ALEXIS REN FUCKS A BIG BLACK COCK (A Cuckold Stor free porn video

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It was a sunny Saturday afternoon. The sun blazed high in the sky, the blue ocean shimmered with light as the waves crashed rhythmically onto the shore. Noah Centineo walked side by side with his girlfriend Alexis Ren. He gazed adoringly at her, unable to get over how gorgeous he was, and how fortunate he was to have a woman like her. With all good things come bad things. Noah thought about how other guys would check her out wherever they went, sometimes blatantly and sometimes they attempted to do it subtly but Noah would catch them.

Alexis turned toward Noah.

“Whatcha thinking about?” she asked.

Noah’s thoughts dissipated and he snapped back to reality. Alexis stared at him, her bright white teeth exposed in an inquisitive smile, her long, brown hair being gently pushed by the mild Ocean breeze. She was tall, with long legs, an impossibly flat stomach, and a supple buttocks. The type of physique that you only ever see with successful models. She had soft features, bright, doe-eyes, and an innocent schoolgirl face.

Noah shrugged his shoulders. “Nothing much.”

The beach was surprisingly deserted for such a lovely day; Noah and Alexis seemed to only be accompanied by a small flock of seagulls that fought each other over an ambiguous object about 20 feet away from the pair. The two talked about their day which mainly involved showbiz. Alexis spoke about how she had a trip booked later in the week for a modeling shoot. Tired of walking, Noah suggested that they sat down for a second and relax. Alexis obliged and the two sat on the sand. Even when she was sitting just sitting and talking she appeared modelesque.

Alexis reclined and extended her legs. She casually put her toes in the warm sand which trickled through her toes and fell back onto the sandy ground. A moment of peaceful silence occurred as the conversation lulled to a pause. Noah reached over and kissed her. Her lips were soft and full. Noah caressed her face and kissed her deeply. Her eyes closed, she kissed him passionately, the wind tossing a few strands of hair over his face. Alexis smelled good, while Noah could not quite identify the fragrance it turned him on how good she smelled, how good she tasted. He moved toward her neck and pecked her gently, his hand moving to her lower back. Her skin was soft, his hand moved down her back like silk. Alexis moved away.

She whispered to him “Not here, babe.”

“What’s wrong?” Noah asked, disappointed.

She gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek in an attempt to offset his disappointment.

“It isn’t you,” she said.

Alexis told Noah now just wasn’t the place and it did not feel right to escalate. With a sigh, Noah told her okay and continued to rest on the beach. He tried not to take it too personal. Like she said, it wasn’t him. He knew she loved him, and there is no other guy she would rather be with than him.

“It’s alright, I’m a bit tired anyway” Noah said.

Noah took Alexis’s head and rested it on her shoulder. She lay her head on him perpendicular and the two attempted to take a nice nap on the beach. The seagulls cawed and flew off into the distance, the ocean waves continued to crash onto the shore, in the distance, a white yacht could be seen. It was peaceful.

Noah began to nod off, Alexis head resting on him, there was no sound other than the calm ocean breeze and the waves meeting the shore. Alexis got off of Noah’s shoulder and sat up. The movement caused Noah to awaken from his light nap.

“I guess we’re not the only ones on the beach,” Alexis said, looking into the distance.

Noah sat up curiously; before he was able to ask what she was talking about, he spotted it. There was a man walking toward Noah and Alexis. The details of the man were difficult to fully assess other than that he was a tall black man. The man strutted casually toward the couple.

Unsure about whether he was headed toward them or not, Noah and Alexis glanced over occasionally but tried not to stare. Within about 30 seconds it was evident that he was headed in their direction.

Noah felt a slight feeling that could most closely be described as guilt, as he felt a slit bit of nervousness while the man approached. That’s not a bad thing, right? Noah thought to himself. The man’s features were now clearly visible. He wore no shirt, but had a white t-shirt resting over his shoulder. He had on black swim shorts, he was very tall and large, his skin was very dark and he had masculine features. His body was large and muscular but also ripped and defined. While Noah was no shrimp himself, the man dwarfed him. If he wanted to he could harm us. Why is he walking toward us?

The man finally spoke. With a deep, booming, voice he uttered


Alexis turned toward the guy.

“Hi,” she responded with a kind smile on her face.

This is why he loved her so much. Noah realized that while he showed hesitation but his girlfriend was kind and friendly. She is kind to everyone regardless of who they are or how they look.

Before either Noah or the guy could say anything Alexis spoke.

“We thought we were the only ones on this whole beach,” she said.

“Well, that’s because y’all on the wrong side of the beach where nothing’s happenin’” the man joked in his deep voice.

“Oh, is everyone somewhere else?” Noah asked.

Even though the man answered Noah, his eyes stayed fixed at Alexis.

“Yea, we all down there,” he said pointing with his thumb behind him over his shoulder. “I just went on a walk, but we ‘bout to get a volleyball game going on in few.”

“Volleyball!” Alexis said excitedly.

“You play?” The dude asked Alexis.

“Yea, I used to play all the time when I was younger, not so much anymore.”

“Yea, you kinda tall. You got some long legs, I’m sure you still got some moves,” the man responded.

“I used to play a little too,” Noah chimed in. “I mean, not much lately but a few practice games and I could get back into it.”

Alexis looked at Noah as he spoke but turned back to the man afterwards.

The couple casually conversed with the man for a few minutes. He then introduced himself as Melvin and shook hands with the pair. Alexis played with her hair as they spoke.

“So y’all are more than welcome to come join and play with us,” Melvin said.

