Kiss Me Goodnight, Sergeant Major...... free porn video

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Answering the door to a dripping wet eighteen-year-old female recruit can have far-reaching consequences.


Fuck, fuck, fuck. This was never supposed to happen. I'd been in the Army for eighteen years, married for fifteen and had never abused my position or cheated on my wife. As a Troop Sergeant Major in a cavalry regiment based just outside London, I'd never had any serious contact with female soldiers. Yeah, we had some, mostly clerks and medics but they had always been administered by a female officer in the Regimental HQ.

But now the government in its wisdom had decided that women were to be allowed in front line combat roles. So eight weeks ago a batch of twelve female recruits fresh from training arrived complete with a female sergeant. I'd pissed off the CO a few weeks previously so he'd decided that all of them would join B Troop, my Troop. Fuck.

To be fair, they worked hard and any reservations I'd had about their abilities were quickly overcome. Thankfully, I was only directly responsible for their continued training, drill and discipline. Their welfare and 'women's issues' were dealt with by the sergeant with me having oversight.

For the last three weeks, the Troop had been on 'arena party' duties at the Royal Windsor Horse Show which, being in the grounds of Windsor Castle always has a heavy royal and ceremonial military presence. We'd worked 21 days solid so everyone was ready for a break. Apart from some miscreants who'd copped guard duties as punishment, everyone was given a five day leave pass starting on the Friday evening. With my wife away at her sister's with the k**s, I knew I'd be at a loose end so I'd made myself Duty Officer for the weekend.

After the 6pm formal guard mounting ceremony, I'd played snooker in the Warrant Officers and Sergeants Mess before returning to the guardroom for the 10pm inspection. Back at my married quarter, I was just stripping off my wet uniform when the doorbell rang. I answered it in my shirt and trousers. Mentally, I'd divided the female soldiers into three groups. The 'Double Baggers', the 'Yeah, not bad' and the 'SILFs - Soldiers I'd Like to Fuck'. One SILF stood out above all others. Trooper Ferguson, a wee ginger-haired Scottish lass from Elgin. At precisely 4' 11" she was sex on legs. Tight small body, B cup breasts, and beautiful oval face, freckles and green eyes. Oh yeah, she was a little sex bomb.

I knew that many of the lads had tried it on with her but with no success. Rumour had it that she was gay. Of course, in this day and age that was no problem in itself but Sergeant Watkins kept an eye on things. She'd not reported a relationship with any of the other females.

"Trooper Ferguson?" I said, "What are you doing here? I thought you'd gone on leave with the others?" She burst into tears. Fuck. Now what was I supposed to do? There was no section in the manual entitled 'Actions upon Distressed Females'. "Shit," I said, "You'd better come in out of the rain."

The poor k** was drenched. Sniffing and dripping on the lounge carpet she said, "I'm sorry Sir, I didn't know what to do. I needed to talk to someone and Sergeant Watkins has gone on leave."

"Why aren't you wearing a coat? You're soaking," I asked, handing her a hand towel from the kitchen.

Wiping her face she said, "It wasn't raining when I left the accommodation block. I got the key to the admin block from the guard room and looked you up in the nominal roll. But then I couldn't find your house in the dark. I've been wandering for over an hour."

As she handed the towel back I saw she was shivering. I wondered how many rules were being broken by her being alone with me. But one of the CO's favourite mantras was, "Assess, adapt, act. I will not accept quoting from the rule book as an excuse for inaction." I could hardly send her back out into the pouring rain, Michelle had the car and if I phoned the guardroom for transport rumours would quickly spread, despite the innocence of the situation.

"Stay there," I said. At the foot of the stairs, I punched the button on the central heating thermostat to raise the temperature before going up into our bedroom. From Michelle's chest of drawers, I quickly pulled out a white t-shirt, sweatshirt and burgundy lounge pants and threw them on the bed. As an afterthought, I added a pair of white panties. Back downstairs I said, "First door on the left at the top of the stairs is the bathroom. Go and take a hot shower and warm up. The door opposite is our bedroom. I've put some of my wife's stuff on the bed. It should fit, she's only a few inches taller than you. I've cranked up the heating and I'll make some hot chocolate then we can talk."

"Thank you, Sir," she said, "I'm sorry to put you to so much trouble."

In the kitchen, I ran through what I'd done and my plan. So far, no-one could fault my reasoning or actions. Once we'd talked about whatever had brought her here I'd give her a coat and umbrella and send her on her way. Tomorrow, just to cover myself, I'd type out a statement and give it to the Regimental Adjutant on Monday morning. But as they say in the Army, no plan ever survives the first contact with the enemy. If it was such a good plan and I was so fucking clever, why was I lying here at 7am Saturday morning with the arm of a naked eighteen-year-old d****d over me and her leg hooked over my thigh? On top of that, her tight cunt and stomach were quietly absorbing my sperm. Fuck!

Laying here and looking back, I knew exactly where it had started to go wrong. The married quarter was old, dating back to the first world war when they knew how to build solid houses. Most of these houses were occupied by officers but one side of one road was reserved for warrant officers. It was built like a brick shithouse with thick walls and deep windows. Each room had big cast iron radiators that really banged out the heat. Michelle called them school-room radiators. Soon, the house was toasty warm. So far so good. My mistake had been in choosing Michelle's clothes too quickly. I realised this when Trooper Ferguson walked back into the lounge fifteen minutes later.

She'd forgone the sweatshirt. The t-shirt that I'd grabbed was one that Michelle wore to the gym. It was tight on her and she only had A-cup breasts. She also always wore a white sports bra under it. Trooper Ferguson's tits were stretching the thin fabric and I could clearly see the dark shape of her nipples which formed two distinct bumps in the fabric.

