Facebook Friend free porn video

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Jane was sure she knew Charlie and that she knew him well. After all, she and he had been friends on Facebook for several months now. Thanks to Mark Zuckerberg’s ingenuity and generosity, they’d been able to chat and discourse for hours on end without once having actually met one another. And tonight was the evening when, at long last, Jane would actually meet Charlie in the flesh.

Jane was also sure she knew what Charlie looked like. She viewed his profile picture every time she visited Facebook where the privilege of bona fide friendship allowed her to browse through his photos and, indeed, those of his several hundred other Facebook friends. Charlie was a man (of this Jane was sure) about the same age as her with much the same interests, political and religious views, and taste in music and films. He was most often photographed alone or with his dog, Chester, but there were just a few photographs of him with his elderly parents (he was the happy outcome of a late romance) and his somewhat overweight younger sister, Kate.

Jane never questioned why the pictures all showed Charlie sat down and only the left side of his face. But if she didn’t, what of it? Jane was also careful to post on Facebook or Twitter or Instagram or anywhere else she frequented only those photos that showed her to her best advantage. Not that Jane had anything to hide, of course, but she was past that age when most women who’d wanted to settle down had already done so, and, although she wasn’t fat exactly, she was no longer as slim as she’d like to be. And Charlie was clearly also someone for whom much of life had somehow passed him by, but not so much that he’d never been to a party, never got drunk or had never got kissed. And just as Jane had her real-life friends, Jacquie and Karen most notably, so Charlie had his, even though he seemed to spend more time with his family than Jane ever did hers.

They both avidly followed Game of Thrones and House of Cards, guiltily admitted to watching Strictly Come Dancing and Britain’s Got Talent, both bought records by Gregory Porter, Adele and, more surprisingly, James Blake. They both weren’t sure who they’d ever vote for in an election, preferred pizzas to pasta, beef to chicken and neither of them much liked Marmite.

Surely things could only go well for them.

Jane arrived at the Starbucks where she and Charlie had decided to meet: it was one that stayed open late, was neither very crowded nor desolately empty. She knew she’d arrived too early, but it wasn’t as if there was anything more important to delay her. And, in any case, given the dreadful traffic congestion, she didn’t want to risk being late. She bought her Café Latte Grande from the barista and sat by the window where she could watch people come and go, while nibbling on a chocolate brownie whose calories were doing her absolutely no good at all.

But it was while she was distracted when rummaging in her handbag for a tissue to wipe her glasses that she was greeted by Charlie.

“Good evening,” he said, in a voice that was pitched slightly higher and more hesitantly than she’d imagined. “I think it might be me that you’re waiting for.” When there was hesitation, he added: “You are Jane, aren’t you? Jane Osbourne.”

“And you must be Charlie,” said Jane automatically, proffering a limp hand towards him. “I’m pleased to finally meet you.”

“Likewise, Jane,” said Charlie. “May I sit down?”

“Of course,” said Jane, who with the pleasantries concluded could now assess Charlie Kingswood in the flesh for the first time.

And what a shock and disappointment it was!

It wasn’t that Charlie dressed badly or was poorly groomed. His hair had been cut recently, his smart casual clothes wouldn’t look out of place in a West End theatre, and there were many of those little tell-tale signs to show that Charlie took care of his appearance: his nails were neatly cut, he wore cuff-links and his jacket hung well on his shoulders. Even his shoes—smart brown brogues with a shine on them—indicated to Jane that, despite everything, Charlie knew what it meant to dress well.

But none of that could compensate for the fact that Charlie was not only shorter than Jane was expecting—only just five feet tall—but half of his face (the half never displayed in his Facebook photos) was smudged by a huge birthmark. No way could Jane look at Charlie without being uncomfortably aware of the purplish, brownish excrescence that spread from his chin over his cheek, around his eye and across his brow where it tried to hide under his otherwise neat and tidy hair.

This wasn’t what Jane had been hoping for. Nor was she expert in hiding what she really thought.

“Would you like another coffee, Jane?” Charlie asked.

This was an occasion when Jane could have made her excuses and left. It wouldn’t be a kind thing to do, of course. In fact, after all those months of Facebook friendship, it would be downright rude and would forever burden Jane’s conscience. But it was still perhaps the best thing to do.

“Er, yes,” said Jane. “Perhaps not a coffee, though. Too much caffeine, you know…”

“I remember what you said you liked,” said Charlie considerately. “It’s on your Facebook page. A White Cranberry juice.”

