Sexual Awakening, Part Two: Italian Adventure free porn video

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Nan’s encounter with Andre had left her full of confidence and newfound sexual energy. She learned that not only could she enjoy sex, but desired it. And while her fling with Andre was completely gratifying, it also sparked a flame deep within her and the fire was building.

With the French countryside well behind her, she fantasized about André as the train moved on. They had said goodbye in Austria, and now she was headed to Italy. She had always been fascinated by the tales of ancient Rome. She couldn’t wait to view the Colosseum, experience the night life and find out if the there was any truth the stories about Italian lovers.

It was the last day of her train ride to Italy; night had fallen and she lay in her cabin thinking of Andre. She could almost feel his hands on her as she thought about his firm, gentle kiss, the way his hands caressed her body, the way he dominated her without making her feel powerless, like a cheap slave, used and abused. In fact, she'd never felt so powerful, in control and out of control all at the same time, while not actually being in control. It was a confusing thought best left for another time, so she pushed it away and refocused her thoughts.

She unbuttoned her blue satin night shirt, slowly running her fingertips along the swell of her breasts, the cool silky feel of the shirt tantalizing her as it fell away. Her body responded with a little shiver as her nipples hardened and small goose bumps popped up on her skin. She giggled as she continued to trace her nipples with her left hand, pausing occasionally to roll her nipples between her fingers. Her right hand ran up and down along her legs, sliding the soft smoothness of her matching pants against her skin. She wasn’t wearing any panties and the fabric felt delicate and sensual against her aching mound. Nan couldn’t believe she was enjoying this so much; she hadn’t really masturbated, or enjoyed it anyway, since she was a teen.

She slipped her right hand into the waistband of her pants, fondling her soft flesh with her fingertips. Slowly she reached down to the bottom of her pert, wet hole. She gently inserted her middle finger just a little; the moist confines of her sex pulsated against her touch. She slid her fingers up, dividing her lips with tingling response. She stopped at the firm nub of her clit as a jolt of electric excitement traveled through her, her breath caught a moment at this and she pinched her nipple a little harder than she expected, sending a flash of mixed pleasure and pain back down her body to her already excited pussy. She repeated her trail with her finger, teasing herself torturously. Again, she paused as her finger crossed her clit and she answered the jolt going up her body with a pinch of her nipple that would send the pleasure wave back down. She continued this, letting the sensations ebb and flow along her body like the waves of the ocean.

Soon, her body was screaming at her, demanding release; but she wanted to let it build, denying herself the release the body craved. She inserted her two middle fingers into her pussy as her hips thrust up and down, the heel of her hand rubbed against her clit as she stroked, her fingers pressing against the inside of her pussy with every downward thrust. Her left hand had forgotten about her nipples and now clutched at the bed sheets as she neared orgasm. She tried to keep her rhythm as she orgasm she’d been building began to release, but she couldn’t. Her thrusts were jerky and erratic as she came against her hand, her other hand tightly gripped against the pillow she held to muffle her cries of pleasure.

As her body relaxed and the sensations of her orgasm subsided, Nan lay there breathing deeply and gently stroking her mound as if it were a kitten, lying contently in her lap, purring softly as she drifted off to sleep.

The train arrived in Rome at ten a.m. Nan gathered her things and checked into her hotel before beginning her adventure around Rome; her plans for the first day included all the usual tourists stops, beginning with the Colosseum. During her sight-seeing adventure, there were several men that gave her a look or two and more than a few that she looked back at. But none of them attracted her like André did. He had become the new standard for comparison. With her new-found sexual energy and confidence, she realized she didn’t have to settle for someone trying to put another notch in their bedpost; she also realized that her intuition to distinguish between that guy and the one who could help build on her knowledge, experience, and understanding of herself still needed a lot of help.

On day two she continued her sight-seeing; she traveled to Pompeii and did some shopping when she returned. Day three was when her real and unscripted adventure began. Nan checked out of her hotel, rented a car and drove to Cappocotta Beach, one of the oldest nude beaches in Italy. She felt a little silly now, having bought a new bikini yesterday, since she wouldn’t be wearing it. She laughed at herself as she drove, her anticipation growing with every mile. This was the wildest thing she’d ever done, but she was going to do it. The thoughts made her giddy and horny. She was naked under her sundress, but resisted the temptation to exploit that fact as she drove. She arrived at the beach just after one p.m., having gotten only slightly misdirected once.

