Abused Stepdaughter Part Eleven… The End free porn video

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This Story is about a young teenage girl named Sandra, who has had a rough life on her own, but that is about to change….

DISCLAIMER: This story is a complete work of Imagination - All Characters, Incidents, and Places are Fictional. Including Anyone or Place with Similar Names, this Story is intended as Satire and for Adults Only; you must be 18 or over to read it. This part of my Story will be involving R(a)pe, B(e)stiality & Ped(o)philia, it will be Intensely Emotional. I do not condone any Forced Sexual Activity involving Young T(ee)nagers in real life. If you are offended, or disturbed by graphic depictions of sex with young girls… or any of the other Taboo activities that I'm going to be writing about in this story, then you should stop reading this Story Now!

--------- Chapter 21
Jaime & Sandra….
August 10, 1991, late Saturday night
Little Rock, Arkansas

“What’s in the box,” Sandra asked, once they were inside Jaime’s house. Annie had just dropped them off outside, and had left after wishing Jaime a ‘Happy Birthday’, they all laughed at the joke. Jaime had taken the gift box out from her hallway closet.

“It’s a gift set for us to enjoy together,” Jaime said, grinning.

“Oh,” Sandra replied, suddenly intrigued by the gift box.

“Give me ten minutes, then join me in the bedroom,” Jaime said, smiling playfully, as she turned on her heels and headed down the hallway to her bedroom.

That smile had Sandra’s mind racing, and she wasn’t sure she could wait ten minutes. She glanced at the clock on the microwave, she tried to will the numerals to change faster. It didn’t work; if anything, they seemed to take even longer to progress.

She made it to about eight minutes, before she couldn’t wait any longer; the anticipation and curiosity were driving her crazy. Her heart was racing, as she headed down the hallway. At the end, she knocked on the half-closed door.

“That was an awfully fast ten minutes,” Jaime said, laughing.

“Are you ready,” Sandra asked and grinned.

“Yeah, you can come in,” Jaime said, as she opened the door.

Sandra couldn’t move, rooted to her spot by the sight of Jaime standing there in the open doorway. Gone were the black dress and high heels she’d been wearing, and instead she wore a clingy black bustier, black panties and stockings, with a black lace ribbon choker around her neck. The gauzy black material of the lingerie, contrasted nicely with her olive complexion, in a way that Sandra found incredibly sexy.

“You like it,” Jaime asked, looking down at herself.

“You… you look, Amazing,” Sandra managed to say, still unable to look away from the older woman.

“I had hoped you like it,” Jaime said, grinning brightly and blushing.

Swallowing hard, Sandra said, “I love it, you look so sexy.”

“Then don’t just stand there,” Jaime giggled, and grinned playfully at her.

Sandra stepped into the bedroom, and pulled her lover against her, and kissed her deeply. Sandra was giggling when she pulled back. Jaime took her hand and led her to the bed.

Sandra stepped out of her heels, then unzipped the zipper on the side of her dress. Shimmying out of it, she stood in front of Jaime in just her bra and panties, then she twirled around and crawled onto the bed. Sandra bumped something with her knee, and tore her eyes away from her lover, long enough to look down. Her eyes widened in surprise, and she picked up the object. She looked at it, then at Jaime. She was smiling slyly back at her.

“I was wondering,” Jaime said, nervously. “If you’d like to try something new.”

“Where in the world did you get this,” Sandra asked, looking down at a black dildo, inserted into a harness.

“I got it at that adult book store near XTC,” Jaime said, and laughed.

“You bought a strap-on from that store,” Sandra giggled.

“Yeah…,” Jaime said, and grinned playfully. “I was a little uncomfortable, while shopping… I was the only woman there, and all the guys were watching me.”

“Yeah… the other strippers don’t usually go in there alone,” Sandra giggled, and shook her head.

“This is going to be fun… have you ever been in there?” Jaime asked, sitting on the bed beside her.

“No… I’ve never bought a sex toy before, some of the other strippers say they have some good stuff,” Sandra giggled.

“So… have you ever used a sex toy, Sandra?”

Sandra just blushed and nodded, then said, “Yeah… some of the other strippers, and clients have used toys with me.

“Anyway…,” Jaime said, laughing at her own expense. “There were so many options, colors, sizes. It was a little intimidating.”

“It looks good,” Sandra giggled. “I already have a few toys in my underwear drawer, that others have given to me.”

Jaime leaned over and kissed her, then said, “Okay… then let’s play a little.”

Sandra giggled, as she jumped into her lap and kissed her passionately. The girl’s excitement stirred her own, and Jaime felt herself becoming highly aroused. When Sandra finally pulled back, Jaime was looking back expectantly at her, her big brown eyes shining.

Sandra smiled at her, and said, “Why don’t you try on our new toy?”

The girl giggled, as Jaime got to her feet and began to adjust the belt. She had the strap-on about half way in place, when she glanced toward the bed. The smile the girl favored her with sent a shiver of excitement through her.

“Wow,” Sandra giggled, her gray eyes were sparkling.

Jaime grinned back, as she sat on the bed next to her, and gave her a deep, lingering kiss. Sandra hand found the slim shaft of the dildo, and Jaime gasped, as she gently tugged on it. It put pressure on Jaime’s clit, making her sigh, as Sandra kept stroking it.

Finally breaking the kiss, Sandra stretched out on her back, and opened her legs wide, then moved the crotch of her panties to one side. Jaime moved between her spread legs, grinning as she moved into position. Propping up on her elbows, Sandra helped her lover to line up with the opening of her vagina. She arched her hips up, and the dildo slipped inside of her. Sandra moaned, as it rubbed wildly inside of her. She grinned up at Jaime, and wrapped her legs around her hips, her ankles locking behind her.

The dildo was on the small size, about six inches in length, but it still felt incredible, as Jaime tried a few shimmy twists of her hips. Since it was small, she could just press the base right up against Sandra’s crotch, and make little shimmy movements with her hips. Sandra loved how it felt, the intimacy of their bodies meeting was very arousing. Every little movement sent shivers of pleasure flowing through her.

Watching the girl squirm on the bed, inflamed her passion, Jaime couldn’t believe this was really happening. Then again, she felt that way about most of her relationship with Sandra. It just seemed too good to be true most days.

Jaime’s pace slowly quickened, each roll of her hips, buried the dildo to the hilt inside of Sandra. Each time it went deep, it forced a moan from her slack mouth. Jaime was grinning down at her, her eyes flashing. Sandra tried to smile back, but another fuck-thrust came, and she moaned, as her face contorted in pleasure.

Leaning in, Jaime gave her a kiss. Sandra put her hand on the back of her lovers’ neck, and didn’t let her pull away. Jaime’s tongue was in her mouth, swirling around her own. Meanwhile, Sandra’s hips kept arching up, the dildo moving deep inside of her, with her legs wrapped around her lover’s hips. Jaime began to get the rhythm, meeting the girl’s counter thrust for thrust.

Jaime hunched her back, and suddenly Sandra’s nipple was in her mouth. She groaned as Jaime’ tongue teased it, until it ached sweetly. Then her hand was on Sandra’s other breast, and her back arched. Her cries of pleasure were getting louder, sharper.

Jaime was breathing heavy from her efforts, a light sheen of sweat breaking out on her body. She was sighing, the strap-on base rubbing deliciously against her hard clit. It didn’t compare to what Sandra was feeling, but it still felt really good. Sandra’s slid her hands over Jaime’s bustier covered stomach, and up to cup her jiggling breasts. “Oooohh… Sandy” Jaime moaned, as the girl kneaded them through the lacy cups. Her back arched, pressing her breasts more fully into Sandra’s hands.

Sandra let her hands roam over her chest, she loved the silky sheer feel of the bustier under her fingertips. Jaime looked so sexy in the clingy black material; Sandra couldn’t keep her hands off of her. Jaime’s pace had quickened, again, each thrust coming faster. Sandra’s fingers dug into the flesh of her lover’s shoulders, as she clung to her for dear life. She didn’t have nails, but she was still leaving marks on her skin. Jaime didn’t seem to mind; she was grinning down at her.

That smile got to her, and Sandra felt an orgasm stir to life deep inside of her. Her eyes widened, and she looked at her lover. Jaime saw her urgency, and thrusted hard into her once, twice, three times. The third one made her cry out; her body went crazy as she orgasmed. Sandra pulled her down atop her, and wrapped her arms around Jaime’s neck, then kissed her deeply. Jaime moved her hips slowly, letting the dildo move deep inside Sandra’s still sensitive cunt. Every little movement made her moan, and kept the wonderful sensations awash in her body.

Eventually, Sandra released her lover, opening both her arms and her legs. Jaime pulled the fake cock out of her, then stretched out on the bed beside of her. She unfastened the straps to the harness, and slipped out of it. She was grinning slyly when she held it out to Sandra.

