Marwadi Aunty Ki Gaand Mari
- 2 years ago
- 41
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‘I don’t need her here, I don’t want her here,’ complained Dennis, ‘I can look after myself.’
‘Well, we can hardly say no to her Dennis, she’s asked if she can stay here until she gets settled, and besides, she’ll be able to cook for you and look after the place while we’re gone.’
‘I can cook and look after the place,’ muttered Dennis, knowing he was wasting his breath. Visions of wild parties, booze and girls began to evaporate like a morning mist.
His parents were off for six weeks to Malaysia. For his father it was part business and part holiday, and for his mother all holiday and a big shopping spree. On previous occasions when his father had gone off on these trips mother had stayed behind, and now, just when it had been decided that he no longer needed to be ‘looked after,’ he’d got an aunt coming to do just that.
He hadn’t seen Aunt Renata for years and certainly had no desire to see her now. It had been his bad luck and his parents’ good fortune that their departure coincided with the arrival back in the city of his aunt.
The family felt some guilt about Renata. She was the last of Dennis’ paternal grandparent’s brood of seven children, born late in their lives. His father, Jack, was the oldest of the family and when it came to education for Renata there had been no money left to give her the sort of education she both wanted and deserved. She had ended up serving an apprenticeship as a hairdresser, then later, and at her own expense, she had taken a beautician’s course.
At age twenty two she had become engaged to a lieutenant in the army. Not long before they were due to get married he had been posted to a war zone overseas, the wedding was delayed, and then it didn’t happen at all because her fiancé fell victim to a sniper’s bullet and was killed.
Renata was always known in the family as, ‘The quiet one,’ but for a couple of weeks she poured out her grief vociferously, and then seemed to go into a protective shell, becoming quieter than ever, then with hardly a word she packed up one day and left the flat in which she had been living. At first nobody knew where she had gone until a letter to her mother let it be known she was living in a country town.
Contact with her was thereafter spasmodic but it emerged that she had opened her own hairdressing and beauty salon. It seemed that her business had thrived but after several years she decided to return to the city, so she sold the business.
Her agreement to spend the six weeks with Dennis while his parents were away was not entirely altruistic. It served her ends as she wanted time to look around and decide her next move. Being a shrewd business lady she also warmed to the idea of free board and lodgings for a few weeks, even if it meant baby sitting an eighteen year old.
The curse of it was that the six weeks coincided not only with the departure of Anne and Jack, but also the end of Dennis’ high school career, this, she suspected, meant he would be around the place more than if he had still been at school.
In the way families do, during one evening meal there had been some debate concerning Renata’s age. Jack, her brother, had no idea, and Anne who had made a point of sending Renata a birthday card each year speculated that she was about thirty four.
There was much debating back and forth along the lines of, ‘She was twenty when…’ ‘No, she was older than that, don’t you remember when,’ ‘No…no darling she was only…’ They finally settled on her being thirty four, but with the proviso that she might be thirty six or thirty two.
Dennis had been twelve the last time he had seen Renata, and rather than an aunt she had alway seemed more like an older sister or cousin. He remembered her playing with him as a child, but her appearance had never had any impact on him. He couldn’t remember whether she has been pretty or ugly, but given his present annoyance at her coming to spoil his fun, he opted for ugly.
Renata arrived the day before Jack and Anne were due to leave, and seeing her after many years, Dennis surveyed her anew, and, I must confess, he did so from the standpoint of a young male.
She was tall for a woman, perhaps five feet ten, but that was not unusual for females in Jack’s family, and all the males, including Dennis, stood well over six feet.
But it was not her height that drew Dennis’ attention but her complexion. He couldn’t remember how it had been all those years before and didn’t think he’d ever seen a complexion quite like it before. It was smooth and glowing like golden honey, and surprisingly for a beautician there was no sign of makeup. Her complexion might have been a sun tan except he didn’t think it was.
Her long and beautifully tended ash blonde hair was in dramatic contrast to her skin, and was further enhanced by large dark eyes set in a narrow aquiline face. No one else in the family resembled Renata, and Dennis began to have suspicions concerning his grandmother’s behaviour.
He thought she had a slightly hawkish look but this was softened by full wide lips, or at least it was until she smiled. The smile displayed gleaming white teeth with the disturbing feature of longer than usual canine teeth. It made him think of old Dracula vampire films he had seen on television.
She was wearing shorts and a tight tank top that displayed bare arms, shoulders and part of her chest, all of which were the same honey colour as her face. The top displayed a fair amount of generous bosom with its accompanying deep cleavage. Her narrow waist gave way to swelling hips that in another age would have been thought to indicate excellent child bearing potential.
Other possibilities, although not entirely unconnected as a preamble to child bearing, were displayed in her long slender legs that still maintained the honey colour.
Before this renewal of acquaintance Dennis, with his prejudiced view of her, had been happy to imagine her as unattractive, but now he had to redefine this view. He thought she wasn’t exactly beautiful, but then, she wasn’t exactly unattractive either. He decided she looked a formidable lady with whom one would have to tread carefully, but he was having a struggle to find a word beyond ‘formidable’ to encapsulate her.
As we often do when viewing and summing up another person, he resorted to comparing her with other women he had known. None of the females he knew, none of his girlfriends or even the older woman with whom he had enjoyed a brief sexual relationship seemed to quite equate.
He tried ‘sexy’ as a possible description but finally decided that ‘voluptuous’ might best describe her.
Another feature took him by surprise when she greeted him, ‘Hello Dennis.’ He knew the family spoke of her as the ‘Quiet one,’ but until that moment it had never registered with him why she was so called. Her voice was very soft and low, and seemed to be at one with her honey coloured skin.
