836 Kay And The Dungeon 2 free porn video

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Kay and the dungeon 2
I will continue in her own words, me not having been there:
Prompt at 7'30pm on that Friday
, we met at the coffee shop, as arranged. I instantly recognised Jack from the pics he had sent me. he said, “you’ve come then? I am so glad,” and he seemed genuinely to be relieved I had arrived. He bought coffees and I soon sat drinking as he gazed over me, I was wearing stay black seamed stockings, 4" heels, and my little black dress. black cotton lace panties, but no bra, heavy eyeshadow, mascara, rouge, and a pink lipstick, I had a small carry bag with my purse and keys, my tracksuit and a pair of flat soled slip-on`s inside, for the drive home I had no handbag or other bits.
he told me I looked good, and I thanked him.
We drank up, then walked to his house, only a short walk from the café. He unlocked the front door, leading me into the hall, bidding me leave my bag, then leading me through the kitchen to a
slightly intimidating door, opening it and pulling on a cord, lighting up a steep staircase. "After you Kay" he said, and I descended carefully down into a wine cellar. he walked me past the racks of wine then opened another more ominous door, it was a room about 30' x 20’, brightly lit by banks of lights on each side. there were mirrored panels on each wall, interspersed with racks of whips, straps, canes and crops, some of them had leather harnesses hanging, chains, clamps. there were shelves of weights, a box of ropes, and a couple of small cupboards. there was a raised, vinyl covered box like structure, with 4 timber upright posts at the corners a long narrow sawhorse, a whipping cross on one wall, and a spreader bar hanging from a rope, in the ceiling. the rope was attached to a pulley. Every piece of equipment apparently had numerous metal `D’ rings attached to them, it was all neat and clean, it exuded care and attention to detail, and was precisely as he had described and my apprehension`s dispelled. He had told me he was experienced, and I had believed him, though it was a case of trust, he still could have been a killer.
I gasped as I took it all in from the doorway, even though he had described it to me online before I left home, it was awesome, I knew that to enter this world would signify my complete acceptance of the whole mastery, so it was a case of only slightest hesitation, but enter I did , to his obvious joy.
"Take off your dress" his tone had changed, to stern and controlling, a tingle ran through me as I pulled my dress over my head, he walked to a cupboard, opened it removed a roll of tape, and a soft leather hood.
he took the dress from me and d****d it over the sawhorse. "Arms behind your back and hold your elbows."
I did, and he quickly taped the length of my forearms together, before slipping the hood over my head and zippering it tightly. the effect was instant, and claustrophobic, plus the heavy scent of leather was erotic in its own strange way, it had two eyeholes, both with zippers on them, though he didn’t zip them yet, a big loose hole at my mouth also had a zipper, and an always open nose hole, so at least I could be sure of breathing. I stood there in my stockings, my heels and small panties, my bare tits jutting out vulnerably, and with my hands secured so I felt beautifully helpless, as I stood wondering how many women had worn that hood before me.
"Very nice," he hissed from behind me, his hands encircled me and he began squeezing at my tits, mauling them, digging his fingers into my breast flesh and releasing them time and again, muttering "Let's get these warmed up" he kept muttering, things like “lovely”, or “ beautiful” while squeezing and kneading them for about four or five minutes, pulling and twisting the flesh in every direction, really hurting them and making me gasp. I could see in the wall mirror, his fingertips disappearing deep into my flesh, see the twisting and stretching, and his smiling face over my shoulder, it felt like they were being torn off my chest.
Finally he stopped and I could see my tits had turned a bright red, they were throbbing painfully as he reached down, and rubbed the gusset of my thin panties pushing the material up into the wetness between my already damp labia, before going back to the cupboard and getting a pair of leather cuffs, attaching them to my ankles, and clipping them together. He then lowered the rope, removed the bar, and clipped the rope to a steel `D’ clip at the top of the hood, before tightening the rope, and tying it to a cleat on the wall I was now unable to move, secured at the head, simple but effective system I can tell you! A shudder ran through me, I had of course good idea of some of what was to come we had discussed it on-line, nothing precise but generally, and this I knew, was just a warm-up
He went to the wall and fetched a riding crop, which he swished several times in front of me, so I knew what he was going to use, before zipping the eyes and mouth hole tight shut. Instantly I was in airless darkness, he began to hit my left breast first, and bloody hard, the crop had a thick leather tang, so the pain was sharp, and the pain deep, he followed quickly with a second hard hit on the same spot, then a third. My screams were muffled by the leather hood as he worked on my left breast, clockwise, always in groups of three hits, working slowly around the outer side of the orb, then underneath, and then back around the inner side up to the top. each spot received the regular three hits before he moved on, he worked hard and very fast. I was by now screaming and sobbing, already in deep pain, I counted 30 strokes. I was shaking, breathing rapidly through my nose, my only source of oxygen and I thought I was going to pass out, fortunately, the hood taking most of my weight on the rope.