“Ermm… Yes, that’s it. That’s exactly what I’d like.”

And as Charlie walked off to the counter, to wait in queue behind a hassled mother and her unruly child, Jane deliberated the options open to her. She couldn’t just walk off while Charlie was buying her a drink and then block him from her Facebook page. There were many girls who’d probably do that, but Jane wasn’t one of them. But diplomacy and tact were not skills that Jane had acquired to the extent that this was a situation she could easily wriggle out of. How do you tell someone that, well, what you wanted in a man was someone, you know, a bit taller and, let’s be frank, not so horribly disfigured?

But then, Jane reminded herself, Charlie was a Facebook friend. It wasn’t as if they’d met through a Dating website (especially not one of those that promised innumerable available men, but provided instead only those interested in the tiny minority of signed-up women who were under twenty-five). It was friendship that Facebook promised. Nothing more (although that had always seemed a possibility). Couldn’t Jane be satisfied with just that? But, at the moment, her aversion to Charlie’s regrettable disfigurement made even that rather unlikely.

Charlie returned with a Grande Filter Coffee (Fairtrade, of course) for himself and a glass and a plastic bottle of White Cranberry juice for Jane. He sat down opposite Jane and gingerly sipped from his still-too-hot cup of coffee while regarding her with evident apprehension. How should their conversation proceed? After all their long Facebook chats would it make sense just to make the kind of embarrassing small talk that had blighted the few dates Jane had arranged online? But, thankfully, Charlie circumvented a bland conversation about the weather or the traffic or the quality of Starbucks’ coffee by launching into a subject of much more interest to Jane.

“Did you see that idiot on The Apprentice last night? What do you think he was on?”

“Which one?” asked Jane, who tried hard to address the unblemished half of Charlie’s face and ignore his small stature. “The Greek guy with the MBA or the woman with the prominent chest?”

“Both, I suppose,” said Charlie. “But especially the Greek guy. What was he on? Did he have no idea what a pillock he was making of himself?”

As they chatted with one another, Jane’s thoughts moved away from her original intention to make a polite farewell after just one drink with a vague excuse and an unfulfilled promise to stay in touch towards a more complete engagement with the lives of reality television personalities and minor celebrities whose lives she followed (despite herself) and about which she paid more attention in the newspapers and magazines than she ever did to economic statistics and politics. Charlie and she shared the same passion in following the lives of other people and the more ordinary and fallible the better. And if these were actors who’d appeared in Game of Thrones or Coronation Street then so much more satisfying: to know the personalities not only as they pretended to be but as they really were (even if so many soap stars were uncovered as paedophiles, adulterers and alcoholics).

In fact, Jane’s conversation was going so well that she’d finished her White Cranberry juice and Charlie his Fairtrade coffee and continued nattering about the ins and outs of the minor celebrities on not just The Apprentice, but also The Voice, Poldark and even Wolf Hall.

“I watched a couple of episodes but I couldn’t get into it,” confessed Charlie.

“I couldn’t tell who were the good guys and who were the bad guys,” admitted Jane.

“You just like your historical heroes to be handsome and brooding like Ross Poldark,” Charlie teased her.

This was true but the comment served to remind Jane that the man sitting opposite was anything but handsome or brooding. This was a man who if he’d appeared in a period drama, would be more likely to play Joseph Merrick or Richard Harrow. Now the thought was in her mind, Jane didn’t know how to dismiss it especially as the two of them were staring at empty cups in a now mostly empty Starbucks with the streets outside lit only by car headlights and eco-friendly street lamps.

“I know a nice little pub just round the corner,” said Charlie, who must have sensed that Jane’s thoughts were elsewhere. “It’s usually crowded at lunch-time, but it should be fairly empty by now. Would you like a drink? I know you like a sweet white wine.”

This was another opportunity for Jane. There was a bus to catch. She didn’t want to be out late. She was recovering from a bad cold. There were so many excuses: she just had to think of the best one to employ.

Instead, she said: “Oh, alright then. But just the one. I don’t want a headache in the morning.”

“Me, neither. I’m not much of a drinker. I like the odd pint of beer, but I don’t know a lager from a bitter. Or a Schnapps from a Pils.”

“I hope they sell crisps as well. Or nuts.”

“I’m sure they do. In fact, I think the New Inn does a very nice pie and chips, though I don’t know what they do at this time of night.”

