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“Wow! You gotta read this, babe! It’s hilarious!” Amber called out to her boyfriend, Jason.

“Can’t, the shootout is about to start,” Jason replied as he ran from the kitchen with a cold beer in hand from the refrigerator, back to the couch in Amber’s living room.

“Stupid hockey,” Amber mumbled to herself, and called out to Jason, “Never mind then, sweetie!”

Amber was in the process of writing an essay on human sexuality. Much to her disappointment, the professor had each student write down a topic of their choosing on a piece of paper. Amber wrote down, sexual decision making, specifically, how the mind and body work in unison, as her choice. The professor then instructed the class to pass the paper to the person sitting to their right. Amber ended up with, BDSM, as her topic for the essay.

The classmate that had chosen BDSM as her topic, Diana, provided Amber with an online sex forum that she was a member of. Diana suggested that Amber sign up, peruse the chat boards, and interact with other members as part of her research. Amber did so, she had little knowledge and understanding of BDSM. Amber was immediately shocked and disgusted at what she had discovered on the site. Not so much with what seemed to be the infinite deviant preferences and types of kinks, but, with the random messages and emails she had received by some of the members. They were rude, in bad taste, and disturbing.

Diana had offered to answer any questions Amber might have. Amber accepted. They decided to go for drinks at a pub in the vicinity of the campus.

“Do people really engage in what they chat and write about on the forums?” Amber asked Diana as they waited for their drinks.

Diana laughed and shook her head as she replied, “Some do, Amber. Most of what is posted is fantasy, online play only.”

Amber hesitated to ask her next question. Diana noticed Amber’s reluctance and asked, “You want to ask me something personal, Amber?”

Amber blushed and remained silent. Diana smiled, leaned over the table and whispered, “I like to be restrained, teased till I think I will lose my mind, and then taken roughly.”

Amber didn’t know how to reply to the information Diana had provided her. Diana smiled reassuringly at Amber and added, “It’s always consensual, and always very satisfying for me, Amber.”

“Have you ever had a bad experience, Diana?”

“Yes, Amber, I have had a couple of bad experiences. Fortunately, an extra bruise or two, was all that I walked away with, and a feeling of betrayal. Needless to say, I never saw those men again. And I made sure to tell everyone I knew. I didn’t want any other women to be exposed to those jerks.”

The waitress brought their drinks. Amber took a sip of her wine and asked, “Did you always know you had a taste for kink?”

Diana grinned and replied, “No. I discovered my taste for kink shortly after my divorce. A friend introduced me to restraints. I was very hesitant and unsure at first. But, I had always trusted him as a friend. I was a complete mess for months after my divorce was finalized. He was there for me. One day, I told him I was ready, and wanted to satisfy a few of my curiosities. He was more than willing to introduce me to whatever I wanted to try. We still get together when our schedules allow it.”

"He’s the only partner you play with?” Amber asked.

Diana chuckled and replied, “No, I have a few choice gentlemen that I get together with. My significant other is aware of them, and encourages me to explore. He wants me to be happy. I love him all the more for it.”

Amber chuckled, “Jason flipped out when I asked him to use my vibrator on me. He can be mean to me if he doesn’t get his way. He made it clear that his penis should be more than enough to satisfy my every need. He’s a sweet guy; don’t get me wrong, Diana. I just wish his ego wasn’t so fragile. And that he was a bit more passionate and bolder in bed.”

Diana patted Amber’s hand that was resting on the table and replied, “Give him time. Most young men would react in a similar way. God forbid that their cock isn’t the be all and end all for us.”

Amber laughed out loud at Diana’s comment. She swiped at her phone screen and handed it to Diana. "This is Jason. He's gorgeous. So, I can wait for him till he's ready to explore new things. I showed him what I’m researching. He thinks there is something disturbingly wrong with anyone who even as much entertains a thought of participating in any form of kink,” Amber sighed.

Diana winked at Amber and asked, "You like the pretty boys, don’t you, Amber? Jason is gorgeous. I'd be patient too." She handed the phone back to Amber and asked her, “Have you come across anything that you found arousing on the web site?”

Amber hesitated to answer. It would have been easy to reply no, and end the discussion there. She decided to be honest with Diana. “I don’t know why, but I am attracted to, and curious about the bondage and submission play,” Amber replied in a very low voice. "I think it would be very beautiful and sexy to kneel before a man."

