But I'am Not Gay! Fucked Gay free porn video

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I was a 52-year-old happily married father when my world turned upside down in an instant. My wife and I had been planning a vacation for several months with my 17-year-old daughter. We were going to spend 16 days with her parents in the Bahamas, fishing, skiing and hanging on the beach. We were leaving on Friday evening returning 2 weeks later, on Sunday. It was going to be the longest vacation I had ever taken. I am a National Sales Manager for a large company and was never willing to take that many days away from work. It was the summer before my daughter's senior year and may be the last chance for a long vacation together.

I was in the office early on Friday to wrap things up before leaving, when a friend of mine from our largest customer called and told me his management team was no longer happy with our service and were ready to shift 100% of their business to our competitor. After much groveling and assuring him we valued them as a customer, he shared some information regarding what he thought it would take to turn things around. They felt our Account Manager was taking them for granted and they could see a significant cost savings with our competition.

I convinced them to give us one week to come in with a new plan to retain the business, increase our service and reduce costs. There was no way to get more time, so I would have to skip the vacation. I was able to convince my wife to go without me with the promise I would join them in exactly 1 week and finish out the vacation with them.

I arranged for my management team to come in Saturday afternoon to begin the recovery plan for our number one customer. My plan was to have a draft done by Tuesday to review and finalize on Wednesday. We would have dinner with our customer Thursday night and deliver the pitch on Friday morning. I would jump on the plane Friday evening and catch up with the family and have 8 days together. I got home Friday evening, dropped my family at the airport and returned to a quiet empty house.

It had been a really long day and I just wanted to relax and get a good night's sleep. I grabbed a beer and a microwave dinner; my head was spinning with the day's events. I had to fire my account manager since his largest account was not willing to work with him any longer. He had worked for me for 7 years, had a wife and 3 k**s. It was the hardest thing I think I had ever done. I realized I would need more than beer, so I got out the bottle of high end tequila I had brought back from a business trip to Mexico.

Four shots later I was still too wound up to even think about sleep. I found my wife's old Ambien prescription, took one and dusted off the Jet tub in the bathroom. The Jacuzzi tub would surely relax me. I made it about as hot as I could stand it, turned on the jets and climbed in. The jets on my neck were great, and I could feel the tension leaving my body. I turned my body to let the jets work their magic on other parts of my body. After a few moments the hot stream rushed over my cock, causing it to stir, bringing back memories of my teen years.

My parents bought a hot tub and put it in our basement. Whenever I was home alone I would get naked in the hot tub and let the jets pulse the sweet spot on the head of my cock until I blew my wad in the hot tub. It was the closest thing to a blow job I ever got at 15 years old. I would have some of the strongest orgasms of my life (at that time), as those magic jets brought me off without having to do the work myself.

Here I am 37 years later about to do it again. I snapped out of it and told myself I did not need to masturbate any more, I am 52 years old dammit! I laid back and relaxed with my dick pointing up at me, I closed my eyes and drifted off. Sometime later I woke up, the water, noticeably cooler and it was completely dark outside. I climbed out of the tub and dried off. (my dick still half hard). I was feeling better and thought, I can get some sleep and be productive tomorrow. I really believed, for the first time, we could save this customer. I looked at my naked body in the mirror thinking, I looked damned good for my age. I gripped my cock, shook it at my reflection and did a Tim the tool man grunt. Thinking I got this!

I dropped my towel, strutted naked into my dark bedroom, when my heart stopped as I glanced a silhouette of a man in the bedroom doorway. Suddenly the silence was shattered as he yelled, "Freeze!"

I stopped, swaying, trying not to faint from shock. I stammered, "P,P,Please, take whatever you want...just don't hur..."

He yelled louder, "Sit your ass on the bed and don't move...Don't speak and maybe you will get out of this alive!"

While he spoke 2 more men stepped in the doorway behind him. As I sat down on the edge of the bed, I tried to subtly get a look at them, but it was difficult in the darkness. I could see the first one had what looked like black jeans, a long sleeved black T-shirt, and a dark ski mask. I noticed the others were wearing hoodies and baggy pants, and probably had masks also. As I was trying to sneak a look, he lunged toward me, he raised his arm up quickly and brought it down with lightning speed. I could not tell what was in his hand as there was a sudden shot of pain across my back, as the snap of a belt shattered the silence.

He growled, "If you want to live, sit there, stare at the floor, don't move, don't speak!" As he shoved the belt against my cheek, he added, "Nod if you understand."

I nodded obediently. I was sitting with my hands clenched between my legs, looking straight down at my lap. I was shaking uncontrollably as I noticed my penis had retracted like a turtle head pulled into its shell.

The belt was shoved into the side of my head as he repeated, "I said, don't move!"

As I began to breathe deeply, trying to stop shaking, and think about a plan to get free, he began sigh and rock back and forth nervously. I thought about trying to talk to him and see if I could calm him down, but my back was still reeling from the lashing with the belt. I did not want to take a chance at angering him. He sighed heavily, and I detected motion again as the sting of the belt exploded on my cheek and temple. I let out a half grunt and half scream, as I brought my hand up to the area of pain.