She stepped along the bright sandy beach, the sun reflecting off her white sundress, and looked for a suitable spot to set up camp. It didn’t take long before she found a cozy little inset in the dunes. She set her chair and umbrella, stripped off her dress, stuffed it in her bag and proceeded to apply her sun block. She had read up on these kind of beaches, but wasn’t completely sure of proper etiquette. She was just glad not to be a guy at that moment, because there would have been no hiding her excited state. Nan finished applying her sun screen, making sure she paid extra attention to the areas that previously had only been exposed to the artificial sun of a tanning bed. She was scared, nervous, excited, horny and anxious all rolled into one, but she stepped out from the shade of her umbrella with her new found confidence leading the way.

Nan strolled along the beach, enjoying the invigorating feel of the warm sea breeze against her nude body. She observed everyone around her, and found that there were all types of people of all ages and body styles and wondered why she thought nude beaches were only visited by the sexy model types, then answered her own question; because marketing portrays it that way. Nan was nearing the area where her umbrella sat when she noticed a group of guys nearby tossing a football around. She decided to have a closer look. As she approached, she could see they were all quite fit. Three of them, all with similar builds, chiseled abs, strong legs and arms, a little scruff on the face for the two with brown hair, and the blond had no facial or body hair, anywhere. They appeared to be around her age, so she ventured a little closer. Suddenly the ball came, flying towards her, landing just a few feet in front of her. The three men trotted up to her to retrieve the ball.

“Hi. I’m Nan,” she expressed.

The three spoke to each other, but didn’t really respond to her that she could tell. They spoke in Italian, and though she didn’t understand their conversation, she suddenly felt like a piece of meat being examined.

“Hey!” she heard someone yell. She turned and looked in the direction of the voice and saw three girls sitting on a blanket near her umbrella. “Hey! Come here!” a fine looking woman with dark hair called and motioned at her. Nan was secretly thankful; she looked at the guys and said,

“Sorry. Gotta go,” and scurried off to the group of girls. She plopped down on her knees at the edge of the blanket and let out a sigh of relief.

“Hi. Thanks,” she offered.

“No prob,” the girl who had called to her responded.

“What are you doing prowling all by yourself?” scolded the girl at Nan’s right. She was blond and tanned and reminded Nan of your typical California girl, except for her accent, which sounded not-quite southern. Nan looked at her, not sure how to respond; before she could, however, the girl on her left spoke up.

“Yeah, really, an import like you? You really have no idea how dangerous that can be,” she added, her Australian accent unmistakable. Nan laughed at the irony of the girls comment and retorted,

“True, but I’d guess that you’re not exactly a local.”

“Touché,” the girl responded as they all chuckled. “I’m Nina,” she continued after the laughter had died off. “I’m from Queensbury.”

Nan smiled at her admiringly; she thought Nina had the most beautifully proportionate body she’d ever seen. She wasn’t overly tall, 5’ 6” at best, but her legs were firm, abs not too muscled and breasts a perfect full B cup. Her skin was darkly tanned and her nipples were beautiful half dollars on her upturned breasts. Her dark hair came down in waves to her shoulders and framed an almost pouty face that featured the most amazing emerald eyes she’d ever seen.

“I’m Nancy, from Hampton, Virginia. Friends call me Nan.”

“I’m Sophia,” said the girl who had been her savior. “I’m a local. Grew up just north of here.”

“Thanks, again, for saving me from that most awkward situation.”


“And I’m Kelly, from Moorehead City, North Carolina,” her southern accent now thick and unmistakable.

“I’m very pleased to meet all of you,” Nan said. The girls all offered likewise and the group began chatting. Nan observed her new companions and noticed that Sophia had shaved her pubic hair into the shape of a heart. She thought it was cute and whimsical for someone who had a no nonsense air about her. Her chocolate eyes matched her dark brown hair which was straight, just off the shoulder and was pulled back in a pony tail. Her long legs were well muscled, her body well toned with broad shoulders and her breasts were a small B cup, at best. To Nan she looked a swimmer or volleyball payer.

“So, what were you doing scouting out here by yourself?” quizzed Sophia.

“I’m on vacation and just wanted to explore a little,” Nan answered. She then proceeded to tell them the abridged version of how she came to be in Europe and her meeting with André.

“Mmmm, sounds like someone I wouldn’t mind taking a romp in the hay with,” Kelly declared, her accent once again muted.

“You say that about all the guys,” Nina quipped.

“Only the sexy ones,” Kelly fired back with an evil grin.

“Don’t worry, Nan, you stick with us, we’ll see to it that you have a good time in Italy,” Sophia offered.

“Thanks,” Nan said, feeling familiar warmth in her ears. She was feeling a little ashamed at herself for her foolishness and having been scolded by three women who were younger than she, but obviously wiser in the ways of the world. She was truly thankful to have met them.