Alexis turned toward Noah, her playful eyes smiling and revealing a glimpse of excitement.

“Babe, what do you say?” Alexis asked her boyfriend.

While Noah did enjoy a good game of volleyball he was just too exhausted. The long, hectic, schedule of an actor was tiring and he needed a break, after all he was on the beach to relax with his girlfriend, not break a sweat playing sports.

If he said “no” though, would that appear to be because it was a large black man asking them? Noah already pre-judged the guy before and the dude turned out to be absolutely cool. Maybe Alexis can play while he rests. It’s a game of volleyball so they’ll probably be mostly women down the beach.

“You go ahead Lexi, I’ll rest for a second then join you in a few.”

“Fine, you come play with me alone, Lexi,” Melvin joked.

Noah wondered if the guy was being inappropriate or if he was just overthinking it. Noah concluded that he must have been overthinking it. When he’s tired he does not think the clearest. Secretly, to his relief, Alexis declined the man’s offer.

“It’s okay babe, I’ll stay with you,” she said. She turned toward Melvin, “Thanks for the offer, sorry.”

Alexis jutted out her bottom lip in an exaggerated sad face and pretended to be wiping a teardrop from her eye.

“That’s alright now,” Melvin said before saying goodbye and parting ways.

Alexis and Noah made eye contact with each other and began to giggle a little bit.

“I’m really gonna dose off babe, we’ll leave after this,” he said.

The last thing Noah saw was Alexis taking selfies (likely for Instagram or Snapchat) and then he fell asleep.

Noah woke up. Damn, the sun is bright I bet my entire face is gonna be red, were his initial thoughts. Crap, what time is it, how long was I out for? Noah looked at his phone, there were the usual social media notifications and a message which he didn’t bother to check now. Only about 15 minutes have passed, that’s not so bad. His head was still a bit woozy from waking up. He looked around to find his girlfriend.

“Where’s Lexi?” he quietly asked himself, looking toward the ocean. Nope, not there.

“Lex?” He called out looking around him. Noah, got up. That’s weird, why would she leave without telling him?

Her stuff was gone. Noah slowly began to regain his senses. Perhaps she went with Melvin. Noah reached for his phone to give her a call but decided to first check the text message. It was Alexis!

It read:
Noah, I’m gonna run to the car real quick… I forgot something. xoxo

Well, Noah wanted to leave anyway so he might as well walk to the car and meet her, worst case scenario Alexis is coming back and they meet up halfway. Noah stood up and wiped the sand off of his body. He wiped his face, which he was sure was bright red from laying directly under the sun. Tans look good on him, so he was not particularly worried.

The walk seemed a lot longer now that Noah was doing it by himself. He made it back to the car, expecting to see Alexis but she was nowhere to be seen. Noah felt a bit of frustration. Did she make him walk all the way to the car then go play volleyball without telling him?! Noah’s anger morphed into a combination of fear and guilt. Fear that something may have happened to her and guilt that his first reaction was anger. Noah tried calling her phone but to no avail.

Noah tried a few times and sent a text asking where she was, all of which went without response.

I should probably see if she’s playing volleyball further down the beach, Noah thought. Now a bit more energized, he jogged back in the direction from which he came. He continued further and further down but could not sight anyone playing volleyball. There were large rocks that sat toward the back of the beach with some random ones by the shore. The beach curved as it stretched down further and further and the large rocks curved along with it.

“Alexis!” Noah yelled. Nothing.

Noah began to sweat as the sun, though not quite as hot anymore, bared down upon him. Noah’s legs began to get tired, walking and running in sand is not something easy to sustain over long periods of time. He did not know what to do. His girlfriend was lost, she was not responding, and he seemed to be looking along the entire beach for them. Noah encountered a few other people during his search, a middle aged couple, and a group of teens that could have been high school seniors or college freshmen, it didn’t matter, he asked them if they had seen her to which they all shook their heads and said “no”.

More time passed, how much exactly, Noah was not sure but it was getting later and the more time passed, the more anxious he became. After walking a few extra minutes Noah decided to walk up an incline in which an artificial path was made with boards serving as steps. These steps led up and passed behind a series of large boulders. As Noah began walking up he heard a faint sound that sounded like a woman’s voice. He listened closer. He heard a loud moaning sound “UGH! UGH! Oh God, yes!”

The moans were so over the top and exaggerated that it had to be some dumb k**s messing around and making sex noises. Noah remembered the time he and his friends in junior high used to make loud sex noises in the bathrooms. The teachers used to hear it and come out to see who was making the noise but Noah and his friends miraculously never got caught. He would find the sex noises they were making funny, but after searching forever for his girlfriend, he was in no mood for jokes.

Noah could not yet see who was making the sound from his viewpoint but he decided to go see who it was, after all, they may have seen Alexis and can help Noah locate her. As he approached the moans continued. For a prank these k**s sure as hell don’t know when the joke is over.

“Oh, fuck!” A feminine voice squealed. “Your dick is so fuckin’ big,” the voice said, now in a raspy, intimate whisper.

Wait a second, Noah thought, maybe this wasn’t some k**s playing. Noah understood that some couples do in fact try to have sex in public places. As a matter of fact, before Alexis, a girl wanted to get into the “mile high” club with him and have sex on an airplane but it never happened. Noah moved in closer to see what was going on. The action apparently took place behind some boulders, but Noah had to keep walking down the path so that he could get a clear view. There were some bushes along the path that overlooked the spot where the noise was coming from. Noah peeked through the bushes to see what was going on.

