The Good Mother free porn video

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"Charles Michael Anderson! You'd better get your lazy butt out of that bed and get ready for school. If you miss that bus this morning...!" his mother yelled from the kitchen. Charles - Charlie as she usually called him - rolled out of bed grumbling and stumbled into the bathroom. He washed his face to wake up a bit and then came into the kitchen, still bleary-eyed.

"There! I'm up, okay - you can stop yelling!" he scowled at her. He poured himself a bowl of cereal and milk and ate his breakfast sullenly.

Charlie was a rebellious kid, he had always been one to go his own way at his own time. His mother, Diane, was at her wit's end with him, having struggled to get him to grow up and take some responsibility for his own schooling and his own life. You see, Diane had raised Charlie and Sarah by herself for the past ten years - since her husband Jim had left them for a younger woman with no kids. The divorce wasn't easy for Diane or for Charlie and he had really started being difficult shortly after. Now Charlie was a senior and he was getting close to graduating... if he could keep his grades up enough.

The problem was that school didn't really interest him. All he thought about was having a good time and his girl, Jenny. Jenny was a bright, attractive girl with a level head and a kind heart. She really loved Charlie and he loved her. But she went to a different school and she was keeping her grades up, looking toward the future. Charlie, on the other hand, believed in living in the moment and letting the future take care of itself. The lesson his derelict father had left him with.

Charlie finished breakfast and, with more prodding from his mother, managed to get dressed and ready for school. He got out just as the bus driver was getting ready to pull away. Diane sat on the front porch of her house, exasperated. But she had done it - Charlie was off to school! Turning back to the house, she began the rest of her daily routine.

"Damn I wish that boy would grow up and fly right! Every day it's a fight to get him up and get him to the bus so he can go to school!" she said to herself as she prepared for work.

"I have my own crap to do today," she said aloud to herself, "I can't spend time nagging him to get up!"

Diane went into the bathroom and got herself ready the day. Diane was a waitress at a local restaurant, but fortunately today was her one day off that week. She wanted to make the most of it... she was way behind in her housework, another thing Charlie was supposed to be helping with.

Her next task was to get her daughter Sarah ready for school. Sarah was a pleasure though - unlike her older brother, Sarah loved school and did very good there. Sarah was 12 years old and in junior high school this year. She had been very nervous and unsure about junior high... it was a big change going from her familiar elementary school with only one classroom and one teacher to a school where she would have multiple classes to get to and multiple teachers to figure out. The first few weeks had been a hard adjustment for her but she was a trooper and she finally got into the groove of it. Now she liked being able to move around from time to time stretching her legs as she walked from class to class.

Diane quietly crept into Sarah's room and gently shook her awake. "Sarah, time to get up for school," she said, smiling at the not so little girl in bed. Sarah opened sleepy eyes and smiled. She got right up and started getting dressed as Diane turned to head back to the kitchen. Presently Sarah came into the dining room, and Diane handed her a bowl of cereal and a banana for breakfast.

"What are you doing in school today?" she asked Sarah.

"We have a test in history today... on the American Revolution," Sarah said.

"Well history is one of your favorite classes isn't it?"

"Yes, and Mr. Roberts is a fun teacher. He tells us things that aren't in our textbooks."

"Well have a good day and I hope you do well on the test," Diane said as she kissed her youngest on the forehead.

"I will Mommy," she said, heading out the door to her own school bus.

With Charlie and Sarah off to school, she had the house to herself for a bit. She got to work doing the seemingly endless laundry. It was wash day... again... and she had plenty of it to do. Diane put the first load of clothes in the machine and got it going. She turned to look at the rest of her laundry. There was so much to do. She had at four more loads of laundry to do not to mention dishes to wash, floors to vacuum and she didn't even want to think about what Charlie's room looked like! Diane leaned back against the washing machine as she thought about the long day ahead of her.

Just then, as if to help her feel better, the machine changed cycles and began vibrating. Her washing machine was getting up there in years and it vibrated a lot during it's washing cycles. She had wanted to get a new one - if her machine broke down, doing laundry would be very difficult! But the washing machine kept plugging away, much like Diane herself, and now, the two "girls" were having a moment. Diane let the old washing machine vibrate her already tired body and as it did, she started to feel another part of her body responding to the soft vibrations.

Diane gave herself over to the machines, gentle ministrations, letting the vibrations course through her as she closed her eyes. It felt so good, the house quiet, the soft whir of the machine and its caressing buzz... Diane opened her eyes and looked at the clock - it was 11:30 am. Good, the kids wouldn't be home for another four hours. That would give her plenty of time and still be able to get her work done.

Patting her "girlfriend" goodbye, she went into her bedroom to her chest of drawers and opened the top drawer. Fishing around in her lacy things she found what she was looking for. She pulled out her favorite "stress reliever"... an eight inch long, pink jelly "rabbit" vibrator. This particular model not only vibrated, but the head thrust in and out and rotated, the beaded "collar" spun around to tease her G-spot, and the rabbit's "ears" tickled and teased her clit. It had seven distinct speeds and intensity levels and never disappointed her or left her wanting.

Diane stripped off her oversized sleep-shirt and dropped her panties. She usually worked around the house in comfy clothes like that... no sense getting dressed to do housework, the vacuum cleaner doesn't care what you wear when using it!

