A La Recherche Du Temps Perdu free porn video

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A violinist remembers events from her past during a performance.

Note: I was inspired to write this little diversion during a live performance by a mature female violinist. She was playing a beautiful piece of music, and it occurred to me to wonder what she thinks about as she plays. For instance, does she ever think of herself as a ten-year old girl learning to play?

Of course, a professional is intently concentrated on her playing, but with a piece that she knows well, I’ll bet that her mind wanders, just a bit. Understandably, these mental wanderings would only take split seconds of time each time—like snapshots, with each story built upon many such lapses over time. Let us explore her thoughts some, during such a performance … kind of stringing them all together. Here goes:

~ ~ ~

How did I get to this enviable place?

I am center stage before a very large crowd. Actually, I am on a raised platform and playing from the orchestra pit. I am playing this lovely music as a soloist, with the orchestra behind me.

I am the associate concertmaster (second violinist) for a local opera company, and reviewers and critics consider me one of the top violinists in the Midwest. I get to play something tonight, which is arguably the most beautiful piece of music ever written, it is Méditation.

It is an entr’acte for violin and orchestra, meaning that it is music usually played between the scenes or the acts. In this case, it occurs between scenes two and three, of Act II in the opera Thaïs by Jules Massenet. It is a very ethereal piece that I know well, and can play in me sleep. Musically, I suppose you might call it an ‘orchestral intermezzo.’

This opera describes the conversion of Thaïs, a worldly courtesan, who leaves her life of pleasure, to live one of devotion and contemplation. Méditation is played after she meditates on her wasted life. The curtain closes and no singers on stage and I am the center of the universe, well my own little universe anyway.

After I finish, and the applause from my performance dies down, the action in the opera will continue for the rest of Acts II, and III. The monk who converted Thaïs is himself, enticed into the life of pleasure she once enjoyed. She dies a saintly woman, as he lives on in shame grief.

Opera plots! Right? Not exactly, the familiar boy meets girl theme of most operas, but as operas go this one is very lovely.

Anton is conducting this run of the opera, and is looking directly at me with an imperious smile as I play. God, I hate that he has seen me naked! Anton is a supremely accomplished musician in his own right, but as most opera and concertgoers know, the basic job of a conductor is as a human metronome—he just keeps the beat for the musicians!

Actually, the conductor is responsible for what people hear, the feeling … the passion … the sheer musicality. If all goes well or very well, he gets the praise. If it does not, the critics will roast him alive in their columns the next morning. I dated Anton a few times, he can be very seductive with just the sheer force of his personality and his good looks.

He is tall and handsome for fifty-five, and has a very distinguished greying at the temples. He is also a tyrant and a bully during rehearsals. If I am a quarter of a beat too early or too late, I receive a disapproving glare from him. He as even interrupted the orchestra to berate and embarrass a poor and unsuspecting musician … even to tears.

Last week Janice—an oboe player—became so angry with Anton’s criticism that with tears in her eyes she grabbed her instrument, kicked her music stand over, and stormed out with sheet music fluttering to the floor, as a string of shouted invectives trailed her out the door. She could play anywhere in the world and for any orchestra, but this is where her family is and she loves this area. I think Anton has seen Janice naked as well, but I have no real proof of that.

So right now, I have Anton’s one hundred percent attention as his conducting is encouraging a very sensitive interpretation from me of this very fragile piece of music. My bowing has never been better as I display my mature and disciplined playing. I am dressed in a full-length flat-black concert dress, with a pretty turned out collar trimmed in white.

I turn my attractive and still shapely thirty-seven year old body toward the orchestra more as I play off them for a moment. Mon Dieu! Has it been thirty-two years already since I first picked up a violin? As I play, the vision of a shy and introverted ten-year old girl comes to mind. Actually, I think of that clumsy nearsighted waif often as I play.

I am five years into violin lessons, and skinny as a rail. So funny to think of myself then … so different from the accomplished professional I have become, with international awards to my credit. God, I was a geek! My glasses kept sliding down my nose as I played for Professor Kinski—my teacher.

