Husband Cheats Lesbian free porn video

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Laura would be forty in a few days. The fact that her husband of twenty-two years just walked out the door with a suitcase in his hand had nothing to do with her age. The age of his twenty-three-year-old of a whore secretary had more to do with it than anything.

Laura sat in the middle of the living room floor and thought about suicide. Then she threw back her head and laughed. Just why should she give the asshole the satisfaction, flashed through her brain, clearing her head.

Slowly, she lay back, flat on the floor, and stared up at the flat, white ceiling. Her mind was pacing like a caged a****l but she was strangely calm. That's when she realized that she hadn't shed a single tear. This both surprised and shocked her. After twenty-two years, there should be something to cry about, she thought sharply.

Then the realization that she really didn't feel anything one way or the other flooded her mind and a single tear coursed slowly down her cheek. That says a whole lot about my life, doesn't it, she thought, angry with herself. What made her angry was the question of what the hell that little twenty-two-year-old had that she didn't?

Laura lifted her hands and brushed them across the front of her silk blouse, barely grazing the tips of her nipples. As always, her nipples jumped to attention and a tingle coursed through her small breasts.

Her breasts might be small but they were just as firm and sensitive as they had been when she was a teenager. She brushed her fingertips over the hard pebbles again and felt herself shiver as the tingling spread.

She teased her nipples a moment longer and then moved her hands down to caress her stomach. Well, laying down it was flat, she thought. It was softer than it had been all those years ago but it was still fairly firm and, except for the little soft swell below her navel, it wasn't in bad shape.

"Hell, let the little secretary have three k**s and see how her tummy looked afterwards," Laura said out loud.

She sighed and moved her hands back up to caress her breasts again. Damn, that felt good. How long had it been since he'd done that? Six months, maybe eight. Not since the new secretary had come to work at his office.

Laura unbuttoned the top two buttons of her blouse and slipped her right hand under the satiny cloth to caress her bare left breast directly. A soft whimpering moan escaped her lips as she pinched the hard bud where it was perched on the puffy cone of her areola.

Damn, she hadn't realized how horny she was until this very second. She had felt this subtle, almost itchy, feeling for nearly a month now and it suddenly dawned on her what it was - she was horny as hell.

That's easy enough to take care of, she thought as her hands caressed their way down along her body. She avoided coming close to her sex and ended up with her hands flat on top of her upper thighs.

She lightly stroked her thighs through the thin material of her long skirt. She flexed her hips up and back, feeling the strap on her thong rubbing in the cleft of her ass and pulling tighter against her mound and sex.

A shiver ran up and down her spine as she slowly gathered the skirt up with her hands, feeling it slide slowly up her legs. As the hem passed her knees, she flexed her hips again, the back of the thong riding deeper into the cleft of her ass. The hem of the skirt caused a tickling sensation along the tops of her thighs as it slowly moved along.

Why weren't people made with four hands, she wondered, one set to caress her breasts, one hand for her clit, and one to tease and stroke her opening? It would feel so good. A little quiver ran up and down her body at the thought. With the skirt bunched up around her waist, she could feel the air conditioning on her hips and thighs and the dampness of her thong.

She shifted her thighs, clenching and unclenching, marveling at her own wetness. It never ceased to amaze her how quickly she could get so wet once she got started. Getting started, now that had been the problem, well, it wasn't a problem at the moment.

As she lay there, suddenly her mind asked, just what the hell she thought she was doing. Laura started to get up but quickly changed her mind. Why should she get up? Why shouldn't she lay here and…?

Her mind shied away from the rest of the thought. She forced herself to think the word - masturbate. It was her body and she could do with it, as she wanted. After all, who was there to say different. Who was there to care?

Throughout her c***dhood and marriage, she had held on to the idea that sex was a special and wonderful thing shared by two special and wonderful people. Well, that theory was sure shot to hell and back, wasn't it, she thought sharply? One special and wonderful person would have to do, wouldn't it?

Laura hooked her thumbs in the waist straps of the thong and slipped it down, raising her hips as she did. When she had the waistband down around her thighs, she lowered her hips and lifted her legs, pulling her knees up toward her chest. As she pulled the thong off, she felt the strap in the back slipping out from between the cheeks of her ass and pull wetly away from her sex.

This made her tremble and take a deep shuddery breath. Her mind was showing her what she looked like laying there on the floor baring her sex and ass so blatantly. It was sexy and sensuous on the one hand, and somehow very nasty on the other.

She left the thong hanging from one ankle as she stretched her legs back out, held them off the floor, and spread them as wide as they would go. She gasped softly when she felt the cool air on her hot sex and ass. She left her legs spread wide and pulled her knees back toward her chest, reveling in her obscene display.

Her eyes flicked to the windows and then to the front door. What if someone should walk in or see her? She took a sharp, shuddering breath at that thought, but she kept her legs where they were.

Laura's hands caressed the backs of her thighs, feeling the tightness of the muscles and then wandered down over the rock hard cheeks of her ass. She suddenly slapped first one cheek and then the other, gasping at the sharp stinging pain. She slapped each cheek, hard, another half dozen times.

