Au Pair free porn video

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I felt the vibration of my iPhone in my flight suit before hearing the sound of it ringing. The screen indicated it was an unknown number. That usually scared the shit out of me as it could only mean somebody was looking for money I owed, the IRS or whatever scary shithead who does not want me to know who he or she might be. Which were calls I often got as, due to my extracurricular activities, my quests were never limited to the single members of the female species only. However, I endeavoured to keep them to a minimum and as such, had only consenting married women in my bed for the past few months. Consenting implied, in principle, that I had the “consent” of the husband whose wife I was drilling at the time.

Since I employed the services of a very competent young bookkeeper, who incidentally also featured in a secluded part of my “iblackbook” - as I called it - it could be neither the IRS nor a tracing agent pestering me for money I owed. This left me with a probable scary shithead or possibly an online marketer, trying to enrich me with the latest gadget that costs a fortune and does not work like shown on TV.

One of the advantages of being a bachelor is having your own time. You have a phone book loaded with all sorts of pussy. Ready and available at the press of a little green button. Another advantage was not having to share your space with somebody, which could be a blessing and a curse at the same time.

Quite recently, a striking young woman was converging closer to me than would have been otherwise comfortable. One morning, when I stepped into the shower, I observed the rows of bottles of shampoos, conditioners and razors lining the spaces normally void of clutter. Suddenly comfortable had become uncomfortable and I summarily decided that I was not ready for the next step. Without any further ado, I tried to make it as painless as possible a week later. Though I might add, it was not as painless when she struck the side of my face with a loaded handbag.

Fortunately, there happened to be an even more striking blonde paramedic who was more than prepared to ensure I got nursed back to complete health. In addition, what was very fortunate about her was the fact that she completely understood that I was not ready for the next step in my life.

As per SOP, I swiped the screen and simply answered, “Jake speaking.”

Upon hearing the sweeter than maple syrup voice of my sister on the other side, I suddenly had regrets answering the phone. While we were quite tolerant of each other as siblings, we drifted into a comfortable distance from each other upon reaching our mid twenties. That was where I kept it for quite some time and we only spoke when it was necessary. Or, when we accidentally saw each other at family gatherings over Christmas or Thanksgiving. I once did get a card for my birthday, which I did not read and reposted as “RTS”. Somehow, she got hold of my number and I happened to be the unfortunate one sitting on the receiving end of her call.

“Hello Mandy, how are you?” I answered, as civilised as possible.

“I am good Jake, how are things down in Florida?”

Knowing this was no courtesy call, I drawled on, “Good as can be.” Pausing, I decided to go for gold. “So the rich and famous reaches out to the poor and the needy? What’s the catch?” Instinct told me something must be up.

I tried to listen to her pleasantries (which I still think is a farce) while once again remembering why we kept communication to a minimum.

Let me keep it brief. Mandy went to college and got a law degree. This exalted her to the snobbish upper echelons of the NYC Law Society. In a night of alcoholic debauchery, she fell pregnant to some hotshot with a big dick and lots of money and she got married to save the family name. However, Mr Hotshot was more intent on screwing guys, a fact she came to know only when it was too late. Almost six years and a messy divorce later, she was the proud mother of Lacy, a sprightly young girl with long blonde curls and more wit and savvy than Ellen Degeneres and Johnny Depp combined.

Of course, Uncle Jake could not really hold it against her that mommy was the corporate slut, tumbling in between a different set of sheets every weekend. Therefore, Lacy became the only member of the female species who could really claim to be a permanent attachment to my life.

The flaw between us? I decided to chase my dream and joined the navy, became a fighter pilot and lived the other dream of making bachelorhood a profession. In her eyes, this made me part of the lower caste of the contributors to the economy of the country. A few cruises later, I resigned and bought a small flying school outside Tampa. This was life; flying by day, pussy by night. What more could a man such as me ask for if more students got their wings in my bed than in one of my little two-seater aeroplanes? Of course, there were also the ones doing their Commercial Pilot’s Licenses who were keen on earning extra credit.

I listened to the Weakest Link for a few more minutes before the bubbly voice of my niece came through the earpiece.

“Jake!” she shouted. “Can I come and visit you this coming summer break? I promise I will be good. Plus, Gretchen will be there as well to see to it that all the girly stuff is taken care of,” she babbled on.

On the note pad on my desk, I made a note of “Gretchen” with a huge question mark next to it.

We continued to chat lightly, making plans of what to do when she came down until I asked her when she was due. “Uhm, tomorrow afternoon?” she stated more than questioned. “Mom said we could be on the ‘Eleven-Fifteen’ from JFK to Tampa and we’d be there by two p.m.?” she continued. Gosh, I thought to myself, this kid was good.

“Okay, let me speak to your mom.” There was some background noise as she handed the telephone to Mandy. “Yes,” I stated more than asked.

“I am sorry about this, Jake, but I have to leave for Japan for two weeks to sort out some crap at our branch there. You were my only option as I was planning to take her on holiday for a few days. In addition, you will enjoy her; she is becoming more like you than like me. She takes so much after her Uncle Jake.” I rolled my eyes in their sockets and made a puking motion with my finger in my mouth.

“By the way,” I continued, “who is this Gretchen?”

“She is Lacy’s Au Pair. I had to get her as I work these almost impossible hours (cue puking motion again) and needed to have Lacy taken care of when I am not there. You will get along well. She is no burden and she is quite pleasant. Lacy adores her.”

