Honorable Discharge free porn video

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The wheels screeched as the C-130 touched down on the runway. The jolt of the plane pulled Duncan back to reality. He was finally home. After a tour in Iraq and three tours in Afghanistan, he was done. He had decided not to re-enlist. He knew part of him would miss it, but there was a tremendous sense of relief that it was over.

Once the plane stopped, he retrieved his things and followed the rest of the unit out the back of the plane. The sunlight warmed him and he took a deep breath of American air. The Marine slid off his cover and ran his fingers through his short brown hair. All around him his brothers were greeting family, kissing their girlfriends or wives, hugging their kids. Duncan had never made time for all that. He replaced his cover and picked up his bag, heading for the base.

His papers were waiting for him. He signed them and shook hands with the officer.

“Thank you for your service.”

Duncan snapped a crisp salute. “Permission to leave the base, sir.”

The officer returned the salute. “Permission granted.”

And that was that. Duncan was free. Twenty-four years old, six feet two inches, and two-hundred and fifteen pounds of muscle without a purpose in life. He briefly considered heading home, but knew his father wouldn't have anything to say to him anyway, so there wouldn't be any real reason to. So he went where any man goes who has a full wallet and an empty soul. He found the nearest tavern.

On his third beer she walked in.

Golden silk fell from her crown to her shoulders, outlining the curves of her cheeks. Her blue eyes were fierce, but soft and her smile was disarming. She scanned the room and met Duncan's gaze. He admired her qualities without any outward sign and turned back to his beer.

When she sat next to him he noticed her jeans and cowboy boots first. Her white cotton top was practical, revealing nothing, but showing every curve of her ample bosom.

“Coming or going?” she asked.

Her voice was sweet and crisp, with a touch of drawl.

“Neither at the moment,” Duncan said, trying not to let his own accent slip out.

“Most soldiers are either on their way out to a deployment or just coming home from one.”

Ducan took a swig from his bottle.

“I'm not a soldier any more, but I did just come back from a tour.”

The girl offered a hand.

“My name is Southern. Southern Rose.”

Duncan shook her hand to be polite.

“Duncan.” He took another swallow of beer.

“What does a girl have to do to get a drink out of you Duncan?”

“More than introduce herself,” he said with a sly grin.

“Well, we can see about that.”

The bartender appeared, as if on cue and looked at Southern, who looked at Duncan.

“Can I buy you a beer?” Duncan asked.

“I'll have a Budweiser please,” Southern said to the bartender. “Was that so hard?” she asked Duncan.


She laughed, a lilting sound, like a brook over stones.

“So where are you from?” Southern asked.

“I was born in California, my father was in the Army so we travelled a lot. I grew up all over Europe. Mostly Scotland and the UK.”

“So that's where the accent comes from,” she said.

“Yeah, that's where it comes from.”

He drained his beer.

“So what's your story?” he asked.

“Mom's an officer, dad walked out when I was little. Been bouncing between bases ever since.”

“You're obviously not a kid. Why are you still hanging around?”

“How old do you think I am.”

“You had better be over eighteen.”

“I am.”

She paused waiting for him to guess.

“The bartender knows you, since he didn't ask for ID. So you are over twenty-one.”

“Good so far.”

“Guessing not out of college yet, so probably not much older than that. Twenty-one, twenty-two.”

“Twenty-Two next month,” she confirmed for him.

“So college kept you here.”

“It did, and I like to come here because I get free drinks from the soldiers coming through.”

“So, what you're like the local meet and greet, or more like the local bicycle?”




“My apologies.”


“Mostly I'm just looking for good company.”

Duncan snorted.

“You're looking in the wrong place then.”

“What makes you say that?”

“If they're going, they are naive kids just looking to get in your pants, and if they are coming they are either cocky shit-heads who learned to use the uniform to do it, or they are like me.”

“What do you mean, like you?” She pierced him with her gaze.

