The Stripper Wife, Chapter 2 free porn video

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The taxi dropped her off at the front door of a rather plain-looking building in a part of town she didn't go to very often. In fact, she didn't even realize they had "these kinds of places" in town. She paid the cab fare with a few dollars she was able to scrimp from the grocery money. She walked up to the door and sucked in a deep breath.

"Well here goes nothing!" she thought to herself. She pushed the door open and immediately in front of her she saw a big burly guy behind what appeared to be a glass partition like you would see in a movie theater ticket counter.

"We have a five dollar cover charge and a two drink minimum here!" he said monotonously, like he had said it ten thousand times before.

"Oh no, I am here to see Rachael. Are you Mike?" she said.

"Oh, Okay. Yeah she is inside, go on in," he said. Then Donna heard the door buzz and she pulled the door open and stepped inside.

Donna stepped inside the darkened room and had to stand there in the entry for a few moments to let her eyes adjust to the lower light level. Slowly she made out the stage the tables and then the bar. She made her way through the maze of tables to the bar.

"What can I get ya darlin'?" the bartender asked Donna.

"I'm here to see Rachael?" she said.

"I was wondering... we don't get a lot of single women coming in here!" he said with a grin. He waved over one of the two waitresses and said something in her ear. The waitress went off in the general direction of the back of the building.

"Do you want something to drink while you wait?" the bartender asked.

"Oh no thank you. I'm just here to see Rachael," she said. She would have loved something to settle her nerves, but she was too embarrassed to admit she didn't have any money for a drink. The bartender shrugged his shoulders and went off to wipe down the bar. Donna turned around and looked the place over now that her eyes were adjusted.

It wasn't a bad place, she figured. It wasn't real busy at this hour, with only a handful of patrons scattered about the place. There was a DJ up at what she guessed was the music control booth and a long center stage. She looked around and saw two other smaller "satellite" stages. There was probably 30 or 40 small four person tables and there was a bunch of stools lining the edges of the long center stage.

The place was a neon nightmare with different color neon lights everywhere. There was a smokey haze throughout the bar - partly from the smoking patrons but also from the bar's smoke machine. The music was louder than she would have liked, but she figured it was about normal for a place like this. The Dj would announce each girl as she came out and Donna watched a couple girls dance as she waited for Rachael.

"Here you go honey... it's on the house. You look like you could use a little courage," the bartender said, handing her a shot of Peppermint Schnapps.

"Thank you," she said, smiling sheepishly. It must be painfully obvious that she was nervous if the bartender could see it in the darkness with her back turned!

"Don't worry hon... being a bartender for as long as I have been, you get tuned into your customers!" he said.

Donna downed about half the shot in the first swallow and once she got that down, she finished the drink off.

"Don't worry, if you get the job, you'll get better at that!" he said.

"How did you know I was here for a job?" she asked.

"Well like I said, not too many single women come in here. Plus you are nervous as a cat in a dog pen. It's kinda obvious that you aren't here for the entertainment!" he said with a wink.

"Would you quit hitting on her Rick? She hasn't even started here yet!" a woman came up behind Donna. "Hi I'm Rachael - you must be Donna?"

"Yes, that's right. Nice to meet you Rachael," Donna said.

"Well let's start with the grand tour. You've already met Rick, our resident womanizer! Over there we have David our DJ, and then there's Paul and Tom our bouncers. They are a girl's best friends," she said, pointing everyone out. "Follow me and I'll show you behind the scenes."

The girls walked over to the center stage by the sound booth and up the steps onto the center stage. They walked back behind the curtain to the dressing room. "This is the dressing room. Each girl gets a locker where she keeps her outfits and whatever accessories she uses in her acts. She also gets one of these makeup tables. There's a little break area where you can get away from the craziness but while you are back here you aren't making any money in tips so it isn't used much.

The girls here all get along real well and will let you borrow something if you need it - with a few exceptions. Most of us have a signature something that we don't loan out." Rachael explained. "Now I am sure you have a million questions, so let's have a seat and we'll go through them." Rachael took her hand and led her over to the sofa in the break area and they sat down.