Diane opened her closet door adjusting it so that she would be able to watch herself in the full length mirror on the door. She liked to watch herself as she played - it made her feel dirty and she could imagine what her "lover" might see as he watched her. Laying back in her bed, she put a pillow under her hips and got herself comfortable. Spreading her long legs, she exposed herself completely to her lover and began to move the fingers of one hand between the folds of her labia.

She was surprised at how wet she already was - the thoughts running through her mind and the washing machines gentle urging had already got her sopping wet. She spread the lips of her pussy and looked in the mirror, her pink hole looking back at her. She slipped a finger easily into her warm tunnel and soaked the digit in her juices, pulling it back a bit to rub her wetness across her aching, throbbing clit. She gasped at her own needfulness. It had been a long time since she had been this desperate... she shoved two fingers into her next and began opening her hungry hole in preparation for her toy. God she was horny!

"Ohhh fuck!" she moaned aloud. She began rotating her hips in time with her thrusting fingers. She reached up and clawed at her large 38D tits with her long fingernails, pinching and pulling on her thick, stiff nipples. In and out, in and out, she thrust her long fingers deep into her ravenous cunt, trying desperately to find the release she so needed. She watched in the mirror as her hand disappeared, then reappeared, glistening with her juices and rubbing those juices around her pussy lips and clit.

'God, Diane, you are such a fucking slut!' she thought to herself as she watched her reflection in the mirror. Still she smiled at the idea. She WAS a slut - although a very frustrated one. She was left to her own devices far too much and had to learn to satisfy her sexual needs herself. It wasn't the best solution, but for now it was the only one.

Diane's fingers moved to her clit and began to rub around the sensitive nub gingerly and slowly, savoring the little electric pulses it produced. Over and over the pleasure mounted inside her, building up through her entire body. She moaned again as the warmth spread through her. She had always loved the feeling of her own touch, having discovered the pleasures she could provide herself at a young age. Diane had been masturbating for as long as she could remember and it had served her well on those "dry spells" that seemed to come too often for her liking.

Diane's dating life had always been sporadic. She'd had several boyfriends and lovers but they never seemed to stick around long. And the time between them was excruciating. Then she met Jim and she thought she had found the one she had been looking for. She was finally happy and satisfied for the first time in her life.

But her happiness was short lived. Soon after they were married, Jim's true nature began to emerge. Slowly at first, but then faster and more pronounced. Jim was a player. He was a terrible flirt and he loved playing around. At first it was just innocent little comments and things. But then when she was pregnant with Sarah, Jim cheated on her. The first time she was crushed, but being pregnant she was too scared to leave him. He promised it was a one time thing and he was sorry.

So she took him back and forgave him. When Sarah was born Diane went into post-partum depression and Jim couldn't handle it. He cheated a second time. Diane did leave him that time, but after a few months, he bumped into her and they talked and he wormed his way back in. But when Sarah had just turned two years old, Jim decided he wanted something new and less encumbered by children and he left - this time for good.

Diane left her clit for the time being and went back to running her fingers up and down her dripping slit. She spread her legs wider and opened herself up more for her mirror lover. She circled the entrance to her vagina and plunged her fingers inside a couple more times.

With her pussy now at a good simmer, she reached for her pink vibrator. Turning on her toy, she placed the tip on her pussy slit, just below her clit, letting the vibrations run like lightning bolts through her pussy and clit, tearing a gasp from her lips. Her natural reaction was to shove the device harder into her pussy, splaying her legs outward and bucking her hips upward at it and forcing her sex to grind on the buzzing demon. She stiffened in response to the incredible sensations of the vibrations coursing through her pussy, and her breathing became a series of short pants.

The initial shock of the toy passed and she was able to regain a bit of self-control. She turned on the rotating head and the thrusting motion and began running it up and down along her slit, pressing inside just for a second, making her push hard against it , wanting it inside. The feeling was like shock waves, running through her sex. It teased her, and pressed against her so that she responded by writhing against the bed, her legs shivering, her eyes closed in ecstasy.

"Ohhh God..." she moaned loud and forcefully. She could feel her orgasm building up, her clit reacting, by plumping up hard and tingling. She wanted to go over the edge. She moaned louder, she couldn't help herself.

"Oh God, right there, yes yes yes, oh yes darling right there! Fuck me harder, ohhh harder, faster!" She imagined the toy was the cock of her imaginary lover, giving her his all in wild, passionate, lovemaking. She pressed the vibrator to her harder, all the while caressing the tender inside of her thighs. She ran the machine up and down, circling her sex and rubbing it over her fat swollen lips and throbbing clit. She could feel it building, "Oh yesss, God, now, uhhh yeeeaaahhh..."

She cried out as the head of the vibrator slammed into her clit, swollen and red, raw from sex, It took only a second to hit, but seemed to last for long minutes. Her body tensed and her hips rose from the bed. Her hand was steady and true, however, as if frozen in place, and the machine pressed against her, a guttural moan tore from her lips as she cried out in passion,

"Yes oh God, oh God, ohhh!!" She came hard, the orgasm tearing through her tender sex, the vibrator humming along; she didn't take it away. She knew how her lover would continue teasing her even as she spasmed. She would think she was about to faint, but he would continue to plow her furrow until she collapsed, sweaty and gulping in great breaths of air. She was shuddering, shivering now, the orgasm nearly run its course through her. Her sighs had become little moans of pleasure as she came down from it slowly.

