Cat...chapter 1 free porn video

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It started as an offhand comment by a friend. He'd intended it as a derogatory, but it stuck in Jason's mind, a little seed that slowly sprouted. When the tiny voice in his head became too loud, the internet searches started. Then came the porn. Eventually, more research revealed that Brazilian tranny videos didn't accurately reflect the truth. True transgender people struggled greatly, both internally and externally. Curiosity about those struggles only fueled his desires. Now, he just needed to figure out how to address those desires.

He entered the bar and looked around. He wasn't quite sure how to go about it, but the articles had stressed being honest and forthright. Well, nothing to do but dive in, he said to himself. There was a single woman seated at the bar. Jason walked up to her and cleared his throat. She glanced at him sideways but said nothing.

"Hi. Um..." He cleared his throat again. She looked at him with mild annoyance. "Um...are A transgender woman?"

She looked at him, glancing up and down, taking him in. He was clearly extremely nervous, his hands shaking slightly and a bead of sweat at his hairline.

"Oh, you're one of those. We get you guys in here from time to time. I'm gay, but if that's what you're looking for..." She looked around. "See that woman over there with the silver hair? That's Cat. Word has it she likes breaking in you newbies. Go talk to her."

Jason looked around. She was at the far end of the bar engaged in animated conversation with another woman. "Silver hair? Is she old?"

"No, it's a dye job. It's an in thing right now, but she's done it since before then. Now leave me alone so I can get drunk and forget about my girlfriend cheating on me."

"Oh, sorry."

The woman just waved him away and returned to her drink.

Jason walked over and sat on the empty stool next to the woman called 'Cat'. He ordered a drink, nursed it and waited for the women to stop talking. Eventually, the other woman got up and left.

"Are you going to keep staring at me out of the corner of your eye, or do you want something?"

"Er, um...I...that is..." Jason stammered, flustered.

"Come on. Spit it out."

"One of the other ladies said that you might be a transgender woman?"

"Yes, I am...and?"

"I, uh...was, uh...wondering if you might have sex with me?"

Cat looked at him hard, her eyes narrowing. She absorbed him, sizing him up, looking at everything about him, even his demeanor and posture. She guessed him to be early twenties, meaning he was probably inexperienced either way. Unless they'd been taken in under the wing of someone much older, they simply hadn't had enough time to get good at sex. Many didn't even have a clear idea of who they themselves were.

"Let me guess. You're gay but still in the closet. You want to dip your toe in the water, but imagining a guy's face while you're doing it freaks you out?"

Jason looked slightly confused. "No, I don't think I'm gay. I just thought...that is...I...I was curious..."

"Oh, I get it. You're a fetishist, but you're also a newb."

"Uh, I, um, I'm sorry if I offended you."

"No, no offense. Hmm..." Cat looked him over again. On one hand, she really liked breaking new people in. It was her favorite thing to do. On the other, it took time to do properly and it was already late. She preferred to start early in the day. Cat thought of herself as one of those rare teachers who took a special interest in a promising student and provided them with the knowledge, resources, and encouragement to help them reach their full potential. Quite a few others thought of her as some kind of weird freak by any standard. There were wild rumors surrounding her and stories that couldn't possibly be true. However, even her greatest detractors had to admit that no one who'd been with her ever had a single unkind word to say. In fact, they never said anything except that it had been "wonderful", "incredible", or "amazing". One had even used the word "heavenly". Cat never acknowledged the dark looks she sometimes received, though it always made her smile.

"You clean? Any diseases or stuff?"

"No, no diseases or anything."

"First time, right?"


Cat stared at him silently for a couple of minutes. He appeared to be about the same height as her and slightly pudgy. His skin was slightly darker than caramel, but green eyes belied a mixed race heritage. Objectively, he was mildly good looking at best, but it was the eyes that drew you in. He had very, very pretty eyes. She turned it over in her head as she studied his face. He made her think of a lost puppy. Against her better judgment, she nodded.

"Alright. Let's go. You can follow me back to my place."