Holy shit, it was a naked guy! He was big, and buff. The man’s back was facing Noah. He was on his knees thrusting into whoever the moaning woman was. The man’s back was wide and muscular, his buttocks clenched as he thrusted himself into the woman. The woman’s white feet rested over the man’s large soles.

“Come on!” The man grunted in his deep voice as the woman gave loud, feminine, moans.

“Mhmmm,” she moaned in pleasure.

Noah realized he got a strong, full, erection. In spite of not being able to see the girl, the sounds of her alone were turning him on. The man was rough and dominating and the woman’s moans were beginning to sound like whimpers. The whimpering made Noah wonder if the girl was enjoying it, or even if she was consenting to it! Clearly she was loving every minute of it. Noah thought. Feeling safely hidden behind the bushes in an otherwise empty part of the beach, Noah reached down into his shorts, and pulled out his erect penis and began stroking it. It felt extremely good. Something about the secret voyeurism was hot. Noah’s body became very warm and he was hit by a sudden wave of endorphins.

Suddenly, the unthinkable happened. The girl turned around; with one hand on the ground to prop herself and another ground under the man’s face, the woman smiled and gave the big, black, man a long, deep, kiss.

Noah’s face turned red and his body became very hot, he felt his stomach drop and the world spun as a disoriented feeling hit him. He could not believe his eyes, IT WAS ALEXIS!

Melvin was fucking his girlfriend! Any other time Noah would flip his lid and angrily storm toward the guy, but Melvin was too big and strong. Noah envisioned a scenario in which he confronted Alexis, only for Melvin, still naked, knocking him to the ground. What’s worst, Noah imagined Melvin going back to fucking Alexis, making her selfishly gasp with pleasure, too focused on her own orgasms to care that he was lying on the floor a bloody mess. All Noah could do was watch jealously. Out of all the times he and Alexis had been intimate, not once did she moan or scream like that. It even sounded to Noah as if she were crying with pleasure.

Melvin grabbed both of Alexis’s arms and roughly thrusted into her. He leaned into her ear and grumbled something in a low voice, but Noah could not make it out. As Melvin rapidly thrusted into her she gave out loud, rapid, segmented screams that resembled the sound of a girl sitting on a high speed sybian.

“You wanna ride this big, black, cock?”

Melvin asked Alexis.

“Mhm,” Alexis said as he released her arms and she balanced herself with both hands on the ground, still in doggystyle position.

Alexis turned around to face Melvin, her hair was a mess and her face was bright red and glistened with sweat. Alexis casually tried to fix her hair as she took a second to regain her breath. Melvin laid down supine on the ground, his long, erect, dick waiting for her.

“Holy shit!” Noah whispered to himself out of shock. Melvin’s cock was enormous. No wonder Alexis was moaning so loudly.

Alexis turned around, she was on her knees facing Melvin and looking at his penis lustfully. She bit her bottom lip and smiled as she looked up at Melvin with a naughty expression on her face. Without being asked, she began performing fellatio on Melvin.
Noah thought about how hard he had to beg her to go down on him and how reluctant she usually was, meanwhile she has no problem going down on this dude? What the fuck?! Melvin grabbed the back of her head, his big hands almost covered her entire dome, and roughly bounced her head up and down on his cock. A few times Alexis gagged, but Melvin did not care, he kept going. Noah instinctually wanted to protect her by shouting “Chill out, you’re being too rough with her!” but then realized what the fuck was going on.

After about a minute of sucking Melvin’s huge member, Alexis climbed on top of Melvin and began riding him. She put one hand on his abs and ran the other hand through her long, brown hair. There wasn’t much noise at first, only some sensual whispering to Melvin, then she began moaning; gradual at first, then louder and louder. Noah was getting more and more turned on, it was a weird combination of jealousy and arousal he felt. Noah kept jerking off, this time more rapidly.

Melvin, playing with Alexis’s large, perfect tits before lifting his head up and began sucking on them.

“Oh, I love it! I love it Melvin!” she groans.

At this point, Noah almost had an orgasm himself but stopped for a second so that he would not cum so quick and could continue to enjoy the sex act the two were engaged in.

Melvin grabbed Alexis by the hips and bounced her up and down on his penis. Alexis’s eyes were closed, she licked her lips and tilted her head to the side in ecstasy. Her hair now covering her face, she whispered “Oh fuck yes!”

The girl who Noah always thought looked so sweet and innocent was made to look like a pornstar and complete black cock slut, he could not believe his eyes!

Noah kept jerking off, careful not to make too much noise from the rustling bushes.

“Oh. Fuck. Yea. Oh. Fuck. Me.” Alexis moaned in a segmented pattern between bounces.

Several minutes passed. Noah had to stop a few times to prevent his penis from exploding with cum, but Alexis and Melvin kept going at it the entire time. It’s no wonder she wanted him, Noah thought. Alexis must have had a lot of orgasms during the time Noah was watching her, and he could only imagine how long they were fucking before he spotted them. Noah knew he could never satisfy Alexis the way Melvin was.

Alexis stopped riding for a second and the two spoke to each other. Noah could not hear what they were saying, but the next thing he knew Melvin roughly threw Alexis to the floor on her back.

In this position, Noah could see her face clear as day, it was red and sweaty. Noah hit a branch on one of the bushes too hard and Alexis’s eyes gazed up.


She saw him. Alexis made eye contact with Noah. At this point Noah’s stomach sank as expected a confrontation. Noah imagined Alexis would look up shocked, scramble away and panic, and hoped Melvin would not react violently to him. Noah was wrong. To his surprise, Alexis smiled at Noah with a pretty, but devilish, grin and kept going.

