AnimeCon Harem Pt. 04 free porn video

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Emily was short, standing five feet tall despite constant claims at being five foot one—and, to her frustration, had a slight frame that seemed scrawny rather than sexy. Even at twenty-three years old, her breasts were still just teacup-sized mounds, too small to form cleavage or even fill her tragic little bra. Her messy hair was worn in a tousled long pixie-cut, dark bangs falling down across her cheek.

On her phone’s display, an almost unrecognizable girl in a Magical Doll Himari cosplay was exaggerating a cute victory pose. Emily stared long and hard at the bright, chipper-looking young woman in the photo before accepting that it was, actually, in fact… Chloe. It was an admission that wrenched her insides into an angry knot. Chloe—you heinous bitch!


♡ at animecon figuring things out!! remember that each and every day is full of blessings!!! love you all!!! ♡

#cosplaycutie #excited #imsuchanerd #animecon #magicaldollhimari #relationship

“Are you fucking kidding me?!”

“Emily. Inside voices only, please,” her mother called out from the living room. “Are you almost ready to head out to work?”

Chloe’s at the convention. She’s at. The fucking. Convention! She wasn’t gonna go, because HE would be there. We even made her give back her goddamned badge! Emily fumed, before taking a deep breath and slowly deliberating. How’d she even fucking get there?

But, whatever. There she is… at the convention anyways, somehow. With a new cosplay she’s never shown anybody. That she’s only posting on her stupid secret account. She tapped on the photo in annoyance, and then pressed and spread her fingertips across the display, enlarging the picture for closer scrutiny.

“Emily?” her mother asked again. “Am I not dropping you off, then? Didn’t you trade someone for a morning shift so that you could be off for tonight?”

I don’t see either of those con badges anywhere on her, Emily observed, slowly lowering her phone and exhaling, trying to contain the fury threatening to bubble out. …Might mean Brian still has both of them? Maybe he hasn’t run afoul of her just yet?


“Change of plans,” Emily declared in a resolute voice, reaching behind herself to untie her pocketed server apron. “Mom! I need the car.”

“Hun… I have rehearsals to run all weekend, I couldn’t lend you the car even if I wanted to—which, really, I don’t. What’s going on with your morning shift?”

“I’m not going. I quit. I quit for real this time,” Emily responded. She wasn’t the least bit concerned about her job—with its lousy customers and even lousier tips, she’d been looking for an excuse to quit for weeks. She tossed her apron across her unmade bed and untucked her collared work blouse. “Something big’s come up.”

“Emily…” The rest of her mother’s protest went unheard as Emily paced restlessly back and forth amid her messy room, scrolling through the rest of Chloe’s recent posts.

Magical doll Himari? Really? REALLY? And of course, no one but me knows, Emily realized with a scowl.

Last year at AnimeCon, Emily had, by chance, caught a glimpse of Chloe taking some uncharacteristically… sultry selfie shots. Chloe had been all gussied up in her Hera Victoria cosplay, but she’d unbuttoned the dress shirt within her pantsuit to tease an alarming amount of cleavage, pursed her lips into a pout, and even fluttered bedroom eyes at her phone for dozens of pictures. Considering the condescending, prim and proper image Chloe maintained, such un-Chloe-like conduct was utterly baffling. Behavior so blatantly out-of-character that it was sure to make big waves among their community of friends.

Only—none of those pictures ever seemed to surface anywhere. Everyone seemed none the wiser regarding Chloe’s apparent lapse in disposition. That snotty girl’s Nibbler account, Chloe-Ravioli, was just that normal reblogging of radical feminist articles and social activist rhetoric.

“Does CHLOE take sexy pictures? Emily… are you high?” A few innocuous questions dancing around the issue had revealed that even Brian was still in the dark. None of them had any idea.

After all, who would’ve had the bitter tenacity to carefully browse through thousands of different selfies in the recent Nibbler feeds in search of that familiar Hera Victoria getup? Who could have possibly happened to finally find those pouty shots of Chloe, posted instead under an alias account, Miss-Anne-Dree? There, Emily found a gamut of downright sleazy cosplay and lingerie shots, subtly seductive smiles and attention-grabbing attire that had built Chloe an impressive base of nearly fifty thousand followers.

Although resisting the urge to expose Chloe for an outrageous hypocrite was a challenge, Emily’s patience was constantly rewarded with more and more sexual snapshots into this secret slice of Chloe’s life; more potential ammunition to use against her. What she really hoped was for Chloe to carelessly prove somehow that she was cheating on Brian. Something more than just risque, something decisive enough to really fuck the relationship over for good. Then, Emily could gleefully pile up all the evidence in front of Brian. But, suddenly getting a big ol’ heads up on what Chloe’s up to right now? That’s fine, too.

She pulled up Brian on her phone, but then hesitated, her thumb hovering over the call icon. Better not. He’ll be able to tell I’m upset… and I don’t know how the hell I’m supposed to answer when he asks why. Instead, she tabbed over to their messenger thread. Back in the day, they’d messaged each other almost all the time, but over the recent months, conversation had flagged. His responses had become few and far between, and so Emily had reluctantly stopped bothering him.

Well, this is an emergency, Emily thought, biting her lip. Maybe. Besides, it’s not weird. I just called him last night. Or maybe that MAKES it weird? Ah, whatever… fuck it.

♥ iXi Cerulean iXi ♥: hey brian

♥ iXi Cerulean iXi ♥: u up n runnin?

“Emily? …Are you alright?” Her mother called over.

“Not really?” Emily let out a helpless laugh, tossing her phone towards her bedspread and storming out of her room to make her way towards their large, somewhat cluttered living room. The lighting in there was muted and comfy, a flat-screen hung above their fireplace and a long wrap-around couch hugged the corners of the room.

“Mom, I have somewhere I really need to be, right away… I really need the car.” Her spirit sank once again at the sight of her mother, Mrs. Rivera, sitting cozy on the couch with a book. They shared remarkably similar features—the same tiny nose, lips that looked like they were made for trouble, and large, expressive eyes. But, unlike Emily’s figure, which could be summed up politely with petite, or little, her mom possessed ample assets—a bust and behind that were the stuff of hopes and dreams. In fact, just how many hopes and dreams are crammed in there?!

Throughout her childhood she’d idolized her own beautiful mother… right up until Emily hit puberty. Then she realized that her well-proportioned mother had apparently gotten stingy with passing on all those good genes. Her mom being a stunning, gorgeous woman always made Emily feel that, at best, she would only ever be just a cute knock-off imitation.

It was infuriating. Of course, Mrs. Rivera wasn’t just some simple, unassuming housewife who was also unusually, even outrageously good-looking. She’d had a small acting career before settling down to teach, and magazine advertisements she’d modelled for in the past were still framed throughout their hallway.

“Is this about that boy?” her mother asked, and that all-too-familiar knowing smile spread across her lovely face once again.

“Very funny, ‘that boy,’ huh. You don’t have a clue what you’re talking about,” Emily snapped, inexplicably irritable and defensive.

“Of course I do,” her mother said without looking up from her page, calmly taking a sip from her coffee. “I’m afraid you’ve told me everything.”

“I didn’t tell you anything, ever. I never tell you anything. And you don’t ever know anything, either! You just act like you do,” Emily retorted in vexation. “Just like you’re not even a real teacher—you just act like one—you’re the drama teacher, for crying out loud.”

“It’s theater department director, not drama teacher,” Mrs. Rivera corrected, rolling her eyes. She lowered her book and flashed her daughter a glamorous smile. “And the way you’re acting has told me everything, li’l lady. There is no movement of yours that has not betrayed you! A pace, a glance, a turn of the head, the flash of your throat as you breathe—even your way of standing perfectly still—these were all my spies! My love, you only ever get this worked up over that boy…”

“Shouldn’t you be preparing for your rehearsals?” Emily growled through clenched teeth. “Don’t you have, like, equipment to check, stuff to prepare, or, uh… things to do? Work?”

“Well, yeah, I do… but it’s Saturday morning, hun. And I’ve got a good book!” her mother pouted. “Aren’t you the one who should be getting ready for work? Didn’t you beg and plead with that poor Karen girl to switch you her morning hours? And now, all of the sudden, you’re quitting? What’s she going to do now, work both shifts?”

“She’s, uh, she doesn’t claim all of her tips,” Emily tried weakly. “Bad things were coming her way. Karma. I’m just sayin’. Puh-leeease can I borrow the car?”

