The Real Estate Connection Ch. 02 free porn video

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Stevie sighed as she snuggled in under my arm. I looked down to see a small contented smile on her face. She looked so peaceful curled on the couch, feet drawn up under her, lying across my lap. It felt very natural and very comfortable. With a jolt I realised that I was starting to get used to being around people. So much for the big loner thing. It shook me for a moment but it took me seconds to figure that maybe this is what I needed. After all maybe this is what a normal life is supposed to be like, sitting with good friends wrapped in nothing but towels and enjoying quiet togetherness.

Having no real frame of reference as to what a ‘normal life’ was made this one huge learning curve and I was starting at the very bottom. I had a lifetime of opinions, experiences, and values to reset or relearn and what better place to start than with good friends and a potential great partner.

Looking over at Matt and Becky cuddled up on the other couch I caught Matt’s eye and smiled. They looked so content… not a care in the world. It was as if the events of today had never happened. The smile faded from my face.

‘Guys, we have to talk about what happened today.’ This drew a theatrical groan from Stevie as she pulled herself upright on the couch next to me.

‘Look, I don’t want to piss on the party but we have to talk about this. I don’t know all the details behind what went down today but I’m worried. I’ve been here for less than a week and all of a sudden there isn’t just me to worry about any more. I have you to consider and frankly that is a pretty scary proposition. These guys were loaded for bear and from the looks of them and what I do know they were pretty professional.’

‘They got caught. That doesn’t sound professional to me.’ This from Matt. At least I had their full attention now. I shook my head, regretting the one too many Scotches I had downed earlier. Stevie stood as if reading my mind.

‘Hold on honey and I’ll put some coffee on.’ Her voice was full of concern which again shook me. The feelings that were sweeping through me were confusing to say the least. For the last 8 years I had been as self sufficient as a man in my profession could possibly be. Sure, in any combat team you have to rely on the man next to you but I had been exceptionally good at separating my work from my private life. My down time had been spent in solitary pursuit of whatever interested me at the time. On the rare occasions I had chosen to socialise with my team mates it had always been a strained affair. We functioned well as a team because they respected my ability and leadership, not because they liked me. I could get the job done with a minimum of risk, and in our business that was a precious ability.

I was still doing my introspective navel gazing when Stevie came back into the room with the coffee pot, cups, and the trimmings balanced on a tray the salesman had thrown in when I bought my kitchenware. She had made a detour to the bedroom and was now, for want of a better word, dressed in an old denim shirt of mine. I have to say it looked better on her than it ever did on me.

Matt was sitting watching me, a look of concern on his face. Jesus… they must think I’m losing it. I waited until we were all sipping on hot fresh coffee before speaking.

‘Matt you’re right. They did get caught. That doesn’t mean they aren’t pro’s. I’ve known their kind for years on both sides of the equation. They got caught because I’m a bit paranoid by nature and because I have pretty damned good instincts. Luck, paranoia, ability and instinct kept me alive for 8 years when a lot of guys around me died. Underestimating these people just because they got caught is wrong, dangerous and stupid.’ Maybe I laid it on a bit thick but I needed to get the seriousness of the situation through to them. I carried on.

‘I made a hell of a lot of enemies down there in the last 8 years. I cost them a lot of money… millions in wrecked labs, shipments burned, planes and boats destroyed… I had a free reign and hit them whenever and wherever I could.’

‘These folks have long memories and fat wallets. I always knew that there could be repercussions when I left mercenary work, but I was always convinced that I would only have to worry about me. You people have gone and changed that dynamic quite drastically. I came here to melt into the background and be as anonymous as I could, to catch up on some of the luxuries of life that up ’til now have only been pictures in books or topics of conversation. That’s all changed now.’

‘Are you saying you don’t want us here?’ I turned and was shocked at the expression on Stevie’s lovely face. She looked scared, angry and shocked.

I sighed. ‘I don’t know what I want at the moment baby. I need to find out what is happening first so that I know what I am up against. I need to know what the threat is before I can figure out how to react to it and protect you all.’

