- 3 years ago
- 39
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If you read part one you will recall this took place during a more quiet era, when young men carried draft cards and the mere mention of “69” would elicit a howl from bystanders.
“What color was the shirt?” I recognized the voice and I considered hanging up, I had resolved to abandon the idea of having her write the contract, I wanted to forget the idea and to forget Wendy. I had also resolved to never touch wine again. Especially Chardonnay!
“What color?” I stammered.
“This is Wendy calling, I’ve got the first draft of your contract done, can you come over take a look at it, say 7:30?”
“You didn’t answer my question about the color of the shirt.” were the first words out of Wendy’s mouth when she opened the door.
She was jovial, almost giddy with excitement. She was dressed in the same tight pants but the loose blouse was replaced by a sweater, white with a red trim along the V-neck. The sweater stretched tight across her small breasts. Odd, I thought. Her petite breasts did not fit the rest of her body.
The same giant white beads adorned her neck. They were not pearls after all.
“Blue, I think. No plaid, black and blue I guess.” wondering what the hell difference did it make. I took my place at the end of the table and waited expectantly for the contract to be reviewed.
“This is a different cheese, it has a good bite. I hope that you like it,” she commented, grinning mischievously as she pushed a glass of Chardonnay my way.
I was livid.
“Where’s the contract?” I muttered, through clenched teeth.
Unruffled, she produced a single sheet of paper which I accepted with my left hand while lifting the glass to my lips with the other. My five points had been expanded into three sentences each, replete with legalese and typed neatly. There were no spelling errors but the document was devoid of those standard phrases one would expect to see in an agreement of this magnitude.
“One of our standard purchase orders would probably work just as well,” I said for effect. No response.
I did not look her way but sensed that she was not paying attention as I tried once again, “I’m planning on visiting them the day after Thanksgiving and would like to go back with an agreement.”
Pulling a pen from my pocket, I jotted down some suggestions in the margins, admonishing myself for not having brought a pen with red ink.
I replaced the paper on the table and took a long gulp of wine, judging that one more would drain the glass. I would then prepare to leave.
“Blue and black plaid?” she asked, “no white or other colors? Which way did the blue run?” Demonstrating, Wendy crossed her chest with her finger, first up and down, then sideways.
She reached for the paper and slid it into the briefcase next to her seat that I had not noticed. It was a narrow folder and maroon in color. Judging by the look, I’m sure that it was made from smooth Italian leather. I wondered if that was her only such case then suspected it probably was not.
I looked around the room as if seeing it for the first time. The carpet, furnishings, wall covering and her briefcase all looked expensive. I could not help but consider the contrast.
As Marcie had claimed, Wendy came from a good family. I had considered my family good but it was not the same. She had lived a privileged life which she took for granted while I had immersed myself into the every day operation of a small business in which I had no stake.
I imagined that Wendy’s greatest worry in life had been deciding which color her brief case would go with one of the many outfits she wore! My main worry was how many gladioli to order and how they would be treated.
“Which way?” Wendy brought me back, her finger still making the crossing motion.
“I don’t remember”, I answered and reached for my glass again. I was not about to touch the cheese.
“Oh,” She said thoughtfully. “Not to worry. Did Marcie find out?”
“Did she leave you alone with Ellen again?” She looked expectantly at me as she poured a second glass of wine for herself and then refilled my glass. “Did you do her?”
I cracked up, the anticipation on her face was almost juvenile.
I leaned back in my chair and told her about Ellen and myself. The morning after our dance lesson, I had discovered the record player was still turned on.
Thank goodness Marcie had not noticed. Nor did she seem to notice. Both Ellen and I had slept in our clothes. She was in a contemplative mood.
Ellen had found me in the greenhouse. Marcie made no move to separate us, she seemed to have been in a daze, we noticed and wondered if something had happened the night before. She had come home early and had proceeded directly to her room, thank goodness. We wondered if she would be going out with Tad that night. We both speculated about Marcie and the mood she seemed to be in.
I was in the process of getting the greenhouse ready to close down for the winter. We had sold most of the Christmas plants and there was no need to heat it until spring. Ellen sort of hung around, helping me move things out of the way so that I could hose down the racks and clean the floor before cutting off the water. For the most part though, she watched as we conversed.
She talked about what a guy my age needed to know about kissing, petting and making out. I was a little embarrassed to hear her talk like that, especially when the subject of oral sex came up. I attentively listened to her descriptions. No-one and certainly not a female, had ever spoken to me so frankly about sex as Ellen had done that morning.
