Mourning Sex free porn video

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Only a cad could manage to hook up with a woman at a wake. I guess I am a cad. My only apology is that I never intended to do it.

The wake was for an older gentleman from work. His death came not long after he retired, and it made a lot of us at work a bit depressed. He and I were not close, but we had worked together for more than fifteen years, and I felt the need to go to the wake.

His wife is much closer to my age, and they have two beautiful daughters. Under happier circumstances, I would have enjoyed flirting with any of them, but only a cad would have had those kinds of thoughts. I was raised better than that, and I was more than properly respectful of them and their grief. I had only met his wife a couple of times over the years. She barely remembered me, but was pleased that her husband's co-workers respected him and mourned his death.

I had paid my respects, and was just leaving when a woman rushed out the door beside me.

"Damn it," she exclaimed.

I turned to look at her. She was an average looking woman, a bit younger than me, maybe only late thirties. She was dressed very casually for a wake, in jeans, a dressy shirt, and a jacket. We were at a wake, and I did not assess her beyond that.

"Is there a problem?" I asked.

"I asked the taxi to wait," she explained. She was on the verge of tears.

"Can't anything go right?" she added. "First my step-sisters tried to keep me from finding out that my grandmother died, then the idiot taxi dropped me off here at the wrong place, and now he left."

Without thinking, I asked, "Would you like a ride? I stopped at the other funeral home on my way here because they have almost the same name. It's only about a mile up the road and I am headed that way."

She turned and looked at me to see if I was sincere. I am honestly a nice guy, and what I had said was true. I had no ulterior motives and I simply was willing to help her. She studied me for a moment.

"If it wouldn't be an imposition, I would appreciate a ride."

"No problem at all," I assured her. "My name is John," I added.

"Cindy," she replied as she followed me to my car.

She seemed a bit apprehensive to be riding in a car with a stranger, so to set her more at ease, I quickly called up the other funeral home in the navigation app on my phone.

"I can't believe that they have 'Holy Saints' and 'Holy Trinity' so close together," I said. "Also, the numbers are almost the same, with this one at 1250 South, and the other at 1025 North."

She ignored my small talk and I pulled out into the busy suburb traffic. We only had a mile to go and we hit most of the traffic lights on green. She didn't say a word the whole way. I pulled in and parked near the entrance and waited for her to get out.

I'm sure it was only seconds, but when it seemed like I had been waiting way too long, I looked at her to see why she was still sitting in my car. She was staring at the entrance with tears streaming down her face.

"I can't do this," she whispered.

I never know what to say at times like this. Most times, I would have opted for a joke to lighten the mood, but this was not the time for humor. In my head, I constructed a nice little speech about loss and grief.

"Loss of a loved one is never easy," I started.

"You have no idea," she said a bit loudly, and she turned to glare at me and see what more I dared to say.

I almost exploded back at her. My parents had both died in the last two years. My dad had withered away with terminal cancer and after he died, my mom had lost the will to live. The struggles with her health had hurt more than losing my father to illness. I almost threw all of that at her, but I choked it down.

Her eyes softened, and she said, "Oh, I guess you do."

I didn't have a reply for that either.

"I can deal with the grief," she said. "It's my step-sisters that I can't face." She wiped the tears from her face.

"When my dad married their mom, I became really close to their grandmother. My mom died when I was really young. A few years ago, my dad and their mom were killed together in a car accident, and their grandmother was the only family I had left. My step-sisters are spoiled party girls, and they never even spoke to her."

"When she died two months ago in Arizona, they did everything they could to keep me from finding out. They were bullied into having this wake as a memorial service for her friends from up here. They didn't want me to know about it and they don't want me here. I wouldn't have known about it if I hadn't gotten a letter from Grandma's lawyer stating that they would not be dealing with the settlements until after this service happened."

She suddenly realized that she had been sharing an awful lot with a complete stranger. She was at a loss for whether or not to continue.

"Screw the sisters," I said. "This service is not about them. This service is about the love and respect that people have for your grandmother, and you deserve to be here."

"That's easy to say out here," she sadly said. "I don't know if I can stand up to them in there."

"Would you like a friend for backup?" I offered without thinking.

"I couldn't," she said hesitantly.

"Yes, you can," I stated and I turned and got out of the car. She still hadn't opened the door so I opened it for her and helped her to her feet. Fresh tears welled in her eyes as she stared at the entrance. I took her hand and marched her right in.

Sadly, I have been to more than enough memorial services. I have never been to one as poorly arranged as this one. There were no flowers. There were no pictures of the deceased or her family or loved ones. There was a small group of people sitting at a table, and nearby there was a guest book. There wasn't even a sign to declare their grandmother's name.

As soon as we entered, two snooty looking thirty-something women abruptly stood up.

"What are you doing here?" the first one demanded.

"You're not welcome here," the second added.

Cindy was stopped in her tracks by their attitude. Tears were streaming down her face again.

I slid my arm around her waist and forced her to continue walking toward the table with the guest book.

"Cindy is here out of respect for her grandmother," I said tersely.

The first sister started to retort, but I cut her off. "If you have any respect at all for your grandmother, you will shut your mouth, and allow Cindy her due." The second one opened her mouth, but I cut her off, too.

"Just a suggestion, but the next time you wish to honor someone, you might consider flowers as a symbol of the love you had for them. And you might consider some photos to share their life and the happiness you shared with them."

Cindy had finished signing the guest book. She quietly said, "We can go now."

If I hadn't been so mad about the sisters' callousness, I would have laughed when I saw she had added me as 'and friend' after her name in the guest book. She took my hand and we left the room with its stunned silence.

I led her back to the car, and after I opened the door for her, she mechanically sat. I carefully closed her door, then walked around and climbed in.

"Where to next?" I asked, trying to sound jovial.

"I don't know," she answered. "I can't believe you said that to them. I would never have made it without you."

"I have two sister-in-laws that I have to treat that way once in a while," I explained.

She sat in silence for a while. Finally she said, "I guess I need to call a taxi to get to the train station."

"I am your taxi," I said with a smile. "From here, I can take you just about anywhere. I would prefer not to drive down into Chicago though."

"I only need to go to Chicago to change trains," she said absently.

"Where do you live?" I asked.

She named a northwest suburb. We were currently in one of the western suburbs. Without a car, it made sense to take the west line train back into the city, and then catch the northwest train out to her suburb.

"You're in luck, then," I said. I told her where I live. "I drive right through your town to get home, so I can drop you off if you'd like. It will save you a couple of hours on trains."

"Oh, I couldn't," she replied.

"Are you sure? Really, I drive right through there every day. If you'd like, I can drop you off at the train station there, so you won't have to worry about me knowing where you live."

"Well, I guess. It would be nice to not take all night to get home."

I started the car, and we headed out. Driving through the Chicago suburbs can be a challenge, even when you are as far away from the city as we were. She did not seem to want to deal with small talk, and so we listened to the radio and I drove.

I know it's hard to believe, but I was still in 'friendly stranger' mode, and it never crossed my mind to think of her as anything but a woman who needed friendly help.

When we reached her town, I turned towards the area of the train station. I caught her staring at me again. She blushed and looked away.

"You could drop me off at my house," she suggested quietly.

"Whatever you are comfortable with," I answered.

She gave me directions to her house. It was only a few blocks from the station.

"What the hell," she said as I pulled into her drive. Following her line of sight, I saw that her front door was wide open.

