Quid Pro Quo free porn video

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When I got to the bookstore, everyone was in a tailspin. Liz and Brian looked fearful and wouldn't answer when I said good morning to them; they just stocked the mysteries as if their life depended on it. Pauline was white as paper while she worked the register; her usually cheery lips in a grim line. And Sue, who spent six hours out of eight talking to her boyfriend on the phone, was studiously doing inventory in the children's section. I wondered if the weirdness had anything to do with the smattering of reporters outside.

Only Derek spoke to me on my way back to the employee lounge. "Bette sold the bookstore," he whispered.

"No, she didn't," I said. Bette and I had been best friends for more than a decade. I was the first person she hired. If she sold her life's work, the business she loved, I was very sure I would have gotten a phone call.

"She did. This morning," Derek said.

I looked at him. He was pale. "Did she tell you that?"


I wasn't going to ask him anything else. I had to go to the source.

I walked into the Bette's office. There was a cardboard box on her desk and her back was to me. "Why did Derek just tell me that you sold the bookstore?" I asked.

She turned. Her face was red and puffy. Her eyes were bloodshot.

"Oh, my God," I said. "You did. What happened?"

Her lip trembled. "I didn't have a choice. He knew about the porno."

I blinked at her. "Wait. What? The porno you made when you were eighteen? There were only like fifty copies made and only in VHS."

"He owns the production company that bought the rights back in the late nineties. He's threatening to make it digital and re-release it"

"He, who?"

"Charles Fucking DeWitt."

Clearly, I had woken up in an alternate universe. One where Bette Turner gave two shits about a porno she made twenty years ago and where womanizing, real estate moguls make power moves to buy privately owned bookstores.

"First of all, who cares about the porno?"

"My eighty year old father sure would. Fucking DeWitt promised to send him a copy."

"Jesus. Why?"

Her eyes dropped to the floor. "I dated him a zillion years ago and I cheated on him."

"You dated Charles DeWitt and cheated on him?"

"With his best friend, Rob."

"Shitty of you, but still, hardly worth all of this fuss."

She still didn't look at me. "I married Rob. Charles told me at the wedding that if I ever hurt him, I would pay."

I stared at her, knowing perfectly well that none of her three marriages had ended well. There was infidelity in all three, sometimes on both sides but always on Bette's.

"So, Little Prick DeWitt is here this morning when I get in, tells me about the porno, tells me he knows that I poured my heart into this business, and then tells me he's going to take it from me and sell it off piece by piece. Tells me payback's a bitch."

"After twenty fucking years. Are you kidding me?"

"That's what I'm saying."

"This is some bullshit, Bette."

She loaded a couple more of her things into a box. "He told me to send my manager to him when you got here. He hasn't talked to anyone else. He's just waiting for you."

"What the fuck for?"

"No idea."

"Where is he?" My tone was dark and it made Bette look up.

"Don't do anything rash. He's a fucking bastard."

"Don't worry about me. Where is he?"

"He's in the coffee shop."

"Don't leave without me," I said, leaving her office and closing the door behind me.


He sat alone at the largest table in the coffee shop. I recognized him from his picture on tabloid covers and apparently I wasn't the only one. Some of the shoppers were taking an unusual interest in the mug display just to his left. He didn't seem to care; he was busy talking on his cell phone, which I could hear as I made my way to his table.

"...she employs eight people....You have too much conscience, Rob....All right, fine...I said fine. I figured you'd have a problem with it so I'm already working on it. She has a manager...some old lady named Nora. I'll see what I can do."

I ordinarily would have been entertained at being called an old lady, but I wasn't in the mood. I presented myself, with my arms crossed, in front of his table.

"Hold on." He pulled his phone away from his ear and looked me up and down once. Then he did it again, smirking a little like he liked what he saw. "How can I help you, Gorgeous?"

"I'm Nora Wells, the store manager."

His smirk faded and his face took on a predatory expression. He looked me up and down again, this time slower. Then, he spoke into his phone. "I've got to go, Rob. Give Christina my love."

He turned back to me. "Hello Nora. I'm Charles De--"

"I know who you are. I know what you did to Bette and why. I'm here to tell you to fuck off."

He drew back a little but the predatory look intensified, like he was a snake that just got bit by the mouse he was trying to eat. "Is that really wise?" he asked. "Especially given that I now own the place where you work?"

"Rumor has it that you're going to sell the bookstore off as scrap, so I don't really see the risk." I turned and started to walk away.

"Nora," he called after me. "You don't want to walk away from me right now."

I turned with my arms still crossed. There were a fair number of people in the store and at least half had turned to look at me and Charles. "Give me one good reason why not," I said without bothering to lower my voice

"Because seven other people still work here. You're the one who decides whether they keep their jobs or not."

Sue was near enough to hear and give me a frightened look. She was three months pregnant and I know she needed her paycheck. I gave her a tight smile that was probably anything but reassuring and went back to Charles's table, flopping into the chair across from him and glaring at him.

"My grudge is against Bette," he said.


He paused for a moment, like he wasn't used to back-talk. "I don't want to leave you or anyone else unemployed. I will, but I don't want to," he continued.

"Big of you."

He paused again. I had trouble reading his expression: irritation, certainly, and...amusement? "Your offer is this," he continued. "I'll double your salary, make you executive manager, or whatever title you like, and leave the operation of the store entirely at your discretion."

"How often would I have to deal with you?" My tone made it clear that I hoped the answer was 'never'.

"I'll get back to you on that. I'm finding this business more attractive than I thought I would." His eyes slid over me, down to my breasts, and back up to my mouth in a suggestive way.

"Did you miss the part where I told you to fuck off?" I asked.

"No," he said smoothly. "But here's what you're missing. It would be easier for me to lay off everyone here and liquidate my assets then keep this place running. Reject my offer and that's exactly when I'm going to do."

I looked back over at Sue. She wasn't the only one here who needed a paycheck. I would be okay for a while and Bette was from a wealthy family, but we were the only two who wouldn't be hurt right away. My conscience didn't really leave me much of a choice. But, I wasn't going to take any bribes from the sonofabitch, either.

I met Charles DeWitt's eyes. "I won't accept a raise," I said.

His eyebrows shot up. A playful smile teased on his lips, reminding me of how he usually looked in pictures posing on his yacht or on beaches in the Mediterranean.

"I'm the store manager already," I told him. "I'll keep that title. However, I will run this business to keep the staff employed."

He smirked at me; he knew I was trapped and he clearly liked it. "I want to go over the books with you tonight. I might as well find out what this place is worth. I'm at the Plaza Hotel; you can meet me there at seven."

"Somewhere that isn't your room, correct?"

He gave me that predatory look again. "If you insist."

"I'll bring the financial statements. What else do you want to see?"

"The event calendar, a listing of staff assignments, and you in a dress."

"The first two I'll bring. You can fuck yourself on the third." Which was funny, because if he hadn't said anything, I probably would have worn a dress to the Plaza. "Are we done?"

"For now."

"Good. I'm going to help Bette get home."

His expression was serious for the first time since I had presented myself to him. "Aren't you on the clock?" he asked in a caustic tone. I saw immediately what he was doing. He wanted Bette to walk out by herself, carrying her boxes, dealing with the reporters who loitered. I lifted my chin; I wasn't going to let that happen.

"I'm salaried," I said, my tone more than a little snotty. "If you don't like it, fire me. You're good at that, right?"

I waited for a moment for him to say something. When he didn't, I turned and walked away. As I walked, I could still feel his eyes boring into my back.