Jason followed Cat to her apartment. As soon as the apartment door was shut, Cat grabbed him by the collar, slammed him into the door, then pulled him in for a kiss. She shoved her tongue into his mouth, swirling it all around, even licking his teeth. "I'm not some dainty girlie girl. I know what I like and I'm not shy about it. I also like to be in charge." She studied his face for a moment. "You sure you want this? You can leave right now. No harm, no foul."

"Uh, yes, I think I would like to stay," Jason stammered.

"Alright, some ground rules then. First, pay attention to what I say. Use the words I use. If I tell you to do something, you do it. No hesitation. If I tell you not to do it, you don't do it. Capice?"

"Uh, uh, yes, ma'am."

"Just call me Cat. If you're into pain play, bondage, diapers, or whatever, we're not doing that tonight. This just going to be basic 101 stuff. Okay?"

Jason nodded.

"I know you said you're clean, but unless you have some recent test results in your back pocket, we're both using condoms."

"Both of us?"

"Yeah, both of us. This isn't just about you. I'm going to have my fun as well."

"Uh, okay."

"Alright. Bedroom's this way." Cat turned on her heel and headed down a short hallway and disappeared through a door. Jason hurried to follow after.

The two stood face to face and Cat kissed Jason aggressively again, then stepped back.

"You're probably wondering what I look like."

Cat rapidly undressed and took another step back, letting Jason look at her. She slowly turned around giving him a 360-degree view. Cat's face was pretty, but not much more so than any other woman. There was a certain perfect symmetry to it that made your eyes linger. Her eyebrows were dyed to match her silver hair and her make-up was light. Her body was the color of Carrara marble. Her arms were slightly muscular, as were her legs. Her breasts were small, perhaps an A cup, and nicely shaped. Her stomach was smooth and slightly muscled as well from daily workouts. Her pale blonde pubic hair was neatly trimmed and an average sized penis hung down with heavy looking testicles behind it. Giving him a moment to look her over, she tilted her head, shifted her stance, put a hand on her hip, and turned slightly to present an oblique angle.

"I'm going to give you one more chance to back out."

Jason shook his head.

"Alright then. Remember that I did try to be merciful."

She smiled like a dangerous predator. A tiger stalking prey. He looked a little scared, but set his jaw and stood his ground. Potential, she thought.

"Now, your turn. Get undressed so I can see what I'm working with."

Jason didn't undress. Instead, he stared at Cat's body, looking up and down repeatedly. He took a hesitant step forward. "Can I touch it?"

"Heh," she laughed. "Go ahead."

Jason took another step forward and reached out to take her penis in his hand. He felt the silky texture and rubbed his thumb back and forth across the tip. He slid his hand up and down, fascinated. It seemed all the more beautiful for being attached to a woman. It began to stiffen in his hand. Without thinking, he stroked it gently. It firmed up fully and throbbed slightly within his grip. He felt a bit of relief that it was no bigger than his own. He'd seen some videos and was concerned that it might be very large. He tore his eyes from it and looked up to Cat's face and back down again. He reached out and touched a breast, pulling his hand back, then touching it again. Cat had seen this before and waited patiently.

After a minute, Jason spoke. " I...uh...?" The tip of his tongue appeared between his lips.

She laughed. "Want some girl-cock, huh? Your mouth is watering and you're imagining what it tastes like? Alright, come over here."

Cat walked over to the bed, as graceful as a leopard, grabbed a pillow and dropped it on the floor. She sat on the edge of the bed, her legs spread wide. Leaning back slightly on one arm, she waved him over. "Kneel on the pillow." Jason was on his knees in a flash.

"You ever sucked one before? Girl-cock or boy-penis?"

"No, ma'"

"Mouthed a dildo?"

Jason shook his head.

"Cucumber? Anything?"

Jason shook his head again.

"Complete virgin. Okay, here's what's going to happen. I'm going to talk you through it. Do what I tell you and you'll enjoy yourself. Certainly, more than I will. You got balls, so remember that they're sensitive when you're working them. Now, kiss it."

Jason puckered his lips and kissed the top of her glans.

"No. On the shaft, about halfway down."

Jason kissed Cat's girl-cock again, then opened his mouth.

