Bad, Bad, Bad Day free porn video

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Claire’s Story

It was not supposed to be a bad day. My divorce from Dillon was official. My boss rewarded my mentoring of a newbie with a penthouse suite for the company’s annual meeting. The shadow of where my wedding ring had been disappeared. Now, I was officially single. Plus, I’d lost the weight I intended to lose.

The new-found freedom from my decade of being faithful to a now-I-know philandering ex was a foregone conclusion.

I thought, “One day soon, I deserve a good day and a great night as well.”

“Yeah,” I thought. “Now comes the who, what, where and when?”

The latter of the w’s might be very soon. Stories abound of women hooking up with guys in hotel bars and having bone-shaking sex. I seriously doubted how many times that happened in real life, but I was ready to give it a try.

Not today or tonight, though. Work was only thing I could concentrate on, as the trite quotation goes, “With great honor comes great responsibilities.” My daydreams of sexual release and my search for reverie and peace would have to wait.

However, (and there is always a ‘however’), things were going downhill. I was not prepared for the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune coming for my body and soul.

True, my divorce was final, but Dillon was still the go-to lawyer in my company’s firm. Not only did I see “Dillon” and our last name on a daily basis, but I also had to speak with him on a professional basis.

My lawyers had warned me to do nothing wrong: no sex, no gambling, no immoral conduct. I was getting a substantial settlement, but any misbehavior would queer the deal and leave me penniless.

Business necessity usually meant I called Dillon.

Usually, I started with something like this, “This is a professional call and I want no talk of anything else, other than the file Mr. Biaggio sent you yesterday.” I had to break it off in him or Dillon would start talking reconciliation and wooing me back.

When I redirected he called me a slut or an ice cold bitch. He was tacky enough and ask, “So, who are you fucking now?”

The genesis for this was my fault as well. Our pillow-talk marriage bed fantasies involved him watching me with other men while I was screaming rapture-induced vulgarities.

Both my husband and my imaginary lover called me names and ordered me around with “You are only a slut, a whore, fuck-meat for any man. Crawl over here and do what you were born to be.”

Yeah, we both got off on that, but we both knew it was purely pretend. I was, as I said, forever faithful to my marriage.

Not good! Bad and not going to get better when he reminded me of my fantasies. Despite that kind of talk, I never, ever strayed. Dillon, however, did.

My bad day got worse with Angie. Angie was no longer my trainee. I had mentored this new girl to the point where she could survive on her own: find her own leads, develop a client base and become independent. I taught her the tricks of the trade and a few fine points.

Imagine my surprise at the General Conference when Mr. Biaggio (We call him Mr. Beeg.) announced, “Angie will be the manager of our new branch office in California.”

I wanted that job because I was ready for it, had earned it. Plus, I could be further away from the ghost of a ten year marriage.

I eschewed trolling our hotel bar and was too tired and pissed off at Mr. Biaggio catch a cab somewhere else. I stayed close.

I called for room service, “Please send up a bottle of good red wine.”

An hour later, after a hot soak, I was quietly sipping a nice merlot. I could be alone in my suite for a well-deserved pity-party.

Dillon introduced me to porn. He liked to watch people fucking and sucking and engaging in all kinds of sexual activities and sometimes, perversions. Surprisingly, I got into the habit as well.

Tonight, I could relax in my hotel room and lose myself in someone else’s fantasy.

In this film on the hotel television, I watched a couple eating crabs at a roadside diner.

“No Way!” I shouted at the screen. Their names were Dillon and Clarese. Too damn close for me.

Begrudgingly, still cursing my bad omens, I watched.

I predicted the plot line. When the couple returned to their car, it wouldn’t start.

A nice looking gent who had been their waiter volunteered, “I’ll drive you home and you can come fetch your car tomorrow. I guarantee it will be safe here overnight.”

The idea of a threesome entered my little foggy brain. It would have to be two guys and me.

I resolved, “No ‘other woman’ would be my completion.”

Also, if ever I did it with two guys, no ass action. My sorority sisters had convinced me of that a dozen years ago.

Back to the movie:

Pornographers flag at good dialog, so it wasn’t long before the scene shifted to the couple’s home. Clarese was sitting between the two men. After a few drinks she started kissing one man, then the other.

She got comfortable in the middle. She got two tokes for each gent’s one. The smoke and the wine and ambiance led to her getting really comfortable.

“Ooh, hubby,” she whispered. “Do you mind if I play around a bit?”

“Not at all,” said her husband. “What do you want?”

She replied, “I want you to take off my panties and show this fine young man what a sweet pussy you own.”

Fast forward to her jerking both dicks at the same time.

Finally, she yielded herself to the new fellow doggy style, while sucking her husband.

I muttered to myself, “This is what we liked to watch.”

The movie’s close-ups were almost real, convincing.

To no one I said, “The spittle is running down her husband’s pole. Every time the new dude slams into her, her mouth swallows more and more and hubby’s dick gets wetter.”

