My First Cougar free porn video

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It was a balmy March in 1970 when I first met her. There was a war on in Vietnam and I had recently received my letter to report for my induction physical. I still lived with my parents who belonged to a Christian pacifistic religion who wanted nothing to do with war, the military or any dealings, direct or indirect, with the government. They wouldn’t even vote. As for me, I was a bone-headed kid who did what he was told because that is all I had even done. There was no threat the government or Selective Service could throw against me that could match the terrors my parents and the body of my church’s elders.

On the day in question, one of the women from the congregation came to visit my family and she was obviously distressed. There was a new member of the church who had just moved into town and while the men-folk had done some good for her by moving her things to her house, they left her sitting in a mess of unassembled furniture and unpacked boxes of clothes, dishes, linens, and other such things with no help in sight. I felt badly for my Christian sister and ashamed of my brethren who left her so high and dry. I wanted to help.

It’s important you keep in mind that my desire to be of assistance to her had nothing to do with the fact that the new member of the congregation was single or female. Nothing. Really.

Later that day I appeared at her house and volunteered my services. She was glad to see me and glad of the help. She put me right to work assembling dining room tables, beds, and whatever other furniture needing the application of a screwdriver and a crescent wrench. I helped unpack boxes and stowed their contents where she specified. I did not have to work very long before even my thick-headed self finally began to notice what a fine looking lady she was who had the most dazzling smile I had ever seen. She was short, four-feet eleven, and weighed every ounce of 97 pounds. Her name was Alma, was 34 years old and was a recent grass widow who had been moved into my little town by her former husband to be watched over by her ex-in-laws.

While I worked Alma kept the lemonade coming and prepared a supper of lasagna that couldn’t be beat. She was uncommonly friendly to me. Because I worked on a ranch I was well-muscled and tanned. I was pleased to be helpful and, judging from her smile and the way she hovered over me, she was pleased as well. I was in the process of putting her sewing machine together when she announced I had done more than enough work for the day and that we should take a drive while the day was still warm. It sounded like a wonderful idea to me.

She drove a white Oldsmobile that was three or four years old. It had a Wonderbar radio. I had never seen a Wonderbar before. While I played with the radio, she drove and made small talk about where she grew up (Michigan: we had that in common, we both were from Michigan) and the different places she lived, most recently Kansas. The warm spring air flowed in through the open windows and dried away hours of sweat. As the day was ending at last she drove the Olds to a nearby state park where she found a place to park. We continued our conversation as the night darkened. Time had no meaning as our conversation melted the hours into minutes and became fully dark. It came as a surprise to neither of us when we leaned into each other and shared our first kiss, the first of many. It was a surprise to me as she began to respond to our kisses with passion and she held me with a sense of urgency that I found almost frightening. Where this interlude was going doesn’t really matter because we were interrupted by a park ranger with a flash light who told us the park was close ng and that we should take our “business” elsewhere.

I was 19 years old then and not a virgin. My first affair was with a 24-year-old English teacher who had returned to college to earn her master’s degree. I can’t say we lived together; it was far too short a time for that, but we stayed cloistered for nearly a month during one of the coldest and snowiest Januaries in Arkansas history. We fucked on almost a daily basis and sometimes, my being 18 years old, more than once, for those were my salad days when my engorged cock could discharge 400 million eager and happy sperm fighting for the head of the line while my cock stayed ready for a second go. Then a day came I wanted to leave and I did. The snow hadn’t even finished melting.

My second affair was with an old girlfriend I looked up and, now that I was wise regarding sex, kissed her hungry lips until I was able to get her pants off and left her with a spunk-covered belly.

But Alma was something else, more hungry, more intense, more take-control. As we drove back to her house through the dark I said something incredibly clever like, “You know, the church says we shouldn’t date unless marriage is our goal.” She responded as though I had answered the $64,000 question’ She squeezed my hand tightly, smiled, and said, “I know.”

