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Recently I was watching a few pantyhose videos on YouTube when I came across two commercials I remembered from my youth. One was for London Mist nylons and the other for guaranteed not to run pantyhose. The commercials aired in my town several times throughout the day for quite a few months. The commercials brought back memories of playing with hose and re-enacting the commercials.

The London Mist commercial was filmed in black and white. The first time I saw it come on it grabbed my attention right away. An announcer is heard relating how the nylons are like no other and simply won’t run no matter how they are abused. A nail file is run inside the length of the nylon and it does not run or snag. Then a scrub brush is used to scour the nylon and again no snags or runs. Then a “regular” nylon is cut in half across the width of the thigh and then stretched at the cut edge. The “regular” nylon runs like mad. The same is done to the London Mist nylon but it does not run. I was fascinated by the commercial and wanted to get my hands on some London Mist nylons so I could re-enact the commercial but I never came across any.

What I did instead was re-enact the commercial with many of my teacher’s “stolen” pantyhose. The pantyhose already contained a run so after having worn them for a short time I acted out the commercial on the good stocking leg. Most of the time the pantyhose snagged and ran as soon as I raked them with the nail file but not always. The scrub brush never failed to shred them. I didn’t do the “cut” test because I had no doubt that the pantyhose would run when pulled.

A few years later I noticed an ad in the classifieds in my local paper. The ad read that pantyhose product testers were needed to test a new pantyhose and that no professional experience was needed and everyone was encouraged to call. One afternoon I called the number. It was to a hosiery manufacturer in North Carolina. A man answered and I told him I was replying to the ad. At first he was confused and said that they were looking for people to wear test their new pantyhose. He said “Do you understand? You’re a male what would you know about pantyhose?” I told him I did understand and that as a regular wearer of pantyhose I thought having a teenage male wear test no-run pantyhose would be a good idea and that I would be ideal to give the pantyhose a true test of their ability to avoid runs. He was quiet for a moment then said “I agree. I will mail a pair out to you today.” After asking my height and weight, address and telephone number he stated he would call me in three days to see if I had received the pantyhose.

I got the pantyhose and was not impressed with their sheerness but they were soft. I put them on right away and went about wearing them as often as I possibly could. The man from the hosiery mill called and asked if I had received the pantyhose and then asked me a series of questions. Primarily he wanted to know if I was wearing them and for how long at a time. We ended the call with him saying he would give me a call in a week to gather more information.

Once I’d had the pantyhose for a week, he called for an update. I informed him that they had not run or developed any holes or snags. He asked how I wore them, i.e., activities, etc., what I thought of the quality, the feel of the fabric, etc. At that time, the only somewhat negative comment I had was that the pantyhose wrinkled noticeably at the ankles after wearing all day. I added “Some could find that sexy though.” My statement caught him off-guard and he stammered for a moment. To rescue him I added that I thought the pair I had been sent might be a little bit large for me. He stated he may have gotten the size wrong or the wrong size may have been sent. He asked me to grasp the toe of each stocking and gently pull them from my feet to see how much, if any length of stocking would “hang” from my feet. I did as he asked and had nearly the length of half of my foot of stocking dangling from my feet. “Oh they are too large. I’ll send you another pair. Keep wearing that pair though until your new pair arrives and I’ll be in touch in a couple of days.” It suddenly dawned on me how erotic it was to be talking with this man over the telephone about pantyhose. When the second pair arrived I put them on and they fit much better. The man called and asked if I received them and how they fit. He inquired as to whether or not I had gotten a run, hole or snag in the first pair. I told him I had not and he was pleased by that and re-affirmed that they were mine to keep.

The second pair felt better as the stockings clung to my legs much better. Also, they didn’t wrinkle around my ankles at the end of the day. After three days he called again inquiring about the pantyhose. I told him they fit better and were not bagging after being worn all day. He was pleased and asked “May I ask you another question?” I replied “Sure, go ahead.” “How long have you been wearing hosiery?” “Oh, since I was four years old.” He was a bit stunned by my answer and said he would call again in a few days.

On the seventh day the man called again. He asked how the pantyhose were holding up and how frequently I was wearing them. I answered that I was wearing them every day and even stocking footed on the kitchen floor. He asked why that was significant and I told him that we had a ceramic tile floor and it was a “pantyhose killer.” He laughed and said “That’s great! Not that the floor kills your pantyhose but that you are wearing them on the floor and they have not run.” He said he would not call again for another week and requested that I continue to wear the pantyhose as much as I possibly could during that time. I continued wearing them daily even though Dad was still buying pantyhose for me and I had quite a haul remaining from Nick.