One minute she was speaking seriously about tongue rigidity, the next minute she would demonstrate her point by trying to stick her wet tongue in my ear. She succeeded.
I secretly hoped that Marcie would leave us alone and for the most part she did.
It was during this talk that Ellen sternly admonished me. “Never fuck and tell. That’s the worst things a guy can do.”.
“You can tell now, about Ellen I mean,. You’ll probably never see her again.”
I had almost forgotten Wendy was in the room. Looking her way I leaned forward and revealed, “That’s not her real name.”
Wendy grinned.
While we were having lunch Marcie got a phone call. Since we only have one phone and it’s in the dining room, she motioned for us to leave so that she could talk in private.
She stayed in the house until mid afternoon.
By that time Ellen had me so worked up I was walking in circles. Besides the graphic sex talk she was playing grab ass with me.
With all the distraction that she was causing, it took much longer to close down the greenhouse than it had the year before.
Marcie announced that she was going out to dinner with Tad and that we would have to fend for ourselves. I was cautiously ecstatic but Ellen couldn’t leave it alone.
“Is that Tad for tadpole or is that Tad for little one?” she asked Marcie tauntingly.
I tried to wave her off but Marcie did not answer.
“Too bad you’re going out Marcie, you could see Cotton dance, he’s learning real fast, or should that be really fast?”
Marcie bristled, “I think it is really fast’ and his name is not Cotton.” She paused and gave Ellen a cruel stare. “Tad is short for Thaddeus, he prefers Tad. It’s better politically”.
“I don’t blame him.” Ellen countered.
I was on pins and needles until we heard Tad’s car pull up. Marcie left some final instructions about what we were to eat, what time to turn in and if we insisted on using the record player to turn it off. Ellen and I glanced at each other.
After we ate, Ellen headed for the bathroom. “I’m going to get ready for bed
and I suggest you do the same. We don’t want her catching us with our jeans on, that was quite a close call last night,” she flashed a naughty grin at me.
I cleared the table and washed the dishes, the shower was running full blast. Getting ready for bed was simple. I slept in my underwear.
We danced to the same records as the night before, slowly and very close.
Frank Sinatra crooned. ‘I’d like to get you on a slow boat to China.’
Ellen’s hair was damp from the shower and it smelled like violets or rather how I supposed violets would smell. The record changed.
‘Blow me a kiss from across the room’ ‘Tell me I look nice when I’m not’
Half way through the second song her robe came untied at the waist. Somehow, my right hand had found its way inside the robe and we danced closer, barely moving.
Ellen stopped completely and took me by the hand.
She pulled the T shirt over my head, stepped back and ran both hands over my chest. I could see her face by the light coming from the bathroom, I could see a look of determination. This girl was on a mission and I was her prey.
There was a chill in the room, not from her hands which were smooth and warm and knowing, nor from the temperature to which I was oblivious.
It was from the excitement of being with a member of the opposite sex pressed up against my chest and the prospect of being on the verge of necking with her.
Ellen made two sudden moves. Her robe was flung one way as she bent in half and deposited the nightgown at her feet. She came into my arms and started necking with me. The player made a ‘clicking’ sound as the arm shifted to let another record drop, I had no idea what was playing. Time seemed to stand still.
She slowed things down and we explored one another, our mouths locked together like a vice. I was fascinated with the curve of her butt, letting my hands rest there before squeezing her.
Moving cautiously at first I moved my hands up, down and around her ass cheeks, then with abandon as I became increasingly turned on by the feel of her.
Ellen giggled, “Remember what I told you?”
I nodded and felt a shiver graze my shoulders.
This was rather like a ‘paint by the numbers’ picture, Ellen’s step by step instructions were easy to follow.
I was absorbed with worry, ‘Would being caught naked on the couch be preferable to Ellen being caught in the same position in my room?’
Ellen brought me out of my guilty trance by pressing my lips to her breasts. Step one was under way. The nipple of her left tit rattled around between my lips, then hardened and fairly bounced against the pressure of my tongue, I switched tits and got the same reaction, ‘This was fantastic.. Why go to step two?’ I wondered.
I glanced over at Wendy, her mouth was slightly open with her head tilted backwards, her eyes fixed on the ceiling. He pupils were noticeably dilated and she stirred as if this was an intermission. She licked her lips and closed her mouth. I proceeded to continue with Ellen.
