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“Would you run me a bath?”

A moment after she said it, in a Pavlovian response, I felt the squeeze of lust in the pit of my stomach a moment before my cock thickened and grew. The erection was uncomfortable, compressed like it was, but I didn’t want to show her any sign of arousal.

To avoid looking at her, I kept my face tilted towards the book. “I’m reading a chapter for my coursework,” I said.

“Please,” she said through a sigh. I could hear the pout in her tone when my mother went on the add, “You always used to do it for me. Don’t you remember?”

Of course I remembered.

Tension was a tight band around my chest as I looked up into her face. “This is really important,” I said as clandestine urges slid and slithered at the back of my mind.

“It won’t take long,” my mother replied. “Come on. Come upstairs. Run me a bath – there’s a good boy.”

“I’m thirty, mum,” I said. “I’m not really a boy.”

She was near the door on her way upstairs, leading like it was a foregone conclusion I’d follow. Pausing, my mother looked back over one shoulder, the action stretching the sweater across her breasts to give me a three-quarter profile view. “You’ll always be my little boy,” she said.

My cock pulsed in reaction to my mother’s seductive tone. My eyes went to her considerable frontage and the promise of bounty beneath the sweater. Doubtful and edgy, I forced myself to look at her face. “I’m not sure if I should.”

Her expression darkened as my mother scowled. “Why ever not, Aidan? You always used to.”

I felt my face warming up. “I’m grown up now,” I said.

My mother shook her head while looking at me with what seemed to be pity in her expression. “Oh, Aidan,” she sighed. “It’s only a bath.”

Excitement bubbled up inside me, the sensation a strange mix of arousal and trepidation. “All right,” I said from a distant, dreamlike place.

With the odd feeling upon me, a curious sense of déjà vu tangled up in knots of sexual desire and guilt, I put the heavy book down and rose to my feet. I was moving without any conscious decision ruling my actions. I didn’t feel in control at all. It was all about history and conditioning. The instinctive urge to please my mother.

“Good boy,” my mother said, smiling at me.

I followed her up the stairs and across the landing. My mother led me along the familiar route along the hallway to her bedroom.

“You start it going,” she said. “I’ll just get out of these clothes.”

I went through to the en-suite, turmoil inside my head as conflicting thoughts and impressions struggled to voice their opinion.

“No need to close the door,” my mother called.

I let go of the handle, leaving the door ajar. “All right,” I said through a croak.

I set the taps so hot water cascaded into the deep, clawfoot tub. The bath was a freestanding affair, huge and ornate, the full-length mirror a window back into the bedroom through which I could see my mother moving around. She knew full-well I could see her reflection, which was why she told me not to close the door. Watching her undress, and her knowing I was watching, was part of the game.

“You remember I like it as hot as I can stand!”

I was doing my best to focus on the clear water slowly rising in the bath so I wouldn’t catch sight of my mother in the mirror. But, at the sound of her voice, my attention came up, insides squeezing with need, balls going tight when I saw she was standing with her fists on her hips, completely naked, the full-frontal aspect of my mother’s Amazon pose bringing a low groan out of my throat.

Swallowing down on the arousal swelling my throat, I nodded into the mirror. “Yes, mum,” I managed to say. “I … I remember.”

Nodding approval, my mother smiled. “Good,” she said, reaching to pick the towelling robe up off the bed. She wrapped her physical appeal in the gown, covering up but leaving the afterimage of her nudity imprinted upon my mind’s-eye.

My cock seeped goo into my underwear as water continued to tumble into the tub and, inside my head, I examined what I’d just seen: my mother, ripe and voluptuous, large breasts bare, pale saucers of their areolae tipped by pebble nipples, the shock coming at the realisation my mother’s vulva was bald. I groaned, carnal urges tugging my vitals, knowing what was going to happen and, while despising myself for the weakness, was thrilled at the prospect in a paradoxical clash between morality and desire for my own mother’s body.

“Fuck,” I said, the word coming through clenched teeth.

I had my eyes squeezed shut when I felt her hand on my shoulder. I was on my knees next to the tub, a hand in the water to check the temperature when she touched me and asked, “Is everything all right, Aidan?”

“Water’s fine,” I said without looking at her.

My mother let go of my shoulder. “I meant with you.”

I feigned casual but thought my mother wasn’t fooled as I said, “Me? Yeah, I’m good. Just thinking about the exam.”

My mother exploited the error as soon as the words came out of me. “Oh, darling,” she cooed, “I know it’s been a terrible time for you. So much pressure. It’s awful timing, that thing with Rebecca and you with your coursework. I know it can’t have been easy. But you’re back here with me now. I can take care of you.”

The conflict worked inside me. My guts felt loose while the need for sexual relief was a huge aching void. My hands started to tremble with pent up arousal, carnal desire goading me into giving it up and going along with my mother.

“Don’t you think I’m a little old to get taken care of by you, mum?” It was an attempt to deflect my mother, somewhat half-hearted because I was already well on the way to surrendering to the inevitable.

On cue, as I’d known she would, my mother swept my reluctance aside. “Don’t be silly,” she chided, “Your c***dren are always your c***dren no matter how old they are. It’s my job to look after you, Aidan. That’s what mothers do.” I felt her touch my shoulder again as she asked, “Is the water okay?”

“I think so…”

“All right, leave it running. I’ll get in.” My mother squeezed my shoulder. “Shift out of the way. Let me get past.”

I got up, knees popping as I stood.

“You should get undressed,” my mother said. “You’re not getting in wearing all those clothes.”

As she said it, I saw she was slipping the robe from her shoulders. I wasn’t looking directly at her but could see what she was doing from the corner of my eye.

With an arterial burst of lust exploding within, I looked at my mother, her physical appeal tugging at me. I gulped, trying one last, futile time. “Do you think I should get in there with you, mum? I mean, isn’t it a bit off? Me and you naked together? It’s crossing a line, don’t you think?”

My mother trilled a laugh. “Oh, Aidan,” she sighed, smirking at me. “It’s only skin. It isn’t anything to make a fuss about. Besides, who’s going to judge? Nobody knows. Nobody can see through the walls.”

“I don’t know,” I gurgled, but she was already tugging at my tee-shirt.

“No nonsense from you,” my mother insisted. “Shirt off. Socks, too. It’s only me, Aidan. Your mother. We’ve done this before. I want you stop being silly…”

It was ridiculous but I reacted to the tone of her voice in a regressive response to authority. It was a like I was acting up in a scene from two decades before, my mother chastising me for some misdemeanour, the bark in her voice bringing about an immediate action as I hauled my tee-shirt over my head.

“Those horrid jeans and underpants,” my mother continued after I’d pulled off my socks.

I hesitated, appalled at the tumescence seeping pre-cum into my pants. “Mum, I--”

She cut me off, sighing and shaking her head. “Take them off, Aidan,” she said.

I heard my mother chuckle as I turned my back and, with dread and excitement a quick vortex in my stomach, unfastened and unzipped and shoved my jeans to my knees.

“Oh,” my mother said on a murmur.

I looked up, focus going to the mirror where I saw my mother’s feral expression, her attention on my dick.

“Sorry,” I mumbled.

I watched my mother’s reflection as she blinked a couple of times, the lupine hunger shifting away from her face. “Darling, there’s no need to be sorry,” she said, eyes meeting mine through the mirror. My mother smiled and added, “It’s natural. We’re both bare and everything.”

When she finished with a half-shrug, my attention went to the shiver and sway of her breasts, their swing a magnet for my eyes which sent a ripple of need down through my root.