‘Ve must hold zee bow correctly, meine liebe! Zee vingers must be curled, mitt der thumb unter-neath.’ He used to say.

I had all I could do to keep from cracking up!

A few of us young female students used to giggle as we each tried to imitate his broken English while waiting for him to arrive for our lessons. ‘Germglish’ we used to call his insistence on combining German and English words into fractured sentences.

If we did not use the correct hand positions with the bow or on the fingerboard, we felt the sharp sting of the ruler he always carried. I went home many times with bloody knuckles, but I owe my perfect technique to his pedagogy. He used to keep an old Brazilwood bow around for some of his more recalcitrant (meaning bratty and disrespectful) girl students, whom he bent over his desk for a more ‘traditional’ form of correction … but modestly over clothing. ‘Ouch!’ I can still feel those bow strokes on my bottom, and the red welts they left!

So here I stand, playing this lovely and ethereal piece to perfection in front of an appreciative audience, with my ex-lover conducting me. Anton was far from my first, of course. I those honors go to Henry Cunningham, when both of us were eighteen. Henry was a French horn player, and we were at band camp the summer before our senior year in high school.

Between the girl’s and boy’s cabins was a private grassy knoll, and if you kept to the margins near the trees, a couple might find a little boy/girl privacy. I didn’t exactly intend to give myself to him, it just sort of happened one night. In retrospect, I have to say that Henry was as good a candidate as anyone was to claim my cherished virginity. He was slight, with blond curly hair, handsome, and cute in a sort of ‘shy little boy’ way.

I liked him, and though I still wore glasses (and still had to slide them back up my nose) I had filled out a little in all the right places, and was becoming sort of pretty. Henry would look over at me when he though I wasn’t noticing, and he would look away quickly when I turned in his direction. In the orchestra, he was around the bend to my left, and a couple of rows back. Back then, I was the lead violin, and sat in the first seat in the first row, right at the conductor’s left hand.

I so wanted Henry to like me, and I made my move one night after supper. I knew instinctively that the girl needs to make the first move, or nothing will happen. I was walking along with a few of other girl violinists and when we saw Henry coming one of the other girls, my best friend, turned to me and said,

‘Look Angela, it is your boyfriend! It’s Henry! C’mon girls let’s leave Angela and her boyfriend alone for some loving!’

‘Shush Rebecca, he is not so my boyfriend, he is just … just … Henry!’

‘Well girlfriend, I see the way you look at him in rehearsals, so—’

‘Stop it Becky! I mean it!’ I interrupted my bratty friend.

‘Come on girls let’
s leave Angie and her boyfriend alone.’ The girls giggled, and disappeared in the direction of the lake.

‘Hi Henry uh, nice night isn’t it?’

‘Oh, hi Angela. Yah, I-I guess so. Um yah … nice!’

‘He was so cute and he is a very talented horn player … so what, if he was not exactly articulate!’ I thought to myself.

‘Um Henry, would you like to walk to the meadow with me, I just want to see the moon and stuff, um a little.’

‘Okay, I guess so.’

I took the initiative right away as I grabbed his hand leading him to a semi-shady part of the knoll, where the moonlight would not betray us. Henry looked so handsome that night, and I needed to be alone with him to get a better sense of him. We sat in the soft grass and talked for a long while. My family, his family, how we each came to be in the orchestra, likes and dislikes, just that kind of puppy love sort of, shit.

I was surprised when Henry took the lead away from me, as he leaned over and kissed me on the lips. My first real kiss with a boy, since being an intense young violinist does not leave much time for play or a social life. His kiss was soft and warm … very nice. I pulled him toward me by his shirt, and smashed my lips against his, taking my initiative back.

Before I knew it, we were lying on the grass with him sort of over me, kissing me and nervously fumbling with my blouse buttons. I opened enough of them to allow him to reach into the cups of my bra, and surround my pert breasts with his soft warm hands. I remember as if it was yesterday, just how wonderful that first touch felt.