"Well, Hell!" He exclaimed. "What the fuck are we going to do with you? This place was supposed to be empty tonight!"

He grabbed the person to his right and pushed him forward until he stood a couple of feet in front of me. I could see his feet as I stared at the floor. I dared not look up.

The leader spoke again, "Number 3 will stay with you while number 2 and I get the stuff and load up the car. If you move he will whip you. If you speak he will tase you." The darkness was shattered, by the spark of a taser.

He continued, "Nod if you understand."

I nodded sheepishly. The other 2 turned and left the room. I sat there trying not to move for so long it began to hurt. My body guard was shuffling nervously the entire time. I thought about trying to talk but did not want to experience a taser. I slowly tried to tilt me head up to see if eye contact might help. Thwack! Pain shot across my back again.

He commanded, "Lay face down on the bed. And I mean face down!"

I turned around quickly and lay face down, arms at my side, legs together. I lay there not sure what to do, hoping to God that the belt did not bite me again. Thwack! The belt snapped across my ass cheeks!

"You have been warned for the last time!" Thwack! Thwack!, Thwack!

I clenched with each hit. Tears leaked from my eyes. I lay with my face buried in the bed spread, naked defenseless, cold and afraid. The tears continued as I lay there motionless for what seemed like eternity.

I could hear the other 2 enter the room. I could see the light turn on. They shuffled around, and I could hear them whispering, but could not make it out.

Finally, the leader spoke up "Sit on the edge of the bed, look at the floor and do not move, do not speak!"

He continued as I sat up and looked at the floor. "We have a way that you can get out of this alive. If you do exactly as we command, without hesitation, without speaking, unless we tell you to, we have a plan that gives us insurance that you do not go to the police or even tell anyone we were here. If you do not follow orders, you will be punished. Nod if you understand."

I nodded and stared at the floor. He moved in front of me. His hand rubbed up the back of my head, clutched a handful of my hair, pulling my head back until I looked into his eyes through his ski mask. His smile was like something from a horror movie. He rotated my head to the side. I could see the other thug in a grey hoodie and baggy sweats holding our video camera. He rotated my head to the other side and I could see the man that had been guarding me standing there, also in a mask, hoodie and sweats. His sweats had a tent in front from his half hard cock. His smile was downright devious.

The color left my face and my cock shriveled even more as reality hit home. I had to get out of this. I gently shook my head. He pulled me up to stand me up and look me in the eye.

He snarled as he spoke, "You fucked this night up so there is only one way for you to make it right. You were not supposed to be here. Not only do you show up, but you show up naked and get number 3 all excited. So, you are going to star in a little movie tonight..."

I could not help myself and cut in, "I have money! Please, I am not gay. I promise I will not tell!"

He yanked my head back and spun me around until I was facing the boner guy. Boner, punched me in the stomach. The air left my lungs as I doubled over. Before I knew what was happening, the leader pulled me down and lay me over his lap. He grabbed the back of my neck and shoved my head toward the floor. The belt cracked over my screaming ass over and over, the pain was intense.

Crying like a baby, I pleaded, "Ok! Please stop!"

At least 10 lashes later, my ass on fire, he pulled my head up and grunted into my ear. "We own you cocksucker! Say it!"

Needing the pain to stop, I shouted, "You own me!"

As quickly as it began, he relaxed stood me up and sat me on the bed. He gently stroked the top of my head and smiled.

"Now you understand," he said smirking at me.

He moved his hand to my cheek, knelt in front of me and brought his face so close our noses briefly touched.

He continued in a calm voice," As I said, you are going to star in a little movie. You will do exactly as you are told and with much enthusiasm. You will service number 3 in any way he wants. If at any point he is not convinced you are enjoying being his bitch, the party is over, and we will leave no witnesses. He gripped the back of my neck again. If that happens, number 3 leaves unsatisfied. We know how to get in to your little palace. After your funeral, we may need to come back, so your lovely wife and daughter can service him!"

The rage and fear were too much, I began to cry, I lowered my head in submission and nodded.

He took in a deep breath and continued his orders with a smile of conquest, "OK, here is how it is going to go. Number 2 is the cameraman. When I say action, you will drop to your knees on floor, look up at number 3 and repeat the following lines."

"I am a cocksucker. I have always been a cocksucker. I want to service your cock until you cum in my mouth."

"Then you will help take his cock out for him and fulfill your destiny as a cock sucker. You will service him in any way he commands like you love it. When he is satisfied we will take the movie with us. If the police are in any way contacted, we will know, and copies of the movie will show up in every mail box in the neighborhood and in the mail to every member of you company board of directors. Look at number 3, nod, and give him a big smile if you understand"

I looked at the leader pleadingly. He just smiled and tilted his head toward number 3. Looking down, I could see his hard on was full on through his sweats. I just told myself to recall the great blowjobs I had seen in porn movies over the years. I would imagine being on the receiving end and get through this. As I noticed the wet spot at the peak of number 3's tent, I put on a smile, looked him in the eyes (through his mask) and nodded my understanding.

