Sex At The Cinema free porn video

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It was our first date. I had met Aubrey in the library a couple weeks ago both reaching for the same book. We talked for a few moments and realized we had a lot of similar interests. We exchanged phone numbers and began texting one another. Texting gave way to flirty sexting and soon I wanted to actually go out with her. So in one of our textings I asked Aubrey if she would be up for it and she said she would love to go out sometime. I decided a movie was a good first date - nothing fancy and nothing too intimidating. She said a movie would be fine... that she hadn't been to a movie in quite some time and she was looking forward to it.

Everything was set. I had found out she liked scary movies and I thought a scary movie meant she would need a "protector" - someone to cuddle up against when the scenes got intense. Sounded fine to me! The plan was to go to her house, pick her up and go to the movie with maybe a stop afterwards for a burger if things went well. Of course I was hoping that things went particularly well and we hit it off as well in person as we had in our texting. Aubrey was very good at flirting and I was hoping that would transfer to being just as hot in person!

I was on my way to her place to pick her up for our date when my phone buzzed; it was a text from her. "Hey, my folks have gone out tonight. Why don't we stay here for a little while before the movie." the text read. I was fine with the idea so at the next stoplight, I texted her "Sure! Sounds good! I'll be there in a few minutes." and she replied "Looking forward to seeing you!" She added a little heart to the end of her message which gave me a much-needed boost in courage!

When I got there, I walked up to her door and knocked. It took her a little time to open the door and I started just looking around, taking in her house until she came to the door. Aubrey lived in a pretty nice place, a two story split-level ranch style house with an attached two car garage. The yard had a nice four foot hedge around it with a couple Juniper topiaries on either side of the double front doors. It seemed like a nice neighborhood too, a welcome change from my side of town!

I didn't live in the best of areas. I hadn't told her a lot about myself, because I knew right off that I couldn't compare with her well-to-do life. I was from the south side, the rougher side of town where the not so well-off people scratched out a living. My home had wheels under it - I was trailer trash and the court I lived in wasn't much on looks. It was nice to see that I knew someone who didn't live hand-to-mouth all the time.

When Aubrey came to the door I was floored - the girl was amazing looking! Aubrey Brookes was a very attractive 21 year old girl, five foot three inches tall with long blonde hair and crystal blue eyes. "Hi! Come on in - did you have any trouble finding my house?" she asked as she stepped aside and let me in, shutting the door behind us.

"No, your directions were pretty good. Besides the streets were all well marked," I said.

"Good, I'm glad," she said, smiling. Aubrey wore a tight little spaghetti-strapped camisole shirt over a pair of shorts that would not be parent-approved had Mom and Dad been home at the time! “Do you want a drink?” she asked over her shoulder.

“Umm, yeah sure.” I managed to get out. I had gotten more than a little distracted by her amazing ass, barely covered by the shorts she was wearing. They were so small and so tight I could see her cheeks straining the material and threatening to rip the shorts in two! “Water would be great”.
“Go grab a seat on the couch, I’ll be there in a minute” she replied. I wandered into what she called the family room, and took a seat on the couch, trying to believe my luck at how gorgeous she was. A couple minutes later she came into the room with a glass of water for me. Here you go. "Now wait right here and I'll go change and get ready for the movie," she said.

I sat there on the couch trying to get myself under control. Aubrey was a girl completely out of my league in every way. Her family had money, she was drop dead gorgeous, and she had me so dazzled and befuddled I could barely make conversation!

She was gone for about fifteen minutes I suppose, and during that time I talked myself into calming down, telling myself that she did know what I looked like so it wasn't a blind date, and she and I had talked for awhile and she still said yes. All these things I ran through my mind, and helped to give me a bit of my confidence back.

Then she came back out. "Okay I'm ready, she piped up just as she rounded the corner into the room. And that confidence went right out the window!

Aubrey came into the room wearing a stunning red T-back mini-dress that looked like it was painted on her! The hem was just low enough that she could wear the dress out in public (although she was bound to get comments about it!) and the neckline showed off her ample cleavage wonderfully. The dress also had a handy zipper in the front just for fun!

But the dress was only the beginning. Aubrey herself was stunning as well with her makeup done to perfection, her dark eye makeup highlighting her crystal blue eyes and her red lipstick matching her dress, she was a vision.

