Journey Into Cuckoldry - Legs Eleven free porn video

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“You’re sure she didn’t say who else would be there?” my lovely, unfaithful wife Alice asked as we drove across town towards the house where our friends Carmen and Steve lived.

“All she said was that she was arranging ‘a gathering’ as she called it and that it wouldn’t be complete without us,” I replied, “I know it’s infuriating but she’s as much your friend as mine. You could have asked her!”

We drove on in silence for a few minutes before Alice continued.

“She wouldn’t tell me anything about it. When she makes arrangements just with you it usually means she’s up to no good. She planning something; take my word for it.”

“If you’re right then you’re going to have a good time, anyway!” I smiled.

I really didn’t know any details about the event to which we had been invited only two weeks ago but, if Carmen’s track record was anything to go by, Alice was quite right; the She-Devil had been scheming, a surprise was in store for us both and it was a racing certainty that my sweet innocent wife would finish the evening with another man’s sperm swimming around inside her. Just whose sperm it would be that evening was for the moment a mystery but made the prospect all the more exciting.

I could tell Alice was both intrigued and excited at the prospect of a mysterious encounter. Her sexual frustration had been increasing slowly but surely ever since our return from Spain over a month ago and by now my own prowess in that department had become woefully inadequate.

I glanced across at the lovely woman sitting demurely in the front passenger seat of our MPV, the same vehicle in which at Carmen and Steve’s hands we had embarked on the Journey into Cuckoldry that had taken us so far and provided so much pleasure.

As I slowed down for traffic lights, I looked in the rear view mirror. There were no vehicles behind but merely looking reminded me vividly of how on that first night I had watched my wife being expertly seduced in that very same back seat by Steve while his scheming wife Carmen kept me occupied in the front with her hand inside my trousers.

Neither Alice nor I had made much effort to resist the assault on her fidelity and within forty-five minutes I had watched my wife go from harmless, giggly tickling with an old friend right through to full scale penetration and insemination by him in front of me.

Since then our so-called friends had manipulated us so successfully that we were now firmly established in a Hotwife & Cuckold lifestyle. So far this had involved my wife being fucked half senseless several times by Steve and, most recently, by a young Olympic swimmer friend of theirs called Mitch.

The evening’s dress code was ‘casual’ but of course no woman would take the risk of being underdressed in any social situation, let alone one in which she might be meeting a new lover. Alice had taken great care over her appearance, starting with a visit to the waxing salon the previous day followed by a lengthy hair stylist appointment and the selection of some new particularly attractive new lingerie to wear underneath one of her current collection of dresses.

She looked absolutely stunning in a close fitting, short white sleeveless summer dress that she now wore with a soft red belt around her waist, sheer skin-coloured hold-up stockings, the tops of which were tantalisingly just visible under her high hemline and high red killer-heels. Her long blonde hair fell over her shoulders and had been brushed by me until it shone before being secured by a red band that set it off to perfection. Add to that a natural tan and the lightest-looking make-up and her looks could kill! I felt proud to be married to such an amazingly attractive woman, however unfaithful she had already been and, we both hoped, would be unfaithful again in only a few hours’ time.

“Are you ready?” I asked smiling.

“Do I look ready?”

“You look stunning,” I answered truthfully, “Steve won’t know what hit him.”

She beamed at me.

“And you’re sure you’re ok if...”

“If you get fucked again? As long as it’s what you want then it’s what I want. Just let it happen and enjoy it. You know I will.”

“You’re a very special person,” she whispered, kissing me on the cheek then quickly checking her lipstick in the sun-visor’s mirror.

Seconds later I pulled onto the driveway where three cars were already parked. Our friends’ cars were there as expected but there was another unfamiliar vehicle too; a grey estate car and as I helped my sexy wife out of the passenger seat, I noticed the unmistakeable paraphernalia that always accompanies a small child in the open rear of the car.

Who did Carmen know with a small baby, I wondered as Alice and I stood nervously on the threshold and rang the doorbell? I felt her hand slip into mine and squeezed it reassuringly.

“Excited?” I asked.

“Very,” she replied, “it’s been a long time…”

“Alice! Mister C! Come in!”

My wife’s words were cut short as the door opened and there stood our devious friend Carmen who greeted us very warmly and ushered us into the house. I entered behind my lovely wife with more than a little trepidation, wondering what wickedness the She-Devil had in store for us this time.

Carmen herself looked simply stunning in her short, figure-hugging black dress which appeared to highlight the tiny bump that was forming in the region of her tummy. I tried to calculate how many weeks pregnant she must have been and realised it was about time she began to ‘show’. Her hair shone and her skin glowed in the way many pregnant mothers seemed to blossom and the sheer sexuality of the woman struck me like a blow.

Taking Alice by the arm, she steered us through the hallway and into a large, airy lounge which opened onto a bright, sunny patio. In the centre of the room stood three people, glasses in hand, chatting in an animated and slightly nervous manner. Steve was immediately recognisable of course but there was another couple too.

I stopped in my tracks. It was Julie and her husband Gary; the lovely pregnant woman I had first met in the coffee shop with Carmen then bumped into again in the supermarket. Alice and I had seen the two of them in the cinema with our friends.

Of course I knew from my conversation with Carmen that Steve had successfully bedded Julie at least once in front of her husband, adding another ‘Total Conquest’ to their list; a list on which Alice and my names featured prominently.

I stared at the couple with my mouth open; if anything, Julie had grown more confident, more assured and more attractive since I had met her in the supermarket. Dressed in a dark blue cocktail dress even shorter than Carmen’s, she had eschewed the tights or stockings that Alice preferred and her long, surprisingly shapely legs were bare and displayed to perfection. The dress was tight as well as short but with a looser, pleated hem that rose tantalisingly high as she moved, but not quite high enough to reveal her panties. It made her distinctive, round baby bump even more obvious although the brightness of her eyes, the sheen on her short dark hair and the way she almost glowed with fecundity would have made her pregnancy obvious to all women and all but the most stupid of men.

I wondered whether this heightened sexuality was the result of any further ‘dates’ with Steve following her first seduction but of course knew better than to ask.

“You remember Julie, don’t you?” the She-Devil smiled impishly.

“Of course I do,” I replied, bending to kiss the offered cheek, “how are you?”

The smile on Julie’s face was broad and genuine as if delighted to see a familiar face in an unfamiliar situation. There was a twinkle in her eye too as she replied with feeling.

“I’m great thanks. We’re great I should say,” she added stroking her bump affectionately. “Did you get all you wanted after I left you?”

I grinned back wondering whether the innuendo in her question was deliberate.

“Can anyone ever say that have everything they wanted?” I replied equally ambiguously.

She paused and looked straight into my eyes, her pupils large and her expression mischievous.

“Carmen was right about you.”

There was a moment of silence during which it struck me just how extraordinarily attractive this pregnant young woman was. Then Julie grinned and laughed.

“You haven’t met my husband, have you?” she indicated the handsome man to her left.

I turned and shook hands with Gary. Despite having seen him in the cinema, I was surprised at just how good-looking he was close-up. Nearly as tall as me and obviously fit, his well-tailored trousers and plain open-necked shirt showed off his toned body remarkably well. It wasn’t hard to see how Julie might have fallen for him and for a moment I was relieved that I had been to the gym that afternoon and taken time over my own appearance.

“Hi. Nice to meet you,” he smiled a little warily, taking my hand in his.

His grip was surprisingly strong, though why I should have expected the handshake of a new cuckold to be any weaker than my own remains a mystery. For a few seconds we seemed to sum each other up; me wondering how he really felt about his wife’s recent infidelity and whether his cock really was as small as Carmen had described.

Did the two of them have any idea that Alice and I knew so much about their recent downfall?

Did they know just how far down the road to cuckoldry Alice and I had travelled too?

Was he like me, puzzled about Carmen’s plans for the evening and seeing me as a possible lover for his young wife? After all, Steve was already in the room and paying my own wife rather a lot of attention.

Our mutual inspection was brought to an abrupt end by Carmen who brought us both champagne then led Gary away to meet Alice who greeted him politely but clearly resented his intrusion into her conversation with Steve.

“Well Mister Cuckold,” the She-Devil asked when she returned to my side, “have I surprised you again?”

I laughed, “I’ve given up trying to second guess you. It’s best just to go with the flow.”

“ A wise idea,” she grinned, “but I think you’ll be pleased. Your lovely Alice is in for a real surprise. There might even be a treat for you this time too!”

I watched bemused as she picked up a freshly opened bottle and re-filled our glasses, then announced.