“So, how did you all meet? I mean, you’re all from different corners,” Nan asked.

Sophia responded for the group,

“I met Kelly in high school. I went to the States as a foreign exchange student. We’ve stayed friends ever since. Nina and I met a couple of years ago in college. We were working on our masters in marine biology.”

“And now we take holiday together and every year two of us fly out and visit the third. This year is Sophie’s turn to host; and I must say, its been splendid and going to get better!” Nina chimed in.

“You can bet your ass on that!” Sophia exclaimed. At this, the girls reveled in more giggling and laughing. “Where are you staying?”

“Well,” answered Nan, “I was staying in Rome, but I checked out this morning before coming here. I figured I’d find somewhere local to stay.”

“You can stay with us,” Sophia offered, “if you want, and as long as you like.”

“I get back on a train tomorrow night headed for Spain. It’s my last stop before heading home.”

“I have a friend who lives in Madrid, how long will you be there?”

“Two days, I’m scheduled to arrive Monday morning. I head back to the states Wednesday at four o'clock.

“Well, if we only have one night to have fun and make sure you have a good time, then we better get started,” Sophia announced, getting up and putting on her dress. The other girls followed her lead. Nan went back to her blanket, packed up and donned her sundress. She was nervous about what the rest of her day had in store for her, but was also excited about being so quickly and easily accepted into this circle of friendship and couldn’t wait to enjoy a night out with them.

They headed back to the parking lot, talking of the plans for the evening. It was only three in the afternoon, so first was to head back to town for a little shopping before heading back to Sophie’s house to get ready. Nan decided she needed a little more exciting attire and purchased a red dress to wear. Later, as they were getting ready, she put on the dress and the other items she purchased as a whole to get a collective opinion. Nina, who had been riding with Nan, had already seen the dress itself. The dress was strapless, form fitting along the body, but had a layered, ruffled-wrinkle to it so it didn’t expose every line of her body and left a little to the imagination. The skirt part fell away at the hip and came about mid thigh. Beneath it she wore a black petticoat with lacy fringe that hung just below the hem of the skirt; which broke up the color a bit from her red high heels. Her hair was partially pulled up with loose tendrils falling around her face.

“You look great,” Sophie complimented. Her look was simple, black dress, straight hair, but somehow sexier than if she’d dressed fancier.

“I wish I had your hair,” Nina admired. ‘It always looks perfect.”

“And yours doesn’t?” Nan asked, giving Nina her own admiring look. Nan never could pull off the layered look, she felt she always looked like the lonely cat woman, but Nina did it effortlessly. She was dressed in a black steam punk-style mini dress that hung lower in the back, paired with a white button down shirt with sheer sleeves that flared at the cuff. She topped that with a low-cut black vest that gathered nicely below her perky breasts, and a hat slightly off the back of her head. Beneath the dress she wore black thigh high stockings and low cut boots with a short heel.

“Not even,” Nina responded, “half the time I think it just looks a mess!”

Nan understood this very well. Looking at her, Nina’s hair had a kind of disorganized control that really matched her personality; bold, daring and free spirited.

“A sexy hot mess, maybe,” Nan shot and they all giggled.

“Well it don’t matter y’all,” Kelly chimed in, “’cause I have southern charm and that’s all I need,” then flashed them a devilish smile. Kelly wore a white dress that was threateningly short and devilishly revealing; her legs seemed impossibly long and her blonde hair fell in curls and waves. To Nan she looked like a model who had stepped right off a magazine cover.

“Wow!” Nan exclaimed, “I don’t know which is bolder, your outfit or your attitude. But I know this; you’re going to kill them in that dress. You look absolutely… wow!”

“I know,” Kelly replied, pouring on the southern accent, then turning around with a flip of her hair and a sway of her hips to finish getting ready.

“She’s beautiful; no one can deny her that. Has been since I’ve known her; and she knows it,” Sophia said as they watched her disappear into the bathroom.

They finished getting ready then piled into Sophia’s SUV. They drove to a club that Nan was certain was not listed, though she thought it was probably on the underground circuit. The inside was well-furnished and alive with loud music and so many people on the dance floor that it was hard to believe there was room to dance, but the mass of bodies moved like a wave on the dance floor.

“I didn’t think places like this really existed,” Nan said in awe. “I’ve seen them in movies, but just thought it was bull! So this is a rave?”

“Not quite,” Sophia laughed. “They do have raves here, but not tonight. There is a mosh pit though, if you’d like to try it out.”

“I think I’ll pass. Looks like I’ll get plenty moshed out there,” Nan said motioning to the dance floor. Sophia led them to the back of the club where they climbed a set of stairs to the VIP area. There was another dance floor here that wasn’t nearly as crowded. A waitress appeared almost immediately and exchanged a cordial greeting and a peck on the cheek with Sophia. Nan could tell the two knew each other and wondered how often Sophia came here.