He and held me to him as he lowered the rope slightly and unclipped the rope from my hood, unclipped my ankles he then led me, walking blindly and, rather shakily by this time, to face a wall, then he unzipped my mouth so I could take in more air before he opened my eyeholes, I found I was looking into one of the big mirrors, through my tears, I saw my left breast was now swollen and completely bruised, black and blue. He said it was "now more beautiful" while looking over my shoulder and letting me absorb the vision, before he rezipped my eyes, and then my mouth once more, walking me steadily back to the centre of the room. He reattached the rope to my hood, and reclipped my ankles together once more. I was sobbing and screaming again, despite my promise of silence but my cunt was dripping, I could feel it quivering, and knew an orgasm was building down there.
My whole mental world was now focused into my right breast, which I knew instinctively would be his next target. None the less the impact of the crop slamming into it, still came as a shock and my sobs again turned to muffled screams as I thrashed around, but I was completely helpless, I had told him I didn't want a safe word, it was a mutual accepted decision, in fact I had promised I wouldn't speak either, and in turn he had agreed not to cause any permanent injury, though I only had his word for that of course, he continued as before, until about halfway around my right tit, when my expected orgasm exploded, like huge waves of pleasure, fighting against the sea wall of intense pain, it continued pulsing through me, my now wet cunt gushing its wet flood down my inner thighs, my body convulsing but he continued beating my now throbbing tit without missing a stroke though he must have been aware. He continued until it was over, the same thirty strokes, and I had received the full number of strikes he had allotted to this breast beating. I had had an orgasm, and by now I was covered in sweat, my chest on fire with deep, constant, throbbing pain. The inside of the hood was wet with my tears and I was panting, desperately in need of more air, he unzipped my mouth, but I couldn't speak, just gasp for breath, blubbering and drooling as I sobbed.
He lowered the rope slightly, then unclipped my ankles and forced my legs wider apart. I now felt his hand rubbing my wet panties into my now soggy cunt, before pulling my legs together and sliding them down my legs and off. He wiped my inner thighs with them, then very roughly and thoroughly, he wiped my wet cunt, the gauzy material scratching at my clit, and my sensitised vulva, then he pushed them up inside me, twisting them deep in my channel absorbing all the wetness on offer. He dragged them out and forced them right into my mouth, to my amazement, and without a word, he rezipped it. My mouth was now stuffed with panties, exuding the flavour of my own cunt-juices, the taste exploding onto my taste-buds, and me knowing I could no longer even manage to scream effectively.
He reclipped my ankles then retightened the hood rope, my head now pulled upwards and I was left like that, in limbo for several minutes, it was a long, long, time, closed in blindly in the hood as I was, my mouth full and unable to move and I stayed like that for a period that was a lifetime but it`s hard to tell in secured darkness so in reality it was probably less than ten minutes. The throbbing in my tits still hammering with every pulse, but also a deep dull ache of bruising as well. I forced my busy mind to slow my breathing and my sobbing turned into low groans. Then without warning, I was shocked back to reality as a crop smacked hard against my left nipple, again and again, for five hard strokes, all perfectly aimed, Jack hitting me only inside the areola, pain shooting direct into my brain, before his aim moved and the right nipple became his target, his aim perfect once more, no holding back, another five cruelly hard strokes, again that searing and sudden lightning-strikes of pain.
Then he unzipped my eyes, he had taken off his shirt, and his jeans, I could see he had a huge erection in his briefs. he leant forward and sucked my bruised left nipple into his mouth, I gasped when he savagely bit it, it caused me to lose all control of my bladder, and I began pissing all down my thighs, he smiled cruelly once more then returned and bit the right one. He knelt down and I felt his tongue licking the piss from my thighs and labia, muttering "Mmmm tasty". He arose, went to the wall and came back with a pair of clover clamps, showing me the things, and I gasped knowing what was to come, the sting in my already tortured and bruised nipples was already massive now, but it tripled as he attached first one and then the second, watching my eyes all the time, his face gloating and his eyes cold.
He paused then went to the box of rope, bringing back a long length of thin rope, I screamed when he lifted
my damaged right breast by the clamp and passed that rope under it, circling the base of my right breast and pulling it, oh so tight, then winding it round and round always tightly, he began binding my tit and increasing the pain and pressure on the already tight nipple clamp. He then smiled at me, then did the same to the left one, binding halfway up each of them, leaving two heavily bruised tightly stretched balls of fast colouring breast-flesh, with a clamp poking straight out from each nipple. My tits feeling like they were falling off, but the pain level was steadily increasing, and I was sobbing again, almost hyperventilating, I had never felt so used in all my whole lifetime.
He walked to the wall and selected a flogger, returned, he took a stance, and whipped me hard across my soft belly, I gasped and rocked on my heels, as he struck again, and again, setting up a rhythm, as my belly reddened, flogging my poor belly hard for several minutes. The ache spread. He unclipped my ankles, then unzipped me completely out of the hood, the air was a cool relief on my face after the confined hood he said as he pulled the panties from my mouth "Yes, miss to me you do look much better like that.". I looked in the mirror, my face was a mess, lipstick smeared, tearful mascara runs all down my cheeks, eye make-up smudged all over, my hair wild and drenched with sweat from that all confining hood...