“It’s a lovely evening so I thought we’d eat on the patio.”

There was a murmur of approval and we all began to drift towards the open patio doors. As she stepped over the threshold I saw Julie stumble a little and heard Gary whisper to her.

“Watch the champagne, Jules.”

She gave him an angry look.

“I’ll be careful,” she hissed, “just make sure you look after me, ok?”

I smiled as I realised they had come with the same expectation Alice and I had; Julie wanted to get fucked and Gary would help make it happen. But just what the sexual dynamic was supposed to be was unclear. With Gary a brand new cuckold, me an established one and Steve the only acknowledged Stud present, was he planning to have both our wives in the same evening? Perhaps even in the same room? At the same time? My tummy twisted into knots at all the possible combinations and I felt myself hardening in my pants.

Outside the sun was still shining and the air was warm. The garden was neat and colourful and in the middle of the patio a large glass-topped table was set for... seven?

“Someone’s still to come?” I asked Carmen, my eyebrows raised.

The She-Devil flashed me one of the most mischievous looks I had ever seen.

“Wait and see, Mister Cuckold!” she whispered and went to talk to Gary in a hushed voice.

For a moment I stood alone in the doorway watching the group. Carmen and Gary were head to head in deep meaningful conversation. Carmen was flirting with him and teasing him outrageously, touching his arms and hands and fixing her eyes on his.

Every so often Gary’s eyes would flash guiltily across to his exceptionally pretty pregnant wife who stood with Alice talking to Steve. The two girls were flirting lightly with him as if neither wanted the other to know just how well Steve knew them and their bodies, while at the same time watching each other carefully as if trying to sum up the other’s attractiveness and perhaps move that little bit territorially closer to the lover they both knew they had shared.

Steve seemed amused by the whole situation.


“What? Oh!” I spun quickly round.

The voice behind me was soft, young, masculine, rather nervous and shook me from my reverie with a start.

“Mitch!” I exclaimed in genuine surprise.

The young man standing uncertainly before me was if anything even more impressive than the last time I had seen him in Spain. Tall and powerfully built with a young and handsome face, his trained swimmer’s muscles were clearly defined through his tight-fitting polo shirt and his strong legs and tight buttocks displayed to perfection by expensive faded jeans.

For a moment I was taken aback, then remembered how he had looked then, naked from the waist down, leading my freshly seduced wife away from the secluded patio to the bedroom. There he had efficiently fucked her several more times throughout the night leaving me with a sore, exhausted but deeply satisfied spouse to bring back home on the plane the next day.

For a moment both of us realised that we hadn’t seen or spoken to each other since he had so spectacularly and successfully cuckolded me and I could see the sudden fear and uncertainty in his eyes.

Had Carmen told him we would be here? Had she reassured him that I had actually wanted him to seduce my wife and take her so comprehensively; that I was happy about it and not now murderously after his blood?

“Mitch, darling...”

I will never know the answer because at that moment Carmen noticed him, left Gary half way through a sentence and moved in, greeting the new arrival enthusiastically.

“I’m sorry, the train was late...” he began but Carmen cut him short.

“You’re not late! We’ve only just come outside and...” she pulled his ear closer to her mouth and I heard her whisper, “well, we couldn’t have started without you, could we?”

How very young he looked, I thought as Carmen took him by the arm and steered him slowly around the group, introducing him first to Gary then Julie and finally guiding him towards the corner of the patio where Steve and Alice were still talking and flirting, unaware of the new arrival.

I will never forget the expression on Alice’s face when she turned and looked her most recent and most successful seducer straight in the face. Surprise, astonishment and open delight were quickly followed by embarrassment, fear and finally a flash of sheer animal lust. Her knees quite literally went weak and she leaned slightly against Steve before his strong arm steadied her.

I had never seen my lovely wife respond with such utter adoration and desire to anyone or anything either before or after that moment. Whether Steve or Julie noticed it I couldn’t tell but Carmen most certainly did because, as Mitch bent to peck my wife on the cheek, she flashed me a look that I can only describe as triumphant, her dark eyes ablaze.

The introductions now made, we enjoyed a few more drinks as we chatted; well, Carmen, Gary and I chatted while Alice fawned over Mitch and Julie hung from Steve’s arm in a possessive manner. By the time dinner was ready, Alice had drunk rather more than usual and was decidedly tipsy, as was Julie who, she said, ‘wasn’t used to alcohol’.

Carmen’s plans for the evening became clearer as she sat us at table. I was amused to see that, despite the way the evening was likely to end, she had still stuck to the usual conventions of an English dinner party. Being the hostess – and being Carmen – she insisted on sitting at the head of the rectangular glass table, with Gary and me either side of her. Julie sat next to me; Alice sat next to Gary and Mitch and Steve positioned themselves on the end, each next to the lovely woman he had last fucked.

The food was delicious, the wine was excellent and the next two hours passed in light, amusing conversation. At first glance, an outsider might never have guessed which of the three lovely women was married to which good-looking man but no-one could have missed the strong sexual frisson in the air or Gary’s obvious nervousness.

My own concentration was severely distracted by the activities going on at my side and under the glass-topped table throughout the meal as the two studs began what was obviously going to be the easy seduction of their female neighbours right under their husbands’ eyes.

Once I had helped serve dessert and Gary had brought the coffee, the light was fading quickly. Steve had turned on the patio lights and heater an hour earlier, and extra candles had been brought to the table. The previously round-table conversation took on a more intense, intimate edge and within a short time, Carmen, Gary and I had been politely but firmly excluded from the four-way seduction that was now taking place alongside us.

Flashes of discomfort passed over Gary’s face as his pretty wife’s attention became more and more fixed on the two studs, her back now increasingly turned towards her husband. Alice’s body language mirrored Julie’s but this apparent rejection no longer bothered me. After so long as a cuckold, I saw it for what I hoped it was; the prelude to a wonderful sexual experience for us both.

It wasn’t long before brandies were being sipped and the intimate hand-touching that had been taking place above the table throughout the meal became stroking and fondling of thighs below the glass, accompanied by the raising of already-high dress hems until both girls were showing tantalising glimpses of new and expensive lingerie.

A short while later, the group of four had become two distinct couples. Judging by her body language, Alice was clearly completely smitten by Mitch; the provider of what she had told me was the best sex of her life. Her eyes were on his, their pupils huge and black; her hands brushed against his arms and her partly open thighs rubbed against his legs. Below the glass, his strong young hands caressed her thighs closer and closer to her groin though I noticed he kept shooting me rather nervous sideways glances.

Across the table, Julie was totally entranced by Steve who, thanks to Carmen’s storytelling ability, I knew had recently given her the first orgasm she had ever experienced; a certain amount of fascination on her part wasn’t hard to understand. Julie’s voice was high and giggly, as if hanging on his every word. Much bolder than Mitch, Steve’s right arm had long ago snaked around her back and casually fondled her breast and a short while later his left hand became invisible under the pleated hem of her dress. Judging from the change in expression on her face and the sudden silence that descended, I guessed he had started to finger her beneath the table.

Carmen of course had been trying to keep Gary and me occupied with bright, slightly risqué conversation throughout the meal and as the seductions progressed, she redoubled her efforts.

Gary was clearly still very unsure and kept looking across anxiously at Steve and Julie, visibly trembling but doing nothing to interfere with the seduction taking place alongside him. It was a feeling I knew only too well. Julie by now had completely turned her back on her husband and was breathing slowly, her head resting on Steve’s shoulder. Steve was whispering sweet nothings into her ear while his confident hand continued its work beneath her dress with increasing results, if the almost inaudible soft moaning that my ears occasionally caught was anything to go by.

As night began to fall, Carmen took charge once again and after a word or two of firm persuasion, Gary and I stood up and began to clear the table, leaving the four lovers to take things forward with a little more privacy.

The two girls made half-hearted offers to help which Carmen politely but firmly declined and the two ‘couples’ drifted off, completely engrossed in each other, to different parts of the large, partly illuminated garden. Julie’s arm was through Steve’s and I saw Alice take Mitch’s hand in hers as they disappeared into the shrubbery.

Julie was so engrossed in Steve’s company that she appeared completely unaware that the rest of the world existed but just before Alice and Mitch went out of sight, my wife flashed me a quick look and silently mouthed the words:

‘Thank you!’

A warm glow came over me that helped soften the familiar anguish; that unique mixture of pleasure, pain, massive arousal and severe jealousy that brought that bittersweet flavour to the cuckold’s life.

“I think we’re in for a good evening,” Carmen’s voice at my elbow was low and conspiratorial. I nodded.

