The Voyages of Luscious Lucy Ch 01
- 4 years ago
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Chapter Four: We Sail Away
And that’s how The Lucille became Luscious Lucy. I liked the new name and made plans to have the old boat hauled out so the hull could be scraped and repainted with the new moniker scrawled across her stern. I was also learning all about boats from Deborah.
Deborah was turning out to be a wealth of information and a dynamo when it came to getting things done.
Monday had come and gone, the boat was up on the rails across the river from Mayport at Monty Daley’s Boatyard. The hull repairs were scheduled to take about ten days so Deborah was to move her gear into my spare bedroom for the duration.
As I parked the Chevy in the drive in front of the house, Deborah turned and stared at me, ‘You have got to be putting me on!’ She gasped, getting her first view of my decrepit old house.
‘What?’ I responded.
‘You can’t be serious,’ She whined.
‘WHAT?’ I repeated.
‘This place is dangerous!’ She wailed.
‘You haven’t even been inside,’ I grated, irritation seeping into my voice.
‘I won’t live long enough to clean this mess up!’ She stated, uncoiling from the passenger side of the car and standing in the weed-infested patch beside the driveway. ‘What happened to your house?’
‘Nothing. Why, what’s the problem?’ I grumbled. ‘It needs a few repairs is all.’
Dave and his brother Steve rolled up behind the Chevy. Both of them walked up and stood with Deborah and me in front of my house.
‘Hi Mac,’ Dave said. ‘What do ya think Steve? He should burn it down, right?’
‘Would save him a lot of money, I think,’ Steve answered.
Deborah giggled and advanced toward the door. She turned the knob and pushed on the door. Nothing happened. She pushed again. Still to no avail.
‘So, how do you get it open?’ She queried.
I stepped up and put my shoulder to the door and leaned into it. As per custom, it grated on the sill and swung in. I gestured in a wide sweep of my arm, bowing just slightly at the waist.
‘Welcome to Utopia.’ I said.
‘Somebody wake me up, quick!’ Deborah murmured, stepping cautiously into the dank house. ‘I’m having a nightmare.’
Dave and Steve were having a great time. It was quite obvious Deborah was not going to lighten up on me about the state of my digs any time soon and they were both standing there holding their sides as she expounded her dismay. All I could do was take the ribbing because she was absolutely right. The house had been totally neglected, since long before Maureen died, and was just about to collapse under its own weight.
‘I think I can save her,’ Steve managed, hanging on to Dave’s shoulder for support. ‘But it’ll be a test.’
‘Fuck you guys,’ I said, following Deborah into the house.
Deborah stood with her hands on her hips just inside the front door. She scanned the inside of the main floor of the house and shook her head. She slowly made her way into the living room to the left and then back through the so called foyer into the dining area and back into the kitchen. Returning, she looked up the stairway where the bedrooms were and took a cautious journey up the stairs. I could hear her walking from room to room by the squeaking of the old floorboards. Then she returned to stand in front of me.
‘This won’t be easy,’ She said, her eyes twinkling. ‘But I’m gonna make you a deal.’
‘Whazzat?’ I asked.
‘I’ll help you clean up this pig sty, then we go for a cruise on the boat.’ Her resolve was granite solid.
‘I got a gig next weekend with Dave.’ I said.
‘The boat won’t be done before that, so you can’t weasel out of it that way,’ She quipped. ‘But when she comes down off the rails, we sail. Deal?’
How could I refuse. The house was a disaster, after all. ‘Deal.’ I said.
Dave and Steve were standing behind us now. ‘It’s gonna be a major undertaking,’ Steve entered the conversation.
‘How long will it take?’ I asked.
‘All summer, depending,’ He said.
‘On?’ I asked.
‘How much the termites have eaten over the years, and how much you want to fix it up.’ Steve said.
The decision came to me in a split second, like the revelation you get when you’re playing kick-ass rock and roll and you throw a new chop into a lead you’ve been trying to get right and suddenly it happens. ‘Get it ready to sell. I’m going to move onto the boat with Skinny here after she hits the water.’ I said, just like that.
Deborah’s face lit up like a Chinese lantern. ‘Really?’ She gasped. ‘Oh how cool is that?’
‘What about playing music?’ Dave asked, dejectedly.
‘I’m with ya on this gig, Old Buddy. Then I’m takin’ some time off and see what’s out there.’ I answered, waving my hand in the air. ‘And I think I got the right captain for this cruise.’