"Y-you look... Damn! you are amazing!" I stammered, having to sit back down as I looked at her. I drank in the sight before me as I tried to pick my jaw up off the floor.

"Aww, you are sweet!" she said. She came over to the sofa where I was sitting and stood in front of me. "Are you ready to go?"

I stood up and took her by the upper arms, pulling her close to me until our foreheads touched. I could hear her breathing quicken as the distance between us disappeared. My own heart was trying to bust through my ribs. I tipped her head back and tasted her sweet ruby lips, pushing in for more as she pushed right back. I felt her lips part, inviting my tongue in to play with hers - an invitation I was only to happy to accept. Our tongues danced together, swirling over and around each others.

I pulled back for a moment, took a breath, and moved in for more. But instead, I dodged to the side, kissing her cheek and then moving toward her ear. I paused and flicked my tongue in circles just below her earlobe, inhaling the smell of her perfume. She smelled every bit as good as she looked.

I continued to kiss and nuzzle her tender neck for a few minutes, enjoying the soft mewling sounds she made, her mouth open, breathing heavier the more I kissed her. Then I came up for air and laid her gently down on the sofa. My hands began wandering slowly down her body, trailing over the swell of her wondrous breasts, pausing to squeeze her gently, curving my fingers around her tits and moving them in slow circles as I looked into her eyes. What I saw in them was a look of need and of desire.

She closed her eyes as my hands continued their path down her body, touching all of her that I could reach, tickling her just a little as my fingers passed lightly over her ribs. When I reached her hips, I grabbed her dress in both my hands, gathering it and pulled it up a little. Aubrey realized she was sitting on her dress, so she raised her tight, perfect ass off the sofa and I pulled her dress up past her cheeks, and gazed at her light pink panties, now displayed for me. I could see the outline of her pussy, swelled up beneath the thin, wispy fabric of her panties. I also noticed a telltale damp spot beginning to form on the silky material. I dropped my mouth to her puffy lips and rubbed my lips over them, hearing her gasp and moan at the touch. I raised up a bit and pulling her panties to the side so I could see her sweet pink lips, glistening with her dew, peeking out at me.

I glanced up, making eye contact with her and she nodded at me, biting her lower lip a bit. I spread her legs wide and leaned down. I inhaled deeply, filling my nostrils with her scent and savoring the sweet smell of her womanly perfume. Then without further pause, I rolled my tongue through her steamy depths, tasting her sweet nectar on my tongue and feeling her body tremble beneath me. I held her legs apart with my hands as I sucked one of her lips into my mouth, rolling it around my mouth and tugging gently on it before letting go and taking the other into my mouth. I couldn’t get enough of her. I began to swirl my tongue around her clit in erratic circles, feeling it swell up as I flicked it with my tongue. I put my lips over her clit, making short sucking motions, fast, then slow, then just pulsing it between my lips, reveling in the taste of her. I reluctantly let go and started to pay attention to the rest of her pussy, delving into the extra layers of her pussy, discovering new places of warmth and wetness. I started to roll my tongue around her opening, every now and the darting in, curling my tongue up as I pulled it slowly out.

Aubrey was going crazy at my teasing. She was moaning and writhing under me so much I had trouble holding her down as I ate her. I started to fuck her wet hole with my tongue, fucking her with little darting motions, pushing my tongue as far into her as I could. I could hear her whimpers and groans as I fucked her with my tongue, they guided me to move a little faster, not to withdraw too fast and then I felt her pussy clench a little, her body started shaking a little beneath my and I pulled away, kissing her pussy, feeling the tremors roll through her.

All of a sudden I remembered that we had a movie. I checked my watch. “Oh crap! We need to get going in a couple minutes, if we are going to make that movie!” I said.

“Okay, let me just… I’ll be… okay, let’s go,” she said. Aubrey sat up, adjusting her panties over her pussy and hopping off the sofa as I helped her to stand. Her dress settled back down over her legs and I leaned down and kissed her one more time.

“Okay, let’s go,” I said.

