Michelle's New Boyfriend Ch 2 Part 3 free porn video

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I woke up first the next morning as I had to be at work well before Jacqui did. She lay in bed and watched me get ready. I fixed a bowl of vanilla-almond cereal and took it to her, watching her eat it. She was still in bed when I left for work. I knew she wouldn’t be back home till about nine-thirty again, probably every night she was there except Friday. Friday I picked her up and took her square dancing. None of us had been to a dance for several weeks and it was fun to be with our friends again. They still didn’t know that Jacqui and I were a couple so she was still dancing with several of the guys. When she started learning to square dance, she was just a ‘friend’ who tagged along with Michelle and me. Then, it was natural that she would come with either me or Michelle if the other couldn’t come. No one suspected that we were sleeping together. At least I didn’t think they did. Jacqui always enjoyed flirting a little and it was obvious from all the attention she always received that the guys enjoyed it as well.

I hadn’t heard anything from Michelle. When Jacqui and I were snuggled in bed, I sometimes thought about Michelle and Shaun, what they were doing together. I hoped they were enjoying each other as much as Jacqui and I were. From what Michelle had told me earlier and what she took to wear, I was pretty sure they were having a good time. Plus this was the first time that Michelle would have seen Shaun actually working, other than that one morning in his studio. He was the announcer at the rodeo which entailed a lot of preparation and skill, besides a fantastic, western sounding voice. I knew that voice was part of what had seduced Michelle originally.

Saturday, Jacqui called me and asked me to come have lunch with her. It was the first time she’d done that and she sounded a little distressed. When I arrived thirty minutes later, she was waiting on a customer but I could tell that something was definitely wrong. She seemed pale and was shaking, almost like she was near tears. As soon as she saw me, she brightened a little but was still upset about something. She finished with her customer and told Tina, her co-worker that she was going to lunch.

When she put her hand in mine to walk with me to the food court, her hand was shaking. I looked at her but she didn’t give me any indication what was wrong. We ordered some Chinese food, I don’t even remember what, not that it matters. When we carried our food to the table, Jacqui didn’t touch it, she was close to tears instead. She told me, “You remember after we spent that first night together, I told you I was hoping to be a manager?”

“Yeah, I remember that.”

“Well, this afternoon I was offered a manager’s position.”

I was confused. She’d been offered the position she was dreaming about but was this distraught over it? I asked her, “Congratulations, that’s a good thing, right?”

She looked at me with tears starting to fall, “It’s in Helena, Montana.”

I looked at her, suddenly realizing the dilemma she was facing and why she was upset. I think my face got a little pale too. I softly asked her, “How far away is that?”

She started to openly sob, “Four hundred and fifty miles! I don’t know what to do. They want an answer by tomorrow. If I turn it down I don’t know if I’ll ever get another offer. I don’t want to leave you!”

I thought quickly about our comfortable life, how much this girl had come to mean to me. I knew deep inside there was no way she could turn it down, it was her dream. We could pretend to keep a relationship, but it was too far. We’d become used to being able to count on each other to be there if either of us needed the other. To be friends and lovers. She was a close friend of my wife for heaven sake! I knew that was all about to change and for Jacqui’s sake, I didn’t want to stop it.

Jacqui wiped some of the tears from her cheek, then from mine as well. I hadn’t even realized I was crying along with her. I told her, “Let’s talk about it tonight, but you have to take it.”

She softly said back to me, “I know I do, but I don’t want to. I want to stay with you.”

I tried to comfort her a little, “I’ll still be there for you. We’ll be able to see each other. It’s not so far I can’t drive it once in a while.” I said this knowing most of it wasn’t true. Maybe we’d be able to see each other once in a great while, but not regularly. Then I had another question, “When would it start, how long are they giving you?”

“Two months. They want me there in just a little over two months. They said they’d pay my moving expenses and help me sell the house.”

Two months. Two months until our lives changed forever. It seemed hard to believe that Jacqui had only been in my life about a year. Now I knew I was going to lose her. I kissed her wet cheeks telling her, “It’ll be okay, you’ll see. Go back to work and don’t worry about it this afternoon. We’ll talk about it tonight and you can give them an answer tomorrow.”

We took our full, completely untouched plates of food and dumped them in the waste bin. We walked back down the mall to Victoria’s Secret hand in hand. When we got there, I didn’t care who might see us. I took Jacqui’s face in my hands and kissed her hard on the lips. Then told her I loved her and would see her later tonight. Her tears started again softly and I knew it was going to be a long afternoon for both of us.

I drove home, my mind in a turmoil. The day had started out so great waking up next to a naked, very beautiful Jacqui Taylor. Now we were faced with the real possibility that in two months it might not happen again, or at least much more rarely. I also thought about what I’d said to Jacqui a few months ago, that I wanted her to see other guys so she could start a family. She’d resisted, but living that far away it was definitely a real likelihood that she’d find someone to love and marry her. I still kind of hoped so, although the greedy part of me never wanted it to happen.

After I got home I moped around the house, waiting for nine thirty to arrive. It’s amazing how slow a clock can go when you’re watching every revolution. I thought about climbing on a chair and just moving the damn dial up! Not sure that it’d get Jacqui home any sooner though. I tried to work on this story a little but had no idea where it might be going so gave up after about six words.

I thought about the message I’d gotten from Trisha asking me to call her. I didn’t know if Jacqui leaving in a couple months would prompt me to call someone like her or make me resist it more. I decided to put that out of my mind for a while and see what happens. I definitely knew it was going to make it harder for me to see Michelle and Shaun together if Jacqui wasn’t there to soothe my ego.

One thing I did know though is that I wouldn’t interfere with Michelle’s and Shaun’s relationship. Michelle trusted me with Jacqui after she left Mike and I owe her the same trust. Doing anything other than continuing to encourage her affair with him would undoubtedly be the surest way to wreck our relationship. And the fact remained that Jacqui didn’t have anything to do with my desire for Michelle to have a lover.

