Unspoken free porn video

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I took the last, long drag of my cigarette and held the smoke in my lungs, then crushed the still glowing stub into the metal ashtray on my lap as I exhaled the blue smoke out in to the night air. I was sitting on my balcony, naked, sipping on a generous pour of whisky. I tried to concentrate on the view of the city laid out before me. The CN Tower rose bold and stark against the dusky, Toronto, night sky. The city lights shimmered off the dark, glass like surface of Lake Ontario, and disappeared far away in to the horizon. The tide, always the master of illusion, carried the shimmering lights away, to fall off the end of the earth.

I waited for the inevitable sound, that sound which I have grown to hate with every nerve of my body. It is a constant, a truth, and it booms in my ears after every violent storm in my bedroom. The sound; my apartment door locking. There is always a calm, eerie quiet, throughout my apartment after I am finished with her, after she has finished her crying. She won’t say good bye to me when she makes her exit. She never has. Just as she never has greeted me, like a lover would, when I open my door to her and invite her in.

Her last words to me were spoken just before I made my way to the balcony. “You made me bleed from between my legs again, bastard!” She had sobbed, with her hand extended and accusing, smudged with her blood, empirical proof of what she had accused me of.

I had been extra rough on her that evening. I had bound her with my rope and fucked her mercilessly. When I grinned at what she had sobbed at me, she broke down and started to cry. She needs to cry, it’s a catharsis, it cleanses her, and it makes her whole again.

“Get dressed, and get the fuck out of my sight, whore,” I calmly had replied to her as I left my bedroom to pour myself a whisky.

If you are still reading this, don’t judge me just yet. Read on to the end, only then announce your verdict.

I played the events that would inevitably occur, in my mind. She would shower, slowly get dressed and gather her things. My heart will skip a beat, as it always does, when I hear her unlock my door. I’ll close my eyes and count to four. That’s how long it takes for the next sound to travel to me, the sound of my door closing behind her. Painfully, the sound will come right on queue. It always does.

Once, just fucking once, I wish it wouldn’t. I’d accept any amount of time longer than the cursed, four seconds. One second longer. Half of a heartbeat longer. A bat of an eye longer. A sign, to tell me she is hesitant about leaving.

I met her four months ago, on the Union Station subway platform. I had worked late that evening, so had she. I was walking to the end of the platform; she was walking towards to me, headed to the front of the platform. I made eye contact and smiled at her. She was a blonde, tall, and very attractive middle aged woman. She was dressed in a short, pink skirt and white blouse.

She looked straight back at me, expressionless, and walked right in to me. She bounced off me and stumbled backwards.

When she had regained her balance, she lifted her head and spat at me, “Why don’t you watch where you’re going, jerk!”

I wasn’t impressed. “Sorry, for not watching where you were going,” I half snarled at her.

She stared at me with her big, cold, blue eyes for a split second and walked away.

We met again, in a business setting, at a meeting. Two divisions of the bank we worked for were going to be merged. The merge would allow for a smoother work flow and more control over the daily business process. In reality, it was a precursor to trim the fat, cut out the redundant positions. Some employees would inevitably be let go, all in the name of cutting costs, and keeping the shareholders happy. Such is the reality when you work for a big bank.

She introduced herself to the room as Gloria Osterlund, the SVP of Retail Operations. I’m in IT, her being on the retail side, explained why I had never crossed paths with her at work, up until now. I chuckled to myself as I watched her put on glasses as she prepared the presentation. And thought, maybe that’s why she walked in to me; she wasn’t wearing her glasses on the subway platform.

I stayed in the conference room after everyone had left, and silently watched as Gloria purposefully ignored me, as she gathered her binders and folders.

“You wear glasses, Gloria. That explains our first meeting,” I said to her with a smile.

We were going to be working together; it won’t do anyone any good, to feel uncomfortable.

She looked up at me, took off her glasses and calmly replied, “You disgust me. I know your type. Stay the fuck away from me.”

I smiled at her and waited a few seconds before I replied to her rudeness, in a calm, stern voice, “I know your type. I assure you, it will be my pleasure to stay the fuck away from you.” I left the conference room.

“Prick!” she hissed under her breath.

I stopped mid-step, turned my head and looked at her from over my shoulder. There was a scowl on her face, and a fire burning out of control in her eyes. I recognized the fire. I met her gaze and made sure she watched a crooked grin slowly form on my lips.

How did she end up in my bed, you ask? The only possible way she could have. She made the decision to. But not before she scrutinized my performance, not before she made me audition for her.

The first audition – The subway encounter. The second audition – The conference room.

Was I aware that I was auditioning? Yes, I was.

The third audition took place in her office. She had emailed me a meeting invite, to discuss the proposed IT infrastructure changes. When I entered her office, she was standing with her back to me, gazing out the window of her office. I closed the door behind me and remained silent. My eyes roamed over her body, not skipping over a single inch of her slender and curvy form. She felt my eyes on her. Heat began to build between her long, slim legs. She waited a few minutes before she turned around.

Her eyes met mine with a cold, icy stare. She was daring me to look over her body as she stared me down. I did. And I took my sweet time about it. I shifted my gaze to her chest, observing if her breathing had quickened. It had, but her stare did not falter. She observed me, observing her.

“I prefer a woman not wear pantyhose with a skirt that ends above her knees, Gloria,” I calmly stated to her.

Gloria walked towards me; each step was graceful and had purpose. Not once did her expressionless stare falter. When she was half a step away from me, she slapped me across my cheek and lunged at my mouth with hers. She bit down on my bottom lip and drew blood. I gripped her delicate throat and squeezed. She released my lip from between her teeth and kissed me hard.