“Didn’t we already have this all planned out? I was going to drop you off at work, and after your shift Rebecca was going to pick you up from there?”

“Okay, well yeah, I was about to call her,” Emily admitted reluctantly. “It’s just, she works ‘till six. That’s like, the entire day. It’ll be too late by then!”

“What will be too late?”

“Everything!” Emily cried in exasperation, not daring to explain further. Her mom was so perceptive sometimes that it was scary.

“…Try calling Rebecca,” Mrs. Rivera suggested, shaking her head and returning her attention to her novel.

“You don’t understand. I need the car, right now. More than I’ve ever needed anything in my entire life!” Emily stamped her foot in a cute, exaggerated manner.

“My, doesn’t that sound desperate? Which is exactly why you’re going to wait for Rebecca to drive you. That girl has a good head on her shoulders, and she’ll keep you out of trouble. I mean… as much as anyone ever can.”

Emily opened her mouth to angrily retort, but nothing came out. She instead pursed her lips and whirled away, unbuttoning and angrily kicking her way out of her work slacks. Her uniform blouse followed, flung onto the tile of the corridor, and Emily stomped into her room, unconcerned with the trail of discarded clothing she left behind.

C’mon, c’mon… answer me, Brian. She strode her way through heaps of laundry, piles of comic books, and the discarded packaging from anime figurines to hop up onto her bed so she could check her phone.

There was this sense of urgency she just couldn’t shake, as if tiny blue bubbles were insistently working their way up her body towards this growing pressure she felt. This uncomfortable, unsettling feeling of impending crisis, as though her life was rapidly approaching some sort of pivotal turning point. She couldn’t even pinpoint what, exactly, was agitating her so much; it wasn’t just the Chloe thing that was bothering her. That whole situation just felt like it was forcing her to act before she was ready. But what am I even DOING? Am I going to—ah, fuck, he’s finally replying.

Oberon: Run is done.

Oberon: Whats up?

♥ iXi Cerulean iXi ♥: uhhhhh

♥ iXi Cerulean iXi ♥: just kinda checkin in on u

♥ iXi Cerulean iXi ♥: lol

♥ iXi Cerulean iXi ♥: u doin ok?

Oberon: Im not a little kid ya know.

♥ iXi Cerulean iXi ♥: yeah well

♥ iXi Cerulean iXi ♥: im alloud to worry bout you

Oberon: You definitely are a loud, lol.

♥ iXi Cerulean iXi ♥: •allowd

♥ iXi Cerulean iXi ♥: geez

♥ iXi Cerulean iXi ♥: lol

♥ iXi Cerulean iXi ♥: so ur ok?

Oberon: Yep. We are heading back over to the con now.

WE? Him and… Chloe?! Am I already too fucking late? Emily stared at his words, stunned, and felt her blood turn to ice water. She frantically thumbed letters into her digital keypad.

whos we? r u back with chloe

She almost even hit send before realizing how awkward and insensitive it was. Swearing loudly, she hurriedly tapped the backspace key before sending her response.

♥ iXi Cerulean iXi ♥: whos we?

Oberon: Didnt I tell you last night?

Oberon: Ive got all these girls with me.

Emily snorted, feeling the frigid tension in her veins start to melt away, and she fell back onto her bed with an exasperated exhalation. Brian, I love your little jokes, but no. Just no. You seriously ‘bout gave me a heart attack this time!

♥ iXi Cerulean iXi ♥: yea ok bro

♥ iXi Cerulean iXi ♥: have fun

♥ iXi Cerulean iXi ♥: have fun

♥ iXi Cerulean iXi ♥: me n rebeca will b there

♥ iXi Cerulean iXi ♥: soon as we can

Oberon: KK. Call me when youre close so I can meet you guys somewhere.

♥ iXi Cerulean iXi ♥: kk

♥ iXi Cerulean iXi ♥: thx

♥ iXi Cerulean iXi ♥: bai

Okay. He hasn’t run into Chloe. Obviously. We’re fine. We’re still fine. Let’s try Rebecca, now… Shady Oaks, Shady Oaks, Emily nervously swiped her way through the contacts in her phone for a moment before finding the correct entry and making a call.

“Hello, could I speak to a Rebecca Smith? She works in the—Oh? Oh, um, okay. Then, if you could leave a message for me? Please tell her that Emily Rivera called, that it’s an emergency, and… if she could get back to me as soon as possible, I’d, uh, I’d really appreciate it. Yes, well, thank you. Uh, yeah. Thank you. Bye.”

Ugh, if she can’t get off work, I’m getting nowhere! Emily pitching her phone into her pillow in frustration. …What the hell did Chloe even mean with ‘hashtag relationship?!’ Is she there for him, or isn’t she? Am I overreacting?

Hope he’s doing okay, she thought, beginning to gather up all of her scattered costume bits so she could try everything on again. Until she was satisfied with the way every single piece fit together, the ‘improvements’ she’d made to her cosplay since last year were only theoretical.

Some detached part of her blithely wondered just why she was so anxious, so hung up on this… situation? Whatever this was, this thing that seemed to be looming now over her friend Brian. After all, that’s all we are still, right? Good friends? Close friends? Some more of those tiny little bubbles wriggled their way up her entire body towards her brain, where they surfaced in a fizzing blue foam of half-forgotten memories and deeply buried secrets.

• • •

Nine years ago

Directly after her father’s funeral, Emily found herself riding in a battered red jeep driven by a near-total stranger. The girl at the wheel was in her late teens, a very pretty hispanic girl introduced to her at the funeral wake only as her cousin—Samantha. She’d never met any of that side of her family before, because of some unspoken taboo rift, or feud, or something equally dumb, and everything about this situation was making her uncomfortable.

This older girl seemed to abhor silence, as she kept both the windows down and the radio up, so every spoken word was a yell over the music and the roar of wind. The jeep smelled like cigarette smoke and beer, Samantha dressed in revealing clothing, and overall seemed to be situated on the opposite end of the teenage social stratum. Far enough apart from Emily to make her feel uneasy.

Of all the people her family could have picked to have the talk with her about grief and loss and opening up about her feelings, Samantha may have been the worst choice. Emily didn’t particularly feel any bond with some distant cousin, no matter how close their ages were. She felt no compunction to be nice or polite. Not now.

She saw no problem with shutting everyone out and being in no mood to chit-chat for the next few months. Maybe years. Isn’t that normal when your Dad dies? Can’t you all just fucking leave me be?

For most of Emily’s life, her father had just been this roguish handsome guy who loved fast cars and shamelessly flirted with her mother. Her parents never officially divorced, but they’d been separated for longer than she could remember. Despite that, there was no apparent enmity between them; her mother always seemed to brush off his charming nonsense with good humor.

And now he’s just… gone? Forever?

It had been a fatal wreck—they surmised he’d been driving over the speed limit out on a particular winding rural road. He’d been forced to suddenly swerve, likely to avoid hitting an animal, and lost control. The state troopers had followed black streaks of rubber across the pavement to a crumpled gap in the guardrail to find her father’s ‘71 Pantera wrapped around a tree at the bottom of the embankment.

Having picked up on her recent obsession with anime, her Dad had always gone out of his way to find amazing anime movies, ones she’d never even heard of, for her. She wasn’t able to visit him often, but whenever she spent time over at his apartment, new ones were waiting. They’d watch them together, and then he’d take her out for dinner somewhere to talk about it, valiantly weathering on through her relentless barrage of enthusiasm with a proud smile.

And now he’s gone. Bitter sadness and helpless anger struggled inside her at a deadlock, but the sheer sense of loss finally won out. Despite only seeing him now and then, living in a world without her dad felt off, wrong somehow. This just isn’t how it’s supposed to be. It’s not fair. It’s not. It’s just not!

“Heard you’re goin’ to Truliet in a few months here? You’re what, thirteen?” Samantha yelled, her dark ponytail whipping about in the wind. Truliet was purportedly the high school for snobby rich kids, and Emily would swear she heard disdain in the voice of everyone who’d mentioned its name.

“Fourteen,” Emily grunted. “All my friends are going to San Michaels. I don’t want to go to Truliet, but my Mom’s enrolling me anyways, ‘cause she works there.”