After wearing the second pair a total of two weeks the man called. From the beginning I had told him to call me just after I arrived home from school. If Dad discovered I was talking with someone over the phone about pantyhose, whether it was as a pantyhose tester or not I don’t think he would have been comfortable with it. He again asked if the pantyhose had any runs or holes. I told him they did not. He then asked how I wash them. I told him that I hand wash them even though he said they could be machine washed. I seriously doubted they could be put in the washer, though I didn’t say that to him.

On the third week, he called again. He asked if the pantyhose had runs or holes and I replied that they didn’t have any holes or true runs but I noticed something strange. He asked me to explain and I told him that it appeared that some stitches had come undone but there were still stitches above so it wasn’t a true run and there wasn’t a hole. He asked how long the run was. I replied that it was only about two inches but it wasn’t going anywhere. He remarked that some of the lock stitches had finally failed but those around that area were preventing additional failure. “All in all, would you say these pantyhose are the longest lasting you’ve ever worn?” he asked. I told him they were and that I really didn’t consider that little blemish to be a true run. He thanked me for participating in the wear test and asked if I would like to remain in their files for any future hosiery wear tests. Of course I told him I would. I wasn’t particularly fond of the no-run pantyhose because they weren’t as sheer as I like, I love sheer pantyhose.

A year later a new guaranteed not to run pantyhose commercial began airing numerous times a day. One evening Dad and I were watching television in the rec-room when it came on. In the commercial they subject the pantyhose to various forms of torture as they show women constantly getting runs in their “regular” pantyhose. I was surprised when Dad made a comment about the torture tests they were subjecting the pantyhose too. I’d have thought he would watch in silence. He said “I don’t think any pantyhose can hold up to that kind of abuse. If it’s real, maybe you should start wearing them.”

Once the commercial ended I told him I had worn them as a product tester and that I did not want them. Surprised, he asked me to explain. I told him the whole story then he said “And you never got any runs?” “No, they didn’t run or develop holes, but they are not as sheer as other pantyhose either.” “So how did they pay you?” he asked. “I wasn’t paid anything, as a tester you just got to keep the pantyhose.” “Well of course you got to keep them, they don’t want them back. Do you still have them?” I told him I had them hidden somewhere in my room. What Dad said next left me stunned. “Well, the pantyhose survived you wearing them for three weeks but can they really survive those torture tests? I think you should try it.” I answered back “Yeah, I will have to see if it’s true.”

The program was back now and I remained seated and resumed watching it. After a few minutes Dad said “Well, aren’t you going to get them?” Silently, I stared at him then he said again “Why don’t you go and get them. I’m really curious now. I want to see if they are as run proof as they say.” I got up and said I’d be back shortly as I headed for my bedroom. It took me a few minutes to locate the two pair as I wasn’t sure where I had put them. Once I had them I also grabbed a pair of jet black pantyhose from the haul Nick had given me. I went to the bathroom to retrieve a metal nail file, then the kitchen to obtain a dinner fork, mesh pot scourer and my Mom’s sewing basket for a small scissor. I returned to the rec-room with everything and found Dad at the bar with a piece of plywood. He said “Use this plywood for the tests. Do you remember them?” I raised my eyebrows and replied that I did.

The first form of torture we subjected the pantyhose to was the nail file. With the nail file in my hand I placed my hand inside a leg of the no-run pantyhose down to the toe. I had Dad hold the toe area while I slowly raked the file along the inside length of the stocking. The file caused no damage whatsoever so I proceeded to do the test twice more and again there was no damage. I then placed my hand in the stocking again only this time I was holding the small scissor and it was open so that both points raked across the nylon. The scissor did not damage the pantyhose even though the sound of the scissors raking across the fabric made a sound that had us convinced the nylon was ripping.

The next torture test was with a dinner fork. In the commercial they stretched the nylon taut then slowly lowered the stocking onto the tines of the fork so that the tines go through the fabric. I had Dad hold the fork while I performed the test. After the first attempt we were both shocked that the hose had no holes so I tried it twice more and still no holes. Another fork test was to rake the pantyhose with it. I grabbed an old magazine and placed it on the plywood then lay the pantyhose flat while Dad held them in place. I raked the pantyhose several times with the fork. In the commercial the newspaper shredded so I made sure to apply enough pressure for the magazine to do the same. The fork made “scratching” sounds on the nylon as I raked the hose and the magazine shredded. When I finished Dad said “Well if they don’t have runs they’ve got to have some holes.” I slipped my hand inside and there were no runs or holes, not even snags. We were in disbelief so of course I had to do the test twice more and still no damage to the pantyhose.