After dropping Bette off at home with a bottle of wine and too much chocolate, working the floor in the bookstore during an unusually busy day, and sending the staff home with the reassurance that we would meet in the morning, I gathered the paperwork Charles requested and hurried back to my apartment. I got into my most conservative pantsuit, texted Bette what I was doing, and made the drive back to the city.

It was the longest day I had ever spent; I was exhausted and it wasn't even over yet.

When I got to the Plaza Hotel, the concierge led me to where the conference rooms were. Charles waited for me in a small one. He looked up when I came in, his expression heightened and that predatory smirk on display.

I carried a huge bag of paperwork and started laying it out on the table. Charles already had a drink in front of him, like this was a social thing.

"Something to drink for you, Ma'am?" the concierge asked.

"Water, please."

When he left, Charles came around to my side of the table and stood too close. He pinched the fabric of my suit between two fingers at the shoulder, like it was a stinky rag. "This is terrible. Did you borrow it from your grandmother?"

"I don't want to be here and I didn’t dress for you. Can we get this over with?"

"A gorgeous thing like you shouldn't dress like a congresswoman. Do you need a clothing allowance?"

"No, I don't." I pushed a binder closer to him. "These are the financial reports from the last fiscal year, if you would like to review them."

He pulled out a chair for me; good manners made me sit. I instantly wished I hadn't. He pushed the binder back in front of me, leaned over me way, way too close, and said in a low intimate voice right next to my ear, "I'm going to need for you to show them to me."

I started to, but with one of his hands on the table beside me, the other on the back of my chair, and his face so close I could feel his body heat, I could tell we weren't going to get far. I powered through six months in about a half hour but when his hand moved from my chair to my shoulder, I stopped.

"I need you to back off," I said.

Rather than listening, his hand slipped from my shoulder to the back of my neck, where he started to rub the muscles there. "You're so tight and tense," he said in a low voice. "I'd love to know if that's true everywhere on your body."

I stood, hitting him with my chair as I pushed it out. At least it made him step back a pace. I put my hands on my hips, facing him. "Look, Charles. I get it, okay? Bette hurt you and hurt your best friend. Now, you're getting revenge by trying to do the same thing back."

"Is that what I'm doing?"

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Clearly. But, this isn't going to end with me in your bed. Do you understand me?"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I'm sure."

"Because you're very attracted to me."

"I'm not your type." My voice was pure scorn.

"Really. What's my type?"

"Supermodels and actresses. Usually under the age of twenty-five."

For the first time, his face reddened. It was like he didn't know that all of his escapades are reported to the world in photographic detail. He was forty, a bachelor, and dated hot, young things. Everyone knew that.

"Don't believe everything you read," he told me. At least he didn’t look amused anymore.

"It's okay," I told him, my tone a hint nastier. "You're not my type either. I like nice men." His face got redder. "Do you want to go over more paperwork?"

"I think I'm done for the night." Then, something seemed to occur to him and that predatory, amused expression found a home on his face again. "Next week? Same time and place?"

"You want this to be a standing, weekly meeting? You don’t even live here."

"I have a jet. Do you have an issue with that?"

My frustration must have shown because he looked very pleased with himself. "I'll be here," I told him.

I started gathering the paperwork. He put a hand on mine. "I didn't ask you if you'd be here. I asked you if you had an issue with a weekly meeting."

I shook off his hand. "Yes, I have an issue with it. But, like I said, I'll be here."

"We might be able to work things out where we don't have to meet in person so often." His voice was sly.

I crossed my arms again. "What are you hinting at?"

"Wear a dress next week."

"Are you still on this?"

"Wear a dress next week, and I'll forgo the next meeting. Wear a dress to every meeting and we'll meet bi-monthly." I must have looked stunned; his smile was heated and not at all kind. "But I have to be satisfied you dressed for me. Heels. Your hair done. Make-up. Think of it like a date."

"You seriously need to fuck off."

"You don’t want to see me. I want to see you dressed up. I'm just proposing a compromise. Otherwise, I'll just have to enjoy you on a weekly basis in whatever potato sack you choose to wear."

I leveled a look at him. "You're a businessman, right? Do I need to explain to you what sexual harassment is?"

"No. I have excellent lawyers I pay very well that explain it to me all the time."

I finished packing up all of the paperwork and gave him a long, disapproving look. "I'll see you next week." Then, without another word, I left.


Bette and I drank too much wine the following weekend and she told me all about Charles DeWitt. He was a sweet guy, at one point, she said. She met him when her parents and his parents were vacationing at the same resort when she was eighteen. They dated off and on for two years. He was the best lover she'd ever had--not that that sort of thing kept her from cheating.

She hadn't given his threat for revenge a second thought at the wedding or much after the divorce.

"He's trying to make you wear a dress to these meetings?" Bette asked.

"Yes. And he has zero concept of personal space."

"He wants to fuck you."

"Just to get even with you. He's just still in revenge mode."

But, after six weeks of me in pant-suits, he still hadn't relaxed his pressure. Oh, sure, he looked at the financial statements and the events calendar when I put them in front of him; however, far more of his time was spent asking personal questions and trying to invade my personal space. It really was starting to wear thin.

In our seventh meeting, he said, "You're single, aren't you? No man would put up with you meeting me in the evening, like this."

"Why? Because Charles DeWitt is so irresistible?"


I rolled my eyes at him. "Nobody's worried about these meetings turning into something more."

"Is that because your boyfriend doesn't care or because he doesn't exist?" His eyes strayed for the ten-thousandth time to my bare left hand.

"It's because you're dating supermodel Anna Krinski," I told him. "And we all know how faithfully in love you are with her."

I took every chance I had to remind him of his sordid and completely public love life. If he could torture me, I would needle him. He clearly wasn't amused. His jaw set and a little vein in his temple pulsed. He dismissed me curtly and without even undressing me with his eyes.

In our eighth meeting, he brought the subject up himself, which was a little odd. "What do the headlines say about me this week?" he asked.

"That you and Anna broke up, but you're comforting yourself with up-and-coming actress Tori Allenson. What is she? Twenty-two? Whatever do you talk about?"

"Screenplay revisions." He gave a long, calculating look. "How would you like your name to be next to mine in the tabloids?"

I blinked at him a moment. I would hate being in the headlines and I would hate it twice as much if it was connected to him. I didn't need to even say so; his look of grim satisfaction told me he could see as much.

"No?" he asked in a hard way. "Then, next week, you're going to wear a dress, like we discussed."

"Fuck off."

"No fucking of any sort is required. Yet." That predatory look came out again. "What you do need to do is make yourself pretty for me. If you don't, the morning after, you're going to find photographers on your doorstep and wild speculation about every part of your life in print."

I stood. "I get why you did what you did to Bette. I don't like it, but I do get it. I will never understand why you feel the need to torture me, too. All I'm trying to do is help seven people keep their jobs."

He seemed to have a flash of something. Misgiving? Conscience? I didn't stay to find out; I just left.

It took me all week to find the courage to not wear a damn dress to the next meeting. It was the definition of cutting off my nose despite my face. Not only didn't I want to be in the headlines linked to Charles DeWitt, but I was also sick and tired of looking frumpy. I even dressed down on the day before and after our meeting in case he decided to stay in town and drop in on the bookstore.

But, when the next meeting happened, I showed up in one of my least attractive outfits: shapeless pants, a boxy jacket, and my hair in a neat ponytail. I saw his distaste when I walked into the room but I ignored it. He didn't make a fuss. For once, we went over the paperwork without much interruption. When we were done, about forty minutes later, he politely said, "I'll walk you out."

"No need," I replied.

"I insist."

So, I let him walk with me to the valet. We were in front of the hotel before I realized my mistake. The photographers and reporters shifted towards us like they were magnetically attracted to Charles. He gave me that predatory grin and before I could anticipate what he was going to do, he kissed me.