Poor Dennis, he wanted to dislike her for ruining his anticipated pleasures, but he was finding it hard. He certainly felt wary of her, but good old plain dislike just couldn’t be maintained.
He had already decided to keep out of Renata’s way as much as possible, and his reappraisal of her did nothing to change that resolve. The difficulty was he had found out recently that most of his peers were off with their parents to far places, or had planned to go fruit picking and similar things in order to earn some much needed money.
Somewhat spoilt in that respect Dennis had no need to earn money, and this in a way had also ruined the vacation for him. He wasn’t going to have his wild parties and even if he did few of his friends would have been around to enjoy them. It seemed he couldn’t take a trick.
He thought of the older lady with whom he had experienced so much satisfaction, but she was an unlikely prospect since she had taken, not only to her generous bosom, but also into her house, anoth
er young man to instruct in the tender arts of sensual love.
There only remained a girlfriend with whom he had recently broken up. He wondered if he could patch things up sufficiently to re-engage her in sexual activity, but realised that the insult he had levelled at her was probably in her eyes unforgivable, he had told her that her breath stank. Remembering this, not only as an insult, but as based on the truth, he decided he had better let that one pass.
‘It’s going to be a bloody boring six weeks,’ he summed up miserably. He could not imagine that Renata would prove to be entertaining.
Now, you might have come to the conclusion that Dennis was a somewhat spoilt and for his age, a cynical young man, and in my view you would be right. As an only child his well-off parents had indulged him, but now, rather late in the day so to speak, he had been slammed up against a situation he could not command.
His parents, selfishly in his view, were determined to have six weeks together without him, he had been landed with what could be described as a ‘Maiden aunt,’ and his friends had deserted him. He was on, what for him, was a steep learning curve, namely, the world wouldn’t always run the way he wanted it to.
That said, I must add a few things in praise of Dennis. He was one of those annoying people who seem to be good at everything they attempt. He had done well at high school, he had done well at sports, he had the makings of a fine musician and he was not deliberately unkind to people and on the whole he had been popular, that popularity had been exercised to good effect with the girls and, of course, his older lady.
For all his well doing, however, he had no idea what he wanted to do with his life. Suggestions from his parents that he might consider law, physics, teaching and even music, struck no responding note in his heart. Thus at that moment, together with his other woes, he faced a professional void.
I shall pass over the rest of the day on which Renata arrived except to say she settled in and prepared herself to play the role of the surrogate mother. Jack and Anne were waved goodbye at the airport next day, and a still resentful Dennis and a doubtful Renata returned to the house in silence.
Essentially what they had to do was to establish, or rather re-establish, some sort of relationship. Given the residual Dennis resentment this was not going to be easy.
They no sooner got into the house than Dennis announced he was going out again. Having a car of his own he drove around for a couple of hours doing little more than burn up fuel since he really had nowhere he needed to go. Returning home he went to his bedroom and for want of anything better to do, and because he hadn’t copulated for a couple of weeks, he lay on his bed and masturbated.
He didn’t feel any more cheerful after this activity, and decided that as there was nothing better to do, he could at least see if Renata had anything to offer by way of diversion.
He found her in the kitchen stirring something vigorously in a bowl. He had seen his mother do this on many occasions, but he had never received the invitation Renata now extended.
‘Here, you stir this, I’ve got some other things to prepare. And don’t slop it out of the bowl.
Somewhat amazed Dennis accepted this invitation and began stirring the unidentifiable mixture in a rather lethargic manner. This was quickly amended by Renata who said, ‘Do put some energy into it.’
Still somewhat taken aback Dennis put more energy into it.
After a few minutes of this activity Renata said, ‘That’ll do, take this lot out to the garbage bin will you.’ It was not a request but an order that was all the more commanding for being delivered in a low voice that clearly anticipated no argument.
Dennis picked up the pail of kitchen waste and took it outside.
On his return Renata said, ‘Now tell me what’s been happening in your life.’
He sat down at the kitchen table, and deciding to leave aside the more lurid aspects of his activities he went into a recital of his school and sports activities. As he did this he took another survey of Renata.
She was in another pair of shorts but this time wore a halter top that displayed more of her than the tank top of the previous day.
Her bare arms, back and midriff and the display of even more bosom had an unexpected effect on him. He felt a definite ripple in his genitals. He had to admit that she looked definitely sexy, even sexier than his older lady had looked. The ripple in his genitals took on a more unrelenting aspect and he began to get an erection.
I don’t suppose Dennis was any more susceptible to female charms than most fervent young men of his age, experiencing as they do the demands of rampant hormones. Now, with what was rapidly becoming a diminishing displeasure with his aunt, he began to wonder what Renata would look like minus halter and shorts.
He finished his recital of life events, and noticed that Renata was looking at him rather intently, her large dark eyes seeming to pierce through him.
‘Hmm, well, I must say you’ve turned out to be a rather nice looking young man, Dennis, have you got any girl friends?’
‘Ah…not at the moment.’
‘What sorts of girls do you like, blondes, brunettes, red heads?’
Dennis decided on a bit of flattery and said, ‘I rather like your hair colour.’
Renata smiled her vampire smile and said even more softly and slowly, ‘Do you now.’ Then she seemed to change the subject, ‘We’ve got six weeks, I think we should do some things together, don’t you?’
‘What sort of things?’
‘Oh, we could go to some of the beaches and there are walks in the hills, and I’ve got to start some looking round. I intend to set up in business somewhere in the city, so I want to see what’s on offer, you can drive me.’