He got some scissors and cut the tape from my arms, I hadn't realised how badly my shoulders had been aching, I gasped as they were released, but it was just a minor irritation to me on this strange day, also increasing the pain in my bound tits as they jiggled and swayed. "Kneel down Kay". he said.
Free now, he knew I was his totally, as I obediently knelt, gingerly down on the cold tiled floor.
"Time to get some fluids back into you miss. I'm going to put the head of my cock in your mouth Kay and I shall then take a nice long piss. You are going to drink every drop of it down, and I warn you If you spill any at all, I'll take a thin cane later on, and I will cane your stretched tits." I started crying again, knowing if he said it, he would do it. He shouted at me "Open your fucking mouth, cunt." and I slowly opened my mouth for him, as he pulled his huge uncut cock out, my cunt tingling at the sight of it, a long, thick veined tool, the knob barely visible under the fleshy foreskin, dribbling precum. it was unwashed and smelt strongly of stale piss.
I inhaled deeply, feeling a wetness once again between my legs, automatically opening my mouth wider as the thing came nearer to me. He grabbed my hair and tilted my head back, then it was in my mouth, my tongue involuntarily sliding under the foreskin to taste the bitter slime. his cock pulsed, then began squirting a hot stream of acrid piss into my mouth, frantically I gulped it down quickly as his stream increased. I fought hard, swallowing rapidly, drinking his piss, just managing to keep up with his stream, my cheeks bulging, the piss burning my throat, it seemed endless, ten seconds passed, and still the stream was heavy… I was struggling to keep it down, to keep swallowing it all, then just as the stream seemed to weaken slightly, I lost concentration for just a millisecond, I coughed, gagged, and spilt a mouth of piss over my chin, and down the front of me, hot on my bound tits! I quickly recovered, swallowing fast again, terrified of his threat, hoping he wouldn't notice, as he trickled the last squirts into my mouth. I was gasping, taking deep breaths, coughing, I could feel the hot acid piss burning in my guts, threatening to come back up. he looked down at me, drool hanging from my open mouth, and he grunted. He took his cock slowly from my mouth and rubbed the head over my face to dry it.
"On your feet" he said dragging me up by the hair and leading me over to the sawhorse. I stood there watching bemused as he positioned my legs, wide apart, facing the thing, clipping my ankle cuffs to eyelets at the bottom of the sawhorse legs, he unclipped that dreaded hood from the rope, then bent and grabbed my soggy panties, he used them to wipe up the piss I had spilled on the floor, in a very exaggerated way, his face glancing at me said it all, so I knew it would be the cane for my mistake, before he returned and silently pushed them back into my mouth, quickly opened to receive them.
He now refitted that damned hood over my head and zipped it up, leaving me in darkness once again, eyes zipped tight and that piss soaked gag jammed in my jaws. I felt him fastening leather cuffs to my wrists, then then grabbing my hood ring, and pulling me forward and down, my belly resting along the length of the smooth wooden beam, my aching tits I knew were hanging down either side of it, throbbing and uncomfortable. He then attached the wrist cuffs to eyelets halfway down the front legs and again I was secured.
I heard him collect several things from cupboards, he unzipped my eye holes and showed me a number of metal alligator clip`s, pressing one open so I could see the sharp metal teeth, each clip had a loop of twine on the end. Then he was behind me, roughly wiping my dripping wet cunt with a rough cloth, probably a towel. Once I was dry, I imagined in my dark hood what was to come, making the first bite of the clips a hundred times worse, he pulled on my tender labia stretching it out before clamping that awful clip onto it, then a couple more, evenly spaced along the tender meaty lip, he repeated it on the other lip as well. I could feel the tiny teeth biting deep into my flesh, starting up a new source of stinging pain to my already ravished body, which slowly increased, till making me scream, long and hard, as he added weights to every clip, I, as I turned my head sideways saw in the mirror how madly stretched my poor cunt-lips were. I saw the heavy weights swinging very gently, adding to the hideous pain I was already feeling. I watched him carefully lubricating up a large black butt plug, he caught my gaze in the mirror, "Time to wake up your arsehole sweet Kay" he chuckled. my eyes already wide in terror, widened still more, as I felt the tip slid in, and then as he rammed it up my arse I screamed in pure unbridled agony. he said, " I do so love the sound of your muffled screams my lovely kay. "white hot searing streaks of pain shot into me as my anus was expanded rapidly, I thought my ring had split, it felt so like it. he dragged the plug out again, I was gasping, as my arsehole throbbing, he waited a few seconds and then without warning rammed it back in, I screamed again, tears pouring from my eyes, as his hands moved underneath me, attaching a few more heavy weights, this time to my nipple camps, the plug still in place and causing me terrible pain. I groaned in total agony, pain exploding from several areas of my body at once, as he slid a finger into my cunt, pulled it out wet. " You're soaking wet again missy, your such a fantastic fucking pain-slut" he casually picked up a three tail whip, and started striking my back and shoulders, the tails bit deep, white hot lines acting like electrical burns, as he was striking me hard, each stroke producing another scream from me, though I could feel another, bigger orgasm building as he covered my back in welts, working his way down to my arse-cheeks, and on down the backs of my thighs, my cunt suddenly exploded in a huge spasming release when the leather tails caught my tight stretched labia, the pain doubled as I gushed thick slime onto the floor, pissing myself as well, as my bladder released itself. My body now trembling so hard it was shaking the whole sawhorse, as I screamed uncontrollably around that piss and cum soaked pantie gag, my head thrashing from side to side with sensations I had never before experienced to this extent, it felt like it lasted forever this fantastic but painful high. and then I slumped, totally wasted and utterly exhausted onto that hard horse.
