My First Girlfriend Vol.7 free porn video

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Chapter 17: The Truth
"Steph isn't really a girl. She's technically a boy. I mean HE's a boy.... he's my boyfriend. We're dating. And I've been feminizing him because well... I dunno it just feels right. I like him better this way..."
The words shook me. I couldn't believe she said it out loud. Rebecca had just reveled what I had been hiding from Dave this entire time. In doing so, she also made me realize what a bizarre and pathetic creature I am; not really a boy, not really a girl. Utterly undeserving of my beautiful girlfriend, and yet desperately unwilling to lose her.
Dave raised his masculine brow dubiously. "You're joking right?" he asked both of us. I looked at the ground, totally unable to process my shame and embarrassment. Rebecca confirmed with him,
"I'm afraid not pal. Steph here used to be a full-on boy until this past month or so. He was cute and all, but I just knew he had potential to be so much more than a short, scrawny beta male. So I started by removing his body hair and putting him in some of my panties. He seemed to like that, so I proceeded to lock him in chastity to keep him... compliant. Before I knew it, he was dressing up fully as a girl with Catherine. I didn't even have to force him. Isn't that cool? So for the last few weekends I've been having him stay here all dressed up." She talked about me with her arm around me like she was showing off a new houseplant. I was objectified beyond any dignity. I looked and felt like a human doll.
"So you're telling me Steph has a cock and balls?" He asked with an insulting amount of doubt in his voice.
"Well... yeah basically." Rebecca answered, with an insulting amount of hesitation in her voice. I had never been a macho guy by any stretch, but I had also never had my biological sex discussed with such uncertainty. At least not right in front of me. "Come on baby, show him what you've got down there" She instructed me as she reached down to grab the front of my dress. I shrank away from her and protested out loud. No way was I going to show the chastity cage - the crown jewel of my dehumanization - to this asshole. She looked me in the eye and sternly but calmly told me "Be a good girl for me". I stopped physically resisting but I begged her with my eyes. She pulled the front of my dress up until my skimpy lacy black and white panties were on display for this tall strong man. She placed the bunched up dress into my hands and ordered me to hold it up - which I reluctantly did. She took hold of the exposed waistband of my panties and inched them down to mid thigh, putting the pink plastic cage and all of its contents on vivid display in the fluorescent light of the kitchen. I felt the cool air on my smooth thighs, scrotum, and pubic region. I was exposed.
"Oh my god. You weren't k**ding..." Dave gasped with a hint of laughter.
Previously, I had thought that being seen as a girl was the absolute height of humiliation. I had gradually learn to accept it, with the small comfort that I had Dave fooled and he was under the impression that I was a normal person - a female, but a normal respectable female. Now I felt a new low, having a real man see that I am in fact just a boy who was so pathetic and feminine that his own girlfriend locked his penis up and made him appear as a girl. Dave leaned in for a closer look. I swear I could feel his judgmental eyes compressing my feeble genitalia even further, stripping away humanity.
"So.... who else knows?" Dave asked, slowly starting to grasp Rebecca's strange agenda.
"Just me, you, and Catherine. We were planning on keeping it secret between us girls, but then you walked in last week and things sort of took a weird turn. But I think it's actually worked out - Steph seems to really be coming into her own with you around. Must be the strong male presence. Really gives some perspective." She gave me a congratulatory squeeze as if I should be proud of letting go of all masculine dignity. I quickly pulled my panties back up to conceal my pink penile prison. I found myself to disturbed to notice that pulling up some lacy panties in front of the guy who just made out with my girlfriend was now a step towards dignity for me. What have I become.... 'Sissy' did not feel remotely like a strong enough word to encapsulate the distance between myself and what a boy is supposed to be.
"There's something I still don't understand, 'Becca. You're actually a pretty hot girl. Tons of good guys would be happy to date you. Why are you tethering yourself to a little sissy girl?" Dave asked, with zero regard for the fact that I was standing right there. Feminine though I was, I couldn't remain silent in the face of his disdain,
"Well you came on to me and kissed me a bunch so I must have some kind of appeal. Gaylord" I hissed with passive aggressive sarcasm. I was certain I had his hetero-masculinity on the ropes, but much to my dismay, my girlfriend came to his defense,
"Pffftt that doesn't count Steph. He was just doing what alpha males always do - trying to fuck anything that resembles a female. You were pretty much a girl in that situation. It's not his fault you make such a convincing trap.... hmmm speaking of which, I think you owe Dave an apology for misleading him about your identity."
"What?!" I demanded indignantly. Had she seen how he forced himself on me? She wanted me to apologize to him?
"Calm down honey, it doesn't have to be right now. I need to have a private word with Dave real quick. Will you sit and watch TV like a good girl for me? please?" She asked me nicely and rubbed my arms lovingly. I could never stay mad at her, no matter how many lines she crossed. I settled down enough to nod, then went and sat down at the TV. The two of them went into the backyard to have a discussion without me. Obviously I wasn't crazy about the two of them being alone, given what I had just witnessed, but honestly I didn't think it could get any worse. The optimistic part of me hoped that Rebecca might stand up for my honor and this would be the end of a long, difficult day for me. After about a full episode of Family Guy, The two of them came back inside. Dave fixed himself some food in the kitchen while Rebecca sat down beside me for an important debriefing.
"Okay baby, we had a really good talk about everything and I think its all going to be a lot easier now, as long as you trust me completely. You know I love you and I only want what's best for you and me right?" I nodded apprehensively. "Alright good. First of all, Dave made a good point; you and I are both pretty needy and high-maintenance. We both require a lot of care and attention, and I don't think we've been satisfying each other enough. So Dave has offered to stay all weekend and help make sure we both get everything we need. He's a lot more experienced than either of us and he'll be able to help us work through our issues." I tried to interrupt and tell her how much I hated that Idea, but she continued over me "Second, I don't think you've been very fair to Dave. He's important to me and deserves a lot of respect. Now I understand you were in an awkward situation having him walk in on you unexpectedly while you were dressed up. But I hope now that we're done lying to him and the two of you can have a fresh start. I really think you could use someone like him in your life." I was very irritated by what she was suggesting, but once again I didn't get a chance to voice my concerns before she moved on. "And lastly, our little 'fairness rule' obviously hasn't been getting the results you wanted, so I propose we try a new system. From now on, instead of you and I conspiring behind Dave's back, we're going to be a democracy. Any time we disagree about something, the 3 of us will vote on it. Majority rules. Understand?" I sat silently thinking over all the confusing things she had just told me. Sensing my hesitation, she leaned in and whispered in my ear "Don't worry, our little deal is still on. If you're a good girl for me this weekend, you get to fuck me." That was all I needed to hear to throw all my best interests and better judgement out the window. The prospect of having regular hetero-normative sex with a beautiful girl cancelled out all other thoughts and feelings. With single-minded determination (and gullibility) I accepted her new set of rules. I was sure I could get our relationship back on track.
Chapter 18: Democracy