I pushed her hungry mouth away from my lips and snarled at her. She moaned and gently gripped my thick, muscular forearm with both hands. As if she was afraid her fingers would damage a delicate and fine piece of Dresden crystal.

“Lick it clean,” I slowly growled the order at her as I squeezed her throat tighter.

Gloria obeyed. She licked and sucked the blood off my bearded chin and swollen lip, with the same gentleness and loving care that her hands were gripping my forearm with. My free hand gripped her thigh, just above the hem of her skirt and squeezed. I dug my nails and fingertips hard and deep in to her soft flesh. Gloria quivered, knowing that I would bruise her. I released her and left her office without uttering another sound.

I spotted Gloria standing at the end of the subway platform on my way home that day. Immediately, I noticed her legs were bare. She had removed her pantyhose. I made my way to her and stood next to her. She did not turn to look at me. When the subway train arrived, I stepped aside and nodded at her to enter first. She nodded back, entered, and took a seat. I sat down directly across from her and openly stared at her crossed, bare legs.

Gloria shifted gracefully in her seat. She presented and displayed her lovely inner thigh to me, as it rested atop of her other leg. She placed one hand on the top of her thigh and lifted her skirt, just enough to expose a newly inflicted bruise. It had begun to bloom, where my thumb had dug into her. My cock quickly grew to be semi erect. We rode seven subway stops together, before we reached my stop. I walked past Gloria, on my way to the doors.

"Thank you," I said to her and exited the train.

Gloria did not reply, she pulled her skirt over the bruise and stared off into space with a stoic expression on her face.

The next day, I received another invite to attend a meeting with Gloria. When I arrived at her office, she was not there. The meeting was scheduled for ten o'clock. I was a few minutes early. When ten o'clock arrived and Gloria did not show up, I left.

One hour later I received an email from Gloria. She apologized for not being punctual and asked if she could reschedule the meeting. She assured me that she would accommodate my schedule.

I called her. She took the call and remained silent. I listened to her breathing get deeper and more labored.

"Eight, my place, tonight," I calmly stated.

She hung up without replying, without confirming or refusing what I had proposed. She would be on time for this meeting. Of that, there was no doubt.

At eight pm., sharp, there was a knock on my door. I opened it; she stood motionless, waiting for me to invite her in. I stepped aside and nodded my head. She entered and stood with her back pressed against the wall. I closed the door. She was dressed in a summer dress of different shades of blue, with a bright yellow curved pattern. No stockings. Her four inch stilettos gave her an advantage over most men, they made her appear taller; add to that, the SVP of Retail Operations title, and many were intimidated by her.

“Slip off your heels,” I ordered.

Gloria obeyed as she smirked at me. “Intimidated by tall women, Gil?” She asked in a mocking tone as she placed toe to heel and slipped off her stilettos.

I smiled and replied, “Not in the least, Gloria. As lovely as the stilettos make your legs look. I want to dismiss any notion you might have, that what you wear, or however carefully you choose your words, will not provide you any sort of advantage when you are in my presence.”

She stared at me for a second and then huffed in annoyance at what I had said to her.

“Are you wearing panties, Gloria?” I calmly asked her.

She snapped back, “Of course. I’m not one of your cheap sluts!”

I gripped her throat and pushed her hard against the wall as I pressed my body against hers.

“Not one of my sluts is cheap, as you so unattractively and misguidedly referred to them. Drop your panties, now,” I growled at her.

Her eyes widened and her cheeks flushed. She lifted her dress and pulled her panties down and over her hips. She wiggled till her panties hit the floor and stepped out of them.

“What about my bra?” She asked with a gasp.

She ached for her breasts to be touched and fondled, for her nipples to be squeezed hard and tugged on. I decided to deny her that pleasure, this time.

“No, I want your breasts in your bra. What is it you need from me, Gloria? Are all these auditions necessary?” I asked her with a smirk on my face.

I knew she needed to be completely dominated, physically and emotionally. But, she also needed something else. The aggressive behavior towards me was an unspoken plea. Gloria was also sexually aroused by being forced in to sexual acts. And, she was a masochist, a very arousing combination to me.

Gloria clenched her jaw and closed her eyes, refusing to answer.

“Shall I answer for you, Gloria?” I snarled.

She opened her eyes and shook her head.

“Is foreplay over? Did I pass your auditions?” I asked, still snarling at her.

Gloria nodded.

“Time to fuck,” I growled as I turned her around and pushed her face and tits in to the wall.

Gloria gasped at the sudden and violent force of her body being turned and pinned. She placed her forearms and hands, fingers extended, flat against the wall. I undid my zipper and slowly pulled my fully erect cock out. I spit in my hand and stroked my cock with it, lubing my pulsating meat in preparation to fuck Gloria’s tight ass.

I kicked her legs wider apart and grabbed a fistful of her scented, blonde hair close to her scalp. Gloria pushed her ass towards me. I guided the swollen head of my cock to her puckered hole and impaled her with a slow and controlled thrust. Gloria cried out as my cock stretched her ass. I kept it buried, balls deep in her for a moment and then began to fuck.

There was nothing gentle in each thrust. The grunts and moans escaping from Gloria’s throat, left no doubt that she enjoyed the assault her ass was receiving. As I got closer to cumming, I quickened each thrust, and crashed harder against her, as I pulled on her hair and bent her neck back. I growled long and low as my cock spewed cum from my balls, deep inside Gloria’s ass. I placed my hand under my cock as I withdrew it from her burning insides. My cum seeped out of her ass and onto my waiting hand. I smeared the thick liquid on her face, Gloria lapped at my fingers, and hungrily swallowed what cum she had managed to get into her mouth.