“Yeah… way cool,” Sandra giggled, as she rolled off the bed. She slipped into the strap-on belt, and adjusted it, and the straps until it fit comfortably. Giving it an experimental tug, she nodded, it fit perfectly. Jaime sprawled on her back, and Sandra helped her slip out of the tiny thong that went with the bustier.

Sandra grinned brightly, as she moved between the Jaime legs. Jaime propped up on her elbows, looking intently at the dildo jutting lewdly out from Sandra’s crotch. She was biting her lower lip, when she looked back up at Sandra. The grin became a tender smile and Sandra relaxed some at the sight of it.

Sandra used her fingers to tease her lover’s tender clit, and she didn’t let up until Jaime was moaning and sighing. When she thought Jaime was ready, she gave her a quick kiss, then lined the dildo up with the opening of her vigina. “Oooohh… I want you to fuck me,” Jaime gasped, as the cool rubber touched her hot lips and she shivered. Sandra put a little pressure on the dildo, and it slipped deep into Jaime’s cunt, she gaped with pleasure and delight. She was grinning when she looked back up at Sandra.

“You can fuck me as hard as you want, sweetie,” Jaime sighed.

Biting her lip, the girl nodded.

Holding her little hand to her chest Jaime said, “Fuck me hard with your cock, baby.”

Sandra smiled wildly and pulled back a little, then rolled her hips forward. Jaime gasped, as the length of the dildo slipped deep into her cunt. Sandra moved her hips, listening to her lovers panting breath, and her little sounds of enjoyment, taking her cues from them. Gentle at first, her pace quickened, as Jaime became more excited.

She was rolling her hips up to meet her slow fuck-thrusts, and greedy to have more, she cried out, “Harder sweetie… fuck me harder.”

After a few of minutes of being fucked on her back, Jaime slipped out from under the girl, and got on her hands and knees. She looked at Sandra over her shoulder, as she moved behind her. Jaime winked at her, as the girl fucked the dildo back into her quivering core. “Oooohh…. Yeah!” Jaime moaned, as it slid in deeper than before. Sandra’s hands gripped her hips, as she began to thrust harder. “Yeah… that feels so fucking good.”

Sandra leaned forward, and laid on her back, then wrapped her arms around her sides from behind. Her hands found Jaime’s breasts, and she teased her dark nipples until they stiffened. Jaime moaned, as Sandra cupped her swaying tits, still thrusting deep and hard. The dueling sensations had Jaime’s mind swirling with the wild sensations.

Sandra eased out of her, making Jaime look back at her in surprise. She only winked, then stretched out on her back. With her fingers, she held the dildo straight up. Grinning, Jaime got the idea, and slid her left leg across her hips to straddle her. Sandra helped her lover to ease down onto the dildo, and watched Jaime’s face contort with pleasure, as she began to squirm up and down on it. With her thumb, Sandra teased her lover’s clit, her free hand ran over Jaime’s nylon and laced covered thighs, and up to her stomach.

Sandra loved the flex of her body, as she strained toward her own release. She looked so irresistible in her black lingerie, her taut body like a pneumatic machine. It didn’t take long for Jaime to lose her grace, her hips jerking spastically, as she neared her climax. Sandra thrust up into her from her back, helping her lover to finish.

“Oooohh… I’m Coming!” Sandra cried out, as she climaxed suddenly, her body stiffening below Jaime.

“Holy Shit… Yeah!” Jaime sighed, with a breathless laugh, as she climaxed also.

“That was pretty amazing, huh,” Sandra said a few moments later, as she still caressed Jaime’s thighs and stomach. Jaime eased off the dildo, gasping as it rubbed her still very sensitive insides. She stretched out beside Sandra, and rolled her body to molded against her.

“Yeah… it was more than amazing…,” Jaime agreed, and Sandra kissed her. She snuggled even tighter against Sandra, and said, “It was Perfect.”

“I love you,” Sandra softly said, as she smiled slyly at her.

Jaime’s heart swelled in her chest, and beat furiously, as she hugged the young girl tightly, and said, “I Love You, too! Happy Anniversary!” She was so thrilled and spent, she felt complete, it had been a wild day; she hugged the girl tighter to her, and moments later they were both sound asl(ee)p.

--------- Chapter 22
XTC Showgirl Club….
August 12, 1991, late Monday night
Little Rock, Arkansas

A few nights later, Sandra found herself in the VIP Club room with Don Schumer, one of her regulars for the past year, an Attorney and a friend of Billy Clinton... he was very young, blonde and handsome. They were with a private party watching a preseason Cowboys game, and she’d noticed that Don was drinking quite a bit. It wasn’t like him, he’d always been an occasional drinker, but tonight was different. He was slamming down whiskey & coke, one after the other, and he was also being very handsy with her in front of the others, which made her feel a little horny.

Just as she was about to ask him if wanted to go to a private room, Don smiled at her and said, “How about a little dr(i)nk, honey?”

Jim didn’t care if she dr(a)nk with the customers, and sometimes he encouraged it, but she rarely ever did. Before she could respond, he poured two large glasses of whiskey, added dashes of soda, and then handed her one. “I don’t think I want a drink right now, Don,” Sandra murmured.

“Come on, honey,” he said insistently, holding the glass out toward her. “It’ll really turn you on.

She felt compelled to do as he asked, there was something demanding in the tone of his voice (Jim was always saying ‘Drink if it’s offered’), she reached for the drink and took a sip of the harsh, burning liquid.

“Awe… come on, baby. You can do better than that… dr(i)nk it all down!” he insisted, then he drained his own glass, as if to show her how it was done.

Sandra swallowed a large gulp of her dr(i)nk, and then another, and still another, until her glass was empty. She felt the strong brew heating up her insides, first her belly, then her mind swirled, and finally her pussy began to tingle and burn with desire.

“That’s a good little girl,” Don chuckled approvingly. He moved closer to her on the couch, and suddenly flicked the nip of her left tit through her bikini top with a fingertip. Sandra gasped, as her nipples immediately got hard, and Don laughed triumphantly, seeing how he had turned the girl on.

“Relax baby, just enjoy it,” he muttered, as he flicked her erect nipple back and forth. Then, he reached down and squeezed her nip hard between thumb and fore finger.

“Ooohh Don… do you want to go to a private room?” Sandra groaned, as she leaned her head back, her brunette hair fluttering. Then, the next thing she knew, Don’s lips were on hers, and his tongue was stabbing hotly into her mouth. He cupped her entire mound of tit flesh, and massaged it r(ou)ghly, turning her on more and more. With his free hand, he lifted her skirt and slid his fingers along the insides of her quivering thighs.

“Mmmmmmooooohh,” Sandra moaned into his mouth as they kissed passionately. Then, his fingertips were brushing against the damp crotch of her panties, and she spread her legs wide apart… she didn’t care if the other VIP’s and strippers watched them, in fact it turned her on more knowing they were there.

Don massaged her pussy through her panties, pressing his fingertips inward, driving the wet gusset deep between the trembling lips of her cunt. At the same time, he pulled down the zipper of his blue jeans, and Sandra gasped, as breaking their deep kiss, she glanced down and saw his huge cock sticking straight out of the fly, hard and throbbing.

Sandra’s pulse quickened and her pussy throbbed with arousal, as Don took her left hand and guided it toward his hard, hot cock. Mesmerized, the horny young girl let her fingers close around the long, thick cockshaft, she felt his cock throb in her fist, and she grew more and more aroused. Her clit was twitching with her excitement and lust, as he massaged it through her panties. Soon, she was squirming and writhing on the couch, her legs spread wider and wider, her skirt climbing high slowly, as she crept further down on the couch. She was trying desperately to move ever closer to his cock. At the same time, she was eagerly jerking his cock up and down, her moans growing louder and louder.

“That’s my girl,” Don panted, as his cock grew harder and thicker in her stroking fist. When he again squeezed and caressed her small tits, it was enough to make her climax. As the spasms of orgasm surged through her, Sandra squealed, “EEEEeeaaggnnnuuuhh…. Fuck Yeah!” She humped her cunt forward onto his probing fingers. His hard cock in her hand throbbed even more… she had to have it up her little pussy.

“Ooooohh…. Aaahhhooo,” she gasped, as she wiggled her hips in a lewd dance of fuck-lust… she had no thoughts or concern of those who were watching them. “MMMmmmm… I’m coming again… fuck me, now!”

“Oooohh Kenzi… you’re a hot, Bitch!” Don chuckled, as he stroked her clit even harder, as she came. Sandra’s back was painfully arched, as she twisted her pussy up to his probing fingers. “What a hot little piece of ass you are,” he groaned. “Maybe you need something big and hard in your mouth now… what do you think?”

“Oh yeah, Don… yesss! I need your big cock in my mouth!” Sandra whimpered.

With that, Don pulled off his blue jeans, and stood up and faced her, as she leaned forward eagerly. His cock jutted from his hairy crotch. Sandra swallowed hard, as she looked at the huge cockhead only inches from her mouth. Don moved forward a bit more, and Sandra moaned with desire and she closed her eyes, as she felt the head of his prick touching her moist lips.