Dave came back and joined us with the sandwich he had made himself. Before he sat down he stood over me and held his hand out to me in a suspicious gesture of good will.
"Things got pretty weird for a minute there, little guy. I hope we can be friends from now on." He seemed sincere, but it still felt outrageously condescending. But I knew I'd look like the bad guy if I rejected this peace offering, so I shook his hand. It felt the same as it always felt with him; my supple little hand engulfed in his authoritative grip. "By the way" he continued "I know you're technically a boy and all, but you make such a convincing girl.... So I was wondering if you'd rather I treat you as a boy or as a girl?"
For the life of me, I didn't know what the difference would be. I'd always treated boys and girls pretty much the same. If I like them I'm nice to them, and if I dont like them then I avoid them. How would Dave's treatment of me differ if he saw me as a boy and not a girl? I had no way of knowing, and he was waiting for an answer. So I decided to just say what I myself wanted for once:
"I want to be a boy... I mean I AM a boy. I'm going to go take off this girl stuff and I'm going to be a boy again." I stood up assertively to go upstairs and retrieve my masculinity. It was a foreign feeling to me at this point; standing up for myself as a boy. It was strange and I honestly wasn't sure I liked it. I thought about the loose bunchy boxers, the coarse denim jeans, the ugly boring T shirts, the plain un-decorated face and the short boring hair. The thought of looking like a boy felt a bit unattractive, even though I presumed that it would come with a little more respect and autonomy. I second-guessed my decision for a split second, and that was enough time for Rebecca to chime in.
"Not so fast, baby. I like having you as a girl. I think we need to vote on this. I vote that you continue being Steph for the rest of the day. Dave, how do you vote?"
"Well I always prefer to hang out with girls over guys. I vote to keep Steph as a girl, and myself as the only guy. We don't want a sausage fest after all haha"
I was taken aback. Equal parts outraged and relieved. These two had just vetoed my decision to stop gender-bending. They were essentially forcing me to be a girl against my will. But at the same time, part of me felt that they were making the right decision and this was how it was meant to be. I said nothing and sat back down - defeated and continually feminized.
The TV was playing some trashy drama/romance movie from 10 years ago. The plot was utter dribble, but we sat and watched it anyway - probably for no other reason than to oggle the attractive characters in sexually charged scenes. I think we were all pretty riled up already: Dave had just made out with one or two pretty girls, Rebecca had just made out with her feminized submissive boyfriend as well as a dominant alpha male, and I had made out with my amazingly hot girlfriend (and a strong, tall man, but I was trying not to think about that). Yes, the horniness in the room was palpable, and we were barely keeping it under control by watching this smut on TV.
My head was still spinning, trying to wrap itself around the wildly humiliating and undignified things I had experienced that afternoon already. So I was barely paying attention to what was happening right next to me on the couch. Once in a while I would regain awareness long enough to notice that Rebecca and Dave had resumed their old tendencies of flirting with each other right in front of me. His arm was around her and she was giggling a lot. I would have thought the knowledge that her boyfriend is in the room would slow down his advances, but on the contrary, he seemed unconcerned about any potential pushback from me. Worse yet, he was paying even less attention to me now that he knew I wasn't a real girl. I didn't know whether to feel relieved or rejected. Mostly I just felt dread at the fact that he was making moves on my girlfriend and I was in no position to do anything about it. Rebecca had made it clear that I had to 'behave' and 'be nice to him'. And Dave had made it clear that he was the man in this situation. My place was to sit passively and not cause a scene. Suddenly Dave made a bold move:
"I'm getting pretty hot. I think I'm going to take my pants off" he declared arrogantly.
"I vote that you keep them on!" I blurted out without a moment's thought. I didn't have to think about it - I knew in my beta male bones that if his dick came out, it was a big step towards him getting sexual with my girlfriend.
"Well Rebecca, looks like your vote is the tie-breaker. How do you vote?" He leaned in and smiled as he asked her, as if it was an inside joke.
"I vote that they come off" she giggled "I want Dave to be totally comfortable" she explained to me with a mischievous smile. All I could do was roll my eyes at her blatant disregard for my personal comfort zone. It was no longer a shock that she was prioritizing his preferences over mine - not after that talk she'd given me. I wondered if she was just trying to test the limits of my submissiveness. I wondered what the two of them had discussed when they spoke privately in the back yard.
Dave proudly claimed his democratic victory by standing up and sliding down his pants and boxers, revealing his flacid yet intimidaingly large cock. Mercifully he sat back down on the couch without making too much of a big deal about it. Rebecca caught me staring and jokingly asked if I saw anything I liked. My face turned red and I reset my gaze straight at the TV and nothing else. She laughed. The embarrassment and anxiety caused some sweat to appear on my face.
"Hmmmm it looks like Steph is feeling pretty hot too." Dave pointed out disengenuously. I shot him a death stare, hoping that he would leave me alone. It didn't work. He continued "I vote that Steph takes off that bulky dress for the rest of the movie."
I furiously voted in opposition, leaving the ball in Rebecca's court. I hoped she would grant me this one small comfort. Without this dress, I would be sitting around in only lingerie. I knew Dave was just tryng to humiliate and degrade me, but what reason could my girlfriend have for wanting me to strip in front of her male friend? To my disappointment, Rebecca voted with Dave. It was out of my control - I had to strip for them.
I stood up, holding back tears. I had come to terms with being put in girls' clothes, but the two of them teaming up against me all the time was really starting to hurt my feelings. I slid my shoulders out of the dress, and shimmied it down my body. This seemed like a better strategy than trying to pull it over my head and messing up my wig and makeup in the process. As it slid down my torso, I revealed my bra and smooth chest and stomach. As it slid down my hips, I revealed my lacy thong - barely concealing the locked chastity cage. I let it drop down my legs to the floor, leaving me in only my bra, panties, and thig-highs.
"Wow, you weren't k**ding about her body! It really is nice" Dave said to Rebecca, indicating that she had told him things about me that I wasn't privy to. I tried to shrink and cover myself with my hands, but my hands were nowhere near big enough to shelter me from his scrutinizing gaze. This was a new level of exposure and objectification for me. I wasn't just ashamed of what I was wearing, I was now self-conscious of my body as well. This somehow seemed even more feminine than wearing lingerie AND a dress. It was starting to break down my delusion that my feminization was based in clothes and appearances. I was starting to wonder if there really was something inherently wrong with me as a person. I faught back the tears and sat down on the couch in my skimpy outfit. They sat next to me giggling. Whether they were giggling at my predicament, or their own mischievous sexual conduct, or something else completely innocent - it made no difference to me - I was mad. Mostly at my girlfriend for going along with all this. I wanted to strike back somehow. Sitting in bra and panties in front of a horny guy was psychological torture. A bad idea came to me, and I couldn't resist;
"I vote that Rebecca strips down to her underwear too!" It felt like someone else was speaking through me. I was never the type of person to pressure or coerce a girl to reveal herself in any way, but I had been pushed too far. Rebecca looked at me in shock. She never imagined I would cross her like this. "Its only fair. Dave and I both had to strip. We may as well all do it right?" I justified myself to her sarcastically.
"No. I vote that I keep all my clothes on. You're such a little creep!" She folded her arms and scowled straight ahead at the TV. I had never seen her make that face before - the face of being angry and not having power. It was a position I had been in a lot lately, but this was the first time I'd ever seen her experience it. Her angry face was still very cute. I couldn't deny that I got a rush out of having her on edge for once. She had been objectifying and dominating me for what felt like months. It was nice to see that she too has human vulnerability.
"Well Dave, how do you vote?" I asked precociously. I knew he would usually take her side over mine, but I also trusted in his primitive male motives. I was hoping he would think with his dick, and he did not let me down.
"I'm all for gender equality" he chuckled "especially when it involves taking off clothes. Sorry Rebecca, you'r going to have to join us in our partial-nudist colony".
She fumed silently. I struggled to contain my glee. Dave grinned ear to ear.
"FINE!" She barked as she stood up. She turned to me as she begin removing her shirt "I'm so pissed at you right now" she hissed.
Part of me was terrified that I'd awoken a monster, but I could not hide my amusement at her long-overdue humiliation. Her shirt hit the floor, revealing her perfectly filled B cup bra and her incredible hourglass midsection. Still scowling at me, she pulled the stretchy waistband of her leggings reluctantly down her hips revealing a white cotton thong against her soft pale curves. She stepped out of the bunched up tights and did a sarcastic 'ta-da' gesture. She was not thrilled about this. As she turned to sit back down on the couch, she made sure to do it in such a way that she never showed her ass to me - only to Dave.
So the three of us sat there on the couch. Rebecca and I sat in our bras and panties, our smooth bodies and our pretty makeup. We both looked sexy and tantalizing. Dave sat wearing only his shirt and socks - nothing to contain his phallous. By contrast, I was kept in chastity and tight panties. The soft-core porn continued to play on the TV in front of us, and we all pretended to be invested in the plot for a while.
Chapter 19: Touching