"That was closed when I left," she explained. "Sometimes it doesn't latch right, but it still shouldn't be open."

"Would you like..." I started to say.

"Would you be willing..." she asked at the same time.

"Yes," I said with a smile. "I will feel better for you if we make sure there are no surprises."

"I have a security system that would have recorded any intruders. Let's go see what we find, and I will check it."

We walked together to check out the front door. The outside storm door was closed and locked from the inside. We could not see anyone inside, and nothing look out of order. She shrugged and walked back to the garage door. She punched in a code and it opened.

We entered her house through the garage and into a hallway. We walked up the hall into an open area between the living room, dining room and kitchen. Nothing was out of place. She led me back into the hall and into the first room.

It was a nice sized home office, with a couple of desks and a computer. She logged in to the computer, and I watched over her shoulder as she called up the security system. She had several cameras set up, and it was set to take a picture every two seconds.

She played with the buttons for a moment and then a new window popped open with four different views. She clicked again, and the display started scrolling backwards through the pictures. In one view, we saw us walk backwards from the garage to the front door, then backwards from the door to the car, and then the car backed out and drove backwards out of view. I noted that in another view, we could see the open front door.

We watched for a bit, and nothing was changing, so she sped up the rewind. About an hour in time earlier, the door suddenly shut on its own. She stopped the video, and played it forward. The door was slightly ajar, and then it looked like a ghost started moving the curtains by the window and the door slowly opened.

"Okay," she said, "That is the furnace blowing the door open, but it does not explain why it was ajar."

She played with the buttons and started the rewind again. Not much time had elapsed when the door mysteriously closed itself completely. At the same time, another view showed a woman walking backwards in from a door off the kitchen.

"Okay," she said as the video continued to rewind, "that's my friend Robin. If the front door isn't completely latched, slamming the back door will cause it to open like that. I wonder why she was here tonight."

We watched the video. The woman walked backwards into the kitchen, spent some time at the counter, and then walked backwards out of view under the camera. Another view showed her walking backwards into the office we were in. There was a piece of paper in her hand.

"I bet she left a note on the counter," Cindy exclaimed as she jumped up and headed for the kitchen.

Curiosity got the better of me, and I kept watching the video rewind. I watched as the woman walked backwards out of the office and down the hall and into another room. She had something in her hand that I couldn't quite see as she walked backwards out of that room and into the bathroom off the hall.

My jaw dropped at the next scene. The woman came out of the bathroom, still walking backwards, but butt ass naked and carrying her clothes! I was spellbound as she walked naked and backwards into the living room where she dropped her clothes in a pile and sat on the couch. She held a remote up toward the TV and then set it on the couch. It became very clear what the mystery object was when she seemed to violently cram it into her naked pussy!

"Don't watch that," Cindy warned from the doorway, startling the hell out of me. I don't know which of us blushed harder, but I know my face was burning. Cindy ran over and started clicking at the video.

It paused the playback at the point where the woman on the screen was in the middle of an intense orgasm. She had both hands wrapped around the base of a very large dildo. Her abdomen was scrunched up tight, lifting her legs in the air. Her face was contorted in excruciating bliss. Cindy was as enthralled with the image as I was.

Cindy wordlessly stammered and glanced at me. She tried to click the window shut, but it decided to play forward. Even though the pictures had been taken every couple of seconds, it was clear to see her friend finish her orgasm, and then pull the large toy out. Cindy clicked again, and the image vanished.

As we stood there in our embarrassment, I couldn't stop my eyes from taking in phrases from the note that Cindy had dropped on the desk. Phases like 'schedule changed' and 'wanted to wait for you' suggested to me that the event in the video was not the first time, and the woman hadn't planned to be alone.

Into the silence, Cindy blurted, "We can't have sex."

"Wha'?" I asked intelligently.

"I'm sorry," she said. "My mind has a bad habit of racing ahead and letting my mouth speak without thinking."

"Okay," I replied. "But I still don't see how you got there. I wouldn't have thought sex was up for consideration."

She blushed. "Well," she hesitated. "I guess I was thinking about how you have rescued me, I don't know, three, maybe four times. I can never repay you for how you handled the sisters. Before we got here, I was trying to decide if I should offer to make you dinner some night. I don't know what to do about it, but I owe you big time. “

“ Then, I could see you adding up the pieces and I know what kind of woman you must think I am. I could see how all of this would lead us to sex, but I made a promise once. I don't want to talk about that, but tonight of all nights, we can't have sex. I mean I can't have sex. I'm sorry."

"Wow," I stated. "I mean, no need to apologize. First, I promise I was being nice just to be nice. You don't owe me anything. If you feel that you do, please pay it forward. Second, right now I’m having a hard time thinking about anything besides sex. But I can respect you and your privacy, and I should probably go now."

I couldn't stop my eyes for glancing at the computer monitor for the image that was no longer there.

"That's not my toy," she blurted out. She blushed deeply. "I have to stop doing that," she added.

"Now I am curious as all hell where that came from, but I don't think I can handle the explanation. Thank you for the fantasy material, but I should really go."

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"Which part?"

"The fantasy part. What material?"

"You're killing me here. Besides the obvious?" I waved at the computer monitor. "My mind is fertile ground for wicked thoughts. I can imagine the two of you walking around as confidently naked as she did. I can imagine all kinds of things the two of you do together on the couch. I can imagine what kind of video you would watch and the toys you would have."

We were both blushing again.

"What will you do with all of those wicked thoughts?" she asked. "Will you masturbate as soon as you get home? Will you wait until later tonight?" She was breathing deeply, and I suddenly realized she was probably as aroused as I was.

"Actually, I will probably think about it the whole way home. I'm not some perv that would hang things out while I'm driving, so I'll have to wait. I'll go to the bathroom and finish as soon as I get home, and I'll probably do it again later tonight." I was blushing as I answered, but I couldn't stop myself. I was enjoying the emotions that raced across her face. Lust was the predominant one.

"We never touch," she said. She smiled at the confused look on my face.

"Robin and I. It’s a long story, but we only watch each other. We always say that we are watching the movie, but we always end up watching each other. The things we like are very different. I could never use the toys she uses. But it's so hot watching her, knowing that she is watching me."

She was watching me with an intent look. I knew that if I stayed, I was going to fuck her. She wanted it. I wanted it. I had to go before I forgot that I was a nice guy.

We were standing in the office, behind the desk. There couldn't have been three feet between us. She took a step towards me.

"I've never seen a man masturbate," she said. She took another step towards me. I couldn't breathe, much less talk.

"It wouldn't be sex. We can't have sex." She took another step toward me. I swear there was no air in that room.

"Please? Come do it with me. Watch me. Let me watch you. Please." I nodded and she smiled.

She took my hand and led me out to the living room. I tried to pull her body close to mine as we walked but she pointedly kept the distance between us.

"Sit there," she said as she directed me to a large overstuffed chair. It was very comfortable. She moved to close the front door. She gave it an extra push to hear it truly click shut. I noticed that the shades were drawn and we had effective privacy. She turned on the TV and started a video.

On the screen, two young starlets wearing next to nothing were complaining because something in their house was broke. They were going to give the repair guy a bad time for being late. I lost interest in the video the moment Cindy started to undress. She had taken off her shirt and thrown it on the floor, and had quickly unbuttoned her pants before she noticed she had my attention.

"I have on too many clothes," she purred. "You do too. Take off your shirt and pants."