I opened my door and kicked her stilettos and panties in to the hallway. Then, I pushed Gloria in to the hallway, still gripping her hair in my fist.

“What do you say, Gloria?” I growled at her.

“Thank you!” She squealed out as her hands grabbed my wrist.

I released the grip on her hair and replied in tone void of all emotion, “You are welcome. Tomorrow, same time. Bring what you need.” And shut my door.

Gloria picked up her panties and stilettos and scurried to the elevators. Her pussy was aching, itching, on fire. She rode the elevator to the underground parking lot and lifted her dress over her hips, before she entered her vehicle. As soon as her ass hit the seat, both her hands shot in-between her ready and spread legs. She shoved two fingers inside her dripping pussy and fingered herself feverously, and at the same time, rubbed her clit with the same urgency.

She came almost immediately. The intense shaking and tightening of every muscle in her body lasted a long and agonizingly, sweet time. She melted into her seat and caught her breath. A satisfied smile grew slowly on her face.

Gloria knocked on my door the next evening, promptly at eight o’clock. I let her in and made my way to the bedroom. Silently, she followed me. She emptied the licentious contents of her handbag on to my bed. Three glass dildos, two were curved, and one was thick, smooth and straight, and massive in girth. Two butt plugs, a small one and a medium sized one. A flogger, a set of chromed handcuffs, and a sealed tube of lubrication.

I met her stare and nodded. She slipped out of her dress and removed her bra and panties. I walked to the bed and brushed the handcuffs of the mattress. The metal clang made her jump with a start, as they bounced off the carpeted floor.

"I use rope. You'll have to earn the privilege of being bound by me," I informed her in a stern voice.

She nodded in silence.

I spun her around by the shoulders, and in the same motion, pushed her face down on to the bed. She was bent at the waist, her torso on the bed and her feet planted on the floor. I kicked her legs apart. I grabbed the flogger and the two curved, glass dildos in one hand. She was fucking soaked. I wouldn't need any lube.

I slapped her cunt hard and kept my hand pressed tight against her dripping slit. I slathered the thick juice that was seeping out of her soon to be abused hole, over both her holes. I gripped both dildos tight, and shoved them deep inside her quivering pussy.

The sudden, forced invasion, made her cry out long and loud. Pain and pleasure consumed her at the same instant. Her wet, slick flesh that was being stretched almost to its tearing point was on fire. I observed her body's reaction for the tell-tale sign that the pain was giving way to pleasure. She exhaled hard and took in a long controlled breath. She was relaxing her body; it was accepting and trying to accommodate the double intruders. I pulled the dildos out unceremoniously, her cunt snapped shut, and she screamed out again as squirmed on the mattress.

I brought the flogger down hard across her back. Her head flew off the mattress as she arched her back. The skin between her shoulder blades where the flogger had struck turned white, then slowly to pink, then slowly to red. I struck again, with the same unforgiving force. She screamed and rolled on to her side, one arm was bent and looked misshapen, as it tried to reach and soothe the sting in her flesh. I brought the flogger down across her hip and ass cheek. Her body jerked from the hot sting of the blow.

“Ass in the air, now,” I growled at her as I disrobed.

Gloria obeyed quickly. She rolled over and lifted her ass in the air. Her hands gripped the bed sheets and she bit into a pillow. Preparing herself for the hot sting of leather biting into her ass cheeks. I struck quick and hard. Gloria groaned and bit down harder into the pillow. I struck her again, and again. Twenty five strikes from the flogger and her body was drenched with sweat. Nothing compared to the slick juice that was running down the insides of her thighs. Her pussy had clenched tight at each stinging blow. Each time, it pushed more of her pussy juice out of her aching slit.

I grabbed the two dildos again, and shoved them back inside her cunt. There was less resistance this time. She moaned at being stretched and filled. I fucked her with double dildos and made her cum twice. I placed one foot on the bed and aimed my cock at her ass. Gloria moaned at the thought of what was going to happen next. Her ass was going to get fucked, while her cunt was stuffed.

I moved my foot to the side of her head. “Suck on my toes, whore,” I growled at her.

Gloria sucked my toes into her mouth as I stuffed my throbbing cock into her ass. I could feel the hardness of the dildos on the underside of my cock as I thrust in and out. They would shift and rub against each other, as both her holes accommodated the invasion.

Strained and forced sounds rumbled in her throat. When she was about to cum, she slid a hand to her pussy and held the dildos in place. She wanted her cunt to contract around the girth of the glass that was stretching her. Her orgasm built up quickly to the point of no return. Her hips bucked upwards and she began to shake. I gripped her hips and held her ass tight on my cock. When she came, she screamed out at the top of her lungs till all the air had been expelled from her lungs. She pushed the two dildos deeper inside her and her body convulsed uncontrollably.

I felt how strong her pussy had contracted during her orgasm. Her ass had clamped down on my throbbing cock as she came. Almost milking my balls of cum. Her ass relaxed its grip on my cock and I began fucking it again. With deep, long, hard, calculated thrusts. My balls tightened, my cock twitched and swelled. I held off for as long as I could, then grunted and called her dirty, filthy names as I filled her ass with my cum.

Gloria remained motionless as I filled her ass. She moaned and sucked on my toes harder when she felt the thick, sticky, hot, liquid splash inside her. When my balls were empty and my cock stopped twitching, I pulled out of her ass and made my way to the living room to pour myself a shot of whisky. Gloria removed her hand from her pussy and shivered as the two dildos plopped out of her. She rolled over and inspected them. They were covered with her juice and cum, and were spotted with a little blood. She shivered again at the thought of being stretched till she bled. It aroused her.