As Rebecca's rage gradually faded, Dave began to flirt with her again. Soon she was laughing at his jokes again and snuggling up with him just like before (only now she was in her underwear and his dick was out). I knew this was a very dire situation for my relationship with her, especially since she was mad at me, and I was sitting in chastity and lingerie. If things were going better between her and I, I might have tried to break up their little flirt-fest, but I knew that would only make things worse right now. I needed to just sit and let her have her fun. I just hoped it wouldn't go any further than this.
Unfortunately it did go further. Dave leaned in and whispered something in her ear. I didn't hear what it was, but she giggled and nodded to him. Then to my horror, she casually placed her hand on his naked penis as if it were an arm rest. She kept her gaze directed at the TV screen and kept her body language neutral next to me. It was as if she didn't think I noticed and she was trying to hide it from me. Or maybe it was as if it actually wasn't a big deal at all to her and didn't warrant any change in posture. Either way I could see some movement on the other side of her. She appeared to be lightly caressing his member. Unsurprisingly, he started to become erect. I leaned forward to see around her at what was happening in his lap. Even flaccid, his dick was bigger than mine. Now it was growing considerably and stiffening upright. More than anything else, I was totally fascinated. I had seen the outline of Dave's dick through his pants, but seeing it in the flesh in all its glory was completely changing my perception of what a penis can and should look like. Compared to his, mine was like a little k**'s toy version. No wonder Rebecca had decided to lock mine up - it was a pathetic specimen.
I was now painfully aware of the tight restriction on my little penis, contrasted with the gentle attention that my girlfriend was paying to Dave's big dick. This was wrong. Even in all my naivety and gullibility I knew that my girlfriend is supposed to play with MY dick, not some other guy's. I noticed her free hand was just idly resting in her lap. I reached out and put my hand on hers to see how she'd respond. She glanced at me and continued sliding her other hand up and down the giant cock next to her. At least she didn't pull away from me. I held her hand and started moving it off of her lap and onto mine. She watched curiously to see what I was up to. I slid her hand up my stocking-clad thighs towards my pantie-covered crotch. All the while she never paused her interaction with Dave's dick. I pulled open my lacy waistband and pushed her hand down into the front of my panties so she could feel my smooth pubic region, the smooth plastic chastity device, and my smooth soft scrotum. Just as I'd hoped, her hand took over and began feeling around and exploring. Her fingers wandered along my inner groin, around the perimeter of my genitalia, even venturing deeper towards my anus. It took everything I had not to squirm visibly at her sensual touch. Eventually her wandering hand settled around my confined sex organs and she gently played with the one exposed part; my little ballsack. It was the best thing I'd felt all day. Finally my girlfriend was pleasuring me like she used to. But there were two problems: 1) I was still locked up and could not get hard or receive any pleasure from my penis. 2) Dave's cock was open and free, and Rebecca seemed to be enjoying touching it.
I leaned closer to her and whispered in her ear "please unlock it?" She turned to me and gave me a soft slow kiss on the lips. The warm touch reassured me that she still loved me. I stared into her eyes and mouthed the word "please" over and over. She smiled at me and I thought for sure that she was going to oblige my request. Grinning, she quietly shook her head at me. She leaned in close to whisper to me privately.
"Sorry Steph, girls like you have to stay locked up when there's a real dick in the room. Once Dave cums, then I can let you out."
"but my dick is real! why does he get to cum?" I quietly protested.
"No sweety, look. You've got a little sissy dick. See how small it is? Its not big enough to make any girl cum, and you don't know how to use it anyway because you're so submissive. That's why I keep you locked up. Don't worry baby, I love you for who you are. But you need to understand that Dave is an alpha male. He's tall and manly and has a big dick. That means he is entitled to cum whenever he wants. And as hot girls, its our job to help him."
"but I'm really a boy!" I claimed unconvincingly, in my bra and panties.
"Actually baby, you're a sissy boy. That means you're only a boy some of the time. When you're with an Alpha male, you are more like a girl. That means you are expected to look pretty and do what he wants, just like a girl would."
I wanted to argue with her logic, but sitting in chastity, stockings, bra and panties, and cute makeup, the evidence spoke for itself. She was right; I am a sissy boy. And compared to real men, I am just a girl. I looked down in bitter acceptance.
"So now that you understand your role, you're going to help me make Dave cum right? If you do, I'll let you out of chastity for a while." I didn't want to, but my horny body had a mind of its own. I found myself nodding despite all critical thought.
"Good" she said as she kissed me, before sliding down to her knees.
She knelt in front of Dave in between his strong legs. I watched in horror as she stroked his long dick with both hands, bringing her face closer and closer to it. I was sure she was going to put it in her mouth. I wanted to stop her but I was paralyzed with sexual frustration. Seeing her pleasure a hard cock made my own pathetic penis strain against its plastic prison with all its might - of course it was all in vein. She beckoned me to come kneel next to her - to take my rightful place as a sexual object - a submissive, feminine, servant to masculine power. This is the position that my insecure male ego had always feared; something in my subconscious always warned me that if I wasn't manly enough, I would end up enslaved by a more dominant man. This is the punishment for failing your obligations as a male; you will spend the rest of your life under the control of real men, while existing as a pathetic cartoon of femininity. Your humanity erased, you become a possession. A thing to be used. A girly thing. And there is nothing more shameful that a boy can be, than a girly sex slave. In my mind I fought to maintain some self-control and dignity, but I could feel the tight grip of the chastity device, and the lingerie. This symbolic attire had been steadily warping my mind, changing my self-image, influencing me to play the part that Rebecca had pushed me into. There was hardly any resistance left in me; hardly any masculine confidence to counter-act the coercion and humiliation I had fallen victim to. I couldn't disobey. I was Rebecca's naive little girlfriend. She was in charge of me, and Dave was in charge of her. I was so clearly at the bottom of a sexual food-chain, and there was nothing I could do against the unanimous order of nature.
Slowly and apprehensively, I slid off the couch to kneel on the floor with my girlfriend. She continued to play with his genitals as she gently coaxed me to come take her place between his knees. All the while the half naked man on the couch leaned back and relaxed, seemingly unconcerned with our dealings - as if it made no difference to him whether she was servicing him or I was. To him, it seemed my girlfriend and I were both equally suitable sexual partners; both smaller than him, both submissive to his desires, both utterly feminine and pretty. He saw me as a girl and nothing more. I was between his knees now, with Rebecca next to me. She took my quivering hands and moved them towards the giant throbbing penis. My little hands were dwarfed by the alpha's cock. My girlfriend guided both of my hands to the leathery shaft and and instructed me to stroke up and down, softly. I followed her degrading orders without argument. I felt dissociated and couldn't speak a single word. She coached me along until I was working at a rhythm that she approved of. Dave sat stoicly on the couch receiving a handjob from a little crossdressing sissy. I felt numb and compliant, as if I had been hypnotized or d**gged.
When Rebecca was satisfied with my technique she instructed me to continue pleasuring him while she got up, leaving me alone on my knees, servicing an older man's cock. She walked over to the radio and scanned the airwaves for some dance music. Then she began moving her beautiful curvy body to the beat. My girlfriend was dancing in her underwear, and not only was I unable to become erect, I was stroking another man's cock. This is not a situation that I would ever want to be in, but somehow the two of them had lured me into it. I couldn't help but gawk at the erotic movement of Rebeccas's hips. Her thong panties showed off her ass, just like my panties did mine, only she had much more to show off than I did. I got lost watching her jiggle and gyrate to the music. I was deeper under her spell than ever before, and that really says something.