“Bring us a round, Tiff,” Sophia said, “and we are going to have a heck of a night!”

“Sure thing, hun, I’ll keep ‘em comin’.”

“Thanks. Well girls,” Sophia started when the dinks arrived, “here’s to a wonderful night.” They all took a shot glass and drank to the toast. Nan had never been one to drink much, but the shot was sweet and not offensive. There was also a mixed drink for everyone to sip on, and this too Nan found to be light, fruity and tasty.

The four of them talked, laughed, drank and danced; sometimes with each other and sometimes with this guy or that guy that tried to woo them. Nan was feeling tipsy and frisky, but had completely forgotten her quest of finding an Italian lover. She was having too much fun to care. A couple of guys did manage to cop a feel on the dance floor, and Nan didn’t really mind, but Sophia kept the wolves at bay. Nan noticed she wasn’t drinking since the first shot and was thankful that they wouldn’t need a cab later.

At 1:45, being more than a little drunk and tired of the club scene, they went back to Sophia’s house. They kicked of their shoes and gathered on the couch as Sophia fixed herself a drink.

“Anyone else want one?” Sophia offered.

“I’ll have one,” Nina replied.

“Not for me,” Kelly said, “I’ve had way too much.”

“Sure, why not,” Nan said. She had sobered a little on the way to the house and wasn’t ready to let go of the buzz she was on.

“So what do you guys want to do? Wanna play a game or something?” Sophia asked as she delivered the drinks.

“I don’t know,” Nina answered, taking a large drink of her cocktail, “Ooh! I love this song!” Nina exclaimed as an upbeat dance song came on. Nan had barely swallowed her sip of her drink when Nina grabbed her arm and pulled her to an open space in the living room and began to dance. The song had a quick tempo and Nan was a little breathless as the song ended. They both went back and finished their drinks, which Sophia promptly replaced. Kelly and Nina both pulled Nan back to the floor. The song was not as fast, but was a little longer and by the time they sat down, Nan was feeling the effects of her drink.

“Whew! Okay you guys, gimme a minute,” Nan expressed, a little breathless. “I haven’t had this much in a long time. Thank you so much for inviting me.”

“Anytime, hun. Next year we might just have to visit you,” Sophia said with a laugh.

“I’d have you, gladly,” Nan responded with gratitude.

“What’s the wildest thing you’ve ever done?” Nina implored.

“Had sex with a complete stranger on a train,” Nan answered. The girls laughed, and then Nina continued,

“Okay. Before that?”

“I don’t know,” Nina said thoughtfully, “I guess, it’d have to be sex in a car.”

“While it was moving?” Kelly asked excitedly.

“No,” Nan laughed, “while on my honeymoon. My husband and I found a very secluded spot in the woods and things got hot.”

“That’s not very wild,” Kelly complained.

“It was, for me,” Nan offered.

“It’s okay, Nan,” Nina said, “not everyone is as exciting as Kelly.” At this the girls laughed again.

“Ooh! This is a good song, dance with me Sophia,” Kelly said getting up. The song was slow, but had a good groove for bumping and grinding. All the girls got up and danced together. Nan wouldn’t have enjoyed herself dancing like this just a few weeks ago, with a guy or girl. But she was thankful that she was able to learn and practice with her new friends without being judged. Nina came up behind her and began to grind against her; putting her hands on Nan’s hips, she guided her hips in rhythm with her own. It didn’t take Nan long to pick up the bump and sway. Nina moved to in front of Nan, keeping her hands on her hips. She continued to gyrate and added little dips and shimmies in her movements, all the while grinding Nan along with her. It was all very sexy and Nan was feeling a little aroused as she thought about her quest of seducing an Italian lover, and all the guys passed over through out the night.

Her thoughts were interrupted as Nina pressed her lips to her own and Nina’s tongue began to probe her mouth. Nan was shocked at first and froze, but then accepted and returned the kiss of the Aussie beauty. Her gyration had stopped, but Nina kept dancing as her hands left Nan’s hips and began to explore other parts of her body. Nan tried to dance as Nina’s hands moved up her sides, down her back and found two handfuls of her firm ass. Nan moaned into her mouth as Nina gave her ass a firm squeeze. Nan was still unsure of how to react even though she was beginning to admit to herself that the taboo nature of what was happening was exciting her. She cautioned a glance at Sophia only to find her and Kelly freely groping each other. She looked at Nina in disbelief and asked,

“Are you all lesbians?”

