A Fistful Of Dollars free porn video

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My life took on a new challenge after graduating from Newborough High School with honours, at the end of 1980. All my life, I had lived in the small country mining town of Yallourn. The town was dug up for the brown coal beneath it in 1980, which meant moving with my parents and brother to its sister town of Yallourn North, some three miles away. A country girl by heart, I left the country and my family, to study Journalism at the University of Melbourne; some ninety miles away.

My parents were relatively poor and could not afford to pay my university fees, my accommodation rent, or my everyday expenses living in Melbourne. For two years, I worked every Friday night and Saturday night, working part-time as a waitress in a trendy South Yarra restaurant. The wages were poor but the tips from affluent patrons enabled me to survive.

Melbourne at that time was notorious for gangland extortions and reprisals. The restaurant where I worked was destroyed by a bomb blast early one morning, in late November of 1982. After just successfully completing my second year at university, I needed to find another job to fund my final year in 1983. Throughout the summer break, I searched in vain for another job.

Gayla, one of two other women that I shared a house with in South Yarra, offered me a job if I was desperate. The job on offer was as a prostitute at The Gentle Touch massage parlour. The parlour fronted as Melbourne’s biggest brothel and I was asked to prostitute myself in order to survive. Having no other option, I swallowed my pride and I sold myself to the Devil. I worked two nights a week there on weekends, when the brothel was at its busiest. The business was profitable and covered all my expenses. Before long, I proved to be a very popular commodity for The Gentle Touch, with clients queued up to avail my services. Towards the middle of the year, I had progressed to also work regularly as a call girl.

My second semester exams had just been completed and I was now enjoying the mid-year semester break. I was sitting on the couch with Gayla one cold wintry day in June, watching some old VHS movies that we hired from a local video shop. They were both Clint Eastwood classics; namely: A Fist Full of Dollars and For a Few Dollars More. Half way through A Fist Full of Dollars, the telephone rang, so Gayla answered the phone.

“It’s for you Tracey. It’s the manageress from The Gentle Touch,” Gayla called out from across the room.

On answering the phone, I was offered a call job to service a guy staying at The Rialto Hotel, a prestigious Hotel in Collins St in inner Melbourne. After accepting her request, I was briefed with the following instructions. One of the drivers/minders from The Gentle Touch would pick me up from home at 5:45pm. I was to wear an evening gown or similar standard, due to the class of the hotel I was going to. On arrival, I was to go to reception and ask them to page a Mr Jon Ramsey. My final instruction was that the booking was for a four hour period, ending at midnight. Gayla was happy for me and wished me luck.

At 5:45 pm sharp, I was duly picked up by my chauffeur and driven to The Rialto Hotel. After alighting from the car, I entered the foyer, went to reception and spoke to the front-desk clerk. Less than a minute after having Jon Ramsey paged, he appeared at reception where we met for the first time. After briefly introducing ourselves as Jon and Cinnamon (my working name), he ushered me to a nearby wine bar for a drink before going to the restaurant.

I was wearing a full length mint green gown, matching bag, large sterling silver earrings, sterling silver bracelet, silver high-heel shoes and a silver fox fur stole.

“Cinnamon, you look absolutely resplendent in your choice of evening wear,” Jon said, in what appeared to be an American accent.

“Thank you very much Jon, I take that as a compliment. I do try to please my clients and offer some class when engaged in business,” I replied with a warm welcoming smile.

The both of us then took a seat as we awaited our drinks. While continuing our conversation, Jon enquired, “If it is not too rude of me, may I ask how old you are Cinnamon?

Even though I thought it was none of his business, I replied by saying,” I am nineteen years old Jon.”

“What is an attractive young woman like you doing working in this kind of profession?” Jon awkwardly muttered.

I then proceeded to tell him I had moved from the country to Melbourne to study journalism at university, about the fire-bombing at the restaurant I had been working at, and the need to make ends meet with everyday living. I told Jon that my decision was not really by choice but simply for survival, in getting my BA degree in Journalism. For the next half hour or so, I poured out my life story to him as he listened intently.

“Cinnamon, are you ready to accompany me to the restaurant and order a meal,” Jon asked enquiringly.

With a nod of my head and a smile, I replied, “Yes Jon, I am ready for a meal now.” We then headed into the next room and ordered our meals.