"Okay now what questions do you have?" Rachael asked.

Donna drew a deep breath. "Well, first off how do you do this? I mean how do you take your clothes off in front of strange men and let them look at you?" she asked.

"Well, Donna you get used to it. It's not all that hard. You just don't take it personally. To start with, pick one guy out there in the audience and dance for him. Make eye contact with him and hold his gaze. Here like this. Pretend you are a guy in here after a hard days work." Rachael stood up and began dancing. She looked at Donna and once Donna looked at her she held her gaze and she danced for her. She didn't get undressed, but she moved as if she was. "See what I mean. You play to one man just as if you were an actor on stage. Because you are... you are just naked."

I see. Okay, one thing my husband said about me working was that I would have to be home when he got home. So I can work from the time he goes to work at 9:00 to about 4:00 pm. No later than that ever. Is that possible?" Donna asked.

"Sure we can put you on the day shift if that's what you want. It doesn't pay like the evening shifts because not that many people are in here, so tips aren't that great. But it will get your feet wet, at least. Then you may want to move to nights at least a couple nights a week. But that's up to you," Rachael said.

"Well while we are on the subject, how much can I expect to make with my day schedule?" Donna said.

"I would think you could turn at least $1250 to $1500 a month pretty easily. Depending on tips and how good you are at talking our customers into table dances!" she said smiling.

"Okay, all this sounds wonderful, but honestly... do you think I could do this?" Donna asked, showing herself to Rachael.

Rachael looked at Donna and then took her hand. "Honey once you get used to it, you will have these bums eating out of your hands!"

"Thank you Rachael, I would like to give it a try. But there one thing... I... I don't have any money - you know, for clothes or outfits or stuff," she said, dropping her head and looking at her feet.

"Don't worry about that, sweetie. A lot of girls who come to this field do so because they are financially in trouble. The club can give you an advance on your first paycheck so you can buy a couple outfits at least to get you started. Plus you can borrow something from one of the girls once you meet them. We are all happy to see new blood here. As you work more, you can increase your wardrobe a little each paycheck," Rachael said.

"Okay how do I get started. Money is really tight at home and we are in a bind," Donna said.

"Well, first we need to get you something you can wear," Rachael said. She got up and offered Donna her hand. She led Donna into another room where the offices for the club were.

"Donna this is Thomas Hawkins, the owner of the club. Mr. Hawkins, this is Donna... I'm sorry I don't even know your last name!" Rachael said.

"Anderson, Mr. Hawkins, Donna Anderson," Donna said, sticking out her hand.

"It's nice to meet you Ms. Anderson," Mr. Hawkins said.

"Donna here would like to apply for a job here as a dancer. We have been talking about it a bit, and she would like to come work with us here at The Dollhouse," Rachael told Mr. Hawkins.

"Is that so? Well I think we can arrange that. How soon would you like to start Ms. Anderson?" he asked.

"Well as soon as possible... I kinda need the money," Donna said. "And please, call me Donna... Ms. Anderson sounds so formal!"

"Very well, Donna. Have you got a stage name picked out, speaking of names?"

"A stage name?"

"Yeah we don't all use our real names on stage - some just use their first names but most of us have stage names. My stage name for example is Honey," Rachael said.

"Oh, I don't know... I hadn't really thought about it," Donna said.

"Well how about Lexus. I always liked that name. It sounds expensive and exotic and it would work for you with that dark hair!" Rachael said.

"Ooh, I like that. Okay, I'd like to be Lexus," Donna said.

"Okay Lexus it is then. How does Thursday sound? You can come in and Rachael here can give you the low down on how we do things - how to dance, how to treat the guests, the rules of the house, that sort of thing. Then Friday is the end of the pay period, so it will be a good time to start actually working, " Mr Hawkins said.

"That would be fine," Donna said.

"Mr. Hawkins, Donna had a couple concerns she brought up in our talk. First off, she says she needs to work the day shift. She has to be home by 4:00 in the afternoon, was it Donna?" Rachael said.

"Yes, that's right. My husband's condition on getting a job was that I was always home by 4:00 so when he got home I was there for him. I can work the hours between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm. And please, my husband can never know I work here - he would completely flip out if he knew I was stripping!" Donna said.