Jacqui did get home that night. The first thing she said when she walked through the door was, “I accepted their offer. I called her back right after you left.” She seemed to be over the tears for which I was very glad. Not sure I was though. I tried hard not to, I wanted her to know she had my support.

“What now then? You said two months but you’ll need to find a place to live before then. Do you want me to take some time off and go to Helena with you to look?”

“I don’t know. I’ll find out more Monday. They suggested I switch and take tomorrow off and work Monday so we can work it out with the HR manager.”

“Okay, anything you want to do tomorrow?"

“Sleep in, make love. Eat breakfast, then maybe make love some more. Maybe take a drive somewhere where we can make out like we did when we were dating.”

I really did like her concept of a day of relaxation! “What about right now, are you hungry? I’m famished!” I realized neither of us had eaten lunch and I’d forgotten all about dinner.

“So am I! Where do you want to go?”

“How about the Black Angus?” I looked at my watch. But we’ll have to hurry, I think they close at eleven.” It was 9:45 then.


We jumped in my car and drove the ten minutes across town. I was right, the sign in their window said they were open till eleven. We still had about an hour. When we went in there were two other couples waiting to be seated so I gave the host our names, Robert and Jacqui and we waited. While we were waiting, I had a thought. I wondered if Trisha was working tonight. I hoped so and presumed she likely was since she had been last Saturday. Apparently they were just cleaning off tables because it was only a few minutes until they called our names.

I asked the host if Trisha was working that evening and when he assured me that she was, I asked if it would be possible to be seated in her area. He asked us to wait for a moment while he’d check to see if she was available. He came back shortly with a smile on his face and again asked us to follow him, veering in a different direction from before, showing us to our table and offering us both a menu.

A couple minutes later a familiar face appeared at our table, smartly dressed in a knee length black skirt and white satin blouse. “Well hello again,” she said, “Nice to see you. Welcome!”

“Hi Trisha, this is my friend Jacqui. Jacqui, this is Trisha.” Then I explained briefly to Jacqui, “We met Trisha here last week.”

“Hi Jacqui, you must be the young lady I read so much about in the last few days.”

Jacqui looked at me kind of quizzically. I explained to her, “After we were here last week and Shaun and Michelle had made, umm, quite an impression on Trisha, I suggested to her she might want to read my stories on Lush.”

Then I turned back to Trisha, “We’re celebrating tonight. Jacqui was promoted to manager of a Victoria’s Secret store.” I didn’t mention that our ‘celebration’ was tinged with a huge degree of sadness at what that promotion entailed.

Trisha gave Jacqui a big smile, her pretty blue eyes beaming, “Well congratulations, I’m glad you decided to come here for your celebration.” Then she turned back to her professional self and asked, “What would you like to drink on your celebration night?”

I asked for my standby, ice tea and Jacqui asked for strawberry lemonade. Trisha said she’d be right back with our drinks, her long blonde ponytail swaying back and forth as she walked away.

After she left, Jacqui asked me what happened last week. I explained about the kiss between Shaun and Michelle that Trisha had watched when she stopped to take our orders.

“I’ll bet that shocked her a little, didn’t it?”

“She acted like she really enjoyed it. The rest of the dinner, we kind of flirted back and forth a little. When we left I left a note with my name and lush website so she’d see the stories and understand what was going on.”

“And obviously she was curious enough to read them from what she said.”

“Yeah, the morning Michelle left, I had a message from Trisha on Lush saying that she’d read them.” I knew I was going to be treading on dangerous ground here, but I went on, “She also gave me her phone number to call her sometime.”

“Oh really! Seems like I remember another girl giving you a phone number at one time. You seem to have a habit of collecting young ladies phone numbers, don’t you? Are you going to call her?”

“I doubt it, I know my wife would like me to, but I also have another young lady in my life that I’m pretty dedicated to. I think between a wife and a girlfriend, it’s about all the female I could possibly handle.”

“She’s very attractive, don’t you think?”

I definitely did think so. She looks like she’s in her late twenties or early thirties, has nice boobs and legs, very pretty face. Funny how I just realized the ‘order’ in which a guy notices a pretty girl’s appearance. “She’s okay, but not nearly as attractive as my date tonight!”

Trisha interrupted our conversation by bringing our drinks. Jacqui seemed to be handling my revelation pretty nicely. She took a sip of her lemonade and told Trisha it was really good. Then she said to her, “I understand you’re maybe trying to steal my boyfriend?” Her tone and the twinkle in her eye gave a pretty good indication that she was talking in jest, not with any anger.

Trisha smiled right back at her, “I don’t know, is he stealable? Looks like a pretty good catch to me. Not sure my boyfriend would want me to steal him though, maybe we could work a trade sometime?”

Jacqui looked at me, then at Trisha, “I’d need to at least see a picture of your boyfriend first before agreeing to something like that.”

Wow, this conversation was getting more and more risqué by the moment! Not what I’d intended at all. I just wanted a nice dinner with Jacqui and hadn’t even thought about Trisha until we were here. Where the heck was this going to go? It was more than a little flattering and had my blood surging to have two pretty ladies talk about me like that! She’s kidding, right?

Trisha came right back, “Nah, I’m just a waitress. Remember that George Strait song, ‘I’m married to a waitress and don’t even know her name’? I don’t want to be just some anonymous waitress.”

“But Robert does know your name Trisha, and I’m sure he wouldn’t have anything against a waitress. I was just a sales clerk and he certainly didn’t mind glomming onto me.”

I had to interject a little, “Uhh, for the record, you were an assistant manager. But no, it wouldn’t have mattered.” And I gave Jacqui a nice kiss on her cheek.

Trisha looked around and apparently thought maybe she better get back to work, “I have a couple more tables finishing up, are you guys ready to order?” Her smiley face gave the impression that she really did want to continue this conversation but after all, she was working now.

Jacqui quickly looked at the menu, “I haven’t even looked.” She scanned down it and asked for the six ounce prime rib. I already knew what I wanted before we got there, “The biggest rib steak you have.” She asked Jacqui about the salad and so on, then asked me, “Same as last time?”