“If you say so, then I guess I just have to accept that some stranger is going to accompany my niece down here and have free reign in my house as well?”

“There is not much I can do Jake. Lacy will have an adult minder when she gets on the flight so I don’t have to pay double for the seat.” As if she is scraping to pay for the flight, I mumbled inwardly so she cannot hear.

“And Jake…?”


“I know there is seldom a lonely night in your life…” she continued as I considered how to amend my screwing schedule. “… so two things?” I grumbled something and she continued. “Please keep your visitors to a minimum if you can?”

“Yeah, what’s the second thing?”

“Gretchen is gay so don’t try your luck please?”

It was out before I could think. “Are you fucking her?”

“No, I am not. But that would be none of your fucking business anyway!”

“Okay Counsellor, guilty as charged then,” I laughed at her fury. “I need to go anyway, my student is here. Let me know when she is on tomorrow,” and I ended the call.

“Hey Charlie,” I greeted the young teenager dressed in his flight suit at my door. He returned my gesture seriously and handed me his logbook.

“Shit Jake, I hate doing circuits to make up hours,” he grumbled, “why can’t we do a cross country today, cut off two hours?” He paused. “Please?”

I looked at him from my chair and thought, what the fuck. Let him do it if he wanted to. Charlie was bright enough to make his own decisions.

“Okay, you have fifteen minutes to work out your nav. I need three airfields for a touch and go and you need to stay up for a minimum of two hours. Plan and come see me in fifteen.”

“Gee thanks, Jake,” the teenager beamed as he left the office. Sometimes Charlie seemed over eager, which I regarded as a risk. But considering what he put into his flying, I was optimistic for him. A few more hours and he would have had his Private Pilot’s License (PPL) and then it was another hundred-odd shared between me and one of the local airlines before he graduated with his Comm.

As I watched him go to Flight Planning, I pulled out my phone and selected a number and hit the dialling button.

“Howzit, Sweetlips,” I teased when I heard the female voice on the other side.

“What do you want, Asshole?” she spat at me.

I smiled, not worried about the seemingly degrading nickname. Over time, Kate and I came to know each other well enough to be able to banter with all sorts of sexual innuendos while still knowing what the other meant. I've always said if I did ever decide to change my lifestyle, Kate would be the one. She had that confidence and the voice of a very sophisticated woman. After using her like a slut in many more ways than one in just one night, I felt guilty. However, we both understood afterward what it was all about and Kate and I became regular companions, both knowing the rules and keeping to it. However, I was the only one of the two of us indulging in my “freedom” while she fucked me exclusively and only when she needed it.

“I need something to eat, Babe,” I said lazily as if I did not have a training flight in less than an hour.

“Well, try the cafeteria? I heard their pies are to die for,” she suggested. Kate knew how I detested the pies from the little shop on the airfield. Hey, I almost did die from eating one but before I could cross over, she managed to get hold of a very competent paramedic to pull my ass back across the line.

“Naw, I feel more like something red meat-ish, like a steak or something,” I hinted.

Countering she offered, “Try the butchery? I hear they sell charcoal for Webers as well, makes meat quite tasty.” Fuck, I thought to myself, this woman is good.

“Pick you up at seven?”

“Yes, please,” she answered. “Dress code?” she continued.

“Do not go through too much trouble, it’s just dinner. Maybe a stroll on the beach afterward. I just want some nice uncomplicated company and unwind some.”

“Cool, sounds good. See you later then. Seven, you say?” I confirmed and she hung up.

I fully realised, for somebody regarded as one of Tampa’s most desired and most beautiful, I would have been able to take her anywhere and be more than proud. It crossed my mind for the millionth time that Kate was marriage material but I brushed the thought from my mind as Charlie entered my office again.

Everything seemed in order and a few minutes later, we lifted off and turned north up the coast.


It being summer, I dressed as light as possible, knowing that any decent-looking sort of outfit would be acceptable almost anywhere we might decide to go. Thus, I opted for Bermuda shorts, a button down cotton shirt and loafers. Being one that likes to be on time, I pulled into Kate’s driveway a little before seven, freshly showered, shaved and touched by the cologne Kate gave me for my last birthday.

Kate’s place was a cosy but spacious beach house separated from the white surf of the Gulf of Mexico only by a strip of white sand and a smartly built wooden deck. The doors were wide open and I suspected I was either being stood up or, Kate decided on something else. She was one of those women who were never late… well, except once or twice her period, which gave the professional bachelor in me the scare of my life.

Entering the front door, candles were lit everywhere. The sweet scent of incense and the sounds of panpipes floated on the slight breeze that blew in from the surf.

Kate was in the kitchen, busy rinsing some leaves and other vegetables, presumably for salads. I observed her tanned legs protruding from her white shorts, all the way down to where her perfectly pedicured feet rested inside leather sandals. Her hands were wet with droplets clinging to the fine hairs on her wrists, only a gold bangle on her one wrist. Her long blonde hair was tied back with a rawhide string in her equally tanned neck, stylishly completed with a fine gold chain. I relished the object on the end of that gold chain. It was a diamond pendant matching the studs in her ears.

I felt my cock twitch as I observed her tight butt, lightly covered with the cotton of her shorts. Even after almost three years of seeing each other, she still got to me in the hottest possible way. Approaching from behind, I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her into my growing hardness, her head tilted backwards to let her head rest on my shoulder. Caressing her lightly over her flat stomach, my mouth started searching her neck for a path to her soft lips.