I had been observing Jon’s character since we met, trying to fathom his demeanour and what he does. Quite frankly, I may as well have tried to read a chess player or a professional poker player. Jon was quite tall with an angular face, a dimple on his chin, had no lobes on his ears, light brown crew-cut hairstyle and wore smart fashioned clothing. At a guess I would pick him as being about 6’-2” tall and weighing about 170 pounds.

While awaiting our meal and during our meal, I gleaned a lot of information about Jon; there was much more to him than met the eye. Jon was born in California in the United States of America and was of distant Native American descent from the Mojave tribe. Jon graduated from the California State Polytechnic University, Pomona; an outer suburb of Los Angeles.

Jon was instrumental in the commissioning of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station in California. His expertise in nuclear power stations had led him to travelling around the world as a consultant on nuclear energy. Jon went on to divulge that he was fifty-one years old, divorced and the father of two grown children. Due to extended periods away from home and overseas on business, as well as some infidelity; had led him to an amicable divorce from his lovely wife Joanne.

Butting into his life story, I asked, “So what are you doing here in Australia? Do you have a current girlfriend or acquaintance back home?”

Jon continued his dialog saying he spent the past six months in Sydney employed as a consultant at Lucas Heights. Lucas Heights is the site of the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation research establishment. Lucas Heights was also home to the historic HIFAR research nuclear reactor. Another duty Jon was burdened with was to lecture at the Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering, also at Lucas Heights. Jon was also responsible for the waste-management facility in the disposal of nuclear waste there.

Butting in again, I hesitantly asked Jon, “In all your time in Australia, have you been with another woman?”

“It’s funny you should mention that Cinnamon. To be perfectly honest, the answer is yes,” Jon replied.

He went on to tell me that he had neither been to a prostitute before, nor had he paid for any sex while he had been here. While in Sydney, on his last night there, he went to the Café Sopra in Walsh Bay, for a meal. It was there he met a married woman, a Mrs Candice Bentley. They struck up a conversation and a flickering flame between them turned into a torrid furnace. It was then that Jon realized he still needed a woman for company.

After the meal was finished, we both caught the elevator from the foyer and headed to the third floor where Jon was staying. He had been talking about having company for his remaining ten days in Australia. I knew if I played my cards right, I could make a fist full of dollars from Jon.

On entering his expensive suite which had a very expensive decor, I was expecting him to undress me before fucking me. It was then he told me that he had to meet with the Victorian Government regarding a feasibility study into a nuclear power station in Victoria. The selected sites were Newport D in Melbourne; or Jeeralang, a locality very close to where I lived in the Latrobe Valley. He wanted a woman with him twenty-four hours a day.

The time was approaching midnight and my driver was expecting me outside the hotel soon after, to take me back home. For the four hour booking that night, it cost Jon eight hundred dollars. Four hundred was mine and the other for hundred was divided by the driver and The Gentle Touch massage parlour. It was then I put my proposal to Jon.

“Jon, if you want a woman with you, twenty-four hours a day; it will cost you five thousand dollars a day. I will get half and the establishment will get the other half. I have a proposition for you should you want my services over that period. I am willing to charge you only two thousand dollars a day. The money goes directly to my bank account and we bypass the establishment. Nobody needs to know of our arrangement,” I said to him.

Jon’s reply was, “You are a good business woman Cinnamon. I like your proposition and I will call you in the morning. Can I please have your telephone number?”

Before leaving, Jon had only one request; that I strip quickly for him, so he could view my wares. I obliged and was soon standing naked in front of him. Looking down to his crotch, I could see a growing bulge appear, signs that I met his approval. Quickly dressing again, I kissed Jon goodbye for the night and told him he wouldn’t be sorry if he wanted me for those other nine days. As I was being driven back home, I could see hundred dollar notes flashing before my eyes.

The following morning, I was anxiously waiting for a telephone for a call from Jon. What I had suggested to Jon the previous night went against management policy at The Gentle Touch. Being owned by a crime syndicate, I could easily be disposed of and found floating in the Yarra River for holding out on them with their precious money. Around 8:15am, the phone rang; it was Jon calling to confirm he wanted me for the remaining nine days. Jon informed me he had to meet with Rupert Hamer, the Premier of Victoria and some of his ministers regarding a possible nuclear plant to be constructed in Victoria. He asked me to be at The Rialto Hotel at 3:00pm sharp.

“Who was that on the phone? Gayla asked me inquisitively.