When she ran her hands over her ass again, it felt hot and the spot she had slapped tingled. She wondered if her ass was red and then laughed at the absurd thought of spanking herself as a punishment.

Punishment for what, she wondered for a second. Anyway, it felt good in a kinky sort of way. She slapped each cheek again even harder than before.

Her hands came back up to tease her hard nipples for a moment and then she unbuttoned the remaining buttons on her blouse and caressed her breasts slowly and lightly. The tingle in her breasts came back even stronger than before. Her nipples ached to be sucked, which wasn't going to happen, so she pinched and pulled on them.

It wasn't the same but it still felt good. She moaned softly as she rolled both nipples between her forefingers and thumbs. When she felt her hips flex of their own accord, she moved one hand slowly down across her stomach to brush lightly at the short, soft V of hair on her mound.

Teasingly she traced the outline of the V with a touch so light that it almost tickled. She moved her hand slightly lower and trailed her long nails down one smoothly shaven outer lip and then back up the other. Her hips trembled at the light teasing touch.

She felt a deep stirring within her sex as the thin inner lips expanded and opened. She tightened her pelvic muscles and squeezed, feeling the tingle in her vagina increase. She lowered her feet to the carpet, close to her ass and spread her knees wide, stretching herself open even farther.

Her nails continued to tickle and tease her outer lips, as she wondered if she should go get her vibrator. She didn't feel like getting up and breaking the mood. Anyway, she didn't think it would take her long to climax, even using just her fingers.

Just the thought of her fingers deep in her pussy made her inner muscles clench and her hips quiver in anticipation. With a soft sigh, Laura slipped her middle finger into the top of her slit and circled her hard clit with her nail. She let out a small huff at the sharp jolt that shot through her pussy.

It wouldn't take long at all, she thought as her hips rose up slightly. Not wanting to come too quickly, she rubbed her finger slowly up and down along her moist slit but now avoided her clit. She spent a moment teasing her wet opening with her nail and fingertip. Oh, it felt so good.

Moving her finger lower, she tickled the tight bud of her anus. She sighed deeply at the pleasure that gave her. She had never been a big fan of anal sex but that was because her husband had always been in such a hurry. He seemed to always make it hurt, worrying only about himself and not her. She had used her vibrator on her own ass several times and had marveled at how good it felt.

Again, she wished for the vibrator but decided to settle for a finger instead. She dipped her finger into her hot, sopping wet vagina and then returned it to the puckered opening to spread the slippery fluid over it. She made one more trip to the well, so to speak, and then pressed her fingertip to the tight opening of her anus.

She whimpered and then moaned softly as her finger slowly slipped inside. Oh God, that felt so very good. Why couldn't her husband have had a little more patience and understanding? If he had, then he would probably have still been here with a woman instead of off chasing some dumb, blonde, giggly girl.

Laura moved her finger in and out slowly, going deeper each time. After a moment or two, she moaned softly and brought her other hand down to tease her clit. She rubbed a finger up and down on each side of the hard bud, squeezing it gently between them.

The orgasm was sudden and sharp. Laura's fingers only hesitated for a second before they returned to the business at hand. Her fingers moved slowly and the orgasm went on and on at a slightly lower level.

Her body shook slightly and her hips flexed up and back, driving the finger even deeper into her ass. She could feel the muscles of her asshole gripping and releasing the finger as she came. It was an awesome and intense feeling.

As the orgasm slowly tapered off to just a light trembling, Laura held her fingers still and lingered in the soft afterglow. Her mind was sharply focused on her body and it took a moment to realize that someone was standing in the front doorway. She jerked her hands away from her sex and then returned them to cover it as she tried to sit up. She groaned softly as she did so.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to intrude," Carol, her neighbor and best friend, whispered as she backed up and shut the door.

Laura pulled her skirt down and the blouse together. The door popped back open and Carol's head appeared.

"Uh, is there a problem? I saw John leave with a bag and figured he was going on one of his quickie business trips. Did he leave too quickly to take care of things right or were you just having a little extra fun? I was going to invite you on a little girl's night out fun but you seemed to be having more fun all by yourself."

"Come on in, Carol, before you let all the flies out. John didn't leave on a business trip; he just left, as in a new place to live," Laura said softly with no emotion at all.

"What?" Carol said as she came in and shut the door. "Then what's with the self gratification in the middle of the living room floor? You should be ranting and raving, throwing things, and cussing him for all you're worth."

Laura shook her head and shrugged. "I just can't seem to find any emotion left to put into it. I was thinking about suicide but decided to masturbate instead. I figured it would be more productive in the long run. Anyway, it would have given him too much satisfaction, not to mention the money from my life insurance, if I killed myself."

Carol just stood there looking at her friend, not knowing what to say. Laura chuckled dryly and said, "Don't worry about it, I feel much better now. I'd have felt a hell of a lot better if I'd had my toy or if you had waited a while longer to show up. I have a lot of orgasms to catch up on after about eight months without one."