Noah could not believe that she continued without any guilt.

Alexis’s long legs were spread wide open, Melvin positioned himself on top of her missionary style. Alexis’s beautiful feet covered in sand, were raised in the air. Unlike last time, Alexis moaned immediately as Melvin plunged into her, his muscular back covered most of her body. His back and buttocks clenched up as he took long, slow strokes into her. Alexis wrapped her legs around his torso, if it weren’t for how lengthy her legs were, they wouldn’t have made it around his large, muscular, frame.

Melvin got up on his knees and the sex went from slow to rough. Noah could see Alexis’s large, round, breasts jiggling and her feet dangling in the air. As lustful as she was behaving, Noah wondered just how many white women want to or have experienced getting fucked with a big black cock. Was this her first? Did she have others encounters like this in secret? Is he the biggest cuckold? Noah wondered about himself.

Melvin put Alexis’s feet over his shoulders, by his head, as he went to town on her. This continued for a long time. The blood rushed to Noah’s penis and he had to keep stopping to prevent himself from cumming. Alexis is just being used like a fuck doll!

Melvin stretched out and laid his body on top of Alexis, he wrapped one arm around the back of her neck and she placed one hand on his back and one hand on his butt. She pushed her hand on his buttocks to assist Melvin in penetrating her deeper, not that he needed any help. Her light hand contrasted nicely on his dark butt. Alexis whimpered as Melvin dominated her.

Melvin began to grunt in his deep, bassy, voice. I’m gonna cum, he said prepared to pull out. Alexis panicked and pulled him back into her.

“No, no, no,” cum in me please!

What the fuck?! Noah thought. She wasn’t on any birth control, in fact, she wasn’t even using a damn condom! She’s risking pregnancy? She’s engaging in unsafe sex and putting ME at risk?!

“Cum inside of me, fill me up!” Alexis whispered. “Please, give me all of your fuckin’ spunk inside of me!”

Melvin moaned as he apparently began to orgasm himself. Alexis screamed!

Noah felt a sudden surge to his penis! It became real warm and a load of cum shot right out of him, it landed in the bushes.

“Ooh, I’m cumming too!” Alexis said. She continued to moan “Hhhaaaaah, hhhaaaaaah!”

Unbeknownst to them, Noah was cumming at the same time they were, it was a pity that he was doing so alone while they enjoyed each other.

Melvin came for an extraordinarily long amount of time, Noah imagined he had filled her with at least twice the amount of semen he could ever produce, if Alexis did not become pregnant it would be some miracle.

With the orgasmic bliss subsiding, Noah felt guilty, ashamed, and sad. He had nothing to show for it but hands covered in cum and post-orgasmic exhaustion. Melvin got up and Alexis sat up as well.

“Whooh!” she sighed. She giggled and straightened her messy hair. She looked like someone who just woke up from a long, hard, slumber.

Noah instantly knew he had to get out of there. Maybe there was a chance Alexis didn’t see him. He carefully moved out of the bushes, wiped his hands on the ground, managing to get more dirt and sand on his hands than actual semen off of it, and began to run back to the spot where he and Alexis originally were when he fell asleep. Noah looked back once in a while to make sure Alexis and Melvin hadn’t seen him. He’ll confront her on their drive back home, he thought.

Noah ran back to the spot where he and Alexis were originally sitting. Noah laid on his back on the sand, relieved that he was not spotted running back. Noah scrolled through his phone casually while he waited for Alexis to come back. She would return, probably talking about what a fun time she had playing volleyball. She would kiss Noah and tell him how much she loved him to assuage her guilt and to fool him. Noah decided he would play smug and then confront her about it. He waited some time before suddenly spotting Alexis’s figure in the distance.

What the---?!

She was still walking with Melvin!!!

As they got closer and closer Noah realized they had no clothes on; they were absolutely butt naked! An elderly couple finishing their afternoon walk passed Noah before subsequently walking by Melvin and Alexis; they appeared to be the only other people on the beach. The elderly couple looked at the 2 nude, developed, sexually arousing bodies of Alexis and Melvin in both shock and amazement, which left Alexis and Melvin unfazed. The elderly couple continued their walk, looking back a few times, before disappearing into the distance.

Alexis and Melvin finally arrived to where Noah was, as Noah stared, unable to form words. Why was she here with Melvin? They were both naked, she isn’t even hiding it.

Alexis not only seemed unashamed of cheating on Noah and engaging in intercourse, she seemed proud! She smiled a gorgeous, toothy, smile, her nude body resembling that of a Greek goddess.

Melvin stood beside her, his arms were thick and reminiscent of tree trunks and veiny. Alexis spoke as soon as they reached him.

“Noah, I’m going back to Melvin’s house!” Alexis said.

Noah’s face turned red and he became hot, a ball formed in his throat and his eyes began to sting and moisten.

“We’re just gonna hang out,” she started.

Lying bitch! Noah thought, they’re not gonna hang out, he’s gonna blow her back out again, this time in his bed, or on the floor, or wherever the hell else they want. But it got worse.

Melvin put his two big hands on each of Alexis’s shoulders.

“I’m going back to meet some of his friends. I just wanted to tell you not to wait up for me, okay?”

Noah wanted to grab Alexis by the wrist and drag her back to the car, but he knew there was nothing he could do. Melvin, and apparently his friends now, were going to dick down Alexis and there was nothing he could do about it. Noah imagined a line of black guys as big, strong, and hung as Melvin standing in line waiting to defile his princess Lexi while she laid there and laughing, squealing, moaning, and giving into the hedonistic pleasure.

Noah’s eyes saddened.

