Megan’s Transformation Into A Hotwife - Part 4 free porn video

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I was disappointed that Derreck was not going to be in town for the weekend. Our three intimacy sharing occasions had totally infatuated me with him. I spent more time preoccupied with him than maybe I should have, but I was craving him. It had been difficult accepting and getting my mind around what I had become, a hotwife. Such a simple term for a very complicated style of living, one that could easily turn into an addiction. It would be come my heroin if I was not careful.

I had finally accepted that this was not only fine with George, but it was what he wanted for both of us. I was still not sure he completely comprehended what he had turned lose in me. But that was water over the dam.

The next few days and the weekend were just normal days in our lives. George and I went to the movies, had a picnic, went to the zoo, made love. That last part is key to my new lifestyle. I did make love to George; I had sport sex with Derreck. The thing was, the sport sex was much more satisfying. While I looked forward to sex with George, now it was almost a task to be completed. Sure I still had orgasms, sure I still enjoyed sucking him to his orgasm and swallowing his invisible little wiggly fellows, but most of the time I was wishing I was doing it with Derreck.

After mentally dealing with the fact that I was not going to see Derreck for at least ten days, and the fact that I still had to talk with, or just tell, George that I was going to spend a night alone with Derreck; I decided that I wanted to give a hotel pickup another chance. Derreck was not the only fish in the sea.

I spent some time over the weekend calling all the big hotels, asking about conferences they might be hosting in the coming week. There was a big national medical association conference at the Hilton; all the rooms were sold out. It sounded perfect. I told George that I was going there Tuesday night and that he was welcome to come along and watch, if I met anyone who interested me—he readily agreed.

I planned to be at the bar before 5 pm, the time the conference ended for the day and happy hour started. I wore what I consider a cocktail dress; it is tone-on-tone black, backless, mid-thigh length, halter top with a minimal built-in bra—it shows off my D size boobs wonderfully. Red stilettos, red clutch purse and a red thong—red lipstick to match. Of course my anklet was on full display. We sat on our bar stools at 4:48 pm, ordering two chardonnays.

The lounge filled quickly. Seventy-five percent of the patrons were men. I received many looks, a few polite complements; no one stopped to talk. I did notice one particularly handsome gentleman glance down at my ankle as he passed by, but he displayed no seeming understanding of its significance. George and I continued to enjoy our wine as the vast majority of customers were busy talking about the conference.

A few minutes later a waiter brought me a new glass of wine and a folded note. I looked at him inquiringly and he pointed to a man sitting alone at a small round against a nearby wall. I glanced over, he raised his hand in acknowledgment, I nodded my head.

The note was on very light grey, fine rag paper; the initials, in calligraphy, MM, were embossed on an outer side. Upon opening it, the bold blue script of a fountain pen’s writing jumped out at me.

“I could not help but notice your anklet. I understand its meaning, which, I take, is the reason you are here. Other than being white, you will find that I easily fulfill the requirements your jewelry invites. Please join me at my table. Your husband is also welcome, if you so desire.”

I handed the note to George as I picked up my wine, “Stay here. I am going over to meet the gentleman who wrote it. If I need you, I will signal for you.”

With that I rose and walked over to the small round table. He arose, “Good evening, Mathias Morgan, pleased to meet you—and you are?”

“Megan, Megan Gardner. Pleased to meet you also,” I said with a smile.

We both sat. I crossed my legs, turning sideways a bit to show some thigh; my anklet sparkeled in the light. The table was so tiny, he had a very good view. He had piercing blue eyes that seemed to gleam, and while he was not staring, his gaze held me captivated. He explained that he was a plastic surgeon, here for the conference, and that he was married with two teenagers. Further, he mentioned that, as indicated in his note, he would more than meet my expectations if I was so inclined to avail myself of his company. His slight southern accent added to his allure.

We chatted a bit more about our lives. He was an incredibly delightful and charming man. I think I knew what was going to happen the moment he spoke and I looked into his eyes.

Then he asked, “Are you wearing panties tonight?”

Caught off guard because of his easy going, enchanting manner, I paused, “Ah... Yes, a thong.”

“Excellent! Go to the ladies room, remove them and bring them to me. Hand them to me across the table upon your return.”

Still a bit taken aback by this bold request, I never-the-less arose and did exactly as he asked. I felt no humiliation or embarrassment as I reached across the table, placing them in his outstretched hand, as I sat down again.

Smelling them and tucking them in his suit coat pocket, he said, “Thank you my dear. They are exquisite, you have very good taste. Their aroma is intoxicating. Let’s go up to my suite and enjoy the night. I am on the top floor, with a wonderful view from the balcony. We can get your husband on the way, if you like.”

I was more than ready. My thong, when I handed it to him, was quite damp just from my brief conversation with him. I just trusted that he possessed what he clearly indicated he had, knowing that I could always just walk away. He rose, offering me his hand. I took it and we went to get George. After brief introductions, George followed, as Mathias and I, hand-in-hand, went first to the elevator, then into what was a large, beautiful suite.