I heard Gloria turn on the shower and slide the shower doors shut. I made my way to the balcony and lit up a smoke. I enjoy being naked, especially on my balcony. I stared out over Lake Ontario, as I sipped on my whisky. When I heard Gloria turn off the water, I sat down in my favorite chair and waited for what Gloria would do next. I didn’t have to wait long to know. She had gotten dressed, gathered her things and left without a word to me.

I would text her to tell her when I wanted her. She had visited me a dozen times since we had met.

That night was different than all the others. Gloria was different.

When she entered my apartment, she pleaded, “Make me feel more, please.”

She stripped; I bound her in my rope. With her arms behind her back, I wove my rope across her breasts, back and folded arms. The tie was tight. Her breasts swelled under the taut hemp rope. I pushed her on to my bed and spread her legs wide. I wound ropes just above her knees and tied the rope off to the bedposts. Her legs were immobilized. The sight of her spread open and still, sent a chill through me. Her pussy glistened in the soft glow of the lights.

I paid special attention to her breasts. My hands caressed the soft flesh, my lips kissed them, my mouth sucked on her nipples, and my teeth nibbled and bit into her bound flesh. I reached for the flogger. Gloria moaned and sobbed in anticipation. I dragged the leather tresses of the flogger across her breasts, and down across her pussy. Gloria squirmed and strained against the ropes holding her legs prisoner.

I struck her pussy. Gloria screamed. I struck her breasts hard. The stinging pain paralyzed her. She tried to inhale, but all her body would allow was for her mouth to open wide. I struck her between her legs again. The heat from the blow punched a scream out of her lungs.

I struck her breasts again. After twenty strikes, both her breasts had turned a deep red. She would have to dress appropriately for at least a week. Beautiful bruises would bloom on her breasts, and then, sadly disappear.

I had been training her pussy to take more than two dildos at one time. That night, I had something special in mind for her. I stripped out of my clothes and focused my attention on her cunt, slowly stretching it with my fingers. Four at one time shoved inside her. Then, adding four more, both my hands were inside her. Her cunt took them all. When I pushed my knuckles in to her, she came and screamed like a banshee. I slowly slid my hands out of her and tasted her cum and slick juice. I worked her clit hard with my tongue as I sucked her nectar in to my mouth. She came again and sobbed as she screamed out in ecstasy.

I stood at the side of my bed and pressed the side of her head into the mattress. I placed my left knee on the bed, past her head, so that my throbbing cock was readily at her mouth. Gloria eagerly licked her lips and opened her mouth. I shoved my cock straight to the back of her throat. She gagged and coughed, but made no effort to pull away from me. I fucked her mouth hard. Pulling out, giving her a chance to take a breath, and then ramming my meat back down her throat. Holding my cock buried in her mouth, I ground my cock in deeper, gyrating my hips, stretching her throat in the process. My balls tightened, my cock stiffened, and I shot a load of cum down her throat. Gloria kept her throat open for me. She savored the flavor and the sensation of my hot cum being spewed down her throat.

I turned my attention to her pussy again. This time I reached for the big, thick dildo. Its girth was twice that of both the glass dildos combined. I covered the monster dildo with lube and slowly inserted the massive girth inside Gloria. She held her breath as I worked it inside her. Her pussy resisted at first, Gloria cried out when the massive head popped inside her. I gave her a moment to adjust to the stretch, and then slowly fucked more of the dildo’s length inside her. In a few minutes, her cunt was taking the thick fucking and she bucked her hips, to fuck it back.

My cock was hard again; the sight of Gloria’s cunt being stretched so wide was intoxicating. I climbed on to the bed, in between Gloria’s legs. Gloria stared wide eyed at me, almost in disbelief. I grinned at her. She moaned and closed her eyes. She was about to receive what she had pleaded for, to feel more.

I held the massive dildo firmly inside her, as I rubbed the head of my cock against her swollen clit. Her body jerked and shivered as my cock pressed against her tingling clit. I pushed the head of my cock on the top of the dildo and pushed forward. The tip of my cock barely breached her already stuffed hole and Gloria grimaced as she gasped. I pushed harder, the head of my cock slid inside her cunt. Gloria thrashed her head from side to side. I pushed harder, my cock forced its way inside her stuffed cunt. Gloria’s body convulsed uncontrollably as she came again. She had never been stretched this extremely; she had never cum with such intensity.

My cock was being squeezed to the point where the slightest of movement would bring me closer to orgasm. I started to fuck her. Pulling out only half the length of my cock and shoving it back in. The dildo served to massage my balls, a pleasurable sensation.

Gloria went limp. Her eyes stared blankly, far past the ceiling. Her body was relaxed and her mind was quiet. She was consumed by the fullness she felt inside her. The feeling of being filled travelled all the way up to her throat. It was a feeling she had longed for. It had sacred her to think of it, but in that moment, her need was fulfilled.

I came inside her with one last, deep thrust. Gloria moaned softly as every nerve in her body felt my hot cum being deposited inside her.

I pulled out of her and untied her. I stood watch over Gloria as she came back from the place she had allowed me to take her.

Which brings us back to the beginning of this story. 

I lit up another smoke as I waited for Gloria to leave. The scene played out again in my mind, ‘Click, one, two, three, four, click’. I downed the rest of my whisky and closed my eyes, trying to shut out every sound around me.

No sound invaded my inner thoughts. Instead, a warm hand gently stroked my hair. Gloria had showered and came to the balcony. She had not dried herself off.

She walked out and stood naked in front of me. She was dripping wet from head to toe.

A baptism of sorts, if you will allow me the juxtaposition.