Alexis kneeled down level with Noah. She looked into his sad eyes.

“Get some rest, okay? You look tired,” she told her boyfriend in the closest thing to a caring tone he heard all day.

Alexis coldly stood up. “Ready to go Melvin?”

Melvin slapped Alexis’s plump, round, ass with his large hand and gave it a bit of a squeeze. She screamed excitedly. The pair turned around and started walking away. Noah watched as they walked away, nude butts facing him. Noah knew Alexis was going to have fun tonight. He wondered just what exactly they were going to do to his girlfriend. Were they going to double penetrate her? Run a train? Bukkake? He thought it was better not to think about it. Feeling disappointed, Noah stood up and walked back to his car, lonely, ashamed and cuckolded.

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Alexis a moment in time Part 2

I thought about the last couple of days, how my life has been changed How filthy I felt inside, ruined almost, eating away at me like a cancer. I thought about, Mike, how I betrayed him, Lizzy and Josh, how this might changed their lives, because my feelings towards Alexis is growing by the minute. I knew to prevent anyone from getting hurt, I would probably have to take some drastic action, like quit my job or get a transfer. My gut feel, told me that Alexis has feelings for me too. ...

3 years ago
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Alexis Bledels Wrap Party

“That’s a wrap for Alexis everyone,” the man in the bucket hat said as he turned and addressed the crew. “A round of applause if you please.” The crew erupted in cheers and applause at the cue and Alexis couldn’t help but smile and turn her head shyly away from the wave of appreciation as she walked up to the man. She hugged him tightly and said into his ear, “Thank you, Robert. I had a great time filming with you guys.” Tom, her personal on-set assistant, didn’t know whether Alexis was lying...

2 years ago
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Alexis is Grounded

It had been quite a twenty four hours. Mum and my 23 year old sister Velvet had gone away for five days and were not due back until the day after tomorrow. My Mum had left clear instructions that I have to obey my 16 year old younger sister Jaden, and Jaden can telephone her at any time if I were naughty, explain what I had done, and Mum would decide if Jaden should spank me. Well that was OK even though I am 20 years old as after all Jaden had spanked me regularly for months now, but only...

2 years ago
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Alexis Turns The Tables

Isobel arrived just after lunch as promised. I was in my see through dress and as soon as Isobel saw it her eyes popped out and she said, “Wow, when did you get that Alexis?” Jaden answered, “I did actually Isobel, but don’t worry there is one for you upstairs.” Isobel’s mouth dropped open and I could see she pursed her lips to stop herself saying anything rude. Jaden continued, “Go upstairs and change then come back down and I will run through the rules. That’s a good girl Isobel.” Isobel...

4 years ago
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Alexis the Dark Fairy Chapter 2

"Wanna see more?" Alexis giggled.After Vanessa finally got her bearings she looked down at her vagina and started poking it."Don't worry honey, the spell was only meant to last five minutes or so. Your pretty little pussy is back to normal. At least for now." Alexis said with a sly grin."Holy shit, the-that was amazing." Vanessa stammered."Well, I do aim to please my sexy young vixen and that's merely a fraction of what I can do."Vanessa looked around at her enchanted clothing still floating in...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Alexis the Dark Fairy Chapter 2

"Wanna see more?" Alexis giggled.After Vanessa finally got her bearings she looked down at her vagina and started poking it."Don't worry honey, the spell was only meant to last five minutes or so. Your pretty little pussy is back to normal. At least for now." Alexis said with a sly grin."Holy shit, the-that was amazing." Vanessa stammered."Well, I do aim to please my sexy young vixen and that's merely a fraction of what I can do."Vanessa looked around at her enchanted clothing still floating in...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Alexis The Dark Fariy Chapter 2

"Wanna see more?" Alexis gigged.After Vanessa finally got her bearings she looked down at her vagina and started poking it."Don't worry honey, the spell was only meant to last 5 minutes or so. Your pretty little pussy is back to normal. At least for now." Alexis said with a sly grin."Holy shit, the-that was amazing." Vanessa stammered."Well, I do aim to please my sexy young vixen and that's merely a fraction of what I can do."Vanessa looked around at her enchanted clothing still floating in the...

2 years ago
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Alexis The Dark Fairy Chapter 2

After Vanessa finally got her bearings she looked down at her vagina and started poking it. "Don't worry honey, the spell was only meant to last 5 minutes or so. Your pretty little pussy is back to normal. At least for now." Alexis said with a sly grin. "Holy shit, the-that was amazing." Vanessa stammered. "Well, I do aim to please my sexy young vixen and that's merely a fraction of what I can do." Vanessa looked around at her enchanted clothing still floating in the air and moving...

2 years ago
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Alexis The Dark Fairy Chapter 4

After getting into her car Alexis changed back to her normal self and began flying around inside the car.“What are you doing?” Vanessa asked.“I’ve never actually been inside a car before. We fairies had always relied on magic and flying. What makes it work?” Alexis was buzzing around so fast Vanessa could hardly keep up with her. Vanessa let out a soft giggle.“I’m not a mechanic so could not tell you exactly, but to put it simply, it runs off gasoline, which is a flammable substance that the...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
3 years ago
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Alexis The Dark Fairy Chapter 4

After getting into her car Alexis changed back to her normal self and began flying around inside the car.“What are you doing?” Vanessa asked.“I’ve never actually been inside a car before. We fairies had always relied on magic and flying. What makes it work?” Alexis was buzzing around so fast Vanessa could hardly keep up with her. Vanessa let out a soft giggle.“I’m not a mechanic so could not tell you exactly, but to put it simply, it runs off gasoline, which is a flammable substance that the...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Alexis The Dark Fairy Chapter 4

After getting into her car Alexis changed back to her normal self and began flying around inside the car."What are you doing?" Vanessa asked."I've never actually been inside a car before. We fairies had always relied on magic and flying. What makes it work?" Alexis was buzzing around so fast Vanessa could hardly keep up with her. Vanessa let out a soft giggle."I'm not a mechanic so could not tell you exactly but to put it simply it runs off of gasoline, which is a flammable substance that the...