“Exactly, you remember?”

“I do, salad, lots of thousand island, no olives, baked potato butter only.”

I was more than impressed, “Guess you only get one or two customers a week so you can remember, right?”

“Haha! You three were kind of memorable. I’ll put in your order.” Then she walked away, wiggling her cute bottom just a little extra I thought.

I looked at Jacqui who was sitting across from me giggling. She said, “That was fun, wasn’t it?”

I gritted my teeth a little, “Just where the heck are you going with this?”

“Well you brought me here and introduced me to this cute waitress who you obviously have a thing for. I thought we should have a little fun to lighten our evening.”

“I do NOT have a thing for her!”

She looked at me with a smirk on her face, “Maybe you can convince yourself of that, but I saw how you looked at her. You want to get in her pants and I just might make that happen!”

My jaw dropped about a mile. She was right, I did. What normal, red-blooded guy wouldn’t? I wasn’t about to admit it though! And make it happen? Not a chance in hell! But I was going to call her bluff, “I double-dog dare you to!” I told her.

She just looked at me with what seemed at the time like an evil grin on her face and didn’t say a word. She just winked at me like she was thinking, “Okay, buster, watch this!”

Trisha stopped by a few minutes later to refill our drinks. While she was there, Jacqui took the opportunity to quiz me, “You never did answer Trisha’s question sweetie. Do you have anything against waitresses?”

I was trying to take a drink and about choked on that question! “Umm no, I love waitresses.” Then realized what I’d said, “What I’m trying to say is that there’s nothing at all wrong with being a waitress.”

Trisha said, “I liked your first answer better.” Jacqui nodded that she did too.

Then Jacqui asked her, “This boyfriend, do you have a picture of him?”

I looked at Jacqui. One thing I did NOT want to do is get into some boyfriend-girlfriend swap thing. It was bad enough for me that Jacqui was leaving in a couple months, but I didn’t want her having sex with some random guy! Is that weird or what? I wanted my wife to have a lover, but my girlfriend – NO WAY!

I don’t know if Jacqui saw a look on my face or if she’d only been kidding about the boyfriend in the first place but she told Trisha, “Just kidding, I have all the guy I can handle right now.” That was fine, but then she went on, “But my guy, I’m not so sure about him, he’s insatiable! Maybe I could use a little help with that.”

I spat out another drink with that statement!

Trisha asked Jacqui, “Is he any good?”

Have you ever been in the middle of a conversation like that? If not, I assure it’s surreal! Damn good thing our food wasn’t there yet or I’d probably have choked to death and been carried out on a stretcher!

“Well, you saw his wife kissing, how’d that look?”

“That was HOT! If you could get pregnant from a kiss, she’d be pregnant now!”

“Well, Robert taught her how to kiss. So that’s kind of an indication to answer your question.”

I refer back to my last statement. It’s a damn good thing I wasn’t trying to eat! I was shocked that it seemed Jacqui was actually trying to take me up on that dare.

Trisha glanced my way and said, “Maybe I’d better go check on your food.” Yeah, I thought, maybe she should!

Once again when she left Jacqui was across from me giggling. “Well, how am I doing? You want to reconsider that dare? Might even be too late now though.”

I didn’t know how to answer that. I was curious (and kind of hopeful) to see if she’d actually go all the way with it. “Nope, I still don’t think you can do it.”

“Are you sure Michelle would be okay with it? I don’t want to do something to upset her.”

“Michelle wanted me to call Trisha. She was going to talk to you and find out if you’d be okay if I called her. So no, Michelle doesn’t have any problem.”

“Okay, you’re on. No backing out now!”

I thought that tonight might actually turn out to be a fun night. The kind of night I’ve never had in my life! Jacqui was surprising me, BIG TIME! I’d never have imagined she’d want to see me with someone else other than Michelle.

Trisha brought our food, putting it on our table. I hadn’t noticed it before but it seemed like her nipples were showing through her uniform like she was really turned on. I was definitely hoping she was! Jacqui held her tongue, letting Trisha serve us. When all our food was served all Jacqui said was, “Thank you very much Trisha.” I couldn’t help but wonder what she was up to, what was going through that pretty head?

We ate our dinner in relative silence. Both of us were hungry after what had happened at lunchtime. What a difference a few hours can make I thought. At lunch, Jacqui and I were both in tears and here we are at dinnertime and the possibility of embarking on an adventure that neither of us have even contemplated before. Jacqui seemed like a completely different person and her attitude was definitely rubbing off on me.

I looked at my watch, ten thirty five. I wondered what Michelle and Shaun were doing at that moment. Were they at a dance somewhere with her in that sexy leather skirt? Or, maybe they were back at their hotel room entwined in each other’s arms? My mind was on overdrive thinking of all the different possibilities.

Trisha stopped back by our table to make sure our food was good. Jacqui told her it was excellent. When Trisha asked if there was anything else we needed, Jacqui suggested to her, “No, but I was wondering if you might like a little sample kiss from Robert. You know, just to see if you might be interested in something more later?” Jacqui looked over at my bright red face sweetly. Then looked expectantly at Trisha.

For once I think Trisha was a little short on words. She stammered a little and finally spoke up, “Well actually I think it’d be fun but I don’t know how we’d do that here. I really don’t want to get fired.”

I think that was exactly what Jacqui was hoping she’d say from what came out of her mouth next, “Okay, if not here, how would you like to stop by our place after work? I’m sure Robert could give you a more private sample kiss there.”

The moment of truth had arrived. I held my breath waiting for Trisha to either decide to go home with us or not. “I think it’d be fun. We close at eleven and then I’d love to.” She refilled our drinks and went to the next table as if nothing had happened.

Jacqui looked at me with a smirk, “Told you! I think there’s a fun night ahead!”

I couldn’t help but grin at the fate awaiting me! We finished our meal and Trisha brought our check. I handed her my credit card and she took it, bringing the receipt back for me to sign. Our total meal came to a little over forty five dollars so I left a twenty dollar tip and slipped our address in her hand. Trisha gave us a little air kiss and big smile as we left.


