Homelands Pt 2 Ch 03 free porn video

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All of that flashed through my mind, inperfect detail, in a matter of moments. At least, I knew it had to be mere moments. It felt like it had been hours, or days. But Mom was still sitting in my lap, Brie still standing behind her playing with her hair softly.

For a moment, I thought Mom was riding me, Brianna yanking her hair and fucking her ass hard, the way my father had been doing. Except, that was years in the past. It only felt like it had happened just a few moments ago.

"So?" Mom said, looking into my eyes as if trying to peer through to my soul.

I smiled and kissed her. Affectionately. "Not sure what you were worried about. I'm glad you restored that memory though. That was...well worth remembering."

She smiled and kissed me back.

Brie smiled and clapped her hands. "Oh, goodie. Everyone's happy!"

Mom slid out of my lap, staring at her niece coldly.

I cleared my throat, and tried to do the same for my thoughts.

While I couldn't imagine saying anything other than exactly what I'd said to Mom, some of those memories did indeed sting a bit. I'd always been jealous of Dom, thought Mom favored him. Now I knew that I'd been even more right than I ever thought. And though I'd suspected Mom actually liked being treated a bit roughly based on the last interaction I'd had with her and Brianna, I now knew that for sure. I no longer could maintain the illusion that the one time I'd seen her seem to embrace being treated that way, she'd been doing so for the benefit of the queen. Not that I'd ever really believed it, but it had been a nice lie.

How could I be sure that when she said she didn't "need" that to get off, it really meant that I shouldn't feel like I was incapable of satisfying her as fully as she wanted because I was unwilling to treat her the way my father and cousin did?

But she'd also said she didn't want that from me. And which one of us had she sent away for a few hours so she could be alone with the other?

I might never forget the things Dad had done her, or the way she seemed to enjoy them, but maybe none of that really mattered.

"Relax, Aunt Ellen. I'm just teasing. Besides, I'm going to leave the two of you alone to get reacquainted for a couple hours before I send Frank back. Is your queen not gracious?"

We both assured her that she was.

It took some effort, but I buried my reactions to the less pleasant parts of the memory. Not so successfully that Mom didn't ask me several times if everything was okay, but after a few minutes, we both forgot about it. The two of us had some very enjoyable sex before Brianna told me it was time to go back.

After asking Mom to leave the two of us alone, Brianna smiled at me, patted my arm, gave me a peck on the cheek, and wished me luck.

I'd expected more of a sendoff, but since she'd actually left me alone with Mom, unlike the last time I'd tried to say goodbye to my mother, I really couldn't have been any happier.

So without further ado, I returned to the First Autumnal Court.


My heart skipped when I opened my door that evening. Lily's otherworldly skin, her extreme hourglass figure, and the mix of desire and nervousness radiating off of her, all reminded me of my mother. If I couldn't be with her, if I had to do my best to find information for Brianna so that she might someday let me come home, I could do a lot worse than using sex as a tool for extracting information from a woman like this.

She slid into my arms and whispered, "I'm so sorry."


"I wish I didn't have to do this. But I still haven't earned my asylum either, and I've been running for so long. Please forgive me." Then she kissed me.

I felt the air stir behind me. I started to push Lily away. But there was no time for that.

Before I knew what was happening, I was yanked away from my quarters.


As with her brother, there was no telling what Deirdre really looked like. She took on the appearances of several dozen women all at once.

Her hair could have been brown, black, red or blonde, and I wouldn't have known, since at least one or two of her visages had each of those hair colors. And some had more exotic hair colors as well, from pink to purple to blue and green. Similarly, some of her images were tall, others short. Some were petite, some athletic, some soft and voluptuous. Some dark-skinned, some fair. Every one of her many forms was beautiful in its own way, or would seem so to those with the right tastes.

My hypothesis about Silas was evidently mistaken. If this was how I saw Deirdre, I could only assume women saw all of Silas' visages at once as well. As soon as the thought came to me, though, another part of me insisted that the question of how Silas' powers worked was just about the least important question before me at that moment.