He offered us both a drink. I took a French Chablis, George, a Scotch single malt. Mathias had a bourbon on the rocks. He lead us out onto the balcony; the cool, crisp evening air felt wonderful. The sky was completely clear, the city lights and the stars shimmering.

Setting down his drink, Mathias stepped close behind me. Reaching around, he quickly found my hard nipples, covered only by the thin material of the dress.

“Oh my sweet Megan, they are luscious,” he said, as he squeezed and rolled them between his thumbs and forefingers. “They must be set free.”

Instantly, his hands undid the halter top; it fell forward, my boobs were exposed to the world. His hands were quickly back cupping my breasts, tweaking my nipples. I slumped back into him and swiftly handed my glass to George.

“Oh God yes! That feels so good. Squeeze my boobs, rub and fondle my tits!”

He was very practiced in his caressing and exploring of me. He seemed to know exactly when to do what. I was putty in his hands—totally responsive, willing and accepting of his polished advances.

Soon his hands left me again, only to find my dresses’ zipper. Down it came, my dress following, gently floating to the floor—I was naked to the world. He spun me around, reaching between my legs. Two fingers went in my now soaking pussy.

I was holding on to him for support or I would have collapsed. “Mathias, damn you are good! Is this part of your medical skills?” I joked, as he continued exploring, probing my vag.

“I believe I know how to satisfy a lady and that is what is going to happen tonight!”

As I glanced at George, he was still standing there, holding his glass and mine, seemingly transfixed. “George, go sit down somewhere.”

“Yes George, please go enjoy the scotch, it is twenty-five years old; one of the best available. And you, my sweet Megan, get on your knees and suck my cock for the world to see.”

Although I wanted more ‘gina attention, I did not hesitate. I wanted to see and feel his cock. It was all he had promised. He was about as thick as Derreck and maybe just a bit shorter. Plenty to satisfy this hotwife!

I engulfed him to my capacity and began stroking, sucking and licking him—with no regard to who might have their telescope or binoculars on us.

“Oh yes Megan, suck my dick! Suck it deep. Can you do deepthroat? If so, do it!”

I tried and almost took it all, but his thickness, just like with Derreck, stymied me from taking it entirely. I felt my juice begin to slightly run out. I was so ready for his cock to fuck me, but I did not want to let him out of my mouth either.

He solved the problem. Reaching down, he held my head with both hands and slowly pulled me up, as I reluctantly let his cock slide away. We engaged in our first kiss; it was deep and prolonged. When we finally parted, he turned me to the railing, telling me to hold on tight.

He was rapidly behind me. Whack! to one cheek. “Ow...” Whack! to the other cheek. “Ohhh... Mmm.”

“Tell me what you need.”

“Fuck me! Ram it in me and fuck me! Beat my ass!”

He did all that and more. A few sweeps between my labia and he was sodden with my nectar. His initial thrust, to his full length, took my breath away, suddenly I was filled and stretched like only Derreck had been able to do—there is nothing to compare to that feeling!

“God yes! Fuck that pussy! Smack my ass, I love it!

Reaching for my hair, he pulled my head back. My butt, of course, followed. His balls were hitting my clit on every thrust. Electrifying shocks were running outward from my sweet slit; my first orgasm was building.

“Ohh shit, I am going to cum! Pound me! Yes, now! Oh God, God.”

I was reduced to alternating moans and cries of extreme ecstasy. My hands were in a death grip on the railing. One of his hands was holding my hair, the other my hip. I was ready to collapse, but he would not let me.

He let go of my hair. My head fell so I was looking at the concrete balcony, eyes going in and out of focus. Reaching under me, he covered his thumb with my natural lube. The next thing I felt was it pushing into my ass.

“Ahh, oh I love it! Push it in there deep.”

His thumb caused even more orgasms to rip through me. Now I seriously thought I was going to crumple. Then his digit came out. Again he knew when enough was enough. His cock then pulled out with no warning, which was shocking.

“No, no, don’t stop,” I yelled, as I was about to go to the floor. Even though his stopping seemed wicked, I was regretfully thankful—I was in serious jeopardy of my legs totally collapsing. I wondered how many people had heard my screams of ecstasy...

He held me up as I regained my strength. We both saw George jacking himself as he helped me into the suite... Mathias saw the look on my face.

“He is just doing what comes natural to him. I pay it no mind,” he assured me, as we walked past him to the bedroom. He briefly settled me in a chair, while he quickly threw back the bedcovers.

“George,” I somewhat shouted at him, “If you are going to whack off, I want you to catch it all in one of those ‘rocks’ glasses.”

“Really...? Why?”

“Just do it. You will find out later.”