The drive went by quickly - fortunately, her house wasn't very far from the theater. I put my hand on her knee as I drove, slowly moving my hand further up her leg, till my hand was rubbing the edge of her panties. Aubrey parted her legs for me, laying her head back and closing her eyes as I toyed with her some more. Careful to keep an eye on the road, I pushed my fingers underneath her panties, and I immediately felt the warmth radiating from her pussy. Her juices were flooding her lips as well and my fingers quickly became coated, as I rubbed her pussy slowly and firmly.

When we got to the movie theater, I didn’t remove my hand right away. It felt as if it belonged there and I quietly slipped a finger inside her, making her gasp. I would have stayed there in the parking lot playing with her, but we did come there to see the movie, so I removed my hand from between her legs, and got ready to go inside. I swear she shivered a little. I put my arm around Aubrey as we walked from the car into the theater. Standing in line for the tickets, I let my hand slide down her back until it rested on her tight, sexy ass. I gave it a little squeeze and she snuggled a little closer. “Do you want to sit in the back row?” I asked, “There’s more room back there and it's darker”.

“Okay, sounds good,” she replied. So once we got our popcorn and soda's, I led the way to the theater we were supposed to go to and then followed her up the steps to the top row, enjoying the view of her ass wiggling in front of me immensely. We found our seats and settled down to wait for the movie. The movie must not have been real popular because as we waited for it to start, I looked around and there was only a couple other people sprinkled in the theater; one man sitting by himself several rows down closer to the front and another couple in the far corner of the theater - too busy with their own date to even notice us. The lights dimmed and the previews began.

As soon as the lights dimmed and the theater got dark, Aubrey showed me she could tease just as good as me when she stood up and scooted over into my lap, straddling my legs with her hands on my chest, face hovering over mine. I'd had a boner for the whole drive to the theater so when she sat down on me, her pussy pressed on my stiff cock. She started gyrating her hips in little circles, teasing me. “Mmmm... somebody wants to play! I think maybe I should return your favor?” She breathed into my ear. As she ground her pussy on my straining cock she talked in a low husky voice “You know, I'm so glad you asked me out tonight. I’ve been wanting to see you for a long time.”

I only nodded a feeble response to her, my hands on her hips. She reached down and took my hands, moving them up to her luscious breasts.

"Oh yes... I have loved texting back and forth with you, flirting and playing with you. And when you asked me for a date, well I have been thinking about nothing else since then!" she purred in my ear. "Dirty, naughty thoughts too!"

She backed up, and started to get down her knees on the floor of the theater. Thinking faster than I thought I could at such a moment, I pulled her back up and laid my old blue jean jacket in the floor for her to kneel on. Movie theater floors - even public ones- are notoriously filthy and I didn't want her ruining her dress or stockings. Aubrey smiled and settled down onto the floor and started to unbuckle my pants. Once she’d unzipped me, I raised my ass and she pulled my pants down, revealing my hard-on, tenting my briefs. She kissed my cock through my briefs, tantalizing me. I couldn’t keep my eyes off her lips as she freed my cock and ran her hand up and down my shaft, stroking me slowly. She then settled her mouth at the base of my cock and started to lick all the way up my cock. It felt so good. She reached the head, and started to suck on me, slowly, slipping my cock inside her lips and sucking, then sliding my cock out of her mouth. All of a sudden she took a few inches of my cock inside her mouth and started bobbing her head up and down as she stroked my shaft at the same time. If it had felt great before, this felt amazing. I didn’t want her to stop, I could feel my cum building up and I think she could sense it because she stopped.

“I don't want you to cum just yet baby!” she said, standing up.

She winked at me, then she hiked her dress up a bit and straddled me, sitting down in my lap again. With a naughty little smile, she took hold of the zipper in front of her dress and pulled it slowly down. She pulled the zipper all the way down to below her navel where it stopped, but that was far enough. For the first time, I got a good look at her tits. Swelling over the top of her bra, they looked delicious, I wanted to take them in my mouth, leaving little marks all over her. I reached up and unsnapped her bra. The two sides fell away, revealing large, pink nipples that just begged me to suck them till they were hard then, grab them between them my teeth and nibble them. I reached up and cupped them in my hands, admiring them in their glory. I could feel her nipples already getting hard in my palms and agitated them a little, running my thumb in circles over them. I reached around her, running my hands down her back to her ass and pushed her panties down so I could massage her cheeks, feeling them in my palms.