It wasn't a peck either. It took me completely off-guard. He pulled me to him, one hand on my waist and the other on the back of my neck. I hadn't ever needed to resist a kiss before, so initially, I accepted it: his lips not too open, the tip of his tongue not too invasive, his hands firm but not harsh. My body started to respond. It took me a second or two to have the wherewithal to push him away.

By then, the damage was done. Cameras flashed all around us. Reporters were yelling at me, demanding to know my name.

I was furious and not thinking. I slapped him.

He smirked at me. "That was spicy," he said in a low voice.

"That was assault," I growled back.

By then, my car had arrived. I stalked through the reporters ignoring their questions, and locked myself inside. If one of them had been in front of my car, I might have hit them in my haste to leave. Luckily, it didn't come to that.


"You're dating Charles DeWitt?" Sue asked me when I made it through the reporters in front of the store and to the staff lounge the next day. They had been in front of my apartment, too.

"I am not dating fucking Charles DeWitt," I snarled. I hardly slept and it left me snappish. I saw Sue's hurt and softened my tone. "Sorry. He kissed me to be a jerk. He knew the paparazzi would run with it."

"Why would he do that?"

"He can't get at Bette anymore, so he's having his fun with me." Her eyes widened. "Don't worry," I told her, my tone softening further, "I'm not going to quit."

My phone rang. Thank God it was Bette and not another unfamiliar number. "Hey," I answered.

"Look, I hate to do this to you, but..."

"Then, don't. Seriously. I'm at my wits end."

"You know how I go to a local business gala every year?"

I sighed. "When is it?"

"Saturday night. It's at the conservatory."

"What do I need to do?"

"Just show up. Wear a cocktail dress. Stay an hour. Give a donation to the Business Owner Association out of the slush fund."

"Okay. I'll take care of it." I hung up the phone and stared at the wall. A gala might be good for me. I wasn't really doing much socializing these days.

"Nora?" Derek approached me, seemingly shy about talking to me, which he never had been before.

"What's up?"

"There's a problem with the inventory in the children's section...."

"Show me."

I was grateful for the distraction and Derek was grateful for the help. It actually made me forget for a moment that my picture was splashed on the front of all of the tabloids. At that moment, I was nothing more than a store manager and I was happy to do my job.


On Saturday night I went all out. I wore a new, blue, fitted, feminine cocktail dress that was a little shorter than I usually wore. It made my legs look very long. I left my hair down, stepped into heels, and did make-up for the first time in weeks. It was nice to feel attractive after ill-fitting pant suits for so long.

I drove to the conservatory and let the valet park my car. The photographers called my name, asking where Charles was; I ignored them. I entered the beautiful venue, got a flute of Champaign, and wandered through the perfectly manicured plants. I migrated towards the orchid display; I had been here as a tourist once before.

"Ms. Wells?" I turned and it was a dapper-looking gentleman, maybe ten years older than me. "I'm Paul Mansfield. Bette and I have worked together on a number of projects. She called me and told me that you would be here and that I should make sure you're not alone." He had a faint accent. British, maybe?

"That is very kind of you."

"It was actually very kind of Bette. I would have been wondering who you were. This is usually very much the same crowd every year."

I liked Paul right away. The lines on his face seemed to have formed entirely by smiling. We entered into a discussion about our favorite books, many of which we shared. We had a playful discussion about whether Catcher in the Rye or To Kill a Mockingbird was more representative of the classic American novel. After two Champaign flutes, I was warm and loose, smiling and enjoying the harmless flirtation.

I heard a woman's voice from behind. "Paul. I'm sorry to interrupt, but there's someone you really must meet."

I turned, still laughing at something Paul had said. The event organizer stood there next to Charles DeWitt, looking very delighted with herself. "We're lucky enough to have the new owner of Neighborhood Books here."

I froze; my smile stuck on my face in an uncomfortable way. Charles had a shocked expression, too, though it quickly became clear that my appearance, and not my presence, was the reason he was so off-balance. He stared at me without an ounce of amusement, not even glancing at Paul. And while the predatory element still remained, it was tempered by appreciation.

I regained my balance first. "Charles," I said, offering my hand. "I had no idea you were in town."

"I came back for the gala," he said, shaking my hand but not letting go. "If I had known you'd be here, I would have suggested that we come together."

"I'm sure you would have."

Charles gave me a long, heated look. "Could I have a word with you?"

I looked at Paul, who seemed to be very entertained by Charles, who hadn't even said hello to him. "Would you excuse me for a moment?"

"Of course," Paul said.

Charles drew me a pace or two away. "What do you need?" I asked him.


"To do what?"

"Come back to my room and open your legs for me. You're fucking gorgeous."

I heaved a sigh and yanked my hand free. "Could you give it a rest?"

"I'm serious," he said. The gravity in his tone stopped me a moment. I had dismissed all of his other come-ons as revenge-harassment. This had a completely different feel to it. His predatory look seemed fueled by heat rather than amusement.

It was interesting, but it didn't change anything. "I'm serious, too," I told him. "Knock it off."

I turned to leave, but he caught my arm. "I don't enjoy being ignored, Nora."

"Fine," I said with an acidic bite. "Enticing as your offer may be--poetic too, might I add--I'm afraid that I must decline. There. You are no longer ignored; you're rejected."

I shook off his hand and went back to Paul Mansfield. "I'm so sorry about that," I told him. I made sure my smile was warm and that Charles saw it. "He's challenging sometimes."

"I heard something about that," Paul said, his eyes twinkling with fun. I knew then that Bette and he had talked about the sale of the store.

"Where were we?" I asked.

"I was about to ask you if you would like to take a walk through the butterfly sanctuary."

"I would absolutely love to."

I didn't look at Charles directly but I saw him watching me out of my peripheral vision. I let Paul help me up and when he offered his arm, I took it. I didn’t see Charles for the rest of the night.


I started to rethink the idea of wearing a dress to the weekly meeting I shared with Charles. For five minutes at the gala, I had the upper hand with that asshole. All because I showed a little leg. I was curious to know if I could repeat that dynamic

So, for our next meeting, I wore a dress. And, no, it wasn't because I had a sudden love of skirts.

The shift in his expression was noticeable: from bored-looking arrogance to heated want. I got a physical thrill, knowing that I affected him so easily and immediately. I started laying out the documents and he came around the table, looking me up and down.

"Are you teasing me?" he asked.

"No," I replied innocently, looking up at him. "You said if I wore a dress, we could make these meetings every other week. I decided to accept. We don't need this much one-on-one time."

He couldn't fault me on my outfit: skirt just above the knee, a clinging top, a little sweater to make it all modest, and some heels, as requested. Some subtle make-up with my hair down and even curled.

"I beg to differ," he said, his eyes hot. "I think a little more one-on-one time is just what we need."

"Then you aren't going to honor your offer?" I countered smoothly.

He clenched his jaw; it gave me another rush. He was stuck and he knew it.

"Of course I'll honor my offer," he finally said. "We'll meet again in two weeks."

"Thank you, Charles," I said sweetly.

He gave me a long, calculating look. "Did you bring the inventories?"

He had never asked for them before, but I had them. I handed him a binder and he scowled. "Anything else?" I asked.


Two weeks later, I was in a dress that Bette gave me. It was red, fitted, and showed a touch of cleavage. It was just on the edge of what you could wear to a business meeting, so I paired it with a sweater for modesty. Not that it mattered to Charles.

"Jesus, Nora," he said when I walked into the room.

"Is something wrong?"

The heat coming off of him could have melted an igloo. He didn't answer me; he just looked.