She smiled warmly and kneeled in between my naked legs. She placed her cheek on my thigh and wrapped her arms tightly around my calf.

“Thank you, that was beautiful,” she softly sighed.

What would have gone through your mind in that exact moment in time? How would you have reacted? What would you have said to Gloria?

My reply was unspoken; I placed my hand on the side of her face and gently stoked her cheek. Gloria smiled and placed a kiss on my thigh.

I’m ready for your verdict now.


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I took her in my arms and pushed her against the door she resisted.I put my finger over her lips and the second hand slid across her leg to the navel to the breast to the neck.I held her by the neck aimed for the lips and took in as much part of her mouth I could in my mouth. To my surprise, she did not respond but neither she resisted.I took her tongue into my mouth and deep kissed with my hand now entering her blouse from below.She hissed when I reached the nipple.I pinched the nipple and she...

2 years ago
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Difference between Sex and Making Love

In high school, my best friend was Eddy. He lived several houses down on the same block. We had some of the same classes and both of us were on the football, baseball and track teams. In my senior year, my girlfriend Trudy broke up with me and I was pretty bummed out at the time. Eddy asked over to go swimming as the weather was warming up and they had a heated pool anyway. I grabbed my trunks and trotted over to his house. His mom let me in and said that Eddy was out back at the pool already....

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Gypsy Dreams Ch 02

Another sleepless night had Rachel up and writing at 3 a.m. Thoughts of Phillip had kept her thoroughly distracted all day. She couldn’t concentrate on her deadline. She missed an interview scheduled for the first thing after her lunch break which she spent searching the Internet for Phillip and Gypsy on every search engine she could imagine. Of course she came up with nothing. Well, 12,3 17 hits of nothing, to be exact. A cold and lonely apartment greeted her later that day as she unlocked...

3 years ago
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Slave girl punished

Anisha's mother tried to keep her out of sight as much as possible. When she got old enough to start to be of sexual interest to both black and white men and boys, she was dressed in baggy loose clothes and her hair was never combed. Her mother did not want her to bring anyone's attention. She was trying to protect her only daughter. One day James was riding around the plantation looking for any repairs that needed to be done and seeing how the crops were growing. When he rode past one...

2 years ago
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Rachel Fire Innocence Pt4 An Electric Fa

Rachel – Fire and Innocence – An Electric FarewellThe smell of fresh toast and frying bacon aroused me from my deep slumber. I looked over at Rachel, her legs still tangled up with mine under the blankets. If it was possible, she looked even more angelic, as she continued to sleep. After watching her chest heaving peacefully, it was hard to believe that this vision of perfection was the same insatiable vixen that had just fucked my brains out yesterday. I leaned over and kissed her lightly...

4 years ago
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Sharma Jis Wife Took Me To Heaven

Hi hot dudes and sexy divas, First of all thanks for all your valuable feedbacks on my previous story i.e. my hot cousin. Today I am sharing my other experience here. I’ll not take much of your time and directly share my story. Please take out some time and write your views to me at This happened 3 months back when I was in my final year of graduation. In my colony there was a baniya shopkeeper “Sharma ji”. His shop is very famous for grocery and stationery being the only & big one in the...

2 years ago
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The Last Time Part One

Iris stretched across her bed, determined to finish the last few words in her journal before she completely passed out from the exhaustion her evil little kindergarten class had put her through earlier that day. Dear Me, I wonder when the next time I might see him will be. He always pops up so randomly when I least expect it, always dark and handsome. Watching him stand in my doorway, tie untangled, shirt unbuttoned, distraught at being at work all day playing the part of the good little...

Love Stories
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The Rogues Harem Book 3 Rogues Passionate HaremChapter 23 The Princess Resonates

Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this! Sven Falk The vault opened on creaking hinges. Both Theophil and Carsina stared in awe at the dark room. My own stomach swelled in knots. This was it. It wouldn’t be long before we had the location of the Altar of Souls and... I glanced at Kora. She held the ruby that held Vebrin’s foul soul. A look of such hope crossed my sister’s face. She gazed upon salvation, freedom from the burden about her neck. She didn’t know what the cost would...

3 years ago
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A Short Adventure In The Orient

When the police arrived to arrest the girls, there was no warning. The first intimation that something was amiss came by way of raised voices down at reception, followed by heavy footsteps on the rickety wooden stairs. Then the fearsome pounding on the flimsy wooden door. "Open up at once - police!" More puzzled than afraid, Jennifer unlocked the hotel room door, and in stormed four policemen in combat uniform. Jennifer noticed that all four of them had large pistols holstered in their leather...

3 years ago
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Hot For Daughter Part 3

It had been a whole month since Melissa and David had last fucked. Karen was beginning to never leave the house. David was becoming extremely frustrated with his wife, all he wanted to do was have wild animal fuck sessions with his tight beautiful daughter. It was Friday afternoon, and Melissa was going to be home soon. David was rushing and frantically trying to clean the house and get ready. Today he determined to fuck his baby girl. He set rose petals on the bed, he closed the blinds, and...

1 year ago
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GangbangCreampie Cindy Crawford G292

Cindy is back for the FIRST GANGBANG of her triumphant comeback tour and she is surrounded by Cocksmen! You can see the excitement in her eyes as her team of studs moves in closer and closer. GUESS THE V winner, Scotty P. gets to dive into Cindy first with his unpredictable “strawberry” guess this week. Who saw that coming? Cindy will certainly see Scotty cumming soon enough as he instantly declares he will cum early this week with Cindy’s tight pussy. She will not only make...