Deirdre's private quarters looked like like they'd been inspired by someone with eclectic but distinctly historical sensibilities. Chaise lounges and ottomans, covered in more pillows than you could shake a stick at, were interspersed throughout the room. Each had been upholstered with a rich brocade, and as many as not had gold tassels hanging from them. The walls and ceiling were stone, the floor tiled with veiny marble. Pristine alabaster columns reached up towards the cavernous ceiling, though a few were short and had statues or antiques set atop them. Rich tapestries hung from two of the walls. Some were portraits, others commemorated battles, while still others depicted pastoral settings. Oil paintings of similar subjects bedecked the other walls. A particularly largely portrait of her brother hung above the great stone hearth. Or, I assumed it was her brother, since the man bore a face I was pretty sure I remembered being one of the many I saw when I looked at Silas.

Of course, it was equally possible that this man was no one in particular, and Silas had included this face amongst the others because it appealed to his sister. I couldn't have said.

Yet at the same time that the huge chamber tried to evoke a sense of belonging to the past, if not any one era in particular, there were other ways in which her quarters could have belonged to a modern millionaire playboy. She had an Olympic sized in-ground pool in one corner and a home theater in another. The theater had a high definition projection screen, four rows of stadium seats, and a sound system that would make any audiophile jealous. A glass rolling bar stood near the pool. It was stocked with all manner of spirits, both conventional and exotic, and two professional grade blenders.

But as unexpected as the stark contrast between antiquated and contemporary amenities was, a much bigger surprise awaited me in her quarters.

Not a moment after the two of us arrived, so too did Lily.

Judging by her wide eyes and slack jaw, the moonlit woman hadn't expected to end up here anymore than I'd expected her to.

"Wait, I thought...," she started to say.

Deirdre walked over to her, took her by the hand, and led her to the nearest ottoman. She sat Lily down and stood above her with one hand on a blue shoulder. With a voice like honey, Deirdre said, "My brother did not appreciate your decision to use me as bait."

"But I didn't!" Lily said. She made as if to stand up, but Deirdre's hand pressed her back down. Or, rather, she gave up when the other woman refused to take her hand away. It didn't really look like Deirdre had applied much pressure.

"What's going on?" I asked, approaching the two of them.

Lily looked down, avoiding my gaze. Deirdre whipped her head around and I expected her to command me to be silent. While a few of her faces wore stern expressions, though, most looked at me softly. Maybe even with pity.

"Your friend here was instructed to determine whether you were spying on our court for your queen, as my brother suspected," Deirdre said, eyes back on Lily. Then, looking over her shoulder at me, she continued, "So she fed you information that a spy would be all but certain to rush back to report. Which, predictably enough, you did."

Of course. She'd chased off that other woman, and let slip a very dangerous secret.

Moreover, I'd had the feeling that I'd walked into a trap since I got to the party.

What had made me think that with all those unbelievably sexy men around to choose from, Lily had decided there was something really special about me?

Wishful thinking, that was what. Damned romantic fool.

"At first, my brother was elated by her success, and was prepared to grant her asylum," Deirdre said to me. Then, to Lily, "Indeed, promised her that he would." Back to me. "But the more he thought about it, the more he felt he could not reward Lily for her actions, not since she'd revealed my existence in the process. She couldn't be rewarded, he'd decided, but neither could he bring himself to Devour her, not since she'd helped to reveal your duplicity. So he commanded me to hold her in captivity."

Lily hung her head and covered her face with her hands.

Deirdre stroked Lily's indigo hair. Was that gesture mocking, or was it truly meant to be soothing? I couldn't tell.

Turning back to me again, Deirdre said, "I asked my brother if I could do the same for you, though I knew he'd prefer to have ended your life. I reminded him that it might be useful to have a bargaining chip for extracting concessions from your queen. In truth, I just thought it would be fun to have two prisoners rather than one. Silas doesn't visit me as often as he used to, and will probably do so even less once he becomes Patriarch. But that doesn't make what I said to him any less valid, and he eventually saw the wisdom of it. So here you are."

