401 Wallys Edukayshun 4 free porn video

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Day 5 Monday
For wally that weekend was the longest he could remember, his dad had been home when he got off the school bus on that Friday afternoon, and he knew he couldn`t face gran or it would be physically obvious to his dad that his dick was missing her, so he fained illness which kept him out of trouble till the Sunday, He hated having lied to his dad, but he had promised Gran, and it was the only way he thought he could cope this weekend. a tummy bug, his gran feeding him secretly up in his room and dad steering clear for fear that whatever it was, was catching and would stop him driving, as he couldn’t afford to miss loads.
He knew it was wearing thin on the Sunday, so went downstairs, dad he knew was doing his job cleaning that blessed truck, so they didn’t see him till teatime. By then the lad was sat on the sofa a big book on his lap, pretending feeling still a bit weak, they ate, then he went off back to bed, his dad finally wandering away later than usual on the Monday morning to the lads relief. Gran said little, and after breakfast he was soon on his way to catch the bus.
The day dragged, Mrs Bracewell, in history the frumpy old geography teacher chuntered on all morning and Mrs Ford repeated the act in the afternoon, last period as it should have been sport, though with his club foot he was excused and on library duty. He and Tom sat together at the back on the bus, from his satchel Tom produced a magazine, old and dog eared from many thumbing’s it was a `knave’ like carefully perused the models, Wally being careful not to say the wrong thing, the miles past, and it was soon Wally`s stop, for the second time that day he felt relieved as Tom and the bus rounded the bend.
He was soon home, his Gran in a dressing gown cooking, all appeared well with the domestic world.
“Hi Gran, how`s you?” she grinned, “OK… just a bit behind, what homework?” “history and I had geography, but I managed that in the library so just a bit on the Vikings and I`m all yours, it`s about longboats so it shouldn’t take long. She dropped her gown showing she was naked as a baby. Grinning she suggested before tea he “got on with the homework then” as she was running a bit late and was keen to have him!
He did just that, needing her as she did him, it wasn’t like gran being late, but then, neither was she usually this sexy either! Homework and the meal soon over, both of them naked, he washed up while she made tea. That he suddenly realised just left those blessed hens, “We`ve forgotten the dammed hens Gran,” he said, he moved as if to fetch his dressing gown, but she stopped him, “go do the job naked Wally, I do housework naked for your fantasy, I want you to go out and shut those birds up for my amusement!” he laughed, then said “this early they will be a nightmare, but the shower has passed so come and give me a hand then!”
She chuckled, “ok, we can`t be seen from the road so let`s do it together…I will if you will!” outside wearing only their gumboots from the back porch, they hurried across the yard hand in hand into the little orchard, the hens as predicted were a pain to catch, foraging in the soft earth after the rain, every hen having to be caught individually from the long run, and shut into the coop, that entailed holding the birds, naked it was not a safe occupation, muddy claws, and sharp beaks scratch if you don’t use care. Beryl even warned the lad about waving his todger about “as the cock, old henry loves big worms!” his reply that watching her catch the birds meant it was as stiff as a ramrod so it was not a problem henry could go choke… It took about 30 minutes in all, laughing and dodging about in the bare muddy earth run. The job over after closing the coop up and with the run`s gate closed safely, the lad grabbed his Gran, muddy hands hugging her to him and kissing her, until they sank to their knees onto the soft orchard grass, laughing he had left muddy handprints on her breasts, her back and her arse though he hadn’t escaped either. They knew that they were going to make love again, here and now on the damp dewy rain dampened grass. It was urgent, hard and needful, the desolate weekend had taken its toll.in a short time he was filling her, hot seed spewing deep inside her wet and ready cunt, there was no finesse, no care , no tenderness, in fact it was brutal, Wally spurred on by Beryl`s cry`s of “harder boy, harder, ride me, punish me go on… Hurt me like my Sid did” after the rain started once more and together they ran home for shelter, boots off together laughing the showered together, the hot water warming and cleansing the muddy bodies, there erotic hands tenderly slithering over the soapy skins.