"I..., ah..., take a seat," I said indicating an armchair, "I haven't put sugar in your chocolate."

Sitting and cupping the chocolate with both hands she said, "I'm sorry for being a pain but I needed to talk to someone. I want to leave the Army."

"Oh?" I said, "Any reason?"

"It just doesn't suit my..., personal circumstances."

"But you're head and shoulders above the other girls in ability, in fact, most of the men too. Your drill is faultless, you're a marksman on rifle and pistol, you lead and help others and your turnout is always immaculate. You've always appeared happy to me. In fact, Sergeant Watkins has you short-listed for a two-week leadership course in October. You have a very bright future, possibly even as a commissioned officer."

"On the muster parade last week you gave me a show parade for a twisted lanyard. It was ruler-straight, Sir."

I smiled, "Can't have you perfect all the time, Trooper Ferguson."

"So it was deliberate, Sir?"

"Oh yeah. You were the only female who hadn't been disciplined. Can't have that, it can cause jealousy and resentment in the rest of the Troop."

"I was so fucking angry but I forgive you," she smiled back before quickly adding, "Sorry, that was out of order."

"I don't blame you. So what's the reason if it's not military? Family problems? Boyfriend? Girlfriend?"

"No..., well..., sort of I suppose."

"Sort of?"

She looked down at her chocolate before looking up again and saying, "Can I talk freely, Sir?"

"Of course," I said.

"I know rumours are going around about me, Sir. I'm not a lesbian, at least I don't think I am, but I'm not interested in the boys either. That doesn't mean I'm asexual, just that I think they're all stupid and immature. Have you seen them at the NAAFI bop on a Saturday night? They're like drunken three-year-olds. I'm a virgin, Sir, and it'll stay that way if I stay in the Army."

"Why?" I said, genuinely puzzled.

"Because what I want, I can't have."

"I'm sorry you've lost me."

"I'll only give my virginity to someone who is experienced..., mature."

"And you have someone in mind?"

"Yes, but I can't approach him."

"Can't or won't?"


"Remember the lecture I gave the week you all arrived? About decision making?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Where I said that prevarication costs lives?"

"And a bad decision is usually better than no decision?"

"Exactly. Delays, putting off a decision, can often be more damaging than the harmful effects of a wrong decision. Deciding to delay something, avoiding action, is not a decision, it's a cop-out."

"So you're saying I should grab the bull by the horns?"

I shrugged, "What have you got to lose? If it gets you into trouble, so what? You leave. If it goes okay then everything is hunky-dory and you stay."

"But it could get the other person into trouble."

"True. I'm not condoning ill-discipline but we're all grown-ups around here. The person concerned will have to evaluate the situation and make an informed decision. It's not as if you'd be forcing them to act against their will. A regiment is composed of a large number of fit, generally virile and relatively young individuals. This isn't Victorian times, relationships are bound to develop. Personally, I don't have an issue with that. A relationship between a young soldier and a more senior member of the Regiment isn't i*****l but can create problems if it's not handled carefully. It was only a few months ago that Colour Sergeant Hughes married Private Andrews, a nurse from the Medical Centre."

"This won't be a relationship, Sir, more a transaction. A one-off sexual act that will never be made public. That will be made clear to the individual."

I nodded and sipped my chocolate.

Slowly, she put her mug down on the coffee table. With her green eyes boring into mine she stood and pulled the t-shirt over her head. Fuck me, her tits were magnificent - perfectly round and firm with upturned hard nipples.

I stood and went to speak saying, "Me? You...," but she cut me off saying, "This is a one time offer, Sir. You're the hottest man in the regiment. All the girls, even most of the lesbians would die to be fucked by you. We can go upstairs and in your bedroom, I'll be Gemma. Afterwards, I'll be Trooper Ferguson again. I'll stay in the Army and no mention of it will ever be made again by either of us. Or you can say no. If so I'll accept your decision, apologise, leave quietly and apply for discharge on Monday."

Holy fuck! For once I was lost for words. I've always had a thing for redheads and freckles. Michelle was fairly dark-skinned with black hair; part of her Portuguese heritage. This girl, Gemma, had alabaster white tits with freckles down her cleavage. Although she was wearing baggy lounge pants, I'd seen her in the gym wearing lycra and knew she had a breathtakingly tight ass. From below the pants emerged her small feet with turquoise nails.

Of course, for the sake of my marriage and career, there was only one decision I could make. But on the other hand........, she was utterly gorgeous and I'd never had a virgin. And who would ever know? A quick fuck, give her what she wanted and show her the door. I'd be doing the Army and the regiment a favour. The RSM was always banging on about the retention of young soldiers.

I could feel my cock pressing against my trousers and an ache in the pit of my stomach. I swallowed and heard myself say, "You'll never breathe a word?"

She smiled and nodded, "I promise on my baby sister's life."

Almost in a trance, both excited and fearing I was making a huge mistake, I followed her ass up the stairs. The first thing I saw in the bedroom were the white panties on the bed. Seeing me looking she said, "I hoped I wouldn't be needing them." I watched her slide the lounge pants down over her hips to reveal a perfectly shaved cunt with a very small triangle of ginger hair.

"You look nervous," she said, "I'm supposed to be the nervous one."

"I was just wondering..., about contraception. There are some condoms somewhere but god knows how old they are."

Unbuttoning my shirt she said, "I had a UID fitted as soon as I signed up. My mother is terrified that I'm going to be deployed to darkest Africa and be gang-****d. There's nothing for you to be concerned about. There's no rush. You can take as long as you like."

With my shirt gone she said, "I'll leave you to do the rest." By the time she'd rolled onto the bed and laid down, I was naked. She stared at my cut cock which was hard and pointing upwards. From a drawer in a bedside table, I took out a bottle lube. "Really?" she grinned, "You think we're going to need that? Look at your wife's lounge pants."