One more sip of wine and I was keeping time with my own fingers to the human music on the screen.

My climax was enough to relax me. I dozed.


I woke up to an alarm. Morning already?

“Jeez, it’s morning!”

“No, wait. That’s the fire alarm! Holy shit.”

Sweats donned in a few seconds. I grabbed my pocketbook and went for the door.

Mr. Biaggio’s room was across the hall. Our keynote speaker team was in the room next to my boss. The two wunderkinds came out at the same time I did.

“This is for real. Let’s get out of here,” I heard one say.

Then Biaggio’s door opened and out came Angie. Our new Branch Manager was dressed in nothing but a top sheet worn like a toga that barely covered her sleazy baby-doll pajama top. Her nether-regions were showing, almost.

I yelled at her, “You can’t use the elevator in a fire. Take the stairs.”

She yelled back, “I’ve got to get back to my room downstairs.”

Chaos reigned. One of us physically turned Angie toward the staircase door. She just stood there.

I pushed her to the exit door and gave her my last piece of advice. “Move or burn.”

She moved.

I went down the stairs next, then Brad and Jake, the guest speakers. Such gentlemen my hall mates were.

Angie disappeared two flights down.

Brad, Jake and I were outside for about ten minutes. The aroma of freshly mown grass blended with the steak place next door, enhanced with after-shave and wine. Sexual pheromones began to take over.

Angie tried to join our group but the she-devil in me was polite but icy.

My unspoken message, “Go somewhere else, you cheating bitch.”

The fire drill was over quickly.

We filed back into the lobby and milled around. The hotel manager announced that we could take advantage of an open bar and buffet. He said, “Stay up as long as you like. I’ll keep the staff here until regular closing time, Two A.M.”

“No brainer!” we three agreed.

Brad chimed in, “The firm is footing the room bill. Let’s have a party!”

With a wink in my direction, Jake said, “We can go anywhere and do anything for another three hours, at least.”

We got our complimentary drinks and adjourned to our bench back on the patio. The weather was balmy, so the two guest speakers and I sat, watching the moon travel overhead and the fire trucks rumble up and rumble away.

My guys were personable. Brad was the taller of the two, a black man under thirty; he talked shop.

His sidekick, a short, muscular guy, was more of a flirt. I flirted back. I let Jake hug me, ostensibly to keep me warm. I snuggled into his body as we sat.

I complimented Jake, “Gawd. Your muscles are huge and rock-hard.”

Brad, not to be outdone, settled on my other side.

I cared not that Mr. Biaggio was avoiding me. I was off duty and he had been caught.

I thought, “He will be lucky if I don’t squeal to his wife or an investor.”

Angie disappeared into the crowd. (She showed up the next morning at the breakfast buffet, still avoiding eye contact.)

It seemed longer, but we three were back on our floor within an hour of the alarm going off.

Brad said, “Now I am wide awake.”

“Me too,” I replied.

Cute Jake said, “Me three.”

“Awe shit, shit, shit!” The two guys were not happy. It seems that the electricity had been restored to one side of the hallway (mine). My little green tally light worked fine. The men’s side was dark.

Mr. Beeg ambled up, assessed the situation with a shrug and went back downstairs.

I said, “Good night, boys.”

I let myself into my room and closed and bolted the door.

I thought, “Hmm? Do I want to have sex? Sex with two guys maybe?”

I unbolted the latch and opened the door a crack.. My two guys looked relieved.

“C’mon in,” I said, “I’m not ready for bed, yet.”

If they caught the hint, they didn’t show it.

We pulled some little bottles out of the fridge. Brad took off down the hall with the ice bucket. Jake went foraging the other way.

A gentle tap, tap and I let them back in. Jake had dashed down to the bar and lifted an armload of beer and small bottles of red wine.

I excused myself and went into the bathroom to freshen up.

When I returned, the guys were on either end of the couch, watching the television screen.

The hotel television was on, still tuned to the porn channel. The ‘movie’ had recycled and was almost where I’d left it.

“Oh, wow!” Brad was the first to notice the show.

“They just left a seafood restaurant,” Jake said.

“Not exactly seafood, just crabs. And it was a roadside diner,” I replied.

As soon as I said that, I regretted disclosing to two men that I had been watching an X-rated movie.

I was still pissed at my boss that he had obviously traded sexual favors for Angie’s promotion. He must have been fucking her when the alarm went off, judging by her hurried exit. I decided that if my luck was going to change, I would have to take charge.

Men and women watch porn in a different way. Men pretend to notice dialog, scenery, blocking. Ladies just wait to see the guy’s dick and identify with the lady.

I moved closer to Brad, the black guy, just to tease Jake the white jock.

Brad was bold. He leaned in and put his hand on my far cheek. He pulled me a bit closer.

Never having been with a black guy, I started to imagine and hope for more.

My new dark friend whispered, “Let’s be patient with the old man here. Get him another drink and sit nearer to me.”