She said, “I need to pee” and was about to move to the toilet, when he stopped her, “do it here gran, for me…I`ve always wondered” she looked hard at him then shrugged, opened her legs and began to stream, his eyes never left the source, then his fingers were in the stream, just before the end he knelt the stream hitting him in his crutch, her tear-filled eyes on him as he revelled in the feeling of the hot stream. She dried, the last of her pee soon vanishing in the warm water. He looked up at her and blushed. A little embarrassed, she quickly turned and shut off the water, grabbing at a towel, not quite knowing what to say. From his kneeling position he kissed her backside, and she shuddered. Dry and talcum powdered hand in hand not a word spoken they descended to the kitchen, she bade him lock the doors as she made coffee and then together, still silently, they retired to her big double bed. Once under the bedding she said, “we need to talk lad.” Turning to the bedside light she switched it out, the light out and with the darkness of dusk the place was near inky black, she knew she needed this anonymous effect, to hide her embarrassment. He realised she was about to reveal her innermost thoughts, she sought his nearest hand she felt they needed some sort of a contact, the lay in silence their fingers entwined.
“Look lad, I need to explain a few things, things your dad doesn’t know” she paused, then as if she had made up her mind went on “Over the years… your grandfather, my Sid and I had good times and a few really bad, those first few years, once I was pregnant and we were first together, after my dad threw me out, as it was not done back then to get pregnant before marriage, it was shame on the family and he just threw me out, though he did slip me £100 so we could marry and make a start together. Sid of course, was put out of work too, so we came down here, Sid got work at a farm, though that didn’t last long as they didn’t look after their horses, and he hated that, anyway Sid stuck it till the next hiring fair luckily only a week or two later. He managed to get a place at a small farmstead on the far edge of town, not well paid but it had a rough old cottage, the last ploughman had died, so it was furnished after a fashion and that was all free, so mostly from desperation we took it. We were fairly happy but, very hard up. To make ends meet I ended up sleeping with the farmer, he was a bachelor, and he begged Sid to share me, paying me in cash for the privilege. That one time, led to me sleeping with him regularly, Sid hated sharing me as you can imagine, but we needed to survive, once I had found it was both fun and easy money, I met Jerome. He was a pimp and it was he who changed me, first to a straight hooker, later to, a submissive. It was me begged Sid to let me go on the game, Jerome said it was easy money in the town, and though I wasn’t happy about it, it did feed us and little Jimmy.
I`m not proud of what I did, but needs must, Sid largely ignored what I was doing, and it lasted like that nearly a year, three nights a week I slept with all comers, for a spanking my money tripled, at that time it never went further than spanking, and I admit I grew to enjoy it. We lived better and saved hard so that we could soon stop all of this stuff. Jerome however had other ideas, he asked to meet Sid, so I introduced them. He asked Sid if he would allow me to get even bigger money in two ways, there was the old chap who found pee exciting, and was willing to pay well, that to be brutally honest I didn’t mind so much, but he also suggested that I do a dungeon scene now and again, and though I didn’t fancy that much, the money was fantastic, and after we discussed it all it proved irresistible. The pee thing brought it all back, so that’s why I was as I was in the shower, and you may have noticed I like my sex hard nowadays!” he whispered that “he had noticed and had wondered if that was normal!” she explained that “some women loved it some hated it and he would have to cut his cloth to suit the partner.”