Gripping my head firmly in both hands, Ellen moved it downward. Reluctantly I gave my tongue a rest and kissed my way to her navel which I circled, making great smacking sounds as I did. It was at this point that I discovered that she was ticklish because her tummy began to ‘giggle.’ This amused both of us so I exaggerated the sounds for a while before moving on to step three, this time without any prompting from Ellen.
Ellen gasped when my lips touched her inner thigh, just inches from the V where her legs met. It was thrilling to have such a dramatic effect on someone. Sex Ed. had not been invented, I was learning by doing.
While sliding down her body I had reached the end of the couch and dropped down to the floor. This took the pressure off my cock which, up until that point had been pinned in one uncomfortable position after another. Ellen had moved her body so that her legs were stretched across the armrest at the end of the couch.
I forgot the steps and plunged my tongue into her opening, ignoring what I perceived to be a rancid taste. I was totally absorbed with the reactions from her legs, they alternated between opening wide then wider, before collapsing around my head, gripping me tight, then loosening and spreading wide again. I lapped, she bucked and jerked, it was exhilarating.
After a while, I felt a tug on my hair and moved back to the couch. Ellen was gasping for breath, her body was hot and wet with perspiration.
To my surprise, she pressed her lips to mine in a series of short breathless kisses, followed by a lip lock that sucked all taste of her from my mouth.
“Cotton, that was marvelous.” She whispered.
It was not until the next morning that I remembered the ‘magic button’ that I was supposed to have found. No matter. Ellen’s butt had moved upward so fast I had bitten my tongue! Her body shook, fit-like. At one point, I think she screamed my name in an inaudible gurgle. Her pelvis moved up and down before slowly moving to a halt.
I got up from the chair and walked around the table. I stopped in front of Wendy and leaned over. Her expensive chair was not very comfortable and I needed to stretch my back.
Wendy watched me intently with a little girl lost expression, one of wonderment. Her feet were on the floor and I rested my hands on her legs, just above the knees. She continued to watch me, puzzled but without alarm. Her mind must have been as much of a blur as mine was.
There was no purpose to my action. I had no idea why I was standing there mute with my hands on her legs but my back felt relaxed so I remained in that position for what seemed like minutes still in a state of suspension. I opened her legs wide, closed and then opened them once again. There was no resistance. Wendy was a like rag doll.
Then I noticed it. A spot at the V where her legs met.
“Hey!” I suddenly removed my hands from her legs and straightening up said, “You haven’t told me yours”.
“My what?” she looked at me, confused.
“Your first time, that was the bargain.” I reminded her.
“Would you ah, would you like some coffee?”
It was then that I observed the table, the empty wine bottle was turned on its side resting on the cheese tray which was also empty. “Sure,” I said, not really interested in coffee at that hour.
I followed her to the kitchen which was small but immaculate. The entire area was decked out in white, even the appliances which made for a very sterile appearance. Everything was arranged within reach, galley style. In addition to the usual things one would find, there was a dishwasher and at the far end a clothes washer and dryer.
Ellen measured some coffee grounds in the percolator. She placed the usual things on a tray, cups, saucers etc. then turned toward me.
Hesitantly and without looking at me, she began.
“There were two but I’ll tell both,” she said, looking at me. I was reminded of how big a girl she was.
‘Two first times?’ I was tempted to ask but she was speaking so softly that I did not want to spook her. I nodded.
“The first was so awful. I would just as soon skip over it but I don’t want to cheat you. It was my freshman year in college. I wasn’t very popular.” she checked to see my reaction and I gave her a sympathetic nod, “He was a junior and not very popular either so we were well suited for one another.”
She took a gulp of air and leaned back against the counter top, giving me a view of her profile but not a head on look at her facial expression.
“He was more experienced than me, a lot more experienced” She made a little sucking sound and I scolded myself for what I was putting her through.
“After a month of seeing one another I would say that they really were not dates, he
did not have much money and he wouldn’t let me pay so we usually hung around with his friends or took in free entertainment. I wouldn’t call them dates either.” She checked the coffee maker which was still perking, frowned and checked to see if I was paying attention. I was.
“All this time he pestered me for sex. We both lived in dorms which forbid visitors from the opposite sex visiting so one day I asked him where he proposed doing it, assuming I was inclined but which I was not. I only raised the question to throw up a road block but of course he took it to mean I was agreeable if only we had a place. ‘Stupid me!’” She laughed at herself, only briefly. I remained silent.
The coffee had by now finished perking. She poured two cups and I carried the tray back to our seats. This time I sat next to her on the love seat, telling myself it would be more comfortable and easier to reach my coffee cup which I almost knew she would not want removed from the tray.