I thought, “Funny. These guys are best buds, but still compete just like males in the jungle, trying to be the one to fuck the female.”

I did as I was told and got Jake a drink, playing coquettish hostess to the max.

I sat down closer to Brad. My new friend leaned in again, but this time, he kissed me. I had forgotten how long it had been since I was kissed like that. Not much tongue, but just enough of his tongue tip to circle my mouth.

I returned the favor and upped the ante with deep tongue and pushing my tit into his chest.

The threesome on the screen were at it as well. Clarise straddled the waiter and kissed him. He unbuttoned her blouse. The husband helped by getting up and removing the unbuttoned blouse. When he unsnapped her bra, the waiter wasted no time in grabbing one breast and licking it like a lollypop.

Brad and I kissed some more and he went for my bra. I let him.

I whispered just loud enough for Jake to hear, “What are we going to do with your friend here.” I meant Jake, but Brad put lifted my hand and put it on his growing erection.

Brad answered my question, “This is my friend. Take care of him, then you can worry about the white guy.”

I let massaged the bulge and mentally took its measure.

I was sober enough to keep measuring while I looked him in the eye, close up.

More talk from me, “We still need to decide what to do with your partner. How about this?”

I flopped back to the middle of the couch, still rubbing Brad. Jake took the hint and lifted my top.

“Beautiful. Beautiful. Brad, Look at these perfect tits. They are begging to be touched.”

Both men descended on my chest. Brad was the gentle one, spreading my near tit at the nipple, so that the nerve endings were more exposed. He breathed on it, licked on me to moisten the tip, and then blew on it.

I exhaled, “Jesus, Brad. You chilled my tit cold and hot as fuck.”

Guys love to hear women talk dirty.

Jake took that as permission to do whatever he wanted with the other breast. He attacked it. I was startled and scared at first, fearing he was going to hurt me. He did bite me, leaving a mark just above the nipple.

Jake’s muscular body took over. He was devouring both tits now. Brad stopped long enough to ease himself out of the way.

While Jake was pleasuring my breasts, I watched Brad disrobe. He was a bit chubbier than I thought at first, but his dick was large and getting larger.

I stood in front of Jake and did a strip-tease. My parents had a record from the sixties called “The Stripper”. I recalled the tune tried to dance to it in my head.

I remembered a woman-centered talk show where the audience was anonymously polled as to what they would shield from a man’s eyes first. A lot of women said they would cover their bottoms first, even if it meant showing some breast tissue. So I took off my bottoms and panties first.

I spread my legs and pulled my pussy lips apart.

Pushing my hips forward and asked, “You like what you see, Jake?”

He responded by lifting his butt up and slipping off his pants.

“No underwear?” I asked.

He shrugged and said, “We all had to get dressed pretty quickly back there. Remember?”

I could barely hear the ‘remember’ because his sweater and shirt around his face muffled the question. Jake was naked, now sitting at the end of the couch, wearing nothing but a grin.

Off came my top and I was nude. I straddled him and kissed his mouth. When we came up for air, I nuzzled into his neck and shoulder.

I felt Brad’s hands on both tits, massaging me and lifting my tits up and making cones of them.

He said to Jake, “Take one.” With that, Brad lifted it up, milked it and offered it to Jake.

My jock took my tit and sucked on the nipple, letting it pop out from his lips and return to it.

“Too much, too soon,” I groaned.

I slid down onto my knees. Jake’s pole was waving in the air, a drop of pre-cum just emerging. I leaned in and took the head into my mouth. Jake was not overly large. Even now, rock-hard, his dick was maybe six inches long. One vein meandered back and forth from base to crown, the bulge traveling at least nine inches on a six-inch dick. The aroma was musky, not offensive, but rather manly.

I thought, “This man’s aroma I could sleep with a long time.”

I channeled Clarese sucking her husband, going deeper with every stroke. After six or seven bobs, I was all the way down to his balls. I felt that familiar stirring. I tried to prolong the action by licking his balls, moving my hands along the outside of his hips.

Meanwhile, Brad was persistent. My ass was out there, bare and inviting. Brad stroked my back, then my backside. His paws cradled the cheeks of my ass and I realized he was right behind me.

Brad’s fat fingers explored my bottom. He ran his fingers over my exposed labia. I tried to move slightly away because I was not ready for a snake to enter my hole. He settled for moving an upright hand over my cunt. Then he put his outside fingers on my pussy lips and I rocked back to receive fingers deep.

Jake wanted my lips on his dick and nothing else. He was as insistent as Brad persistent. I complied.

I dreamily asked him, “You want a blow job?”

I returned all my ‘giving’ attention to giving Jake a blow job. My ‘taking’ attention was focused on my taking Brad’s beautiful fingers.

“So this is what a girl can do with two guys, give and take.” I made a mental note to record that bit of wisdom.

Jake took over. While he was all the way in my mouth, the crown of his dick at my throat, he grabbed the back of my head with both hands. My hands were cupping his ass cheeks. I pulled up as he pushed down. The dick slipped into my throat and I felt the first spurt.

