Revolutionary Opportunity free porn video

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The sun shone brightly as Kristen made the rounds answering want ads a few days after arriving for her first fall semester at Penn State. The next job on her list was waitressing at a country club. Her sole waitressing experience was a couple of summer months at a department store lunch counter. It was harder than she expected but Kristen was a hard worker. And she needed to work to avoid too much debt of student loans.

Driving into the perfectly manicured grounds she found the place intimidating. When a young man came out and directed her to stop under the portico of the front door she told him she was only there about the waitressing job. He opened her car door and handed her a numbered white tag. "Just go in there and ask for Mr Taylor. I'll have your car." He sat in her Civic and drove off.

The interview for the job, considering how richly appointed the interior of the club appeared, wasn't much of a interview at all. It consisted of chatting with Mr. Taylor who Kristen found handsome and pleasant and then trying on the waitress uniform to "see how it fits". At first she was taken aback by the tiny hot pants, crisp white blouse and cropped red jacket. It wasn't that Kristen had any complaints about her body, she knew the outfit would make her look hot. That was exactly the problem. This country club didn't seem like the kind of place she wanted to look hot.

Yet Kristen couldn't help admiring herself in the three-way mirror of the dressing room. Still only nineteen and naive about so many things, Kristen was anything but an innocent. She turned and looked over her shoulder at her backside. She felt almost as if she was wearing a sexy Halloween costume. She owned plenty of short dresses and skirts but her legs never felt so long as they looked in those tiny tight shorts. The cropped jacket provided some cover for her breasts that she considered too large and it somehow even made her legs look longer! There was a make-up table in the room, but she brought no cosmetics so she just pinched her cheeks and said to her image in the mirror, "Showtime!"

Jack Taylor was impressed by how giddy and flirty the leggy college girl seemed to become wearing the outfit. Kristen was barefoot, not wanting to spoil the look with the light hikers she had worn with her jeans.

"Do you have a pair of black high-heels?" Jack asked her.

"Really? I'd have to work in high-heels?


"Yeah, OK, I have a pair," Kristen said, her enthusiasm obviously blunted. "I guess I can get used to them."

Jack finished the interview and after Kristen changed back into her own clothes he gave her the particulars of the job. The pay was disappointing to Kristen, but Jack said the tips would be "very, very good" and the uniforms were all cleaned and readied by the club. She accepted the job with the stipulation that she would have off for all off the Nittany Lions home games. Jack said he could work with that and she would be starting on Tuesday. He said that would give her a few days to train before the weekend.

"One more thing," Jack said.


"Some of the men here at the club can get, well you know, a little fresh with their hands touching some of the girls," Jack said while looking straight at Kristen as if trying to gauge her reaction. When he detected none he added, "But I guess with a body like yours you're probably used to that kind of stuff."

Kristen smiled. "Not really, Frank Grayson is my boyfriend, my guy since I was sixteen."

That news made Jack stiffen. Kristen noticed with the same satisfaction as always whenever guys learned about Frank. A year older than her, Frank was in his second year at Penn State and had already gained quite a reputation as last season's starting freshman linebacker for the Lions. With two games of the new season already under his belt Frank was receiving as much coverage in sports pages across the state as any of the players. The hulking threat of his punishing on-field performance seemed to cast a protective cloak around Kristen wherever she went.

Frank got angry when Kristen told him about taking the job at the club.

"The men's golf lounge? I was there once. You have to wear those hot pants?"

"You were there?

"Yeah a booster took me there last year. It might be considered a 'gift' so I'm not supposed to tell anyone. I don't like the idea of you working there. I'm surprised you took the job."

"Why?" Kristen asked, but she knew why, she liked seeing Frank get possessive of her.

"Those waitresses are all really sexy, is all, and those men..." Frank said before Kristen interrupted.

"Well I'M really sexy aren't I?"

"Yes, baby," Frank said putting his arms around her then looking right into her eyes, "but you're MY sexy baby."

"And I will always be your sexy baby, Frank. You know how much I love you," Kristen stood on her tip toes and pushed her lips up against his.