He asked, “what had the dungeon been like?” There was a long drawn out breath then she quietly said, “well, knowing what I was giving myself for, I was frightening before that first time especially, I was collected put in some sort of hood or mask and I was taken somewhere in the back of Jerome`s van, I still don’t know where. Jerome was there too, watching I think, though for all I know he could have helped. Still unable to see I had to strip, then they bent me over a table, took turns to hold me while all three men had me anally, it was my first time that way, and that hurt me bad, they caned me a bit then they hung me by my wrists and whipped me all over. three hours later they dropped me home to Sid, still in my hood, my body red with welts and marks, but with a lot of money in a bag. My Sid was sad but found it exciting, and to my surprise so had I, it wasn’t always so simple, but now and again it was a big money spinner. When Jimmy was three, we moved to this village, and although occasionally I still did a special job for Jerome, one even branded me, but Sid was my husband and my only real master from then I was his slave until he died!” Wally asked if Sid caned her? she said, “all the time, whips, bondage, all that stuff we both loved it, but it all stopped when he died… I never have had another screw…till you…!”
“Do you want that sort of stuff again then gran?” there was a long silence then she said, “perhaps one day, I do miss it, soon perhaps just be patient with me, but not tonight, you are not yet ready, just be my lover not my master tonight be gentle please, and just make love to me.” Her wish was his command, slowly and with great gentleness he suckled on her breasts, then her clitorise and finally, just to prove he was capable he had her while kissing her profusely, after it was over he was about to go off to his own room when she stopped him and told him to stay. They slept entwined, just enjoying the feelings in this close companionship, of one another`s bodies. Waking in the first light of dawn to repeat the gentle sex of the previous night, before rising, her naked to boil eggs, he to shower and dress for school!
Over the breakfast she asked, “if he had enjoyed the gentler side of their relationship,” he said that he had, but was now “intrigued by the thought of, the other stuff she had once enjoyed, especially anal, and being a sub, they had tried the pee thing hadn`t they, and where was the brand, as he had not noticed it?” She sat silently drinking her tea, her face a mask. It was soon time to go for the bus, and as he left she threw him a comment that he had desperately hoped for, “perhaps if your that keen they could try some gentle stuff, but I will choose what, oh and when… at least to start !” his broad smile said it all as he blew her a kiss and hobbled away.
School over, she was in her kitchen still as naked as when he left home, the smell of cottage pie permeated the air and she was washing up. “hi gran I just love you naked like this when I come home!” She half turned to greet him. “Hi mate, all ok? homework?” it was her standard greeting. He explained that he had done most of it on the bus, but still had just one assignment, a short essay on home life! She smiled and said, “it had best be fiction then, or we will all be in strife!” they laughed, then he went off to change.
A while later he reappeared, naked, essay in hand, he read it to her as she served the meal, and she listened with tears in her eyes, as the words tumbled from his lips. He had told of his loss of his mother, writing that she had died, not wishing to reveal her infidelity, he had covered his fathers job, and he had told of his grandmother stepping in, and how much he loved her. It was a moving piece. With misty eyes they kissed then they ate, he washed up she boiled the kettle for tea, then making her mind up said, “This morning, at breakfast, you said you wanted to try one of those `disciplines’ I used to love, what would you in your wildest imagination, like to do to me?”
He coloured up, so she encouraged him, by saying “look, we are already lovers, so we should have no secrets, just like you I have my fantasies, all I am asking is that we share our darkest dreams, we don’t have to do them, they might be too over the top or I might not let you, but at least we would each know how our minds work…and there`s a chance we could perhaps enjoy one or two of our dreams”
He smiled distantly, then said that, “When he had one, he would tell her, but he was living the dream right now, and yes, as he had said this morning he wanted to try stuff, but he wasn’t going to try forcing her…!” he added that, “it would be too embarrassing to tell anyhow!”