Lily's shoulders rose and fell, and though I couldn't see her eyes with those pale blue hands in the way, it sounded like she might be crying.

I should have been furious with her. I knew that. But for whatever reason, perhaps more of that stubborn and dangerous romanticism, I went over, sat beside her, put my hand on her thigh, and told her it would be okay.

Deirdre laughed at that. "You did catch the part where she betrayed you, right?"

I studied her many faces. "She felt she had no choice. I'd have done the same."

And that was true enough.

But the question I wasn't comfortable even asking myself was whether I'd have been able to see that if she wasn't so beautiful. If the stark contrast between her pale blue skin and dark indigo hair, coupled with her impossible proportions, didn't remind me of my mother, however much the colors were wrong with respect to the former and her curves a bit too modest with respect to the latter. The resemblance wasn't even that strong. But it was there. And it was enough to make me take leave of my senses, apparently.

Lily looked up at me, her lips fighting to display a faint grin. Tears eked out the corners of her eyes. "You're either a complete fool or...I don't know what. But thank you." She took my hand in hers, gripped it tightly. "I'm so sorry."

"Don't be. From the day I challenged my cousin's rule, it was only a matter of time before one great power or another moved to dispose of me. Something tells me this is the best outcome I ever really could have hoped for."

Deirdre moved in front of me, running her hands over my chest and shoulders. "Probably so. Still, not many men in your position would have the grace to accept that. I think Lily here is right. You're either shockingly stupid or a very unusual individual."

I shrugged.

"But don't worry. I'll be good to you," Deirdre said. "Both," she added. "You'll not be permitted to leave my quarters of course, but then, neither am I, really. I may have to put on a show of being punitive when my brother comes by, which will be rare enough, but the rest of the time, it will be like we're all three of us prisoners."

I almost scoffed at that. But then, while it might be a rather lovely prison cell, if she wasn't allowed to leave, then a prison cell it was.

With a tortured smile, Lily said to me, "This probably only makes me an even more terrible person, but I'm kind of glad that we're here together."

Deirdre and I both laughed.

But I actually knew what Lily meant.


Close to three years had passed, by the reckoning of the Homelands. That meant that somewhere between twenty-five and thirty years had passed in the mortal world. And though none of us had been to the mortal world in that time, I noticed that both Lily and I bore signs of aging. The same was not true for Deirdre, but I guess that didn't surprise me. For that matter, it was more true for me than Lily.

Whether that was because I was the least powerful and Deirdre the most, or because I had spent the most time in the mortal world and Deirdre the least, I couldn't have said. Maybe one or both of those things factored in, but it also occurred to me that men of our kind tended to show their age more than women. After all, though Dad and Mom were more or less of an age, it showed a lot more with him than her.

And, in a way, that only made sense. Women often found older men attractive, so long as they were still fit, and as long as they didn't go bald. Women didn't even seem to mind if men went gray, especially if it was only a little. Yet who had ever said that gray hair or wrinkles on a woman made her look distinguished?

I wasn't sure if was that simple. For that explanation to hold, it would have to be true that our appearances were only allowed to change if they made us more attractive, or at least failed to make us much less so. Which could well have been the case. But I didn't know it to be, not for a certainty.

Of course, Iva would know. And she'd think it somewhere between charming and cute that I didn't. The way she always did when I betrayed my ignorance.

That thought made me sad. It was my mother I missed most, but after all this time, I'd begun to miss just about everyone. I even found myself missing Dom some of the time.

No doubt, a great many changes had taken place beyond the walls of Deirdre's quarters. I wondered whether Brianna's reign had claimed the lives of other members of our family, as it had those of Aunt Liz and Uncle Jim. I wondered too whether my siblings had married or had children. Or whether my cousins had, for that matter. I wondered if Grandma was still content to sit in her little cottage in the forest, taking no part in court politics.

The only news that reached us was that Silas was now Patriarch. We'd all seen that coming, of course. Equally predictably, he visited Deirdre less and less now than he had when Lily and I had first been taken prisoner.