“No,” Nina said with a smile, “we just like to have fun together. I guess you could say we are bi, but only when we’re together. We keep no restrictions when we’re together.” Nan had stopped dancing and looked at Nina with an astonished look. “I hope I didn’t spook you,” Nina cooed.

“Nope! I’m good,” Nan answered, maybe a little too quickly. In an attempt to prove herself, she began dancing again and moved close to Nina, hoping for another kiss, but too nervous to initiate it. Nina laughed and danced with her, grinding her leg against Nan’s pelvis and letting Nan’s do the same to hers. Nina moved her lips to Nan’s ear and gently kissed just below her earlobe, and then continued soft kisses down her neck as her hand ran up Nan’s thigh. Nina’s touch sent thrills up Nan’s spine as her hand moved up her naked leg, under her skirt and again came to rest on Nan’sTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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Kelly’s Awakening – Part Two [This story directly continues from the first, picking up from about seven months before the split up, shortly after Kelly and Jennifer became lovers,] In a very short time Kelly had realized exactly what Jennifer was like; she was highly sexual and very possessive. She took Kelly to meet her two sisters once, Amy and Bianca, and she’d asked her new girlfriend what she thought of them. Kelly had said they seemed nice and they were cute, that turned out to be the...

3 years ago
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Sexual Awakening

The date was Thursday, 18th of June 2015. The sun’s setting rays tried to shine onto the city but were swiftly swallowed up by the gloomy, dark, heavy clouds. It was just another dreary evening in the cloudy city of Detroit, Michigan for most people. But for Nicole, a beautiful, up and coming model, it was another successful day of pure bliss. She had just successfully completed her last photo shoot while visiting in the city. She decided to get ready and celebrate her success by having a...

1 year ago
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The Italian Teacher

The Italian Teacher “Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus”“What am I missing ?” I looked at my notebook , biting my pencil. “I’m sure there were more words for the quiz in Italian” . Stella stared at my page , it was full of words marked , some underlined, some circled others embellished in more creative ways , in blue, pink, and in every other color of the universe. “ you have already 160 words” she said exhausted . “160?” Toria repeated in an echo ..”how come ?” she looked at her notes “I only...

2 years ago
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Sexual Awakenings II The Mistress Chapter 1

CHAPTER 1: Loss of Control!As I look back, upon this journey of self discovery I found myself upon. I never imagined the route it would take me, and the sexual appetite that would be explored, hidden inside my body and waiting for that one person to unleash it upon whoever it decided.My life was never easy, as I was born to parents who discarded me as a baby. Raised around homes belonging to people whom I could not look upon as those who cared deeply enough, or to understand the emotional...

4 years ago
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The Italian Job 16

The Italian Job 16Italian weddings are very special things with lots of singing and dancing and eating and drinking, I know English weddings are meant to be the same but they do not seem to have the flair of the Mediterranean countries and especially a village wedding where everyone knows everyone including all their relatives both dead and alive, so when Sonia’s daughter decided to get married to one of the village lads the village started to make preparations in a big way, the bunting came...

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Rihannas awakening part two

This is the continuation of my story about the lovely Rihanna after she was propositioned by a few of the regular guys at our gentleman’s club on the night of her awakening.One of the guys called Paul had drafted and passed on a contract for her to review, much like we all did weeks ago. She had gone over the details, signed the contract and had told us she had since received the full amount of £12000 in her bank account.The new contract detailed very similar to our requirements from her in...

3 years ago
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The Awakening Part Two Resurrection

The Awakening By Michele Nylons Part Two - Resurrection Up in the attic I turn on the standard lamp, unlock the Chubb lock and open the trunk. Nadine is out for a few hours so I can take my time and fully investigate the contents of the trunk. There are layers of skirts; blouses and lingerie all neatly folded. I take one of blouses out of the trunk and try it on. I'm not really surprised to find it is a perfect fit. I fumble with the buttons because they are on the opposite...

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The Italian Sugar DaddyHappy Birthday

It had been three weeks since the last time I saw the Italian. He canceled on me once because of work and when he came home there was so much going on for the weekend he just couldn’t get away. A few nights ago, I got a text from the Italian asking if he could see me. I always enjoy “seeing” the Italian. Not only because he’s a generous sugar daddy and a wonderful lover, but conversations with him is stimulating and I have a great time just being around him. It was 12:30 when I walked in to the...

Straight Sex
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The Italian Sugar DaddyAfternoon Delight

Yesterday morning when I got out of bed, I checked my phone for any missed called or texts. Nothing. Not a word. I was excited when I then check my email and there he was. The Italian had sent me our next request for our second adventure. Since the first meeting, we have text, emailed and even spoke on the phone. He told me of how precious I was to him, of how he had never met someone like me as far as a lover was concerned. I too enjoy him, everything about him. I loved talking to him, we have...