Kate moaned softly as I lightly bit her jawbone, inhaling her soft perfume. Turning her head to me, our lips found each other, her teeth lightly biting my bottom lip. My cock twitched once more and I knew my boxers sported a wet spot. In my mind, I realised how impossible it was to resist this woman.

As both hands slid up over her ribcage to cup her perfect breasts, she grabbed my right elbow with her left hand and turned into me. If the first kiss caused a drop of pre-cum, the next kiss made me feel as if I was flowing like a river.

We kissed with fervour for a few minutes before Kate released me to look in my eyes long and intently.

“Hello Sexy,” she paused, “you are different,” she whispered as she looked into my eyes.

“I am cool, nothing serious,” I answered, smiling at her perfection.

“I hope you don’t mind, I opted for a night in. We'll do a BBQ and enjoy a stroll on my beach later? I got your favourite specialty? Very tender and very juicy filet, marinaded in my secret sauce.” To which I laughed, answering, “Well, that could be any sauce,” emphasising “any”. Kate blushed deeply and turned away so I could not see her predicament.

I took her in my arms once again and kissed her with all I had. Our kiss developed into intense hunger but she broke it of, “If we don’t stop we will have a BBQ for breakfast. Be a Sweetie and pour us some wine please?” she panted, slightly flushed.

The wine was something I did not know, “KWV Merlot?” I asked. “Where did you get it?”

“I got it as a gift from a friend who visited family in South Africa a while ago. Says its exquisite but I have not tried it myself,” she said over her shoulder.

Kate was the perfect host, earning many appreciative glances from me. Though the tightness in my pants had subsided, watching her move around or take a bite of filet from her fork did little to calm my nerves. Do not get me wrong, I was by far never nervous around Kate but, the whole night it seemed the air was charged with something I could not fathom. Perhaps it was a healthy dose of chemistry, perhaps the arrival of Lacy and her Au Pair the next day.

After dinner we tidied up and then stepped off the deck, unto the soft sand. Immediately, my heartbeat escalated a few additional beats per minute. We walked slowly along the deserted beach, talking softly but audibly above the sound of the waves murmuring on the soaked sand of the beach.

Long walks on the beach were one of the more special things Kate and I shared. Holding hands, talking, kissing often and finally searching for a spot where we could just sit, with her between my legs, head against my chest.

We found a palm tree that managed to win the battle against numerous hurricanes and I rested my back against it. Kate sat down sideways, her right shoulder against my chest and soon afterward, she pulled me closer with her left hand, kissing me softly, missing my lips but searching still till we found each other’s lips. Her kiss was soft, exploratory, testing my lips for entry with her tongue. Both my arms wrapped around her shoulders, pulling her into me as I answered her kiss.

Her kisses became deeper, more passionate, and different from how I knew her to be. Cupping her cheek with my right hand, my thumb caressed her cheek for a moment before her hand moved my hand to her neck and her top button.

Her eagerness was strange to me. My fingertips singled out the first button of her blouse, briefly toying with it before releasing it from the buttonhole. Releasing the second button, my fingertips scraped the soft warmth of the skin between the cups of her bra, eliciting a soft slow moan against my mouth.

The third button slipped out of its niche, allowing me full access to the soft lace of her twin cups. Kate upped the ante and as I cupped her left breast through its lace confinement, her left hand slipped under my shirt, lightly scraping my skin with her nails. Her breathing had become heavier in the past minutes and I knew she was bordering on frantic with desire. Her hand dropped lower and she massaged my hardness through my pants.

“I want you,” she panted against my mouth as my fingers released the catch of her bra between her full breasts. As the cups slid away, the perfect pair of 34C orbs made themselves accessible to my searching hands. Feeling over the skin, moulding their softness in my hands I searched out a nipple and squeezed it lightly. Kate’s back arched strongly as her teeth bit firmly into my bottom lip.

“I want you… here, now!” she demanded, slipping buttons through holes with her left hand. Her shoulders heeded backward to my demands and her blouse slipped of her shoulders, draping itself over my knee.

Her pants slid just as easily over her buttocks, over her knees and off her feet. Immediately after removing her pants off kicking and struggling feet, my hand moved to the junction of her legs still covered by her lace panties. As my fingers moved the garment aside, I sensed the heat emanating from her soaked lips. I tried to busy myself with her lust button but Kate flexed her hips upward against my hand and my first two fingers slipped between her slippery folds. Kate groaned loudly, competing with the waves for airtime as her orgasm swept through her, washing my fingers in the warmth of her release.

Rising to her knees, she pushed me down on the white sand as her hands undid my belt, button and zipper. I suddenly felt as if loosing it with urgency as her hand found my rock hard cock, grabbing it firmly, slowly moving her hand up and down on my shaft.

“Baby, I am close to shooting, don’t stop,” I uttered as her mouth slipped over my cock, taking everything at once, her hand moving out of the way just in time. My whole being groaned aloud as my cock bottomed out in her throat. Helplessly, I gave it up and shot rope after rope of boiling hot cum down her throat, my butt lifting off the sand as I try to deliver it as deep as possible.

Finally Kate let my cock slip out of her cum-lined mouth and dropped her head on my hip, “How’s that for desert, Baby?” I chuckled at her wit, lifting my torso to my elbows and looking down at her.