"Donna, we here at The Dollhouse understand all too well that our line of work isn't acceptable to a lot of people. Discretion is very important to us. No one here talks about their job outside of work except to others who work here. And if they do, they use fictitious names and things. And when we advertise, we do not show the girls on our advertisements, only the club name. We are all very cautious about things like that. And we can work around your hours easily enough," Mr. Hawkins said.

"The other thing Donna was concerned with is getting her outfits. She's going to need a little help in that department to get set up," Rachael said.

"Of course," Mr. Hawkins said. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a thick wad of bills. "Here's $250.00... this should get you two or three outfits and some makeup. Go see Allison at Candy's Boutique in the 5th Avenue Mall... she will see that you get some good clothes and she will give you a good deal. The girls here give her a lot of business."

"Thank you Mr. Hawkins. Thank you so much," Donna said. Donna signed a hand receipt for the money and her and Rachael left the business office and headed back to the break area.

"So Donna, do you have any other questions about how we do things here?" Rachael asked.

"Yes a ton, but don't you have to get back out there?" she said pointing to the main bar area.

Rachael smiled, "No that's fine. I am like the Madame here... so long as there's no trouble out there, we are okay here."

"Oh okay. Well Mr. Hawkins mentioned 'house rules'?"

"Yes house rules... the first one is the customers aren't allowed to touch. We can touch them, but they can't do more than an 'accidental' brush of us," Rachael said wiggling her fingers in mock quotation marks at the word accidental. "We allow the customer to maybe brush across our nipples or run their hand along the back of our leg or something but not much more. Paul and Tom do a pretty good job of keeping an eye on the customers and they know just how far to let them go. If you get into trouble with someone being a little too grabby though, don't hesitate to call them."

"Okay, I'll remember that," Donna said.

"You probably won't have much trouble with that on the day shift... it's pretty low key and quiet. It's the night time crowds that can get boisterous! But that's where the money is so..." Rachael said. "Actually you are going to be popular around here. A lot of the girls don't like the day shift because it's so quiet. So by you wanting it, that frees them up to work where they can make more money!"

"Well I will just be happy bringing home whatever I can. Anything has got to help!" Donna said.

"Yeah, I've been there a time or two," Rachael said.

"The second rule here is that this is a strip club, not a brothel. You are paid to dance and entertain the customers, not to fuck them. No sex of any kind is allowed here. No fucking, no blowjobs, not even a quick jerk. You can't do it and they can't either - if a customer asks you, politely refuse saying it's against the rules. If he pulls out his joystick, call one of the boys. We have a hard enough time keeping the cops out of here. We don't need vice in here to boot!" Rachael said.

"Got it," Donna said.

"The last house rule is no drugs. Don't come to work stoned, don't get stoned here. And that includes drinking. Now you will be expected to drink with the customer - that's how you will make the majority of your tips - but your drinks will be watered down so you will not get blasted. If you start to get too drunk, one of us will either take you back to the break area and get you some coffee or send you home. Rick knows how to mix us girls' drinks so we can continue working. Do you drink much?" Rachael asked.

"No not much," Donna said.

"Well, you will get used to it. Starting you on the day shift was a good idea, it looks like," Rachael smiled. "That's the big three house rules... the rest are just regular working rules - show up on time and ready to work - treat the customers right, that sort of stuff. You will learn all that starting Thursday. I'll show you the ropes and make sure you are ready to start on Friday."

"Thank you so much Rachael... I really appreciate it," Donna said.

"Glad to help out honey. Now unless you have more questions, I should go see what's happening on the floor," Rachael said. Rachael and Donna left the back room and went out into the main bar. It was still a little early, so Donna decided to sit at one of the tables and watch the girls a bit. Rachael set her up with a Coke from the bar so it would look like she was drinking and she sat and watched a couple of the girls dance.

The DJ announced the first girl as Trixie and she came out from behind the curtain dressed in a shiny gold bikini top and some very tight, very short shorts. She had on what appeared to be six inch heels as well and Donna watched as she pranced around on them, wondering how in the hell she was going to do that! The stage top looked shiny and slick and those heels looked unstable just sitting there! Yet Trixie made it look easy as she gyrated and ground her hips against the stripper pole.