However, neither pie and chips nor quiche and green salad were on Jane’s mind by the time they’d crossed a few roads and entered the warmth of a pub clearly designed to accommodate many times the number of people now sitting in it, with James Blunt on the loudspeakers competing for attention with Hillary Clinton on the television screens. However, Jane didn’t have to wait for long while watching the garbled subtitles below Hillary Clinton’s chin until Charlie came back over to her inexpertly balancing a pint of lager, a glass of white wine and a selection of organic crisps. It was just long enough for Jane to register the reaction of other people in the pub as they watched Charlie stand (almost on tiptoe) at the bar. Most of them, like Jane, were alternately fascinated and horrified by Charlie’s disfigurement. And also—although she should have noticed it when they had been walking from the coffee shop to the pub—along with his stature and facial disfigurement, Charlie had something of a limp that made it even more difficult for him to carry the drinks and snacks.

Were there any other nasty surprises?

But curiously the mixed reactions from the other pub-goers somehow made Jane that much more appreciative of Charlie. She was siding with those who took note of Charlie and expressed with a slightly uncomfortable grimace or even a nod to their partners their sympathy for Charlie’s plight. And she very much sided against those whose faces and even leering expressions betrayed that Charlie was, to them, someone who deserved only to be mocked. Fortunately for Charlie, the barman was definitely in the first camp and was, if anything, perhaps a little too solicitous in his attention. Jane now saw in Charlie not just a man who also thought David Tennant was the better Dr Who and that Chris Evans was now a better disc jockey than when he’d been as a younger man, but also that there was something heroic, even noble, about him.

And it was with this generous thought that Jane took the glass of wine from Charlie and dipped her fingers into one of the packets of exotically flavoured crisps that Charlie ripped open onto the table.

“Have you been to this pub often?” Jane asked.

“Just a couple of times,” said Charlie suddenly quite sheepishly. “With Bob and Sam.”—Charlie’s friends that he so often namechecked on Facebook—“Sam works near here. He’s a cashier at the Santander Bank on the high street.”

“And you, Charlie?” asked Jane, as she sipped from her glass. “Where do you work?”

“Erm,” he said. “I’m a back room kind of guy. I work in accounts. I’m a clerk for a small accounting firm. Bradshaw & Wilkins. You won’t have heard of them.”

“Back room…?”

“Yes,” said Charlie, who avoided Jane’s eyes. “I’m not what you would call a customer-facing kind of guy…”

This was the first time that either of them had alluded to the very obvious aspect of Charlie that was so difficult to discuss and which must have been at least as uppermost in Charlie’s mind as it was in Jane’s.

Nevertheless, Jane’s currently generous, even magnanimous, nature dominated over her more selfish, reflexive revulsion. So what if Charlie wasn’t perfect! Who was? Few of her male colleagues at the office would pass muster as a television heart-throb and she’d never been bothered by that before. And Jane wasn’t so young and beautiful herself these days: more’s the pity. In any case, she was enjoying herself in the New Inn with Charlie as they discussed whether Holby was better than ER, whether She’s Got Mail was a better film than Sleepless in Seattle, and whether Heart or Magic FM were better than BBC Radio 2 despite the adverts.

“I used to listen to Radio One when I was a teenager,” Jane admitted as she sipped the last of her white wine. “I couldn’t listen to it now. What do teenagers think when they hear, what’s his name, Dizzee Rascal? And how can anyone dance to that so-called electronic dance music? It’s just like a quarrel between a pair of road-drills…”

“…Or like a motor-bike revving up,” said Charlie who had finished the last dregs of his lager several minutes earlier; not that he was a fast drinker. In fact, neither of them consumed their drinks with any enthusiasm, but it had loosened their tongues and made the evening that much more convivial.

“If we were younger, we’d probably be heading off to a night club now,” remarked Jane. “Perhaps if we took whatever it is that young people take we’d enjoy that sort of music more…”

“I don’t think so,” admitted Charlie. “Even when I was younger, I preferred a good song with a good tune and a good singer; not this techno or hip hop stuff. Besides I never could dance that well…”

“Neither could I,” returned Jane, thereby neutralising the confessional aspect of Charlie’s admission.

“It’s quite late now,” said Charlie sadly. “I suppose we ought to be getting home.”

“We should,” said Jane.

“Unless you want another drink?”

“One’s enough for me.”

And so it was that Charlie and Jane parted on good terms that evening. He escorted her to the bus stop and waited until she’d got on the bus. And after the bus had driven off, he sent her a private Facebook message to tell her how much he’d enjoyed their evening together.

And that’s what probably did it for her.