" Ah ah." Cat smacked him lightly on the top of the head. "Remember, do what I tell you. Now, put your lips to it again, like you're going to kiss it, but leave them. Just let it rest there." Jason brushed his lips to her and remained in place.

Cat squeezed, flexing and relaxing the muscles in her pelvic floor. Her girl-cock raised sharply then dropped to bounce against his lips. Jason didn't move. She did it again, arching her eyebrows. Jason remained still.

"Good boy. First of all, don't just inhale it and gobble it down. You want to start slowly and build up. You want it to be enjoyable for both of you. Yes, it can be fun to jump in zero to sixty or be a little rough. But like I said, we're just going to stick to the basics. Now, gently take hold of it..."

Cat started Jason out with the basics giving good head. He proved eager to learn and followed her instructions exactly. He also turned out to have a pretty agile tongue. Hmm...not bad, Cat thought. She started guiding him to her specific preferences. Jason was an apt pupil.

"You're doing good, Jason. Now, I want you to improvise."

Jason continued to follow the last instruction she had given him.

"Improvise, Jason. I want you to experiment and have fun doing whatever comes to mind."

Jason sat back and looked at Cat's girl-cock with a bit of consternation. Cat flexed a couple of times, causing it to bob up and down. "Come on, Jason. Don't leave a girl hanging."

Jason took her back into his mouth and began trying different things. He quickly got into it, showing creativity, even adding flourishes. Pretty damn good, she thought. Cat relaxed back on her elbows and closed her eyes.

"Jason, I'm going to put my hand on the back of your head and fuck your mouth. Keep your lips closed firmly, but not too tight. Keep using your tongue like that."

Her eyes still closed, Cat wove her fingers in Jason's hair and pushed his head down firmly. She repeatedly humped up, sliding in and out quickly. She gave him a couple of minutes of mouth fucking. He's lying, Cat thought. She knew that there was no way a beginner had this kind of talent.

Cat opened her eyes and pushed Jason's forehead back, forcing him to release her. She bobbed freely, tapping his lips, nose, and cheeks. "You're doing great for your first time, Jason. Now, do you want me to come in your mouth?"

Jason watched her girl-cock sway, almost hypnotized.

"It's okay to say no. I can come on your face or just wherever."

"I think I would like it in my mouth."

"Good choice. As I'm sure you know, orgasms are pretty much the best things ever and your body isn't fully under your control when it happens. I'm going to want to push forward deeper into your mouth. When that happens, I'm going to poke the back of your throat, perhaps kind of hard. I might even go down into your throat a little. Since you're inexperienced, you're probably going to gag. I don't want you spitting up on me or vomiting on my lap. So, what you need to do is hold the shaft firmly and pull your head backwards as I move forward. Try to keep me in the middle of your mouth. Do you understand?"

"I think so."

"Good. Let's give you your first taste and then we'll have some fun getting you off." She flexed again and Jason took her back into his mouth. "You've got decent tongue action." She was downplaying just how good it was. "Focus on the crown and pump my shaft fast. Give it just a little twist one way at the base and the opposite way at the top. Yes, just like that. Yeah, mommy like. Mmm...nice. that faster. Keep going, I'm almost there. Yes. Really good, Jason. Mmm...get ready. Shit, yeah, fuck..."

Cat's orgasm was much better than she had expected. Her hips came off the bed and she had to fight not to grab Jason's head and shove it down on her pole. Just as she had said it would, her girl-cock jammed into the back of his throat. Her hips jerked forward pushing deeper. Jason gagged, but wanting to do a good job, tried his best to suppress it. He gripped her shaft firmly and pulled back trying to keep her in his mouth as she jerked and twitched.

Cat had forgotten to warn Jason about just how much she was going to come. Cat's ejaculations were prodigious, her loads considerably larger than anyone else she had ever been with. Jason's cheeks ballooned slightly and a trickle formed at the corner of his mouth. Cat noticed through fluttering eyelids and struggled to speak. "Swallow, Jason. Just keep swallowing. It'll stop in a little bit." Jason nodded a tiny bit and swallowed continuously. Several more contractions rippled along her length, continuing to fill his mouth.