‘Craig, I can only speak for myself, but I’m damned sure I’m not going to abandon a friend in his time of need. Shit that sounded pompous. Look man I hardly know you but I’m pretty sure that if the tables were turned and it was us in trouble, you wouldn’t leave us in the lurch. What makes you think that we would leave you to it?’ Matt looked at me with a bemused look on his face. Becky was nodding her lovely head at his side.

‘As usual, my man is long winded but correct. Besides, there is definitely strength in numbers isn’t there?’ Matt grinned and pulled her close.

I turned to Stevie. Her eyes searched my face for some sign of encouragement. I sighed and pulled her into a hug. I could see that this was a battle I wasn’t going to win.

‘Okay. You win… but we play this my way. Everyone needs to take some extra care until we find out exactly what’s going on here. I’m going to pay a visit to Langley tomorrow. If the CIA had me red flagged then I want to find out why and what they know. In the mean time I think it would be better if everyone set up camp here. From what I’ve seen of the place so far it is going to be pretty easy to defend if it becomes necessary. Plus Becky’s safety in numbers argument holds a bit of weight.’

Stevie’s grin was a thing of beauty. With a bounce and a whoop she was perched in my lap busy plastering my face with happy kisses. This lady didn’t know how to do things by halves.

‘Well I’m tired guys. Hope you don’t mind if I grab my man and retire for the night. You kids play nice now and remember to lock up before you go up to bed.’

This drew a thunderous laugh from Matt while Becky burst into a fit of giggles before putting on a mock severe look and speaking.

‘Craig I think you are well and truly snared. This might be your last chance to escape intact. Take my advice and run… run while you can.’

I laughed as Stevie dragged me to my feet. ‘I think I’ll take my chances. Good night you two.’

Their goodnights followed me as I trailed upstairs behind Stevie. I stayed a couple of stairs below her to take advantage of the magnificent view she was providing. When she had put my shirt on she had obviously neglected to replace her panties which were still lying out on the deck next to the hot tub. I briefly wondered if she realised what an incredible show she was putting on before she removed all doubt.

‘Like what you see baby?’ she murmured. ‘Do you like that ass honey?’

I felt it was about time I got a bit of control back.

‘In about 30 seconds I’m going to be burying my tongue in that ass lover.’ I growled as I took two quick steps and swept her up and over my shoulder. She squealed as I ran up the remaining stairs and into the bedroom, kicking the door closed behind me. Laughing I dumped her unceremoniously on the bed and gazed down at her.

She lay with her hair fanned out around her head on the pillow. Her arms were up above her head and the shirt had rucked up around her lovely slim hips. Licking her lips s
ensuously she slowly spread her long legs.

‘Put your money where your mouth is big guy.’ She purred. Her eyes were hooded, her cheeks flushed and her lips full and moist. I could honestly say I had never seen a sexier sight. Without a word I bent and grabbed her by the ankles. With a heave I dragged her over so her ass was resting on the edge of the bed. Still holding her ankles and looking deep into her eyes I dropped to my knees between her thighs. My hands slipped down her firm calves until I was holding her behind her knees. Firmly I pushed up, out and back, spreading her wide and rolling and raising her hips up off the bed.

Maintaining eye contact I slowly lowered my head until my lips gently grazed the inside of her thigh near her ass. My tongue slid out and slowly swept upwards toward her knee pulling a small moan from her beautiful lips. Slowly I trailed my tongue back toward her pussy, then just when I was about to touch her moist lips I switched legs and trailed upwards again. I could feel her heat and smell her clean fresh scent as she moaned and wriggled as my tongue found a sensitive spot behind her knee. I let my tongue play there for a while before sucking the soft flesh of her leg into my mouth and laving it with my tongue. Her arms whipped forward and her fingers wound their way through my hair insistently pulling my lips toward her wet pussy. Being the gentleman that I am, who was I to refuse her. With a sudden lunge my tongue was buried in her soaked hole, my nose pressed against her clit.