“I knew some kids from Truliet,” Samantha said loudly, glancing over at her attire. “You’re gonna have a rough time if you go in there wearin’, like… that Japanime cartoon crap on your shirts. Up there in Truliet, they’re gonna fuck with you for that. S’all status and hierarchy and shit, like, way more than a normal high school."

Emily looked down at her top, emblazoned with an action spread of characters from Shinobi Souls. She shrugged, making a bitter face. “Dad bought it for me.” Watching the show used to be our thing together, alright? He always called me his little ninja. This is my favorite shirt. So just stop. Please. Stop. You’re just making it worse.

“Ahhh, shit,” Samantha cursed, nodding thoughtfully and smiling. “Well yeah, alright. You got a kid sister, yeah?"

“Katie,” Emily called over the noise. “She’s eleven."

“Katie, huh. I’ll remember that. Katie,” Samantha said to herself, and pulled the wheel, making another turn. Emily was increasingly sure that they weren’t actually driving to somewhere, and that this cousin of hers was simply cruising around aimlessly so that they could have their talk. Emily wanted it to be over already.

Finally, Samantha seemed to relent somewhat. She shut off the radio, and then rolled up the windows, creating a prolonged silence that somehow seemed even worse. Shopping centers and outlet malls rolled by without a sound.

“Alright, here we go. I’m gonna talk at you for a while,” Samantha said with some difficulty, keeping her eyes on the road. “You don’t gotta say anything… and it’s gonna be a little weird, but like, I gotta tell you this, ‘cause I don’t think anyone else can, okay?"

“…Okay,” Emily agreed with a sigh, already familiar with the I know what you’re going through rhetoric she was surely about to hear.

“So… yeah, well a few years back I was snoopin’ around in my Mom’s closet—that’s Aunt Rachel to you—and I found a buncha porno. Not like, video tapes, or magazines, or that kinda shit. I mean, like… photos. Home-made photos, buncha polaroids, you get my drift?"

Uh… what. Emily blanched, crossing her arms and giving the girl in the driver’s seat a mortified look.

“Yeah, I know, right?” Samantha laughed. “So, worst of all, Mom was in them. I like, freaked out. She was like, makin’ out with this other girl in some of them, and they were both gettin—well, uh, there was a guy too, and you can, ahem, you can probably guess all of that, right? They were crazy. Turned my whole world-view like, upside-down. That’s when I really like, broke out on my own and got all independent."

“Okay…?” Emily mumbled.

“Well, here’s the thing,” Samantha said slowly. “My Mom—again, Aunt Rachel to you—has this meltdown a few days ago, and drags me to this funeral today, for some part of the family I’ve never met. Lo and behold, I see some… familiar faces? Same ones from those polaroids."

“Uh…” It took Emily a long, confused moment to realize what Samantha was actually implying. “You… don’t mean…?"

“Yeah, I do,” Samantha chuckled. “Your dad that passed away, my Mom, and her sister—your Mom, they were, uh… all a thing together. A sex thing? Apparently. And that isn’t even really the half of it."

“No way,” Emily said, staring blankly. She was stunned, more than stunned. It was like she understood what this girl was saying— knew what her words meant, but actual recognition just wasn’t hitting her yet. Mom, Dad, and… this Aunt Rachel?

“Yes way,” Samantha insisted. “I guess back in the day, before whatever weird split or feud or whatever they had, your dad was—uh, well, known for being the lucky guy to land not just one of the Garcia sisters, but both of ‘em. Like, in a relationship. Both at the same time, like, he was goin’ everywhere with a girl on each arm and shit.”

“Can I see the photos?” Emily asked.

“I was gonna bring some of the less, uh, raunchy ones, so that you’d believe me, but Mom’s been holed up in her room all week,” Samantha explained. “Can’t exactly ask to pull her private shit outta her closet right now.”


“‘Oh?’That’s all you’ve got? I mean, c’mon, whaddya really think about all of this?”

“I think… it’s dumb,” Emily said in a detached voice.

“Dumb? You don’t believe me?”

“No… no, it’s not that. Would explain the weird stupid family situation… I guess. That’s what’s dumb. We’re all family,” Emily muttered, uncrossing her arms and looking out the window with an aggravated expression. This strange news was just making her even more aware of her father’s sudden absence from her life. “Right? We should have known about each other. All of us could’ve been together.”

“Uhhh. Well, that’s like, polygamy?” Samantha said, choosing her words carefully. “From what I’ve figured, they were thinkin’ about us, so that us kids could have, y’know—somewhat normal lives. Modern society’s not real accepting of multiple wives, and well, weird stuff that’s kinda like incest?”

“Since when has what society thinks ever been more important than family?” Emily asked in a flat voice. “That’s dumb.”

“Hah! That’s good, I like that. Fuck what everyone else thinks, right? I’m the same way. And also—it’s like, I always wanted a little sister, you know? We’re only five years apart, I just thought it’d be cool. You seem like this cheeky brat, but like, you could be my bratty little sister. I like that.”

“…I’m not a brat, though.”

“Uh-huh. Well, listen. I never grabbed any photos at the time, ‘cause I was like, all weirded out, but I did snatch this.” Samantha leaned over across Emily to pop open the glove compartment of her jeep, pulling a strange wooden slat out from beneath what looked suspiciously like a glass pipe and a bag of weed. “Here, check it out.”

“Uhh,” Emily began, innocently flicking her eyes away from the drug paraphernalia as the glove box was closed again, and finally took at look at the object Samantha was handing her. “…What is this?”

“S’a little oriental charm, like for good luck, health and prosperity and all that,” Samantha explained. “This one, though, this was in my Mom’s little shoebox o’ treasures with those polaroids and everything.”

“It’s neat,” Emily said, turning it over in her hands. “Why’d you grab this, of all things?”

“Dunno,” Samantha answered honestly. “Just sorta spoke to me, I guess. I’m not superstitious or nothin’, but since it was with all that other weird stuff, it seems more… like it was, y’know, important, or significant or somethin’. Had it hanging there from my rear-view mirror, right up ‘till the funeral. Kiiinda don’t wanna risk Mom randomly recognizing it now and really flipping out on me. So, I want you to have it.”

“Are you sure?” Emily asked. “You’re not gonna… put it back where you found it?”

“Too late for that,” Samantha snorted. “She sure as hell went through all her little mementos soon as she heard the news. Fuck me, right? Had it just dangling out in the open there for forever. Damned lucky she never noticed it, that would not have been a fun conversation. I mean, she’s never in here, ‘cause she hates my driving, but still.”

“Well… it’s really cool,” Emily said. “Thank you.”

“No sweat, little sistah,” Samantha laughed.

“Wait, what if my Mom recognizes it?”

“Well don’t go wavin’ it around in her face,” Samantha said. “Anyone asks, then… I dunno, make up a story.”

“…Okay. I’ll say you got it from a shrine in Japan,” Emily felt a smile tugging at the corner of her lips.

“Japan? Yeah, like I’ve been overseas. You know I went to San Michaels, right?”

“Alright, fine then. I’ll tell everyone you got it from a vending machine.”

“Listen, do you gotta go into explainin’ details to people at all? Or bringing me into it?”

• • •

How can I NOT be bitter about this? Emily thought as she first stepped inside her morning class at Truliet. Sure, she hadn’t expected big posters with bright colors and cartoon frogs and kittens to be plastered everywhere like in middle school—but glancing around her classroom now, the only papers decorating the walls were uninteresting notices. Reminders, rules. Everything just seemed so bleak, bland and austere.

Her fellow students were arguably worse. Hardly anyone was making an effort to socialize, and it was all carefully styled appearances and posturing, putting on airs to make a ‘cool’ impression the first day of high school. All of the other girls in her grade level seemed to have sprouted up tall and blossomed into nubile young adults, graceful and mature, while Emily felt stunted in comparison, like puberty had given up before finishing the job.

She was short, she had boyish hips, and wearing her stupid bra at all felt like open deceit. Emily was already the miserable little punk who thought figuring out what to do with her hair was too much of a chore, and never applied more makeup than just some quick eyeliner. She’d simply worn her favorite clothes—jeans with holes in the knees and that gray Shinobi Souls T-shirt. It was comfy, and featured an action spread of the main characters leaping forward from the backdrop of an exploding blood splatter. As it turned out, however, wearing it was a mistake.