“Hard. Darkened by what we've seen and done. Not someone you should take home with you.”

Southern swallowed hard.

“Maybe I should go,” she turned to slip away, but his hand flashed in an instant and held her wrist tightly, but without hurting her.

“Why did you come ask me for a beer?” he asked.

“What do you mean?”

“Out of all the guys in this place you picked me. Why?”

“Honestly, because you look the loneliest.”

“Is that what you do? Look for a lonely guy so you can get an easy lay?” the anger in his tone surprised him.

“I'm not looking to get laid. I'm looking for a friend.”

Duncan relaxed his grip.

“I'm sorry. Maybe you wouldn't mind having that drink with me.”

“Why?” now she was hesitant.

“Because I could use a friend.”

She sat back down and picked up the bottle.

“So, tell me about Scotland.”

One drink turned into a few, then dinner, and then he was walking her home. Her apartment was a few blocks from the restaurant, but he didn't want the night to end. They had talked for the past six hours straight and it felt good to have normal conversation with someone that didn't revolve around military operations. He had to admit he also found her extremely attractive.

When they reached the building she stopped. An awkward silence hung thick in the air. Neither of them wanted the night to be over.

“Well I guess I'll see you around?” Southern asked.

“Probably not. I'll have to find a place to crash tonight and I've got to find a bus back to California in the morning.”

“You don't have a place to stay tonight?”

“No, I'm fresh off the bus, so to speak.”

“Well, you could... I mean if you wanted to... I don't want you to feel like I'm coming on to you or anything.” Southern stumbled to get the invitation out.

“The couch would be great,” Duncan said, “as long as it won't be weird for you.”

“No, of course not.”

She opened the door and let them into the apartment. It was a nice place all on one level, two bedrooms, one bath with a small kitchen and a cluttered living room. Duncan could tell it was a college girl's apartment just based on the clutter. It was something between a high-school girl's bedroom and an adult's living room. Textbooks and papers dominated a coffee table in the middle of the room. The TV in the corner was covered in stacks of chick flicks and romantic comedies. The couch was unceremoniously decorated with fluffy pink pillows and a giant stuffed bear.

“Sorry about the mess.”

“It looks great,” Duncan said, “really, really great.”

“Just put your stuff wherever, you can toss the pillows and Mr. Jackson behind the couch,” Southern said as she slipped into one of the bedrooms.

“Mr. Jackson?” Duncan asked, eyeing the bear.

“Cara's bear.”

“Who's Cara?” Duncan asked.

“My room mate. She's gone for the weekend and won't be back until Sunday night, so you don't have to worry about her walking in or anything.”


Duncan tossed the bear and pillows behind the couch and his gunnysack at one end to act as a pillow. Southern appeared in the hallway.

“Bathroom is at the end of the hall. I'll be just a minute and let you know when it's free?”


Duncan tossed his cover onto his bag, then sat and pulled off his boots and shirt. He heard the shower start and he walked around the room looking at pictures, checking the DVD titles stacked haphazardly on the TV. He stopped and picked up a picture of Southern. She was standing next to another young woman. They looked about the same age. The other woman was in a wedding dress.

“She's my sister,” Southern said from behind him.

She was in a long shirt and her damp hair stuck to her face.

“Her wedding?” Duncan asked.

“Yeah,” Southern had a sad look on her face.

“What happened?” Duncan asked.

“Just like that you know something is wrong?”

He just nodded.

“She was killed by a drunk driver coming home from her honeymoon.”

“I'm sorry,” Duncan said, returning the picture to the shelf.

“It was last year. I'm not really over it.”

“Do you want to talk about it?”


Southern stepped up against him putting a hand behind his head and stepping up onto her toes she kissed him firmly on the lips. He slipped a hand behind her back, returning the kiss. When she broke the embrace and stepped away Duncan did not follow.

“Would you stay with me tonight?” Southern asked.

“I think maybe the couch is the better idea,” Duncan said hesitantly.