That saddened Deirdre, but Lily and I were more than grateful for it. As Deirdre had told us she would on that first day, she slipped into the role of jailor whenever Silas stopped by. Lily and I would be chained to the wall, or put in cages, or made to perform vile acts with one another for Silas' amusement. Not vile in the taboo sense, like the acts I longed to once more commit with my mother. But disgusting and humiliating and painful things, involving whips, chains, needles, piss, and shit.

Yet, to her credit, Deirdre had been no less right about the fact that, the rest of the time, it felt like the three of us were in it together. So long as Silas wasn't around, neither Lily nor I was ever asked to do anything we didn't want to do. And, in time, we came to both very much want to do the things we did with Deirdre.

Not at first, we hadn't. But she was an incredibly attractive woman. And while she might not exactly care for either of us, she was good to us.

For one thing, when Lily and I first started to find it to be entirely too hard to resist our mutual attraction, Deirdre had given us some privacy without any questions asked. We weren't allowed to leave her quarters, of course. But Deirdre would cordon off half of the oversized chamber for us.

Around the third time Deirdre saw the look in our eyes and went to erect a stone wall, we told her there was no need, and instead invited her to join us.

Deirdre made Brianna, Mom, and every other women I'd slept with look like a novice. She had raw power in spades, to be sure, but it was more than that. In fact, if you were to say that Brianna couldn't hold a candle to Deirdre in that department, you wouldn't quite be doing my cousin justice. Which was not to say that Silas' sister wasn't clearly the more powerful of the two. But the gap was not nearly as large as I might have expected.

No, the big difference was in how much Deirdre knew about her abilities.

And I didn't just mean with respect to sex, though that was indescribable. No laws applied to her, not gravity, not adhesion, nothing. Not unless sheTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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The Journey Episode 3 Revelations

Notes: 1)I am not an english-speaking author. I do mistakes when I write in english. If you does not enjoy stories which contains errors, please, don't read mine (this is the last time I include this warning). 2)I needed some geography to set this story, this is why I adopted my own country as the place in which this story takes place. Some of the city names are invented, but some are contractions of present names, I use the rule that people has the tendency to shorten names as the...

4 years ago
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My Dream story Part 2

‘So you like this huh?’ All I could do was stare.. ‘Y…yes Sarah’ She walked over to me and slapped my ass hard. ‘Don’t you dare call me that. From now on you will call me Mistress and you will be my little sissy slut. Got it?’ ‘Yes Mistress. Sorry Mistress.’ I said. The feeling of my ass being slapped had instantly made me hers. I could feel my clitty strain against the soft fabric of my thong and I couldn’t help but stare again at the big black cock and her massive plump breasts. ‘Good,...

1 year ago
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Bambi the Preppy Princess

Bambi the Preppie Princess When Bambi's mom died of cancer when her daughter was just a thirteen yearold entering puberty, it in no way diminished the overindulged and privilegedupbringing of the suburban, socialite princess. With her father preoccupiedwith his professional success and business associates, and her mom immersedin a sort of ongoing pageant to determine the ?queen bee? among the ladiesof their community, it wasn't like Bambi ever had any deep emotional ties orhad grown accustomed...

3 years ago
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A Lonely Transmission

: : : : : Emergency broadcast detected. : : : : : : : : : : Boosting signal. : : : : : : : : : : Recording. : : : : : And another thing had tumbled into my body. Freakin' debris. It gets everywhere. Can't a corpse get some peace? It already looks so beaten up. Strange. The face still looks like it is just taking a nap. In the freezer that is. Oh. Wait. The transmission. It started. Hi! To everyone out there that might pick up this broadcast. I need help. And please ignore my...

3 years ago
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Trying to Be Normal11 Starting Someone Elses Hobby

“Could you explain why you want us to go see her, instead of yourself?” Shani asked. I’d just explained to everyone what had happened at the hospital, and why I wanted Shani and Allison to visit the hospital to talk to the newest girl there, Jennifer. “There’s a variety of reasons. After making such a spectacle of myself I’d like to keep a low profile, also, I don’t really want to do any more favors for the good doctor until he fulfills his part of the deal, but mostly because I’m afraid...