My heart started beating faster as we kissed and fumbled with each other. Neither of us knew what in the hell we were doing, but soon I felt a hand rising up the inside of my thigh under my skirt and headed toward my cotton panties. Before Henry could get to the gold, I moved his hand away. I did not allow Henry a ‘home run’ that night, and not for several nights afterward, but I did allow him some ‘second and third-base’ kind of stuff after that first night.

It was the second to the last night of the camp, when Henry again slid his hand up my thigh as I lay beneath him in the grass. As his hands neared my panties, I opened my thighs a little, and he rubbed my young vulva over the cotton material.

It felt so good, I couldn’t make myself stop him. Before I knew it with our kisses and fondling, his fingers were on the waistband of my panties. I instinctively lifted my butt a little, as he slid them over my little eighteen-year old butt, down my legs and off completely.

Lying there for the first time with a boy, so completely exposed, I felt nervous and could not stop myself from jittering, I was hoping that he would not notice my nervousness. I was not on the pill or anything else back then, and we never considered carrying condoms, but I spread my legs for him anyway and I softly said between kisses,

‘Oh, Henry!’

He took that as his cue to unzip his trousers, and with a shift of position, I could feel the tip of his penis touching the lips of my little cunny. I breathed in sharply as he slid it … just a little … into my now very moist and most virginal place. He pushed it in a little further and I bit my lip as I could feel some amount of initial pain as he pushed through. Then it became very nice, very quickly. His breaking through my hymen did not cause much bleeding, but it did pinch a little.

Henry slid into me as far as he could and was soon stroking in and out of me with a nice rhythm. He was very quiet, but I uttered a succession of soft groans with each stroke. The feeling of a boy’s penis sliding into my body for the first time is one I have trouble putting into words—as articulate as I am. I remember that it was a kind of ticking sensation inside me, but very warm.

He got close very quickly, and I could feel him pull out and come on my belly. Although I didn’t climax, it was very pleasant experience. I quietly sat up, put my panties back on and over my come-covered stomach as much as possible.

Henry folded himself back into his pants, and zipped up. He kissed me on the lips a little, and stood to walk me back to the no-man’s land area between our cabins. Back in my bunk, I pulled my panties down to mid-thigh, spread Henry’s come on my stomach a little as I teased my little nub to a very nice, but very quiet little orgasm. I licked Henry’s come off my fingers. It tasted like nothing, really … a little salty … sticky.

Henry and I dated a little after we were back at school, and through our senior prom, but then sort of drifted away and into other relationships. Henry deflowered me in that grassy moonlit knoll, and I will never forget him. He will always be my first love.

I look up from my reveries to see Anton gesturing to me indicating a change in tempo at a particularly emotional part of the music marked as poco piu appassionato (a little more passion). I respond quickly as he nods to me approvingly with a smile.

Anton may be a tyrant and a dick, but he is one of the best, and a maestro with an international reputation, fluent in several languages. I still get a little sexual twinge whenever he narrows his electric-blue eyes at me. I tired of his demanding nature, and his trying to ‘conduct’ me in bed so I ended it. Anton is not someone to whom it is easy to say no!

‘Henry Cunningham!’ I thought as I changed the position of my bow over the top of the strings, ‘Where are you now, m’love?’

We lost contact after high school, and since we were no longer dating, I guess it doesn’t really matter … although I have thought about him often over the years. He did not have very large, um, equipment back then, but his lips were soft and gave me chills whenever he kissed me. That is what I will always remember about my dear sweet Henry!

Well, little Angela … that skinny-as-a-rail little ten-year old turned into a pretty teenager with soft curves, and ample breasts. I changed from glasses to contacts during my first year at the music conservatory. This conservatory offers a bachelor’s degree in music, and my concentration was of course, the violin. I found myself craving sex to relieve the tension of exhausting rehearsals, and dealing with a succession of demanding teachers and technique coaches.

I was not slutty or anything like that, but a girl has needs, y’know? Since my friend Rebecca was my roommate, we did experiment a little. Although her touches and kisses felt nice, it is something we eventually decided was not for us. I learned a lot about the way I like touching, and being touched through my amateur fumbling with Becky.