Deborah was jumping up and down like a school girl and clapping her hands, gleefully. Her big boobs bouncing wildly under her tank-top. Steve and Dave were taking careful note of the action.
‘Fuckin’ guy has all the luck,’ Dave complained.
‘No lie,’ Steve agreed.
The next four days were a living hell around the house. Deborah was a whirlwind when it came to cleaning. I stayed pretty much out of her way for fear of bodily damage. Steve was taking careful aim at the outside of the place but promised he’d hold off on starting construction inside until after Deborah and I had moved onto the boat. I was scheduled to play with Dave and his new group on Friday and Saturday nights and Sunday afternoon in Saint Augustine.
It was Wednesday afternoon and it had been several days since I’d visited Caroline. I wasn’t exactly horny, but Debbie was flouncing around the house in a bright yellow string bikini, busily working her way from room to room on her quest to remove the years of grime from everything in sight. Her hair was all askew, and she had smudges of dirt on her arms and face. I was in the kitchen when she appeared searching for a fresh sponge and some kind of cleaner for the shower stall. When she bent over and stuck her head under the sink, her beautiful tight butt jumped out right in front of me.
The thin strip of her yellow thong disappeared between her cheeks and divided the lips of her sweet pussy so they bulged invitingly on either side, making a perfect camel toe. I eased close behind her and placed a hand on each soft orb. I heard her squeak once but she didn’t attempt to move away. She folded her arms on the edge of the sink top, laid her head on her arms and stepped back toward me.
Gently, and very slowly, I let my hand move down over her warm butt and slide underneath until I felt the soft folds of her outer petals. She shuffled her feet to the side, spreading her legs farther apart. Easing a finger under the thin patch of fabric covering her sex, I felt her wetness. My finger slipped inside with no resistance. I had to bend my knees a bit so I could push deeper into her.
I could hear her mumble something incoherent as I pushed a second finger into her. My knuckle must have raked across her clit, because she pushed way up on her tiptoes as a low moan escaped her lips. Then her thighs squeezed my hand for many seconds while she trembled on my hand.
‘You got somthin’ special on your mind, Sailor?’ She gasped as her orgasm subsided.
‘Don’t move,’ I said.
I quickly dropped my shorts and stepped out of them. I found the bows on her hips, pulled gently and dropped the ends of the strings sending her tiny bikini bottom to the floor with my shorts. I grabbed my doo-dad with one hand, put my other hand in the small of her back, hunkered down and stepped forward, positioning myself carefully and invaded her drenched pussy.
She sucked in a huge lung full of air and hissed as we came together. She rocked forward. I held her firmly by the hips, picking her feet up a few inches off the floor. Then I started rocking into her
slowly with long even strokes. Within moments, I erupted deep inside of her. Deborah flailed her legs as her second orgasm hit her just seconds after I started to fill her with hot cum. We stayed up there together for a long time, languishing in the aftermath of our quick fuck, before I lowered her feet back to the floor.
My deflating cock slipped out of her greasy cunt, followed by a thick glob of sticky white cum that plopped down on the floor between our feet.
Deborah, her head still resting on her folded arms, looked down and said, ‘I’m never going to get this place cleaned up if you insist on messing the floor up all the time!’
The laughter was priceless.
The Luscious Lucy was due to come off the rails on Monday. I was scheduled to play with Dave and his merry crew over the weekend, so Deborah and I spent the next couple of days packing my possessions up for storage and organizing my personal belongings to be moved aboard when she was back in the water. Deborah made a grand gesture of throwing nearly all of my old ragged clothing in the trash and we spent Friday shopping for some new duds. She, being less than half my age, had a drastically different idea on what was fashionable than I did. So I just let her do her thing, adding a gaudy flowered shirt here and there purely to have some say in the matter and soon we were back at the house with a whole new wardrobe. Most of it was casual, but she forced me to buy a new suit and even a couple of ties. (Groan!)
I loaded my amp and guitar in the back of the Chevy and we headed for The Ancient City. Deb had never heard me play before so she cajoled until I agreed to let her tag along for the Friday session. I was growing attached to the exuberant girl despite the gnawing feeling in my gut which told me I should keep my distance. But like I said before, I got no sense when it comes to women, whatsoever.
Monson’s Motor Lodge is your typical aging Florida tourist stop, complete with a hundred plus rooms, pool, dining room and a fairly large lounge. Dave had us checked in for the weekend so we wouldn’t have to drive the 35 miles home in the middle of the night. I met the rest of the band which included a drummer named Geno whom I’d met before, Armand the keyboard player that carried a Hammond B-3 made in 1941 around, Mike another guitar player, and the singer Donna.