“I think you’re right. Are you enjoying seeing your plans working so well?”

“Of course. But I might just have a little surprise left up my sleeve too,” she replied enigmatically.

I knew better than to ask what that surprise might be; all I could do was wait and see how the She-Devil planned to torment me this time. Or maybe tonight it was Gary who would feel the full force of her scheming.

“How’s Gary taking it?” I asked.

“He’s nervous as hell. Doesn’t know whether to attack Steve, run away and hide, follow them and masturbate or try and seduce me in revenge. He’s in the kitchen making some extra coffee. No one wants any but it’s keeping him occupied. If all else fails I’ll have to get a bit more... intimate with him”

The feeling was very familiar to me and was in a strange way part of the agonising pleasure of cuckoldry. I had felt it many times; indeed was feeling it now to a lesser extent. The memory of how I had fingered Carmen in our car that first night washed over me, followed quickly by vivid images of the look, smell and taste of her vulva that night in Spain when I had brought her to orgasm with my mouth.

Carmen obviously had similar memories because she gripped my arm tightly and whispered.

“He’s not going to get as far as you did, Mister Cuckold. Not while I’m pregnant anyway. I’m a one-man girl, remember?”

At that moment, the man in question joined us on the patio with a tray of coffees. I noticed his hands were shaking a little as he poured out three large strong cups. Carmen must have noticed too because she made rather a fuss of him, praising his coffee-making skills, his physique and choice of clothes.

I thought she was a bit over the top, but Gary responded well, probably pleased to have anything distract him from what might be happening in the darkness of the garden. Apparently satisfied with her efforts, Carmen then excused herself to go and ‘make things nice for them’ leaving we two cuckolds together on the patio in silence.

“Is this the worst part for you too?” Gary eventually asked anxiously.

“Sometimes it’s the most exciting part,” I replied after a moment’s thought, “especially when you don’t know if it’s going to happen or not.”

He snorted. “I don’t think there’s any doubt tonight, do you?”

“Perhaps not. But we don’t know where or how, or even who for certain,” I said with some enthusiasm.

“We know who it won’t be though,” he grunted. “Don’t you ever get jealous?”

“All the time,” I answered honestly, taking a long slow sip of my coffee, “but that’s all part of the thrill.”

“I suppose so...” he replied but there was still uncertainty in his voice.

There was movement to our right and two silhouettes emerged from the darkness. Gary spun round nervously, his nerves on fire but then seemed to relax a little when the powerful, triangular shape of Mitch became visible along with Alice in her distinctive short, white dress. They were holding hands, their bodies so close together that they kept rubbing against each other as they strolled towards us.

They looked a beautiful couple; although my wife was more than a decade older than her soon-to-be lover, her slim, svelte figure easily matched his athletic form in both grace and movement as they stepped onto the patio.

To my amusement, Mitch couldn’t look me in the eye as they passed only feet away but Alice had no such problem. Her slim, sexy frame brushed against me as they passed and I saw her mouth the words ‘I love you’ before slipping something furtively into my hand. She looked happy and excited, glowing with overt sexuality and covert arousal.

“I love you too!” I mouthed in return.

I watched the couple walk slowly through the open French windows and into the house, briefly encounter Carmen in the lounge then pass through into the hallway and out of sight.

So it was beginning, I thought. Alice was back with the best lover she had known and would soon once again be reaching those amazing orgasms that she craved. My tummy churned with the now-familiar mix of jealousy, arousal, anger and fear that made the cuckold’s life both heaven and hell.

“Are you ok?” Gary asked quietly.

I nodded then became aware of the little bundle in my hand. I opened it and was amused to see my wife’s new panties rolled into a small ball. They were damp. Instinctively, I raised them to my nose and inhaled deeply, filling my head with the strong, musky, slightly acrid smell of the woman I loved, massively aroused.

“Alice says you can watch if you want to,” Carmen’s voice at my elbow was low and husky, “she’ll leave the door open so you can see but Mitch is nervous about you actually going into the room with them.”

“Are they upstairs?” I asked, my heart thumping at the thought of seeing my wife with that well-endowed young man again.

“In the guest room. Remember it?”

I did indeed remember, the bulge in my pants making it obvious to the She-Devil whose hand gently squeezed my swelling groin.

“Enjoy yourself,” she murmured, “Mister Cuckold!”

I downed my remaining coffee in one gulp then followed it with what little brandy was left in my glass before turning to the astonished and anxious Gary.

“I hope you... have a good evening,” I said softly then turned and went back into the house.

“Good luck!” he called after me.

Although I had tried to sound confident and experienced with Gary, my tummy was full of butterflies as I nervously climbed the stairs. The lights were out on the landing and all but one of the bedroom doors closed, but through that open door a rectangle of soft yellow-orange light was cast onto the carpet. Just beyond the edge of the patch of light stood a single hard-backed chair facing into the room from which the soft murmur of low voices and noises was emerging.

The chair was in darkness; it was unlikely that the occupants of the room could have seen it even if they hadn’t been concentrating on ‘other things’. There could be no doubt what Carmen’s intention was. I crossed to the chair like a zombie, sat down facing into the open doorway and stared into the softly lit room.

It was indeed the guest bedroom. A large double bed stood against the wall opposite the door in a position no home owner would have chosen. There was no privacy; its entire mattress and any activity on the bed would be clearly visible to anyone outside the door. The bed was covered in fresh white sheets with a neatly folded duvet on a chair against the wall. On either side of the bed and on the dresser a series of large, round, heavily-scented candles glowed romantically in the darkness.

Carmen really had set the scene well. Had my wife still been able to offer any vestiges of resistance, the atmosphere in the room would have melted them away in an instant. Her seduction, though always a near-certainty, was now guaranteed; indeed was well in progress as her current state of undress made clear.

Wasting no time, Alice and Mitch were at the foot of the bed, my wife’s sweet face raised to her lover’s. Their mouths were pressed together; their hands were active on each other’s bodies. Alice was slowly and systematically unfastening the buttons on Mitch’s shirt while he fumbled for the zipper on the back of her dress. Finding it, he drew it downwards slowly and lingeringly then slipped the dress forwards, baring her shoulders and exposing her small, satin-covered breasts as she revealed his impressive chest and arms.

Their lips still joined, Mitch’s hands snaked around Alice’s back, fumbling for the clasp of her bra without success. She pulled away giggling, raised her hands to her breasts and opened the clip between the two cups. Mitch grinned and whispered something into her ear as she slipped out of the bra, leaving her tiny breasts to hang free in the warm air of the room. From my chair on the landing I could see her nipples were already dark and erect.

Mitch stepped back as if to admire her bared breasts, then dropped to his knees in front of her. His head descended and he took each tiny globe one by one into his mouth. The effect on Alice was profound, her head fell backwards, her long blonde hair fanned over her now-naked back and shoulders and she ran her fingers through his hair as he sucked and nibbled at her hardening teats.

His hands stroked her back and her bottom then his fingers slowly lowered my wife’s dress from where it bunched at her waist, down her slim legs to the floor, leaving her standing before him dressed only in stockings and high heels.

Alice moaned loudly as her body was finally fully exposed, pulling Mitch’s face into her breast with both hands as if feeding him but the expression on her own face was like nothing I had seen as she had fed either of our kids.

Mitch’s lips released her nipples and began to descend across her flat, toned tummy, over her navel and down to her groin. I gasped briefly when I saw the complete absence of hair between my wife’s thighs. Clearly the waxing salon had been busy; Alice’s vulva had been hairless before but this degree of preparation for her hoped-for seduction made it clear just how desperate to be fucked she had become.

The thought brought a keener edge to the erection already straining in my pants; my heart thumped in my chest as the young man pressed his face into my wife’s groin. For a split second I saw his tongue dart forwards before it disappeared out of sight. A moment later, Alice’s head fell back and her knees bent slightly as he found his target between her thighs. Her hands flew to his head, her fingers tangling in his hair and she pulled his mouth firmly against her crotch as she began to moan loudly.

I knew very well how susceptible my wife was to the pleasures of oral sex and that even the clumsiest lover could soon bring her to orgasm with his tongue. Her arousal increased rapidly as Mitch tongued her but before a climax could be reached, she took his head in her hands and lifted his mouth away her groin, drawing him to his feet before dropping to her knees in front of him. Her hands deftly unfastened the boy’s belt, flicked open the button on his trousers then lowered his zip before pulling the garment down to his ankles. A moment later his briefs followed and my wife pulled back in surprise as his huge, semi-erect cock burst forth towards her face.