Let it be understood that our dating was perfectly chaste. Or almost perfect. A typical evening with Alma involved her showing off her culinary skills followed by our watching a little TV, or trying to as we were wrapped in each other arms and kissing while sexual steam fairly blew from Alma’s ears. I don’t believe we ever got touchy-feely with each other. At least I don’t remember it. As our emotions got too high, I took my blue balls and went home. The nearest brush with sex I had with Alma in the few weeks that followed our meeting was on an evening she was busy in the kitchen. She wasn’t paying attention to me, being engrossed in her cooking. The dress she wore was one she had made herself. Each time she bent over her bodice flared open and I could get a brief glimpse down the top of her dress. At one point she bent over and stayed that way for a moment. I could see she was not wearing a bra. Her breasts were smallish but very firm. Her areolae were of perfect size and of a dark pink hue. Her nipples were in a permanent state of erection. I received a four year degree in the construction and appreciation of tits in the few seconds I had to see hers.

Our relationship was not exactly head line news. We knew the nature of our relationship would subject us to all sorts of unpleasant scrutiny and unkind if not scurrilous comments. I didn’t tell my parents where I went in the evening and we never made our association known to members of the church. But despite our attempts at secrecy the word got out. If my parents were agog the church elders fairly ricocheted off the church walls. In an attempt to squelch our foolishness they came to speak with us with concerned but smiling faces and spoke in even calm voices. They wanted to know if we were having sex. They wanted to know if she was serving me alcohol. They asked a lot of questions, made some requests, and made a few implied threats. Alma proved to be the tougher of the two of us. No matter what anybody said, whether it was my parents, the elders, or the local yokel on the street (for our relationship did acquire and hold a place it the town’s top ten gossip items), Alma was determined to hold on to me and I, for once, did not do what I was told and stayed with her. Most of the women in the church took her side and with arms wrapped across her shoulders encouraged her pursue her dreams, never mind what others said.

One evening in spring when Arkansas is a riot of flowers, Alma told me she had a gift for me. She presented me with a box about the size and shape as would hold a framed portrait and that is what I thought it was until I opened it. Inside were a sheer pick negligee and a key to a room at a motel in a small town about 15 miles away. For about the first ten milliseconds the significance of the girt escaped me. Then there was that long slow motion minute of realization, that actually takes a fraction of a second, while I decided if I was going to be a good Christian boy or give myself over to lust and depravity. Lust and depravity won by a huge landslide.

And so it came to pass, as they say in the Good Book, that in the early evening hours of that fine April evening I took her key and her negligee and her car and her and drove to the motel. She took her negligee into the bathroom to dress. I flopped back on the bed and examined my conscience. Conscience-wise everything was a go with two big thumbs up. Alma emerged from the bathroom. Even dressed in a sweatshirt and dirty jeans, she was a beauty. Now dressed in a sheer negligee that teasingly reveled her nipples on bush, she looked as though she could seduce the most confirmed woman hater or convert the most ardent gay. If I didn’t love her before I was now out of my head, dyed in the wool, around the bend, head over heels.

I don’t know why women bother to wear that lacy stuff to seduce a man. Sure it looks good but the merchandise it covers looks even better. And that lace is stiff and scratches. I slid the straps off her petite shoulders. The garment included sheer panties and I slipped them off. She offered no resistance when I pulled her gown over her head, revealing her naked goodness. Even at such a moment my mind went to the Bible, to The Song of Solomon in which Solomon describes his hot girlfriend. I can tell you that Solomon’s lady had nothing over Alma standing naked before me.

Those small, tight perfect breasts I had been longing for were now available to me with her blessing. We exchanged kisses and touched her without fear rejection. The heat and passion she displayed was now a good thing. As I kissed her lips, her eyes, her ears, her neck I could feeling her body yielding to me. I kissed and suckled her breasts, maneuvering her body on to the bed. My fingers sought and found the wetness within the soft springy growth between her legs. When I was ready, and when she was ready, I penetrated her. The way she reacted you would have thought we had invented a brand new experience. The way I felt, it felt like a brand new experience. She gasped; she cried out, she called my name. A life time of need, apparently was being released with every stroke of my cock into her wanton crevasse. We were both at the peak of sexual potency and we were hungry for each other with no end in sight of our sexual vitality. After many minutes of our being so wound up in each other, someone is the neighboring room banged on the wall, wanting us to quiet it down. But there was no quieting Alma in the throes of her lust. She got on her knees and raised her perfect round ass into the air, inviting me to take her doggy style. While I so serviced her, she buried her face in the pillow muffling her screams as her body yielded up one orgasm after another. The time finally came when I had to release my cum into her, and I did. Of all the women I have ever know she was the only one I knew who could feel the cum being ejected into her.