I suddenly realised the whipping had stopped, my back arse and legs now a crisscross of deep burning red welts. he unzipped my mouth, removed the gag, and I lay there gasping like a fish on the bank.
I expected it was over and turned my head, allowing me to watch in the mirror expecting to be released, till with horror I saw he was not taking off weights, he was adding still more to the clips on my cunt-lips. I screamed, a deep guttural wail as I saw my poor labia being stretched even further, those metal teeth biting deeper and deeper into my soft flesh. Then still more weights were added to my nipple clamps, my tits, already well past endurance, became even more painfully elongated, the nipples stretching almost an inch as he pulled the plug painfully from my poor arsehole, then he selected a cane, he had remembered, he declared “I promised twenty strokes for making a mess on my floor and I always keep a promise". I watched them unfold, unable to move a muscle to stop it, or even use that safe-word I didn`t have, twenty full blooded strikes he had promised and twenty knew I would receive. Accurate as always first on the fleshy cheeks, then in the crease of my buttocks, he focussed five of the strokes right there in the tender fold, each one drawing a full-blooded scream from me as they impacted, my stretched labia as well feeling the swing of those bloody weights. Then another five down the backs of both thighs. I was sobbing uncontrollably as he finished.
He left the room for several minutes. the agony washed over my body, tears still pouring from my eyes. he returned with a bottle of water, and unclipped my wrists and ankles, helping me to stand, I winced as the nipple weights bumped against the sawhorse as I dismounted, he walked me gingerly to the centre of the room and clipped the rope back onto my hood. the weights between my legs swaying, stretching my lips with every vibration and swing. He clipped my wrist cuffs together behind my back, then began to untie my poor breasts, they were dark purple by now, with black bruising all over, I groaned in pain as that rope unwound, and gasped even louder as the blood rushed back into them, the weights instantly pulled them as they sagged downwards, they were throbbing, pulsing with the acute pain. He unzipped the hood and led me over to the vinyl covered box/bench. helping me to sit on the edge, the weights hanging free between my spread thighs, it hurt to sit, but I was glad for it, as it was becoming hard to stand. He unclipped my wrists and gave me the water bottle to drink, stroking his cock as he watched me drink, admiring his handiwork, and telling me to drink it all as he went to the wall, selected a short thick single tail whip, my heart sank, he was still not finished with me!
He swished it several times, then bent and unclipped the hood, next he picked up my soaking panties, and wiped the goo I had discharged unto the floor with them. he came back to me, "Open your mouth", I did as asked like an automaton, he stuffed them inside my mouth once more, then refitted the hood onto my head again and zipped it shut. " I had lost the strength to resist, though I had had I thought, enough, he had other ideas “Stand-up" he commanded and struck my thighs with the whip, I screamed as the welt burned, "Quickly slut" I stood up fast, all the forgotten weights swinging wildly, he bent quickly and removed my heels, moving my legs wide apart, "Now I want you to jump, and keep jumping until all those clamps have fallen off", I groaned, and instantly felt the powerful sting as the whip cracked hard across the tops of my thighs and pubic mound, I jumped, again knowing the effects on the weights, the whip bit into me just above the first stroke, the weights pulling painfully on my cunt and my tits. "Faster!" That whip struck again, just above my clit, I jumped higher, and when I landed the clip pulled from my right nipple, I screamed, muffled by the gag it was just a gurgle, I felt those clips tearing at my poor labia, again the whip, harder this time, biting into the soft flesh of my thighs, catching the top of my labia and hitting my tender clit, I screamed louder, jumped higher, two of the clips dropping from my cunt when I landed hard, the pain excruciating, "Again" he barked, the whip biting white hot into my lower belly. I jumped, and each time I landed that whip struck again, concentrating on my lower belly, pubic mound, thighs, and my cunt. I jumped more than twenty times before all those wretched clips were off. I was nearly passing out, dizzy from the mounting agony. he pushed me backwards onto the soft-top bench, pulling my legs up and clipping the cuffs high on the two posts, he did the same at the other end with my wrists. I was like putty, a silent rag doll, he was just moving me around as he pleased. It was then he began caning my inner thighs, I hurt all over, but was just grunting by now, as I counted the ten solid cane strokes on each leg, but he noticed I had begun to orgasm yet again so then he really got my attention, using the crop to strike at my open exposed cunt, beating it hard for at least five minutes, it seemed like forever, my labia was now swollen and heavily bruised, a centre of new pain, my clit was mashed but I was having a magnificent orgasm, and I didn’t care now what he did, if he killed me, or worse, it was magic, it was far beyond any experience I had had before and I`ve had some experiences in my formative years that I thought was unbeatable, believe me, this was in a level of its own. but for now, I was sure this was over, as he unclipped me, and removed the hood, and then the gag, the whole area of my sex a blueish bruised mess... "I'll see you upstairs, when you're ready, bring your own dress and shoes”. then with that curt comment he left the room and me, a wobbly legged and damaged subject to follow on.