‘AAAARRRGGGGHHH!’ Her scream was guttural and loud enough to let Matt and Becky know exactly what was going on behind our closed door. Her hips started a rhythmic thrusting on my searching tongue as her hands left my hair and grabbed her own knees, spreading and opening herself even further. This freed my hands up for more enterprising tasks, and I immediately set them to work. As I lapped at her pussy my left hand slid up her flat firm stomach and over her hard nippled breast.

My right hand moved down and momentarily cupped her hard butt. I loved the way her skin felt, hot and smooth with a sheen of moisture. I slid my thumb up, sliding it between her butt cheeks, over her puckered asshole and into her wet cunt alongside my probing tongue. Stevie moaned as she felt the invasion then whimpered as I swirled it around getting it as wet as I could.

‘Oh fuck baby… God I want you!’ Her breath was coming in ragged gasps and stringing words together was becoming a major mission for her. I shifted the angle of my attack and slipped my tongue out of her pussy and started sucking on her engorged lips, my nose still sliding back and forth across her swollen clit. My thumb was now wet enough. Without further ado I slid it out of her and moved it slowly downwards.

Stevie immediately figured out where it was headed.

‘Yesssssss!’ It was a long drawn out hiss that told me exactly what she wanted… and where she wanted it. My thumb arrived at her asshole and slid back and forth over the puckered tight ring, exerting a little more pressure at every pass.

‘Oh fuck yes!’ Her moan was louder and her hips were bucking against my lips and tongue. My face was slick with her hot juice which was now freely flowing, trickling down the crack of her ass and adding to the lubrication I was spreading around her tight ring. From my position I watched as her stomach muscles started to flutter with tiny spasms as small orgasms started to jolt her. It was time.

My lips clamped down on her engorged clit sucking it and the surrounding flesh as far into my mouth as I could, while my tongue went to work lashing the firm little bundle of nerves. Simultaneously my thumb pressed steadily inwards against the rubbery resistance of her tight sphincter. With a minimum of opposition my thumb popped past the muscle and slid deeply into her hot tight depths.

Stevie froze for a heartbeat… then… she went ballistic. Her whole body flexed, legs flying out straight and as rigid as boards. Her body arched as her heels dug into the mattress. Her fingers were suddenly wound through my hair again as my face was mashed against her spasming pussy. A massive orgasm ripped through her with a violence which would have been shocking if I hadn’t been expecting it. Her tight asshole clamped down on my invading thumb as she slid deeper into the most spectacular climax I had ever witnessed. Stevie’s juices were free flowing, soaking my lips and chin, as her body contracted in spastic jerks, an explosive grunt accompanying every contraction.

It was getting hard to breathe. My mouth and nose were completely enveloped in her crotch. Just as it was getting to the stage when oxygen was a must have, she gave a small strangled scream and slowly sank back onto the sheets gasping. I could breathe and did so, sucking as much air into my lungs as I could before collapsing onto the bed beside Stevie.

I rolled over and pulled her into my arms, holding her as she panted, trying to get her breath back.

‘My God! I’ll have what she’s having!’ My head whipped round, automatically tracking the source of the voice. Becky’s voice. She was leaning against the door jamb with Matt firmly pressed up behind her. His hands were cupping her gorgeous naked breasts, her bra creating an attractive green lacy pool at her feet. Her right hand was busy between her thighs, thrust down the front of her G-String. Her eyes were hooded with lust whereas Matt’s were filled with amusement and something else as he scanned Stevie’s body. Obviously I hadn’t closed the door properly.

‘Jesus you two!’ Stevie gasped, ‘Is there no privacy here in my own home?’

‘Your home?’ Matt burst into laughter which almost instantly took the heat out of a very promising erotic situation. I joined him.

‘Your house eh? So what did I sign in your office?’

‘Oh don’t worry baby, you can stay here. I’ll need a cabana boy.’