All of Kristen's sexual experience had come from Frank. He had taken her virginity after school in his bedroom when she was just sixteen. He was big and menacing and she loved him because of it. He fucked her hard, driven by some deep need, even that first time. Led Zeppelin's Stairway to Heaven played loud enough to mask her screams of the initial pain from him puncturing her. She "bled buckets" before being swept along on the shear joy of being made love to for the very first time. To this day Kristen considers the experience wonderful. She fell even more in love with him and gave herself completely to him, clung to him with a willingness to do anything he wanted and more, everything she could imagine he wanted.

Her imagination was richer then his. Fueled with books and magazine articles about ways to satisfy her man, Kristen spent much of her time conjuring ways to make him happy.

She loved blowing him, flitting her tongue over the swollen head before engulfing it with her mouth. She kept working her tongue against that most sensitive area even as she milked it hard with her lips. She swallowed his cum the very first time, surprised and ecstatic at the result of the effect she had on him. She quickly progressed from simply letting his semen pour down her throat to savoring it throughout her mouth as she acquired a taste for his scent and texture. She smacked her lips giggling and smiled at him afterwards. Eventually she learned to take his cock deep in her mouth, beyond her gag point, sacrificing her throat to his pleasure. She grew to crave his rough thrusts as she hung her head off the bed in his bedroom and felt his balls swing against her forehead then press against her eyelids as he groaned in ecstasy as he emptied himself in her throat.

Even more than giving oral Kristen liked being fucked. She rode Frank's cock with the animated abandon of a teenage dragon lady. Even when he was on top of her with his weight and power driving into her the movement of her lithe body beneath him was eager, hungry to get every bit of sensation out of each thrust.

She was never ready to quit before he was. As they cuddled she would gently play with his soft penis to make it hard for a second round. She often wanted more but as the school year wore on it became rare for Frank to want to go even a third time. When he was done he simply rolled away from her leaving Kristen with a vibrant electric quivering sensation radiating from the center of her sex up into her breasts and neck. She enjoyed the feeling but sometimes masturbated when she got back to her own bedroom.

Frank said he loved her but talked about how they were too young to have an exclusive relationship. He wanted to be free to see other people even though she "would always be his girl". She grudgingly accepted it but even as he took his freedom with other girls Kristen remained true. She cried each time she learned of him having sex with another girl. At least he always came back to her and they were regarded as a couple. Still, as powerful as Kristen's need was to satisfy Frank, his need to make a conquest of other girls was equally strong.

Frank was a year older than Kristen and football took him directly to main campus on full scholarship. Kristen worked hard to maintain her nearly straight "A" average to be accepted to main campus the following year. She hoped they would be together then, but Frank had to live in the dorm with the team and as a freshman she was required to live in the dorm too. Between their studies, his training and her job they saw even less of each other than the year before when she visited him on weekends.

The job in the men's golf lounge at the country club became a refuge for Kristen during the fall football season when she really didn't get to spend much time with Frank.

Jack proved to be right, the members of the club were pigs. They were often silly and mostly quite charming. Kristen got to know all of them. For each of them with self made wealth there was one with a family entitlement. Male self-confidence abounded in either case.

Kristen like to watch the self confidence dissolve when each man learned she was Frank Greyson's girl. She didn't hold it over them. Kristen's open cheerleader personality and bright natural flirtatiousness soon made her one of the favorites with the men even as her relationship with Frank kept them generally well behaved. Jack was cool too, quiet but commanding, and his presence maintained the decorum of the club.

She became friends with the other girls, Karen and Tracy, also students. Tracy was kind of aloof at first and Kristen assumed it was because Tracy, in her punk rocker sort of way, was the prettiest other waitress. Kristen got to like her though, and settled into the job. She made good tips and life was good, at least until Thanksgiving.

The football team had no games over Thanksgiving that season and the boys were told to go home to be with their families. Kristen however wasn't given time off.

"It's a big weekend for us," Jack said, "Karen and Tracy already asked for time off to go home and they covered you for every home game.

"Well, you might as well put me in for the whole fucking weekend then," Kristen said, so upset she had to fight back tears, "I'll have nothing else to do so I might as well make money."

Wednesday night after most students deserted campus, Kristen stayed busy at the club which was surprisingly crowded. Most men it seems leave their wives alone to prepare for Thanksgiving dinner. Since Kristen was the only waitress on staff the men flirted more than usual but she was so harried it took extra effort just to "be nice". The tips were more generous then ever though. She made over six hundred dollars! Afterward she went straight home and waited for Frank to call. He never did, until Thanksgiving morning.