“Sooo, you must really be into that Japanime, huh? You’ve got your little ninjas on your shirt?” a tall blonde asked as they milled about inside the classroom, waiting for the first bell. Well, all the girls here were taller than her, so with an internal grumble Emily instead decided to simply classify this one as the stuck-uppest looking one.

“They’re shinobi, actually… Ever heard of Shinobi Souls?” Emily countered, not deigning to explain further. Japanime, seriously? Why are you talking to me?

“Nope,” Stuck-Uppest responded curtly. Her tone suggested that Emily had sealed her own fate for even admitting the name of an anime.

“So, you think you’re some kind of shinny-obi, huh?” the tall blonde girl using the purposefully mocking mispronunciation was already exchanging glances with the others. She was loud enough for everyone to hear, and it was increasingly clear the only reason she’d stooped so low as to speak to Emily at all was to clarify the classroom pecking order. To open a topic of conversation with the others, or rather, a topic of derision—it was Emily, of course, and there was nothing she could do about it.

Really? I think I’m a shinobi… because of a T-shirt I’m wearing? Because that’s so logical. Does that guy over there in the jersey think he’s a pro football player? Guess being the loner geek must just make me quite the ice-breaker around these parts. Easy pickings, at least.

“…Yep,” Emily finally said in a dry tone, rolling her eyes. “Sure do.” The damage was already done. She was bound to hear the other classmates, eager to fit in, talking down to her throughout the semester already. Why wouldn’t they? Stuck-Uppest was sociable and attractive. She’d quickly moved on and found some other people to talk to, strategically giggling and chatting easily with a small group of guys—and Emily? She was just the awkward little runt.

When the class began, their tired old man of a teacher outlined his expectations for them in the course in a bored, droning voice. His words were immediately evaporating out of Emily’s head, and she could only grimace at the thought of enduring a year of all of this. Not only was there assigned seating, but Emily was shunted to the very back corner of the class, next to the wall. It would have been that stereotypical anime protagonist seat—back of the class, next to the window—but this classroom was deep within the interior of the school complex, so there weren’t any windows. It was safer to say that Emily’s desk was hidden back in the corner by the cabinets.

Worse yet, the girl sitting right in front of her was Stuck-uppest; apparently her real name was Lauren. Neither were happy with their arrangement, although, in Lauren’s case, she just wanted to be placed in a more social position than against a wall. The uppity blonde seemed to light up when a cute guy was assigned next to her, however, which made Emily glower. Everyone near her now was tall. So, not only was she relegated off into this corner, but she couldn’t even really see past these Truliet cretins.

“Hi! I’m Lauren,” Stuck-Uppest introduced herself, presenting a winning smile to her cute new neighbor, a guy with short brown hair.

“Brian,” the guy offered, before giving her an uneasy smile. “Hey, uh, you got a pencil and paper I could borrow?”

“What, you didn’t bring anything with you on the first day?” Lauren laughed, opening the rings of her binder to offer him some sheets of notebook paper.

Yeah, oh boy, what a rebel, Emily thought sarcastically, not looking up from her desk.

“Well, um, I only have my one pencil, annnd, it’s for me,” the girl said coyly, before hitching a thumb back behind her to indicate Emily. “Maybe you can ask the little shinny-obi if she has one to spare.”

Pissed off, Emily looked up to meet the guy’s eyes with a glare. Yeah, just try fucking asking, prick. First fucking hour of the first fucking day, and I’m already saddled with a retarded nickname.

“…Nah,” The guy flicked his eyes down to the anime motif of her T-shirt for a split second, then held her stare for a long beat before looking back towards Lauren indifferently. “I ain’t askin’ her.”

“Pfft, yeah, why not?” Lauren goaded.

Emily glared back down at her desk, fingers tightening painfully on the edges of the worn laminate surface. Guess Sammie was right about everyone at Truliet after all. Of course she was. Fuck.

“You see what she’s wearing?” the guy scoffed lightly, a slight, almost secretive smile surfacing. “Shirt with those Tamashii clan creeps on it. More like the Tamashii traitors, s’what I call ‘em. They’re a disgrace to all shinobi, especially after all that nonsense they pulled up at Heavenly Peak Palace. Am I right?”

Emily felt her head snap up to catch Lauren giving the guy a nervous laugh, but that guy—Brian, was it?—had already turned away to ask the student on his other side for a pencil. Tamashii clan?! The cute guy watches Shinobi Souls. No wait, Heavenly Peak isn’t even in the Shinobi Souls anime yet… he’s been reading the fan translations of the manga online, like I am!

Lauren twisted back to give Emily a scowl as if Emily herself had snubbed her, and she replied with only an innocent smile. Brian, huh? Maybe this school year won’t be so shitty after all.

• • •

“So, what clan are you with, then?” Emily found herself asking Brian, forcibly quelling the nervous churn of her stomach. It was the next day—after she’d discreetly scoped out where he sat during lunch, a secluded patio table outside in the quad area. He was sitting with an Asian guy again, having already made a friend—yesterday she’d been too on-edge to approach them.

“Kokoro clan.”

“Kokoro clan?” That wasn’t one of the ‘big three’ shinobi factions, but it did sound familiar.

“You know, Kokoro clan,” the Chinese guy at the table wearing glasses emphasized with a leer, cupping his hands out in front of him.

“The one Akane’s from?” Emily asked in disbelief, turning towards Brian. “Akane Kurokawa… that stupid titty-ninja?”

“Hey, don’t call her that. She’s my favorite, she’s one of the best shinobi there is,” Brian laughed. “Akane the Sweet Silencer.”

“Your favorite?” Emily snorted. “She’s not even one of the clan elites. Big whoop. Akane’s lame as hell.”

“Yeah, but all the rest of ‘em aren’t elite at suckin’ dick. Ohhh, burn!” the Chinese guy interjected again.

“Here, sit with us,” Brian invited Emily, kicking his Asian friend’s backpack off the bench opposite him. “Mark here keeps scaring off all the girls with his Mana.”

“Shaddup,” Mark said, scowling, but she saw the Chinese guy pause from shuffling his deck of Mana cards to make space for her at the table.

“Sure, alright,” Emily said casually. On the inside, she was elated. I finally found some other geeks here! And this one’s super cute! “What, are you guys too cool to eat lunch?”

“Too poor, more like,” Brian shrugged.

“Yeah? You want my apple, then?” Emily blurted.

• • •

“There’s nothing in the world dumber than multiplying fractions,” Emily groaned in frustration, holding the cordless phone between her cheek and her shoulder. “No one uses fractions in real life.” Several months of their freshman year had passed by in a flash, and she was alone on the floor of her messy room, picking away at her algebra homework.

“What about, you know, in cooking? Measuring cups, tablespoons and stuff,” Brian pointed out, his voice tinny and distant through the phone’s speaker. “They always use fractions.”

“Well, they’re retarded, too,” Emily complained, flipping her pencil and smudging out her scribbled answer again with the eraser. “They should all be in proper decimal points.”

“With fractions, I’ve always had trouble telling the difference between the numerator and the denominator,” Brian paused. “I guess there’s a fine line between them.”

“Yeah, hah, hah.” Emily rolled her eyes. “Nice try, but I heard that one back in middle school.”

“Well, damn.”

Brian was in both her first period Algebra and her fifth period World History class, and he’d turned out to be her salvation. Emily was a fish out of water suddenly attending this high school full of rich pricks, and the only solace she’d been able to find so far was hanging out with him.

He’s cute, he’s into all the same things that I’m into, he introduced me to all his friends—I don’t even think of them as HIS friends anymore, they’re MY friends now, OUR friends. And, he’s cute… did I mention that he’s cute?

“Hey, uh… so I’ve actually been keeping a secret,” Emily said nervously, sliding her textbook and half-finished worksheet out of the way and leaning back heavily against her bed.

“A secret? What’s up?”

“Uh, well… you know I still read Shinobi Souls online, but… I actually, like, stopped watching anime completely a little while back.”

“Really?” He sounded surprised. “That’s weird. You seem all into it at school. Gettin’ sick of it already?”

“No, no, I want to watch, just, it is weird,” she mumbled, her mouth going dry. “I used to only ever really watch anime with my dad. We’d watch it together. So, now, watching it alone, it makes it…it’s…”

“Parents divorced?” He guessed.

“Ah… no. Car accident. Right before the school year started.”

“Shit. Sorry.”

“Yeah,” Emily said dumbly, cursing at herself in her head. Why why whhhhy am I dropping all of this on him now out of nowhere?!