“Now really isn’t the time to try and be virtuous.”


She cut him off.

“Please don’t ruin this by implying I don’t know exactly what I’m asking you to do. I went to that bar looking for something and you came home with me.”

“Taking advantage of you was never my intention.”

“I think I’m the one taking advantage here.”

Southern took Duncan’s hand and walked backward pulling him toward the back of the apartment. She kissed him again, still walking backward, pulling his hand to the small of her back. Wrapping her in his powerful arms he lifted her off the ground crushing her into his chest, his fingers entwining with her hair as her mouth danced over his. Her hands worked his belt as he carried her to the bed, laying her gently on her back, their tongues still wrestling with each other. Breaking their passionate kissing briefly, Duncan rose to peel his t-shirt off, exposing the muscles beneath. Managing to get his belt loose, Southern wasted no time getting his button open and zipper down. She descended on his still arousing member, pulling it free from his shorts, pleasantly surprised to find him well endowed. Without wasting time she slipped her lips around the semi-hard phallus sucking as much into her mouth as she could fit. She felt the tip bump the back of her throat and she swallowed hard to hold her gag reflex in check.

She could feel him swelling quickly in her mouth and realized he would soon be too big for her to properly deep throat. Being careful not to drag her teeth she slipped him out enough to wrap her hand around the shaft, keeping the loose tip of his prepuce between her lips. Stroking down the shaft with her hand she slid the head of his now hard cock back into her hot mouth, pulling the skin back to let her tongue stroke the sensitive underside of his head.

Southern began stroking and sucking in short, rhythmic motions, letting her tongue do the work on his head while her stroking stimulated his foreskin. Duncan breathed in short ragged gasps.

“Slow down,” he teased.

Southern couldn’t help herself, she enjoyed sucking cock almost as much as she enjoyed sex. He was just starting to precum, clear, salty-sweet rivulets of thin syrup that she licked off of his pulsing sex when Duncan finally pushed her away. He pressed her down with his own body, pressing his chest into hers and pinning her to the bed. He wiggled out of his pants and shorts and set to work on her.

Her ample breasts were aching to be touched, her dark pink nipples stuck out through her nightshirt. Duncan had no trouble finding them. His fingers played over them, sending little shocks of pleasure through her spine, but she wanted more. He provided it. Kissing her passionately again his hands slid under her shirt lifting it slightly as his rough hands cupped over her creamy flesh. The hard buds yielded to him, his rough hands intensifying the sensations washing over her and she moaned softly into his mouth.

Encouraged by the sound, Duncan lifted the shirt over her head completely and immediately nuzzled into her smooth skin, his lips and tongue wrapping around and playing with her nipples. She buried her hands in his short hair pulling him as close as she could get him. Duncan slid one hand to her back, pulling her tightly against him while the other massaged the breast he suckled. Southern was gasping for air trying to voice a moan, but couldn’t seem to exhale through the intense tingling coursing through her chest. She could feel heat rushing through her, surging between her legs. She squeezed her thighs together rhythmically clawing at his arms, trying to grip him tighter and felt herself come softly. A cry involuntarily escaped her lips, urging him on.

Pressing her down into the bed he descended from her still tingling breasts leaving a trail of kisses on her stomach. He unceremoniously lifted her hips, positioning her on the edge of the bed while he knelt, pressing her legs apart to give himself unrestricted access to her most intimate folds. His lips met hers in a kiss, hot and wet, while his tongue snaked out, long and agile, stroking her from bottom to top between her lips, tentatively tasting her now flowing juices. He hummed his appreciation of her aroma, sending vibrations through her clitoris before thrusting his tongue deep into her. She gasped, surprised at how much he touched with just his tongue, its warmth filling her deeper than some of the men she had been with.