After we got in the car, I sat there a moment just looking at Jacqui and told her, “I never dreamed you’d do something like that!”

“Why? I’ve watched Michelle with a guy and it’s hotter than hell! This’ll be even better.”

I was muttering to myself about unpredictable women when she interrupted my reverie with a practical suggestion, “I think maybe you better stop at a pharmacy somewhere if you know what I mean.”

I did know, I just hadn’t ever bought a condom in my life. Never dreamed of having a need for one. I stopped at Walmart, they’re open till midnight. Do you have any idea how embarrassing it is for a forty year old guy to be shopping for condoms at midnight? I’d bought female things for Michelle before and seen them so at least knew where to look. There are six thousand different kinds, shapes, colors, sizes, even flavors! I had no idea what the heck I was buying! I thought about calling Jacqui and asking her to come in and help me. Surely I could do this one little thing by myself though! I picked up a package of ribbed ones, chocolate flavored ones (who can go wrong with chocolate), and for good measure, ultra thin. They were all in super extra large (I wish!). Then I went through the checkout. Of course they didn’t have self-service checkouts, it had to be a young woman. I think I’ll publish that little expedition as ‘my most embarrassing moment’!

When I told Jacqui about my fun experience she laughed her head off. The brat! I told her I didn’t have any idea how to use the damn things, so she got out one of the packages and read the instructions to me. Sheesh, my head was about to explode! I thought that maybe I’d better practice with one on a banana when we got home.

By the time we were home, I was a nervous wreck. I had no idea what we were going to do, so I asked Jacqui what she had planned? “I don’t know, I’ve never done anything like this before. Guess we’ll figure it out when she gets here.”

That was a lot of help! Even Jacqui didn’t know what to do. I could see a major bust coming up! I hoped we didn’t scare Trisha off forever! Hopefully she’d at least see some humor in the situation. I wondered if she was going to be as nervous as Jacqui and me. Funny how Jacqui’s nervousness wasn’t showing.

Maybe it’d help if I thought about my wife. Probably by then Shaun would have her on her hands and knees or some other position they liked and were madly fucking. I checked out my hands, they were still shaking like a leaf in the wind. Thinking about Michelle didn’t help.

What if Trisha chickened out and didn’t come? What a disappointment that would be. Maybe it would be best. What about her boyfriend? I wondered how big he is, probably at least three hundred pounds. Could he pound me into the ground with one stroke of his mighty fist? Maybe she better not come, my life might depend on it.

All this time Jacqui was watching my face going through these emotions and obviously showing every one and started to laugh at me. Wow, what an ego-booster she was! The doorbell rang. I panicked, wanting to run and hide in my room. I was sure it’d be the four hundred pound boyfriend on the other side of the door. I was expecting a fist to come bursting through our door at any second. My death was imminent! Would Michelle or Jacqui miss me?

Other than that, I was perfectly calm. At least I didn’t pass out, which seemed like quite an accomplishment. I let Jacqui open the door, maybe she could slow the five hundred pound guy down enough for me to make it through a window.

Trisha was at the door. She was still in the same Black Angus uniform, her hair in that pretty pony tail. I wasn’t sure which would be worse, Trisha at the door or her six hundred pound boyfriend. Have to admit, I was kind of relieved it was Trisha. I was pretty sure Jacqui could slow her down enough for me to make it out a window. Just as I started to turn and run, Jacqui grabbed my hand and said, “Well, why don’t you invite our guest in.”

I’m not sure which was whiter, the screen I’m typing on or my face. I invited her in. Jacqui suggested that Trisha and I sit on the couch while she found us all something to drink. We sat down and I got up enough courage to actually speak, “Are you as nervous as I am?” The bravado I felt at the restaurant had long gone away! I couldn’t help but think about the sex that took place on this couch last week.

“I think so, I’ve never done anything like this before.”

“Me either. Are you sure your boyfriend won’t mind you coming here tonight?”

“No, we’re just kind of off and on, not serious. What about your wife?”

“She wanted me to call and make a date with you as soon as she saw your message. She’ll be thrilled when I tell her.”

“You guys have a weird relationship, you know that?”

“Yeah, I’ve kinda come to realize that. We both like it though, guess that’s what matters.” She was actually pretty easy to talk to.

Jacqui walked back in the room with three glasses of wine on a little tray. I didn’t know Michelle had any wine since we hardly ever drink it. “I see you two are actually talking to each other, that’s encouraging.” She handed us a glass of wine each and I took a sip. Jacqui sat down in my recliner and briefly watched before she spoke. “I believe a sample kiss was promised. Hon, please don’t disappoint our guest.”

I looked at Jacqui who had a big smile on her face, then at Trisha. Her lips certainly did look inviting, so I scooted over next to her. I kind of tentatively put my hands on her shoulders and leaned in, touching my lips to hers. Mmmm, her lips were soft and nice! She put a hand on my waist and opened her lips slightly, squirming herself a little tighter to me. I opened my lips and felt hers with my tongue enjoying this sensation of kissing a strange girl immensely. My cock definitely started to react!

Trisha’s hand moved from my waist to around my neck, pulling me in tight to her and her tongue felt the tip of mine. I was becoming lost in a wave of sensations as we kissed, wrapping my arms around her. I felt her breasts against my chest and our kiss deepened, Trisha’s tongue exploring my mouth, then mine hers. I have no idea how long we’d been kissing but my earlier fears were long gone in a flood of lust!

“That’s enough, this is just supposed to be a sample!” We broke apart and looked at Jacqui. Both Trisha and I were catching our breath, disappointed at the interruption. I scowled a bit at Jacqui who was grinning like a Cheshire cat!

“I have an idea,” Jacqui said. Then she took Trisha’s hand and led her into the bedroom.