With that image in mind, I groaned out, “You’re beautiful, mum.”

My mother blinked again before her eyes slipped away from mine. “That’s very sweet of you,” she sighed.

Time condensed and then stretched while my mother and I stared at each other. It started with us gazing into the mirror; then I turned to confront her straight on. As I moved, hard-on swinging in front of me, my focus went to her vulva.

“I keep it this way now,” my mother murmured. “What do you think?”

With dark urges curdling inside me, I groaned out, “I love it, mum.”

We kept on staring, my mother’s throat working as she swallowed against whatever it was she was feeling inside.

“You should take those off,” my mother said, nodding to my jeans.

I responded with a quick nod of my own. “All right,” I said.

My mother moved while I took off my jeans, coming in close behind me to press her frontage against my flank. I looked down and saw her big boobs compressed between us, a gasp coming from me when her fingers curled around my cock.

“It’s been a long time since I took care of you,” my mother sighed as she caressed my length.

“Mum,” I croaked, “I don’t think you should…”

“Hush,” my mother breathed in reply, “just let me do this.”

I groaned, eyes closing while tickle worked through my length. It was a delicious sensation, the heat coming off my mother as the water splashed into the tub, her hand working my dick.

My mother chuckled, the sound low and dark and somehow clandestine. “Let me take the stress away,” she said on whisper. “I’ll take care of you, Aidan. My lovely big, grown-up boy…”

“The bath,” I gurgled.

“I’m watching it, Aidan,” my mother said. “Don’t worry, I won’t let it overflow.”

Her hand went faster, back-and-forth as she squeezed my root, her focus set on where her fist kept busy when I looked at her through the mirror. Her eyes came up to meet my stare. She smirked, teasing me with her expression. “I’m so glad you came back home,” my mother said. “You don’t need a woman like Rebecca,” she added. “Not when you’ve got your mummy to take care of you.”

I gasped, hips working as I fucked at her fist. “It shouldn’t feel so good,” I moaned.

“Don’t think about it,” my mother said. “This is just me and you. It doesn’t concern anyone else. What harm are we doing?”

The thrill of it rolled over me in a hot wave. It was dirty and taboo. It was wrong, socially reprehensible, an illicit act of depravity which excited me to extreme stiffness through my cock.

My mother gave the dark chuckle again. “My baby likes it,” she said on a murmur.

“It’s so fucking sweet,” I told her, moaning it out. The sensations were working through me by then. The pressure of my own mother’s fist jacking my size was a thrill. Her body was warm as she pressed up against me, the small gasps and moans coming from her arousing me more. “Mum,” I grunted, her hand unmoving as I fucked into her grip, “I know we shouldn’t be doing this, but I don’t want you to stop.”

“Oh, sweetie,” my mother sighed, hand stroking me again. “I’m not going to stop. It’s been so long since I’ve done this for you … God, where does the time go?”

“Years,” I said, looking her in the face.

“Too many,” my mother said, eyebrows arched. “But you’re here again now…”

I nodded, groaning in response to the simmering orgasm down at my core.

After the groan, my mother asked, “Are you going to come?”

“I’m close.”

“Let it go whenever you want, my darling big boy,” my mother said, hand working faster against me.

I heard the squeak of excitement in my mother’s voice, her tone prompting me to look at her through the mirror where I saw the feral hunger in her expression.

My mother moaned and nodded when I asked, “Do you get hot from doing this?”

She noticed me watching her reflection, her eyes coming up to confront mine through the glass. “Of course,” she said, breathing the words. “I get very excited.”

The statement came out of me on a rush of words I hadn’t thought about saying. Unbidden, with the need on me, I gulped and then groaned, “I want to kiss you.”

My mother didn’t reply. She just stared at me, gazes locked, her hand quick down on my cock.

“God,” I gasped as the surge boiled. “Fuck, mum, I’m gonna--”

I shut up when the first burst of ejaculate flicked from my cock. At the same moment, still busy wanking at me, my mother yelped out a triumphant, “Yes! That’s it, Aidan. Show mummy how good it feels.”

Spunk shot out of me in bursts of thick goo, the stuff raining down onto the floor. I sobbed and moaned, the pleasure intense, my mother milking my dick, jizm spattered and despoiled, gobbets of cum glistening on her forearm and one of her breasts.

“Mum, shit, that’s so fucking good,” I grunted as the outrush tapered and died.

“It looked like it did,” my mother replied as she released my erection. “God, you made a mess,” she added, stepping back a pace. My mother surveyed the carnage, examining her hand and arm before she tutted and smeared spunk over her breasts. “I’m plastered in it,” she said as she eyed her frontage.

“I’m sorry,” I said, sucking in air.

My mother looked at me, chuckling as she said, “Don’t be sorry, my darling. It’s what I expected from you. I remember how you used to be.”

“I didn’t think this would happen again,” I said.

My mother went to the bath. She turned the taps to cut off the flow, rinsing her arm in the process. Then she picked up her robe to dry off her hands. “Oh, I knew it would,” my mother informed me as she dropped the robe. “Or at least I was always going to try.”

With the heat off me I was capable of coherent thought, guilt sliding in. “You know this is wrong,” I said, a statement not a question.

My mother gave a half-shrug. She grimaced and said, “Only if we let it be wrong,” she said, confronting me with her stare. “I told you, it’ nobody’s concern. Nobody’s business. You never said anything to Rebecca, did you?” My mother questioned me with her eyes. “You kept it secret, didn’t you, Aidan?”

I was quick to nod. “Of course,” I said.

“So it’s just between us?”

I nodded again.

“Our secret,” my mother whispered.

“I suppose,” I said as my mother moved in close.

My mother kept her focus upon me for several long moments, then glanced towards her bedroom. “You wanted to kiss me,” she said, voice low, eyes downcast.

“Yeah,” I said, embarrassed at the reminder.

My mother’s eyes came up to meet mine. “We never did that before,” she said.

“It was just something I said.” I was trying to downplay the situation, appalled I’d blurted those words.

“It … it might be nice,” my mother whispered. She pressed in tight, big boobs up against me while my hands went to her waist.

It was new to me, the touching. I can’t count the number of times my mother wanked to me completion back in the day but, weirdly it occurred to me all of a sudden, I’d never laid a hand on her in any intimate way.

With my fingers against her waist, my mother stared at me, sighing while her arms encircled my neck. Then she breathed, “Do you still want to kiss me?”

My cock, which had barely deflated, twitched and went hard. “I … I think so,” I stammered.

After holding my stare for several intense seconds, my mother broke away. “Come to the bedroom,” she said when she paused at the door.

Confused, I blurted, “But your bath?”

My mother shrugged and pulled a face. “I can always top it off with hot water,” she said. “come on,” she added, “come through.”

I hesitated when my mother moved into the bedroom, my mind full of the possibilities as I dared not hope.

While I dithered, my called out, “Aidan, what are you doing? I want you in here.”

Her voice galvanised me to action and I went to the bedroom where I found my mother sitting on the edge of her wide bed. When I walked in, she indicated I should get closer with a sweep of one arm.

“Stand in front of me,” my mother instructed. “Get closer,” she said.

When she reached for my hard-on and started to stroke it, I gurgled a surprised, “Mum, what are you doing?”

“It’s so different now,” my mother said, strolling my length. She said it like she was dreaming. Her eyes were unfocussed, her gaze set on infinity while I gawked at her hand on my cock. “We could be so much more than mother and son,” my mother continued in the same vague tone. “If we were out,” she added, “in a different city or another country … Well, we could pass for a couple.”