‘I have a Cabana?’ I really was going to have to fully explore my property.

The whole situation was very strange but not uncomfortable. Here we were, four attractive naked, or near naked adults, throwing jokes back and forth as if nothing was amiss. It was a lifetime away from what I was used to and for a moment I wondered if it was all real. Stevie’s hand sliding over my thigh and grabbing my semi hard cock dispelled all doubts. Something that felt that good could not be a dream.

‘Matt… take that lady and be gone from our presence. Pressing matters are rising that need my full attention.’ She punctuated her statement with long slow strokes of my rapidly hardening cock. ‘See you in the morning.’

‘C’mon stud… let’s leave them alone. I have some matters of my own that need attending to.’ Becky blew us a kiss as she withdrew her hand from her panties and dragged Matt out of the room and down the hall. The door closed after them with an audible click.

‘Baby we stink of chlorine. Come and scrub me lover.’ Flipping me a wicked grin she stretched languorously, rolled over, grabbed my hand and dragged me after her into the bathroom. I sat on the bathroom counter as she bustled around organising towels and getting the water temperature just right. As I watched her I realised that she was indeed acting like it was her house… and on reflection, I didn’t mind one bit. She looked comfortable and that in turn had put me at ease. It hit me that it was this easy familiarity that all three of my new friends were exhibiting that was making it easy for me to slip into my new situation with a minimum of fuss and stress.

The shower was a relaxed affair. Both of us were tired from the activities and events of the past couple of days and the process of washing each other was performed more with cleanliness in mind than as a precursor to another bout of mattress wrestling. There was a lot of kissing and exploring along with quiet murmured conversation as we soaked and scrubbed the grime and cares away. Soon enough the hot water started to run out
, our signal that it was time for bed. We dried each other in a warm companionable silence then hand in hand we headed into the bedroom. Despite the earlier sexual frenzy we both knew that tonight was for sleep.

I climbed in and Stevie slid in after me. After years of sleeping on jungle floors and narrow army cots I didn’t actually have a ‘side’ as such but the way Stevie arranged her long smooth limbs around my body told me how I’d like to sleep from now on. It just felt right. Soft kisses and caresses were exchanged as we drifted softly into sleep.

The next day dawned warm, clear and sunny. That, in itself, would have been enough to send any mortal man into raptures. I had an extra reason to thank god for the new day.

I awoke to find Stevie crouched over my cock, hands on my chest for support, riding my morning hard on. The rising sun was behind her throwing her into silhouette, but I could see enough to tell she was enjoying herself. Her eyes were closed, lips pursed in an ‘O’ of delight as her tight, hot, wet, pussy slid slowly up and down my hardness.

Stupidly my first thought was, ‘How the hell did she manage to sneak up on me like that?’ Then all rational thought was driven from my mind as Stevie started to swivel her hips on every down stroke. The feeling was indescribable. Suffice to say I’d never felt anything like it before. Stevie appeared completely unaware that I was awake… until she moaned and spoke.

‘Are you going to lie there and let me do all the work baby… or are you going to roll me over and fuck me hard.’ she managed to get out in between gasps. Reaching up to grip her hips I answered her.

‘I’m going to let you do most of the work.’ I growled as I hauled her down hard on my cock, burying myself as far as I could in her hot, velvet depths. Her firm hard nippled breasts bounced beautifully as she paused and ground her pussy against my pubic bone before slowly rising up onto her haunches then slamming herself back down onto my erection.

I released her hips and moved my hands up over her hot flanks and around to her heaving breast. Softly I trailed my fingertips over the underside of the lovely orbs and her ribcage, content for the moment just to watch her ride. Her eyes opened and she smiled down at me as she wriggled her way toward what I guessed would be her first orgasm of the day. Yes, I could think of a lot worse ways to start the day.

As I filled my hands with her breasts Stevie reached for my nipples and started to pinch them with her manicured nails. I’d never, before this moment, considered my nipples as an erogenous zone. Man was I wrong! It was like tiny electric shocks, shivers took over my body in time with every tweak. Almost of their own volition my hips started moving in concert with hers… slowly at first but gaining in force and speed as Stevie sped towards her climax.