Diana smirked as she replied, "If research isn't enough to quench your curiosity, let me know, and I'll gladly introduce you to gentlemen that would be able to assist in furthering your education."

Amber giggled and blushed. "No! Definitely not. I'm curious, yes. But, I couldn't. I'd be too embarrassed to mention that to any man, even to Jason."

"The offer stands, Amber. If you ever change your mind, say the word and I'll put the play in motion."

Amber leaned over the table and asked, "Do you think one of your experienced gentlemen friends would be willing to answer a few questions I have? I'm getting a lot of rude comments and remarks on that website, and very little information that makes any sense. I've wasted so much time on there, and have so little to show for it."

Diana smiled and replied, "Yes, I have many gentlemen friends that would be willing to answer your questions. Don't think that you wasted your time on the website. You have to start somewhere. The rude comments and remarks have provided you with some insight into what BDSM is not. That is important information to be aware of."

Amber smiled and replied, "I never thought of it from that perspective. Who would you recommend, if I may ask, Diana?"

Diana closed her eyes and smiled to herself. "Gil. No doubt about it. He isn't anywhere near as gorgeous as Jason. But, to be fair, Gil isn't the pretty boy type. In fact, there isn't anything about him that remotely resembles boyish. He's at least double your age, Amber. He has a lot of experience and is much sweeter than what he looks like. I won't reveal too much about him. I don't want to build up your expectations. I'll ask him if he is willing to assist you in your research."

Amber sat up straight and replied, "Thank you, Diana! All I need to know is that he is a dirty old man that can answer a few questions for me."

Diana chuckled, "Yes, Gil is a very dirty man. I'm sure he is more than capable of answering a few questions."


Diana called me early Friday morning at my office, and asked if she could provide Amber my email address. Anonymity would be assured. Amber had created a dummy email account, specifically for communicating with me.

"She's a sweet kid, Gil. She is taking this course to help her better understand, her boyfriend's, and her own sexuality," Diana paused. I recognized the trademark, short, sharp exhale, signaling that she had more to say. "I think her beau has serious and very unhealthy control issues."

I chuckled to myself and replied, "Still trying to save everyone from themselves, Diana?"

She laughed and replied, "Yes. I can't help it. Amber reminds me of me when I was her age. It is Spring, the time when every girl should be swept off her feet by a handsome prince. Or, fucked till she can't walk right for a week. Either will do as a tribute to springtime. So, say yes, Gil. Say that you will answer her questions, pretty please."

"How could I ever say no to you, Diana? You may provide her my email address."

"You are a sweet, sweet man! Thank you, Gil. I owe you one," she excitedly replied.

I grinned and replied, "I'll take what you think you owe me in trade, Diana."

"Anytime, Gil, for you, anytime," Diana purred.


I was enjoying a cup of espresso and a cigarette on my balcony, early Saturday morning. My cell phone chimed once, and vibrated annoyingly loud, against the glass top of the table. I looked down at it as I took a sip from my cup. I had one new email... at six-thirty, on a Saturday morning. Begrudgingly, I exchanged the cup of espresso in my hand for my cell phone. There might have been some emergency at work that required my immediate attention.

The email was in my personal Outlook account, from a 'rosesnthorns'. "That was quick," I chuckled to myself. It had to have been sent by Amber. It read;

"Good morning, Gil,

I hope this email finds you well. I am Amber. Pleased to meet you.

Thank you for agreeing to assist me. It is very kind of you. I do apologize for the cloak and dagger routine. I am quite shy, and I am embarrassed, about being embarrassed, over the topic of my assignment. Diana speaks very highly of you. I look forward to learning from the answers that you provide to my questions. I don't want to drag on too long, so, here are my questions. I thank you in advance for your assistance.

How, and when, did you realize you had an appetite for BDSM?

Do you play the dominant role outside of your sex life?

Do you believe you might have anger/misogyny issues?

Sincerely, Amber."

I went inside, turned on my laptop, and sat at my desk.

I replied, “Dear Amber,

It is a pleasure to meet you. I am more than happy to answer your questions.