His grin grew huge as he stepped back a couple steps eyeing me up. I had almost forgotten I was completely naked. My cock was still completely retracted.

Suddenly I was startled back to reality with the shout of "Action!"

As the cameraman zoomed out to get me into view, I froze for a second and then slid off the bed onto my knees. His wet spot was bigger. He was rocking his hips waving his tent from side to side. I crawled over until the wet tent was inches from my face. I could smell his pre-cum through the sweats. Oh no...what were my lines...

I looked up at him and began in a stronger voice than I imagined, " I am a cocksucker. I was born a cocksucker. Please feed me that beautiful cock until you cum in my mouth!"

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see the camera taking it all in. His breathing was heavy as he drooled down at me. He thrust his head toward the straining sweat pants in front of me and let out a grunt. In my mind I told myself it was my cock being serviced.

I reached up and grabbed the waistband of his sweats. His stomach was firm as I slid them slowly down. I had to pull them way out to clear his 8-inch rod. His underwear, came with it. I was face to face with the head of his hard cock. I remembered that my fantasy blowjob always had me completely naked below the waist, so I worked his sweats and underwear down to the floor. He willingly stepped out of his clothes.

As I worked my way back up I rubbed my hands gently up his muscular but smooth inner thighs. He sighed and squirmed as I slowly caressed my way up. My wife hardly ever licks my balls even though she knows I love when she does.

I inched my mouth closer to his balls letting my hot breath touch them first, caressing his thighs as close to his cock as I could get without touching. As my mouth got closer I could feel the heat from his sack. I noticed it was shaved! I looked up at him because the sexiest thing my wife had ever done was look up at me while working my balls with her tongue.

He was going crazy as I reached my tongue slowly out looking him in the eyes as I gently traced his hot balls with my tongue. His cock was at full attention waving as he wiggled longingly. His balls were so warm I was amazed. I stuck it out as far as I could, wiggled my tongue back and forth gently lifting his balls as my nose nuzzled against the base of his cock. I took a deep breath and could smell his manhood. I gently gripped the base of his cock. It was like gripping the hottest firmest banana, I ever felt. I continued to lick every inch of his nuts, wiggling my head back and forth, picking up speed and squeezing his hot dick firmly at the base. I was purposely not working the sensitive tip.

I heard the camera man pant, "Fuck he is a natural cock sucker. I am gonna blow just watching."

I slowly pulled my head away keeping the grip on his steaming hard on. I looked at his pulsating dick head. It had a huge glob of pre-cum sitting on the tip. As I tilted the head toward me it began to drip off, I stuck out my tongue to catch it and brought it up to meet the underside of his cock head. It tasted sweeter than I imagined. As I rubbed his cock head back and forth across my outstretched tongue, the taste and the scent started a stirring in my cock that I could hardly believe. It was almost like honey. His cock was hot and hard like granite, but the skin was so smooth. I kept teasing it with my tongue. It was like every nerve in my body was electrified. My heart was racing, my breathing growing more rapid. My cock was coming to full attention. I could not wait another second to take him in my mouth.

As I backup to plunge it in, he pulled me violently by the hair and d**g me to the bed. He was trying to throw me on the bed by my hair. I threw myself on the bed to lessen the pain. He forced me on my back and pulled me by the hair until my head hung over the edge of the bed. The camera man zoomed in on my boner, which was fading fast with the pain in my scalp.

He stepped forward and straddled my head. His shaved balls hanging down 3 inches below his cock. He lowered them to my lips as I kissed his left one and then his right. I brought my hand up and gently worked his hot nuts into my gaping mouth. I gently swirled my tongue around and around. He moaned and stood up as his balls popped like a champagne cork from my mouth. He lowered himself back down and began to grind his balls over my face, forcing my nose into his ass.

I gasped for a breath and got a nasty whiff of his asshole. After several minutes the smell was beginning grow on me. I was licking his balls, nose in his ass. He reached down and grabbed the back of my head, gyrated his hips pressing my eager tongue against his balls harder, forcing my nose into his ass. He pressed his thighs into my shoulder forcing my face and tongue against his asshole and balls. Then he stood up took a step back gripped his cock, lowered it toward my face. I could see more pre-cum starting to ooze. I stuck my tongue out, eagerly waiting for the sweet nectar.

"Beg for it cock sucker!" he ordered.

"Please let me suck your cock," I whined. I was stretching my head toward his cock. I could feel my own hard on waving in the wind as I writhed toward his throbbing dick. I was so hard my cock was a full inch of my stomach as I lay on my back, extending my tongue toward his waiting cock. My neck was staining as he kept his meat just out of reach and my head hung off the bed. "Please cum in my mouth", I pleaded as the camera zoomed in on my hungry face. He rubbed the head on my lips and pulled it away again.