Chapter 20: A sissy's job
Suddenly, Dave snapped his fingers and brought me back to reality. He ordered me to focus on his cock. Humiliated and intimidated, I averted my gaze from my half naked girlfriend and continued humbly massaging the alpha male's rigid erection. I felt so small and powerless. If I had any ego left at all, I would have got up and left the whole scenario, but alas they had both slowly wittled down my pride until I had no will power at all. Couldn't even remember my life as a boy. Rebecca and Dave had made it so obvious that I'm meant to be a girl. I was Steph, and I could never be anything else. I continued feverishly working on the powerful cock in front of me while stealing glances of my girlfriend as she put on her sexy show. I longed for her morr than ever, but I knew in my heart that she was performing for his eyes, not mine.
This nightmare of jelousy and humiliation turned up a notch when Dave uttered the words "Get ready sissy". When she heard this, Rebecca ceased her dancing and came over to kneel beside me. She put her hands on mine and controlled how fast and how tightly I pleasured her friend. She seemed to be an expert at handling large dicks and I wondered where she acquired this expertise. It certainly wasn't from dating me. As the alpha male came visibly closer to orgasm, she began to whisper in my ear
"You're my sissy slave. You're going to be a good sissy for me, right baby?" I nodded feverishly as I knelt in erotic servitude to her alpha male friend. "Good girl. And you know what a sissy does when she makes a Real Man cum right?" I shook my head naively. I didn't know what she was talking about. Rebecca informed me "A sissy always swallows. You have to swallow all his cum for me. That's your job as my sissy." I shook my head and begged her not to make me do that. Wasn't it bad enough that she'd made me wear panties, lingerie and makeup with Dave around? Wasn't it bad enough that I'd watched her pleasure his cock while mine stayed locked in chastity? Wasn't it bad enough that I was now on my knees giving a handjob to a guy who's clearly trying to get with my girlfriend? Why did she want to humiliate me like this?
"Listen to your girlfriend, sissy." Dave arrogantly interjected. "She knows whats best for you. Do what she says." I felt ganged up on. The two of them were always teaming up against me. I felt tears well up in my heavily mascara'd eyes. I managed to keep from fully crying, but I did whimper pathetically. I looked at Rebecca pleadingly. She took my face in her hands lovingly and kissed my forehead, before moving my face closer to Dave's throbbing penis. She pushed my head closer and closer to the shiny tip of his long shaft. I was beyond horrified but I barely had any strength to resist. They had worn me down. They seemed to be in unanimous agreement; my role in this lust-triangle was to be submissive and feminine. Dave had power over Rebecca, and she had absolute power over me. I had no recourse. They had been pushing and manipulating me into feeling like an inferior, subservient sissy boy, and I was starting to cave in and accept my fate. My 'girlfriend' was now holding my head in place with one hand while she pressed his big cock against my lips with the other.
"Open your mouth, Steph. Be a good sissy for me." I reflexively tried to cry out 'Why?!' but as soon as my lips parted, she forced my open mouth down onto his rigid cock. The smooth dome of his tip pushed past my lips and teeth to fill the front of my mouth. Rebecca held my head in place on his cock, preventing me from escaping the degrading act. I was still pumping his shaft with both hands - I didn't dare stop, lest I anger them both. "Good girl" Rebecca whispered to me "He's going to cum in your mouth, and you're going to swallow all of it. Don't spill one drop, or we'll keep you locked up for a month". I was petrified at the prospect of swallowing this man's cum (especially in front of my girlfriend) but I was even more distraught by the thought of being locked in chastity for a whole month. I was also disturbed by her use of the word "we". As in, her AND Dave would be keeping me locked up for a month. Dave now had a role in my chastity and my punishment? He had a legitimate role in Rebecca's domination of me? I had been thinking of him as an unwelcome third wheel, but that one little two letter word made it seem like he was a full, valid member of our relationship. I was fine with being dominated by my girlfriend behind closed doors, but being dominated by Rebecca AND her Alpha Male companion no longer felt like a fun kinky dynamic between a loving couple. No, having him involved (especially as a dominant overlord) seemed more like Rebecca was HIS girlfriend, and I was just their humble slave. After all, she seemed more concerned with his sexual needs than mine. She definitely respected him more than she did me. And she seemed to always take his side over mine. Hell, she had dressed me up like a girl for him and she was about to force me to swallow his cum. All this time I had been worrying that he was trying to steal her from me, but maybe he already had a long time ago. Maybe she was never really mine at all.
As these horrible revelations swept over me, I felt the huge penis begin to convulse in my little hands. I tasted a hint of something salty on my tongue. Rebecca tightened her grip on the back of my neck and told me once more to get ready. Unexpectedly, Dave put both his hands on my head pushed me down just a little further, forcing his massive cock past my tongue and leaving nothing between his urethra and my throat. I felt a squirt of something warm and sticky, and I had no choice but to swallow it to keep from choking. When I realized what it was, I instinctively tried to pull my head away to safety, but his strong hands prevented any backing out. I continued my labored stroking, and he continued to deposit tablespoon after tablespoon of cum, straight from his cock to my stomach. Rebecca now stood back and giggled diabolically while I suffered through my oral ordeal. She must have had a perfect view of me in my stockings and panties, kneeling between Daves big strong legs, my lips sealed around his impressive manhood while he emptied his balls into my mouth. She watched the whole thing and giggled. I knew in my heart that she didn't see me as her boyfriend anymore. And I also knew that Dave now had some unspoken ownership of me. My fears were all coming true; the two of them had something going on, and I was just their little plaything now.