1 year ago
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Keri wants to get pierced

Poor Keri hadn't had much luck in her young life. Her grandparents al died before she was born and her parents died in a car crash when she was only 4. Her uncle and his wife took her in. Then her uncle died in a plane crash when she was 6. Aunt Helen was her only Family left.Helen sold most of their farmland to a neighbor, but kept the land closest to the farm and she started and organic vegetable business. It was a lot of work, so Keri spent a lot of time on her own once she got home from...

1 year ago
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Mature Party To Banging Party Part 8211 2

Hi it’s Raj again with the second part of mature party to banging party. Any ladies, aunties of any age for safe and Confidential fun inbox me, safety is my priority Fake people please don’t waste my time The story continues. Me: what!!? La: she is my friend Mary, thought we are not childhood friends, we share many things. Me: did she know that we are having this relation? La: she only incested me to proceed Me: it’s a shock for me La: you will have more fun than you think raj Me: how will I...

3 years ago
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Alone In a Parking Lot

You find yourself lost after driving across the state to meet up with family. While you knew the route to their city, you thought you could take a detour in search of a little change in your daily routine. You're lost in what seems to be a ghost town in the middle of the night. While you may spot the occasional pedestrian, there are no signs of activities of any importance. No signs of hotels or inns anywhere in sight. You snap out of your mindless scanning for a place to stay for the night and...

1 year ago
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Jay and Faith The New Student chapter 1 version 2

This is a 2nd version to an earlier story titled Jay and Faith. (chapter 1) This is meant for a girl to read, as it is 2nd person. Guys will not like it. It came from an actual dream I had after texting a pretty young lady on kik. So I woke this morning and my dick was rock hard from a dream I had. It was about you. After I woke up and remembered how hot the dream was I replayed it in my mind as I stroked off my cock. It felt so good to have my hand around it thinking about what my...

1 year ago
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Got Dominated By Priya

Dear ISS readers. My name’s Charles and I am a horny 26 something currently based in Kochi, Kerala. I’ve been reading sex stories on this site since I first got internet. I’m 5’10’ ish, with wheatish complexion and . To everyone reading this, I hope you get your time’s worth. You can mail me your feedback or chat with me at The star of this story is Priya. She’s the angel with whom I got to fulfill all my nasty desires. I wouldn’t be wrong in saying that she fulfilled her twisted desires with...

2 years ago
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Anna walked into the lingerie shop with an air of confidence. This was going to be a fun shopping trip. The wedding was two weeks away, and she wanted all the very best lingerie for her special day and honeymoon. She thought about bringing her maid of honor with her on this trip, but decided it was something she wanted to do alone. She really didn't want anyone but David to see the lovely things she planned to purchase. A pleasant looking sales clerk approached as Anna was checking out a...

4 years ago
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Milkman Chronicles

I check into a motel in my latest town after my last stop and milk raid of an innocent mommy. Her warm sweet milk still coats my belly and lingers on my tastebuds and her fear and terror fill my thoughts. I roll into a playground on a warm fall day during the pre-noon hrs. I sit in my rental car in the parking lot where I can see the playground and track. I choose this time because this is when husbands would be at work, older kids if any would be in school and milk moms can meet others to...

3 years ago
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Futa Daughters Naughty Temptation 8 FutaDaughters Naughty Pics

Chapter Eight: Futa-Daughter's Naughty Pics By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Sky Marlow I sat in Mr. Tate's boring class thinking. Pondering. Plotting. I had to figure out a way to fuck Mrs. Reyes, my math teacher, before my lunch break. That was when I had thought I would do it. But, of course, my mother had to find and seduce a virgin for me to fuck. She was obsessed with keeping me from having any fun with married MILFs. So what if they...

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The ShaverChapter 2

After David lost interest in me once again I waited for nearly three weeks, until the middle of May, before I worked up the nerve to call Charlie again. I told myself that I only wanted her help shaving again but I knew deep inside that was not really the reason. For one, I'd watched her do it and could easily have done it myself. For two, David was no longer even interested in my shaved pussy, which was now well on it's way to growing back. What I really wanted, part of me was forced to...

1 year ago
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A Little Innovation

Has anyone ever told you that once you get married, the majority of your sex life evaporates into nothingness? My name is Conner Brady, and I can vouch that it’s true. But I can also vouch that it doesn’t have to be, all you need is a little innovation for your particular situation. For example, I have a furious sexual appetite; I just can’t get enough of the feel of a tight wrapped around my rock hard cock. Unfortunately for me, my wife seemed completely uninterested in sex for about six...

1 year ago
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Indian siblings

You see we come from a mixed marriage, our Dad is Asian Indian and Mom white English and the result is both my sis and I have darkish complexions and since starting school here we have been called names like Paki and much worse. The name calling became bullying, and both of us are subjected to it and the more we try to ignore the racism the worse it became. It is not all the pupils at school involved but a core from one of the rougher estates, and it even carried on when we took the bus home...

1 year ago
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Eye for an Eye Ch 3

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Vote! Comment! Let me know what you think and what direction I should be taking with this story (and all the rest of them!) Thanks again. This work makes no affiliation between Aaron Lewis, Staind, Slipknot, Tool, Korn or any other artist. The references to names are noted as such and all lyrics belong to their rightful owners. Danielle kicked a clump of dirt as she walked out of the door from one of the academic halls. She had just finished her humanities...

2 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 29

Traffic increased as they neared Jacksonville on I-10. IN SIX-TENTHS OF A MILE, MERGE RIGHT ONTO I-295 TOWARD SAVANNAH! Fred checked his mirrors and rearview camera screen, then eased into the exit lane. Just as the exit came up: MERGE RIGHT! "Yes, Dear," he said under his breath. At that moment, several things happened at once. A lady was passing in the next lane to the left while having an argument with her husband on her cell phone. Suddenly realizing this was her exit, she swerved...