"What?" Carol said again.

Laura laughed and said, "Girlfriend, you need to work on that, you're starting to repeat yourself. He's been fucking his little twenty-three-year-old secretary for at least six months of that."

"What?" Carol said and then added, "Shit!" Then she took a deep breath and asked, "When did you find out about it?"

"When I came home from work to find him packing a bag, he told me all about it," Laura replied. "Although, I've had an idea that something had been going on for a while now. You know: the phone calls, the late meetings, the lipstick on his collar, the usual stuff."

"You're way too calm about this," Carol said softly, "You're almost scary, the way you're sitting there half naked, discussing this like it's nothing. I'd be having a screaming, crying fit if it was me."

"Why?" Laura asked. "It wouldn't do any good and anyway, the marriage has been dead for way longer than I want to admit to. I haven't felt anything real for him in a long time. He killed anything and everything we had a little at a time over the last four or five years."

"How did he do that? Why did he do that would be a better question," Carol said as she sat down in the chair closest to Laura.

Laura shrugged and said, "The why I don't have any idea about but the how is very simple. He grew cold and distant; he was wrapped up in his work and nothing else. I became someone he knew, not someone he loved and…." She let the sentence trail off.

"What are you going to do now?" Carol asked in a sympathetic whisper.

Laura sat there thinking for a moment and then grinned as she replied, "I think I'll go up stairs, strip off naked, get my toy out, and fuck my own brains out, since no one else seems to want to. For starters anyway."

Carol just sat there looking at her, a shocked look on her face. Laura laughed and asked, "Want to join me for a real girl's night in? I've never tried it, but right now I'm game for almost anything."

Carol blushed deeply under Laura's stare. "Are you serious?" Carol asked softly.

Without even thinking about it, Laura replied, "Why the hell not? Maybe I'll have better luck as a lesbian than I'm having now."

"You'd be bi, like I am, not a lesbian," Carol whispered as she moved from the chair to the floor, next to Laura.

Now it was Laura's turn to have a shocked look on her face. Carol chuckled and leaned forward to softly brush her lips over Laura's. Laura jerked back.

Carol smiled, and whispered, "You're very beautiful and sexy. I've had fantasies about you and me together for years."

"What?" Laura said sharply.

Carol laughed and said, "Now, don't you start that, it was bad enough when I was doing it."

"I never ever even considered… I mean… you're married. What does your husband think of…?" Laura whispered in confusion.

Carol laughed and replied, "He doesn't have a problem with it, especially when I tie him to a chair and let him watch."

Laura opened her mouth to say, "What," but caught herself. Carol caught it also and chuckled as she leaned over and brushed her lips over Laura's once again. Laura didn't jerk back this time, so Carol kissed her gently.

After a moment, Carol raised her hand and brushed the back of her fingers over Laura's hard nipple. Laura jerked and then moaned softly as Carol brushed the nipple again.

You're a horny little devil, aren't you? Carol thought to herself as she slipped her hand inside Laura's blouse to caress her breast. Laura moaned softly again and pressed her breast more firmly to Carol's hand.

This is almost too easy, Carol thought as she kissed Laura more forcefully. All I have to do is take it easy and not scare her, was her next thought.

Laura's mind was in a whirl. One part wanted to push Carol away and to tell her that she wasn't that way. Another part marveled at the way she was being kissed and caressed, so soft and sweetly, yet so knowingly and persuasively. It was the way Laura had always wanted to be kissed and caressed, as she would do it herself, if she could. She felt a shiver run up her spine as she heard herself moan into Carol's mouth as she surrendered to the feelings.

Carol eased Laura back until she was once again flat on the floor. The kiss was growing more and more passionate by the second. Carol paused in caressing Laura's breast long enough to unbutton her own blouse.

When she had it open, she eased Laura's right hand up and pressed it to her breast. Laura whimpered softly and caressed Carol's full, firm globe with a light feathery touch. Carol shuddered and kissed Laura even deeper as she went back to teasing Laura's hard nipple.

Laura felt her head spinning in a dizzying whirl. The kiss was sending shivers up and down her spine, as was the sensations from her breast and nipple. Her hand exploring Carol's breast seemed strange but then again, it felt exciting at the same time.

She wondered how it felt to Carol. Experimenting, she rolled Carol's long, hard nipple between her forefinger and thumb. Carol quivered, moaned softly, and returned the favor, which caused Laura to moan loudly.

Carol broke the kiss and sat up suddenly to remove her blouse. Then she moved around until she was above Laura's head. Moving forward, she leaned over farther and kissed Laura from this position, for a moment, before moving on down to lick and then suck on her right nipple.

Laura groaned and then moaned deeply, pressing the breast tightly to Carol's mouth. Carol shifted her upper body around until she felt her nipple brush across Laura's lips. Laura didn't need a second hint as she sucked the nipple between her lips and flicked at it with the tip of her tongue.