Same as My First Girlfriend vol.7 Videos

1 year ago
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My Girlfriends Girlfriend Part 2

My Girlfriends Girlfriend - Part 2 Carla had turned her part time boyfriend Don into Dee so her realtime boy friend Tom wouldn't be suspicious. Tom and his friend Jeff ask the two girls out on a date, a lot happens on Dee's first time out as a girl. Carla is excited as hell to know what happened with Jeff and I in the back seat of the station wagon. We were getting ready for bed and she had to know every little, did you like it when he kissed you? No, not at first, but...

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Girlfriends Mother Become My Girlfriend Part 8211 II

Hello, friends thanks for all your lovely response it is really heart touching, you can reach me out at for all are welcome for discussion I would like to thank indian sex stories dot net for their support. That night with Kalpana changed my life completely I totally fell in love with her with all warm affection we kissed all most for hours that night exchanging our salivas and feeling the true warmth of each other, while my cock is resting and relaxing in her ass.The best part is switched off...

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Teenage Girl Seduces Her Girlfriend and Girlfriends Parents

I have many happy memories of my parents during my early childhood, and only realized when I was thirteen years old and in middle school, that my family is very dysfunctional. My parents both work at blue collar jobs, which they have a hard time keeping due to them being alcoholics. They are usually either not home, of if they are they're drunk and verbally, and sometimes even physically abusive to me.Kids in middle school are old enough to start becoming aware of the social status of their...

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First Older Girlfriend Part 2

If you haven't seen the first part, Check the stories directly from my page - Thank you :)First Older Girlfriend part 2So on first date, we did a lot. Almost got caught by my parents time and time again she was quite a horny woman when she was in the mood, although I maintained high situational awareness to make sure we didn't get caught, there were times where I would K . I . D you not if she didn't stop doing what she did, She would of been kicked out of the house in a hot second, and I would...

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First Time With My Sexy Hot Girlfriend

Hi, I am Naveen. I am a good looking and have a 6″ dick. I am good at handling girls and have softcore or hardcore sex. I love ass of the women. Coming to the story. I and my girlfriend Rose were in love with each other for a year. We were a group of 5 members, 2 boys, and 3 girls. Let’s say me, Bala, Rose my girlfriend and her friends Renu and Kirti Let me describe the persons in the story. I, Naveen,  look good and have a decent dick to satisfy girls. My girlfriend Rose is a good looking,...

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First Sex With Girlfriend

Hi every one. This is Manu here from Bangalore. And I am great fan of ISS from past 5 years. And now I have made my mind and and submitting my story on iss. This is my first story please do ignore if any mistakes. As already told you I am manu (name changed) from Bangalore. And I put and bought up in Bangalore from past 25 years. And I am a good looking guy whitish in color aged 27. If any girls and aunties from Bangalore are unsatisfied with their sex life and wants safe and secure sex. Please...

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My New GirlFriend PT5

We were laying in bed one night and my GirlFriend told me it had been a while since she had seen me suck a cock. I didn't say much. We had gone to a glory hole a few weeks back and found out they wouldn't let women in the back so we had not gone in. She was frustrated and looking for another solution."I want you to put an ad on craigslist." She commanded. "Similar to the ones in the past. Tell them I want to watch you suck lots of cocks. And this time, I want you to respond to anyone who...

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Please fuck my Girlfriend

One of the hottest cuckold stories I have ever read!from: cuckottPlease Fuck My Girlfriend (M/F, wife, voy, asian, cuck)by Anonymous Author (Address withheld by request)***This is the story of a young man who has fantasies abouthis girlfriend having sex with other men, and once hisboss declares his intentions to fuck his girlfriend,events lead to him watching her screwing his boss'smassive cock and stealing her from him.***This is a story about how I asked another man to fuck mybeautiful...

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My Girlfriends Sextape

I discover my Girlfriend's sex tape. I'm not in it."See you tonight," I say and kiss my girlfriend goodbye. She's off to work in the café, and has just come by to drop some stuff off. We don't live together, but we have been seeing each other for four years, so we probably are soon. I take her backpack and watch her ass as she runs down the stairs with her bleached blonde hair dancing around her shoulders.A few hours later as I'm watching a Simpsons episode I have seen a thousand times before,...

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My Young Girlfriendrsquos First Time Cuckolding ndash With

Chapter One – Intro: How it StartedAs far as I understand, many people differ on the meaning of cuckold, as with any fetish, everyone has different expectations and turn-ons which makes every case different. My fetish consist on watching my significant other (in this case my girlfriend) fucking black men in front of me. I don´t care for the humiliation and all I want is to see her getting fucked. Or at least, those are the video I searched for before experiencing the real thing.My girlfriend...

1 year ago
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My First Girlfriend vol6

Vol. 6Chapter 13: The guy she tells you not to worry aboutI spent the whole week replaying my bizarre weekend over in my mind... Getting dressed up like a whore by my loving girlfriend.... Having to stay in character while her older, taller, more manly friend came to hang out at the house... How easily and helplessly I shifted into the role of a girl... Rebecca telling me not to worry about him, how she "liked" that I was submissive and effeminate... Even though she also said that all girls...

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I fuck my girlfriend and her cousin

How are you? I m f9 and hope you will be f9. I m 23 male from lahore. My name is kamran. I read many stories on this site. Today, i m presenting my own sex experiance. I shall told my story in urdu. Ajj jo kahani mai app ko bata raha hoon yeh kuch aik saal pehle ki hai. Yeh kahnai mere girlfriend aur us ki cousin par hai. Jab mai 22 saal ka hua tou mere koi bhi girlfriend nahi thi mai kafi sharif kisam ka larka tha. Phir aik din jab college ka last day tha mai ghar se college ki taraf gaya...

2 years ago
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Cheating Girlfriend And Pervert Boyfriend Taste My Domination

Hello readers! This is Simraan and it’s time to drop your pants and grab that horny cock of yours for a quick release of sexual stress! You guys probably know how sexual mosh pits in concerts can attract a lusty crowd by a quick peek of panty or sexy thongs. Well, I am about to tell you about a wild incident that took place in a nightclub. Believe me, I didn’t flash my panty here because I wasn’t wearing any… One wild Friday evening, I was hanging out with my girl friends to have a good time....

3 years ago
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Bending my girlfriend over the Bannister while her

Ok so first off. to set the scene. I at the time was 18 and my girlfriend was also 18, younger by one month. We had been together since we where 16. She was 5''4 skinny with a naturally toned body and defined abs. Long chestnut brown hair blue eyes and delicate small hands.A common occurrence at her parents house was a Friday night family movie. Her mum had called us down asking if we wanted to watch and we agreed. The living room was quite large but was full of things ranging from furniture to...