His hands, caressing her legs and bottom brushed over her skin raising gooseflesh on her already tingling body. She came harder this time, unable to control the flow of stimulation he was sending through him. She tried to hold it back, but it only seemed to make it build that much faster. She couldn’t breathe as intense as the sensation was. His tongue was simultaneously filling her and massaging her g-spot, with a practiced motion. She tried to pull away as the sensations overtook her, but Duncan would have none of it. He wrapped one arm around her hip pulling her tightly against his face. Without a word he slipped two fingers into her, continuing the massaging action against her g-spot, while moving his tongue to her throbbing clit. Lightning exploded deep in her womb as another orgasm ripped through her, even though she had not yet recovered from the last one. She gushed in a wave, which he quickly lapped up, licking her sticky pussy clean.

Her legs felt like gelatin and her whole body flushed with heat.

“Oh my god,” Southern half gasped, half sighed.

Duncan lifted her off the bed as if she was a doll, pulling her against him and kissing her deeply. She tasted herself on his mouth and it mixed with the lingering flavors of his member still in her mouth. Her hands wrapped around his head, holding him in the passionate kiss. Duncan allowed her this, leaning forward to lay her gently on the comforter. They continued kissing, breathing together, lost in a moment of connection. When he entered her she sucked air in hard at the sudden fullness, but it did not hurt. She was so wet she accepted him without the slightest hint of resistance.

His rhythm was smooth and strong, he was not forceful. It was not the pounding thrust of a beast needing release. He moved with her, in deliberate motions, fluid and full of purpose. He kissed her softly now, pressing his body to hers, feeling the heat build between them. Southern found it hard to keep her breath steady as he moved in her, each motion sending ripples of energy through her.

Duncan built quickly, his bodies need quickly outpacing his intent, and he soon felt an aching need deep inside. His breathing quickened and he clung desperately to her tiny frame. Southern pulled him close feeling him swell inside her as his pace became more determined. He pressed deeper, intent on reaching her womb, pulling her close as he felt his release nearing. His toes dug into the blanket, trying to propel him closer to her. Sweat shimmered across his muscled torso.

Southern felt her own climax nearing and let him carry her over the edge. He exploded in a torrent of heat and force as he drove deeply into her. Her own orgasm pulsated through her body clamping her muscles tightly about his embedded member, sustaining his orgasm. Pulling herself up and flexing her hips she continued the motion, dragging his orgasm along, refusing to let it slip away. Duncan whimpered as she pleasured his now sensitive organ.

She let him go limp beside her snuggled into his chest, smelling his sweat and the perfume of their sex mixing in her nose.

“Welcome home Duncan,” she whispered.

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Honor MattersChapter 6 Teeth for Marsh Hare

"Solace, I need a favor," I asked the engineering officer. "It involves wearing clothes." What I wanted were teeth for Marsh Hare, my 'light fighter' spacecraft. Marsh Hare had been demilitarized by removing the weaponry, a missile launcher and a beam weapon. The fire control system was intact, but disconnected. The fire control software was still in the computer but hidden in the directory. All I needed were weapons. There were enough spare weapons aboard the Lightning Bolt. The...

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Honor MattersChapter 7 Objects in Motion

The space between stars is dark and cold. Often thought of as empty, objects as large as gas giants or burned-out star cores can be encountered. Lightning Bolt emerged from jump space 15,000 miles from a comet – those "dirty snowballs" that can be 100 miles in diameter. That comet was only 30 miles in diameter and featured pools of liquid hydrogen, fuel for Lightning Bolt. This comet's core was shaped much like an ice cream cone. Comets have a small constellation of smaller rocks and ice...

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Honor MattersChapter 8 Salvage

When I woke up there were two bald, naked people snuggled up to me, one on each side. Quite a trick in a standard-sized bed! I recognized Constance, eventually. The stranger to my right was the newcomer, Kris. Bald? Why were they bald? Bald or not, I was sexually aroused to a fault—throbbing cock, leaking fluid. I hurt! “Captain Manchester wants everybody on the bridge,” Kelsey announced from my left, standing on the floor and on the other side of Constance. “You have three minutes.” That...