I stood back up and casually removed everything except my boxers. Cindy watched approvingly, but she turned her undressing into a show for me as I sat back down. She had already removed her shirt, and her baby blue bra nicely supported her full C cup breasts.

Her body had many pleasing curves to it, a fact that was confirmed as she wriggled out of her jeans. She turned away from me as she unclipped her bra which allowed me to admire her full backside. If she ever offered sex, I knew I was going to love banging her doggy style!

She turned back towards me and dropped her bra. Her breasts were definitely C cup, with only a bit of sag. She had darker areolas than I expected, with slightly upturned nipples. I don't know if she gently pinched them for her sake or mine, but it took every bit of my self control to remain seated as she teased them. I was so enthralled with her breasts that I didn't realize she had removed her panties until she sat down on the couch with her hand covering her crotch.

"Show me yours and I'll show you mine," she quipped.

I quickly pulled my boxers down and kicked them aside. My cock was rock hard and standing tall and proud. She licked her lips as she stared at me.

She spread her legs wide and used her fingers to spread her lower lips wide. Her pubic hair was neatly trimmed into a wide V pointing down into her pussy. Like her areola, her labia were a darker shade than I would have expected. They were puffy and full, and I could see the wetness coating them as she spread wide for me.

"Stroke it," she commanded. "Show me."

I grabbed my cock near the bottom, and worked short up and down strokes from there to the top. She saw my expectant look, so she mimicked my motion and teased her slit with short strokes from bottom to top. She shuddered as she teased her wetness around her clit. I used my thumb to tease a drop of pre-cum around the head of my cock.

"Are you already cumming?" she asked.

"No, just natural lube coming out," I said. I couldn't believe how calm I sounded.

"I can't see," she complained. "Come sit closer so I can see," she commanded.

I moved over to sit beside her on the couch. I was stroking my cock with my right hand, so I sat to her right to keep my elbow out of her ribs. She switched to stroking with her left hand. She leaned closer to me for a better view.

It ended up being more comfortable for her to have her right arm tucked behind my back. I raised my left arm to drape it over her shoulders. The heat coming off of her body, especially her breasts where they pressed into my side, was intoxicating.

"What are you doing there?" she asked.

I had changed over from short strokes moving up and down to longer strokes with a bit of twist. I switched back to the short strokes.

"When I start," I said a little breathlessly, "I do it like this, up and down. That seems to bring on full hardness faster. Although, watching you, I was hard before I started."

"You like this plain body?" she asked.

"I might spank you if you use that word again." Her body gave a quick lurch at my threat.

"You can say normal, or average, but look how hard you have made me. I would call your body desirable and fuckable. I hope someday we will get a chance to have sex, and I will explore every inch of your body with my hands and mouth. I will make you know how desirable you are!"

Her breathing turned to panting, and she trembled against me, but her teasing fingers never slowed down. I believe I had made my point, so I returned to the longer strokes. She watched the change, and then looked to me for more explanation.

"This is the stroke I use for prolonged pleasure. I get very sensitive here, and here." I slowed the stroke at the appropriate spots to show her where. "You can see how this covers both of those, and a couple spots in between, without over stimulating."

Her hand suddenly stopped. Her breathing was very erratic. Between gasps, she said, "Speaking of overstimulation..."

"How close are you," I teased.

"The slightest touch," she gasped.

I couldn't stop myself. "Like this?" I asked as my left hand swooped up her ribs to her breast and pinched her nipple.

The result was immediate and explosive. She cried out as her body contracted into orgasm. Her fingers jumped into overdrive as she rubbed and pushed herself higher into the pleasure. I rolled her nipple in my fingers, and she cried out again. She tried to press her entire body up along side of mine, and she even lifted her leg over mine as she rolled to me. I held her as she came again and again. Her hand was still buried in her crotch as she melted against me and her breathing returned to normal.

She took a deep breath, and loudly demanded, "Why did you do that? Didn't we say no touching?" She was trying to sound angry, but it wasn't anger that I heard in her voice.

She quickly moved to straddle my lap. My cock was safely pressed into her stomach, but the base of it had to be crushing her clit.

"You've been lusting my breasts this whole time, haven't you. I should have known you wouldn't be able to control yourself." I would have been worried except she was rubbing herself against my hardness. Her eyes were burning with need.

"Here is how I am going to punish you," she explained. "It's a simple punishment/ reward plan. I will ride you like this until you cum. But if your eyes leave mine for even a moment to look at my breasts, I will kick you out of here so fast your head will spin. I might not even let you have your clothes. Do you understand?"

I understood all right. The heat radiating off of her body where she pressed into my cock was amazing, and she was going to make me cum. I also knew she would probably cum again before I did. At the moment, her breasts were pressed into my chest. It did take a lot of effort not to look at them.

"Yes ma'am," I agreed.

She started grinding a little faster. My eyes were locked on hers, and I managed to keep them there when she tried to trick me by looking down at her own breasts. She frowned a bit, perhaps because her breasts weren't quite visible. She sat up and back to increase the temptation.

I don't know that I could have been more tempted, and not just to look. Her breasts were dangerously close to my face, and I could have easily and happily attacked either nipple with my mouth.

Her change of position did cause an increase in the pressure on my cock. More of her weight was riding on it, and it was almost hurting. I grabbed her ass with both hands, and lifted her enough to relieve the pressure.

She gasped for two reasons. First, she seemed to love the feel of my hands on her ass, and the strength of my arms. Second, by lifting her, my cock had slid a bit lower. Her wetness had been coating it, and now it was sliding wetly between the upper parts of her vulva and over her clit. She was racing quickly towards another orgasm.

She tried to break my will by rocking her breasts against my chin. I opened my mouth to invite her to feed them to me. A smile of inspired lust broke out across her face. She brought her left hand up her breast.

"I think I taste good when I cum," she purred. "My hand is soaked in it, and look how I am coating my nipple with it. Don't you want to look at how hard my nipple is?"

My eyes were watering as the desire to look and then devour burned through me. I refused to look away as I watched her face reflect the pleasure she was giving herself. I think the only thing keeping her from cumming again was the game she was focusing on.

"I should do the other one," she said in a shaky voice.

Her right hand pressed down between us and she slid her fingers past my cock. She rolled her hips back and pressed her fingers deep to coat them with her juices. Suddenly, the head of my cock popped back in next to her fingers, and she froze in place. Technically, I was not inside her, but the head of my cock was as deep into her as it could be without actually entering her.

"No!" she cried.

"Don't panic," I commanded. "Let me lift you clear."

She raised her eyes to mine, and I think she was looking for an ally for her struggles in her head. I could tell that her mind was racing, and she wasn't winning. I waited anxiously for her to agree.

"Where did you go to school?" she asked suddenly.


"Where?" she demanded.

I was puzzled but I told her both the high school and the college that I attended. She told me where she had gone to school.

"How many brothers and sisters do you have?"

I couldn't even begin to follow where she was going.

"How many?" she repeated.

I told her. She didn't have any.

"Mom's maiden name?" I answered. She told me hers.

"First girlfriend?" I answered. She gave me the name of her first boyfriend.

"Favorite ice cream?" "Oldest memory?" "Dogs or cats?" "Can you drive stick?" "Worst injury?" "Shortest relative?"

She kept them coming. None of them made sense. Thankfully she was accepting and giving one and two word answers. I say 'thankfully' because the whole time she was asking, her fingers were teasing the head of my cock back and forth across the opening of her pussy. I don't know if I was going to go insane from her random questions or from the need to either be in or out. More than anything, I wanted in, but the teasing had to stop.