2 years ago
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The Italian Job 9

The Italian Job 9Now to return to Italy, you remember that Maria had told me all about the situation when her father and uncle ****d her and I hope by now you have all forgiven me.I got a phone call one morning at the factory, a strange sounding woman’s voice that asked me to meet her at the factory the following night, I asked what it was about and the voice just said it was a query on my contract, I then asked why it could not be dealt with during the day and she said she was out of town and...

4 years ago
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Staceys Awakening part 2

To follow the story please pick up on the first part of the series. now on things will start to pick up for the better (or worse) for our lovely Heroin. Make sure to like or leave a comment. All input is greatly appreciated and motivational for continuing the story. Chapter 3 : And so it begins Stacey lifted her head, a buzzing pain clouded her ability to think straight as she lifted her head from her pillow.My god, she thought...

3 years ago
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The Awakening of Chris Part 6

I walked back through the coolness of the kitchen and out into the heat of the pool area. I walked back into my apartment and saw Caley and Paul sitting at the table eating breakfast. Caley was in a towel. She looked beautiful. Paul turned, "At last.....thought you had left for the day. Everything OK?" I could see that Paul was a little worried about how things might have gone regarding his little hook up last night. "Everything's fine, just needed to wait for Mom to get out...

1 year ago
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Sleepwalker The Sexual Awakening of Kate N Part

This is a story of a young woman’s sexual awakening at the hands and cock of an older man — me. of, well, me. I’m an older man. I’m almost 50, with a still somewhat athletic build, hairy chest and body, and a decent-sized cock of about eight inches long rooted in a mass of wiry brown pubic hair. The young woman I’m about to tell you about is Kate N.. I’ve known her for a very long time. Let’s just leave it at that. Kate was adopted as an infant from China by her mom, Ewa, and her adoptive...

1 year ago
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Sexual Awakening

Your name is Alana and you just turned 18 a few days ago. You are 5'8" with large DD perky tits on a very slim athletic frame from playing softball but an ample tight ass from volleyball. Your light brown almost blonde hair falls to just below your shoulder blades and you can style it any way you want. You've always had big eyes to go with your plump rosy red lips. You live at home in a suburban neighborhood with your mother (Nancy) and father (Tim), older sister (Zoe), and sightly creepy...

3 years ago
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Italian Lessons

It was my daughters birthday and I had met my ex wife and the two girls in a lovely Italian restaurant that someone suggested to her. Neutral ground I had thought, but things hadn’t been too difficult between us and the girls had both enjoyed it. It was late on and the three of them had gone home across town to where then three of them lived. I was sitting in the subdued light of the booth, in the now empty restaurant nursing the end of a cappuccino and brandy, awaiting the arrival of the bill....

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the Italian Job 14

The Italian Job 14After the ending of the relationship with Maria I settled down to a steady situation with the remaining women who I must say had a very much more philosophical approach to our relationships, Ellie was always pleased to see me and thoroughly enjoyed my getting between her legs and fucking her, she loved being servile so a nice arse pounding was on the cards now and again as she took it in her stride, she had fucked her nephew although he did not know it was her, she realised...

4 years ago
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The Italian Job 2

The Italian job 2The installation progressed and although we did not have sex again that week, the lunch was still as good and as big, Roseanna stood smiling at me whilst I ate and would give me a small kiss as I left the kitchen, the following week Roseanna was on holiday so I was invited to go for lunch with Maria and Yvonne her mother, I was thankful that it was only a plate of spaghetti, it was about mid-week and Maria’s mother was not in the factory, Maria seemed a bit distressed and I...

2 years ago
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Erikas Adventure Part Two The Awakening

All of my stories are complete fiction, all the characters and situations are also fiction. You should be at least 18 yrs of age to be reading this. This is the adventure of a young twenty something tgirl, who is on a journey of self discovery, and her adventures and mishaps along the way. Some stories involve sexual content and the main story is about sex, while other stories involve Erika's day to day routines. I hope you enjoy it. Erika's Adventure - Part two the...

4 years ago
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Belle Donne Italiane Part 1

belle donne italiane (PART 1) by Annabelle Raven "Beautiful women are born, not made..." Madame Jae Italia - the birthplace of the Renaissance, the Ferrari, Tortellini, and the films of Fellini. Where the men are God's gift to women, and the women are goddesses demanding your worship and devotion. Tatiana Celeste Genovese - "Tina" to her many admirers, understands this concept better than most people. She knows what it's like to a belle donne italiane - the kind of dark...