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OVERBOARDChapter 19 Todd Upsets Kay and Junior Comes to Take Care of Him

After the visit by Kay's father things settled down for Kay and me. We got into a routine; I did my work and traveled when necessary. Kay gave up her Mondays at the restaurant but retained her weekends there. Her income did indeed go down, just as she thought it would once school opened. Her studies seemed to be going well, she found the speed of my internet connection made her work at home easier than she was used to. We played cards in the evenings at least twice a week and we kept...

2 years ago
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Kay Brings A Friend Home

My evening with Susan was a short but delightful night. The slender eighteen-year-old was an energetic girl that was more than ready to offer up her virginity. While laying under the stars in the Phoenix desert, she enthusiastically gave up her cherry to my eager cock. Over the next several weeks, my girlfriend Kay and I enjoyed each others bodies almost every night. We continued to experiment with varying forms of sex. Kay was soon able to give a pretty good deep-throat blow-job,...

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Kay And Sally After The Massage

After their massage, Kay and I drove over to Sally’s house so the girls could talk about their massage experience. I asked Kay, “Did you enjoy yourself, and what all did they do to you?” She just smiled at me.We went into Sally’s house, the women then got on the couch awfully close together and holding each other. I went and sat in the chair next to them. Sally turned on the TV and started a video that started out with a man and a woman. They were kissing passionately and taking their clothes...

3 years ago
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Seducing Kay At The Country Club Dance

Ah! The small-town Country Club in Colorado on Saturday night! I walked in and gazed around. All the woman members dressed to kill and their husbands fat and happy at the bar discussing golf. Everyone was happy and relaxed.All except Kay. Her arms crossed over her nice bosom Standing in front of Jodie, her estranged husband, seated at the end of the bar with a smirk on his face.You had to get close to hear the heated exchange between them. Money as usual. He had it and would not agree to the...

2 years ago
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Jungle Trip Didi Kay Saath 8211 Part III

Thanks dosto aap nay mare stories like ki or thanks aap logo kay comments or emails kay . dosto mare stories lumbi ho jati hain es liya sorry , jasa kay aap logo nay jungle trip part 1 or 2 read kiya ho ga now part 3 hai try karon ga aap ko acha lagay didi to junglee say chudwa kar layt gaye magar mare soch suru ho gaye pata nahi parents ka kiya bana ho ga kes haal main hon gay humaray liya kitna worried hon gay , or dosre taraf hum hain kay humay kuch yaad nahi raha hum khider say aya hain or...

3 years ago
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Kay is Ready

It was a warm Saturday evening in the southwest desert city of Phoenix, Ariz. My baby sister, Jenny, was celebrating her eighteenth birthday with a bunch of her girlfriends. They had decided to go play miniature golf, but there wasn't quite enough room in Jen's car for all of them to fit in at same time. So Jenny called me. “Hi Jen, how's your party going?” I answered. Caller ID indicated in advance who was calling. “Pete, could you help us out? We don't have quite enough...

2 years ago
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Kay Is ReadyChapter 3 Kay Brings Another Friend

My evening with Susan was a short but delightful night. The slender eighteen-year-old was an energetic girl that was more than ready to offer up her virginity. While laying under the stars in the Phoenix desert, she enthusiastically gave up her cherry to my eager cock. Over the next several weeks, my girlfriend Kay and I enjoyed each others bodies almost every night. We continued to experiment with varying forms of sex. Kay was soon able to give a pretty good deep-throat blow-job, especially...

3 years ago
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Pahela sex nokrani kay sath

Hallo dosto my name is raj I am from mumbai aap sabhi ko apun ka salam chalo boys & girals apna lund or chut ko hila naa chalu kar do kayo ki mare a garam sex storie padkar aap sabhi muth mar nay par majbur ho jaye gay …Chalo dosto abb storie kay taraf rukh karte hai a such aaj say sal pahele ka hai tab may 23 sal ka tha mare ghar may mom dad or may raheta tha a real storie hay mare ghare ke nokrani ki jis say may nay pahele sex kaa anand uthaya us ka nam savita tha wo 45 year old lady thi par...

2 years ago
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Kay has my damsel come back

She would stop by whenever she was coming home from school to see me and of course have sex. Since she had no boyfriend I filled the void and allowed her to finish college without the stress of being single. We were just friends with benefits until she graduated and it finally ended. Dawn did introduce me to her friend Kay who was also her lover.Kay and Dawn were friends who thought they were lesbians until I arrived on the scene . I showed them just how much better it was to have a real...

4 years ago
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My New Girlfriend Kay Part 3

Before I left Kay’s house, she told me to wear casual clothing and be sure to have the smaller bag with me. I was also supposed to get shoelaces for both the bag and downstairs. When I slept on Saturday, the new key that I was wearing was a constant reminder that I was now dating a very dominant woman. So far, it has been a little more than I bargained for but, I really do enjoy being with Kay. I left my house in plenty of time so that I was able to stop at a low-cost shoe store and pick up the...

2 years ago
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Tamil Lungi Wala Uncle Kay Saath Gay Sex In Chennai

Main chennai mai job kartaa hoon vaisay main Delhi ka hoon mujay chennai mai aakar 3 saal ho chukay hai thodi bhout tamil bhi Aati hay Yah meri real story hai agar pasand aaye tou mail karnaa Yah ghatnaa last month ki hay Mai night show movie dekhnay gaya tamil movie teeMovie suru hui mere movie hall full taa movie bhi achchi tee mujay tamil movie dekh naa bhout pasand hai. Pass EK mature uncle ki seat tee jo thoda mota or rang thoda sawlaa taa age mere khayal se lagbhag 40 ke aas paas hogi jab...