Jake’s fingers hit my g-spot.

I couldn’t stop. The itch was too strong. I had to cum. “Fuck. Fuck me. God damn.”

I realized later that fingers had gotten me off twice tonight. The third time was going to be done right, by a big dick or two pounding away at me.

Jake pushed me further down, grunted and spewed a second burst, then a smaller third. He was done.

I have a trick Jake had not seen before. As his dick got smaller, I kept it in my mouth, swirling our juices around his dick. I am able to use my tongue to lap up and down a man’s pole. A few strokes and I could feel that young shaft grow again.

I was teasing.

I stood up and took Brad by the hand that had just gotten me off. I kissed it, inhaling my own essence.

I had to stand on tiptoes to kiss him and say, “Let’s go to bed.”

He needed no coaxing. I decided that Jake could figure it out and join us. But for now, I was going to please my big black stud.

Brad watched me I lay down on the bed, on my back. He smiled as I moved my feet apart and raised my pussy up, gyrating it as I did with his fingers inside me.

I looked up at him and said, “I want to be your fuck-toy.”

The big man knee-walked from the foot of the bed. I raised myself up enough to watch the bulbous head rub against my pussy. He leaned forward enough for me to feel that head against my opening.

I grabbed his hips with both hands and pulled him toward me. He shoved hard.

I moved a bit and whispered, “All the way in?”

Brad answered “No.” with another shove of repositioning and dove deeper into me. Our groins rubbed each other.

Then he began to move. His dick poked upward and I felt every glorious inch as it parted me. As he pulled out, his shaft angled down and when the bottom of his dick-head rubbed against my g-spot, I almost lost it.

Brad did this and felt me shudder. Next thrust, he held his dick all the way inside me and rocked sideways, to the left then to the right.

I reciprocated by pushing my hips against him, to the left then the right.

That last down stroke did him in. He shuddered, shook, screamed and clenched my torso. One mighty push and he climaxed.

My big lover lasted a bit longer but gradually we knew he was done.

When I opened my eyes, Jake was standing over us, pulling on his own erection.

As Brad got up Jake said, “I want you.”

Freshly fucked but not-yet-climaxed I said, “I need you, too. My cunt is wet with Brad’s cum. I don’t care.”

Jake took over, again. “Turn over and stick that beautiful ass in the air.”

I obeyed.

My white lover showed no hesitation at having sloppy seconds. He seized my hips and rubbed his pole around my fuck hole.

We were one in an instant. My more muscular lover showed me no mercy. He leaned over my much smaller body and grabbed my tits, milking them, tweaking them as he pushed into me.

The grinding intensified, with Jake’s movements like a jack hammer. I got the feeling I was a fuck-doll for someone else. I put my head down on the pillow to elevate my ass even more.

“I want more,” I yelled.

Jake grabbed me by the hair and pulled. The natural response is to obey and push back. My man could lean back on his haunches and attack me by a different angle.

That is all it took for me to yell, “Jeezzee. That is so strong! Powerful. Whoa! Godddamm.”

Jake followed me a heartbeat later.

Anyone watching the show would have been puzzled by what I did next. I was lying between two naked men on my bed, fucked well and reveling in the rapture. I started to giggle, then laugh out loud.

Unison question, “What is so funny?”

My answer, “My bad, bad, bad day just ended good, good, good. First threesome, first black man, first sex in almost a year. Yeppers, a good day indeed.”

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Ab m aaj apko new story kese mene bhabhi ki gand mari btane jaa rha hua hu ye meri real story h ise dhyan se pdhna… Koi bhi pyasi bhabhi aunty didi wifeho to mail me..Me unko full satisfy kruga wo bhi secret rhega. My mail id h mail me jinko sex ki jrurat h.. Khair ab m story pr aata hu bhabhi ki mene kese chut chudai ki bhabhi bahut satisfy thi aur mujhse khush bhi thi..Unhe ek permanent lund jo mil gya tha…Wo bhi 9 inch ka… Jo kismat wali ko nasib hta h.Bhabhi ke bare m dovara bta...

1 year ago
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Ghaziabad Me Sexy Maal Choda 8211 Part 1

Khair ab m apni story pr aata hu ye kahani h aaj se 2 sal phle ki jb me gzb me rha krta tha… Mera name abhishek pandit age 23 h..Rang gora aur body average h..Mere lund ki lambai 8 inch aur motai 3 inch h…Meri mail id h.. Koi bhi bhabhi aunty didi kisi bhi age ki ho mujhse chudai ke liye sampark kr skti h….Unki hr bat secret rhegi…. Ab m story pr aata hu…Gzb me meri job sattle hui thi.M waha pr pahucha to room ki dikkt suru ho gyi.Kahi bhi room nhi mil rha tha jaha b jao bolte the family h...