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Honor MattersChapter 9 When Rape Ainrsquot

Kelsey Wright had to help me to the shower. My legs were like rubber—foam rubber. I massed almost twice Kelsey’s weight and I topped her height by a head, yet she didn’t show any strain as she walked me into the rain room. The falling water refreshed me. Scented soaps sluiced sweat from skin, then was in turn rinsed. “Total submission,” Kelsey told me. “You wondered why everybody was bald. It’s a Zheeyad tradition. First, the woman is stripped of her glory, her beautiful mane. She is made...

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The TreatmentChapter 12 The Doctor

I decided that we needed a doctor in my group. We were all extremely healthy but accidents could happen to anyone. I was also concerned about pregnancy. I didn't use any form of birth control with any of my wonderful girls except for the three in school. The others got hosed down regularly with unadulterated sperm. It's a wonder that they weren't all knocked up. We needed some discrete professional services. I began to frequent the two local teaching hospitals, on the lookout for a likely...

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Her Uncle Made Her Cum and She Loved ItChapter 14

The beauty of the way C had her legs on each side of K’s head positioned C’s pussy right at K’s open mouth. She smiled down as she lowered her cunt to K’s waiting mouth and push a little. “Eat it baby! Eat me like I did you! Suck my clit”: she hissed down at K. C had wanted this for so long and now it was happening. First C had licked K and gave her some very nice orgasm. Then B took C from behind fucking her and making her cum. They all showered and now C was straddling K’s face and she was...

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The Legend of Whitburn County

I just want to go on record right now, in front of God and everybody, that I never, ever planned it to wind up the way it did. Things just happened. In the end, though, I’m glad it all worked out. See, Jared and I always wanted to play basketball. He was too skinny and I was too short for football, and neither one of us could throw or hit or run very well to play baseball or track. There were endless nights playing half-court in the driveway of Jared’s family farm, shooting hoops until his...

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RunChapter 44 Two Pops

Porto-Vecchio was not a terribly large city. It isn’t even really a city, Gene mused. A population of a few thousand in normal times, the seaside French village in southeast Corsica had little activity as Gene waited with Bridgewater in the treeline running along a lesser hill overlooking the south end of the town. They could see the main port, which also wasn’t much of a port, more of a terminal for ferries connecting from Italy to the east. Nothing moved out on the water, though numerous...

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Fucking on the Corvette

Chanel knocked on the screen door as she had a week ago and hoped that Jack was alone this time. No one answered and she stuck her head inside and called out. The hum of the air conditioner was the only sound filing the dark interior. She looked over her shoulder at Hugo’s Mustang and noticed that a light from inside the garage was on. As quiet as possible, she opened the door and slipped inside and moved inside towards the door of the garage, gently opening it and closing it behind her as...

Straight Sex
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A Night With Kari an Homage to Jeff

Conversely, if this is your cup of tea, so much so that you think you should try hurting someone in real life, please reconsider, as you are too stupid to get away with it and too soft for prison, where you will be raped more savagely than even my twisted mind could imagine. If, however, you are somewhere in the middle, then please enjoy... A Night With Kari (an Homage to Jeff) I sat nervously looking out the window of the bus and clutching my backpack to my...

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He Likes to Suck She Likes to Watch

I met this nice couple in their 40s. He is over 6', handsome, well-built. She's about 5'4", a little heavy, but with a very pretty face. They advertised on Craigslist for a man he could give a blowjob to while she watched. I thought that was something I'd never done, and who knew where it could lead, so why not? I replied to their ad, sending a picture of my full body and one of my erect cock. He wrote back that that he was interested, sent a clothed picture of himself, and said his wife...