Unlike the fanciful romance fiction that Jane sometimes read, it wasn’t love at first sight for her. Nor even, in truth, second, third or fourth sight. But she and Charlie continued to see one another, which added more than a little spice to their Facebook friendship.

It was several months later that the ultimate Facebook announcement came: perhaps the most significant of all. And this, of course, was the mutual amendment of their relationship status on the left hand side of the Facebook page. This was proof that Charlie and Jane were now rather more than just Facebook friends.

But for this to be so, Jane had to find out for sure how much more than a friend Charlie could be.

She was undoubtedly nervous and not only because she was anxious whether Charlie had more surprises hidden beneath his clothes. Perhaps a disfiguring scar. Maybe a skin ailment. Perhaps (and this really worried her) a defect of the most important physical organ of all. Jane was also worried about what Charlie would make of her. The bosom that was no longer so perky. The waistline that flopped over her belt. The large mole on her inner thigh. The scruffiness of her crotch.

Not to mention the actual physical effort and the long anticipated pleasure.

But she needn’t have worried. All went well on the night.

Charlie was an appreciative and considerate lover. His thrusts were varied and lasted for longer than they needed to. While Jane soon forgot about her lover’s shortness (so irrelevant in a horizontal position), about the side of his face that she preferred never to spend much time thinking about, or about any of the other aspects of Charlie that might poison the affections of a lesser woman. And the final orgasm came with a shuddering jolt that almost shocked Jane and certainly startled Charlie, who, most considerately, did not withdraw too soon.

And as Charlie collapsed on top of Jane, his birthmark on her bosom and his legs tangled in hers, Jane reflected that although Charlie was definitely no Ross Poldark, he was more than enough of a man for her.

Charlie was now no longer just her Facebook Friend.

He was Jane’s Facebook Boyfriend.

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Facebook Se Hotel Ke Room Tak

Hello doston, mera naam Vivek Singh hai, mai 25 saal ka hu, aur Lucknow (UP) ka rehne wala hu. Mai ek gay (bottom/gaandu) ladka hu. Mujhe apne se badi umar wale mard bahut pasand hai. Khas kar k agar wo 45+ age k ho, thora sa pet nikla ho aur agar mooche ho tab to extra pasand hote hai. Mujhe Indian Sex Stories pe sex stories padhna bahut pasand hai. Ye ek sachi ghatna hai jo aaj se lagbhag 1 saal pehle Lucknow me hui thi mere saath. Mai apne baare me bata du. Mai normal sa dikhne wala (matlab...

3 years ago
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Facebook Se Mili Ek Hot Ladki

Hi girls. Mera naam Sid hai. Mai noida mai ek ache MNC mai executive ke post pe hun. Mera age 24 saal hai. Mera height 5.10 ft hai. Aur meray lund ka size 7 inch hai. Mai body muscular hai. Yeh chudai story kuch din pehlay ki. Actually jab mai clg mai tha toh meri ek gf thi. Hum log bahut pyar karte thay ek dusre se. But hum sex nahi kiye thay kyuki wo chahti thi ki yeh sab shadi ke ho toh acha rahega. Wasie humne oral sex, sucking, licking, kissing khub kiya tha. Lekin kisi karan se mera uske...

3 years ago
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Facebook Se Patai Girlfriend Aur Room Mai Le Ja Kar Pela 8211 Part 2

Thanks for your mails guys.Ye meri chudai story “Facebook se patai girlfriend aur room mai le ja kr pela ka” second part hai toh isse padna se phela pls iska first part padh lena. Uska toh bura haal ho gaya tha.Woh mera saar kabhi hata rahi thi kabhi daba rahi thi.Uski chut ka taste mast tha.Khatta aur namkin jasie…jhatt bhi muhh mai aa rahe the.Par chut ki taste aisi thi ki jhaat ka pata hi nai chala.Maine uski gand ke niche hath rakh kr uski chut ko halka sa uthaya aur chatna laga.Uski gand...

3 years ago
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Facebook Chat

Facebook ChatMe: I can tell you are really into this topic. That was the quickest you have ever replied.....lol! Saying no. Seems impossible.I'm feeling wet just picturing that moment...Friend: Calm down with telling me how wet you feel. You have my dick feeling like it's on an overdose of viagra..lol So stiff, my island peeps can use it as a diving board. BTW, not many topics gets replied to as quick as sexual conversations does. And you're right, I LOVE THIS TOPIC! Too bad it can't be offered...