She wagged her ass and her tits in front of one of the customers and he gratefully slipped a bill in her top as she leaned over. After the first song, the second came on and this time Trixie shed her short shorts revealing the tiniest g-string Donna had ever seen! It was barely big enough in the front to hide her pussy behind and the back was nothing but a string. The whole thing could hide under the cardboard coaster her drink sat on!

Trixie's second song finished and Donna watched as she moved to one of the satellite stages.

Then the DJ called out the second girl - Amber. She was a fiery redhead and she came out in a leather romper with a plunge in front clear down past her bellybutton. You could see her nice tits bulging out trying to force their way to freedom and the glint of a navel piercing. The romper looked as though it was painted on and Donna wondered how long it took the girl to squeeze and coax her way into it! She too, had tall heels, but the straps on hers climbed up her calves almost to her knees.

Amber's signature trick apparently was to thrash her long red mane around, whipping it back and forth to the music and when a lucky customer got near, to flail him with it as he put a bill in her outfit. Amber was a little more violent and dominatrix than Donna preferred so she turned and started watching how the girls worked the floor. She listened (as best she could over the loud music) to how the girls talked to the customers and flirted with them. She listened to one girl who's customer needed to be coaxed into a table dance and then she watched how the girl danced for him.

Donna took in as much as she could during her short visit. She was eager to learn how to do this and wanted to be good at it. The faster she learned and better she got, the more money she could bring home to help out her hard-working husband.

Finally Donna needed to be heading home. She still had some housework to do and she needed to get dinner going for when James got home. So after saying good bye to Rick and to Rachael, she headed out the door, stopping for a little bit to let her eyes get adjusted again to the bright sunlight.

"Boy this is something I'm going to have to get used to!" she thought to herself as she squinted in the bright light. But her eyes quickly adjusted and the cab arrived to take her home.

Back home from the club, she got right to work. She didn't have that much to do, but she wanted it all done before James got home. She got dinner going and then threw a load of clothes in the washer. While they were going she vacuumed the living room and made the bed from the night before. She had just put the second load of clothes in the dryer and was in the kitchen tending to dinner when James came in through the door.

He came up behind her without saying a word. He grabbed her and spun her around quickly, catching her surprised gasp in his mouth and he crushed a kiss to her lips.

"My goodness... did someone have a good day today?" she gasped when he finally broke their kiss.

"Not especially, I just really needed a kiss!" he said.

"Well I'm happy to be of assistance, kind sir!" she said, curtsying with a cute little grin on her face.

"How long before dinner?" he asked.

"It will be about 20 minutes, why?" she asked.

"Just wondering if I have time for a beer," he said. She went to the fridge and got him a cold beer and a chilled glass from the freezer. She opened it and poured the golden liquid into the frosty glass.

"Here you go sweetheart. A kiss like that deserves a nice cold beer. Now go sit in the living room and I will call you when dinner is ready," she said, kissing him on the cheek.

As they ate dinner, James asked her how her day went. "Well, I think I got a job today," she said, cautiously.

"Really where at?" he asked, pleasantly surprised and excited for her.

"Oh, it's a downtown office building. I am going to work in a secretarial pool with some other girls. It's only a temp thing, but who knows," she said. She hated lying to James, but if he knew the truth he would be livid and put a stop to it before it ever got started. And he would be mad at Lisa for suggesting such a fool idea!

"What are the hours?" he asked.

"Oh don't worry, I told them I could not work past 4:00 p.m. under any circumstances. And they were real good about it. They said that was fine," Donna said, reassuring him.

"Well I am glad you got a job. It will help out with the money situation. Did they give you some idea of what you might be making?" he asked.

"No not yet. I think it will depend on how good I am and how many hours I can get in," she said. At least that part of it was no lie. Donna hoped she would be able to bring in some good money... she still was a bit unsure if she could do this, but she would give it a try.