Carol's nipple was three times the size of her own, but from the sounds Carol was making, it was just as sensitive. Laura swirling her tongue around the fingertip-sized bud, caused Carol to moan even louder. This excited Laura, knowing that she was giving Carol as much pleasure as she was receiving. She raised her hand to the other breast and tweaked the nipple lightly. Carol gave out with a whimper and did the same thing to Laura.

This is even better than any of my fantasies, Carol thought to herself, happy with the way Laura was responding. She released the nipple she was sucking and moved to the other. She licked and teased it until Laura moaned loudly around the nipple she was sucking and licking.

Only then did Carol suck it between her lips. Laura moaned even louder and intensified her attention to Carol's nipples. Carol could see Laura's hips flexing subtly under her dress and knew it was time to move on. She wondered just how far Laura would go before she chickened out. There was only one way to find out.

Carol kissed her way down Laura's ribs and then out onto the smooth, soft plane of her belly. Laura had whimpered softly when Carol pulled her nipple out of her mouth, but now she felt her warm, slippery tongue flick teasingly across and around her belly button. Laura was getting bolder it seemed. Carol did the same to Laura as she used one hand to pull her skirt up.

Flashes of the sights she had seen earlier, when Laura had been masturbating, floated across her mind. She licked her lips and moved lower to trace the V of hair on Laura's mound. Laura's hips jerked and then quivered at the warm, soft touch.

Carol shifted her hips from side to side, spreading her knees wider apart; trying to get the A-line skirt she had on to slide up. She didn't have any panties on, thank goodness. She didn't think Laura would have the nerve to lick her back, but you never knew.

The thought of Laura licking her clit made Carol shake harder than the thought of her licking Laura's clit. When she felt Laura's tongue on her inner thigh, Carol groaned deeply and moved down to trace the outline of Laura's very wet slit with the tip of her tongue.

She wondered briefly, if the wetness was from what she was doing or from earlier. It didn't matter, her fantasy was about to come true, one-way or the other.

Laura felt like she was in a dream, her mind just floating on a sea of sensations. Carol licking her belly had tickled in a sexy, sensuous way but then she had lightly licked the V on her mound and Laura had nearly came. Now, with Carol's tongue tracing her sex, Laura's body was tense and quivery, waiting for Carol's tongue to touch her center.

When it did, Laura knew she would explode in a tremendous, world-shaking orgasm. She was nearly there now. She licked timidly at Carol's inner thigh again, hoping she would go ahead and do it, to push her over the edge.

Carol sensed where Laura was and grinned to herself as she moved her head and softly licked at Laura's inner thigh. Laura whimpered softly and flexed her hips up and to the side, trying to get Carol back to the right spot. Carol again licked along her inner thigh, almost to her sex and then stopped.

Laura moaned and then whimpered again, her hips moving around in search of Carol's tongue. Carol just waited. Laura felt frustrated for a second, as Carol didn't get the right idea. Then before she let herself think about it, she raised her head and flicked the tip of her tongue against the swollen bud of Carol's clit.

Carol groaned loudly and literally attacked Laura's sex. Laura went off in an earth-shattering orgasm, her legs coming up to trap Carol's head between her thighs. Carol licked and sucked at her clit, lowering her own sex closer to Laura's face.

Laura yelled loudly for a moment and then attacked Carol's sex, the same way she was being attacked. Carol gave out with a loud yell of her own as her orgasm crashed in on her.

Now they were both on a whole other plane, one of give and give, receiving as well as they gave, neither taking. Time became a thing of the past; only the gratification of the other mattered and their orgasms spiraled up, up, and away.


Sometime later, Carol rolled over and lay flat on her back next to Laura. Laura's hand searched around and found Carol's to interlace their fingers. Nothing was said, nothing needed to be said, right then. Both were breathing heavily and had soft smiles on their faces.

There was a noise at the door and then it open. John stepped through and sat his bag down. Suddenly, his head snapped around and he stared at the two disheveled and nearly nude women lying on the floor. His eyes got big and his mouth dropped open.

Neither woman moved but Laura giggled loudly as Carol asked, "Did you forget something or did you realize that you had screwed up royally?"

"What the hell?" John asked loudly.

"Oh nothing much, dear. Carol was just taking care of what you've been neglecting for the last six months," Laura replied in a soft whisper. "Why are you back? Is there a problem with your little whore of a secretary?" she asked in a more normal voice.

John's mouth dropped open again; he had never heard his wife speak to him that way.

"Well, you can just turn your ass around and get the hell out of here. You made your bed, now go somewhere else to lay in it. Close the door, when you do," Laura said in a calm, rational voice.

John looked at Laura for a second more and then moved his gaze over to Carol, his eyes roaming over her breasts, and then down to her sex.

"Don't eyeball me; you ain't ever going to go anywhere near this pussy. You're history around here, so do as she says and close the door on your way out," Carol said sharply.

John frowned deeply and opened his mouth. Before he could say anything, Laura cut him off. "Get out of here, you don't live here anymore go back to your whore," she yelled at him, anger rising in her voice.

John got a shocked look on his face for a second. "Yes, I'm talking to you, now get the fuck out," Laura said more calmly.