4 years ago
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Facebook Fun And So Much Fun Later

Hi dear all Indian Sex Stories readers its being fun reading some great story here on ISS. I love Indian sex stories and almost read all stories over here..ISS only inspired me to write me a story here. Now let’s come to the story I am Franky (name changed) lives in pune.I am basically from North India but now settled in here..I love this city it has a different energy which I doubt other city in India have. The climate of pune rocks. Evenings are romantic as always. I am simple boy comes...

4 years ago
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Facebook fantasies

Every time I see her status update on facebook, I either drop a comment trying to get her attention, or just go to her page and stare at her photos for a good half hour. I try to remember her face, and I stare at her body trying to remember the details of her little love handles and her sexy shoulders.I try and remember how she smelled like, like she remembered and said: you smell like a dream. Every time, I u*********sly grab my cock and end up jerking off to the few times she fucked my brains...

2 years ago
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Facebook Se Mast Ladki Aur Uski Saheli Ko Choda

Hello dosto kaise ho? Mera naam yogesh age 26,dikhne me average hu lekin kisi bhi aunty yaa ladki ko satisfie kr sakta hu.Baki k logo k jaisa nhi bataunga ki mera lund 9 inch bada hai lekin utna hai jise har koi satisfie ho sakta hai. Mai pune se belong karta hu ye meri pehli story hai agar koi bhul ho jaaye to maaf krna. Ab jyada bore na karte huye story pe aata hu.Ladko ko binati hai ki vo aapne lund ko sambhal k rakhe aur aunty apni chut kyonki paani to dono ka nikal jayega kahani...

3 years ago
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Facebook Ne Di Mujeh Mast Lady

Aap sab lund walo aur chut walio ko namaskar!!! Dost thoda apne baare me bata deta hu fir story pe aunga. Mai ek sales professional hu aur solution dena mera kaam hai aap sab jante hi ho sales job ke bare me. Ab story pe aata hu 10 saal pehle mera divorce ho gaya tha to akela hi life guzar raha tha.Facebook pe activity karna bahut achcha lagta hai.Aise hi ek face book pe friends ke sath chat kar raha tha..Kuch male aur female ko request bhej raha tha..Kuch ek mahine baad ek lady meri request...

4 years ago
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Facebook Ka Pyar Bana Mera Pehla Pyar

Hi, mera name Maddy hai.. Age 23 year, body perfect, handsome or smart, height 5.7 inch .. Lund ka size 7 inch. Delhi se hu, or job bhi Delhi me hi krta hu, Main software developer hu, Main job krta tha.. Phir maine job leav kr di, mere sinior mujhse chidte the .. Qki mera mind kafi sharp tha, or unhone meri burayi kr kr k mujhe ek sajish k tehat job se niklwa diya, ab sara din ghr me reh rehkr.. Main preshan hone lga, borring ho gyi thi life kafi, facebook, whtsapp dosto se chatting sara din...

3 years ago
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Facebook Se Whatsapp Se Bistar Tak 8211 Part 2

Hi guys and girls this is my second time I am writing story for Indian sex stories. It’s actually just second part of my first story ” facebook se whatsapp se bistar” And also wants to that’s all who replied. Jaan kar accha laga k apko meri story pasand aayi. Dosto 2 readers ne meri help bhi mangi. Unko bhi apni apni gf ka account chek karna tha I helped them too. Rakesh ji and johnty bhai apki maine apka kaam to kardiya but dono apna promise yaad rakhna haa main wait kar raha hun apke reply...

4 years ago
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Facebook Se Whatsapp Se Bistar 8211 Part 1

Hi guys it’s samy here its my first story… Before that I have never written any stories in any site. So if I make any mistakes them please forgive me . Ok friend let’s start I am samy I stay in Mumbai and I’m an software engg. Being soft. Engg. Mujhe hacking ka bhi bahot shok hain i can easily hack any fb I’d or even can hack whatsapp chat and all. If you wanna contact me please write and suggest me at Yeh baat 6 months pahle ki hain mera ek friend hain Amit mere pass aaya and started crying...

4 years ago
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Facebook Chat Leads To Sex With Hot Chick In Goa

Hello Indian sex stories readers… It’s been always a pleasure to read the sex-periences of you guys… Which encouraged me to share my sexperience wit you people. It’s my 1st time i’m writing a story… The story may be a little long…So people please bear with me… and excuse me for and e grammatical mistakes and all… To start with let me introduce myself… I’m … from goa… 27 yr old… a happy go lucky guy having an average athletic build… and a littlebeer belly.. I always wanted to be a one woman...