“It was not more than a week before he found a place. One of his friends lived off campus and was going away for the weekend. ‘It was all ours, he said.’” Wendy gave me a ‘So that was that’ look. I winced.
“It was either put up or shut up,” she said. “Or in this case, put out or shut up!” She laughed and I laughed with her. Her mood was changing. I wondered if Wendy had told this story before and was revising it with each telling.
“I packed two changes of clothes and two nighties. I had my nails done and that was when I had my ears pierced. I wore this gaudy pair of ear rings to class that day because we planned on going directly to the apartment and staying Friday and Saturday nights, I must have looked like a cheap hooker, that’s how I felt.”
Wendy had drifted from jovial back to sullen. I rubbed her shoulder to show my support.
“The apartment was quite a distance from campus and he couldn’t borrow a car. He would not hear of me paying for the taxi fare so we had to take the damn bus. Here was me with this overnight bag and still wearing those dreadful ear rings. He was wearing his school clothes and I don’t think he even brought a toothbrush!”
Thinking I heard a sob I rubbed her shoulder again, then the back of her neck. It was hard for me to see the humor in the story but Wendy was almost giddy.
“We walked from the bus stop, me with my bag. It was about three blocks in a ratty part of town. We found the number. I nearly refused to go in, it was that bad. He said, ‘Come on, it’s on the third floor’.
So up we go and he still didn’t offer to carry my bag. He took my hand and expected me to keep up. There were noises coming from every apartment, radios were blaring and kids crying. You can just imagine the smell.”
“The place was filthy, I don’t know how the guy could live there, let alone study. I really, really should have left right then.”
Wendy shook her head, to and fro in disbelief. “I’ll bet you wonder how I ever became a lawyer?” she joked. She was right but I did not say so.
“He was all over me. Naturally he wanted to go right to bed and I must admit so did I. Can you understand that?” she enquired, looking at me.
“I guess,” I muttered. I had guessed right because she continued.
“The sheets hadn’t been changed in a month and the pillow cases had stains from hair oil and god knows what. If only I had thought to bring a change of linen, I was mad at myself and mad at him.”
The head shaking began again as if to say, look-at-me-I-am-so-stupid. I was glad to see that she could laugh at herself.
“I wanted to go look for clean sheets but he said there probably were none. He was busy with the buttons on my blouse. He was probably right. I wanted to turn the dirty sheets over, he said no. He reached behind me to unzip my skirt. I wanted to go to the bathroom and put on a negligee. He said, ‘Why, you don’t need it’. I wanted to hang up my blouse and skirt because the floor was dirty. Again he said ‘Why, my pants and shirt aren’t complaining.’
Wendy threw up her arms and growled, “I let this happen”.
I did not know whether to laugh with her or console her, “It happens a lot, I guess”.
“I let it happen to me. I just lay there naked, letting it happen. He plunged ahead like a bull in a china shop. I still can’t remember if it hurt or what I felt, I was more concerned about the dirty sheets on my back and my head on the oil soaked pillow case. Honestly, I can’t remember.” She started to sob so I rubbed the back of her neck. It was tensed up, all hot and sweaty. Her hair tickled the back of my hand.
WENDY NIGHTINGALE.???“Wendy's a nice girl.........................” That's what everyone always said. She was the sort of person you liked as soon as you saw her, and so bright and intelligent. Plump, 5'6” and so, so pretty. With the most vivid green eyes you ever saw. She wore glasses and had the most stunning breasts ever. When she moved to our area on her 50th birthday she always had a smile on her face, and no-one ever saw her husband, so she could be a widow, or divorced...... After all...
WendyI was walking through the mall and I saw a woman I thought I had seen before, but could not place her. I kept going as I was shopping for stuff for the house. I was furnishing my basement with some furniture and carpeting. I stopped at the food court and she was eating a burger and fries and I normally eat at the same restaurant so I ordered and got my food. I was walking past her and she looked up at me and she said “I think I know you don't I?”I was trying to place her face and then it...
Our sweet little adopted daughter was only 6 years-old so she couldn't possibly have a devious plan to reshape our entire family, could she? WENDY by BobH (c) 2012 -1- "Oh, honey that was just what I needed!" said Mel, as she rolled off me to lay panting at my side. "Glad to be of service," I said, giving a thin smile and thinking that 'service' was exactly the right word for what I'd just done for Melissa. I was really low on...