I cupped her breasts and started rolling, squeezing and pulling on her nipples. The hard rubbery nubbins were an angry coral red now and standing up like sewing thimbles. Stevie grunted with every down stroke as she fucked me faster and faster. I realised I was just along for the ride this time and laid back to watch her go into orbit. It didn’t take long.

With a long deep moan Stevie crashed headlong into her orgasm. Her whole body tensed and the rhythmic undulations of her hips became uncoordinated and frantic. I felt the walls of her pussy contract around my hard straining cock, and this was enough to send me over the edge along with Stevie.

‘Oh fuck… I’m cummmmming… FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCK!’ If Matt and Becky weren’t already awake they would be now. Stevie’s bellow rang through the room as she drove herself down fully on my shaft just as I lost control and sprayed her insides with my hot load. While I remained rigid and still, Stevie was shaking like a patient with the Malaria Tremors. Finally with a small wail she collapsed on my chest panting.

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The estate was quiet, only residents of the estate ventured onto the estate, it was known as the lawless estate, on the estate the residents stuck together and supported each other, but there were some residents who were feared by their fellow residents 16 year old Kim was one resident who was well feared even boys were scared of her. Kim was sat on a swing in the kids play park when 12 year old Karen a new girl on the estate appeared, the other kids in the play park went quiet when Karen...

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All the Power Pt 2 On the Sacred Estate

The Sacred Estate was located on The Sacred Isle, formerly known as Pentash. It was an island renowned for its physical beauty and pleasant, temperate climate, across a small sea from the heartland of the Trasian Empire, towards the southern edge of the same continent that contained Nordland. The Estate itself was massive, practically the size of a small Nordish province. Surrounding a long, narrow, lake, about two miles wide at its widest point in the middle and about ten miles long, it...

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Real Estate

Karen is a successful real estate agent in California. Standing at 5-2 and about 110 lbs, she's a very attractive married woman of 42. Her all natural 34D curves significantly add to her beauty. Karen frequently shows property to clients from all walks of life and nationalities. A man named Bruce whom was looking to see a couple of homes over the coming weekend had recently contacted her. Karen said she would do her due diligence on the properties and get back to him. Karen researched the three...

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Estate Agents Dilemma

Estate Agent's Dilemma By Sylvia Who? 1) My 'Initiation' Robert Hart is my name and seven years ago I went into business as an estate agent in the village of Shere on the South Coast of England, employing two part time ladies, and operating from a former village post office store. Attached to which I have a self contained bachelor pad which suits my present needs. Three years ago an interloper set up in competition with me just a few doors away, strangely enough run by...

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MMB 03 The Great Estate Robbery

MMB 03:  The Great Estate RobberyTeaser"OH MY GOD, IT'S GOING IN ME PAUL!" Ashley said as my cock touched the mouth of her wet pussy.PreludeHerbert H. Williams III had died. People die all the time. There's nothing unusual about it. After all, he was seventy-eight years old. He had lived a full life. It happens to everyone sooner or later. They're born, they live, they die, they are mourned and eventually, in time, they are forgotten.But Herbert H. Williams III was unique, not because he had...

Straight Sex
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The Johnson Estate

Four hours by plane and another three by limo. That's how long it took to reach the estate of Cormac Johnson, billionaire, tech-guru, and charming businessman. The estate, out in the middle of the mountains of Coloardo, was as close as you could get to isolated without leaving the country to some obscure island in the middle of the Pacific, or the far northern reaches of the arctic, where the summers were cold and the winters were uninhabitable. John Doe was more than exhausted after the trip,...