Donna is a charmer, tall, dark haired, always smiling and stacked. She also has a song list that goes on forever. Dave told me she was good, really good! I’d heard Dave’s praises before, and if he said she was really good, it was fact and I looked forward to the evening’s play.
Deborah and I walked with Dave and the singer across the street to The Santa Maria Restaurant, which was built out on the end of a long pier over the water at the public anchorage in St. Augustine Harbor. The food was great and so was the company. I liked Donna instantly, but decided that Dave had already set his sails in her direction and besides, I had the captain of my vessel with me to keep me company. Dave was giving Deb the eye too. Donna and Deb were soon immersed in deep conversation so Dave and I got caught up on all the dirt on our old buddies in the music business.
We got back to the lounge and set up our gear. Debbie, as she kept urging me to call her, proved to be an excellent roadie, quickly learning how to plug in the amp and speaker, tuner and effects pedals and watched intently as I tuned the old Fender guitar. Dave and Geno spent considerable time erecting the PA system while Armand lugged his monster Hammond organ and Leslie cabinet up on stage and made all the necessary hook-ups. Donna reappeared a few minutes before nine wearing a skin tight, strapless, blue sequined dress.
‘I’d like to eat her pussy,’ Debbie whispered in my ear as I rose to go up on stage for the first set.
I looked at Debbie and winked, shaking my finger at her and tsk tsking. The girl is incorrigible.
We opened with Donna’s personal arrangement of I’m Hurt, an old cross over standard. Then we played a couple of blues tunes and some old rock numbers. Dave called it right on the button, the dark haired beauty was dynamite. Each song she sang was like a concert all by itself. We ended the set with an old Peggy Lee tune called Fever. The small but enthusiastic crowd loved her, and us.
Debbie pulled me down into an empty chair next to her and hugged me close.
‘You guys are fantastic,’ Debbie gushed. ‘Donna sings so fine!’
‘Thanks,’ I said, as Donna walked up to our table and pulled out a chair.
‘Nice job, Guitar Man,’ Donna said, hiking her skirt up so she could bend and sit without splitting a seam.
‘Thanks,’ I replied to the compliment. ‘You ain’t so bad yourself. Why aren’t you working with a headliner?’
‘I had problems with a loved one, recently,’ Donna answered. ‘Now I don’t have the loved one to shove me around any more. So I’m hiding out at Dave’s.’
‘Makes sense to me,’ I quipped.
‘Nice dress,’ Debbie interjected. ‘Nice ass too.’
Debbie’s fingers slid across the table to touch Donna on the back of her hand. The dark haired singer inched her hand forward to intercept the caress. I swear I saw a spark as their hands made contact.
‘Hi Kiddies!’ Dave said, setting four beers on the table and dousing the fire that had erupted between the two sexy women. ‘Great tunes, Donna.’
Dave pulled a chair out and parked himself across from me, between the girls. If looks could kill, Debbie was on her way to jail for murder. Donna had much the same look in her eye. Then they both broke out laughing.
‘I miss something?’ Asked the puzzled bass player.
‘I’ll explain it to you some day,’ I said, joining in the laughter.
Debbie excused herself to the ladies room with Donna in hot pursuit. Break quickly passed and we went back to the stage and had run through four or five songs with male vocals before Donna and Debbie returned. Donna joined us on the stage and it was clear to me, that she and Debbie had gotten much better acquainted in the bathroom, judging from the flush on Donna’s cheeks and the smile on her face. Debbie looked rather proud of herself as well.
We finished the set and took another break at 11:30. Debbie had a cold beer ready for me when I got to the table. Donna and Dave headed for the front door to go out and burn one. Geno, Mike and Armand zeroed in on a couple of groupies at the bar, leaving us alone at our table in the corner by the stage.
‘Man, is that some sweet pussy,’ Debbie whispered as I sat down. ‘And can she lick clitty!’
I groaned and she giggled. ‘Dave’s a lucky fella. She tells me they’re spending quite a bit of time together these days. I think she’s staying in the apartment out back of his place in Mayport.’
‘What about Dave’s old lady?’ I asked.
‘I think she’s doing her too,’ The excited girl said.
That sounded like something Dave would be in to, I thought to myself, which is great if you can pull it off. Dave had a knack for creating interesting situations for him self. We played the last set and headed upstairs to the room which had been reserved for us in the motel.