3 years ago
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Wasting TimeChapter 2

Once they had picked out dress clothes for the kids, Ethan refused to leave until Chris had picked out something for herself. He told her it was just selfishness on his part, "No man wants to be seen in church with a woman unless she is the prettiest and best dressed there." Chris knew he was only teasing, but it made her beam with pride. After the clothes shopping was completed, Ethan took them to the toy section. "You can have five toys each, but I have to approve them and I don't...

1 year ago
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BangBros18 Bailey Base The Pantie Bandit

Every so often, Bailey Base would walk into her room and discover her panties were thrown around everywhere. She figured it could only be one person. Her roommate, Peter Green. One day she devised a plan to catch him in the act. She left a trail of panties on the floor. Once Peter discovered them, he began to follow the trail as he sniffed each and every one of them. However, he was unaware of the fact that a fully naked Bailey was at the end of the said trail. Once he reached the end, she...

2 years ago
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Delving Into New Territory

The first time I ever masturbated I was 19. I had grown up being told that sex was a bad thing and that women were not really supposed to enjoy it all that much. Touching yourself was completely out of the question, unless you were bathing.  So, early one morning I was feeling a little hot and horny and decided to try it out to see what I was missing. I had always wanted to see what it was like but had only gotten as far as being a little curious. For some reason whenever I had even thought...

4 years ago
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Cute Nerd Gets Dominated And Ass Fucked

Hi, I am Karan. I am 5 ft 10 inches tall. I work at an MNC. Back in the college, a boy named Ronit was my junior I would joke around with him every day in the college bus. He was a nerd with big glasses and short brown hair. I would get him to sit next to me in the mornings when going to college and would talk to him about his classes and studies. Ronit was fair and was very short. One day when I saw him enter the bus, I found him very cute. So when he came to the last seat to sit with me, I...

Gay Male
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What Was I Thinking

My name is Jessica. I just turned eighteen. My parents divorced when I was eight. My mom got custody of me and my dad got custody of my twin sister Jane. I haven’t seen my dad or my sister since the divorce. My mom has filled my head with stories of what a weakling my dad is and how easily he can be led around by his cock. I intend to go visit my dear old dad and get some payback for his running out on me and mom. I’m counting on Jane to want payback for not having her mother. I’m sure she’ll...

3 years ago
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Fatherdaughter Date MothersonChapter 13 Prom

“Dad, did you ever go to a prom?” I was taken back, “Sure. I think I went to five or six of them in high school. They were fun. Why?” “Well, the Junior-Senior Prom is coming up in May, and underclassmen are allowed to attend if an upper-classman invites them. I think it’s a big deal. Our three other teen friends are coming over any minute to talk about it with the three of us.” Penny stated her case as Misty hung out beside her. I saw Doug at the doorway listening to our talk. I chuckled,...

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THIS IS A CONTINUATION OF WHERE PART I HAS LEFT OFF.THIS STORY IS PURE FICTIONIt was a great weekend that both Victoria and I had with sex master Phil. I will never forget how hot that his dominate personality really had a great impact on me as a woman who is exploring herself sexually and professionally. I sometimes wonder if ha d not left the firm to pursue my political appointment; things would have been very different. I really cannot turn the clock back to do over my past decisions...

2 years ago
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My Mom Is The Best Kinky Lady Introduction 8211 Part I

First of all, a big HI! to everyone. I am long time reader of ISS. This writing is about me and my mom and this is my first story. Better to say an introduction story. We have had a lot of sex about which I write for days. I used to wonder when reading some incest stories here, in particular, mom-son relationship. I always believed them to be fantasy. Could such a thing happen ever? How will the son have that much gut to fuck his mom without any guilt? Sure, many would be wondering still. But...