I shrugged and started laying out binders but I was well aware of the fact that he had stood and was coming around the conference table again. I ignored him but I couldn't maintain that for long; he took the last binder out of my hands, set it aside, and leveled a look at me.

"What?" I said.

"This is deeply unfair," he said, standing close but not touching me. "And you know it."

"What is?"

"Showing up here, looking like this, and expecting this meeting to remain businesslike."

"I can't believe you just said that to me," I replied. "You told me to wear a dress. You tried to blackmail me into it. And now that I do as you ask, you're complaining?"

"I'm not complaining about you wearing a dress. I'm complaining about you keeping me at arm's length."

"Well, that's just too bad," I told him. His jaw clenched and, again, it gave me a little rush. "Arm's-length is my right as an employee."

"Unless I can get you to agree otherwise," he said darkly.

"Good luck," I replied.

Two weeks after that, I showed up in a brand new little black dress that was classy but sexy. It was sleeveless, showed a little more cleavage than the red dress, and had a hemline an inch or two above the knee. I put on a sweater for modesty, but that didn't stop his eyes from going directly to my tits.

"All this for me?" Charles purred.

"No. I have an engagement after this."

He looked stunned for a moment. Then, angry. I got another thrill out of it. "An engagement? You mean a date?"

Actually, I meant an engagement. I was meeting Paul Mansfield at the swanky bar next door to discuss a joint book signing event. Since I had to wear a dress anyway, I decided to go all out.

"I don't really see that as any of your business," I told him primly.

"With who," he pressed, standing. "Paul Mansfield? I hope you're caffeinated; he's dull as a marble."

"Your concern is noted. Do you want to start with the financial statements?"

He stood and came around the table to me. At this point, I pretty much expected it. However, when he stepped behind me and curled his fingers around the lapels of my sweater with both hands, almost hugging me, I froze.

"What are you doing?" I asked, my tone impatient.

"You look overheated," he said. He eased my sweater off of my shoulders his fingers brushing my arms. My body responded despite me. I think that's why I didn't stop him.

He put my sweater on the back of the chair beside us. His hands rested on my arms and he pressed himself against me gently. I felt his erection. It gave me a bit of a thrill at what I had managed to do to him. I heard him inhale next to my ear. "You smell like flowers." His dick twitched against my ass.

"Down, Boy," I said.

"That's not the direction I'm headed."

"I've told you before and I'll tell you again, the answer is no."

He let go of my arms. When he was facing me again, his expression held a challenge. It made me a little nervous for the first time in a while. "Are you sure?"


"And nothing could convince you otherwise?"


"Not even if I gave you the bookstore?"

Now, that did shock me in a visceral way. "The bookstore?"

"You heard me."

"You'd give me the bookstore," I said, looking at him.

"I want you more than I want it."

"That's ridiculous."

"It's mine to do with as I like. So...what do you think?"

I didn't like to admit it, but it was an interesting offer. I wasn't as promiscuous as Bette; it wouldn't be as easy for me to trade on my body as it would have been for her. Still, the bookstore was a hell of a pay-off.

I hesitated too long. That arrogant, predatory look returned. "You're tempted," he said.

"Maybe," I replied noncommittally. His arousal seemed to climb. He swayed a little closer to me. "If I could trust your follow-through," I added.

"You can."

"And we clearly define what you expect."

"One evening. Whatever I want to do. Say, a few hours minimum."

"A few hours of vengeance fucking is a really long time, Charles."

"It isn't vengeance," he said. "I only wanted revenge against one woman and you are not that person." He gave me a long look. "I want willingness from you, though. And enthusiasm."

"Willingness, I'll give you. Enthusiasm, you have to earn. I'm not a porn star; I'm not going to fool you if I'm not into it."

"Fair enough," he said. "Willingness, then. And an open mind."

"One evening," I said thoughtfully. "We meet here, I go upstairs with you, we do whatever you like, and I sleep in my own bed that night?"


I met his eyes and the challenge there. "And once it's done, I never have to see you again?"

That made him hesitate, which made me happy.

"At least not in association with the bookstore," he amended.

"I can live with that."

He put a hand on my back, looking supremely confident in himself. "Then, shall we adjourn to my room?"

I stepped away from him, breaking contact. "Whoa there," I said. He looked surprised. "First of all, I still have an engagement tonight. Second of all, I have to think about this. Having someone fuck you for personal gain may be old-hat to you, but it isn't for me. I'll let you know one way or another at our next meeting."

"Nora, I'm a very in-the-moment kind of guy."

"You think you're going to change your mind in two weeks?" I asked lightly. We both knew that wasn't going to happen. His jaw set again. "Shall we look at the finances?" I asked. "I really do have to be somewhere at eight-thirty."

"Fine," he said, sitting down and pulling the binder in front of him. I couldn't help but notice that his erection still made a bulge in his pants which was an exceptionally satisfying feeling.


It took me the better part of two weeks to decide to go through with the thing. One evening. I could do anything for one evening. I had the flu once and puked for twelve hours; this would have to be better than that and it would certainly be shorter, right? I didn't tell Bette what I was planning; I didn't want her to try to talk me into it or out of it.

I bought another new dress to help my confidence: white, this time, with a very low back and a flirty skirt above the knee. I got a white, lace bustier and matching panties, too. He wanted me willing and open-minded and this was my best outward show of that.

I didn't bother with a sweater or any of my other usual nods to modesty. I also didn't bother bringing the usual stack of binders. When I entered the conference room, Charles was on his feet and pacing. He stopped when he saw me, staring at me, his predatory look already on display.

"Please tell me this is for me," he said, looking me up and down.

"Yes," I told him. "This time, this is for you." He came around the table to me but I backed away before he could touch me. "So the offer is still on the table?" I confirmed.

"The offer is still on the table."

"How do I know you'll honor it?"

"I was optimistic after our last meeting. I had the documents prepared to transfer ownership. They're in my room; all I have to do is sign them." He smirked at me. "Anything else?"

"Not as far as I'm concerned."

His expression got hotter. I'll admit it; I was nervous. "Turn around," he said. "I want to see your dress from the back."

I did what he said, feeling more like a piece of meat than I ever had. I waited for more instruction, but instead, there was a light touch down the length of my spine. He brushed my hair over my shoulder and kissed where my shoulder and neck met on the other side. I shivered and I'm sure he felt it. But I wouldn't make him stop, and he knew that, too.

"Let's go upstairs," he said.

We got into the elevator. He hit the button for the twentieth floor, which wasn't the top floor. My heart was beating like I was sprinting. As soon as the doors closed, he looked me up and down again. "I should have asked for more than one evening," he said.

"I wouldn't have said yes to anything longer," I told him.

He led me to his room, my hand trapped by his. All of me trapped by all of him. I was having second and third and fourth thoughts.

His room may not have been a penthouse, but it was about a hundred times nicer than anything I'd ever seen. He had a full bar and an amazing view. Of course there was the massive King-sized bed in the middle of the room, completely distracting me from everything else.

Charles drew my attention to the desk. "Here's the paperwork, if you'd like to look it over."

I didn't but I sat down at the desk anyway, to stall. I flipped through the pages. There wasn't one thing out of place that I could see. Just a bunch of signatures and initials left to fill in. He pulled another chair near the desk and sat down in it.

"All good?" he asked.

"All good."

For once, he wasn't smiling. He leaned over and took my ankle in a firm hand, pulling my foot into his lap. He took off my shoe and started working my calf. The thrills from it went all the way up my leg and to my sex. I made a little involuntary sound and saw his smug look. "So tense," he teased. "I wouldn't be the cause of that, now would I?"