They rooms were cozy and clean. Dave and the singer had the room right next to ours and it was only a matter of a few minutes before we heard a soft knocking on the interconnecting door between the rooms. I fiddled with the lock and opened the door to see Donna standing there, wearing only a black thong and a smile, holding a Margarita in her hand.
‘Join us for a nightcap?’ The dark haired singer asked with a big flash of her pearly white teeth.
Debbie giggled, pulling her shirt off over her head and tugging her skirt down over her tight ass. ‘Sure, why not?’
I followed the girls into the next room and found Dave sitting on the bed flipping the remote control for the TV through the channels looking for a porn movie to watch.
‘What’s up,
Sailor?’ Dave asked, obviously enjoying the sight of the two naked women who were now on the bed grappling with each other.
‘You need to ask?’ I asked in return.
The big bass player cocked his head toward the women on the other bed and smiled. He was truly in his element.
‘I remember the first night you met Maureen,’ He said. ‘Been a lot of water flowed under the bridge since then, My Friend.’
‘That there has, Amigo,’ I agreed. ‘That there has. I remember what you told me that night too.’
‘Jesus, Mac. Who can remember twenty five years ago? I can’t remember what I said this afternoon.’ Dave declared.
‘You said it would end in tragedy, me and Maureen. You remember that?’ I asked.
‘And I was right.’ He said. ‘You gonna do it again?’
‘I’m getting’ too fuckin’ old to get married again, Dave.’ I told him. ‘But I think I’m gonna take the kid here and have her drive my boat for me and see what the rest of Florida looks like before I get too old to enjoy it. Mo left me enough money for a few years if I pay attention and don’t get stupid with it.’
Go for it, Mac,’ Dave said. ‘Have your self a blast. Now let’s fuck the eyeballs out of these two Bimbos!’
Dave stood up, dropped his towel on the floor, crawled up on the other bed and dove between Debbie’s legs with his face. I watched the singer ease across the bed toward me and reach for the zipper on my pants. Within seconds, I was balls deep in her throat. This chick was a true talent with her mouth. I stared down at the top of her head as she screwed her face completely into my hairy belly.
Dave flipped Debbie over and entered her from behind, bringing a squeal from her as he slid his thick cock deep into her pussy. I watched as the big hairy bass player pounded his big meaty prick in the young girl’s pussy. Debbie seemed to be enjoying herself, as was I.
‘C’mon, Sailor,’ Donna said, disconnecting her mouth from my throbbing dick. ‘Let’s get down to business here.’
She pushed me down on the bed and crawled up over me. Hoisting herself up on her feet and hands, she reached down and held my hard cock up as she lowered her dark-thatched pussy onto me, guiding me straight into her steaming center.
‘Ooooooooooh yeaaaaaaaah, Baby,’ Donna breathed, sitting flat down on me.
All I could feel was the slick heat of her inner walls as she sat there motionless. Then she flexed and it felt like she had stroked me with her hand. Over and over again she contracted the inner muscles of her milking cunt, never rising up. This girl has muscle tone!
I began flexing back into her in return and before long, we had an easy rhythm going, neither of us using any other movement other than that of our coupled sex members. The feeling was totally consuming. Almost without warning, I felt her stiffen on top of me, sending me over the edge. I pumped a huge river of love milk deep in her clutching hole as she trembled on top of me. Her orgasm was equally as strong as mine. She ground her cunt down onto me while I filled her to overflowing.
In slow motion, she leaned forward and lay flat on top of me. Her breathing ragged and her body quaking with the quick aftershocks of her huge climax.
I saw the gray of morning creeping in under the drapery covering the motel window. I didn’t remember falling asleep, or Donna leaving and Debbie returning to my bed as I slipped out from the heavy cover of slumber. Debbie was curled up in a tight ball next to me, very naked, with her cute little butt tucked into my side. She snored softly. My pecker was enormous, and hard as steel. But then it usually is in the morning when I have to pee so badly.
I moved slowly and tried not to disturb the girl as I eased out of bed and headed for the john. I stood there over the bowl with Mr. Johnson in my hand and panicked when I saw a dark red discoloration along the length of my doo-dad. I turned around so I could get more light on the subject, and discovered I had been branded with a vivid smear of Donna’s red lipstick the night before. I must have been quite a sight, standing there with my dick in my hand, frantically rubbing my thumb along its length trying to figure out what had happened to me.
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LOANING LUCYBy VelvetgloveCopyright and Disclaimer ‘Loaning Lucy’ is an original work of fiction and neither events nor characters portrayed are based in reality. Any resemblance with actual persons is entirely coincidental. Codes: F/f, F+/f, D/s, consensual, humiliation, serious, interracial. Copyright is asserted by the author and no reposting to other sites or commercial use whatsoever is authorised.LOANING LUCYAlice sat, gently grinding her hips, enjoying the feel of the hot, wet tongue up...