3 years ago
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A worms story

When my girl friend Debbie broke up with me I was devastated. She said she wanted a real man not an eighteen year old wimp like me. She admitted she had been fucking my best friend Jason soon after I met her and he was much better than me. Debbie also told me that I had to get out immediately so that Jason could move in with her. Finally she said that she still wanted to be friends, and to show me there was no hard feelings she arranged for me to stay with our friends Brad and Tammy. Instantly...

3 years ago
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Vacation Part 1 of 8

Mom glared at the small, blond woman. She glanced at Aunt Karen, who sighed and, gravely, nodded, once. The blond was named Stacy. I had never seen her before but, apparently, she used to work for my mother. That's not too surprising; my mother worked as the head of human resources for a medium-sized company, back in Des Moines, where we were from. She hired, fired and laid people off all the time. It was part of her job. And, in the case of Stacy, Aunt Karen had gotten involved, as...

1 year ago
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Happy Trails

It was a beautiful sunny day in the middle of the week and I had decided to book off work for the day. Things were slow at the office and the thought of being stuck inside was too much to take. I had decided to go for a hike since I hadn’t been in a while and really needed the workout. Now up in the wooded hills, I’d taken a different trail this time and it was definitely more challenging than my usual route. The heat and the climb were really giving me a run for my money. My legs were getting...

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Face Ride

Their bodies slid effortlessly against each other, the thin layer of oil making them just slippery enough to almost merged. She gasped as Jennifer's wet pussy straddled her leg and left a long wet line of cum on her thigh as she slid down and off her. Amy was a virgin to being with a woman, every sensation was new to her, it was all so exciting.Jennifer let her long hair fall across Amy's chest and slowly tickled her with it, smiling as she watched Amy squirm and wiggle. The two laughed and...

4 years ago
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Milf Groping my dick in Encoxada subway

Horny milf try and finally groping my big dick in train and she liked!How many times a woman groping you in a train in a bus or in a public place?Have you ever been groping by stranger?My dick is always big and love when a woman touch me encoxada at the train . One time a milf about 35 years old groping me when i was 25 years old in a music concert.Yes i cumming on her hands and she liked.Every day when i go to brazil subway metro i look for a woman to grope my cock.Women some times love...

2 years ago
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Slut mom bangs her sons coach

Introduction: Jane was a football mom who just wanted her son to get extra plaing time…and earned it Slut Mom Fucks Young Coach Prt 1 It was hot summer day in july and I was going over Mikey,s house. He was one of my players and I thought I would help him out with his football game. He was relitivley new so I figuerd I could give him a few pointers. I knocked on the door and when Jane opened it I thought my eyes were going to fall outa my head. There she stood, the beautiful 54 latina goddess...

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Couple makes mistakes in Vegas

This story happened to me (us) at the end of June in Las Vegas. I am nervous and a little on edge. I was told by a friend to write it out and submit it to this site and another one like it. He feels that others on this site may have gone through something similar and would be able to give advice and feedback over what to do about all of the surreal events. My name is Mitch and my wife's name is Megan. We are from Ohio and have been married for 5 years . We have 2 boys ages 4 and 2 and our...

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Demigod of WarChapter 46

Day 149-153: Sergeant Major (Retired) Jeffrey Ellis jumped to his feet as Veronyka barged into the meeting. The unruly looking filthy men and women who’d been seated at the large table with him all stood quickly as well. Dead eyes and hopeless expressions greeted her entrance. It had taken her a week to fly across the Bay of Chaos and track the Ender population down. The high-altitude westward Jetstream sped her trip, but every Raider city she checked, starting at Final Harbor was deserted...

3 years ago
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An Anal Tease

It was early days and they were in bed. After a lot of kissing and teasing especially of her ample breasts and her nipples like pencil erasers, he had been kissing her pussy when she came suddenly to the surprise of both of them it seemed. Moving forward they resumed kissing when she announced that she wanted him inside. As he moved to enter her, she said, “This way,” turning as she got onto her knees and elbows. Happily he went behind her spending no little time enjoying the sight of her...

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Five Nights Ch 05

MY NIGHTThe next day passed without note; it was the planned day off, and we pursued normal vacation activities, and spent the night together as we had in the past. Sue moved a little gingerly most of the day, eliciting looks from all of us, but to our word, there was no spoken conversation about what had gone on the last two nights, or what would occur in the next two. Everyone relaxed and rested, and the only real tension was the unspoken conversation that we all held in our heads. At least I...

Group Sex
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Rebel in the SouthChapter 41 Daughters

I reached the McB-- plantation on a bend in the James just about sunset, feeling very proud of myself since I was about halfway to Portsmouth. I had a good horse under me and had rearmed myself with the weapons I had used all during the Revoltuion, tools my hands knew well. Now if I could promote a hot meal and a warm woman for my bed, it would be an almost perfect day. Long and bloody, but almost perfect. On my way south I had given the Ranger camp a wide berth. I left my horse with a young...

1 year ago
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Baby sitting

Hi Stories reader….. I am now 23 year old young man living in USA. THIS INCNDENT Happend when I was 7 year old. One day my family was going to my uncle’s house for over night and they were forcing to me to go with them but i do never like to go their house, because they do not have any kids. My family knew that so they asked me where should they drop me for baby sitting ???? Right away I told how about my friend Raju’s house he is my best friend in the world… My family never said no. They asked...