“Oh fuck!” I gasped hoarsely as I saw once again the huge size of the young man’s penis.

Alice seemed equally amazed and for a moment just stared spellbound at the monstrous and growing appendage that all three of us expected to shortly invade her body. Her fingers rose slowly and she tentatively touched its end. It twitched and appeared to grow even larger. She touched it again, grasped it in her fist where it looked at thick as her wrist then before I could register what was happening, her mouth closed around the huge, smooth, rounded end and her fingers gripped the monstrous shaft as she began to suck, massage and lick her young lover’s cock.

“Impressive, isn’t he?”

Carmen’s voice at my shoulder took me by surprise.

“She’s really up for it tonight. Even I feel tempted by that young man!” she continued. I turned and stared at her.

“But...” I protested.

“Oh don’t get me wrong, he’s not getting into my knickers. Not tonight! All the same...”

She let the words fade and we watched as Alice’s hands slipped round to cup Mitch’s firm, athletic buttocks. Her head bobbed back and forth as she fucked him with her mouth in a way I had never seen before and certainly never enjoyed myself. It was clearly something she was good at too because within a minute, Mitch had raised his eyes to the ceiling and was sighing loudly.

“Oh! Ali that’s sooo good!”

I saw a broad smile cross my wife’s face but her rhythm remained unbroken. Her right hand slipped downward to cup the boy’s scrotum while her left gripped his shaft, working its full length as her mouth addressed the tip and sides of his huge, smooth end.

“She’s turned into a first class cocksucker as well as a first class fuck!” Carmen whispered into my ear. “You should be proud of her, Mister Cuckold.”

However cruel her words, Carmen was definitely right if the look on Mitch’s face was anything to go by. His eyes tightly closed, his hands in her long blonde hair, he swayed gently back and forth, moaning as, still on her knees, my wife expertly worked his youthful erection.

“That boy doesn’t know how lucky he is.” Carmen said under her breath.

A moment later, the lucky boy must have realised his older lover was bringing him too close to ejaculation because he stilled her head with his strong arms and pulled his erection gently from between her lips. Alice sat back on her heels and smiled up at her seducer who carefully unwrapped her fingers from around his cock, took her hand in his and gently raised her to her feet.

They kissed long and lovingly, mouths wide open. I suddenly wondered if the boy could taste himself on my wife’s lips then, as he began to back her to the bed, Carmen spoke to me commandingly.

“I hate to tear you away,” she said softly, “but you’re needed downstairs.

“What?” I asked, dumbfounded, my eyes fixed on the bed where my wife was being lowered submissively onto the clean white sheet.

“You have a job to do. A very pleasant job but you need to do it now!”

On the bed, Alice was lying on her back, her hair fanned out over the pillow, her legs opening wide as her young lover stripped off his remaining clothes to reveal an even more impressive physique than I remembered. Her freshly-waxed vulva positively glistened with lubrication, her outer lips already puffy and parted, her fiery red slit clearly visible and inviting.

“But they’re about to...” I protested.

“There’ll be plenty more to see, trust me. Now remember that treat I promised?”

I nodded.

“Well this is it, Mister C. A fellow cuckold needs your help!”

Carmen took me firmly by the arm and led me downstairs, looking over my shoulder at the bed where Mitch had now climbed onto the bed and was kneeling between my wife’s open thighs, his erection huge, dark and intimidating. Alice’s arms reached out to stroke his chest and shoulders as he manoeuvred himself into place. His hips dropped, blocking my view me but from the sudden expression on her face, I guessed he was rubbing his tip up and down her angry slit, searching for her entrance.

But I was to see no more because the turn in the stairs unsighted me and Carmen’s firm grip marched me inexorably onwards.

“Oh my God!”

My wife’s astonished voice followed me down the stairs. Mitch must have penetrated her, his massive, intimidating erection entering her sweet body for the first time since he had seduced her in Spain.

“Oh! Oh Mitch! Gently! Gently! Please!”

Jesus! Just how big was the boy?

“Yes! Mmmmmmmm! Yes!”

Her voice became fainter as finally we reached the lounge. Presumably above us, my wife’s body was adjusting to the monster cock that must now be impaling her. For a moment I felt angry at having missed her final surrender but as Carmen guided me firmly towards the open lounge door, my attention was switched intently to the activity in the room I had so recently left.

The lights had been lowered and more candles had been lit; as a scene for seduction it resembled the bedroom upstairs and could hardly have been better. The room’s occupants had clearly wasted no time in taking advantage of this and, as I passed through the open door, the sight before me made me freeze.

There on the rug, the lovely, sweet, innocent Julie was kneeling on the floor before Steve as my wife had knelt before Mitch. His semi-erect cock was in her mouth and she was sucking on it clumsily as if it was the first time a man’s erection had passed her lips – which of course it might well have been. Steve’s hands were caressing her sweet head, expertly guiding her mouth as he slowly rocked forwards and backwards, gently fucking her pretty young face.

Her sexy, tight-fitting dress was in a heap on the floor, leaving her naked apart from a set of skimpy, new white silk lingerie which had already received Steve’s expert attention. Her bra had been flipped up over her milk-laden breasts, exposing them crudely but effectively. Her thong remained in place, lying tightly between her buttocks; half hidden from view, her naked and obvious baby bump bulged forwards over her bent knees as she inexpertly sucked the cock she so obviously craved.

“It’s time to do your stuff, Mister Cuckold,” Carmen whispered, gripping my arm even more tightly and steering me towards the sofa.

“You mean…” I whispered, unable to believe my ears.

“I mean it’s time to show us just how good you are with that mouth of yours!”


“Right now, she’s about ready for you!”

I stared at the couple on the rug. Julie appeared all but oblivious to my presence and to that of her husband who I noticed was standing motionless against the wall. His eyes were fixed on his lovely pregnant wife as she sucked a man’s cock for the first time.

“Don’t just gawp at her Cucky-Boy, strip off and get licking!” Carmen hissed.

Obeying her command, my eyes still fixed on the sofa, I took off my clothes quickly and clumsily. Sensing movement, Steve turned his head and looked me straight in the eye. He smiled, his eyes twinkling. A moment later he stopped rocking and stilled Julie’s head, pulling his huge erection from between her lips. She raised her big, wide, dreamy eyes to his with a look of sheer adoration on her face.

“That’ll do!” Carmen said softly as I stood only in my shorts and socks.

I obeyed again and watched as Steve gently placed his fingertips under Julie’s chin and raised her face towards his. Her mouth was open, a little line of dribble running tantalisingly from her lips to the head of his cock. Steve took her hands in his, raised her half way to her feet then turned her to sit in the centre of the sofa. Kneeling before her, he eased her legs apart and moved between them. A moment later his lips were on Julie’s, their tongues clearly deep in each other’s mouths as his hands deftly unfastened the clip on her bra and slipped it forwards and away. Her full breasts burst free, their nipples large and dark.

Even from where I stood I could see tiny droplets of milk at the end of her long teats but then Steve’s mouth was on them, suckling, licking and teasing as Julie’s fingers ran through his hair, clasping him to her breast. Her thighs opened and closed around his waist and her head fell back in pleasure and delight.

I felt Carmen’s hand on my upper arm, guiding me closer to the aroused couple and forcing me down until I was kneeling alongside Steve next to Julie’s spread thighs. A moment later Steve’s mouth had moved from her breasts to her belly and was tracing a line of kisses down her front and across her navel where he suddenly paused.

“Go on,” Carmen urged, “it’s your turn now!”

I turned to stare at the She-Devil. She grinned wickedly back at me, her eyes overflowing with mischief.

“I said I had a treat for you,” she whispered, “how often do you get to take a girl’s oral virginity, Mister C?”

“But...” I stammered, my cock now painful in my shorts.

“I’ve told her how good you are. Don’t let me down!” she interrupted and pushed me towards the space between Julie’s open thighs that Steve was just vacating.

I stared at the beautiful, innocent-looking girl before me, taking in the widely spread slim thighs, the swollen belly, the full breasts still leaking milk, the damp patch across the pale triangle of her thong.

Nervously I lowered my face to her panty-covered crotch and inhaled. The heat of my breath on her inner thigh made Julie tremble visibly but she didn’t seem to have noticed that it wasn’t Steve between her legs any more. I inhaled again, feeling the scent of a highly aroused woman fill my head and chest. She smelled sweet; sweeter and cleaner than either Carmen or my lovely wife but with a dark slightly acrid undercurrent that made my heart beat faster. I insinuated the index fingers of both hands under the elastic waistband of her thong; she moaned softly then very gently and slowly I began to ease them down over her soft smooth buttocks.