She knew what I wanted and she stood up, turning around to allow me to pull her panties down and caress her tight well-rounded ass. I pulled her panties down and she stepped out of them, then turned back around and resumed her position. She settled back down on my lap and started rubbing her pussy up and down my cock, her juices slicking my cock, making me harder than before. She rocked back and forth on my cock like that for awhile, letting it run between her thick pussy lips and driving us both crazy with lust. My cock head rubbed across her clit and every time it did I could hear her gasp and moan... trying to be quiet but having more and more trouble doing so. I pulled her into a kiss so she could get a good moan out and she filled my mouth with her cry. As she rocked on my cock, I rubbed a finger across her little star, adding to her distress and making her hotter and wetter.

Suddenly she broke away and sat up, grabbing my cock and raising herself over it, slowly settling down on my cock. She started to just ride the head of my cock, holding it as I slipped in and out of her. I started to thrust up as she lowered herself down on me and she let me inside her farther. She slowly took more and more of me inside her till I was inside her - to the hilt, so to speak.

She started to ride my cock, bouncing up and down, my cock penetrating her deep in her pussy. I couldn’t keep my eyes off her, she looked so amazing. Her hair falling over her breasts as the bounced, her nipples hard. I had to feel them again so I reached over and took them in my hands, rubbing her nipples in circles with my thumbs. I could feel myself building up and I knew I wouldn't last much longer. I started pounding her pussy, rubbing her clit at the same time. Her wet pussy wrapped around my cock, as I fucked her hard.

"I’m gonna cum," I panted, my thrusts getting more forceful.
"Cum in me baby... cum in my tight pussy," she replied. I thrust into her harder and she ground her pussy down on my cock, trying to stuff me as far into her as she could. Then she began this slow rolling of her hips that always made me nuts. That was it.

I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her to me, her nipples boring holes in my chest. I pressed her down on me even as I raised up a bit and held her there as I came, my hot sticky cum shooting deep in her belly. I leaned over and kissed her breathlessly, as I filled her with my seed.

Aubrey felt my cock unload and the splashing of my searing hot cum inside her was her tipping point as well. She cried out audibly into my mouth and her pussy clamped down on my still spewing cock as she joined me in her own orgasm. She poured out her juices, mixing with mine, and added to the stickiness of the theater floor, somehow missing getting my jacket soaked in the process!
I held her on my lap as we both came down from our orgasms and kissed her sweetly until our breathing returned. Then we both got dressed, and went into the bathroom to get cleaned up a bit. We returned and even managed to catch the last 15 minutes of the movie!

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WristDeep in the Cunt Hole Fisting At The Cinema

I don't go to the cinema much, but for some reason my co-workers had given me a voucher for the local cineplex for my last birthday, so eventually me and my boyfriend Triss made it there to a screening. The movie was Lars Von Trier's Nymphomaniac, which I thought we both would enjoy.It was the last show on a week night, so the cinema was practically deserted. We took our seats towards the back, behind the other dozen-or-so couples. I was wearing a wide white dress with spaghetti halters while...

2 years ago
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Being touched in the cinema

I looked through my wardrobe, trying to find the perfect outfit to wear. I would be seeing him again that night so I was super excited. He made me feel so wonderful and I was definitely happy to have him in my life. I tried to imagine what our evening together would be like in my mind; every time with him was always so perfect, so it was hard to imagine anything other than perfect.   My phone rang and I answered it, feeling rather happy to hear his voice, “I’m gonna be there soon” he said,...

Straight Sex
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Part 2 Later in the Cinema

Three hours later and a bleep from my mobile indicates a text had arrived. It was from Bunty. "Prince Charles Cinema, Soho, 1.30, screen 1 r20". I make my way to the cinema getting there just before 1.30, I paid my tenner and went in. The film was called Drive, but to be honest I don't care as I have my mind on other things. I spot her right away, sitting in row 20 on the far side. The cinema is quiet, as usual for the matinee show. My stomach is churning as I sat down beside her.She turns and...