Terrance was a very patient bowing coach, and we dated through most of my years at the conservatory. He was tall and slender, dark-haired and bearded, and what you might consider as intellectual looking. Terrance knew what I was thinking before I did, most times. He is very bright, and a brilliant violinist with many offers from orchestras around the world.

Before I graduated, he accepted one in Hamburg as their youngest concertmaster (first violinist) ever. Terry was a very sensitive lover, and taught me many things. Let’s just say that my bowing is not the only technique he taught me, to perfection!

‘My dear Terry,’ I thought as the piece pressed on toward its passionate conclusion, ‘I miss hearing about Hamburg. Please write again soon!’

Rebecca and I are members of the same opera company, but she occupies fifth stand. She is a very able violinist, but I will be concertmaster someday, and she will not. I am still single, and Becky and I have spent some of our off time clubbing and dating a little. I will not have sex with anyone I meet at a club, but Becky has done that a time or two. She did that a couple of nights ago, I just looked at her and said,

‘Well, you two have fun, I’m going home. Becky, remember we have an seven-thirty call tomorrow morning.’

‘Don’t worry
Ang, I’ll make it!’

‘Yah, right!’ I thought to myself as I climbed into my car.

It is always up in the air if Becky will make it in on time or not, since she was been late twice, just in the past couple of weeks. In our company, you are docked pay for being late. Too many times, and your position will go to some hungry musician on our waiting list. That next morning she was five minutes late and in addition to the loss of pay, the conductor sternly reminded her of the tenuousness of her position with the orchestra.

This piece is nearing its completion, and I will replay the main theme twice, to the conclusion. My concentration returns to the music, and to Anton’s conducting. The accepted technique for playing the latter part is to use a full bow, and a rather singing tone, but each artist has his or her own interpretation. I go with the standard technique to keep it from becoming overly ornamented.

I am in full concentration as the piece nears the end, which from my part is very expressive and singing, and then slows to the ending on a very high A, which must be crystal clear. I tilt my bow down to finish on the E (highest pitched) string, holding the final note as long as Anton indicates, and no longer. I pull my instrument from under my chin, and relax the bow as the audience rises from their seats, and erupts in thunderous applause, with some sporadic shouts of ‘Brava! Brava!’

I look around at Rebecca who is in tears, and tapping her violin with the bow as applause, and the rest of the orchestra rises and taps their instruments, showing their appreciation for my sensitive interpretation. I bow to the audience with tears in my own eyes, and turn to my colleagues with a smile of appreciation.

This piece usually goes to the concertmaster but Anton insisted that I preform it tonight. He is standing on the podium like a music god, and gives me another arrogant smile with a slight nod of approval. I mouth the words, ‘Thank you!’ to Anton … my appreciation for his putting me in the spotlight. The opera continues, and I rejoin the rest of the orchestra playing off the score for the remainder of the second and on through the third and final act.

After the applause for the singers dies down, and the audience starts to file out, I am gathering my music, and putting my instrument back into its case. Rebecca is jabbering to me about something, but I am too excited to listen to her. Then parts of it come through as I hear her talking about drinks at the Wellington afterward. I just say,

‘Yah, okay honey.’

I turn to see Anton back from the stage after taking his bows with the singers, and I run right into him. He is still smiling at me like some tall handsome crocodile in a tuxedo. He pulls me toward him, and plants a kiss on my lips, as his hands travel down my back with one of them sliding down further onto my ass.

‘I knew you could do it Angela!’ he says still wearing his million-dollar smile.

‘Thank you, Anton. I really appreciated your giving me the chance.’

‘Let’s have lunch tomorrow, mon amour!’

‘That sounds delightful, Anton.’

He gives me a pat on the rear, and disappears into the crowd of his friends, fans and admirers to receive his love from them. I watch the all too familiar show, and shake my head. Normally, no one gives a damn about a second violinist, but since I became a star in tonight’s show, there are fans and opera hangers-on there to shake my hand or to give me their congratulations. I even signed a few programs!