“That’s it, honey… just open your sexy little mouth so I can fuck it with my cock,” Don groaned, as he looked about the room, and saw his friends hooking up with the other strippers… he knew how to Host a wild party, he thought.

As he went back to fingering her pussy through her panties, Sandra opened her mouth wide, and he slipped his hard cock into her mouth….

‘Yeah baby… yeah, suck me off!” Don moaned, as he began to fuck her mouth, his swinging balls banging against her chin now and then. Awkwardly bent over, he continued to rub and stroke her little pussy, now shoving the sodden crotch of her panties deep into her slit. Sandra’s tongue swirled over his bulbous cockhead, as he thrust his prick deep, striking the back of her throat.

“OOOooohh… you suck sooooo fucking good, Kenzi!” Don moaned with excitement, taking his hand from her pussy, he grabbed the back of her head firmly with both of his hands, and fucked into her mouth f(o)rcefully, trying to ram his prick deep down her throat. He felt his cum churning in his balls, and he knew that in just seconds, he would be dumping his entire load into her sucking mouth. He was focusing all of his intense concentration on the exciting blowjob the bitch was giving him.

With her mouth stuffed full of cock, her moans were muffled and strained, “eeerrruuunnngggaaahh… eeaahhhooonnngg….” She was so turned-on, she loved sucking Don’s cock, and she felt her own orgasm growing, as she continued to suck his cock as hard as she could.

Throwing his head back, “OOOooohh Fuck… Yeah, Fuck, I’m Coming!” Don cried out wildly, as he fucked hard into her mouth on last time. They came together, her cunt spasmed in orgasmic waves just as his cum shot into her mouth, and slid lewdly down her throat. She gulped quickly; she was thrilled by the creamy taste of his jizz, she didn’t want to waste a single drop. But, even so, she couldn’t keep up with the stream of cum shooting into her mouth. And soon, the hot jizz was seeping from the corners of her mouth, and dribbling down her chin. “uuunnngggaaahh…” she gurgled as she swallowed, thinking that there was no end to his load.

Tightening his hold on her head, Don fucked and rammed his cock into her sucking mouth as deep as he could. Then he pulled back, and shoved his squirting cock deep, striking her tonsils. Fresh wads of cum spurt down her throat, until finally he was spent. Then, standing still, he gasped for air.

“God Damn…. you’re a Hot Cock Sucker!” Don panted. “That’s was the best blowjob you’ve given me!” He looked down at her and grinned, when he saw his cum running down her chin. He pulled back, his still-hard cock sticking lewdly out from his hairy crotch.

With a sigh, he sat on the couch and reached out for the whiskey, and poured them another drink, “Here honey… have another drink, you’ve earned it.” he said as he handed her a glass. Sandra accepted it willing, she took a long sip, letting the whiskey warm her tummy. She felt refreshed and a little giddy with excitement.


She didn’t know it then, but that would be her last night, and VIP Party at the XTC Showgirl Club…


August 13, 1991, late Tuesday night…

The next night was her day off, she was just a month shy of her sev(e)nt(ee)nth birthday, when she ventured into the adult book store that Tuesday night. She had decided to surprise Jaime with a few toys. She was dressed in a tight t-shirt and a skirt, just as any other young teenage girl. The guy at the counter could tell she was und(e)rage, but he didn’t give a shit. Seeing a girl wandering around among the dirty video cassettes, looking at dildos, and vibrators, excited him. Also, some of the bolder patrons took out their stiff cocks as she walked by them, and jerked on themselves openly, but he didn’t care about that either… it was a slow night.

Sandra saw three cocks that night….

“Will this be all?” the counter guy asked her, as she placed an assortment of butt-plugs and double ended dildos, on the counter. She swallowed nervously, her body ached with arousal and her knees felt weak, as he handled the things, she was buying to put up her ass and pussy. “You might need some lubricant,” he whispered. Her pussy quivered, and nodded in acquiesce.

She knew all the other men were watching her, but the guy at the counter was the authority in the shop, so they kept their distance, if anyone laid claim on her body, it would be him first. Her pussy swelled with the idea of him taking her in front of them, watching as they waited to take their turn. God, she was horny as hell suddenly.

“There’s an assortment of fantasy toys and vibrators on sale over there,” he whispered across the counter, as some of the men hovered around. “A good vibrator in your pussy, with a butt-plug would feel awesome,” he said, unashamedly and professionally, as he looked on her blushing face, as if explaining the workings of a machine, instead of her masturbatory adventures.

Her mouth was dry, and she licked her tongue across her dry lips; she had a habit of doing that in a very sensual manner…. she saw the effect it had, as his cock jerked at the crotch of jeans. Her gaze then followed his to another large array of sex toys, with a rainbow of colors, shapes, and motorized for pleasure, to the right of the counter. All that was needed; was for her to walk over and start browsing, and then he whispered, “You can have one for free.” Her face broke into a pretty smile.

The counter guy followed her, watching a pretty girl choose a toy for pleasure and self-abuse turned him on. She laughed sweetly, as they talked about how a particular vibrator would feel in her pussy, with a butt-plug in her asshole, and give her a better orgasm. She began to wonder if she blew him behind the counter, would he give her a few more toys for free?

Then she heard a familiar voice behind her, “Sandra…. is it you… ooohh, My God!” She turned with a strangled gasp; it was Thomas Wright; he’d been in his early forties the last time she’d seen him. He was a widower, he’d lost his wife several years ago, and the father of one of her best friends from school, Tammy. She hadn’t thought of her in several months, memories of high school and her friends flooded her mind. She had to leave them all behind, when she was kicked out of her home, and started to work at the club…. she’d lost so much. She began to cry, with joy and sorrow. She begged him to take her away from the sex shop, and drive them to the Lenney’s Dinner a few blocks away. They talked for hours……

During the conversation he’d told her, as carefully as he could, that Tammy had died in a car accident recently. It was all too much for her to handle, her sorrow and feelings of lose was deep, her tears flowed like streams. When she was able to talk again, she told him of how her mother had thrown her out of her house, of the strip club, and how sorry she was that she had to run away and hid, leaving all her friends behind.

They sat and talked of many other things too, but the most important thing they talked about, was getting away from the strip club. He talked her into letting him help her; together they went to her apartment and quickly gathered up her few belongings…. it wasn’t much. Then they took her things to his home, and he let her sleep in his spare bedroom.

In the end it was surprisingly easy to escape the strip club….

Early in the morning, they went to the bank around the block from her apartment and closed out her secrete bank account…. it was a lot. Thomas also, talked her into living with him, he was the Chief of Police, he knew he couldn’t get her back into a public high school, but he could get her tutors and a GED. She would live with him as his niece, he had no other family to raise any questions.

He was also accepting of her relationship with Jaime, but tragedy struck a few weeks after she left the strip club. Ironically though, Jaime died in a car accident, just days after getting her driver license back, a drunk driver hit her car head on. She lingered in the hospital for a few days with Sandra and Tom at her bedside.


As the weeks went by, Tom was there to help her through her grief, and she soon fell in love with him. It’s surprising how it’s the least expected person, that opens your eyes to the most wondrous of things. He was very attractive for an older man, and very sexy, there was something about him, that reminded her, of her late father. It was also the things she missed the most, tenderness, warmth, and security, he was also mature, relaxed, and gentlemanly, but more importantly, he made her feel a part of F(a)mily and Loved.

It wasn’t long before he dominated her dreams; she began to fantasize about taking him as a lover. When these emotions strike a girl like Sandra, she had no limits or inhibitions, she tried to make herself appear older and experienced again. And Thomas sensed this, but he didn’t want to take advantage; he knew it wouldn’t be right…. she was so young and vulnerable, but he couldn’t deny being flattered.


“When did you buy this?” asked Tom one morning. He was referring to a fluorescent pink Lelo vibrator, which she’d carelessly left lying atop her bedroom dresser, by her bed. He had brought her a cup of coffee, and it was laying where he’d intended to place her cup.

She had used it last night; she’d woken in the early hours horny after a steamy dream. She peeked from under her covers, her face blushing with embarrassment and arousal.

Tom picked it up by the shaft, not noticing that it was crusty with her pussy juices, dried yes, but still there, and now on his fingers. He twisted the base ring, and the vibrations flowed though his fingers, he turned it off with a huff. He looked down at her gleaming gray eyes, peeking out from under the covers, “Is it any good?” he asked, smiling at her, as he said it.

“Yeah…. but not as good as the real thing,” Sandra fired back, and drew the covers down, baring her shoulders as she propped herself up.

Tom sat on the edge of her bed, still studying the vibrator. His hand was gliding over the soft pink shaft, that would fit so comfortably inside her pussy. Sandra reached for her coffee cup, and her bare breasts slipped from under the covers, and Tom looked at them…. noticing her nipples harden before his gaze.

“I haven’t washed it yet, Tom,” Sandra murmured, wanting him to know her intimate relation with the sex toy had been recent.