3 years ago
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Manusha Tranny at an adult cinema

Rajeshwari Theater in Bangalore!! An adult cinema which plays B grade sex movies, but more popularly known as a gay paradise for having open fun at the theater. I have been hearing about this from my top friends and CD sisters for quite a long time. Some of them had visited this place and had different experiences. Some said it is a dirty place, all filthy uncles come there looking for bottoms and some said, it’s a place to experience something different, etc. etc. It was my CD friend, Saloni,...

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melbourne adult cinema

So I'm not a writer or anything but I thought i'd share something that happened with me and my ex earlier in the year. I'm 19, 5'7 32dd blonde.We had just left a club and walking down the street to catch a taxi after a big night out. We walked past an adult cinema. My bf said we should go have a look so we went in and realised it was just like a cinema that played porn. The cinema looked pretty seedy and empty but the woman at the desk told us where to go so we went in. Half the seats were...

3 years ago
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A short kiss on the lips. A quick exchange of phone numbers. Off she went on the bus. Or should I say: climbed drunkenly onto the bus? I didn't expect much of the party where I met her. She was hilarious and there was enough silliness in our conversation to suggest some sort of attraction. The neighbours complained and we were already pretty drunk and so everyone left. I asked for her number which she gave me. I jumped for a kiss on the lips. She kissed back, looked at me and off she went. Not...

3 years ago
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Older Couple in a Porn Cinema

Very often I will pop to my local porn cinema and find there are just a few guys in. I may get a blow job or hand job off one or even suck or wank a cock a two. It makes it worth the entrance fee but I prefer it when it gets a bit more kinky.But porn cinemas are hit and miss. You have to accept that sometimes it's great and sometimes it's not. Some people think it's better if a woman turns up but even this can be a double edged sword. 20 guys surrounding one woman doesn't help. Then all those...

2 years ago
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After my experience with leaving a pair of pantyhose in the Men’s Room at the Mall I was anxious to have another experience leaving my worn pantyhose behind for men to discover. I would love to be able to secretly see their expressions and know their thoughts as they entered a space for men only to find an article of clothing presumptively considered for females only.I planned to go to the movies today. It was still cold but not nearly as brutal as Black Friday. I put on three pair of pantyhose...

2 years ago
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Silly young girl in the porn cinema

Being a tall girl, 5' 10" or 175cm has a tendency to masculinise you, especially when your breasts are not much more than hard nipples, so at 17 I cropped my hair short, not like a lesbian, but a female tomboy.I had lost weight when living in Newcastle and was sort off locked into sex, masturbating a lot and of course my landlord was having his balls emptied regularily, or whenever he felt the urge.My sex drive was bordering on insatiable, almost akin to nymphomania, but as I did experience...

1 year ago
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The Cinema

Balboa was released and it was a movie that was being hyped up a lot, therefore pulled sickie off of work and went to watch a showing in the afternoon, upon entering the cinema, it was empty, with the lights on there was an Indian couple sitting in the row before the back on the far right hand side corner, I decided to sit on the back row behind them.I walked up the stairs to see them both looking, whispering, didn’t take much notice and sat directly behind them. They started arguing, the next...

4 years ago
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Unwanted Gangbang 8211 Wife Fucked Hard By Strangers At The Cinema

Hi everyone, I am Rahul again with the next story of an unwanted gangbang. About me, just read my previous stories with the same name. As you all aware how my uncle and his friends fucked my mother and wife in our own house and in front of me. Now, this became a daily story of my house. When I came back from the job and don’t found my wife, I asked my mom where she was, she signaled towards my bedroom. Just then I heard some sounds of very low frequency coming from my room. I went and opened...

1 year ago
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The Art Cinema

“What was I thinking?” you ask yourself. You’ve excused yourself to use the ladies room at the “Art Cinema,” whatever that is. You never go out on dates with guys that you don’t know well. Or at least you meet for coffee before going off to someplace you don’t even know. But there was something about this guy. It wasn’t just his good looks or his tall athletic build. It was something about the way he carried himself. A slow fluidity, a smoothness, a confidence. Like he knew just where...

1 year ago
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Wristdeep in the Cunt Hole Fisting at the Cinema

I don’t go to the cinema much, but for some reason my co-workers had given me a voucher for the local cineplex for my last birthday, so eventually me and my boyfriend Triss made it there to a screening. The movie was Lars Von Trier’s Nymphomaniac, which I thought we both would enjoy. It was the last show on a week night, so the cinema was practically deserted. We took our seats towards the back, behind the other dozen-or-so couples. I was wearing a wide white dress with spaghetti halters while...