She fell back onto the bed, sated, smelling the fresh muskiness of her sex. She turned off the vibrator, her legs were like jelly and she lay back, letting her womanhood contract. She was softly moaning like a kitten.

She lay on her back on her bed, her hands caressing her raw pussy. She sucked on the vibrator, hot from its work, and tasted herself on the soft rubber. Kissing her "boyfriend", she softly whispered "Good night my darling," before putting it back in its special place next to her sexy underthings, ready for their next date.

Diane rose from her bed after a few more precious minutes of quiet relaxation. The demands of her day interfered with her blissfulness and she rose, sighing, to continue her housework. She was in the middle of vacuuming when her day took a sudden, unpleasant turn.

"Hello?" she said as the telephone rang.

"Hello, Mrs. Anderson, this is Lakeland Community High School. We need you to come down here and pick up your son, Charlie, and speak to Principal Davis," the school secretary said.

"Why, what is wrong?"

"Your son has been suspended. You will need to come pick him up unless you cannot, in which case he will just sit here in the office until the end of the day and ride the bus home. But you will still need to come talk to the principal before he can be allowed back in school."

Diane sighed, "All right, I will be down there in a few minutes," she said, hanging up the phone. 'Dammit what has that boy done this time!' She thought to herself as she put the vacuum in the corner of the living room and went to get dressed.

About 20 minutes later Diane was sitting in the office with Charlie next to her. She hadn't said too much to him, wanting instead to get the Principals explanation why she was in his office instead of getting her piled-up housework done at home. "Please come in Mrs. Anderson," Principal Davis said with a smile. She went into the office with Charlie in tow behind her.

"Please have a seat. Your son Charlie here has been suspended for leaving school grounds, cutting classes, and today he mouthed off to one of our faculty here using words that I prefer not to use in your company. In reviewing his school records and talking with his teachers and the staff here, Charlie has quite a reputation for being difficult. If this had been his first offense, I may have suggested detention or some other in-school corrective measures. However with his repeated offenses, I have no choice but to remove his disruptive influence so the other students performance will not be affected."

"I understand. How long will he be out of school?" Diane asked.

"Well he is a senior this year and I do not want to keep him out any longer than necessary. I would like to see him graduate. Why don't we try a three day suspension this time. That should get him back in school and if he works hard and keeps to his studies, he still can pull off graduation. Does that seem reasonable to you, Charlie?" the principal said. Charlie just mumbled something incoherently.

"Thank you, Principal Davis. I will see to it that his suspension is no vacation, I can assure you! By the time this suspension is finished, he will want to come back to school!" Diane said, looking angrily at her son. With that Diane and Charlie left the school, stopping at his locker first so he can get his jacket and other things.

Once in the car and headed home she starts in on him, "Now that we are alone, what did you say to your teacher today?" Diane said.

"I called Mrs. Brewster a dried up old bitch who just needed a good fuck to change her mood," he said. "And it's true - she is always pissy and she yells all the time. If she got a good hard one once in awhile, she might be more pleasant to be around!"

Diane tried hard not to snicker, "That's beside the point young man. She is your teacher and you should respect her. Now you are suspended for three days. And what's all this about cutting class and leaving school grounds?"

"Well I only cut class a few times - just when there were assemblies and crap like that. And I left the school grounds so I wouldn't get caught cutting class," he said.

"So you didn't miss any classes?" she asked. Charlie didn't answer that question, but his silence told her all she needed to know.

When they got home, Diane sent him directly to his room. "You get to your room and no TV or Internet. And leave your phone on the table too. While you are in there clean up that pig-sty you call a bedroom! You are going to work while you are home for a change, mister!" Charlie slammed his phone down on the table and stomped off to his room, slamming his door in the process. Diane just say down on the couch and sighed. She didn't know what she could do. Charlie was out of control.

Dinner time came and Diane called everyone to sit down at the table. Sarah came in from her bedroom to the table. But even though Charlie was called as well, he hadn't showed up. Diane walked down the hall muttering to herself. "Charlie, are you coming to dinner tonight?" she said, trying hard to keep her temper.

"Yeah I'll be there in a minute. I'm busy right now," he said, laying on the bed.

"Dinner is on the table now. Come and eat it or go hungry - I don't care anymore!" Diane said complete exasperated.

"Oh my God Mom! Why are you always bitching at me! I said I will be there when I am done! Stop yelling at me! Damn!" Charlie screamed jumping up and waving his arms at his mother. Diane just turned around and walked out of the room. As soon as he saw she was clear of the door he slammed it hard behind her, making her jump from the noise. She went on in and began dishing up dinner and eating it quietly. Without anyone to back her up, Diane was fighting a losing battle.

A few minutes later, when everyone was about half finished with dinner, Charlie decided to show up as if nothing happened. He dished up his dinner and began eating, not even looking up. Diane sat there on the verge of crying, and Sarah was so mad she could have punched her older brother.

The next two days were more of the same - Charlie laying around not doing anything (his room never did get cleaned up!) and Diane trying to get him to do something... anything... to help out around the house. But then the weekend came and it was like a switch for Charlie. He suddenly became more active and that afternoon he came to Diane who was doing dishes in the kitchen.

