African Captive For Sex, Part 2 free porn video

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As the group moved along twisting jungle trails, Mindy realized that they weren’t headed toward the village. The heat, humidity and the trek caused Mindy to sweat but she realized she had a chill under her skin as her mind raced with thoughts of what would happen to her next.

Finally, after several hours, they reached a small village. As their fellow natives approached, about 10 males and an equal number of females emerged from huts or from the surrounding jungle. It seemed like all the natives were talking at once as they gathered and gazed at the stranger in their midst.

Then three females approached Mindy, took her by her wrists and led her to the largest hut. The females were all of similar height. They wore loin clothes but their breasts were bare. The tallest woman had small breasts with prominent nipples and a flat stomach. The other two were a bit shorter and chubbier with fuller breasts.

Once inside, they had Mindy sit on a crude stool. Two of the women supported Mindy as she was forced to lean back. The third woman started pouring water over Mindy’s head and hair. There was a faint flowery smell to the water. The woman massaged Mindy’s scalp and hair, smoothing it and combing it with her fingers. Mindy had to admit that it felt good to have her hair clean.

The two women supporting Mindy then pulled her to a sitting position, her wet hair shining and dripping water. One of the women knelt at Mindy’s feet and removed her shoes and socks. The women then pulled Mindy to her feet.

The trio surrounded Mindy. The only sound was the faint plops of water from her hair landing on the packed dirt floor. One of the native women reached out and started to stroke the smooth skin of Mindy’s arm. Another moved her hand to Mindy’s face, her index finger tracing along her jaw line, her cheek and then across her full lips.

Mindy realized her heart rate was picking up, as was her breathing. She wasn’t sure what was going to happen but after her orgy in the jungle with the 10 native men, she realized a deep, dark part of her brain was telling her that even though she was with three females that there was sexual tension filling the hut. It was late afternoon and the hut was semi-dark, adding to the atmosphere.

The woman in front of Mindy reached for the knot holding her blouse together just above her stomach. Mindy’s hands reached for the woman’s hands to try and prevent her from loosening the knot. While that tussle went on, a second woman loosened the cord holding her ripped skirt. She pulled it away and the skirt fell to the ground.

Mindy gave a slight gasp. The woman tugging at the knot finally got it free and the women pulled her blouse off. Mindy stood naked in front of the three women. Her breasts were rising and falling as the pace of her breathing picked up. The native women’s eyes roamed over Mindy’s body and their breathing also was becoming more rapid.

One of the women walked away and then returned with a log about 18 inches long and six inches wide. It had been hollowed out and Mindy could see it was filled with some sort of liquid. Another woman dipped her index finger into the liquid and then rubbed it across Mindy’s lips before forcing the finger in her mouth.

The substance smelled of coconut, a bit more pungent and with a faint hint of flowery or juice-like sweetness. After a few seconds, Mindy’s lips and tongue started to feel warm and tingly. It was if the nerve endings had been exposed and were being stimulated in a pleasant way. The third woman took a handful of the liquid; Mindy could see that it had a viscous quality, gooey and drippy. The woman started rubbing the stuff on Mindy’s hair, slicking it down and straight back. The warm, tingly sensation started across her scalp.

Both women then started rubbing the liquid over Mindy’s body, massaging it in. It was more slippery than sticky and as the women’s hands glided over Mindy’s skin, it became more liquid and slick. And where the stuff was applied, her skin started to hum a delectable tune. Her skin felt warm, soothed and hyper sensitive to the women’s hands.

The woman who had been working on her hair soon joined her companions. Three sets of hands were working the concoction on and over Mindy’s body. They were paying particular attention to Mindy’s breasts. As their hands slipped and slid over those bumps, they pushed and flicked the erect nipples, which were being pushed over into Mindy’s tit flesh before returning to their upright position once a hand or finger passed over.

Mindy looked down at her body and her skin seemed to be glowing as it was oiled. Her nipples had become thimble-sized, the areolas were puckered and pushing out, creating hard, puffy points at the end of her breasts. She watched as the women’s hands pushed and pulled at her boobs, teasing the tit tips, rolling and twirling the hard nubs of her nipples.

That stimulation would have been pleasing enough but the substance was activating nerve ends that Mindy didn’t know existed. Her breasts were throbbing with pleasure as they heaved with her heavy breathing.

The hands were everywhere – her butt, her legs, the insides of her thighs. One of the women knelt at Mindy’s feet, grabbed her ankles and made her stand with her feet more than shoulder width apart. Her slit was thus exposed and the other two women were soon rubbing and massaging her cunt mound with the stimulating goo.

One of the women’s fingernails raked over Mindy’s clit causing her to gasp at the suddenness of her orgasm.


Mindy’s knees shaking and weak. With her feet spread, she felt like she was about to collapse. The woman who had been at her feet was now behind Mindy. She put her arms around the girl, just below her breasts, and pulled her close. Mindy could feel two hard nipples pressing against her back and the woman’s profuse curly bush pushing against her full, firm ass cheeks.

“When did they get naked?” she wondered.

The other two women were now sucking on Mindy’s breasts. Each woman had the hard nub of a nipple between their teeth and their strong and agile tongues were whipping over the smooth-skinned tips of the pleasure buds.

Normally, Mindy would have been shocked and would have tried to push the women away. But after the orgasm she felt as though she was on a cloud or having an out-of-body experience. Her mind didn’t seem to give a damn what went on as long as the sexual stimulus continued.

The two women finally pulled away from Mindy’s breasts. The woman holding her moved her hands up and covered the tits, massaging and mashing them in a delightful fashion. The woman was also rubbing her crotch against Mindy’s ass and her front against her back. Mindy’s slickened skin made the contact highly erotic.

Mindy noticed the other two women had busied themselves by rubbing the mixture on each other; their ebony skin started talking on a glow. Finished with each other, they moved to their partner and prepped her with the rubdown oil. Now all four women had skin that was stimulated, warm and slippery to the touch.

The three native women encircled Mindy and executed what could best be described as a three-person stripper slide. The natives were sliding their bodies over Mindy, their hands on her breasts, her firm ass and slipping between her swollen and slippery pussy lips.

Mindy’s eyes were closed and she moaned at the stimulation overload that her body was feeling. She’d never had any thoughts of “being with a woman” but now here were three native women in the middle of Africa making her feel as never before.

One of the women picked up the board with the mixture while the other two led Mindy over to a pile of animal skins. “This looks familiar,” she thought to herself, recalling her sexual marathon near the jungle pool earlier in the day. The women pulled Mindy down and two took up a position on each side of her while the other knelt between her legs.