Shortly after that exchange, Mathias was naked, guiding me to the bed. Lying down, he took a position close beside me. Passionate kisses ensued, as one of his hands explored my dripping kitty. Both my hands found his phallus, slippery from me. I rubbed and stroked him as he found my G spot; he worked it and my clit, each in turn. Holding his member made me realize I was totally seduced by him, ready to do anything he required.

I was soon moaning from his expert manipulation of my pudenda. He was playing me like the superb lover he obviously was. Moving down a bit, he took one of my nips in his mouth and sucked, hard, as his tongue flicked around it. That was the final straw. The building orgasm erupted and ran through me, I was shouting as my legs began shaking uncontrollably.

“Damn Mathias, you know every button to push. How can I, seemingly so easily, be so completely captivated and enthralled?”

He ignored the question as he pulled me on top of him. I needed no instructions; I held his cock and slid down on it, once again being distended and completely penetrated. My hips required no guidance, they immediately started moving back and forth—my clit rubbing on him, every movement propelling his cock back and forth in me. Eyes closed, I was on autopilot. I knew what was coming; I wanted it and dreaded it at the same time.

I reached my arms out; he effortlessly captured my hands, our fingers entwined, firmly holding me upright. The familiar feeling was starting; I knew I would soon lose control. Slowly at first and then rushing out from my clit, the climax dashed through me. My whole body was lurching frantically. In seconds another started and bolted through me. I was now in the grip of an altered reality I could not control. It would only stop when he halted my movement.

Gasping and screaming, his strong arms held me enslaved to myself. As much as I tried to stop my hips, my body would not comply. My passion and insatiable hunger was too strong; my body craved it, demanded it.

Doubtlessly dripping from every pore, I was at the end of my sexual rope. He, of course, sensed this. His hands released mine and instantly dropped to my hips, rigidly stopping me. I dropped, still speared, to his chest—my heart pounding, gulping air into my sapped body.

“Oh my God, my God,” I managed to wheeze out. “You let it go on so long, I thought I would pass out.”

“But you loved it didn’t you?”

“Fuckin-a yes! But damn, have pity on a poor girl,” I poutingly said.

“I think you will live to tell the tale,” he said, laughing. “How about you George? Was that good or what?”

“It was like she was possessed! God, it was so exciting. I made a deposit in the glass for her.”

“Well, glad you enjoyed the show. It is not over yet. I think she still has more to give. What do you think Meghan?”

“I need a little more recovery time but I am game if you are. You have not even cum once yet tonight.”

“The night is young yet my dear, still very young. What would you say to some appetizers and wine to help you prepare for the second act?”

“Oh, that would be perfect! How soon can we have them?”

“George, pick up the phone and call room service. Tell them that Dr. Morgan is ready for his order, tout suite.”

With that he held me and rolled on top, still deeply in me. “Just relax my Sweet. A few gentle, slow strokes on my part to feel your absolutely remarkable pussy. So tight and so silky. I am so delighted you acted on my note.”

He kept his promise, slow and gentle. Just enough to create a warm, affectionate feeling between us. He kept it up as we locked in a passionate kiss. Mathias was a loving, romantic gentleman who knew how to elicit maximum passion from a woman. I learned that there could be more than Derreck in my life, although I was still looking forward to spending the night with him.

A knock at the door brought George to his feet. He let in the servant who put the food on the small dining table and left without a word. Mathias stopped his movement and slowly withdrew; it was a wonderful moment.

I had recovered and was in a wonderfully joyful state. We both came to the table, unabashedly nude. George had pulled up his pants and began to sit with us.

“Get that glass you came in and bring the scotch,” I told him.

He retrieved it and the whiskey, handing both to me as he sat down. I poured barely one shot in the glass, swirling it until the contents had blended.

“Sip this as we eat.”


“Yes, seriously. You know you occasionally devour a mixture of your cum and my nectar out of me, after our love making. I have decided that you are going to consume all cum that is deposited in me, after it subsequently runs out. A taste treat for you.”

“I am not sure...”

“I am sure! That’s the end of it. Now lets enjoy this wonderful spread so Mathias and I can get back to it.”

There was nothing left to be said. I picked up a large shrimp, dipped it in cocktail sauce, and enjoyed it with my wine. Mathias went for the bleu cheese while George went for the meatballs. He slowly sipped his drink as he ate a few meatballs.

I managed to get Mathias to talk about his work, to discuss interesting cases he had done. While he did not reveal personal information, it was obvious that he had more than a few wealthy and well know patients. We both enjoyed the little life vignettes he described.

I refilled my glass, grabbed another shrimp and, after standing up, strolled out on the balcony; Mathias followed. George, of course, stayed behind.

Any inhibition I had was long gone. Standing naked in the night, cool air raising my nipples, was a fabulous feeling. Mathias was behind me, as close as he could get, his semi-hard staff nudging my butt.

His glass clinked on the table, his hands then curved around my boobs, lifting them and fondling my nips. The exquisite sensations captivating my body; I could feel my heat rising. Moaning, I reached back, with one hand, to stroke him—I was unconditionally ready for whatever he had in mind. One of his hands dropped down, easily finding my sodden crevice.