4 years ago
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Seduced by Ren Rika

Let me first introduce myself, I am Johnny James, I am in highschool and I am kind of a real nerdy kid, never had big muscles anywhere, never had many friends but the few friends I have are just like me, my newest friend had just moved in next door to our home. I first met Ren Rika at my home when she and her parents moved in next door. At first I just thought she was a beautiful teenage asain girl, she and her parents seemed really nice, we invited them over for lunch a week after they had...

1 year ago
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Alexis Tae 500 281000

You came here for a reason! Alexis Tae's cunt is etched into your pervy brain, and now you just follow her around the web, interested to see everything she does. Well, the good news is that Alexis has an official account on Twitter,, and even better news is that you can follow it free of charge. Twitter is a haters' paradise, but the smut gods showed some mercy to the grim platform and sent the naughty angels that not only share love but give boners to the kinky...

Twitter Porn Accounts
4 years ago
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Alexis The Dark Fairy

"Hey, stop that!!" Vanessa exclaimed. "What? It's a humungous firefly we just wanted to catch it." "By throwing rocks at it? Honestly..." she reached up in the nearby tree and cupped the creature in her hands. "Hey, girl, what are you doing? We found it first!" One of the boys yelled, but she ignored them and kept walking. She made her way home and found a jar to put it in while she went online trying to figure out exactly what it was. She put the jar on her desk in her room and...

4 years ago
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Alexis The Dark Fairy

Vanessa had just turned eighteen and still lived at her parents' house. She was very beautiful and could have any man she wanted, but it seemed that her standards were high for someone of her age. Her fetishes were all of that of the supernatural. She could be interested in guys or girls but she wanted something magical and could not settle for less. One day she was walking in the park alone and saw these middle school boys mercilessly torturing what looked like a dragonfly, except oddly...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
2 years ago
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Alexis The Dark Fairy

Vanessa had just turned eighteen and still lived at her parents' house. She was very beautiful and could have any man she wanted, but it seemed that her standards were high for someone of her age. Her fetishes were all of that of the supernatural. She could be interested in guys or girls but she wanted something magical and could not settle for less. One day she was walking in the park alone and saw these middle school boys mercilessly torturing what looked like a dragonfly, except oddly...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
4 years ago
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Alexis The Dark Fairy

Vanessa had just turned eighteen and still lived at her parents' house. She was very beautiful and could have any man she wanted, but it seemed that her standards were high for someone of her age. Her fetishes were all of that of the supernatural. She could be interested in guys or girls but she wanted something magical and could not settle for less. One day she was walking in the park alone and saw these middle school boys mercilessly torturing what looked like a dragonfly, except oddly...

4 years ago
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Alexis The Dark Fairy Chapter 3

"Damn it, I couldn't have dreamed all that could I? It all felt so real," She quietly said to herself. She slowly dragged out of bed and stretched her arms back as she normally would, but felt unusual tension in her shirt the more she stretched back. She looked down, and sure enough, her breasts were much larger and barely contained within her shirt. Remembering that Alexis enlarged her breasts with her magic she began to think maybe it wasn't a dream after all. She slowly walked to the...

4 years ago
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Alexis The Dark Fairy Chapter 3

Vanessa was woken out of a dead sleep to the sound of a screaming rock band as her alarm went off. "6:00 am" it displayed in bright red numbers in her dark room. She removed the covers and looked down to see that she was dressed in a black tee-shirt with a pink glittery skull and the same pink panties that she wore yesterday. She was clearly back to normal size and no sign of her new fairy friend in the room."Damn it, I couldn't have dreamed all that could I? It all felt so real," She quietly...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
4 years ago
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Alexis The Dark Fairy Chapter 3

Vanessa was woken out of a dead sleep to the sound of a screaming rock band as her alarm went off. "6:00 am" it displayed in bright red numbers in her dark room. She removed the covers and looked down to see that she was dressed in a black tee-shirt with a pink glittery skull and the same pink panties that she wore yesterday. She was clearly back to normal size and no sign of her new fairy friend in the room."Damn it, I couldn't have dreamed all that could I? It all felt so real," She quietly...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
4 years ago
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Alexis The Dark Fairy Chapter 3

Vanessa is woken out of a dead sleep to the sound of a screaming rock band as her alarm went off. "6:00 am" it displayed in bright red numbers in her dark room. She removed the covers and looked down to see that she was dressed in a black tee-shirt with a pink glittery skull and the same pink panties that she wore yesterday. She was clearly back to normal size and no sign of her new fairy friend in the room."Damn it, I couldn't have dreamed all that could I? It all felt so real." She quietly...

4 years ago
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AlexisChapter 6

Ann gradually cut back on her opium intake. Alexis went into cold sweats as the last of the drug withdrew from her body. Against the Billingsly's physician, Alexis went outside for target practice with her bow. It didn't take long for her to get back to the groove. In less than two days she was back to her own self. She also practiced with her sword. She was determined to be ready for Offa. At night she wept over the loss of the child in her womb. She was so despondent that she wouldn't...