Dennis thought the beaches and walks sounded okay, but wasn’t too sure about business hunting, nevertheless he agreed that they could indeed do some things together, after all, who else was there to do things with during what seemed the dead season in the city?
That appeared to end the discussion so Dennis wandered out into the family room. There stood one of the joys of his life, the grand piano. He sat and picked out a few chords, then began to play a Chopin polonaise. As he finished he became aware that he was being watched. He looked up to see Renata leaning against the door wiping her hands on a towel.
‘I didn’t know you could play the piano like that.’
‘Didn’t you? I’ve been playing since I was six.’
‘Yes I remember, but didn’t know you’d persisted, play something else, the meal is nearly ready, but I’ll leave the door open so I can hear.’
He began Beethoven’s Moonlight sonata but it had to be curtailed when Renata called him to come and eat.
Over the meal Dennis decided to risk a few questions of his own. He began with what he thought was a safe general question. ‘What have you been doing all these years?’
Renata, somewhat after the manner in which Dennis had replied to her question, gave a general account of her time in the country town and the business she had conducted there. When she finished Dennis asked, ‘What brings you back to the city?’
There was a pause that made Dennis glance up at Renata. Her face looked sad, and she said, ‘The bitterness is over.’
Renata’s large dark eyes turned on Dennis as she asked, ‘Have you ever been in love, Dennis…I mean, really in love?’
This question left Dennis floundering, he had of course told girls and even his older lady that he loved them, but that was part of the sex game to encourage them to copulate with him. He tried to remember if he had ever really been sincere about loving any of them, and couldn’t recall a single occasion.
‘Er…no…no, I don’t think so.?
‘When you are you’ll know it, Dennis.’
…yes I suppose I will. Have you ever been in love?’
‘Yes, very much in love.’
‘Ah.’ In the face of those words spoken so sincerely he was embarrassed and felt he didn’t want to pry any further into the matter, but Renata went on, ‘When I lost that love I was very bitter, I felt as if life or God or something had turned against me, had stripped me of the one thing I wanted above all.’
For all his embarrassment Dennis knew he should make some response, he asked, ‘Your fiancé?’
‘Yes, Ken. When he was killed life seemed to come to a stop.’
Renata had been speaking very solemnly but now she looked up and said with that brightness that often covers deep sadness, ‘So I went away and buried myself in work, and it paid off. So now the bitterness is over I feel I can come back.’
Dennis remembered reading how some women who had lost their men in wars had never been involved with other men thereafter. He wanted to ask Renata if there had been any other men. It was not a question he had made up for himself, but one the family had often asked. The fire and passion of Renata’s relationship with Ken had not been unknown to them, and it did not seem possible that this passion could have died completely, but it was a question that Dennis felt could not be asked.
Renata seemed to give herself a shake and said, ‘There, so I’m back again and we’d better do the washing up and then you can play for me.’
They began the washing up and Dennis asked, ‘You like music?’
‘Yes, very much.’
‘Perhaps we could go to a concert.’
‘That would be lovely, we’d better find out if there’s anything happening.’
That evening Dennis played for Renata. She lay stretched out on a pile of cushions listening, and he began the Moonlight sonata again, this time he played it all the way through. When he had finished Renata murmured, ‘That was lovely, play some more.’
Dennis looked at her for a moment, and now, having heard a little of the pain she had experienced, she had taken on a more intimate and human aspect in his thoughts. As she lay there, relaxed and with her eyes closed, he wondered again if that body had been without sensual gratification for all those years, and could well imagine how many men must have desired her. Had she refused them? Had the bitterness of her loss turned her away from love completely?
These were new thoughts for him. Where females were concerned he had only been interested in their bodies, and more specifically their sex organs, but in a matter of an hour or two he had come to see another aspect to the relationships with them. The steep learning curve had grown even steeper.
True he looked at Renata’s breasts moving as she breathed, and at her long legs, imagining what lay at the top of them, at that moment she looked beautiful in his eyes, but her talk of love seemed to have placed a barrier between what he would like to have done with her, and what he would do. ‘Besides,’ he reminded himself, ‘she is my aunt.’
Maintaining the moonlight theme he played Debussy’s ‘Claire de Lune,’ with its gentle yearning, and he played it better than he had ever done before.
When he had finished he looked again at Renata, who still lay with her eyes closed. He thought he had sent her to sleep until she spoke.
‘You do know about love,’ she said.
Taken by surprise Dennis was flustered and stammered, ‘D-d-do I?’
She opened her eyes and looked at him saying, ‘Yes, you may not think you do, but I predict that when you do love it will be total love, unreserved and passionate. You couldn’t play like that unless you know about love.’
‘C-c-couldn’t I?’
‘No, and you will know all the pleasure and delight of love, and the pain and anguish.’
Renata suddenly sat up and smiled and said, ‘I am waxing lyrical, aren’t I?’ Then in a business like tone she went on, ‘Now, about tomorrow, I want to make a start looking around for possible business opportunities. You can drive me.’
The abrupt change of mood confused Dennis. She had him floundering again as he tried to adjust, and he simply said, ‘Oh, okay.’
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Hi friends, mera naam Mudit hai. main agra mein rehta hun meri hight 5.10 hai rang gora hai.mukta rishte mein meri aunty lagti hain. main unke ghar per hi rehta hun. or yahin se MBA kar raha hun. unke pati yani uncle LIC agent hain or daarubaaj hain. ye meri real story hai agar aapko yakin na aye to main aapko Mukta aunty k nude photo dikha sakta hun apni email id mujhe mail kardo main photo send kar dunga. meri email ID hai lekin badle mein aapko bhi mujhe kuchh desi aunties k photo bhejne...