Cat's orgasm subsided and she ruffled her hand through Jason's hair. "Run your tongue around your mouth and get a good taste." She smiled broadly. "Great job, Jason. Really good." If he's really a newbie, then he's a savant, Cat thought. Jason still held her in his mouth, his eyes gazing up at her, enjoying the praise. "Put the tip of your tongue in my slit and wiggle it like you're trying to get inside. Move your hand to the base and make like an 'ok' sign. Now, squeeze a little and pull upward, so that you're milking anything left into your mouth." Jason milked the last bits out of Cat and she patted his head. Jason sat back and looked up at Cat. She stroked the side of his face gently. "Wonderful job. Really." Jason positively glowed. "Okay, let's take care of you. Get undressed and on your hands and knees on the bed."

"I...uh...never sucked a penis..."

"Girl-cock," she corrected him.

Like many people with a non-traditional view of sexuality, Cat had her preferred terms. A phallus was a girl-cock or boy-penis, depending on how its owner presented themselves. Similarly, most people presenting themselves as more male or with a masculine dominant aspect were 'boys', though they might sometimes be referred to as 'guys' or 'dudes' in third person conversation depending on their perceived maturity level. Female or feminine dominant presenters could be 'girls' or 'women', also depending on experience and perceived maturity. These latter terms applied independently of their subject's sexual organs. Some tried to present themselves neutral or a homogenization, but there was always something that steered her one way or another. If that person expressed a desire for their own terms, she would respect that and accommodate them.


"I have a girl-cock. You have a boy-penis. Say it."

"You, uh, have a girl-cock. I have a boy-penis."

"That's right. Now, what were you going to say?"

"I never did that before."

"Well, you did a fantastic job. Did you enjoy it?"

"Yes, it was fun. And then when you...uh... I liked it. It was really thick, but it tasted good. There was so much. I can still taste it."

"Good. I promise you'll enjoy everything we do tonight."

Jason undressed slowly. There was trepidation in his voice. "Are you going to fuck me in the ass?"

Cat smiled and gave him a peck on the cheek. "Yes, Jason, I am, and when I do, you'll enjoy that too. But just because you'll like it, it doesn't make you gay, if that's what you're worried about. That has nothing to do with being gay. Try to relax and don't worry about it right now. We're going to do something else instead and I promise you'll love it. Now, get on the bed."

" something about safe words..."

"Those are only necessary if you're not fully committed. Are you fully committed, Jason?"


Cat's voice hardened. "Leave. I don't deal with c***dren."

"No! I'm committed! Fully!"

Cat's voice softened and warmed. "Excellent, Jason. I believe that I told you to get on the bed."

Jason scrambled to get on the bed.

Cat opened the top drawer of the dresser. She grabbed a finger cot and reached for her preferred lubricant. "Are you allergic to silicone? I have water-based too."

"I don't have any allergies that I know of."

Cat moved over to the bed and put on the finger cot. "Jason, I'm going to rub your anus. I'm just going to use my finger. I'll be using a great lubricant, so it'll be nice and smooth. I want you to relax as much as you can. Just take deep breaths and focus on the sensation and how good it feels." Cat used plenty of lube, coating her finger and Jason's anus. She could see his sphincter twitching tightly. She began to rub lightly in circles. "Just relax and breathe, Jason. Focus on how nice it feels."

Cat knew that it would take him a bit to relax and give in to her. She patiently worked him, stroking his leg, buttocks and lower back, whispering soothingly. Gradually he relaxed and opened to her ministrations.

"That's good, Jason, very good. I'm going to start to insert my finger. Stay relaxed. Remember, I promise this will feel really good." Cat pushed just a tiny bit, then pulled back. A little bit further, then back again. Continuing to repeat the process, she slowly penetrated deeper and deeper, continuing to rub his body and speaking in a soothing voice. When she was able to insert her finger fully, she moved it in and out a few times making sure that it slid smoothly. "Jason, I'm going to take my finger out. It'll feel strange and a little empty now that you're used to this, but it's just for a minute. I'm going to put some lubricant on your boy-penis, then I'll put my finger back in and rub them both at the same time." Cat slowly removed her finger and Jason was surprised that he did indeed feel somehow empty.