3 years ago
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Teenage thriller Naked in the cinema

My little scenarios can lead me into risky situations, something I do on the spur of the moment, can result in becoming a full blown encounter, a brief urge that leads to a full and penetrative sexual liaison.I went to the cinema one mid-afternoon, it was a hot day so I was dressed in shorts and a t-shirt, ankle socks and pumps.Sitting in the coolness of the cinema, which was almost deserted, I was alone and feeling strangely hot, in a sexual way, I was one week from my periods so I guess I was...

3 years ago
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an evening at the cinema

Once when I was younger before I got married I was in the local cinema watching a film. This man came in and sat beside me. I thought nothing of it who would? After a little while I felt this hand on my thigh and moving gently up and down in a circular motion getting close to me cock each time. I gave a jump of surprise and moved his hand away. This seemed to do the trick and I settled down to watch the film. After a while I felt him getting up and moving out of the row. Some time later I went...

2 years ago
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The Adult Cinema

My name is Anna and I just turned fifty. This made me feel old and unattractive. My husband told me not to worry, I was still hot. I feel like I look like a grandma. My husband has always been on me to have sex with another man while he watches. I dont know what the attraction is for him, but finally I gave in and told him I wanted to go to an adult cinema and watch some porn. I wore a long jacket to cover up the fact that I was a woman. We walked in and I counted eight men there. I sat next...

3 years ago
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The Adult Cinema

My name is Anna and I just turned fifty. This made me feel old and unattractive. My husband told me not to worry, I was still hot. I feel like I look like a grandma. My husband has always been on me to have sex with another man while he watches. I dont know what the attraction is for him, but finally I gave in and told him I wanted to go to an adult cinema and watch some porn. I wore a long jacket to cover up the fact that I was a woman. We walked in and I counted eight men there. I sat next...

4 years ago
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Being touched in the cinema

I looked through my wardrobe, trying to find the perfect outfit to wear. I would be seeing him again that night so I was super excited. He made me feel so wonderful and I was definitely happy to have him in my life. I tried to imagine what our evening together would be like in my mind, every time with him was always so perfect, so it was hard to imagine anything other than perfect.   My phone rang and I answered it, feeling rather happy to hear his voice, “I’m gonna be there soon” he said,...

1 year ago
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Sexyaana Gutharaiyai Matter Seithen

Naanum enathu nanbanum dress edukalam endru oru maalku sendru irunthom, appozhuthu car parkingil carai park seithu vittu kizhe irukum liftil sellalam endru angu sendru ul ponom. En nanban ulle sendru irukum pozhuthu iru kaathalargal nadanthu vanthu irunthaargal, naan athai paarthu iruvar varugiraargal endru sonnen. Appozhuthu lift operator sirithu neram liftai niruthi vaithu irunthaar, appozhuthu puthithaaga thirumanam aagi irukum iruvar vanthu irunthaargal. Athil puthiya manaivi miga sexyaaga...

3 years ago
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It was late and I was waiting by the door of the porno cinema I was working at, the owners were right crooks which is why at 16 I had got a job there. I was waiting for my girlfriend Sara to turn up to let her in the cinema. Sara appeared with her mate July who like Sara is 15. I let the girls in and sat them in the back row after a hour a group of lads all about 18 came in they sat in the row in front of the girls except for 2 who sat either side of the girls. I was watching from the...

2 years ago
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Trying to score at that one Cinema

So you've been dreaming all week from the women of the cinema downtown, now you're going there with one goal in mind. To score! You have put on your best clothes and set your mind to charming. You just want to touch them so badly. You arrive at the cinema. You approach the cashier, the brunette. She smiles when you say you could view her all day instead of one of the movies. She had some nice cleavage with a nice rack to see. Before you were caught staring to long you quickly ask which movie...

4 years ago
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Jenelle getting fucked in Sex Cinema

Phil and I decided to visit a sex shop and cinema in Dandenong late one Saturday afternoon. I was so horny and I thought I would get dressed sexy for the trip in and tease some of the men that would be in there. I love being a slutty exhibitionist, letting men perve on my tits and cunt. It is so horny walking around the shop and bending over so that they look up my skirt and see my naked pussy-lips or down my blouse and see my tits hanging forward and my nipples hard and exposed. Several times...