“It was only my mother Gayla. Mum and dad want me home during the school holidays as they haven’t seen me for a while. Dad is in poor health as well.” I replied, telling her a fib.

“What about work on Friday and Saturday night,” Gayla queried.

“I will phone up the manageress and tell her I can’t work this weekend as my parents need to see me. “ I had to cover my butt somehow and that was as good an excuse I could come up with.

During the morning, I packed my bags when Gayla wasn’t around; to avoid any suspicion. I told her I was catching the afternoon train at Flinders Street Station to go home on and see my parents. Some fifteen minutes before three o’clock, my taxi arrived outside and I asked the cabbie to take me to The Rialto Hotel.

Jon was patiently waiting for me at the foyer. On my arrival, he approached the concierge to take my bags to his room. Jon had had a long day with the Victorian Government and he looked a little tired. Needing a dink to relax, John ushered me to a private lounge within The Rialto. I ordered a Brandy Alexander while Jon ordered a double Jack Daniels on the rocks. We chatted for about forty-five minutes before heading upstairs to his regal looking suite.

After entering his palatial suite with an expensive décor, Jon turned me around and kissed me. His embrace was firm and warm as our lips met for what seemed an eternity. Pulling back momentarily, Jon whispered in my ear that he had been dreaming of me all last night and throughout the day. Lowering my hand to his crotch, I could feel a hardness though his pants. I wanted his cock badly but I also wanted him to wait until he was primed and ready for me.

Nibbling on his ear lobe, I whispered in his ear, “I want to give you a massage that you will never forget Jon. Take off your clothes while I get the bed ready.”

I pulled back the bedding and the sheets and replaced them with the Rialto’s in-house towels. Going to one of my bags, I pulled out a bottle of fragrant massage oil that I used regularly; while Jon was undressing. I chose an apricot kernel oil as it is rich in vitamin E which is absorbed into the skin and doesn’t leave any greasiness afterwards. I got Jon to lie on his stomach while I climbed onto the bed and straddled his lower back, while resting on my knees.

My massage began working around his neck and shoulders, where I detected a couple of stress balls beneath the surface of his skin. Using my thumbs and fingers, I eventually worked them out. Leaning forward to both sides of his face, I massaged behind and inside his ears with my tongue, bringing a purring of approval. As I methodically worked down his back and sides of his torso, I moved my body down accordingly, resting gently on his hamstrings.

Climbing off Jon’s body, I was now standing at the foot of the bed. I opened his legs wide enough to expose some of his scrotum and his anus. I rimmed around his anus for several minutes, teasing him and driving him wild with desire. Burying my face between his legs, I was able to tease his scrotum with my tongue and mouth. I finally worked my way down his calf muscles, ankles, feet and toes. All the time, I applied small amounts of lubrication with the apricot kernel oil.

“Time to turn over now Jon,” I whispered teasingly in his ear. His cock wasn’t fully hard but it had responded somewhat to the first part of my massage. Now straddled across his chest with my weight taken on my knees, Jon had a view and access to my breasts and inviting pussy. I dabbed some apricot kernel oil on my fingers and spread it over his forehead, temples and cheeks; soothingly massaging it into the pores of his skin. Leaning forward, I gently nibbled on his lips before giving him a gentle kiss on his mouth.

Sliding my body back, I rubbed some oil onto his sparsely haired chest. I could feel his now hard cock pressing against my butt as I worked in a rhythmical pattern down his body. Before long, I slid down further on Jon’s torso before commencing to massage his inner loins; all the time gently brushing against his scrotum. Several minutes later, I grasped his cock in my hand and started massaging his shaft with my tongue. I slowly worked my way up to the bulbous head at the end. Retracting, to avoid a premature accident, I then took his scrotum in my mouth and gently sucked on it; feeling his balls through the membrane wall.

After completing the massage on his shins, feet and toes; I then lay prone above him and started to body surf his body. The apricot oil gave the right blend of friction and lubrication for the perfect massage. Raising my body a little, I massaged his lips, chest and cock with my nipples; this was erotica at its very best.

“Fuck me Cinnamon! Fuck me hard. I can’t take any more of this,” Jon exclaimed.