Cat removed the finger cot and poured lubricant into her palm. She rubbed her hands back and forth rapidly. It was hard to get any friction going with something this slick, but she hoped that she had warmed it at least slightly. She slid the finger cot back on and reached under him with her other hand. He hung flaccid, but that was easily remedied. Feeling playful, she brought her palm up so that the very tip barely touched it. She closed her fingers until they touched his flesh just behind the crown. A little smile crossed her face and she closed her fingers rapidly. What might have hurt in a different situation, made Jason gasp. The super slick lubricant caused her fingers to rapidly slide over the crown and down to the very tip like a starfish bringing its arms together. A couple of more times and Jason quickly plumped up fully. She wrapped her hand around him and slowly stroked, limiting her movements to the shaft and only enough to maintain his erection.

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The Visitor Monicas Diary Monday June 26

The Visitor Monica's Diary Monday, June 26 Finally, I got some sleep. What has always been a day of rest for me and mine began close to 1 a.m. and did not end until 11:00 last night. I had of course prayed that Grace would vote to let us take Timothy and that Family and Protective Services would approve us as foster parents, but I had hoped that Nathan and the children would be present when we informed our new family member. To be honest, I had hoped that Nathan would be the one...

1 year ago
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SweetSinner Silvia Saige The Mistress

Silvia Saige and Ryan Mclane – Silvia’s attraction to her boss, Ryan has grown over the last few months. It doesn’t help that sex with her husband Todd is boring at best. When opportunity strikes, Silvia unleashes a seduction on Ryan that he cannot resist. She swallows his cock with her mouth and cunt and although he’s already provided her with more orgasms than her husband ever has over the last year, the fuck-fest can’t go on forever. Unfortunately, Ryan’s...

3 years ago
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Becoming a School SlutChapter 54

I fucked and ate my classmates all during lunch. Then it was time to go back to classes. Of course, I had to be naked all afternoon, which I don’t mind at all. I kind of enjoy having others see me. I never would have thought that, but since I became a whore, I like it. Nothing to get in the way when it is time to fuck. We went back to class and once again I was being used by another teacher. I got fucked in the ass in front of my class and then another teacher came in and I sucked his cock....

2 years ago
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Taking Kelvins 10 in Black Rod

Yo this ya boy Kelvin hit me up stayin in a hotel 10 in black dik here for ya........The top was a reply to my ad last month and I replied back and sent him my number give me a call I saidRing Ring a short while later and I answered.....Yo this Kelvin you sent me yo number......Yeah hey how's it going I asked......Nu much right now just trying to get in some ass that was your pic on the ad he asked....Yeah that's me in some girly stuff you like it ? I asked......Yeah so what you bouts ?...

3 years ago
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Megan woke up without knowing where she was. It was dark and humid. The floor felt cold and wet against her back. There was a soft light coming from the ceiling but it was different from the normal radiance of a light bulb. She looked more carefully, realizing that the light was coming from some sort of worm attached to a stone wall. Megan was in a cave! What happened? She thought, bringing one hand to her forehead. She wondered how she got here. The last thing she remembered was standing in...

1 year ago
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BrownBunnies Anne Amari From Video Game To A Real Joystick

Anne Amari is playing video games and wanters her new stepdad to join her in the fun. He tells her he has no time so he decides to show her ass and pussy to lure him over. He gets distracted with her tight ass out and decides to join and help her out with some dick. He starts fucking her in POV before we get see her moan out load. She gives a great sucking as she does her best to finish her game. He fucks her tight pussy from multiple angles until he finally nuts all over her face and inside...

2 years ago
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Cardiac Arrest

Part One of Cardiac Arrest, the love story of a man torn between his girlfriend and his best friend. John’s girlfriend had decided that sex was no longer important in their relationship. It was a relationship that had become all about cuddling and his girlfriend falling asleep, leaving him horny, lonely and disappointed night after night. His advances weren’t welcome. Any questions about how they could relight her fire, or make it easier were swept away with, ‘It’s me.’ This went on for days,...