I had a vague, amorphous idea about what she meant. It was strange and confusing yet very arousing on an intuitive level. I couldn’t quite believe she could mean what I thought she did, that we could pass for lovers, that we could go public with displays of affection. There were twenty years between us, but in this day-and-age, that didn’t count for much.

“I’m not seeing anyone at the moment,” my mother was saying. “You’re split from Rebecca….” My mother stopped talking, the distance remaining behind her eyes for a moment or two. Then, following a sigh, her hand gently caressing my cock, my mother looked up to my face. “Kiss me,” she breathed.

Desire and yearning yawned deep in my stomach when I heard her say it and, like an idiot, I gawked and replied with an awed, “Kiss you?”

My mother nodded. “Yes, kiss me. A proper kiss. Like you’d kiss a girlfriend, Aidan,” she said.

“But you’re my mum.”

Smirking, my mother glanced at my dick. “We’re naked together … I’m wanking you, Aidan. I’ve only just washed your cum off me…” Pausing, my mother rolled her eyes while slowly shaking her head. Then she finished with, “It’s a little late to be getting odd about me being your mother – don’t you think?”

I stared at her feminine curves before I looked into the prettiness of her face. When I saw she was staring at me, an expectant, hopeful light in her eyes, I managed to gurgle, “Kiss you?”

“Yes,” my mother said, sighing it out. She held my stare with her own. “Like we were together. Like you were my husband.”

Desire rushed through me as, excited by her words and the illicit potential, I leaned in low. As I curled in, my mother shifted her rump, back straightening while she tilted her face and offered her mouth.

Then we were kissing, the first tentative contact bringing my hands to her breasts, our tongues touching as the passion ignited between us.

“I love these big tits,” I gasped into her mouth. I was reckless with arousal, my need desperate, my mother’s weighty breasts in my palms.

“God, Aidan,” my mother groaned in response. “Touch me. Feel my breasts. Kiss me, my darling.”

“I want to fuck you,” I groaned, overwhelmed with lust.

On a moan, my mother kissed with more heat, her fist jacking my cock while her tit-flesh spilled over the cups of my palms, hands full of her breasts.

I returned the kiss with fervour, grunting into my mother’s open mouth as our tongues slithered and rolled until we parted with a gasp from both of us.

While we both gulped in air, my mother asked, “Do you mean that?”

I looked down into her face, love squeezing my chest.

My mother was staring at me, her hand no longer busy on my cock as she went to say, “About fucking?”

In that moment I wanted it all. I wanted to kiss her mouth and push her back onto the bed where I could spread her thighs and slide my cock into her body.

“Mum…” I croaked, awed by the sensations roiling inside me.

“If you mean it…” my mother said on whisper.

As moment or two later, after we stared at one another, her with the question in her expression, me with lust and carnal desire surging within, my mother then shocked me by ducking in to suck my swollen cock-head between her lips.

Stunned, I boggled, not believing what my eyes were seeing while my mother licked my shaft from balls to tip, her hand working me down at the root.

“Let me suck it,” my mother said, devilment in her eyes as she looked up at me. “It’s been ages since I’ve had a man, Aidan,” she added after swirling her tongue over the dome. “I’m just so fucking randy…” Then she went back to glomming and slurping, licking my cock, moans and gasps coming from her mouth, her lips stretched around my girth.

“Mum, shit, you’re really doing it,” I said after a minute of gawking.

My mother paused and, with her fist cranking at me, grinned and said, “I am, aren’t I? And are you going to do the same for me?”

Stupid with the shock, I stared at my mother. “The same?”

She nodded, eagerness in her expression. “Yes, the same. I’ve sucked your cock, isn’t it fair that you give me a little lick?”

It took a few seconds for the suggestion to percolate the layers of surprise and disbelief before I croaked out, “Lick you?”

“Mmm, yes, lick me,” my mother said. “You know what I mean. I want you to get down there and lick my quim.”

I groaned when lust erupted again.

“My pussy,” my mother went on, sighing it out. Then she made me groan again by finishing with the lewdest, most depraved words I’d ever heard her utter. “My cunt, Aidan,” she said. “I want you to lick my cunt.”

Her use of the obscenity worked on me, the word like a physical blow. Desire rose, hot and urgent as I put my hands on my mother’s shoulders and pushed her onto her back.

“Oh God,” my mother said, breathless and urgent. She scooted back over the bed, twisting to grab for a pillow. “Oh, dear lord, I don’t believe it,” my mother was gasping when she settled against the pillow, torso angled so she could see me between her thighs. “Aidan, oh God, lick me, darling. Taste me. I’m so excited.”

Wild with desire for my mother, I spread her legs to reveal the ugly-beauty of her ungainly folds, the labia peeling apart with wet, sticky reluctance when my mother’s legs went wide. I growled as I splayed my mother’s meaty flaps with the tips of my fingers, spare hand cranking my cock.

“Ah fuck,” I said on a half-sob when I saw my mother’s glistening core. It was scarlet down there, shining with my mother’s own lust, her sex exposed, the peephole there above the opening of her cunt. “This can’t be true,” I said, looking at her face.

My mother gazed at me, eyes wide, her expression all about disbelief at what we were doing. “I know,” she said, confirming the impression I had about what she was thinking. “It’s like a dream, isn’t it, Aidan?”

“You want this?”

She nodded and reached for me, fingers clutching the air as she sobbed out her need. “Please,” my mother said, urgent. “Just do it. Just lick me.”

I teased both of us by taking a moment to look at her body. My eyes went from my mother’s anxious face down to her breasts, the orbs rolling and swaying as my mother grabbed at me again. Dodging her grasping fingers, I looked down past her soft tummy, down to the intimate, illicit part of her I, as her son, had no right to be seeing.

“Fuck, that’s so dirty,” I said, moaning it out.

“Just fucking lick it,” my mother snarled, fingers moving over her clit. “I’m choking for you to do it,” she finished.

She was slick on my tongue when I lapped at my mother’s sex. The texture was silk, her gasp sending another thrill through me as I went at her, licking the bean before I worked my tongue into the opening.

“Oh fuck,” my mother moaned, writhing, her essence on my tongue.

“You like it?”

My mother squirmed and sobbed out she loved it. “Keep on at my clit, Aidan,” she groaned. “I need to come, darling. I’ve been so worked up all day. I’ve been thinking about what we used to do. I’ve been thinking about all those times I wanked you off.”

“I remember,” I said as I fingered her pussy. I dabbed a forefinger at her opening, slipping the digit inside to make her suck in air. “It was fucking magic when you did that for me.”

“We can do it again,” my mother squeaked, fingers clawing the bed.

I was licking her clit again, sucking the bean between my lips, even grazing it gently with my teeth so my mother wriggled and groaned.

“We can do this too, Aidan,” my mother continued around gasps of what I took to be pleasure. “Now you’ve done it once, you might as well lick me again. We can make each other feel good, my darling. We can be together.”

Hot with desire, I moved up over her frontage, pausing with my face close to hers. “Fucking kiss me,” I said, breathing it out.

My mother went wall-eyed for a moment, mewling while she stirred her vulva with her fingers. Then she pulled me in for a long, deep, passionate kiss, her tongue swirling and writhing with mine, my hands moving over her body.

“Are you going to fuck me?” I looked at her face and saw the anticipation in her eyes after she said it. “You can,” my mother added, groaning as I worked two fingers inside her. “I want to,” she finished, grasping my wrist.