"It was a big party night, babe, I went out out with all my old teammates," was the extent of his apology.

Thanksgiving evening the club was almost deserted but a dozen or so guys straggled in as the evening wore on. Jack had given the other bartenders off but he and Kristen handled the place fine.

By the time she was finished clearing and wiping the tables Jack was sitting at the bar with two of the most regular members, Al Wilson and Russ Nagey. Al was the guy that liked to throw around money and liked everyone to know he was successful in some computer business. Russ was one of the members that liked to flirt the most, with all the girls, not just Kristen. Like Al, he was both married and harmless, the club a refuge from their families.

Al invited her to join them for a drink. She looked at Jack for approval since waitresses drinking with members was a violation. Jack nodded, "it's a Holliday."

"Well I am thirsty, a beer would taste great."

"A beer?" Al said, "You made it through your first Thanksgiving. You deserve Champagne!"

"Thanks, but a beer..."

"Nonsense, the bubbly will quench your thirst perfectly, it's on me!" He turned to Jack, "What's cold Jack, got any Tat?"

Kristen realized she never had really good Champagne before and she couldn't get over how crisp and refreshing it tasted. After a glass or so she was having so much fun telling stories about Frank's football prowess in high-school that she didn't noticed her glass was never empty.

"Oh, I have to pee!," She suddenly announced. She put her hand on the middle of Jack's thigh to lift herself off the stool. There was nothing suggestive about bracing herself with her hand there but when she pushed down her last two fingers wrapped over a spongy lump against Jack's leg. She steadied herself on her high heels for a moment before removing her hand. Then Kristen confidently strode to the waitress change room in the prancing style she copied from runway models. It was all she could do to maintain a straight line toward the dressing room. All the while her champagne addled brain trying to make sense of what her fingers had come into contact with so far down Jacks leg.

In the change room Kristen removed her red jacket and thought about changing back into her blue jeans before returning to the men, but suddenly dismissed the notion. When she began prancing back to the men she couldn't make herself stop smiling.

All three of the men watched as Kristen walked back to them. She knew the way she was walking was making her tits bounce beneath her blouse. As she reached them Al said, "My God, Kristen, you are a beautiful, sexy woman."

"Thank you!" Kristen responded, her smile widening at being referred to as a "woman".

"What would it take to get you to show us your tits?" Al asked.

Kristen's smile disappeared. She was no stranger to flashing her tits at parties with her friends when Frank was around. Frank was proud of her beautiful tits and didn't mind her showing them off, but this was different. Alone with her boss and two men almost forty years old in a closed bar was too intimate for what Kristen considered frivolous fun.

"Come on, Kristen, don't take any offense, it's all in good fun," Al said.

Kristen relaxed in a way that was evident to all of them.

"Seriously though Kristen, what would it take? How about twenty bucks?" Al laid a $20 bill on the bar.

Kristen stood paralyzed.


Kristen's eye caught Jack making a quick adjustment at his crotch and the thought of Jack getting excited suddenly made her pussy tingle.

When Al put a third $20 bill on the counter and said, "Sixty?", Kristen quickly untucked her blouse from the hot pants and lifted it along with her brassiere up to her neck. She watched the faces of the men as their eyes fixated on her tits. After a second or two, she gave her torso a little shake to make her tits swing side to side.

All three men smiled so she did it again, all eyes still fixated on her tits. Kristen stood still and when her tits stopped moving the men lifted their eye toward hers. She smiled. They smiled. She gave gave her body another, firmer twist and when their gaze went back to her swinging tits she lowered her bra and blouse.

Al and Russ groaned their disappointment. Al said, "How much to let us touch them."

"Yeah," Russ said, "How much to let us push our faces in between them."

Kristen bent over, reaching with her hand to take the $60 off the bar, almost brushing the front of her blouse against Al's face as she did. Pushing the bills into the little front pocket of her hot pants she looked up and said in a mock Southern accent, "Well I don't know, sweetie, how much might that be worth?"

Al pulled a roll of bills out of his pocket and peeled off a $100 bill and put it on the bar.