I am looking through the crowd and I spot a familiar face.

A face that is now almost twenty years older than the last time I saw it.

I smile sweetly, cover my mouth with my hand in surprise,

then softly say,



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The Tempting Temp pt 1

Work became considerably more cheerful with the arrival of Julie. For months I had been sleeping through my job at the office, watching the clock, sleeping through the months. I had just graduated and was working a dead end job to pay the rent whilst my girlfriend Emily was studying her post-grad. One Monday morning I was shuffling in late when I noticed someone new sitting across the large office. From the view of her back she had straight brown hair to her shoulders and an enticingly curvy...

2 years ago
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The Temp

‘Mr. Roberts, may I speak with you?’ Julie said, softly knocking and then peering around the door. ‘Of course, Julie. Come in and have a seat. What can I do for you? he said. Julie Simmons came into the office and sat down. ‘Sir, I came in to give you my two weeks notice. My boyfriend has proposed to me and we’re getting married next month. He says he wants to move back east to be closer to his family. Since I have no family anymore, we will be leaving right after the wedding. He has a job...

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How I Became A Hotwife Ch 07 Young Temp Staff

My hubby called me one afternoon and told me that one of the junior staff, John, would be dropping by in the evening and told me to be prepared. Of course I knew what he meant. During that evening, we had some drinks together and found out more about him. Since John would only be here for three days, my hubby offered to let him stayed over for two nights so that he could save on the hotel expenses. He was actually on attachment assignment before moving off to another company. John was only...

2 years ago
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Temp Job Youll like itits the best

NOTE: This story originally posted right after ‘Lost Tribe’ and ‘Mistaken Identity’…June, 2009…hence the references at the beginning… I have a confession to make. They say confession is good for the soul, so here I am. Now that I am this hot sex fantasy writer on this sex fantasy website, people have been expecting me to keep coming up with hot stories. But the truth of the matter is, my sex life has not really been all that exciting. If I had to write the Kama Sutra it would only be one page....

4 years ago
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Temp Job

The phone rang, as it sometimes did, at 8:30 on a Monday morning. ‘Hi Nicki, this is Liz at the agency. Are you available today? One of our clients has been let down and they really need someone with keyboard skills to start at 9:30 this morning. In about an hour.’ ‘Um…’ My mind was racing. An hour. Shower, dress, coffee. ‘Where are they based?’ ‘That’s the thing.’ said Liz. ‘They’re just around the corner from you.’ She gave me the address. I knew the place. ‘Sure–No problem. I can be there in...

3 years ago
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Temping Can Be Fun

This is not the most exciting of stories but it is true.We got married in 1980 and had our first swinging experience six weeks after our wedding. It was at a party and I was seduced by a man who I later found out was a very experienced swinger. My husband, Andrew, knew about it all and encouraged me at every stage and the next morning when I was feeling a bit guilty, he made me feel so loved that all the feelings of guilt just disappeared.This event was such a turn on for us both that we were...

Wife Lovers
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Space Quest Temp Title

It had been a hard few years for me. I had lost the rest of my species to the plague (Which only I had been known to be immune to) and I had been in the ass end of the galaxy when it happened, meaning I didn’t have access to some of the better materials or ships. As luck would have it, I had been a worker at a dry dock mainly used for repairs and the only ship that was here had a broken warp core. After my first few weeks of work, I had managed to fix up a repair bot (don’t even ask why they...

3 years ago
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Temp Job

The phone rang, as it sometimes did, at 8:30 on a Monday morning. "Hi Nicki, this is Liz at the agency. Are you available today? One of our clients has been let down and they really need someone with keyboard skills to start at 9:30 this morning. In about an hour." "Um..." My mind was racing. An hour. Shower, dress, coffee. "Where are they based?" "That's the thing." said Liz. "They're just around the corner from you." She gave me the address. I knew the place. "Sure--No problem. I can be there...