She thought for a while then said, “how about writing it down then, you write a good essay so you could… No, WE both could put it in a secret book, like in your dads old diary, then the other party could read it on their own, that way we don’t have to do it face to face”. That agreed on that, then they found a spare exercise book and decided on a hiding place for it in the recessed top of the hat stand in the hall, the agreed signal that there was `something in the book’ to be given by turning a vase on the mantle-piece round.
She took his hand and led him to the kitchen, turned to face him and asked him “you asked where I was branded.” He nodded, so she bent over the table end holding her bare bum cheeks open and pointing out too him a tiny but clear B perhaps a centimetre high on the inside of her left cheek, “Jerome, held me down over a table like this one, and the client did it with a red hot iron, he wanted to do it one letter at a time, it was agony anyway, but the anticipation was exciting and he paid me a lot extra!” she muttered that “it took forever to heal too, and my Sid died later that month so I never had the rest of his name done, though I would have and I will admit and the cash was megga, but it just wasn`t the right time!”
“What was his name?” he asked eagerly, she grinned, “Barry… he was into pee as well”
She went to rise but he was too quick holding her down with his left hand on her back between her shoulders, slipping himself into her gaping hole with a single thrust, and saying, “soft or Hard gran, your choice?” the reply was decisive, “oh it`s like that is it, well I`ve been reading dads diary today, it`s got me going, I need to pretend its him playing out one of his fantasies, so please, give it me as hard as you can lad, don’t spare me, just go for it!”
And go for it he did, hammering himself into her time and again, till she began to cry out, her fingers gripping the table edge, her knuckles white… it couldn’t last, and it didn’t, though he lasted a lot longer than she had expected in such a young and inexperienced lad. For her it was magic, small climaxes then larger climaxes then huge out of this world climaxes that had her calling her son Jimmy`s name as she imagined he was the one hammering himself into her.
Wally shuddered himself to a standstill, seed spewing into her, his rod was still stiffish in her body, he stood still, holding her to the table, He slowly withdrew his now slimy rod. She breathed a sigh thinking it was over, but no such luck! His right hand took his tool in hand lined it up with her brown star and simply pushed it deep into her. With no warning, and no lubrication except her own mucus adhered to his rod it was painful. She screamed, “STOP, don’t move, please, DON`T MOVE!” He stopped frozen, mid-stroke! By that time, Beryl was shaking her head and crying. He was astounded, what had he done! The pain was now easing, the initial burning and stretching becoming bearable. She patiently explained that “he was an impetuous pillock, and that anal needed lubrication and care!” He apologised profusely, but then said, “as he was now mounted should he carry on or withdraw?” Her reply was that, “he was to be slow and very gentle and she would see…” so gently he began to move inside her, every thrust eliciting a groan or a grunt, though he wasn`t sure if it was pain or joy or even a combination… she gasped for him to “speed up a little, its becoming fantastic…” it was his hoped for answer… slowly he raised the ante, she became more excited, he could tell her grunts and groans where getting louder and louder, then, suddenly, pump, pump, pump. The effect took him over the brink, her tight gripping anal muscles making him feel every shot as he filled her bowel. She flopped she had blacked out once more, the massive climax just too much!
He took the opportunity of her faint and withdrew himself. It was some seconds waiting for her to fully revive. Then he helped her to her feet, tearfully holding her to him, as he apologised once more. She admonished him, “From now on I will make the decisions matey, that was bloody painful… then she smiled. “…but it became delicious…” Then she added, “I shall be ok, don’t worry, I shall be sore for a while, but hey ho, I`ve had worse, a lot worse!” They tottered through to the sofa, he made and fetched tea, it was over for the night and he still had those blessed hens to shut up!