Kristen looked at Jack, expressionless as ever, he shook his head ever so slightly. She wrinkled her nose.

Al peeled another $100 bill off his roll. Before putting it on top of the other one he said, "but the blouse and bra come off.

That was a lot of money to Kristen, more importantly she was as caught up as the men and didn't want the night to stop. She smiled and began unbuttoning her blouse. It wasn't long before Al and Russ were pouring champagne over her tits, licking and 'motor-boating' them as they all laughed. Drunk and giddy, Kristen pulled their faces to her bosom with her hands in their hair, her only disappointment came from the fact that Jack didn't get involved. She kept glancing over at him seeking his reaction, but all she saw was a cool smile that rendered no judgement.

Al pulled his face from between Kristen's tits, "Unbelievable!"

All three men leaned back against the bar. Kristen stood half naked, her tits reddened from the late day whiskers of the two married men, began to feel awkward in the silence. She crossed an arm over her breasts.

"I'm hard as a rhino horn," Al said, readjusting his crotch. "How much for sex?" Al had his wad of bills in his hand again.

Kristen looked at Jack who gave a little shrug. She felt unearthly calm. She leaned over and took the two $100 bills off the bar. "I think that's enough fun for one night, guys." She folded the bills and put them in her pocket.

Al peeled five $100 bills off his roll and laid them on the bar.

Kristen began to put on her brassiere. Al slowly peeled more bills off of his roll. By the time Kristen had her bra secured and her tits tucked in place there were ten $100 bills on the counter.

"Thousand bucks," Al said.

Kristen was feeling a little less comfortable now as the stakes of this little game she was playing got higher. There was not a sound. When Kristen became aware she was looking down at the money and not at the men she lifted her eyes to meet each of theirs. Al and Russ seemed to have lumps in their throats, Jack seemed bemused.


The men looked at each other.

"And all three or none," Kristen added.

Mysteriously the men reached some sort of agreement on their glances and Al peeled twenty more $100 bills of his roll to make three stacks of ten. "I want a blow job," Al said.

"Me too," Russ said.

Kristen sank to her knees in front of the two men as they slid off their bar stools. She helped them open their pants, teasing their already hard cocks through the fabric. Both cocks were shorter than Franks, Al's was thicker and Russ's thinner.

She went back and forth between the two cocks, making each one disappear in turn, her tongue in constant motion. They came in minutes, almost together with Russ shooting onto her cheek before she turned after swallowing Al's load. But she got it all, scooping the stuff from her cheek after taking the rest of his load.

When Kristen turned to Jack he said, "Take off those hot pants and sit on the bar, I wanna lick your pussy before I fuck your life away."

Kristen nervously opened the top button of the pants. She never before felt a tongue down there. Frank never did oral on her.

It was midnight before Kristen got to suck Jack's amazing cock, 12:15 before he fucked what her life had been up till that night, away.

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A golden opportunity

One of the boxes in my sexual history that’s remained unchecked until recently was the act of taking a young man on his first journey from boyhood to manhood but it isn’t something that can be easily engineered. When a golden opportunity arose just after my thirtieth birthday I just couldn’t resist the temptation and the seduction of Josh is one of the most satisfying encounters of my life. I was enjoying a few days off work but because even a mini heatwave in the UK can be very uncomfortable I...

2 years ago
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Missed opportunity

Hello again, up until now I've been telling stories of actual events. Some parts I embellished for effect but basically everything has happened. This time I will share my fantasy of what could have been. Now that I'm older I can put my thoughts into words better than "I wanted to fuck her." and it might be entertaining to you.If you want to get some background info on the inspirations for this story,read my blog post here: event I want to explore happened...

2 years ago
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Missed opportunity

I traveled often for my work and stayed two or three nights a week in hotels.  Needless to say, I got very horny and soon began a routine that was exciting to me.  That was to check into the motels and get a first floor room.  After a few visits to the same motels I got the feeling of safety as I did a few exciting things.  One was to fully open the curtains on my first floor room making it easy for passersby to see into the room.  The second was to go to the swimming pool area that wasn't...

3 years ago
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Equal Opportunity

Equal Opportunity an original story by CutePatti Billy had been looking forward to playing baseball all winter and could hardly wait for summer to arrive. He had just turned 13 and was eligible to play in a brand new league called the intermediate league. It was going to be so cool to get out of little league and he had heard that a lot of the rules were going to be different in the new league. He just knew that the new rules were going to be so much better than all the ...