3 years ago
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How I Became A Hotwife Ch 07 Young Temp Staff

My hubby called me one afternoon and told me that one of the junior staff, John, would be dropping by in the evening and told me to be prepared. Of course I knew what he meant. During that evening, we had some drinks together and found out more about him. Since John would only be here for three days, my hubby offered to let him stayed over for two nights sothat he could save on the hotel expenses. He was actually on attachment assignment before moving off to another company.John was only twenty...

Wife Lovers
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Ravaged in Broad Daylight At 18 Ch 02

Mark was dazed when he got home. He’d just been essentially ****d in broad daylight by an older man, and with a witness to boot! This sure was a surreal introduction to sex. Mark pulled off his jogging clothes, and removed the torn shorts that were the cause of his being ravaged. Well, it’s your own fault for wearing obscene shorts! He threw them in the garbage can. After taking a long shower, Mark had dinner with his parents – God, what would they think if they knew that a man’s cock had...

2 years ago
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Husband gets put in his place

My wife called me and said she was going to work though her lunch hour. So I drove to the bank where she works. Seen her leaving at lunch in her car. She drove to a place I know. She was going to fuck a black guy she helped at the bank where see works. I hid and waited to see how long she was going to stay. Her lunchtime hour was almost over. There she was with 5 minutes to spare. I didn’t say anything to her when she got off that afternoon. I knew she would go straight to the shower and try...

2 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 9 Fantasies Among the WeedsChapter 14 Disappearance

“Sarasota Approach Control, November-One-Two-Echo-Romeo is with you passing through twelve-thousand on the way to eight-thousand. We have information Sierra at SRQ.” “Two-Echo-Romeo, Sarasota Approach. Radar Contact. Continue on course. You may descend to two-thousand, your discretion. Sarasota altimeter two-niner-niner-two.” Dave responded, and the Cessna Citation continued its descent at twenty-five-hundred feet per minute. Passing through ten-thousand, Dave reduced the speed to...

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New StudentChapter 2

Dinner was kind of quiet that night. I was more worried than I really cared to show about how Megan and Don were taking their daughter's decision to try a nude lifestyle. I knew that neither were quite comfortable with the thought themselves. I've been to their place to visit, and to my parents', but they'd never been here. I got another call, late that Sunday night. Surprisingly, it was Don rather than Megan. "We talked it over, like you suggested. Marcie's parents are comfortable...

4 years ago
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Shutter ReleaseChapter 52 Sing Sweet Mountain

Lara held my hand as we stood in the currents of the Roe, watching the flow of life as this playful tendril of the sea wound her way around and through us. Each little splash measured one more instant of being together with my sister, little moments that when placed end to end added up to simple perfection. Because the hours that recently passed had been just that: a complete surrender of any fear of each other. Our deeds and misdeeds were starting to come out now, weighed and reckoned, then...

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A Controlled Life chapter 16

Chapter Sixteen When Tom walked out into the street he was grateful that is was not too warm out yet. However, it being an early Saturday morning in the summer meant that most of the neighbors were out mowing and working on their lawns. Tom would have no privacy whatsoever. Tom waved to his neighbor across the street and headed towards the bus stop with the phone still pressed up to his ear. As he trotted off towards the bus stop, he noticed several things; one of which was the...

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Sex with friends in the room and more

Well here I go for a 2nd story " Sex with friends in the room”Well to start, this happened to my wife and I and my best friend and his wife. We started the night out by going out as a group, we went out drinking and dinner and a movie. As the night went on we hooked up with more friends and went all over town drinking and talking. My wife was talking about wanting to have sex that night. So we went over to our friends home to stay over, not getting pulled over and get a DUI. Well, Terra was...

3 years ago
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Abby TwoChapter 25

“What Uhaul?” “The one behind Alice’s Ute,” I said. Of course he looked. Out the window wasn’t good enough ... besides looking he had to see. Out the door and fine toothed comb. “What idiot issued the plates?” “Supervisor at the Service NSW Agency.” “Well ... it’s obvious he had no clue. This car transport is unsafe.” “Well ... I have title and plates and I’m gonna use it. Where is the ‘34 roadster ute?” “Why?” “I’m going to haul it here and make it run.” Well ... THAT shut him...