Both our naked bodies were on display for nature to enjoy, our clothes in bundles around us. Sitting up, I cupped her face in my hands and pulled her in for a soft kiss. Tasting my own cum on her lips, I slipped my tongue in her mouth and we continued kissing passionately but gently for a few minutes.

Getting up, I lifted her to her feet, bent down and slipped her last little lace garment of her long shapely legs. On the way up, I lifted her in my arms and walked toward the water, her legs becoming soft clamps around my waist.

Knee deep in the warm water of the Gulf, I stopped. “I need to plug you before we get into the water,” I hint.

“And for what reason?” she asks me suspiciously.

“So you don’t draw water and sink,” was my very serious answer. Kate merely shook her head; “You are the worst possible liar, Jake Muldoon. But I love you anyway,” she added with a smile.

Kate’s house was not far from where we took our impromptu swim and we remained naked, frolicking in the surf on the way back.

“Stay right here while I get us a few towels,” she said over her shoulder before entering the house. Shortly, she returned with towels and tossed one toward me. We used the outside shower and soaped each other down carefully before rinsing and each drying the other in turn. This lead to more kissing and as things heated up, I grabbed her in my arms and carried her to the place I know so well. It was a place to which I was invited to make my own so many times, to stay, to remain, and to receive my first coffee each morning. However, I never did accept the invite and every morning it was accepted that I would make my way out the front door, go home, get dressed in my flying gear before heading of to the flight school.

Walking into the master bedroom, my knees found the bed sheets cool and inviting and without giving up the burden of her weight, we proceeded to the middle of the white expanse before I let her down gently. Straddling her slim frame I bent down and our lips found each other again, softly kissing, turning it up a notch or two every few seconds until it became a tongue-dueling exchange of lust and hungry emotions.

Keeping my balance on my left arm, my right hand felt for her breasts, finding it, massaging it firmly before tweaking a hard nipple. Kate sighed loudly as my fingers rolled her left nipple between them. Bending down, my mouth found the other nipple, biting lightly before suckling on the rubbery nip. Kate became like a bitch in heat, seeking my rock hard and dripping cock with her one hand while the other keeps my face firmly mashed to her tits. Her hips and mound tried in vain to make contact with my groin and I suspected she must be flooded with her wetness.

Moving down, my cock slipped from her grasp and she groaned loudly at her loss. Grabbing a hold of my upper torso in exchange, she kept moaning continually as my mouth traveled down to her nether regions. I flattened myself on the bed and inspected closely the delicious lips that have the ability to suck unto my cock every time I withdraw from her during our couplings. With my index finger, I traced little circles on her lips, causing her to spread her legs as far as possible while trying to grab my head and fuse my mouth to her desperate sex.

A thin trickle of fluid formed between her lips and my finger shoved it gently upward toward her already protruding clit. The action caused her lips to part and my fingers to encounter her slippery inner labia.

Moving my finger up and down the slippery path she moaned loudly, “Baby, you’re driving me beyond insanity. Please, stick a finger inside me? Please, I beg you?” she cried. “Please, I need relief, I need to cum soon or I will surely turn nuts on you and kill you!”

I relented and continued to tease her, not yet entering her love hole, yet not keeping away from it. Drawing a lazy circle around her entrance, she bounced her hips up and down in an attempt to let me loose my rhythm and enter her.

“PLEASE!!!” she groaned from the bottom of her insides. “Please make me cum, NOW!!”

As I slipped two fingers inside her, my mouth suddenly fused to her love button, she tipped over backwards, arched her back and sprayed me with cum, “OHHH, FUCK!” she cried out in passion as several strong spasms rushed through her body.

While Kate was still heaving with spasms from her release, I rushed forward and sank balls deep inside her drenched cunt, pushing her into yet another orgasmic abyss. “Nooo, FUCK!! Not again,” she cried as her nails raked raw lines over my back.

The moment the base of my cock slammed into her labia, my hips flexed and my cock was withdrawn from her soggy insides. Relentlessly I continued to fuck her hard and deep, her hands holding onto my body, eyes wide open watching me intently, smiling contently.

Droplets of perspiration started forming on my whole body and she wiped it off my face with her hands. Her whole being started glowing again and her eyes drew shut very slowly. Her legs moved up, allowing me even deeper inside her as her arms tightened around my shoulders.

“Baby, this is the big one,” she said between breaths. “Fuck me hard….. Fuck me deep….. Slam your cock inside me…. Make me cum with you,” she groaned as her pussy tightened around my cock.

I could feel myself starting to itch, my balls were burning and I knew I was close. Drawing my head back, I mumble something.

Suddenly her eyes opened, beaming up at me.

That moment my pace picked up and I slammed my cock home. Her neck snapped back and a silent cry formed on her face. Slamming even harder she relaxed and when her head snapped back again, she cried to whole universe, “I AM CUMMMIIINGGG,” bursting within and covering everything with warm liquid.

This set me off and grunt by grunt, I shot rope after rope of hot white semen up her boiling cunt.

Falling silent, just catching our respective breaths, I rolled over and off Kate. As if automated, she rolled into my arms, head on my chest.

“I love you too, Jake,” she mumbles back

Many minutes later, we started speaking again. She lifted her body on top of mine and looked straight into my eyes. “Okay, spit it out, what’s eating you?”

“Nothing much, it's just that Mandy called and I guess it got to me a bit. She is sending Lacy down here for two weeks.”

“Well, it cannot be that bad,” she trailed off. “Or it’s a matter of your sister grinding your bones without you willing to admit it? Lacy is not a burden to you, is she?” she inquired with raised eyebrows.