Hello i m kapil jain maa aab sab new romantic story likh raha hua ya kahni mara ghar ma rahai rahi ek aunty ke hai is maine aunty ko bhoot achit tarh pyaar kiya hai aunty ka naam kala hai jo 30year ke hai or thodi see moti gand or nipple bhoot mast hai. Mana jab suna ke uncle ka accident ho gaya to mana aunty ko bathya to aunty behosh ho gayi mana jaldi sa rasoi sa ak glass ma pani laker aya mana aunty ko apni baho ma lathya or aunty k panu pilya or aunty ko laker hospital la gaya jha pa uncle...
Hello my dear indian sex stories dot net friends mera naam arnav hai me jaipur se hu meri age 24 year hai or meri mail id Ap sabhi ko boor na krte hue story par aata hu Meri asli story hai.Mai jaipur me ek housing society me manager bolke job karta hu … bar kuch 5 mahine pehli hai, mai me 24year ka hu ye story 3 month pahle ki h maine kabhi sex nahi kiya tha sirf iss ki story or bf dekhta tha muze auntyo me jyada inetrest h hamare baju me ek family rahti h unke ghar me 5 log rahte h aunty...
Hi Dostoon, this is Khan again for you guys returning with a beautiful n sexy incest sex story thanks for all your responses from my pervious story (Old Age 49 Years Aunty Ke Saath Sex) okie coming to my stories this is not a fantasy or a imagination story, this is something that i have really experienced and enjoyed but I am putting some extra and masala in this kahaani, hope you guys will like it and will be waiting for your replies. The story begains: Yeh kahaani hai mere Bangalore trip ki...
IncestHi dosto sandy again . Apni story complete karne ke liye . Aap logo ne kuje bohat sare mail kiye hai unsab ka me sukargujar hu aur me un logo se mafi bhi magta hu jinka me reply nahi de paya hu. Muje mumbai ke bohat sari aunty ke mail aye hai. Aur sply divorcy aunty ke bhi me unka bohat bohat sukar gujar kwrtahu jo unhone mujse itha viswas dokaya hai aur mujse dosti ki hai aur hum ek grop banakar bate karte hai . To chalo dosto ab apni story ko pura karte hai. Aap logo ne padha hoga ki kis...
There was a knock on the door, I got up to answer it. "Aunty Sue!” I exclaimed. My mum's friend, Sue - not my real aunty - had come to stay and have a girly night out with mum. She gave me a hug and kissed me before going to see mum. It was their annual birthday meeting, so they planned to paint the town red. They opened a bottle of wine and went to get dressed. I watched in awe as they pranced around the landing in their underwear talking about what to put on and how to do their make-up. They...
Hiiee..! Its Madan here.. Ya the same Madan who had written 7 episodes of Dream came true with Mami. I always read your feedbacks and see 5 star rating to my previous writing which is motivating me to write another saga. Yes I am presenting another story now Dream came true with Ashwini aunty..! In the beginning I declare that as I told it will be a saga and for that I need time gap between episodes. Kindly be patient and enjoy the stories. I describe small points also to give you Yes. To the...
Hello indian sex stories dot net dosto mai apka Sam apni story le k fir se aya hu. Meri pehli story “aunty ki chudai dekhi” thi. Ye ab uske age ki story bata raha hu. Jese k usme maine bataya tha k mere dost ki mummy ko apne bf se sex karte pakad liya tha aur fir aunty se sex karne ki kosish ki. Par mera lun chota hone ki wajah se aunty ko satisfied nahi kar saka. Ab us din k baad mai aunty ko gasti ki nazar se dekhne laga tha. Jab mai unke ghar jata to bus aunty ko he dekhta rehta. Jab v moka...
Nenu 20 age lo unnapudu jarigina real experience idi. This is happened between myself and my Aunty anitha who is 32 at the time. anitha anunty naku actual ga ma nanna ki cousin avuthindi. Vallu kuda memu vunna Street lo ne vuntaru. Ma family to vallu chalo close ga vunde vallu. Aunty ki pillalu evaru leru. Appatilki marrige ai 5 yrs avuthunnadi. bhrathi aunty chala sexy ga vundedi. Ht 5’ 4’’ And color white very attractive ga vuntundi, sallu chala peddavi. Biguthuga , stiff ga gundram ga...
Main nilesh, 22 years ka hoon with average body. Main abhi apana pg kar raha hoon aur ek mnc me executive ka kaam karata hoon. Main iss ka fan hoon(aunty story). Aur iss members ka bhi jinhone apni real story hum jaisoke saath share ki. Unhise prerana lekar main apni story pesh kar raha hoon. Waise to main ye story english me he likhana chahata tha. Par jaise ke muze desi story pasand hai issi liye main desi language mein hi likh raha hoon. Mere pados mein ek family hai. Jisme husband – ramesh...
Aap sab logon ne meri pichli kahani zaroor padhi hogi, ki kaise aunty Warda ke sath pehli baar sex kiya, aur kaise apni purani nukrani Naseem ka doodh taste karne ke bahane se uske sath sex kiya. Naseem ke sath us raat sex kar raha tha, to aunty Warda ka SMS ka reply nahi kar paya tha. Jab maine apna phone dekha, to aunty Warda ke 6 messages the. Maine wo messages padhe, aur dekha ke aunty baar-baar mera poochti jaa rahi thi, ki kahi so to nahi gaya. Unke SMS ka reply diya maine, lekin unka...