“Well, hey,” Brian’s voice broke back in, “I’m not allowed to leave the house after school for like, the whole rest of this year, but if you want, I can hang with you on the phone while we each watch? Or would that be weird, watching and talking?”

“No, no, that’s not weird,” Emily said quickly, wetting her lips. “That sounds… that’s cool. It still comes on at four o’clock? Are you watching tomorrow?”

“O’course. We’re almost up to the tournament examination arc in the anime now. With Saburo and all that.”

“Cool! Cool, awesome. Sounds like a—uh, sounds like a plan,” Emily smiled. Did I almost slip and say ‘date?’ “Call you tomorrow around… three-thirty, then? Three-forty-five?”


“Hey, also, I’ve never really asked… why exactly do you like Akane, anyways?” Emily finally inquired. Isn’t she kinda just the obligatory scantily-clad character they throw in for sex-appeal? She’s totally lame.

“I guess just from the impression she made. Like, everything I’d seen before that—Monster Battlers and everything, that was still cartoons, but then seeing her, it was like, this is anime,” Brian explained.

“So, you’re into big tits, huh?” Emily snorted. “Typical.”

“No… s’not that,” Brian chuckled. “Up ‘til that point, I’d never seen an animated character who was supposed to be sexy in an adult way. Just ones that were, you know, supposed to be sexy in that watered-down sorta kiddy way. Like, in cartoons you can tell when a character’s supposed to be sexy, but it always feels more like a spoof, a placeholder or something, since they never put in something actually sexual.

“Sure, in Shinobi Souls they still don’t show explicit sex, but they don’t go out of their way to cover up anything, either. It just makes the situations seem so much more real to me, like, I can get invested in the characters and story and everything. Sorry… I’m rambling, aren’t I?”

“No, no, I totally get it!” Emily exclaimed, sitting up suddenly in excitement. “You’re right, that’s—that’s anime. It’s like everything in the States has this sorta fake layer to it, ‘cause they have to make it PG, or they know parents will complain, or think kids couldn’t handle it or whatever. But then, in anime, they’re just givin’ you the best, most interestingest story they can make.”

“Right?” Brian laughed.

“Right!” Emily agreed. All this time I thought he was just kidding around. Or trying to come off like a perv or something. But Akane really IS his favorite… it makes sense. She’s what separated anime from cartoons, for him. She kinda represents something to Brian. That’s actually cool.

“Ah, crap. I gotta go,” Brian said.

“Alright, cool. See ya in class.”

“Right. Later.”

“Later.” After exchanging their goodbyes, Emily turned—to realize her little sister was sneering at her through the bedroom doorway.

“Who was that?” Katie scoffed. “Making plans with your boyfriend?”

“None of your damn business,” Emily cried indignantly. “Don’t listen in on me, you creepy little twerp. We’re just gonna talk about anime. And that’s it.”

“Pffft! Nerd. I’m telling! I’m telling!” Katie disappeared from her doorway and Emily could hear her tiny feet running down the hall. “Mom! Mooom! Emily’s being a nerd! She can’t even get a boyfriend, ‘cause all she ever talks about is anime!”

“Mooom!” Emily began to yell out herself. “Katie’s lying! Beat her little face in!”

With an exaggerated sigh, Emily clambered up onto her bed and sprawled out across it.

“Still,” Emily chuckled to herself, “Akane’s outfit is just… too much.” A little too BLATANT with how much they sexualized her. No one—and I mean no one—would ever ACTUALLY wear that.

• • •

Present day

Emily quirked a lip at herself in the vertical mirror of her closet door, running fingers through her shaggy tangle of black hair. She was dressed in her Akane Kurokawa cosplay, the kunoichi from the massively popular Shinobi Souls anime. She’d ordered the cosplay as a complete set from an online retailer, simply making minor adjustments to it over time so that it better suited her each year.

The costume was simple—a red summer kimono called a yukata, that tied at the waist in a wide-belted obi. Unlike more traditional yukata, however, this one sported short sleeves and a scandalously high hemline that fluttered and swayed a bare six inches from her obi—practically a micro-skirt. The front of her yukata hung open in a loose way, as was appropriate for the character, exposing the fishnet body stocking she wore beneath.

She frowned, opening her yukata wider to expose her netting-covered breasts. They were way too small—tiny peach-sized bulges, her little pink nipples standing erect through the weave. She’d be wearing her flesh-toned pasties to cover her nips later on so that she didn’t stray from indecent to explicit, but… that wasn’t really the problem. Like most anime characters intended to lay on sex appeal, Akane Kurokawa had enormous double D-cup breasts. No matter how much Emily worked on improving the rest of the outfit… her meager A-cups were as good as it was going to get. On better-endowed cosplayers, the outfit formed a stunning, canyon-like crevasse of cleavage… but Emily was just nowhere near buxom enough for that, and never would be. In fact, her small breasts, that mere handful each, did little to help hold the garment in place. There’d even been occasional mishaps last year where the yukata opened up too far and slipped down her one shoulder.

Nothing more I can do about that. With a sigh, she mentally reviewed this year’s changes. The cheap fishnet originally packaged with the Akane Kurokawa cosplay hadn’t fit right at all, so she’d already found a new purpose for it—the old body-stocking still roughly approximated human shape when she completely filled it with the various stuffed animals and anime plush dolls she’d collected over the years. The eerie person-shaped assemblage was sitting on its knees in proper Japanese seiza in the corner of her room like a macabre mannequin.

The new body stocking for her Akane cosplay was ordered from a lingerie website, though it’d been designed for purposes… other than costuming and featured a hemmed slit open at the crotch. That was going to be covered by Akane’s trademark white fundoshi-style panties anyways, though, so no one would ever know. Probably. The fundoshi’s basically just a loincloth folded and tucked into itself, and the yukata really doesn’t go down very far… I’ll have to watch that it doesn’t slip so I’m not flashin’ gash at everyone in every direction.

Red cloth bracers and leggings covered her forearms and shins, each with loops that held her fake throwing stars and tiny ninja daggers in place. Last year, they’d kept falling out every time she moved quickly or made an exaggerated gesture, so in the time since then, she’d hand-sewn the little props into place so they wouldn’t budge. A fluffy brown wig with an exaggerated ponytail and a pair of red split-toed ninja shoes finished out the ensemble.

“Look at you,” Mrs. Rivera said dryly, leaning in through the doorway of her daughter’s bedroom. “Your nipples are showing, Emily, honestly… You aren’t planning on using that awful tape again, are you?”

“It was band-aids back then, and no. I bought a pair of pasties this time,” Emily growled, tugging the loose yukata closed over her meager chest. “And I’m not gonna waste ‘em before I get to the convention.”

“If they came as a single pair, they’re reusable ones,” her mom pointed out. “But really, Emily. If you’d just talk to me every once in a while… I have a whole bunch of disposable breast petals I could have given you, if you’d just asked.”

“What. What. Why do you even have pasties? You’re old. Old!”

“Honey… I’m not that old. Do you remember the dress I wore to that last big recital?” Her mother asked, unfazed.

“Uh, the one I made you promise to never wear again? That slutty, inappropriate-for-school, tramp dress that your stupid udders were practically hanging out of? The one all the other teachers were gawking over?”

“Mm, that’s the dress, you remembered,” her mother smiled teasingly. “Well, I definitely needed petals for that one.”

“Well, I don’t ever need to hear about weird things you stick to your nipples, thanks,” Emily said, making a face.

“Some twenty-three years ago, you were just this weird thing I stuck to my nipples, you know,” her mother retorted, gesturing with her mug of coffee.

“Mom. Mom. If you really love me as your only daughter—”

“You’re not my only daughter.”

“—As your favorite daughter—”

“Hmph. Well, fair enough.”

“—You’ll stop tormenting me and just let me have the car, just this once. Puh-leeeease.”

“Can’t help you, kiddo—I need to go. Mr. Daniels called, he’s coming in late today. So, now I need to head over, unlock all the doors for everyone, and corral all of the stagehands. Why don’t you try and call Rebecca?”

“I did call Rebecca,” Emily muttered. “She’s still at work, though.”

“Well, I can’t help you there,” her mother pointed out, shaking her head. “I’ll get you the adhesive out from my cabinet before I leave.”

“I don’t need adhesive, Mom. I need the car! Can’t they just wait for Mr. Daniels? Just this once.”