Climbing back on the bed and straddling his body, cowgirl style; I leant over and kissed him as I guided his throbbing rampant cock deep inside my pussy. For each thrust from his cock, my breasts reciprocated and tantalizingly bounced across his mouth. Tightening my pelvic muscles resulted in a clam like grip on his engorged erect cock. Before long, I could feel the vibrations of an orgasm starting to build. Contracting my pelvic muscles to the fullest, caused a volcano-like reaction. As Jon’s body began to spasm uncontrollably, seven or eight eruptions of his hot white lava filled my pussy.

“Thank you Cinnamon. That was the best fuck I have ever had in my life. Where did you learn such wonderful techniques?” Jon panted out while trying to gain his breath.

I rolled off his body and waited for his cream pie to ooze out of my vagina. Gathering his hot sticky cum in my fingers, I proceeded to lick my fingers clean and swallow his load. After French kissing Jon fully on his mouth, we cuddled up together to regain our strength.

After showering, Jon paged room service and ordered a meal and a bottle of wine for each of us. That night, we fucked twice more like horny lovers, before falling asleep in each other’s arms. Jon was now mine for the remainder of his visit and my fistful of dollars had come into fruition. Each day, Jon deposited two thousand dollars into my bank account; something that I appreciated immensely.

Jon’s final eight days saw him visit the Jeeralang site for a possible nuclear power station in the Latrobe Valley for two days. During those days, I spent some valuable time with my parents. In the afternoon, Jon would pick me up from home and we would stay together in a motel in Morwell. For the other days, I showed Jon as much of Melbourne and Victoria as I could during the day; while at night, I took care of all his sexual needs

On Jon’s last day, he asked me to reveal my living address in Melbourne. He had won my trust and I gave it to him without any reservation. Jon told me he had some unfinished business to do and would be back early in the afternoon. I stayed in his suite at The Rialto Hotel, awaiting his return. After Jon returned, we made love for the last time; and I mean love. It wasn’t a quick fuck for money and be gone, but for a mutual respect for each other.

At 6:00pm I accompanied Jon to Tullamarine Airport, to bid Jon farewell. Tears welled in my eyes as he left the departure lounge to board a QANTAS flight back to America. Twenty thousand dollars was a lot of money but I would have gladly traded it for Jon himself.

I started university the following week to begin the third semester. On arriving home one afternoon, there was some guy parked outside the house where I lived; in what appeared to be a brand new car.

Alighting from the car, he approached me and asked, “Are you Miss Tracey Ames?”

“Yes I am. How can I help you?” I replied.

“Congratulations! I am pleased to inform you that you are now the owner of a brand new Ford Fairlane motor car,” he said as he handed me the keys.

I shook with excitement as it was something out of the blue. It was Jon’s way of saying thanks for a great time as well as goodbye. Jon knew I needed a car to visit my parents more often and this car provided that means.

On the driver’s seat was an envelope which contained a short note, saying:

“Dearest Tracey/Cinnamon

Thank you for giving me such a wonderful time in Australia. Your friendship will never be forgotten. Good luck for the future and if you ever come to California, you know where to contact me.

Fondest Memories


So, not only did I have a fistful of dollars, but I also finished up with a few dollars more.

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Fisting Joanne on the Beach 2

After we returned from the beach, Joanne was so hornet again that she demanded me to fuck her ass really hard. We slipped into our apartment and got naked. Her hole was still well oil so that I dint have a problem to enter her ass with my rock hard dick. I pumped her asshole hard, pulled out and sprayed all over her ass right when she climaxed and squirted really hard.The next morning we got ready for the beach again. We both shaved and put on our swim wear. This time Joanne put a one piece...

1 year ago
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Fisting Fun

(A flight of fantasy written by Me)He looked at her naked, blindfolded, tied to his bead. A wicked grin across his face. He watched her pussy juice leak out, in anticipation of what he would do.She tried to move but was tied tight with little movement available to her. His smile widened as he began to shove her lace panties roughly inside her, not easy as they were dry and huge to fit her voluptuous curvy body. Eventually he got them all the way inside. She wiggled her hips and pushed down with...

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Fisting Jeni

We were discussing different theories about bring a partner to a more intense orgasm and she mentioned the need for a little pain. I have never been interested in the B&D or S&M side of sex but could see the results of over filling her pussy. She wanted me to allow her to use her previously mentioned little bag of sex tools & devices. I had to agree before hand to let her proceed even if I might not like where it was going. I bargained with her saying I would submit if she would let...