Tom brought it up to his nose and sniffed, as she watched, “You smell of fresh flowers…. and plastic,” he teased, and rose to his feet. “I’ll wash it for you,” he said, turning to leave.

“Wait Tom…,” Sandra said, her voice breaking slightly. He turned and looked down at her lying there; he sat down on her bed again.

“Do you miss…. Her?” she asked him.

“If you mean my wife…. yes, sometimes…. I mean, less now,” he answered. Then, as he watched, she pulled the covers from her petite body, and crawled on her bed to sit beside him, as nude as the day she was born, and put her arms around his neck, and hugged him tightly.

She reached over and felt his cock growing against her palm; she rubbed at the lump in the crotch of his cargo shorts. “Touch me, Tom…,” Sandra whispered into his ear. He was reluctant at first, but ten years of being a widower, and the abstinence from the feel of a pussy around his cock, was too much for him to ignore her advances….

--------- Chapter 23
Six years later……
June 20, 1997, Early Friday night.
Little Rock, Arkansas

Sense the day she had ran into Tomas Wright in the Adult Book Store, her life had changed for the better, they were living now in Shreveport, AK. Their relationship was awkward at first, but their love for each other was all they wanted. But in the summer of ’92 tragedy struck again; Tomas had died of a sudden heart attack while jogging. She was surprised to find out he’d left her $200,000.00 in a Life Insurance policy. She used some of the money to go to nursing college.

Then, when she graduated, she found a nursing job at a local hospital, on the cardiac recovery floor. She started to use her luscious body, and willing personality to get ahead, from almost the first day. She was fucking with the head surgeon within a month.

Sandra had learned how to enjoy her life, and use every opportunity to her advantage…. and she had given a lot of blow jobs to the doctors, and spent a lot of time on their office couches. She had enjoyed fucking them, and doing other things had gotten her the position of Head Nurse, but she was still there, because she was very good at her job, also.

Sandra was happy with her life, but she had never forgotten how she had been kicked out of her home. Deep down, she hated her mother with lingering passion. Her Stepfather had only done what was natural for him. She had been a pretty girl, and he had been horny, so he’d taken advantage of her. If she’d been older and more experienced, she could have resisted him. Also, her mother had never told her how to handle men, and she had blamed Sandra for chasing him… it wasn’t fair. In the darkest hours of night, she thought often about revenge ….


In June of ’97, she decided to do more than think about revenge, she saw a news report about a City Councilman, who was on trial for sexually m(o)lesting two very young girls…. it was John Harris, her stepfather. She went back to Little Rock, the next weekend to spy on her mother, she watched her habits for a few months, and thought about what she would do next.

The strip club had burned down in ’92 she’d found out, and a Burger King was there in its place. She had been disappointed about that, she had thought about going inside the club, but it was better that it was gone. She knew none of the strippers, she’d known would still be there…. she just wanted a glimpse at a part of her past.


Early one Friday afternoon, Sandra parked her rented mustang in the driveway of her mother’s house, and walked up the driveway. She rang the doorbell, and smiled when her mother opened the door. Gail hadn’t changed much; she only looked a little older. But Sandra had changed from an inexperienced young t(ee)nager into a sophisticated and cunning woman.

It took a few moments for Gail to recognize her. “Sandra….?” she said with surprise.

“Yes Mother, it’s me.”

Gail turned bright red. At first, Sandra thought her mother was going to get angry, and want to fight… but she was ready for that. She was no longer frightened of her mother. If her mother started something, Sandra would be the one to finish it. But Gail had no taste for a physical fight with her daughter… it would be verbal and mental.

“What do you want?” Gail asked with scorn.

“Aren’t you going to invite me in? I’m still your daughter.”

“Well…. all right,” Gail replied, but she didn’t sound very inviting to Sandra.

Gail stepped aside, and allowed her daughter into the house. Sandra took a long look around; most of the furniture was different, but everything else was the same, she felt her heart quiver, as fond memories flooded her mind. She had enjoyed living here, and her neighborhood friends. She wished things could have been different suddenly.

“Okay…. so what is it you want?” Gail asked sternly.

“Maybe…. I came to make up,” Sandra suggested slyly.

“Or maybe…. you came by to show your ass to your Stepfather again,” Gail said, with her contempt rising again. “But you can’t anyway…. he’s not here…. he’s….”

Sandra held up her hand with a stern face she interrupted, “No Mother, I’m not here to do that. And I know he’s not here…. he’s in Jail, awaiting trial.” Then she walked up to her mother’s side, and said with authority, “Don’t say anything more…. Mother,” as she pulled a rag soaked with chlor(o)form out of a plastic bag, that she’d had stuffed in her purse.

Sandra quickly put the rag over her mother’s face until she was out cold, then she dragged her over to the couch. She pulled out her one-time use cell phone, and made a call, then went to the front window, and peeked out through the curtains.

She grinned, when she saw the white, unmarked van pulling up across the street several minutes later…

She turned around, and stood looking down at her mother. She didn’t feel sorry for her at all… what she did feel, was more determined to what she had planned. Then she saw her stirring, and bent down close to her, “I was so young,” Sandra said with hatred. “I didn’t know anything about sex, but you blamed Me! He seduced and m*****ed me… he r(a)ped me…. but you kept him in your bed, and you kicked me out!”

“That’s…. that’s not true!” Gail groaned; she was still groggy from the chlor(o)form but aware of her surroundings.

“Sure, it is,” Sandra said with a normal voice. “All you were concerned about was a fat cock in your cunt. Well, I’m going to help you out with that, Mother…. sense he’s in Jail now!”

“What… what are you talking about,” Gail asked with her voice quivering, she was scared now.

Sandra only smiled with contempt…

The front door opened, and three black men from the van came in the door. Gail stared at them; she was terrified now. All three of the men were big and heavy, they also looked rough. Sandra had picked them from a file, that she had found in Tom’s office, and had paid them a lot of money. They had been suspicious, but they weren’t about to turn down a piece of ass, and the money, after Sandra had told them what she wanted them for, and why.

“Thanks again, guys,” Sandra said. “That’s my mother…. she’s all yours. She might fight a bit, but don’t worry, she likes it rough, she likes to be dominated.

“No…. No…. oooooohhh God, NO…. Sandra, don’t let them do this!” Gail whimpered. She was beyond terrified now, she knew what was going to happen, but couldn’t believe it. She tried to scramble across the couch, but they were quick, and they surrounded her. She started clawing at the three black men, but they were too strong to fight off. One of them grabbed her by her hair and twisted her head back, while another put a ball gag in her mouth, and handcuffed her hands behind her back. The third man ripped her blouse down the front. Gail was wearing a black silky-lace bra, that was no problem for the third black man…. he ripped the flimsy bra to pieces, and freed her firm, creamy white tits.

“Nice tits, Baby!” he grumbled. “I’m gonna enjoy fucking her!” He began to massage her swinging tits……

Sandra could see the shock and fear on her mother’s face quickly change to something else, a touch of arousal and horror maybe. Her mother started breathing in soft gasps…. and her pink nipples started to swell up.

“Yeah…. she looks like…. she’s liken it!” the third one laughed roughly. “You like the black cock…. just like any White Bitch dos!” He kept massaging her firm tits, until Gail was moaning around the ball gag despite her terror.

Sandra was surprised, but also thrilled, to see her mother getting aroused…. then she had thought back to Scott and Alex, they were so alike she realized. She began to enjoy the spectacle too, she didn’t think she would, but her mother’s attitude, at their meeting, only made her remember the hurt and shame she had worked so hard to forget, about the night she’d kicked her out. It had been so cold and wet, walking down the street with no real place to go.

The one holding her hands let her go, and then pulled her skirt up until it was bunched up at her waist. He put his hand up between ther slim thighs, and started rubbing at the crotch of her panties. Her matching black lace panties barely covered her hairless pussy mound, and Sandra could see that her panties were getting wet. Gail was crying and struggling, but she also spread her legs wider.

“uuuggghhaaa… nnnoooo… aaannngggaa,” Gail struggled to moan around the ball gag.

“Stop it, Mom…. it’s no use to struggle. Let it happen... it’ll hurt less,” Sandra replied gently. “Humm… I can tell, by your wet panties, that you’re liking this!” Then she was remembering… the other time she’d watched her mother fucking a man, her stepfather. She was feeling the same things again, she was so aroused, her pussy was quivering and vibrating powerfully.

The three men drew away from Gail, but still surrounded her, as they started to undress. They were all hard and lean, and well-muscled. Their cocks were what Sandra had hoped (they were black men after all), they were very large and throbbing. Sandra had gotten her money worth.

They moved back toward her, and they pulled and ripped the rest of Gail’s clothes off. They dragged her naked and squirming body to the carpet. One man knelt near her head, and made her turn her face toward his crotch and pulled out the ball gag. He started to rub his pulsing cock against her lips. “Suck it, Bitch,” he groaned. “I know you crave black cock…. all White Bitches want it! Suck my, God Damned, Cock!”

