Sister In Law I Want To Fuck Part 4 free porn video

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Characters Jane Sister in law Rod Jane's man Joe me, Dave photographer, Angela Dave's wife, Bank Manager, Dan solicitor, Jim business owner, Mary wife of Mark, Mark business owner.

The day after I sucked Rod infront of the window I got a call on the landline. “Hello who is speaking? “This is Mark your neighbour Jane. Can you talk freely now?” “Not just now but I can shortly. May I call you back? Thanks for calling.”

As I put the phone down Rod appeared in the hall dressed to go to bowls. After kissing him bye bye, I phoned Mark on my mobile. “May I speak to Mark?” “We have two Marks – Mark who is the intern and Mark the director.” “Oh it will be Mark the director.” “Hello mark here how can I help you.” “Jane your neighbour here. Sorry it wasn't convenient to talk before. I can talk freely now.” “Ah good. Let me start by saying I didn't intend to spy on your sex with Rod in front of the window. I just happened to be in the upstairs bedroom. I must confess I couldn't take my eyes off it except to make a video, which I will delete if you insist. But if I do I want you to help me out with something that will earn both you and Rod good money.” “I'm not happy you made a video but tell me about the money and then I will decide.”

“as you know I run an import business and am trying to compete with the big players, so having a CEO from Japan come over here would be a big deal and of course would have to be top secret. I'm telling you because with the video I know you will keep the secret. The money will come in two parts, one which will be paid into your joint bank account, the second will be paid into an account which you will nominate, one in your sole name, I'm guessing.”

“Ok so what are we talking?”

“Into the joint account £500 for secretariel services and probably £2000 into the sole account.”

“Why that way?”

“Well the first will satisfy Rod that you are working. The second will be for special services that will require you to be away from home overnight.”

“Oh Rod would never agree to that.”

“Suppose you leave that to me to sort out?”

“Ok but what would the services be?”

“I saw that you are a great cock sucker and I have the video to prove it. I have a Japanese CEO that I want to convince I can do a great job for his company but first I have to get him on board. That's where you come in. On the g****vine I hear that they like white wives rather than pros of anykind. I will have to have a video conference with him and you will have to pose as my wife. He may, infact , likely will ask you what you are willing to do to get the business. You should tell him that you support me and have done everything needed to help me build the business. Japan is 9 hours ahead of us. Would you be willing to be in my office at 9.00 in order to be part of a video call?”

“I could be if I agree.”

“Why wouldn't you agree? Is the money not enough? Would you want to risk the video going to the internet. It could go up from a site in Japan easily. In addition, if the word went around the neighbours that you and Rod practice sex in front of the almost floor length lounge window how do you think the residents association would react?”

“Oh if you put it that way. I'm not sure I have a choice. So yes I could be in your office at that time but you will have to take care of Rod.”

“I can do that. Leave it to me.”

that was the last contact I had with Mark until I got a call one Wednesday at 5.20 “Jane you need to get to my office immediately. The video call happens at 6pm.”

“What will I tell Rod. I told you to leave Rod to me.”

I went to the office was just in time for the video call. Hadn't time to worry or think about Rod who normally arrived home at 6pm.

No sooner had he arrived in the drive than his mobile rang and Mark said “Rod I need you to help me out. Mary has fallen getting out of the bath. I need you to go and make sure she is ok. Call an ambulance if necessary – do what ever is neessary to calm her down, she is very upset, if she need a hug or what ever I am counting on you. What ever it takes and I will see you right. The back door key is under the flower pot. I cannot go and I cannot be disturbed I have an important meeting with a prospective Japanese client – big contract in the offing. By the way I've asked Jane to help me because the office staff have a big award doo they have to go to receive an award for the company, we must be represented. This meeting might go on for a while so don't worry”

I over heard the call. Very cleaver I thought but little did I know.