Next I had Dad hold the stocking flat on the board as I prepared to scour an area with the scouring pad. Before I began Dad said “There is no way these nylons can survive this test.” I ran the pad back and forth over the nylon. I didn’t do it any harder than it was done in the commercial but I also didn’t do it with a light hand. When I finished I held up the hose and put my hand inside. To our amazement there were no runs or holes but there were several minor snags. Dad couldn’t believe his eyes and said “No way! Try it twice more and see if they rip.” I did as he asked and still no holes or runs, only snags. He took the pantyhose from me and shoved his big hand inside the stocking to examine it closer. “These pantyhose are pretty amazing but I see your point about them not being as sheer. Still I think we should move you over to these from now on.” I looked at him with a crestfallen expression and said “But Dad, I love sheer pantyhose.” “Well, you can certainly use up what you have but you are growing and I think it is only a matter of time before you are running several pairs each week. I looked at him in disbelief and before I could say anything he added “Yeah, you’ll be moping around the house in tears whining Daddy my pantyhose keep running and I don’t have any more. With these you will be able to wear a pair for at least a month or so and you won’t bankrupt me over pantyhose. Therefore, we definitely have to get you into these. Not sure of what to say I softly said “I don’t like them though.” Now grinning, Dad said “I know, I know, I’m just fucking with you. I’m not going to change what we buy BUT, please don’t cry in front of me when you get a run.” I replied with a terse “Really, like I would do that.”

Dad finally noticed the black pantyhose and asked “What do you have there?” I answered “I thought I would compare a pair of my sheer pantyhose to the no-run pantyhose.” “What? With a pair I bought you? I don’t think so.” “You didn’t buy these.” Before he had time to say anything about it I began to get ready for the nail file test and asked him to hold the stocking by the toe. I ran the file across the pantyhose and they did not run but I knew if I wanted to be brutal with the file the hose would run. When I finished Dad asked “So… are these also from your donor?” I didn’t make eye contact but answered with a simple “Yes.” I performed the scissor test and one of the sharp points punctured the pantyhose within seconds. “You aren’t going to tell me who it is?” “Nope.” I continued doing the tests and Dad went along with it. The fork ripped and punched holes in the pantyhose. The last test was the scour pad. Dad said “Well, we know they are going to be shredded.” I replied back “Yes, but how bad and how quickly?” As soon as the pad touched the nylons they were snagged then almost simultaneously they shredded.

I balled up the destroyed black pantyhose and placed them in the bottom of the trash can in the laundry room. When I returned Dad said “Well, that was a bit of a waste. You knew they couldn’t possibly hold up. Don’t do that with pantyhose I buy you.” I slipped and replied to Dad “I have quite a few of those pantyhose so I won’t miss one.” Dad looked at me quizzically then asked “What is a quite a few?” I told him I had a couple dozen pair even though I still had hundreds of pairs. “What the hell? Who is this donor who gave you a couple dozen pairs of pantyhose? Who? I want you to tell me.” I balled up the no-run pantyhose and headed for the laundry room and placed them in the bottom of the trash can. When I returned Dad asked “You’re throwing them away?” “Yeah, they aren’t what I like so why keep them?” Then Dad said “Don’t go anywhere. I’m still waiting for an answer.”

He sat on the sofa as I stood in the center of the room contemplating my response. Finally I said “If I told you it would cause an international incident.” Dad chuckled then replied “I’m willing to take the risk. I want to know. You’re not in any trouble but I think I have a right to know who gave my son dozens of pairs of pantyhose and you are going to tell me.” I continued to stand in silence for a moment then asked “If I tell you are you going to confront this person?” Dad looked surprised by my question and thought for a moment before answering. “Well, you got me there. No, I guess not.” “That’s good because I would die if you did.” I began to turn and leave when Dad called my name and firmly said “Okay, enough bull shitting me. Now you’ve got me a little worried because you won’t tell me. You’d better start talking or I’m going up to your room and turning it inside out. Every pair of pantyhose I find I’m going to rip, even the Hanes, so I think you’d better start doing some fast talking.”

Suddenly I was overwhelmed with tremendous anxiety. I didn’t want to lose my pantyhose collection but I also didn’t want to rat on Nick. As I contemplated my answer time slipped away and Dad rose from the sofa and started up the stairs. I quickly came to my senses and began chasing behind him. I was only steps behind Dad. He went into my room and looked at me standing in the doorway then said “Last chance and I’m not joking around damn it.” He opened my closet and began pulling shoe boxes from the shelf. He opened a box and it was full of pantyhose from Nick. He dumped them on the bed then scooped up several pair with his right hand. The legs were dangling freely and he reached for them with his left hand. My heart sank. I knew he was serious now. He wrapped the legs around his left hand then stretched the length of them tight as he said “Damn it! Do you really want all of your pantyhose torn up? I won’t be buying you any more either. For that matter I’ll go the way of your mother. You bring any in this house and I’ll take them away from you and make you watch me rip them before I throw them out.”