I knew I would be ready to fuck again soon and she knew it, too.

We kissed and coddled and stroked the way two new lovers do. It did not take long before our lovers’ play acquired a new urgency. The poor fellow in the next room either got a different room or found a pair of earplugs.

These things happened back in the days before they used the word “cougar” to describe an older woman with a preference for young men. I guess Alma was my cougar but I never thought the less of her for it.

Even after we married she had a voracious sexual appetite. She had a pair of bean bag frogs. When one of the frogs was back-side-down on the night stand and the other frog was on top in the Missionary position, it was Alma’s not-so-subtle way of announcing that tonight’s The Night. And most nights were The Night.

I know why I didn’t know much about sex. I was young and inexperienced but Alma, despite her 15 years seniority, seemed as nearly as naïve as me. There was much she didn’t know about sex, she said. She had never tried anal, she said. She had never sucked a cock or had her pussy eaten, she said. We experimented a lot. She never acquired a taste for cock but she delighted every time I sucked her clit or licked her mossy slit. Hers was the first pussy I had eaten, and going down on her became a regular part of our sex play. The first time we tried anal I had her raise her ass in the air and had her rest her head on her folded arms. “Relax,” I told her, remembering some pointers I had once read in Playboy. I squeezed a dollop of KY jelly on her rosebud and rubbed it around and around with my finger. I gently eased my finger in and it entered with care. I slowly finger fucked her ass until I felt the muscles in her sphincter ring relax. Applying a dose of KY to the end of my cock and positioned it at her opening and pushed. The tightness of her anus was exquisite but I could sense she was uncomfortable. I offered to withdraw, not really wanting to and not wanting to hurt her, but she told me to let her get used to it for a moment. Millimeter by millimeter I eased in, withdrawing a half of an inch before resuming my inward journey. Before long I was balls deep in her ass and began to stroke in earnest. It was obvious she did not enjoy anal as much as conventional sex but it was equally obvious that I did not dislike it and soon returned my thrusts driving her ass back against me to achieve a little more penetration. With one hand she reached back to diddle her clit. It was the first time I had seen her masturbate and the sight of it heightened the overall experience. When she came she screamed and I felt her sphincter grip my cock like a hand. I came soon after. My softening cock slid out like a new-born puppy.

Alma did not have a vibrator and I bought her one, a bullet shaped device of hard plastic. It took two D batteries and buzzed noisily when turned on. I wanted her to have a friendlier device, something soft and comfortable when inserted. One evening with her help she and I stroked my cock into an impressive specimen of length and rigidity. We then fitted an empty dish detergent bottle over my cock and poured it fill of plaster of Paris. Fortunately my cocked stayed hard longer than it took for the plaster to set. When I softened we carefully removed the bottle. The price I paid was the pain I suffered when removing the bottle. I pulled out a large number of pubes and had to cut away many to remove the mold. When the cast of my cock was perfectly hard, Alma and I melted a purple toy hippopotamus made of a sort of soft plastic and poured into the mold. After letting it cool overnight I took a hammer to the mold and freed a perfect duplicate of my cock, veins and all, except it was purple. After a good scrubbing we often used in our sex play. Sometimes I lubed it and eased it into her ass while I pumped her pussy and sometimes the purple monster was in her pussy while I drilled her ass. Regardless of the combination, she enjoyed it tremendously and had many a screaming climax.

I’m still not sure why it happened. I sometimes look back and try to pinpoint the time and the place or the event that caused our divorce. But it happened. During the years of our marriage I became friends with her sister and brother-in-law and now, over 45 years later, he’s still my best friend.