How and when? I realized my attraction to kink when I was sixteen. I remember how aroused I became the first time I saw a photo of a woman tied to chair and gagged, with her blouse unbuttoned and pulled down over her shoulders, exposing the top of her large breasts, and the straps of her bra. It escalated from there. In university, I experimented with many willing and curious young ladies that were in search of a similar experience. I soon found myself needing to experience more intense and extreme sensations. Much to my surprise, I discovered that harder isn’t always more intense, or extreme. For me, the most intense emotions were triggered by being in control of what, and how intense, I allowed my partner to feel. I am attracted to submissive women who are aroused by having their sexual limits tested.

The majority of my play time is in bedroom. I will, at times, tease and play in public, if the mood strikes me. I am a well-adjusted and respected gentleman about town. Who happens to have a taste for kink.

I am not aware of any anger issues I might have. Anger is a necessary emotion for the survival of any species. If you are asking if I release my anger during a session, no, I do not. Being in control, and intense play sessions are what stimulate me. Hurting someone in a malicious manner, out of anger or not, or against their will, does not appeal to me in the least. It is a deplorable act which unfortunately does occur.

Am I a misogynist? No, most definitely not. If I was, Diana would have my balls on a chain hanging around her neck.

Prior to a session being agreed upon, terms are negotiated, and both participants share the responsibility for safety. 'Risk Aware Consensual Kink' is the term used to describe the more extreme type of sex play. However, it would be foolish to believe that mishaps won’t ever occur. In fact, one should expect mishaps and accidents to occur, and be prepared for them. It is vital to be prepared and trained for the unexpected. An example, I always have safety shears readily available during rope play. In the event I have to free my play partner in a hurry. Even experienced players are susceptible to anxiety attacks or severe physical discomfort on any given day. There is much more to BDSM than the exchange of power, and using bondage and pain as the vehicle to induce or deny an orgasm.

I hope you find my answers to your questions satisfactory.

Interesting alias you chose for your email, by the way.

Regards, Gil.”

Amber was surprised at receiving my reply so quickly. "It's true then, old people really do need less sleep," she snickered to herself. Diana had mentioned to Amber that I am fifty-six years old. Amber had recently turned twenty-seven years old. The mental picture she had of me was that of a hoary, older man in a raincoat, who exposed himself to unsuspecting women in public.

She read the answers I had provided to her. The mention of the alias she had chosen made her feel a bit uncomfortable. Amber wasn't sure why. "I'm being paranoid," she thought to herself. "It's not as if he can read my mind."

She typed her reply.

"Thank you, Gil.

I wasn't expecting you to reply so quickly.

You have provided me with a few missing pieces of the puzzle I'm working on.

Sincerely, Amber."

She hesitated to send the email. Curiosity got the best of her. She added, "May I ask why you found the name I chose to be so interesting?"

I chuckled when I read her reply, and decided to have some fun at her expense.

"Dear Amber,

You are most welcome. Trying to understand BDSM, or any type of kink, solely as a spectator, can be a bewildering and daunting task, if not all together impossible.

I only mentioned the alias you chose because of its duality. Most would choose an alias that would align with their sexual preferences, or, how they choose to self-identify themselves in the scene.

The name you chose is a bit ambiguous. It is an alias that a switch might choose.

Have a lovely weekend.


Amber replied to the email without giving it a second thought.

“Dear Gil,

It is an alias I choose without giving it too much thought.

I can assure you I am not a switch, nor a top, nor a bottom. I am not a practitioner of said subject. And, BDSM, was not my choice of topics to write a paper on.

May I send you any other questions that might come to mind, if it wouldn’t be too much of an imposition? Sincerely, Amber.”

I replied, “Dear Amber,

Of course you may ask more questions.

A gentle reminder if I may, Amber. When typing, it is considered disrespectful to use all lower case letters, when addressing, or referring to a Top/Dom/Sir.


Amber became aroused as she read my reply. She thought my choice of words to be authoritative and respectful. A far cry from the crass and rude comments she had endured on the website.

"It’s a shame you are not younger, Gil," she snickered to herself.

She replied, "Dear Gil,

Thank you for informing me of the proper and acceptable protocol. Please forgive any improper form of addressing. I was not aware, and meant no disrespect. I will be more mindful.

If you will allow me to say so, Gil, I am pleasantly surprised at how polite you are, and how authority oozes from the words you choose. There is no arrogance in your tone. It has not gone unnoticed.

Sincerely, Amber."