My anxiety was so great now that I needed to piss terribly. I felt as though I would piss myself if I dared exhale. “You promise you won’t go after him!” I shrieked. “What?! Him?! A man has been giving you pantyhose? Oh shit!” I quickly stammered “It’s not like that. He caught me with pantyhose and asked why I had them and I told him I like them. He asked what I meant by like them and when I told him I like to wear them he thought it was interesting. So he gave me some.” At this point Dad had dropped the pantyhose onto the bed. “Okay, so where did he get them? Is he buying them for you?” I could no longer take the grilling and just blurted “It’s Nick.” Dad looked at me in disbelief then asked “Nick? Nick gave you pantyhose? I don’t understand.” I told Dad how Maria had a trunk containing pantyhose in the basement and I discovered the pantyhose inside and Nick caught me and instead of being offended that I was going to take some he offered them to me because he wanted the trunk gone and Maria was dragging her feet about getting it out.

Dad stood silent for a few moments then said “So, you were caught trying to steal pantyhose from a family friend?” I softly answered “Yes, but Nick didn’t care. He said I could have them because Maria didn’t even wear them.” “I don’t give a shit if she was wearing them or not. You were attempting to steal pantyhose and I’ve told you over and over not to do it. I’m really pissed and disappointed.” Quickly I shot back, “He gave them to me quite a while ago. Well before we made our agreement. They didn’t even fit me when he gave them to me.” “What do you mean by that?” “I was a lot younger when he gave them to me and he made me promise not to reveal that he gave them to me because he said he knew you and Mom would not like it.” “You know what, it isn’t so much that he gave you pantyhose. I guess I can accept that. What I have a problem with is that you were going to steal them until he caught you.”

I stammered I have to pee… BAD! “Go ahead, go!” he said. I went to the bathroom and peed and pondered what was coming next when I re-entered my room. I walked in and found Dad sitting on the other bed. He said “I’m not going to say anything to Nick. I’m sure if I did he would be incredibly embarrassed as would I and really what am I going to say? Why did you give my son pantyhose or I don’t approve of you giving my son pantyhose? The topic isn’t exactly something two men discuss on a daily basis. Okay then, it’s out in the open now. Did you take any from Maria after Nick gave you some?” he asked. “No, I didn’t take pantyhose from her. Nick gave them to me and I haven’t taken any in a very long time from anyone.”

Dad breathed in deeply several times and remained silent. Finally, he spoke “I don’t approve of what Nick did, meaning taking pantyhose from Maria but that is between him and Maria. As for him giving them to you I’m still not sure what I think about that. He isn’t all that much older than you but I’m still trying to wrap my head around the fact that Nick gave you pantyhose.” In an attempt to get Dad to stop thinking too much I said “Well, Nick thought it was funny that he had taken them and angered Maria but he thought it funnier that I was wearing them. He had hoped I would go through them quickly so there would be no evidence. He found it amusing to know I was wearing them and used them up which would have infuriated Maria if she had known.”

Dad said “Okay, you can keep what he gave you and your pact with Nick will remain a secret. Fuck! I’ve got a damned headache.” Dad scooped up the pantyhose from the bed and dropped them in the shoe box then returned it to the shelf in the closet. I was worn out now and told him I was going to go to bed.

Dad never did say anything to Nick. When I was approximately 20-21 years old Dad mentioned Nick out of the blue and asked if he really had given me Maria’s pantyhose. I told him it was true that he had. Dad asked “I still don’t quite get why he gave them to you though. You would think he would have given them to a girlfriend or throw them away over time if he hated them.” I replied “Oh Nick doesn’t hate pantyhose. He thinks pantyhose are sexy. He just hated that they took up so much space in the basement. Maria had them in a large steamer trunk. He wanted me to have them because he was amused by me when he caught me with them. “How so?” Dad queried.

Smiling a little I said “He was leaning against a wall and had watched me grab several pair and try to shove them in my pockets. He was cool about it and asked what I was up to and I told him I wanted the pantyhose. He tried not to laugh and asked me why. When I told him I wear them he was at first surprised by my answer but didn’t judge me. He thought about it for a minute then said he would give me some. He liked the fact that I was doggedly determined to have them and he decided he wanted to help. It was like a secret mission between us to get me the pantyhose. Dad shook his head and we never discussed the topic again.


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PANTYHOSE PRINCESS, PART 2Each Monday morning I reviewed the incoming inventory looking for Karen Smith’s Camaro. Finally, after three weeks her Dad’s name appeared on a list which indicated the car was due to arrive within the next three to five days. I reviewed my schedule to see if I was scheduled to work. I was scheduled for evenings that week which I was happy about since Mr. Smith would most likely take delivery of the car after he got off from work. The car arrived to the dealership on a...