3 years ago
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3 For a Dollar

Three for a Dollar Chapter 1 Michael checked his watch again. “The girls should be here any minute.” He thought. They had agreed to meet at his place then they were going out to dinner together. His girlfriend Barbara, her best friend Joan and he had become virtually inseparable over the last several weeks. They had known each other for quite some time but had only been a sexual triad a short while. It had started much the same way- a quiet evening at his place when Barbara and he had invited...

4 years ago
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Fisted and ass filled by strangers in a toilet

My master had ordered me to go to a club with my gape hole filled with my plug. He ordered me to find a man and take him to the toilet and show him my big hole. So like the good slut that I am I went out to a club. I wore a short dress with no pants on and I filled my big hole with my plug while I was out and left my tits hanging free. During the night I met a guy in the club and very quickly made it clear to him that I was a slut wanting to be fucked. He later told me to meet him in the men’s...

3 years ago
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Fisting her incredable Pussy

After reading numerous blogs and stories I realized what an incredible pussy my ex wife has. We began fisting quite by accident. After 10 years of marriage I was trying to find new things to keep things fresh. I loved performing oral sex on her so that was normally my first move when we would get started. She always liked me eating her wet pussy and especially with a finger slid up her butt. She also was a squirter so sometimes I would go straight to 2 fingers turned up working over her G spot...

3 years ago
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Fist Fuck

It all started one night when my wife and I were fucking on the couch when the subject of ass fucking came up. I have been fucking my wife in the ass since we were first married, at first she didn’t like it but now I can fuck her pretty asshole any time I want. As I am fucking her she just reaches down between her legs and rubs her clit till she cums all over herself. Any time she is on her period she prefers to be ass fucked, that is just fine with me because her ass is a lot tighter than her...

2 years ago
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Fisting at the Beach

The next day, when we were going out to the beach, Giulia was again tending the reception desk. She smiled shyly as she watched us approach her. Martina was wearing a Bikini that looked three sizes too small for her, barely covering her nipples and pelvis, and showing dark pubes all around the sides of her bikini bottom. Over that, just to cover it up slightly, she wore a loose blouse that she knotted under her wide breasts, and some really short jean shorts. I was in my orange and black...

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Fisting Joanne on the Beach 1

Last summer, Joanne and I planned our beach vacation in the Mediterranean. We were excited heading to Spain to experience the more open culture compared to the US. We arrived on a Sunday afternoon, checked into our apartment at the waterfront and started to get ready for the beach. Joanne stripped off naked, her wonderful 19 year old body made me almost crazy. I love her B cup tits and pierced nipples. She jumped under the shower to shave her body. She first cleanly shaved her pussy completely...

2 years ago
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Fisting Nancy

When I was in my late 20’s I was working at a company and I’d often take lunch the same time as Nancy She was in her late 30’s, maybe 40 something. She was pretty hot and lots of guys took her out. She liked to talk about sex, and how when she was horny she’d use ‘stuff’ to help her. I showed such interest, that we agreed to go out for a bite and go to her house after and ‘play’From our first date she had me mesmerized. She loved to show off and get me hot she would masturbate with all kinds of...

1 year ago
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Fisting with a Craigslist Milf

This story happened about a 3 months before my last story, its the summer of 2010, Im miserable, lonesome, and feeling down about just about everything. That means its time to hunt some strange on craigslist.An add appears in women for men, its title reads something like "seeking man who likes anal play." I like anal play, though I had never done it with anyone else, so why not give her a shot?I send her a message with a pic of me using some of my toys, I fully expect her to: 1. be ugly, 2. be...

4 years ago
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Fisting My Young redz245

I told the young man we were to meet in a motel room. We both love meeting that way. There is something particularly sexy and forbidden to me about motels. I've always admitted a peculiar fetish for them. The fact that it’s neutral territory. No real life interruptions or distractions. The knowledge that untold numbers of other people have had sex in this same room. Not to mention that I don’t get stuck washing the towels and sheets. As I always have a supply of lube and toys at the ready,...

3 years ago
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Fist time and for four different reasons true sto

Ok . First this was the first time and I think the only time I was unfaithful to Christine since we married, I am sure it was the only time. She never knew about it until I told her, and by that time she had been with others at least twice and probably more. Second this was the fist time I had made love to a girl and then swopped to a different girl the same night. Thirdly it was the first time I experience sloppy seconds. And fourthly it was the first and only time I made love in the same room...