Her reply piqued my curiosity. I wanted to know who this young lady was. I could sense submissiveness in her, bubbling just beneath her partially guarded surface. And, she was sharp, very sharp.

"Dear Amber,

You are most welcome.

Forgive my straightforwardness. Although you are not a practitioner of said subject, does any of what you have researched arouse you? I ask this strictly for personal and selfish reasons. If you choose not to reply, I will respect your decision.


Amber smiled and bit her lower lip as she read the question I had posed to her. She felt safe in the knowledge that the conversation was anonymous. It was merely words popping up on a screen. She could end it anytime she wanted to. And if she chose to, she could opt to delete her dummy email account, and never communicate with me again. There was no threat to her on any level.

But, that is not what she wanted at that moment. As strange as it seemed to her, she was aroused by the question. The thought of confessing her darkest, dirty little secrets to a faceless stranger made her wet. Amber squeezed her thighs together as she typed her reply.

"Dear Gil,

I will answer your question. My willingness to do so is a surprise to me, and aroused me somewhat. As of yet, I have not found the courage to say what I am about to tell you to my boyfriend.

Yes, I feel a very strong pull towards bondage and being dominated. I am also curious as to what having pain inflicted upon me while in an aroused state would feel like. I hope you do not find what I am drawn to, to be silly and amateurish. I have no experience what so ever in any type of kink.


I grinned as I typed my reply.

"Thank you, Amber.

I appreciate your willingness to satisfy my curiosity.

I find nothing silly or amateurish in what you are drawn to. I hope you are able to experience what you are drawn to with your boyfriend.

As much as I am enjoying chatting with you, I must get my day started. I will reply to any further questions you send to me as soon as I am able.


Amber had her hand cupped over her pussy, and was rubbing herself slowly, as she waited for my reply. She had hoped that the conversation would get a bit steamier, to serve as masturbating material for her. Amber frowned and slumped her shoulders in disappointment when she read my reply. She typed a quick, polite thank you, and goodbye to me, turned off her laptop and slid her ass off her chair. She spread her legs and played with her wet pussy, to the images in her mind of being bound and fucked. It didn’t take very long for her to climax.


Over the next week, Amber checked for new emails from me every hour on the hour. In hopes that I had sent another personal question her way. She had enjoyed being able to share what aroused her with a stranger. Early Saturday morning, Amber decided to email me another question.

“Good morning, Gil.

I hope I am not wearing out my welcome with you. I enjoyed our last chat very much. Thank you again for your patience, and for being so very helpful.

I have another question for you. Does a physical, or, an emotional attraction, have to exist for you to consider a woman as a potential play partner? Looking forward to hearing from you.


I read Amber’s email while I was waiting in line to pay for groceries. I would wait till I got home to reply to her. After putting the groceries away, I fired up my laptop.

“Good morning Amber,

I do hope you get the opportunity to spend some time outside. It is a beautiful spring day.

Yes, I require an attraction on some level to consider the possibility. Her level of experience, and her specific tastes and needs, might be enough of an attraction for me to consider a session.

If our tastes and needs are not aligned, agreeing to a session would be an unwise choice for the both of us.

Nice to hear from you again, Amber.


Amber was in the middle of her breakfast when she heard the chime from her laptop. She pushed her plate to the side and slid her laptop closer to her. She quickly scanned over my reply and typed back.

“Thank you, Gil.

I will try to get outside at some point. I love being in the sunshine. Unfortunately, it will have to wait. My boyfriend is out of town for the weekend to watch a hockey game with his friends. I need to clean my apartment and catch up on laundry. The joys of adulthood never cease.

I am very curious as to what emotions and sensations you experience during a session. More for my own curiosity, truth be told. Perhaps, it is a question for another time. Our agreement was that you would answer questions to assist me with my assignment, not my curiosity. Or, can we renegotiate the terms? See, your wisdom is rubbing off on me. I am adhering to, and following protocol of the terms of our agreement.

Does that make me the most boring kinkster of all time?


I laughed when I read Amber’s reply.

“Dear Amber,

You are a very funny and charming young lady. Seeing as we both have nothing exciting planned for today, would you like to join me for a late lunch or a coffee? You may pick where meet.