1 year ago
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1939 The New AgencyChapter 7

Cornelia had talked to Douglas. He told her the only way he would take Mary back would be for Mary to give up acting. It had surprised her when she told Mary and Mary had agreed so rapidly to do it! Cornelia hadn't been able to take that step for her first marriage. Mary seemed truly happy. Cornelia had been with Mary when she told the producer and the director. Both turned to Cornelia and asked her to become the new leading lady. Even Mary begged her to do it. What was she to say; besides...

1 year ago
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My Landlady

Hello there well I am Rahul from Bangalore and am 25 now Let me tell you guys about my first experience in bed. Well it was with an older woman and since then I have a major thing for women older than me and they just drive me crazy with desire When I was 22 I began staying as a paying guest I had just begun a new job and was trying to save as much as I could to splurge on my partying habits. My mother had contacted an old friend (Rekha) and arranged for me to live with her until could...

First Time
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A dream cum true3

A knock at the door. I jump to attention as I know it could only be you. My heart racing even more than before as I turn the knob. There you are standing before me in nothing but an over coat just I requested(you always listen to what daddy says like a good little girl) you to wear with nothing on underneath. God you look so perfect standing there. I can tell you are nervous as well so grab your hand gently and pull you inside and close the door behind us. I lean down and kiss...

1 year ago
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Not Another Sex Story

Note : This story is completely fictional! I was just deciding which pair of skimpy panties to wear when the doorbell went. I hurriedly selected a sexy red transparent thong and pulled it up my well shaped thighs until it was snugly resting against my pouting pussy lips. The door bell rang again and I quickly selected and put on a pair of red fish-net hold-up stockings with blue lacy stocking tops. When the door bell rang a third time, I was just about to zip up my blue mini skirt that fitted...

Adult Humor
2 years ago
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Weekend Break Part 1

Weekend Break (Part 1)We’d rented a cottage in the hills, our regular swing partners Samantha and Martin had agreed to go halves and we all met up at the cottage on the Friday evening.Rather than cook we decided to grab a bar meal in a local pub.We chatted, ate, drank, flashed and flirted, as was the usual when we got together.During the evening Wayne announced he and Martin would be playing golf on the Saturday and ‘you girls could go shopping or find something to do’ as he eloquently put...

3 years ago
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My First Time

NOTE: This ones kinda long and slow...giggity. It's Fair season here in the States and I was at one of my local County Fair's a couple weeks ago. While there some heavy rain moved in and we had to take cover in one of the Horse Barns. The weather happened to move in at the end of one of the Horse judging's, so there were a number of guys and girls in the barn still in their Western Riding attire. While trying to avoid staring at the teen girls in their stupidly tight jeans, I kept seeing this...

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The Spirit of AnnaEpilogue

"Hey baby!" grinned Shannon, as she threw her arms around Whit as he walked through the door. This gave her a momentary respite from the grilling her parents were giving her. Shannon had taken a leave of absence from the force, after she and Whit had been married a month or so ago. For her friends and family, it was rather a bizarre wedding. It was actually a double wedding as Susan and Rachel were married too. To make things even weirder to the people in Shannon's life, she and Whit and...

4 years ago
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Cheerleader CampChapter 10 Sandys Dream

About mid week I called Judy to tell her that I thought long and hard about it and that I would make Sandy's dream come true. I said that I would pick her up about one o'clock on Saturday afternoon. I told her to have Sandy wear something comfortable and bring a nice dress and an overnight bag with a swim suit in it. Saturday I got all dressed up in a suit and tie and showed up at one on the dot at Sandy's house. Judy was there in the living room and let me in. She said that Sandy was not...

2 years ago
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Giving head was all new to me but I was wanting to

Reality is I love sucking cock, any time or any place as it is always on the to do list. Problem was that I didn’t know anything about sex, much less the art of giving head before my husband came into my life. Coming from a small prudish family, sex just wasn’t on the discussion menu. I left the small innocent family when I met my husband, who was far more versed in sex than I was. On our honeymoon, I quickly experienced many different satisfaction’s from a highly sexual partner. I enjoyed...