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Glen Oak had ever known. She had recently graduated high school and would soon be entering collage where she was going to study to be a minister like her father before her. She had always resisted the idea of premarital sex, she was a girl who was determined to wait till her wedding night. She had dreamed of her first time being with her new husband. Sure she had been curious about sex, and had her chances to have sex, but she none the less was determined she would wait, little did she...
This story follows on from; Me and my Older sister Lucy which goes in to more detail about our early years, but you need not read it to understand this story.I live with my sister in London sharing a flat together, we do more than share the flat, we also share the bed together. Lucy is three years older than I am and since I can remember she has always been part of my life.When we were little, she would come into my bed at bedtime and we would play together, regularly waking up together in...
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It was Bradley's very first job - babysitting Mrs. Braun's seven-year-old daughter, Lucy. Mrs. Braun had told Bradley's mom that she would need a babysitter on Saturday's for the rest of the summer as she took a teaching certificate class. I was going to be pretty easy money for the thirteen-year-old Bradley, taking care of a seven-year-old during the day and on a weekend too. He figured they could play most of the time. What a great way to make money, and Mrs. Braun was going to pay him...
Miss Lucy (F/b, 1st) by Anonymous (Address withheld by request) *** In 1950, when I was 12, we moved across town into a nicer rental house. It was an older 2-bedroom house, with a small house in the back yard. This back yard house was rented by an lady who was about 55 years old. Her name was Lucy Granger and we met her when we looked at the house with the landlord. She was very nice to me on that first meeting asking all about school and telling Mom and Dad they better watch me...
Miss Lucy (F/b, 1st)by Anonymous (Address withheld by request)***In 1950, when I was 12, we moved across town into a nicer rental house. It was an older 2-bedroom house, with a small house in the back yard. This back yard house was rented by an lady who was about 55 years old. Her name was Lucy Granger and we met her when we looked at the house with the landlord. She was very nice to me on that first meeting asking all about school and telling Mom and Dad they better watch me because all the...
Hello this is Sisfucker. Hope you like this hot Mausi and her nephew. You may email me at My name is Vicky, aged 21 years and live with my mother Roma aged 40 years. Mom is a school teacher and is very sexy. She has the magic figure of 36-25-36. She is a little darkish in complexion but she always gives me a hard cock when I peek into her room while she is changing her clothes. I have masturbated to the sight of my mother. She is my sex goddess. I thought I had won a lottery when my Mausi Lucy...
IncestJulie was the one who came with the plan, and she was sure it would work. Like she said: "these three (Jill, Carla and Sue) can seduce a statue. Made of ice!" But how long would they take to seduce Lucy Parker? Julie had no way of knowing that. So she gave them until five-thirty to succeed. Then, Jill, Carla and Sue should leave. That night was for family only. Jill slept over Carla's. If anything went wrong, and Lucy freaked out or anything, the girls had Laurie's cell number. The...
Copyright© 2006 by Just Plain Bullet aka Andrew Wiggin "Harder, Ralph! Fuck me harder!" Lucy was thrashing beneath me on the verge of a mammoth orgasm. With a deep gruff voice I said, "I'll fuck you hard and you'll like it, baby." "Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah, Ralph. No one fucks me like you do. Oh, God, I'm going over..." Lucy's eyes were closed as her body clenched in the throes of orgasm. Her spasming pussy pulled me along with her and I came with a loud groan. We both collapsed onto the...
He is, however, very careful about these activities. He does not want his wife damaged, of course, but also he does not want her to remember anything afterwards. He used to do this by getting her very drunk, sometimes with a little help, but now he has a better way, a friend in the shape of Joe, a retired stage magician, who can use hypnosis on Doris leaving her with no memory of what has taken place. Jack was waiting for me to come home one evening, and came out to speak to me. He said that...
Boss– oral–size– stockings– work -bbw"Yes that's it baby fuck me up my tight bunghole!" Lucy screamed at her boss. It was another lunch time romp at work and Lucy was getting shafted.Not the type of shafted one might get to experience from their employer though. Lucy was presently bent over her boss Taylor Watson's desk. Her tartan blue skirt hiked over her humungous ass, his cock buried deep in the tight hole. It had been that way since she first got hired. Every Friday Taylor would call her...