“No, the Au Pair is accompanying her down here,” I stated with a frown.

“Ohhh,” she laughed, “and you were warned not to shag her,” she continued, laughing even more.

“Nope, I am not supposed to try my luck apparently. Moreover, I was informed she is gay.”

Kate just smiled….

I hope you enjoyed this first delivery in a multi part series. Part 2 is on the drawing board…. Gallo

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Hello to all the iss readers girls can contact me at This is my first story in indian sex stories please forgive me if there are any mistakes.This story tell about how I had sex with my aunt.This is a real life experience so its actually quite long as I have described each and every incident with detailed description.So bear with me Speaking about my aunt,she is a woman of age 30 with round soft breast and hot ass She has great body structure with curves at right parts.She looks great in...

2 years ago
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226 JULIE KNEW IN REALITY.Her name was Julie, she is a pretty, 5ft 2” blonde, 34d perky breasts, a tidy bubble butt and a slim-waist, men would die for... in your dreams… sadly that’s not true, the real Julie is 5ft 4” dirty blonde, 36 34 38 and everything setting off south if it wasn’t for the support of a good bra and a strong corset. She is married to a no hope, layabout, gambling, drinker called Mac, Mac `s last job was milk monitor at the school, where they met. Julie is deeply in love...

1 year ago
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Crossroads RulesChapter 2

Sid stepped through the portal and gazed upon the loveliness that was Sally Caretaker. It was hard to believe that she looked even lovelier since his last visit. All thoughts and questions Sid had wanted to ask flew from his mind to be replaced by desire for this woman. He moved to her like a man possessed. Sally’s smile could have lit the night brighter than a full moon. Her translucent green gown hinted at the treasures it contained. It captivated him and drew his eyes to seek out glimpses...

1 year ago
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Extended Vacation

Hi Everyone...this is the first chapter of my second book. I will publish more chapters if you like this one.  Extended Vacation Chapter 1 Hello my name is Cassandra. You can call me Cassie (or Sandy, but recently, I like Cassie). I have been cross dressing for many years. However, the last year, since I turned 40, I have been dressing more than I ever have in my entire life. I made a very smart decision two years ago in regards to my cross dressing. I spent almost a year preparing to be...

2 years ago
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Night visit

It wasn't quite a thing she thought she would resume. She had come to think of it as of mistake. Andrew could thank Olivia who'd been tended to trust her inner feeling and might've been influence mom in some ways. They were kinda best pals, Nataly and she. At the age of almost forty, they both happened to have in common this strange sentiment, a certain propensity to feel light hearted. Though, it wasn't the Olivia who decided first to act on it. And that is uneasy part. Nataly ended up with...

2 years ago
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Polyjuice Potion and the squib part 3 Sarah 2

Introduction: Squib tries to produce some polyjuice potion for interesting experiments… Part 3 of the series so far. Please read previous chapters for background. Enjoy. ****************************************************************** *****Polyjuice Potion and the squib chapter 3 Sarah 2******* ****************************************************************** I was surprised at how intense it was for a girl to get off. As a boy all I got was a few seconds of bliss as I shot cum out of my...

2 years ago
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ValChapter 20

"Tell me again now that Will is here. What happened when you confronted Stan," asked Val. "He tried to deny it. He said that someone mixed up the results. He said that the method wasn't valid. He tried to run out the door but forgot it was locked. Then he cried all the way to his room. He hasn't been out since." Tiffany informed us. "Are you okay? You look kind of sad. Can we do anything for you?" I asked trying to sound and act like my parents when they talked to Val the other...

1 year ago
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AssParade Advoree The Shiniest Ass In The Land

Advoree has Johnny Love staying over at her Mansion. She decides he should be put to work and needs his help oiling her massive tits up. When I say massive it’s only because I don’t know a better word for the biggest tits I’ve ever seen. But then things get even more freak of nature when she turns around and her ass is even more massive. Johnny Love quickly goes to the oil store and cleans it out. He has to use all the oil in the land to cover her body. Then she gets in the...

3 years ago
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The Strongest Of SoulsChapter 2

After discovering Devon's gift, he started taking lessons from the Kingdom's Sorceress, learning how to develop and master his skills at a young age. Here he was, so many years later, Devon had mastered those skills. As a symbol of his mastery, a gift of a leather and gem bound bracelet, made by the Sorceress herself was presented to Devon during a small ritual. Here began Devon's journey, from a child to a young adult and perhaps to the crown. It wasn't a secret that the current King...

1 year ago
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MrPOV Karma RX All My Little Holes

Yoooo bro! Karma Rx makes her triumphant return in this amazing scene! All of submissive Karma’s little holes are open today, and Mr. POV takes advantage of all of them! From Karma crawling on to set and worshipping every part of Mr. POV’s body (including some awesome rimming action!), to Karma’s over-sized fun bags, to Mr. POV fucking all three holes, to the ass-to-mouth action and beautiful porn star Karma Rx finishing the job for a jizz wash all over her lovely face,...