More of the delightful mixture was being spread by three pairs of hands, slicking Mindy’s skin with light touches where needed but other touches were more demanding and caused her to writhe as the pleasure was building.

The women flanking Mindy leaned in and each took a nipple in their mouths. She gasped and arched her back at the sensuous feel of two feminine mouths and tongues teasing her erect nubs.

The woman between her legs rubbed her hands slowly up the inside of Mindy’s thighs until they reached her slit. Then her thumbs, starting at the top of her pussy, slipped inside her vaginal lips and slowly moved downward, peeling her labia apart to reveal her coral colored walls of her pussy. That sensation caused her hips to thrust upward.

The woman at her left side moved her mouth from Mindy’s breast, kissing and licking its way up her chest and neck until she arrived at Mindy’s mouth. Her hand grasped Mindy’s chin and turned it toward her full, soft lips for a kiss. The native tongue quickly invaded the warm, wet cave of their playmate’s mouth and it flicked back and forth against Mindy’s tongue.

The woman between her legs admired the splayed open pussy with its glistening pink lips. Her right index finger, starting at the bottom of Mindy’s slit, traced a full circle around the rim of her vagina before slowing inserting it into Mindy’s tight tunnel.

“MMMMMMMAAAAAHHHHH.” Mindy had to break away from the kiss, her head rolling back and forth at the sensation of the woman’s strong finger sawing in and out and side to side to expand the hole it was penetrating. She then added her middle finger and her thumb expertly moved to the top of Mindy’s cunt to rub and tease her pearl-like clit.

Mindy body arched off the ground, only her shoulders and her feet supporting her body.

“OOOOOOOHHHHHH FFFUCCCCCCCCCKKKKK.” Mindy growled deep in her throat as she reacted to yet another, even stronger orgasm. When she finally crested, her body quivering and her muscles straining, she collapsed to the ground. Her three companions softly stroked her skin. The woman between her legs cupped her still-throbbing mound, the woman still at her side softly stroked her thrusting breasts. The woman who had been kissing her softly kissed her check and then moved to her ear where she nipped the earlobe. She whispered a few sentences in her native language that Mindy, of course, had no clue as to the meaning.

She was about to find out.


It was nearing evening and the women led Mindy to the entrance but before they stepped outside they stopped. The women fastened two leather straps around her ankles, two around her wrists and two on her upper arms just below her shoulders. Each strap had a loop.

“Gawd, are they gonna string me up again?” Mindy thought as she was led out into the gathering darkness.

A huge bonfire was blazing in the middle of the village. Mindy was led to where all the other natives were gathered. She could see that the men and the women all had oiled, glowing skin.

Mindy was not surprised to see that the men all were sporting erections. She felt her skin goose bumping and her breathing increase as her mind started to race with what her role would be.

She soon found out. Two men grabbed the loops at her shoulders, two others grabbed the ones at her wrists and two others did the same at her ankles.

“AAAHHH, oooohhhh,” Mindy cried as suddenly she was lifted by all six and she found herself looking up at the night sky. Her legs were being pulled apart and a native was moving between her legs. His erect cock easily slipped into Mindy’s cunt, eliciting a deep groan/growl from her throat.

As the man’s rock hard cock began to slip and slide in her pussy, the people holding Mandy by the straps started to gently rock her back and forth as the man’s strong hips thrusted in his fuck motion. Mindy closed her eyes and felt like she was floating; the only thing keeping her tethered to terra firma were the straps and her partner’s throbbing phallus.

As many natives as could fit gathered around Mindy. She felt hands all over her body, it felt like her every inch of her skin was being touched, fondled, massaged. Her thrusting breasts got the most attention. With the oily mixture’s help, the hands were sliding across her skin like skates on ice.

Mindy’s head lolled back; the two men holding the shoulder straps started rubbing their cocks against her greased-down hair, then moved their rods to her lips. Mindy could feel the business end of the two pricks, could taste the “love potion” mixture the natives had applied. Her tongue snaked out and she licked the two swollen cock heads that rested on her lips.

The native who was fucking her was quickly stimulated to the point of orgasm and Mindy could feel his hot semen jetting inside. The feeling was pleasant but she felt nowhere near coming. When he pulled out his cock, Mindy felt herself being carried to the other side of the fire. There was a contraption with four posts.

The men carrying her reached up and attached the loops to hooks. Another strap was slipped under her back just above her ass and also connected. She was suspended on her back and there was enough support that she didn’t feel discomfort.

One of the natives whose cock had been on her mouth stepped close to her face and grabbed her head between his hands. He bent her head back so he could slip his cock inside her mouth. This upside down blow job was distinctly different for Mindy but she had no problem servicing his cock.

Another native stepped between her legs and slipped his cock into her slippery pussy. He began humping with strong thrusts, anchored by the fact his feet were on the ground and he had plenty of leverage. He grasped Mindy’s hips and pounded back and forth as she swayed in the “sex swing.”

The villagers, men and women, still surrounded her, their hands exploring every inch of her body. Two mouths fastened to her breasts, sucking, licking and nipping her rock-hard nipples. As she was given an inverted blowjob, she couldn’t see who was suckling her tits but it felt like a soft mouth of a female and a more demanding mouth of a male.

As the native fucking her rocked his cock in and out of her hot channel, one of the native women used her finger to tease and stimulate Mindy’s pleasure bud at the top of her filled slit. That sent the captive sex toy over the top. Mindy’s body tensed from her toes to her head – as much as she could move her head with a cock buried deep in her oral cavern. She gurgled and moaned around the turgid, throbbing cock as her orgasm spasmed through her body. Her vaginal walls closed and gripped the cock that had helped bring her off and the native felt the velvety grip of her slick, hot glove. He thrust as deep as he could, his balls slapping against Mindy’s ass as his load of jizz spurted deep inside her vagina. The woman teasing her clit continued to abuse it with hard rubs that kept Mindy’s lower body shivering as if she was in a deep freeze.

The man in her mouth started to cum and after a deep spurt he yanked his cock out and laid it across Mindy’s chin. It continued to fire off semen strings that landed on her breasts and upper chests. Mindy lifted her head and saw two women lapping up the cum off her breasts and skin.

More of the stimulating oil was being dribbled on her torso, crotch and upper thighs and what felt like dozens of hands were massaging the fragrant liquid into her skin.