3 years ago
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Facebook Friend Geeta Ke Saath Sex Enjoy

Mera naam arjun hai aur mai baroda ka rehanewala hu ,mai ek mnc company mai job karta hu,mere age 26yr. Hai ,apko bore na karte hui mai story per ata hu. Ae story 1month pehali ke hai ,mere fb per ek girl ki request aye to me heran ho gaya kyuki koi unknown girl kise ko samnese frd request nahi bejati to maine accept kiya uska naam geeta tha fir uski profile pics. Dekhi kya baatv dosto dekhane mai ek dum hot lag rahi thi maine usko mess. Kiya to usne reply kiya fir humne ek dusre ka...

2 years ago
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Facebook Friend Ne Balckmail Kiya 8211 Part 1

14th Feb 2013 ko Alok ne mujhe friend request send kari. mera koi bf nahi tha to mene Alok ki request accept karli. Alok ne mujhe bataya ki wo Indore ki software company m kaam karta h. Alok ki profile m uske bahut saare pics the. Wo dikhne bahut handsome lag raha tha. Gym wali body , uska photo dekhkar hi m usse attarct hone lagi. apne baare m baatadu meri height 5’5” h and m bahut beautiful hoon. mera figure 32 28 34 h. school time per bahut ladke mujh per marte the but mene kisi ko bhi line...

2 years ago
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Facebook Pe Mili Ek Hot Ladki

Ek din normal chat karte kate maine ek id dekhi aditi k naam se. Dikhne mai bilkul pari jaisi. Hotho k oopr ek pyaara sa til , lips bilkul pink . Uss ladki ki khaas baat hi the uske lips jo bhi dekhe bas ek baar choomna chaahe. Story p aata hu To maine use request send kari and usne 2 din baad accept bhi kar li Kuch dino tak normal baatein hoti rahi or dekhte hi dekhte hum bohot ache dost bann gaye. Kuch dino baad humne no. B xchange kie or fir whatsapp p baatein start hui. 3 mahine k dosti k...

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Facebook Wali Aunty Ko Uske Ghar Jake Choda

Hi all friends i m raj from Surat looking fair and average body height 5.8 i always read story on ISS. So this is my first experience or my first story on ISS if will you like my story so must mail me on Now coming to the story Meri age 20 me surat me 1 bachelor boy hu .Co. Me job krta hu or 4 bje k bad free rheta hu to is free time me mera fb using jyada hota h vese iss pe story read krte krte muje sex ki bhot i6a hoti thi pr koi parter thi nai kafi muth mare bt life real experience chahiye...

2 years ago
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Facebook Fantasy Comes True

I am a married man but have always fantasized about gay sex. I have never really experienced it but have always wondered what it would feel like. I am 5’6″ tall, fair, very good looking, clean shaven and have an average body. I have several hundred friends on facebook and some of them I befriend only because of their looks. There was a very nice elderly man, an astrologer, balding on the top, but slightly longish silver hair at the back. He was plump, slightly overweight and had a beer belly....

Gay Male
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Facebook Se Room Tak

Hello friends. I am die hard fan of iss. I m reading stories from 2 years. Almost each section i surf every time. In past 2 years my sex life was also very ausmm.. I dont know but my friends say to me that you have strong luck in ur sex life. This is my first posting in iss which recently happened in chandigarh. It is a true incident and u will believe after reading completely. Anyways not making u bore, i will straight away come to story. This story is about a girl taniya whose asets were 34...

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Facebook Chat Karke Ladki Ko Pata Kr Choda

Hi ISS readers again arya here with new story. So Friends i describe my self. I m arya age 22 average body not so smart but i m very smart in sex i know how saticsfy a lady & a girl. Ab story par aata hun story padhke mujhe mail jarur krna khas kar married ladies because mujhe married ladies jada pasand h or jaipur ya aas pass ki koi lady ya ladki sex relation rakhna chahe to mujhse contact kar sakti h. Ye story 2010 ki h jab me facebook par roj chat kiya krta tha. Ek din mujhe ek jiya naam ki...

3 years ago
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Facebook Se Fuckbook

Hey guys and here I’m with another story bat pichle saal march ki hai jab mai ek fake id banakar facebook per chat kar rahatha.fir main stranger ladkiyonke sath chat karne laga ek ladki roz mere sath chat karne lagi ye silsila 2-3 moths tak chala. Mujhe yekin nahi ho raha tha ki ye koi ladki hai yun hi bato bato me maine use milne ko kaha aur pass ki ek restorant ka address diya mai diye hue time per pahuncha wanha per mulakat nahi ho saka problem ye tha ki hum Ek dusre ko nahi pahchante the...