1 year ago
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Badoo Pe Mili Mast Bhabhi

Mera naam vedant hai . Main pashchim vihar ka rehne wala hu . Meri age 29 years h . Meri email id h please comment if you like my story. Now come to story. Baat 3 month purani h Main apne phone ke play store me chatting aap. Search kr rha tha to muje badoo name se ek aap mili. Usme login kiya or kafi sari ladies or girls ko msg kiye but koi response nhi aaya. Aise hi 3-4 din nikal gye . Fir ek din raat ko 10 bje muje msg notification aaya chk kiya to ami (name changed ) name se hi ka msg tha...

3 years ago
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Aurangabad Me Pahale Baar Maza

Mera naam qutub (nickname) hai , aur main aj app sb ko ko waqya batane ja raha hu woh mere sath 2 sall pahale hua hai ya us se kuch kam waqt ki , jo maine aj tak kisi se share nahi kiya par yahan iss par maine bahot si stories padhi toh socha k maine bhi apna experience app sb se share karu . Yeh tb ki baat 2 saal pahale ki hai ya us se kuch kam waqt ki , jb mere age 25 thi main apne gaon se job ki talash me aurangabad city me aaya tha jahan na mera koi frnd tha aur na hi koi relatives , mujhe...

3 years ago
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Badboyye Massaging Her Cousin Sister 8211 Part I

I am BadBoyye (secret name). I own a ladies beauty Parlor. I live in Bangalore, in a posh area. Initially i use to work in other’s owned beauty parlor for a daily wage, some times weekly and some time monthly waged, depending up on my necessity. I am just PUC passed, apart from being well trained as a beautician, I am well trained in English as well by my owner, just because, i can understand his customer’s needs. I am very capable of handling 3 ladies at a time. i mean, i can beautify 3 ladies...

3 years ago
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Badale Aur Pyar Ka Mayajal

Mera naam Neha hai, aur me 32 year ki hun,  housewife hun,  me paheli bar yanah apani bat aur mere sath huve ajeeb sex experiences ko share karan chahti hun. Par me batana chahati hun ki ye ek aesi story nahi jo ki AAM hao.. 6 sal pahele ke ye bat hai,  jab mene paheli bar sex ka anubhav kiya tha. Ye ajeeb lagega par mene college me bhi sex nahi kiya tha aur bad me bhi me chahati thi ki pahela sex mere pati ke sath ki suhagrat me karu. Sex shuahag rat ko to huva par pati ke sath nahi.. aur yehi...

1 year ago
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Badoo Made Me Lucky

Hello everyone greeting!! I’m roman!! 24, was brought up in gulf and studied in Bangalore. But it’s not going to be all about me today. It’s going to be about an amazing night I had; Which took place a couple of months back? It was Wednesday if I’m not wrong. My roommate and I had been to my friends place around afternoon. I kept my cell to charge. As we needed to get some grocery for my friend me and my friend went out. So my roommate was using my cell, he happen to find a cute girl online...

1 year ago
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Allahabad Ki Sex Yatra

Hello everyone, kaise hain aaplog. Main iss ko bahut time se follow kar raha hun aur ye experience bahut awesome raha hai. Kya mast chudai ki kahaniyan hai. Isse prerit hokar main ist time apni real story likh raha hun. Mera naam Bablu hai aur main Kanpur ka rehnewala hun. I am 25 years old aur height 5’11” hai, ye story ek train ki hai jab main delhi se Allahabad ki journey kar raha tha prayagraaj express mein. Maine raat ki train pakri jo karib 11:30 baje thi. Meri seat confirm nhi thi isliye...

2 years ago
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Carlsbad Caverns

Carlsbad Caverns By Tabitha Nava No reprinting of this story may be made without the author's permission. __________________________________________________________________________ Today was the day; my class and I were going to the Carlsbad Caverns. I arrived at the school and I said hi to my best friend Joey. "Are you excited to go to the Caverns today?" Joey practically yelled. I replied, "No." We went to class and sat down; Mrs. Williams stood up and said,...

3 years ago
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Ahemdabad Se Ajmer Ka Rasta

Doston,ye meri pahli kahani hai ummid hai ki aap ko uttejit karegi utsahit karegi aur prerit karegi mera naam Yogi hai mai 42 saal ka fit kad kathi 5.11″ 64 kg wajandaar shaks hoo mai ek manovigyaan subject ka asst profesor hoo aur mujme insaan ki shakl dekh ke uske hav bhav dekh ke uski Manosthiti jaan ne ki kshhmta hai,mai kai baar is shakti se kai shadi shuda aurton ko apna saathi bana chuka hon ye meri pahli story hai pasand aaye to daad dena housla badhana mail bhej ke Hai baat 3 saal...