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Haunted by the Futa Ghost 6 Banging My GenderSwapped Girlfriend

Chapter Six: Banging My Gender-Swapped Girlfriend By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 “You danced so beautifully in my dreams again,” my Ōjo-sama cooed in the steamy waters of the onsen. “You awakened such hungers in me, Sayuri-chan.” I blushed as I stood in the onsen's hot waters, my breasts rising and falling with the beat of my heart. We stood so close, our nipples almost touching, both hard. My pussy itched with the hungers shining in her eyes. “Thank you, Mitsuko-hime.” Her hand...

3 years ago
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Forced to watch my girlfriend brutally gangraped

A few nights ago my girlfriend Amber and I were watching TV on the couch. Amber is the most gorgeous girl I’ve ever met, let alone slept with. She’s 5’2”, straight blonde hair, and stunning blue eyes. She’s got a near perfect rack of 36D-sized tits, a real nice ass, just a perfect body. We had been together for almost 3 years and she was the love of my life. We were all cuddled up on the couch, loving the feeling of each other’s bodies, and we had no idea our whole world was about to be...

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Forced to watch my girlfriend brutally gangraped

I should start this story with a little background info. A few weeks ago my car got stolen from right in front of my apartment door. Later that day the police found the car and arrested the guys who stole it. The police asked if I wanted to press charges and in the heat of the moment I said yes. I was angry that my car was stolen and wanted to get back at the bastards. A few months later I get called and asked to appear in court and testify. Against my better judgment I agree, showed up,...

2 years ago
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Forced to watch my girlfriend brutally gangraped

I should start this story with a little background info. A few weeks ago my car got stolen from right in front of my apartment door. Later that day the police found the car and arrested the guys who stole it. The police asked if I wanted to press charges and in the heat of the moment I said yes. I was angry that my car was stolen and wanted to get back at the bastards. A few months later I get called and asked to appear in court and testify. Against my better judgment I agree, showed up,...

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The prude and my girlfriend

Chapter 3For the first time I was living in this town I went to church that next Sunday. Not many people were visiting the service, but I stayed at the back of the church. I could see Marjory sitting somewhere in the front of the church. The service didn't take that long, maybe 45 minutes. Afterwards they always drink coffee and I attended this coffee meeting. I knew some people and just mingled somewhat, until Marjory came up to me. She wore a nice skirt with low heeled pumps. I Gave her a...

3 years ago
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Caught Girlfriend cheating with My Mother

You did not misread that and I did not see it wrong. How could I? I was only watching the entire damn thing unfold before my eyes. I guess it couldn't be helped, I wasn't direct enough about my feelings, but for the love of God she was such a shy girl, how was I supposed to know she had it in her to even do something like this, let alone with my mom?!If I had to be honest I think it all began a few weeks back. I had actually finally got up the courage to bring up the "big question" during one...

2 years ago
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Camping with my girlfriend

Quick background info for those who haven't read any of my other stories.I'm a bi-bottom guy, and I'm submissive by nature. My submissive side was always a secret until I started to experiment with my girlfriend of 3 years which led to her becoming the dominant person in our day to day lives and led her to cuckolding me and also watching me being fucked.Now that the background info is out of the way we can start with the story.This story is about a cuckold experience I had with my girlfriend...

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Perfect Girlfriend Juice Ch 02

by Fidget Eleanor loved being the Mayor's wife. Knowing that she was making a positive difference in her community for her husband's constituents was part of it, sure, but mostly she loved the sense of grandeur and decorum that came with being the wife of the political head of fifty thousand people. People listened when she talked, respected her ideas, and treated her with a deference that quickly became addicting, all because of her husband's position. It was like being one of those...

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Perfect Girlfriend Juice Ch 02 The Mayors Wife

Eleanor loved being the Mayor's wife. Knowing that she was making a positive difference in her community for her husband's constituents was part of it, sure, but mostly she loved the sense of grandeur and decorum that came with being the wife of the political head of fifty thousand people. People listened when she talked, respected her ideas, and treated her with a deference that quickly became addicting, all because of her husband's position. It was like being one of those entitled military...

Mind Control
4 years ago
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threesome with the girlfriend

Introduction: Fantasy come true Ok so my girlfriend and I were watching porn. I will tell you about her now she is a little on the short side being 5ft5 but she has a smoking body. She has a b sized cub but she definitely makes up for it with that big black ass of hers. It makes heads turn when we walk down the street. I am your average white male with a 6 inch dick but she loves the way I can work it. My girlfriends name is Keeara and my name is Nick. Well lately weve been watching porn of...

2 years ago
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threesome with the girlfriend

Well lately we’ve been watching porn of threesomes. It can be either mff or mfm either way it seems like we fuck so much crazier afterwords. So I have always wanted to have a threesome with her but never really had the courage to ask her. So one night while we were watching this white get fucked in the ass while eating a black girl’s pussy out I was horny enough to ask her if she would ever consider a threesome, I said it kind of jokingly. But to my surprise she said yes. I was so excited but...

3 years ago
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Girlfriend Ke Saath Chudai Usi Ke Ghar Par

Hi friends, main Sameer fir aa gaya apni new story ke saath. I hope aap sab ache se honge. To friends chalte hai aaj ki hamari story ki taraf. Ye story last month ki hai, aur meri aur meri girlfriend ki hai. Baat 1 maheena pehle ki hai. main aur meri girlfriend hum dono 2 saal se relationship mein the. Lekin hamne kabhi sex nahi kiya tha. Hum sirf hug aur kiss hi kiya karte the. Par is baar lockdown hone ki wajah se, almost 8 months hum dono nahi mile the. Is waqt ke dauraan hum dono chat/call...

3 years ago
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The Girlfriend Experience

It was a Friday afternoon in late spring. I was considering a dilemma that all seventeen-year-old boys face on a daily basis. Do I continue studying for my year end exams that were a few weeks off, or do I jerk off, fantasising about my latest crush?Amy was on my school swim team and we had started hanging out together during the last few weeks of practice. She had a pretty face, nice tits and a gorgeous ass. I was sure that she was into me, but I was too much of a chicken shit to ask her out....

First Time
1 year ago
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Perfect Girlfriend Juice Ch 01

Perfect Girlfriend Juice, Ch. 01 by Fidget "Wait, what do you mean you changed the recipe?" the CEO asked his genius but socially inept lead mixologist. "Well, I didn't realize you wanted the drink to actually make a girl into your Perfect Girlfriend, so once I saw your incredibly sexist ad campaign, it inspired me to go back to the drawing board and craft something that would make your dream a reality. Now whenever a girl drinks Perfect Girlfriend Juice, she'll develop a crush on the...

3 years ago
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Teenage Cuckold ndash Catching My Cheating Girlfriend

Let me start by saying I’m a white Jewish man in a cuckold marriage. I’m in my mid 40’s and I’ve been sexless for the last six years, while my wife has had many sexual partners and boyfriends over the last 16 years, most of them hung black men. Even though this is not how I expected my life to turn out, I’m content being a sexless cuckold and get turned on by the humiliation of my wife fucking other men, but it’s definitely something I’m not proud to admit to people I know! As I analyze my past...