Anyway the video call went ahead and I sat in the background until I heard the Japanese man say, in barely understandable English “Ve need two no tat u can do all we vant and u ave vool famy supor.” Mark said “I have full support.” “ow do I no” “My wife is here to convince you.” “me c san” At the point I moved to beside Mark. “ni c ladi. U do wat to elp busns.” “Oh I always do what ever is necessary to promote the business and help Mark.” “ef san cum to uk san will av yet lag so vrk sex 2 tre uk time u vrk vit me?” “Oh yes I will work what ever hours you want.” At that point I was dismissed but Mark signed for me to stay.

Mean while at Mark's house Rod had made his way in and up the stairs to the bathroom where he found a naked Mary lying in the floor. “Oh Rod I am so glad to see you I am afraid to try to stand incase I have broken my leg or arm.”

You should know Mary is a keep fit fanatic – goes to the gym every day, bet she has a load of would be lovers there – she has 34d firm tits 24 waist and 36 bum that is rounded and firm like J Lo, natural waist length blonde hair and her legs are long well shaped and hairless – just the sort that Rod likes.

Mary told me later: “Rod's eyes were wide open and glued to my pussy when he entered the bathroom. After I was sure he had full digested how my pussy and the rest of me looked and went back to my pussy. I asked him did Mark ring you?” “What did he say?” “Mark said I should do everything I could to make you comfortable, nothing was to be too much. What ever you wanted was to be yours no effort or expense to be spared.”

“Ok then now that you have seen the pickleI am in what do you suggest?” “Oh what would you like Mary?”

“well I think I have lain here for long enough but I am afraid to move incase I increase the damage, so you will have to lift me with out dropping me. Will you do that the way I say?”

“Of course I will Mary. Would you like me to get something to cover you?”

“Rod have I something you have never seen before on another woman, say Jane?”

“Well not exactly but different.”

“Do you think you will catch something from being close to me naked? Are you revulsed by me?”

“oh no not catch anything and definitely not revulsed.”

“So could you bring yourself to put your hand on my leg and arm round my back so your palm could hold my right tit firmly to stop me slipping out of your arms?”

“I could do that.”

“Since we are going to be so close up, may I ask you a personal question?”

“Oh course.

“Do you have a hard on? Tell the truth. If you had the chance would you fuck me?”

“What do you want me to say. This is embarrassing.”

“I want the truth. You are married. I'm married. Have you ever fucked someone not your wife?”

“Oh even more embarrissing.”

“Are you doing what Mark asked? I'm thinking I need to ring Mark, get him out of his important meeting.”

“Oh no don't do that. I will do what you want. But no more questions please. I will put my hand on your leg and the other round your back and press the side of your right tit.”

“Ok then let's get started.”

Rod gingerly reached under Mary at her knee. “Not there further up. You need to feel my pussy against your finger. That way I will not slip out of your grip. Now let me feel you pressing the side of my tit. Thats good.”

“Mary if you would close your legs I could hold you safely.” “I'm afraid to do that. Just hold me tight when you lift me. Carry me into the bedroom and lay me on my back on the bed. On top of the covers will be ok.”

Rod did as he was told. When he had laid Mary on the bed. Mary said “Don't leave me lie beside me. I don't want to be alone. Lie close beside me. Turn on your side and wrap your arm round me, cuddle up close. Put your face close to mine. You may kiss my cheek if you want, I will feel rejected if you don't. So Rod did as instructed. After a few minutes.

“Rod I feel cold I need you to let me get warm from your body heat. You need to strip and lie ontop of me.”

“Oh I don't think Jane would like that. Jane won't know she isn't here and if you don't tell I won't. Mark wouldn't mind after all Jane is helping Mark, possibly all night.”

“Oh I didn't know that.”

“Surely Mark told you when he called for you to come over here.”

“Oh he might have but I was more focussed on your needs then.”

“In that case focus on them now.”

So Rod stripped and lay on top of Mary. Of course he had a hard on which Mary felt.

“Oh who is a big boy.”