Amber thought about my invitation to meet for a moment. She decided that she was curious enough to meet me. No matter how old I was. She also decided that she would dress down. A pair of loose jeans, a baggy sweatshirt, sunglasses and a cap, would ensure that I got the message that she wasn’t interested in anything more than conversation.

“Dear Gil,

I could use a break. Meet me at three, on the patio of Jenny’s Café. It’s at the Old Mill. I’ll be wearing a Blue Jays cap and sweatshirt.



Amber arrived at the café and took a seat at a table for two. She scanned the tables in the event that I had arrived before her.

“Amber?” a voice called out from behind her.

She turned and looked at me. “Yes. Do I know you?” There was no way the tall, ruggedly built, handsome man with steely brown eyes, and a greying goatee, could have been who she was waiting for.

I chuckled and replied, “Only through our emails.”

Amber stared at me with her mouth agape and shook her head. “I’m so sorry,” she chuckled. “You look nothing like I imagined. Please, sit down.”

I sat across from her and smiled, “Thank you. May I ask how you had pictured what I looked like?”

Amber laughed nervously and shook her head, “No, you may not.”

I laughed at her reply. We placed our orders with the waitress and made small talk as we waited for Amber’s cappuccino and my iced espresso to be brought to us. The waitress placed our beverages on the table, smiled at Amber, and said, “Enjoy.”

At that moment, Amber wished that she would have dressed sexier. She took a sip of her coffee as she eyed me over the cup's rim.

She placed the cup back on the table and asked, "I have a better understanding of BDSM than from when I started researching. But, I would like to understand it better. Could you provide me with more granular details?"

“Of course,” I smiled, “You mentioned that you are drawn to bondage and discipline?”

“Yes, I am. I like the thought of being told what to do, and what not to do. I have never been restrained, but the thought of it, and looking at pictures of bound women, is very appealing and arousing.”

I chuckled and replied, "Close your eyes and place your arm on the table, palm facing up, please, Amber." I waited for her to think about, and then decide to comply with my request. I waited a few seconds before I placed the pads of my fingertips on her wrist. Amber quickly pulled her arm away and opened her eyes.

"What are you doing?" She asked with a mix of surprise and slight panic in her voice.

I grinned and replied, "That is an example of fight or flight, of entering a state of hyperarousal. What did you feel just now?"

Amber snickered and replied, "I feel foolish. I wasn't expecting you to touch me. I guess I panicked a bit. My heart is beating faster, and I felt a small adrenaline rush. I'm sure my cheeks are slightly red."

I smiled at her and explained, "A normal reaction. We cannot understand the attraction to kink, if we don’t understand the how and why of sexual desire. A lot more changes occurred in your body than you realize just now. Your body reacted by preparing itself for what you perceived to be a threat. When you became aware that you were in no immediate danger, or that a threat did not exist, you laughed. But, it will take a moment or two before you to get back to a normal state. It will take a few minutes to use up the adrenaline and endorphins that your body released. So, you will remain in a state of hyper-awareness, till that happens."

"It wasn't a pleasant feeling. I was scared for an instant. I don't think that would put me in the mood for sex, to be honest," Amber whispered her last sentence. I smiled and nodded at her.

"If we repeated that, your reaction would be much less intense. If you were sexually aroused, and exposed to similar, and gradually more intense physical and emotional stimuli, your sense of awareness, and sexual arousal would increase. More endorphins, serotonin and adrenaline, along with other hormones would be released into your body. Eventually, what is referred to as subspace, is achieved, if, the stimuli are administered for a long enough period of time. There is a science behind consensual kink, if, you find that type of physical play arousing."

Amber twisted her lips and thought for a moment. "Similar to when Jason is close to climax, and he increases the speed and power of his thrusts. That increases my arousal."

"If you are a thrill seeker, and that is how your body reacts to increased stimulation, yes, it is similar. Everyone has triggers that arouse them. If you are aroused by, and have an appetite for intense physical stimulation, having an experienced person you trust, and find attractive, put you through your paces, makes for a very pleasurable sexual experience. Be it a light spanking or a hard body flogging. It depends on the individual's preferences," I smiled at her.

“Thrill seekers?” she asked.

“Yes. Some people like to watch horror movies, get scared, scream, and jump out of their seats. It doesn’t sound like very much fun, does it? There is no real danger to them. But, they look forward to being scared and the high associated with the release of chemicals. It’s the rush that gets them off. Some people jump off bridges with an elastic chord tied to their ankles, to experience that rush.”