“Reusable breast petals aren’t always very self-adhering, love. Did you check them?”

“…Please let me borrow your adhesive. And the car. And, um… maybe, like, fifty bucks?”

“Sorry, kiddo. You still owe me money—and you’re not going anywhere without Rebecca,” her mother insisted firmly, sighing in exasperation and gesturing her daughter forward for a hug. “I need to go get ready. Do you want me to get you the glue, or do you just want to use my disposable ones?”

“…The glue, please,” Emily answered meekly, stepping forward to embrace her mother. “And… Sorry for calling you old. You’re not really old, and you did look great in that dress.”

“I know, hun,” her mother said, patting her head. “It was such a slutty dress, though, and I did just wear it to get a rise out of everyone.”

Emily backed off, snatching up the nearest stuffed animal—a Solar Bear plushie from Monster Battlers—and threw it, but Mrs. Rivera blew her a kiss and ducked behind the door frame just in time.

She wasn’t actually angry at her mother, even about the car. She knew she couldn’t take her mom’s only means of transportation for her busy weekend, although it was fun to make a fuss about it. For all of their verbal spats and play-fighting, she really did feel lucky, because she did have the best mom in the world.

• • •

Seven Years Ago

“Aww, Brian, are you sure you won’t stay with us for dinner?” Mrs. Rivera asked. “Call your folks, if you need to.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Rivera, but no—I really can’t,” Brian said stiffly. “Thank you again so much for allowing me over, though.”

“Oh, stop,” Mrs. Rivera laughed, stepping over and opening her arms wide for a hug. “Come over any time, you’re always welcome.”

A slouching sixteen-year-old Emily rolled her eyes and sighed melodramatically, picking through her piled plate of spaghetti. Katie, now thirteen, sat on the other end of the table, minding her careful posture and graceful manners—while Brian was present, at least. That wretched little pit fiend had already sprouted up taller than Emily already, going from scrawny to tall and thin in just a few years.

“Thank you, but, I couldn’t impose,” Brian allowed himself to be awkwardly hugged, tensing up at the contact.

“You’re fine, you’re fine, stop that.” Mrs. Rivera scolded, tousling his hair affectionately as she sent him on his way. “Drive safely, young man. Have a good night.”

“Thank you. See you at school, Emmie,” he called.

“Yeah. Bye,” She said nonchalantly around her mouthful of food, waving.

The door closed, and Mrs. Rivera expectantly hurried back towards the kitchen table, looking from daughter to daughter in anticipation.


“No,” Emily insisted. “We’re not discussing this. You two are not a committee, and neither of you get to sit here and judge my life. Or my friends.”

Completely unfazed, her mother’s expectant smile didn’t falter, and she instead simply turned it towards Katie. “Well?”

“He’s definitely okay,” Katie appraised seriously. “Maybe even, like, a nine.”

“I thought so too,” Mrs. Rivera agreed with a cheerful voice, leaning over to scoop spaghetti onto her plate. “He wasn’t at all like I expected.”

“Both of you, I am so serious. Stop. He’s just a friend,” Emily growled. “And that’s it.”

“Just a friend?” Mrs. Rivera frowned, slipping into her seat. “Oh, c’mon, he’s cute.”

“No, Emily’s right this time,” Katie said sweetly, carefully twirling spaghetti strands around her fork. “Definitely just a friend—he’s way out of her league.”

“Aww, honey. He’s not out of her league,” Mrs. Rivera chided playfully. “Emily just needs a little more… fighting spirit.”

“I’m not playing those stupid little games with Brian,” Emily growled. “He deserves better than that.”

“Well, I do think he’s very nice,” Mrs. Rivera said, trying to be diplomatic. “It’s just…”

“…Yeah, just what?” Emily retorted. I warned you. Just try and criticize my choice of—

“Emmie, does Brian come from… a bad home?” Emily’s mother asked carefully.

“What.” Emily dropped her fork onto her plate loudly in surprise, failing to suppress a flash of anger. “…Why would you even say that.”

“I’m just worried, honey. Something was wrong, he seemed a little… off.”

She was right. This had been his first time hanging out over at her house, and it was… weird. He was polite, but in a well-mannered, stiff, and robotic sort of way. Nothing like the casual and laid-back buddy she thought she knew. Something about the whole visit, in fact, had somehow seemed… strained. Distant.

“Well… maybe he was. A little,” Emily conceded, “But like, how would you even know? This was the first time you even met him.”

“Because I’m your mother. I pay close attention to body language, and the way he acts—acting being my other speciality, you remember? For instance, as he was leaving, when I gave him that hug right then—he just kind of, well… He froze. Flinched back this tiniest bit? I don’t know, maybe it was just my imagination?”

“He’s a teenage boy, Mom,” Emily reminded her, gesturing at her mother in aggravation. “And you’re… you know. You’re you. Probably getting a crush on you or something… ugh, that’s so gross.”

“Hardly,” her mother said, smirking. “You’re the one he has a crush on. How does he react when you hug him?”

“As if,” Katie snorted.

“I don’t. We don’t hug,” Emily insisted, quickly trying to gloss over her mother’s casual remark. “We’re not a thing, mother. We’re just friends, and we don’t hug. That’s weird.”

“You can’t even get a hug?” Katie’s eyes went wide. “Wow, I knew you were an embarrassment, but… wow.”

“Mom, I can hit her for that, right?”

“Yes, honey,” her mother sighed, rolling her eyes as a smack sounded out, followed by an aggrieved Ow, sheesh. “Has he ever said anything about his home life? Or his parents?”

Emily paused in uncertainty as she racked her memory. He… really hasn’t, has he?

• • •

“So… when’re we ever gonna hang out at your house?” Emily asked, absentmindedly plucking another dry leaf from the grass and picking it apart in her hands. It was several weeks after he’d visited her place, and they were at Aunt Mattie’s place, a big, somewhat rundown estate with a dash of rural charm on the outskirts of town. Their friend Mike had been raised here by his Aunt Matilda—who everyone called Aunt Mattie.

The social dynamic among the local group of geeks in their little city was interesting—at Truliet, the private school, all their pals seemed to naturally gravitate towards Brian, while at the public school, San Michaels, Mike seemed to be the guy everyone knew, the axis upon which geeky circles of friends spun. Emily didn’t

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AnimeCon Harem pt 12

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AnimeCon Harem pt 07

“You’re asking me, now,” Kelly laughed. “...Your chance for revenge?”“Truth or dare, then.” Brian asked.“Dare,” Kelly decided. “Gimme something good for once.”“Something good, huh…” Brian said, thinking back to the better dares that had been thrown around back when he played in high school. He was surprised to realize he actually did want to get back at her a little bit. She’s been going a little overboard trying to stir things up between me and Stephanie.“Okay, I’ve got one.” He rose from the...

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Harem King Levan pushed the splintering throne room doors aside, hearing them smash to the stone floor to either side of him as he strode through the room, bloody sword held firmly in his hand. The hall stretched fifty feet, with a dais at the other end sporting an elaborate stone throne, at the foot of which stood the aged ruler of this region, surrounded by his personal guard, all wielding their weapons shakily. “Turn aside, peons, lest you join your King in death,” Levan spoke loudly,...

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Lost in a Harem

LOST IN A HAREM by Throne September 1. My wife Aliya has just informed me that we will be travelling to her native country of Balamlad. She is a freelance consultant for a number of international corporatons. Because she speaks several languages fluently, and even more so because she speaks Balamladian, she is often in demand to facilitate major deals. In this case she is going to work for a huge pharmaceutical concern in the US to try to close a deal with a smaller business in her...

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Absolute DelightsChapter 4 The Ruby Harem

The interview room of the Ruby harem was similar to the one in the Golden Palace, except that the pictures were much more explicit and were much more heavily oriented towards pain than to pleasure. There were depictions of girls and young men undergoing a variety of punishments, or in some cases tortures. The mediæval rack was easily understood, but some of the other devices were incomprehensible to the young Emir. He decided to look into that later, being fairly sure that the Ruby Palace...

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The Futa Fairy Futa MILFs Harem Wish Chapter 3 Mrs Fatimas Fertile Harem

Chapter Three: Mrs. Fatima's Fertile Harem By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 A nervous energy filled the apartment as the girls rushed through the house to get ready for college. All but poor Alesha were dripping with futa-cum. My futa-cum. Sa'dia, my eldest daughter, twenty and lovely, flounced by, her green eyes flashing. Those emerald orbs set in her dusky face gave her such an exotic beauty. “Thanks for breakfast, Mother,” she said, snagging a plate and hurrying to the table to join...