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Italian daddies

It was a cool April evening. In my late teens and just ready to graduatehigh school, I had already made up my mind that I would be spending my lifeproviding sexual pleasure to men rather than screwing women and having k**s. I was drawn to older, mature men since I was just about seven years old. Ihad this strange fascination about watching men urinate.This fascination became a pure obsession, gravitating to men's rooms inrestaurants, service stations, parks and specially the nearby bowling...

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Learning Italian

My sister and I are bonded forever. She has always taken care of me as I presume most all older sisters do. We grew up in a place where k**s are into promise rings and all that church stuff. My sister Janie is not into any of that, she fits into the category of slut. Which equates to Skinny, Lithe, Underweight Tease. We have no secrets, I know of all her conquests, good and bad. I grew up watching a steady stream of boys coming by to pick her up. As a middle school k** I had the teasing part on...

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The Italian Job 12

The Italian job 12The day had come for the party at Roseanna’s house, the plan was to drive there on the Friday afternoon, have the party all day Saturday & Saturday night then make our way home on the Sunday.I went to Yvonne and Maria’s home on the Friday lunch time and collected them along with Sonia then we all drove to Ravenna to the party venue, Roseanna was waiting at the door with Hazel in the background, the ladies had the tour of the house and we were shown to our rooms, dinner was...

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Italian Nice Guy 95 True

The Italian Nice Guy BlaqJm18201195% of this story is true. So last month I was contemplating on whether I should delete my profile on Plenty of Fish since I haven’t had any hits from anyone in my area. Technically, I'm looking for real love and long term relationship but every now and then Ill get those moments of wanting to release some built up tension. The day I had...

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Belle Donne Italiane Part 2

belle donne italiane (PART 2) by Annabelle Raven SIX MONTHS LATER Since Tommy's retirement from the force and emergence as Tina, a lot of wonderful things have happened. First and foremost, the guy who slashed Tina was sentenced to life for attempted murder and assault with a deadly weapon. Tina has fully recovered from her wounds, and all of her plastic surgery, along with some hormone therapy, have made the already beautiful Italian T-girl that much more stunning. She did...

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Sexual awakening Part 10

I had come to Cleveland to attend a national science conference. Researchers from all around the world, from every possible field of science were present. It was an educational bonanza. I was very excited to meet scientists working in my field and bounce some ideas off of some of them. After day one was through, a few friends of mine decided to usher in the evening and a day well spent at the nearest bar to our hotel. It was a quaint little place with dim lighting and a rustic charm. There...

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Awakening of Alexis part 6

The Awakening of Alexis - Part 6The videos that we were given at that evening gathering were unbelievable. But I will describe them later, because something else came up that kind of interrupted their enjoyment.My wife Alexis came to me late one evening and said she had to talk something over with me. I knew that she and Jackie - the white prostitute or 'escort' who arranged and organized our various 'extracurricular activities' - had had another telephone conversation that afternoon. The rest...

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The Awakening of a Cougar Part 2

The Awakening of a Cougar With Debbie remaining across my lap I inspected her bottom. Her cheeks had coloured a luscious shade of red, the evenness of tone telling me that I had succeeded in ensuring that no accessible part of her bottom had been left unchallenged. As I eased those cheeks apart, the contrast between the paleness of her cleft and the glow of her spanked flesh added further testimony to the effectiveness of my hand. It also afforded a view of her neatly puckered anus, reminding...

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Belle Donne Italiane Part 3

belle donne italiane (PART 3- conclusion) by Annabelle Raven One Year Later ************************************** Q&A with Juli Genovese Juli, what do you love most about being a girl? OH, I love shopping - everyone says I'm going to use my credit cards so much, they'll melt from the heat! I love going out with my new girlfriends I met through Madame Jae's, but nothing is more special than when it's just me, Mom and Nana - good times with the Genovese girls. I...

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The Awakening of DawnPart 1

A Story about a Mature Married White Woman's awakening to Her True Sexual Destiny...Worshipping Big Black Cock....helped by Younger College Girls who know what their Older Married sisters Really Need....Enjoy..;-)Dawn Tikken hurried to get dressed. The thirty six year old wife and mother had enrolled in classes at the university when her youngest c***d had started kindergarten. Her husband was a sergeant in the U. S. military and with him being gone half of the time, she needed something in her...

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My Awakening Part One

My awakening into the world of bi-sexual encounters which have rocked my world.Up until I was 19 I had never even looked at another women with anything but a fashionable eye and a bitch about her beauty, but a hot and sticky July afternoon was to change that forever. My best friend had invited me to her beach hut where she spent most of her summers to relax and enjoy some sunshine and white wine with a couple of her colleagues from work, I had never been out with this crowd before but very soon...