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My Buddy Nick and the Stripper

August 30, 2011 We are at a strip club in a city known for such places. Me, Nick and a couple other of buddies. At one point or another we all have girls approach us for a dance or just to chat. Nick has this chick walk up to him and sit down and she strikes up a conversation with him. I knew from the other night Nick didn't have an issue with getting a lap dance from a stripper because he said he told his girlfriend after and she pretty much expected as much. I could tell this chick was really...

2 years ago
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The stripper code of silence

After working the pole and giving lap dances to a few of the men at the strip club, Nadia was done. Nadia was one of the most popular strippers at a well known strip club in her Central Florida town and it paid her well. At the age of twenty-eight, Nadia was a little past her prime but still looked amazing. The fact that her stripper name was Nadia is kind of a coincidence because Nadia looked just like the pornstar Nadia Hilton; she had the exact identical face. Standing at five-foot-nine,...

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My wife on stage at the stripper club

The phone on my desk rang loud on Tuesday afternoon. I was pleasantly surprised when I heard my wife's voice.Ana told me she wanted some entertainment that night and I should meet her later at The Hole. I knew she was referring to a strip club. The Hole was located on a side of the local highway.I had often teased Anita about taking her there sometime and she often told me she would go. But I never took her up…She recommended me to not be late. She would hate to think what would happen if she...

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Latin Linda Friends Stripper

The other night I had my cousin & a couple of my girlfriends over. My current hubby was also with us. We were listening to music while lounging by the pool & drinking/smoking! We chill like that, LOL! My girls know my current hubby is a hornball & we all love to talk about sex! Whether it's their current fling or a blast from the past the topic of sex always pops up. At first I have to admit that when my friends started coaxing stories from my hubby & sharing their own I was a...

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Could I be a Stripper

I've fantasised about being a sexy raunchy stripper and I even wrote a little story about a stripper, but now here I was getting the opportunity to be an actual stripper. My old fuck buddy, Taxi boy, approached me recently with a little request. The rugby club he frequented were having a gentleman’s evening and needed a stripper. Most of the strippers they had seen recently were all a bit skanky and they wanted a stripper with proper curves who looked and moved sexy. Taxi boy said I was...

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The New Sexy Stripper

It all started when my girlfriend Alexandra and I decided to take a week off, and go to Las Vegas. My name is James Moore, I am 27 years old, I am about 6' tall, I have short dark brown hair and I am thin but very athletic. I had been dating Alexandra for over a year now and she desperately wanted to get married, but not me. I loved her and everything, but I had a good job that paid me very well. I decided what to do with everything in my life, and most of all, I was in no hurry...

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Melissas Stripper

You arrive home after class, late at night to discover what you knew you would. There is loud music blaring from your apartment, and it sounds like a pretty rowdy crew is inside. You unlock the door, only to realize that it is already unlocked. Going inside you see exactly what you thought you'd see: your roommate, Jack, and seven of his friends are in your "living room" playing loud music and being drunk and disorderly. They completely didn't notice your entrance. But seeing as three of...

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The Virgin The Stripper and the Pornstar2

night. She's a bookworm. She's also extremely horny almost all of the time. She fantacizes about men and women and all manner of sexual situations and scenarios. The stripper is a popular slut around town. She'll fuck anyone on the drop of a dime. Man or woman or both at the same time. Or even gangbangs. She a regular in a gangbang club. The pornstar is tired of sex and men. She enjoys the company of women. She considers herself bi-sexual with lesbian tendancies....

1 year ago
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Stripper to Special Secretary

I really need a job. It has been two months since I was fired from my last job as a stripper and I am running low on money. I was let go because the place I worked at, Dancing Dames, was not doing well and they needed to let half of their workers go. I have looked at other strip clubs, but I want to try something new. Work though, has been hard to find, considering most of my experience is in taking off my clothes and giving lap dances. So over the weeks I have become more and more desperate...

Office Sex
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Shannon Becomes My Personal Stripper

I saw her laying out at the apartment pool on her stomach. She had on a very skimpy and very revealing bikini, with the strings of her bikini top undone.She was super focused on her cell phone, so she did not see me approaching. I took up a lounging position on a pool-side chase lounge chair, about ten feet from her and proceeded to strip out of my shirt.She glanced in my direction, then quickly returned her attention to her cell phone. After a few minutes, I jumped into the pool and swam a few...