"Are you ready to deep throat me cock sucker?" he growled.

"Yes please feed me your cum. I want it all!" I yelled.

He stepped up and shoved his head in my mouth. It was hard and yet the softest skin in the world. He bent down and spread his legs, so he could get low enough to throat fuck me. My head bent impossibly back his cock pushed into my throat. I struggle to relax my throat, so I would not gag. I got the feel of his rhythm and managed to suck in quick breathes of air between strokes. I could taste his cum when he pulled out before shoving back in. His balls were contracting as he was ready to blow. Again, he pulled out and stopped! I looked up at him wondering why he stopped so close.

He stepped to the side, bent forward and grabbed my leg inside the Knee, spun me around so my legs overhung the bed. I tried to sit up and he shoved me back down on the bed. As he stepped forward I unknowingly opened my legs wide, so he could step closer, surrendering my cock to him. My dick was throbbing and pointing right at me as l looked down toward him. He knelt and leaned in toward my aching dick.

I could feel his breath as his tongue slowly tickled my balls. I closed my eyes, tilted my head back and raised my hips to rub my sack on his hot tongue. He let off and then ran his tongue up my shaft, painfully slowly. As he rounded the head, he took my tool in his mouth. He ran my cock in his mouth until his lips hit my balls again. I moaned and pushed myself forward, knowing I would shoot in 3 or 4 thrusts. But after 2 times he pulled off and stood up!

He stood there as I raised my hips as high as I could, hoping he would relieve me. He did not. He leaned forward placing a hand on either side of my chest and slowly moved himself over me. As his face got close enough to mine to feel his breath on my face, he pushed up away from me, leaned on his right hand and took his left hand down to my raging hard on. He put his hand around both of our cocks. He began to pump his hips rubbing his cock against mine. I sighed, "Oh fuck please don't stop. I need to cum so bad!" That was his queue to stop of course, leaving me to writhe and beg.

He straddled me with his knees and pinned my hands down beside me with his hands. Then he pinned my arms under his knees. As he sat himself down on me, I could feel his hot ass cheeks on my chest. His cock waiving in front of my chin. He rocked himself forward until his cock hit my mouth. I brought my head forward to take his oozing cock in my hungry mouth again. He did not move, so, taking his signal, I thrust my head up and down on his rod.

"Finish it cocksucker. Take it all," he grunted.

The camera zoomed in as I plunged my mouth up and down his shaft faster and faster. His balls rubbed on my chest and bounced off my chin as I face fucked his hard cock. I could feel his balls contract. I moaned in anticipation of his hot load filling my waiting mouth. The camera was right there capturing it all.

He grunted one last time before the stream of hot jizz hit my throat. The taste was not as sweet as his pre-cum but it was hot and thick. The second shot hit my tongue and my taste buds got the full bitter sweet taste. I kept pumping my mouth on his beautiful cock to capture every drop of his juice. There were at least 5 major shots and I took them all as commanded. I continued to work his cock, sucking out every drop, slowly sliding up and down his sweet shaft. I pulled my head back and let his cock fall free.

As it dropped on my chest I gripped his shaft at the base and squeezed as I slid my hand toward the head and moved back to the base and milked it again. After a few stokes there was a nice bit of cum oozing from his hole. I swirled my tongue around the tip and sucked his cock back in my mouth getting every drop I could. The camera caught it all with a final close up.

He sat fully up straight as his ass cheeks warmed my chest again. He gave me a little slap to the face. "Thanks for the Insurance cock sucker," He said and jumped off the bed. He began to put his underwear and sweats back on quickly.

"I have never had anyone enjoy my cock so much in my whole life. You really are a natural born cocksucker." He pointed at my screaming hard on. "Good luck with that you little slut. I'm betting you'll be jacking off all night to relieve that problem."

He grabbed my cock pulled it back like a lever until it was pointing almost to my feet. Just as the pain really started to set in, he let it go and it pounded back on my stomach like a drum.

"Got that on tape," said the camera man.

"Let's go boys. My clock has been cleaned. I will sleep well tonight" number 3 bragged. "We need to let him satisfy himself now," he said turning for the door.

"Not so fast," said the leader. I am afraid number 2 is going to need some relief," he said pointing at the camera man.

As I looked the camera man stood up and I could see his sweat pants tent, also with a wet tip...

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But Iam Not Gay PT3 Fucked Gay

I copied the e-mail address that sent the picture and tried to see if I could track it somehow. After an hour of googling and searching, I gave up. I deleted the e-mail and emptied the trash bin.I had been racking my brain all week about how they knew the house was supposed to be empty. They clearly could have gotten my name from the wallet they stole. The leader's voice sounded somewhat familiar. Where did I know that voice from...If that movie ever got out, my life would be ruined.I thought...