DISCLAIMER: In the DevianArt version of this story, Lucy's lines are mostly in italics. However, since I don't think they'll show up on FIctionmania, I'll try using //'s in her dialogue in order to create the otherworldly feel. If this bothers you, then inform me and I'll try releasing a version without the //'s. Lucy (A Halloween TG). October 31st 8:30pm. "Where do you think you're going?" The stern tone of his mother's voice was enough to make James wince as he was caught taking...
The tale of my first sexual adventure, which I narrated to my wives on their insistence to know about my prior sexual life.Up to the age of eighteen, I had remained in perfect ignorance of all those matters related to sex, which careful parents are always anxious to conceal from their c***dren.It was around 5 years back when I was aged 18 and had finished my schooling. At the end of the month of March when I was walking in one of the streets of New Delhi, near our house, I saw two beautiful...
Introduction: The true story of an unusual deal with my hot little wife I guess everyone has been in a relationship that was going nowhere, but they were too lazy to break up. Thats where I was with Lucy. But I cant say it was difficult to stay with her, either. I stayed with her for the same reasons I noticed her in the first place namely that she was smoking hot. Slim, blonde and petite at only 53, Lucy attracted attention wherever she went. She was also unfailingly kind, generous and...
This was it. IT! THE chance of a lifetime. The sort of evening I'd been waiting so long for. A couple of times I'd thought my chance had come but each time something had gone wrong, someone had changed their mind. Either Mum, or Dad, or Stephanie, someone had decided to stay in. Or decided that I should go out with them. But this time it was going to be OK, it was going to work.Stephanie - well, no problem. She was away at college now. She was a year older than me. I was heading off on my own...
It has been a while since I tutored, most of my time lately had been taken up with setting up the business with my partner and dealing directly with clients. The next step in growing the business was to take on new staff either as employed or contract depending on where they were. My partner was only a business partner but she had carried out deep tissue massage on me a few times and her hands new exactly what they were doing with my body. That was the message I was trying to get across when I...
Disclaimer: this story should never be thought of as Bikini-Beach canon in any shape or form. It's less of a story and more of a thought exercise, telling the first day's transformations of Luke and Peter in "A Bikini Beach Summer" using a suggested Multiverse view of Bikini-Beach reality shifts, and imagining how things would have to work. As usual, the characters who say things about Bikini Beach, or whose thoughts about BB we are privy to, may get things wrong. The Bikini Beach...
Note : This story is completely fictional! (And my very first.) I got admission into college and moved to Chicago a few years back. Being a student, I could not afford to rent a place by myself. So I rented out a room in a mansion owned by a couple. The guy's name was Matt and he was working in a financial firm as a senior banker. His wife Lucy was much older than me but a stunning woman. I was pleasantly taken aback when I saw her first. Slhe had long dark hair and a charming face with a very...
EroticNote : This story is completely fictional! For the longest time, I have wanted to fuck my cousin Lucy. At 19, she is a couple of years younger then I am and she is hot as hell. I am nothing to look at but we were close cousins and, with a little effort, I was sure we would be even closer. Lucy lived with her parents, obviously my aunt and uncle. I waited for a time when I knew they would not be home to make my move. That day presented itself in early December when they would be away attending a...
IncestWhen no one is looking I call her "juicy Lucy" . I have seen her grow up and started to notice her a few years or so ago when she stopped looking like a little girl and more like she was discovering know what I mean!. The wife and I would often babysit her or let her stay with us if her parents were running late and couldn't be back to meet her from school . I never did or attempted anything when she wasn't old enough but this little cracker was now sixteen (legal in U.K) . She is...
I could tell by her mood swings that she hadn't been getting any for quite a while ... and then ... out of the blue ... he came: A Friday night guy, just before closing. For her it was perfect timing. 'A Mother Nature thing', she would call it. Mother Nature had a habit of looking after horny women like Lucy ... she would drop them onto the doorstep for her ... bang on time ... just when she was about to burst. I looked at the way his blue hospital gown stood to attention at the crotch....
Sitting down at the food court in the mall to eat your tacos you find your eyes start to wonder around the mall looking at all the hot things shopping in the mall. Aah to be young again and back chasing that gorgeous tail. You can't help but admit to yourself that as you get older your taste in women has never changed. You like hot 18 to 20 little sluts, especially the cheerleader types. Sadly the older you get the less and less likely that is going to happen. If you were only rich you laugh to...