A native gripped her left breast and gently squeezed it so the tip and its protruding bud was easily accessed. With his other hand, he gripped his cock and rubbed the swollen head over the slickened and hard nipple. He continued to tease and prod Mindy’s breast and nipple with his cock head, causing her to moan at the sensation.


The man was jacking his foreskin and hearing the captive’s yelp of pleasure fired his orgasm. He released her breast and spurted his load of love juice over that mound, covering it like syrup on a scoop of ice cream.

Yet another cock was slipping inside her cunt and as best as she could she thrust her lower body toward the man’s crotch. She felt a strong hand turning her head to her right and her mouth was presented with yet another cock that needed attention.

As she handled what was becoming a familiar and pleasurable assault at both ends of her writhing body, she felt her ass cheeks being pulled apart. A native, his finger coated with the oil, started pushing against her tight little sphincter. Mindy’s body tensed and she tried to wriggle away from the unfamiliar and unwelcome intrusion but there was no escape. The native slowly sawed his finger in and out, twisting it back and forth as he sought to stretch her anal canal. The stimulation and lubrication of the oil helped him gain ground and with one aggressive thrust his thick finger popped in to the second knuckle.

With the cock in her mouth effectively gagging her, Mindy could only protest with a deep throated groan and gurgling noise. The native who was fucking her could feel her vaginal canal slightly contract as the finger in her ass crowded the space between the two channels. His cock thrust forward and let out an animal growl as he added his load of sperm to Mindy’s sloppy slit. Cum was dripping down from her vagina to her ass crack and the native used his free hand to spread it over her ass and around her asshole, adding to the lubrication.

And yet another man’s cock slipped in and started pounding away at the white woman’s cunt. Mindy was surprised that the finger sawing away in her ass had become pleasurable and another cock in her pussy was helping her climb to another orgasm.

The cock in her mouth soon started to ejaculate; this native preferred his cum be swallowed and he kept his cock in Mindy’s mouth, his hands holding her head so she couldn’t pull away. The salty jizz poured deep across her mouth and into her throat as she gulped to keep from choking.

After the cock withdrew from her mouth, Mindy again lifted her head and saw two women sucking and licking her breasts, their agile tongues teasing and flicking her sensitive and erect nipples. Another woman was again rubbing her clit; she was using her thumb and index finger to lightly twist it and stimulate it in a manner Mindy had not experienced.

Again, the overwhelming sensations sent Mindy to the edge of another orgasm. And when the cock in her cunt again slammed against her crotch and unloaded another hot load of cum, the objective was achieved.


Mindy never lost consciousness but she faded into a sensual fog where all that mattered was how her body felt like it was composed of tingling nerve endings. Hard cocks kept plowing into her swampy pussy, a finger was constantly diddling her ass hole and her mouth serviced cock after cock. She had no concept of time; all she knew that it was night, some 24 hours after her accident and being captured by the 10 natives.

Finally, her playmates were sated. As the natives pulled away, Mindy hung in her bindings, breathing heavily. Her tongue licked around her lips which had a coating of sperm from the multiple blow jobs she had delivered. Her full breasts, flattened because of her being on her back, were capped by her ever-erect nubs and her bosom heaved as she tried to get her breath and come down from her body being used as a sexual instrument.

Several natives helped release her from the “sex swing” and she got to her feet. Her legs were rubbery and she took a stumbling step. She felt a strong arm encircle her waist. It was the leader of the group that had captured her. He looked down at her and smiled and started to lead her toward the hut where the women had bathed her before the outdoor orgy.

They entered the hut and the native offered Mindy a gourd filled with water. She gulped it down, not realizing how thirsty she was. The native was naked as he had partaken of the sex party and cum several times. He led Mindy to the back of the hut to an area of the floor covered with animal skins. He gestured for her to lay down.

She realized she was exhausted and quickly lay down on her side, facing the hut’s wall. The man laid down next to her, draping his arm around her and spooning her in a tender manner. Mindy found it comforting and snuggled against her partner. She was soon asleep.

Twice during the night, Mindy awoke to the native asserting his need for more sex. Each time, she found herself on her back with his mouth feasting on her breasts, his mouth and lips going back and forth between the hard nipples. For their first coupling, he knelt between her legs and fucked her missionary style. Her mind made a silent joke about the irony of being taken in that position. The next time, he urged Mindy on her hands and knees and inserted his large, impatient cock from behind. After he came in her a second time, they both collapsed back on to the animal skins and returned to sleep.


Mindy slept the sleep of the dead but for the two times she had been awakened and fucked. She woke up and rolled over and noticed she was alone in the hut.

She stood up and started walking toward the door and sunlight. She almost forgot that she was naked; two days before the idea of walking around nude would have been dismissed as lunacy but her day of sex had changed her thoughts about her body. Still, she hesitated to venture out wearing nothing. She looked around and noticed her tattered blouse hanging on a poll; her torn and ruined skirt was nowhere to be found. Mindy put on her blouse and again tied it in a not above her belly. “Better than nothing at all,” she thought.

She walked outside and noticed several of the women busying themselves at chores. One of her three companions during her lesbian encounter noticed she had emerged. The woman ducked into a nearby hut and came out with a loin cloth similar to the ones worn by the other women.

Mindy realized two things – she was famished and her skin felt awful; after all, she had not only been rubbed down by the “magic” oil she had also received dozens of cum shots. She reached up and to touch her hair and it almost felt crusty.

The woman seemed to read Mindy’s mind. She took her hand and led her to a low table that had several kinds of fruit. She gobbled down a couple of bananas and some berries. After the quick breakfast, the woman led Mindy down a path for a few hundred yards until they came to a small river. The woman sat down on a large, smooth boulder and gestured with her hand toward the water. Mindy dropped her loin cloth and peeled off her blouse and waded in.

The water was cool and delightful; Mindy flashed back to her dips in the pool where she had been thoroughly fucked by the raiding party. When she was about waist deep, she knelt and dunked her head and torso under the surface. She ran her hands through hair and it felt clean again. Then she rubbed her hands over her body, scooping up water to help wash her skin of the orgy residue.

When she felt clean, she glanced over at the native woman sitting on the rock. She was smiling and then motioned for Mindy to leave the river. She was handed her blouse and loin cloth. Her skin was still wet and the shirt stuck and outlined her breasts as she again tied the knot what was left of the garment did what it could to conceal her firm mounds.