Hi I am jimmy from delhi. Mare ghr main me mom and dad rhta h. Ghr pe sb log mujha jim bulata h. Ya story tb ki h jb mai 18 saal ka tha. Hmare pdos main ek family shift hui thi. Family main ek admi , indian aunty or unka chota baby h. Shift hona k 1-2 din baad ptaa chla ki aunty ki saadi ko 1/5 saal he hua tha. Unka baby 5 months ka tha tb. Uncle ko job k karn city se bhaar jaana pdta tha to ghr pr bs aunty or unka baby rhta tha. Thoda he dino main hmari aunty se bhot achi jaan phchan ho gyi....
Hello dosto mera naam happy hai aur mai chennai me rahta hu. Basically mai rajasthan se hu but born and brought up in chennai . Maine bahut si sex stories padha hai par kabhi sex experience nahi kiya. Ab maine experience kiya hai to mere mann ki baat aapko batane k liyea ya meri first story likh raha hu agar koi galti ho to nadan samajh kar maaf kardena. Feedback me zarur batana ki aapko meri sexstory kaisi lagi mera mail id hai Abmai aapko jyada bore na karte hue sidhe story par aata hu. Baat...
ISS padhne wale sabhi Lund aur Choot walon ko mera salaam. Mera naam Ankit Sharma hai aur apna first time mera real experience aapke samne pesh kar raha hu. Ye story padhne ke baad aap sab apna pani chhodne par majboor ho jayenge. To Story suru karne se pahle mai aap sab ko apne bare me bata du. Meri age 20 saal hai aur mai engineering ka student hu, aur Indore me rahta hu. meri E-mail id hai: Ab mai jo story batane ja raha hu wo meri life ka pahla aur akela sex experience hai Jo mere aur meri...
Hi mera naam Keshav hai, 6 ft tall handsome ladka hu abhi graduation final year mai hu from Hyderabad , lamba aur exercise yoga ke wajah se mai aur mera lund healthy aur fit hai 6 ft ka mai 7inches ka woh ! Kahaani mai kahi koi spelling mistake ho toh maaf karna English-Hindi phone mai dictionary on karke type karo toh galti ho hi jaati hai , par aapko yeh kahaani zaroor pasand aayegi ! Yeh chudai story mai ! aapko mai bataunga kaise mere uncle ne mujhe unki wife jo meri aunty thi unko seduce...
Hello, friends, this is Shravan from the coastal part of Karnataka and presently working in Bengaluru. Thanks for all the lovely feedbacks to my previous stories. I am back with another story after a long time. I had been held up with work and wasn’t getting any free time. About me, I am 30 years old, an unmarried guy working in the real estate business. The following story is a fictitious story and isn’t real. I hope you like this story as it took a long time to write. Please feel free to...
Hi, Madan here. I am sorry for the late post of my sex story. I was lost in my professional life so couldn’t write. I apologies for making you wait. I believe that your anger will vanish as soon as you begin reading. Well I am very happy and pleased to see your feedback. Every feedback was a reward for me. If I am writing something good, that’s all because of you readers. Your suggestions, advice and appreciation motivate me and force me to write though I have busy schedule. So all credit goes...
Reeta mai g or kon lesbian encounter ka sath magar kuch different. Is baar maree mulaqat aik mature aunty sa hue jis na mujha acha expierence to deya he magar sath main bohat kuch seekhna ko be mila, as i was already inter in this fucking shit but never to forget i m just young inexperience at that time, now i m mature, confident. Mai 16 saal ki thee or mara figure jo maina pehlee story main bataa tha bohat heavy tha, 28-22-30 ka 16 saal ki umar main, jo boys mara sath school main tha vo to...
A Quick Recap: Sushant happens to stay with her aunty and uncle where he learns about her aunty’s darker side, in which she cuckolds him with another man and also whips him on daily basis. ************* It’s been a week now since I’m living at my aunty’s, and I have been peeping inside of their room through the window daily to watch the harem that has been performed by my aunty on uncle daily. It is the Sunday morning, I woke up following my alarm at 6:00 am and rushed to their room. I...
Incesthi friends merna naam sandeep hai aap sab logo ko lodhi ke mubreak ho meari yaha kahni hamara samna flat me aye ak aunty ke aunty dekhna ma itni sexy tu nahi hai per body kamal ke hai round shape nipple , moti ass height 5.10″ hogi aunty ak 10 year ka ladka hai aunty ko dekh ker muja chodna ka bada dil kerna laga Per aunty ko chodo kasa mana socha pahla aunty ke ladka sa dosti kertha hoi bad ma aunty se uncle defense ma kam kertha hai ma aunty ka ladka sa dosti ker lee roj shyam ko jab ma...
agar koi. To aab main apni story suro karne ja reha hoon, ye kahani ajj se 2 month pehale ki hai, jab school mein garami kiyan chutiyan chal rahi thi. Ek din mera ek dost mere pass aeya or muje kehane laga ke koi makan muje rent pe lean hai agar koi tumari nazar main hai to bata, to mere man main ek dum kheyal ayea ke hamare pass wali padosi ke upar wala porsan kahli hai to maine ose kaha ke main onse baat karke btatan hoon. Main agale hi din main padosi ke ghar geya or main bell bajai to...
This a real story how a lady in the neighborhood was fucked by me. My name is rahul and I am a lover of women and girls. I like married women, bhabhis, aunties and girls with big boobs and good looks.Please reply feedback on Every contact with me will be kept secret . Delhi gals/ bhabhi’s invited … Yeh kahani tab ki hai jab main 12th class mein padta tha. Aur sex ke prati bahut jhukaw tha. Jyadatar mujhe bhabhi aur aunty pasand aate the aur aaj bhi hain. Mere ghar ke bagal mein ek neha naam ki...