4 years ago
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Gayatri fulfills Rahul8217s long hair fetish 8211 Part 3

We had very much fun hanging out in the evening. Gayatri had put on her favorite light blue salwar kameez, looking gorgeous. Her hair is done in a thick, silky braid reaching her waist. Kavita was well dressed, with her hair done in a monstrous braid-bun. Most people don’t even get one girl. Here I was, roaming with two beautiful ladies I was going to fuck in the night. We went to a restaurant for dinner where I could see many people staring at that monstrous bun of Kavita. I didn’t like men...

2 years ago
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Gayatri fulfills Rahul8217s long hair fetish 8211 Part 1

Hello Readers. My name is Rahul. And I live in Mumbai, Maharashtra, from a typical Marathi middle-class family. I am 28 years, and life was going great until 2020 happened. I have a beautiful wife, the love of my life Gayatri. Gayatri and I were childhood friends from school when I had a huge crush on her. It was love at first sight when I saw her. We dated for a few years after completing our Bachelor’s degree and married a few years later. We reside in a good society with 3 buildings and a...

4 years ago
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Gay Sissy Fucked For The First Time

Fucked For The First Time As A Gay Rubber SissyThis is a true story about the first time that I had gay sex as a Sissy. I love to crossdress, I am gay and a Bottom. I also have a huge latex fetish and, at the time this story took place, was not new to having rubber sex and being fucked by other Rubbermen, However, I had never had sex while crossdressed. This is about the first time that I was fucked as a Sissy in full drag.I was reading the dating page in one of those local add papers. ...

1 year ago
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How I got fucked in a gay sauna Part II

After my last venture to the gay sauna, I couldn't help going back! Last time I got fucked in the steam room while sucking on a strangers cock. I had a load splashed on my face and got my dick sucked and exploded in a guys mouth. This time I was still getting a lot of attention in the change room, this time I decided to go for a wonder around and see what else was happening. This time I went on a friday straight after work, it was really busy this time. I went upstairs from the change room,...

4 years ago
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Gayatri fulfills Rahul8217s long hair fetish 8211 Part 2

Now that my fetish was not hidden from Gayatri anymore, my load of burden was gone. She and I became even closer and used to have sex almost daily. She had become a very close friend to Kavita. At night, Gayatri showed me Kavita’s long hair pictures while she caressed my dick. I don’t know how she used to manage to get such pics of her, but I was enjoying it very much. Gayatri even used to give me a hairjob most days. She took care of her hair very much after knowing I had a hair fetish. I...

1 year ago
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Gayatri fulfills Rahul8217s long hair fetish 8211 Part 4

I got up from my nap after a few minutes. I went to the kitchen to see what my lovely ladies were cooking for lunch. I went to the kitchen door and peeked inside. Kavita and Gayatri were standing near the kitchen platform. While Gayatri was cutting vegetables, Kavita was cooking something in the pan. Not as a surprise, they were both naked with just an apron covering them from the front. Their oily hair was still in the braid which I had made. I could still see oil dripping from Gayatri’s braid...

2 years ago
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Awakening to the Gayland

You open your eyes to darkness. You are curled into a ball in a tight, confined space, what feels like wood all around you. Despite just being born, you have enough information about the world to get by. You run through these facts in a mental list: -You are an adult man. -You can see, hear, taste, smell, and feel things. -You have the ability to move, hunt, work, create things, solve problems, eat, drink, sleep, and have sex. -Eating, drinking and sleeping are priorities to live. -You do not...

3 years ago
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A Gaymer

You're on your computer at home browsing the internet, you have week off to do whatever you want to do starting tomorrow and you want to do nothing but play video games. Problem is you're already bored with the ones you have, the solution, a new game! As you mindlessly click into oblivion an ad catches your attention GAME OF THE CENTURY!!! Or so it said, you thought "why not?" an clicked away It was an rpg set in present day, the goal of the game is to do whatever you want and see what happens,...

2 years ago
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Wife sets Me up with a GayMaker

I had always been curious about men. I had always wanted to experiment but alas I was way too scared of being "gay" to ever follow through on any of my urges. Chalk that one up to 18 years of living in a conservative Christian community. Instead I left my sexual urges to the alone time I had to indulge in my other fantasy of crossdressing. I loved the thrill and excitement I got from wearing women's lingerie. I used to look forward to when my parents would be out of town and my older sister at...

1 year ago
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Paying the Rent in Jail GayPT3

I woke up in the morning, still on my mattress on the floor. My boy pussy was on fire and my panties were soaked with lube and cum. I went to our cell's toilet and let out a stream of my new master's cum. I couldn't believe I still had that much in me! I looked around for Jermane, but he wasn't in the cell. I figured he must have gone to his job in the kitchen and I'd finally have some alone time to contemplate my new life. Before I could get too deep in thought, a crackle came from the metal...

1 year ago
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Making of Gaybot

“Well, this is it.” Bradley turns to Jane. “End of the line.”They are at the conversion facility of the Department of Population Control.Jane looks up at Bradley.“We'll keep in touch, won't we?”“I'm sure we can do that, Jane. Even when I'm a gaybot, I'll still want to know you, share old times before we were changed over. We can be good friends, even if you are a lesbot.”“Do they do that?”“I'm sure they do.”The speaker announces their names. They kiss and hold hands as they part. Bradley...