“They say the best way to get warm is having sex. Also good for the heart. So what you say?” Before Rod could reply Mary gripped his rod and put the tip at the entrance of her love tunnel. She also pulled him up toward her face so the tip of Rod's cock was entered slightly into her cunt. At that point nature took over and Rod slowly worked his rod in to full length.

“Oh my Jane is a lucky girl getting that every night.”

“Oh we haven't made love for years. I couldn't get a hard on.”

“No such problem tonight. All we need now is instead of you soaking your motionless cock in the warmth of my love tunnel, it need to spring into action. Should I tell you what to do?”

“Oh in for a penny, in for a pound.” Rod started slowly pulling his cock almost completely out before sliding it back in. The pace increased at Mary's guidance. Mary was thrusting vigourously against Rod's thrusts. It wasn' long before Rod came shooting his jizz deep into Mary.

“Oh Rod that felt good but you are not finished. I like to have my clit sucked and licked.”

“Oh I don't do that. Really? Do you never suck Jane? Never mind. But how would Jane feel if she knew that you looking at me made you have a hard on and you fucked me on the marriage bed.”

“I guess she would ask for a divorce.”

“She doesn't have to hear. You know how to stop her hearing, don't you?”

“Oh I guess so.”

“Rod let's do 69 and you can tell me if I'm as good a cock sucker as Jane.” “How do you know about that.” “There is an unobstructed view of your lounge window directly opposite our home. We are not spoopers but just happened to look out the window. Looked like both of you were enjoying it, even if your cock was soft. Hard to see at that distance. Not that we were beeply interested.”

“Mary could you lie on your side? Oh But you would have to move your leg.” “I could keep it up until you get your mouth in place. The I could let it rest on your head. If it's too sore I will get you to move me again. Let's give it ago. What you say?”

So they lay on their sides. Mary's head on the pillow. Rod's between Mary's legs. “Oh Rod I think I can manage as long as you lick my pussy crack and clit and stick your tongue deep in my love tunnel. Oh and Rod I'm surprised your cock is still rock hard. We should try anal sex. Have you ever done that before? If my legs were normal I would have you do me doggie style and then I would do you cowgirl and reverse cowgirl. Maybe we could do that when my legs are better.”

“Mary I'd love to but I dont think that will happen.”

“Oh but you never know. Keep an open mind. Ok?


Mean while at the office. The business discussion drew to a conclusion and Mark signed to Jane to move closer to the webcam.

The Japanese man signed for Jane to hold her tits up by placing her hand under them. He then signalled for her to open her blouse. Mark whispered “Do it slowly and very sexy. When all buttons open remove the blouse with a flourish, swing it round your head and throw it into the far corner of the room. The man clapped. He took his shirt off and threw it away too. Now he signalled for the bra to be removed. Jane reached round her back and undid the clasp. Holding the cups so that her tits were not yet showing. She then slid first one shoulder strap off the shoulder and then the other. The man was almost salivating with excitement. Jane then took her hands away so the bra fell onto the table. The man held his hands under his man boobs, so Jane did the same. He indicated Jane to squeeze her tits together. Which she did, although because they were firm she couldn't get them together. Next he started to stroke his man boobs and Jane know to copy his actions. He squeezed his nipples, Jane knew to squeeze, twist and pull her nipples.

At that point he signalled for Mark to join in with the nipple play and to suck each nipple in turn. He wanted to see Mark use his teeth on Jane's nipples and for the force to cause Jane to show that she was in some pain. When he had seen enough of that he wanted Jane to take her slacks off. Jane knew it had to be done in a sexy show. She put on a good show. She was ordered to turn. Mark whispered, “Slowly and with lots of hip movement.” When she was facing front he started to lower his trousers, showing his boxer shorts. He then indicated knickers off. So Jane's bra matching lace thong was lowered sexy way with lots of hip swinging. As she stepped out of them she spread her feet to give him a good view of her hairless pussy.