Some years ago, and many years, decades, after our divorce, Alma and I reconnected by telephone. Our conversations were frequent and friendly. One day she informed me she was going to Michigan to spend some time with her sister and brother-in-law (my best friend). I invited myself to be there at the same time. Her sister and husband were in the habit of spending Wednesday nights at his sister’s house watching television. No sooner had they left than Alma and I were together in her bedroom reliving old days of romance, the difference being Alma was now old and I was not far behind. She couldn’t get wet the way she used to and sometimes my erections need a chemical boost. She needed some help to make her wet. I had a bottle of liquid KY in my suitcase two floors below. Running all the way down stairs with my pecker in my hand and trying to get back in time to lube up the old gal while keeping my hard on was a sporting event worthy of a medal. Well, I did make it and I had to insert myself very slowly because it had been a long time since anyone had used that right of way.

She wasn’t as vocal as she used to be but I could tell she still enjoyed having a cock in her gray-haired pussy and she knew when I came, just like the good old days. When we had finished she shooed me back to my room so that we wouldn’t be found together.

Alma returned to her home in Kansas and I would go sometimes to visit her, with a bottle of KY in my luggage.

We spoke on the phone almost every day. I was preparing for another trip to see her, I was within a day of leaving, when I received the news she was seriously ill and had been taken to a hospital and then moved to a nursing home. It was unknown if her problem was a stroke or an aneurism or what but ever after she was confused and could not carry on a coherent conversation although she was always pleasant and happy on the telephone.

One day in January I received the call from my best friend, her sister’s husband, that Alma had died. She did not have a funeral. Her ashes are in the possession of one of her children but I don’t know which one.

Now I’m of an age such that there are no more cougars for me and there never will be again. Alma was my first cougar and throughout my life she always was my first cougar but there at the end of all things she was my last, and most treasured, cougar.

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It was a bad time in Vera's life. Her husband just left her for a girl half his age. Vera at first could not understand how her x could have ever gotten infatuated with a person he had nothing in common with. At first she moped around but then she started craving sex. She had always enjoyed sex with her husband but now she really frustrated since he was longer around. She got up enough nerve to go out to a bar. She had never gone out looking for sex but she was going to try.Despite her...

2 years ago
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A wild Cougar

At the time of the incident, I was 24, mom 44. My parents were divorced 7 years ago, since then, mom has taken a particular liking to men in their early 20's. She prefers to go back to their house if she can, but occasionally brings them home if she's going to be alone or they don't have their own place. On Saturday nights Mom always goes out to a local sports bar to meet younger men, now mom is what you call a MILF, about 5'6" tall brunette, slim, not busty but not small either, she looks her...

1 year ago
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Lusty And Wild Sex With A Cougar

Hi my sweet lovers of ISS! I would like to thank my ISS readers for appreciating my previous story. Hence I am posting my next sex buddy experience. My name is Hemant, I am from Bangalore and I am a great fan of ISS page. I am 5.10 ft tall with a good personality and a playboy person. Basically, I am working in Bangalore. These days I had started to help those needy women who wanted banging badly and to satiate their sexual thirst. One such erotic story is what I am going to tell you. It was...

2 years ago
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My Christmas Cougar

I was unbearably nervous, I hadn’t been with a woman in over a year and here I was shaving my face and body methodically in preparation. I needed to look clean and handsome for my older beauty, the woman that was going to get me back in the game. I stood there in front of the mirror inspecting myself looking over every inch of my body. Examining the lines of my figure down my stomach, hips, legs, ass, and decided I could do with a little less scotch in my diet, but still a good showing if I...

3 years ago
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Teenage Cougar

I had just turned 16 years old, moved to a new town and new school district, had no friend and certainly no girlfriend. I was as horny as any 16 guy could be but had no prospects. I soon made a few friends but my new friends faced the same dilemma with girls. We talked about getting laid but had no prospects. I always fanaticized about older women. I really knew that wasn’t going to happen. I had noticed that girls were interested in guys with nice cars. These guys were older and I didn’t even...