4 years ago
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The Opportunity

This happened on a visit to my wife’s family in the northeast. Gina and I hadn’t been back to her hometown in years. Her mother, true to her nature, was very anxious to see her and the kids. Gina was very popular with her family. Pretty, kind hearted, and outgoing, there wasn’t one member of her family that wasn’t looking forward to her return. And she had a huge family! Gina was anxious to show off our son and daughter. I was too. We had almost three weeks to do it. It was going to be a great...

1 year ago
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OpportunityChapter 1 – As Luck Would Have It        It was a hot dreary Wednesday with a light drizzle falling in the area for the last few days but the temperatures had not dropped out of the mid-90's the entire time and John Franks had expected to have the forest to himself for a nice ride on Brecan, his large black Friesian stallion, but he was shocked to crest a hill and see two heads bobbing down in the valley. John pulled a pair of binoculars from his pommel bag and looked downwards, the...

4 years ago
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Hunger for opportunity

I have been reading iss for a long time & been fantasizing about the stories in iss. Fantasizing & self-help had been the story of my sex life till three months ago. Thus when i finally lost my virginity, i decided that i will share the same on iss. I passed out of my engineering college last year when i was 22. Being attractive, i had always got many proposals from many guys. In college. But most were of emotional in nature. The guys were all afraid of making any physical approach. &...

3 years ago
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The Opportunity

THE OPPORTUNITY PART ONE     I suppose looking back, that my childhood was to blame, that is if there was any real blame to be attached. It could have just been my inherited genes so I can happily blame my mother and father for being the smallest in the class, but I somehow also got left out when the popularity genes were issued, I became a loner and spent far too much time in my own company for any real good to come of it. I loved the movies, the actresses were goddesses...

2 years ago
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Winning A Genie Harem Chapter 1 Hot Harem Opportunity

Chapter One: Hot Harem Opportunity By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Corey Derrickson – Saturday, July 4th I opened the front door of my Saturn Ion. It was an older car, my first. I kept it in great condition, the red body freshly washed this afternoon. The day was warm and looked to be a great Fourth of July. I smiled as my two sex slaves slipped inside. “Master,” Aleah Buckley said, her auburn hair, gathered in a pair of pigtails, swaying about...

2 years ago
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Seizing the Opportunity

It is said there are good days and bad days, well today was a bad day as far as Colin Greenway was concerned. It had started off with a flaming row with his wife, not that, that was uncommon it was just a fact of life in an unhappy marriage, however this morning it was over finances; she had got a parking ticket and the council's grab for revenue was very steep. Finances were not there to be just given away, especially to a council he utterly opposed; he flipped. "You useless fucking cunt",...

1 year ago
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Chapter 1 The season finished and like he had been doing for some months gave Joyce a lift home. It was just chatter till he pulled off the road and stopped in front of the entrance to the village she lived in. "Thank you Greg", she said with a smile. "I am grateful for the lift you have given me over this season. Would ... would you like to come in for a cup of tea? I made a chocolate cake but haven't cut it yet, so this would be a good opportunity and a more practical way to say 'thank...

1 year ago
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Suddenly Rich KidChapter 24 Opportunity

Over the next weeks, Helen and Danny continued to switch between the apartment and Trudy’s house, mostly staying with Trudy over the weekend. It was on a Friday in mid-May when they stopped the Passat in front of Trudy’s house and unloaded their weekend kits. After unstrapping Larissa from her car seat, they walked up to the door and let themselves in. Entering, they already heard that Trudy had a visitor, and a second later Helen stiffened, recognizing her stepmother’s voice. “It’s not his...

1 year ago
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I see you A surprise a chance and an opportunity

The woman pulled her body this way, stretched it that way, and exposed every last inch of herself. Daniel's penis, by this time, was pressing hard against his boxers as if it was desperately seeking a way out. Standing by his modest 2nd floor apartment's window, Daniel was attempting to pull the tight-fitting boxers over his annoyingly plump, and pert, posterior. Finally managing this extraordinarily difficult task, he looked sidelong out of his bedroom's window. Staring into the distance, with...