"I need to borrow the car tonight. Got a date with Jenny... we're going to the movies," he said.

"Um... I don't think so. You are on suspension from school young man and you haven't lifted a finger to help me for the last two days. You aren't borrowing the car and you aren't going on any date with Jenny, so you'd better call her and cancel!" Diane said plainly.

Charlie exploded, screaming at her and cussing at her. He pounded on the counter top and stomped on the floor. He went into his room, slamming the door, only to come back out a minute later putting on his jacket.

"Hold on! Where do you think you're going?" Diane said as he walked past the kitchen.

"OUT!" Charlie said, slamming the front door behind him as he left.

Diane sat down in her kitchen chair with her head in her hands. She couldn't even cry anymore - she had no more tears left. Sarah came into the dining room and saw her mother sitting there.

"It's okay Mommy, Charlie is a jerk! I can help you if you like," she said sweetly.

"Oh honey, you are such a good girl. I'm okay," Diane said.

Monday was Charlie's last day of the suspension. Leaving him at home, she went to the school to talk to his teacher. She had learned through a disturbing and irksome interrogation that he was failing a couple classes. One of the classes he was failing was American History with his teacher Mr. Harris. Diane had found out from the office that Mr. Harris was teaching in Room 114 and so after a bit of a walk down the schools maze of hallways, she found the room she was looking for.

"Mr. Harris?" Diane said as she peeked around the door after knocking.

"Yes, please come in. What can I do for you?" he said.

"My name is Mrs. Anderson... Charlie's mother. I wanted to talk to you about Charlie's schoolwork," she said.

"Yes, of course, please have a seat," he said pulling a chair around the side of his desk. Diane sat down and Mr. Harris opened the file folder on Charlie.

Mr. Harris was about 8 years younger than Diane at 30 years old, 6'2" tall with shoulder length sandy blonde hair he kept parted in the middle. He had ice blue eyes that sparkled when he smiled and that smile shone through his stubble-beard like a lighthouse beacon. Diane Anderson felt her pussy tingle when she first saw him and now, sitting there beside him, it was buzzing!

"Well Mrs. Anderson, it would seem your son, Charlie, has missed my class on numerous occasions. I can see at least 10 instances of his absence right off the bat here. And he has missed, let's see...1... 2... 3 important tests. I'm afraid that if he doesn't knuckle down very soon I won't be able to pass him. And without a passing grade, I seriously doubt he will be able to graduate. That would be a shame, Mrs. Anderson," he said.

"You have no idea, Mr. Harris. I'm afraid I have had a hard time with him and school. Well with him period, really," she said.

"Yes, Charlie does seem to be a rather impulsive young man. I have noticed that myself. He is a high-spirited, easily distracted boy. I can see where you would have difficulties. How about your husband? Does he help out with Charlie?" Mr. Harris asked.

"No, I'm afraid Charlie's father has long since left the house. I have had to raise him and my daughter Sarah myself for the last 10 years. she said, looking down.

"Oh, I see. Well, Charlie needs to start attending classes every day and pay attention in them. He needs to complete his work and do well in it. He can still pull this off if he does, but he can't mess around any longer. I would like to see him graduate too, Mrs. Anderson, but it is really up to him," he said.

"Yeah, and that's the problem. Leaving anything up to him means that it probably won't get done. I'm afraid to say that Charlie is less than reliable," Diane said, still looking down. She wrung her hands in her lap... she really was worried that Charlie would not be able to graduate.

"I am truly sorry Mrs. Anderson. I'm afraid if Charlie doesn't care enough to buckle down and study, he won't pass my class. And he won't graduate," Mr. Harris said, rising to his feet.

The thought that Charlie may not graduate had been on Diane's mind for a long time. She had coaxed him, prodded him, berated him, and threatened him, but nothing seemed to get through. She had even employed his girlfriend Jenny in an effort to get him motivated enough to graduate. All she wanted was for him to get that diploma... just graduate!

He was so close too - only a couple more months and it would all be over, one way or another. He would either graduate or not. He wasn't even eligible for summer school because his school, Lakeland Community High School, was one of those "last chance" schools - the ones where troubled teens go for their last chance at a diploma. If he failed this school, his only option would be a GED. And with the job market barely recognizing a high school diploma anymore, having a GED was practically useless.

Diane saw him standing up and knew that the meeting was about over. She panicked, she had to do something and quickly. She knew that if she didn't resolve this herself it would be all over for Charlie and she wanted him to graduate - she NEEDED him to graduate!

"Mr. Harris, please... isn't there anything you can do? Please, I will do anything so he can graduate! I'm desperate - you don't know what it's been like... trying to get him to show an interest in school, to take responsibility for anything! I am just so tired, I have to do it all..." she said, as a teardrop started to roll down her cheek. She didn't even brush it off or try to hide it.

Mr. Harris saw that things had been hard for her. He could see the lines on her face caused by worry and by stress. He could see the tiredness in her eyes and the way her shoulders slumped as she stood there. He felt truly sorry for her and thought about it for a few moments.

"I'll tell you what Mrs. Anderson, I have to go to another appointment right now, but come by my house this evening at, say 8:00 pm, and we will talk more about Charlie and see what we can figure out, okay?" he said, writing his address down on a piece of paper.