Suddenly the questions stopped. A relaxed smile of joy spread across her face.

"It's like we've known each other all of our lives. Are we strangers anymore?"

I started to answer, "No."

Before the word had left my mouth, her fingers slipped away and she dropped her weight to impale herself on my cock. For me, the feeling was sudden and unexpected bliss. For her, the feeling was orgasmic. The whole time she had been questioning me and teasing my cock, her fingers had also been pressed on either side of her clit and rocking it back and forth. The sudden fullness of insertion combined with the intense pressure of her clit bottoming out on my pelvis and she exploded inside.

I was treated to the obvious pleasure of having her pussy tightly wrapped around my cock as she wrapped her arms around my body. I also was treated to the incredible feeling of an active and vigorously cumming vagina. The best I can describe it is the combined feel of full insertion with the teasing pleasure of a blow job.

I held her trembling body until the she finished.

As she lifted her eyes to look at me, I demanded, "What have you done? Didn't we agree on something?" It was hard to sound remotely angry when my cock was twitching inside her, and her body was answering back its need.

There was lust in her smile, but then it softened. "I promised my Gran that I would never have sex with someone I didn't know. We aren't strangers at all, are we?"

"Not in the least," I answered. Her eyes were moist with tears as she leaned forward and kissed me for the first time. I don't know if the tears were from sadness, or joy, but it was probably both. The kiss was gentle, and we lingered in it for quite a while.

As we ended it, I boldly stated, "You've been lusting this cock all the while, haven't you. I will need to punish you for this."

"I wasn't able to control myself?" she asked innocently.

"Exactly," I said. "It will be a simple reward/ reward plan. I will reward myself with touching your body and your breasts in any way that I want, and you will be forced to cum from the attention."

"Oh," she mocked, "that will be an awful punishment. As long as I have it coming, go ahead. I want you cumming as well!"

"Undoubtedly," I answered as I lifted her breast to my mouth.

She cried out as I clamped down on her breast. I probably used more teeth than I should have, but I was sure I would not leave a mark, and she immediately pulled me in tighter as my tongue raced around her nipple. I hadn't even considered the choice, but I had chosen her left nipple and I could taste the sweetness of the juices she had smeared there. I couldn't wait to put my mouth directly on the source.

She clawed at my head as she pulled me to her breast, and I started rocking our bodies together. Her insides may have relaxed a bit from her last orgasm, but she was still very sensitive. She cooed her pleasure, and then she tipped my head back to aggressively kiss me. I met her aggression with stronger thrusts, and she cried out in pleasure.

Her head rolled back as she concentrated on meeting my strength, so I leaned in and swirled my tongue around her other nipple. She mashed her breast into my mouth and cried out again.

As our speed built, she pulled my head up to look me in the eyes. I could see the lust and need burning in her eyes, and she probably saw the same in mine. She glanced down our bodies and back up to my eyes. I glanced down, but my eyes lingered on our thrusting hips and her swaying breasts before they returned to hers. She nodded her acknowledgement of my desire and then she started to cum.

Oddly, her orgasm seemed to start at her breasts. Her nipples contracted and hardened as they bounced before my eyes. Her eyes opened wide and her stomach contracted as she gave a final thrust down onto my cock. Her pussy clamped down with a rush of heat and she called out in need.

I thoroughly enjoyed her pleasure, but my orgasm was not far off and I was selfishly determined to take it. I grabbed her ass and lifted her body enough to allow me to continue thrusting. An astonished look spread across her face and she put her hands on my chest and pushed herself back. Suddenly my cock was pushing even deeper inside her. As she sat up vertical, I continued to thrust up into her with all that I had. I was so close to cumming!

I watched as her hands lifted off of my chest and pressed onto her own body. One hand pressed down and she stroked her fingers into her trimmed bush. She seemed to push down on that area. Her other hand wrapped around a breast, and she cruelly squeezed the flesh. She was lost in her own desires, and watching her finally pushed me over the top. I roared loudly as I thrust and surged into her.

Her eyes flew open in astonishment, and her whole body convulsed into an even more intense orgasm. Heat flooded out of her pussy and sprayed past my cock with each punishing thrust. She was frozen in place, with every part of her body erotically dancing above me as I filled her over and over. All too soon, my energy was spent, and I collapsed into a happy stupor. Her energies swirled and teased and finally she melted into my arms. We held each other for the eternity that it took to find our way back to reality.

I was very relaxed, and I was enjoying the weight of her body on mine. I could feel her breath on my chest, and I imagined I could hear her heartbeat as it slowed. She was gently caressing my ribs as they rose and fell, and I assumed she was in the same care-free zone that I was.

"What will you tell her," she asked in a quiet tone.

When I didn't answer, she sat up and looked at my puzzled face.

"You mentioned sister-in-laws," she hinted. I smiled in understanding.

"My wife and I have an open marriage," I started. "I will tell her about you and our encounter. She will like the natural balance of it all."

Several emotions played across her face. There was a bit of relief, and then she thought of something funny. She was still smiling as tears welled up in her eyes. Her smile faded, and she leaned forward to set her forehead on my shoulder to hide her tears. I was trying to think of something to say as the tears turned to quiet sobbing. She let me hold her as her emotions boiled over and she wept in her grief. I was afraid to ask.

A long while later, she sat back and wiped her eyes.

"I'm so sorry," she said as she tried to laugh at herself.

"It's okay," I reassured her. "Grief has a funny way of doing that. Your mind must jump around way faster than mine, though."

"I get in a lot of trouble because of it," she said. "Someday I'll tell you why I can't drive a car."

She studied my face for a moment. "I totally get that people aren't like me," she said. "I can see how you are enjoying 'living in the now'. You just had sex, you feel good, life is good, so you are relaxed and enjoying it."

"You say that like it's a bad thing," I joked.

"It's not," she said. "I was there with you for a bit. It felt really good. But then my mind started racing. I was astounded that I could get from the wrong wake to sexual bliss and I needed to figure out when it happened. I was running through it all in my mind and I remembered the sister-in-law comment. Of course I just blurted out the question. I have only been trying to stop doing that my whole life."

"I can see where that would get you in trouble," I observed.

"Yeah," she said as she paused to reflect again. She shook her head and continued. "I was taken aback at how open and honest your answer felt. I imagined you telling your wife about this. I can only imagine how detailed your story would be, and how much she would enjoy it. That reminded me of some of the conversations I had with my grandmother."

She blushed as she continued. "She was the only person in my life that ever cared about me. Somehow, we grew from her badgering me to find out what I was getting away with to us sharing my adventures. Most of them were misadventures, but she loved them. I loved sharing them with her."

Her reminiscing smile faded, but her eyes were clear as she looked at me. "I broke my promise to her. I should never have allowed this to happen. I should have let you leave when you first said you would."

"Don't blame only yourself," I said. "Besides, I am holding out hope that this will all turn out good," I said with a smile.

She let herself smile at me. "I don't know," she said with a grin. "It's been awful so far. I mean, I had to punish you, you had to punish me."

She let the thought hang for a moment, then said, "I broke the promise, not you. I was thinking of how I would tell her about this, and I realized she would have loved this story. She would have been teasing me. 'You think you can sit naked on some naked stranger's lap and not have sex?' I can just hear her laughing the whole time. I would give anything to hear her laughing at me. That was when I realized how badly I was going to miss her. I'm sorry I cried on you."