John picked up his bag and turned toward the door. He paused for a second and started to say something. Laura cut him off in a cold stony voice, "Save it for someone who really cares. Goodbye."

John went out the door. He didn't even slam it, which surprised Laura.

"Asshole," she whispered under her breath.

Carol just sat there looking at Laura. Laura grinned and said, "Now that that's settled again, where were we? Oh yeah, we were just about to go upstairs and find my toy. Anyway, my bed is much more comfortable than this floor."

Carol laughed and said, "Damn, girlfriend, I think you found that emotion you lost earlier."

"Yeah, that and a lot more," Laura whispered back with a big grin spreading over her face.

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We have access to so much pornography on the Web that it’s impossible to see it all. For fuck sake, there is an uncountable amount of porn that is posted every single day. To say that you can find anything that gets you off is an understatement. From cam shows to tube sites with millions of embedded porn videos and even virtual reality porn, you can find something that will get you off.But sometimes, you want to go back to simpler times. You may even want to go back to a time where looking at...

Lesbian Porn Sites
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Sexcom Lesbian

It only takes a Google search to discover that streaming lesbian videos is easier than taking a shit. It’s some of the easiest content to find, and there is no shortage. You could cum to lesbian content every day of your life, and you still wouldn’t see everything. For fuck sake, there are probably more lesbian videos published every day than you can jerk off to in your entire life, period!But even though there is a constant influx of sexy lesbian videos of all shapes and sizes, sometimes you...

Lesbian Porn Sites
4 years ago
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South Beach Marcie Cheats

Javon's parents sold a company that they had started and built for years. They are now wealthy, but still want to live a normal life. He is their only child who was born later in their lives. Although spoiled as a child, his parents raised him to be a responsible adult. He and his family moved to Miami to escape the cold Chicago winters. Javon's first week was spent at a hotel right across the street from South Beach.Javon's first sexual experience was with a woman named Josie and her...

1 year ago
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Iam Not Gay All Girl School Lesbian

I was very happy when I got into an all-girls college. The boys on campus in high school had always been a distraction, always hitting on the girls and trying to get them into bed. It seemed like all they wanted was what was between our legs.I had fallen for someone in high school and given him my virginity but in the end of the school year he just dumped me for another prettier girl. The way I figured an all-girls school would allow me to focus on my studies for four years and not be...

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XVideos Lesbian

Need lesbian XVideos content? Everyone knows about and all of the amazing videos that they offer you. One of the most popular sections on the website has to be the Lesbian category though and it definitely makes sense since it’s one of the most popular categories in America which is the primary consumer of You’ll definitely see a shitload of videos in this category and they simply never get boring. I mean I’m as straight as they get, and I love fucking chicks really...

Lesbian Porn Sites
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NoodleMagazine Lesbian

If you’re looking for the hottest lesbian porn on the market and you want to get it for free, then you’re going to need to find a good website for that kind of stuff. Many players in the porn industry allow you to get free porn, so it might be hard to make a decision. Well, today, I have one of your potential choices and it comes in the form of a site called This place is a pretty great free porn site that is incredibly simple and it won’t take you that much thinking in...

Lesbian Porn Sites
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NudeVista Lesbian is a porn aggregator site. What does this mean? It means that it’s a site that combines the content of many other sites and puts it all in one place. Now, the content isn’t streamed from the domain of, but instead, it’s streamed on the site that originally hosts the file. This is great if you have a lot of lesbian porn that you want to show, but you don’t have a lot of hosting space. Porn aggregator sites usually work like this and their biggest storage issue are all...

Lesbian Porn Sites
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ViperGirls Lesbian

What is your everyday routine when you start looking for porn? If you are like most people, you probably go to a tube site and begin scouring the genre that gets you off. Or maybe you load up a hentai game and get hard from watching sexy octopuses fuck a bitch with the biggest titties you’ve ever seen. Whatever your routine may be, if you are growing tired of it, consider trying something new. Such as visiting a forum and exploring the unique porn within.“Wait, you want me to visit a forum? To...

Lesbian Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Kim Kardashian Cheats on Kanye goes Anal

Kim was getting dressed to go to one of her good friend’s, Amanda’s pool cum house party. She had recently moved in, and had decided to throw a party to invite a few of her friends. She had mentioned that the party will head to bar afterwards, so it was up to the guests to bring their swimmers. Kim contemplated taking a nice pair of bikini with her or wear a really revealing dress that would be perfect for the pool. She decided to go with the dress, a tight short pencil skirt dress with a very...

1 year ago
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xHamster Lesbian

Craving some lesbian xHamster videos? I’ve been a porno expert for years now and I can confidently say that lesbian porn is always a hot category whether you’re an avid porn addict who can’t keep his hands off his dick or you prefer the occasional fap every now and then. Everyone loves seeing two hot sluts go at each other and turn their pussies inside out with their tongues without a dick in sight. Lesbian porn’s always been a true bastion of the pornography industry, and it deserves praise by...