“You are ready aren’t you my sweet?”

“Oh God yes,” I softly said.

“Then let’s go back to bed.”

“Exactly what I was thinking,” I whispered.

On the way back in he said, “I am guessing that you have an appetite for anal pleasure.”

“You would be correct. I actually love it but do not have abundant experience with a cock of your size.”

“That will be no problem. It will not happen until you are ablaze with a seeming insatiable craving for more.”

“More what?”

“More of whatever is your ultimate sexual satisfaction.”

He would explain no further. By then we were back on the bed. We started where we had left off. I was on my back as he tenderly entered me, slowly expanding my tunnel, as he pushed deeper and deeper. God, what I had missed all these years, I thought as I looked over at George. He was seemingly happy, watching and sipping scotch. He had finished his “special” cocktail before I went to the balcony.

My mind quickly snapped back when Mathias’ hands went under my shoulders, pulling me tightly to him. I threw my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. We were locked together as close as we could possibly get. Based on past performance, I knew I was in for another energetic, exhausting and spectacular coupling.

His thrusts began; my kitty welcomed everyone. Intense passion and burning desire were becoming my world. The hunger for orgasm was getting more and more extreme. By now his slow and tender thrusts had become hammering blows.

“I need this so bad. Slam me with your huge cock. Oh yes. Like that, just like that!”

My pussy was contracting, trying to hold him. I knew the signs well. My muscles were tensing, holding him even tighter. Soon now, very soon, it would hit me.

“Oh fuck yes! God you are incredible. I am...” The rest was lost in an unearthly scream.

My mind was once again retreating into its carnal, feral state of sexual lust. I was captive to his sexual whims. Even though my legs had fallen to the bed, and were in an almost constant state of trembling, he rose up, gathering them under his arms. He came back down on me, pressing them to my shoulders. I was totally exposed and vulnerable to him.

The time between my orgasms had shortened from previously. They seemed almost nonstop; the exhilaration was incredible. I was constantly gasping for breath; my screams rising and falling in concert with my climaxes. I felt my elixir dripping down my thighs; it seemed to pulse out with each spasm.

From the very beginning he had been fully using me; he practically pulled out on every stroke. Ever since he had pinned my legs, he had been coming out to the point that his cock head was just between my vulva—then plunging entirely back in.

Even in my somewhat delirious state, I felt the pressure on my legs increase. He seemed to be lifting off me. The angle of penetration had changed. I faintly knew something was happening. Then, on an out stroke, he came completely out—a small subtle movement I barely realized.

“Ohh my fucking God!” I managed to exclaim.

He had driven through my rosebud, fully into my ass. I began bucking, as best as I could, against him. He kept up his movement. What was left of my sense of reality was gone; what I thought was pain was really euphoria. Even though I was a wailing, blubbering wreck, I was overcome with incredibly strong, intensely satisfying, orgasms. I realized later, this was the “more” he had told me I would find.

It was not long after his initial anal penetration that I could feel his whole body stiffening. He began to groan; his cock became even harder; he held me tighter, if that was possible.

“I’m going to cum, Baby! I’m going to fill your ass. Oh damn I love your hot ass! Here it comes!”

I could feel his organ pulsing, the hot seed streaming into me. His thrusting slowed, then stopped; he was still fully buried in me. He released some of the pressure on my legs; their quivering was stopping. My breathing and heart began to return to normal. Amazingly, now he was the one gasping for breath.

“Good God Mathias, are you mortal? You have wrung me like an old dishrag. No! Don’t pull out yet. Just another few seconds, then nice and slow.”

He obliged. When the last of his erection was coming out, it was only a small “pop”—he had contracted enough to reduce his size by probably half. His turn to flop on the bed. We laid, side by side, until we both had recovered. To me, this had been a sex marathon of epic proportions; an extremely thrilling, fulfilling, marathon.

I looked at George but had no words, I was totally spent. He just smiled, nodded his head, and held up a glass in which he poured a shot of scotch and swirled it—he had adapted quickly to consuming his cum. How would he feel about that of my lovers?

I went to take a quick shower as Mathias propped himself up in bed and began a conversation with George. How did George so easily accept and approve of other men fucking his wife? He must have known I was getting much more pleasure from them, yet he could carry on a conversation like we had just watched a movie with an old friend. Not my concern I told myself—there were more Derrecks and Mathias’ out there waiting for me.

After I my shower, I retrieved my clothes and dressed, ready to leave. Mathias mentioned that he came to town several times a year and suggested we exchange numbers, so we could stay in touch for future times; I readily agreed.

One more long, steamy kiss and we parted—the door closing slowly and quietly behind George and I.
Author’s Note: Please comment and vote on my story. It is good for my ego and if you have a critical comment it will help me to be a better writer. Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it and will read future parts.