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Fantasy Gets Real in Real Estate Part 2

 As I drove south on I-5 heading for Southern Oregon, my mind kept returning to the last time we were together.  She was both enchanting and the most erotic female I had ever encountered….I have been with any number of women, having spent life as a pro musician among other things, but this woman was more than the best of the best all rolled up into one. My mind was a dark fog of lust as I thought of her, I dialed the phone. "This is Kristen," said her voice on the cel phone. "Hi there, are we...

Love Stories
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Grace 7The Estate 1 of 3

The author kindly advises that this scenario contains descriptions of exhibitionism, anal sex and graphic language and is only suitable for persons over 18 years old.Grace 7-The Estate (1 of 3)(Grace is groped at home and at a party and participates in a porn photo shoot)The afternoon light slowly filtered through the curtains into her bedroom. The sunlight warmed the skin of a naked girl lying on top of her duvet with her legs wide open. The light shone on her hard small nipples and her...

2 years ago
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MMB The Great Estate Robbery

"OH MY GOD IT'S GOING IN ME PAUL!" Ashley said as my cock touched the mouth of her wet pussy. Prelude Herbert H. Williams III had died. People die all the time. There's nothing unusual about it. After all, he was seventy-eight years old. He had lived a full life. It happens to everyone sooner or later. They're born; they live; they die; they are mourned and eventually, in time, they are forgotten. But Herbert H. Williams III was unique, not because he had been quite wealthy. No, he was...

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Mcdonald EnterprisesChapter 3 Real estate

I started to look through the papers for houses that might appeal to me now that I could afford one. As I was looking through the realty section of the local newspaper I spotted a picture of a girl I went to school with, she was now a realtor. I called her and asked her if she would like to meet for breakfast the next day, my treat. Shannon was stunning when she walked into the restaurant, she still had long blonde hair and a figure models would kill for. She saw me and sauntered over and...

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The Saint of Carleton Estates

Bobby O’Malley was never going to impress anyone on the first meeting. Or maybe even the second, either. He was modest in all measures of a man and, in a few of those measures, even modest might’ve been a stretch. Pale, chalky skin, a slight slouch in his shoulders which made him stand a few inches below the six-foot-even he rose to when Doc Bannion told him to “stand up straight so I can getcher height, Bobby”. Mousy brownish hair that was thinning when he was in his early twenties. He...

1 year ago
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Lord Dagmars Estate

Lord Dagmar’s EstateChapter 1Dress appropriately. That’s what the letter had said. It wasn’t a letter you ignored either. The calligraphic script and the weight of the paper showed you it meant business. No exclamation mark or other intonation was necessary; the whole thing reeked of old school, old money, old power. That was not to say the age behind the power lessened it, it was still as strong today as it had always been, strong, stable and unmovable. A relentless force driving the...

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The Estate of Master David

THE ESTATE OF MASTER DAVIDChapter 1Julie knelt at the Master’s bedside with tears streaming down her face.  Master was dying.His family was here now, and for the moment they were all one in their grief.  Yet even now Master’s son, Eric, regarded Julie as an interloper in this most private of moments.None of that mattered to Julie as she stared at her master.  None of them would understand the intimacy she shared with Master David.  They only saw a 78 year old man and a 32 year old woman; a...

3 years ago
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The Collectors Estate

The Collectors Estate by BDSM_Tourguide Prologue - Origin of the Collectors Estate Two years ago, a plan was hatched involving two hundred men and women fromvarious alternative lifestyle organizations across the North American continent.The men and women were wealthy and somewhat influential in their communities.Their wealth and influence would be necessary to see their plan to fruition. Over many months, the plan came together. Land was purchased and a structurethat could only be described...

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43 Reminiscences from the manor estate

43. Reminiscences from the manor estate An additional few memories to the story “sex and my amazing wife” PART BSEE ALSO 42 AND 44 My position as lord of the estate comes with some privileges, one is that if I say jump people do tend to do just that, though it`s not a privilege to abuse, although I hear a number of my contemporise do just that. One couple were Jack and his wife Alice, my dungeon keeper (we cater for the kinkier side in our manor house hotel) and his wife our medical sister...