Lesbian Porn Sites
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AEBN Lesbian

I fucking love lesbians! I know that these chicks are not into dicks, but there is something about cunt slurping that makes my blood boil. A dirty confession I had to make! All dudes dig lesbians, right? Lesbians dig lesbians, straight chicks like them, and men love them. Double standards at their best. Gays are noooo, but lesbians are ok. You know me, I don't care for that all equality shit. Lesbians are hot, gays are not! At least in my world. Deal with it!I don't know why I brought all of...

Premium Lesbian Porn Sites
3 years ago
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BBW Coworker cheats takes my a strangers load u

It was about 2 months into a new job I had gotten in a small office. It was just my and 3 women in there, two in long term relationships and one to old for me. It was a normal office job where I had an office and my own space. The job itself was challenging and I was beginning to feel like it was too much work. The days seemed long and when I got home I would think about work all night. One of my coworkers took the bus with me in the mornings. We began talking and building a work related...

3 years ago
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Young Busty Coworker Cheats on BF takes cum

It was about 2 months into a new job I had gotten in a small office. It was just my and 3 women in there, two in long term relationships and one to old for me. It was a normal office job where I had an office and my own space. The job itself was challenging and I was beginning to feel like it was too much work. The days seemed long and when I got home I would think about work all night. One of my coworkers took the bus with me in the mornings. We began talking and building a work related...

1 year ago
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Coworker F23 cheats on fiance with me m33 takes cu

It was about 2 months into a new job I had gotten in a small office. It was just my and 3 women in there, two in long term relationships and one to old for me. It was a normal office job where I had an office and my own space. The job itself was challenging and I was beginning to feel like it was too much work. The days seemed long and when I got home I would think about work all night. One of my coworkers took the bus with me in the mornings. We began talking and building a work related...

1 year ago
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An Indian Wife cheats with my Twin Brother

It was a long day at work, I was returning home when my brother called to tell me he was coming home for dinner. I wondered he would never invite himself but then again being a brother I couldn’t say no to him. To tell you a little about me, I am 30 and so is my brother.. shocked? Well we are hot indian Punjabi girl. To be honest I am about 6 feet, good built and a have never had a complain with my cock, it was a decent 9” monster and my wife loved it. My wife was 5”9 lovely brown hair, 36cc...

Erotic Fiction
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PornTrex Lesbian

Up until very recently, I have never been a huge fan of lesbian porn. Don’t get me wrong, I was never opposed to the idea of seeing beautiful women eat each other out, finger each other’s beautiful assholes, or scissor themselves silly without any dicks there to block the sublime views, I just always struggled to see how I would fit into the fantasy. Lesbians, after all, contrary to the way the porn industry so often portrays them to be, want absolutely nothing to do with guys. So, therefore, I...

Lesbian Porn Sites
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DaftSex Lesbian

I've been thinking about to what end lesbian porn is popular and is watched by both straight women and men. Well, for men it's actually easy to figure out because they are basically aroused by visual cues that emphasize youthfulness and downplay dramatic emotional display. Lesbian porn is almost like the dramatic playout of women’s emotional being almost like a symbol of what they would rather have. I can’t deny that this shit is deep as hell but most probably the hell about it that most men...

Lesbian Porn Sites
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XNXX Lesbian

Are you a fan of lesbian porn? I know you are since you clicked on this review, so I’ll get right down to it. If you were looking for a good porn site where you can watch HD porn videos, you’ve come to the right place. Now, not all videos on are in HD and not all of them are lesbian pornos. Still, you can quickly change that just by clicking on the lesbian category and then adjusting the settings of all the videos that are displayed there to be above 720p, which you can do quite...

Lesbian Porn Sites
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Welcome to the Team PT2 Lesbian

Downstairs at the party everyone had heard the screams coming from Laura's room even over the music. Most the experienced players in the league were secretly delighted although maybe a little jealous by Laura's new relationship with Kelli. They all knew that every practice, every game, every date, every party and most importantly every new recruit, was critical to the success of the league. This party had been precisely planed out for just a few women. Women that had never experienced love...

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SxyPrn Lesbian

Man, I’m so fucking excited about this one. This genre is a tried and true favorite amongst me and just about every dude out there. Lesbian porn. Its popularity needs to explanation. Watching two slutty babes eat each other out, scissor, get fingered, and do all kinds of sexy shit is amazing. It’s fucking magical is what it is. Who needs dicks in their porn? I’d much rather watch some chick with a huge rack fuck another slut, hopefully with even bigger tits if I get to choose, with a big ass...

Lesbian Porn Sites
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Futas Wild Passion 19 Futa Dates the Lesbian

Chapter Nineteen: Futa Dates the Lesbian By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to FallenAngelX00 for beta reading this! I was so excited for my date with Wendy. Allie helped me choose my clothes. My sister-girlfriend was having fun choosing the perfect outfit for me to wear on my date with my “official” girlfriend. That amused my younger sister to no end. “This is perfect,” Allie had declared when she saw me wearing a pair of knee-high socks (Allie insisted on them), her favorite...