2 years ago
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Wife Finds OUT GayMaker

Alex felt the guilt building inside of him. He couldn't believe what he had just done. He rubbed his hands across his face. His hands shaking, he paused at the door before silently turning the handle until he heard the click. He pressed the door open with his foot."Alex, so nice of you to come home this evening," Linda motioned at him to come into the room. "We have so much to talk about."She leaned back into the overstuffed chair, her arms d****d over each rest. She crossed her legs and stared...

3 years ago
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Husband Cheats Wife Gets Even GayMakers

Peter knew how to do things discreetly. On a warm Sunday afternoon, he took a young woman out to lunch and spent a little time on the beach, all the while giving her the most suitable signals to arouse her spirits. They kissed and took a long walk on the sand, enjoying the vivacious activity among hundreds of beach-goers. And once they finished with their personal time, Peter dropped her off at her home in the suburbs. They shared their last kiss for the day before she got out of her car and...

2 years ago
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Wife Made Me GayMaker

The fantasy had been going on for so long. We’d shared all of my fantasies and she knew how much they turned me on. We’d signed up for a couple of matchmaking internet sites and gotten a few replies, but never had acted on them. Last week, we’d gotten a reply from a man that wanted to make me his slave. We’d read it and she made me reply to him. I wasn’t sure that I could go through with any of it, but she made me tell him about my fantasies and then she sent him some of the stories I’d...

2 years ago
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I am a Special Guy GayMaker

Let me start out by saying Skip is not special...he is convinced that he somehow bumbled in to his predicament, but honestly he followed a well designed path that yields the same result every time...a guy naked and on his knees, his dick is hard and drooling, and he is agreeing to everything and anything I tell him to get his mouth on my dick. Nothing about his experience was spontaneous, unintentional, or unique to him from my perspective.First, about me...I am a special guy, I am bi, and I do...

4 years ago
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My GF Planned IT GayMAKER

My sex life with my live in girlfriend was the tops. She was such a good fuck that I never minded when she shaved my cock and balls. I only mildly objected when she started giving me enemas. This was followed with her putting her finger in my ass when we fucked. Next she begged me to let her use a small dildo on my ass(the size gradually increased till I could take a fairly good size). I began to really enjoy her playing with my ass especially when she used her finger or dido to massage my...

2 years ago
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She Hires Ted The GayMaker

To help me relax, Susan booked my massage a few nights before we left for Vegas."You're going to love it. Ted is a professional.""A professional?" I asked, "What kind of professional are we talking about?"Susan refused to give me too many details and looked at me with a smile, "The kind of professional that will help you relax and work out those tight spots. You're going to love it...trust me...have as much fun as you want and are comfortable with."The next night I went to the address Susan...

2 years ago
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Wife told me you were a Virgin GayMaker

I was returning home from work and was expecting my wife might have something planned for my birthday. We had been experimenting with some more uninhibited sex lately, and I was hoping that I wouldn't be walking into a surprise party with our neighbors, but some sort of more intimate surprise. I wasn't disappointed.I noticed Nancy's car was gone when I drove onto my street, and when I walked in the front door; I saw a note on the table."Dear Jim - Happy Birthday!! I got you a special gift and...

3 years ago
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Wife Gets Revenge GayMaker

I was working from home when the doorbell rang. It was Ken, a friend of my oldest son, a guy he'd played basketball with in high school. He was wearing a suit and tie. I wasn't sure what he was doing here. My son had his own place now."Hey Ken," I said. "You looking for Brian?"Ken shook his head. "Came to talk to you, actually.""OK," I said, and opened the door. He walked right past me like he owned the place, went into the living room, took off his suit coat, tossed it over the couch and sat...

4 years ago
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King Cock PT4 GayMaker

Eddie came home a couple hours later. He had just witnessed me shooting a load on his girlfriend's face and he was still furious! "How could you cum on Kim's face like that? You know she's my girlfriend!" he growled madly. "You come out last week in your towel and drop it for us to see your giant cock and you show us how big it gets. Who does that? Who hauls out their dick when he just meets someone? I don't care how big it gets. That is just wrong!" Eddie yells. "You're a fucking trip!"Eddie...

2 years ago
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King Cock PT3 GayMaker

A couple evenings later Kim shows up at the apt looking for Eddie. "Kim, Eddie won't be here for another 90 minutes or so. Feel free to wait." I'm wearing my usual apartment attire, a pair of shorts and I'm free balling it. No shirt, pretty much naked except for my thin shorts. I direct Kim to the couch to wait. I head into the kitchen and yell out to Kim, "You want a rum and coke while you wait?" She indicates she does. I decided that I really didn't like Kim. She was taking up too much of...