2 years ago
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Estate Sale

ESTATE SALE By Persephone Albert Brooks was out driving around aimlessly with no particular destination in mind. It was a typical Friday after work. He didn't have any plans, no place to go and nothing to do. He was fairly new to the area and hadn't made any real friends yet. He was bored and just decided to go out for a drive but once he pulled out of the driveway he didn't know where he wanted to go. He was stopped at the light on 122nd Avenue at the intersection of Market...

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Grace 9The Estate 3 of 3

The author kindly advises that this scenario contains descriptions of exhibitionism, anal sex, groupsex and graphic language and is only suitable for persons over 18 years old.Grace 9-The Estate (3 of 3)(Uni student Grace Worthington fucks in a live porno Internet feed)It was Thursday morning. The University gardener left home early to begin his shift at the nearby Uni grounds. He walked through the gates around 6am, clocked on and began his work for the day. 30 minutes later he passed by...

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Kimberley Real Estate Agent

Kimberly had a busy schedule showing houses. She checked the mirror before leaving, going over her clothes and makeup, checking her small bag with a change of clothes. “Hmm, looking good girl. Skirt tight, blouse good fit with a little pushup going on. Hair all done, going to get a little messed up.” The first showing luckily was not too far in a modest brick ranch. She pulled up to the ranch on Maple Street right at 10. The client Dave Hammer was waiting. “Hi Dave, sorry for last...

2 years ago
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A 42 Year Old Real Estate Agent Becomes A Milf

Lori was a stunning 42 year old red head who had a great set of tits to go along with a gorgeous ass. She had been married for 15 years and had been a real estate agent for about 5 years now. The last few years had been extremely tough on Lori since the housing market problems. She had just picked up a new client who was in the market for a new home. His name was Zack and he was a very good looking 23 year old who had recently inherited a lot of money. He wanted Lori to help him look for the...

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Real estate round 2

Another hot weekend in Ponte Vedra...received a call from my favorite real estate agent yesterday afternoon....said he had a was a very nice condo...Two I would certainly enjoy. He told me to swing bit around 4 and pack a bag...cryptic but exciting...I hopped in the shower..shaved my legs smooth...picked out some black sheer panties, black and red thigh lace tops and a pair of super sexy red 4” sling backs...slipped them in my bag....slipped on my 501s over my super...

3 years ago
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How A Sexy Real Estate Agent Became My Confidence Booster

I was sitting in my little one-man office in a multi-tenant office when I looked up and saw an impeccably sexy and well-dressed business woman standing in the office doorway across from mine. She had on a smart ensemble, consisting of a light tan skirt, with an above the knee cut, a button-down silky white blouse, accentuated with a string of pearl-like beads hanging from her neck and a tan-colored blazer. Her bleached blonde hair curled at the ends, as it hung to the middle of her back. Her...

Office Sex
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My Real estate Agent

I was standing in front of the house waiting for the real estate agent to show up to give me the nickel tour and hear the typical pitch on why I should buy it. As I was about to look at my watch, here came the car. What I wasn’t expecting a 6′6” blonde who got out. Her breasts had to be about 40D, “What an Amazon”, I whispered to myself. “Mr. Collins” she said shaking my hand. So strong a grip, it hurt a little. “Yes, please call me Tom.” “Well lets get started. I think you’ll find my tour a...

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Me my Dad and the Real Estate guy

was staying at my Dad’s after college and helping him get the house ready for selling. Matt, the real estate agent was coming over for an assessment for public inspections. It was late afternoon when he knocked on the door.I don’t know who or what I expected but I didn’t expect the fucking gorgeous hunk that walked through the door! His suit was crisp and his athletic body was highlighted by the cut of the jacket, his trousers were tight and I could see his bulge as soon as he walked inside....