2 years ago
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Playing With My Wife Kay Encounter With Young Stud

I have been married to my beautiful wife Kay for over 20 years. She is a 47 year old brunette. She looks no where near her 47 years……more like mid to late 30ish. She has a beautiful body that she keeps tanned throughout the year. She is 5-1 115 pounds with beautiful shape for her small frame….32c breasts with huge nipples that get extremely erect when she is the least bit turned on, and a nice little heart shaped ass. This is a true story about her encountering a young 19 year old stud that...

2 years ago
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My New Girlfriend Kay

My New Girlfriend Kay I am single and I met this woman over an Internet dating service. I like a woman who is in command and knows what she wants, plus, according to her bio, we enjoyed the same activities, movies, books, etc. After a few phone calls, we finally decided to meet at a restaurant on a Tuesday night. I really liked the way she looked. Kay is a blond, with a nice build, and is as tall as I am. Two things I really liked about her were her great smile and her perfume. We saw each...

3 years ago
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My New Girlfriend Kay

My New Girlfriend Kay I am single and I met this woman over an Internet dating service. I like a woman who is in command and knows what she wants, plus, according to her bio, we enjoyed the same activities, movies, books, etc. After a few phone calls, we finally decided to meet at a restaurant on a Tuesday night. I really liked the way she looked. Kay is a blond, with a nice build, and is as tall as I am. Two things I really liked about her were her great smile and her perfume. We saw each...

3 years ago
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Becoming KayEpilogue

Twenty-Three Years Later (10YG) Seven year Donna Prisk looked out of the airplane window. "Mommy, look! The Golden Gate Bridge!" Kay got out of her seat and looked out the window with her daughter. The sun was just starting to burn off the morning fog. The base of the bridge was still obscured by mist. It made the structure look like it was sitting on a cloud. "How pretty. It has been a long time since I've been to San Francisco. I'd forgotten how lovely the city is. "But that means...

4 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 391 Kay Cee Without the Sunshine Band

Goodies. “Fuck! I hate that cocksucking bastard. He cut off my phone,” Cee snarled. Kay and Casey had their service shut off too. They were furious. I got their attention and said, “I don’t know who you are pissed off at, but I take umbrage to you calling me a cocksucking bastard. Seeing as how your phones are ancient, I expect that your service disconnection is tied to me somehow. Oh, you’ve got goodie bags.” The girls forgot their cell phones as they got into the bags. I watch them...

2 years ago
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Mummy Chudi Papa Kay Doston Say

Hi readers this is jai pal here thanks a lot for your good response for my previous 5 stories of my mom fucking.. all are real now one more real story of my mom … Mummy ka naam ranjana hai .figure Mummae : 40 Kamar : 36 Gaand : 40 Papa kissi kaam say bahar gaye hue the… ghar mein mein aur mummy akelay the… us din sham ko papa kay do dost ghar aye unko maloom nahin tha ki papa ghar pay nahin hain….. hum nay unko bataya ki papa 15 din say ghar say bahar hain aur next week ayengay…. Who mom ki...

2 years ago
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Kay Asks Her Neighbor To Teach Her Sex

Kay Grieves was an all-around good student.  She was in the national honors society, she was a cheerleader, and loved to volunteer her time at various nursing homes in her town.The holidays were coming, and she liked to bake.  She made cookies and loaves of various sweetbreads.  She liked making people happy.  She made a huge basket of sweets for her neighbor next door.  Mr. Raymond’s’ was a widow and Kay’s family always checked in on him.He had lost his wife about ten years ago.  Kay's family...

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The day Kay discovered she is bisexual Ame part 1

Kay decided to jog to work that morning and decided to shower there just before work starts. She normally runs home or does her exercise in the afternoon but today she decided to do it in the morning because the afternoon she has an appointment. That morning went as planned until she entered the shower rooms... As Kay enters the shower area, she can hear one of the showers going. Kay can hear moaning coming from the shower. The person in the shower obviously didn’t hear her enter. Kay...

3 years ago
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The Shiny LadiesChapter 5 Kay

When Alice woke, she found one of her arms pinned under another girl. She managed to pull it free without waking her. She also found that the strap-on she was wearing was still halfway inside Lupe. Pulling it out woke her. Lupe saw where she was, and remembered. "I bad girl. Sex with women sin." Alice stroked her hair. "I think we'll have sex with anything to relieve our constant ache. Go back to sleep, Lupe." Lupe sobbed silently, then went back to sleep. When Alice stood up, she...

1 year ago
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The Judgment of Sgt J Chapter 2 Darkness closes in on Kay

After my long shower, I sat in the bathroom thinking about what I had done. It might have been wrong however, it was the only way that I could support my daughter Sherri and myself. I also figured that Cathy would get over it as well. The days turned to weeks and I kept doing what I was. I dressed sexy as possible each day for work and extra sexy on Fridays for Jack and his clients. The money I made in tips was enough to get what we needed. I was also able to start putting money into the...