He dropped his boxers and grabbed his hard cock. He started to wank himself, so Jane started to play with her pussy while standing upright. He came quickly shooting his jizz onto the webcam. He stopped to clean it, then signalled Jane to turn and bend over. So her ass was facing the webcam. Mark whispered that he wanted her to hold her ass cheeks open so he could see her ass hole. Next he wanted Mark to stand beside Jane and stick a finger in her ass hole while simultaneously finger fucking her. It goes with out saying that Mark did this very enthusastically.

Next on the programme was Jane to lie on the floor, legs spread wide and Mark was to kneel between her legs his cock was rock hard. Jane was soaking wet and she knew what was coming. Mark gently slipped his cock into the moist warm love tunnel until it was fully in. Then he started fucking, slowly at first but working up to hard, high speed thrusts. When he came it was clear that the program had been described earlier because he turned Jane to the doggie position.

This time he thrust in vicously right from the start. After a few minutes they changed positions and Jane rode him, first cowgirl and then reverse cowgirl. At that point man said “wide ass ole.” So Mark turned Jane to doggie position again. This time he held her tits as he gently inserted his cock. At no time did Jane complain. Probably the £2000 has something to do with that.

Now Mark told Jane “You can get dressed now. Wait in the outer office. Shortly after Mark came out. “Jane thank you. If you agree to do what you did just now when Mr Japan comes over he will sign the contract. Will you do that? If you do I will let you destroy the video of you sucking Rod's cock at your front window.”

“I will if you double the money.”

“Jane don't you think your reputation with our neighbors is worth more tan £2000? I think mine is. But your choice. How will Rod react if the neighborhood committee come by to complain about lax morals leading the young astray?”

“Oh I guess you are right. Again you will have to clear it with Rod.”

Two days later mr japan was in town and Jane spent the night in his hotel from 6pm. Jane didn't go home until after 1pm the following day. Rod had no complaints. Mary came by and they scewd all night much to Mark's delight and he got the signed contract at 1pm from mr Japan as Jane walking well for one who had had both holes fucked all night, been tit fucked and sucked cock many times. Mr Japan told Jane “Wan me her u sans fuck. K?”

Do tell me what you think and please vote.

Do you want this story to continue there are many more episodes If you want them.

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sister in Law calls while wife and I are fucking P

I had told Cathy I would call when I went to lunch. It was about two o'clock her time when I called. I was parked at the far end of a parking lot near some trees and away from where anyone ever parked because the walk to local shopping was too far.I dialed Cathy's number. The phone rang once and she picked up. I smiled at the thought of her anxiously awaiting my call. I heard, "Hello?!". "Hello Cathy. I am very hard right now and have been as I drove to this secluded place thinking about...

1 year ago
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Sister In Law Part Three

Well, that happened. Desiree and I were finally over, not on paper, but mentally I was already on the way out the door. Hope had tried to set things right but failed, while Gary loved every minute of it. The day before they left, he told me that I could take the pickup; he had already signed it over to me, passing the papers across the table like it was the best gift he had ever given someone.I had already started looking at apartments around the area. I had no plans to move back home. There...

3 years ago
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SisterinLaw Lexi

A couple of months ago, my wife, Misty, told me that her younger sister Alexandria was coming out to visit for a few days. Alexandria, or as the family calls her, Lexi, is six years younger than Misty and while they share some similarities, they are also very different. Lexi is a very free spirit and always seemed to just cruise through life with very little direction. After her divorce, she had issues with d**gs but was a able to pretty quickly kicked that. She also struggled with a series of...

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sister in law

sister-in-lawI have long fantasised about my sister-in-law. A very pretty large breasted lady, yellow blonde over the shoulder hair with fringe and a glorious figure. To give you a hint of what she looks like she has more than a resemblance to Rheina / Tahnee, I have frequently watched her videos whilst fantasising about fucking the sister-in-law. I have since found that there is one significant difference my sister-in-law has a very very hairy bush.How do I know ?Late one evening I had the...