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The promise of the massage on Saturday was the only thing getting Michelle through the week. Ever since she found Brett with that blonde hussy last month, it was all she could do to just get out of bed in the morning, and this week seemed to be actively conspiring to make things worse. On Monday, there was the jerk who ran into her car as it was parked on the street outside her house, busted out a headlight, and left without leaving a number. On Tuesday, she hadn’t met her sales quotas, and so...

2 years ago
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Michelles AwakeningPart 3

PT 3 Ch 11 The parking lot at the Pinetop Bar was more of a dusty, dirt field than an actual parking lot. Set along Highway 6, the Pinetop catered mostly to local ranchers, as the young guys preferred to go into Petersville, a much larger town, 40 miles away. As a result, when Mike pulled the car into the lot, they saw that it was about half-full, mostly pick-ups, some newer, many older. But all of them had signs of a working ranch about them. Before they had left the cabin, Mike and Michelle...

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Michelles Sexuality ReAwakened Ch 4

Michelle’s plane was scheduled to leave on a Friday afternoon, shortly after lunch, so I asked her to take Thursday and Friday off from work to get ready for the trip. By the week of Michelle’s date with Mike, she was more than a little nervous and my scheme of withholding sex was definitely working, as we were both getting hornier and hornier. Either Michelle was doing her best to seduce me or I would seduce her into making love, right up to the point of impaling her, where I’d tell her, “No,...

1 year ago
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Michelles Continuing Affair Ch 5

I’d like to say the time flew by for the next three weeks, but it would be a fib. Jacqui and I continued our two nights a week. We made out in the car, in the park and on her front steps, but I never went inside her house. I knew if I did, we would both be lost in lovemaking. Now that I had a definite plan, I wanted to make it extra special. Michelle and I were still making love, but by now I knew that wasn’t going to make lovemaking with Jacqui any less intense… or her lovemaking with Mike any...

2 years ago
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michelles Sexuality ReAwakened Ch 6

The plane arrived on time, right at 7:45 PM. Fifteen minutes later, I saw Michelle walkingdown the lobby, wearing the leather skirt and sweater, no bra. She looked just as I had envisioned, like a goddess in a dream, so unbelievably beautiful. When she got to me, she wrapped herself around me and gave me one of the best, most emotional kisses of our lives. Obviously, her modesty toward public displays of affection had dissipated significantly over the weekend. When she finally broke away from...

3 years ago
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Michelles Continuing Affair Ch 4

That evening I sat at my computer, starting to work on this story, enjoying every minute of it, occasionally glancing at the two gift-wrapped packages on the edge of my desk, not knowing where the story was going in the coming weeks. I couldn’t imagine a guy having a better life than I did right then, a wonderful wife who I loved unwaveringly and a beautiful girlfriend who that wonderful wife knew about and approved of whole-heartedly. I felt like the luckiest guy in the world! Then a funny...

4 years ago
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Michelles Sexuality ReAwakened Ch 5

When Michelle got into Seattle and checked into her hotel, she texted me that she had arrived and sent several pictures of the suite. The honeymoon suite was absolutely beautiful. It had a sunken hot tub in one corner, a king size bed, and mirrors on the ceiling over the bed. I had ordered roses on the nightstands and a bottle of their best champagne. A few minutes later, she sent another text, “Are you sure? Can stay in room and come home tomorrow.” I was imagining how beautiful my wife was...

2 years ago
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Michelles unrequited desire

I am a lesbian. That’s something I decided when I was 16, when I lost my virginity to my best friend. I had dabbled a bit with men, but decided that I didn’t like sex with them very much. Most of them finished too quickly, for one thing, and most of them weren’t very creative. But I would gladly tolerate them if it was a threesome, foursome, or gang bang with other girls. But usually I love the taste of pussy and I’m not looking back. I work at a lesbian bar, but just as a stripper. It does...

4 years ago
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Captain Janeway Captains Slave

Well, I know a lot you guys don?t find Janeway hot and sexy but I happen to do ?Well, I know a lot you guys don?t find Janeway hot and sexy but I happen to do. Well when I was a younger man and she was younger. But I still find her kind of sexy for a mature woman. So sue me for using my talent to have a little fun with what I consider a hot older babe. I enjoyed writing it. How you enjoy reading it.???????????????????????????????? ???    ??????????????? CAPTAIN JANEWAY CAPTAIN?S...

2 years ago
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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 1

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "The summer of 1890 was to be the start of my new life. At fifteen years of age, I was to be presented to society and I had expected that I would then be considered an adult. That, at long last, I would have a say in my own life, my own destiny. That was not to be, though. I was still just a doll to be dressed and used as decoration in the home of my powerful parents. I was made up and dressed and used to impress the visitors who came...

4 years ago
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I slept with my boyfriends moms boyfriend part 3

... On our way to myrtle beach was long and was like 12 hours to get there. We stopped here and there for food bathroom and gas ... We were following their friends. It was his mom and dad, my boyfriend and myself and his younger sibling. Their friends husband and wife and their 3 k**s (2 girls21,17 and a boy18) We sung silly songs to keep the driver up and slept and laughed in the car. My boyfriend fingered me to the point where i couldnt bare it & i didnt wanna get caught. When I...

3 years ago
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Controlling SisterChapter 4 JP and Lavernersquos son Newtrsquos story

It was the year 2001. 15-year-old Newt looked at himself in the mirror. He could see some of his mother Laverne’s African American features looking back, but also blue eyes and a lighter skin tone that must have come from his unknown father. He growled, angry. Why didn’t his mom ever tell him who his father was? Her insistence that she didn’t know didn’t make any sense! She said that Newt didn’t look like who she thought his father was, and she hadn’t been with any blue-eyed white boys. His...

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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 3

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "Langdon Beech-Thorndyke III was 'a catch.' Mother and Father thought that he would be a perfect match for me. He was twenty three and I was fifteen. My parents hoped that we would become betrothed that summer and then a grandiose wedding would follow in three years after I turned eighteen. This was my sister's summer, though. Miranda would be married in August to a Vanderbilt cousin who she barely knew. The opulent affair...