2 years ago
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Groomed by My Girlfriend to be a Cuckold for Blacks

The quote from the Forrest Gump movie, ‘Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get,’ was certainly true in my case. I was born and raised in the San Francisco suburbs and had a pretty normal childhood. My parents have a stable marriage, and I had every reason to believe that I would find the perfect wife and live happily ever after with the girl of my dreams. This story documents my path to finding a happy life, but in a much different way than I could have dreamed...

4 years ago
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AlexisChapter 3

"Ah! My son has returned," Billingsly smiled. "What took you so long?" Alexis' jaw dropped for a moment at the fact she had been with Billingsly's son. Mark didn't look like his father nor have his boisterous nature. Recovering quickly, she stood in the background as the father embraced his son. "We were in the middle of that blizzard so we had to spend the night in a freedman's barn. This is the lady I told you about. She will be my wife if she will have me." He smiled at her as a...

2 years ago
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Alexis a moment in time Epilogue

The intention was to tell the story in its entirety, but due to my own reasons, I decided not to publish the remainder of the story. For those readers who was drawn in by the story itself and not only the sex and filthiness of my behavior, the below would serve as the epilogue in the story of Alexis and me. Ten years later. September 12, 2011 - the day the twin Memorial pools opened to the public. I ran my fingers through the inscribed name on the bronze parapets of the South...

1 year ago
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Alexis Texas 11000 12m

Alexis Texas is one of the OGs of the porn industry. Just about every guy who regularly surfs the internet in search of videos of sexy chicks getting fucked at some point or another has jacked off to videos of her.The actress retired a couple of years back and has not acted in any scene in a long while. However, she remains one of the most talked about and most searched adult film stars in the world. That is just how deep of a mark she left in in porn industry.Alexis Texas' fascinating booty is...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Alexis Fawx 3800 719000

Do you enjoy following the porn stars that you continuously jerk off to all the fucking time? If you do and you cannot get enough of a certain porn star like Alexis Fawx, then I urge you to take a look over on Twitter and follow this beautiful starlet to the end’s of the Earth! Okay, so maybe you shouldn’t physically follow her; Twitter will suffice.So head on over to and keep up to date on what all is going on in her little world. You’re going to see what she’s into,...

Twitter Porn Accounts
4 years ago
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Gsgangrel Fucks My Mom And I Watched A True Stor

I am a horny little nympho. I'm the first to admit it. I love dick. I love pussy. Ever since my cherry was popped ive been hooked. But as many dicks as i try and as many guys as i take at once, there has always been one dick ive went back to no matter what. And that dick belongs to gsgangrel. He was the 3rd guy i ever fucked. He is also the first guy who gave me a genuine orgasm. We dated for a while and we had a great sex life. My appetite for sex had always been big but after i felt my...

3 years ago
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Convinced by My Black Boss to Make Cuckold Videos

The bad economy that started several years ago was devastating for many people, including me. I had a good, twenty-year career as a market researcher with a major advertising agency but was laid off as part of their cost savings measures. I had worked my way up to be a highly paid director by that time, which made me an obvious target for being fired.I looked for work for the next three years, but no one would hire me. I got really tired of being called ‘overqualified’. I have good technical...

3 years ago
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AlexisChapter 2

The very next morning Alexis told her parents about the meeting the night before. Ruth was aghast that they might become vassals of another. Isaiah knew of Offa's cruelty but again Billingsly was no bargain either. He had a mean streak of his own. She asked her mother to prepare a place for a fourth person in two days time for the noon meal. Having eaten, she stepped out to the cold day with a light dusting of snow on the ground. She took her wooden sword to practice on another wooden statue...

3 years ago
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AlexisChapter 5

The temperatures started to moderate and the thoughts of Offa bringing his army into their land came foremost in everyone's thoughts. Alexis and Thomas showed their skills to all those who volunteered to be archers. Mark and his father trained the horsemen and ground troops. Peasants and serfs started digging the trenches Alexis suggested while others started digging a canal from the river to divert water into the diggings. Alexis was satisfied by the skill of most archers. They had used...

4 years ago
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AlexisChapter 14

King Peter ran into troubles the moment he led his small army out of his little castle. It was June and that spring brought cold rains. His troops fell knee deep into the mud on the roads. Only he and his son Prince Felix were on horses which labored in the mire too. Peter was a large man while his son was puny taking after his mother. With mud and never ending rain, they managed no more than two miles away. Oddly they claim Isaiah's old house as their first night to stay. What was a...

4 years ago
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My Wife is Addicted to Black Cock and Im her Cuckold

Karin is respected at work and at home. She runs a tight ship at both places. She tells me when I can fuck her and how to do it. She mixes it up, but is always the boss. Sometimes she’s respectful, sometimes she’s tough. She’s always on top and always makes sure we both get off. On the rare instances when she sucks my dick, she bends at the waist and mechanically beats and sucks me to get me hard. I have never cum in her mouth. Once a year she grants me a wish on my birthday. My birthday...

2 years ago
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Alexis In Wonderland

(A fanciful little episode inspired by the Art and writing of Andy Latex. For more stories featuring his naughty influence, please read my LOVELY IN LATEX series.) ALEXIS IN WONDERLAND by Throne Alex walked through the vast indoor shopping mall, balancing with practiced ease on his high heels, which were open-toed to let his painted nails peek out. Though his gait was relaxed, inside he was extremely tense. His Aunt Tabitha had overseen his dressing that morning, selecting an...