2 years ago
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Badale Ki Aag

Ye hadasa 3 sal ke pahele huva tha me isse paheli bar likhake batan e ki koshish kar rahi hun! jise me aaj, 3 sal bad batane ki himmat jutha payi hun. Mera naam Jyoti hai aur mere bhai ka naam Sanjeev 3 sal pahele ki bat hai tab meri age 18 sal ki thi me dikhane thik thak se khubsurat hi hun to muje aur mere bhai ko 2 din lambe train ke safar pe jana tha Mere bhai ki shadi dur ke gao me tay huvi thi aur usi ke bhai ke sath meri shadi tay honewali thi. Mera bhai mujase 4 sai badha hai hum log...

2 years ago
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Ahmedabadi Painter Painted Me

Hello Readers, This is my second story after I received an overwhelming response for my first story named “ Awesome babes of Ahmedabad”. Introducing myself I am engaged in serving females of Ahmedabad, specially from upper middle class and esteem class , who have unsatisfied erotic desires. Currently I am into their service and they are really satisfied with me. Today I am going to share one of my real experience, with ISS readers…I am 30 years old guy with 5’10 height, fair complexion,...

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HyyderabadNiketa Kaa PyaarChudi 4 Baar

Hi Guys… This is Sameer from Hyderabad,basically frm Delhi. Handsome body and handsome size ——> Main ek I.T company mein kaam karta hun.Maine iss ki bahot stories padhi hain.Kuch to real hoti hai par baki sab yaa to bilkul hi fake hoti hai,yaa fir sirf experienced logo ko pata chal pata hai ki fake hai.Haha.;-) now u hv something damn real to read n enjoy.”Sana” Ye ladki meri sabse mushkil setting thi.Kyunki maine bahot ladkiyan patai aur bajai hain,isliye maine haar nahi maani jab tab maine is...

2 years ago
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Aurangabadme Aunty Aur Me

Hi friends .!!! main paheli baar ek kahani lekar aaya hu jo ki mere ghar ke paas ki hain or main hamesha se chahta tha use aap logo tak pahuchana jo log mujhe nahi jante unko mera introduction detta hoon main nilesh from aurangabad. main ek normal looks wala ladka hoon meri 21 saaal hain or main normal 7.5” dick ka malik hu. meri pados me ek bahbhi kafi sexy hai unka fig. 32-26-30 hai mai hamesha se hi unki hips dekhta rehta tha aur kabhi kabhi jaa kar bathroom mai masturbate kar leta tha .Mai...

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Badalte Rishte

“Are didi, itna saman utha kar kahan ja raheen hain aap,” koi peeche se bola to maine palat kar dekha. Yeh mere papa ke bachpan ke dost ka ek lauta beta tha. “Laiye main apko apne bike par ghar chod deta hoon,” usne age kaha.Are bhaiya, aap yahaan kya kar rahe ho?” Maine pucha.“Kuch nahin didi, thoda dost ki dukaan pe aaya tha. Lekin aap bazaar se kya kharid le ja rahi ho?” Usne poocha.“Kuch khas nahin bhaiya. Aaj college mein jaldi chutti ho gayi thi to maine socha ghar jate samein bazaar se...

3 years ago
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Islmabad ki larki

Hello all readers it me haris from rawalpindi its my first time to share my experience with u I am a 20 yr old guy it happened with me and my class fellow it’s a true story her name was sania.i usually ignore girls but she contacts me by herself I day I receive her call she become my friend then this friendship turns into love we use to do sexy talking phone sex all night she loves me so much she was crazy about me I day I ask her that I want do sex with u she says I also want that I will call...

2 years ago
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Baday Ghar Ki Ladki

I am Mahesh , 26 years old guy. I am a chartered accountant by profession. I stay in Punjab. I am 5`11″ and have a very good built. I am very smart and handsome guy with very hairy body. My cock is 7. 5 inches long and is very hairy. This is a real story of incest, which happened 6 years ago, when I was 20 years old. It was in the year 1996, at that time I had just completed my B.Com. Final year. So I was just free for one month as my registration for Chartered Accountancy was to be done in...

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Baduk Belle 1 Lee SuLa Sexteen Student

LEE SULA LUCKY WITH WINNING A THREE-MONTHS TRIP TO THREE EUROPEAN SUMMER SCHOOLS====================================================================================Lee Sula studies the ancient Asian board-game Baduk from five years yummy young since the day she is smart Enough to grasp the depth and beauty of Baduk from watching her parents play every evening and all weekendsEvery beloved off-spring loves to learn by mimicry in trying to copy their behaviour at a baduk-board so...

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Baduk Beauty Erotic Exam 1 KIM SULA


4 years ago
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Thibadeau the Pirate the Early Years

Sarah and Jason Thibadeau received a letter from the publishers of their story Thibadeau The Pirate. Opening it they read: Jason, we have just received a letter from a person by the name of Thibodeaux located in North Carolina. She has asked me to put you in contact with her. She claims to have information about an ancestor of hers that very possibly could be the same person as the first Jason Thibadeau of Vermont. According to this lady there are too many similarities between her ancestor and...