2 years ago
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Moms New Boyfriend

Mom?s New Boyfriend ? Chapter 01 By Tappy McWidestanceMy name is Brittney. I am 19 and your average California teenager. I was raised on the beaches near LA, was into sports (and boys) and ended up going to UCLA on a swimming scholarship. That made my mom, Cathy (43 years old), very happy. She is a casting agent and divorced my father six years ago. While she is involved in the film industry and makes enough for us to live comfortably, we are by no means rich and not having to pay for college was ...

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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 2

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "Beauty comes from pain, Louisa. A proper young woman does not present herself unless she is properly coiffed, properly made-up, properly attired and wearing the proper accoutrements. That, Louisa, is what 'proper' means." Of course, I tried to argue. That is, after all, what an adolescent is supposed to do, but my mother would just purse her lips, shake her head in disgust and repeat that one sentence that she spoke most frequently...

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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 6

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport' ~ "The day of Miranda's wedding was cloudy and overcast, so perhaps Aunt Ada had been correct. Perhaps God would not waste a beautiful day on a wedding that would lead to a loveless marriage. Instead of using the vast tents that had been erected on the lawns at Golden Bluffs, everything was moved into our grand ballroom, which was large, but could not accommodate everyone who'd been invited. So, tables were also...

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Irsquom in love with my husband and my new boyfriend ndash

Life took a new turn a couple of months ago. I have a new boyfriend, and we really like each other. How it started? It started with a cuckold session with my husband. I got in contact with a man.. with a big thick cock via a swinger contact page. The setup was to have sex in front of my husband. Nothing new, in that area. We had amazing sex for hours. He is a very good lover, a good listener and communicator..amazing cock, very thick.. ? After the date we started to chat a lot on a daily basis...

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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 5

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "The week prior to Miranda's wedding was a hectic and crowded one at Golden Bluffs. All of our relations came to Newport for the event and many of them stayed with us. Unfortunately, we also had many friends and business associates staying as well, which did lead to some difficult choices. Father was a self-made man who had family he wanted in attendance, but they were from a lower rung of society. So, since the rooms were assigned to...

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Jennifers New Boyfriend

(MMF, MM, forced, inc)Jennifer was any man's dream. At 20 she was the perfect specimen of a female, a petite woman whose blonde hair and blue eyes reminded one of her Viking heritage and lustful play in bed. And David was no exception when it came to appreciating her charms. Their relationship had been a little lopsided from the beginning. Since he'd met Jennifer about four weeks earlier, she'd pretty much run his life for him. Telling him what to wear, and were they were going to eat, and what...

4 years ago
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The New Boyfriend

"Such a slow coach i'm afraid " Mrs Fuller spoke apologetically as finally the shy teenager appeared at the top of the stairs. She was wearing a very thin wispy clourful summer dress which she seemed slightly nervous to be seen in. It clung deliciously to her big shapely boobs and ample bottom, covering very little of her bare legs. Her shoes were white high heels, so she had to step slowly and carefully down the stairs. With a shy smile she greeted Brad, her new older boyfriend , her...

4 years ago
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Velvet Crush and Her New Boyfriend

I did my best to not look back, behind the cameras, while I shot my latest porn film. Anthony, my current boyfriend, of only 2 days, was watching as I performed in a scene for my newest video. We had met in the LA airport, while I was dropping off my uncle James, and we had become sex partners not long afterward. He was only 19 years old and had come to visit family when I saw him and had to flirt. He was a really cute and sexy white guy who had put off his visit for the first two days, so that...

4 years ago
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Xena Versus The Spartans

It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...

1 year ago
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The New Boyfriend

Chapter 1 Roy knew that he and Karen had gotten themselves into something that was going to take a lot of work to continue without their being caught. Roy was naked and he was leaning over his stepdaughter, Karen, as she lay there on her back on the couch underneath him. His big horny cock was buried halfway inside Karen's tight young teenage pussy and he was flexing his ass muscles and his legs as he held her ankles firmly, spreading her legs out to be side of her body as he fucked Karen...

2 years ago
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My New Boyfriend

I recently moved to a new town and joined a gym. It's not one of those fancy gyms with weight machines, a latte bar, and women in spandex running around trying to be noticed by men. It's a sweaty men's gym with barbells and dumbbells that require men to double up and spot for each other. The first day I was there, Jack "Kell" Kellson, a solid built six-foot-three-inch muscle boy my age, came over and spotted for me, right away. Since he seemed to like spotting for me, we developed a friendship....

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Michelles New Boyfriend Ch 1

Tuesday evening after dinner, Michelle and I sat down in our living room to discuss her relationship with Shaun. “How are you feeling about Shaun? Are you going to fall in love with him?” “I think I already have. He has something about him that’s pretty irresistible.” I have to admit, just the tiny bit I saw of him I could certainly understand what she meant. It was pretty scary to me, especially as close as I’d come to losing Michelle a few months ago. I had to ask her, “Enough that you’d ever...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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Michelles New Boyfriend Ch 3 Part 2

I backed out of our parking space and headed up Highway 395 toward thefreeway. As we passed the turn toward our house, Michelle asked me, “Hey, I thought we were headed home. Where are we going?” “Home a little later. I have something else in mind first.” She looked at me quizzically until we got to the freeway and turned toward Umatilla. “Are we? You’re taking us to the Honey Bunz?” I didn’t answer her, but instead looked at Trisha in the mirror, “Is that okay with you? I thought it might be...

Wife Lovers
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Michelles New Boyfriend Ch4 Part 1

Tuesday at work was a long day. My wife was gone, I had no idea where, and Jacqui had left for Montana. I had no idea when we might be together again. Thank goodness it was a reasonably quiet day, no irate customers. I might have done or said something to get myself fired. When I got home to my quiet, lonely house, I sat down and turned on Fox News. O’Reilly was about half over. I was lost in my thoughts and had no idea what was on his show. Michelle was gone; she'd said just to think, but that...