3 years ago
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The Documentary InterviewChapter 2 Susan interviews a busty former stripper

The phone rang in Susan's office, she was reading one of her student's papers and hadn't thought about the lusty documentary she'd been working on since last weekend. The woman at the other end was GIllian, who worked as one of the executive producers for the production company that hired her to do the interviews. "Susan, its Gillian, we looked at your first interviews and were really taken with your lustful approach to the subject, we want you to embellish that concept and even go...

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Stella the Stripper

She’s a sales rep and called to see his company. A month later and they are engaged with a wedding date set. I was like a tongue tied virgin when we were introduced; I mean he’s seriously gorgeous! Not having a boyfriend of my own at the moment probably made it worse and I found myself daydreaming about Brian, wishing I was Claire. What made it worse was a drunken conversation we had when she told me that not only did he have all the other things going for him but he also had a huge cock!...

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Anita convinced to perform as a stripper

My beloved wife Anita had made arrangements for a Saturday night hook up with Jerome; her Black Master.The guy was a real asshole; but Ana was happy enjoying that huge black dick he carried between his legs…They set up this latest hook up at a local motel near to his house.I was given permission once again to be there; because Jerome sometimes wanted to have some privacy when he fucked my wife.With or without me; Ana always arrived to her appointment one hour before Jerome, to get ready for a...

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Jamala and a stripper show

My sexy wife had arranged a date with her last black stud Jamal.That young black bastard had been fucking Anita during the last six months; unleashing multiple loads of his cum deep inside my wife’s pussy, ass and mouth…The date would be at a filthy motel, near from where he lived.The only difference was, this time I was given permission once again to be there so I could watch all the action. Early evening, Ana finally stepped out of the bathroom all dressed up in a provocative outfit; one that...

4 years ago
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MILF To Stripper 8211 Part 1

My name is Emily burros, an typical Anglo-Indian women settled in Goa. My husband works abroad and sends me around 40,000 Rs for my monthly expense. Being in Goa and following an modern lifestyle meant that, almost all of the 40k will be exhausted by my shopping, partying etc. All this changed when our only son joined a well reputed college in Bengaluru. I was sending him around 20k to 25k every month, which hit my lifestyle. I didn’t want to trouble my husband, so I decided to find an...

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Susanna Francessca stripper

I know that Susanna Fraancessca used to be a stripper in pubs and clubs around the Midlands area of the UK. This is a story from Jeff, who saw her stripping. Thanks Jeff….“I remember this lovely girl. I used to go to a bar in Birmingham, in The Midlands part of the UK. Every Friday night, the owner used to get a stripper in. He didn’t charge us anything, but we drank and spent a lot of money there, so it was his way of thanking us. It was always at about 9pm and he’d close the bar to everyone...

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My Mad Night As A Stripper

I was about twenty-one when I took part in one of the wildest things I have ever done. I was invited to a hen night not just as a lap dancer, but as a full-on stripper for a bride-to-be.I was always game for anything but this was wild and well outside even my comfort zone. I was always happy to show off my well-toned body, but being a full-on stripper with benefits was going to be insane.Kelly, my mother’s friend who I had been seeing as a result of my modelling at a lingerie party, was the one...

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Stripper Party Anyone IV

Having a stripper living in the apartment seemed like a nice idea, but it took some getting used to. Shannon was a hot little cutie and she knew it. She had no problem in showing off her tight little compact, cheerleader-like body and her sexual proclivity was simply off the charts and wild.Shannon decided to take up residence in a one-bedroom apartment to get away from a wickedly abusive boyfriend. (He finally moved on with a little urging and a lack of attentiveness).My daily routine quickly...

1 year ago
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The Stripper Slide Stories Continued

I was laying low. My girlfriend, Diedra had somehow discovered I was messing around on her. Of course, I denied my indiscretions, and I challenged her to prove things.“I can’t,” she replied, “but I just know that you are.”I hated lying. I wanted to come clean, but how does one explain to a girlfriend that you have a harem of other lovers? You don’t.Diedra offered everything a guy could or would want, except spontaneity. I liked my sexual adventures to be unplanned and surprisingly wild. Diedra...