4 years ago
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Sister in law

Hello this has happened two months back. It is the most unexpected and never in my dreams sexual encounter of my life. It will take me couple of paragraphs before telling the sexual encounter because I think the prelude to it will have great deal of importance to what happened. Let me introduce myself. Born, raised and educated in New Delhi I am Aamir, 32 a Software Engineer working in the US for the past seven years. Married to Suhana 27 a Dental Surgeon also working in the US, we have a...

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Sister in Law

He couldn't get it out of his mind. The suggestion. And her sister. He was sitting on his couch and his sister-in-law, Debi, was sitting on the floor while he was massaging her head. His wife sat across the room in her favorite chair. Her sister was staying with them for the weekend and she had just driven 200 miles to get there, complaining of a headache. They had dinner and were on their second bottle of wine, when he offered to rub her head. The three of them chatted idly while he pressed...

1 year ago
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sister in law

After my wife passed away at 40, my life really changed. I had always been successful in business but after 18 years of marriage I was lost when it came to dating or even finding a date. I started spending most of my time with my wives family (two sisters families) and became a workaholic. One night I went to a dating site and one thing left to another and I ended up pumping a load of cum all over the floor while reading sexy bios and looking at photos of nude and exposed women that generally...

2 years ago
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Sister in Law I want to fuck

This is a fantasy.only part true. I leave you to decide.My sister in law (Jane) I always fancied. I learned that her husband (Rod) couldn't get it up, so she had now had a good (correction any fuck for about 10 years). When we got together, I always took the opportunity to press my chest tight against her tits. Even when her Rod was standing behind her, correction especially when her Rod was standing behind her.Unfortunately, I never got the chance to be alone with her. That changed before one...

4 years ago
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Sisterinlaw Takes Charge

My sister-in-law moved back to town a couple of months ago. She was recently divorced and needed a place to stay, so she moved in with us. From the time I met her, I viewed Christine as my wife’s “evil twin”. There was only 14 months difference in age between them and they always had nearly identical, athletic, small-breasted frames. As similar as they are in looks, they are opposites in personality. My wife is shy, reserved, and deeply religious. Her sister is the proverbial wild-child. I was...

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Now having had several mixed drinks together, Patti and I sat beside each other she truly hugged up to me, as we freely and openly began discussing all this out in the open. And her having just told me that yes she enjoyed it and liked it and wanted it, just not the way Toro forced her as he had last night. Getting actually deeper than that we began talking outright about his cock. She having just told me how it was so hot and big and long and how it stretched her out so much when...

2 years ago
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sister in law part 2

so im getting sucked off by my sister in law with the mrs on my face when she pulls out her rabbit vib and says i only wanted you to get me wet.she then layed back and said ive always wanted to watch you fuck someone else but the only person i could trust is my sisteri smiled as she pushed the vib into her pussy the sister in law then gets up drops her micro dress to the floor and i see her hot body for the first timebeautiful titties and a thong which she starts lowering to the floor i look...

4 years ago
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sister in law part 2

so im getting sucked off by my sister in law with the mrs on my face when she pulls out her rabbit vib and says i only wanted you to get me wet.she then layed back and said ive always wanted to watch you fuck someone else but the only person i could trust is my sisteri smiled as she pushed the vib into her pussy the sister in law then gets up drops her micro dress to the floor and i see her hot body for the first timebeautiful titties and a thong which she starts lowering to the floor i look...

3 years ago
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Sister In Law

Note : This story is completely fictional! hi friends this is linelove,,, back with another story hope you like it …pls mail your comments on . LADIES AND GIRLS FROM BANGALORE CAN CONTACT ME FOR A PERSONAL MASSAGE WILL BE KEPT SECRET) Let me start this story by saying that I have been taking every chance I’ve had in the last twenty years to try and see my wife’s sister naked. I’ve had holes in walls and now I have a hidden camera with a remote receiver that I can hook up to a TV...