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Spending Summers With the Cuzzins Part 2

...Part 2: With Pleading Eyes...Carl waited for my response after giving me little choice but to accept his offer. In the brief moment leading up to my response I was thinking back to how things went down the last time he made the same request. It was the first and only time I had ever gone through with it so far. In fact, the topic hadn't even been brought up again for almost an entire year, until he asked me again today......It happened for the first time last summer in late July and it was...

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Rebeccas Summer Vacation 3 By Jarvis80

I needed to head back and relax a bit. While I reached for my phone I noticed that my friend left me a message saying that Rebecca wasn't being cooperative at all. It was time to teach the dog a couple of rules, ones that she'll never break again. Once I got back to my room I noticed that my room was a bit of a mess. "What the fuck happened here?""You left the door unlocked for some random maniac to come in here take advantage of me who the fuck does that!?""Hey she's pretty messed up in the...

1 year ago
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Conversations 5

A slightly longer short story in this series than normal, and one which reflects my mood today, I guess. Enjoy – or not. “Hey Dad, you have a minute?” I looked at my son, and felt that flash of pride that always went through me when I saw him. James Alex Foreau was now almost nineteen, and growing into a fine figure of a man. Smart, kind, passionate about the ills of the world and prepared to stand up and try to do something about them. On the other hand, he was a first-year student at...

3 years ago
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Wilhan Dragonslayer a Ring Sword SagaChapter 9

"Are you sure of this Beldaru? I couldn't get this sword to work before, why should it obey me now?" "Because you, Eadul, are descended from kings. He is just some northern farmer who found a sword in the woods. If it is one of ours you will be able to master it, and if it isn't, there is no reason that you can't master it then either. He did. That man was lying to you about how the magic works, and so were the priestesses. They don't want men to think that they have magic in them --...

1 year ago
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Sheri and Jeanette Part 3

Note : This story is completely fictional! Ethan dropped her panties. “You’re so beautiful,” he said, staring between her legs. He put his hand around his woody and moved it back and forth. “Are you sure you want to do this?” Jeanette stared at his penis. “Yes. I’ve been a virgin as long as I want to be. I want a penis in me and I want you to put your’s there. But you better not hurt me. You know I’m a virgin.” “I’ll ease it in slow and gentle. I’ll take it real easy. I won’t hurt you a bit.”...

4 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 2

This one is compliments of R. McFee The Weasel Joke So, these two weasels were sitting in the bar, nursing their umpteenth drinks. One would, tip his drink, set it down; the other would tip his drink, set it down. This went on for some time, until one abruptly stood up, waggled his finger in the face of the second weasel, and shrieked, “I’ve slept with your mother!” The bar went silent. Several of the patrons casually looked about, marking the nearest exit. The second weasel said not a...

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If I mentioned Pie 4K somewhere else besides ThePornDude, you might assume it was something a lot more wholesome than it actually is. Pies aren’t inherently filthy, after all, and there’s a decent chance you’ll taste a few different ones at wholesome family gatherings this holiday season. Hell, maybe grandma will finally give you her secret recipe this year. If the link for Pie4K slid into your inbox courtesy of your sister-in-law, you’d naturally assume it was going to be an archive of...

Premium Creampie Porn Sites
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The First Time My Ass Pussy Was Fucked

There's something about having my ass pussy penetrated and pumped during sex that makes me feel more feminine sexually. Perhaps it is the fact that the entering of me, the taking of me, the domination and seeding of me, that feels so right for a gurl like me.Not too long after I started living as a gurl openly, a neighbor of mine at the small apartment complex where we lived introduced himself to me. He spoke British English which I find so charming and a bit arousing. We got to talking and...

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Oh Where Oh Where Could My Baby Be

My name is Lars Micheal Anderson and am about to graduate from Sanford University with a PhD. in Psychology. I will be working with the Transgendered Community to honor my dead girlfriend Katrina Leona Stewart who's Love for me led to my redemption and return to God. [-][+][-] I met Katrina after she had transitioned. She was an only child whose parents had passed away, leaving her to live with Pastor Franklin Rhodes, her uncle. He used to pastor the Gate City Baptist Church until...