Wife Lovers
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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 74 NEWPORT

We entered the outmost orbit of the Dover System ten hours before the deadline. Har-Hi who stood next to me sighed. “I wished it would have taken longer. This is what I am born for, to be aboard a ship and roam the stars’”. I felt the same way and agreed with him, saying. “Me too.” The doors opened and Wetmouth stepped through, taking her seat behind the small science station at the rear of the bridge. I observed Har Hi who acted as the OPS officer of our little crew dedicating sensors...

1 year ago
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New boyfriend

With the whole lockdown thing I haven’t been with anyone other than my husband for the last couple of months and its been ok, I am not complaining as sex with hubby is good enough but not all that exciting and with everything else going on its been quite nice just the two of us. Its not like I have been able to meet anyone else anyway but I have for a month or so been chatting with the man who works in our local petrol station. Only been able to go out for essentials has limited options but the...

2 years ago
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My cousin and boyfriend doublepenetrate me

Introduction: This story is a follow on from Morning sex. It follows a series of related stories stories, which you should read before this one. The series of stories are in the order: 1. Boyfriend forced to watch me being used. 2. My mom, boyfriend, and me. 3. Morning sex. 4. This one. Note: this is probably the longest of all the stories I wrote so far. Ensure that you stroke those cocks-, and finger those pussies slowly. Hope you read to the end and enjoy the story as much as I did writing...

2 years ago
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My cousin and boyfriend doublepenetrate me

1. Boyfriend forced to watch me being used. 2. My mom, boyfriend, and me. 3. Morning sex. 4. This one. Note: this is probably the longest of all the stories I wrote so far. Ensure that you stroke those cocks-, and finger those pussies slowly. Hope you read to the end and enjoy the story as much as I did writing it. I fingered my pussy and came several times while writing this. ______________________ Things were certainly not going to be the same, I thought to myself as I showered. If...

3 years ago
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Boyfriend Ne Goa Me Choda

Mera naam pinky h aur main delhi ki rahne wali hu aur main call center me job karti hu main ap sabko apni ek aur sacchi kahani batane ja rahi hu kaise boyfriend ne mujhe goa me choda ye meri sacchi kahani h ap sab mujhe mail kiye uske liye thanks ap sab mujhe mail karte rahiye main apse whatsapp par sex chat karungi main raat bhar whatsapp par online rahti hu. Main ap sabko apni sacchi kahani batane ja rahi hu kaise boyfriend ne mujhe goa me choda. Main daily porn video dekhti hu aur apne...

4 years ago
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Apne Boyfriend Se First Time Chudi

Hello friends mera naam pinky h aur main delhi ki rahen wali hu main call center me job karti hu aur mera figure 36 30 38 h. Main bahut baar chudi hu aur aaj main apne ek naye boyfriend ke bare me batane ja rahi hu kaise main apne boyfriend se first time chudi. Mere bahut boyfriends the lekin mera sabse breakup ho gaya tha lekin mujhe ek ladke ne propose kiya aur hum dono log boyfriend aur girlfriend ban gaye. Wo mere pados me rahta h aur hum dono log hamesha ek dusre se milte h aur wo mujhe...

2 years ago
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Boyfriend Ke Lund Se Chudi

Hello friend main apko apni chudai ki sacchi kahani batane ja rahi hu kaise main boyfriend ke lund se chudi ye meri sacchi kahani h ap sab meri kahani ko padhne ke bad mujhe mail kriye main apse whatsapp par chat karungi. Ab main kahani par aati hu mera figure 36 30 38 h. Aur main delhi ki rahne wali hu. Aur main call center me job karti hu. Ye kahani kuch din pahle ki h. Mere boyfriend ne mujhe bahut baar choda h. Aur hum dono log hotel me bhi jakar chudai karte h. Aur wo mujhe bahut chodta h....

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Boyfriend Se Uske Ghar Me Chudi

Hello friend mera naam pinky h aaj main ap sabko apni chudai ki ek aur sacchi kamukta kahani batane ja rahi hu kaise main apne boyfriend se uske ghar me chudi aur mujhe apne byfriend ke mote aur lambe lund se chudwa kar bahut maja aaya. Mera ek ladke se bahut din se affair chal raha tha wo ek mobile company me kaam karta h aur uski salary bhi acchi h wo mujhe bahut acche acche hotel me le jata h aur khana khhilata h aur meri shopping bhi wahi karwata h. Hum dono ki dosti ek party me huwi thi...

2 years ago
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Threesome With My Boyfriend And Male Slave

I am a 20 year old girl,having a boyfriend for the last two years. Me and my boyfriend after a year of our relationship started having couple swaps and threesomes,but my boyfriend couldn’t get excited during the fucking time. We discussed it and finally knew that he couldn’t see other guys dominating his girlfriend and frankly I didn’t even enjoy it that much. I had a secret fantasy of dominating guys but,I could never dominate my boyfriend or ever think of it,cause it just doesn’t feels...

4 years ago
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Apne Boyfriend Ke Sath Chudai

Hello friends, mera naam Sapna hai. Main apko apni chudai ki kahani batane ja rahi hu. Main apni kahani batane se pahle aapko apne bare mein bata deti hu. Main bahut sexy ladki hu aur apne aapko bahut maintain rakhti hu. Mera koi boyfriend nahi tha. Waise main pahle bhi sex kar chuki hu lekin ab mera koi boyfriend nahi tha. Aur meri saheli ka boyfriend tha. Mujhe bahut gussa aata tha ki meri saheli apne boyfriend ke sath ghumne ke liye jaati thi. Aur apne boyfriend ke sath hotel mein jakar...

4 years ago
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Moms Old Boyfriend Part One

It happened quite by chance and we managed to keep it a secret, ever since. I was home alone on a Friday evening wearing my mom’s favorite black lace lingerie and her old boyfriend, Ron, came by to see her. He still had a key from when he was seeing my mom and he walked in without knocking on the door, startling me. And he caught me playing with myself through the sexy little black lace panties on the living room couch. My little six inch clitty dick was rock hard and leaking juices into the...