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Thibadeau the PirateChapter 2

I went alone up the thruway to the Falls and then up RT 103 to Chester. I saw an old man walking along the street and I asked if he knew where Popple Dungeon Road was. It was the quickest way to get to Windham he informed me. After getting directions, I asked, "Have you ever heard of an old tavern that was on that road owned by someone named Thibadeau back in early times?" "Sure, nothing of it left now. The state is talking about putting up a marker to identify where it was located. They...

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Thibadeau the PirateChapter 3

Tuesday and Wednesday I made dozens of contacts to get the word out about the business I was starting. Wednesday Sarah called. "I think I have found the carpenter I want. This afternoon I went to look at two jobs he has completed and interviewed the homeowner he is working for now. He has a crew of three men and he covers all phases. The only subcontractors are for the roof and the plumbing. One of his men is a licensed electrician. The only problem is he can't start for three weeks. Should...

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Thibadeau the PirateChapter 4

"Sarah here." "Hi." "Hi, yourself. Jason, if you were here I would kiss you. God, I have never been so interested in anything as I am in these journals. I turned them all out of the chests and started to read the one written by a Ruth Baker. You know when I identified her as the first author of the first journal, it struck me that she had a biblical name and I have one too. How fitting, don't you think?" "If you say so." "Did you know your namesake was a pirate during the...

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Thibadeau the PirateChapter 5

Sarah called, "I see you made the news in the paper." "Yes, I made the news. I'm hoping the wire services don't pick it up. What's up?" "I just wanted to tell you that I braved the diner where we had trouble. They treated me like a celebrity. I wouldn't have stopped, but there is a little swinging sign on the lawn in front that says, 'Sarah Bernhardt dines here.' I guess when we were here before we called attention to the place and it is packed now. It is mostly locals. They've...

2 years ago
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Thibadeau the PirateChapter 6

Work was beginning to trickle in. I had two house inspections and a title search the first part of the week. Wednesday I just had to see Sarah, so I called and made arrangements to meet her at the diner for lunch. It cracked me up to see the little sign that stated Sarah Bernhardt dines here. The place was packed when I entered. Sarah and Tim were seated in a booth and there was a waitress hovering around. As I sat down, Tim shook my hand. He didn't give me a chance to more than say hello to...

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Thibadeau the PirateChapter 7

Dinner was one of those "And what are your prospects, young man" type of dinners. In a way I didn't blame John Bernhardt. He had a lovely and very rich daughter and she was hanging out with a young man with an unknown future. I took it for awhile--all the questions that got answered, but never what he was searching for. Finally I said, "Mr. Bernhardt, you are trying to find out what kind of a person I am. Sarah probably knows more about me than I do about her. I do know that she is...

1 year ago
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Thibadeau the PirateChapter 8

Mark Fisher came in to see Mom while I was talking to Sarah. It finally dawned on me that he was waiting to speak to me as well. I said I love you to Sarah and hung up. I turned to Mark. "What's up?" "Something you ought to know, Jason. There is a private investigator in town checking up on you. Have you noticed an elderly gentleman watching you? He is tall and maybe sixty. He wears a suit and has a gray mustache. You remember Jack who helped me with the remains over on Canal Street? He...

1 year ago
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Bad Jojo? Guess these fuckers were out of ideas for a domain name? Anyways, ever been in the situation when you want to enjoy some free porn, but you don’t know which site to go to? You know that situation… Am I feeling more like XHamster or RedTube today? Well, with you don’t have to worry about that at all. You get all of the content from all of those sites in one place and you can simply browse through all of their repositories at once! I bet you didn’t even know something like...

Porn Search Engines
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BaDoink VR! With the advent of virtual reality, it did not take long at all for the adult industry to get their hands in on the action. In fact, many people credit porn for causing the first real boom in the virtual reality market. This should not come as a huge surprise. Virtual reality seems like the logical next step for a porn industry that has, for years now, been inching closer and closer to creating a more immersive and personalized experience.The porn of today is entirely different from...

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Bad Daddy POV! Oh fuck yes, let’s talk about some kinky shit. You know I like to get real nasty on this site. BadDaddyPOV is a really fucked up website with some primo A-class role-play videos that are all about pretending you have a daughter that wants to fuck you. Well, it’s not that fucked up. It’s just role-playing like you get in the bedroom. I know I’ve fucked a lot of bitches who called me daddy before. It’s some sort of fantasy they have, and I have to say it gets me hard as nails too....

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I knew Baddie Hub was going to be full of baddies the moment I pulled up the front page. Sure, the name should have told me what to expect, but as the world’s preeminent porno reviewer, I’ve learned sites can pack a lot of bullshit into the title. What really got me was the bad bitch out front. Sitting front and center and taking up the whole landing page, this sexy ebony broad oozed badness, from her neatly manicured muff to her giant jugs to that pretty face with the shut-up-and-fuck-me...