"Don't be sorry about that at all," I said as I caressed her face. Strangely, I was thinking about how funny the conversation would have sounded if I had tried to explain any of this to my mother.

She gently brushed a tear from the corner of my eye. "I guess you do understand," she said quietly. "So, what do we do now?"

"Immediately now, or long term now?" I asked. "Because immediately now we should probably clean up the wet mess we have made on my crotch and your couch."

She started to apologize, but I interrupted. "Don't even apologize for that. We are both responsible and we both enjoyed making the mess."

She grinned and said, "I was just going to say, if I had allowed myself to accept that things were going to get out of hand, Robin has some absorbent pads that she puts down to protect the couch."

"Does she now," I said with a smirk.

"Yes," she exclaimed. "This cushion has seen its share of messes, but not from me. I have never cum like this in my life." She was blushing again.

"I am honored to have been here for you," I teased as we got to our feet. "I hope I can be of assistance again sometime."

She was too flustered to answer, and she made herself busy by taking the cushion to the laundry room and pulling the cover off. She realized I was watching and she blushed again.

"The bathroom is right there," she directed. "The towels are in the cabinet. Use whatever you need."

"I was waiting for you," I said. "Will you join me?" When she hesitated, I added, "It's just a quick rinse. You can wash my back and I'll wash yours."

She considered for a moment more and a fleeting smile came and went. She frowned and scoffed, "I hate bleach." I smiled and waited for her to explain.

She smiled sheepishly, then said, "Okay, I'll join you. I bet I'm right, though."

I let her lead us to the bathroom as I teased, "I think I can follow your thoughts one or two steps. How many did you take?"

There was a medium sized walk in shower. She turned on the water and it warmed up quickly as she spoke. "The first was reflecting on experience," she started. "I have had a handful of boyfriends, but I've never had one stay the night. I always feel awkward after sex, and then my mind gets started. You wouldn't believe how many relationships I have ruined right after sex."

She was still smiling, if sadly, and I let her talk. The water was up to temperature, so we stepped in together.

"I should feel embarrassed as hell," she continued. "You're lucky I have seen Robin make things wet. I have never cum like that before, and it felt to me like I lost control of my bladder."

A random side thought distracted her, but she found her way back. She also grabbed a bar of soap and started to lather up my chest. There was a scrubby and some flowery body wash, so I set to work on her shoulders.

"I was not the only one adding to the mess," she teased. "I know, because the whole time I was walking around just now, I was fighting to keep from allowing an embarrassing mess to drip down my legs. I had no idea how to excuse myself to deal with that. It made me smile when you offered because I can rinse it away."

She turned me and quickly lathered up my back and butt. When she turned me back, I turned her to return the favor and we both stepped under the water to rinse off. When we faced each other again, she started to lather up my cock. I dropped the scrubby, and let my soapy hands play with her breasts. She nodded her approval as my cock started to swell in her hands.

"Somehow, I feel like it doesn't matter. I don't even have words to describe how I feel right now. I can't believe that I can even tell you about these things. No matter what I do to embarrass myself, or how awkward things get, it feels like you would stay until things are all right."

"Some people call this chemistry," I supplied.

At some point, she had put down the soap, but her hands had continued the motions to wash my cock. The soap rinsed away from between us, and we gave up the pretense of washing. I was caressing and teasing her nipples while she stroked my cock. Her voice was charged with sexual need as she spoke.

"Chemistry. You asked me to join you, and I knew it would be more than just a quick rinse. I knew that we would end up touching and teasing and I would get to hold your hard cock in my hands." She was smiling broadly and she fondled my balls. "I have no idea what to do next, because I know that any balancing act we do to get you inside me will end up with one or both of us falling. I also knew, I mean I know that you will find a way to make it work."

I had a lot of ideas in my head, and I started to give her some, but she held up a finger to stop me. I used the distraction to run a hand down her body to tease her as she teased me.

"From there, it is quick step to wanting you filling me again," she said. "And then I worried about how I was going to keep from being embarrassed with twice as much inside me. Oh, but we're in the shower, I can rinse it away, and who would know? I would know, and then I would worry because usually Robin is the only one that uses this shower, so I will have to clean it extra well. But,..."

"You hate bleach," I finished for her. She shrugged and we both laughed.

"So tell me how we do this without breaking someone's leg," she asked.

"It’s the shower scene classic," I teased, "I'll take you from behind."

She coldly pushed away from me and exclaimed, "I don't want anal!" She saw the surprised look on my face and quickly asked, "That's not what you meant, is it?"

"No, and it's okay," I replied. Her mind was racing, and I think she was going to bolt out of there. I caught her chin and made her look at me. "Cindy, it's okay. I wasn't clear, and you were scared. I promise I will never do anything that you ask me not to do."

She studied my face as she asked, "So I can completely ruin the moment, and you still won't let me embarrass myself?"

I smiled and answered, "The moment is a little sidetracked, and we are learning something. What is there to worry about?"

"Only everything," she answered. At the same time, she smiled and reached out for my cock. It had withered a bit, but it surged with renewed vigor as she started to handle it again.

"So show me," she purred, "how do you take me from behind without scaring me?"

"Show you," I said, repeating her instruction. "Let me show you what I see," I said.

I pulled her around in front of me and we both faced the shower door. I reached around her and wiped the glass clear, and we could see our reflection in the mirror beyond.

"I present to you a beautiful woman," I declared in my best movie announcer's voice. I directed her attention to the mirror. "All should appreciate her curves and lines," I added as I sculpted my hands down her body.

"She is a flower, showing the world her beauty. The pleasing symmetry of her face begs for kisses." I kissed her neck. "Her breasts beg for one to lay his head between them." I lifted her breasts from behind, then slid my hands down to cup her crotch. "Her body opens and we are overcome with desire to caress and love her." She giggled at my monologue.

"But she has another side," I declared in my sinister voice. I turned her and slid my hands up her body. I caught her hands and pushed them to the shower wall. She was bent at the waist, and I was standing behind her. My hard cock was pressed between her ass cheeks.

"I'm still trusting you," she reminded me. Her voice contained more lust and teasing than fear.

I simply turned her chin to look sideways at the mirror. I had to wipe off the glass again.

"Of course you are," I said in my regular voice. Then in my sinister voice, I said, "Here lies the hidden nature of woman. Again, she has lines and curves, but not of a flower. Here, she is an animal!"

I slid my hands down her legs and then slowly pulled my fingertips from her knees to the roundness of her ass. "Her strength starts in her legs. Full of power, she stalks her prey." She laughed at my words, but her lifted her ass and moaned at the same time.

"She builds her strength with her back. She builds her home, her community, her empire with that strength." I dug my fingers into the muscles as I slid them up her back. She pressed back into me, and moaned out a deep 'yes'.

I slid a hand back down her back and then palmed her lifted pussy. She gasped at the sudden contact, and then again as I pressed two fingers in through the folds to spread the lips.

"With this, she stalks a mate. The pretty flower is gone and the animal demands attention. Show her your strength to get to her desire. Show her you have what it takes." She was thrusting her hips back against my hand. I raised my voice and asked, "Are you an animal?"

"We are animals!" she yelled. "Give it to me!"

I yelled, "Animals!" as I turned and thrust into her.

"Fuck, yeah!" she yelled as I plunged in deep.

I grabbed her hips and started fucking her as hard as I could. She used the support of the wall to keep from falling as she flexed her legs and her body to meet my thrusts.