1 year ago
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“You chose well, good sexy body, not shy posing naked for you. I want to hear every little detail Julie,” he tells me as he licks my erect nipples as I have one hand on his now flaccid cock. “I invited Kay around for coffee and as women do we compared our sex lives. She told me it was two years since she fucked a man, though she has strong lesbian interests, lipstick lesbians. When I told her we have sex almost every day and threesomes and even foursomes she was fascinated. “I told her we...

3 years ago
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“You chose well, good sexy body, not shy posing naked for you. I want to hear every little detail Julie,” he tells me as he licks my erect nipples as I have one hand on his now flaccid cock. “I invited Kay around for coffee and as women do we compared our sex lives. She told me it was two years since she fucked a man, though she has strong lesbian interests, lipstick lesbians. When I told her we have sex almost every day and threesomes and even foursomes she was fascinated. “I told her we...

4 years ago
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Karen and Kay

‘It was a case of being in the right place at the right time’. Greg was finishing gathering the material that had been discussed at the meeting when he was approached by a committee member. “Greg!” the member said. “You live near The Avenue don’t you?” Grey turned he put the papers into a large envelope for the secretary to record and answered. “Yes I do, why?” The committee member replied. “A woman came by taxi this morning, she hasn’t been before and she lives in The Avenue, do you think you...

1 year ago
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Kay Cums Again

James picked Kay up at the airport after getting off work at around 5:30 pm. They drove back together to spend Memorial Weekend with us before taking her to stay with her parents.After they arrived at the apartment, Kay unpacked, and James suggested we should go out and eat or order some pizzas and eat in.Deciding to eat out, we enjoyed a great meal with lots of delicious wine.After our meal, we returned to the apartment, and after chatting for a while, we decided to get ready for bed.Kay and I...

2 years ago
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Breaking Kay

Over the years I’ve had the opportunity…no… the privilege of painting the most exquisite canvases, but Kay was the most unique and challenging. I remember her sashaying into the room with that ‘All that and a bag of chips’ attitude. I knew from simply looking at her that she’d never had to beg, never had to work at getting any man to do her bidding. She was perfection personified and she knew it, from her deep raven locks to her dainty feet and all the space in between. He, of course, was not...

3 years ago
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Sasha Roommate Kay Goddess pt 1

Sasha spread her legs and a deep moan escaped her lips as her fingers began touching her wet pussy. Her roommate Kay was out for the night and this was the only time Sasha could have time to herself and be as loud as possible. Normally she'd have to gag herself in order for Kay to not hear her, but this time she could be as loud as she wanted."Oh Kay!! Please fuck me....please..."Sasha couldn't help but be attracted to her roommate, especially given Kay's tendency to walk around topless as...

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Breaking Kay

Over the years I've had the opportunity...no... the privilege of painting the most exquisite canvases, but Kay was the most unique and challenging. I remember her sashaying into the room with that 'All that and a bag of chips' attitude. I knew from simply looking at her that she'd never had to beg, never had to work at getting any man to do her bidding. She was perfection personified and she knew it, from her deep raven locks to her dainty feet and all the space in between. He, of course, was...

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Maa kay mummay

Kaisay app sab land or choot ko puray pakistan ka salam to seeday kahani taraf chalta hoon mere femily karachi main hai mere ghar main sirf papa maa or main hi hain to hua yeh ek hafatey kay liye papa kisi rishtay daar ki shadi kay liye lahore jana paraa mere maa hameshaa salwar kameez pehanti hain main un ko kiye baar chupkay say papa kay saath kartay howay dekh hai, meri age 18 main student hoon, maa house wife hain woh hamesha sex dor rehen ko kahti thin maa ki 41 age hai aur un kaa size...

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Afternoon with Kay and Jane

Here is another fantastic story involving my hot sexy wife, Kay, and a very sexy friend Jane. Jane is average in height, with a sexy ass, perky tits, and short blonde hair.I come home from work earlier than expected and find Jane’s car parked in front of the house. This is nothing unusual as either she comes to our house when I am at work or Kay goes over there to her house.  In my mind I am thinking oh great, the girls will be talking for the rest of the afternoon. I go into the house and I do...

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With A Mary Kay

I went home somewhat puzzled. I kept wondering what exactly is this therapy doing for me anyway? So far it seemed mostly to be about my masturbation habits which had nothing to do with the reason I started therapy anyway. My issues were with relating to women. Specifically strong women who are able to convince me to do things I don't want to do. Before A_ and Ilona I had actually no problem with women. Or so I thought. Nor had I a problem with masturbation before Ilona. Or again so I...

3 years ago
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Kay Shares Me With Susan

My sister's friend, Kay, has been my girlfriend for several months now. It all started when my sister Jen, Kay, and their group of teenaged girlfriends tricked me into going out with Kay. They gave me no prior warning and not much choice. That first night with Kay, even though it had been unplanned, had been exceptionally pleasant and rewarding. Before she even got in my truck, Kay had placed her ample boobs on my driver's side window sill. She was obviously giving me an...

2 years ago
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My New Girlfriend Kay Part 4

My New Girlfriend Kay P 4 After Ann left, it gave Kay and myself plenty of time to eat lunch and be alone together. As I have mentioned in the past, Kay is a really good cook, and everything she made tasted great. She even made me a blueberry pie. When we had eaten out, I always ordered a blueberry pie, so Kay knew what I liked as far as food goes. After the food was put away and I helped Kay with the dishes, we sat on the couch and talked. “I like the fact you like my girlfriend Ann and that...