Stepping back and looking at the crumpled pants on the floor I saw the damp stain on the crotch. "Shit," I said, "I'd better those washed and dried before Sunday evening."

Climbing onto the bed I said, "You know this might hurt don't you?"

"No, I've had things in me, just not a cock, if you get my drift," she replied as she ran her fingers along my arm.

"So, how do you want to do this..., ah..., Gemma? You have a position in mind?"

"No, but you don't just jump in with your wife do you, Sir?"

"Well no, and it's Jim, in this room."

"Well, Jim, just do what you do with your wife."

I looked at her long curly ginger hair flowing over the pillow, her high cheekbones and soft lips. Cupping her face in my hands I kissed her. With a moan, her lips parted and her tongue slipped into my mouth. Her hands went behind my neck and pulled me closer. She tasted of chocolate. My hand went to her left breast and toyed with her hard nipple. As she sighed, I kissed down across her throat to her right breast. God, she had the best tits a man could ever dream of. So firm and round. Her fingers ran through my hair as I circled the nipple with my tongue. Mindful of her experience, I was careful not to bite or suck too hard.

"Stop!" she said, pulling my head away. Had she changed her mind? "The fact that I'm a virgin doesn't mean that I'm made of glass. I'm a soldier, not a butterfly. I want to be fucked. Fucked like a woman by a real man."

I dropped my head, sucked hard and bit her nipple. "Oh fuck yes! That's better," she moaned. For the next few minutes, she twisted as she pulled my head from one nipple to the other. My right hand drifted down across her hip to her little patch of curls. I aimed to work her cunt with a couple of fingers before playing with her clit but she gripped my hand and panted, "My clit..., please..., I'm so close."

With her pressing my hand I circled her little nub. "Oh..., oh..., oh Jesus..., OH GODDDDDDDDD!" she cried as her back arched and her whole body shook and convulsed. As each wave hit, her head came off the pillow. Now Michelle goes limp and it takes her a few minutes to recover from an orgasm but Gemma remained tense with a determined look on her face. "Now fuck me, and fuck me hard," she almost snarled.

I needed no second invitation. Spreading her legs I knelt between them and looked at her little cunt, glistening with the juices of her own arousal. My cock was so hard in anticipation it felt like the skin would split. "Hard," she said again as I rubbed my head along her slit. Taking my weight on my arms, I drove my cock in to the hilt. I was expecting her to be tight but I wasn't expecting there to be resistance partway in. With my body weight behind my cock, the resistance was a mere blip. Gemma screamed and bit my shoulder before flopping back down. Tears were running from the corners of her eyes.

Holding myself still inside her I said, "You..., you lied?"

Wiping away her tears with the heels of her hands she nodded, "Yes, and if I hadn't you'd have treated me like a porcelain doll. But you didn't, you took my virginity the way I wanted it taken. Now fuck me, fuck me with that beautiful cock."

As she said that, she gripped her ankles and put them behind her head meaning I had to drive downwards into her. Fuck, she was tight, almost as tight as Michelle's ass. I was still mindful of not hurting her so I only moved a couple of my seven inches. Pulling my face close to hers she moaned, "All of you. Let me feel all of you."

Pulling myself almost out, I fucked her like a man possessed. Her whole body shook with each thrust as I rammed my whole length into her again and again. I'd tried to fuck Michelle like this once but it had been too much for her. Gemma, however, was revelling in it. I couldn't have fucked her any harder if I'd wanted to but still, she shouted, "Harder you bastard!"

Her legs came down and wrapped around me. With her arms around my neck, she clung on like a baby monkey as she came like a train wreck, wailing and raking my back with her heels. My cock seemed to grow even bigger as I jammed myself in deep and felt the head touch her cervix. That, her screams and the sensation of the orgasmic waves pulsing through her cunt muscles was too much. My cock swelled as the sperm tore through it and sprayed into her deepest recesses. "Yes!" she shouted, "Give me your fucking sperm! I can feel it, I can fucking feel it!"

I read a Cosmopolitan article once in a dentist's waiting room. It said that the power and quantity of a man's ejaculation was linked to his level of arousal. I must have pumped half a pint into the k**. We lay there panting for a minute or two until I eased myself out. A little flood of cunt juice, blood and sperm poured out onto the sheet. Something else for the washing machine.

Still breathing hard, I laid beside her and said quietly, "You okay?"

Staring dreamily at the ceiling she nodded and said, "That was perfect. Exactly how I'd imagined it would be. Thank you."

I smiled, "Sorry to break the moment but we need to get this sheet off and in the wash."

Together we stripped and remade the bed before putting the sheet, Michelle's lounge pants and Gemma's wet clothes into the washing machine. It seemed so strange to be walking around the house with a naked teenager. "Got any decent scotch?" she asked.

"Scotch?" I said, "A bottle of single malt somewhere but I thought you'd be going."

"Going?" she laughed, "We've still got my oral virginity to go. Why don't you take the bottle up? I think I need another shower, stuff has been running down my legs."

As I dug the bottle and glasses out my iPhone rang. Fuck, it was the guardroom. "Sergeant Jackson, Sir. Just letting you know we've got six in the cells, four from A Troop, two from C. Fighting amongst themselves outside the Red Lion. No damage or civilians involved so Civpol are happy for us to deal."

In matters like this, the civilian police are more than happy to hand the guilty bastards over to us safe in the knowledge that the military punishment will be far harsher than anything handed out by a senile magistrate. Plus it saved them a lot of paperwork and it was kept out of the press. The CO had a huge downer on fighting in public and will crucify all six - the honour of the regiment and all that. They could expect a massive fine or detention and probably loss of rank.

"What state are they in?" I asked.