3 years ago
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The Interrupted Afternoon Part 1

There I was, on a hot summer day in my room. The window was open letting in a light breeze, the box fan on the floor was dialled to three, the heat from the room was bearing down on me, the coolness from the sheets was nice for a few minutes before it became drenched in my sweat. As I looked down at my hard, throbbing, wet up cock, I almost had to orgasm. My hand was starting from the base of the shaft and then sliding up to my sensitive head. Every time my fingers touched my head, I kept...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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The Casting Couch

For as long as Allison could remember, she'd wanted to get into acting. But coming from a strict, religious family, she was discouraged from pursuing it as a career.When she was 21, she married her high school sweetheart, who wrote part-time at the local newspaper and freelanced for magazines. She worked at a temp agency and made a good living. They were happy together and had decided to wait a few years before trying for a family. Three years after the wedding, her husband Michael decided they...

4 years ago
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A Kittens TailChapter 5

I looked over at Marian and could see the concern on her face as well. “Jaden, are you sure this is the right place? I know she got a decent sized settlement after the accident, but she could never afford a house like this.” “This is the address the rental agent gave me,” I replied. “I was shocked enough when we went to her house and found she was renting it out. The tenants have only been there a couple of weeks, so it’s a recent change. Maybe she just hasn’t had a chance to write us yet....

3 years ago
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The Fourth ManChapter 2

A sense of relief came over him as he sat back down and looked at the work that had piled up on his desk during the last few days. He wanted things normal again. He was tired of guessing what she may or may not have done. He wanted his loving and loyal wife back. "Betty," he called to his secretary through the intercom, "would you grab a couple of coffees and come in to help me prioritize some things, please?" "Sure, Ken," she answered. By the end of the day Ken and Betty had...

2 years ago
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A Charming ChoiceChapter 10

I came to. The back of my head throbbed, and I swear if that rug had been little thicker I would have rolled over and gone back to sleep, but memory flooded in. I got to my hands and knees. "Maddie," I yelled. That was a bad idea; it felt like the top of my skull was going to pop off. I got to my feet and staggered down the hallway to the master bedroom. "Shit, shit, shit..." I muttered in fear and frustration as I searched the bedroom, bathroom and closet. She was gone. There was about...

3 years ago
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BrideChapter 16

Mr Patel junior was every bit as nice as his father, born in this country he was every bit as western as me, but with the sort of in-built charm that you can't learn, you have to be born with it and he had been! "Welcome Jill" he beamed, "Dad never told me I was getting a beauty queen for a tenant!" He winked at me and I liked him immediately, "Call me Joe" he said and handed her a bunch of keys, "It's clean, my wife's made sure of that, but there's absolutely no furniture at...

3 years ago
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Dream Girl

It was nearing sunset and the workday was drawing to a close. He was just in the process of closing the bar up when he looked out towards the beach. A single girl was walking slowly along the shore, slowly, even languidly. From this distance, it was hard to see with any detail what she looked like. She was walking in the sand barefooted, sandals in her hand. A white bikini with a transparent cover up that flowed in the gentle breeze covered her body and glowed in the diminishing sunlight. Her...

1 year ago
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Introduction: My Dad Sandra-1. More or less a Fantasy story told by my 22 year old daughter! This story was originally written in Danish, so please accept for misinterpreted words and phrases. Introduction. Its a bit difficult to begin my story, how it all started. My name is Sandra, and my story starts about 2 months after I had turned 18. My story is based on notes from my diary, so every day should be properly listed. I had no innocence, as I had been with 3 boys, but every time I felt...

2 years ago
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Late Nights on the 11th Floor

He saw her first in the elevator in the building where he worked. She seemed not to notice him, concentrating instead on something she was reading. They both exited on the 11th floor, and he watched her disappear inside an office down the hall from his. She hadn’t looked up, but she could feel his eyes on her as she walked. After that, they ran into each other occasionally, neither speaking, but a silent exchange between them said more than words. He discovered she was an advertising...

3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 401 Office Staffing

I’m going to get out of the office before she snaps back into this reality. The young woman that works at the front desk must have been listening in because she told the girls to take a break in the lounge. Maybe, if I had the time, they could convince me to join them for a bottle of water. They moved as fast as a group of subway beggars when someone dropped a handful of change as they walked past. I did kiss the young woman on the cheek as I walked past to accept the invitation the girls...

2 years ago
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Rick slowly drifted into consciousness, blinking in an attempt to chase away the hallucinations of sleep. The room was illuminated in a soft golden light, as the first rays of sunlight penetrated the windows. He slowly exhaled, yawning peacefully, before carefully rolling onto his side. His gaze settled upon his mistress, who positively glowed under the current light, strands of hair draped across her face. A soft, relaxed moan escaped her throat as she raised an eyelid, focusing on her pet's...

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Mom Becky AndChapter 6

One day, Paul came home from school to find Becks talking with mom and someone he didn’t know, Turns out she was the mother of Bruce Bunkner, a kid in his class, mom had set her cap for her after spotting her at a PTA meeting. There was this nice Jewish mother, Rivka; later Becks told me that was a yid name for Rebecca so they were like sisters complete with pearls and nice black dresses. Paul had never been close to Bruce but his mom was a knock out, if he had known, Bruce would have been...

3 years ago
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My Little Sisters GirlfriendChapter 26

That wedding turned out to be an unexpectedly wild affair. Now that my next to favorite sister was married, I started to turn to my other sisters for solace when the pickings were slow and they were all in their different ways more than accommodating. I was at that point in my life when I wanted to get out of the nest and start exploring and for me that meant finding strange and exciting pussy at every turn and twist in the road. Strangely, it was a case of mistaken identity that caused me...