First Time
1 year ago
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How El the GILF became a cougar

Eleanor is a mature woman known as El to her friends and family. This is the story of how Eleanor the G.I.L.F. became a cougar. El stepped out of the shower after using her new massage showerhead to get off. She still was thinking of Nick the boy who mowed her lawn. El had fantasized about Nick, while directing the pulsating water of her showerhead at her pussy. Recalling memories of sex with her recently deceased husband Bud were still too painful. Memories of Bud would kill any sexual mood...

3 years ago
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How El the GILF became a cougar

Eleanor is a mature woman known as El to her friends and family. This is the story of how Eleanor the G.I.L.F. became a cougar.El stepped out of the shower after using her new massage showerhead to get off. She still was thinking of Nick the boy who mowed her lawn. El had fantasized about Nick, while directing the pulsating water of her showerhead at her pussy. Recalling memories of sex with her recently deceased husband Bud were still too painful. Memories of Bud would kill any sexual mood she...

4 years ago
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Shark Fishing With a Cougar

Derek Williams was not in a very good mood. Admittedly it was Friday night, and Friday night was when he went out on the town to see what he could pull, but this evening his heart just wasn't in it. He had had a really crap day, well, not so much day as a brief period in the morning when Cerys Evans told him that as far as any relationship with her was concerned he could stick his head up his arse and whistle Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau. And she'd seemed such a nice girl too. It was not so much the...

1 year ago
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Carla Goes Cougar

Carla was talked into going by her friend Lillian, although it wasn't hard to do. A motel twenty miles down the highway had a pool party every Wednesday night and Lillian came up with the idea of going down on some hot July night. They could get a room for the night, party it up as late as they wanted and sleep it off in the morning. Besides, they could get lucky and meet some men. It seemed like a good plan for a couple of over-forty divorcees, so Carla decided she was up for it. So Lillian...

4 years ago
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The Bar Room Cougar

I was at university in Bangor North Wales and was sitting in a local pub feeling sorry for myself, I'd just split with my girlfriend and was drowning my sorrows, in The Patrick, my local watering hole, when a lady came and sat down beside me. I was a bit surprised because there were plenty of other places she could have sat as the bar was almost empty. "You look very sad young man," she said as she sat down and smiled at me, "don't tell me, you've broken wih your girlfriend haven't...

1 year ago
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Mom The Cougar

100% fiction! The following story is took place in the summer of 2008. At the time of the incident, I was 24, mom 44. My parents were divorced 7 years ago, since then, mom has taken a particular liking to men in their early 20's. She prefers to go back to their house if she can, but occasionally brings them home if she's going to be alone or they don't have their own place. On Saturday nights Mom always goes out to a local sports bar to meet younger men, now mom is what you call a MILF, about...

2 years ago
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Trapped By Hot Cougars

Good to be back after a short break! Thank you for the love and support for my story “Hot massage with my aunt”. Ended up exchanging a lot of nude pics with few of my readers and fucking one of them too. If you like to have some fun, you can reach me at This story is about 2 hot cougars I met in my gym and ended up in a threesome! About me, I work for a mnc and work odd hours and usually hit the gym in the late hours of the morning! This is the time that milfs, cougars and horny housewives...

1 year ago
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Hot Encounter With a Sexy Cougar

Several years ago on a Wednesday evening I was feeling that itch for female companionship. At the time, Houlihans was a popular bar, especially for middle-aged women, cougars, on the prowl. After a few drinks, I noticed a blonde who appeared to be about ten years older than me smiling my way. She was nice looking, not gorgeous by any means, but had a certain sexiness about her. She carried a few extra pounds, but had one feature that was impossible to miss. Her breasts were enormous! Full,...

3 years ago
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Hunting Cougars

Hunting CougarsWe had got naked and we sat on the bed. She slowly crawled away from me, looking back over her shoulder making mewing noises like a big cat. Her pussy sliding between her legs giving me a fabulous view of her womanhood. I crawled over the bed towards her and grabbed her hips, there was a little giggle from her, I don’t think she really wanted to get away...I slowly was kissing her cute ass and asked her what she would like me to do next...She answered “Fuck me like a big...