"Cuts and bruises. They were checked by the Police doctor. Drunk but only the two from C Troop are bad. Been on the cider."

"Make sure the CCTV from the cells is constantly monitored and physical checks every thirty minutes. Anyone on their back gets turned over. Maintain a written record of every check."

"Already in hand, Sir. I'll hand them over to their Troop Sergeant Majors at 8am as per SOPs. Have a good night, Sir."

That'll piss off two TSMs I chuckled, being handed prisoners at 8am on a Saturday morning. Still, been there, done that. They'll be b**sted like fuck all weekend until being marched in front of their OC on Monday to be remanded for CO's Orders. As required, I called the Duty Field Officer who grunted his thanks and wished me a goodnight.

In the bedroom, Gemma was sat on the edge of the bed reading the bottle of lube. Looking up she said, "Your wife's quite young, why do you need lube?"

"Well..., I..., ah..., don't think we should be discussing my private sex life."

"How old was she when you married her?"

"She was eighteen, I was twenty-one."

Taking the offered glass she said, "Jura's a bit too sweet for me, I prefer something a bit more peaty and drier."

"You know your scotch then?" I asked.

"It runs in the family. The Fergusons have been Speyside distillers for over three hundred years. You've heard of Glenmannoch malt?"

"Jesus!" I said, "You own Glenmannoch?"

"The family, not me," she laughed, "I like drinking it but I'm not really interested in how it's made. I'll be kept comfortable but my two older brothers will inherit, so I joined up."

Sitting next to her I said, "I meant what I said earlier. There have been a lot of positive comments about you, even from the CO. No-one with such a short time in the regiment has ever been suggested as a candidate for commissioning from the ranks before. Do you have any A-Levels?"

"Three, the Scottish equivalent."

I nodded, "There you go then, pass the commissioning board and you could go straight to Sandhurst on a regular commission. The regiment will give you every help possible."

"Thank you."

"So you'll stay in?"

"Yes," she nodded.

"It was never really in doubt was it?"

"How do you mean?"

"The tears, the not being able to find my house? I saw you run past last month when I was cutting the grass out front. You knew where I lived. What did you do, stand in the rain for half an hour?"

She looked sheepish. "Sorry, I knew you were Duty Officer and so would be at home. I also heard you tell Sergeant Watkins that your wife was going away for the weekend. I went down to the athletics track. It always floods at the bottom end in heavy rain. I rolled around in six inches of water. Are you mad at me?"

I shook my head, "Flattered and in admiration of your ingenuity and determination. I need to grab a quick shower."

"No," she said grabbing an arm, "Please, this will sound strange I know but I want to taste myself on the cock that took my virginity." Holy fuck!

"You..., you're sure?" I asked, feeling my cock twitch already, "So you've never...?"

"Sucked a cock? No, but I've played with a couple back home."

"It's not every woman's cup of tea."

"Oh, I'll be fine. In fact, I'm expecting to be very good at it. I don't have a gag reflex."

"You what?" I said, my glass halfway to my mouth.

"I don't have a gag reflex, look." She pushed two fingers to the back of her throat and wiggled them around. "When I was ten I accidentally swallowed a button battery at school. Apparently, the stomach acid creates a circuit and the battery can burn through the wall of the stomach. Luckily I told a teacher who called an ambulance. Teachers were shoving fingers in my mouth to make me sick but nothing happened. The paramedics tried a spatula thing but in the end, had to give me an injection. Fuck, did I throw up. So it's on my medical records that I've got no gag reflex. Can your wife deep throat?"

"Ah..., no..., no she can't."

Gemma smiled, pushed me down onto the bed and began to run her fingers up and down my cock. "When did you lose your virginity?" she asked.

"When I was fifteen, on a school trip."

"What was her name?"


"Do you think she enjoyed it?"

"I don't really know."

"Exactly. That proves my point. Losing my virginity to a k** was going to be a huge disappointment, he'd fuck, cum, roll-off and go and brag to his mates. The girl gets nothing out of it, nothing at all. This is so different. I'll never forget tonight."

"Neither will I," I chuckled.

Gemma looked down and smiled at her fingers wrapped around my hard cock. Sliding down the bed, she seemed to be studying it intently. "I've never looked at one this close before," she said, "Cocks really are quite beautiful aren't they? I love the way that the head flares and the veins stick out. And if I pull the skin down like this, the head goes all tight and shiny."

"Uh-huh," I grunted enjoying the attention.

Leaving my cock she cupped my balls and rolled them around. Laughing, she said, "Plastic bags of mozzarella in the supermarket will never feel the same again."

I was holding my breath. Her face was inches from my cock. She looked at me with her green eyes, slowly put her tongue out and licked the head. "Oh fuck!" I groaned which made her giggle. Even though Michelle can't deep throat, I doubt if many women can surpass her cock sucking ability. Gemma was one of them. I was treated to a masterclass. This girl was born to suck cock. There can be few sights so erotic as the curly hair of a beautiful girl cascading over your cock and balls as she presses her nose against your abdomen with your cock down her throat.

After a wonderful couple of minutes, she sat up and said, "I want you to fuck my throat."


"I've seen it in porn videos online. I'll lay on my back like this with my head over the side and you stand over me and fuck my throat."

"Jesus, Gemma, you sure?" I asked, "I've never done that to anyone."

"We'll both be losing our throat fucking virginity then won't we," she grinned, looking up at me.

As I stood over her and lowered myself she said, "Stop if I hit your leg." With that, she fed my cock into her mouth and it slid straight down her throat. My god, I saw her throat bulge with the shape of my cock. I tried to be gentle but she was reaching back and grabbing my ass. Although she didn't hit my leg I pulled out. "Fucking hell," she gasped, "That feels incredible, why did you stop?"

"Well, I..."