Amber sat up straight and replied, “Nature versus nurture, that’s why there are so many different likes and dislikes. It’s either in you, or it’s not. And, our brain’s reward system, I read something about that.”

I nodded and replied, “Yes, neurotransmitters, dopamine pathways and the like. With any type of sex, the end result is the same, neurochemicals are released and we experience a chemical high. Regardless if the activities we chose to participate in are considered kinky or vanilla. What happens at the start of arousal, the buildup, and the release, is physically, emotionally, and chemically the same for everyone.

I read a very interesting article; I will email it to you. Studies found that vaginal blood flow in women attracted to BDSM increases when they watch kinky porn, at the same rate as it does for non-kinky women who watch vanilla porn. Conversely, blood flow does not increase when kinky women watch vanilla porn, implying that the brain has a part to play in controlling that blood flow, and that the brains of people who respond to kinky stimuli fire up the same way those who respond to vanilla sex do. You have to conclude that there is nothing neurologically or biologically dysfunctional about kink related desires.

Stimuli are not only limited to the sense of touch. All of our senses can be used to deliver stimuli and trigger a desired effect.”

Amber laughed and replied, “Just like the guy on the internet that wanted me to verbally abuse him. So he could get off.”

I chuckled, “Yes. Being verbally abused for some has the exact same emotional and physical effects as having sweet nothings whispered to others.

There is much confusion over why some are attracted to kink. A popular belief still exists that some traumatic event early on in life might be responsible for the attraction to kink. So, it’s labelled as deviant or abnormal behavior. You can see how that would confuse and make someone hesitant to explore their kinky side.”

Amber pushed her cup to the side, placed her arms on the small table, and leaned closer to me. "I guess you have to experiment and experience new things in order to know what works and doesn’t work for you. Be willing to take calculated risks. What are your triggers, Gil? She coyly asked.

I grinned and replied, “I have many triggers, Amber. You already have experimented with me, by answering my question for personal and selfish reasons. You felt safe and comfortable enough to answer a question on a subject that you have not breached with your boyfriend yet. Keep in mind, when experimenting with what you are curious about or what you think you might enjoy, comes the risk of detrimental impacts. The possibility of being exposed to something that will have an adverse effect on you is real.

I am not an authority on psychology, but it is safe to assume that some individuals engage in unhealthy behavior, both physically and emotionally. And you also run the risk of choosing the wrong person to explore with, be it with vanilla or kinky sex.”

“Like everything else, from alcohol, to drugs, to food,” Amber added.

“Exactly. Finding a sane and suitable partner to play with, especially for someone new to the scene, can pose a challenge. I have had unpleasant experiences with women. We all have stories that are unpleasant.”

“Yes, of course. I have had a few unpleasant experiences when I first started dating. We all have. How would I know if someone was being truthful with me, and would respect my limits? They could say anything and everything during the negotiating,” she asked.

“You can’t be sure. You should always trust your intuition. All local kink communities are tightly knit. It is a way to weed out the undesirables, for the serious players and novices alike. There are many meet and greets, munches, that are organized for people to attend, meet likeminded people, and test the waters. In time, you get a feel for the experienced players.

If you are in search of thrills, proceed with caution, learn as much as you can, ask a lot of questions, and if you are lucky enough to meet someone like, Diana, pick her brain, and have her introduce you to reputable and experienced people. Or, ask her to mentor you.”

“What about rules? Are there certain rules that everyone follows, despite what their sexual preferences are? I have received very differing information when I asked that question on the web site. Some sounded absolutely ridiculous.”

I smiled and replied, “Common sense, whatever limits you are comfortable to test, and whatever compromises you are comfortable to make. Those are the rules you should follow. It is all about you, and what you want to experience and experiment with.

Similar to many things in life, kink is not something that falls in to the one size fits all category. It comes down to what pleases you, what arouses you, what you want, and what gets you off, no matter what role you choose to play. I am certain that you and your boyfriend enjoy some sex acts more than others.”

“What about punishments? Do you punish your play partners with spankings and whips, for not obeying you? It seems to be a very popular theme on that web site. Some men seem to want to punish you for every little thing they can think of. That has no appeal to me what so ever,” Amber shifted in her seat as she spoke.