"Look!", I commanded. "Animals!"

She kept the rhythm as she wiped the glass to get a clear look at the mirror. "Fuck me, Animal, Fuck me!" she cried.

I was really getting worked up by the fantasy, and suddenly I couldn't hold back from cumming.

"Here I cum, bitch," I snarled. "Take it, take it all!"

"Oh, fuck, give it to me!," she screamed. My cock erupted inside her, but I kept driving into her. "Fuck me! I feel it! Oh, fuck, me too!"

Her pussy clamped down on my surging cock, and her legs trembled as she met my waning thrusts. Her eyes never left the image in the mirror. We both worked to keep my cock inside her as long as possible. I caressed her back and hips as we stood beneath the streaming water.

She suddenly stiffened and gasped, "Now I get it."

She quickly stood and turned me so my back was to the shower head. She then knelt before me and looked expectantly up at me as she aimed my withering cock.

"Claim me," she commanded. "Mark me. Stain me. Pee on me and let the pack know I am yours and yours alone!"

She stared up into my stunned face for several moments and then suddenly she blushed. Her chin dropped and she moaned, "Oh, no."

Gathering my wits, I said, "Wait." I tried to pull her to her feet, but she resisted.

"Look at me," I commanded.

She was on the verge of tears as she looked to me. She let me pull her to her feet.

"I want two things from you right now," I explained. There was fear and shame in her eyes.

"First, understand that you just made me cum really hard. There is no way for a man to pee that soon after cumming that hard." The fear left her eyes, but not the shame.

"Second, I want to talk about fantasies." The shame diminished, and was replaced by curiosity.

"We just invented a nice little fantasy," I explained. "I turned a beautiful woman into a lustful animal, and we let the story carry us into some heated passion. I called you a name I would never use, and you took it three steps beyond that. Let's turn off the water before we turn into prunes, and while we dry off, I want you to tell me how you got there."

"I don't understand why you want that," she started to say. Suddenly her knees jumped together and her legs started to tremble and her eyes went wide. I caught her and held her so she wouldn't fall.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

Her eyes studied mine and then the panic left her. She blushed a bit, but she let her knees part and she stood on her own again. My eyes were still asking her to answer when her eyes closed and she leaned into me for support again. After a bit, she seemed to get control again, and she smiled up at me.

"I told you I hate bleach," she said with a smile. "Let the water run. There is plenty of hot water, and I don't think I'm done yet."

"Tell me about the fantasy, then," I asked.

She studied my face again, and I know her mind was racing off on its own track again.

"I'm going to blame Robin for all of this," she said. "Like right now. Robin is always telling me how she loves the feeling of hot cum dripping out. I've never really felt it before, not like this." She closed her eyes and leaned against me again. "The heat as it drips out is incredible," she said breathlessly.

"Blame Robin," she repeated as she steadied herself. Her eyes sought mine for approval as she reached down between her legs and teased her fingers through her folds. Her eyes stayed on mine as she brought her sticky fingers up and licked them.

"Blame Robin," she said again. Even as the shower was washing the juices away, she finger painted them onto her neck and chest and breasts. "I took the fantasy too far, but I am already marked."

Her eyes lost focus and she leaned against me again. Her hand returned to play between her legs. "How much did you put in there?" she exclaimed. She smeared her fingers across her breasts and stomach.

"Robin always brings the videos. Sometimes she brings ones that she knows I will like. Other times, I think she tries to shock me, or at least push my boundaries." She reached between her legs and started earnestly stroking herself.

"One time, I watched more of a video than I wanted to, and I asked her why they even made it. Each scene started nice, but then suddenly the guy was peeing on the girl. The girl let him pee on her body and her face and even in her mouth. I didn't get it."

I had to steady her as she stroked faster. I don't think she was worked up about the video, but something about telling me about it was making her hot to cum again.

"Robin suggested that it was an animal thing. The man marks his woman just like the pack leader marks his bitches!" Her legs were trembling as her fingers flew across her groin.

"I was lost in your fantasy. I don't use those words, but the fantasy took us there. You were my Alpha, I was your Bitch. Fuck, it’s hard to think. I am so close."

I held her body and waited for her to finish. Her desire came first. The wet sounds of her fingers driving in and out of her pussy were louder than the shower spray, and the hot drops of cum that sprayed around her fingers were hotter than the shower water. She cried and trembled and pushed herself for as long as she could. Finally, she looked up at me and smiled.

"You are my Alpha," she said. "You marked me when you filled me." She brought her sticky wet hand up from between her legs and painted her juices across my chest. "I am your Bitch, and this is my mark on you."

She saw the sudden concerned look on my face.

"Don't worry," she said quickly. "I don't plan to be your Alpha Bitch. You have one of those already. I don't even need to be the Beta. Will you keep me as a Gamma, and promise not to demote me to Delta for a while?"

I laughed and asked, "Aren't you taking the fantasy too far?"

She smiled in return and said, "Yes, but answer my question."

"I would like to see how well we work out as friends. I will make sure we are afforded some benefits as well. Does that answer your question?"

"Yes," she answered with a smile. "But the next time I ask you to pee on me, you better finish the fantasy properly!"

"I thought you hated bleach."

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moonbeams training bisexuality

This is another story written for a Dom in Florida named Jack, who was my Mentor before i met Master Falcon. Writing stories for Jack to read and critique was a way for me to learn about and explore BDSM. i chose to use this story to explore bisexuality. Please bear in mind as Y/you read this story that when i wrote it, i had just come out of a 20-year vanilla marriage, in which bisexuality was taboo. i’ve come a long way since then.i chose to leave my comments to Jack intact for you to see. In...

2 years ago
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Our final encounter Me and my transsexual

Me and this girl nikole have been talking for months now. We haven’t seen each other since our 2nd encounter together. At this point I was fully on board for the thought of tucking transsexuals. Nikole was so damn beautiful I couldn’t stand it! But I was beginning to wonder if we’d ever seal the deal. Every time I thought about her naked body, my dick would get so rock hard. I’d say dream about her at almost every possible second. I’ve masterbates to her nudes and even showed her the gooey...

1 year ago
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war of the sexes

WAR OF THE SEXESThis is a work of fiction. It is a humorous take on the age old rivalry between the sexes and to the debate as to which is the stronger sex. The male sex organ i.e. the penis or the FEMALE sex organ, that is the VAGINA. I have given life to the sexual organ of the male and the FEMALE and in this war of words, the genitals argue out amongst themselves as to who is the stronger of the two. It’s an all out war between the penis and the VAGINA. Although this is a work of fiction,...

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Discovering Mom8217s Sexcapades

Hai, this is Agil, I’m a big fan of ISS. I love to read the cheating moms and wives stories. Also I love the incest and gangbangs. I appreciate all the writers in here for giving us the ultimate pleasures of our dreams. They are the inspiration to the new writers like me. I’m not a good writer, actually this is my first try. I hope all ISS readers will forgive my mistakes. Now about the story. This is a fiction story that made up through my imagination. You can understand while reading it. Ok...

1 year ago
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His teacher The transsexual

A really nice story from another web page! EnjoyGreg was late for class. He ran through the hallways. They were very particular about being punctual here. His health teacher especially. She was very focused on such things. Greg had been late twice this week. He couldn't help that his car kept breaking down. Ms. Sin was a real hardass and didn't accept excuses. Greg had only started his last year of high school here after his eighteenth birthday a few months ago. He was worried about the...