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Desperation Of My Friend8217s Mother 8211 Part 5

Hi readers, sorry for such a long delay. Actually, some serious incident took place that’s why I was unable to write down. I will tell you later what happened, so without any delay lets come to the point where we leave. So Ankit went to his mausi’s place and Akash went to his school. Now my girlfriend is all alone in the house and waiting for me. I reached there at 7:30 bunked my school. I was equally nervous and excited thinking about how I am going to fuck her. My dick was erect thinking...

3 years ago
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Caroline Ch 1004

Caroline – Part 2, Ch. 10.04 (Hi, If you are new to this series please read the intro to Ch 01 so you’ll know what to expect. It isn’t strictly necessary to read the earlier chapters but some of this won’t make sense if you don’t so I hope you will.) Caroline’s Tale Lena and Guy! It was the men’s turn to cook on Tuesday, we had a sort of arrangement. Jo and I always cooked dinner together. It gave us a chance to chat but Mike always alternated, getting breakfast and lunch. So Mike and...

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Forbidden Fruit

Your name is Simon, you?re in your late twenties and you just lost your job. Due to outsourcing, downsizing, cutbacks, economy, and a half dozen other bullshit reasons your asshole boss gave, you've been let go from the dead end cubical job you had for a couple years. Well you have to pay the rent somehow, so you check the local paper. You noticed there's an opening at the local Youth Center. You don't have much experience working with teens, but at this point you?re desperate, so you set up an...

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Mums Friends Chapter One

Chapter One Paul had been on holiday for the last two weeks in Tunisia with his girlfriend, Kay. It had been a very relaxing fortnight. They had swum, sunbathed and had lots of sex. Kay was an excellent kisser; Paul loved to kiss and cuddle with her. Paul had dropped Kay at her house then driven home to his home. Paul was twenty-six and still lived with his divorced mother. Debbie, Paul’s mum, was a gynaecologist who had her own practice. Paul’s father was also a doctor, but he was in General...

4 years ago
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Avatar Establishment Book 2Chapter 38

Cindy knew she should be sleeping. Her body was certainly tired enough to sleep. She was completely sated and ached in the most delicious way. Even the soft sheets caused her to be well aware of the welts on her body. For the first time, Tina had actually made her bleed. Not much and not in a lot of places, but the fact that she had, just made Cindy feel things she'd never experienced. Made her feel owned. Loved. And content in a way she just didn't think she could ever describe to anyone....

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Raw Memories

Unfortunately, I was coming of age just as the AIDs crisis was exploding. The first few times I had anal sex were what was later called bareback, but I soon went with consistent condom use. At one point, I even considered using a rubber to give oral, but quickly learned that 1) a hard cock encased in rubber does not taste good, 2) the blowjob is less effective, 3) if you should manage to get him to cum with your mouth, you didn’t get the pleasure of swallowing his cum. Finally, it was...

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The Voodoo Blanket a twisted story

Emily had arrived to the beach early that morning and set up her blanket in her favorite location for some early morning tanning before the sun became too warm.She had just barely closed her eyes and felt the warm rays of the sun soaking her skin, when she was startled by a wild looking Haitian man bending over her.Before she could react the man had blown a handful of powder into Emily's face and instantly she was unable to resist, although her mind still seemed clear, her body only slowly and...

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Meri Zindagi Ki Anokhi Ghatna 8211 Part II

By: Simranvinod Hi all Main Simran meri pehli story (Meri zindagi ki ek anokhi ghatna) bahut logo ne pasand ki or mujhe khubb mails bhi kiye. Aab main dobara apke samne apni story ka agla part pesh ker rahi huun umeed hai apko pasand ayegi. Mere sath us din jo huya tha wo sab vinod Laptop per per reha tha. Or main bed per takiye main muh chupa ker ro rahi thi. Or yeh soch ker darr rahi thi ki aab age kya hoga. Kahin vinod mujhe chor na de agar usne mujhe chor diya to main kya karungi. Jis...

1 year ago
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MomPOV Kara Big ole natural tits MILF nextdoor

– 45 years old single MILF – Exploring her sexual side by doing very first porn – She is a very submissive person and like to be dominated – Horny all the time and craves cock most of the day – Likes to be tied up, spanked and hair pulled – Typical mom next door type who is a total freak – Likes to watch the cam sites when she needs to masturbate – She is the shy type that will not flirt first or make moves – Loves to be fucked from behind doggystyle hard and fast – Loves to talk dirty or...

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White DelightsChapter 36 Complications

Some weeks later it was the Diplomatic Advisor, Ghada Baroud, who had the ticklish job of informing the Emir of the communication from the British Ambassador. "Master," he began, "There has been a communication from Her Britannic Majesty, Elizabeth, by the Grace of God Queen of England..." "Yes, yes. What does the British Government want now?" "Master, it is not from the Government. It is a personal request from Her Majesty conveyed via her Ambassador. That was made very clear to...