Gail opened her mouth and he forced his prick in as deep as possible. Sandra could see that his cock had gone into her mother’s mouth almost to his balls. He drew back, and she could see the spit dripping from his thick cock, and she heard her mother’s strangling moans of pleasure, as he rammed his cock in her mouth. The second man was spreading Gail’s thighs apart, and ripped off her panties. His prick already throbbing and dripping precum, he pressed his cockhead at her wet and distended pussyslit.

“I’m gonna give you a fucking you won’t forget,” the man said. “I’m gonna fuck your creamy, white ass off!”

He rammed his cock against her bare cunt, and Sandra watched as her mother’s ass arched up, as he fucked in deep. Her mother gave a strangled cry around the cock in her mouth, as the other thick cock penetrated her pussy half-way. Pulling her mouth from the other man’s cock she cried, “Yeah…. it’s so big…. aaaaaahhoomm, My God!” Then she grabbed the cock with her mouth, and began to suck it again.

Yeah…. my cock fills you like never before,” he groaned. “You’ll never go back…. you’ll crave Black Meat from now on!”

He had his hard prick buried all the way in her cunt now, and he started to pound hard at her cunt. This was what Sandra wanted to see and paid for. Her mother was taking on two strong black men. Sandra didn’t think her mother would soon forget the lesson she was learning.

Sandra spread her legs and slipped a hand up her tight skirt, and started lightly stroking at her moist panties. She could feel the quiverish feelings running up her spine. She slid her panties to the side, and she started squirming, as she slid her fingers in deep.

“Fuck her….” Sandra moaned. “Fuck her good and hard!”

The men were making Gail change positions as she watched. Only Sandra and the three men knew what was going to happen…. Gail was dumbly rolling over onto her stomach, and one of them took off the handcuffs, and then forced her onto her hands and knees. Then the third man slipped under her. Gail moaned, as they forced her to sit down on the third man’s cock.

“Sit on my cock, Baby,” he moaned. “I’m gonna fill your, God Damned, cunt up!”

“AAAAAAhhhhooooommmuuuuuunnnng……” Gail gasped in perverse pleasure, as she sat all the way down. Sandra had noticed that he had the largest black cock, and her mother was evidently enjoying every inch of it. Gail started bouncing gently, and with each bounce, a new gasp of pleasure issued from her lips.

The second man moved to kneel over the thirds head, and pulled her face to his crotch, f(o)rcing his cock into her mouth. Gail started to lick and suck it like it was a Slo Poke, then the man grabbed her by the back of her head, as if he expected her to try and get away, and held her tight. Sandra didn’t think her mother had any intention of trying to escape now.

Sandra couldn’t stand the assault on her senses anymore…. she wasn’t shy about pulling her panties off and letting them fall to the carpet. She sat on a stuffed chair near where her mother was being fucked on the floor. She spread her slim thighs wide, and started stroking her puffy pussyslit again. She pried her pussylips apart, and slipped two fingers inside her quivering pussy.

“Ooooohh Yeah,” Sandra moaned softly. “Fuck her good and deep… show her how good a black cock can feel! Fuck her Good and Hard!”

The first man then kneeled behind her mother and started rubbing his hard cock up and down the crack of her ass. Then, Gail realized all three men were going to be fucking her at the same time, she started twisting and trying to pull away, but the other two men held her tight, there was nothing she could do to get away. Sandra liked the sound of her mother’s strangled moans.

The man at her ass, moved closer slowly, and his rigid cockhead pressed against the pucker of her asshole. Then he rammed it in quick and hard, and she gave a muffled scream, as half of his cockshaft penetrated her asshole. The man fucked a little harder, and Sandra watched with a sly smile on her face, as the rest slid into her mother’s shapely ass.

Now, Gail was really squirming and groaning, but there was nothing she could do to escape. She was being brutally r(a)ped by three cocks… she forced herself to be calm and quit squirming, hoping it would soon be over. The men soon got into rhythm, and began fucking her hard. She was being pulled in three directions at once, the pain was there, but it was more tolerable if she didn’t struggle, it was the humiliation that ravaged her mind and senses.

“Now, how do you like big, stiff cocks, Mother?” Sandra asked playfully. “You kicked me out because John gave me a little cock…. now, how do you like getting big ones…. You Bitch!”

Gail was flopping like a rag doll now, half conscience. Sandra had never seen the expression that was on her mother’s face. She looked, as if she was in painful rapture, her mouth was dripping with saliva, and her facial muscles were slack, her eyes rolling, as she took the cock deep into her mouth with each hard thrust.

“Oooooohhhaaaaamm…. Fucking Jesus,” the man with his cock in her mouth started to moan. “Get ready to swallow, Bitch…. ‘cause here it comes!”

His stiff cock then squirted his cum at the back of her throat. Sandra watched, as she swallowed what she could, the rest streamed from her mouth and flowed down her chin. Sandra shoved her fingers deep and hard into her quivering pussy… she was stunned, by how arousing it was to be watching these black men r(a)ping her mother…. she felt so twisted and wicked.

“That’s Right…” Sandra moaned. “Come in her mouth… all of you come…. cover her with your cum!”

“Uuuuuggghh…. Yeah, so tight!” the one in her asshole groaned. “Jesus…. it feels good!” He was thrusting into her asshole as hard as he could.

Sandra watched, as the one with his cock in her mouth pulled it out, and then grabbed a handful of hair, and used it to wipe off his dripping cockhead, he then moved away to watch the rest. Her mother seemed more aware of her surroundings now, and was able to squirm and moan freely… she knew her mother was close to an orgasm, she heard it in the sound of her gasping breath.

Sandra looked hungrily at the man’s thick and dripping cock, it was limp, but she could work with that. The man knew she was watching him and smiled slyly. Sandra motioned for him to come to her. She kneeled in front of him, but didn’t let him block her view. She started to kiss life back into his limp cock.

She sucked his cock into her mouth and started to swirl her tongue at the head, she loved to feel a limp cock grow hard in her mouth. She needed a hard cock, watching her mother getting r(a)ped was really getting her worked up. She moved her hand into her silk blouse to caress her aching tits.

“Ooooooohhh Fuck… aaaaaaahhhoooommm,” Gail moaned. “I’m coming…. your cocks feel so good…. oooohh, God!”

The last two men started thrusting their cocks into Gail harder and faster…. Sandra knew they wouldn’t last much longer. She pulled her mouth off the hard cock in her mouth. “Get behind me….” she groaned. “I want to watch them as you fuck me.”

“Anything you say, Baby,” the man said.

He moved around behind her, and Sandra flipped her skirt up over her ass. Her pussy and dripping wet and bared for him. She wondered if he would choose her asshole, or pussy…. she didn’t have to ponder long; she felt his cockhead pressing against her aching pussyslit.

“Uuuuuummmmmaaaaaahhh…. Yeah!” Sandra cried out. “Fuck me……I need it so bad!” He thrust his thick cock into her cunt all the way to his balls. He left it there for a few moments, so Sandra could feel the full effect of his large black cock.

“Yeah…. oooohh God, you’re big…. fuck me…. Fuck Me Now!” she groaned, as she pressed her cunt back at him… he began to fuck her hard and fast.

He was fucking into her deep with his ten-inch cock. She arched her ass back at him; the pleasure was so sweet, and intense, that she almost shut her eyes to concentrate on it. But she wanted to watch her mother being r(a)ped all the way to the very end…. she concentrated on the scene before her instead. Gail was jerking and squirming like she wanted to escape again, but the man in her pussy held her thighs tightly. Sandra could see the pain in her mother’s eyes, and on her contorted face, her ass and pussy were probably very sore from the rough fucking they were giving her.

“Fuck her good…. don’t Stop…. but don’t come in her,” she cried out. “Don’t come in her…. I want to see you shoot off all over her. I want to see your cum spraying on her tits and ass. I want to see that bitch covered with cum!”

The man fucking her mother’s asshole was slamming it into her as hard as he could. “I’m going to fucking come,’ he moaned. “Her ass is so fucking tight…. I’m going to shoot my fucking wad!”

Her jerked his prick from her asshole and his cock began to spray ropes of creamy cum all over Gail’s ass and back. The man leaned forward and started rubbing his throbbing cock against her ass cheeks spreading his cum over them.

“Yeah…. that’s Right… coat her in cum,” Sandra squealed harshly. “Spray it all over her…. give the Whore a cum bath!”

Sandra turned her head toward the man behind her. She smiled at him, and ran her tongue over her dry lips sensually. The effect was a deeper pounding at her quivering cunt…. that was exactly what she wanted, “Yeah…. give it to me hard, don’t be gentle…. Harder!” she whimpered and groaned.

The last man fucking Gail violently rolled her onto her back again, and was really pounding his thick black cock into her cunt. He had Gail’s knees bent up to her tits, and his cock was really giving it to her deep. “I’m gonna give it to her good now!” he cried. “I’m almost there…. God Damn, her pussy is tight…. oooohh, Shit…. Yeah!”