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If the sign says Baddies Only, that might be a sign that dorks, doofuses, dweebs and dinguses like yourself ain’t allowed past the front door. Then again, we ain’t talking about some badass biker bar with a mean doorman and a stage full of buck-naked strippers with big titties. Nah, we’re talking about another porn site on the Internet, and wouldn’t you know it? It turns out they do accept folks like you, not to mention anybody with a web browser and a raging hard-on.So what kind of smut are...

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Cam Baddies! Do you like being social? I sure do, especially when it’s with a lovely lass (or two, or three, or more!). Even if you are shy, a true introvert, or an incel, you too can talk to attractive people through the webcams on Cam Baddies. Or you might want to join this site as a model. Trust me, after you finish reading this review, I will have convinced you to get an account, log in, and start enjoying one of the finest stream services in cyberspace.I Will Begin With How The Porno Pages...

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Baddies Chicks! Do you love beating off to amateur pornography? Of course, you do! Who doesn’t love jacking off to beautiful women that look like someone you may have come across in your mundane, everyday life? It adds another layer to the jerk-off session and even makes you consider the fact that, hey, maybe you’ll get laid someday.Don’t be disappointed if that day never comes. Instead, visit Amateur PornHub and find all of the sexy fucking content that this tube site has to offer a poor sap...

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I could gawk at Baddies 24-7, which is pretty much why I spent all morning shaking my dick at Baddies247. Prior to today, I kind of assumed everybody had the same enthusiastic appreciation for bad bitches as I do, but I guess a couple of the other Starbucks customers complained about what I was watching while I drank my $8 coffee. Whatever, though, because I was able to bust a nut before I finally got the boot. The only problem was then I had to take an Uber home with a sticky mess in my pants....

Black Porn Sites
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Hyderabadi brother cums inside married sister

Hello readers, I am Mohit from Hyderabad. I am 28 years old. We are 4 in my family. Me, mom, dad and my sister. The queen of the story is my sister. Her name is Vidya and she is 2 years elder to me. I and my sister are extremely close to each other and we love each other a lot. She is my best friend at home. We used to share everything even personal Vidya got married when she was 25 years old and has a child now. She has an extremely white complexion and is fat in the right places....

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Sinbad The Sorcress and Djinn Fassad

This is a pastiche on the current TV show Adventures of Sinbad set in Raven's Djinn Universe. Those familiar with the show can skip the next part & get right to the story if they wish. CHARACTERS SINBAD A cross between Errol Flynn & Tom Cruise. Perhaps the best swordsman of his time. He does not have a self esteem problem. Also telling the truth is not as important to him as poetry. MAEVE Tall, beautiful, extremely well endowed, young sorceress. Red headed Celt with...

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Badi Maa Ki Pasine Bhari Chut Ki Chudayi

Mai shivam bhabua bihar ka rehane wala hu ye kahani meri aur meri badi maa ki h Aapka samai na jaya karte hue mai siddha kahani pea ta hu meri badi maa ek gadraye hue jawani ki aurat h unaka figure k bare me ako kya batau mast golgol chuche moti aur muscular gand jise dekhate he kisi ki bhi land khada ho jaye rang aisa k mano jaise koi pari….. Ek din mere ghar pr koi nahi tha sirf mai aur meri badi maa the wo dopahar me so gayi thi tabhi mai cricket khel k ghar aya to dekha unki sari uar tak...

2 years ago
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Shivani Fucked In Front Of Her Husband Uday

Hey all… Myself Raj back with yet another new experience and yeah this time something new. Drop your comments @ Firstly wanna thank all the true/fake/despo/ladies and other profiles or people who dropped comments showed interest and then create negative environment. Sorry guys,girls & ladies. These are my true experiences and I would not like any of my sentiments hurted. Appreciate you behave properly. Anyways back to fun… Out of all mails received I got a mail from a Muslim couple from...

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The Badendorf Family History

By Emerald Green Warning: The following history contains adult material. If you are not an adult or if adult themes offed you, you should read no further. One: • The Day Home Otto walked the road toward home at Baden on a cold winter day in 1758. He had walked the same road two years earlier with his father to be apprenticed not because he did not know the trade of his father but because it was believed that a father was not capable of teaching discipline to their own son. Otto...

3 years ago
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my exciting trip to Ahmedabad1

During next 4-5 months my hubby so many time, encourage to have develop good frndship with Sandip..but i never dare to tell him that we already cross all the limit one time. After that full encounter...Sandip and i hardly find place and time meet alone for more than 10-15 min.....and in that time....sandip fully utilise it by planting maximum lip kiss....anyway...but rarely find time to move ahead....he was very much disappointed with it....but he understand it and always give respect in...

4 years ago
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my exciting trip to Ahmedabad0

During next 4-5 months my hubby so many time, encourage to have develop good frndship with Sandip..but i never dare to tell him that we already cross all the limit one time. After that full encounter...Sandip and i hardly find place and time meet alone for more than 10-15 min.....and in that time....sandip fully utilise it by planting maximum lip kiss....anyway...but rarely find time to move ahead....he was very much disappointed with it....but he understand it and always give respect in...

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