“Nnnn Noooo!” she moaned, her hands reaching for her groin.

Steve’s strong hands took her fingers in his.

“Shhhh!” he sooth, “just relax and enjoy it Jules!”

“But I’ve never...” she protested weakly.

“Then it’s time you did!”

His voice was low, smooth and sexual; even I could feel his seductive power as she stopped fighting and nervously allowed me to slip her panties along her thighs, over her knees, toes and drop them in a ball on the floor. Her vulva was now fully exposed only inches from my face; she tried one last time to hide her modesty but her legs closed harmlessly on my shoulders.

“Relax Jules,” Steve repeated hypnotically, stroking her shoulders, arms and rounded belly as I manoeuvred myself into place.

“But I’m not clean...”

“All the better,” Steve assured her, “you’re going to love it!”

He kissed her on the mouth as I looked at the vulva so completely exposed before me; the swollen outer lips, the dark pink gash between them, the soft, smooth dark tangle of pubic hair that had obviously recently been trimmed; the glistening lubrication oozing from between her inner lips.

She was indeed ready!

I lowered my mouth to her slit, pausing to breathe warm air on its dark core before drawing my tongue in a long, slow stroke along the crease at the top of her thigh, between her leg and her puffy outer lips, first along her left side from her buttock to her hip, then the same on her right. I felt her body go tense; rigid as she grabbed Steve’s strong, steadying arms.

“Oh my God!” she gasped, her hips writhing in front of me though in truth I had hardly touched her.

My tongue bold and pointed, I licked around her vulva again, along its puffy outer lips and below the base of her slit where the tip of my tongue flicked over the base of the cleft between her buttocks.

“Hhhhhhhhh” she sighed, wriggling slightly as my tongue retraced its path around her wet red gash.

I gently drew its tip across her slit, feeling the heat of her aroused body and the sharp, slightly metallic taste of the juices that were beginning to flow freely from her.

“MmmMM!” I heard her moan loudly. Her soft thighs closed momentarily on the sides of my head.

“Did I hurt you?” I whispered, breathing hot air on the exposed nub which twitched before my eyes.

“No… No… but please… be gentle…”

“I promise,” I mumbled into her pubic hair, inhaling the wonderful growing aroma, so very different from my own wife’s.

I licked her again, this time spreading her lips so that the tip of my tongue could find the tiny space between her inner and outer lips and tickle her there. I could feel the coarseness of her pubic hair, several strands of which had entered my mouth but I didn’t care. Her pelvis tilted, moving away from my face a little and I leaned forward to follow it, licking and tonguing as we moved together, her vulva pressed against my mouth, her hips rocking slightly from left to right.

“Ohhhh…” she moaned my name softly, “don’t stop don’t stop…”

I traced the outline of her slit with the tip of my tongue one more time then began to pay special attention to the collection of fleshy parts at its apex. Her hood was large; very large and I toyed with it for a while, circling it with my tongue, lapping its underside before drawing it easily into my mouth and sucking it gently between my lips, taking care to keep my teeth covered.

She began to whimper softly as I kept on circling and sucking, circling and sucking; the taste of her juices changing, becoming sweeter and more liquid. I closed my eyes, feeling her smooth thighs on either side of my head, rocking me back and forth as I licked and tongued her.

I could hear muffled voices from above and behind me; Julie’s dreamy, half-intoxicated murmur; a man’s confident tone; a woman laughing; another man half in tears.

A moment later I pulled back a short way and placed my thumbs carefully either side of her reddening hood. The stimulation temporarily paused, Julie’s body went still and I gently pulled the flesh of her outsize hood back to expose the hot sensitive hidden nub. She moaned as her tight skin stretched; a second later her precious core was revealed.

I stared. Without a shadow of doubt she had the tiniest clitoris I had ever seen, either in real life or in pornography. Barely a few millimetres across and very dark pink in colour, it had been completely shrouded by its rather meaty hood and protected from all but the most persistent assault.

In the normal course of penetrative sex, it would have been all but impossible to stimulate. It was no surprise that her husband’s attentions in bed had failed to arouse her enough to reach orgasm. It was a tribute to Steve’s size, patience and amazing technique that he had delivered her very first climax at all, let alone without oral stimulation to help.

But it was my turn now!

Drawing her hood back with both thumbs, I blew gently on her dark, open slit again then leaned forward and drew the flat of my tongue in a single stroke from beneath the base of her slit, along the full length of its dark dampness and firmly across the tiny exposed nub of her clitoris stimulating it directly for perhaps the first time in her entire life.


Her voice rose in a shriek and her hips slammed upwards into my face, forcing her slit hard against my teeth. Her thighs clamped hard on my ears as her hands flew to my head where they grabbed handfuls of hair.

“OhmyGod! OhJesusChrist!” she gasped, “What… what... what are you doing?”

Julie’s voice was all breath as she gasped the words. The force with which she held my head and hair was painful but I noticed she didn’t push me away too hard.

“I told you he was good!” Carmen’s voice was low and seductive, “just lie back and let it happen.


“Shhh!” Steve’s voice was soft. He held her hand tightly and smiling, nodded to me.

A second later I had repeated the motion, drawing the rough surface of my tongue across her newly exposed and stimulated clitoris a second time. Julie literally shrieked in shock and surprise, her thighs clamping hard on the sides of my head again. I tongued her a third, then a fourth time, dipping my tongue into her weeping vagina and exploring the full length of her slit before returning to the tiny hard nub above.


The orgasm that hit her robbed her of breath and almost broke my neck as her legs gripped my throat hard enough to choke me, her heels dug sharply into my back and her vulva was rammed hard enough against my mouth to cut my lip against my teeth.

“Yes!” I heard Carmen’s triumphant voice close by.

Ignoring the discomfort, I pressed on with my task, raising her hood still higher, insinuating the tip of my tongue underneath then delving deep into her vagina once again. I could feel Julie’s juices, hot and sticky, running down my chin and onto my neck, the powerful aroma along with her frantically writhing body making me half dizzy.

I swapped my hands round so that I could hold her hood high using the thumb and forefinger of my right hand then slipped the long middle finger of my left deep into her vagina, curling it upwards in search of her g-spot, all the time, working my tongue on and around her slit. She was tight, but oh so wet and my finger slipped easily into her right up to the third knuckle.

“Nnngh! Nnngh! Nnngh!”

Julie convulsed at my touch, her body thrashing from side to side and up and down, one hand firmly gripping Steve’s strong arm, the other tangled in my hair, pulling me hard against her until I was sure she would soon pull out a handful. Inside her body, my finger flexed, seeking the rough patch that I hoped would take her even higher. If it was there, it was tiny. I slipped a second finger alongside the first, feeling her tightness and stretching her around my knuckles as my tongue returned once again to her tiny nub.

“Nnngh! Nnngh! NNNNGH!”

Julie’s sweet, pregnant body was tiring, the stream of orgasms taking their toll.

“Please… Please… can’t… can’t take… any more…”

Carmen’s hand was quickly on my shoulder.

“I think she’s had enough, Mister C! It’s her first time; bring her down gently!”

I slowed my probing fingers to a halt then gently withdrew them from Julie’s dripping, red-rimmed vagina and lifted my face from her slit. My lips and nose were numb from so much tonguing and my face was wet and sticky with her juices but I felt so good!

I, Mister Cuckold; the man whose wife was even now upstairs climaxing at the hands of a younger, better lover ; I had brought a beautiful young woman to climax. It didn’t matter that it had been with my mouth and hands, or that I would never have the chance to fuck her with my cock. All that mattered was that I had done what was expected of me and, it appeared, done it well!

I sat back on my heels looking at the spent body on the sofa before me. Julie’s legs flopped sideways and her head lolled onto her right shoulder as her full breasts rose and fell with her heavy breathing. As I shuffled away on my knees, I noticed a large dark patch on the cushion beneath her bottom where her juices had flowed liberally.

Steve quickly took my place, flipping her left leg onto the sofa, laying her head on a cushion and spreading her thighs wide. He mounted her unresisting body quickly and unceremoniously, entering her with a few short sharp strokes barely three feet from where I knelt. His cock was thick, dark and intimidating but it wasn’t until it was buried its full length in her vagina that Julie’s body reluctantly began to respond.

But when it did respond, it responded quickly and a handful of powerful, purposeful strokes later she was panting and moaning with renewed if exhausted passion.

“You did a great job,” Carmen whispered in my ear as she crouched next to me, “I’m proud of you!”