2 years ago
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BreederChapter 8 Initiation

"Welcome to the Delta Alpha Phi Sorority" Said Haley Burns the University Coordinator. Haley was a short, thin, blonde girl dressed in a white blazer, pink sweater underneath and a mid thigh length skirt. She would likely be considered very pretty were it not for her quiet librarian demeanor. In addition to being a student course councilor, spirit coordinator she also oversaw the campuses sororities. "I'm happy to introduce the organizer of this new sorority: Sarah Hoffner." The...

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Family Fun at Pear Tree CottageChapter 7

Next day being Sunday, the family decided on going out into the Kent countryside for a picnic, of course with the Bell family it was never going to be a straight forward Sunday picnic. No their picnics always turned into erotic secluded fresh creamed picnics. They loaded up all the goodies they were planning on taking and not just the hamper of foods and freezer box of drinks, but the bondage box was slipped into the boot of the car as well as Cassie's new sex toys. Also unbeknown to Alan a...

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Mels Cabin Break Part 2

Mel’s Cabin Break Continued…….Mel lay in bed that night thinking about Dan’s words after her threesome earlier that day. She couldn’t believe he’d witnessed everything. What was he going to do? Her imagination started spinning out of control and through sheer exhaustion she fell asleep. Her mind continued the torment in her dreams and she seemed glad when the sun through the window woke her next morning. Almost immediately the thoughts of yesterday came back and as she placed a foot on the...

3 years ago
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Sex With My Hot Office Mate

Hello Guys, my name is Sam and I am from Bangalore working in an MNC and I am daily reader of ISS. Let me tell you about myself, I am 23 years old, 5’10 feet height, athletic body and good looking. I never had any girlfriend in my life but wanted one, unless I found few good looking girls in my Office. There were many girls with nice curves, especially with big boobs; I love to watch girls with big boobs as they make me hard every time. I look at them but wanted to see them naked. Now let me...

2 years ago
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Looking Back

Looking back now, I'm surprised that my wife was still a virgin when I met her, good loyal friends I suspect. Soon after I met her, I found out her weakness, and that was drink. One unit of alcohol and she was tipsy, two, she was randy, three, she was anybody's and four, she was comatosed. Jenny was very pretty with what I call an Italian style figure, you know, it goes in and out a lot, and she had plenty of admirers from the male student body, but it was me who won her heart. We were...

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Chanel and Ethan 19

His skin beneath my fingers, I trace feather light patterns on his firm chest. My head is next to my hand as I listen to his heart beat, the steady rhythm of his breathing. His arm is wrapped around my body, relaxed and comforting, and somehow protective. Always protective. I want to be no where else. “What happened tonight?” Ethan asks in a hushed voice. “Some of the best sex I’ve ever had,” I reply in a subdued mumble, and my head on his chest slightly jostles from his quiet laughter. ...

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Lady Rebecca Joins the Spanking ClubChapter 4

My dear sweet sister Rebecca was engulfed in the doldrums of depression ever since her shameful exposure to public ridicule for her anal activities in genteel circles. I did my best to assuage her fears and concerns over her public reputation besmirched by nasty rumors and even printed reports of her anal adventures. My best bet was an Irish maid of uncertain lineage and a dubious past riddled with alleged rumors of shameful conduct with respected men of the cloth. Her name was Molly, and...

4 years ago
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Roll the Die 1 of 2

The girl was gone.Rolling the plastic die in the crook of his hand, Jesse’s gaze rested on the cocoa skinned beauty tending bar in Roxanne’s absence. Her deltoids flexed as she shook the ice and liquid in the shaker. She uncapped it to pour the watermelon colored liquid in a dainty martini glass and glanced across the bar at him.Jesse focused on his book. A discussion of poetry and prose. Always the English teacher. It was a beautiful book, one his fingers had tattered the edges of over the...