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The Awakening of a Vengeful Phoenix Part 16 Chapter 21

The Awakening of a Vengeful Phoenix - Part 16 - Chapter 21 A man is feminized by his wife and his business partner and framed for embezzlement. Can he survive the humiliations his wife intends to subject him to and start a new life? Thanks go out to Marina Kelly for her very valuable editorial assistance in improving the quality of this story. We find comments (good or bad) to be valuable in helping us to write a good story. Thank you. Sally forced herself to sit back...

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All characters are 18+ Years Old. This story contains sex between two Gypsy teenagers and two Cops. The teenagers dominates the Cops. There is also some mild fetish (The two Gypsies have a poor personal hygiene, so you do the maths), nothing too heavy though. But if you are squeamish and don't like this type of story leave right now, you've been warned. This is just a fantasy. Always play safe in real life. MAIN CHARACTERS Enzo = 41 Cop Marco = 30 Cop Adrian = 18 Gypsy Lazlo = 18...

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Hunger for My Italian Neighbors Uncut Cock

My wife Lindsay and I met in college and spent most of our married life together in Minneapolis.  We were still in our mid-forties when our kids had grown up and were away at college.  With the kids out of the house, I accepted a long-overdue job promotion and transfer with my company to the Philadelphia area.  My name is Dan, and I had previously resisted moving so as not to disrupt our children’s lives.We moved at a time when the real estate market was soft in the Minneapolis area.  So, with...

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I met my friend on Hamster, but never imagined we,d actually meet up. It was after exchanging sexynyexts and pictures of our erect cocks that my friend decided to,surprise me. He knew I lived near Manchester, but passed me his email to get my address and telephone number. When he called one afternoon to tell me a story for my wife to cover me as she,s not aware that I do more than just watch videos and dirty pics on I decided to tell her it was a friend I,d made on one of the...

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(Gay, Twinks/Males, Submission/Domination, Fetish, Interracial)All characters are 18+ Years Old. This story contains sex between two Gypsy teenagers and two Cops. The teenagers dominates the Cops. There is also some mild fetish (The two Gypsies have a poor personal hygiene, so you do the maths), nothing too heavy though.But if you are squeamish and don't like this type of story leave right now, you've been warned.This is just a fantasy. Always play safe in real life.MAIN CHARACTERSEnzo = 41...

1 year ago
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An Italian Prostitute in Naples Italy

Maria was a prostitute in Mamacitas, just off Via Roma, Naples, Italy in the off limits area. In the fall of 1978 I would go up there usually while fleet ships were in although I would also visit several times when the fleet was out if I was at the base.Mamacitas was whorehouse, a one room waiting area that served large Perroni beers very cheap. It had at the most maybe five Italian women all in their twenties that worked in other rooms within a few doors of the place. There was an older fat...

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The Italian Affair

It was in the Italian city of Livorgio that Arabella’s father had his annual business trip; Arabella always tagged along to explore the new bits of Italy. “Father? Do you mind if I go out?” “Not at all Arabella, just be back by six.” At just the ripe age of 17, Arabella set out to find something new and adventurous. In a pink pea coat and gray cloche hat, she began to wander the orange cobblestone streets. She passed several small stores which sold anything from antiques to packaged water....

First Time
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The Italian Job 18

The Italian Job 18I have re-submitted this one after some confusion, so if it crops up again, just ignore it, this one may be a bit of a tear jerker so ladies have your hankies ready.Several weeks past and all was relatively quiet but I was troubled, something was bugging me and I could not make up my mind, I said nothing to Ellie but finally succumbed and went to Genoa, I knew the address and parked outside, I sat in the car for an hour trying to get up the courage to go and knock on the door,...

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The Italian Job 17

The Italian Job 17A few days later Ellie came to see me at my apartment, this was truly a royal visit as she had never been before and I got the feeling that she was checking to see if I had got anyone entrenched that she might see as a threat to her private domain, she wandered around, looking at all of my stuff, “Maria came to see me” she commented whilst browsing my books, I made no comment, I reckoned if she wanted to tell me she would “wanted to know if she could have her job back” she...

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The Italian job 3

The Italian job 3I have told you about my adventures in the factory with Roseanna, Maria and Yvonne, this is a continuation of that adventure after I got over the shock of Maria teasing me about babies but I did continue to look after Maria and Yvonne sexually going for dinner at least once a week, taking her mother through the anal experience which she seemed to enjoy from the noise she made, I didn’t fuck Maria in the arse because for some reason I felt she was too special for me to spoil in...

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