Hello friends mera name aditya he me is site pe bohat si story read ki he so mere sath bhi apni real story aap ko share kar raha hu dosto meri first story he so me gujarat me valsad city se hu so ek baat kehna chahunga ki muje aunty me bohat intrest he so mumbai to ahmedabad include daman & silvassa ke bich lady muj se friendship ke liye mail kar sakti he () So me apni story ke taraf aata hu ye story 2 months pehle ki he me ek private bank vapi me job karta hu so to hamra number customer ke...
Ya kahani us waqt ki ha jb aunty ki nai nai shadi howi to aunty shadi k pahly sal he pahly pregnet ho gai the or un k jism pe thora thora gosht bherna shoro ho gia tha bus us period k bad humary aunty sexy se sexy hoti gai. Waqt k sath sath jaisy jaisy un k jism pe gosht ata gia wo din pa din or se or sexy hoti gai or tb mujy or mere dost iffi ko batabi ce hone lagi. Ku k gosht k sath sath humary aunty thal thal yani hill hill k chalny lagi the or jab wo chalti the to unki 42 ki hip hilti rahti...
IncestHeyy guys I am back with a new story of mine which happened a few months ago when I was studying in delhi I really loved the feedback and your comments on my last story, but sorry I couldn’t respond to some emails and please dont ask me for my nude pics.If you are really intrested in secret relation then I am into it, I am not intrested in time pass chats or sex chats So coming to the story I am going to narrate this in telugu, so here we go Nenu delhi karol bagh daggara oka independent house...
Dostoo ye aik real incident hia jo mere sath hoa. Mera name Madan Rane hai. I am from Solapur. Ye story meri aik aunty ki hia,,, un ka name Sarita aunty hai. I always like the aunty very much. Wo bohot baray baray mamoon ki malik hian and un ki gand ki to kia hi baat hai,,, un ki age 36 hai and un ki figure 36″27″36″ hia, un ki gand her time idhar udhar hilti hi rehti hia and main us ko dekh kar bus dewana sa ho jata hon,, but uncle ki figure itni achi nahi hai as compare to aunty,,, aunty ki...
Hi girls and boys I am back with my story. Mai delhi main rahta hu. Aap ne mari last story read kari he to aap mere or mari aunty ka baara main jaante hoge. Fir bhi mai aapko apni aunty ka baare me btaa deta hu. Meri aunty bhot sexy he. Unka skin color white he. Unka figer 31-29-32 he. Wo mere ghr ke saamne rahti he. Unka husband out of town rahta he. Mai aunty ke saath last 7 years se sex kar raha hu. But aunty abhi 1 months se pregnant he. Wo baby mere he but sab log usko uncle ka socta he....
Hello Dosto main vishal fir se ek satay ghatna lekar aaya hu.Ye kahani mere ghar se thode dur ek marwari aunty ki hain age 44 naam madhu size motti se bhi jayada motti koi bhi dekh le tho 24 hr usko he chode.Meri purani story se bauth sare mail aaye male or female ki asha karta hu ke aap log mujhe aise he mail karte rahe nge mail me bor nh karunga story par aata hu….. Baat hain 10.03.2016 ki mere ghar se thode dur par ek marwari aunty rehti hain naam madhu size mast 40 ka dud chut mein baal...
By: Khanlovesaunty Hi mera naam Khan Hai (name changed) I am from B’lore aur mein ek MNC company mein kamm kartha hun my age is 27 and height 5.7 and 8 inches dick mein recently B’lore ayaa hun aur mujhe indiansexstories itna pasand hai mein aaj appko meri ek real story submit karna chatha hun plz read it and let me know ur feedbacks at The story begains 1 year back I was in Hyd and working in a MNC company and mere parent were use to saty in Mumbai mein hyd mein naya tha aur mujhe ghar ki...
Hello friends I am back…..I hope aapko “savita aunty “ k saath meri chudai ki kahani pasand aayi hogi..Anyways aaj main aapko mere 1st time sex experience ki kahani batane jaa raha hu.iss kahini ki shuruaat kuch iss tarah hain. main naya naya naujawaan hua tha.meri umar kuch 18-19 s hogi,main 10th std main padhta tha.maths main thoda weak hone k wajah se mujhe tution lagai gayi thi.hamare yaha par ek rule tha,k school teacher k pass tution lagane se acche marks milte hain,ek level tak ye baat...
Hello dosto mera naam vinay hai meri jim body hai meri dekhney mai bada smart aur chiknaa hoon age 22 mere land ka size 7 inch lamba aur 3 inch choda Ab meri sachi story sunata hoon Main Delhi ke karol baag ka rahney wala hoon hamara flat 3rd floor par hai mere saamney waley bilding mai ek uncle aur aunty rahatay hai unka ek beta hai jo karib mere se 7 saal bada hai uncle ka naam premkumar aur unkey ladkay ka naam pankaj hai main Usay bhaiya kahakar bulaata hoon hamari ghar ki balcony aur unki...
Hi friends nanu e story annu kannadadalli bariyutiddene, nanna hesaru sandeep nanu irodu bengaluri nalli. Nanna vayasu 28 nodalu kattu mastagi chennagidene. Nanage 10 ne classi nindalu sex yendare thumba ishta, nanu yavagalu sex book oduvudu mathu sex films noduvudu nanna havyasa vagittu. A dinagalalli nanna mama na maduve ayitu nanna aunty nodalu thumba chennagi mathu thumba dappa iddaru, nanthara avarige 1 magu ayitu nanu mathu avaru thumba casual agirtidvi. Ondu dina magu thumba joragi...