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Himura BattousaiChapter 119 The Time to Awaken is Now

Kenshin: Hanya. Shikijou. Beshimi. Hyottoko. They made your heart weak! It's not for them, it's because of them you're wielding the sword of a murderer! Aoshi: Sh--shut up! (He backhands Kenshin with the butt of his sword.) Kenshin: Taking me seriously and denying it, isn't that proof that you yourself know it to be true? (Aoshi hits him with the other sword.) Aoshi: What the hell do you know! Kenshin: I don't know much, but I know that because of your goal of winning the title of...

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Crossdressing camper

One rule about the park was no collecting of firewood, you had to bring your own. I would load up the bed of my truck with wood from brush pies and fallen limbs along the farm roads and I had plenty for the weekend and a little extra if anyone needed some. As darkness fell and the only light around was my fire, I slipped out of my bra and panties and t shirt and shorts and into a black satin camisole and tap panty set and put my shoes back on. I sat on the bench next to the fire and enjoyed...

1 year ago
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Coping With An Open WoundChapter 2

The next morning I got up and got ready for another delivery trip. I needed to get over to Billy's farm before seven that morning to have any chance of getting back home that night. Of course, Ellen was already up and wanting to talk some more about our current bone of contention. If Gloria was awake, she was hiding somewhere, out of sight, so it would just be the two of us talking. "Jackie, you didn't mean what you said about it being your parent's plan to split us up, right?" Like me,...

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Deja Vu

"Oh grandmother, I still can't believe it!" The young blonde haired woman exclaimed as she gushed with excitement. "Two days from now I'm going to be in Europe." "Well it's nothing that you don't deserve." The older woman smiled back. "I'm very proud of you, and all that you've accomplished." "I don't think Mother would agree with you on that." Jenny D'Angelo replied. "She thinks the entire trip is a colossal waste of money." "Your mother thinks everything is a waste of...

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Straight guy turned into a faggot after getting sp

Hi Everyone, some of you who have read my other posts will have read about my first real experience sucking dick. now you can read about my latest filthy adventure where I was spit roasted by 2 bid dicked gay guys. I got a message from them on the site that I met the first guy who fucked my mouth the story of that is here (http://xhamster.com/user/straponlover1/posts/305106.html), maybe they saw my status update that said I was no longer an oral virgin and thought I would be game. They send me...

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Long Story Short

Long Story ShortBy: Londebaaz ChohanI am Nestor Diaz. I knew Leslie since his family bought the house next door to us. We were just starting the elementary school and then of course over the years we were the best friends, went to same schools, graduated together from Middle School and then on to the same High school. The only notable point that is still in my mind was that his mother Beatrice was much younger than my mother. She almost reminded me of aunt Beth; my father’s youngest sister and...

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There and BackChapter 32 Road to Recovery

I woke with the memory of what Wynne was saying as I fell asleep. What was wrong with Morrigan? Had something happened as they exited the ruins? I groaned as I sat up, and immediately felt an arm wrap around behind me, supporting me. I turned towards the source of the support. "Aedan? Wha..." I cut off. It wasn't Aedan with his arm around me. It was Alistair. His handsome face looked down at me, closer than I'd ever been, and I was momentarily struck dumb. I blurted out the first thing...

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Farmland Fantasies Ch 1

It was a beautiful summer day like any other. The sky was clear, temperature wasn’t too bad, and I was cruising to work a few above the speed limit with all the windows down and the radio up. The warm breeze blew through my 2008 Civic as I whistled along the road. A light sweat started to roll down my toned calves into my work boots and I felt a stirring in my shorts. I attributed this to the wind, but I was actually looking forward to seeing what my bombshell boss was wearing today. I landed a...

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The New Years Eve Dance I Will Survive

Bill hated this time of year. He kept thinking about how much he hated it as he got himself ready for the dance that evening. It would do him good to get out though. Bill couldn’t remember the last time he had been to a dance. It was his friend Sam who had talked him into going out tonight. There was a New Year's Eve singles dance tonight at a local Sheraton Hotel and Sam thought it would do his friend some good. It had been a while since Bill had been to anything similar and he...