2 years ago
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My New Girlfriend Kay Part 4

My New Girlfriend Kay P 4 After Ann left, it gave Kay and myself plenty of time to eat lunch and be alone together. As I have mentioned in the past, Kay is a really good cook, and everything she made tasted great. She even made me a blueberry pie. When we had eaten out, I always ordered a blueberry pie, so Kay knew what I liked as far as food goes. After the food was put away and I helped Kay with the dishes, we sat on the couch and talked. “I like the fact you like my girlfriend Ann and that...

1 year ago
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The Judgment of Sgt J Chapter One Kays Demons take Shape

I am re-posting my story as it seemed not to have loaded the first time. The first chapter will be Kay’s story of Sgt. J coming into her life. She prefers to tell me and have me write it with her approval. I sit here telling my story to the man I love. However, I do so in fear of what lies ahead for the man I love. He is a loving and caring man but also one who is bullheaded. He is punishing himself, taking the blame for an event that he had no hand in what so ever. I agreed to tell my...

4 years ago
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The Judgment of Sgt J Chapter One Kays Demons Take Shape

The first chapter will be Kay’s story of Sgt. J coming into her life. She prefers to tell me and have me write it with her approval. I sit here telling my story to the man I love. However, I do so in fear of what lies ahead for the man I love. He is a loving and caring man but also one who is bullheaded. He is punishing himself, taking the blame for an event that he had no hand in what so ever. I agreed to tell my side of the story only in hopes of getting back the man I love so...

4 years ago
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My girlfriend Kay 2

My name is Gus and I live in middle Texas on a 500 ac. ranch with my girlfriend Kay ,We are I guess naturist we are self sufficient in almost every thing . We still have to go out and pick up things for the ranch ,gas , groceries . But mostly we keep to our self's , we do have friends in the burbs were we moved from and had a very good time with them in our younger days . I haven't thought a lot about them until last week . When I was able to catch Kay and Tex locked up ass to ass in the...

3 years ago
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Kay Is ReadyChapter 2 Kay Shares Me With Susan

My sister’s friend, Kay, has been my girlfriend for several months now. It all started when my sister Jen, Kay, and their group of teenaged girlfriends tricked me into going out with Kay. They gave me no prior warning and not much choice. That first night with Kay, even though it had been unplanned, had been exceptionally pleasant and rewarding. Before she even got in my truck, Kay had placed her ample boobs on my driver’s side window sill. She was obviously giving me an invitation to pet...

1 year ago
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My Wife Kay

It all started several years ago when I accepted an early retirement , from teaching.( Adult level photography ) I wanted to get out of the rat race , move to the country to enjoy open spaces.I was lucky to find a very private small farm about five hours drive from the city , 50 km. from the nearest town.We settled in , my wife Kay and I enjoyed our new home ,and the privacy of our new farm adventure.After a few months I went walking through the country side alone to re generate my thoughts and...

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My Sister Kay visits Santa

My sister Kay found out the other day that I was going to be playing Santa Claus on the same evening that she was going to be travelling through town. I told her she should stop by and get a picture on Santa’s lap but she replied, “My idea of sitting on Santa’s lap might not work with a crowd around.” Yeah, that got my north pole as hard as polar ice!!Anyhow, that evening it seemed like every mother and grandmother that came to get their precious little one’s picture with Santa also wanted to...

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Kinky Kay Goes Greek 1 Playing Pool

Kinky Kay learns to play it cool in the pool to turn-on a father playing with his two doddies there. Later that day, the mom watching them invites her along for dinner and up into their apartment for more white wine and some games. In the end, she gets the sex she longed for, albeit a lot different than she imagined earlier that erotic evening.Kinky Kay has a few fine fancies. Nothing of the hard stuff, like gang-bangs or submissions into spanking. She just likes bits of exhibitionism at times,...

2 years ago
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Orgasm torment at Kays hand part 4

Kay had already turned orgasm into a form of torture for the night and it had only been two hours! She had threatened to keep me going through the night! Yes, my sister Kay is a demonic little slut with huge tits, long blonde hair and brown German eyes that have seen and read enough tricks to make any man her slave!She undid the buckles that held me face down on the table and then undid my feet and wrists from their ropes. The moment I moved, I felt my bladder slosh from one side to the other...

2 years ago
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Kay and Alien Sex

After going to the alien spa for a month or so and finding it very hard to get in due to its popularity, I also noticed that the more we went the more we were craving sex with the alien and less about having sex with each other. It was like they were reprogramming us to only want sex with them and not each other.The spa was so popular that they doubled the size of the building. They also began operating on a 24-hour basis, for women only.  For men, if they got in at all, it was limited to once...

Monster Sex
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My neighbour Kym and I had grown up together and gone from innocent playmates to lovers and explorers of sexual limits. We had experimented with group masturbation including jerk-off sessions where my male friends would stand over her well developed young body and spatter her from head to toe with semen.Her cousin Kay came to stay for a few weeks one winter while her mum recovered from an operation and she was the strangest looking girl I had ever seen. At 16 she was only 4 foot 9 inches tall...

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