4 years ago
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Punished My Cheating Girlfriend Sadhna

Hi, I am Chetan and I am back with another story. Hoped you liked my previous stories. If you haven’t read those, please go through them once. This is the story about how I punished my girlfriend for cheating on me. My girlfriend’s name is Sadhna. She has a very sexy figure of 36-32-36. I loved her figure a lot. We use to have a lot of sex whenever we get the opportunity. We have even had sex in public places when there was no one. We find it erotic. So here’s what happened. One day, I went to...

3 years ago
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Night with my Exhibitionist Girlfriend

Let me give y’all a bit of backstory in case you don’t already know me. My name is Brian, and I’m dating this girl named Ashley. We’ve been together for a few years now. Ashley is a very… outgoing person. She’s not shy at all, and in fact, she’s a bit of an open book, especially when it comes to her sex life. I realize that’s a lot to tell you right off the bat, but it’s relevant to this story. Ashley’s adventurousness has led to us having a number of incredible experiences with other...

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My girlfriend Sue with my old friend

Be warned, my stories tend to be long "this one is the longest one to date im not even sure if i could post the whole thing in one piece" and very detailed "with a lot of focus on dialog" but I will do my best to keep it as short as I can. Some background information, which you could skip if you have read my other stories:For those who haven’t read my previous stories.I'm a sub/bi bottom, who wanted to experience being dominated by a woman.Me and my girlfriend Sue started experimenting in bed...

2 years ago
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Perfect Girlfriend Juice Ch 01

"Wait, what do you mean you changed the recipe?" the CEO asked his genius but socially inept lead mixologist."Well, I didn't realize you wanted the drink to actually make a girl into your Perfect Girlfriend, so once I saw your incredibly sexist ad campaign, it inspired me to go back to the drawing board and craft something that would make your dream a reality. Now whenever a girl drinks Perfect Girlfriend Juice, she'll develop a crush on the first guy she talks to afterward, feel compelled to...

Mind Control
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Futa Naked In School 10 Loving Her Futa Girlfriend 1 Salomes Futa Temptation

Chapter One: Salome's Futa Temptation By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Salome Cardozo's Week, Monday “It's this Friday,” said my futa-girlfriend as we walked up the path towards the entrance of the school. “I can't wait.” I blushed, my stomach roiling with guilt from the slick feel of my asshole. “Yeah. It'll be an amazing night. You should see my dress.” Paloma smiled at me, her black hair gathered in a pair of matching pigtails to mine. We'd been styling our hair the same since...

3 years ago
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Me My Girlfriend And Her Friend

Well, you guys could call me Amit, 27 Years old from Kathmandu, Nepal. I and my girlfriend (Say Poonam) had been in a relationship since 4-5 years. This story takes back to the time when I was 26 and she was the same age. We planned a night out at her friend’s place. She lives alone. She has a maid to do the chores who comes in the late afternoon and leaves before 5 in the evening. So, it was ideal for all of us to have some fun here. Let’s call her Rozina. She has this house with tenants on...

3 years ago
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My Beautiful Girlfriend Marries My Younger Brother

Hi friends, this is Shyam. This is my true life story on how my girlfriend married my own younger brother! I live in a joint family in a town. When I was 24, I fell in love with a girl who was about five years younger than me. My family knew about my love story and were ready to accept her as their daughter-in-law. I got a job in a private company and earned money. My father was a retired bank employee and my mother was a housewife. I have a younger brother. During those years, my parents...

2 years ago
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My Girlfriends Mom Shrieked

Tommy turns future father-in-law into a cuckold This is the story of a teen who suddenly becomes aware of the allure of his girlfriends mom. 1 -- 3:18 p.m. May 27th 2008"Tommeeeee!" my girlfriend's mom shrieked as I lifted her high up into the air. But her eyes were smiling in excitement as she looked down at me from above. She thought I was just playing a game."Stop it," the thirty-six year old, still pixie cute face ordered between giggles as I threw her up in the air and then caught her in...

3 years ago
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My Girlfriends Mom Shrieked

My Girlfriend's Mom Shrieked.............This is the story of a teen who suddenly becomes aware of the allure of his girlfriends mom. Of a boy/man who struggles with the feelings this woman ignites within him. And what about his girlfriend's dad, a man who's always treated him like a son? And why does this inexperienced lad become so excited at the thought of taking another man's wife?1 -- 3:18 p.m. May 27th 2008"Tommeeeee!" my girlfriend's mom shrieked as I lifted her high up into the air. But...

1 year ago
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19 Year Old Girlfriend Cuckolded Me

My name is Jim and I live in Pleasant Hill, which is in the East Bay of beautiful Northern California. I'm currently 24 years old, 5'-9" tall, 175 lbs., have blonde hair, blue eyes, and I work in a local bank as a teller.Last Spring, I started dating an extremely attractive Asian girl named Nikki, who had worked at a competing lending institution. Last Spring, Nikki had just turned 19. She is 5'-6" tall, 110 lbs., and she has an absolutely stunning figure. I'm particularly attracted to her...

3 years ago
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My Sons Girlfriend

Joel Patterson was sitting at home alone watching television one Friday night. His wife, Julie, was gone to visit her mother for the weekend. Joel’s eighteen-year-old son, Jay, was out on a date with his sixteen-year-old girlfriend, Amy Holloway, when he got a call from his son. Jay had been arrested for DUI and would not be able to see the judge until Monday to set his bail. He asked his father if he would go to the police station and get Amy, because they had impounded his car until he made...

2 years ago
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Busty girlfriend in bar

Well this is a little fantasy I've had about my girlfriend. This event hasn't happened and won't so I'm just going to put this on here.The night begins in the bedroom at home, I'm watching my delicious girlfriend get ready to go out for a few drinks. She's standing in front of the mirror trying to get her black top over her 34F natural busty tits, her brunette hair is flowing loose over her shoulders and her blak dress is riding up her long legs half way up her thighs. She finally gets the top...

1 year ago
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Girlfriend Fucked By Best Friend 8211 Part 1

Okay, so this is my first attempt in writing erotica. I will be writing mainly about the fantasy which I mainly have in cuckoldry along with my girlfriend. Some of the sex stories and incidents are true while some are only fantasies which me and my girlfriend have. Starting with ,this is a true account of an incident that happened with me and my girlfriend which broke the taboo over sexuality and helped us to explore many thing sexually. My girlfriend is really a keeper ,her name is zoya, her...

1 year ago
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Wine Night with my Exhibitionist Girlfriend

Believe it or not, Jordan (who is my best friend) and I had spent the first part of the evening drinking with Madison. One thing led to another, and Madison may have sucked our cocks, received a good face-fucking or two, and eventually let us fuck her in the ass several times. If that sounds like a lot, well, it was. I’m still kind of in shock that I spent the past few hours fucking my girlfriend’s little sister in the ass. If you’re interested in hearing about that -- or all the stuff that...