Hi. I'm Bill telling this part of the story. I was worried and I wanted some time alone with Wendy to talk about what was worrying me. I invited Wendy to walk down to the nearby surf beach. She put on very short shorts and a skimpy top, and was ready to go. In those days, all of Wendy's tops were skimpy; they still are, today. I pulled on running shorts and was ready too. Suzie was out by the pool, breast feeding her new baby. They were a beautiful sight, both naked. We called out that...
WendyAs I drove to pick up my thirteen year old daughter Wendy from School I thought back to the visit from my Wife now my ex Wife who called to clear out her wardrobe and tell me she wouldn’t be home for Christmas or anytime after as she was moving in the her Girlfriend there would be no custody battle as Wendy was an inconvenience and she would be better with me. I work from home as a writer my ex wife worked away and was never home so by default I became a house father.We have always had a...
It was a normal Thursday working day, time passing by, sales getting done, admin work all coming through, and the type of day were your thinking 'Nearly ***** Friday'!Anyway, Went to my last appointment, 3pm, last appointment of the day. Wasnt expecting much, until the lady with whom I had the appoitment with cme along, and asked for me, 'Adam'.Looking up, I couldnt stop starring, up appeared a stunning, gorgeous blonde lady, aged between 35-40 yrs, slim sized between 8-10, and a black dress...
I should say before I begin that these events actually took place as described during my tenure as editor of the ill-fated e-zine Living On Land. One evening, browsing the week's submissions, I came across the following: ME I used to dress in my sister's clothes when she was out, wear them while I did my homework, watched TV. Mum knew, I know, guessed, but turned a blind eye, never saw me posturing and pirouetting in front of a mirror, pretending I was a model. When my sister caught me,...
Wendy52KWendy took her time exiting from the car. She made a pretence of looking for something in the glove box, the car door was open, so that as she stretched across the passenger seat, she was showing her naked ass.This was all done for show, a show meant for the two young men stood near some trees at the edge of the car park.They watched as Wendy seemed to be struggling to find whatever she was looking for. Wendy eventually sat back in the driver’s seat, then swung her legs out of the car,...
I do not remember my parents or my litter. My first memories were of the starport and old mother Synn. She was many things, thief, con woman and even a whore. What she was to me was my mother. She protected and taught me, she loved me as if I were her child. I was eight when I found out what I was and from where. That was general since as far as I knew it was anyone from a farmer to the leader of clans. All I knew was that I was Kaire. Synn called me Kit, I was sure it was short for kitten but...
Introduction: A recounting of the trials and tribulations that have turned me into the woman I am today. Sarah: An Auto-Fession — Hello. Im Sarah Hopkins, and this is my auto-fession. If youre reading this, then youre one of three possible types of people. The first type is the oppressors, the type of people that persecute and put down others to make themselves feel better, more important. Ive met a lot of oppressors in my life. The second type are the narcissists, the abundant group who...
We slept together, the three of us, all curled together in Bart and Lana's bed. That was one of the most exciting parts, waking up nestled against her, my arm around her big round belly, her chubby arm reaching down into the fur between her thighs, her fat heavy breasts rolling off to one side, her red curls half-covering her face as she slept, angelically. And then behind me, one of Bart's rough hairy arms around me, and his soft cock pressed up against my back. I had no interest in...
This is the first story in my series which although not all the events in it really happened (many are real) yet all the persons in my story are real and I know them pretty well and had sex with most of them before which enabled me in writing the fantasy parts in the story as if its true. Also to help you imagine it, am going to put some pictures of the girls body parts when talking about it however their faces won’t be shown. I was lucky to be a member in a group of 7 friends all of which are...
Hi. I’m a regular reader of ISS and this is my first story, story includes me and two girlfriends’ mama and Sonam, I have added two parts as mama came after Sonam. Romance with sonam- Myself shyam. We were from same boarding school from childhood, in 9th class somehow our love story started chupke chupke & we both used to exchange love letters and sms,as time passed we became sulty towards each others body but honestly I loved her truly,during winter holiday she asked me to visit her home, I...
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Recently my wife was going away for 10 days and I thought this was my chance to do what I’d been wanting: get together with other men to play naked, masturbate and explore. I am an extremely avid masturbator and I love edging my cock when the wife is out. But I really wanted to get naked with a guy, massage his naked body and stroke his cock and finger him till he came. I found a guy on Craigs who seemed Ok. He was a bit younger and was working on the road at the time, a repair guy of sorts. We...
My name is Lisa , I am a 29 year old blond wife of Steve who is 38 ,we are both white and live in London ,England.We have been married for 6 years , in fact although few of you would believe it Steve's paltry 4 inch cock had been the only cock to have penetrated me in my life.Our sex life had become very lame ,consisting of me opening my legs every saturday night and receiving his weener in the missionary style.Steve has fertility problems so at least we never needed a condom.About a year ago...