The woman led Mindy back to the hut where she had spent the night. When she entered, the native who had led the raiding party – she had come to think of him as the head of the tribe – was waiting with another native. As her eyes adjusted from the sunlight to the semi-darkness, Mindy could tell that this native was younger than the other men she had encountered. He was tall but lankier, not as muscular. She guessed he was a teenager and her curiosity was aroused.

The man gestured for Mindy to come closer. Then he pointed at the younger native and said, “Dikembe.” Then he pointed to Mindy. His index finger of his right hand moved in and out of the circle made by the index finger and thumb of the other. Then his right index finger pointed at the other man and wagged back and forth while shaking his head.

Even with the crude sign language, Mindy figured out that the teenager was still a virgin. The man could see the recognition and smiled. Then he pointed at Mindy and the other man before moving his fingers together until they touched.

He then turned and left the hut.

The stories of the young white woman - her capture, the raiding party having its way with her, the orgy of the night before – had quickly spread through the village. Dikembe was excited and honored that the chief was allowing him to take this rare prize and lose his virginity is such an usual fashion. He was also glad for the privacy afforded him in the community hut.

He slowly approached Mindy, who instinctively took a step or two back before his strong hand reached out and grabbed her wrist. Then just inches separated them and he towered over her, a good half foot taller.

Both his hands moved to her head he ran his fingers through her still damp hair, pulling through several tangles that forced Mindy’s head back and caused her to make tiny yelps of pain.

His hands moved down to her face, lightly rubbing over her skin, his thumbs rubbing her cheek bones and then moving to her full lips. An index fingers traced over her lips and then he tried to force it into her mouth. She clenched her teeth, but his hand moved back to grab her hair and yank her head back. The finger returned and this time she complied, his digit moving inside her warm mouth, rubbing over her tongue. Dikembe was inexperienced with a woman but he had been taught that men were to be obeyed.

He took half a step back and his hands moved down to cover her breasts, rubbing them through her nearly ruined blouse. Mindy was starting to breath heavily. The idea of being a man’s first woman had worked its way into her thoughts and the idea of that was exciting her. Plus, his hands molding and shaping her breasts did feel wonderful. He was both possessive and tender as he kneaded her mounds, his thumbs flicking over her hardening nipples as they poked against the material. She shuddered as the breast play sent messages along her nerve endings to her crotch; she could feel her pussy was heating up and getting wet.

Dikembe walked behind her and cupped her breasts from behind and thrust his groin against Mindy’s back; she could feel his hard cock through his loin cloth. His hands then slipped down over her torso and reached the knot that held up her loin cloth; he deftly loosened. He then moved his hands to the bottom part of her blouse where there was a slight tear in the hem. Grabbing the material there, he yanked his hands in opposite directions. The blouse ripped halfway up Mindy’s back and she gasped and moaned. His hands moved higher and continued ripping and tearing the only part of her civilized existence she had still possessed. Soon her breasts were bare and there was just a pathetic strip of her collar hanging around her neck. He brushed that away and turned Mindy around to face him.

He pulled is loin cloth down and his erect cock leapt out, pointing straight out like a spear. She noticed that it wasn’t the biggest native cock she had encountered but it was far from insignificant.

Dikembe pulled her over to the animal skin bed where she had spent the previous night with the chief. He pushed her down on her back and then laid next to her. His mouth fastened on her right breast, his tongue eagerly flicking over the hard bud of her nipple. His other hand was toying with her other mound, his fingers pulling and twisting the nipple.

His free hand reached for the knot holding her loin cloth and worked at it until it came free and he flipped the cloth open, exposing his partner’s lower body.

Mindy moved her hand between their bodies to grasp his throbbing cock. He moaned with pleasure as her hand stroked the shaft and squeezed the bulbous cock head. The sensation of a hand other than is own on his cock was too much for the youngster. Despite his efforts to hold back, his dick exploded with a large load of cum that was delivered in what seemed like never-ending spurts that covered most of Mindy’s stomach and thighs.

Dikembe rolled to his back and groaned in frustration, cutting loose with some native phrases Mindy didn’t understand. She felt bad that her wandering hand had led to his premature ejaculation.

Despite his orgasm, his cock was still erect, though it was laying against his thigh instead of pointing straight up. Mindy got on her knees, grabbed his shaft and leaned forward to lick the head of his cock. Dikembe’s body shuddered as he felt her soft, warm lips and tongue laving his cock head. Her hand stroked up and down the shaft as she sucked and licked. He groaned and his hands tangled in her hair, holding her head steady as she attended to his stiffening member.

Satisfied with her reclamation project, Mindy let his prick plop free of her lips and laid back on the animal skins, her legs splayed open and her pink gash ready and inviting. Dikembe quickly scrambled between her legs. On his knees, he grabbed her hips and lifted her and Mindy helped by grabbing his cock and guiding it to her opening. With the head of his cock lodged just inside her pussy, he wasted no time. He thrust his groin forward while pulling Mindy’s hips toward his. His erect cock speared and split her. “MMMMMMMGAAAAHHHHAAAAA.”

Despite cumming just a few minutes before, Dikembe had the advantage of youthful recovery and enthusiasm. His hips were almost a blur as he pumped his cock in and out of the velvety and slippery glove that enveloped his cock. Mindy’s back arched and her body was bridged between her shoulders and her partner’s thrusting prick.

Dikembe’s eyes were shut as he enjoyed the sensations of his first fuck. Mindy, though, was taking it all in – she watched his thick, dark cock plunging in and out of her snatch. She reached up and cupped her breasts, teasing her nipples.


Her guttural plea caused her partner to open his eyes. He looked down at the alluring young woman, saw her hands molding her breasts, the satisfied mask of lust on her face, her eyes smoldering, her nostrils flaring as her body reacted to Dikembe’s enthusiastic fucking.

He was reaching climax and after a deep thrust where his pubic hair crushed into her crotch, he let loose a loud, triumphant yell as his sperm jetted deep inside her. While one hand remained on a breast, the other reached down and was able to slide an index finger on to her clit; in just a few rubs with that electrified nubbin, she also wailed as her orgasm shook her body.

Breathing like he had just finished a marathon, Dikembe collapsed on top of his partner. His cock was still throbbing, semi-hard and encased in Mindy’s spasming cunt. There were several after-spurts of cum as he emptied his youthful supply of jizz. It was stifling in the hut and they were covered with sweat.

The after glow was interrupted when Mindy heard voices in English. They were calling her name. She urged Dikembe to roll off and grabbed her loin cloth to head outside.

A search party of half a dozen men were in the village. The natives, including the chief, were milling about but a stand off or violence didn’t seem to be imminent.