3 years ago
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Earthquake Opportunity

If however you are looking for something like that, then enjoy. All characters are above the age of 18. They called it the worst earthquake in modern history. I called it the easiest hunting day ever. There’s something wrong deep inside me. Most people are well adapted and sociable for our modern world, and if they have bad thoughts then they disregard them. But I can’t disregard them. My brain is stuck in prehistoric times and is always thinking about how to take what it wants. If I don’t...

1 year ago
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Glenn stepped into the darkened bar, pausing to let his eyes adjust to the low lighting. Two men stood up at the bar, talking and pulling on tall bottles of beer. The bored bartender was absentmindedly polishing and stacking glasses. Off to the side sat a couple, leaned in close, young. New and budding love surrounded them, they seemed oblivious to all around them as their hands and fingers brushed across the tiny table. Glenn ordered a glass of red wine, the bartender’s practiced hands were...

2 years ago
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Perfect Opportunity

I began watching her every little move. Something was just slightly off about her behavior and, being a curious person; I wanted to know what it was. Later that afternoon a resident asked for her pain medication and I watched the nurse prepare it and take it to her. An hour later the resident was still requesting her pain medication. I found out after watching the nurse that she was taking the resident’s medication. She went into the resident’s room and told the woman to shut up and if she...

2 years ago
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Fallen Fruit Introduction Anton and Jennas Shop of Opportunity

About two years ago, I and a business partner of mine, a tall and leggy woman named Jenna, opened up a re-sale clothing store called Fallen Fruit. We don’t run it for the money, because we don’t actually clear any great profit off the place even though it’s become quite popular with the local youth. And we’re not terribly interested in the merchandise we sell. We just put on the floor whatever our supplier brings us each week, at as low a cost as we think will keep the hipster crowd...

3 years ago
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A Missed Opportunity

Her name was Mona. Sure it was an old name, so its juxtaposition against such a sweet young lady was colossally striking. We flew to Kennebunk Maine on business one cool October weekend. We had a client there that needed some work on their computer network. She was to be the trainer and help to organize the workflow so that I could design the systems around their needs. We had known each other for years before this of course, had become somewhat friendly through interacting over business. We...

2 years ago
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A Photo Opportunity

My name is Maria, and at the time of this story I was 25 years old living in Los Angeles and had a four month old son. My husband Ed was 29 years old, and he had a good job as a civil engineer with a road construction company. I met Ed at the construction company three years ago, where I worked as an accountant. I continued working there until after our son was born, and since Ed’s career had been progressing so well, we could afford for me to quit and take care of our child full time. But the...

2 years ago
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A chance opportunity

She stood next to me, a short girl of 5′ 2′. Her dark brown hair, almost verging on black was covering the majority of her face. She was hiding her beauty away from the world tonight. This was a gathering for a friend’s father who had recently passed. All of his friends had come in support of his family. His father was a famous man- but it was still a shock at the number of people who were in attendance. There really wasn’t enough room for everyone to be seated, so the elderly were in the...

3 years ago
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Window of Opportunity

I didn't mean to stop and watch, but simply couldn't resist her lithe silhouette framed in the saffron rectangle of light that clicked on ahead of me. Like a glowing beacon in the cold evening gloom, the warmth of the bedroom spilled into the residential street, moments before her mesmerising beauty paused within it. With curves that would inspire a Formula One track designer, I had little choice but to drink in her profile, barely breathing for fear she might notice me and draw the...

4 years ago
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It turns out that when you die, you really do go to heaven. I didn’t turn into a ghost and get guided to the pearly gates, though. Nah. Instead I woke up on the floor, which was very hard and definitely not a nice fluffy cloud. It also wasn’t all bright and shiny. I think it was an apartment Don’t get me wrong, it was a pretty nice apartment. Spacious, full of comfy looking furniture, and there was a big bay window that probably had a really nice view, if some jackass hadn’t covered it up with...

2 years ago
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Target of Opportunity

First off, it doesn't really matter what my name is, does it? In this neighborhood, people don't much use formal names anyways. When you're a drug dealer and small-time thug like me, it's probably for the best everybody only knows me as Buzz. That's a nickname I picked up while in the army during the first Gulf War, the first and last time I got out of this shitty ghetto I call a home. They taught me how to shoot better, but otherwise the Army did me no good. And I didn't do it any good,...