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His eyes opened more and walked down the stairs slowly"wusup sis?!" he looked at his sister with blonde hair. He had always thought she was beautiful but the past two years now his 22 year old sister seemed even more beautiful but in a different way. His oldest sister was Crystal,the one he saw now. She was 5'5 with blonde hair with black tips. Her hair covered her left eye which hid one of her crystal blue eyes,that's where she got her name. She was always at the gym which meant she...
The banging on the door wouldn't stop. Gavril was too groggy to figure out for a minute why someone wouldn't get the damn door until he realized that he was on a couch in a "lovely" suite and he was the low man on the totem pole. He struggled to the door and flung it open. "What?" he bellowed. The waiter cringed. "Ah, your breakfast, sir," the timid man said. Gavril pointed to the middle of the room and stormed off to the other, unused bedroom, hoping there was a toilet somewhere...
I awoke early the next morning and immediately recalled the night before. A curious tingle went through my belly as I recounted every single detail. Every sound, every smell, every word, every touch and every single emotion. I could feel my crotch getting warm just from thinking about the king and how he made me feel like a little girl, in love for the first time. This would be a memory I would carry with me forever. At the same time I looked forward to being back in my own body. If somebody...
Fantasy & Sci-FiWe had decided that Honey would demonstrate only the things we could expect the children to do if and when they chose to. There was no point in demonstrating something then saying, ‘you can’t do this but we want you to see it done anyway.’ For example, I would have had no problem with Honey sucking my sons’ balls or licking Claire’s ass. When we’d talked about it after the school reunion, Karen had come to realize that things like licking her own child’s asshole or being teabagged by a son’s...
Your name is Jim. Your not really special in anyway or shape imaginable. 18 years old, you are just about six feet tall. Plain brown hair, not to long, not to short. Your build is ok, there are some pockets of fat scatter around your body, but there is some muscle under that. In school you were a C student and you didn't play any sports or join any clubs, if anything you were a loner. The only special thing about you was your smoking hot mom. Kathy is a hotter than the goddess of love. She is...
I still remember this as if it was yesterday. Walking up the stairs going into my 8th grade free period class. I turn the corner and I see the Martinez sisters standing at the end of the hallway. Turning into the classroom, nobody was there. They come into the doorway and sayy hey! come here. I go and they bring me to the janitor's closet and tell me to get the box off the shelf. As i reach up and I touch the box, I feel a hand grab my cock from in between my legs. I then fling the box further...
The knock startled Linda out of her day dreams, and she jumped up from her chair to hurry to the door. She hadn't noticed that it was dark outside, and she felt like a fool when she opened the door to see Valerie Boyd standing there in the dark. She immediately switched on the light. "Goodness, I wasn't watching the time... Please come in," Linda said sheepishly, completely forgetting about Valerie's wanton activities by the firelight last night. "It does get dark early here... How...
The Greatest Liar, Exposure, Disclosure © Alexandra Rios 2019Author's NoteThis is a continuation of "My Awkward Phase", previously published here. Readers may want to read My Awkward Phase first, but I have written them to stand alone.SynopsisAlexandra fuels her transition by a bold and dangerous foray into Los Angeles’ chaotic black markets to replenish the hormones and wardrobe that her father destroyed, and reboot sexually from her Prom Night debacle. Alexandra deludes her lovers, and...
I always make it to work on time. I have a routine. Normally I hit the elevator by 7:15, but this day I was early as I stepped into the cab, the door began to close when suddenly a left hand slid into the crevice of the closing door and the doors sprang open. Her hair was a bit out of place, pulled back, blonde highlights but her graying roots were becoming. She apologized and stated something about having a bad day. The doors closed and began its trek up. First floor, second third fourth they...
One December evening I received a phone call from an aunt I hadn’t seen for years. It was my Aunt Mary, of whom I’d been very fond as a kid. She and her husband had lived near my parents back then and we saw each other often. Since then, however, I had moved away from home when I’d gotten a job on the other side of the country. I still saw Aunt Mary when I came home for birthdays and holidays, but that had changed when my parents had retired and moved to another part of the country as well....
IncestI’m 21, full figured, kind of tall at 5’8”, with a 38DD chest and a plump that ass that has been said to mesmerize even the gays. And it has. My brother was a stocky kid, even as a child. He grew to be an average “not-exactly-a-jock-not-exactly-a-nerd” teenager. He was three years younger than me, just recently turned 18. Both my mom and dad lived with us, well, that was before I went off to a university about an hour away from home. I wouldn’t have to worry about my parents finding out about...