1 year ago
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Sister in Law takes a shower and even more to follow

Note : This story is completely fictional! Let me start this story by saying that I have been taking every chance I’ve had in the last twenty years to try and see my wife’s sister naked. I’ve had holes in walls and now I have a hidden camera with a remote receiver that I can hook up to a TV and VCR. The other day she came here for a few days to visit. The wife had the weekend off but went back to work early in the A.M. on Monday. I got up earlier then Terri and took my shower then I went out to...

4 years ago
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sisterinLaw Gets Punished

When I was around 30 years old, my wife and I made arrangements to meet after work at her parents house. We were going to a play that evening and Mom and Dad's house was convenient since it was close to both of our workplaces. We would not have had time to go home change. I left work a little early that day and arrived at her parents house at around 3:00 p.m. She wasn't due to get there until around 4:30. I walked up to the house and rang the bell and my...

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Sisterinlaw 2

I leaned back in my chair, totally glued to the baby monitor, realizing this could get interesting. "Yes. We were having sex. It was in OUR house in OUR room. We tried to stay as quiet as we could, but some noise slipped out. Even though this is none of your business, the moans were real. We have an active sex life that has reached a point where we know what each of us needs to get it up.", my wife shot back at her, now getting a little annoyed. Her sister was taken back by this...

3 years ago
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Sister in law Sally

Introduction: My wifes baby sister comes to live with us It was Friday afternoon. My wife was due to fly out about now to attend a week-end conference for her work. I was thinking that, rather than go home to an empty house and boring TV, I might join the single guys and girls from my work at the pub that they visit every Friday after work. Then my mobile phone rang. It was my wife, Julia. Hi Julia. Whats up? Hi Phil. I hope that you dont mind. Sally has had to leave her boyfriend. I said...

1 year ago
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sister in Law calls at inconvenient time

My wife Melody and I were fucking one night when the phone rang. I reached for it and my wife said,"just let it ring." It rang once more then I picked it up. It was my wife's sister Kathi. I slid my cock into my wife to the hilt and said, "Well hello Kathi. How are you?". My wife grinned and shook her head."I'm sorry but your s*s is asleep in the bedroom." Kathi told me that was okay she just had some things to get off her chest. Being the understanding brother in law and having had a...

3 years ago
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Assfucked by Ex Son in Law

This "mother in law Fantasy" ex mother in law actually is more an ex son in law story and differs from most you'll read in two ways. One it's coming from the Mother in Law, two, it's actually true.First, quick background. I was a fairly young mom and my ex son in law was a few years older than my daughter so the age diff is only 15, I am now 58 he is 43. She left him for another and nothing other than some flirting ever happened when they were together.I always thought he was attractive and in...

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Sisterinlaw Showed Heaven And Felt Guilty Part 1

Hi, my name is Lucky (pseudonym) 27, from Bangalore working in a corporate world. I’m just a normal human being, just how a normal Indian will be (Neither ugly nor Handsome). Feedbacks are welcome on my email and if anybody needs to share personal talks and feel relieved email me on This is a true life event, which occurred in my life from my teenage and ended up in 2013, please forgive me if there are any mistake and if it is lengthy as it is my first time. The story revolves around my...

2 years ago
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SisterinLaw teased me

by the Cougar My older brother (by about 3 years) had married Laura, his high school sweetheart while I was in the Army stationed in France. When I was scheduled to return to the States for my discharge my brother had enlisted and we had passed somewhere between the U. S. and Europe. When I got to my folk's house my new sister-in-law was living there too. I had known Laura from high school and, even tho she was a couple years older than me, she and I had a very good relationship. ...

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sister inlaw

my sister in-law was 17 at the time and I was 30. she was staying with my wife an I cause she was haveing problems with her parents. It seems that her dad was strict and would'nt let her go out. Let me tell you that she was and still is one hot babe. I'll call her Lisa. my wife had just come home from grocery shopping and I had just arrived from work. my wife had parked in the garage so the grocerys could be unloaded. my wife went into the house to the secong floor to take a shower leaving me ...