5 years ago
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AlexisChapter 7

It was decided by all to expect a siege but to leave the possibility open to meet on the field of battle that they had prepared. Alexis and Thomas decided to get their archer to practice ten hours a day or until Offa appeared with his army. Despite all that could be done, Arn died the day after his arrival. To Alexis, the war was personal. She liked the young man and was saddened and angered to hear of his death. They had a quick hero's funeral for him with Alexis driving the cross at the...

4 years ago
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AlexisChapter 9

Katherine Anne Billingsly was born the following February on a cold winter's night. The screaming baby was cleaned up, wrapped in a warm soft blanket and put to her mother's tit for her first feeding. The proud father, after seeing that all was well with his wife and daughter, promptly joined his father and friends for a night of drinking and debauchery. "Now I feel like a complete woman," she smiled to Ann who elected to stay with her daughter-in-law. The baby's lips sucking her nipple...

3 years ago
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Black Teen Neighbor and His Parents Cuckold White Couple

Our family has enjoyed the good life in our upscale, gated community in the Atlanta suburbs, since my husband, Sean, is a senior officer with a major company in the city. Our neighborhood is very exclusive, and very white, with the only black people in our area living right next to us. Sean and I met in college and got married right after graduation, starting a family right away. So now, at the relatively young age of forty-two, our son and daughter are both in college and out of the house.My...

2 years ago
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Cuckold to Big Black Cock Finale

Not long after my debasement by Master, Janice, Tom's wife started to come round our house more often. I was not included in their private conversations but the snippets I got like " big" and "you made him do what!" led me to believe they were talking about Master Marcus. As for me well I was back to cleaning Penny's spunk filled pussy at the weekend and building up my frustration, I wondered what humiliation he would put me through when I was desperate enough to beg him for...

4 years ago
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AlexisChapter 11

In June the following year a sickness fell over the land. In the castle it hit first among the servants. Then Lord Billingsly was stricken and died. Ann passed away the very next day, Esther came down with it and was dead. It struck Mark and Katherine the next day. Alexis escaped the plague but she lost everyone she loved including her parents. The disease took its toll on everyone. Most of the generals died and finally Matthew, Alexis' two month old son succumbed leaving her all alone in...

3 years ago
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Our Black Neighbors Cuckold My Husband

It sometimes amazes me how luck can play such significant roles in our lives and this story describes how those factors caused a dramatic change in the sex lives of my husband and me. My name is Joan, and my husband Ed and I had recently moved to Tampa from the Boston area at the time of this story.Ed is an executive with a high-tech company, and he was being promoted to manage the company’s facility in Tampa. I was forty-two years old and Ed was forty-five, and since we had married very young,...

3 years ago
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Our Black Neighbors Cuckold My Husband

It sometimes amazes me how luck can play such significant roles in our lives and this story describes how those factors caused a dramatic change in the sex lives of my husband and me. My name is Joan, and my husband Ed and I had recently moved to Tampa from the Boston area at the time of this story.Ed is an executive with a high-tech company, and he was being promoted to manage the company’s facility in Tampa. I was forty-two years old and Ed was forty-five, and since we had married very young,...

2 years ago
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Im Now a BlackCock Slut Cuckold

My fantasy was to be sexually flirtatious with a black man. After months of talking about it we finally posted to an internet site seeking a black man. We had many responses, but finally decided to meet one man who really seemed to understand our desires. We met Mr. Johnson one night for drinks. At his request, I wore a loose fitting white blouse with no bra, and a short black skirt. Mr. Johnson immediately took charge and we discussed what I wanted and my limitations. We were very comfortable...

3 years ago
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My Small Cock GF Trains me to be a Cuckold

After high school I went to college at the Rochester Institute of Technology and earned a bachelor's degree in computing and information services. At the beginning of my junior year there, I met a girl named Alyssa who is my age. She was working on her degree in psychophysiology. I was immediately attracted to that beautiful girl, who just happens to look a little like the actress Scarlett Johansson. And for some inexplicable and happy reason, she was attracted to me as well.Alyssa is five feet...

2 years ago
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Alexis and Amber Come To Play

Alexis from the couple of Amber and Alexis left this on my PM a while ago. She tried to post it but had no luck and asked me…. She had fun with it as of course I did as well, it is fun and well written for being int the moment for her… Check out Alexis and Amber’s site and let them know how much you like the story…. You hear the door creak open, and you look at your intruder. I’m standing in the doorway, wearing nothing but a t-shirt, covering my girl parts....

2 years ago
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Alexis and Amber Come To Play

Alexis from the couple of Amber and Alexis left this on my PM a while ago. She tried to post it but had no luck and asked me.... She had fun with it as of course I did as well, it is fun and well written for being int the moment for her... Check out Alexis and Amber's site and let them know how much you like the story.... hear the door creak open, and you look at your intruder. I'm standing in the doorway, wearing nothing but a t-shirt, covering my girl...

4 years ago
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Alexis and Justin

Alexis and her boyfriend had decided that they wanted some excitement. Alexis decided to confide in Justin one of her darkest secrets. She had stumbled upon the book almost a year ago. It was really an accident. She just happened to have tucked the sheets under the mattress of her parent’s bed when her hand felt something. She tugged and out came a tattered book, complete with illustrations. She flipped through it and was astonished by what she read and saw. The book had been read many times....

2 years ago
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This is my first story. It is also completely true. The names everyone involved, knowingly or not, have been changed to protect their anonymity, as well as keep us from getting caught. I hope you enjoy it, please feel free to leave any feedback, but be gentle ;-)So before we delve into the good part of the story, I think you need a little background on the relationship between Alexis and I. Over the past 2 years, her and I have been getting increasingly close and becoming very good friends, but...

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