I laughed and replied, “Only if they ask me very nicely. If my play partner wants a spanking, or wants to be whipped, all she has to do is ask. If I want to spank or whip her, all I have to do is ask. If someone enjoys role play that includes being made to stand in a corner, or being spanked when they misbehave, that is different than punishment.

You are referring to Dom/sub play. If a sub did do something out of character, I would be concerned; I would want to know if she is struggling with something. I would ask if I could do anything for her. I would ask her to explain her actions; try to understand why she behaved in that manner. We all have bad days. Beating on someone, because they didn’t perform a task to your liking, or ran late because of traffic, is abuse, not domination. Unfortunately, that is something that can be found in any type of relationship, regardless of gender. A Dom’s role is to nurture and guide, if a Dom isn’t prepared to assist their sub when they are struggling with something, they have missed the point.

If a sub has to walk on egg shells, and worry about everything they do or say, for fear of being reprimanded, they have hooked up with an abusive asshole, not a Dom. I have never engaged in using corporal punishment. If she was acting up and misbehaving on purpose, being bratty, I would deny her play time with me. That gets their undivided attention.”

Amber looked to see how many people were still seated on the patio. The crowd had thinned out; the temperature had dropped as the sun had begun to set.

She gathered up enough courage and asked, “May I call you on that, the part of only having to ask for something from you?”

I grinned and leaned back in my chair as I replied, “You may.”

Amber smiled and bit her lip. “Would you do that again to me?”

“Do what again to you, Amber?”

She blushed and answered, “The eyes closed thing.”

“I can, but we’ll need another cappuccino and iced espresso. I’ll be right back,” I replied and made my way to the counter to order the beverages.

I sat back down and placed both cups in front of me on the table, with the spoons in the cups.

“One spoon is hot, the other is cold. I won’t tell you which one I will touch you with. Now, close your eyes and lean in towards me.”

Amber smiled and asked, “Where will you touch me?”

“Your lips,” I grinned. “Not right away, you will have to be patient.”

Amber placed her arms on the table and leaned towards me.

“Close your eyes, please,” I sternly said to her.

Amber closed her eyes. Her cheeks blushed pink. She became slightly aroused at the anticipation of feeling a hot or cold sensation on her lips. Not knowing which sensation to expect or when I would allow her to feel it was exciting to her. Her pussy became moist and hot as the seconds passed and she waited in darkness.

The longer I made her wait, the more Amber became aroused. Her cheeks flushed brighter. Her breathing became quicker. Her entire body became tense as she closed her hands into tight fists. I tapped a spoon against the lip of the cup, and Amber’s body reacted to the sound with a slight jerk. I stirred the coffee in a slow and deliberate circular motion. The sound made Amber gasp and she squeezed her fists tighter. Her knuckles began to turn white.

I leaned towards her and placed my mouth close enough to her ear that she could feel my breath. “You want more than this, don’t you, Amber?” I whispered to her with a soft growl.

Amber swallowed hard and nodded her head. Her belly tightened and she shivered. She squeezed her thighs together and started to rock back and forth ever so slightly.

“I don’t think a hot or cold spoon pressed gently to your lips will satisfy the need that is coursing through you right now. Will it, Amber?”

Amber moaned and shook her head.

“Where would you like me to touch you?” I asked as I gently brushed my cheek against hers.

“Fuck,” she moaned. “Everywhere, I want you to touch me everywhere.”

I grinned and asked, “You have made me very hard, Amber. Would you kneel before me, and beg me to touch you everywhere?”

“God yes!” she moaned. “I love knowing I have made you hard. I’d beg you to touch me all over, with your cock.”

“How wet are you?” I asked as I pressed my lips on her neck.

She shivered at my touch, squeezed her thighs tighter and moaned, “I’m dripping for you.”

“Imagine the hot spoon being pressed on your clit, Amber.”

Amber’s hands flew open and she pressed her palms hard on the table. She shuddered as she climaxed. Her mouth flew open, and I slid the cold spoon into it. Amber shuddered again as she sucked on the cold that suddenly filled her mouth.

I waited till she stopped shaking and opened her eyes, slid the spoon out of her mouth, and placed it on the table in front of her.

“You are quite a vision when you cum, Amber. I don’t think I have ever seen such a lovely sight,” I grinned at her.