3 years ago
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Mum 3 More than kissing cousins

I felt my mother’s hot breath on the back of my neck, her body still pressed next to mine as she slept, her arm draped over me, her hand resting just above my groin. I gently tried to lift her arm but she mumbled something and snuggled in closer, l felt her naked breasts against my back. I felt my erection growing, her hand moved downward gripping my cock. “Mmmmmmm, morning,” she said in a sleepy voice. Her hand squeezed my cock as it came to full erection. “Mmmmmm, yes please,” she said,...

4 years ago
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my plans when i get home from being away

when i get home baby the first thing i will do is drop my things and close the door! and start kissing you it will start slow then it will heat up! i will start to un button ur pants ''unless you are already un dressed'' and slide my hand down to that pussy and just feel her as she starts to get wet! as i do this you will slide your hand down my pants and grab him and start beating him off slowly! after a about 10 sec of this i will pull ur pants down as...

2 years ago
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Project Eldest SonChapter 10

0900 in London, Jonny and Gerald were sitting outside the MI6 director’s office. Director Younger had called them in and told them to bring in all the information they had on what was going on at their surveillance target. Jonny had called his supervisor the night before to let him know that they had positive confirmation that Rostamifir was in the country and at their house. When their supervisor had finally picked up his phone, he was annoyed that someone would call him at 1am just to let...

1 year ago
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The Badminton Match

The sports club usually closed at ten thirty in the evening but this had been a grudge match between two girls who did not particularly like each other and therefore neither would agree to a draw or a postponement when closing time came and as a result they were the last two in the gym. Jane was tall and fairly slim with long blonde hair, tanned legs and arms which were shown off to advantage by her white skirt and blouse. In contrast Alice was a little shorter, very slim and dark haired with...

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Please Fuck Me She Said

It was about 1 a.m and I was bored out of my mind so I decided to get on Black Sex Finder. After reading and responding to half of the message I saw a message from some one named "Sweet Pussy Pie". The message read,"You talk a good game in your in your stories, but can you back it up". Feeling challenged I respond,"Try me and find out". About 4 minutes after I hit send I got a response. The response read, "I think I will; whats your number". This kind of caught me off guard and I figured...

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Just My LuckChapter 12

For the next three months, all we did was work. After the first month, we were so busy that Nicole was going out on jobs as well. Poor Tammy had to stay home, but we did send her out when we had the designs finished to have her load the programs on the client's servers. I did have to add two more servers to handle all the small clients we had picked up. Our contract for no sex for two months came and went with no change in our arrangements; we were either too busy or too tired when we got...

2 years ago
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Naked Lisas StoryChapter 9 Lisas First Flogging 1

"What's all this, Sammy?" asked Lisa. The girls had just got back to their shared cell - their second night there after being moved out of the dormitory - after a hard day at work, in the course of which Lisa had found herself challenging a new prisoner to a fist fight, which Hatchet-Face had agreed to. She still smarted from the grazes her unprotected body had suffered as it had slid on on the sharp gravel and wanted nothing more than to rest. But Samantha had other ideas for Lisa. Where...

4 years ago
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My second day at work

My Second Day At Work (recommended pre reading my first day at work) I still couldn't believe that I had done it going back to work after yesterday. The shame and humiliation of being done like a cheap whore over the boss' s desk and liking it. Regardless I went back this morning and managed to make it through my shift with out any incidents. No spills, no messes, and not a single wardrobe malfunction. I thought it was the start of a great day until Mr. D told me to meet him in his office. ...

Straight Sex
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OneHanded Tales 2 Unintentional Lesbian

One-Handed Tales #2: Unintentional Lesbian By Sarcastic Slut I'd never intended to end up lying here in hospital, waiting for the nurse to come and give me my sedative before going in for my sex change operation. It wasn't exactly a mistake that landed me here, but it was kind of all my own fault. I met Jennifer at a party. A fancy dress party which my cousin, Anne, had convinced me to go to dressed as a woman. I'd never worn women's clothes before (unless you count the time I...