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Help from my sister 12

The next few weeks we did some wedding planning. We picked out a church and about everything else we needed. We left out the fact that we were brother and sister and that Judy was pregnant. They both went to the doctor to make sure the babies were healthy. They both were good to go. Judy was due September 7th and Connie was due October 16th. A little close together and it was April at that point, so only so much time. But we didn't let the babies get in the way of wedding planning. It was...

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My Bhabhi And Our Game

Hello people, I’m Sidharth. I am from Mumbai and I stay with my family. I’m 23 years old and 5.11” tall and have a weight to match my height and finely tuned stature. Here I’d like to explain to you all a small love story between my bhabhi (my cousin’s wife) and myself. I would like to inform you that my story is genuine and true to the best of my knowledge and u will be able to judge that as the story goes on. However, I’m not a good author and hence I’d keep my story short. And I’m not a...

2 years ago
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Kimberly V10Chapter 7

"I feel like I've been set up." I slid my left arm under Kim and wrapped her up. "What are you doing, Kim?" "Sharing, babe. That's all. I love you. I love my Aunt Jenny." Boozily, Jenny said, "Maybe this wasn't a good idea, Kimmy. I'm sorry, Tim. Really..." "No, Jen, I'm sorry. Kim's the love of my life." "Tim, baby, I asked Aunt Jen. I should've asked you, too. I thought ... I don't know what I thought. I guess I thought that this is what a guy would die for." She...

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Hot Gigolo Service Part 1

Hello friends, I am back with another encounter. You know I am a MILF lover so this is also about one such lady and what I love most about them are their big boobies and their big round ass. Anyways if you like this piece of work, please give your valuable comments in the following is and on kik nithin.1. I always wanted to be a gigolo because then the ladies will be searching me and I don’t want to go in search of them as it always the vice versa till I posted an ad in Locanto. So I posted an...

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hot commute home

6.15 ish Saturday last weekend. Already melting from the beautiful weather, I boarded a hot, sticky and obviously packed train home from work. After embarrassingly navigating over to the back of the unstable carriage, I find a spot wedged against the small perch seat by the secondary doors.Arriving at the next stop seeing the expected swarm of people waiting to get on the train was daunting. I put away my phone as the doors open and the train fills. It immediately becomes more comfortable to...

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Erotic Vacations With Priya Masi 8211 Part 2

Hi, all. I am Chetan. This is the next part of the series of erotic vacations. Hope you enjoyed the first part. At the end of the first part, a person with a flashlight caught us while we were about to have sex on the beach. So this is a continuation from there. The man came running towards us while we were standing there afraid. He looked like a security guard. He was a middle-aged man, not very tall and medium build. Security: What are you two doing here? We both looked towards each...

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After the WarChapter 7 Collection

Priscilla Stanford was always a scheming little madam. As a child she always did exactly what she wished, and it was always her companions who were in trouble when things went wrong. Her pale blue eyes, fair complexion, golden red hair, and winning smile got her out of endless scrapes and usually shifted the blame to her unfortunate companions. When she left school she contrived to get herself appointed as under scullery maid at Belvedere Hall, which had been the stately home of the Earls of...

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Hey RichardChapter 3

I checked my phones messages, but it was a click and no message at all. “I would gladly do my part to keep your nuts empty, provided you stop calling me your Aunt. Just call me Lisa, your Fuck Buddy, or you won’t be putting your cock in any of my holes, got that, Richard?” “Yes, Ma’am,” I said. “Do you want to watch me, shave my pubes?” “Oh, yeah. After you are done, I can check you for smoothness, with my lips and tongue.” She made a very guttural sound, something like a laugh. She...

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Tammys Bra Fitting

"You know, when I heard that Madge catered to the transgender community, I never thought I'd be bringing my son in for a bra fitting." I felt like Miss Davis was trying to apologize or something. Then she looked at me kind of funny. "Oh, my god! You're one of those, aren't you?" Auntie Madge had asked me to fit a transgender girl and I felt totally okay with it, but I wasn't expecting her mother to be standing there talking with me. "You really shouldn't think about your child as a...

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