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Three Square MealsChapter 63 A puppet and its strings

The first thing Admiral Lynton did when John agreed to destroy the Kintark base was to supply him with the location of his target. As his exceptionally gifted Tactical Officer had already deduced, they were tasked with travelling to the Mar’Katrach Nebula to seek out and eliminate the hidden resupply station. John had bid Admiral Gabrielle Lynton farewell, and with her assurances ringing in his ears that they weren’t going to be facing significant defences, they were now on their way. The...

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ഹൈ ! എല്ലാ മലയാളീ മാന്ന്യ ചേടത്തി / ആന്റി / വിധവ / അമ്മച്ചി / അമ്മമച്ചി മാര്ക്കും, ജെസ്സോലാലിന്റെ സ്നേഹം നിറഞ്ഞ പ്രണാമം സ്വീകരിച്ചാലും. … () ഇത് മറ്റൊരു അനുഭവം: നേരത്തെ പരസ്യം ചെയ്തിരുന്നതാണ് എന്നാല് ഇന്ഗ്ലിഷ പല അമ്മച്ചി / അമ്മമാച്ചി മാര്ക്കും വായിച്ചു മനസിലാക്കാന് പറ്റിയില്ലായെന്ന പരാതിക്ക് പരിഹാരമായി മലയാളത്തിലേക്ക് മൊഴി മാറ്റുന്നു; സദയം സ്വീകരിച്ചാലും. വാക്ക് പാലിച്ച കാന്താരി….. ഇതിലെ ക്ലാര (കാന്താരി) എന്റെ കളി കൂട്ടുകാരിയും ആദ്യ കാമുകിയും ആകുന്നു.. ശാരീരികമായി നല്ല വളര്ച്ചയുന്ടായതിനാല്...

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Wicked Thoughts

I know that you know what it’s like to have wicked thoughts. The ones that run around in your head, constantly popping into your conscious mind when you know that you can’t act on them, or worse, shouldn’t. You know all about those thoughts that start as a trickle and grow and grow until they hurt so much.I’m talking about thoughts that are wrong, in some ways. Well, perhaps not wrong just downright dirty. But the more you think about them, the more they grow inside. You know you are going to...

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Slave dance

He stood for a moment at the doorway, watching her breathe, his body stirred by the sight of her. He had never owned a slave before. Now he had two and was constantly amazed at the range of feelings both girls aroused in him. He had been away for several days, longer then expected and was quite glad to be home. He moved to his chair and watched the sunset through the window. It had been a long trip, and he was tired,but the warmth of the fire and the scent of lavender both his girls used in...

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Good Medicine Junior YearChapter 29 All Grown Up

September 24, 1983, McKinley, Ohio On Saturday morning, I was up at 4:30am, quickly showered, dressed, and left Sophia in my bed while I went to the lab to take down the readings and complete the checklists. I was back about 6:10am and Sophia was still sleeping. I changed into my running clothes and headed back outside. As I ran, I thought about my conversation with Sophia the previous evening. I didn’t have an easy answer for Angie, any more than I’d had one for Jocelyn, and I was...

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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 5 Paying the PiperChapter 21 Married Life

December 2003 – November 2008: London. Bertram Weston gave us a Canary Wharf penthouse apartment as a wedding present. When I say 'gave' it was actually another tax avoidance scheme, where we paid a mere pittance of a rent to some holding company in the Bahamas and Weston was then able to claw back a large proportion of any tax he had paid in the UK. I have no idea how it works, but it seems all millionaires have similar arrangements, and pay virtually sod all income tax. Bertram Weston...

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Gone Fishin

Sarah slips on her white cotton panties and matching bra to cover her double Ds, she struggles to pull her white tank top down over them but she doesn't mind jigging her fun bags around. Sarah finishes her look with her favourite yellow skirt and high heels. her skirt came down to her knees but is loose and blows up in strong winds, Sarah would feel like Marilyn Monroe when she would have push her skirt down. Sarah struts her stuff down the street grabbing the attention of a every man she walks...