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Facebook leads to unexpected fun

Hi everyone, I have been a regular reader of this beautiful blog since my teenage years. I thought to pen down some of my experiences. I’m a doctor, 26 working in Bhubaneswar. This is the story about a beginning of many encounters with someone I will never forget. So let’s start. College days were the most beautiful days of my life. No stress for career, money or relationships. I was hugely popular in college. I never pursued any girl until I met this girl online. The heroine of the story...

2 years ago
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Facebook Se Bistar Tak

Hello friends mera nam vicky hai aur mai punjab ka rhne wala hun aur yahi civil ki job karta hu meri height 5’7″ hai aur daily gym jane se body bhi fit hai aur mera lund 6″ ka hai agar kisi girl lady bhabhi ya aunty ko mje krne ho toh app mujhe meri email id par msg kar skte hai with full privacy Chliye ab story pe ata hun yeh baat do mahine phle ki hai jab mai yahi ludhiana mein job karta tha aur as usual main fb chlta tha gruops mein post karna tabhi mujje ek group mein ek lady mili. Jiska...

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Facebook Se Patake Choda Part 3

Hello indian sex stories dot net dosto kaise hai app log. Mai apka dost fir se hazir hu apne story k 3rd part k saath agar aapne meri pichli 2 parts nhi padhi ho toh padh lena. So ladko apna lund nikal k ready raho aur ladkiya apni chut ko aapne panty se aazad kar k ye padhiye. To chalo bina time waste kiye story ki taraf badte hai. Toh pichle part me aapne padha kaise maine aur riya ne ek dusre k saath oral sex kiya aur dono ne ek dusre ko satisfy kiya. Ab aage… Hum dono oral sex k baad thoda...

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Facebook Se Patake Choda Part 8211 2

Thank you friends for your responses. I am glad that you liked the 1st part of my stories. So bina time waste kiye lets move the next part of the storie. Ab tak aap logo ne padha kaise mai aur riya fb pe mile aur hum friends se relationship me aaye. Ab aage… Hum dono ko sex chat karte hue kafi time ho gaya tha. Dono hi sex ki aag me jal rahe the. Fir ek sat ko humne milne ka plan kiya mere ghar me. Uss din meri bhi chutti thi aur uski bhi. Wo subha 11 baje k karib aane waali thi. Mai besabri se...

3 years ago
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Facebook Par Mili Aunty

Hello, friends…. This is Vivek 25 from Nagpur Maharashtra…. Guys this is the second story on indian sex stories dot net …..First one was “Bus me mili anjan aunty”….Hope u guys liked it…Plzzzz aap logo ko wo story kaisi lagi mujhe mail kar ke bataye…..My email id is ….Waiting for your mails… Sidhe story par ata hu….Ye last year ki bat h….As u know k mujhe sex kitna pasand h to usi chakkar me mai fb par try mar raha tha ke koi aunty mil jaye to maza aa jaye…To maine aise hi but sari aunties ko...

4 years ago
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Facebook Se Patakar Ladki Ko Choda

Mera naam muzzu hai aur meri age hai 24 year aur mere lund ka size 6″ h   Ye bat 2 saal pehle ki hai maine apna graduation complete kar liya tha mein din bhar free rehta tha aur fb use karta tha ek din mere freind ki list me ek ladki dikhi mujhe maine use request bhej di aur usne accept kar li mein usse bat karne laga wo bhi mujhse bat karne lagi mein batana bhul gaya wo ladki bhadohi (u.P.) ki thi dikhne me wo bahut sexy thi uski age 23 thi uska figure 30 26 34 hai hum logo ne ek din milne ka...

4 years ago
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Facebook Wali Bhabi Ko Choda

Hello everyone, its amit from kolkata, with my 2nd story.To jeysa ki aap sab jante hain mujhe mera body aur 7.5inch long lund k waje se chut mil hi jata hay.Mera age 24 hay.Aur mujhe matured aurato ko chodna bahut pasand hay.To ayse hi ekdin fb se ek mast bhabi mili aur use choda. Baat 1saal purani hay.Mere fb k suggestions main shaiba naam ka ek suggestion aya.Maine pics check ki to wo ek 31years ki beautiful lady thi,bilkul mast,sexy.Wo v kolkata main hi.Fig tha 34-30-36.Maine request veja...