Awed by the imagery she put into my head, I gasped out, “Do you mean it, mum?”

“God, fuck, of course I mean it,” my mother spat, face tight. “We’ve done just about everything else. What’s left but to do it. I mean,” my mother went on, “it’s bound to happen, isn’t it, Aidan? Even if we say we can’t and don’t do it now, later on – tonight, tomorrow…? Well, there’s no point k**ding ourselves. We’re going to do it sooner or later. Why not just give into it now?”

We kissed again when my mother pulled me close. She wriggled around, a hand going between us so my mother could work her fingers over my shaft.

When the kiss broke, my mother asked, “So? What do you think? Are we going to fuck?”

I knelt upright, a hand working my cock while I looked down at my mother. She was rubbing her sex, diddling her clit while also sliding the middle- and third-finger of one hand into her pussy, sobs wracking her body. Her boobs trembled when my mother worked at her sex. She pushed the digits into her opening, burying them in up to the knuckle, her face twisted up with agonised ecstasy, her need obvious by the way she fucked up onto her fingers.

“Don’t just look at me, Aidan,” my mother growled. “Put it in. There, look,” she said, thighs wide as she held herself open. “That’s where I want you, my darling. You’re my big strong boy. You’re a man now, Aidan. And I need a man. I need it so much. Please, just put it in.”

It was an incredible time, those seconds before I felt my own mother’s molten embrace work at my girth. I looked at her while she stared at me, the need for it in her face and the desperate way she fingered her pussy and mauled at her breasts.

“You really want to?”

“God, yes,” my mother replied. “I don’t care what anyone else would say. I don’t give a toss for what’s right and wrong. All I know is I’m gagging to feel you, Aidan. In here, right inside me where you came from.”

That was when it hit me for real. Up until then, as exciting and incredible as it was with my mother, her mentioning the fact that she’d birthed me, that she was my mother … that was when the enormity of what we were on the cusp of doing kicked me in the stomach.

“You’re my mum,” I moaned, tugging my cock.

“I am,” my mother replied, “and stop wanking. Don’t waste it. You’ve already come, don’t spoil it by coming again.”

Without truly realising I was doing it, I shuffled in closer on my knees, aiming my dick towards my mother’s opening as I loomed in over her body, weight on one straight arm. Time slowed again; the sensations surreal. Part of me knew what I was doing. It was cold and calculated, my actions deliberate as I committed each scene to memory. I saw my mother’s face, eyes wide, expression filled with expectation and hope. Her body, full and rounded, the sweep and curve a thrill to behold, her big breasts a magnet for my eyes before I ducked in to suck at her nipples while, in another part of my head, I was acting on instinct, my face coming up so I could stare into her eyes, her soul laid bare, another kiss taking us away.

“God, Aidan, just fuck me,” my mother implored when the kiss broke.

After that it was about me moving around on my knees and my hands, my mother’s fingers gripping my cock as she fed me into her body.

“Oh, baby, keep steady,” my mother gasped.

“Mum,” I croaked, amazed to feel her insides gripping my cock in her molten embrace.

“I know,” my mother said, eyes holding my gaze. “It’s unreal, like it’s not really true…”

“I love it,” I said.

My mother’s calves gripped my flanks. She held me still, using her legs and her stare to get my attention. “I love you,” she sighed,” then added, “Don’t move. Keep still. Let me feel you inside me.”

“It feels incredible, mum. I can’t tell you…”

When I stopped talking my mother sandwiched my face with her palms. “We’ve gone and done it, Aidan,” she breathed, wonder in her expression. “I mean, we’re here, in my bed. It’s you, really you. My beautiful son.”

I felt her body clench around my girth, the sensation prompting a groan. When I felt it I ducked in to kiss her mouth, hot with desire. Then, when the kiss broke and my mother let loose with an ebullient laugh, her pussy squeezing my cock with such pressure it felt like the contraction was going to push me out of her body. In response, I eased in deeper, a gasp coming from my mother.

Then she started to move, slowly at first, her sex slick and hot as she moved over my length. “Slow,” murmured my mother. “Easy. Let’s take our time. This is our first time together this way. We’ll never get another first time. I want to remember this, Aidan. This is a magical moment for me.”

“Me too,” I said as I went up on straight arms.

As I hovered above my mother, we both looked down to where her pussy accepted my cock.

“God,” my mother said on a sigh, “I can see it going in. I can see you, Aidan. That lovely thick cock.”

For me the pleasure was in seeing her face lit up with wonder and love, her breasts shivering as she moved with a gentle action, her pussy caressing my cock through its length, her loose folds clinging to my shaft. With awe in my tone, I looked at my mother and said, “It’s tight. Hot and wet and tight…”

As we moved together in a slow, easy rhythm, my mother grinned, an impish shine behind her eyes. Then she said, “I know it looks big. All three of my husbands, including your father, made comments about the way I’m built. Those lips are quite big, but I’ve got this wonderful toy which gives my muscles a workout.” My mother chuckled, hips working faster. “It’s an amazing little thing. I can keep it inside me and use a remote control to adjust the settings. It’s kept me from going insane. It’s been a while since I’ve been intimate with a man, Aidan. Several months,” she said, face twisting with what I took to be pleasure.

My mother gasped and hooked her fingers over my shoulders. She looked down to our conjunction, a low moan issuing forth before she fixed her attention to my face. “God, this is starting to work on me, Aidan. I’m sorry but I need to do it a little bit faster.”

“That’s all right,” I said after curling in to suck at her nipples. “Do it however you want. I’m still trying to believe it’s really happening, mum.”

“You won’t come soon will you?” Her actions were getting more urgent. By then my mother was shunting her hips back-and-forth, fingers tight on my shoulders as she folded her legs at the knees and spread herself wider.

“Don’t worry,” I said while watching her tits roll and tremble, “I’m okay. This is turning me on so much I’ll stay hard for a week.”

“Oh fuck,” my mother sighed, eyes on my face. “Don’t say things like that. It’ll only make me worse.”

On a burst of desire, I worked in deeper, probing at my mother, her lust wet down at the root of my cock as she gasped wide-eyed, her hands dropping to the bed where her fingers clawed at the cover.

“That’s it, Aidan,” my mother said with a grunt. She went harder at me, lifting her buttocks off the bed to meet me on my way down. “Fuck me,” she added, sobbing the words. “Use it. Fuck me, my lovely big boy.”

Filial love I felt for my mother shifted into something more. Emotion rose in my chest, swelling into my throat as I gazed at my mother, her face showing what she was feeling, the expression new to me. Of course, I’d never seen my mother’s face twisted with agonised delight as she took pleasure from the physical act of love. But there she was, sobbing and moaning and fucking onto my dick. “Mum, I love you,” I groaned.

“Aidan,” she gasped, a hand down at her sex. “I know, darling, I know…”

“No, I mean I love you,” I said, urgent as we rutted together.

“Not now,” my mother gasped, going wall-eyed. “Not love, just sex. I need it, Aidan. I just want us to fuck.”

I took it as a challenge. I wanted to fuck into my mother, to get the delight from feeling her body squeezing my dick, but I also wanted to make her love me as she must have loved her husbands. It wasn’t enough that I had maternal love from her, I needed my mother to want me, to love me as a man. With all that in my head, I looked at my mother, her need there in her face as she sucked her lower lip between her teeth and she crinkled her nose at me.

I saw the desire in her eyes, that look goading me into working hard at her sex. “I’m gonna smash it,” I growled as the b**st took control.

“Oh fuck,” my mother replied. “Say it again. Be strong for me, Aidan. Use me. Fuck me. Don’t hold back.”