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AdultTime Lesbian

I watched lesbians on Adult Time all morning, and I had a great time despite all the other Starbuck’s customers trying to sneak a peek over my shoulder. Hey, I’m all for sharing, but the baristas already hassle me without some other wanker pulling his pud and causing a real scene. Subtlety is the key to enjoying porno in public, but maybe that’s a lesson for another day. Today, I want to chat about those lesbians I mentioned.If you’re a regular consumer of premium pornography, there’s a good...

Premium Lesbian Porn Sites
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I Cant Not Help Myself Lesbian

I could not help myself. She lay there on her back in her panties and a bra-less t-shirt watching the TV. Her sweet 18 year old legs spread ever so slightly on the couch and her cute little ass enticed me even more. She was my housemate's little sister visiting to see the university and I knew walking over and talking to her was a bad idea. I knew that there was a good chance that within the hour I'd have her cute little face between my legs enjoying my cunt.Her name was Becky. She looked up at...

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Turned out another Girl Lesbian

I could not help myself. She lay there on her back in her panties and a bra-less t-shirt watching the TV. Her sweet 18 year old legs spread ever so slightly on the couch and her cute little ass enticed me even more. She was my housemate's little sister visiting to see the university and I knew walking over and talking to her was a bad idea. I knew that there was a good chance that within the hour I'd have her cute little face between my legs enjoying my cunt.Her name was Becky. She looked up at...

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Switch Teams Lesbian

Turned from a straight girl who's never even kissed another girl into a committed lesbian may not be that unique, but having the girl that turned you be your sister, well, that's got to be quite out of the ordinary. I knew my stepsister Meagan was a lesbian when mom convinced me to allow her to stay the summer with me during her college summer break. I had just gotten off a devastating break with my boyfriend Steve and felt her presence with me at my apartment would do us both good. Mom and dad...

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iXXX Lesbian

I can see it now. You’re probably sitting there with a dozen tabs open while you try to find the perfect lesbian fisting video to blow your load to. And, man, it can get to be a pain in the ass when you’re trying to navigate a bunch of different porn tubes at once. Each one will have ads, require different log-ins, and you could very well end up losing the video page you were on or forgetting about a site entirely. But what if I told you horny fucks that there was a better way to browse porn?...

Lesbian Porn Sites
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My sexy wife cheats on me

I had being suspecting that my loving wife was cheating on me.Worst of all, I was sure her new lover was Frank, one buddy office of mine.Sometimes, during lunch break, I could not find Frank anywhere and, at same time, Anita did not answer my phone calls.One afternoon I made a quick rush to home at midday, finding my buddy’s car parked a few yards from our house.I did not get inside; just went through the garage and sneaked through the partially open drawing bedroom window.I could barely see a...

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GF cheats but I like to watch neighbor performs

So yeah. I left my friends house tonight and I saw the neighbor's wife put on a show for me while fucking her man in the window... I don't think I am the first to see the neighbor's wife fucking her man, they seem to be used to the idea of having an audience and she acted more excited and horny when she noticed that I was watching her naked boobs bounce back and forth. I froze because she was so happy to see me standing behind her and husband when she noticed that I was going to watch her get...

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My sisterrsquos in law cheats on my brother

One day in june , my sister in law phones me, to tell me that, my brother had cheated on her with an older woman, she told me, my brother wad a piece of shit, and she wanted to do the same to him, I asked her to calm down, she told me that, she new about me and the things i was doing with men,she said that my sister Meral had told her how much she enjoyed her time with you in London, with my husband, my father in law and his brother, and she told me about all the black men she had between her...

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drunk Wife Cheats

I have been married to the same woman for twenty-three years. Never cheated on her, sure I thought of it a time or two. But I never did it. I just couldn't face myself if I cheated on her. I wish that were true of her though. No, I never thought she would cheat on me. Then again, in all the years we have been together I never saw her drunk either. All that changed last summer.We had been having some difficulties. She was going through a mid-life crisis and everyone was paying for it. She went...

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Drunk wife cheats

I have been married to the same woman for twenty-three years. Never cheated on her, sure I thought of it a time or two. But I never did it. I just couldn't face myself if I cheated on her. I wish that were true of her though. No, I never thought she would cheat on me. Then again, in all the years we have been together I never saw her drunk either. All that changed last summer. We had been having some difficulties. She was going through a mid-life crisis and everyone was paying for it. She went...

Drunk sex
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iWank Lesbian

If there is one thing that I just love in this world, it’s free lesbian porn. And while there are plenty of free porn tube sites out there that give you lesbian porn, there are a few sites that I love even more than that and they are the ones that take all of those different porn tube sites and combine them all together to bring you as much free lesbian porn as possible. One such website goes by the name of and if you are looking for a good time alone while jerking off to lesbo pornos,...

Lesbian Porn Sites
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FapHouse Lesbian

It will come as no surprise to you that I love dicking bitches down. I do it as often as I can. Every morning I awake in a sea of pussy. It takes no effort, and I would describe the feeling it gives me as pure joy.Living the DreamI'm living proof that sex doesn't get boring. If it did, I'd be bored as fuck. I've been crushing a minimum of three pussies a day for many years now. I fuck more than I eat. It's incredible.If only twelve-year-old me could see me now, he would be proud of what I've...