“Yes daddy I’m a little whore,” is what Gracie, today’s 19 year-old newbie continued to say as Tyler blew her mind with what great sex is all about because this girls story was not expected. You see Gracie is new to spreading her legs and taking dick. Six months ago to be exact is when little miss innocent lost her virginity and this girl’s only had 5 orgasms total in her whole life. Not a total of 5 in one fuck session, but 5 total… In her life time, and only one guy’s ever been able to give...
xmoviesforyouDa liegt sie nun, benutzt, abgefickt, vollgespritzt, verschleimt, angepisst. Ihre Haut glänzt von der Nässe. Geruch von Sperma und Pisse liegt in der Luft. Die Wohnung ist mitgenommen, Gegenstände sind umgefallen, flogen herum während der triebhaften Stunden. Sie ist erschöpft, fertig, kann sich kaum bewegen. Trotzdem lasse ich sie auf allen vieren kriechen, lasse sie ihren Arsch schön in Stellung halten, stehe immer mal wieder vor ihr, damit sie mir ihre Gier beim Lutschen meines Schwanzes...
BDSMGreetings dear readers, I am not going to apologize even if this is the first time I am submitting a sex story. It’s simply because we are all one bunch of pricks that think with our crotches. I thought I will be spared but then again, oh boy I was wrong. I too was drawn eventually into this forbidden world of pleasure. This is a story and hopefully a series of stories of my unassuming escapades with my aunty. The muse of my story is called, premila. We’re just a upper-middle class family from...
IncestWith out parents away for the weekend, it was just myself and my older sister Jenna (19) at the house.The first night on our own, I was shocked as I looked out the window as I saw my sister bringing her boyfriend back into the house, normally she would not do this. I gently opened my bedroom door and saw my sister taking this guy into her bedroom. It did not take a lot of working out, what they were up to. I could hear heavy breathing, moans and groans, she was getting herself well and truely...
Joanne plan something extra for the 24th December this year. Last year didn’t turn out as she expected, so she made up some other plans for this Christmas. She is sure it will be a great thing this time and likely to surprise everyone. She knows that she also will be held sexually aroused over the whole event, without anyone make note of it. Quite kinky, she thinks, which has turns her on a lot during the preparations. Besides that, she has two cute boys in mind, that finally might see her as...
Time stopped. I watched in horror as a maroon sedan in front of me drifted onto the shoulder of the highway, suddenly and violently dug the right front tire into the soft dirt, and abruptly slewed the back end of the car around until the car was broadside to the road. I could see a blonde female inside frantically trying to regain control over the careening vehicle, but I knew it was too late. At seventy-five or eighty miles per hour, the car started to roll over onto the passenger side, and...
I shouldn't be here, especially not like this. I shouldn't be wearing a high collar that keeps me from looking down, and allows my mistress to lead me where she likes. Nor should my arms be fused together in a monoglove, elbows touching. Some would say a man's elbows can't touch, and while it took a bit over a month, she proved it could be done. A man doesn't normally wear a corset, especially one that gives him a hint of an hourglass figure.At least I still have all my ribs, thankfully...
Nick and Di were the last two diners in Luigi’s trattoria, though the patron seemed unconcerned about them remaining so late. He wandered across to their corner table, placed two small glasses in front of them and poured a colourless liquid into each. ‘Compliments of the house signora e signore!’ ‘You always know it’s going-home time when Luigi offers you a free Grappa,’ Di said with a chuckle. Nick nodded his thanks and took some coins from his pocket to leave as a tip in the saucer with the...
I had a pretty 'normal' upbringing. Mum had me when she was 35. There's 10 years between me and my older sister, so we've never really had a lot to do with each other. She'd already been to university, got her degree and a good job, before I'd even got to secondary school.Dad's the family provider. Mum has a part-time job, but more for the social aspect than the money. Although he's only 2 years older than mum, dad was already an old man by the time I really became aware of him. He's not...
Chapter OneWhen I wake up Master is reading the paper. There is a knock at the door. Master just gives me the eye and I pop up to answer the door. It’s room service and the young man wheels the tray into the room. He doesn’t seem surprised at my nakedness. I’m beginning to think that I’m going to be his tip until Master hands him a $20.We eat a light dinner and get dressed. I say we, I am wearing my red heels, Master’s collar and red vinyl coat that only reaches mid thigh. The car meets us...