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PANTYHOSE PRINCESS – PART 4I hit the shower then jumped into bed. I was working the next couple of days in order to have off New Year’s Eve Day. I had yet to ask Karen what she wanted to do or if she had plans. We couldn’t go night clubbing since she wasn’t yet of legal age to drink. My parent’s had said something about brunch on New Year’s Day so I kept that in the back of my mind as well. I woke-up at 7:30, ate a bowl of cereal, brushed my teeth, threw on sweats and grabbed a banana as I...

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Pantyhose CD Lexi Gets Dominated

A couple years later I discovered Craigslist personals… wow, this opened up a whole new chapter. I now had a way to connect with others who also love pantyhose and crossdressing. My first encounter was with another CD with a huge pantyhose fetish. We dressed together & talked all things pantyhose. I started getting horny and curious. Luckily, she was an older man and very aware it was my first time. She let me rub my hands on her legs and as my curiosity got the best of my fear- my hand slowly...

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After having some fun with my pantyhose last week at the Cinema I couldn’t wait to make a return visit and continue to tempt men with my pantyhose.On Friday night I went to the same Cinema wearing five pair of pantyhose. I had a good pair of pantyhose on as my first layer. The other four pair each had a run in them but were far from destroyed. I often toss pantyhose with runs in them into a small basket for wearing during masturbatory sessions before throwing them out. The four pair were of...

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PANTYHOSE PRINCESSIt was autumn 1978, a Saturday in late October, and I was working at a Chevrolet dealership as a salesman. Our doors opened at 10:00 am. We usually didn’t get much in the way of foot traffic until close to 11:30 a.m. on Saturdays. At 10:30 a.m. those of us working noticed a shiny new 4-door Olds Ninety Eight Regency pull-up out front. “Hmm, someone with a couple of bucks” I thought. A middle-aged man exited from behind the wheel as the front passenger door opened and a pair of...

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The Waifu Catalog Beta Testers

This story is intended to be open, and anyone at all who wants to make stories based on this general premise/the Waifu Catalogue in general should feel free to throw their hat into the ring. •••••••••• I was in an endless sky. Blue skies and clouds as far as the eye could see. It wasn’t so bad really. I wasn’t hungry, I wasn’t tired, I wasn’t anything really. I was dead; this was honestly more than I expected. Thankfully they kind of turned off my need for stimulation before they put me in...

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Pantyhose Fantasy Come True part 2

To my amazement, he wrote back, “That would be awesome!” I hesitated a minute or two…I thought of all the things that could go wrong. Did I really want to go through with this? I’m not gay and I do not find men attractive (unless they are wearing pantyhose). After a few minutes, I gathered myself and typed: “maybe someday…” and with that we both jerked off in our pantyhose and logged off. The next few days I could not stop thinking about what we discussed. Every time I thought about it, I was...

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Pantyhose: It had been another routine early September day in my dead end job when I went out for my lunch break. There were some light clouds high up but not the sort of clouds (cumulonimbus) that the Celts used to say would fall on your head. That's it, they were Cirrus clouds. The news had been about some poor man being murdered for trying to prevent some other man from stealing his motorcycle. He was about the same age as me, right in the demographic of being most at risk of...

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Commercials Wed Like to See for Products We Wish Existed 001

Commercials We'd Like to See for Products We Wish Existed 001 Copyright © 2008, Chilli TNG Okay, so it's been a while since I last posted here to FictionMania. I've been... busy. But, recently, I've experienced a renewed interest in writing, and this little drabble of a story is the first to see the light of day. I hope you all enjoy it. I dedicate this story to all the Usual Suspects -- Wendy-J, P.J. Wright, Janice Dreamer, Carrie Gore, among others -- all authors whose work...

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PANTYHOSE ENCOUNTER AT THE OFFICE – PART 1A few years ago I was hired as a personal assistant for an executive at an engineering firm. He frequently traveled which left me with a lot of “free” time in the office. When he was in the office he kept me busy so it all balanced out. Anyway, his department was staffed almost entirely by men and younger men at that. Ironically, there were only two guys who I had the slightest bit of interest in. One was a very friendly guy who was a year or two older...

2 years ago
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Pantyhose Part 3

Pantyhose part 3: As I slept I dreamt that my name was Brad Majors and I had a fianc?e called Janet Weiss. I had found myself on a stage with her, my pantyhose and some other people. In my dream I was wearing a corset and elbow length gloves and had a feather boa draped over my shoulders. I was also wearing makeup and heels. I did not know what was going on. I felt sexy and vulnerable in the clothes and make up. Yes, I was male again although I was still wearing women's u...