"You contribute," I told him.

"You tell me what's tight, Nora, and I'll rub it for you."

Willingness. He wanted willingness. I could do this. The sole of my foot sat on his lap. I slid it to his crotch, easily finding his erection, and rubbing it gently with the ball of my foot. He met my eyes with an expression I couldn't read; I stopped.

"Harder," he said in a husky voice.

I pressed into him harder and worked him up and down. I curled my toes around him. He didn't look away from me even as his breathing picked up. This went on for at least a couple of minutes. Then, seemingly with considerable effort, he put a hand over my foot.

"I think, first, I just want to fuck you," he said, his voice gruff.

My tension rose. I wasn't a virgin, but I kind of felt like one. He let go of my leg and offered me his hand to help me stand. He found the zipper on the side of my dress. "Let's get you out of this."

He teased the zipper down, slower than he needed to, and the dress slid to the floor. When he saw me in the bustier, his eyes widened and he literally took a step back.

"Jesus Christ, Nora."

I raised my eyebrows at him. "Charles, seriously. Stop it. You dated a twenty year old underwear model. You're paying me for this night; you don't have to blow smoke up my ass."

He made a motion with his index finger that told me to turn around. I rolled my eyes and obeyed.

"First of all, I was photographed with a twenty-year-old underwear model. She was on my yacht with a bunch of other people. I am frequently photographed and paired with people I haven't fucked." I finished my spin and faced him. "Second," he said, looking me up and down again, "I am not blowing smoke up your ass, though if I can fit it in before you leave, it sounds like fun."

Maybe it was nervousness, but that made me laugh.

"She does have a sense of humor," he commented.

"She hasn't had much to find funny lately," I shot back.

He stepped up very close to me. "Let's see what other sounds I can get you to make."

He pulled me to him, kissing me much harder than he had in front of the photographers. It was possessive and demanding. His teeth nipped at my lips; his tongue soothed where he bit. My body didn't care who he was or what he'd done to my best friend. It was a very good kiss and a flood of want came with it.

When the kiss broke, we were both breathless. Everything about him seemed like a taut wire. He unclasped the hooks on my bustier and let it fall to the floor. "Get on the bed," he ordered.

I did and watched while he quickly removed all of his clothes. He was forty but fit, something that didn't surprise me. He had been photographed often enough without his shirt. His erection wasn't going to need any help; it looked almost painfully hard. It was bigger than average but I was grateful that he wasn't enormous.

He pushed me onto my back, stripping my panties away before he lay on top of me. He kissed me, his erection against my inner thigh.

I had a moment of panic at what I was about to do. The word 'whore' kept sneaking into my mind. I stiffened and tensed. I know he felt it because he paused. He looked at me a moment, I think waiting for me to stop him. When I didn't, he caressed my body, trailing over my stomach, reaching between my legs. He drew a finger over me; I had no idea how wet I'd gotten. He did it again and my breath came out shaky.

"I'm going to make you come, Nora," he said. "When I do, I want to hear my name. I'd like a little acknowledgement that, tonight, I'm the source of all of your pleasure."

His arrogance brought me back to myself. I opened my legs wider, almost defiantly. "You're not going to hold out long enough to make me come."

There was the heat of a challenge in his expression. "You think that?"

I lifted my chin. "I think that."

He positioned himself and before I had the chance to consider my misgivings again, entered me. My gasp was completely drowned out by his moan.

"You're so tight and so wet," he said in a strained voice, thrusting once in a long stroke. He did it again and his whole body shuddered.

"Yeah, I give you about five minutes," I taunted. I was proud of how steady my voice was; it wasn't how I felt at all.

"Brat." There was amusement in his tone.

He thrust like he couldn't help it. I didn't even want to consider how good it felt. His hands were all over my skin and it seemed like he just kept getting harder inside me. His kisses were hungry. My fingers bit into his back.

"You're close," he said, his teeth gritted.

"You're closer," I answered.

His stroke came harder and my hips met them. My body wanted to rise. I struggled against my orgasm. Finally, half a dozen hard thrusts later, he dove into me as deeply as he could go and stilled.

"Fuck, Nora, yes," he moaned, his hips twitching and he finished in me. When he was done, he withdrew, breathing hard.

I was a little shaken at what I had just done but I pushed it away. I met his eyes, hoping he couldn't see any of my misgivings. "What was that name again?" I asked. "The one that's the source of all of your pleasure?"

"Nora," he said, like he resented it. I smirked at him. "You didn't come," he informed me.

"I know. I was there when it didn't happen."

He got off of me and sat next to me. "Touch yourself."

"Are you serious?"

It was his turn to smirk. "I want to watch you come. Touch yourself."

I was throbbing and very aroused. Still, I hadn't ever tried to make myself come while someone was watching. I looked at him and he lifted an eyebrow at me.

I opened my legs and reached between them, never feeling so awkward. I was still wet from the sex and his ejaculation and my continuing arousal, so holding myself open was slippery business. I let my fingers play over me and closed my eyes.

"Look at me, Nora," he said immediately. I did. He stood up off of the bed and pulled a chair to where he had the best view.

He watched without blinking and I kept my eyes on him. Seeing his flush and arousal did stoke mine. I started a pattern of penetrating myself with fingers and then and circling myself with the fluids. The first time my fingers disappeared, he made a little sound. When I started a rhythm, he started handling himself. It didn't take long for him to get at least partially hard again.

I thought being watched would slow me down but hot admiring eyes are an incredible turn-on, it turns out. The more he stroked himself, the more I rose. He didn't have to remind me to watch him; I could take my eyes off of him. I quickened and it was a relief to not fight it. I moaned and my fingers worked faster.

"Is this how you do it when you're alone?" he asked, slowly stroking himself, clearly not trying to climax.

"No," I said.


"I'm usually on my knees."

"Well, well," he said, licking his lips. "Let's see that."

A little heat came into my face, but I did what he told me to. I got on my knees, spread them as wide as they would go, and bent over, my forehead against the comforter. My ass was in the air. I reached between my legs and resumed where I left off. My sex ached; which was at least distracting enough to ease my embarrassment.

I worked myself harder, still watching him watch me. He liked my new position; his dick was completely rigid. It unexpectedly turned me on more. I was so close. My fingers flew and my legs widened. Finally, I trembled and moaned loudly, peaking and then pulsing.

While I struggled to catch my breath, he said, "Don't move." He went around behind me, putting his hands on my ass, feeling the skin and cupping the shape. "You do realize you forgot something, don't you," he said.

"What's that?"

"My name? When you came?"

"You weren't the cause of my pleasure." He issued a stinging slap to my flank and I smiled. "Well, you weren't."

He caressed where he had slapped. "By the way, this is quite a view."

"I didn't peg you as an ass-man."

He separated my cheeks a little. A soft finger ran between them. It circled my anus. My heart sped up. I knew where he was going with this. "I'm not usually," he said. "But I seem to be tonight."

"Wonderful." I couldn't keep the irritation out of my voice.

"Tell me the truth," he said, stroking the puckered flesh. "Has anyone ever fucked you here?"

I gritted my teeth. "No.


"Yes. Really."

And don't think it hadn't occurred to me to get very, very drunk, pick up some guy, and have it done with so Charles wasn't the first one. I thought of it every day for the last two weeks. But I couldn't do that either, so here I was.

"You don't have to stay," he purred. His hand slid between my legs, catching the moisture, and moving to the back with it. "We can call it a night. I'll give you an extra two weeks for this lovely evening. We can meet again to go over the books downstairs in a month."