3 years ago
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AngelicaChapter 29 I Mean It

By the time Martin, Claudia, and Mia got back from fishing, Rori had telephoned everyone else in the family and invited them for dinner. Jordan spent a half-hour attempting to coax Angel that they should both go. "I don't want to go," Angel complained. Jordan was puzzled by her hesitation. He knew the more she was around her family the more comfortable she would be. "We're going," Jordan sighed. "Let's just go to your house instead where we can be alone, just the two of us," Angel...

2 years ago
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Gossip Girl

"Did you see Mackenzie's hair today? What the hell was that about?? She looked like she spent the night upside down in a garbage compactor!!!" For the fiftieth time in the last ten minutes, the bus fills with the kind of shrieking and howling laughter that only teenage girls can produce. Well, I say teenage, but however immature they may be acting, their senior uniforms means that they are at least 18, as unbelievable as they are making that seem. "She's such a trainwreck! No wonder even Ava...

3 years ago
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In the Eye of the Storm

June 1st not only marks the beginning of the hurricane season, but it also often marks the busiest time in the life of a Weather Channel meteorologist, and none are busier than Stephanie Abrams. That's because she made her name for two things: being hot, and being the one in the eye of the storm between June 1st and November 30th, which is the length of the Atlantic hurricane season. So as she gets called into a TWC meeting about her first potential destination for the season, she is looking...

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Truth or Dare

{Hey there! This is Haybre and welcome to my first story on CHYOA. While I’ve toyed with and written a couple of various short stories in the past, this is the first one I’ve decided to invest some real time and energy into. With that, feedback would be so amazing and I would love to hear what you all think about it. Hope you enjoy} __ The mattress sunk into the bed frame as the weight of Jordan’s decision grew larger and larger. Only a few of the young adults at Thorsblood Academy had begun...

2 years ago
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Nurse Deana Chapter 1

His name was Jack Powell, a tall muscular man; age sixty-five, with a prominent chin, long broad nose, blue eyes, and black hair speckled with gray. In her mind she was thinking, “For an older man he is quiet handsome and sexy.” Deana quivered clear to the center of her womanhood, hoping this time she would remain calm, because she’d always went beyond regular care and relieved many of the men’s sexual urges, after all they were suffering. She tapped on the door and heard Jack as he...

4 years ago
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Arizona heat Jennys Story Part 2

My mind raced. “Oh my God!” I thought, “Is she thinking what I think she’s thinking?” The mental image of Kate sucking on my breasts sent a detonation of arousal throughout my body. “Easy girl,” I said to myself, trying to contain the flood of libidinal energy, “this is a medical emergency, not a scene from one of Tom’s porno magazines!” I silently shook my head “no” and realized that I was holding my breath and trembling. A few awkward seconds passed, as Kate seemed to gather her courage. She...

1 year ago
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Dont they KNOW

A few days ago, it happened again. I'm sitting in my car when two girls, 12 to 15 years old and from the apartment complex, walk past me whispering to each other, glancing at me over the others sholder taking turns making eye contact and smiling. They walk into the breeze way and sat on the steps facing my car. As they pull out their phones texting and showing each other various funny things, the huge titty girl doubled over laughing, wearing a loose fitting white tee shirt cut down the middle...

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The Changling

The Changling By Cassandra Morgan On the day I first needed a bra, I swore off women's clothing forever. I know that doesn't make a lot of sense, but I was young, I was silly and, lord knows, I was confused. But imagine my position, if you will. Sixteen- year-old boys don't have those things that I was seeing in the mirror. They just don't. They dream about them, but they don't grow them. Hi. My name is Jesse, and I live in St. Louis with my Aunt Veronica. This is...

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My Camera 2

Note : This story is totally fictional! Susan stood in the doorway looking at Michael's young body lying on the bed. She knew that the events of yesterday and today were totally absurd. Yet she had to admit the sight of her son’s young virile body lying naked on his bed made her pussy stir. She and Harold had drifted so far apart in the last few years that he really was not an issue. The only thing was the problems he could cause if he ever found out about Michael and her. No one would ever...

3 years ago
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We both sat naked next to each other, my cock standing stiff and erect, Nathan's laying flaccid and sticky against his thigh. He slid on his boxers and looked over at my boner. "Did that turn you on?" he asked. I was suddenly terrified. I didn't want him to think I enjoyed it, I only sucked his dick because I lost a bet. It wasn't gay, it was just a bet. But I did enjoy it. And my erection was proof of that. I grabbed my shorts and began to put them on, until he said something else that stopped...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Old City BarChapter 1

Melody walks out of the bedroom when Rick grabs her and roughly pulls her into the kitchen. He forces her over the table and hikes up her skirt, pulling the crotch of her pantie to the side and pushes into her. This is getting worse and worse. The girl, barely sixteen, leans submissively over the table, having learned real quickly the futility of struggling with the man. It wasn’t always like this. Of course she had only known him for a few weeks before the big fight with her parents and her...

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In the Vineyard Ch 07

Ana descended the stairs and went into the bathroom, taking another quick shower. Miles suggested that they shower apart – he said he was afraid that they’d never leave if they took another shower together. Ana carried her clothes down, the green gauze dress and dark green lace bra and underpants. After she was done in the shower, she found a hairdryer on the towel rack. Miles came in as she was drying her hair. He liked the way the outline of the lace bra showed under the lighter colored...