“I’m gonna smash your cunt,” I told my mother, my eyes on her face. “I’m gonna tear it apart. You’re my mother and I love you, but I’m going to ruin you for anyone else.”

It worked for us both. I felt the rush of bestial need and went at my mother like I wanted to nail her to the bed with my dick. For her part, my mother went mental. She gasped and writhed and clawed at me, her own language a torrent of potty-mouthed abuse which served to stoke the fires of my lust so that we were both in a frenzy of fucking, both wild with our own joy.

Through the mists I heard my mother gasp out, “Fuck, Aidan, I’m going to come…”

“Yeah,” I snarled, going in to kiss her mouth before I sucked at her breasts.

“Keep fucking,” she sobbed as I moved from one nipple to the other. My mother was working her fingers over her clit, gasping in her urgency a she strove for the peak. “God, don’t stop. Just keep on doing it, Aidan!”

My mother’s big tits were rolling around, our bodies colliding with thick, meaty slaps while her pussy squelched and farted around my girth. I looked at her face and saw a grimace of need. My mother’s teeth were bared, the expression all about her desperation to find release. It was a compelling sight, awesome to behold in its fury. The sounds coming out of her matched the look on her face. My mother grunted, snorted, and moaned, obscenities peppering the bestial sounds until, with her eyes going wide and her mouth a big O, my mother gurgled she was there.

“Fuck,” I heard her snarl.

And then the judders began.


In the aftermath of her climax, my mother sucked in air, eyes huge while she stared at me. As she’d shuddered and sobbed out her joy, I’d slid from her body, cock slick with my mother, her fingers working her bean. I knelt upright and stroked my cock, awed by the force of my mother’s orgasm. Then, slowly, the v******e abated. My mother groaned, body relaxing as she slumped on the bed, limbs loose like a puppet with cut strings.

“Oh my God,” my mother eventually sighed. “I bloody needed that.” She hefted herself upright, sitting up, boobs swaying. “You have no idea…”

The heat was still on me. I was working my fist over my length, desire for that comfortable body boiling inside me. “I want to keep going,” I told her. “I don’t want to stop.”

My mother looked into my face. She smirked while rolling her eyes. “Just let me catch my breath,” she said through a smile. “I’m not finished yet, either.”

On an ebullient rush, I said, “You’re fantastic.”

My mother laughed. “You’re not so shabby yourself. I’m impressed. You’re well built like your father, but you have a much better technique.”

It pissed me off to hear her talk about my dad. “I don’t want to hear about him,” I said. “I don’t want you to tell me anything about anyone else.”

“I’ve been married three times,” my mother replied. “I’ve had three c***dren, Aidan. One of whom is you. I’ve got a past. God, darling, at my age…”

When my mother paused, I cut in. I had a strange feeling on me. I was horny for her and I wanted her body, but I was also jealous of the men she’d known. “Mum, please, don’t talk about them,” I said. “Not my dad, neither of your other two husbands. I don’t want to hear. Not about them or anyone else.”

After I said it, my mother gazed at me, a question in her face. “All right,” she murmured after quite some time. “I didn’t mean to upset you.”

With the ire hot inside me, I went in to kiss my mother. It was a strong kiss, my hands on her waist so I could dominate her. The kiss was me staking a claim. She was my mother but, although I didn’t fully understand at the time, she was also my woman. I wanted us to be together. A proper couple. I was her son, but I also wanted to be her lover. A confidante. A partner. An equal.

“Wow, where di that come from,” my mother gasped when I broke away from the kiss.

Ignoring the question, I worked at my length. “I want to fuck you,” I growled.

My mother’s eyes flashed when I said it. She grinned, nodded, and said, “This isn’t how I know you, Aidan. You’re not this … forceful.”

“Come on,” I groaned, desperate to get back inside her. “Let’s do it some more.”

My mother moved onto her knees. “Lie down,” she said, pointing to the bed. “I’m going on top.”

Despite my dominant mood, I lay down so my mother could settle over my body. Once I was prostrate, she clambered over me, a hand going to my cock as she took charge and held me upright. Next, she got into position, one knee on the bed, the other leg half raised, her foot on the cover while she offered the bulb to her sex. A moment later, and with a low moan from her, my mother eased her pussy over my cock. As she moaned, she sank down over my size, taking all of me down to my balls in one slick glide.

“Oh fuck,” muttered my mother, both knees supporting her by then. “That’s deep.”

My hands went to her waist and then up to her breasts. I mauled her tits, growling with lust.

“Let mummy do it,” my mother murmured when she started to move. “I’ll take care of it, sweetie.”

Her previous men were still in my mind as I squeezed at her breasts. “Nobody else, mum,” I said on a groan. “Don’t talk about them. This is for us.”

My mother held me inside her body, squeezing my shaft with her sex, a soft smile curving her lips. She looked at me with love in her eyes. “Oh, darling,” she breathed, “that’s so lovely. Just you and me, Aidan. Like I said before, nobody knows about this. It’s our secret. Nobody can ever take this back.”

Emotion exploded inside me. “I love you,” I blurted.

“Darling, I know,” my mother replied as her hips started to move. “And I love you. You’re so precious to me.”

My mother curled in so we could kiss, her action getting quicker as the sensations tickled my cock.

For the next few minutes we alternated between bestial fucking and making slow, tender love. Sometimes my mother rode my dick, gasping and sobbing as she mauled her own breasts and rubbed at her clit. Then, at some mutually tacit signal we’d turn down the heat, staring at each other as love passed between us. The kissing punctuated our shifts in mood, both of us gasping and moaning and whispering tender endearments until, perhaps sensing I was close, my mother went frantic, rising my cock until I cried out I was close to giving her all I had left.

“Just do it, Aidan,” my mother said as she stared at my face. She rode my length, buttocks slap-sapping my thighs until I bellowed in joy and emptied myself into her body.

“You’re coming inside me,” my mother moaned, eyes glazing over. “My God, my own son’s semen…”

Then my mother caught up with me, her orgasm breaking as we clasped and grabbed each other, both vocal in our mutual pleasure.

Afterwards, purged as I was of desire, I was suddenly awkward. Appalled at what we’d done, I stared at my mother, frightened at the scale of our sin.

“Don’t be embarrassed,” my mother said, somehow intuiting my mood. “It was lovely, Aidan,” she sighed, stroking my hair.

We were both on our sides, turned inwards, bookends to my guilt and fear. “But,” I said, eyes on her face, “we shouldn’t have…”

“But we did. And we can’t alter that, Aidan.” My mother shifted closer to me, her forehead touching mine as she held my stare with her gaze. “I’m not sorry we did it,” my mother continued with a whisper. “I wanted us to do it. I needed that physicality, Aidan. I know I’m your mother, but that only made it so much sweeter. When you were inside me … When you came…”

For the next few minutes my mother soothed my fears. She hugged me in close, both of us under the covers, the clandestine sense of what we’d done together enhanced inside our secret cocoon. She kissed me, soft and gentle in-between telling me about how much she loved me and how she was so glad we’d moved on from her wanking me off.

Eventually, after my mother coaxed a smile from me, she threw back the cover. “Let’s have a bath together,” she said. “Come on, Aidan,” she added, holding out on hand. She waggled her fingers, rings glinting. “I’ll top it off with hot water. It’s probably cooled a bit by now.”

With the residual anxiety on me, I asked, “What are we going to do?”