3 years ago
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Facebook Se Patai Girlfriend Aur Room Mai Le Ja Kar Pela 8211 Part 1

Hello guys and girls , yeh meri pheli chudai story hai agar koi galti ho jaye to maff karna. Mai delhi ka rehna wala hu. Mera naam bhut uncommon hai isliye use nai kr skta sorry, mai 21 saal ka hu yeh story aaj se 2 saal phela ki hai jab mai kota mai iitjee ki coaching kr raha tha. Mai jyda mota ya meri koi khass body nai hai aur mai baki logo ke jaise jhuth bhi nai bolunga ki mera lund ka size 9-10 inch hai, mera lund ki lambai without erection 5-6 inch hai aur erect hone ke baad 8inch ho jati...

4 years ago
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Facebook Virgin Friend Losing Her Virginity 8211 Part 2

Hi friends, I am 35 m from Delhi, who travel across India for work and pleasure along. I have been a reader of this site for more how long myself don’t know, I am a horny single guy (yes not married yet) and been having fun from 17 years age, experience do counts hehe, no I ain’t a tom cruise I am a normal punjabi indian man heavy built with average tool who loves to satisfy his partner to core, love giving and getting oral fun, experiments with food items etc. I am in for online, phone sex,...

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Facebook Virgin Friend Losing Her Virginity 8211 Part 1

Hi friends, I am 35 m from Delhi, who travel across India for work and pleasure along. I have been a reader of this site for more how long myself don’t know, I am a horny single guy (yes not married yet) and been having fun from 18 years age, experience do counts hehe, no I ain’t a tom cruise I am a normal Punjabi Indian men heavy built with average tool who loves to satisfy his partner to core, love giving and getting oral fun, experiments with food items etc. I am inn for online, phone sex,...

2 years ago
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Facebook Se Mili Voh

Hello friends, I am Yuvi from Punjab am 6’1 ft tall boy fair colour dis is my first chudai story on ISS. I am big fan of dis site and I love all sex stories. I am simple boy and belong to a normal family . Now am starting my chudai story yh baat saal phle ki hai phle m fb bht use krta tha ek din mujhe apne suggetion me ek ldki show hue uska naam seema tha (naam changed) mne usko reqst send ki suddenly he accept my friend request …. We are normal chat like hello hai hal chal etc etc ….. Kafi...

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Facebook Wali Bhabhi Ke Sath Ek Khub Suhagraat

Dosto mai deepak apna ek sachha anubhaw aap logo se share karna chahta hun agar mera anubhaw pasand aaye to feedbak jarur deejiyega par To dosto hua yun ki mai ek din kisi sadi me gaya tha waha stage par mujhe ek sexy si lady dikhi use dekhte hi mujhe kuchh ahsas hua ki kash ye mil jay to maja aajay khair shadi ho gai uske bad mai jis dost ki sadi thi uske ghat sadi ka album dekhne gaya or album me to mai bas us bhabi ko dhund raha tha Fir achank ek foto me wo dikhi maine apne dost se uske...

3 years ago
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Facebook Se Dosti Ke Bad Sex Hi Sex

Hi dosto, sorry is baar kafi time ke bad wapis aaya hu. Kya karu koi incident hua Hi nahi tha kyu ki me apne kam me busy tha..ab kuch incident hua hai to me aagaya wapis aapke sath share karne ke liye.. To chalo ab story pe chalte hai aur ha aap log mera mail id to jante hi ho… To hua yu ki ab me kam se thoda free ho gaya tha to fb pe updated rehne laga to achanak suggestions me ek ladki ka Nam dekha mene nam se hi bat karne ki ichha hui to mene frnd request na bhejte hue direct msg bheja hi...

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Facebook Friend Ko Choda

HI Friends This Mahesh again from Rourkela hop u remember me this is my 2nd story in ISS. My contact mail id is (). So this incident starts like this. I always stay on line in FB I found this bengoli girl Sumita Mondal From Diamond Harbor (70Km From Kolkata). I just send a friend request to her n C accept my request we start chatting as my old formula I started non veg chat with her 1st c reply with positive answers but ater 2 to 3days c wont reply to me I don’t understand I just kip pinging...

5 years ago
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Facebook Fuck In London

This is a true story that happened to me 2 years back in London. I am not here to advertise myself as many others are, but I have been reading this site for a while and decided to post one of my true stories. To start with, I had come to the UK to do my higher studies. When you are out of your home country you start feeling lonely and spend more time on the internet. This is exactly what was happening to me. I used to sleep very late 2 or 3 am and used to surf on net, watch movies etc till late...

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