The disguised Tigershark dropped out of Quasi-Space and as it has become our routine just beyond the utmost Elfi said. “Looks like they had contact with our galaxy before. Communication is now possible. They respond to Squack.” I got up, Har-Hi held my mask. “You should wear it, it is part of your Black Velvet trademark and flair of mystery.” “You think I have that? I mean a flair?” “In spades, Captain and I begin to learn to like this Do suit, complete with mask. It gives me that...
Lucy had never taken a cock bigger than 6 inches, her current boyfriend was a petite 4 inches yet this never really bothered her. To her, sex was something that the man always started and would only last about 15 or 20 minutes. The way she seen it, sex was never for her pleasure, just something that men needed every now and then to keep them happy.Lucy had never really seen what all the fuss was about, she often gets a lot of attention from men, partly because of her delicate innocent facial...
Lucy’s mind was on fire as she listened to Norma’s confessions. She began to feel the now familiar ache in her loins. In her mind she envisioned petite Norma face down with her ass exposed and cum leaking from her anus. Oh Norma, that is so exciting to think about. Were you sore afterwards? I’ve never dreamed about being taken anally, Really, Norma, you had an orgasm without clitoral stimulation? Norma laughed, she reached out and cupped Lucy’s face, Lucy girl, you have no idea what you have...
Aunt Lucy played the piano better than Thelonious Monk himself, able to pick up on the most subtle of ambient emotions in the room and play them to her hearts content. She played a slow, heavy tune tonight to match the loneliness in my heart. She closed her eyes and made a pained face while she played, the music she made was indescribable. Her jet black hair fell to just below her ear by an inch at the most, tickling her neck. Her glasses rested on the edge of her nose, and her mouth was...
IncestLucy had already started cooking stir fry and asked me to wait in the lounge whilst she went to get changed. A couple of minutes later, she was back in the room and had changed into a purple dress and black leggings. She looked hot and my dick twitched in my pants. “Lets eat, I'm starving” she said, so we went and ate whilst chatting about each other's day's. I kept staring into Lucy's eyes and thinking about how beautiful she looked. We had both been flirting with each other across...
My name is Mike. I’m forty-eight, divorced, and work troubleshooting for supply chains in international businesses. I usually get called in before a company goes broke, or get court-ordered after a company files a Chapter 13. Some judges that deal with this kind of thing have heard me talking about losses off trucks and trucks going out at full capacity and being a waste of logistics. So they like my opinion.This time, I was asked to come in on the front of a project. So I was helping set...
InterracialLoosey Lucy When I was in the fifth grade I was eleven years old, flat chested and I didn’t even have hair on my pussy yet but that didn’t stop Billy Bradley from inviting me to go skinny-dipping with him. I couldn’t wait to see what a penis looked like so I said okay. I knew that I didn’t have anything that he wanted to see. So we walked along the shore until I felt safe enough then we undressed. He was sure in a big hurry and just took everything off all at once. I took my clothes...
Lucy's mom had just married her third husband. He was handsome and liked going naked around the house which the mom thought was sexy. They also spent a lot of time in bed and Lucy could hear the wild sex from the two of them. One day Lucy was in the kitchen in her nightgown and he came in naked. She stared at his huge dick and he said to her "You like my big dick?" Then he ran his hand up under her nightie and grabbed a tit. He told her "You have those nice big tits like your momma. Do you fuck...
I had probably experienced jet lag previously, but I honestly didn't remember. I can promise you this, I will never forget the feeling again. My head was buried so far up my ass, I could see my last meal. I took another shower, not so much to wash away the sleep sweat, as to try to clear the cobwebs. "Hey girl," Lamar's voice came from the phone. I had answered it still dressed in my panties and bra. I knew that I was on camera, but I also knew that I had nothing worth flaunting. If...
I woke up beside Lucy. She looked so beautiful. Her long, silky brown hair surrounding her pretty face. She lay on her front, still sleeping, and I lay just watching her sleep, as I often did if I woke before her. It was just gone 7am, which would normally be time to get up, but not today, today was Sunday. I loved waking up early on a Sunday, and knowing I didn’t have to get up to go to work. As I lay watching Lucy sleep, I started to feel a little horny. I thought about waking her,...
Kim loved spending the summer with Aunt Lucy. She loved sucking her aunts big tits and licking her pussy. They spent a lot of time naked. Last night in bed her aunt had fingered her for over an hour then she tongue fucked her wet cunt till Kim was screaming and had cum pouring out her cunt. Her aunt had taught her all about girl sex and Kim loved it. Just now her aunt came up to her and bent her naked body over the chair and spread her legs and began first finger fucking her cunt with three...