3 years ago
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Fist To The Heart

Chapter One – I Always WinHe walked through the crowd of shouting men, focused on the task ahead. That was something he chose to ignore, every time - the stench of those places. It was a rubbery smell mixed with male sweat and the excitement rising for the bloody fight ahead. If he were to inhale too much, he was bound to get dizzy. Maybe overcome with rage.In a way, he was doing this to himself, if he were fair. But Johnny Bryne was not known to be fair, the least of all people to himself....

2 years ago
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Fist time ballbusting

In the first place, I wish to appologize for my poor language. My mother language is Dutch, so I will give it a try in English. But I can't guarantee no mistakes.So, punish me for every mistake if you like.I'm a male of 40 years old, looking younger than I am. For the first time in my live, I wish to experience an extreme hard ballbusting session.I look on regulary basis on the bdsm-video's, looking for men who get ballbusted by beautifull (or less beautifull) women, sadistic women.And damned,...

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She knew he had something in mind when he stalked her into the bedroom. She backed into the dark room, watching him watch her. Without urging, she slowly stripped off her clothes, never taking her gaze off him. He nodded his approval and didn't say a word. When she was naked, a slight chill in the air raising goosebumps along her skin and tightening her nipples, she crawled onto the bed. He knelt down and drew three silk ties from under the bed. Understanding his intentions, she lay down with...

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Fist group sex experience

My first experience of group sexYou may recall how I met Alice at a party and how we ended up making love in the garden. The upshot of that meeting was that a few weeks later I moved into her house as a ‘lodger’, but the term was used only to provide a cover for the benefit of my parents who would have gone ape shit if they had found out I was screwing, let alone living with a woman. Alice was older than me by about 10 years, she had a well-paid job as a fashion buyer with a large retail outlet...

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Fist nature gay meet for sex part 1

I am now going on 67 of age and finally I plucked up courage to do something I did when I was a young lad, have gay sex, I've always fantasized about having gay sex again although I am now a married man, I watch old gay guys having sex all the time, I get so hard and horny, anyway I was watching online some old gay grandads having sex in a woods, what a turn on, I came buckets watching it, one was a big fat guy maybe about 70 ish the other was about 10 years young and not so big, they both had...

2 years ago
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Fist time Anal sex

I met "Mike" in a chat room one afternoon. We got to talking and it seemed we hit it off but he had to go to work so we left each other alone for a few days. We had described to each other what we would like to do, I hadn't done anal and was curious but wasn't sure if I could handle it, and he was versatile so it was no matter to him.Well about a week later I was online and saw him so we talked for a bit and Mike asked if I was still curious about taking him in my virgin ass. I said I was ready...

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Fist time Bisexual experience

I can't believe that I, the consummate heterosexual male, am writing to you about something that I never would have thought even remotely possible.I am married (happily) and enjoy a great sex life with my wonderful wife. We do all the "normal" sexy things that two people of the opposite sex can do together. We have even gone so far as to have sex in the car while driving (oral only, thank you), and had intercourse in a public park at night, and a few other risky activities, but never in my...

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fist time I came

It first started when I was young, Id go to bed and just stretch out and touch myself. Nothing too full on but just enjoyed a light teasing tickle of my pussy lips and clit.... the tingles it gave me made my other hand pinch my nipples too. I would then start to feel funny inside like I needed to pee so Id stop and go to the toilet. I used to get scared I had broken my pussy so I would pee to make sure it still worked. I would look at myself as I did and notice the start was a clear and...

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Fist time a dogging

Sue and I have been wanting to try dogging for years around our local area of Brighton and Hove It had started tonight while driving back from the local pub after watching the football, I suggested driving into the park and having a bit of fun just between the two of us. Before this we’d never even really considered dogging as one it was like a fantasy and especially as we are both well into our 50s and assumed dogging was for young couples, not like us old farts but although a mature couple we...

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Fisting in Houston

Chris laid on the bed. The sheets and covers were cool and clean, recently changed by the maid. He stared at the generic flower paintings hanging on the wall that it seems all hotels seem to share in the decor. The room was lit only by a lamp by the bed. It wasn't a 5 star hotel, but it was clean and comfortable and quiet. Most important of all, it was private.It was 5:30 in the afternoon, she wouldn't be off until 7, sitter wouldn't be to her place until 8, so she should be there around 8:30...