“Mindy, are you OK? Are you hurt? We tracked you here after we found the Range Rover.” The leader of the search party asked her as he appraised her sweaty torso and breasts. “What happened to your clothes?”

“Yes, I’m fine. Just this little scrape on my shoulder,” she answered, pointing to the healing wound. “I was disoriented and wandered down the wrong road. The natives found me and brought me here. My clothes were a mess but when I tried to wash them they floated away down the river. It was easier to ‘go native’ than I would have thought.” She grinned and covered her breasts with her arms.

One of the men shrugged off his shirt and gave it to her to cover herself.

“Well, thank God we were able to find you,” the leader said. “Are you sure you’re OK? They didn’t hurt you?”

“No, not at all. They were wonderful; they probably saved my life. Who knows what would have happened to me, wandering away in the jungle at night.”

The rescue party left, with Mindy trailing behind. She knew she was headed back to “civilization.” At the edge of the village, she turned and waved, a smile on her face.


Mindy completed her contracted assignment teaching the young native children. When she returned home to the United States, her parents were happy and relieved that their daughter had returned.

When they asked her what her immediate plans were, she surprised them with her answer.

“I really want to find a way to go back and do more work over there,” Mindy said, her face beaming with joy. “I felt like I was able to accomplish a lot teaching the children but there’s so much more to do. And the adult natives … you’d be surprised how appreciative and loving they are having an outsider so deeply involved with their culture.”


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African Dominance Part 2

[ This is for Jamal who, along with friends, are coming to realize that Africa, after centuries of abuse and exploitation and systemic degradation, by multiple western (Caucasian) countries, is rising up to thwart that. The saying "The pen is mightier than the sword" is true; but a more apropos take on it might be "The penis is mightier than the sword." And to go further, it might be even more apropos to say that "Sperm is mightier than the sword." In this last sense, the story I'm posting...

2 years ago
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African Pirates Journey into Sex Slavery 2

Jen awoke about 45 minutes later, peering outside one of the windows in the captain’s quarters. She saw the young, attractive American tourists, both male and female, lined up naked along the deck. General Khari’s men were barking orders and putting the girls into one line, the guys in another. Soon General Khari himself strode out onto the deck, bellowing for quiet. “Listen carefully, my beautiful young sex slaves. Now, you may be wondering what is next for all of you. Dinner will soon be...

1 year ago
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African Casting is an awesome African porn site that features exclusively chocolate babes with the juiciest booties that are determined to prove to the world that you ain’t got to be white to make it in the adult industry. While it’s pretty much of a casting based on a false promise that the white dude is an agent on African Casting looking for black babes to be models, I can tell you that the scenes are nothing like the porn you have watched before.It's definitely pure bliss made even more...

Premium Black Porn Sites
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Summer days can be hellish in New York City. The city is really nothing but a giant heat sink. But on this particular summer day, a cold front had moved through and cooled things off considerably. I'd been fortunate enough to wrap up my business meeting by noon, and with nothing on my calendar for the afternoon, the rest of the day was my own. I went home to my apartment and changed from my business suit into more casual attire. I put on blue slacks and a gray-and-white striped dress shirt,...

2 years ago
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African Officials And How They Take Advantage

Several friends and acquaintances told us of affairs with government officials usually at the urging of their husbands to help them obtain permits, like renewal of work permits, exchange control licenses, even driving licenses for teenagers. Work permits were particularly difficult to obtain since it involved several departments. First, a certificate was needed proving that the expatriate was training an African understudy. This involved the Ministry of Education. Next, it had to be shown...

1 year ago
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African Lesbians

AfricanLesbians! What’s black on black on black and pink inside? A couple of African Lesbians scissoring while one of them gets her face ridden by another sexy ebony chick. I came up with that joke and thought it was pretty fucking funny, but it got me escorted off stage when I tried to tell it at my local coffeeshop’s open mic comedy night. I’m not sure if it’s because they have no sense of humor or because I accidentally started touching myself on stage. I just get all horny, even thinking...

Premium Lesbian Porn Sites
3 years ago
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African Dominance

[ This one is especially written at the request of Jamal, who, as a 42 year old Congolese man (along with a group of five of his fellow African males, from various countries) are going to make very sure that they impregnate a young and eager and married white female from Europe! This is dedicated to this being their first ever taste of that formerly 'forbidden fruit' of white females! Kudos, and the best of luck on this wonderful adventure---and may there be others to follow! ]Jamal was very...

2 years ago
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African Slave Queen enslaved media babe

The theatrically over decorated general gripped his podium tighter and tighter The theatrically over decorated general gripped his podium tighter and tighter. His orchestrated news conference was turning sour. It had supposed to have been his moment on the world stage to impress to show everyone what a great and generous leader he was; but now this. All the cameras continued to focus on his glistening black forehead. ?I?ll repeat my question,?came the annoying voice of the young...

3 years ago
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African Retribution

AFRICAN RETRIBUTION By JoetexPrefaceFrom an actual report of the BBC:Dateline: 26 October 2004REPORT SHOWS DR CONGO RAPE HORROR?Fighters in the Democratic Republic of Congo have raped at least 40,000 women over the past six years, human rights agency Amnesty International reports. All groups involved in the civil war committed extreme sexual violence during the civil war throughout the east of the country, it finds.  Despite a year of peace, survivors lack adequate medical care and many are...

3 years ago
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African sunset

The Lear jet touched down softly and the blur of African bush slowed down to recognisable shapes. Majestic Camel-thorn trees mixed with Mopani and Baobab stretched towards the Mountains in the distance. The heat was visible from the air-conditioned coolness of the plane.   It was Jenny and Paul’s first visit to Africa but the trip was clouded from the word go. Paul was here to investigate yet another investment opportunity and insisted that Jenny accompany him on the trip as his duty-bound...

2 years ago
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African sunset

The Lear jet touched down softly and the blur of African bush slowed down to recognisable shapes. Majestic Camel-thorn trees mixed with Mopani and Baobab stretched towards the Mountains in the distance. The heat was visible from the air-conditioned coolness of the plane.   It was Jenny and Paul’s first visit to Africa but the trip was clouded from the word go. Paul was here to investigate yet another investment opportunity and insisted that Jenny accompany him on the trip as his...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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African Sperm For Paula

[ This is dedicated to a young couple from Poland (who's name's I am changing for privacy reasons, etc.). Though I have only just begun getting to know 'Paula' and 'Stefan', as I will call them here, many of the details contained here are at least very close to being true and factual. So, to 'Paula' and 'Stefan'---I hope this does justice your experience as an emerging interracial cuckold married couple! You are, by no means, at all alone it such a quest! ]Paula had known Habib for quite...