There was something almost hopeful in his voice; I guessed he wanted to stretch out my torment. I would be damned if that was going to happen. "Fuck off," I said in a dry voice. "I agreed to whatever you wanted. I know that you're used to twenty-two year olds with limited imagination, but the idea that you might want this did occur to me."

He swatted at my flank again, more playfully this time. Then, he walked away and I think he went to his overnight bag. I couldn't see. Then he came back to me. "This is going to be cold," he said.

The lubrication he squirted on me was cold and seemed viscous, sliding slowly between my cheeks. His finger started moving through it, warming it up, sliding over the muscles, and not applying any pressure.

"The first thing you should know is that this doesn't have to hurt," he said.

"And you know that because of all the dicks that have been up your ass?"

I think I heard him sigh. "I should have brought a gag with me," he said, not sounding at all serious. "But to finish my point, this doesn't have to hurt. Despite what you might think of me, I don't want to harm you."

After everything, the reassurance was what nearly undid me. It took me a moment to respond; he applied even more of that viscous fluid while he waited. "All right, Charles," I finally said. "Thank you for that."

The hand that wasn't stroking me caressed my leg, up and down a couple of times. It was tender, which was unexpected. He patted my ass.

"We're going to go very slowly," he said.

He applied a little pressure and I opened. His finger slipped into me a little and out before I could gasp. He did it again. He dipped a little deeper and hooked a finger on the rim, pulling on it a little, slipping around the outside, and widening me. A low throb started that was deeper than usual.

My breathing picked up; his finger went deeper. With the lubrication it just slid into me. Invasive, certainly, but not painful. And I was having some sort of pleasurable response to it. That deep throb spread from my anus all the way to my clit. Every part of my sex wanted attention.

"Okay?" he asked, his voice very husky.


"It's going to get a little more intense. It still won't hurt."

A second finger was added to the first. He was right; it was more intense. I knew, with so much lubrication, even the tight ring of muscle couldn't deny access. My throbbing increased and I took a long, shuddery breath. He worked his fingers into me and out of me, twisting them, making the muscle relax.

It was so strange. I either wanted him to stop what he was doing or do it harder.

He added more lubrication. "Tell me if this is too much," he said, adding another finger. He put his other hand under me, touching my throbbing sex gently. I felt my anus contract around his fingers. The sound I made was kind of a whimper, but mostly a moan.

We stayed like that for minutes, his fingers twisting in and out of me, his other hand stroking too gently. My hips started moving in time with his fingers. It was so, so intense. My vagina contracted, as if it didn't like being ignored.

His fingers exited me. It left me feeling hollow.

"You're going to feel pressure," He said. "And I'm going to stretch you. Say so if it hurts."

I heard more lubrication being squeezed before something much larger than a finger pressed against the stretched entrance. Everything was so slippery; it wouldn't have mattered if I was tense. The tip of him slid into me seemingly without effort. Then he paused.

"Take a deep breath," he instructed. "Exhale when I tell you to." I inhaled. He seemed to position himself better. "Now," he said.

As I blew out a long breath, he pushed past the remaining resistance and entered me. He did it slowly, one long inch at a time, and he didn't stop until he was completely buried. He held himself there.

"How does that feel?" he asked.

"Like your dick is up my ass," I replied.

"In a good way or a bad way," he asked, a smile in his voice.

I hesitated a minute but decided to throw him a bone. "In a good way."

He made a little pleased sound before he withdrew and thrust slowly back into me. I had never felt anything so powerful. He did it again, holding himself inside of me for a second. My sex was pulsing and throbbing. He moved smoothly, but slowly. Electric thrills went over me when he withdrew or slowly entered.

"You can go faster," I told him.

He moaned and reached around to the front of me, strumming me. He started thrusting without restraint. It had to be this new kind of penetration; I was ready to orgasm right away from the stimulation.

"Oh, God," I moaned.

He thrust harder. "That's not my name."

His fingers worked with new purpose. I was on the edge already; I wasn't sure I really even needed his touch to get there. That extra push just made it all the more potent when the pleasure did grip me. My legs trembled; my orgasm had never been this intense.

"Charles....yes," I moaned. I had two handfuls of the hotel comforter. His hand didn't stop and the pleasure wouldn't ebb. "Please, Charles, harder."

He stiffened more inside me and while I was still in the final grasping seconds of pleasure, he moaned my name back at me. It was actually a string of moans that were my name, something that gave me orgasmic aftershocks. When he was done, he let himself deflate a little before he pulled himself out. Still his withdrawal was shocking to my body. I flinched.

He pushed me forward, until I wasn't kneeling anymore. I was just face down on the bed, feeling like my ass was a gaping hole. Then, he lay on top of me, his lips on my shoulder blade. He kissed up to me ear. "You've definitely earned yourself a bookstore," he said.

I couldn't answer. It was like everything in me relaxed. I was done with this ordeal. I could hire Bette back if I wanted to. I didn't have to endure sexual harassment on a weekly basis. Then his hand trailed the length of my body, he made an appreciative little sound, and I wondered if a tiny part of me might not miss the excitement a little bit.


Back in my white dress, I sat in a chair waiting for Charles to sign his name or initials dozens of times on the documents. He did so slowly, glancing up at me from time-to-time. When he was done, he put the documents in a manila envelope and handed them to me.

"There you go, Nora. It's been a pleasure doing business with you."

"I'll bet."

He opened a portfolio and pulled out a business card, handing it to me. On the back there had to be six phone numbers.

"What's this?" I asked.

"Ways you can get in touch with me, if you'd like to."

I held the card for a second, then grinned at him. "Fuck off, Charles," I told him. But he saw me slip it into the manila folder before I left and I saw his answering smirk.

Same as

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Wife Hipmotized to Pose Nudequo

Well this is a true story of how I got my wife hypnotized to pose nude in front of a friend of ours who we have known over 20 years. My wife wanted to quit smoking and has been unsuccessful trying it on her own. Our friend Jim has a clinic where he uses hypnosis to have people quit smoking. Jim and I had talked about getting Kim to his clinic but she would not go. So I asked Jim ti come to the house and maybe hypnotize her to convince her to quit smoking. I asked Jim if while she was under...

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Part I THE TRUTH ABOUT NORTH PARSONS BLVD By Stephen Pinto VOLUME I: Outside Her WindowAuthor's Note: The city of Monaco, Florida doesn't exist nor does any of the residents of North Parson's Boulevard. As far as Ponce de Leon the famous explorer visiting there...how could he? It doesn't fucking exist. This is purely a work of fiction. Some characters are inspired by people I've known, but that's about it. Hope you...

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A soldiers girl part 2 of Soldierquo

I woke up the next morning to see him still asleep... His legs thrown over me, his chest rising and falling with each sleep breath I smiled and Watched him sleep. His face restful and content with satisfaction, His life was paused as he slept next to me not a care in the world. I watched his eyelids twitched as a dream played in his head, There was nothing I wanted more than to be the backside of his eyelids so I could see what he was dreaming about. I tried to slip out of his death grip but He...

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tgurlshemale at straight singles dancequo

ok....so if u don't know, a t-gurl is what is commonly called a shemale.....but tgurl is preferred by us gurls. anyway, my true story revolves around a singles club in a city in ohio that gets together at the end of every month and they have about 300 people that show up, hang out, dance and socialize. well, three of us t-gurls decided we'd go and see what it was like. since we look pretty good nobody guessed who we were and so we just set about enjoying ourselves by having some drinks and...

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Quid pro Quo Part Two

Rosamund lived in a detached house on a promontory overlooking the sea. That night she made me a simple supper and invited me to stay. If I thought my luck was in I was mistaken. She talked about herself, listened to romantic music on Radio Luxemberg, then she made a couple of telephone calles from the hallway. I slept in the spare bedroom. I had the impression that this was all about something else rather than the seductive episode I had imagined.The following morning Rosamund and I strolled...