3 years ago
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The Cougars I have just married a girl I knew when I was growing up. She is amazing, Beautiful, fun and adventuresome. When we were in high school , Lydia was a cheerleader and her and her group of friends were what I would call Dick Teases. They were all pretty, but I never spent any time trying to date them because of their famous reputation of not doing anything. I heard they would laugh about the boys trying to feel them up, and none of the girls would let the guys get anything. I spent my...

2 years ago
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The Cougars I have just married a girl I knew when I was growing up. She is amazing, Beautiful, fun and adventuresome. When we were in high school , Lydia was a cheerleader and her and her group of friends were what I would call Dick Teases. They were all pretty, but I never spent any time trying to date them because of their famous reputation of not doing anything. I heard they would laugh about the boys trying to feel them up, and none of the girls would let the guys get anything. I spent my...

3 years ago
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Tims first cougar

"Wanted: A sexy young and hung stud for hot sex. I am a 54 YO black BBW with three tight holes that need to be filled with your big loads of hot cum. I want you to be any race, under 25, well built, very attractive, HUNG (at least 8 inches and thick) and able to go several times in one night. If you match up to that I will give you the best blowjob you have ever had. I'll be waiting to hear from you. Tanya." Tim looked at his watch. One minute before nine. He said he would be...

4 years ago
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Stud meets the cougar

First things first, my name is Byron, I am now 19 but the following story happened 4 years ago when I was just 15 during my summer break in Anaheim, California. I’m not sure if any of you are interested in my looks but I have white skin, brown eyes and short curly hair, I never considered myself to be good looking. At that time, I was skinny, tall, and friendly with people. My parents; especially my mom always pushed me to be the best of the best and because of that I had very little...

1 year ago
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The Horny Cougar

The doorbell rang. I sprang to my feet and answered it. Upon opening the door, I was greeted by my husband’s ex-wife, Lucy, and their sixteen-year-old son, Danny.Danny’s eyes locked onto mine. He stared at me with that familiar gaze I’d seen so many times before, a look of longing and admiration. It had been a couple of months since I had last seen Danny, and, I must admit, I was quite taken aback by his adult appearance. He had always been a handsome young man, but now he had whiskers growing...

3 years ago
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My first encounter with a Cougar

It all started nearly ten years ago.  I was about 19 and working at a local coffee shop.  All through high school I was a longhaired rebel who cared little what I looked like or what people thought of me. Anyway, by this time though I had just cut my hair real short and was starting to clean up my image.  I had no idea how attractive I was.  I’m 5’11 brown hair blue eyes and at the time was one of the best swimmers on our local swim team. Most of the customers at this coffee shop were...

1 year ago
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College Cougar

Cynthia Fergus was divorced, unfortunately for her she had signed a pre-nuptial agreement. She had married Mark Higgins straight out of college. He was a lawyer nearly twice her age, who had swept her off her feet by treating her like the princess, every gal wants to be. That and they fucked like animals. Promising her a secure life of leisure she accepted his proposal. Over the twelve years Cynthia put in the marriage Mark had grown distant and on a few months before his fifty-sixth birthday...

1 year ago
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Cissy is a Cougar

I was sitting in the left lane at a traffic signal, he was in the right lane, I in my Focus he in his Escape. It was a warm summer night, I was wearing short shorts over suntan pantyhose, strappy 4′ heels and a crop top. He was smiling as he looked down into my car staring at my legs, when he looked up at to my face I smiled and wagged my finger at him, he was blushing as I pulled away from the light. He caught up to me at the next light, this time he was braver, smiling at me he licked his...

4 years ago
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Speaking of Cougar

I went to a local bar for a drink recently and had an interesting experience. While talking to the bartender I noticed this elderly lady at the end of the bar sipping and watching folks. Thinking nothing of it I continue you talking with the bartender. Soon a lady sat next to her and started talking. I happened to over hear their conversation and it was about ‘who would they do’ ! in the bar. Now the one lady who sat down to talk was older as well but, extremely ‘hot’. She had my vote !! But...