Hi dosto me sandy fir se aap ke samne meri story pesh kar raha hu aap logo ka jyada time wast nahi karunga .. Meri pichle part me aap ne pada hoga ki kaise mene apne ghar an wali sabji wali ko seduce kiya ab sirf muje use chodna tha .. Ek imp note hai sare pathko ke liye .. Meri ye story ek real hai to me o sabji wali ka no ya naam nahi bata sakta hu muje bohat sare mail aye hai ki uska no naam kaha rehti hai mag rahe hai .. Me sare pathko ko vinanti karta hu ki kripa karke aap aaise kisi ki...
Hi dosto sandy fir se aap ke samne aya hu is story ka agla part pesh kar raha hu.. Agar kisine is ke pahale part nahi pade hoge to pls pahle pade fir is part ko pade.. Agar koi divory lady frm mumbai want a true friendship so pls mail me at , There some divorcy who is with me as atrue friend .. So please any one want mail me … Now back to the story… Aunty ne muje puch ki kis tarah se muje chodoge.. To mene fat se unhe jawab diya.. ” Aunty me aap ko aaise chodna chata hu jaise aap ne apni life...
Mujhe kahani padhne ka bahot shauk hai. Aur sex karne ka bhi. Maipahle mere bare me batata hu mera age 25 hai. Aur mai aapko jiske bare me batane jar aha hu uska age 49 hai. Mai aapkojadaJadabore nahikarna chahta hu. Mai sidha topic par aata hu. Baat abhi se 4 saal pahle hi hai jab mai college me tha. Mera 3 year chalu tha engineering ka. Meri 1 girl friend thi jiska naam nilam tha (change name) hum jada tar sathmehi rahte the. Mai usko bahot baar chodchukka hu. Maidiwalikichhuttime uske ghar...
Hello ISSR hai I am sandeep aap lo kasa hai I think aap sabhi theak honga pahla mana apni maa ko chodna ke kahni likhi thi aab may aap ko mummy ke friend ke story likh raha hoi. Mummy ke friend ko choda hai aunty ke age 40 year hai.. Story :- Jab mana mummy ko choda tu us din mummy ke friend soniya aunty ka bhi phone aya or mummy na raat ko dinner ka liya invite kiya. Or raat ko aunty ghar ma dinner ka liya aye hum logo dinner kerna laga tu aunty na apna hath mara lund ka upper rakha or dheera...
Hi mera naam kamal h.Mai raipur ka rhne wala hu.Mai 25 saal ka hu.Hight 5″9 h.Mere colony me ek aunty rhti h jinka naam amrita h.Aunty ki age 38 saal h. Aunty ka rang sawla h or thodi moti h or unka figure 36-26-36 pr mujhe wo bahut achi lgti h.Or mera dil aunty ko chodne ka krta tha.Aunty south filmo ki lady jesi lgti thi.Unke do bacche h.(ldka 12 or ldki 14)jb wo mere ghr aati thi mai aunty se baate krta tha.Aunty hr roz sham ko mummy se bate krne aati h.Ek dhed ghanta ghr pr baithti thi or...
Hai nenu raj.Naa first part ki compliments echinanduku thanks.Eppudu Aunty uru vellina taruvvata emaindo , akkada nundi cheptaanu. Aunty uru vellina taruvvata, next roju night nenu call chesaanu. Me: aunty phone sex annanu. Aunty:eppudaa. Vaddu ra. Me: emaindi opika leda. Aunty: ala kaadu nenu mood lo ne unnanu.That too okka daanine unnanu.Kaani mummy daddy appudaina raavachu. Malli sagam lo aagipothe eddariki problem. Me: em kaadu.Start chestaanu. Aunty: hm. Ala chaala sepu sex jokes vesukoni....
Mera naam Abhi ha. Age 24 years, hieght 5′. 6″ and dick size 7″ ha. Patna Bihar ka rehne wala hoo. . Ma ne socha ab aap k sath apna bi aik real experience share kar loo. Jo k mere meri aunty yani k friend ki mom k sath howa. Is story ma ma apne dost aur oos ki family ka name change kar raha hoo coz ma nai chahta k meri wajah se kisi ki koi problem ya badnami ho. Aur sex ka maza secerat ma hi hota ha. Mere dost ka name Raju ha. Who mujh se age ma 3 years chota ha but hammari dosti kafi achi ha....
Narrated by Rahul Kavita aunty ke sath bathroom mein aaj sabse mast nahana hua. Par woh mere harkato ke karan poori geeli ho chuki thi. Maine to mann mein ye bhi soch liya ki unhe kapde badalte bhi dekhunga par aisa kuch nahi hua. Woh mujhe ulta room se bahar nikal kar door band kar di. Chalo koi baat nahi, samay to sirf 10:40 hi hue the. Kavita aunty ne bataya tha ki maa 1 baje tak hi ayegi aur uspar Bharti bhi nahi aane wali thi dopahar se pahle. To samay to tha hi mere paas par is khel ko...
Hi! Its Madan here. Thank you so much for your care and appreciation. Your every feedback means a lot for me. Well back to the sex story. I left the village as my semester exams were postponed. I was panic as I spent more time for the fantasy about ashwini aunty and not prepared at all for the exam. But as I said previously, exam was not much difficult thing for me as I always used to stand in top ranks. Enough about my self-praise. 6 exams took 17 days to finish and exams went well. Ya I and...