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Officer Dan responding to a call from Angela (a police dispatcher), saw them in front of the alley, congregating again. Jesus, these hookers are like cockroaches; you just can't get rid of them he thought to himself as he turned on the red & blue lights of his patrol car.Dan thought about calling it in, but decided against it; he wasn't very well liked by his fellow cops these days. Nothing good would come from mentioning this to dispatch.Officer Rosita, his former partner had just been...

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Special Pilates revised

George rummaged through the exercise videos. After turning 30 he decided that some toning up was in order. Not that he minded the slight bulge over his middle, but he realized that his chances with the ladies were getting less and less. "Maybe some kind of ab workout will improve my image some." But there were too many to choose from. "Can I help you?" the woman behind the counter asked. She was attractive, but looked at him with a strange expression, partly amused and...

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The GiftChapter 37

In a quiet moment I called dad. "I need you to do me a favour." "Speak up." "If I give you the address of the people I'm going to deal with in about an hour, could you find out a little about them? I wouldn't want to rob them if they cannot afford it, but on the other hand I'll use my powers to get a good price for the house." "Sure." "They live in Aarhus, about 300 km from here." "You know, distance is no problem. I'll be back soon." He came back to me while I was...

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Five AM

Lia wakes against the still dark morning and heavy hotel drape shadows and wraps herself in the sheet, tighter against him. Aidan sleeps, she can tell by his deep, even breath punctuated with light fluttery snores. Still, though, as she circles herself in white Egyptian cotton and his skin, settles her head into the hollow beneath his right arm, he mumbles ‘Baby,’ and trails his left hand over her hair. This is love, Lia sighs to herself, still sleepyish, even if it shouldn’t be, even if it...

1 year ago
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GangbangCreampie Rose Lynn G337

Rose Lynn looks so excited to be up on the pedestal with her legs spread, ready to take the dicks of FIVE COCKSMEN and get filled with creampies. They all giggle together as she makes a joke before the men begin to fondle her. Remember we have a CREAMPIE COUNTER so you don’t have to count in your head how many loads Rose takes deep in her pussy. You’d probably lose count anyway. Will is the lucky first Cocksman up to bury his dick in Rose’s already wet hole. All the men take...

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The front page at Lovehoney says that “Great sex starts with good communication.” To illustrate their point, they’ve got a photo of a couple embracing in their underwear. The dude’s face is hidden, but she looks pretty happy. I wonder if it’s the loving arms wrapped around her that have got her so excited or just the fact that she’s holding a fancy clit stimulator in her free hand. Perhaps the message being communicated is that my dude needs to work on his pussy-licking skills, or maybe they’re...

Online Sex Toys Shops
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Senior Week Ch 01 Tough Love

Authors Note: ‘The Rachel Chronicles’ is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel’s head. Further, the stories are...

2 years ago
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My Delhi Cousin In Kolkata

By : Badsha Khan Hello, ISS readers. This is again for you. I am going to narrate something that happened few years ago when I was 25 years old. My maternal Aunt is married in Delhi, so every year she visits her native place in Kolkata. She usually stays around for a couple months till her daughters vacation lasts. Her daughter  Saima. For a long time, I always had an eye on her and used to masturbate thinking about her. She has a sexy body to die for. She had absolutely white skin (like...

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Caught by my Teacher

It was hot as hell in the old school library. I was sitting in one of the study rooms in the back of the building on a hard wooden chair. My tanned thighs were sticking to the wood and my tank top was nearly soaked through with sweat. All of a sudden, I had a rush of arousal. I tried to ignore it by turning up my music and attempting to focus on my history paper. It was only a few hours before the paper was due and I only had about half of it done. After a while, I realized I was getting...

2 years ago
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First Time with a man

First Time with a Man(True story, I was ####teen)I walked down through the park after school and went into the Gentlemen’s toilets. There was a long urinal in the shade and I stood there with my cock out. I didn’t really want to pee, just feeling the cool air around my shaft was enough. It stiffened and soon I was rubbing it, feeling the tingles of excitement building in the veins. I was scared. But I wasn’t going to stop.I looked down at my hard cock, and pulled the skin back exposing the hard...

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