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Susanna Francessca stripper showing a lot of puss

This is a story about someone who saw her Susanna Francessca stripping in a club. What a sexy exhibitionist minx she is….“I photographed Susanna a couple of times at her studio in Warwick. Then one day I phoned her to book a photo-session with her the following Friday evening. She told me that she couldn’t do it because she was stripping in a club that evening. She said ‘Only topless, of course’, but there was something in her voice that made me believe that wasn’t true. I asked her what club...

4 years ago
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A huge black stripper for birthday

Helena’s birthday party was in full swing; everyone was dancing and having fun and cocktails.My husband came up behind me, rubbing his hard cock against my ass. "Having fun?" He asked me and I replied I was waiting for the main course: a birthday present that Jorge, Helena’s husband, had promised to her.Victor asked what was so funny about a birthday present…"Be patient, honey… you will see…” I whispered in his ear…Suddenly the door bell rang and Helena went to check who was there.She opened...

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I am twenty years old and for the past year or so I have been living on my own. When I graduated high school my parents gave me the option of either working with my dad in his office or leaving the nest and making my own way. I chose to leave. I still keep in touch with my folks, more my mom than my dad. She calls every so often, but sometimes I feel like she hasn’t accepted the fact that I am an adult living on my own, I think she still sees me as a five year old k** going to a sleep over. For...

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Thought I Would Become Dancer But Became Stripper

Hi everyone. I am Phani. This is my first story which really happened in my life a year ago. I am not going to mention the place where this incident occurred for security purposes. I didn’t add any stuff other than which had happened so it might be little boring. But try to read and comment to the mail id given at the end. So here is my story about how I became a stripper. I was a college student and still am, who was filled with adductive of sex, always wanted to fuck moms all around,...

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A Story Of A Male Stripper

Hi everyone reading this i am a male stripper, 25 years old hugely build, broad chest, broad neck, dark in color, average height around 5.8”inch, quite muscular legs and a 7 inch penis, i love going to houses of those who wants me specially milfs (mom i like to fuck), life of a stripper is not that easy or that simple you need to keep on your skills working. So here is my story about how i was manufactured to a stripper. Shocked? Yes i was never a stripper i was a college student and still am,...

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The stripper

THIS IS NOT ME! SORRY!!!Cheri was a fantastic stripper. She made lots of money as the men and some women loved her routine and dances. She was sexy and raunchy showing off her body. Her strip tease was so nasty she only performed at private clubs. She had a fantastic figure with big round tits and a firm sexy ass. And she loved to show her complete body as she stripped. She loved to tease her audience and I will describe her show.Tonight she came on the round stage which was packed with the men...

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Stripper Party Anyone

I was dead sleep when I heard tapping on my apartment door. I glanced at the alarm clock and it read “3:15 AM”As I swung my feet out of bed, I wondered who in the heck would be knocking on my door at three in the morning. I had forgotten about Shannon, my neighbor, although I am not quite sure how I could have possibly forgotten that I had a stripper living close by.I looked in my peep hole and saw the top of her head and that of two other young girls, standing nearby.Suddenly, I remembered...

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The Stripper and the Student an Altered Fates story

The Stripper and the Student an Altered Fates Story Gina had been stripping for years when she came across the Medallion of Zulo. She loved old clunky jewelry and had spotted this at a stand at the flea market. It was just the kind of jewelry she loved. She had no idea about it's properties until she bought the guy's shirt thinking to use it in her act. When it came into contact with the Medallion she began to change, turning into a male version of herself. Now most women would...

4 years ago
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The Stripper v2

I was nervous, as you would imagine, on my first night as a male stripper. Most men would have a knot in their stomach before taking their clothes off in front of a baying crowd of middle aged, cock starved chav women. I, however, had another worry. As it happened, I didn’t want to be a stripper, far from it, but my rent was due and I had spent all of my money on a new inflatable sex doll. This might sound a little frivolous, but her pussy was supposedly modelled on Spring Thomas. Unfortunately...