He slammed into it again hard, and then pulled his thick cock out of her clenching cunt. He grabbed his cockshaft, and aimed at her firm tits, he started squirting hot cum over her tits, taut belly, and cunt. Sandra had never seen a man ejaculate that much cum…. she was thrilled. It was smearing across her belly and running in rivulets down her tits to pool between them. Gail didn’t move away as the hot cum splashed all over her body, she just lay there panting and moaning…. Sandra was glad and disappointed that it was finally over.

“That’s It…,” Sandra cried with joy. “That’s what I wanted to see! Ooooohh Christ, that’s what I wanted to see…. God Damn, I Loved That!”

“Yeah…. give it to me now,” she whaled, as she arched her ass back against the man fucking her, as hard as she could. Sandra hadn’t expected to get this excited by watching her mother being r(a)ped…. maybe it was from watching her mother being aroused, by what the men did to her…. was that what really got her so excited? It had been so Erotic!

“You can Fuck Me Harder than that!” Sandra panted. “Give it to me, Really Hard!”

The man’s balls were slapping at her ass with a loud wet slapping sound…. they all heard it now, that they were the only ones left fucking. He gripped her thighs as tight as he could, and went as deep as possible…. it was about all he could do, but Sandra wanted more. She squirmed her ass back at his crotch, his cockshaft rubbing at her swollen and hard clit each time he rammed into her.

“Reach around me,” Sandra moaned. “Feel my tits!”

The man leaned forward, and reached around her slim waist, and ripped her expensive silk blouse open, then tore off her flimsy gray lace bra. With a growl, he squeezed her small and firm tits until she was shivering all over.

“Yeah… Like That… I Love It!” she groaned. “Fuck Me… Yeah!” Sandra could feel the fires burning in her belly, and she knew she was getting so close…. she also knew that the man fucking her was getting close, too. “There… Honey, I’m coming…. ooooooohhhhaaahhhoooo, Christ…. OOOooohh FUUUCK!”

She felt her juices squirt from around his impaled cockshaft. He was thrusting it into her like a crazed an(i)mal. She felt his cock jerking and throbbing, and then the heat of his cum squirting deep into her pussy. Her pussy muscles gripped his seeping cock with intense waves, as her orgasm surged through her petite body.

“Feel my pussy, Honey…. I’m coming with you!” she whimpered. “Give me more cum…. I want it all!”

He shoved his prick in deep and held it there, his cum still spurting into her cunt. She could feel some of it running down her slim thighs. His body shuddered, and he panted loudly with his effort, then he groaned, “Damn… for a White Girl…. you sure can Fuck!” His limp cock slipped from her tight pussy and he sat on his heels.

“Damn… that was the best ever…. my first black man…. Yeah!” Sandra laughed.

Sandra didn’t have the strength to move. She could only watch, as the three men dressed. Then they helped her to her feet…. she pulled her ripped blouse close to her naked chest. They all looked down at Gail, she was lying there in a fetal position, half conscience, with cum dried on her naked body, her breath panting shallowly.

“What do we do about her now?” one of the men asked.

“She’ll be fine soon, she’s still breathing…. don’t worry…. she can’t tell anyone, without explaining a lot of back story…. she won’t do that.” she said, with confidence that she had punished her mother enough for kicking her to the curb. “If you’ll stay quite… there’s no problem for any of us!”

“Damn… she must have been a Hell of a Bitch, for you to hate her some much,” one of them mumbled.

Together they left the house, Sandra stood near the front door, watching as the men drove off in their van. Then she went back into the house to wipe clean anything she might have touched…. her mother was still on the carpet and breathing more normally.

She went to the laundry room and got filled a bucket with soap and water, she used it to clean the cum from her mother’s un-conscience body. Then she poured it on the carpet around her, and scrubbed it in… she hoped it would be enough. Then she pulled a syringe from her purse and injected her mother with a Speedball dose.

She watched as her mother’s body quivered a little and drool drip from her mouth…

She went back out the front door and looked around, as she wiped off the door knob, she could see no one watching her. She got back into her rented Mustang, and drove back to Shreveport by a roundabout way. She smashed the cell phone into pieces at a rest stop, and threw them into the bushes.


Sandra’s worries about her mother reporting her R(a)pe, and the three black men talking were over a few days later, one of the men slipped back into Gail’s house a few days later… as he brutally r(a)ped her, he accidentally killed her. As he drove away from the crime scene, his thoughts swirled with anxiety. His driving was erratic, he swerved around a slower moving car on the highway, and went into a ditch and flipped over twice. He died in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. The other two men were shot dead, while trying to rob a convenience store the next day.

Jeffrey Epstein didn’t Kill Himself!!!

A picture found on the wall at Jeffrey Epstein’s Little St. James Island Estate.

The End….

I am Dedicating this Story to all the women who tirelessly serviced Billy Clinton and his Slimy Friends over the years… Both Dead, and those Still Alive (at least for now). Except for Monica Lewinsky, that Gold-digging Bitch went looking for what she got… the Mess she made of her Life was her Own Fault.

To Readers who like my stories...Thank You for reading, I hope you enjoyed another look into My Naughty Imagination. Please tell your Like-Minded Friends about my Stories and Page…. I want more Friends to share My Hot Stories with! My Stories can Only be Posted for Friends to read, so have them send me a Friend Request.

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Webcam Model Becomes My Hot Stepdaughter

Hello ISS readers. This is a father sharing his experience of a live video sex chat session with a bold, playful, and seductive webcam model of Delhi Sex Chat website. The truly helped in exploring my pervert desires over my 20-year-old stepdaughter. Moreover, the open-minded webcam model was exceedingly erotic. A few days ago, one afternoon, my stepdaughter came home from college. I had taken a day off from work and was watching TV in the living room. I waited for my stepdaughter to come out...

4 years ago
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My Stepdaughter

   My name is Terry and I'm thirty-three years old. Not exactly in my prime anymore, but I lift weights for at least an hour every day so I've got a pretty good body. I'm told I look something like Jean- Claude whatsisface, the martial arts star, though I'm not quite as muscular nor as handsome. Still, I'm in fine shape for my age and I feel even better. I have more energy now that when I was sixteen. Three years ago I married a woman who had a daughter by a previous marriage....

3 years ago
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My New Stepdaughter

I met Helen at the park one day, we were both out walking our dogs and just bumped into each other, and the instant i saw that mature 30 something blonde woman in her summer dress and sandals, i knew i was going to be with her forever.As it turned out she was just a couple of years out of a divorce, and after some friendly chatting, she agreed to go on a date with me and the rest was history, we fell in love, moved in together a few months later, and now a year on we we're preparing to get...

1 year ago
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My stepdaughter is driving me crazy part 10

It’s Thursday early afternoon. Katia, my soon to be ex and Nadine’s mom, is away for business as usual. I’ve been going wild with anticipation. It’s warm outside today. I honestly can’t wait to cum inside Nadine’s tiny body. I don’t even need a pornstar experience. I just can’t get enough of her petite body. I just want stick my throbbing dick inside her little pussy and relieve myself inside her. No holding back. It’s needless to say I’m crazy about her. I’m probably obsessed with her. I’m...

1 year ago
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Spanking My Sexy Stepdaughter

100% fiction! I was reading the comics section of the newspaper when my stepdaughter, Sara Vorrez, walked into the kitchen. Sara was wearing her high school cheerleader uniform, and it was impossible for me to look away. Sara turned 18 years old last month, and her body emphasized her age and her current status: barely legal. Three weeks ago, I legally married Sara's mother, Kelly, and I moved into the house that she and her daughter shared. While I was attracted to Kelly, I couldn't avoid...

3 years ago
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Abused Stepdaughter Part Nine

This Story is about a young teenage girl named Sandra, who has had a rough life on her own, but that is about to change….DISCLAIMER: This story is a complete work of Imagination - All Characters, Incidents, and Places are Fictional. Including Anyone or Place with Similar Names, this Story is intended as Satire and for Adults Only; you must be 18 or over to read it. This part of my Story will be involving R(a)pe, B(e)stiality & Ped(o)philia, it will be Intensely Emotional. I do not condone...

3 years ago
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LoveLocked Locking Down Stepdaughter

SCENE 1 [Setting: A spacious, upper-middle class kitchen—expensive refrigerator, dishwasher, wine cabinet, pasta-maker, the works.] [At a tall island right of center, SUE sits on a wooden stool, sipping morning coffee. She is early 40s, tall, with lustrous black hair, olive skin, and beautifully manicured scarlet fingernails. A plush red bathrobe barely contains her fit but voluptuous frame.] [NIKKY walks in from stage right. She is 18 and resembles SUE, although rounder in the face....