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Good Medicine Freshman YearChapter 50 From Bad to Worse

November 23, 1981, West Monroe, Ohio On Monday morning, just after breakfast there was a knock at the door. I got up from the couch and went to open it. “Phil?” “Hi, Mike. Can we come in?” “We?” “This is Mrs. Laramy from Family Services.” “Hang on a second.” I went to the kitchen to get my dad, who followed me back to the foyer. “Hi, Phil,” Dad said. “What’s up?” “This is Mrs. Laramy from Family Services.” “Mr. Loucks? I have an order here to take custody of Elizabeth.” “What?!...

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PornWorld Bambola Stud Patient Plows Busty Nympho Dr Bambola During CheckUp

It’s the beginning of the work week and Dr. Bambola has a few minutes before she sees her first patient of the day. So, to pass the time and prepare herself for the day ahead, she takes out her favorite glass dildo and begins pleasuring herself with it. Some minutes later, after getting dressed, the first patient arrives and Dr. Bambola—with her pussy still dripping wet—takes him back into the examination room. Still horny as fuck, Dr. Bambola decides to seduce the patient, letting his stiff...

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Innocence LostChapter 1

"C'mon, Hunter," she begged. "Nobody will find out." "I don't know, Maddy," Hunter stammered. "If Mom and Dad..." "They won't be home for hours," Madison Brendle countered. "Your parents and my parents are working the church bazaar all afternoon. No one will ever know." "I've never been ... naked in front of a..." Hunter stuttered before finally finishing his sentence. " ... a girl." His face had turned a bright shade of pink. "You certainly have been naked with a...

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Busted Axle RoadChapter 59

Halfway across the Rockies, Heather Sanford gave up on the idea of going to Walden Pond. Any way she could cut it, it was another three thousand miles to drive, and she realized she'd be spending all her time behind the wheel of the little red Omni she'd bought. It was only two years old, seemed to be in pretty good shape, and didn't have a lot of miles on it. It seemed like a lot solider a car than her Honda, and the gas mileage would have to be almost as good. She'd thought of buying a...

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Ronnies Three Wishes Part 2

Ronnie's three wishes Part 2 By Mark Dayette The next day was different for the Razorpack, everything would be different from now on. When the second in command of the group, Derrick, arrived at Kurt's house in the morning to plan what the group was going to do after school that day, Derrick was shocked at the new Kurt he saw. Kurt arrived at the front door wearing his mother's silky maroon slip. At first Derrick thought it was a joke and he was going to let it slide, but then he...

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Valentine Wish In The Wyoming Woods

"Janine?" Janine Barton looked at the man she'd accidentally bumped into in the aisle of Sav-A-Lot. He was tall, lean and a little craggy, an outdoors type with a dusting of silver on each temple-- and then suddenly the years fell off and his face thinned and smoothed out in the memory. "Tom McGreevy?" she said, eyes widened in surprise. "My gosh, Janine, I haven't seen you in..." "Don't say it," she said. Instantly she felt bashful contemplating the good-looking middle-aged man...

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The SPA part 4

Sara returned home at the end of the weekend. She was happy but refused any conversation in relation to her weekend activities. We had a good week with no sign of the padlock. There was a threat of it as I persisted about the Spa and her ending her visits. I gave in and was rewarded with a pleasant time. I would be lying if it was not taking a toll. I had to make endless excuses as to why we did not attend weekend functions together and fend off increased interest from family and friends about...

1 year ago
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All American BoyChapter 55

We were waiting for our orders when my phone buzzed. “You have a text,” Brandy told me. My first thought was Jeri but I knew she would still be at the gym. I opened the text screen and sure enough it was from her. “Slide over here, Brandy. You may like this.” “Who is it from?” she asked as she slid over next to me and I held the phone down below the table top. “Jeri, you met her last night,” I told her and opened the text. “Jeri, from the gym? You have a pic. Damn, I’d love to see her...