4 years ago
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King Cock PT2 GayMaker

Later that week Eddie brought his girl over to watch a movie with him. I'm sure part of the reason she was there was to show me that he was straight and really wasn't interested in my sizable meat. She was pretty cute. Nice body, big tits, I wouldn't mind fucking her. I bet her pussy would feel nice wrapped around my big dick. I finished with my shower, wrapped the towel around my waist and went into the living room to meet Eddie's new girl Kim.I knew that I would be fucking with Eddie's mind...

4 years ago
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Your Going to Love It GayMaker

Hey Baby,It's been a long time since we've been together alone. I'm glad to hear that your wife is out of town. I have been so horny thinking about you.... I've been thinking about this moment... for so long... and what it would be like when I got you all alone... away from your wife... and all to myselfBaby... I have brought you a present... and I think you are going to love it. But first... I want you to get naked. Take off all of your close. That's it... strip all the way down. Take off your...

2 years ago
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Wife Arranged IT GayMaker

Alicia and I had been enjoying a quiet evening at home in our apartment when there was a knock at the door. We live in a secure building so we assumed it was one of our neighbors. She answered the door and four well built men pushed their way into the apartment. We were led to the bedroom and that's when their intentions became clear."Get on your knees bitch," he said loudly and I quickly obeyed. I am a big guy, 6'3" 225lbs, and I ain't a bitch but there were four of them and only one of me. My...

1 year ago
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Black Package 2st step GayMaker

A couple of weeks had passed since the UPS man caught me looking at gay porn while delivering a package to my house and made me suck him off by threatening to tell my wife and neighbors, and in spite of the fact that he had said he’d be back in a week, I hadn’t seen hide nor hair of him. To be honest, while I liked the taste of his big black meat and liked being forced to swallow his cock, the fear of being caught or having this spiraling out of control was enough to make me happy that he...

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Black Package 1st step GayMaker

My wife had left for the office but I decided to stay home that day as I was sick and tired of working and needed some time to myself. After grabbing a cup of coffee, I flipped on the TV and powered up the PC to check my morning mail. After rifling thru the usual spam and bullshit messages from friends and relatives, I decided to check some of my favorite adult websites. I like a combination of erotic stories and pictures so I had several different websites up simultaneously. I like beautiful...

3 years ago
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GF Traded BF for Gym Membership GayMaker

“I think this is the main entrance,” said a pale young man standing out on the concrete sidewalk of a large, newly constructed gym. The young man was slender, with short blond hair, and not a hint of body hair on him. He was wearing brown shorts with a black polo shirt and pair of flip flops. The young man tapped on the door with his finger.“No shit Benny,” snapped an equally young girl. The girl was short with dark curly hair and long pink fingernails. She was wearing a white tank top which...

4 years ago
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Matt meets the GayMaker

Matt, whose anal cherry I had just taken, said, "I can't believe we just did that. I thought I was straight." "I knew you weren't," I replied, as I returned from the washroom. The irony was crazy as he was a really loud-mouthed, in your face linebacker on the field, but now in my arms he was a tame, insecure man wanting to be cuddled and loved. "What do you mean?" He asked, looking offended. "I just knew," I shrugged. "How?" He questioned, clearly worried others would know he was a cocksucker....

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New Hobby is Turning Straight Guys GayMaker

THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A STRAIGHT MAN Oh sure, many men think they are straight and many men will never once in their life ever do anything sexual with another man, yet I strongly believe any man can be seduced. The reality is you just have to open up their minds to the idea by planting the seed and once it's there it will often flourish. I have seduced guys in under an hour, I have also seduced guys that took me three months, but they almost always submit eventually...curiosity is a big...

3 years ago
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Seduced by a GayMaker

He knelt between my spread thighs as I lay naked on my back. His hard cock jutted from his taut muscular body and my hungry eyes devoured his glistening flesh as he fisted his long, thick dick and looked down at me with an amused expression on his chiseled face. "Do you want it?" He teased as he rubbed the slick wet head of his cock against my taint making me moan softly with wanton desire. I had never been with a man before. I had never considered it an option before that night but as I looked...

2 years ago
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Straight Man Taught a Hard Lesson GayMaker

I was working from home when the doorbell rang. It was Ken, a friend of my oldest son, a guy he'd played basketball with in high school. He was wearing a suit and tie. I wasn't sure what he was doing here. My son had his own place now."Hey Ken," I said. "You looking for Brian?"Ken shook his head. "Came to talk to you, actually.""OK," I said, and opened the door. He walked right past me like he owned the place, went into the living room, took off his suit coat, tossed it over the couch and sat...

2 years ago
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The GayMaker

I caught Mark cheating on me again. That bastard!" "Wow...sorry s*s. What are you going to do?" asked Frank."I don't know. I need to teach him a lesson." "Why don't you just break up with him," Jerry wondered. "Oh I'm going to break up with him alright. But before I do...I'm going to get him back. This is the third time I've caught him." "What you need is the gay maker," Frank said. "Dude...that's pretty rash," Jerry said. "This guy is fucking it up for the rest. He's pissing off all the women...