1 year ago
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My girlfriend cheated on me A new kind of submiss

For those of u who haven't read my previous stories allow me to give u a quick summary...I live in a house with two roommates "one male and one female"I have only recently started with sexual experimentation which led to my situation where my female roommate became my mistress and have watched my girlfriend have sex with another guy once before this story which I never considered cheating since it was a one time experience that included me and my mistress.This is a story about how my girlfriend...

3 years ago
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Sharing my girlfriend with my roommate when my mi

Be warned this is a long story!Hopefully u read my previous stories and know of my situation, if u haven't here's a quick summary:I'm a sub and wanted to experience being dominated by a woman.Me and my girlfriend Sue started experimenting in bed which led to my female roommate to join and become my mistress, a while after I caught my girlfriend cheating on me with my other roommate Sam, and rather than confronting them I decided to share her with Sam and watch.This story starts when my mistress...

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Tammys New Girlfriend

TAMMY'S NEW GIRLFRIEND By Tammy Richards "Danielle, I need your help!! It's Jim. I don't know what to do." It was Saturday morning and I was sitting at the kitchen table enjoying a second cup of coffee when the phone rang. On the other end was my friend and neighbor Linda Peterson. It was clear from her voice that she was distraught and had been crying. "Relax Linda. I'm sitting here having a cup of coffee. Why don't you join me?" "Oh, thank you...

2 years ago
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Futa Naked In School 10 Loving Her Futa Girlfriend 2 Salomes Futa Passions Exposed

Chapter Two: Salome's Futa Passions Exposed By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Salome Cardozo's Week, Tuesday I knelt trembling bent over the cafeteria table, my body aching for this delight. For Shelena's futa-cock to ram into my asshole and satiate that lust that had been plaguing me all day. I knew it was wrong. I stared into my futa-girlfriend's eyes, wanting to deny my lusts for another. But I was so horny. Going naked all day. Touched. Caressed. Teased. Futas had rubbed my...

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8216Bloody8217 Fuck 8211 Sex With Girlfriend During Her Periods

Hey, this is me again. First I would like to thank you all for giving me an awesome response to my previous story which you can . I am from Aurangabad, Maharashtra. Coming to the story. The intern who lost her virginity to me is my girlfriend now. This story happened on 7th October, 2018. My south Indian girlfriend is 36C-30-34 in measurements with an awesome figure and firm breasts. It was a routine morning and I dropped her at the hospital for her morning rounds. My girlfriend was now doing...

2 years ago
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My Girlfriend The Fluffer

I met Shona in a bar through another friend, and immediately fell for her.She was really cheery and bubbly, and very friendly, and was a short, blonde haired girl, but also fairly ordinary looking as well, but I just couldn't stop staring at her all night, and eventually, I plucked up the courage to ask her out on a date, and after being a little hesitant she agreed.So we went out and had a good time, and I learnt that she was a sound engineer for a television and film studio which was why she...

2 years ago
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My girlfriend has fun at the party

…….. My name is Graham. I was just an ordinary guy, living my life like everyone else, until…. well, Allow me to tell you a cautionary tale. It all started a year ago at the wedding of a senior work colleague. I had recently turned 26, and I was accompanied by my girlfriend Shelly, who was 24. We were suitably dressed, with me in my best suit and her in an expensive frilly white dress. With the afternoon ceremony over and photographs taken, Shelly and I were having a quiet debate about...

3 years ago
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Giving my girlfriend to my friend for the night

Jason squeezed girlfriend's tits as he kissed her, sliding his tongue into her mouth, making her moan. They’d been out having a good time, drinking and hanging out with friends. He’d kept Anya close to him. His girlfriend of two years was super-hot and guys tended to flock to her wherever they went. Jason had learned very early in their relationship that the only way for him to avoid getting into fist fights, over assholes hitting on her, was to keep her by his side, making sure every dude in...

4 years ago
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My Girlfriend The Fluffer 2

So I sat across from Shona at the restaurant table, supposedly having a lovely meal on our weekly date, and even though this pale white girl, with long blonde hair, looked very lovely and enjoyed talking to me, all I could see was the big hard cocks she had been sucking on just a few days earlier.And I wanted to talk to her about it, but how could I? How could I tell her, I hadn't trusted her, so I followed her and saw what she did for a living?I would end up being the bad guy here, so I just...

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Hot Surprise From Beautiful Girlfriend

I am Anand, aged 23, and working in a reputed MNC in Bangalore. This is my first sex story here. As I am new to ISS, I would like to introduce myself. I am medium-built, dark-toned and a bit short. I am blessed with a medium-sized dick. This story is about my very first sex with my girlfriend. I have divided the complete happenings of the day into two parts. Part 1 is all about the initial build-up and making out before the ultimate incident. It could be a bit slow for some people. I want you...

2 years ago
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Drunk Surprises Are The Best 8211 Night With Petite Girlfriend

Hi, this is Sid again. This is my second story on the site. Both are real incidents. If you have not read the previous one, you can check it out. A little bit about me first. I am 5’10 tall and have an athletic body with an average sized penis. I am from Mumbai. Coming to the story. One night my girlfriend and I were invited to a nightclub for an event organized by one of our friends. We decided to get a few drinks before and then meet everyone at the nightclub. Once we got there, it was a very...

2 years ago
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Losing Virginity To My Girlfriend8217s Flatmate

Hey, guys, this is Aakash from Bangalore. I have been reading stories on Indian Sex Stories dot net for some time now and have finally decided to share my experiences in this sex story. Just to introduce myself, I am Aakash living in Bangalore. I am 23 years old and have an athletic body and a good height of 6 feet. As for my cock, it’s 8 inches long and 4 inches wide and has the stamina to go for hours. This sex story happened back when I was in my college 3rd year in Noida. I had a...

3 years ago
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Night Two With My Girlfriends Teen Niece

This is the second part of a story that began with my girlfriend Natalee’s eighteen year old niece staying the night at our place. While having sex, Natalee and I mutually revealed to each other that we have sexual desires for her niece Michelle. The next day my girlfriend took Michelle ,or Shelly for short, out shopping. Natalee had promised that she was going to take Shelly to the lingerie store to pick out something hot. Knowing my girlfriend as only I could, I was sure that she would...

4 years ago
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Breeder Girlfriend Chapter 1

Generally, when I write a story I like to stay in a comfort zone and I think it stunts my ability to grow as a writer. Because of this I wanted to write a story that was a little out of my normal writing and try something a little out there. This story will contain some content that some might not enjoy and that is totally fair. I encourage you though to broaden your horizons and maybe try something a little different. I am going to build this story as much as possible with user input. So,...

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Raiders of Painted Skin Girlfriend

Disclaimer: I don't own anything, all credits to their creator 渡鸦10492. This is just a translation. Raiders of Painted Skin Girlfriend # 1 "March 7th, cloudy, 18 degrees... Forget it, it's meaningless to remember, I'm not writing a diary." Sitting in front of the computer desk, Lu Sheng stared at the screen with a complex expression, tapping his fingers on the keyboard , but always press and hold the backspace key after typing a few lines. A special document in an encrypted format was opened...

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