2 years ago
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Stepdaughter Laura Chapter Three

Stepdaughter Laura: Chapter Three: *** NOTE: please read Stepdaughter Laura: and Stepdaughter Laura: the next day for events up to this point. Laura had come up for the week to attend a series of meetings. The meetings were set up to run from eight till one each day. My day went pretty much as it always, it was almost two Tuesday afternoon when she returned to the house. As Laura came though the door, she announced, Im home Pop, she was grinning from ear to ear. I smiled back at her, Whats...

1 year ago
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Stepdaughter Claires homecoming date

"Dad, we were making out and he was feeling me up though the black volleyball shorts I was wearing under my black dress, and it was getting really hot, and he took his dick out and got on top of me and lifted my dress and started humping my shorts. In the dark he must've thought it was just underwear, and I was so turned on and so hot for him, he was pushing so hard he was shoving the shorts into me and I was about to cum, and then he just nutted all over my crotch! Look!"Standing in front of...

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Sitting at home, could not sleep, so tried to watch some late night infomericals. The girl friend was out with the girlfriends. I figure it was an all nighter, since it was 1am.My girl friend had a university daughter that loved to flirt and had a body to go with it. She was always rubbing into me, shoving her hips sideways into my hip, when her mom was not around. I brushed it off as cheap harmless firty.About 1:30am, car lights pulled into the drive, and sat there for awhile. I figured it was...

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Stepdaughter Lust

I married my wife a little over 7 years ago and she had two daughters from a former marriage. Their names were Brenna, 12 years old and Stacy, 11 at the time. While things between my wife and myself were good at times, we also had our rough times. We did the best we could and I pretty much accepted the girls as my own. We did all the family things, took vacations, went out together and pretty much acted like a whole family. Things between my wife and I pretty much went south in the sex...

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My stepdaughter is driving me crazy part 11

It’s another Thursday. I’m home alone. Nadine’s mom, my soon to be ex-girlfriend Katia, is away for business as usual. I’m working in my study. I’m hearing the front door. “Hi Frank!” “Hi Frank!” I know those voices! Nadine of course and… Mike! Mike again?! “Hey Nadine and Mike!” “You won’t mind if I have Mike over again?” Nadine yells from the hall. “All good! You guys have fun!” I’m yelling back. Of course it is NOT all good! She made me so jealous last time. And I told her I didn’t like...

1 year ago
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Abused Stepdaughter Part Eight

This Story is about a young teenage girl named Sandra, who has had a rough life on her own, but that is all about to change….DISCLAIMER: This story is a complete work of Imagination - All Characters, Incidents, and Places are Fictional. Including Anyone or Place with Similar Names, this Story is intended as Satire and for Adults Only; you must be 18 or over to read it. This part of my Story will be involving R(a)pe, B(e)stiality & Ped(o)philia, it will be Intensely Emotional. I do not...

1 year ago
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Abused Stepdaughter Part Ten

This Story is about a young teenage girl named Sandra, who has had a rough life on her own, but that is about to change….DISCLAIMER: This story is a complete work of Imagination - All Characters, Incidents, and Places are Fictional. Including Anyone or Place with Similar Names, this Story is intended as Satire and for Adults Only; you must be 18 or over to read it. This part of my Story will be involving R(a)pe, B(e)stiality & Ped(o)philia, it will be Intensely Emotional. I do not condone...

4 years ago
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my stepdaughter and her friend

I was sitting on the couch one night tv , because my wife had to go out of town on business. My stepdaughter call from college and said her and her friend were coming home for the weekend. I said great !!!!!!!!!! its alway good to see her she is beautiful. 5'6' blonde blue eyes and a nice set of tits. mmmmmmmmmmmmm good !!To hours later they arrived, her friend , joey was 5'1' 100 lbs 34c tits but very friendly and cute as a bug!!!!!!!!!!!! They got 2 beers and headed to her room to but there...

1 year ago
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My stepdaughter is driving me crazy Part 9

After our crazy Thursday night I decided not to masturbate. It has been a week. I know Nadine will move out soon, so I didn’t want to waste my energy on masturbation. I am so horny right now. Today we’ll finally be alone again. She’s out for her yoga class. I can’t wait till she comes back. I’m sitting on my sofa as usual. I’m hearing the entry door open. She seems to be home early. “Hi Frank.” “Hi Nadine.” “Hi Frank! Nice to meet you.” What? Who’s that? As I’m turning around on my sofa to see...

4 years ago
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Abused Stepdaughter Part Six

Disclaimer: All Character's in my Fictional Story are not based on Any Real People... they are Fictional. Any Similar names are coincidental... this Story is meant as Satire Only and is for the Enjoyment of Adults.--------- Chapter 11Kenzi Monroe Premiere Dance….Later that same Friday nightLittle Rock, ArkansasA few minutes after Alex and Scott left the dressing room, the other strippers working that night went in to check on her. They helped her get off the floor and into the shower; the whole...

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Stepdaughters Have Fun With Their Stepfathers

 On a scorching hot day in July, the courtroom resounded with the final blow of the gavel. I sat there, relief overtook me as the realization of what just happened began sinking in. My now ex-wife stormed out with her lawyer, the judge had ruled in my favor and she walked out with nothing.Elsa, my now ex-wife cheated on me with another woman, and tried to ruin my reputation along with my business by concocting an elaborate scheme. Here claims were unfounded, she accused me of being an adulterer...

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Abused Stepdaughter Part Five

This Story is about a young teenage girl named Sandra, who hears her Stepdad and Mother having sex late one night, and decides to Spy on them. Sneaky John has lain a trap, he knows she is watching, and decides she’s ready to do more than observe… whether she wants to or not…--------- Chapter 9Kenzi Monroe….Early Monday night, June 25, 1990.Little Rock, ArkansasIt didn’t take Jim long to convince Sandra that she should work at the XTC Showgirl Strip Club. She wouldn’t be doing any dancing, he...

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My Stepdaughter the Cheerleader

To say I was shocked is a gross understatement! I was home early from work. My wife, Beth, was out of town on business. My daughter and step daughter should be in school, yet, I heard some muffled sounds. At first, I thought it may be someone in the house robbing us! Then I heard moans! I quietly sat my briefcase down and decided to investigate. I looked down at the lower level and saw no one, and thought, “It must be coming from the bedroom level." I crept up the stairs and followed the moans...

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My Stepdaughters Renters

My Stepdaughter’s Renters(True Story) My stepdaughter was 23 at the time. She still lived with us, on our property, in a mobile home we bought for her about 500 feet from our house. She decided she wanted to start taking care of herself by paying her electric bill, water bill, and everything thing else. She had a part time job at Wal-Mart, but it just didn’t pay enough to pay her bills and keep her car running and gas. She decided to run an ad in the local paper for someone to share...

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Anal with my 18year old stepdaughter on a greyho

I had been dated your mother for several months by now. And it was a fast and furious courting. So much so that on are very first date after dinner instead of going to the movie your mommy asked me somewhat sheepishly if I'd prefer to take her back to my place to fuck her in the ass. I accepted her offer. When I dropped your mommy off filled to the brim with my cum, especially in her ass, that's when I first met you. When I first locked eyes on you I knew that I had locked eyes on THE MOST...

3 years ago
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Anal with my 18year old girl stepdaughter on a gr

I had been dated your mother for several months by now. And it was a fast and furious courting. So much so that on are very first date after dinner instead of going to the movie your mommy asked me somewhat sheepishly if I'd prefer to take her back to my place to fuck her in the ass. I accepted her offer. When I dropped your mommy off filled to the brim with my cum, especially in her ass, that's when I first met you. When I first locked eyes on you I knew that I had locked eyes on THE MOST...

1 year ago
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My Stepdaughter Nicola

My Stepdaughter Nicola had been worried for some time about a man that had been following her since she spoke to him at a party a few weeks ago. We decided it may be wise to inform the police but as usual they weren't interested because he hadn't actually done anything, so I decided to take on the responsibility myself. I followed close behind her everywhere she went for a few days and even confronted the guy that was following her... "I'm not doing anything" he said "I just happen to...

2 years ago
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My stepdaughter is driving me crazy part 13

A couple of days later I’m sleeping in bed with Katia. It’s a hot night. The aircon is blasting in our bedroom. Suddenly I’m hearing a knock on the bedroom door and it opens. “Mom?” It’s Nadine. “Mo-om?” Katia switches on the light on the bedside table. “Yeah, what is it Nadine?” “The aircon in my bedroom isn’t working properly. I can’t sleep. It’s too hot!” “Frank, can you go over to Nadine’s room and have a look?” Katia asks as she’s shaking me a little to make sure I’m awake. I’m propping...

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Banging my Stepdaughter The Importance of Blowjobs for Thick Girls Frank and Leslie

First, a little background on mine and Leslie’s relationship. She came into my life when she was 8 after her mom divorced and her dad had died. She was a lanky kid with crooked teeth who loved to read and had a knockout older sister with a shitty attitude. By the time she was 18, she was an honor student in high school and was 6 feet tall with long, shiny brown hair and perfect teeth. She had large breasts and sturdy, straight, thick legs and a fine big ass and matching hips. She wasn’t...