1 year ago
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Never a Missed Opportunity

Melissa was running late, too late. She needed to meet her boyfriend in central London and she needed to do some important shopping first. Melissa, with all the best intentions in the world, parked her Mini Cooper in the road just outside the department store that she needed to pop into. Ten minutes she told herself, find the top, try it on, buy it, get out and drive off. Who the fuck needed to feed the parking meter for just ten fucking minutes? Melissa was true to her plan, up to the point of...

4 years ago
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Missed opportunity

U are lying on your bed, waiting for your boyfriend. U are dressed in fishnet stockings and knee high boots. U have your black and white dress on with a push up bra. Your have just made your hair and put your makeup on, extra shiny lip gloss. U hadn't seen your boyfriend for months and were dying to have him tight between your legs. In the shower earlier U had touched your special place but had thought I'll leave it, he will be here soon. U had already put your toy in your ass to keep it open,...

3 years ago
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Window of Opportunity

Frank was all alone and had exhausted all available ways of entertainment. Forty, divorced five years back, and with a few friends, he was pondering what to do that evening. That was when he looked out of the bedroom window and saw the apartment next to his. A man wearing only jeans was doing exercises. Frank wondered whether he was so desperate to look at half-naked men. Frank sat in front of his laptop and checked his mail. Apart from the usual stuff, there was a message from Amanda who...

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Banking On Opportunity

Hi, all. This is Rahul from Rajkot and thanks for feedbacks on all the stories I have written till now. You can give your feedbacks to me on For those who don’t know me… I am Rahul working in a local cooperative bank in Rajkot and I am 30 years old.Before starting the story, I would like to mention that don’t expect a lot of ooohhh aaahhs in this sex story. After the announcement of banning of Rs 500 & Rs 1000 notes all over India, there have been a lot of chaos and this had put a lot of...

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Job Opportunity

So. A bit about me. I'm 5'4", 139 lbs, long brown hair and deep brown eyes. 5.5 cock, cute 'bubblebutt'. I had been looking for a job for a long while with no luck, and REALLY needed the money bad. I finally got a call from the female owner of a coffee shop I had applied to. I had actually filled out one of the old fashioned applications. As in paper, not online. I had handed it to this owner and she just smiled and said nothing. I felt kind of weird about that smile then, but said nothing and...

2 years ago
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Mensroom Opportunity

I was shopping at Sears the other day, customers were rather sparse, I decided to check out the men's room, as luck would have it there was a well dressed middle aged gentleman standing at the urinal. There were four urinals, now most men in this situation will take the urinal as far from the man already there as possible, unless of course he's trolling for cock. I stepped up to the urinal next to him and fished my cock out, as I did I looked over at my neighbor, he was draining a very nice...

1 year ago
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Once in A Life Time Opportunity

For obvious reason the names has been changed in this true story.I am Sujon,six feet tall,well built,work in an investment firm.I was 28 years old that time.I was visiting my native country in a short trip.Just week before my intended return to US,I got a phone call from one of my closest childhood friend,who lives in USA as well I do.Even though we live in two different nearby cities in US,we are very close.Infact,we still are.He called to request me to accompany his wife to US,who recently...

2 years ago
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New Order New Opportunity

Chapter 1: Stop & Search ?Identity card. Papers.? The police officer peered through dark glasses at James Leonard as he stood sheepishly, fumbling inside his jacket.?I have them, really I have,? he stammered, disconcerted by the officer’s fixed stare. With relief his hand closed on the plastic folder that held the card that carried his social identity number and photograph. He pulled it out and passed it across.The officer peered at the card and checked the photograph carefully, holding the...

4 years ago
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sex meets opportunity

By: amrita Hi, I am Amrita here from Bangalore. This is a real story of mine which will happen in 25 Feb. 2007. I am 26 years old housewife and mother of one baby. I belong to Brahmin family and sex is a sin for us. But I am a horny girl from the child hood and I had sex experience with my two boy friends 2years before marriage. I am 5’4″ with vital state 38-32-36 and whitish complexion with a seductive face. I am married to a unknown guy. He is 5 years elder to me and his office is 500meter...

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