4 years ago
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African Slave Queen series finale

********************* The sweltering island looked more like an international airport than a private playground on the day of the wedding. Lear jets and helicopters taxied between the military buildings as an array of jewel encrusted dignitaries most fat with the trappings of power were each dutifully fawned over by Mobana's guards and his island madam. "This way your highness, " the oriental Chui said as she bowed to the King of a close by third world state, "and welcome to...

3 years ago
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Vegas Captive

Brian, at 5’6? tall, 170 lbs, late forties, takes a trip to Vegas once a year. He flies out on Thursday morning and flies back home on Monday. On the weekend visits, he likes to bet on college and pro football games during the day, take a nap, and then visit one of the many strip clubs available at night. He usually brings about $1,000 to bet on football, and around $4,000 to play with the dancers. He never takes credit cards to the clubs, knowing he would spend way more than intended if he...

1 year ago
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African slave Queendaughters dirty games

Note : This story is completely fictional! These are the adventures of Rachel Goodbody. Once a sexy reporter for a media giant; but now believed dead, lost with her film crew in an unfortunate air accident while deep in the African jungle. However she was not that lucky! And now she is the personal toy of the evil dictator she once crossed. If you would like to know how she started on this insane journey and what it took to get this over confident TV babe to become the "African Slave Queen"...

2 years ago
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African Experience Part Two

“Hungry now?!” Aubrie asked with a big grin on her face.“A little” he smiled as Aubrie bit her lip.“Your pretty skillful Mr.Tundi!” She told him, slipping her panties back on before standing from the bed. She followed Zaire from his room to the bathroom.“I’m glad you liked it” Zaire replied scrubbing his hands. Aubrie handed him the toothbrush, which he gladly took from her. “Maybe next time you could show me your skills”“Why not now?” Aubrie said going behind him to wrap her arms around his...

3 years ago
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African Customs prt 1

African Customs prt 1I met Anne when she was 22 and I was a couple of years older. We quickly recognized each other as lifelong partners and married after only three months. Our plan was to delay starting a family for at least five years but, near the end of our first year of marriage, we went on holiday in the wilds of Scotland and, due to me forgetting to pack condoms decided to take a chance, with the consequence that our twins, a boy and a girl, were born nine months later.When I fell in...

1 year ago
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Sexting Forum

Hmm, SextingForum? Of course, I prefer the actual act, fucking and all that, but sexting can also be fun foreplay. Who knew that there is a forum chat designed just for that, and if you ever liked sexting, now is your chance to explore a wonderful world you might have never known existed. It is called, and while it mostly revolves around Snapchat sexting, it involves other types of that shit as well.I was honestly surprised to see that this forum site was more or less quite...

Porn Forums
1 year ago
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The Captive Banshee A Halloween Story

In any case this is the story of a captive Banshee and how she is finally freed. As with all my Celtic stories, some of this is historical, some is Irish myth, and some is literary license. I leave it to you to determine which is which. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! This warning is probably not needed for this story, but my other stories are usually much stronger. If you are not familiar with my writings and look for other stories, please read the introductory notes...

2 years ago
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African slave queen daughters dirty games

Rachael had not been ravished again since little Mobana had taken his own personal revenge nearly a week ago. His games of torture had pushed her to the edge; but since then marooned in this remote palace harem she had spent her captive hours trying to make conversation or rationalise with the other concubines. They were from around the world and although English seemed to be spoken by most it didn’t really help. They acted mute either through fear or by the continual practices of sexual...

3 years ago
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African Safari

I groan when the truck suddenly starts moving. Through the windows in the side of the canopy which covers the truck, I can see that it is dark outside. I can hear voices above the roar of the engine - it may be the people driving the truck. They sound as if they are speaking in a black-language, Zulu maybe - I recognize parts of it from when I used to visit my grandparents on their farm when I was little. The pick-up is bouncing now - we must be driving somewhere on a 4x4 track or maybe...

2 years ago
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African Desire

Whilst making love, my husband would often say something like, "Julie, baby, you are so hot. I wish I could see you take care of a young stud and see the look on his face as he tasted your sweet nectar." This little expression would make me, as well as my husband, rise to a higher state of arousal.He never really pushed the issue, so I was never sure if it was just a way of getting us hornier or if he had a fantasy of really seeing his wife being taken by an eager young stud. He knew that it...

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African Gang-Banged BrideThe first time that I ever had a black cock was when I was 18 and on a trip to Africa with my new husband Ben.We were on the 2nd week of our Honeymoon when one night in the hotel bar, Ben, my husband who is an anthropologist and is 43 years old, was talking to a group of old black men about their tribes and customs etc. It was very warm, no, very HOT.So I was wearing a bikini top and mini-skirt, no panties or stockings as I was longing for a cool breeze to waft up...

4 years ago
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African Experience Part One

African ExperienceBegan:Dec 27,07Finished: Jan 19,08Written By: Suz~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Aubrie Olsen walked into Dollar General in search of some lotion. She was going on a blind date and wanted to smell good for the man who would be her date. She was hoping the guy would be around her age,no k**s and has a job, that was basically all she asked for these days. Aubrie made her way to the cosmetic isle of the cheap store and began to skim through the many lotions and creams on the shelf. She wasn't a...

3 years ago
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African Cocks Banging My Ass Part 2Game Time

Hi to all my ISS readers and horny fans out there. I hope you all liked my first part. If you are new to my page, please read the first part before reading this one to help you understand better. So as you know, I met the African hulks who were enjoying the time of their life. I was enjoying being their pet. After the bathroom session, I became way too horny and started begging them to fuck me with their beasts. But they were just pretended as they were not ready yet and decided to play a...

1 year ago
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African Prince 1

Chapter 1As Mikey mechanically got off the school bus and turnedtoward his house he mentally kicked himself for missinghis stop again. The monotony of six years of elementaryschool and a year and a half of junior high had givenhim an uncanny ability to zone out and disappear intohis own fantasy world. Unfortunately this abilityreared its head regularly, wanted or not. For thehundredth time he reassured himself that it was no bigdeal. He would walk an extra half mile or so today.As Mikey walked,...