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The Harem

Jason didn't know what to think as he drove his car. He had gotten home to his apartment after finishing his shift at the coffee shop when he found a letter that came through his door. Wax sealed. It told him to drive to an address outside the city, as the resident of the house wished to talk with him. Jason did so and stopped his car outside a huge mansion. Jason never thought someone like him would be invited to a place like this, especially when he was only 19. "Wow, why would someone who...

Group Sex
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Trapped in My Own Harem

TRAPPED IN OWN HAREM ?Part 2 ? by: Milida I was another 'friend' of Asam. I however didn't want any grand adventure from my visit to the Arabian Night world like John did. All I wanted was my own harem and the chance to indulge myself in it. Asam organized a very handsome male form for me. I was over 6 foot tall, very muscular and extremely pleasing on the eye; a real chick magnet. The harem he choose for me was located on a beautiful island in the middle of the bay and was...

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Joshs Harem

This story is about an uncle of mine, His name was Josh. He was a horny bastard with a 10 inch cock. He fucked everyone regardless of who they were. He just needed a whole to stick his cock inside. I must say he fucked good, so good that even if he forced someone they would end up liking it. He was a tall 6ft 6 hunky man. He had brown hair and a beard. He was a distant uncle of mine, He was married, had two kids, one daughter and a son. Now he was decent man until he had an accident which...

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Absolute DelightsChapter 3 The Golden Harem

Leaving it at that, David changed the subject to the arrangements in the harem. Kamal Qumsiyeh escorted David and his mother into the anteroom of the harem, where he took his leave of them, because he was not allowed further. When David almost invited him in, his mother touched his arm and so he did not pursue the matter. After Kamal Qumsiyeh had left, she said, "If you invite him in, you are offering him his choice of the lesser women, and I do not think it is time for that yet. When you...

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The Manors Harem

*This story is not true at all* My family has always been a bit on the odd side. First of all, only the men can leave the house, and we live on a big plantation, where no one ever visits. My whole father's family lives here together. Up until I was 16, I didn't know what exactly took place in the "special wing". The "special wing" was where our mothers told us we could go, unless instructed to do so. I was locked at all times, but every where else we could go. I took classes with all the other...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 5 Chapter 4 Halflings Nubile Harem

Book 5: The Vault's Treasure Chapter Four: Halfling's Nubile Harem By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Xerathalasia – Road to Yevix, Magery of Thosi I crested the hill and smiled at the thick, blue river widening across the broad, flat plain. It was far thicker than the Ichir River we had ridden past for the last five days since leaving the village of Lor-Khev. Where the Ichir flowed into the broader Royton, a large city, Yevix, marred the...

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The Goddess the Eunuch and the Harem

The Goddess, the Eunuch, and the Harem A cruel prince made a mistake when, Naively, he let a goddess, Dressed in nothing but a headdress, Join his harem, that she, his sin Against his women, could avenge. Many times, one might imagine, He regretted his decision, For, by it, he was sorely singed! She was beautiful, and, in truth, The prince, a jealous youth, proclaimed: "He who cuckolds me, and my name Taints, shall be repaid, tooth for tooth And eye for eye; those who defy My...

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Pornstar Harem

I’ve wanted a Pornstar Harem for pretty much as long as I can remember, and I know I ain’t alone in that desire. Hell, I’d bet almost any heterosexual dude has had the same idea, at least while they’re staring at the ceiling and jerking their cock under the bedsheets. Unless you’re ludicrously wealthy, though, you probably ain’t going to have a harem in this day and age, at least not in the Western world. Fortunately for all us perverts, the folks who made this next game understand our lusts...

Best Porn Games
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The Rogues Harem Book 3 Chapter 16 Epilogue The Rogues Loving Harem

Book Three: The Rogue's Passionate Harem Part 16: Epilogue - The Rogue's Loving Harem By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this. Chapter Forty-Six: Crowning Achievement Princess Ava – Echur, Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch My hands smoothed the smooth satin of my blue gown. It hung over the layers of petticoats beneath, giving my figure the shape of a bell, a tight waist that then flared out over my legs. I shivered, my small breasts...

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Intrusive DelightsChapter 30 Interviews In The Harem

After a few moments a middle-aged woman who was obviously English came into the ante-room and said, conversationally, "You must be the American reporter. Would you like some coffee?" Tiggs stared at her. She had never seen anyone dressed quite as the woman was. She wore a short satin dressing-gown, reaching only to the tops of her thighs and with only a button at the neck and no belt to hold it closed. Other than that she was completely naked, not even wearing slippers. As she walked her...

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Masters Birthday Harem

  She loved and hated that moment when He was just outside the door about to step in. Tantalizing as it was, an eon passed as she waited.     Finally.  Click.     Her ocitocin levels surged.  The noise of the world vanished and her peripheral vision melted away.  She began to float.  Then all there was were His feet.   He petted her soft hair.  Hello, my princess.  She loved the sound of His deep, calm voice and when He used her pet name.  She sank into His strong, yet gentle touch.  ...

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Operation Harem

OPERATION HAREM - SPECIAL OPERATIONS BY BELINDA On September 11th, 2001, the world changed for the United States. The impossible had happened, New York was essentially bombed. The first time the U.S. was worried was when the V2 project started to work on the New York Bomb. Fortunately, that work was destroyed in a Lancaster bombing raid. "Sir, Osama may still be alive, and we need to stop the network. The special units we have sent are doing their part. But, we need to get closer,"...

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Czech Harem

People are bored! That's what it is! Adult webmasters work their asses off to come up with something unique, something that the smut world has never seen before, only to get their cut of the market. On the other hand, smut consumers turn this situation to their advantage, always asking for more and more. This is exactly why someone came up with the idea to launch Which person in his right mind would link Czech and harem!? I don't know about you, but the first thing that crossed...

Premium Gangbang Porn Sites
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Member of Harem

Intro: You bit your lip as you see woman fucked by THE man. With each thrust a moan escapes her lips, with each thrust her body shakes, with each thrust her tits bounce... you want to be in her place. You are jealous of her. But for now you can only finger yourself and watch. Without looking, you know that woman sitting next to you is masturbating as well. Finally, THE man and woman, orgasm... together. They stay in each other arms for a minute, then THE man kisses the woman and lies down her...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 5 the Vaults TreasureChapter 4 Halflingrsquos Nubile Harem

Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Xerathalasia – Road to Yevix, Magery of Thosi I crested the hill and smiled at the thick, blue river widening across the broad, flat plain. It was far thicker than the Ichir River we had ridden past for the last five days since leaving the village of Lor-Khev. Where the Ichir flowed into the broader Royton, a large city, Yevix, marred the plain. Ships sailed north on the Royton for Lake Esh and the grand city of Esh-Esh, or they went south towards...

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The Harem

Baron Abel Callahan sat looking out over the great expanse of his lawn and feeling at peace with the world for he had just finished hosting Queen Victoria by putting on a show with steam driven elephants and horses that could do tricks that live anaimals could never hope to do. "We did put on a good show." he said to himself as he sipped his brandy. "Prince Edward enjoyed himself although Prince Albert was a real stick in the mud." A knock on his door interupted his reverie. "Come in, come in."...

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Captured Queen3 Treatment In Harem

Queen become afraid and asked, what kind of treatment? Jinia said, You will see soon but first we shall observe your body. Rini took the robe off the queen’s body and queen put her hands on her breasts to guard herself. She did not try to hide her pussy because they are already covered with hairs. Jinia slaps her buttocks roughly with her hand and she cried in pain. Jinia keep her right hand on her ass crack and asked her to spread her legs. She obeyed without and hesitation. Jinia keeps...

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My Virgin Harem

My Virgin Harem I was away at college but found a way to come home unexpectedly one weekend. I hadn’t been home in about six weeks. I got dropped off down at a main intersection and had to walk a few blocks but it was a nice evening. As I approached the house I noticed that there were no cars in the driveway meaning that both of my parents had gone out. However, the lights were all on in the house. I approached the house cautiously. We lived on the end of a dead end street and...