3 years ago
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Fun Time In Cinema

Hello people, i am writing here for the first time… My name is Trupti, age 22, 5ft 6in, 36-28-34 super sexy figure… I am really a hot one and many boys admire me..! ;) The story is: on a beautiful day i went to watch a movie with my friend Aneri… She is also very very hot and really beautiful… Her fig is 36-26-32…age 22 Surprisingly there were only a few members in the cinema hall..I was wearing denim shorts… Really really very short shorts…! My thighs were barely covered and a sleeveless top...

3 years ago
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Surprised Touch At Cinema

It was Sunday after noon. I used to get a nap after lunch on holidays due to busy schedule of the weekdays at the working place. Washing cloths and cleaning the room were done in morning. Therefore, I could get a rest in evening. My daily routings were typical because I lived in a rented room alone close to the working place. Once in a month, I went to see my parents who lived far away from the town. One Sunday, as usual when I was sleeping, the ringing tone of my hand phone woke up me. It was...

1 year ago
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Adult Cinema

I was in South Florida for a three-day trade show, the worst way to spend a weekend.Driving from the hotel to the trade show on the first morning I saw a sign just off the Turnpike that said Adult Cinema. A thought went through my mind and I wondered what a place like that would look like inside. I had watched porn, been to strip clubs, but never to an adult theater. I attended the first day of the trade show, but the thought kept creeping in. On the way back to the hotel I pulled off the...

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Sex shopcinema

So I went back to my sex shop dressed in my office slut! Red thong,red padded bra so my D size tittys looked much bigger,white loose blouse black micro tight fit mini skirt black platform heels and bare tanned legs oh and my fav red wig! It's nice and long ! so so there I was walking so around looking fucking hot X there were a few guys there some with there gfs! There was a pair of sexy heels on the bottom shelf as a bent over (from the hips ) to take a look my skirt shot over my round bum !...

1 year ago
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Adult Cinema

I had for the first time a few month ago wrote about what happened to us on holiday on a nudist beach and it gave me such a thrill so when this happened i just had to send it in and see if it got the same effect on me and others that commented on it.We had been out for dinner with a coupe of friends Jill was looking her sexy self nice blouse and skirt not to short and i was telling her all night how sexy she looked we all had a lot to drink and the chat got a bit near the bone at times we all...

3 years ago
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Clube cinema

I headed out this afternoon with sexy on the brain. I wanted to be fucked again & was super horny. Decided to wear my new red suspenders & purple satin panties under my jeans when leaving home. I drove straight to club x & bought a pass to cinemas & lounge. I went into ram lounge first to see if anything was happening. Not much but a guy a couple years older then me was sitting in end room with his pants down rubbing his cock. I stood checking him out as he started running his...

2 years ago
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Sex Therapy 2 The Thert

PREFACE:There are no sex acts in the story but the patient does have an orgasm as a result of the Ther****t’s physical examination. Part 1 is the Sex Therapy appointment from the patient’s point of view and part 2 is the same examination seen through the eyes of the Ther****t. I don’t think it matters which one you read first.I hope you enjoy it and will let me know what you think in any...

1 year ago
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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

1 year ago
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A Trip to the Cinema

Soho is my favourite part of London. I can sit for hours outside a cafe, people watching. The eclectic mix of the passers-by – the tourists; the elderly couples on their way home from the matinee, and the subtle shift as the sun goes down. The trannies tottering over the cobbles in their towering heels; a young rent boy walking hand in hand with a leather-clad sexagenarian; the groups of camp, flamboyant young men jostling and flirting as they head out for the evening; the lap dancers on their...

2 years ago
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Interesting afternoon at the cinema

This particular Wednesday afternoon, it was raining and cold and as there was a film I wanted to see at the cinema, as the wife was working I decided to go on my own. I got my ticket and sat on the back row as it was the furthest away from the screen. I thought it’d be quite full but it was largely empty, there were two young lads in front of me and one further on the row and that was it.I knew I was a little early, about half an hour too early, as I sat there minding my own business I noticed...

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