My mother sighed. “Bathe and talk,” she said with another wiggle of her fingers. “We can decide what’s what. I can make us some dinner. Something light. I could do with some wine. How does that sound, darling? We can talk about everything. Get it all sorted. I don’t want there to be any distractions for you before your exam.”

So it went. I got out of bed and went to the en-suite where we fixed up the bath so the water was warm. We bathed, me sitting against the tub while my mother leaned her back against me. We talked until our skin crinkled and the water had cooled again. After that, both in towelling robes, we had dinner, talking all the time, going over what we’d done and what we would do in future.

That night, after my mother – at her insistence – tidied the kitchen and I studied the books, we went up to her room, sharing my mother’s bed, loving and fucking as we woke and found the need on us.

Six months later.

“There’s a letter,” she said.

I glanced at my mother because a letter wasn’t news. “Oh,” I said.

“On the table.” My mother folded her arms beneath her bosom, my eyes going to the precipitous cleavage. I had a moment to wonder why she was wearing the blouse because it was a touch too showy at the scooped neck for everyday wear. “Looks official,” she added.

We were in the kitchen. It was 6 p.m. and I’d just arrived home from work. My mother was near the sink, a glass of white wine in her hand.

I put my phone, car keys, and laptop bag down on the counter. “It’s my divorce,” I suggested.

My mother gave a half-shrug. “That crossed my mind.”

I sighed and went to the table. “Decree nisi,” I said after tearing the envelope and surveying the contents.

My mother sipped wine, examining me over the rim of the glass. Then, with slow deliberate movements, she put the glass down and scooped her large breasts out of the blouse and cups of her bra. “I thought,” she said, turning around, “that you might want something to take your mind off Rebecca and the divorce.” As she said it, my mother shimmied and hauled her skirt up past her hips. “No knickers,” she told me. “And I’m wet. I’ve been fingering myself.” She then leaned her elbows on the counter and thrust out her rear, angling her hips to offer herself. “There it is,” my mother said on a purr. “Fuck me. Take your mind off everything.”

My cock was stiff as I unzipped and hauled it out.

“Hard and fast,” my mother said, looking back over one shoulder. “Hold my hips. Give it to me.”

With my mother on offer I cast the letter aside. It represented a phase of my life that was over. Rebecca was a cheat and had proved herself to be a nasty piece of work. I was glad to be rid of her, especially since I now had a new job, a place to live, and a woman to love, a woman who took great care of me and was always attentive to my needs.

“God, yes, I love it when that big thing’s inside me,” my mother groaned as I fed her my length. “Just use it,” she added. “All your frustrations … Take them out on me. I’m here for you, darling.”

“Mum, I love you,” I said, leaning in to cup her breasts in my palms.

My mother swivelled at the waist, her tits in my hands while she reached back with one hand, fingers curling around the nape of my neck. Then, staring a challenge into my face, she murmured “Show me.”

We rutted as we kissed, my hands on my mother’s hips, her breath gasping into my open mouth as our tongues slithered and slid. I grunted, thrusting into her body, the heat and slippery texture now so familiar to me.

It was short yet very intense. Urgent and desperate as my mother squeezed her own breasts and fingered her bean. She moaned and babbled filthy comments, a trait of hers which came out when she was in a particular mood, her face a mask of twisted desire, her words coming out half-choked with her need.

For me it was her pussy squeezing my dick, her big breasts in my hands while I looked at the feminine shape of my mother, her buttocks slapping against me as she went for carnal release. The sounds she made and the glazed-eyed look she cast back at me over her shoulder while she groaned at me to fuck her set me alight. It was my mother. She was beautiful. We were fucking and loving and I’d never been happier. It was so much better than her just wanking me off. This was adult. This was grown-up stuff.

“Aidan, my, God, I’m going to come,” my mother wailed, sobbing into the counter.

“Mum,” I grunted, “me too.”

“Inside me,” she groaned, fingers down between her legs. “Give me your love.”

My mother squealed and writhed when the hot stuff flooded her body, the joy in my moans of delight, pleasure intense as I filled my mother with cum.

When it was over and my cock slid from her sex, spunk spattered onto the floor. My mother chuckled and, after glancing down at the mess, looked at me, embarrassment in her expression. “God, I’m full of the stuff,” she said, rolling her eyes. “You always do so much. I’ve never known a man who makes so much cum.”

“It ‘cause you’re so sexy,” I said, pulling her for a kiss. “I mean, the way you pulled your boobs out just then … And no knickers under the skirt. Mum, shit,” I sighed, “that was a great welcome home.”

My arm was around her waist, her boobs still bare, skirt around her hips, and dollops of jizm on the kitchen floor. My mother grinned, looking at me. “Rebecca never did that for you?”

“Forget Rebecca,” I said with a glance at the letter. “A few more weeks and the divorce will be final.”

“Decree absolute,” my mother said with a nod. “We should go somewhere, Aidan. Together. Me and you. A celebration of a new life for you.”

Shy as I always was whenever my mother spoke about us as a real couple, I looked at the floor. “Where?”

My mother pulled free and, leaving her boobs cantilevered over her bra, skirt high to exhibit her vulva, she went to her wine. She sipped and then looked at me. “Anywhere,” she said. “Somewhere hot. I could rent a villa. We could get one with a pool and make love outside.”

“I’d need to ask work,” I said. “I don’t know if they’ll give me time off yet. I’ve only been there a couple of months.” I’d passed my exam and had a new job. Life was looking up, even if I did still live with my mother. But what nobody knew was that as well as sharing the house, we also shared a bed.

“Ask. If you don’t, you won’t get. I’ll start looking.”

“I don’t have much money saved.”

My mother laughed. “God, Aidan,” she trilled, “you know I’m wealthy. Don’t you think about money, darling. Leave the vulgar side of it to me. All I want is for us to be together.”

After another glance at the letter, my eyes went to my mother’s breasts. “You, naked by the pool,” I breathed.

My mother giggled when I grabbed at her. She kissed me and, when I boosted her rump up onto the counter, asked, “Again?”

“Yeah,” I said, sliding my cock into the goo.



Another quick scene. This one has been submitted several times and been rejected, so I altered the title. Anyway, here it is. I hope you enjoyed it regardless of any errors and/or typos in the text. It's unedited because, as usual, I'm running a few projects simultaneously.

Thanks for reading. Feedback is appreciated.

Ricky - Cambs, England - 19th August 2019.

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Bath time with nanny and her niece full story

James lay his bed think about the accident he had been out with friends swimming in the lake in was sunny day there was five girls and eight boys all in the bathing suits enjoying the summer heat wave. Everyone was talking about the party the night before were everyone had a great time and drank a bit too much. Alex (Jason best friend) climbs up tree that was about four feet away from lake. Jump of the tree in to the lake with huge cannon ball that everyone there applauds. Jason seen...

1 year ago
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Bath time with nanny and her niece

James lay his bed think about the accident he had been out with friends swimming in the lake in was sunny day there was five girls and eight boys all in the bathing suits enjoying the summer heat wave. Everyone was talking about the party the night before were everyone had a great time and drank a bit too much. Alex (Jason best friend) climbs up tree that was about four feet away from lake. Jump of the tree in to the lake with huge cannon ball that everyone there applauds. Jason seen...

3 years ago
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Bath Time at Daniels House

I want to Daniel's house for the weekend. We were talking about current events and activities that going on at the pool. Daniel said he just cleaned his bathroom and was getting ready to take a shower when he said "I wish I can just take a bath and soak, but it is boring though." I said, "I can join you and we can talk if you want?" He said "I don’t know, it might be boring for you just sit in there as I bathe." I then said "I not going to sit and watch you, I am taking a bath too."...