Hello dost aaj mai apko eak meri age 24 ki hai new romantic likh raha hoi ya kahni Mar Dost Ajay Ke Maa ke hai Ajay ka gahr ma Ajay ke Maa or saas or Sasu ratha hai ajay Delhi ma padtha hai mara or ajay ma gahri dosti hai ajay ka father ak business man hai ajay ke bhoot sunder 35 saal ke young lady hai nipple teak hai gadnd mooti hai. Story ma aksar ajay ka ghar jaya kartha tha aksar aunty ke kam ma help kardata ak din ma ajay ka computer sa ajay sa baat kararha that u ajay ke ghar k baar ma...
Hi all, Hope you will like and enjoy this chudai story.. Aunty ki age 34, divorcy, size : 36 D 30 34 Rahul ( me) ,age 25 Part 1 So ye baat uss time ki hai jab mai apni graduation ke liye delhi gaya hua tha..Wahan meri ek aunty rahti hai..So jab unko pata chala ki mai delhi aaraha hun to unhone kahan ki mai unke sath raho..Wo akeli rahti hai ..Jaisi hi mughe pata chala mai itna kush hua kyunki mai humesha se hi unhe pasand karta tha..And ab 3 saal unke sath rahne ka mauka milega.. Unke sath...
Didi ki saadi 19 april ko thi. Mummy daddy shadi hone ke das din bad gaon chale gaye. Didi bhi 25 ko america chali gayee. Mera classes chalu tha is liye mujhe mumbai me rukana pada. Mera khana pados wali aunty ke taraf se ata tha. Aunty khana banane ke bad mera khana laker mere kitchen me dak kar rakh deti thi. Kyoki ek chabhi (key) aunty ke pass rakha tha humane. Sunday ka din tha maine ek blue film dekhane ka man banaya aur VCD on kar ke baith gaya aur blue film ka maza lene laga. Mujhe pata...
Narrated by Rahul Hi dosto, main Rahul. Pichle baar to aplogo ne padha ki kaise Kavita aunty cream lagane ke chakkar mein meri halat kharab kar gayi. Yakeen nahi ho raha tha Kavita aunty mere lund aur ando ko sahla rahi thi cream lagane ke bahane. Yaar kya bataun, jism mein aisi aag lagi hui thi. Abhi aunty ke saath sex kar jaun par aage kaise badhu sochta raha. Kya pata shayad woh bas mamta ke bhaaw se sab ki aur main koi jaldbaazi nahi karna chahta tha. Par pahal to karni hi thi warna baat...
Hi friends mai hu rashid ya mare real sex storie hai jo may aap ko lik kay bata raha hu. I am 28 year guy.aap sabhi ko mara salam.or sabhi mumbai ki aunty or bhbhiyo ko mara payar.. Aap mujhe email kar sakti hai : . Chalo aab may aap ko mare or mumbai ki aunty kay sath sex ki kahani sunath hu .main mumbai me ek mnc company me kaam karta hoon aur marine lines ke pass ek apartment me 4th floor me rehta hoon, aaj say karib 3 mahina pahle ke bhat hai tab rim zim baris ka mahina chal raha tha ,mare...
Hello Dosto main firse vishal ek satay ghatna par adharit kahani lekar aaya hu mujhe mere pehele post se bauth mail aaye thankyu par kolkata ki auntiyo mail karo I m waiting.My mail add Chalo story par aata hu Ye story mere pados mein rehene wali aunty sima ki hain age 45 to 46.Boobs 38 gaand 40 se 42 hoga chut mein baal nhn sundar ban ka jungle ke koi bhi jayega tho gum ho jayega rang gora marwari Tho dosto hua yu ki main aksar subha apne roof par tehelta tha sima aunty ka ghar hamare ghar...
Hi Doston ye mera pehla experience hai jo main aap k liye likh rahah hun taki aap sab ise padh k garam ho sake aur anand le sake. Aapko kitna maaza aaya mujhe jarror likhe : Mera Naam Mohit hai. mein 24 saal ka hun. Mera lund 6 inch ka aur 3 inch mota hai. Mujhse sex mein hamesha se hi dilchaspi thi. Lekin mujhe ise bhogne ka sukh tab mila jab mein 19 saal ka tha. Pehle aapko milwata hun aapni aunty se jinhone mujhe ye sau bhagaya diya aur sex karna sikhaya. Mere ghar k bagal mein Sheeto aunty...
Mere pyare dosto mera name Pritesh hai or meri age 22 hai or higth 5 feet 3 inches hai me Gujarat ke ek chote se gav ka rahene wala hu ajj me apko. Meri paheli kahani suna raha hu aj se pahele mene koi kahani nahi likhi hai aj me apko mera first ex bata raha hu mere gav bahut hi chhota hai mere gav me berojgar log jyada hai khas kar meri age ke ladke. Me bhi berojgar tha muje bade saher me jane ka bahot hi sokh tha ek di Muje sahar jana hua meri bua ke ghar me bus me beth ke saher chala gaya...
Aunty Jis Ki Moti Gand Ye ghatana 6 mahine pehle ki hai .meri eek padosan aunty hai jo mere ghar ke paas rehti hai uska naam pushpa hai kaya batahu kaya cheez hai gora gora badan,mote mume aur sab se pyari hai uski gaand goal matoal bari bari,mae hamesha se uski gaand ka fan raha hu mere ghar uska aana jana hai ,jab bhi aati hai to mae bas nazar chootaro par hi rakta hu saale mote mote chootarhilte hue jaan le jate hai. Uske do bete hai jo mere se bade hai,Pushpa aapne pati Ashok ke saath jo...