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Escape From the Harem

Chapter 1. The most opulent chambers in Topkapi palace belonged to the Sultan. The great hall was decorated with finery from all over the empire. The floor and walls were covered with blue, green and white tiles with abstract patterns on them. These were local from artisans in Constantinople. The floor was covered with deep blue rugs with flower patterns. The ceiling had a large chandelier with crystal made in the Balkans. There were worked bronze braziers from Egypt throughout the room to...

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Dark Willows Harem

Dark Willow's HaremNote: Alternate future after the 6th season episode "Villains". Here Willow goes completely dark after the death of Tara. Also, sometime after the 3rd season of "Charmed". The various characters from "Angel", "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", and "Charmed" aren't mine. I'm just borrowing them for some nasty fun. There are real people here but their actions here are not intended to reflect their real lives or orientations. All of this is just for fun: sleazy, nasty fun.Cordelia...

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Daughter of the Harem

DAUGHTER OF THE HAREM By Annie James Jimmy was not a drug user. Furthermore he had heard about the penalties for drug smuggling and would have had the good sense to refuse if his newfound friends in Rome had asked him to transport any parcel or package for them. Therefore it came as a total surprise to him when the customs search in the tiny Arab state revealed a half kilogram package of white powder, clearly visible as soon as his suitcase was opened. Later as he sat alone in a...

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Life in the Harem

Cast: Calista: Lead character Master: Master and owner Sir Jon: Master's longtime friend Lady Martha: Master's first wife Lucinda: a very ambitious slave who takes an interest in Calista Jacinta: Paired off with Calista, she too is a house slave Mildred: Mother hen to the slaves, she is the eldest house slave Jasmine: Arab slave girl who took over for Calista as greeter Clara: den-mother to the harem slaves Petra and Paulina, Roxanne, Quan-Yi, Gretchen and Barbie: harem...

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The Princes Harem

Kelly hurried through the heavily falling snow on the way to her dorm room from the library. She wondered to herself why she had forgotten to wear a warmer coat and shivered against the cold evening air while muttering, "Michigan in the winter, I must be nuts!!!" Being a blond blue eyed California girl it was a total surprise to her folks and friends when she chose to attend college 2000 miles from home in what could be described as less than ideal weather. The full ride scholarship to The...

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The Twilight Harem

I felt him stop the moment I closed my eyes. I kept them closed to wait until the pain subsided. “Open your eyes,” I heard him whisper. I opened them and was met with two startling green eyes for a moment. Time seemed to stop there. I saw nothing but his eyes at the moment. My senses had seemingly disappeared. I couldn’t feel the pain, nor could I even feel him on me. For one simple moment, all I saw were those beautiful, loving eyes. And then it all came back. The pain had returned to...

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Butlers DelightsChapter 16 In The Harem

Later, in the privacy of her own room, Caroline went over the evening's occurrences and could not believe how aroused she had been by the whole episode. 'My husband watched another man bugger me, and it excited him, and me, ' she mused, 'Then he whipped me, properly, and that just turned me on more. I must be a slut, and a loose woman. My mother must be turning in her grave. I'm sure she never had anyone but my father.' If Caroline had but known it, her mother, who had been a...

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The Kings Temporary SlaveChapter 3 My first day in the harem

Sleep was a long time coming although I lay as quiet as I could so as not to disturb Ettie snuggling beside me. My mind went over and over all the events of the day and I wondered how I would survive two months of this. Certainly I castigated myself severely for agreeing to the assignment but ultimately knew that now I'd made the decision, I would have to go with it and try and save my hide as much as possible. Just as it seemed I finally closed my eyes, Ettie woke me. "Time to get up,"...

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Futa MILFs Harem WishChapter 3 Mrs Fatimarsquos Fertile Harem

A nervous energy filled the apartment as the girls rushed through the house to get ready for school. All but poor Alesha were dripping with futa-cum. My futa-cum. Sa’dia, my eldest daughter, sixteen and lovely, flounced by, her green eyes flashing. Those emerald orbs set in her dusky face gave her such an exotic beauty. “Thanks for breakfast, Mother,” she said, snagging a plate and hurrying to the table to join my fourteen-year-old, twin daughters, Basima and Naila. “Yes, thank you,...

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Denise The Submissive Mom Chapter 11 Rocky his harem

Sheila was now giving her son his birthday bj as Denise licked her ass & Rocky and Esperanza were now french-kissing . Nina Rogers had just arrived and untied her daughter Cindy and was now sitting on her face as Cindy licked her moms clit wildly . Sheila was now riding cowgirl as she took Rockys 11 inch dink up her cunt as Esperanza & Denise sucked on her breasts. Rocky was still stiff as he slammed full force into his moms cunt. Nina reached orgasm as she got off her daughters face &...

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Family Harem

It was the day of your family's annual meetup. Today all of your Mother's family will be at your Grandma's. You will be going with your Mother and Father and Sister, your Grandma would be there obviously. Your Auntie Tabitha (Mother's sister) and her husband John. Your Uncle Richard (Mother's Brother) and his wife Charlotte and their two kids, Emily and Eloise. (Read Character page for more info and help on characters). You hadn't had sex over the Easter break and, so were incredibly horny and...

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Harry Potter A Peverell Harem

1996 Stepping out of the compartment you look at the reflection in window looking out into the darkness. Dark brown almost black medium-long length hair that the ladies of the wizarding world love, Green eyes almost the same as Harry Potters apart from your own are a darker and warmer shade of green that make people seem to trust you more. You stand at 6'5 one of the tallest in the entire school well built and athletically sculpted, handsome and of course, well endowed in the right places. The...

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Entertainent at the Harem

Entertainment at the Harem For the final act, the curtain opened to reveal only a very large, study wooden chair placed toward the front of the stage. Then one of the two pretty harem girls, who had spanked each other earlier, walked out on the stage. She was rather tall, light-skinned and slim for an Arab girl. She was dressed in Western style, with a light, green silken dress, nylons and high heels. In her hand she carried a long, whippy malacca cane and she brought it down to the edge of the...

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Batmans Harem

Batman’s HaremA Mind Blowing Erotic Psalm of The Most Invigorating Group Sex and Best Orgy EverJohn, “Big John” GallivanWarrior Poet/Erotic Psalmist“Viking Gladiator”www.eroticpsalms.comsI a[/b]m Bruce Wayne, a billionaire playboy, a womanizer, the, “Mac Daddy” indeed!I elegantly pamper and extravagantly spoil my hot sexy bitches twenty four seven, With my endless cash, infinite wealth, and everlasting riches! I fervently adore my gorgeous concubines with my romantic flattery!I energetically...

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The Rogues Harem Book 3 Rogues Passionate HaremEpilogue The Roguersquos Loving Harem

Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this! Kora Falk With a gentle tap of the hammer against the delicate chisel, I knocked off a tiny flake of stone from the black marble. The tiny shard tumbled down from the face of the statue, landing on the perfect breast before slipping off the edge to fall to the courtyard’s flagstones. I shivered, my heart pounding in my chest. I stepped back, my milk-heavy tits swaying before me. A year of carving and sculpting, of slowly peeling back the...

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Her Daddys Harem

by BrettJ © 2010 Watching from her bedroom, 16-year old CJ Bennett watched her father eagerly fucking her best friend Rachel. Olive-skinned Rachel was howling and moaning, her bikini long discarded as the 37-year old football coach screwed her poolside. CJ’s fingers were flying in and out of her horny, teenage cunt. She had discovered sexual pleasures 2 years earlier and masturbated every night. Her pussy was constantly horny and as her body matured, she became insatiable for sex. ...

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Silver Tongue Celebrity Harem

Eons ago,the gift of the silver tongue of obedience was passed on to humans by a mischievious goddess. That power was now bestowed to a man named Kyle. Kyle had lived in Hollywood his whole life, and hated the celebrities that lived there. They were all stuck-up, thinking they were better than everybody else just because they had money and fame. Well, Kyle had a power better than all that. He could make anyone obey him just by opening his mouth. And it was with this power he would build a sexy...

Mind Control
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My Personal Harem

"And... Done!" I exclaim, as I carefully insert a piece of pink-coloured len over the flash of the camera, admiring it. "Well, got to say, mission accomplished!" I set the camera down, as I observed it, comparing it with the other cameras, "No noticeable differences, that is good... Can't risk gaining attention..." I then move my attention back to my computer, and after a few more checks, I am confident that the camera is ready to be tested. This particular len, something I develop over the...

Mind Control

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