1 year ago
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Elizabeth Fleming told me some of this story in the years before she died, aged eighty, in 2010. The more graphic scenes are mine but the emotions and surrounding history are hers. She was my Great Aunt, great in so many ways for she was the third family member I ever revealed my sexuality to, the first two being my parents. I had known since girlhood that she shared a cottage in Hampshire with her friend, Portia, but had never known their relationship was more than sisterly. When I told her...

2 years ago
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I’ve had an incredibly long day at work and when I get home all I can think of is getting into a nice hot bath and relaxing my body. I start to run the water into the large porcelain tub and pour scented bubble bath into the water. I light candles all around the bathroom and turn off the lights so I am in partial darkness. I play soft, relaxing music, most likely Sarah McLachlan and Marvin Gaye and slowly start to remove my clothing. I go back into the bedroom and remove my shoes and panty hose...

2 years ago
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Bath and Story Time

Sometimes at bath time, I like to play games on Daddy and hide from him. I had been watching my favourite cartoon, Care Bears, and was disappointed that I wouldn’t get to see the end of the episode now! Pouting, I stood up and started to drag my feet towards the bathroom. Then I had a naughty idea! I would hide on him! That would show him to interrupt my show! Quickly, I ducked out of sight. “Krissy? Did you hear me? Turn off the television and get your bottom in here for your bath!” Daddy...

2 years ago
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Bath Time with Mum

Chapter 1 "The bath's ready darling, are you coming?" Timmy grinned at his pretty young mum, this was his favorite time of the day and there was no school tomorrow so they could play a bit longer than normal. "Come on then" she smiled and walked up the stairs in front of him smiling to herself at the thought of her son looking up beneath the short little bath robe she had on. Timmy was smiling too as he feasted his eyes on the narrow scrap of white between his mothers thighs and...

4 years ago
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Bath Time Quickie

My Wife and I recently got a new bathroom with a lovely big roll top bath. After having it for several months we finally got round to using it together. It was a Sunday evening after a tiring weekend spent rushing around seeing people and getting various jobs done. After all that we needed to relax, so a bath was in order. My wife went to run the bath and I cleared and washed up the remains of dinner. I arrived in the bathroom to a naked wife and nearly full bath with lots of bubbles. I...

4 years ago
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Bath time massage

I walk into the bathroom, finding you reclined in the large bath, the warm, clear water lapping against your soft skin. Your legs are stretched out in front of you, aching from the trials of the day, the warmth of the water starting to relax them. With your eyes closed, you hear me walk quietly towards you. Kneeling at the side of the bath, I gently run two fingers along the outside of your thigh. You lift your leg from the water, opening your eyes to meet mine, exchanging a smile, holding eye...

4 years ago
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Bath House Bi Fun

I had a day off work last week so I decided to make the 45 minute trip to the nearest bath house. I got there for 10 am, just as they were opening. I paid my fee of $25 for a room with a single bed. The attendant told me I was the only one there and that guys usually didn't show up until noon. I went to my room, stripped down, threw my towel over my shoulder and made my way to the showers. I took a nice long steamy hot shower and soaped up my cock, balls & asshole really good. Then I...

3 years ago
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Bath Tub Advantage

Hi all, I have been regular reader of ISS since long and I wanted share my first introduction to sex. I have always been concerned that those people who would read it might recognize me and have been afraid. But today I am taking that risk sharing it. First I will tell something about me, I am Darshan staying in Ahmadabad, married and 28 yrs old. This story is when I was a teenager and have started getting erection. I was yet to get my public hair and had not even seen nude pictures of any...

2 years ago
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Bath night

Rick heard the door bell go to his apartment and sure enough his neighbour opposite Kira was there .Her plumbing was down and it was going to take a couple of days to get sorted so Rick had offered to her in a neighbourly way for her to use his appartment in the meantime. He had clean forgot she had asked if she could use the bath tonight and here she was looking as cute as pie , all 5,2 of her.Kira was from Trinidad  but had long since lost her accent having been brought up locally.   She was...

2 years ago
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Bath time

the steaming bath is now brimming over soapy bubbles pouring onto the floor.. I take position at the back of the bath step in smarting at the heat..... you slide backward to nuzzle into my chest... water sloshes onto the floormore hot water you demand...I'll just let some out...firston with the taps let me stand up to reach over you oops excuse is that... is that long enough? hot enough? deep enough for you? .... let me slide back in behind you.... lean back into me aaaah of...

3 years ago
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I was twenty-three and this older guy asked me out on a date, I agreed and he took me to a new experience. He had taken me to a gay bathhouse.Gary was a gray-haired bear, he was just a little taller than me, he was about 5' 10". He also had piercing blue eyes and a deep voice that made my knees weak and an urge to have him deep inside me.I had gotten ready for my date after I got off work. It was a Friday night. He liked his men young and smooth. So I shit, showered, and shaved everything. Then...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Bath of women in public

This story is told by my friend Mr. Gopi. At that time we were staying in a room in Hyderabad on rent. We were both employed in the same company. At one night he told me about one of his sex experiences which was very interesting. He was 23 years then and an unemployed youth. At forenoon he will go to the nearby temple pond to take bath. He will spend about one hour in the pond. It was to watch women coming to the pond to wash clothe and take bath. As it is a temple pond the bathing places are...

1 year ago
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Bath With A Cousin

This is one of my recent adventures. I had an accident some time back and my right hand was fractured. I was home for over a month and even when the cast was removed I was advised to restrict movements specially wrist movements. My most of the work was taken care by my wife. I gradually came to normal but kept it to myself and used the sympathy and favor at office and other places for not being to use my hand much. One evening one of my wife’s cousin came to visit us as she had come to our...

4 years ago
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Bath Time Visit

I wake up thinking about you, had an amazing dream. Have to admit, it made me unbelievably horny. I figure you're still in bed, but I text you anyway to see what you're up to. You text me back about an hour later and ask me what I'm doing for the day. There's nothing I'd rather do than spend time with you. You invite me over and tell me you're going to hop in the shower before I get there. I tell you that you should take a bath instead, I promise you'll enjoy it more than a shower. You say...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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bath tub fun

written for and about ivy-girl []now where do i start this story about the best fuck ive hadwell it all started when i was online talking to 1 girl called ivy-girl.she was super sexy with nice jucicy breasts all full of milk. long black hair and a set of the most amazing eyes ive ever seen. after a few days of non stop dirty emails she couldnt stop her self from soaking her pantys every time she thought of me.thats when i got the "message" husband is gone for a...

2 years ago
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Bath Tub Sex With Aunt

Hey guys this is Akash and this is my contact info and do send in your feedback. Here’s a story on how I fucked my aunt (uncle’s wife) . She’s 33 years old, fair in complexion, size is probably 34b and a beautiful beautiful ass. It was 12 in the noon and I had been to my uncle’s house because I was bored at home. I took the lift and went to their flat and the door was open and I walked in casually. I called out for my aunt but no one replied. I went into the kitchen, I found no one in the...

2 years ago
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Bath with Purnima 2

Night with Purnima Bhat At 8:15 PM the incessant ringing of the phone startles me. I pick up the phone placed on a table near the bed. It is a male voice. I cannot make sense of what he wants to say. He seems to be speaking a foreign language. I ask him to repeat what he has said. ‘So you have an appointment with Purnima Bhat today evening?’ he asks. ‘Yes.’ ‘She shall call you within ten minutes and reach your room within half an hour. So please do not move out the room.’ He hangs up. I find...