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In my story WHILE MY MAN IS AWAY I detailed how I made up a threesome for much younger Maria and her man Karl. “Magic sex session, when can we do it again,” they both asked as I departed satiated. I am of French descent, bilingual, fluent in both French and English and as I recently discovered with a little prompting from my man, bi-sexual, though I didn’t need a great deal of prompting. I am to please and be pleased sexually. And I love having sex with an audience. “When was the last time...

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Lexis Journal

Lexi's Journal Chapter 1 - Leaving on vacation "Honey, do you think I look fat in this outfit?" I said when I turned around from the mirror. "No honey, You look great. Come on, stop fussing around, we are going to be late." My husband was getting a little impatient with me. "I am so excited. We haven't gone on a trip all by ourselves for a long time. I am bringing our honeymoon pictures with us." "Whatever you want, honey." My husband continued to put stuff in...

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Trust MeChapter 7

The next morning as we walked down to the pool I tried to take Monica aside to ask if she had taken precautions, but she clung to Ben the whole time, and he gazed down fondly on her, and there was no opportunity. The well-hung young man was at the pool again, and with easy affability Ben introduced himself and then introduced us all around -- his name was Jeff -- and then organized the four of us into a game of water polo, boys against girls. The young man fell against me repeatedly in his...

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Fun Day At School The End

Part 2 {Mr. Atkins POV} As I watched Britani walk out of the locker rooms, I had to fight myself to keep from bringing her back in here and fucking her so hard, so fast, until I filled her completely with my cum and when I pull out of her, she’ll clean me up and I’ll eat my juices out of her. ‘I can’t wait until tomorrow,’ I whispered to myself. {Britani’s POV} When I laid down on my bed I had a huge grin on my face. I gave a sigh and got up and went into the bathroom. As I stripped, I...

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Elaines Hubby Learns To Suck

I had been dating Elaine for several months. She was married so she and I would usually go to a hotel on Friday after work and fuck until about 11pm when she would go home to hubby. I really liked fucking her that way...it excited me knowing I was ejaculating in every hole and she was carrying it home to hubby. She knew it excited me knowing hubby was at home beating his meat while I fucked this super horny, eager and excited female.Before the next Friday rolled around, Elaine admitted to me...

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Lois Pt 3

Introduction: Lois comes to a picnic Driving home from Loiss my mind was racing. I got a blow job from one of my wifes best friends. I fingered her sweet little pussy till she came on my hand. We would have went farther if we had time. I could smell her pussy on my fingers reminding me it really happened. Cindy was in the bedroom changing when I got home. Hi honey, Cathy called and wants us to come over. Jim is doing some burgers on the grill. She want to talk about our girl weekend at the...

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A ggod beating and more Part 5

A good beating and more Part 5 Helen walked into the toilet and stopped dead when she my mother and sister. « Don’t worry Helen » mum reassured her, « He’s my son and this is his sister. He has told us all about what you do to him and why, I am in total agreement with the treatment you inflict on him and we’d like to watch and join in » In the car, Helen and mum discussed me. Mum told her she agreed that I should be castrated and turned into a girl, she also told her about the treatment that I...

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How Do You Like Me Now

Note from the Author: To all the picky readers out there, ‘Thank you!’ This is the edited version of my original story. I would like to thank those who kindly pointed out my errors. You may have noticed that michchick98 also submitted a story with the same title. We both had the same idea inspired by the Toby Keith song entitled, ‘How Do You Like Me Now?’ and agreed to write separate stories and compare how different our ideas actually were. Please take the time to check out her version of...

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2nd Time Sucking Cock Gay

My one and only experience with a guy had been in a locker room that looked almost exactly the same. During college I'd supervised the lifeguards at the pool and on a bathroom break I'd gone into the locker room because those toilets were closer. I'd played sports all my life, seen plenty of naked guys and never been interested before, but something about that encounter had been different. I'd seen movement in the corner of my eye and turned to look at the only guy who'd been in there changing....

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