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Pantyhose in the Mens Room at the Shopping M

I did some Christmas shopping on black Friday at a very large Mall. It has been as cold as a witch’s heart the past two days so I knew I would absolutely wear pantyhose out. I didn't want to wear a heavy jacket because the Mall would probably be hot so I wore an undershirt underneath a flannel shirt and heavy denim jeans with Sperry Topsiders. Under my jeans I wore two pair of coffee colored ultra sheer pantyhose. I decided to go with two pair of ultras instead of a heavier denier because I...

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Pantyhose Fantasy Comes True part 1

This is a true account of my first ever encounters with another man in pantyhose. As a young boy, I was like most other mid-teen curious boys regarding sexuality. I was always fascinated by sexy pictures of beautiful women, scantily dressed and wearing silky hosiery. This was bolstered by at least two female school teachers during my lifetime that wore short skirts and pantyhose nearly every day. Oftentimes I would get a quick glance up their skirts making it well worth the effort to get to...

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Pantyhose Town

This story takes a bit to get to the action, so just go with it during the setup.Imagine if you will, a society that did not regard sex as negatively as yours does. Abstinence only sex education was laughed at and teen pregnancies rarely occurred. Stores that openly sold lingerie, sexual stimulants and toys were found in every town and city across America. How you dress didn't label you a tease, slut, whore, or any of the other terms you might use. Rarely did anyone complain about lingerie...

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Pantyhose Addict

Pantyhose Addict By Cindy Johnson [email protected] Even though it was going to be a hot July day I still enjoyed wearing my pantyhose. Ever since my wife Janet caught me in a pair of hers three years ago I have worn them everyday without objection. They still feel wonderful when I roll them up my smooth legs and even better under a pair of jeans or in a skirt. I honestly have to say I have never grown tired of wearing them. The silkiness of the nylons against...

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Pantyhose 2

Pantyhose part 2: So have you ever heard anything so strange as my story? I was standing in my bedroom wearing panties and nail polish for the first time in my life. And I was not wearing anything else. My panties had appeared as I rolled a pair of magic pantyhose up my legs and at the same time all my hair had been removed from my legs and nail polish had appeared on my toes. Not only that but my hips and backside now looked like a woman's hips and backside. I was becoming...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 73 Full Disclosure

April 4, 1997, Dallas, Texas “Ms. Waxman, we need to reschedule this deposition,” Deborah said immediately. “And we also need to delay the depositions of Manny Nuñez and Brad Giesma in light of what was just revealed.” “For what reason?” “Could we recess and have everyone else leave so we can talk?” “I object,” Lee Silverberg said. “I think we need to know what’s going on.” “Counselor,” I replied, “I promise full disclosure once we have time to discuss this situation in private with Ms....

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Kitten and TeddybearChapter 3 Disclosure

Cindy: They played phone tag for a week. Sean: Wednesday morning was a trial and a penance. Somewhat on a whim, I had taken an appointment to, as it turned out, bondage and domination dungeon. Being the cocky SOB that I am, I tried to turn the invitation back on my hostess. Unfortunately, she called my bluff. For almost 20 minutes she had put herself completely in my hands, and now I could not get her out of my head. That morning, I had cut myself shaving, which is a bit of an...

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They didn’t need to advertise the job for Santa’s helper. I already offered my services. Since I was fairly popular and I could provide my own costume, a skintight green catsuit, my copper wig and boots, my supervisor went for it. I must admit that my main motivation was that I would be paid to wear a skintight costume, and hopefully get a few curious glances at my ass and body in the shimmery material!The Santa for the job was some retired security guard called Alfred who used to work at our...

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Pantyhose on a plane

One of my friends at work had quite the pantyhose experience last week. He is in his mid forties has been married over 20 years but isn't sure where it's going as they have fallen apart and he often complains his wife never wants to have sex and at one time would even enjoy wearing pantyhose for him sometimes as he has the pantyhose fetish like the rest of us.So last week he had to fly on a business trip. As he got to his seat in the back there was an attractive blonde woman probably in her...

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BFF I went to nudist camp 3

We only have a few hours left before we had to leave to catch our flight home. We had to get breakfast.We slept through the rest of the afternoon & night. Who could blame us?I was done showering. Vanessa said it was OK for Kim to go next. There's always plenty of hot water in a hotel.Kim & I had a towel wrapped around us. That's the most we've been covered in 2 days. It almost felt funny. We were sharing the mirror fixing our hair & putting our makeup on. We talked a little about...