"Thank you, Mr. Harris, I will," Diane said, cracking a bit of a smile. At least there was still a glimmer of hope!

After returning home, she made dinner and fed the kids. "I'm going to Jenny's house," Charlie said, as he was finishing up dinner.

'That is perfect' Diane thought 'That will give me time to get over to Mr. Harris's house and talk to him about Charlie!'

"Okay, have fun," she said, trying not to sound too eager to get him out of the house. Once he had left, she gave him about 10 minutes then Diane went into action. She went into the bedroom and looked through her closet. She was looking for something that was attractive but not slutty... something that would make him more "pliable" but not make her look like she was throwing herself at him - although she smiled at the thought. Mr. Harris was quite sexy and there was definitely something about him that she found exciting.

Laying her favorite (and only) little black dress on the bed she went into the bathroom and showered. While she was in the shower, she took stock of herself checking under her arms and her legs in case she needed to shave. Then with a mischievous little smile, she reached between her legs. She felt her pussy hair and how long it was.

She got out the razor and shaving cream and began shaving her pussy, the excitement of being so shameless making her tremble a bit. She knew why she was going over to Mr. Harris's house and what she was willing to do to get what she wanted. And the idea she was shaving her pussy meant she was in some way hoping she would have to resort to rather extraordinary measures.

With her shower finished and her pussy smooth and silky, she turned to her makeup. She opened her case and looked over her neglected makeup collection. She normally didn't do much in the way of makeup... who would appreciate it anyway? About the most she would do normally was a little bit of foundation and maybe a bit of lip gloss. She sorted through what she had and picked out what she needed. She started getting made up wanting to look her very best. He has seen her "everyday" look already - she wanted him to know she could be more glamorous when the opportunity provided itself.

When Diane was satisfied with her makeup and hair, she went into the bathroom and got dressed. She purposely went bra-less because she wanted to display her ample breasts to full advantage. God didn't bless her with 44D breasts just to keep them under wraps! As she was about to put on a fresh pair of panties she thought about it and decided not to wear any, again thinking it may just be an impedance and it made her feel sexy the way the air hit her bald naked pussy.

Dressed now, she stepped out of the bedroom. Sarah was waiting in the living room and when she saw her mother all glammed up she was very excited. "Oh Mom! You look beautiful!" she said clapping her hands gleefully. She didn't know what all was going on, only that her mother had to meet someone, but seeing her made up and looking so nice made Sarah so happy.

"Thank you honey, Mommy feels pretty too!" she said to Sarah. And it was true... for the first time in a long time she did feel pretty. She gave her daughter a small kiss on the forehead, wiping off the little lipstick kiss that stuck there. "Now be good while I'm gone and I will be back as soon as I can." Then she turned and headed out the door to go meet Mr. Harris.

She pulled up in front of the address he had given her earlier. She sat in the driveway for a few moments gathering her courage. What she was about to do was big... she needed to get her head on straight and build up her nerve. 'I'm doing this for Charlie' she thought to herself over and over. Finally, she could stall no more. She got out of the car and walked up the sidewalk to the front door. She sucked in a deep breath and pushed the doorbell.

A minute or so later, the door opened and Mr. Harris stood in the doorway smiling. "Welcome Mrs. Anderson, please come in," he said, holding the door open. He escorted her inside and took her coat. Then he showed her to the living room, where he seated her on the sofa.

"You look very nice, I hope I'm not keeping you from anything?" he asked.

"No, not at all. I just thought..." she said letting her voice trail off before finishing her sentence.

"You got all dolled up like this for me?" he asked, surprised.

"Yes," she said quietly, looking down and blushing.

"Well I do appreciate it and you look lovely. Would you care for a glass of wine?" he asked.

"Please," she replied still blushing, but now from the compliment.

They sat there drinking their wine and he watched her. She kept her eyes down and nervously fumbled with her fingers wondering how tonight would play out. Every so often she would steal a glance up at him and find him watching her, which would cause her to blush a bit and quickly look back down. This occurred a few times and Diane was about to say something when he spoke first. "I'm sorry, but I don't think I ever caught your first name," he said.

"Diane... Diane Anderson," she said.

"Well Diane, I want you to look at me," he said, reaching to her and lifting her chin with his fingertips. She raised her head and looked at him. He turned in his seat to face her. "My name is Daniel... Dan. Now Diane, why are you here tonight? What did you hope to gain by coming here?" he asked, looking straight at her. She looked at him and she could feel his gaze looking through her, boring into her head and searching out her innermost thoughts. It was as if he was reading her mind, she could not hide anything from those piercing blue eyes. He didn't listen to her words; he was listening to her heart.

"I... I... Oh God, Dan, I feel so foolish! It's just... at school I felt... Well I just thought that maybe... Oh I'm sorry I wasted your time. I'll just be going!" she said, getting up, totally mortified at her attempt to seduce this man.

"Hold on a second," he said standing up and taking her hand, "I didn't tell you to leave. I just wanted to make sure I was getting the right signals from you. And it turns out I was." He pulled her to him and caught her in his arms. He pulled her in tightly and she looked up at him, her eyes darting back and forth... searching... pleading...