2 years ago
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My Stepdaughter the Slut

My name is John and I am 58 years old. My wife passed way a couple of years ago. Since then I have spent most of my time alone watching porn and jerking off.Then my stepdaughter Julie called and asked if she could move in for a couple weeks since she had just left her husband.Frankly I really did not want to have her around but decided that a couple of weeks would be ok.Julie did not do much but stay in her room on her computer and go out once or twice a week to see "friends".One night she went...

3 years ago
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My wife Stepdaughter and Me

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have rewritten this story using names (not real ) and added a little more to the body. I will review chapter 2 and 3 and revise there as well. I am also in the process of writting a new chapter that I hope will be up soon. This story started about 8 years ago. My second marriage was to a younger woman who had three children. Two daughters and a son. I helped raise the children, supported them financially...

1 year ago
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Naughty Stepdaughter

My wife was out and I was sitting at home waiting for my stepdaughter to get home from her date. It was already passed her curfew and she still wasn’t home yet. I was getting angrier and angrier as I waited for her, watching the clock as the minutes ticked by. Eventually, almost an hour passed her curfew, I heard the front door open quietly, and Cindy tried to sneak in. I was sitting in the darkened lounge and waited for her to shut the door quietly behind her. “Come through into the lounge...

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Camping with stepdaughter

Camping with stepdaughterpublished as 27 parts in 2011 by harry45I married a woman that had three daughters. The oldest Lesly is the one that this story is about.Her senior year in high school she had turned 18. She now had become very hot. She had long curly red hair and green eyes. She was 5’6” tall, 120 lbs and her breasts had filled out to a 34cc. Her body and legs were toned from 3 years of dance and mountain biking. I was going to go for a week camping trip during the summer to get away...

4 years ago
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Teaching cock teasing stepdaughter a lesson

“Your Stepdaughter is such a cock tease”.I’m not sure what emboldened me to say these words to my work colleague about his daughter, Sara, who must have been 18 years old, I guess. They were true, she had been flirting with me constantly when I had visited Joe over the last few weeks to work on a project together. However, I would not usually comment on it, and if the shoe had been on the other foot I may have punched his lights out.Joe just laughed and agreed with me.“I try and tell her about...

2 years ago
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My Stepdaughter Her Friend

I’d been married to my wife, Jessica for 8 years now. It was my first marriage and her second. She had a daughter from her first marriage, Judy who was 9 at the time we met. Jessica and I married a little over a year after we met.As is usually the case, our sex life was pretty good for the first couple of years. Although we had to be somewhat careful with Judy around. We certainly had our share of accidental and embarrassing moments.I did like my stepdaughter, Judy. She was a cute young lady,...

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stepdaughter watching me masturbate in her panties

It was yet another Friday night alone watching tv while my wife slept in bed.As usual I am prepared for a good jerking off looking at porn on my tablet but this time its special as I raided my stepdaughters laundry basket earlier that day and borrowed a nice little black pussy juiced stained panties.I lay on the sofa with my trousers pulled down and hard cock in my hand wrapped in my stepdaughters dirty knickers gently stockings my cock while watching daddy fucks stepdaughter videos on the...

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The night I got bust by my stepdaughter

100% fiction! My wife had gone away for a few weeks holiday so i had the house all to myself or so i thought, my 26yo stepdaughter came home for a visit , she is a beautiful young lady great figure . she had organized to go out for the night with the girls and wasn't expecting to come home at all for the night, so i decided to settle in for the night to watch some porn on the telly in the longue room , i settled in with a few drink stripped naked and started watching some porn , i was soon very...

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Drunken Stepdaughter

100% fiction! I don’t know if this counts as incest or just great fun for a lucky mutha fucker. As few years ago one of my stepdaughters came live with us for a while. She was not a very hot chick but was sexy. I used to lie awake at night fantasizing about going into her room and fucking her and often imaged her face while fucking her mum and this got me off big time. One day she was out drinking with her hot friends and her mum was at work , when I decided to sneak into her room and smell her...

2 years ago
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My stepdaughter is driving me crazy part 17

I have delegated the task of keeping in touch with the aircon service to Katia. I have that feeling the aircon won’t be repaired any time soon. I’m now sure that Katia is enjoying the current sleeping arrangement with Nadine and me. I don’t feel like talking with the girls about this whole situation. I don’t want to ruin this sexual tension. I know, I’m selfish. I’m filled with anticipation. What unexplored spheres of pleasure are Katia and Nadine going to take me to next? It’s past dinner...

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The Widow And Her Stepdaughter C2 The Speedo

Brad walked over to the bathroom and closed the door. Wow, this is nice, he thought to himself as he took in the size of the master bathroom. He'd only ever seen bathrooms like this in magazines. One wall had his and her sinks with a mirror from the counter all the way up to the ceiling and the whole length of the room.Right in the middle of that was a built-in vanity with drawers, a chair and a special makeup mirror that had lights all around it. He walked over to the vanity and pulled the...

2 years ago
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Taming My Stepdaughter

When my relationship with my stepdaughter changed for the better.The story of my relationship change with Kimberly, my stepdaughter, could last for may chapters.  We met the morning after my first date with her mother, Susan.  It was a Saturday morning as Susan and I were sitting on the couch enjoying a cup of coffee while Kimberly was playing with her six-month-old son.  The date had gone quite well as we spent half the night in her bed naked and exploring each other with great passion.It was...

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Fucking My Stepdaughter

Hello, this is the tales of how I stared fucking my stepdaughter. It all started when my wife was on a business trip. I was sitting in the living room, watching my favourite show, when my stepdaughter, Jane, walked in. I looked over at her and thought to myself 'Holy shit, she's hot' when she looked over at me and said "How was your day?" I responded with "It was good, how are you?" when out of nowhere she said "I'm horny, could you help?" I said "What!? I'd be happy to help my little girl." I...

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Naked Stepdaughter 2

ed as a quickie at the end. We have not chatted on Facebook all week until tonight(Friday). After a while I told Shelley that I had written about our walk and it was published on a sex site and was voted story of the week, she did not believe me and asked what site it was on, I did not tell her the name of the site as I do not want friends and relatives to see my posts, anyway I said I would send her the original draught if she wanted to see it, she said go on then send it to me so I emailed...

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Waking up my stepdaughter

My 18 year old stepdaughter, Julia had grown into a beautiful young woman in the 5 years that I had been married to her mother. Julia was 5'4" with beautiful C-cup breasts and a perfect tight ass. She had beautiful dark brown eyes and dark brown long hair. Julia and I always had a good relationship and we would joke around with each other all the time. As she grew breasts it become more awkward for us to playfully wrestle. I tried to discontinue our physical playing as I recognized that she was...

4 years ago
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Friends stepdaughter and wife

This is a true story of something that happened to me. Let me start by setting the picture for you. I was in my early 20's and working a good job making good money. I had the day off and I was driving around town just checking things out. It was about 4 pm and I saw this bar so I stopped in. It was a small bar but not a lot of people there. I sat at the bar and ordered a beer. I was there about an hour and a guy sat down beside me. He started to talk with me and we got along good and we talked...

2 years ago
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A Stepdaughter Caught Wet Handed

The names have been changed to protect the innocent... Me!Rachel, my new stepdaughter is one of a kind. She's 19, beautiful, sexy, smart and has a thing for me. I'm not exactly sure what I did to create the persistent desire she has for me, but she wouldn't give up, no matter what I did or said. The biggest problem is, she is beyond a doubt the most beautiful young lady I've seen in years. Her face resembled the sexy exotic look of Miss Venezuela, with spectacular sexy eyes. She has long,...

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My Stepdaughter and I

My name is Sammy and what I'm about to tell you happened between my youngest stepdaughter and I, back when I was fifty three and she was twenty three. My stepdaughter's name is Joanne, that has dark brown hair that almost looks to be black that comes down to the middle of her back with just a little bit of a natural wave to it, with beautiful brown eyes, and stands five feet three inches with perkey tits that looks to be about a B size cup that looks so inviting when she wears a T shirt or tank...

3 years ago
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My stepdaughter

Ok, I admit it, I really want to fuck my stepdaughter. That by itself really sounds creepy, especially since I drive an old van with no windows, but let me explain. Chrissy is 38 years old, about 5'1", brunette with a red tint to it, big old hazel eyes, C cup boobs, and the most adorable little size 7 feet. That's enough in itself to make me want to fuck the shit out of her, but what really gives me a yard on a hard long is the fact that Chrissy is a self professed "Nigger dick loving whore"....

4 years ago
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Naked Stepdaughter Ch. 01byaznaked©My name is Kacie. I know. It is a curtsey way of spelling but my mother came up with it. My "situation" started when I was 17 years old. My mother died in a car accident. Ironically for a heavy drinker, she was sober but was a passenger in a car driven by a drunk friend. The friend survived but my mother did not. I had never known my real father and I'm not sure mother really did either. It could have been a casual encounter or a swinging party. Mike had been...

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