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Battle of the Sexes

Battle of the SexesAngi and Mike Dawes trudged up the dirt path, eyes hopeful for the first time in days as they eyed the faint structure in the distance. From this far away, they couldn’t tell what it was, exactly, but any kind of structure - any shelter from the rain - was more than welcome. It had been nearly a week now since they’d last slept in a bed, safe from the elements. That felt like a lifetime ago to the weary couple – Mike especially. ‘How far do you think?’ Angi gasped out, bone...

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mandatory bisexuality

Gang activity was common and most were afraid to leave their houses at night. The city council and PTA, eager to reverse the rising trend in crime and v******e developed a plan to build common ground between young men, instill a sense of humility and encourage bonding; mandatory bisexuality.Mandatory after school meetings were immediately implemented for all senior males. Age requirements for entering school were reconfigured for legality purposes requiring seniors to be 18 years or older....

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Random Sexiness

Reddit Random Sexiness, aka r/RandomSexiness! Have you ever seen a random chick and just went, “Damn, she’s fucking hot!”… I am sure we all have. Well, as I have said many times before, Reddit has a section for everything and everyone, and r/randomsexiness/ is a place for just that. You have random images of sexy girls, in a variety of scenarios and a lot of random crap all around.I’d say that this is a specific niche, but it really ain’t. As long as you enjoy looking at cute and sexy...

Reddit NSFW List
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“Thank you Grace.” I thanked him back and wished him a good day. With his departure, a smile broke across my face. Our deal concluded, the man would be moving into his new home within a few days. My name is Grace and contrary to my job as a real estate agent, I’m actually an introvert that posses good communication skills. Type of person that stays to herself so much that she has never had a relationship with another person besides her son. Actually he was the reason why I hadn’t....

4 years ago
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Episode 139 Sexting

A text arrived from an unknown number, it just said: is that David?Probably a hoax, but I replied anyway: sure who is this?There was a long pause, then: it's me nat - I've got a new playmate - she’s got red hairMe: is her name Justine?Nat: yeah - shes really funny - she stayed all weekend - I heard daddy making love to herMe: and did nic and mummy tie her to the bed and smack her bottom? Nat: yeah - and how did u know they had no clothes on either?Me: lucky guess - she’s called a submissiveNat:...

3 years ago
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Quarantine Blues and Sexting

For obvious reasons the start of 2020 is proving to be a real kick in the teeth.Yet through all this chaos a friendship I made online has evolved somewhat. Backing up a little... For a couple of years I'd been talking to a girl online, she'd sent photos but nothing totally concrete proving she was who she said she was. She had always ducked out of video calling or meeting in real life. So naturally my brains often assumed she was a Catfish, I mean all the logical evidence was there. But that...

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A Touch Lead To Sexting

Hi guys, this is the story about my last function. I intentionally touched the private parts of my cousin’s wife. So now without wasting the time let me narrate how and what happened. Let’s start with sexting- Manpreet- Hi! Me- Hey hi, how are you? Manpreet- I am good and what about you? BTW, I want to ask something. Me- Me, good too, yes tell me what you want to ask. Manpreet- The other day on function your hands were not in the right place. Me- Sorry, I didn’t get you. Manpreet- Oh really?...

2 years ago
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Aunty or Ushke Behan Ke Sath Sexs

Hi friends I am ajayI am here again to narrate my incomplete story-AUNTY AUR UNKE BEHAN KE SATH,hope you have red it. To dosto again in brief nidhi aunty ki behan hai,uncle kuch dino ke liye city se bahar training ke liye gaye hue hai,aunty aur unki behan ghar par akeli hai and I am 19 yrs ashwin living next door to them.Aunty ka fig. 32-28-34 aur nidhi ka 34-30-36(inke bare me already apni purani story me bata chukka hoon). Us din hum dopahar ke 1 baje uthe aur bathroom me chale gaye aur jaldi...

2 years ago
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Mom and I Get Black Sexed

Mom and I Get Black SexedStory about a sissy pussyboy and his mother who get abused and fucked by a pair of nigger bucks.I had just turned 18 that spring when Mother suggested we take a trip to New York City after school let out for the summer. She had been there while she was pregnant with me when my father was in the Army Air force and was stationed near there and had always wanted to go back for another visit. I had grown up in Chattanooga and had never been out of the South so I thought it...

4 years ago
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The Training of a Transsexual

THE TRAINING OF A TRANSSEXUAL?PART I                                                                        BY MISS PISS        Don’t call me Steven. My name is Stella. I’ve known all my life that in this male Caucasian body, I was all woman. Luckily, I was born with features feminine enough to pull off my true sex. I look like my mother. She was the most attractive woman in my neighborhood, and, without a doubt, a MILF. She had bright blue eyes that are inviting but piercing at the same time....

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Battle of The Sexes

Nothing gives me a sexual high as great as the one I get when I am competing against people, whether men or women. This may sound strange, especially coming from a man. Not just any man. I’m a six-foot-two, broad-shouldered, heavily muscled Black stud. I’m the kind of guy who doesn’t take crap from anybody and I don’t mind showing people what I’ve got. I’ve always been that way. I don’t take bull from any man or woman. It’s just not my style. I’d rather get locked up than let someone mess with...

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Alien Invasion the Battle of the Sexes

The sentient life form tried to get her bearings as she came to a screeching halt at the edge of the large pool of liquid mass. They had told her in indoctrination that the dominant Planet life forms referred to it as an Ocean. Apparently, most of the surface of this sub-category 3 World was covered by the liquid goo teeming with variant life forms dissimilar to the dominant land based one. Ann2734 was a descendent of the original Ann of unknown species who had landed on her world some 54,000...

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Mere Cousin Arpita 8211 Sexo

Hi friends, main aap sab se apni story share karne jaa raha hun sabse pahle main apna intro de deta hun mera naam rahul hai aur main up k ek jile ka rahne wala hun mera body hai mere land ka size 6.5 hai….. apko mujhe mail karna ho to is mail id pe main milunga apke mail ka main wait karunga… Ab jyada time naa lete hue main story pe aata hun meri ek door ki relative mein arpita naam ki sister thi uske ghar mera aana jaana bahut kam hota tha… Arpita k baare mein bata dun wo real mein...

4 years ago
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Sleep sexing

I am Mr. Sex Maniac (real name concealed). Let me not create boredom by giving detailed introductions about myself. I know the purpose why you have opened this story. Let me talk it out straight. This incident happened when I was around 25 years. I was working at an MNC where I met one extra-ordinary and extremely good-looking girl called Sridevi aged 27. We were working in the same department and hence got introduced to each other. She got transferred from our Mumbai branch to Chennai branch....

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a straight heterosexual

I am white male 45+ and have always been a straight heterosexual in my life. I have been divorced two times and it was after my last divorce I knew being with women was not working out and not in my future. I always knew my dick was small and not even average for a white male. When hard it only grows to 5 inches; my last wife Roen called it my Dicklit, she said your Penis is bigger then a Clit, but it’s to small to be a dick, and no way is it near being a Cock. (Then she left me for...

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My first Transexual

Back in the mid-1980s, I was newly divorced, beginning to explore my bisexual interests, and very, very horny. I had seen some TV film loops in adult bookstores (usually while getting my cock sucked through a gloryhole), had bought and enjoyed TV stroke books, and had done a little crossdressing in panties. I loved the silky feel, and enjoyed fucking my ass with a small dildo while watching TV porn videos in my living room. I was on a business trip to San Jose CA, just down the road from...