"Fuck me like a whore and play with my clit, I'll tell you when to stop," she said.

With one hand on the bed and the other circling her clit, I seriously fucked that throat. I could see my balls bouncing on her eyes. Her right hand hit my leg. She coughed and a surge of saliva came out and down her cheeks as I pulled out. "Okay, enough," she laughed. I rolled onto the bed pulling her with me. It so happened that she was upside down so I swung a leg over her face and dived onto her cunt. Michelle likes to 69 but doesn't like me on top in case I thrust my cock down too hard.

There was no such concern from Gemma. As I licked and tongue fucked her I felt my cock go down her throat again. When I thought she'd had enough I rolled us. Digging my fingers into her ass I pulled her down and ate her cunt like a demon. She stopped sucking my cock and worked her hips so she was grinding her cunt on me. I wondered how far this girl was willing to go. Lifting my head I pulled her ass cheeks apart and down. Her asshole was perfectly round and looked like the knotted end of a balloon.

She squealed and shuddered as I licked across it but didn't try to get away. In fact, she raised herself onto her arms which pressed her ass down. Making my tongue as hard and as long as possible I forced it into her ass. The effect was electric. I hung on as she twisted and screamed, "Oh my fucking god!!"

Her movements allowed me to ease a hand around to her clit. I was far stronger than her so resisting was hopeless. Grinding and twisting my tongue into her tight asshole, I worked my thumb on her little nub. "Fuuuuuuuck..." she wailed as the orgasm wracked her small body making her spasm and jerk before going rigid, every muscle in her body tense. Finally, she collapsed to her right gasping for breath moaning, "Oh god..., oh god..., oh god."

Gripping my cock I knelt by her head and wanked it furiously. She opened her eyes, grinned and opened her mouth wide. Despite having cum in her cunt I still managed three good spurts. I wondered what she'd do but she simply closed her mouth, swallowed and opened her mouth again to show me it was empty.


It's now Sunday morning. I'm still coming to terms with what happened over the next twenty-four hours. Gemma woke around eight on Saturday morning. After a long kiss, she rode my cock until she came then sucked me off. As we lay there recovering she said, "I guess I'd better be thinking about going."

I laughed, "You're not going anywhere in daylight. I can't have my neighbours seeing you leaving when they know that Michelle and the k**s are away. You'll have to stay here, away from the windows until tonight."

"I never thought of that," she said. "Do you have to go off and do any of your Duty Officer stuff?"

"Just a cookhouse visit at noon and tip my hat to the guard commander. Then guard mounting at six and guard inspection at ten. Nothing else unless a problem arises."

"Good," she said snuggling up, "That gives us a lot more time to fuck."

"I thought you might be worn out?" I said.

"Nope," she said, "There's lots more I want to do yet."

"Like what?" I asked.

"You haven't fucked me doggy yet or in the shower. Does your wife have any toys?"

"Yeah, some, for when I'm away."

"Really?" she said sitting up, "Can I see them?"

"Well..., I don't see why not. She keeps them in a briefcase in the bottom of that wardrobe." Gemma jumped off the bed and ran over.

Pulling it out she said, "It's got a combination lock."

"So the k**s don't stumble across it."

"I've seen your girls," she said, "They're really beautiful, they're twins aren't they?"

"Yes but not identical."

"How old?"

"Twelve going on twenty."

"They're going to break some hearts when they're older. So what's the number?"

"What's it worth?"

Gemma thought for a few seconds before saying, "My final virginity. Anal."


"You heard."


"Uh-huh. Does your wife do it?"

I thought about whether I should tell her or not. I wasn't going to but then I realised that if I gave her the combination to the briefcase she'd see the butt plugs anyway. "Sometimes. If she's in the mood and is properly prepared." Gemma looked puzzled so I said, "7219."

After working the combination she tipped the contents of the briefcase onto the bed. "Wow!" she said, "There's certainly a variety! Three dildos, two vibrators, three butt plugs and what's this?"

"It goes in her panties against her clit."


"I can turn it on and off and control its intensity using an app on my phone. My phone talks to her phone over the internet and as long as her phone is within 25 feet then I can control it."

"So what's the range?"

"Unlimited, it's over the internet."

"Cool. Pass me the lube."

I watched as she lubed up the smallest butt plug and pushed it into her ass. "So if I steadily move up in size, by this evening I'll be ready for your cock?" she asked.

"Partly but my cock is still bigger than the biggest plug so it'll hurt at first. The key is to take it slowly and use masses of lube."

"And your wife likes it?"

"When she's in the mood. I don't ask her for anal, the suggestion always comes from her."

"Does she cum from anal?"

"Not on its own. She likes a dildo in her cunt too and plays with her clit."

Laying down with her head on my chest she said, "Tonight, after guard inspection, I'll be here waiting for you with my ass in the air. Later, while it's still dark, I'll leave. Like we agreed, neither of us will ever refer to this weekend again. There'll be no words, no smiles or winks. I'll expect no favours. So if there's anything you want to do with me, we do it today. I'll be your slut. No limits, I'll do anything you want but then it's over."

Over the course of the day, interspersed with food and watching a couple of movies on Netflix, we fucked in every position imaginable. We tied each other up, 69'd and fucked in the shower where we also pissed on each other. We even dug out Michelle's schoolgirl outfit from a St Trinian's night in the mess and I pretend ****d her. She even fucked my ass with a dildo as she deep throated me. By the time I left for guard inspection at 9.45pm, the lube bottle was pretty low.