He bent his head down and answered her silent question with a deep, passionate kiss. A kiss that took her breath and her knees from her. A kiss that she had long since given up on, yet one that made her heart, cold for so long, melt completely.

His kiss lasted an eternity, yet was over far too soon. Diane gasped for breath as their lips pulled away from each other. He stooped down and swiftly took her legs in his arm and carried her back down the hallway to his bedroom. He walked in and gently set her down on the floor again, standing next to the bed. She looked up at him and he smiled. He stepped closer and gently turned her around so her back was to him.

He kissed her neck softly, brushing his lips over her skin and letting his hot breath burn her flesh. He moved up and nibbled on her earlobe, a hot spot for her and she moaned softly. He eased down the zipper on the back of her dress, kissing the skin as he slowly revealed it. When the dress was fully unzipped, he returned to her shoulders kissing them and he slid the shoulder strap off each side.

Diane instinctively held the front of her dress up, covering her breasts as he turned her back around to face him again. He smiled at her modesty, but then he took the top edge of the dress and slowly pulled it down, out of her grasp, and let it fall to the ground. Diane gasped, startled a bit at her sudden exposure and her arms went up to cover her breasts again. Then she remembered that she had neglected to wear panties as well so a hand went down to cover her there.

Dan just stood there smiling as she fumbled trying to cover herself. Then he took her wrists and put them at her side. "With such beauty, you should never hide yourself," he said softly. He sat down on the edge of the bed pulling her to him. Diane stood just tall enough such that as he sat on the bed, her magnificent breasts were at the perfect height for sucking, which is what he did. He took one stiff, hard nipple into his mouth and began licking and sucking and nibbling on the tender bud.

His hands were on her and she could feel her pulse start to race. Moving his hand skillfully along her spine, over her hips then to the backs of her legs where he finally came to a stop as he cupped and squeezed her firm creamy ass cheeks. His lips lightly brushed her hard aching nipples as his breath sent chills racing through her body.

Without warning he stopped. "Get into bed, I'll be right back," he said walking to the door. His deep, commanding voice causing desire to shoot through her already wet pussy. The need for his return pulsating in her veins, she swiftly did as he said and climbed into the bed laying in the middle with her legs straight and slightly spread, waiting for him. She closed her eyes as the anticipation of what was about to happen was becoming more than she could handle. However, she didn't have to see him to know he was there, his eyes on her and almost as attentive as his hands.

Every neglected nerve was waking as he slowly began loving on her. Starting at her feet, he planted soft, tender kisses to her toes, her ankles and calves, kissing his way up her belly. As he passed her knees and began kissing his way up the insides of her thighs, Diane was unable to lay still, her body shifting as he made his way to her dripping pussy, his kisses becoming soft nibbles on her tender flesh. Agonizingly, however, just as he was about to sample her juicy peach, he moved to kiss her hip and then higher, continuing his delectable torture to her body.

The room was filled with the moans and whimpers he was drawing out of her. There wasn't an inch of her not set afire by his hands, his lips and his tongue. As he reached her shoulders again he moved across her collarbone and kissed his way down her chest, paying homage once more to her glorious breasts before moving further down. He crossed her trembling belly and down onto her smoothly shaved mound.

She was insane with desire, spreading her thighs, beckoning him to take her. Her back arched ready for him to taste her. He parted her swollen lips and took his first lick, and it was then that Diane left her body.

"Ohh my GOD!! Oh, fuck! Oh, fuck! Ohhh, SHIIIIT!!" she screamed as his tongue entered her.

She could feel her toes curl with every skilled stroke of Dan's tongue. He licked and probed as if she had been starving him. Her body melted into his as his tongue pushed deeper into her slit. Every tender caress from his tongue had her gripping the sheets. She could feel the wetness as it flooded between her thighs. Again she arched her back pulling his tongue in deeper. He moved feverishly inside her, she tried to hold back but the urge to cum was too strong. He continued working his tongue with precision, hitting every nerve inside her contracting pussy.

"I'm cumming! I'm cumming! Ohhh GAAWD!! NNNGGGHHH!!" She screamed out in pleasure as he took her clit inside his mouth, sucking and tugging, her body beginning to shake violently as her orgasm tore through her. She thrashed beneath him while he continued his relentless attack to her body. She wanted more than his tongue, she wanted to feel his cock pumping inside her.

She shifted her body and he looked up at her and he knew what she wanted, it was as if he could read her mind. He grabbed her legs and put them on his shoulders as he settled between her thighs. He used one arm around her thighs to hold her in place and tightly to him as he entered her.

One swift thrust and his cock was buried in her core. It was hard and throbbing and ready to please. A mixture of gentle thrust and blunt drives as he fucked her. And he DID fuck her - he sensed she had been without loving attention in a long time. He could feel she was not wanting the soft romantic lovemaking. No, Diane Anderson needed a good hard, dirty, sweaty, gasping for breath fucking!

So he unleashed the beast within him and gave her his all. He drove into her like he was trying to punch a hole in her, making her grunt as he bottomed out and then moan as he pulled back. He reached down and grabbed one creamy breast curling his strong fingers into the soft pliable flesh and pinching her nipple until she whimpered from the sweet pain of it. He slapped her breasts and grabbed her throat as he pummeled her long-neglected pussy, making up for lost time.