I smiled broadly at this praise from the She-Devil, nursing my swollen upper lip where Julie’s bucking, orgasming vulva had struck me forcefully.

“I think you’ve missed most of the performance upstairs though,” she said, taking my arm. I rose a little unsteadily to my feet as she added: “If you’re lucky you might just catch the finale!”

She nodded towards the ceiling and as my head stopped spinning I understood what she meant. From above us the thump-thump sound of rapid thrusting was clearly audible, along with a woman’s voice moaning long and low. Mitch’s comprehensive fucking of my wife was clearly building up to the only natural conclusion it could reach. As I listened, the thumping grew faster and faster and Alice’s voice rose higher and louder, short sharp squeals emerging with every loud crash.

“Go on,” Carmen urged, “Get up there now!”

I looked at the sofa where Steve was thrusting into Julie’s exhausted body in long, steady strokes. Her arousal was rising by the second despite her post-climactic state and once again I was amazed at the extraordinary sexual talent of the man; a talent I could barely dream of possessing.

“Do you want to miss it all? Mitch is good but he’s inexperienced. He won’t last in a cunt like hers forever!”

Carmen’s crude words brought me to my senses and I half ran out of the room just as Julie’s rasping, desperate voice announced the arrival of a massive vaginal climax to match the clitoral orgasms I had just given her.

“Oh God! Oh fuck! Fuck me!”

Her voice followed me as I ran from the room and up the stairs towards the unmistakeable sounds of my own wife reaching a shattering orgasm.

My chair was still in its place on the landing, just out of sight of the lovers. I was panting as I reached it, leaned heavily on its back and stared into the room where the fucking was reaching a crescendo.

In the soft candlelight, my wife Alice was on her hands and knees, still in her stockings, her hair loose and wild hanging over her face like a curtain. As I watched, she threw her head back, her face a picture of wild-eyed ecstatic torment. Kneeling behind her was her young lover Mitch, his hands gripping her hips tightly as he slammed his body into hers hard and fast like a jack-hammer, his pace frenzied and violent.

Having seen him naked and hard in Spain, I knew just how impressive his erection was and could barely imagine the damage his monstrous cock must be doing within my wife’s vagina. From the expression on her face, she couldn’t take much more.

“OhmyfuckingGod! OhmyfuckingGod!”

Alice sounded drunk as another of God knows how many waves of climax pulsed through her body. Her head rose, her eyes rolled up towards the ceiling and an inhuman howl passed her lips.


Suddenly her arms gave way underneath her and she fell forward face down on the bed. Mitch’s body followed, forcing her legs wide apart and pressing her hard into the bed sheet as he thrust relentlessly into her helpless body.


This new position must have stimulated an even more sensitive part of her vagina because her voice soared even higher. Her eyes flew open wide, her mouth matched them and within seconds all sound was choked off as her body shook uncontrollably in an immense final climax.

“Oh fuck! Oh fuck!” I heard Mitch grunting then my wife’s voice crying, begging,

“Enough! Please! Cum now! Cum nowwwWW!”

Above her I saw Mitch’s face grimace and contort and his body convulse as the first spasm of his own orgasm hit him and a split second later he began to cum deep in my wife’s vagina, thrusting himself violently into her body as his spasms began.

“Oh Fuck! OH Fuck! Oh Ali!” he croaked under his breath, as his body began to twist and jerk.

I held tightly onto the chair for support as, once again, another man begin to inseminate my sweet, lovely wife, filling her helpless, unresisting body with his live, active sperm.

Mitch’s body seemed to twitch and spasm for an age as his ejaculation continued. I tried to picture the ropes of sticky semen cascading into her, spurting against her cervix but my bewildered mind couldn’t cope. I couldn’t even find it in me to feel the usual cuckold mix of jealousy, envy and anger as this younger, stronger, more virile man crudely thrust my marital rights aside and claimed my wife’s body for his own. All I could do was lean heavily on the chair and watch it happen.

Eventually the thrusting slowed and stopped. Mitch lay on top of my battered wife, sweating, his face pink with exertion as the weight of his body crushed hers into the rumpled sheet. The muscles on his powerful shoulders were bunched and impressive, as were his upper arms. Knowing what I did about the size of the erection that was at that moment softening inside her, it wasn’t hard to see why my wife would choose this energetic, youthful lovemaking over a mating with me.

The boy raised his head and stared through the open doorway. I wasn’t sure whether he could see me as I stood in the darkness but he showed no sign of recognition as he slowly withdrew his flaccid cock from my wife’s well-used vagina and raised himself to his knees between her spread thighs.

Alice remained motionless face down on the bed, the rising and falling of her back as she breathed the only sign of life. His job for the moment done, I watched Mitch run his fingertips lovingly down her long, slim back and small, tight buttocks, the gentleness of his touch in sharp contrast to the violence of their copulation.

He leaned over her and kissed her between her shoulder blades, then in a line down her spine, mumbling soft nothings under his breath. As his lips reached her lower back, Alice raised her head from the bed and smiled, dazed but contented. She turned her blonde head to the side to meet Mitch’s lips as he leaned low over her again.

They exchanged a few words and kissed again, slowly and lovingly.

“It looks like everyone’s happy!”

The low voice alongside startled me; it was Carmen who had sneaked silently up the stairs and who now stood close by me, the only one of us still fully dressed.

“The boy looks happy, your sweet innocent wife is certainly happy and,” she slipped her hand into the front of my shorts and squeezed the almost painfully hard erection barely contained within, “and of course, Mister Cuckold is happy too if this is anything to go by!”

“We will have to keep an eye on those two, though,” she continued, “we can’t have them falling in love, can we?”

I looked back into the bedroom where the two lovers were now lying close together, my wife’s golden head resting on Mitch’s muscular chest as he stroked her hair and her flat, toned tummy with his fingertips. There was a look of sheer adoration in her eyes which was not unusual after a fucking, but this look went far beyond anything I had seen when she had been fucked by Steve. For the moment at least, my wife was lost and, from the self-satisfied smile on Mitch’s young face, he was pleased with the result of his efforts.

Who could blame him? Who could blame her? For the first time in our new lifestyle, I worried that I really could lose my wife to another man. My stomach churned like never before, I felt sick but also massively aroused at the thought.

As if sensing my unease, Carmen released my erection and slipped her hand in mine.

“Don’t worry,” she whispered, “you won’t lose her. We just have to remind her of what she really, really wants!”

“What... what do you have in mind?” I mumbled.

Carmen’s eyes positively twinkled in the darkness.

“Leave it to me, Mister Cuckold. The night isn’t over yet; not by a long way!”

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Journey into Cuckoldry After Eight

But first a reminder...After the longest ejaculation I had ever imagined, Mitch’s thrusts finally slowed to a halt and he knelt panting, his cock still embedded in my wife’s vagina, his hands still gripping her hips, trying to catch his breath. Alice’s head was flat on the couch’s cushion, her face bright pink with the intensity of her orgasms, her arms hanging limp, her back heaving with laboured breaths. I had never seen her so thoroughly fucked, even by Steve and certainly not by me. After a...

2 years ago
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Journey Into Cuckoldry Sinful Seventeen Part 2

The sun was streaming through gaps in the curtain when the phone rang, waking me from a deep sleep. I grabbed the handset next to the bed and mumbled something incoherent into the mouthpiece.“Sounds like you had a good night,” my father’s voice chuckled down the line. “Just warning you that we’ll be bringing the kids back at noon, okay?”I looked at the bedside alarm. Eleven o’clock. Shit!“Okay Dad,” I growled. “Thanks for the warning. See you then.”I turned to the duvet-covered lump alongside...

1 year ago
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Journey into Cuckoldry

Journey into Cuckoldry (c) Jenny Gently 2012This is a ‘Cuckold’ / ‘First Swing’ story based on an idea from ‘Hardy’. I’m sorry but you withheld your email from the original publication so I couldn’t get in touch with you. I have very substantially re-written it but have kept it from the husband’s point of view because that’s how the original was presented and it seems to work well this way. I have also kept it in the ‘first person’ because so much of the excitement takes place in the husband’s...

1 year ago
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Journey into Cuckoldry Six of the Best

I woke early the next morning as usual, leaving Alice fast asleep in our double bed. The sun was shining, the morning was still not too hot and I felt hungry so I showered, dressed and walked the mile or so into the nearest village and bought bread, milk and croissants for our breakfast. As I returned to the apartment with my purchases in a paper bag, my mind was full of plans for the coming evening. In less than twelve hours Steve would be here with a full day and, more importantly, two full...