2 years ago
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Becoming his girl Sissy story by GirlyGay

In the summer after my eighteenth birthday, I met Nick. He was a thirty-something who lived in our building. My parents had gone for their yearly European trip, and I had been left behind this year because I had college orientation during what would have been the last week of their trip. Mooning and alone, with nothing to do for four whole weeks until my flight up west, I took to the pool to catch some sun. I had not bought new trunks in a while, and so my old ones were riding high on my...

2 years ago
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Welcome to the Gayborhood

Just after college, I rented a small guest house in a up and cumming part of town. It was quant and quiet and none of my friends lived close by, so I had lots of time to watch gay porn and play with my dildo. I had gotten rather comfortable with so much privacy, a would forget to close the blinds. The old lady I rented from couldn't see the guest house from her windows, I was tucked away enough I would read outside naked. One day I got really horny and started to lube up. I put on my favorite...

1 year ago
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Saman Dhene Aaya Sardar Chohke Chalegaya

11 sal pahle hui is sambhav aap lok pasand karenge.Yeh sochke mene ye suru karthi hum.Meri nam kumari.45 sal age.Kerala ki aurath hum mem.Mem thodi moti aur chote khad ki hum.Savle rang.Bahuth badi chuchi aur mote chuthad fi hum.Mere husband army me dhe.Bihar me dhanapur me dhe unki posting.Hum donom army quarters me rahthe dhe.Sadhi hoke 9 sal hui lekin bache nahi dhi. Kuch mahine bad husbend ko muzaffar pur me temporary duty ke liye jana pada.6 mahine keliye dhe duty.Mem akeli dhanapur...

3 years ago
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Sports Camp Main Ek Ladki Ki Virginity Khogayi

By: Sohi Hi ISS readers kaisey hai aap log mera naam sohi hai ye meri dusri kahani hai agar koi galti hogayi hoto please please mujhey maaf kardo aur please agar koi mujhsey friendship karna cahta hai to please mujhey mail karrey mujhey friends ki bahut zarrorat hai wo chahey girl ho ya boy on Aur meri story ka feed back bhi dey ha to seedha story pe aatahu baat 2 saal pehley ki hai jab main ek sports camp key liye select huwa tha mai to main ek sports hostel key selection key liye bangalore...

2 years ago
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Moti Gand Wali Aurat K Liye Fasgaya

Hi doston mera name “San” hai,, fir se apke liye ek mera naya storie layan hoon, aap ne mera pichle wala dono storie hi kafi pasand kiya hai, aj main aap k samne meri aur ek storie suna ne ja ragha hoon. Ye mera naya email id hai aap sabhi isi me mail kar sakten hai “ “Aap sabhi jante hai ki mera name san hai, aur mujhe thodi aunty type girl pasand hai, wayse to mujhe gori chikni sabhi type ki ladkiyan panad hai, par aunty main ek alag hi baat hai, job hi ho main apna story apko sunata...

2 years ago
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Mere adhura sex gayan

Hi I m Akshaya from Mumbai, now I m 30yr old, I live in Mumbai alone. (BUT MY NATIVE PLACE IS BOLNGIR ORISSA)I have no any girl friends .my height is 5″4 or I m slim in figure, I have done mechanical engg. I work in a pvt company .any girl want to fuck with me mail me for Mumbai only my mail id is I wait for girl and lady. Ye ek real story hai main ye bat kisibhi nehi kaha hai , kiyu mi muje baht hi sarm athai , job main iss main bahi bahan ki sex ke bare main padha tu mere ye likhne himat hoa...

3 years ago
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No Choice I am a CockSucker GayPT2

I looked at the leader of the group and he was smiling a knowing smile. They had me and I was powerless to fight. I thought I had done enough to get out of this situation, but it did not seem so. As I glanced down, I noticed the leader had a sizable hard-on trapped inside his tight black jeans.He walked over to number 2, took the camera and ordered me, "stand up."Then he told number 2, "Take of you pants and assume the bottom position, knees up and ass out on the edge of the bed."The leader...

1 year ago
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Huh? My Gay Sites? Well, not everyone can appreciate a good, tight pussy or a pair of nice, perky tits. Insane, I know. But there is a growing minority of you fucks out there who just can’t seem to get enough dick. Some of you obsess over jacked dudes with huge dicks and shaved bods. I shudder just thinking out it. And I’m not talking about you hot slutty babes. I already know you bitches can’t get enough dick. I’m talking about other dudes. I personally could never give up my pussy slaying...

Gay Porn Sites
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Tricked in gaysex

I was a nice looking,and friendly. I was staying with my grand parents at a holiday resort. My grandfather had hired a little rowboat for he and I to use for fishing and love to fish allday long. A family was staying i opposite to ours and I became friendly with some of the boys. ThEy had a family friend staying with them, a man about 45 if I remember rightly. He was also very friendly and kind and one day when I wanted to go fishing and my grandfather couldn't take me for some reason, this man...


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