It was a cold, wet Friday night in the east end of Glasgow. bugger, lost as usual, I thought to myself. I was trying to find my way to my friend’s apartment. I was going to be staying there for a couple of weeks while he was on holiday. It was really just for his piece of mind, as he doesn’t quite trust the neighbourhood! I was looking around, confused, trying to find a road sign for directions, when, suddenly, I saw a figure standing at the bus stop ahead of me. I pulled over and rolled...
Better late than….Lucy Lucy smiled as her daughters, both of them, pressed her to start dating again. Even her pastor had hinted that she had been mourning Ted’s death for long enough and it was high time to get back into the flow of life. Lucy’s smile was brought on by her amusement as to how these people would react if they had any idea of the type of person she was interested in dating. She had been contemplating exactly what her next date, her first date after Ted’s untimely death, would be...
Lucy Moore sat in bed reading the file on the Jorgenson prosecution A Pretty woman of 43 she was a Prosecutor in the Attorney Generals Office. Widowed at 28 she had used her husbands insurance proceeds to get an education and to raise her son Troy. He was 18, she was as happy as a person could be professionally and as a Mother. at 10 she turned off the light and prepared to go to sleep. Damn she said softly, there's a light on somewhere. Going into the hallway she could see the light coming...
Thoughts I'm continually learning things about myself, even after this long in continuous operation. For example, I only recently uncovered a tiny subroutine that increases my happiness and pleasure in direct proportion to how sexy I am dressed, or undressed. The effect is subtle, which is why it has taken me so long to become aware of it. It's completely overwhelmed, for example, by my normal sexual programming. But when nothing else is going on in me it leaves me thinking, can I do a...
Five days after graduation, Danny, Ashley and Lynn boarded their flight to Paris. They were traveling coach. Danny and Ash could have flown business class, but the downgrade freed up enough cash to bankroll Lynn’s flight with money to spare. They could have easily afforded to pay for Lynn’s expenses, but flying in coach was a gesture of solidarity with their friend. They had a row of three seats in the centre section, very much in the back of the plane. Lynn was a bit nervous before take-off...
Lucy & John were school friends then sweethearts. When they left school they didn't see each other for about 10 months One day they bumped into each other in the town. After chatting for quite a while John asked Lucy out on a date. Lucy was soon to be 16 years old & John was already 16.The date went really well, Lucy was thrilled as she always had crush on John. They started seeing each other as often as they could. They got on really well, they spent a lot of time kissing & John...
What happened to Lucy? By Dr. Quirt A young slave trainer is abducted from a harem and sold as a common slave. After many trials she is re-acquainted with an old friend, but this is not the end of the story. After returning to her former master she is handed over to the last person that she wanted to see. This story is the third part of a trilogy, the preceding parts being Julie?s Story and Nina?s Tale. It may be read as a stand-alone work but, ideally, the other two stories should be...
The end of a long, hard, frustrating work day had come around at last and for me it was time to hit the pub, drown my sorrows and maybe play a few tunes at the open mic session that was going to happen the same as every Sunday. I work in a job that I hate, in an office that I hate more, though I did think I would love it when I first started. I guess that doesn't matter now. I grabbed my jackets and went to pick up my guitar from in the store cupboard where it stays every Sunday. I took the...
LesbianSchool of Sex 2 – Robert Robert woke up early. He could hear the faint snore of the girl sleeping beside him. She was Lucy, his new maid. She was not much beautiful. She was very lean but had a good pair of boobs. He took her as his maid only because she was a virgin. He liked to deflower virgins. He loved to feel the warmth of their blood on his cock and their loud cry when he pushed his cock inside their pussies. Three weeks back when Mr. Thomas called him to his office, he did not expect...
During the next two weeks the three of us toured The British Isles. We saw the white cliffs of Dover from a boat tour. We saw the coal mining towns of Wales from pedal bikes. After a day on the pedal bike, I was in pain again. Fortunately I had plenty of pain killers and they were all legal. The third week of our tour we were off to Ireland. The tour was filling Lucy's computer with first hand experiences. Not even her builders knew her capacity for learning, so the tour was laid out to...
“Daddy, do you need some help with that?” I was caught beating off to video of a teenage girl getting laid by an older guy. I covered my pecker with both hands and turned my head. I knew from the voice that it was Lucy, my stepdaughter who I didn’t expect home yet. She walked up beside my chair glanced at the screen and then down my crotch, wearing a smirky grin. “I know something that would feel a lot better than your hand!” I was still paralyzed when she pulled off her blouse and her big...