3 years ago
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Dungeon MasterChapter 6 Phase II

17605 points. First things first. When we returned, I made sure we had no visitors then gave everyone a day of freedom to do what they wanted. That included tonight and tomorrow. I didn’t stay and get drunk with all of my fellow dungeon dwellers, even though I desperately wanted to. Having their boss there while they were partying would dampen the atmosphere. I did have a beer and reviewed at length the Menu deciding on my next move. Early bedtime was in my best interest. A sober one at...

4 years ago
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Friend to crush to friendzoned cuck part 8

It didn't take much to turn me on. Before I knew it, I was jerking off again for the third time that day. I was looking at a pic of Sarah and Rachel together. In my state of horniness, I texted Sarah."So I thought about it, I'm okay with you telling Rachel about me being your cuck," I typed.What I got back was a much longer response than I expected."Are you sure? I don't want to make you feel obligated. I really care about you and I don't want to ruin our friendship with this. I want to tell...

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Doctors Incestuous Family Chapter 9 Pregnant Mommy and Sis

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Nine: Pregnant Mommy and Sis By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Jenny Wilson I pressed my face into my mother's sweet pussy, her thick labia rubbing on my lips while her ticklish pubic hair caressed my cheeks. It was so wonderfully naughty to do this. Just this morning, I was so angry at her, hating her for calling me a slut and a whore and a hussy for the last few weeks. Ever since she found out I was...

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Erin Ashford

Reddit Erin Ashford, aka r/ErinAshford! Erin Ashford is not a pornstar from a bygone age, nor is she a famous modern-day pornstar. She’s also not a semi-famous Twitch streamer gone nude, not an Instagram model that promotes flat tummy tea, and definitely not a XXX cam model. So who is she exactly, and why should you care about her? Truth be told, she isn’t really known outside of Reddit - she made her XXX debut on /r/GoneWild after posting a large selection of XXX pictures (and some videos) on...

Reddit NSFW List
4 years ago
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Lost Girl Part I

I was awake, but not fully conscious. Eyes barely open, the first thing I felt was the cold air around me. My feet, freezing, chin slumped against my collar bone. Trying to open my mouth I felt a tight, sticky texture clasping my lips shut. As I started to come to, my eyes burned a little. Raising my head I could see barely anything in the room; it was incredibly dark at first until my eyes adjusted to the lack of light around me. It took a couple of seconds before I could see my own body. My...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
3 years ago
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Suprised by a Shemale

I had met Tara during lunch at a business conference. It was a fairly boring conference but the lunch was longenough we got the chance to talk at length. We hit it off right away. She was gorgeous and I couldn't take my eyes off of her. Much to my surprise, she asked me for my number. I was kind of in shock because no woman had ever done that but gladly obliged.We met for dinner and a movie one night and wound up going back to her place at the end of the evening. We made out for a bit, but...

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Wednesday to Saturday

Wednesday In the garden of the house we share there is a small bower of trees which encloses a seat. When she needs to think it is to that seat that she goes; for the quiet and the lack of diversion. I am not allowed there unless she takes me with her. It is her space. I sat in the room overlooking the garden and watched as she walked to her seat in the late evening sun. She is tall, lithe and graceful. Her dark hair is thick and shines in the sunlight. I watched as she turned and smoothed...

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Can you Name That Porn? We’ve all seen it at one point or another. Hell, some of you were probably responsible for it, aimlessly scouring the internet for the name of a girl that you saw in some obscure porno years ago and could never find again. This is such a common practice on every porn site out there – particularly free porn tubes due to the often anonymous nature of user-uploaded videos – someone, inevitably, popping up in the comments section with something like “WHO IS THIS GODDESS?” or...

Porn Search Engines
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All 4 One

First let me introduce myself. My name is Scott. I'm 5'4,dark brown hair & eyes, average build, 6 1/2 in., very sexual, and have been told I have a 'bubble but'. Anyway I'm at home talking to my roommate and bi fuck buddy, Rod (5'7,black hair, brown eyes, slim, 7 1/2 in., really thick cock) one night and we both agreed it would be fun to find 2 girls to have over for a little group action. So I suggested we look online. I posted many ads on many sites and about a week later we had about 2...


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