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Sex With The GM As Well As Pro

Hi readers, I am back with my very own sex story of how I drilled two ladies, one is beautiful high class lady and the next one is her sweet pro who completed her MBA recently. The gm’s name is Prathiksha she is having around 4 companies at Chennai and she is also a partner for various companies. She is having a lot of money but god’s curse her husband was not a such good person. So she was in stress and finally somehow we got hook up many times. Many times she used to fly and come from Chennai...

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Pro-Life Synopsis: A man and his girlfriend get into a dispute when she accidentally gets pregnant. He doesn't want her to have an abortion, but she doesn't want the baby. Fortunately (or unfortunately), the miracles of modern science give them both a way to be satisfied. [email protected] ********************************************************************** Pro-Life The gavel smacked once again onto a square wooden block atop the desk, interrupting the...

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Ah, the Fappening Pro…truly Christmas, Easter, and Halloween all rolled in one if we could compare! The original Fappening leaks brought joy upon the world by giving us what we never thought we’d see – ass and titties from the best famous babes as private poses became public fodder. Fortunately we don’t have to forget as TheFappening.pro collects the original sets of leaked nudes from stars like Jennifer Lawrence Kate Upton, Emily Ratajkowski, Christina Hendricks, Jennette McCurdy and more but...

The Fappening
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Kavyas Amateur Sex While On Project In US 8211 Pt 2 Becoming A Pro

Hi, I am Jai and this is the second part of my story of fucking the amateur married girl, Kavya. After that session with Kavya, she was so happy the following day when we met at the office. I could see that happiness in her eyes. And she was only waiting for what was to come in future. One day, we decided to meet again in her hotel room and this time, we had no boundaries. As soon as I entered her hotel room, she pounced on me and we were kissing and exchanging saliva. The next 10 minutes, we...

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Changes in Paradise Part Eight Perils Proposals and Progeny

Disclaimer: The usual ... if you're underage, stop reading (and how did you get a hold of this in the first place), if you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading, and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. Permission granted to re-post on any free site with attribution. You really ought to read "Changes In Paradise, parts 1 - 7," if you haven't already. Those narrative threads must be held in memory or many parts of what follows...

4 years ago
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The Sexiest KissChapter 2 Pocket Protectors

Remember my saying that part of my story began in the present but actually it did not. Well, some of it that did not began about one year earlier. And it goes something like this... "Mind if I sit here Jeremy?" I asked, pretty sure he wouldn't object, especially because at the time, all eyes in the break room were upon me. It wasn't because I was the most beautiful woman employed at Massive Mortgage, though I was! No, the reason everyone present in the room was looking at me was because...

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Pennys Promiscuity 28 to 29 Going Pro part 3

Chapter 28Adam wasted no time obeying his wife’s command.He swivelled on the bed until he was lying full length behind me, his down, male body pressed against my skinny, middle-aged frame as if we were two spoons in a drawer. I could feel his muscular chest hot against my back and his erection pressing against the back of my legs.It was beginning again. My heart thumped in excitement.“Be gentle. Please,” I whispered, wanting desperately to feel him inside me again but knowing how sore I already...

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Pennys Promiscuity 28 to 29 Going Pro part 3

Chapter 28Adam wasted no time obeying his wife’s command.He swivelled on the bed until he was lying full length behind me, his down, male body pressed against my skinny, middle-aged frame as if we were two spoons in a drawer. I could feel his muscular chest hot against my back and his erection pressing against the back of my legs.It was beginning again. My heart thumped in excitement.“Be gentle. Please,” I whispered, wanting desperately to feel him inside me again but knowing how sore I already...

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Pennys Promiscuity 26 to 27 Going Pro part 2

Chapter 26For me, the time we spent in that room passed in a kind of dream, from the moment Pete unlocked the door and let us in right up to the moment I fell asleep exhausted and he showed our two companions out again an hour and a half later.Even now I can’t remember some of the details despite seeing the photos and video Pete and Eve took. Not even inspecting the longer lasting marks on my body told the full story but my abiding memory is of a truly extraordinary, life-changing experience.We...

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Pennys Promiscuity 26 to 27 Going Pro part 2

Chapter 26For me, the time we spent in that room passed in a kind of dream, from the moment Pete unlocked the door and let us in right up to the moment I fell asleep exhausted and he showed our two companions out again an hour and a half later.Even now I can’t remember some of the details despite seeing the photos and video Pete and Eve took. Not even inspecting the longer lasting marks on my body told the full story but my abiding memory is of a truly extraordinary, life-changing experience.We...

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christines visit to a prodom

I am a sub female, in my 20's at the time this occurred, and had experienced various BDSM acts with past boyfriends and knew I was heavily into bondage and its related activities. I was between relationships at the time, and had just got Internet access (those days of slow dial-up modems, etc.) which opened up a whole new world as I searched out kinky sites and started discussing my submissive fantasies. I think this was my first meeting resulting from an Internet contact, perhaps a lesson...

2 years ago
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My Wife Turns Pro

When the phone rang at our house on Sunday afternoon my wife, Cindy, was out shopping. It was our old friend Leroy, calling from L.A. Leroy worked as a trainer with several NFL and NBA teams, and was frequently on the road. We chatted about the upcoming game until Leroy came to the point."Hey Bill, it's been a long time since we all got together. I sure would like to see you and your pretty wife again. So would half the players on this team." He chuckled. "We sure had a great time in St. Louis...

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Jade and the probono lawyer

Jade was recently incarcerated for shop lifting. With no time to prepare to getting a lawyer and the public defender failing her miserably, she received a sentence for sixty days. Due to overpopulation she was sent to a maximum security women prison. Within the first week she was already feeling about to break inside the prison cells and then it happened. An officer called her out of her cell, cuffing her hands behind her back as standard procedure. Jade was scared asking the guard, "what's...

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F Machine Pro Review

F Machine Pro ReviewI was contacted by a gentleman called Ian and asked if I’d be interested in reviewing this machine having seen pictures of them I was more than happy to review them as they look amazing and I’ve always wanted to be fucked by a robot. Upon my interest he emailed me the machines image and an instruction package so I could read about it and get advanced knowledge before the set date. Ian was very helpful and efficient in providing answers to questions allowing me to feel...

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My true experience as proam video actor

I would like to share with you all my one (but very memorable) experience in the adult video industry. This took place in NYC, in the late 90s. It began with a classified ad placed in a local paper, seeking talent for a pro-am porn video series called "Strokebook Video". I sent in my pic, and a SASE, then mostly forgot about the ad. A few months later, the producers contacted me. They gave me the date and location of the shoot for what would be the third release of the series. I eagerly...

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The Pro

                               This is a new story I thought of while riding the bus fantasizing about this little red head with no panties and a wicked smile when she saw me looking at what she wanted to show.                                It’s posted here for your enjoyment                                           The PRO         This was the part I never liked, waiting for the client. But this one might be worth Waiting for, She would be the first in 20 years that wanted me to kill her,...

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Pro Boner Work

                      The Arrangement!                         TJ Ryder                http://www.midnightx.com/         ILLUSTRATED Blacked Wives and sissy hubby stories!    Odd how life turns out!  As a big firm  lawyer now doing pro bono work for the court I ran acrossan old girlfriend; well, actually I had hoped she wouldbe my girlfriend in college.   Sally B was still gorgeous at 35 and I recognized herfirst and then when I said her name as she sat in my officeshe laughed and said, TIMMY!...