1 year ago
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A 42 Year Old Real Estate Agent Becomes A Milf

Lori was a stunning 42 year old red head who had a great set of tits to go along with a gorgeous ass. She had been married for 15 years and had been a real estate agent for about 5 years now. The last few years had been extremely tough on Lori since the housing market problems. She had just picked up a new client who was in the market for a new home. His name was Zack and he was a very good looking 23 year old who had recently inherited a lot of money. He wanted Lori to help him look for the...

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F45101 Real EstateChapter 2

As Kelly walked into the lobby of the Riverwalk Hilton, she thought about what she was here for. She was coming here to submit to Mr. Thomas. She knew he would fuck her and she would have to suck him, but she had to come anyway, she had no choice. She also knew she would experience mind numbing orgasms that would still the craving she tried to deny. A couple of weeks ago, the call she dreaded had come. When she picked up the phone, Mr. Thomas' voice said, "Hello, Kelly, how are you?"...

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Delta OriginalChapter 18 Real Estate

Sean took charge when they landed. “Okay, guys and gals we are in the main dining hall. This dome is not as thick as the one we bought with us. But it does comply with the specifications for a dome placed in a breathable atmosphere. I’ll give the van Holton’s a copy later.” “You will notice it is split into three levels. There are labs and shops and storage on the bottom floor and six four-bed bunkrooms for guests spaced around the inner walls and standard rooms on the second floor. There...

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the party of late summer la festa di fine estate

Quando ho sedotto il mio uomo io avevo quasi diciassette anni , Peter aveva 43 anni. La nostra relazione era fatta di brevi incontri, 15/20 giorni ogni  due o tre mesi , era una relazione fantastica, non solo sesso ma vero amore, ero fedele a Peter e in tutto il tempo che siamo stati insieme non ho mai avuto e amato altri uomini. Peter mi ha conosciuto come un ragazzo un poco sciocco , quasi insignificante nel mio voler apparire una donna. Nel corso della nostra prima vacanza insieme Peter...

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Jacksons Estate part 12 of the Business

Introduction: With a disturbing return to the fair after hours Carla somehow makes it back to the hotel, where their return is noticed Jacksons Estate Bruce and Carla arrived at the gates of Jacksons property. A guard met them to let them in and greet them. He shut the gate behind them and handed them glasses of Champagne. On private gated property drinking and driving was perfectly legal. Just take it slow, he said. There is no rush once you are here. They toasted to more adventure and...

4 years ago
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Menagerie estate

Chapter one: Your new home It was a average day in August, the air was hot and humid and made your clothes sticky with sweat. You, John Doe sat in the back seat of a grey coloured taxi car "Where to boss man?" Asked the driver as he came to a fork in the dirt road which pointed north east and north west "north east" you said in monotone, you were not really paying attention to him because your mind was busy deciphering how you found yourself in this situation. You were a loser, not because you...

2 years ago
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Grace 8The Estate 2 of 3

The author kindly advises that this scenario contains descriptions of exhibitionism, anal sex and graphic language and is only suitable for persons over 18 years old.Grace 8-The Estate (2 of 3)(Uni Student Grace Worthington participates in a porno photo shoot and has a close call)It was late that Saturday when Grace Worthington and her parents arrived home from the soiree. Within an hour everyone had gone to bed. Her parents were well asleep when Grace was still thinking through the events of...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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The Perky Estate Agent

She was late. I detested people with no respect for others' time. I stood in front of the new, 30 story apartment development in the city centre. With rising fuel prizes and the fast developing city living trend, I am looking for some city apartments as an investment opportunity.I saw the little black Mercedes crawling down the street. Stop. Do a risky U-turn and perform a 50 movement parallel park on my side of the street - this could only be one of those care free female drivers who are so...

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The househunter and the estate agent

I am a househunter and I have booked an appointment with an estate agent to look over an empty house.I arrive at the house and knock on the door, the estate agent opens it, it is you. The house is totally empty with no furniture.You invite me in and say let`s look upstairs first. You begin to climb the stairs and I walk behind you. I immediately notice that your long, tight skirt has a long slit up the back, I can`t believe my eyes. The slit goes right to your arse. You are wearing black,...

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