3 years ago
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African Prince 1

Chapter 1As Mikey mechanically got off the school bus and turnedtoward his house he mentally kicked himself for missinghis stop again. The monotony of six years of elementaryschool and a year and a half of junior high had givenhim an uncanny ability to zone out and disappear intohis own fantasy world. Unfortunately this abilityreared its head regularly, wanted or not. For thehundredth time he reassured himself that it was no bigdeal. He would walk an extra half mile or so today.As Mikey walked,...

1 year ago
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African Prince Chapter 1

100% fiction! As Mikey mechanically got off the high school bus and turned toward his house he mentally kicked himself for missing his stop again. The monotony of six years of high school and a year and a half of junior high had given him an uncanny ability to zone out and disappear into his own fantasy world. Unfortunately this ability reared its head regularly, wanted or not. For the hundredth time he reassured himself that it was no big deal. He would walk an extra half mile or so today. As...

1 year ago
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African Slave Queen

The theatrically over decorated general gripped the podium tighter and tighter as his highly orchestrated news conference began to turn sour. It had supposed to have been his moment on the world stage; to impress and show everyone what a great and generous leader he was; but now this. All the cameras continued to focus on his glistening black forehead. “I’ll repeat my question,” said the young reporter. He narrowed his gaze at the attractive white woman and gave a forced smile. “Please do.”...

1 year ago
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African savana

I woke up one morning and decided I have been born on this continant yet I only partialy no this land so its time to see what's out there in the wilderness. So my preparations started bought all the necessary equipment asked mt wife to join me and she said she aint going if I aint gona stay in hotels. After months of planing for the three month journey ahead of me I was ready to depart. The morning of my departure my wife and I have the most amazing sex we ever had in ten years of our marrige....

Erotic Fiction
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African Pirates Journey into Sex Slavery

Scott tried to think as he clutched his wife protectively. This had been Scott and Amy’s 1-year-anniversary pleasure trip, a cruise around the continent of Africa. It was supposed to be the perfect, idyllic adventure -- almost like a second honeymoon. And now only uncertainty gripped him. Terror shone in Amy’s pretty blue eyes. Scott wished he could provide some real comfort, but he knew that any words he might say would ring hollow. The sun rose higher, casting a beautiful ball of fire on...

2 years ago
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The Captive 2 A Double Belt Neck Tie party

Prior: The School Girl Pinata Prior: The School Girl Pinata – STOP THIS CRAZINESS Prior: The School Girl Pinata – The Gangs All Here Prior: The Captive (School girl is taken for a gang member’s birthday party to be used for their entertainment.]. Her abuse continues and then she is held captive for the needs of the gang.) The door opened again and Hector walked in carrying a 12 pack. Jenna looked back to see who was coming. “What the Fuck You doing?” Screamed Miguel. He grabbed...

3 years ago
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African Pirates Journey into Sex Slavery 3

Now all three were in the captain's quarters below deck, being tormented by Khari and the General's two nubile sisters, Lady Neka and Lady Kunto. Amy's poor husband, Scott, had been tied to a chair naked. Lady Neka had put a cock-ring around the base of his shaft and threatened to cut his balls off if he didn't come in 15 minutes. Then she'd proceeded to mount that shaft, humping him hard with her moistening slit as Amy and Jennifer could do nothing except watch in horror. Kunto knelt...

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African Adventures In Uganda

Hi readers! I am back to share the sexperience that I had in Uganda. It was part of my African adventures. After graduation, I got a new job, which required me to shift to a country called Uganda. I came to Kampala, Uganda, and had rented an apartment for myself in the city center. This was a new apartment complex, and not many families had moved in. When I came here, a French family was living in an apartment far away from mine. There was also a black couple (John and Sara) living right next...

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Dark Fantasy/Fiction contains FemDom/Bondage : CAPTIVE : Part 1 He awoke abruptly with his wrists handcuffed above his head to a wrought-iron bedpost, trying to adjust his eyes to the sudden force of sunlight peering in through the window. He had no memory of the evening before and wondered how much he had drunk to wake up in a strange room bound to a bed. While he struggled against his bonds he realized that he was indeed handcuffed and there was no way he was able to free himself. Panic took...

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Captive Long Hair Soldier GirlChapter 2

The young widow Margaret looked down at her reflection in the icy waters of the mountain stream and saw that her blackened eyes were no longer bruised and disgusting. She knew that they were the reason why the horny braves insisted she keep her face down in the blankets when they were training her for nocturnal service. That sort of business had been happily curtailed recently because the novelty of having a fresh white captive under the control of the tribe had worn off and she had been...

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I, or should I say we, own a small engineering business. Sally my wife and co-owner is the dogsbody, my secretary and over-sees the general running of the place while I'm out drumming up business.Sally is 36 and we've been married for 11 years, she's very attractive and has kept her shapely figure despite having had two babies. She has always been willing to muck in and help the business and a few years back she proved it in no uncertain way.At first business was easy to get and we did a lot of...

2 years ago
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African Cuckold Adventure

by coolgal from: http://www.intimateassociates.comI, or should I say we, own a small engineering business. Sally my wife and co-owner is the dogsbody, my secretary and over-sees the general running of the place while I'm out drumming up business.Sally is 36 and we've been married for 11 years, she's very attractive and has kept her shapely figure despite having had two babies. She has always been willing to muck in and help the business and a few years back she proved it in no uncertain way.At...

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African Prince 7

Chapter 7When his Mom got home, Mikey was in the shower. He wasstill reeling from what he'd seen but the hot water wasstarting to clear his head. In his mind, he tried toreaffirmed that he had not jerked off to Julie being****d, but to her naked body. What young male would notbe aroused by the sight of a beautiful young bodyslicked down and dripping with cum? He felt like heshould do something or tell somebody about what wasgoing on in the Osbourne house- but how could heexplain his own...

1 year ago
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African Prince Chapter 7

Chapter 7 : 100% fiction! When his Mom got home, Mikey was in the shower. He was still reeling from what he'd seen but the hot water was starting to clear his head. In his mind, he tried to reaffirmed that he had not jerked off to Julie being raped, but to her naked body. What young male would not be aroused by the sight of a beautiful young body slicked down and dripping with cum? He felt like he should do something or tell somebody about what was going on in the Osbourne house- but how could...

1 year ago
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Captive Coeds Part 1

Introduction: 3rd captivity for the guys, with 5 girls this time Captive Co-eds and Librarians First of all, thank you so much for reading my stories and giving them such high marks. I am so gratified to have you like my work. It might help to understand this story if you have already read my other storiesall dealing with human trafficking. If you enjoy these stories, please give me high marks. Im new at this kind of thing, but I would love for you to leave comments of what you would like to...