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Bath time with Lisa MFF

Bathing with Lisa (mff)You’re sitting in the bath, soaking in the heat, relaxing after working the weekend shift and feeling beat. Now it’s your moment. Hubby will be home soon but this time’s for you. Hmmmmmmm…You hear the front door open. “Honey, is that you?” “Yeah, sugar. I brought you somethin’ special.”He enters the bathroom. Through the steam you see he has flowers! Better yet, he’s naked and his cock is wagging before him proudly. Yummy.He sets the flowers on the counter, says “That’s...

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Bath House Bukkake

I thought I'd share an experience that I had at my local bath house earlier this year. I've always wanted to have a bukkake done on me and after some careful planning, made my dream into reality! I had tried a few times prior to this to set a bukkake up and it always failed. Either guys didn't show up, or if they did, joined into recieving and got most of the loads. I finally approached the owner of the bath house I go to and explained what I wanted to do. We know each other fairly well, and...

1 year ago
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Younger Than Springtime

The door was open. I had no reason to have it closed. We were all in this together. So I was sitting in the large chair as my nurse prepared to access my port to begin the first liter of Cisplatin. The cancer center had been busy today and I glanced out the doorway as several people passed by. Then I noticed a woman pausing as one of the nurses escorted her somewhere.It was Katherine. I recognized her at once even though it had been so many years ago. Then I heard her laugh as her companion...

College Sex
2 years ago
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Bathhouse visit

Every time I travel to a city where there is a bathhouse I always try to spend at least a few hours there. This time was no different. Upon checking into my hotel, I ran a few errands and ate dinner.I'm bisexual but my indulgences in that world are rare. For that very reason, every time I do get to enjoy that, I try to make it as memorable as possible. I'm versatile and I enjoy giving just as much as receiving. The bath was only a short distance away from the hotel, so I decided to walk. The...

Gay Male
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Bath Time

This happened this summer and was actually hot....I'm from this small town and jobs are really hard to come by. I ended up taking a job in a retirement residence. My job was to work in the nursing home side and move the patients, etc. a lot of heavy lifting. One evening I was called in to help this nurse who was supposed to give this old lady a bath. The nurse got a lot of flack for being a "male nurse" but I can see now why he loves his job so much. The old girl was wrinkly and old but...

3 years ago
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Bath time

Had long stressful day today so instead of my usual quick shower I decided to run a nice hot bubble bath.The water was quite hot and it got very steamy in my small bathroom but it was too cold outside to open a window and since there was nobody home I just left the door slightly ajar.I was about 5mins into a nice soak when I heard the front door open and my younger b*o come in with one of his pals from football.I heard them head straight for the kitchen so didnt bother closing the door to the...

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Master of All Timelines

Your name is Edward Richardson. You're 20 and you've been fascinated by history ever since you're 11. You're also good at making inventions as well. As you're growing up, you usually found that at various points in history of each country, things always turned ugly at many points. And you wanted to change that. You decided to use your intelligence you create the device called the T.O.S, abbreviated for Timeline Opener and Stopper, that can make you travel back in time and alter the histories...

Mind Control
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Bath And A Shower

It was a cold December day, we had set out to do some Christmas shopping on the other side of the Bay. By the time we finished going to all the places we normally frequent, it was getting late and we neither of us wanted to drive home, so we took a short ride over the hill and took a room at the Inn at Saratoga. We went out and had another entertaining dinner at Intense Italiano and went back to our room. We opened some Champagne and lit a dozen candles while the huge tub filled. I jumped into...

1 year ago
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Bath And A Shower

It was a cold December day, we had set out to do some Christmas shopping on the other side of the Bay. By the time we finished going to all the places we normally frequent, it was getting late and we neither of us wanted to drive home, so we took a short ride over the hill and took a room at the Inn at Saratoga. We went out and had another entertaining dinner at Intense Italiano and went back to our room. We opened some Champagne and lit a dozen candles while the huge tub filled. I jumped into...

4 years ago
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Bath time first story

(This is my first time uploading a story+writing one in the english language.... i find it very soft and somehow romantic? hope you'll enjoy)His arms were wrapped around her half naked body,his chest pressed hard against her back as the room started to be filled with warmth and steam. They both just stood there against each other,feeling each other and chatting,waiting for thier bath to be filled. He started to kiss her neck and shoulders as his hands started to roam all over her body,making...

2 years ago
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Bath House Fun

It was a weekday afternoon and I had finished up my work early and with some free time I decided to visit the bath house which happened to be a favorite of mine in Columbus, Ohio. After the check-in, locker room change, and quick rinse off in the shower I went into the steam room for a nice relaxing time. The parking lot was pretty empty when I had gone in so I knew there wouldn't be many men there which was ok with me as I also enjoyed spending time in the steam room. Anyway, I went and stood...

3 years ago
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Bath Time with Daddy

Disclaimer, this story is about a Daddy Dom, not my actual father. I call my Husband "Daddy" and I am His girl, princess, baby. This has nothing to do with i****t. _________________________________________________________________________________He dug his fingers into my hips and pulled to Him. Nuzzling my neck he wraps his arms around my hips and kissed me on the forehead between the eyes. "Baby, I'm glad you are home, you look tired." I nod weakly, silently. I feel nearly crippled from...

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Bath with Rekha aunty

This is in continuation to the earlier post about Rekha and me – for those who missed out on the first one, this is the true story about my first sexual encounters – I was about 15 then and Rekha was 26 if I remember correctly. The story happens in one of the smaller towns in India. Those details hardly matter. Some people wrote back asking me to describe her. Based on my memory her stats would be 35 – 30 – 32. Fair , with long black hair to her hips. Usually used to wear suits at home and...

1 year ago
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Bath Time

After a hard day at school it was good to be finally home. Speaking of hard, I needed to fuck someone fast. Thank God it was bath time. Upon entering my room I could see two of my sisters had already started without me. Sarah my oldest sister at 30, who looked after us while Mom was at work, was just running her tongue up the side of Amy's face. Amy and I went to the same junior high school but she always seemed to get home ahead me, probably because she ran the whole way home. I couldn't...

4 years ago
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Introduction: Rose makes work difficult for Sam but he gets his release. EDIT: all characters are well over 18. Sam paced around the bathhouse changing rooms. His boots squeaked on the white tiled floor he had polished barely an hour ago. He looked across the room toward his tormentor, Rose stood at the main entrance door smirking at his obvious unrest. She calmly readjusted her tight purple button up, undoing one of the top buttons in the process. Its not that bad sweetie, the worst is yet to...

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Bathhouse Confessions Part 1

At this point, lust had completely consumed me. I needed dick and I needed it bad. I wanted to be the object of a man and I felt no shame in me feeling like that. I lubed up my asshole and prepared for penetration by stretching my ass with my nine inch Doc Johnson dildo. It felt so good having something phallic slide in and out of that lustful spot. In and out, in and out, until it became an effortless glide. I was ready and hoped the boys were ready too.I opened my room door and assumed the...

Gay Male
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Bathhouse Cock Adventures

The bathhouse was quite full , men of all ages and shapes , sucking and fucking each other everywhere you looked . Hot guys jacking off and sucking cock in the mini theater , in the sauna , the hot tubs . Men sucking cock and getting ass fucked poolside . My cock was so hard that It was about to melt my zipper as I made my way to my room . The smell of cock and cum was overwhelming as well as the moaning and groaning of hot men . I was naked within seconds , my cock oozing precum as I walked...

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