2 years ago
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Northern Line Cougar

This is a true story about one thing that I thought would never happen to me. I had been living in London for six months and thought it was about time I should see more of the place. So on a sunny Sunday afternoon I went wandering. I boarded the Northern Line train and found I was the only person in the carriage. It stayed this way for three stops until Jana stepped aboard. She looked up and down the carriage. I was expecting her to leave or sit well away from me but no, this well toned...

2 years ago
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Girl Friends Mom A Hot Cougar

John was the kind of boy most mothers hoped their daughters would go out with: bright, handsome, sporty, a gentleman. It was no surprise he was dating a girl a year ahead of him at school. Emma, who had been a bit of a late developer, was still unattached going into senior year. When John took her on her first date she was shy but started to bloom immediately. First love for her was very sensual, very orderly and not spoiled by immediate lust.Three months after her first date, John sucked her...

2 years ago
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Playing with a Cougar

It was the end of a long week, and I was ready to finally relax. No one told me working life could be so hard.My name is Solomon. Yes, I know the cliché, did your mother think you would be clever or wise? My mother always had a thing for biblical names, don't ask me why.Anyway, back to my story. I am twenty-three years old. After years of college and university, I finally started working in a prestigious accounting firm as a junior clerk. It's long, tedious work, but the pay is good.I decided...

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Neighborhood Cougar

This is a work of fiction intended for entertainment only. None of this ever happened but damn, wouldn’t it have been great?“She’s a fucking nympho Larry,” Keith said when I told my friend about mowing the neighbors lawn. “My brother has a friend that knows this guy that says she loves to fuck and doesn’t care which hole she takes your load in.”I looked at Keith in disbelief. Guys were always talking about classmates and not always in a kind way. But whenever the story included two to three...

3 years ago
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Snowbound with a fun cougar

This is a true story that happened many years ago. I was working as a software technician and was often making service calls around the state to different offices. There was a customer that I usually serviced in Princeton, about an hour south of where I lived. The company did medical billing, there were eight employees, all women. Sheila, the woman who owned the company was in her mid to late 50's, she always wore loose clothing, but was a bigger woman. She definitely had a BBW type of body and...

4 years ago
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A young sweetheart becomes a cougar

This is a true story that started 35 years ago when I met my sweetheart and first real love Dawn. I had joined the ########### and met beautiful Dawn who was 15 at when she was out with a group of experienced friends at a dance on the uk base. We immediately fell in love or seemed too and we dated until she was 19. She was innocent and stayed innocent and had no interest in anything sexual, turning into a cold fish and I suppose that eventually led to us slitting up. We went our separate ways...

3 years ago
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Playing the fertile cougar

It's been a while since this started.Osei went off to Lagos as planned and Kristen wanted a little fun. She wanted Jay and some breed white girl role play. We planned as we drove back from the airport drop off. Very simple, place the kitchen chalk board in plain sight by the front door. "2 fertile bitches in need --->" Only it took Jay a long while to show up. Too much time laying just about naked in bed with serious deep conversation resulted in Kristen placing a light kiss on my...

3 years ago
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Northern Line Cougar

This is a true story about one thing that I thought would never happen to me. I had been living in London for six months and thought it was about time I should see more of the place. So on a sunny Sunday afternoon I went wandering. I boarded the Northern Line train and found I was the only person in the carriage. It stayed this way for three stops until Jana stepped aboard. She looked up and down the carriage. I was expecting her to leave or sit well away from me but no, this well toned...

2 years ago
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College Cougar

Cynthia Fergus was divorced; unfortunately for her she had signed a pre-nuptial agreement. She had married Mark Higgins straight out of college. He was a lawyer nearly twice her age, who had swept her off her feet by treating her like the princess, every gal wants to be. That and they fucked like animals. Promising her a secure life of leisure she accepted his proposal. Over the twelve years Cynthia put in the marriage Mark had grown distant and on a few months before his fifty-sixth birthday...


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