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Mummy Ki Padosfod Chudai 8211 Part 12

Final part hai. Story ko bina deri kiye padhte hai. Aise hi ab chup-chup ke dono ki chudai chalte rehti. Bich mein, 6-month baad, papa ko fir se ek week lambe office tour pe jana tha. Tab wapas se dono din bhar chudai karte. Isi mein ek chudai ka kissa batane layak hai jo hua tha humare ghar mein mummy ke bedroom mein. Us bistar pe jahan mummy ne apna suhagraat kabhi 18-19 saal pehle manaya tha papa ke saath. Us din Mummy aur bhaiya ke is chudai pyaar ke zindagi ko 6-month poore hue the. Dono...

2 years ago
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Dont Sleep in the Subway Part TwoChapter 10

One of the most annoying things that I remembered of that stay on Staten Island was the hordes of mosquitoes that descended on us at night like we were a late-night snack for them to munch on and suck our blood with the impunity of superior numbers. I must have terminated hundreds, if not thousands, of the insects with a vengeance unmatched since my gory days with General Sherman on his march into Atlanta and across Dixie like the mighty hand of God almighty seeking justice for the brave...

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My First Time With Conor

I'd always wondered if I was gay, but I'd never had the nerves to find out. I didn't know any gay people, and where I grew up most people were homophobic, so I never had a chance to experiment. I'd tried getting with girls but something always felt empty about it, like I was just going through the motions.But every time I slept with someone I couldn't help but imagine what it was like to be on the bottom, or on my knees sucking cock. And every time I watched porn I found myself imagining...

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The Belly Dancing Class 1

The Belly Dancing Classes By Sheila Anne Morgan "Look, Honey, they're offering that belly dancing class, I always wanted to take, at the community college again this year. I think I'll stop tomorrow and sign up. You should take it too. You could stand to lose that beer belly you're starting to get," said my beautiful girlfriend, Jill. "Very funny," I replied, "belly dancing is for girls and in case you haven't noticed I'm a guy." "I think you would make a very sexy belly...

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Payton Preslee 250 498000

What is it about Polish bitches that make them so sexy? At least part of it is the resiliency required to grow up in the Eastern block. Life isn't easy for everyone, but that same resiliency makes them immune to hard fucking. You could drop your cock from the Empire State Building, and that bitch would still take it like a champ. Polish pussy is built out of adamantium.From Eyeliner to Guy RiderPayton Preslee is one of those Polish bitches. Born in Poland, she moved to the united states at only...

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Bangalore Bestiee 8211 The Best Beauty

Hi, this is Aryan from bangalore again with an amazing story, this story is about me and my bestie to whom I wanted to experience a sexy orgasm.A lot of people get confused with orgasm so I studied every detail of what orgasm is and how to make a woman reach there. Well ladies who cant reach orgasm don’t be disappointed. Is very rare that ever woman can reach orgasm or squirting so relax and let your juices flow out.So my bestiee her name is kushboo and stats being 36c-32-34. I shared al my...

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The Fuck Of My Life With Sheela

Hi guys You can call me Jaguar , I reside in Mumbai , I’m 18 years old , I’m 6’4 Tall , quite built-up body , I have a Nice 8.4 inch and thick rod.I lost my Virginity to my GF when I was 16 years Old. I’ll be Sharing my Sex experiences with you here. This is my first story so bear with me and I’ll be happy for feedbacks and if any Girl or aunty needs sex chats or even real sex message me at This time I’m gonna share my most recent Encounter with a girl I met in my building.She was Sheela...

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Love and Sex as it happens this week

We had a fight as usual and my life is heading no where. I yearn for the man of my life and dreams to touch me...hold me...kiss me and make love to me. But I guess he won't do that for something that i said to him in the past which was interpreted in an extremely wrong way. So after months and months of bickering, tears and agony i have realised i am still that woman who has the need to be loved and here i am taking this flight to the Middle East. Here I am at the airport nervous for i have...


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