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Pantyhose wish come true

PANTYHOSE SEXI've never written a story before but some things just NEED to be told and,after reading the following story, I'm sure you'll understand why I need totell this story and why it's anonymous.It all started the day I met my friend's family friend. She was a good looking woman in 50-is, she look's like goddess. Her name was Nada. After few month's my friend geting married and she will be guest at party. She was FREE woman, divorced. I kept dreaming about getting her alone. It was my...

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Pantyhose in public Pt 2

Well I finally went out in public showing off my shiny CdR pantyhose yesterday! It was even more thrilling than I imagined... Look for the Photo Gallery later today. Around 10AM yesterday I started looking through my pantyhose collection for the perfect pair. I ended up picking out my brand new pair of Dore ( color ) CdR Super Lucido. I slide into my hose and knew I had made the right choice immediately. God, those are some shiny hose! Just the right amount of color to add a little to the...

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Pantyhose with Megan

The next week I went again to the charity shop to meet Megan. I was once again wearing my sheer to the waist tan pantyhose with the gusset removed. I arrived before her and studied the dvd's and books before moving on to the lingerie. I had selected a pair of stockings and a couple of pairs of pantyhose and had also found some very nice see through panties and a suspender belt when I noticed that there was another guy also studying the lingerie. He looked a bit unsure and embarrassed as if he...

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Pantyhose cocksuckinga fantasy

I am waiting in my hotel room wearing just a pair of my favourite tan sheer to the waist pantyhose. I am wondering if my fantasy is at last going to come true. I have wondered for a long time what it would be like to suck another mans cock, but not just sucking a cock, specifically sucking while we are both wearing pantyhose. I take a sip of my drink and think back on all the times I have tried to make this happen and failed, either because I have had to cancel or the other person has cancelled...

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Pantyhose By Ricky It was an unusually warm Saturday evening in fall and my boyfriend and I were strolling through the park at twilight, enjoying the last red rays of the sun as they brought out the color on the trees. We sat on a secluded bench as the darkness fell, touching each other gently and kissing. In the silence of the woods the kisses turned passionate and soon Mike's hand was sliding under my skirt and tracing the outline of my bush through my pantyhose. His other...

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I've never written a story before but some things just NEED to be told and, after reading the following story, I'm sure you'll understand why I need totell this story and why it's anonymous.It all started the day I met my girlfriend's parents for the first time. I was 19 at the time and my girlfriend's mother was only 37. I fell in lust with her almost immediately. Her name was Karen and she was 5'6" with auburnhair and the nicest pair of legs that I had ever seen. She was sitting on a recliner...

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Pantyhose Paradise

When I was very young (about 9 is the earliest) I remember being fascinated by women’s legs in nylon stockings (they still wore stockings in those days). I remember being at a friends house, and his mom used to put her son over her lap and rub his back with a soft brush as form of reward, it was like a soft back-scratch if u like. One day she asked me if I would like a 'rubbing' and of course I said yes. She always wore skirts just above her knee and I noticed she always wore sheer...

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Pantyhose outdoors 3 with John and Laura

On the Monday I got a text from John telling me that he had persuaded his girlfriend to go to the country park for sex dressed in pantyhose. He hasn't told her about our plans in case she said no. He thought that we should surprise her and see how it panned out. I showered and shaved myself again and once again I slipped on a pair of my favourite tan sheer to the waist pantyhose, seamed dark tan stockings and a pink suspender belt. I also slipped into a lacy cream body pop peered up under the...

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Pantyhose Playtime

Hello, my name is David, and I have a, I guess you can call it, an addiction. It isn't drugs or alchol, my is more of a, well, a kink: I love pantyhose. Whenever I see a woman in a skirt and her legs are covered in pantyhose, I just lose my mind. Sure, I love women's legs as much as the next guy, but pantyhose just give this nice feel when your hands rub them up and down, the toes just look so delicious, and the ass just so...Sorry, got a little excited there. It all started in my childhood, my...

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Pantyhose wanking caught

I dressed in my favourite crotchless, sheer to the waist , tan pantyhose, slipped on a pair of trousers, t-shirt and shoes. I got into my car and drove to a place about twenty minutes drive from home. I parked up down this dead end lane with open fields on one side and some woods on the other. I had found this place accidentally when my satnav took me the wrong way coming home late one night and I figured it would be ideal for a bit of outdoor fun, no chance of getting caught here. I pulled off...

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Pantyhose cocksucking the fantasy continues

After resting, talking and drinking a bit more we are all starting to recover. Our cocks are beginning to stiffen again and we are all stroking them through our pantyhose. We had all enjoyed our first taste of nylon covered cock and I definitely wanted more. Dave and Peter were sitting side by side on the bed and as I hadn't had a taste of their cocks yet I dropped to my knees in front of them and taking one cock in each hand I began to stroke them. Their cocks were soon bulging at the front of...