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Fist visit to my sexy new female doctor

Yesterday I went to the doctor because i felt like i was peeing too much, i'm sitting in the waiting room and the doctor calls me, and she is the hottest woman i have ever seen. Late 20s/early 30s, gorgeous middle-eastern face, nice curvy lips, big dark eyes. She's very friendly with a thick Persian accent which i find very sexy. i explained to her my situation, and then she asked if i was sexually active, and i said no a bit too quickly, and she looked surprised for a second. She got me to pee...

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Fisting Kitty and many other things P

It never cease to amaze me, how the kinkiest women are the ones that you least expect. The truly kinky ones - not the ones that consider fucking with the light on a kinky act. These kinky women can be found in your office – that lovely secretary, efficient and professional, always polite and demurely dressed; the tidy woman serving you coffee with a smile in the coffee shop; or the professionally polite woman checking your train ticket as you move through the barrier. These kinky women are the...

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Fist time

]The best time I ever had sex was definitely my first. I was with my girlfriend on a date to see Alien. Nice long movie to get turned on by, and it was a horror, so I could start by holding her hand. I figured it wouldn't be good for IN the movie theater, but, you know..We went home, and we fucked each other. Hard.Anyway, everything went as planned. We made out in the parking lot for a few minutes, we watched the movie, I held her hand, and at least I got turned on in anxiety. When I drove home...

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Fist time in public w an older woman

This is a true story of my first encounter with an older woman while I was in high school. I had been online the night before trolling through AOL chat rooms at the time and i started talking to a woman who was from the same city as me. After a bit of cybering she sent me her phone number and asked me to call her. While we were chatting she never mentioned her age and I asked her when we were on the phone and she said she was 38, being a freshman in HS this was huge for me especially since...

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Fist time giving blow job

I'm bisexual and have always felt that there was something different about me. I've always had an affinity for both girls and guys although the latter really accelerated when I was in college. I found myself staring at cocks every opportunity I had and would even steal copies of my Aunt's Playgirl magazine to admire the well hung hunks on its pages. My roommate in college was Billy, a somewhat effeminate guy, but one who was a good friend nevertheless.I came back to the dorm room early one...

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fist cottage experience

when i was a teen i discovered holes in toilet walls ,i had been turfed out by my mums latest boyfriend and i was put in care .i hated it mile away from friends living with a mean old welsh woman and her husband,hence i started hanging around the local park to keep out of the way stella didnt like us hanging around the house.i had been in the town witch i had discovered there was a second hand book shop where you buy porn mags for pence if you didnt mind the odd page stuck together.the old guy...

3 years ago
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Fisting My Young Man

I told the young man we were to meet in a motel room. We both love meeting that way. There is something particularly sexy and forbidden to me about motels. I've always admitted a peculiar fetish for them. The fact that it's neutral territory. No real life interruptions or distractions. The knowledge that untold numbers of other people have had sex in this same room. Not to mention that I don't get stuck washing the towels and sheets. As I always have a supply of lube and toys at the ready,...

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Fist Cock Experience

I created an account on a gay men months back, and began talking to a guy called John. We spoke for a few weeks and finally I got a day I had the house to myself. So I invited him over. I opened the door to him, and he came in. He was about 6ft, average weight, well dressed, and really fucking good looking! He asked what I'd like to do, and I replied "I'd like to suck your cock" so I got close to him and he pulled out his cock. Mesmerized by it he took my hand and wrapped it around his 7 inch...

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Fist Time With a Teacher

Jake an average senior boy got C's in most of his classes but he was failing his Creative Writing class. One day he came into class about 10 minutes late and when the teacher, Ms. Wess, asked him why he was late he responded with 'Sorry Ms. Wess, my mom was being a bitch and made me clean the dishes before I could go.' It was the first hour of the day and most people made up some really stupid excuses but Jake was being serious. "Jake don't you use that kind of language in my class," she yelled...

She Males
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BDSM At The Office

Some guys might not feel comfortable working in department where your the only man among seven women. But for me, I find it great. In fact, the positive far outweigh the few minor negatives. I get razed a little, and I'm the brunt of a few jokes, but it all makes up for it in the end. I work in a large hospital, in a small data processing department. I have a woman supervisor, a great lady (as far as a supervisor, as a person, and how she looks) named Brenda. There are five other lady other...

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