4 years ago
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A boat trip and a surprise a delicious one

I went to a corporate party and after some drinks, I started to chat with a very handsome guy that told me he is going to have an small party on a friend boat later... I found a little exited to imagine going to a boat trip with this guy... after a while, chatting and greeting some friends I went to the bathroom and my surprise was to find the guy I just met at the bathroom with me.... I went to pee on an empty urinary and he just came after me and stand in the next one... He peed too and...

2 years ago
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Gangbang in the alleyway

My boys and I had just finished a game at the local park. We were unwinding with a few drinks in the alley away from prying eyes when the little whore strutted past, with a bit of a wiggle in her walk. I called out, “hey baby, want a date?” She gave a little chuckle, but quickly walked on. Her reaction annoyed me a bit, so I got up and started towards her as she walked deeper into the alley. “Hey, it’s polite to respond to people you know.”She just looked back at me and said, “I’m in a hurry.”...

1 year ago
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Hentai School

HentaiSchool is a free hentai website with optional premium content. The site has tons of free hentai manga, hentai videos, 3D movies, and dirty flash games from the past decade. It's a dirty-ass porn site, but looks clean, until they start pushing popup ads in your face. The site is easy to navigate and has hundreds of manga uploads in high resolution, translated into English.I fapped to some of these mangas over 10 years ago. It's almost nostalgic to see this stuff still circulating the web...

Hentai Manga Sites
2 years ago
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DreamweaverChapter 31 Keeping Busy

It had been a long weekend already and now I was looking at another long night tracking down information on people I had no legitimate business looking at. With Jimmy's latest stroke of luck, I was starting to believe the hand of God thing myself; too many things just seemed to 'happen' around that boy. Things no sane person wanted anything to do with. I kept waiting for him to snap under the seemingly ever-increasing load he was carrying. And I knew for a fact that I didn't know...

4 years ago
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Business With Mom Chapter 2

I turn the water off behind me and grab a towel. That didn’t really just happen, did it? I thought to myself. A few minutes later I grab my dirty clothes off the ground, grab both my mom’s phone and my phone, open the bathroom door and walk out. What now? Is she going to say something about what just happened? I need to play it cool! I thought to myself as I walked over to the small table where she was sitting with her laptop open. “Here’s your phone!” I point it towards her. “You really...

3 years ago
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Julies Scar

It was lunch, and I was going to sit and eat with her. Everyone had told me she had some sort of scar, and was very standoffish because of it. Apparently she was quite self-conscious because of that scar. Her brown hair was brushed so it covered the right side of her face, and she perpetually kept her head down, trying to cover it. I had only worked there three months, and knew I hadn't fit in. I was too strange for them. I didn't care about sports, could care less about politics, or...

3 years ago
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The Chronicles Of Sonali 8211 Part 14 Bride And Groom

“Lots of things?” I enquired with bewilderment. “Yes, dear, tell me, what do your friend’s husbands do to make them hot?” Joy was really enjoying the husband-wife conversation, especially as a guide to a naïve wife. To be honest, I was reliving my young bride days, when I had learned the nuances of sex from Joy’s father. It felt even more exciting now that I was learning new things from my son. It’s never too late to learn. “Little bit of kissing, fondling the boobs and some finger their...

1 year ago
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My Lady Boss Broke My Virginity

Hi guys and girls. I am Ram from Coimbatore, greatest fan of ISS and I have masturbated a lot reading stories in this site and I hope many pussies too must have been still finger fucking yourself and waiting for a dick to flood your pussy with semen. Awe this is a story of me seducing my boss into sex and finally a threesome with her widowed friend. Anyone who really needs to tell my dick was the best mail to First let me tell you that I am working in a well reputed software firm in Coimbatore...

2 years ago
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All Dolled Up Part VI

By Missy Crystal All Dolled Up - Part VI Jamie wants his mother to buy him a doll for a birthday present. She does and a journey of discovery begins for both of them. On Sunday night, I told Jamie that we would be going to the hospital again. To my surprise, he asked me if he could wear Jamie's clothes. I understood him to mean Jamie the doll, so he wanted to go out as a girl. No, Ginny, not as a girl, but in girl's clothes. Whether he wanted to be a girl was a question I hoped...

1 year ago
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Samanthas Triple Threat BetChapter 2

After a moment's consideration, I said, "The bathroom." I could have said the kitchen, and tried for another quickie. It probably would have been pretty safe from Samantha's mother, and we could always retreat to the basement if we heard her leave the computer room. However, I was worried about Samantha's step father returning home. If that happened, the kitchen would be the first place he headed. I had snuck in without Samantha's mother noticing, so it wouldn't be suspicious for her...

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Victoria and Alex

This story is going to be another about one of my favorite people, Mr. Alex! If you’ve read my stories, then you know who Alex is. Me and Alex were very close in college, he was a lot of fun. We had sex several times a week and we always had a great time. Alex LOVES women!!! Besides me, he was very lucky with the ladies in college. I had many opportunities to witness first hand, several lovely ladies getting very satisfied by Alex. As I’ve mentioned before, Alex is very well endowed and a A+++...

3 years ago
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The RescuedChapter 26 SM03Eta Day 5

Steve woke easily that morning, somewhat pinned down by the pile of puppies that filled his bed. He was flat on his back (his sinus problems had vanished with his old life) with Mary lying face down on his chest and right arm, while Yoshi mirrored her on his left. Each woman had an arm across the other's back. Danielle and Li were nowhere to be seen; they'd been disappearing for hours at a time the last two days, and Steve suspected that Danielle had 'gotten to know' Li a lot faster than...

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