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Shes Now A Hotwife Chapter 3

Hello everyone my nickname is Wild Red, I'm construction65's Hotwife. This is what happened on my first overnight hotwife weekend. I hope you enjoy.My date was with Marcus was with one of the studs that my piercer and tattoo artist, Angelina, hooked me up with from a previous story.  I meet him at a very upscale club that I arranged for but made hubby pay for the room.When I walked in he was waiting for me, wearing a very nice three-piece suit. He stood up and gave me a very passionate full...

Wife Lovers
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Hotwife Brandis Slutty Vacation

Chapter 1“Could you take my case downstairs to the hall please, hon? It's a bit heavy!” asked Brandi.“How can it possibly be heavy?” I asked, with a grin on my face. “All your outfits are so skimpy, they don'tweigh any more than a few feathers!”“Oh, very droll, darling! I've got 3 pairs of kinky thigh boots in there, as well as those pvc chaps that you likeso much!”Brandi had started packing for our vacation almost a week ago and I knew that she would be taking someseriously slutty outfits. She...

2 years ago
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Shes finally a hotwife

First let me start by saying this really happened and was way better than any night I could have planned myself. I changed our names for obvious reasons. I'm the cuckold I'll call myself George. My wife will go by Ann. So Ann and I have been together in a very happy marriage since we were teenagers. I myself had only had sex with one person when we met and Ann was a proud virgin. I took me over two years before we had sex. Now we are in our mid thirties and have been together for...

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How My Hotwife Cuckolds Me A Glimpse into our li

I'm writing this not with the intention of writing an erotic story, rather more of a glimpse into our life as a cuckold and hotwife. It's not full of sexual details, just more of a mental picture of our relationship. You can visit our page for more detailed information about us. Just a thumbnail sketch, we a very happy and secure Mid 30's couple in the Midwest. She has a few guys that she has sex with but she doesn't just fuck anyone. I am locked in a small chastity cage 24/7. I have big...

1 year ago
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Megans Transformation Into A Hotwife Part 2

As we were driving through the parking lot toward the exit, I saw George was still hard. I thought he must really need some relief, so I told him to pull into a parking space and turn out the lights. He asked why; I told him to just do it.“Now unzip and I will take care of your obvious needs,” I said as I pulled the top of my dress down. “I am sure you can find something to play with while I devour your load.”“Ah, my two favorite things,” he said, quickly unzipping and releasing his cock.I...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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Megans Transformation into a Hotwife Part 1

“So Megan, I have been thinking about this and want to ask you something...”“Well ask away,” I said with a smile.“Have you ever thought about or desired to have sex with another man?”I was stunned speechless when he asked me that. Where was this coming from? Why would he even think to ask this?We had been married for six years. We were both thirty-one, having met when we were twenty four and married at twenty-five. We were both high school teachers, me biology, him physics. We taught at the...

Wife Lovers
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Hotwife On The Beach

I woke up in a state of confusion.  My phone vibrated on the nightstand.  It took me a minute to remember I was sleeping in a rented beachfront townhouse.  I picked up the phone and saw that it was Stela.  It was just after midnight.  I’d been enjoying the kind of deep sleep that only comes after a long day, some good wine, and a mindblowing orgasm thanks to the blowjob she’d given me a few hours earlier.I didn’t understand why she was calling in the middle of the night.  She should have been...

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Hotwife Breaks The Rules

“I have a trip next week with my family,” Stela wrote in a text.  “You never mentioned that,” I texted back.A day earlier we’d spent the entire night fucking while her husband was at home with her kids.  It was only her third experience as a hotwife. I knew the other two men had left her unsatisfied, just like her husband usually did.  I’d given her the wildest night of her life, but she had warned me upfront that she was afraid of getting attached.  More importantly, her husband was afraid she...

3 years ago
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The Black Bull The Hotwife and Cuckold

My wife just couldn’t hold on to the secret any more you see, and I half think she just wanted to see what my reaction was to the thought of Jill sneaking around and of course what I thought about the whole interracial thing. Apparently Jill and Dave had nearly stopped having sex and Dave just seemed to have lost interest in Sarah. Dave’s loss in my opinion as Jill is fucking knockout. Jill had met Sarah back in college. I was dating Sarah at the time but I had always fantasized about...

2 years ago
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First time Hotwife

Introduction: Jen becomes a hotwife My wife Jen was turning 30 soon and I wanted to do something special for her. It had been a big few months for us and we had grown so close as a couple, closer than we had been in all our 11 years together. I had finally been able to tell her about my fantasy of seeing her with another guy and to my surprise she told me that she was intrigued and would consider it but needed to process that other men would find her sexy and want to be with her. I knew that...