1 year ago
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A Captive Woman Freed by a Man

A Captive Woman freed by a ManWhen King Camut came out of his regency, he was challenged by the Baron Moulenburg, who had an indirect claim on the throne.  After two years of bloody fratricide, our king defeated the pretender and had him chained naked with a rod up as his ass to the base of the throne.  From this view, he had every member of the baron’s family brought before him one by one.  And every last one was raped and murdered by the loyal soldiers of the king.  The more sweet the poor...

2 years ago
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Captive Virgin

Barbie Bergen drove her Toyota slowly through the howling blizzard, on her way to a Christian Youth Camp. The rest of her friends were already there, gathered for a weekend ski trip at a nearby resort. The weather had turned bad very suddenly, the temperature dropping precipitously, and Barbie had soon lost her way, having left the main road over an hour before. She peered through the icy windshield, trying to see any signs or markers that would help her find the camp. Barbie was a...

3 years ago
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African Gangbanged Bride

The first time that I ever had a black cock was when I was 21 and on a trip to Africa with my new husband Ben. We were on the 2nd week of our Honeymoon when one night in the hotel bar, Ben, my husband who is an anthropologist and is 43 years old, was talking to a group of old black men about their tribes and customs etcetera. It was very warm, no, very HOT. So I was wearing a bikini top and mini-skirt, no panties or stockings as I was longing for a cool breeze to waft up between my legs and...

2 years ago
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African Safari Two the trainer looks on

Introduction: Abuse in the African bush continues The camp was a hive of activity when the hunting party returned that afternoon. The women wanted hot water, the men wanted fresh drinks and the kill had to be processed. But none of those tasks were my problems. I have to look after the live animals – the four leg as well as the two leg variety. It is the latter category that makes me love my work – and also makes me rich. They call me the Afrikaner. I have connections to kinds of people normal...

3 years ago
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African Gangbanged Bride

The first time that I ever had a black cock was when I was 18 and on a trip to Africa with my new husband Ben. We were on the 2nd week of our Honeymoon when one night in the hotel bar, Ben, my husband who is an anthropologist and is 43 years old, was talking to a group of old black men about their tribes and customs etcetera. It was very warm, no, very HOT. So I was wearing a bikini top and mini-skirt, no panties or stockings as I was longing for a cool breeze to waft up between my ...

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African Idol hunt

After getting out of Indian reality show big boss Jasleen Matharu was contacted many times by African reality show producer Chris Olonga. He wanted her in his reality web series very badly. Unable to control himself he took a flight and reached India to meet Jasleen. He booked a sweet in Taj at central mumbai and messages jasleen from there. "Hi jas this is Chris again. I have reached Mumbai and i am in hotel Taj. Please book an appointment immidiately with me. I will not leave until you come...

1 year ago
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African Gangbanged Bride

The first time that I ever had a black cock was when I was 18 and on a trip to Africa with my new husband Ben. We were on the 2nd week of our Honeymoon when one night in the hotel bar, Ben, my husband who is an anthropologist and is 43 years old, was talking to a group of old black men about their tribes and customs etcetera.It was very warm, no, very HOT. So I was wearing a bikini top and mini-skirt, no panties or stockings as I was longing for a cool breeze to waft up between my legs and cool...

1 year ago
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African Gangbanged Bride

The first time that I ever had a black cock was when I was 18 and on a trip to Africa with my new husband Ben. We were on the 2nd week of our Honeymoon when one night in the hotel bar, Ben, my husband who is an anthropologist and is 43 years old, was talking to a group of old black men about their tribes and customs etcetera. It was very warm, no, very HOT. So I was wearing a bikini top and mini-skirt, no panties or stockings as I was longing for a cool breeze to waft up between my legs and...

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African Nightmare

African NightmareThis story takes place in Nigeria. The year is 1968 and the country was in the midst of civil war. The Ibo’s, a tribe that lived in the eastern region on Nigeria had broken away following the assassination of the Nigerian Premier. The Ibo’s called their territory Biafra and as this area contained Nigeria’s oil reserves tensions were running high. In the north of the country Fiat the giant Italian car and engineering company were building a dam on the river Niger. It is in this...

2 years ago
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African Slave

??????????????????????????????????? African Slave (part 1) ?? Note: this story is a fantasy of mine i have had for a long time, that I would even like to one day live out. ????????? It's a sizzling hot summer day, and im on vacation in africa sunbathing in a revealing bikini top (no bottom) showing off my slim body with 36 DD's and plump round butt, with my strawberry blonde hair spread on my back. As im laying there in the hot african sun, i see shadows start to block the sun...

2 years ago
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African Women Dominate

INTRODUCTION This is an almost true story. I mean all what happens happened but it hasbeen arranged I was born in Europe some 30 years ago when the story started. I had a normallife, good classic studies and best business schools with Master degrees. Ileft my parents when I was seventeen in order to take charge of myself. I wentto the army after college and participated in war actions in Africa and Yugoslavia,as a reserve officer in the commandos. I already had the virus of Africa. I also had...

4 years ago
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African gangbanged bride

The first time that I ever had a black cock was when I was 18 and on a trip to Africa with my new husband Omar. We were on the 2nd week of our Honeymoon when one night in the hotel INN, Omar, my husband who is an anthropologist and is 33 years old, was talking to a group of old black men about their tribes and customs etcetera. It was very warm, no, very HOT. So I was wearing a bikini top and mini-skirt, no panties or stockings as I was longing for a cool breeze to waft up between my legs and...

2 years ago
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African GangBanged Bride

Copyright© WIFE WATCHER 1999 The first time that I ever had a black cock was when I was 18 and on a trip to Africa with my new husband Ben. We were on the 2nd week of our Honeymoon when one night in the hotel bar, Ben, my husband who is an anthropologist and is 43 years old, was talking to a group of old black men about their tribes and customs etc. It was very warm, no, very HOT. So I was wearing a bikini top and mini-skirt, no panties or stockings as I was longing for a cool breeze to waft...

1 year ago
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Captive Family

Title: The Captive FamilyAuthor: Eros The Captive Family Chapter 1 Bobby Mitchell ducked down quickly in the driver's seat astwin beams of bright light shone suddenly into the rearview mirror.The sound of the approaching car got louder, and the boy prayed thatit would go straight past. The last thing he needed right now was forsome damn good-samaritan to stop and ask questions. Worse still, if itwas a cop, he was done for! Even the dumbest cop in the world wouldn't take long to findout...

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