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Pantyhose outdoors again

Strike while the irons hot they say, so I arranged to meet John again the next morning, in the car park, at about the same time as it seemed to be a very quiet time with nobody about. He said he would come dressed in his own things. I couldn't wait to see. The next morning I got up and after having breakfast I showered and shaved and as I have sometimes done before I shaved my legs and pubic area. Next I slipped on my sexiest nude, sheer to the waist pantyhose. I selected a pair of fully...

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Pantyhose Part 7

Pantyhose Part 7: So on getting out of the shower I brushed back my hair and put a scrunchie in and watched as my pantyhose turned to fishnet stockings and suspenders and then zipped myself into my French Maid uniform. I looked at myself in the mirror. My wet look long blonde hair had to make me virtually irresistible. I pouted at myself in the mirror and blew myself a kiss then picking up my keys I went to knock on Mr Jones's door. "Oh, it's you," he said opening the door...

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Pantyhose Part 9

Pantyhose Part 9: So my man woke the next day and looked in the mirror as he tended to do before he had a shave to find fairly well applied make-up (for my first attempt) on his face and, more importantly, that he was wearing panties. He called out, "Chrissie! What have you done to me?" By this time he had taken off his panties and was rubbing furiously at his face trying to remove the make up. His face looked like Lady Gaga's on the "Applause" single. In other words a...

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Pantyhose in the woods

It was my day off and everyone was busy. I had the day to myself. What was I going to do with myself. I decided that the first thing to do was to dress properly so I got out a pair of my favourite sheer to the waist, tan pantyhose with the gusset cut out. I put on a t-shirt and trousers and a pair of slip on shoes and was ready for going out. Where to go? I decided to go do a little shopping first. I jumped in my car and drove to the local town centre. I would have a little wander round the...

5 years ago
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Pantyhose with Pat

About two weeks after the memorable night in pantyhose with my wife Felicity and her friends Pat and Sue, Felicity arranged another meal out with them. I watched as she dressed and as soon as I saw her put her pantyhose on without panties I knew that I was in for a good time when she came home. After she left I stripped off, had a nice hot shower and slipped on a pair of my favourite pantyhose, sheer to the waist, tan and with the gusset cut out. I had just settled down to looking at some of my...

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Pantyhose wife and friends

My wife was going out for the evening with her friends Pat and Sue. It was just for a meal to celebrate Pat's promotion. I watched her dress as I often do. She put on a pair of my favourite sheer to the waist tan pantyhose without panties which meant I had the perfect view of her dark hairy triangle through the nylon. As always this gave me an instant hardon. She then pulled on a blouse and black pleated skirt. Just then the doorbell rang and she got me to go and answer it as she finished...

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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 10 Sexual Healing

Tempe’s Bedroom, North London, Ontario 10:24pm, Friday, November 16, 1979 “I gotta go pee, Mike,” Brick said after she recovered from her a body shaking orgasm I gave her with my tongue and long digits. As my young brunette girlfriend made her way to Tempe and Tina’s Jill & Jill co-joining bathroom, I scanned her now seriously slender body. Lisa said she’d lost seven pounds while in the hospital and she now tipped the scales at a whopping ninety-five pounds. My busty beauty joked that...

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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 37 Stronger Beer

Mike’s Barracuda, London, Ontario 10:36am, Saturday, December 22, 1979 “You’re one of the best songwriters I’ve ever seen, Mike,” Eda started to say as I slowed to a stop at Highbury Avenue, “so why don’t you write Canella, and your baby a song that captures your heart and provides her and little JM with the joy of Christmas?” “Oh! That’s an awesome idea, E! Maybe we could play whatever song you write for them in our televised concert, Mike?” Lisa said as she leaned forward from the...

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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionAfterward lsquoWelcome to the lsquo Concert Playlists and Book 6 Chapter Song

With the NIS program finally over, here are the playlists from the Welcome to the... concert that Mike and the Time Bandettes, and the Shania Twain Band played at the John Labatt Center in London. I regularly used ‘unique’ web-links to songs to get a feel for how other bands have played these songs. For example, I used Nickelback’s cover of ZZTop’s Sharp Dressed Man as a guide for what Mike and the Time Bandettes, and the lighting crew did during this song. In the Chapter Songs’ list, I did...

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Pantyhose dream

I am away on business and have taken my usual assortment of lingerie with me. The meeting that day had gone well and back in my hotel I shower and dress. First I put on my favourite sheer to the waist, crotchless, tan pantyhose. Over these I slip on a pair of my wife's black crotchless panties. Then I put on a tshirt and trousers. I don't bother with socks and slip on my shoes. I put on my jacket and am ready to go. I need a meal and head out to look for somewhere to eat. As I walk I can feel...

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