2 years ago
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The Black Bull The Hotwife and Cuckold

Introduction: It was all her idea and I just went along because I really didnt have a choice. It all started when my 28 year old wife Sarah told me that her best friend Jill (who is married) was seeing a black guy on the side. It had started out as just a casual thing where Sarah was just sneaking around but now had progressed a month later to the point where Sarah was contemplating splitting up with her husband Dave and was moving in with Marc her new black lover. I was shocked. Jill and my...

2 years ago
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My Hotwife Responds To Lush Members

I‘m the husband…the writer and the communicator. My luscious hotwife Katie is the insatiable slut and…well…just insert whatever feels good right here. She’s my inspiration and consistently helps with my stories. I try to make sense of her twisted thoughts and wild experiences so we can all share. Sometimes I get quite aroused as I write about some of the things she’s done or would like to do. On more than one occasion she’s thoughtfully assisted my focus by crawling under my oversized home...

Group Sex
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A Hotwife at Costa Natura

We had another unique chance to go on holiday together. We did a road trip in Spain and visited several beautiful cities and ended in the south to relax in a small naked resort called “Costa Natura”. My boyfriend rented a little studio with great sea-view, in the distance we could see the rock of Gibraltar.All studio’s and apartments were connected to each other so left and right we had neighbors. Left from us an older man who got visitors: his son and girlfriend, a couple in their early...

2 years ago
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Hotwife Chloes Slutty Night Out

Chloe got home from work over an hour later than usual. “Oh, I called in at the tattoo shop. Look.”she said, lifting up her red leather mini-skirt. “Max took out my old cunt rings and put in these bignew 6 gauge silver titanium rings. Don't they look so fucking slutty, Dave?”The four new rings through her labia, two on either side, were at least three times the size of her oldones. They were, indeed, incredibly slutty!“Max told me not to change the ring in my pierced clit hood because it would...

2 years ago
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My First Hotwife Experience

I’ve always been a very sexual person. My husband realized that very quickly and has encouraged me to have fun. As along as I let him know what I’m doing, and even let him watch, he's my biggest cheerleader. I was very reluctant at first because I felt I was happy with my sex life and the idea of being a hotwife seemed totally crazy to me. One day, we left a friend's wedding for an overnight stay in a hotel, and we struck up a conversation in the hotel bar with a salesman. He happened to sell...

3 years ago
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Slutty Hotwife Annabel Friday Night PickUp

Slutty Hotwife Annabel: Friday Night Pick-UpChapter 1Friday evenings were 'pick-up' nights for Annabel. We would go into a downtown bar or club separately withthe intention of Annabel getting picked up by another guy, while I watched from nearby. The formula hasn'tchanged much since before the time we got married, almost 4 years ago. But her outfits have got ever moreslutty and outrageous; her flirting, cockteasing and flashing ever more brazen!I waited in the living room for Annabel to emerge,...

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A Hotwifes Tropical Vacation

My husband spoils me with a trip to a naked paradise...*I had such a great time at the New Years party. That kind of wild extra sex gets my inner fires stoked. The opportunity to enjoy so many new guys in one night is always a super turn on for me.Jack got totally jumped and ridden hard that night once we got home.My birthday is in early January, and he always finds ways to pamper me. Among flowers and several gifts he bought for my big day, there was also a large and nicely decorated envelope....

3 years ago
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HotWife in Vegas and The Bet

After a stiff drink in our resort room and some convincing, Ellen finally agreed to remove her panties and go without any undergarments. We headed down to the club with her wearing nothing but a slim fitting, black dress that went to above her knee, her sparkled champagne colored heels, a black lace choker and nothing else. Her 5' 2 inch 110 lb body looked amazing in the dress, the tight cut accentuating her bubbly ass and the heels highlighting her toned legs. A pair of small but perky tits...

3 years ago
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Was I making a hotwifeor was she training her cuc

This story is fiction and all the characters are fictitious in the story. Hope you will love the story.Making Of a Hotwife?Was I making a hotwife,or was she training her cuckold?It started from the moment I met my wife.I was happily married at the time, or so I thought, until she opened my eyes and set free the disires and passions that I didn't realize I had.She was a new hire for the company, one of about a dozen. I first saw her walking through the halls on her orientation tour. I was...

1 year ago
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A Letter From My Hotwife True Story See Gallery

Over the weekend found a note my #hotwife wrote to me about a year ago. It was kinda hot reading it again and looking back, not much has changed at all since the day I first read it. A picture of the letter is in my gallery.A little back story, I was feeling down one night about not being able to please her so in the morning I found this note by the coffee maker after she had left for work. It was so reassuring and also hot to read. She is the best hotwife and keyholder ever!TEXT FROM THE NOTE...

2 years ago
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The Black Bull The Hotwife and Cuckold

It all started when my 28 year old wife Sarah told me that her best friend Jill (who is married) was seeing a black guy on the side. It had started out as just a casual thing where Jill was just sneaking around but now had progressed a month later to the point where Jill was contemplating splitting up with her husband Dave and was moving in with Marc her new black lover. I was shocked. Jill and my wife were best friends and the thought of Jill fucking a black guy was just shocking.My wife just...