2 years ago
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Journey into Cuckoldry After Eight

But first a reminder… After the longest ejaculation I had ever imagined, Mitch’s thrusts finally slowed to a halt and he knelt panting, his cock still embedded in my wife’s vagina, his hands still gripping her hips, trying to catch his breath. Alice’s head was flat on the couch’s cushion, her face bright pink with the intensity of her orgasms, her arms hanging limp, her back heaving with laboured breaths. I had never seen her so thoroughly fucked, even by Steve and certainly not by me. After...

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Journey into Cuckoldry Four Square

The morning after Alice’s first ‘official’ Hotwife date dawned bright, sunny and cheerful, with bright sunlight streaming into the room and waking me – early as usual. For awhile, I lay awake on my back listening to the birds singing and my wife Alice’s slow, deep breathing as she slept ‘the sleep of the angels’ as my Grandmother used to say, alongside me. I smiled ironically when I thought just how far from angelic she had been the previous night, when my beautiful and increasingly sexy wife...

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Journey into Cuckoldry High Five

Bright afternoon sun beat down on the hot tiles surrounding the deep blue swimming pool, making it painful to walk without shoes as I carried our three glasses on a small tray back to the apartment for a refill. The water dripping from my wet swim shorts made slippery puddles around my feet and I stepped carefully the last few yards. As I reached the apartment’s door I turned and smiled at my wife Alice, who was completing the last few confidant lengths of her daily exercise routine. She...

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The Descent into Cuckoldry

My descent into cuckoldry began before I was married or dating. It all started when I was a teen in the late sixties. My mom was a civil rights activist and often held "meetings" at our house. Although she was overweight, the leader, Malcolm was always so nice to her.One day, while looking for a suit of my dad's to borrow, I saw an 8mm canister on the floor of the closet. It was labeled, "Denise." I grabbed it and figured I would see what was on it later. Probably a film of us at the...

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Journey into Cuckoldry Seventh Heaven

It was quite early on Saturday morning when I woke to find the bed next to me empty. My head ached from the previous night’s drinking and dancing so I was somewhat dopey as I entered the kitchen in my boxer shorts and drank two long cool glasses of water. The sun was gleaming on the surface of the pool and as I stared at its bright reflection, I noticed two familiar shapes low in the water, my lovely wife Alice and our young neighbour Mitch were doing their first hundred lengths of the day. ...

2 years ago
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Journey into Cuckoldry Threes Company

I woke suddenly the next morning as bright sunlight found a gap in the bedroom curtains and fell across my face. It was early. I blinked in the semi-darkness, rolled onto my back and stared at the ceiling. I looked across at my wife Alice who was sleeping peacefully by my side. Her sweet face was turned towards me, her eyes closed, her body relaxed, deep in slumber. Had it all really happened? I looked closely at the lovely woman I had been married to for so many years. It was almost...

4 years ago
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The Devils Pact Tales from the Best Buy Incident Playing at Cuckoldry

by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 The Devil's Pact, Tales from the Best Buy Incident: Playing at Cuckoldry Note: This takes place a week after Chapter 3 involving Bill and Erin Connar and how their lives were changed after the Best Buy Incident. The car pulled into the my driveway. It was Saturday night, and I was hiding in my bedroom closet, naked, waiting for my wife to get home with whatever guy she picked up at the bar. My cock was hard in anticipation of watching my loving wife...

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A Welcome to Cuckoldry

“Cuckoldry can be great fun. Get involved in grooming her for her dates. Trimming her pubic hair, for example, can be a very strong submissive experience when you know that in a few hours another man will be enjoying the scenery. Help her choose clothes. Better still, go shopping with her for some sexy clothes that she can wear on dates. Get her an anklet that she can wear on her right ankle to signal that she is a hot wife. Bathe her and then rub her down with perfumed oils before her dates.”...

1 year ago
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The Devils Pact Tales from the Best Buy Incident Playing at Cuckoldry

Introduction: Bill cant stop thinking about his wife Erin fucking other guys while they were under Marks control. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 The Devils Pact, Tales from the Best Buy Incident: Playing at Cuckoldry Note: This takes place a week after Chapter 3 involving Bill and Erin Connar and how their lives were changed after the Best Buy Incident. The car pulled into the my driveway. It was Saturday night, and I was hiding in my bedroom closet, naked, waiting for my...

3 years ago
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Satisfying our husbands urges for Cuckoldry

I'm sure I am not the only girl whose husband admitted to he wanted to watch me with another man. As women, we discuss this act (Cuckoldry) amongst ourselves, it can be arousing to think you can go out and have a bit on the side, knowing your husband is watching and probably jacking off, to boot.1.) Anna's storyAnna, a close friend since school, swears by it. Her marriage was on the rocks, the sex just stopped and then one night, they were down the pub and they had strippers on, it was a...

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Cuckoldry Descent in Older Age Chapter 4

Chapter 4: A preparation for cuckoldryStory so far: Chris’ prostate surgery resulted in erectile dysfunction and a penis so foreshortened that it precluded normal sex. His wife Mandy soon decided on separate bedrooms and banned Chris from hers. Mandys friend Xena has slowly but surely been shifting Mandy’s attitudes towards men and sexual liberty. Chris has seen this mirrored in her growing frustration, her increasing contempt towards him in private, and in her more than explicit exhibitionism...

4 years ago
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Cuckoldry Descent in Older Age Chapter 2

Story so far ........ Xena, my wife Mandy's close friend, is a sadistic narcissist who played both of us in a game that dramatically changed both our lives. But before I explain how the game played out, I need to talk more about Mandy and the vicissitudes of our own unusual sex life............Chapter 2: MandyMandy is an attractive woman, with a strong personality that men find appealing. She is strong willed and confident, driven in what she does and persistently achieves her goals. Dominant...

2 years ago
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My more realistic vision of cuckoldry part two

My more realistic vision of cuckoldry. Part twoThis is just a fantasy and did not happen. Feedback very welcome After our dogging session we returned home. Thankfully we went straight to bed, smelling of cum and sweat as we were so tired. I was so thankful that Jenna was kind enough to unlock my cock from its cage. We talked about the evening and how hot it had got us. Jenna asked if I had been serious about us getting married, and I told her I was, I explained that I had been looking for an...

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Unconventional tale of Cuckoldry

This story is fiction and all the characters are fictitious in the story. Hope you will love the story.Standard Disclaimer: This an adult story (You decide!!!) that depicts an unconventional tale of cuckoldry. It explores a lot of related taboos. There is graphic v******e, sex, i****t and borderline pedophilia. If you cannot stomach this, please walk away. But if any of these subjects interest you please read and comment. It’s a novella of sorts. I never intended it to be so long, but there it...

1 year ago
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I'd like to tell you how I was initiated as a bull to a couple dedicated to cuckoldry. This happened many years ago when I was a young student in Glasgow. I had won a place to study at Scotland's foremost art school and had travelled there a week or so before I could go into the hall of residence I had chosen for the first term. I had tried a few B&Bs in the area but hadn't liked what I saw.So I went a bit further out towards Kelvingrove Park and at the first place I called at the landlady...

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Synopsis        I was an occasional cross dresser.  My wife caught me.                    She was very much upset.  Our marriage went downhill from that point.                 Little did I know that she had planned my d?nouement. My life took many                       interesting turns after that.Categories        CD TGKeywords        High Heels French Maid Bestiality BondageCuckoldryBy Janet BakerShe returned unexpectedly from shopping and caught me at the computer wearing a bra with forms u...

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The Devils Pact Tales Playing at Cuckoldry

Tales from the Best Buy Orgy: Playing at Cuckoldry Note: This takes place a week after Chapter 3 involving Bill and Erin Connar and how their lives were changed after the Best Buy Incident... The car pulled into the my driveway. It was Saturday night, and I was hiding in my bedroom closet, naked, waiting for my wife to get home with whatever guy she picked up at the bar. My cock was hard in anticipation of watching my loving wife fuck a strange man, while I played the cuckold. Our lives...

2 years ago
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James Descent into Cuckoldry 5

Summary – Jamie falls completely down the rabbit hole. Previous Story Summary – James and Karen find another friend. Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be of legal age to read this adult story. It is OK to have fantasies but turning a fantasy into reality can destroy lives. Don't be a dick with other people's lives! Jamie woke up to the sun shining through the window blinds. He was overly warm and found he...