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First time with a pro

Hey guys and gals this is my story. When I was 18 I wanted to taste the forbidden fruit. Anyway one day I was out with a friend of mine and he asked me if I was interested in getting a fantastic blowjob. As far as a blowjob was concerned I was a virgin. I was excited. I asked him where. He told me that he knows of a brothel near Grant road where they give fantastic blowjobs. Hearing this all sort of horror stories came to my mind. Grant road after all had a bad reputation because it was...

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CreateLust PRO

It was the end of another gray day. Sam was coming home from his job, the same as every day. He sighed as he put the keys in the lock. It would be nice to be glad to be home, but Sam didn't really feel that way. There was nothing to look forward to here. He'd been depressed since well before the divorce, and though he was doing better now that he'd found a good therapist, he still was having a hard time feeling good about life. He hadn't had the energy to spend time on his hobbies, or with his...

Mind Control
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Who else wants to join the prolapse fetish army

Hello guys and gals! I’m here to tell you about a fetish I’ve just discovered that is so exciting that it actually revolutionized my sex life with a mind-blowing new level of cumming. I’m talking about women [URL]http://livefreefun.slutroulette.com/slutroulette-prolapse-fetish-and-webcam-girls-into-it[/URL] their asshole in an unbelievable manner that seems to give them totally shattering orgasms and sends me into a sexual frenzy that I couldn’t believe how intense it was.QueenPanther...

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Promises and Secrets Tinas Prom Date

Promises and Secrets 3: Tina's Prom Date By Maria Ski Authors note: This story takes place before the events in 'Promises and Secrets'. Tina Grant, to know her is a pleasure; to look at her is to admire her, to fall in love with her... Because Tina Grant has a secret, a secret that she has kept from a very early age. Few people know, but those who do are sworn to not share the secret. Lest it harm Tina in any way. Who am I? I hear you ask, my name is Michael and I had the...

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On the appointed day Trish phoned early that morning and asked if she could bring her new protege along. “Half my age, twenty, very pretty and very talented. I think you might both enjoy Honey.” “Okay, but remember our rules, no intercourse, oral sex only, but that leaves lots of options. I had known Trish for some time through our business network, she is a few years older than me, and had confided with her a few times about the sexual liaisons my man and I participate in. Not to be outdone...

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On the appointed day Trish phoned early that morning and asked if she could bring her new protege along. “Half my age, twenty, very pretty and very talented. I think you might both enjoy Honey.” “Okay, but remember our rules, no intercourse, oral sex only, but that leaves lots of options. I had known Trish for some time through our business network, she is a few years older than me, and had confided with her a few times about the sexual liaisons my man and I participate in. Not to be outdone...

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Zombies Werewolves Vampires and Other Improbable ThingsChapter 17 Like Someone Saying Fix My Problem Instead Of We Have A Problem

If the knocking was less of an attempt to kick down the door, I would have ignored it. "What?" I yelled. Ashley shook her head at me as she opened the door. An older man and Crystal ran in. "We have a problem!" they yelled. The way they looked at each other led me to believe WE had two different problems. "Out of the way!" John-John yelled to the people standing in front of my door. Joey, Elizabeth, John-John, Bianca, and Mr. Valence ran into the room. They were carrying the Left...

2 years ago
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Amar Prothom Chodon Kotha

Bondhura eta amar jiboner akkebare sotto ekti ghotona,ja ami apnader sathe share korte cholechhi.Taar aage eta janiye rakha uchit je ami ISS er niyomito pathok.Beshi kotha na bariye soja golper bisoye asa jaak. Amar naam Raj,bari kolkata te.Ei golpo ti amar ak maasir saathe amar prothom jouno somporker.Amar theke amar chhotomasi 10 bocchor er boro.Aaj theke praay 11 bochhor aager ghotona,tokhon amar boyes 21 bochhor,sobe matro chakri te dhukechhi.Amar chhotomaasi thakto Magrahat e,chhotomaasi...

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Progenitor 2

By Haramiru - [email protected] To those following continuity: In the first version of Progenitor 1, over the space of one paragraph the Progenitor traded an egg for a satchel of cash and rented a room at a hotel. It was just a rough sketch of events, and its removal greatly improved P1's ending. The upcoming eBook edition (tenatively titled 'Progenitor: Origin') expands those events into a story of its own, about as Progenitor 2, with slightly less sex. But what you need to know...

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You may have read my story, ‘Turned by Alan and Amy’. After that experience, I suffered marital issues and a separation that lasted two years. It took a huge struggle to get my wife back and for the last few year’s I have remained straight as a dye. However, where the heart rests the eye will wander and I found myself back online again looking for partners. One intrigued me, called ‘Soulsearcher’. His profile was quite a wicked read with lots of hidden meanings. We conversed and when he...

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Progenitor 2 Just a Shopping Trip

Trying to shop for clothes, the Progenitor fathers over a hundred children. To those following continuity: Progenitor 1 originally ended with a very short, rushed bit where the Progenitor traded the egg he was holding for a satchel of cash and used it to obtain a room at a hotel. I vastly prefer its current ending, where he walks out the door and doesn't know what to do next. The upcoming eBook edition (tenatively titled 'Progenitor: Origin') expands those events into a story about as long...

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Does decriminilisation of prostitution protect sex workers

It has been suggested that female poverty is the result of sexual discrimination and low wages in the labour market and that prostitution is a strategy for female survival under conditions of poverty A prostitute is any person who earns a living by the indiscriminate, willing and emotionally indifferent provision of services against payment,usually in advance but not necessarily in cash. Prostitution in the context of sex tourism has been ...

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Wifes First Pro Work

Wife’s first pro work*People from this time and location will recognize and remember.That work was just outside the Purdue Campus. The time period was the hippie dippy era of 1970. The wife was a laboratory department head in life sciences at Purdue. She did the standard duties and kept the labs in order. On breaks and coming to and from work, she ran...in a nicely abbreviated outfit. Everyone on campus knew of that blond headed sleek runner. At the same time, the wife was already an...

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My Pro Black Husband

It was another hot sunny day on the island of Sait Kitt and Betty Woodland was already up and running. Tonight will be a special night for her and her boyfriend Brian if all goes well.Betty had called the restaurant to make sure their table was ready, they said everything was all set just like she told them. Now all she had to do get her place ready then she would call Brian. Betty remembered when she first meet Brian at college he had short blonde hair, blue eyes, fare skin and was slightly...

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PART TIME PRO - SHOCKING!!With approval of CurtB, authorI guess my spare-time career started when I realised what was going on with my neighbour and figured it was the answer to all my troubles. Once I got into it, well, I couldn't stop and now I have gained other problems amongst which I'm too successful at my job and I still daren't let my husband find out.When I say 'troubles' what I really mean to say is that that I was suffering from the first-world frustrations of having too much time on...

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Pro Cocksucker by the end of this PT2

After spending a majority of the morning sucking off one of my closest friends, I spent a few quiet moments sitting on my bed, back in my own hotel room, trying to comprehend what happened. I nervously twisted my wedding ring around my finger, anxiously thinking about the pictures I had allowed Brad to take of me. What was he going to do with them? What if one of them found its way back to my wife?All the sensations I had just experienced came flooding back to me. The warmth of Brad's stiff...

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Pro Cocksucker by the end of this

I always dreaded my office's annual work trip. A whole ten days dedicated to trainings and lectures with the other members of management. A small upside was that it meant a week away from the hassles of my k**s and wife. My wife and I got married right out of college and had k**s immediately. Now we were in our mid-thirties and it was nice to get away every once in awhile. I would never cheat on her but I felt there was no harm in hitting the strip clubs with a couple of the other guys and...

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