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The stripper a humiliation story

I was nervous, as you would imagine, on my first night as a male stripper. Most men would have a knot in their stomach before taking their clothes off in front of a baying crowd of middle aged, cock starved chav women. I, however, had another worry.As it happened, I didn't want to be a stripper, far from it, but my rent was due and I had spent all of my money on a new inflatable sex doll. This might sound a little frivolous, but her pussy was supposedly modelled on Spring Thomas. Unfortunately...

3 years ago
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Stripper Slut Nikki

Stripper Slut Nikki by Popov My name is Nick. I'm 21 years old and I've been in a relationship with my girlfriend Sasha for 4 years now. We are complete opposites. Where I'm short, about 5' 9", and slight, only 140 lbs, with long brown hair; she is tall, 5' 10", shapely, 37-25-33, with shorter blonde hair. We both went to college out west together, unfortunately I couldn't keep the grades to stay in. But it seemed to be working out for the best because with the job I got...

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Vixen Schoolgirl Stripper Hooker

Saffron slipped ever lower into her chair as the stripper twirled around the silver pole on a dias just feet from where she sat with her cousin Charles and his friend Sebastian.Already completely naked the slim blonde girl just gyrated aimlessly around the pole as she waited for the song to finish.Saffron had watched with a sort of detached interest as the girl had inelegantly discarded her costume mis timing her moves so the men had lost interest before her spot ended and were back talking to...

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The Perils of internet dating 1 Stripper

If you read my last post, you'll know that in the late 90's early 2000's I spent alot of time on chat programs on the internet. Is was still relatively new here and at the time there wasnt many people I knew that didnt use aol chat or msn messenger regulary.I actively cammed with various people - getting my cock out at every opportunity! lol During this period of my life, I did eventually meet up with various people that I met through these chat programs. (So many stories to tell!)As anyone...

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Anita playing with a sexy stripper

That evening I had tickets for a rock concert at a local theater.My sensual wife got dressed in front of me, as my cock began to ache in my trousers. Ana had decided to wear a very tight tiny dress that fit her like a second skin and barely covered her butt. I reached down the hem and found that she had not a thong on. She laughed, saying it would be a lucky night for her.The rock concert was fine; but I had to get on eye over my sexy wife, fearing that any man there could fuck her in the...

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A Strippers Tale Mels Story

A Stripper’s Story ,Mel’s Journey Part 1Mel was now the respected wife of Dr. Joe Turner. She was 45 and on most days she could pass for 35. She was a beautiful woman that had gone to great length to maintain her looks. The gym, diet, yoga, and determination had a positive result.She lived in a large home, drove a Cadillac, and wore expensive clothes. This was the current Mel, not the young girl who grew up in middle Mississippi. The daughter to a middle class working family, she and her...

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Slut Stripper Fun part one

Slut Stripper fun:I was at work being my usual flirty self, teasing Adam, one of the young guys in the office. This guy was straight out of college and very confident with the younger girls but he was intimidated by me! Probably it was my curvaceous figure and the tight revealing attire I would adorn! I noticed him on many occasions looking at my figure and one time I was sure I saw some movement in the trouser area after he spent a long time gazing at my tits! You all know I did a bit of...

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My Stripper Debut

I have been asked a little bit more about some of my experiences of the past and a couple of you have asked for more of my naughtier exploits in my late teens. I cannot add my earlier experiences here due to the rules of Literotica.Mike, my husband also likes me to share these with you as well as it gets him hard thinking what a slut I was at times, and also how I have had some lovely replies and comments from you guys, and girls, on here.I have already shared many and intend to share some of...

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Dont insult a stripper

"Damn baby!" Matt laughed as slapped the stripper on the ass. "How's it feel to have demean yourself form money?" Candy turned her head in shock, her eyes looking at the smug man in the business suit. "Excuse me?" she asked as she stopped her routine. The men sitting next to Matt looked around awkwardly as Matt puffed out his chest. "I said," he said loudly. "How's it feel to have to demean yourself for money? I bet your mom and dad are real proud." Candy eyed the men sitting...

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