and brother John, who Nadia thought surprisingly handsome for a 15 year old, and caused her to flush as she saw he was dressed to the right. Introductions were made and Marianne was pleased to see Nadia felt very welcome. As Marianne walked toward the house arm in arm with her parents, Nadia, who was walking along behind with John heard them say that their old...
We both walked into the room without even thinking anyone was inside, but we both stopped, as he stood up and turned around to meet us, causing my daughter to half stifle an almost muted scream, and for myself to gasp, my nephew, her cousin stood stark naked, a boy with a handsome face and good physique, but our eyes were fixed on his erect penis, all ten inches on the body of a boy so young, a freak of nature perhaps, but my daughter and I swallowed hard, and within minutes, I began lusting...
The next morning I worked through my own recordings, a much quicker process since I had a better idea of what I was doing. One quick test reinforced my idea of personal overtones in the recordings. The touches, in some indefinable way, were female and brought Jennifer to mind. That might be because I knew that it had been her doing the touching. I needed more data and experience to sort that, but wasn't sure how to go about getting it. I took matching touches from both recordings, and...
Why Hello boys It's me your sexy Latin bitch, Blue Latina here to tell you a wonderful story about one lucky boy, me, and two sexy transexuals that I think any straight man would have fucked. But first I would like to thank you guys for the wonderful subs and the sexy messages. I'm so sorry if I can't get to all of your sexy guys, I realize that I get a lot of single guys who message me who are lonely and looking for someone to tell them that they matter in a world where most women don't give a...
or perhaps it should be called The exhibitionist no longer in denial by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the earlier parts. They will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 31 – Enjoying my new found liberation --------------------------------------------------- Naked at Work ------------------ Work just gets better and better. Where else can a girl flaunt her naked body, get fucked and have countless...
Hameez arrived in the helicopter with only half of the servants he had been left to guard. After a brief consultation with the Purser he made his way to the Princess's suite, where he knocked and entered without waiting for her to call him in. He found the Princess about to clean the prick of a steward from the ship's crew who had clearly just fucked her. The steward took one look at the tall, well-built, fit bodyguard, grabbed his clothes and fled. "Hameez, you are a spoilsport; I was...
Hi everyone I am Vicky a 25year old guy working in vizag.How I fucked my aunt to full without any regrets..!!! Coming to the story.This incidence happened last year when I 24.Besides my house, my aunt uses to stay.Her age is 30 married and having school going kid.Sexiest figure in our neighborhood and colony.Every dick must salute seeing on walking with that sexy ass. The main part most sexy is her waist and she use to wear sarees down to her belly button showing her assets. I always wanted to...
IncestSpring, 1986 The rest of that year went by in a blur for me. I was so busy I barely noticed the passing of one month into the next. Besides the extra school work I was doing, soccer season got into high gear when we got back from Christmas break. I also began taking karate lessons from retired U. S. Army Lt. Colonel Masahiro Yoshino. He was an ancient Japanese vet from World War II who agreed to teach me, since he had no sons to whom he could pass his knowledge. He required me to study with...
It was an evening like most. I was being lazy and couldn’t be bothered to do anything. My friends all seemed to be busy with their own thing so I was left to my own devices.My name is Katelyn, Kate for short. I am a proud bisexual woman in my twenties, I am more or less a lesbian, having not been with a guy in quite a long time. I prefer the company and touch of a woman.I decided that I had to kick the laziness and go out and do something. I decided that I’d go to my local bar and have a drink....