3 years ago
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Moms Old Boyfriend Part One

It happened quite by chance and we managed to keep it a secret, ever since. I was home alone on a Friday evening wearing my mom's favorite black lace lingerie and her old boyfriend, Ron, came by to see her. He still had a key from when he was seeing my mom and he walked in without knocking on the door, startling me. And he caught me playing with myself through the sexy little black lace panties on the living room couch. My little six inch clitty dick was rock hard and leaking juices into the...

2 years ago
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My Boyfriend Shares Me 8211 Part 1

[responsivevoice_button rate=”0.9″ pitch=”1.1″ volume=”0.8″ voice=”Australian Male” buttontext=”Listen to Story”] My boyfriend and I have been in a relationship for a year and a half and we are in love. Both of us have always had fantasies of gangbangs and my boyfriend loves showing me off everywhere we go. The funny thing is that we are both guys and even though he is extremely tall (6’1), muscular and hairy, he has a french beard and loves going to the gym. I am really slim and feminine. I...

Gay Male
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Nazoo aur Indian shemale and boyfriend

Heloo meri lesbo friends!mera naam nazoo khan hai.main 28 saal ki bahut gori chiti sehathmand sexy badan wali behad khubsorat larki hon.meri figure size 38 28 38 hai.mera aik boyfriend hai jis k 9inch lamby aur 2.5inch motay goray lund ki main dewani hon. Wo main usse khub chudwati hon,hum dono na bahut se khubsorat larkion aur jawan sexy aurton k sath sex ka maza liya hai.muhje yaqeen hai k ajj ki story ko read kar k mero lesbo dosto ki chuton se bahut pani nikle ga.ab ap meri real story ko...

3 years ago
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CHAPTER 52E: HOLIDAYS ON THE ISLAND: ENJOYING PARADISE, CONTINUEDIt surprised everyone, but mostly the three residents of the estate, how quickly the general routine was modified and accepted as a result of the change in attitude and behavior of Marie. Our nudity around the house and property and ‘formal’ nudity at night for dinner still caused frequent hard-ons for Carlos and Anthony but they were far from complaining. Especially, since this wasn’t teasing or a ‘hands-off’ lifestyle change of...

2 years ago
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My boyfriend and his friend

His hands travelled around my body, feeing every inch of me. As I lie there, naked and exposed, ready for him to please me in any way he desired, someone knocked on the door. Panicking, I got to my feet and hurried off to get dressed. I waited anxiously, praying that he would hurry up and finish talking to who ever was at the door. Footsteps starting coming close to me and their voices were now crystal clear outside the door. “Come out babe” my boyfriend said, “Meet a friend of mine”. I...

Group Sex
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CHAPTER 17C: MOM AND THE WEEKEND, CONTINUEDSunday morning, unlike the previous morning, Mom is up before us. When I open my eyes to the new day, Mom isn’t in bed with us. I try to remember exactly how we were arranged when we went to bed and I feel like she had to have been between Tim and me. But that had to have been only because that has typically been the arrangement when Mom sleeps with us. But she couldn’t have been. How could she have gotten out of bed without waking both of us if that...

2 years ago
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Veronica Cheats on Her PassedOut Boyfriend

Veronica met up with Ryan after work. He had been promising to grab a drink with her for months now, but their schedules never seemed to match. However, they were both available on this particular Thursday as Friday was a furlough day, so they met at an upper scale pub downtown and sat down at the bar.Even this early, it was crowded in the bar, so it was difficult to catch up with all of the noise. Eventually a booth in the back opened up and Ryan and Veronica practically ran to get it before...

4 years ago
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My mom boyfriend and me

I was a little scared after having all those STD tests. What if I’ve contracted something from those guys? Mom was even more afraid for me, though, and she was worried that I might get pregnant. But, I assured her that wasn’t going to happen because I was on birth control. Well, I just had to wait for the results. In the meanwhile, I couldn’t have sex with my boyfriend, I couldn’t risk infecting him with something that I might have. I awoke the next morning with my boyfriend’s arm...

4 years ago
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My Boyfriend Shares Me Part 2

To recap: My boyfriend’s best friend and gym buddy had come home and had played strip poker with me. I was naked and the three muscular guys were sitting shirtless in front of me staring at me with a lot of lust. I had already made out with all the three guys as a punishment as I didn’t have any clothes left. Finally, I lost again and my boyfriend won. He grabbed my penis and told me that now I had to jerk off in front of all of them. I was so excited and so confused. I looked into my...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Apne Boyfriend Ke Dost Se Chudi

Hello friends, mera naam Priti hai. Main aap sabko apni sex kahani batane ja rahi hu. Ye kahani mere aur mere boyfriend ke dost ke beech ki hai. Mere boyfriend ne mujhe cheat kiya to main uske dost se chudi. Main aur mera boyfriend pados mein hi rahte the. Hum dono ka ghar najdik tha isliye hum log ki baaten hoti rahti thi. Hum  hamesha sham ko milte the. Aur hum dono log ek acche dost hi tarah rahte the. Lekin hum dono ki dosti dheere dheere pyar mein badal gayi. Aur hum ek dusre se pyar karne...

4 years ago
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Boyfriend forced to watch me being used

It was late Friday night, around 11pm. My boyfriend had come over to stay the night, which he regularly does when mom is on night shift. We were watching a movie on TV, snuggled up to each other, with my head on his chest. It was rather hot and humid this night, which was not particularly unusual. I was wearing a long and oversized t-shirt, and that was it, no underwear whatsoever. My boyfriend had on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. A hot sex scene started on the movie we had been watching,...

3 years ago
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My Boyfriend Always Cums Through

My boyfriend treats me to a hot orgy on vacation."Baby I want us to fuck a girl tonight." I purred to my boyfriend and pressed my sea salty body up against him in the shower. After a full day at the beach the heat from the Caribbean sun was trapped in my skin. He fondled my breasts that were also hot and tanned from going topless. We'd already fucked twice in the morning and here we were, at it again. This was our first chance to get away together since we started dating a year ago. We were...

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