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Journey into Cuckoldry Threes Company

I woke suddenly the next morning as bright sunlight found a gap in the bedroom curtains and fell across my face. It was early. I blinked in the semi-darkness, rolled onto my back and stared at the ceiling. I looked across at my wife Alice who was sleeping peacefully by my side. Her sweet face was turned towards me, her eyes closed, her body relaxed, deep in slumber. Had it all really happened? I looked closely at the lovely woman I had been married to for so many years. It was almost impossible...

2 years ago
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Journey into Cuckoldry Twice Shy

It was six months since the extraordinary evening described in ‘Journey into Cuckoldry’ happened, in which my lovely wife Alice and I had been seduced by our friends Steve and Carmen in our own MPV as we drove home from a late night concert. Well, to be precise, Carmen had given me a lingering hand job in the front seat while I tried to drive, finger her pussy and watch the action in the back seat in the rear-view mirror, all at the same time. I hadn’t done a very good job of any of them. In...

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James Decent into Cuckoldry 4

Summary – James and Karen find another friend to play with. Previous Story Summary - Jamie’s submissive training continues. Karen invites a friend over to play. Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be of legal age to read this adult story. It is OK to have fantasies but turning a fantasy into reality can destroy lives. Don't be a dick with other people's lives! James woke up on the couch. As his dream fog...

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James Descent into Cuckoldry

Summary – James’ dominating wife decides to turn him into a submissive, sissy cuckold. Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be of legal age to read this adult story. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into reality can destroy lives. Don't be a dick with other people's lives! James Fagioli had always been weak and submissive. As a young boy, he obeyed his parents and tried his very best to a...

3 years ago
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James Decent into Cuckoldry 3

Summary – Jamie’s submissive training continues. Karen invites a friend over to play. Previous Story Summary – Karen teaches Jamie how to dress and act like a slut. Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be of legal age to read this adult story. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into reality can destroy lives. Don't be a dick with other people's lives! James Fagioli woke up the next morning...

1 year ago
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James Descent into Cuckoldry 2

(MF, Anal, Cuckold, Cum Eating, Forced Feminization) Summary – Karen teaches Jamie how to dress and act like a slut! Previous Story Summary - James’ dominating wife decides to turn him into a submissive, sissy cuckold. Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be of legal age to read this adult story. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into reality can destroy lives. Don't be a dick with other...

4 years ago
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Journey into Cuckoldry Six of the Best

I woke early the next morning as usual, leaving Alice fast asleep in our double bed. The sun was shining, the morning was still not too hot and I felt hungry so I showered, dressed and walked the mile or so into the nearest village and bought bread, milk and croissants for our breakfast. As I returned to the apartment with my purchases in a paper bag, my mind was full of plans for the coming evening. In less than twelve hours Steve would be here with a full day and, more importantly, two full...

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Wedded into Cuckoldry

A girl and her master, plan for her husband's cuckolding.A true story"Please Nick, don't put your cock there. I'm not ready for that."Nick: "Come on Anna, open your legs, let me do you the right way. We've waited too long and I know you're ready for it.""No! I told you I'm not doing that. I can't. In four weeks I'm going to be married and on my wedding night I want my husband to be the one who takes my cherry. I've waited this long. I want to be a virgin for him. He deserves that."Nick: "Let me...

4 years ago
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Wedded into Cuckoldry

A girl and her master, plan for her husband's cuckolding."Please Nick, don't put your cock there. I'm not ready for that."Nick: "Come on Anna, open your legs, let me do you the right way. We've waited too long and I know you're ready for it.""No! I told you I'm not doing that. I can't. In four weeks I'm going to be married and on my wedding night I want my husband to be the one who takes my cherry. I've waited this long. I want to be a virgin for him. He deserves that."Nick: "Let me bust your...

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Tricked into cuckoldry

You watch your girlfriend, Stacy, get dressed after some steamy sex. Her soft C cup boobs are just covered up and her plump ass jiggles whenever she moves. Her 20-year old figure could easily pass for a supermodel. “So nice to have free time finally.”, you sigh. You have worked hard the last year and now your holiday is coming up. Sadly you couldn’t book any tickets to a nice foreign country due to the pandemic. Your plan now is to relax at home together with your girlfriend. First part was...

3 years ago
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My more realistic vision of cuckoldry Part Two

This is just a fantasy and did not happen. Feedback very welcome. After our dogging session we returned home. Thankfully we went straight to bed, smelling of cum and sweat. I was pleased that Jenna was kind enough to unlock my cock from its cage. We talked about the evening and how hot it had got us. Jenna asked if I had been serious about us getting married, and I told her I was, I explained that I had been looking for an adventurous woman for years, and that I was glad I had found...

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A Threesome Turns to Cuckoldry Part 2

I lay at the foot of the bed my tiny puddle of ejaculate, having just been face full in my wife’s cum overfilled pussy. Steve, her impressive black lover had just placed his seed there and I was hungrily eating it up. Sherri was lovingly stroking, sucking him to a state of readiness. As we both watched him again harden to a steel rigid 10 inch length, It was clear that Sherri would do anything to pleasure him, and I would do anything to please her, my role as a subservient to this couple, my...

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A Threesome Turns to Cuckoldry Part 1

My wife Sherri and I have been married for 8 years. We have a very loving relationship. Sex is good but over the last few years has become less frequent. My wife insists on me using condoms when we have sex, certainly birth control is the main reason but we have found without a condom I don’t last very long. On occasion, she’ll let me fuck her without protection. Of course I cum quickly, but she then insists that I eat her pussy to orgasm. I am good with my tongue so she certainly enjoys the...

1 year ago
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My wife introduces me to submission and cuckoldry

I looked at my wife giving her a quizzical look and asked for more information. She stared at me and thought for a short while before saying that she had found something ! My mind went into overdrive because if she meant what i thought that she meant then my secret, or at least that one had been discovered. Although i had left my life of servitude behind me the feelings of wanting to submit and to serve still occasionally made their feelings felt and i had accumulated quite a few DVDs on the...

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The Thrill of Cuckoldry

[ Dedicated to my very good friends A & T, and to anyone else who finds the idea of being a cuckold exciting, or already knows it is by experience! ]I find myself frequently remembering the sights, sounds, aromas, and above all, the special thrill I experienced in Kenya as I watched my wife, Mara, fucking Omar...our contact from Zambia, who was living and working at the time in the city of Nairobi, where Mara and I stayed.I'll be at work, for example, and though I have many things that need...

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Cuckoldry Descent in Older Age Chapter 5

Chapter 5: Cuckold at last – meeting the new reality ...Story so far: Chris has finally become a subservient cuckold, this happening soon after Mandy saw the video of his submission to Xena and Pam. Mandy might have been able to have accept the fact that he was a sexual midget, despite Xena’s insistent coaching to the contrary. But her disgust at Chris' weak-willed, self-debasing behavior with Xena made up her mind for her. She would now be inviting in men that excited her, and who had the...

2 years ago
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Was it Adulatory or an act of Cuckoldry

1.) Sandra's Story.To people who know us, they will testify we are a loving couple, based solely on the fact we just appear compatible and happy to their faces. We never openly argue or even seem to disagree, "Like two peas in a pod", someone once remarked, and yet like most well established couples, we have our secret and yes, like most, it's sex, I want it all the time, and my husband can't keep up with my demands and urges.Something happened to me, a spark or something, and it started one...

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Cuckoldry and Group Sex My Wife and My Experienc

Greetings - I have decided to upload some stories based on the experiences of my wife and I with cuckolding, wife sharing, and mmmf group sex, over a period of roughly 6 years, beginning in 2011. I have been wanting to get around to sharing these stories for awhile. Have been compiling for awhile, but just now getting around to uploading. Anyway, my main goal is to share our experience, see how it compares to others, and who knows, maybe dip our toe back in the water at some point. We have been...

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Cuckoldry Descent in Older Age Chapter 3

Story so far: Over the last few years, my wife Mandy had become increasingly disenchanted with the carnal aspects of our marriage. Her changing attitude reflected, in no small part, the self-serving interests of her close friend Xena, whose libido reportedly exceeded even that of my wife. Mandy had for many years been more than accepting of our coital incompatibility – small penis, large vaginal cavity – and the use of prosthetic substitutes. But this tolerance has been gradually whittled away...

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Cuckoldry Descent in Older Age Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Xena .............We first met Xena about three years ago and, over time, I noticed how she became inseparable friends with my wife, Mandy. They spent a lot of time together, both being retired, going to women’s events, luncheons, girls’ nights, and those one on one, around the table, sessions over a bottle of wine or bubbly that can last hours. From what Mandy told me, it was clear they shared a lot about themselves with each other. Mandy usually updated me on the spicy Xena news in...

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