Chrissy was my best girlfriend, a normal night for us included opening a bottle of wine, gossipping for hours, google searching makeup techniques and trying them out, and playing dressup. There had to be a million pictures of the two of us all dressed up, stashed away in a secret folder on Chrissy's computer. It had to be kept hidden, because in Chrissy's regular everyday life he was Chris, a computer tech with a desk job, and nobody knew his secret but me. Chris wasn't gay, not even bi, he...
I sat on the big chaise lounge by the fire pit. There was a slight chill in the air, summer had began to give away to fall. These were the days I enjoyed most of the year and yet like spring they also seemed the most fleeting. I could not help thinking that we lived mostly in the extremes: hot and cold, light and dark. There seemed little time to hold onto the twilights, the dawns, the subtler moments of being, the connecting moments. Knotted pine popped in the fire pit, sending an arc of...
For several weeks a discreet classified advertisement had been appearing on the back pages of our community newspaper, listed under 'Sundry Local Services.' It was an invitation for local men to attend the new hospital's sperm donation unit, to give samples for use in artificial insemination. I had read articles in the national media that said donation levels had slumped by as much as 40% since new legislation had come in entitling recipients (and their children) to know the identity of the...
MasturbationHi readers this is jai pal here thanks a lot for your good response for my previous 5 stories of my mom fucking.. all are real now one more real story of my mom … Mummy ka naam ranjana hai .figure Mummae : 40 Kamar : 36 Gaand : 40 Papa kissi kaam say bahar gaye hue the… ghar mein mein aur mummy akelay the… us din sham ko papa kay do dost ghar aye unko maloom nahin tha ki papa ghar pay nahin hain….. hum nay unko bataya ki papa 15 din say ghar say bahar hain aur next week ayengay…. Who mom ki...
Part OneMy wife, Amanda and I were sitting on the couch watching some Netflix and finishing some Chinese takeout when I heard a knock at the back door. "What now?" I grumbled as I paused our show and got up to make my way through the house to see who it was. As I entered the kitchen I could see through the window in the door that it was my daughter."Hey Jules, what are y..." I started asking as I opened the door for her. As she raised her head, I barely recognized the girl I saw in front of me....
Jenny is a lovely young lady. At twenty years of age, she stands 5'7" and weighs 115 pounds. Her slender body accentuates her perky 34B breasts. Her breasts stand firmly and proudly out from her chest. She had happily watched as her breasts had finally swelled over the last few years. Her areolas had expanded to a little larger than a quarter with small pea sized nipples at their centers. A flat stomach completes her slender torso. Her tight round butt sways seductively as she walks. Her legs...
But Daddy We were finally on our way. Kitty had taken forever to get dressed. I had to admit that my pretty teenage daughter looked fabulous in her tight skinny jeans with a really pretty button up shirt. Maybe it should have been called a button down shirt because she had several buttons open and her new red lace bra was showing. I had objected but she had insisted that it covered more than her bikini did. I had to agree with her on that part. We had only been on the road for an...
Nora sat on the stool in the backstage room in the black string bikini she had been provided. The only other possessions she had were her two strappy stiletto heels. She didn't have to wait long before the door opened and a couple walked in. Nora guessed they were in their early 30s, and were quite well dressed. The man was in what must have been a custom tailored grey suit. The woman was in an ankle length, white dress. She had a a modest selection of very fine jewelry on. Nora stood as they...
BDSMThe very first day I landed in Thailand a local colleague whom I had known from before invited me to a massage. He told me it would be a great experience. When we reached the place where he obviously was a favorite customer he picked a girl for me and told her to give a full body massage. The girl was slim, very slightly built, very cute wearing a short thin white uniform dress. She smiled easily and giggled all the time though she spoke no English. Once we were in the massage room she...
IncestWhen the first baby was born I would watch my son giving Mar to go out on the weekends with her friends.I believed her friends were girl friends but soon found they were not,although one was Linda who just to make it seem that her friends were girls. I had a job and worked hard, I still made sure to keep her sexually fulfilled even when she wore me out.I was only the second man she had been with before we married and we would spend hours fucking our brains out. When I was at work Mar's...
Moira was studying alone in the College library one afternoon. She was in her fourth year, at the end of her school career, and working as an intern in the hospital Emergency Room, with the classrooms, library, laboratories, and other areas where she spent the last four years behind her. She had reached her goal, despite her father having made it clear to the other professors that she wasn't to be given any preferential treatment for being his daughter. Of course, should she need assistance...