1 year ago
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Sister in Law takes a shower

Note : This story is completely fictional! Let me start this story by saying that I have been taking every chance I’ve had in the last twenty years to try and see my wife’s naked. I’ve had holes in walls and now I have a hidden camera with a remote receiver that I can hook up to a TV and VCR. The other day she came here for a few days to visit. The wife had the weekend off but went back to work early in the A.M. on Monday. I got up earlier then Terri and took my shower then I went out to my...

1 year ago
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SisterinLaw teased me

Note : This story is completely fictional! My older brother (by about 3 years) had married Laura, his high school sweetheart while I was in the Army stationed in France. When I was scheduled to return to the States for my discharge my brother had enlisted and we had passed somewhere between the U. S. and Europe. When I got to my folk's house my new sister-in-law was living there too. I had known Laura from high school and, even tho she was a couple years older than me, she and I had a very good...

2 years ago
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SisterInLaw Lost Her Virginity To Her BrotherInLaw

Hello Friends, I am Razib (name changed), 37 now living in abroad (Malaysia) for two years. I am going through this blog since I am in Malaysia. Since now I have read many stories here. Many of them feel fake & revolting. Now I am sharing my own which is real. Name of the character is changed for security. As this is my first time writing it may not be in proper narration but I shall try my best to make you understand. May be this story will little bit descriptive. But please have patience. Now...

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sister in Law Gets Blacked

In a span of just two years, my life and that of my wife Ann, has taken a dramatic turn. While neither of us could be painted conservatives, our sex life was not very daring. We were a married couple who were shocked when we found out that a couple close to us had split up after the wife caught her husband with a little on the side. Ann had inquired if I had ever thought about cheating. I replied honestly that it had never crossed my mind. Then a chance afternoon encounter while taking a sauna...

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Sister in law

Hello my name is “Jay” and I have a huge fantasy of fucking my sister law raw named “Rowe”. It’s been about 10 years that I’ve know my sister in law now and time to time there’s been a lot of “safe” flirtation between her and I that lately it has gotten a bit physical. It all started a little over a year ago during the holidays. She had just broken up with a guy that lived together and was asking for advice, as she didn’t want to mention anything to the family including her sister (my wife)...

1 year ago
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Sister in Law 7 entraps friend Part 4

If you haven't read the earlier stories, I suggest you start at Sister in Law 7 entraps friend. This starts the day after Sister in Law 7 entraps friend Part 3.The mobile rang and Jennie's partner answered. Luckily the man on the end of the line asked who was speaking rather than getting straight into it. So Mob was passed over to Jen."Hi Jen here, who am I talking to and how did you get my number?" "You may recall you offered me a coffee when I stopped you fro breaking the law. Mike here." "Oh...

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sister in laws surprise

Gary was regretting the fact that he had let his wife talk him into driving her sister Tina home from Colorado.She was a weepy divorcee who had spent the last four hours whining about how horrible her life was. She had lost her job, her house and her k**s hated her, all because of that son of a bitch ex-husband of hers.Gary was beginning to see why he cheated on her and eventually left her.She had finally passed out and was sleeping with her head propped against the door of the SUV. Gary...

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sister in laws surprise

Gary was regretting the fact that he had let his wife talk him into driving her sister Tina home from Colorado.She was a weepy divorcee who had spent the last four hours whining about how horrible her life was. She had lost her job, her house and her k**s hated her, all because of that son of a bitch ex-husband of hers.Gary was beginning to see why he cheated on her and eventually left her.She had finally passed out and was sleeping with her head propped against the door of the SUV. Gary...

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SisterInLaw Fantasy

At the time of this story, my wife, Lisa, and I were in our mid-20’s and had been married for about 4 years. Lisa stood about 5’8” tall with a fairly slender figure and great tits. She was a full 36C and I loved to play with those big soft mounds, massaging them, squeezing them, sucking them... They were big enough that I could straddle her and fuck them, holding them tight around my cock until I came, shooting my loads all over them. She loved having her tits worked over, too. On a...

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