Diane felt the rising in her pussy and knew another mind-shattering orgasm was almost upon her. She panted and tossed her flame-colored head back and forth as the inevitable approached, not yet over her last trip to paradise. But what will be will be and moments later another scream of pure ecstasy was ripped her lips.


This time as if to add more to her tortured mind, he used his thumb to quickly and roughly rub her clit, thus increasing both the power and duration of her orgasm. Diane slapped the bed with her hands gripping the sheets till her knuckles turned white, bucking and twisting in a frantic effort to get away from the evil torment. No matter what gyrations she tried, no matter what effort she put into it, she was trapped and would have to suffer through it.

At last he mercifully slowed his thrusts, not ready to find his own release, but not wanting it to be over either. He pulled away from her, laying back down and sliding his face back between her legs as he licked and sucked, driving her over the edge once more. He licked and lapped up all the sweet nectar that flowed freely from her flower - she was as delicious tasting as she was looking!

Diane was suddenly overwhelmed with the desire to pleasure him the way he had pleasured her. Moving her body out from under him, she positioned herself between his legs. His cock glistened with a mixture of them both. Her lips kissed the tip as her tongue slid down the shaft. It was hard and slick as she took him into her mouth, long, deep strokes sliding her lips up and down, erupting sounds of pleasure from his lips. She loved the feel of him in her mouth, but the taste is what she loved the most, salty and sweet.

He thrust his hips pushing his cock in deeper and she welcomed the challenge. She took him deep into her mouth and down her tight warm throat until her nose tickled from his pubes. She held him there in her throat for as long as she could before releasing him to come up for air. She sucked the tip vigorously, taking it in and out of her mouth, just the way he loved it. She could feel his cock as it became harder and the obscenities spilled from his lips as he filled her mouth with his hot lava. She still worked her lips, milking him of every drop. When she knew he was fully sated she kissed a trail to his lips, touching them softly. He pulled her into his arms and she snuggled into him, both smiling.

After awhile, Diane knew she had better get back home before too much longer - Sarah would want to know where she had been. So regretfully, she got up and started getting dressed again.

"Diane, don't worry about Charlie graduating... I will fix his grades for you. I know that you have done everything you could and then some to get him to this point and I don't want to see him fail either," Dan said as he got dressed himself.

"Thank you, Dan... thank you so much for everything," she said, stopping to look at him directly. He walked her to the door and just as she was about to leave he pulled her back, taking both her hands and raising them over her head pinning her to the wall. For a brief moment, she focused on him and he kissed her ever so lightly. With his lips barely touching hers, she felt his breath on her face. It was so quiet; she knew he could almost hear her heart beating. He released of one of her hands, and touched her beautiful face gently, tracing his fingertips down the side of her lovely face.

"Can I see you again, Diane?" he asked.

"I would like that very much," she said, feeling her heart leap for joy but not wanting it to sound like she was grateful for his attentions - even though she was so very grateful.

Diane went back home in a totally different state of mind. Her son would graduate after all. And she had found someone who would give her the attention and affection she had been denied for so very long.

Yes this had been a good meeting after all!

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My Shemale Stepmother

My parents split up when I was eighteen, I was a little distressed by it but we had never been as close as some. Still, I didn't really see what had driven them apart so quickly and so thoroughly that they never even spoke any more. I guessed maybe one of them must have had an affair and that was really all that I thought about it. I went off to college and life went on. That following summer, when I was nineteen, I moved in to live with my dad for the summer. He had bounced back quickly...

1 year ago
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My Shemale Stepmother

Note : This story is completely fictional! My parents split up when I was eighteen, I was a little distressed by it but we had never been as close as some. Still, I didn't really see what had driven them apart so quickly and so thoroughly that they never even spoke any more. I guessed maybe one of them must have had an affair and that was really all that I thought about it. I went off to college and life went on. That following summer, when I was nineteen, I moved in to live with my dad for the...

3 years ago
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Miss Goody Two Shoes

As I was hanging out my washing, Mary, my elderly neighbour called me over. “Victoria, I don’t really know how to tell you this, but my son is coming to stay with us, on Wednesday.” she muttered. “That’ll be nice for you. I didn’t know that you had a son,” I replied, somewhat in shock. We’d lived next to Mary and Ron for over two years and they’d never mentioned a son. “He’s been away,” she continued, “in jail.” The last two words were whispered. “Oh!” I put my hand over my...

3 years ago
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Miss Goody Two Shoes

As I was hanging out my washing, Mary, my elderly neighbour called me over. “Victoria, I don’t really know how to tell you this, but my son is coming to stay with us, on Wednesday.” she muttered. “That’ll be nice for you. I didn’t know that you had a son,” I replied, somewhat in shock. We’d lived next to Mary and Ron for over two years and they’d never mentioned a son. “He’s been away,” she continued, “in jail.” The last two words were whispered. “Oh!” I put my hand over my mouth, “You never...

2 years ago
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Teresa the Housemother

Perhaps it was Katlin's seeming frailty that initially attracted the eye of Teresa Robinson, the housemother at Willow House, where the new co-ed had just moved in for the semester. Teresa had been in that position for several years, and the large black woman truly enjoyed her work taking care of the house and preparing meals for the girls who lived there. Secretly, she had something of an eye for the young women, but had never gotten up the nerve to act on her feelings. It was late on a...