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Fooled Into Love by a Beautiful Transexual

A fictional, steamy love story about a Man’s first experience with a Shemale... a real take charge kinda girl!Maria Lopez was an absolutely stunning 23 yr old Puerto Rican Goddess. I remember the first time I laid eyes on her, bent over inside her hatchback Toyota, pulling out a hanging fern plant to carry inside the duplex. My duplex! This stunning little thang was going to be my new neighbor? Holy Crap!! Damn! Look at that ass! She wore tight jeans, knee high suede leather, high heeled boots,...

1 year ago
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How I became a Transexual

I was driving a different way home after work and noticed a kind of sleazy looking sex shop. Not really wanting to go home yet, I decided to stop, it had been awhile since I'd had sex and was horny. I went in and was browsing around the movies section when I noticed there were doors in the back. I went in and opened one up and saw that there was a screen on the back wall and small seat. I went up to the front counter and asked the older gentleman behind the counter how it worked. I paid him and...

She Males
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Jack Jill his first time with a transexual

Jack and Jill meet It was when I went to the patio to enjoy a cigar after dinner that we met. On the road for business, I found a decent bar and grill near my hotel where I was welcome to enjoy a fine smoke. I had dinner and then moved outside for a relaxing smoke in the cool weather. I lighted a Churchill-sized stick and after a few minutes of solitude, an exotic looking brunette spoke from just behind and to the side of me. “I love the smell of a fine cigar,” she said in a sultry voice that...

She Males
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A different kind of cybersex

A futurist IT scientist geek friend of mine, Obi-Wan, installed his latest test invention on my laptop at home. It worked with the on-board camera, lots of extra GHz’s and a chat room buddy on the other side. The details were still very sketchy and he warned me to be careful where and how I used it. It would put me in serious danger if I wasn’t careful. He showed me how to operate it and how to get back. I should always have the small gadget on my person for it to work. “Oh, yes,” he said....

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wild cybersex

You: how r u?Stranger: good and you??You: im fine thanksStranger: welcomeYou: asl?Stranger: 19 f new yorkYou: 22/m/montrealStranger: coolYou: what do you look like?Stranger: i am 5'5" thin black hair blue eyes siz D bra you??You: im 6f1 145 lbs blue/green/gray eyes brown hair slim athletic fit 6 pack a a thick 8 incher ;)Stranger: nice :)You: you sound hot too :)Stranger: thanksYou: what r u wearing babeStranger: i am wearing a cute zebra print halter top with a short black skirt and high heels...

3 years ago
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i would love to be sitting on ur knee right now...all im wearing is a black bra and knickers n im playing with my tits, rubbing my nipples and making them really hard... im moving my hand down over my stomach and down ....ive slipped my hand inside my knickers........... ,my pussy is nice and wet n im slowly rubbing my clit thinking about ur hard cock. i want u right here right now i want ur hard cock in my mouth n i want ur hands on my body feeling ur way and exploring EVERY part of me .........

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Alyssas sexperiment

Another hand gave him a needle filled with a liquid. He slid the needle deep into her breast through her nipple. She screamed as the liquid spread fire through her breast. Then he repeated the process on her other breast. She whimpered as he was handed a third syringe that entered her vagina through her clit. Then he inserted a fourth syringe into her anus. Her whole body burned as she screamed in agony but thankfully it did not last long. She watched as he pinched each nipple and it squirted...

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Suzys sexcapade

1 Suzy got home from work tired and bored from another mundane day at work. Bill was sitting in his chair smoking a cigarette as usual, doing nothing. Going to the bedroom to change Suzy couldn’t help but wonder how things had gotten so far off track in her life. Suzy had a job that paid well but was basically boring, and giving her no challenge at all. A husband that sat at home doing nothing but smoke up the house and spending what she earned. He didn’t even have an interest in sex; it had...

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my young sexperiences

Everything that follows is a true account of what happened although I have changed the names of those involved. It was 1983 and I was 4 years old. My mothers sister had just got married for the second time and was on honeymoon. While she was away the youngest two of her five children stayed with us. James who was 8 and Natasha who was 11. My name is Gary and I shared a room with my younger brother Peter who was only 1.My older brother Malc had his own room next to ours, he was 7. It...

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DV8 The formula for sucksex

Hopefully you enjoy them both. Because there are some strange people out there I must put in this reminder – this is fantasy, do not take this as reality. In reality people want to be treated with respect and dignity, do not abuse or take advantage of people – play nice. A brief background: Dr. Jack Kylle is 42 years old and works at Janus Pharmaceutical. He is the grandson of Dr. Henry Jeykll, his father had the family name changed because of the stigma placed on it. Jack has a...

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The Vamporient Sexpress

The year was 1956, the place, Istanbul, and the time was about four in the afternoon. The scene was the most extraordinary one I could possibly imagine. I knew I was different from other people but to what extent, I had no idea. British by birth, I’d grown up in a small village in Middlesex West London and had since travelled the world. At the age of 35 I thought I’d seen everything under the sun, from the high Masai planes of Kenya to the Niagara Falls; from the Whirling Dervishes in Turkey as...

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I built my own sextoy

I am so excited that I don’t know how much longer I can wait. Her mother ran off with some guy when Mary was two. I’ve raised her by myself. At age 14, she has turned out just the way I intended. I have spent the last 12 years training her and molding her into the perfect little sex toy. I home-schooled her so that there would be no outside influences and taught her to obey me and how to please a man. It was about 10 years ago when I stumbled across a website devoted...

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Lynns Next Sexcapade

"Really, you're not upset about my being so slutty or wanting to have sex with a dog. "My reply was "No, I get hard just thinking about you with a dog or fucking a group of young boys." "Didn't you say something about a Gloryhole, last night?" "Yes." "What's that?" I explained that at the adult bookstores they have movie booths and in the walls there are holes that go thru to other booths and guys will stick their cocks thru hoping for a hand job or blow...

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SadrinaTeenage SexSlave

Here's what happened: I was walking home from my friend Stacey's house. We were on Summer vacation. It was on Wednesday, September 22nd to be exact – almost one year ago today. I'll never forget that date. It was pretty hot that day, so Stacey offered to give me ride home. But I decided to walk since she only lives a few blocks away. It was about 1:00 p.m. I would have stayed later, but I promised my Mom I'd be home early. We were going to drive out to my Aunt and Uncle's house that...

4 years ago
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A Hidden Room at Motel SextyNiner

Rose kneels down to kiss her sleeping lover on the forehead and to her surprise she saw it was someone else! Oh dear … she thinks … looks around the room finds a pair of pants tossed in the chair in the corner. Her curiosity got the best of her she rummages the pockets looking for an ID. There she found only a membership card for XnXX with a name imprinted on it, Andy. Huh, she thinks, I know this place I must teach Andy a lesson for sneaking into my secret room then she returns back to the...

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Agent 00SEX

“Hello”, his voice was groggy with sleep. “Mark, it me, M”, the reply came. “M, do you know what time it is?” “Sorry- “ “And I had a rough night of pussy bashing too. Don’t giggle!” “Cant help it. Just to imagine that nine incher-“ “Get down to why you called.” “Right, its Mr. X again”, a pause, then, “Hello, are you there.” “Yeah I am M; go on with your story.” “Hmm, I just wondered at your lack of response to Mr. X.” “I’m sleepy.” “Right, so as I was saying, reports came in that...

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