I don't think I've ever walked so fast from the guardroom to my married quarter. Quite a feat with a semi-hard cock. Halfway down our road I stopped and stared. The sight of Michelle's car on the driveway almost made me vomit. Desperately I hoped that Gemma had escaped out the back or had gathered her clothes and was hiding under the bed. Downstairs, the only light on was in the hallway. Michelle's bag was in the corner but there was no evidence of the girl's bags. Even more puzzling was the bag next to Michelle's that I didn't recognise. I looked at the fancy leather tag on the handle - Caroline Hernandez. What the fuck was Michelle's twin sister doing here?

From upstairs I heard a noise. Carefully, like a mouse, I edged my way up. Whoever was in our bedroom, it was obvious from the moans and groans that they were having sex. Where the fuck was Gemma?

I got my answer when I heard Michelle moan, "Oh fuck yes..., just there..., god I've missed you, Gemma." I mean, seriously, WHAT THE FUCK? I edged the door open and stood there in total shock.

Michelle was on her back with her legs hooked over Gemma's shoulders who was munching on her cunt. Caroline was on Michelle's right squeezing one of her tits and sucking the other.

Michelle saw me out the corner of her eye. With a grin, she panted, "Oh there you are Jim. Get your clothes off, this k** needs her ass fucking."

"But..., what the..."

Michelle frowned and said, "Stop babbling Jim, if you don't fuck the little slut's ass I'll get my strap-on."

My brain was in total confusion. "You..., you've got a strap-on?" I stammered stupidly as if that was the most important thing that needed explaining.

Caroline slid off the bed and walked towards me saying, "Of course she does, Jim, all lesbians have one. Now let's see if this cock is as nice as Michelle says it is." She was a little heavier than Michelle but still, like Michelle, beautiful but with bigger tits and chunky nipples. Kneeling, she unzipped me and pulled my cock out. Grinning she turned to the bed and said, "You were right Michelle, it's looking a bit red though. He's been fucking her non-stop." Then she turned back and began to suck on my head.

Michelle could see the confusion on my face. "Just enjoy yourself," she panted, "I'll explain everything afterwards. In the meantime, this k** is about to make me cum."

While I removed the top half of my uniform, Caroline, still sucking my cock, removed the bottom half. From the bed, Michelle made noises I'd never heard before as she twisted and clawed at the sheets. With Gemma still latched onto her she came longer and harder than I'd seen since first meeting her s*******n years ago.

Laughing and with her face covered in my wife's cunt juices, Gemma backed down the bed with her ass in the air. It was only then that I noticed the big pink-jewelled butt plug. "A present from your wife, my lover," she said.

Caroline released me and led me to the bed. Michelle had rolled to one side and was gasping for breath. Her place was taken by Caroline who laid the other way round, her feet on the pillows. I watched as Gemma lowered her cunt onto Caroline's face. Michelle appeared at my left, still breathing heavily. Carefully, she pulled the plug out of Gemma's ass. I could see Caroline's tongue lapping at her cunt. Michelle took a tube of lube that I hadn't seen before and pushed some into Gemma's ass with her fingers. After coating my cock, she pulled Gemma's cheeks apart and nodded.

Carefully I pressed the head of my cock against her little puckered rosebud. Michelle moved up, knelt by Gemma and said, "Try and relax. Resist the instinct to clench and it'll be easier."

Instead of me pushing, Gemma, leaning on her arms, leaned back into me. The butt plugs had done their job and the head popped in which made her gasp. "That's the worst bit," whispered Michelle in her ear, "Now let Jim do the work. Don't worry, he knows what he's doing."

Gripping her hips I eased half my cock in. "How does that feel?" asked Michelle.

"A bit weird but okay," panted Gemma, "That first bit hurt but now he's in its okay."

Michelle nodded at me. I pulled back until my head was up against her sphincter then slid my full length into her. "Fuuuuuck!" she cried before quickly adding, "It's okay, it's okay."

Steadily, I fucked her tight little ass while Caroline lapped and sucked at her clit. To add to her sensations, Michelle played with her tits and French kissed her. God, what an amazing ass Gemma had - round, pert, muscular with not a single spot or blemish. And on top of that, the entire length of her anus gripped my cock as I slid in and out. I had hoped to cum in her but she quickly came and threw herself forwards, jerking and quivering.

Caroline scrambled to her knees and began to suck my cock, straight from Gemma's ass. Michelle, who was holding Gemma, shouted, "Go on Jim, fuck her, I know you've always wanted to."

By now I'd lost all self-control. I pulled Caroline off my cock by the hair and pushed her backwards. I don't remember actually entering her, just her tits wobbling as I fucked the life out of her. She had a crazy look on her face and was shouting, "That's it, fuck your sister-in-law, I've waited s*******n years for this. Give me your cum, come on you bastard, pump it into me." With a roar, I shot every last little sperm that I had left as deep into her as I could.

It was a good ten minutes before anyone spoke. We just lay there in a sort of post-sex haze. Finally, Michelle crawled off the bed, left the bedroom and came back with another two glasses. Armed with a scotch each she said, "I suppose you want an explanation?"

"Well," I said, "I am totally confused."

She took a deep breath. "As you've always known, being a twin means I have a very close relationship with Caroline. But you've never known how close. As sisters, we've been having sex with each other since we were twelve years old. By the time I married you I'd probably already had more orgasms than most women have in a lifetime. Caroline went on to become largely lesbian but still likes occasional man sex. Me, I'm fifty-fifty."

"So all those weekends you've been to visit Caroline..."

"We've been having sex, yes. I'd always planned to tell you but you seemed quite happy in your ignorance. But with Jessica and Sarah now being twelve and being twins, it was time to bring things out into the open."

"What have they got to do with this and where are they by the way?" I asked.

"We dropped them with mum on the way here. I'll pick them up Monday evening."

"What about school?"

"Monday is an inset day at their school, I did tell you. Anyway, Caroline and I have never regretted what we did at their age, in fact, we are both convinced that it made us more rounded, stable and confident adults. So this weekend was to... initiate the girls as it were."