She brought both her hands to her cheeks, lowered her head and locked her eyes on the spoon. “That felt amazing, thank you. I’ll never look at a spoon the same way.”

I chuckled and replied, “You are welcome. Shall we leave, or do you need a minute?”

She took a deep breath, took my hand with both her hands, and gently kissed my knuckles. “I need a minute.” She lustfully looked into my eyes and asked, “I want and need more, Gil, so much more. Will you take me home with you, please?”

I grinned at her and nodded, “I am at your service, Amber.”

Same as

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MILF Hunter

MILFHunter! I never understood hunting for food. I mean, why wake up before dawn, get all bundled up and go sit in a tree all morning when I can just eat a bowl of cereal while surfing porn in my heated apartment? Hell, even if I go grab a McMuffin, I can gawk at the teen babe behind the counter. Then again, there are different types of hunting. For example, it ain’t deer or w-w-wabbit they’re after at is a cougar porn site from those filthy perverts over at Reality...

Premium Mature Porn Sites
1 year ago
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The Game

Last night these ten 18 year olds graduated high school and their parents got them a pair of 2 bedroom condos on the beach as a graduation present. The group drove down in 2 vehicles Chad’s Jeep Wrangler and Grace’s Ford Maverick. In Chad’s Jeep there was Chad his girlfriend Amber, his neighbor and longest friend Aiden, Amber’s best friend Chrystal, and Chrystal’s twin sister Kirsten. In Grace’s pickup was her boyfriend LaBrandon, her co-captain from the cheerleading squad Alexis, Alexis’...

2 years ago
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Laurie Gets Even

Laurie wore a robe as she stepped out her back door. Underneath, she was naked. She stood there for a minute or two, checking out the view of her yard. She didn’t hear anyone outside so she dropped the robe from her shoulders and slid out of it. She laid it across the same chair that she had been fucked silly on yesterday by the two lawn guys. This morning, she discovered that neighbor Stan had seen the whole thing. He was now blackmailing her to keep it a secret. Laurie was a high school...

3 years ago
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That ass

Ok i just finished writing a story and if you haven't read it, it's called the state of my union, please read or at least get the gist of it :D i know it rambles a bit and i know that i's a bit long but still THIS one will make more sense :DOk, it had been a little time since that dinner and talk with him and things were pretty quick to calm down. It wasn't easy seeing Her in the same way i typically would because of how i saw Her treated by him however i have since seen Her speak to him in...

2 years ago
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My Mirror and I

Steamy hot water trickled down my back as I lathered up soap in my hands. I gently began to rub my soapy hands all over my breasts. I fondled with them and moved them around in circular motions. I took down the shower nozzle and placed it over my breasts. The hot water felt good as it ran down my chest, clearing away all the soap for me.My perky breasts were glistening, and my pink nipples were erect. I latched onto one of my nipples and began to gently squeeze and tug at it. I leaned back...

2 years ago
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Video Store Slave

Video Store Slave by SirbootnockaI have always wanted a sex slave , and I'll explain how I happened to acquire my first.    I'm a great looking black man. I am 5'8" and I'm quite fit, with 15" bicepts and a 34" waist, topped off with a 46" chest. At 42 years old, I have a pretty good body, and look well under my age. She worked at the local Family Video store. One of many such stores that grace the corners of midwest thoroughfares. She had shoulder length dirty blonde hair, that always sported...

3 years ago
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Anal Awakenings Part 1

These are the stories of how I, a recently divorced guy in his early 40s, got to love the feeling of young, hard cock up my ass.It all started while Shane and I were sixty-nining side by side. I was enjoying the sensation of Shane's throbbing cock in my mouth while he slowly and expertly blew me. Shane moved a hand from the base of my cock and began to caress my ass cheek... Actually, we need to go back about two weeks before that...I'd been divorced for a month when I realized that my freedom...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 2 JenniferChapter 9 Melanie and Bethany

June 1978 On Sunday morning I awoke well-rested. I ate breakfast and told Mom I wanted to go to church with them. She said ‘OK’, so I went to shower and dress for church. I saw Larry but not Jennie. Larry and I grabbed some juice after service and talked briefly. He wondered if I wanted to play some chess during the week and I readily agreed. We agreed he would come to my house on Tuesday night. When we got home I tried to talk to Mom again. She actually responded to my apology and accepted...

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