Premium Lesbian Porn Sites
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No Way I like Cock Lesbian

Before I started thinking seriously about boys, I had thoughts about other girls. This began in more or less "innocent" ways. Fooling around with girlfriends at parties, if we felt sure no one would discover us. I'm talking about innocent little kissing dares, touching tongues to see what it feels like, and ... maybe even a little light touching under bras, and sometimes under panties.When I first got to college I learned that a lot of girls, especially Juniors and Seniors, were openly bisexual...

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StripChat Lesbian

Strip Chat Lesbian! I’ve talked about Stripchat before, but their lesbian offerings only got a passing mention when I was doing my full write-up of the site. I got a little flack about that from the fans of girl-on-girl fun, the folks who read these reviews trying to find out if there’s enough carpet munching to keep them happy. You’ll have to forgive me, but I just got so distracted by all the live T&A that perhaps I neglected to take a good look at the lesbian cams. Well, without further...

Premium Lesbian Porn Sites
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ImageFap Lesbian

It’s time to ditch all of your crusty porno mags with stuck-together pages and wrinkled covers. There’s a better way to find fap-worthy content of busty lesbian sluts. And, trust me, I get it. Old habits die hard. But there is so much more content out there for you to blow loads to. There are sites jam-packed with a nearly infinite number of pictures and videos of horny sluts scissoring each other. That shit would cost hundreds if not thousands of dollars if you were to get it from a bunch of...

Lesbian Porn Sites
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RARBG Lesbian

It’s time to launch those VPNs and plug in your external hard drives because I’m going to be giving you fucks the low-down on a hot torrent site full of scissoring lesbian sluts. Now, proceed with caution. Sailing the high seas can be dangerous, so you cucks should make sure to read up on your local laws and ISP rules before diving deep and trying to procure torrents of your own. Don’t come crying to me if you get in trouble and can’t download anymore hot hentai games or whatever the fuck it is...

Lesbian Porn Sites
4 years ago
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Welcome to the Team Lesbian

"Ahhhhhh yes!! Ahhhhh I can't believe this!!" Kelli cried, her words intertwined with loud moans escaping her 18 year old, flush, wet, freshman lips."Believe it baby. This is really happening. You deserve this. You want this. This is what you've always fucking needed!" Laura screamed between the long wet kisses she placed on Kelli's poor vulnerable neck and the deep, extended thrusts she pushed between the freshman woman's deprived legs, "I'm so proud of you baby. You came early to our little...

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Daddy Im A Lesbian

Daddy I'm A Lesbian One day my daughter said, “Daddy, I’m a lesbian.” I hadn’t given it any thought previously but I loved her very much and decided to accept her rather abrupt statement, “Okay. Is there anything I need to do or know about?” She replied, “Well, as a matter of fact, yes there is. I would like to invite my girlfriends over to make out and spend the night with me. I would like to do it in front of you if we wish too, without you freaking out.” I had to smile as...

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Welcome to the Team PT3 Lesbian

Welcome to the Team Part 3 - Triple playMonica couldn't handle it. "This is all too much," she thought as she looked at herself in the mirror. "What am I doing here, why do I feel like this?" Her heart was beating rapidly, she was lightheaded and she could feel the inescapable sensation of wetness between her weak legs."Why am I so wet?" she thought taking deep breaths.All of the women at the party were so open about their sexuality and she felt so strange being around them. At first she was...

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PornHub Lesbian

Want to see some lesbian pornhub videos? Lots of people who watch porn love nothing more than when a jacked dude enters the scene and he somehow ends up from being a random plumber to plumbing some girl’s asshole with his massive veiny 8-inch cock in a matter of minutes. People from all over the world go nuts seeing that stuff because it’s more or less relatable seeing a dude fuck some girl because they can reminisce on that one time that they got lucky, even though what they pack in the meat...

Lesbian Porn Sites
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Scrolller Lesbian

If you horny betas have anything in common with me, it’s probably that you have commitment issues. The only time I want to be on one knee is when I’m tongue deep in a whore’s tight pussy. Fuck off with all of that marriage and dating bullshit. It’s not like I fuck these bitches for their personalities. And, fuck, I don’t know what I’d do if I had to settle for just one slut to bang for the rest of my life. I wouldn’t know what to do with myself. Now, I know you cucks don’t have quite the same...

Lesbian Porn Sites
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Religious Aaysha Cheats On Akeel

Hi I am Ajay. This is my first story at ISS. ISS changed my lifestyle. I’m 24. I write only fictional stories which are my fantasies. I wanna enjoy all this after I get married. I want my wife to cheat on me. I’m getting a kink feeling when I say that. Please send your feedbacks to please motivate me to write better. Give me ideas n your fantasies. Okay let me get to the story. Hi my name is Aaysha. I’m 37 years old. I’m a teacher by profession. I’m happily married to my husband Akeel for the...

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