"You mean...?"

"Yes, if I recall correctly, Jessica came five times and Sarah six. They're sharing a double bed at mum's."

"She knows?"

"Of course she does, she was a twin to remember."

"And what about Gemma? Was this all planned too?"

"Absolutely." Putting her arm around Gemma she continued, "I met Gemma in the gym four weeks ago. We hit it off and I invited her back here to watch a couple of my fitness videos. Within ten minutes we were 69ing on the lounge carpet. Within days we were lovers. All that time you were in London recently, when the soldiers were bussed back here each evening and you and the officers stayed in a hotel in Windsor, Gemma was in our bed every night - after the girls had gone to bed of course."

"Fuck me!" I said.

"Gemma told me about being a virgin and wanting to lose it to a man who knew what he was doing. I described your cock and abilities and we hatched our little plan."

I looked at Gemma and said, "But you swore on your baby sister's life that you were telling the truth."

"No," she said, "I promised I wouldn't tell anyone. And anyway, I haven't got a sister."



That weekend changed my life forever. Now, four years later, it seems so long ago. So much has happened. Gemma never did go to Sandhurst and become an officer. Six weeks later at a barbecue at Caroline's house, Caroline and Gemma proudly produced positive pregnancy tests. Seven months later, I became the father of Caroline's twin girls, Sienna and Juliette, and Gemma's little girl, Amber. Six weeks later I lost my right foot in Iraq. Invalided out of the Army but on a full pension, I was at a loss what to do. Then fate intervened. Gemma's father died in a boating accident.

I discovered another lie. Not only did she not have a sister, but she also didn't have any brothers! She inherited the entire Glenmannoch distillery empire including three Speyside distilleries, a bottling plant, warehousing and a rum distillery on the banks of the Demerera River in Guyana.

So here I am, sitting in the garden of a vast country house outside Elgin watching my family of three wives (two unofficial) and five c***dren playing in the sun. On inheriting the empire, Gemma set out on a root and branch restructuring programme. With herself as President, Michelle and Caroline as VPs and me as General Manager we doubled sales within two years, helped in part by both The Queen and the President of the USA letting slip that Glenmannoch was their favourite scotch. Three months ago we bought a London gin distillery.

All this from answering the door to a dripping wet girl.

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The intercom in the barracks broke us out of our sexually induced trance. The Senior Drill Sgt came on in his old ass gravely voice, “Privates!! You have five damn minutes to be in your bay for the pre-lights out inspection! Let us catch you with your shit fucked up and you’ll spend the night enduring a significant emotional event that’ll make you wish you were never fucking born!” Thank God for that! Otherwise I may have fucked Smith again and that wouldn’t do at all with as late as it was...

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Kissy Kat

Kissy Kat was the CB handle if a lovely young lady I dated back in the hay-day of CB radios. We dated frequently, maybe too frequently. She was twenty-years-old, and as cute as they come. She was 5'2" tall and slightly on the plump side. Her extra weight contributed to her having wonderfully oversized set of tits. I loved playing with her tits, and she liked them firmly fondled. She had shoulder-length blonde hair that was silky to the touch and always smelled like flowers. Kissy was a...

4 years ago
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Kissy-Footby Kimmie Holland and Meeah Mackenzie[authors note: This story was kindly passed on to us by our friend Bernadette who requested only that we post it in her own words. We have complied with her wishes, passing the original text—with her generous permission, of course—through the filter of a cursory spell check in order to correct only the grossest grammatical errors that might have confused the reader’s comprehension of this otherwise straightforward account of fetish, feminization,...

4 years ago
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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 126 Goodnight Miho

"Itz ah shin I tellz ya!" Mihoshi continued to blubber. Directing her comments towards Kiyone's hind quarters, as her partner began hiking up the stairs. "Tooz womenz uh wan manz! Id juz wong! Unateral!" "Yes and you'd form a nice quartet in two shakes wouldn't you?" Key responded dryly. Shifting her 'fireman's carry enough to open the door to their room. "Dey needs da guidance!" Miho slurred. Straitening enough over key's shoulder to emphatically gesture. "Avz a...

1 year ago
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Gloria Goodnights Glamorous GamsChapter 2

Eventually, I came to understand that I never had a chance with my best friend Gloria. I don’t think it was because she was so beautiful and I was a bit of a dork. In fact, I think the simple truth was that she was interested in guys that made her juices run like those bulls over in Europe with all the men running their ass off to keep from getting gored. It was hard for me to watch one of those newsreels because I had this silly fear of getting gored by a sharp point horn and the very...

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Gloria Goodnights Glamorous GamsChapter 3

My sexual adventures with the five sisters living next door to Gloria and her sister Veronica seemed to create a magnet for Gloria to sample my big boy in various positions and with astonishing results we had never quite achieved before. I had started to think that my inability to foster a satisfactory orgasm in Gloria’s glorious tubes was entirely my fault due to some genetic problem or mental shortcoming in the consummation process. It was quite a shock for me to see her writhing in...

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The Drum Majorette

It wasn’t just raining, it was pouring down with such force the drops bounced off the terrace floor and the surrounding grass. I stood under the roof looking out while smoking a cigarette. It had begun just a few minutes earlier but the grass and gardens where already soaked and slowly it crept over the flagstone floor and slid towards me. I returned to one of their several wicker chairs standing around a glass table on the terrace, I didn’t think the water would reach me there, or at least I...

2 years ago
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KissyChapter 2

The rest of the day passed fairly uneventfully. I guess I was just in a movie-watching mood, because when my brother brought down a stack of other DVDs he’d burned, I joined him in watching them all. By the end of the last film (an old musical about actors in a Shakespeare play), my head was throbbing. I guess that’s the price you pay for spending a whole day staring at the TV. I got up and began to stagger to my room, but my brother stopped me. “No kiss?” he said, a pout on his...