2 years ago
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2nd Hotwife breeding Success

2nd Hotwife (breeding Success)So about a week after my hotwife experience at the swingers party, (don't think I posted that in this group, but you can read it on my profile I posted it in a few groups) I got a call from Tamika, saying she wanted to invite me to a party down in Washington state. I had got a taste and swing parties and I was like fuck ya!! Then she said this one is a little different. I asked her how so, well she said she had confided in a friend about her and mine little weekend...

2 years ago
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First HotWife Experience with a BBC

I'll tell you all a bit about me. I'm a 24 year old girl and in a long term relationship with a great guy. We got engaged recently and plan on getting married next September. We've been into 'swinging' for about 3 years now. In that time we've met couples, and single guys for mfm threesomes. Last year we discussed the possibility of me meeting guys by myself, and after a few near misses, I finally got the chance.My first experience as a Hotwife occurred during a work night out- this is all...

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First time hotwife part1

My wife and I have been married for 25 years we are both in our mid 40's and we are in the lifestyle. It was not something that was planned or even talked about. We met our freshman year of college and started dating soon after and married our Jr. Year. My wife has always been a player from the beginning she dated football and basketball players in the early years behind my back., I always suspected it but at the same time i was in denial, friends told me but I just couldn't see what was going...

1 year ago
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Megans Revenge

My name is Tony Nash I am a 30 year old Production Engineer. My marriage is on the rocks and my wife and I have just gone through bitter separation as we went through the agony of applying for a divorce and separation of our few assets. Fortunately we had no children , although we had been married for five years. Marylyn my wife had an affair with her friends husband, for which she expected me to forgive her, she showed no remorse but actually implied she was going to carry on with the affair,...

Erotic Fiction
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Hotwife Broken In

I grabbed the buzzing phone off the nightstand.  “You’re not going to answer that, are you?” Sarah asked.She was on her back in my bed.  Her thick thighs were spread wide exposing her fat pink pussy lips.  She was still trembling from the orgasm I’d given her with my tongue.  “Of course not,” I told her.I glanced at the phone.  Stela was trying to send a video call.  Her flight left in a couple of hours.  She was in the bathroom of her beach house wearing nothing but a towel.  “I need you to...

4 years ago
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Becoming a Hotwife

“The first time I cheated I was in my twenties,” Stela told me.  We were in a quiet cafe in the middle of the afternoon.  It was the first time we’d met in person after connecting on a dating app.“I hadn’t been married long and I wasn’t very experienced when I met my husband.  I was a good Puerto Rican Catholic girl if you can believe it. Sex wasn’t a priority for him.  Even as newlyweds, it was only a couple of times a week and always missionary. Sometimes oral, but not usually.  I wanted...

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Becoming A Hotwife Pt5

A couple of weeks later, I woke on Monday morning to find Dave gone. When I went through to the kitchen, he was sitting and reading his iPad at the island. He had a very mischievous grin. When I asked what he was up to, he just told me I’d find out soon enough.I turned, saying I needed a shower.When I returned, I saw Dave fully dressed and ready for work, walking out of the door with a bin bag. I thought nothing of it assuming he was putting out some rubbish. However, I was soon to find out how...

Wife Lovers
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Becoming a hotwife Pt4

Following on from my night of unbridled sex.There was so much going through my mind as I drove home. If I was being honest, I was probably too distracted to drive safely. My daze was broken by the phone ringing; it was Dave.I sheepishly answered, not really knowing what to say, or how Dave would react. My fears were immediately eased as he just asked, “How is my little hotwife?” I could feel myself welling up with tears as I told him I didn’t think he’d want anything to do with me after what I...

Wife Lovers
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Becoming a hotwife Pt2

Since our night out with Mark and Helen, I started to embrace dressing more sexy. Dave loved it. I was now wearing hold ups daily for work, nearly every morning he would sit and watch me getting ready. That I became to love, modelling my lingerie for him. I also had quite a collection of new heels as well. I was starting to embrace the hotwife idea of Dave’s, but still unsure.Could I do it?Three months after that night. Here I was. In my hotel room, standing naked, assessing my body in the...

Wife Lovers
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Breeding an Old High School Friends Lactating Hotwife

Most of the cuckold stories I’ve read are from the perspective and in the first-person voice of either the husband being cuckolded or his hotwife. But I’m happy to provide my story about fucking and impregnating the wife of an old high school friend. This happened several years ago, when they moved back to our home town of Birmingham, Alabama.My name is Sam, and I’ll first explain the early years of my friendship with Jeff, before getting to the main events in the story. I was born and spent my...

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How I Became a Hotwife Ch 02 Exposing myself

At around that time, even before we were to start our new lifestyle, I found out that I was pregnant. It must be due to my daily teasing that my hubby getting so excited, he would shoot tons of cum deep inside my belly. Should I have considered that to be unlucky since I was about to proceed with these hotwife actions or should it be a blessing as my pregnancy actually increased my sex drive! I had checked around with my friends who had been pregnant before and some like it too but some just...