3 years ago
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Meri Sexy Milf Mummy Ki Chudayi

Hi dosto, mera naam Jai hai. Mere ghar mein 4 log hai: mummy, 42, naam : Ritu papa 50, Naam: Ramesh, bhaiya 24, naam Jayant aur main 19 saal ka. Papa govt official hai aur bhaiya job karte hai. Main abhi college mein hu. Chaliye ab mudde pe aate hai : Meri mummy. Hum ek suburban jageh rehte the jaha mostly gaon ke log the par sheheri dhang se rehte the. Ab main zara mummy ka intro kara du. Woh 5’7 ki busty milf hai. Uske baal lambe hai toh ghar pe woh khule hi rakhti thi par bahar jate time...

2 years ago
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Servicing the Client

My name is Jake and I’m a 58 year old stockbroker. I’ve been married and divorced twice and am now a confirmed bachelor. I keep myself in decent shape by regularly working out in a local gym and by running four days a week. At 5’10” and 175 pounds, I’m “average” sized, but I can hold my own in any situation I’ve come across. My sex life is not bad…there are a lot of lonely women out there who are looking for a good, hard man and I have no problem finding a bed mate. Over the past few...

4 years ago
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Hawk in a Chicken CoopChapter 3 A Bad Night

October 2, 1986 Cadet Sada followed the Sergeant Rao out to join the rest of the troops. They were lounging around, outside, passing time in a manner she didn’t understand. Two were even asleep, but not one of them was alert enough to keep track of their surroundings. She didn’t understand how any group could be in a strange place, and yet be so oblivious to everything around them. Cadets didn’t just sit around and do nothing. There was always some skill to practice, some topic to learn,...

2 years ago
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Animal FarmChapter 11

The next day, Sunday, Stacy slept until almost noon. Her parents didn't appear until she'd been up for half an hour. She had brunch with them, trying with some success to put out of her mind thoughts and mental pictures of them naked and sexing it up with the various partners. She felt she'd seen and had enough sex to last a while. She'd really been pooped riding back from the lake just before dark the day before. She'd had a bite to eat and gone right to bed, immediately dropping off...

2 years ago
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Cheating BBW coworker takes load to face and tits

I was working at a small office with three other women. One of the women I worked with decided to cheat on her long term boyfriend with me. When we fucked for the first time having known each other really for just a few days she let me cum inside of her unprotected. This is a recount of the second time I had her over and she agreed to take my load on her huge tits.The first week after we hooked up things were largely the same as before. We managed to avoid being obvious and would sometimes...

3 years ago
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Average Joe and the AngelChapter 1 The first Friday in 1930

Anjelica Di Angelo narrating I shivered as I waited outside the general store at the north end of the Main Street in the bleak city of Conrad, Montana. I felt faint as I pulled my thin jacket tight at the neck as I leaned back on the outside wooden wall of the store. I would have given anything to have waited inside the warm shop, or bought a coffee and a sweet bread roll but I had no money, not one single penny. I tried to think back to when I last ate anything. It was just before I was...

1 year ago
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A daughters needs

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hi my name is Ruby and I am having a sexual affair with my father, this is my version of the story on how it came to be. Being the only child I always received special attention that up to a year ago was never sexual. When I was young my parents bought some acres and built a house in the suburbs. We were way out there in the outskirts of the city and lived a quiet, simple life in a highly wooded area. I enjoyed it while my mom was going crazy with...

3 years ago
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AmnesiaChapter 6

The wheels of justice ground slowly. Tony and Nina were meeting every Friday evening and parting each Sunday afternoon. This would be their life for the time being. Martin could offer no optimism that charges would be laid soon against the three vice presidents of Carbutt, Mellows and Davidson. He wasn't even sure Stanton Mellows would be charged. All of them were out on bail, so the potential danger was still there. Knowing the F.B.I., their phones would be tapped, but they would probably...

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X8217mas Gift On Saturday Amazing One With Married Lady In Small Town

Hi, readers my name is the fun loving guy and me here to share my experience on fun and make new friends. Who all are interested then please mail So I have been part of Indian sex stories for past 5 years and still I am with it. I have been transferred to the plain area in Uttarakhand I.E Rudrapur. I am new to town and bein very fond of the market I visited a market. Still, I found city very interactive through body language but I keep myself very friendly by seeing in every lady’s...

1 year ago
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Analized Cherry Kiss Wants As Many Cocks As You Can Bring Her

Cherry Kiss is one of the best whores analized.com has ever seen. She loves to be fucked like a whore and treated like a cum rag. Today, Cherry has requested as much cock as she could get. She is brought two big white cocks to satisfy and suck off. The men take turns deep throating her and skull fucking her. They waste little time before opening up her tight backdoor. Cherry Kiss swaps between gagging on their cocks while they fuck her ass rough and hard. This isn’t enough for the blond...

4 years ago
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Pioneers part 14 of 15

=== Trust Machines: Pioneers === part 14 of 15 by Trismegistus Shandy ----- This story is set in dkfenger's Trust Machines universe. It's a prequel to his stories, however, and I've written it to stand alone for readers who haven't read them. https://www.deviantart.com/trust-machines/ Thanks to dkfenger, clancy688, MrSimple, Karantela, Icaria, and JAK for feedback on earlier drafts. This story is released under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial- Share Alike...

4 years ago
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Help From Star CityChapter 2 Max Prepares

Max hurried through his meeting at City Hall with his two superiors, bringing them up to speed on the organization revenue for the past week from the prostitution and drugs and then quickly drove home. He told Lydia to get everyone in the former Ball Room and closed the front doors, shutting down the business while he held his meeting. Once all eight heroines were there he began. ""Tanya, why would Moira Jones be asking about you?" he asked. "She is a fellow reporter from Star City and...

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