1 year ago
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The Sergeants Affair

Introduction: Theirs was a forbidden love… She stared down at him, her brown eyes noticeably wide with bewilderment, as the most gorgeous eyes shes ever seen stared back at her. They were neither green, nor blue, or even brown, but a wonderful combination of the three. Perfectly shaped, they were set in a chiseled face that boasted of high cheek bones, a strong chin slightly covered in a masculine goatee of light brown, and an unremarkably straight nose. He smiled back at her, the corners of...

3 years ago
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Goodnight Daddy Part 1

One night, doing the nightly routine visit, I approached and entered her room fairly quickly, she didn't notice me at first- I took just a few seconds to pause at the doorway, just long enough to see her body was squirming under the covers, her head to one side, opposite me, breathing heavy and moaning slightly, as soon as she noticed, me she quickly stopped and re-positioned. When I approached her face to kiss her good night on the cheek, as I usually did many nights before, I could feel her...

4 years ago
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Goodnight Daddy Part 3

After a couple hours the doorbell rang, Joy answered it. Joy walked back out to the patio "look who is here," Joy said. From behind Joy, Cora's friend Lexi emerged, "Hi Mr. Grant," she says as she smiled and gave a quick wave. "Oh hey Lexi," I replied as I quickly scanned her sexiness in her extra short jean shorts and tank top, "Cora's not here, she is working," I claim. Joy replied "yeah I told her, but I suggested she should just hang out with us, Cora shouldn't be too...

3 years ago
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Goodnight Daddy Part 2

I decided to do some work from my home office on this day. Again my mind wanders into Dad perv mode and I decide to go up to the scene of the crime- Cora's bedroom. I sit on the bed looking around the room and start rubbing my cock getting hard. I unzip my pants and take it out and start jacking off sitting on Cora's bed. Quickly I can feel my cock growing tightening my pants, I unzip and ease my dick out. It's is super hard and I grip it with enough pressure to stroke my foreskin moving it...

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Goodnight Beautiful

I climb into Michelle’s bed every night and wrap my arms around her soft warm body. I lean my head down and gently press my nose into her hair and take in the scent of her freshly washed strands. Tonight it is apples. Tomorrow night it could be coconuts. The next night it could be the scent of freshly falling rain. That’s what I loved about Michelle. She always surprised me. However, she always wore the same thing to bed. That never changed. It was always a tee shirt and her panties. Of...

4 years ago
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Surprise Goodnight

Laying down for the night I curl into the blankets and find a comfortable position. It’s too bad I’m not in the least bit tired, I’ve run to my room to hide. I’ve been sitting on the sofa for the last two hours and for the entire time wanted to feel your hands on me. Maybe if I lay by myself I can relax and forget my urges for a time. Just as my eyes begin to drift closed I hear the door open and opening my eyes, I watch you silently walking toward me. Looking up at you I wait to see what...

3 years ago
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A Goodnight Kiss

My girlfriend Cristy and I have been together for three years now. Our sex life is out of this world as one can expect from two 22 year olds. My girlfriend is absolutely beautiful, with red hair, brown eyes, a perky butt and 34 D perky tits. She is only five feet two so her ‘assets’ tend to stand out more than normal. She always talks about sex and is always dressing sexy so you can imagine how desirable she is to other men. Lately I’ve gotten her to stop wearing underwear when we go out and...

1 year ago
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Goodnight Betty

I was fortunate to spend New years day evening at Betty my neighbours house. Betty had a party for some of the neighbours, a very happy if not slightly drunken do. We had a great evening with everyone joining in with great stories and the general chatter of neighbours/friends. As the evening wore on the music got turned up bit by bit, mostly 60's and 70's music. Everyone joining in with dancing and singing going on until late into the night. As time wore on people slowly drifted off home until...

3 years ago
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Goodnight Jolie

It was almost like old times. Uncle Joe had stopped by, like he used to do every Friday night, before he had moved east a couple years ago. He was back as a special favor for his sister, who had asked him to come visit to keep an eye on Jolie while Sis was enjoying herself in Las Vegas.Joe had arrived early that evening, but was still getting used to his 18-year-old niece. The last time he had seen her, she was just becoming a woman. Now she was a stunning beauty, and she seemed to still have...

First Time
3 years ago
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Saying goodnight to mums turns into fun

It was a Thursday evening and I was watching tv in the lounge, it was coming up to about 10pm when mum came in and said to me good night hunny im off to bed. Night mum I replied. It seemed as if she was going up earlier than normal, maybe she wanted to read. 10 minutes had past and I was ready for bed also. I walked upstairs and started getting ready when I popped my head into mums room and noticed she was sitting up ready a magazine. She looked up and just smiled. Dad's phoned his working the...

3 years ago
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Goodnight treat

Hi. I'm Brandon. These happened when I'm still working as a Salesman. our company provides us a staff house so all the employees in one branch live together. Our house has two rooms. Me and Rob (my staff) shares the same room. three of my staff in the other room and two more in the living room. All in all we're seven.It was the end of the month so we received our salary. Me and my staff decided to go to a disco bar since we don't have work for tomorrow. We drink a lot and dance and dance until...

2 years ago
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Surprise Goodnight

Laying down for the night I curl into the blankets and find a comfortable position. It’s too bad I’m not in the least bit tired, I’ve run to my room to hide. I’ve been sitting on the sofa for the last two hours and for the entire time wanted to feel your hands on me. Maybe if I lay by myself I can relax and forget my urges for a time. Just as my eyes begin to drift closed I hear the door open and opening my eyes, I watch you silently walking toward me. Looking up at you I wait to see what...


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