2 years ago
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Lair of the Cryptmother

Althea Amberhearth sat at her usual spot in the Black Crab tavern. Few windows and a scarcity of candles meant the establishment rarely rose above dim light. Probably so that the customer base would fail to notice the numerous stains littering the wood floor. A shame the lighting did little to stymie the stench, as the sickly sweet scent of old ale trickled into the young woman's nose. She idly flipped her loose, blonde braid from one shoulder to the other and glanced back toward the wooden...

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You are browsing through the internet when a website catches your attention. 'MotherBoard' Change anything you wish and create the rest. Intrigued you click on the site. You see 3 options. Body-Change the body Mind-Give a command Reality- Change reality

Mind Control
4 years ago
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World of Warmother

World of Warcraft Azeroth Azeroth is the name of the world in which the majority of the Warcraft series is set. At its core dwells a slumbering world-soul, the nascent spirit of a titan. Where he can land into the Trolls, Elves, Wild god heritage, Dragons, Tauren or a other Native Inhabitants. Or into the Horde Orcs. Alliance, Horde or Neutral Danny x Harem Horde Danny x Aggralan x Greatmother Geyah x Harem ( If Thrall is NTR or 63 or Cucked can you self choise( if cucked give him a micropenis...

1 year ago
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Caught masturbating by my Motherinlaw

Several years ago during the holidays my in-laws were spending some time at our home. That particular evening before coming home from work, my wife called me and told me that she, the k**s and my in-laws were going to the mall shopping, having dinner and visiting Santa and that I would be on my own. After a particularly frustrating work day and an even more nasty commute from work, I decided to jump in the shower before finding myself some supper. Our master bedroom suite had a large shower...

3 years ago
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I have always dreamed of fucking my mom and her mom ,my nephews mother I want to fuck her two. For years they have filled my spank bank and made me shoot gallons of cum, unfortunately not inside eather one.My best friend from c***dhood, well his mother is no different as far as my cock is concerned. And to fuck her is not as good as sex with my own mother, but it is the next best thing. Especially the way I fucked her. I mean the way we fucked her. Well I guess I mean the way me and my best...

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Angel S1 E11 Motherland

Angel S:1 E:11 "Motherland" By G.M. Shephard Copyright 2012 Edited by: jeffusually kittylover Episode 11 "Motherland" ---Kolyma Gulag Hard Labor Camp, Siberia--- The prisoners were led by chains out into the still harsh wintery landscape of Siberia. All were rather dangerous looking men, imprisoned for murder, kidnapping, theft, insubordination within the military. Most had been in the camps for years and were serving sentences ranging from a couple of years to life. ...

3 years ago
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A tale of A Hindu mother1

Maa choker jol muchlen.Akhon er firabar upay ney.Buro purohit maa er samne darie. Maa er sorire kebol blouse abong pettycoat.Purohit maa ke jorie dhorlo.Maa fupie uthlen ghrina er lojjay.Janen aj tar sob harate hobe prothagoto achar sorbossotar kace,bastobotar kace.Purohit maa er thote chumu dite suru korlo.Abare maa take sorie dilo.Dhakka kheye bridho purohit(about 65) floor e pore gelo.Ete buro gelo khepe. Purohit: tui amake opoman korsis.Janis ami ki korte pari?Ami chaile tor meyer kokhono...

2 years ago
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The delights of Stepmotherhood

The delights of Stepmotherhood Due to a deep-seated and enduring character flaw I had for a long time secretly been fantasizing about feminizing and dominating weak, susceptible boys. So, when after the passing of my late husband, I had noticed that my up to that point almost tediously boring 15 year old stepson Josh had developed an unnatural interest in my lingerie drawer and assorted frillies, I saw my chance to have some fun and indulge in my dark hidden fantasies. Initially I...

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A Paladins WarChapter 4 Treemother

Smythe sat Thunder’s saddle just inside the first real line of oak and elm and pine trees that separated the Sorral Plain from the Emerin Forest. His view to the north, over the rolling grasslands, was unobstructed from here; a dense cluster of old trees atop a small rise from which his eye was thrown for miles over the flat plain. The morning sun sat low in the east, unobstructed but for a low band of thin cloud that it had already almost surmounted on its journey upward. A gentle gust...

4 years ago
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Malachars CurseChapter 5 Hitting the Motherlode

Sunday, July 16th, 2006, Boston Massachusetts I slowly awoke as bright sunlight shone down upon my face. My room was a furnace, and even though I was lying naked above my sheets, I was boiling. Having the warm naked body of my sister draped across me certainly didn’t help any. The memory from my crazy ass day yesterday came flooding in. I’d made love with Sheila, my brand new girlfriend, and then took my baby sister’s virginity. After that, I seduced my other sister, fucking the shit out of...

2 years ago
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Tales From a Far CountryChapter 22 Mothercare

THE STORK LANDS Anatoly and Sveta are asleep in one another's arms. Sveta is dreaming of Alana as a little girl and a family holiday to the Crimea. Alana is playing with a little bell. Sveta realises in a moment of rational thought that she is asleep and wants to stay that way. "If only Alana would stop ringing the bell", she thinks as she drifts deeper into sleep once more ... With a start Sveta realises the noise is the bedside telephone. The 'phone is on Sveta's side of the bed. She...

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