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How I Became a Hotwife Ch 03 Hotwife Massage

Just a short recap from the last chapter. My hubby had made the excuses of going out to buy beer and asked his buddy, Eddie to massage for me instead. After my hubby had gone off, we were left alone and Eddie wasted no time to proceed with the massage. I lay on my front, fully naked, and was too shy to face him. So I just closed my eyes and enjoyed his hands massaging my body. His hands wandered from my shoulders to my toes and covered almost every part of my body. He started from my...

3 years ago
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My New Life as a Hotwife

I want you to experience what it might be like if I ever was to embrace your fantasies and become a true hotwife. Before we begin I want you to take out your cock for me. Lie back with it in your hand while I read this to you. The more turned on you get the harder I want you to stroke your cock until you can’t hold any more and give me your cum. I know you love to give me your hot cum so I want to be able to see it when it happens. I want to see if I can turn you on so much that it explodes...

2 years ago
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Hotwife lt die Katze aus dem Sack

Ich sitze in meinem Appartement hoch über den Dächern einer großen Stadt. Da ich öfter in dieser Stadt geschäftlich zu tun habe zahlt meine Firma mir die Miete. Ein idealer Ort für ein Liebesnest. Es ist bereits 18.30. Um 18.15 waren wir verabredet. Ich denke an das letzte Jahr. Brav warst du, ja sogar schüchtern. Aber dann kam die Zeit in der du dich mehr und mehr verwandelt hast. Immer wenn wir uns trafen hattest du ein neues Outfit dabei. Wir verstauten es danach meist Sperma besudelt in den...

3 years ago
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My responsible hotwife

My wife is on the pill because of her boss.It turns me on to say it like that, but it's true.Let me tell you what it means and how we came to this.I never wanted children – it was clear as day to me – and neither did my wife. As soon as I turned thirty, I didn't hesitate to fill the papers for a vasectomy. The operation was not a big deal: after that my wife and I didn't need birth control.But I’ve told you in a previous story (Her business trips) about my wife and her relationship with her...

Wife Lovers
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So this is a bit of sexy fiction where in I wrote a fictional story of fucking one of my fans here on the site. Hope you guys like it. I'm looking for inspiration to write about a girl-girl thing too so DM me. THE AIRPORTFive hours on a flight to find out they canceled the conference at the last moment because the state shut down, again, due to the pandemic. Fuck. I could have saved myself the trip. The airport I was at would normally be full of throngs of people. Guy people I could flirt with....

1 year ago
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My Hotwife Takes Me On Vacation Part Two

Katie and I did plenty of relaxing around the pool area over the next several days as our fun-in-the-sun Mexico vacation continued. We also took part in a variety of activities that included some boating, jet skiing, parasailing and so on.  I found it entertaining to watch all the heads swivel in our direction when we walked though the resort area or along the beach. Katie’s beautiful curves and prominent boobs were accentuated by her varying choices of tiny, colorful bikinis. She wore a...

Group Sex
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My Hotwife Takes Me on Vacation

We arrived in Cancun, Mexico on a beautifully hot and sunny afternoon and cabbed it from the airport to our hotel to check-in, unpack and change into swimsuits. Katie looked spectacular in her hot pink string bikini and I was proud to be seen with her. It was only the firmness of her large breasts that prevented what most onlookers would have thought was an imminent wardrobe malfunction. We had chosen an up-scale adult only resort that had private and secluded areas, where the girls could drop...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Hotwife Cuckolding Guilty Pleasure

I’m a woman who has been happily married for ten years, which, I admit with some satisfaction, is no easy feat. There are many reasons for my marital happiness, including mutual trust, respect, love and appreciation. But I want to focus on an important, but perhaps more visceral and base reason. About three years ago, I began practicing non-monogamy. That’s been a sexual game-changer in a lot of ways but especially so in these last two years when I really embraced the Hot Wife/Cuckold...

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The Black Bull The Hotwife and Cuckold Part III

So it’s been 6 years since I’ve given an update on me and Sarah. Sarah had been sold to a d**g lord named TJ by my wife’s bull James to help us out financially and Sarah ended up being put on the street to earn money by selling sex. By the time I found out she was gone. She was turning tricks on the street and was hooked on d**gs. It was only supposed to last 3 months and then I’d get her back but I was so naive I guess. She ended up being sold off to someone else in another city. I totally...

2 years ago
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Im his hotwife now

I have always tried to be a good wife. I would never imagine cheating on him, well that was until he asked. This is a story of how i went from housewife to hot wife! Our k**s were in college and me and my husband were dating again to bring hopefully back some of the energy we once had. Date after date things were stale and we both knew we loved each other but something was missing, something we once had that has died out from stress and work, it just wasn't the same. One night after a date i...

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