Hotwife Chapter 3A The Continuation Of My Hotwife s Weekend
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The bad economy over the past five years or so has been devastating for many companies. That is especially true for small businesses that don’t have the resources to ride out the hard times. Larger companies can survive by laying off employees, or otherwise having adequate funding. Our family was especially hard hit since I lost my job as an administrative assistant in a large company, and my husband’s small business suffered the loss of customers and sales volume.
My name is Cassie, and I was twenty-four years old at the time of this story, and the mother of a five-month-old son who I was still nursing. I had a good job as an administrative assistant for the CEO of a large, regional company, at least until I was laid off due to the bad economy. My husband, Michael, was twenty-nine years old and had a thriving wholesale distributorship for adult sex toys and other related products. He started out in marketing with the same company that I worked for, and we met there. He started his home business after learning about marketing and sales from them.
We live in a fairly nice area in metro Baltimore, in a neighborhood that allows mixed commercial and residential properties. We moved there so he could run his business from home. Our property has two homes, and we converted the smaller one fronting on the street into an office. The foyer and front bedroom were converted for use as the assistant’s and his offices, and we remodeled the kitchen and a family area to be an entertainment area for customers. The small bedroom in the back was left pretty much as is, for the nights when Michael works very late and just wants to be able to walk a few feet and sleep. The garage is used for storing and showing product samples, although most of the volume is shipped directly to his customers from the factories. Our family lives in the larger home in the back of the lot.
Michael travels quite a bit, mainly to meet and maintain good relationships with manufacturers, to convince them to let him represent their products for sale to retail stores. He has an assistant who works in the office to process orders to manufacturers and from customers. She also enters transactional data into the accounting system and handles general correspondence in hard copy and on the company website.
I didn’t have the time to be involved in his business while I was still working at that large company. Working, taking care of our home, and raising our child kept me very busy. My mother lives near us, and she was able to watch the baby when I was at work. After I was laid off, I paid more attention to Michael’s business, trying to determine if there was any way I could help. I knew that he had suffered a decline in sales and was worried about the viability of the business.
One night at dinner he said, “If our sales decline any further, I might have to fire my assistant, Tammy. If I do that, though, I’ll be stuck in the office and won’t be able to maintain personal contact with the manufacturers the way I need to. So, things aren’t looking good for us right now.”
It was obvious to me what we needed to do, and I replied, “What about me, honey? I’m out of work and certainly have all the skills necessary to run the office. That would save us Tammy’s salary and allow you to travel.”
I expected to him to agree right away. Instead, he hemmed and hawed saying, “Thanks for the offer, honey, but there are some things about the business that you don’t understand. Tammy and the other girls who have worked for me in the past have more responsibilities than just the paperwork. As you know, they are pretty, young girls who don’t mind showing a little skin and even sometimes entertaining the customers who visit the office. That has given me a competitive edge with many of the retailers who routinely visit our office, sometimes just to see Tammy.”
That all sounded pretty shaky to me and I said, “Tell me more about what they do to entertain the customers. Are you implying that something sexual is going on here?”
Michael looked uneasy as he replied, “Well, that’s hard for me to say. Given the unsavory business we're in, some of my customers are crude, fringe kind of guys of various ethnicities. I try to hire smart, but slutty, girls who are also pretty and well built, knowing that they will appeal to those men. Then I let the girls know how important it is to our business and their jobs to keep the customers happy. I never tell them what to do with the men when they use the entertainment area to drink beer, and I don’t ask what is happening with the customers.”
I was disappointed to hear about the way that Michael characterized his assistants, although not totally surprised, given the reputation of the industry for being sleazy. I wanted to press him for more and said, “That’s bullshit that you don’t know what they're doing in that entertainment room. Surely the men have told you what they are doing.”
He was very uncomfortable then and said, “Okay, if you insist on knowing. The assistants that I had before Tammy were mainly showing a lot of skin, and sometimes let the customers feel them up when they were out in the garage looking at the product samples. I’ve heard recently that Tammy has taken it a little farther and has been masturbating and even sucking off a few of the men. The black and Latino men seem to be the most aggressive with her. Most of that happens after she has shown the men big dildos and the sex machines, and they all get turned on looking at the fake cocks and watching the fucking motion of the big dildo attachments. Some of the men have asked her to bring those machines into the bedroom to demonstrate by using them on herself, but she hasn’t done that yet, as far as I know.
I knew Tammy fairly well, and although she always seemed a little trashy to me, I would never have suspected her of giving blowjobs to the customers. And knowing that I had not been very receptive to Michael’s sexual advances recently, I had to wonder if he was being sucked off by her too. Then I thought since his dick is only about four inches long and thin, she probably wouldn’t enjoy sucking him anyway, after getting a taste of those black and Latino cocks. I dated a few men of color before I met Michael and know firsthand that some of them have very big cocks.
It was clear to me that we had to do something to save the business, even if that meant I took over the assistant’s job. So, I said, “I think I’ve heard enough about your little slut, Tammy. We need to clean up our image and save some money at the same time. I’ll take over her job, and we’ll change this business model, if you can even call it that, where your customers will no longer be expecting to fondle or get sucked off by your assistant. What do you think about that idea?”
He scratched his head and responded, “If you’re sure that you want to put yourself in that position, then I guess we can try it. Those men can be insistent, and they're accustomed to having their way with the assistants. I sure hope that we don’t lose too much business over the change. You should be expecting at least some vulgar comments from the men. I mean, you're prettier than all those other girls, and you have a great body. We’ll just have to see if using you as eye-candy is enough to keep them happy. You will need to at least show a little skin, though. Maybe knowing that you're my wife will make them less likely to hit on you.”
The other girls Michael hired were only nineteen or twenty years old, and I was still in great shape at twenty-four. I have dark-brown, should-length hair and jade-green eyes that compliment my light-olive complexion. I’m five feet and seven inches tall and weigh one hundred and thirty pounds after having our baby and nursing him. My breasts were 36Ds before I started nursing, and they are now round, firm and shapely 36Es. Michael sometimes says that I am ‘bootylicious’, due to my prominent and firm ass cheeks that jiggle so tantalizingly when I walk.
We paid Tammy a nice bonus to ensure that she would stay for another week to train me on the systems and procedures. I thought that later on I could keep our son in the back bedroom and with me during the work day. For the immediate future, however, my mother was taking care of him for me. I pumped and stored breast milk for my mother to feed him, and usually had to relieve the pressure by pumping during the day. Only one customer stopped in the office that week. Tammy took him to the garage to select some items and was gone for almost fifteen minutes. I don’t know whether she sucked him off or not. I wanted to peek to see what they were doing but thought better of it.
The following Monday was my first day alone on the job, and I wore tight, skimpy, stretch, workout shorts and a tight, short-cropped t-shirt, that showed plenty of midriff under my full, pendulous breasts. Michael was out of town and I felt kind of exposed sitting there in that outfit. It was part of the job and I knew that I looked damn good in those tight clothes. My breasts look massive. I read somewhere that studies have shown that the way we dress affects our self-image and behavior. I definitely felt like a slut in my outfit.
It was about 11:00 am and I had just finished processing some orders, when a customer walked into the office. He's a good looking, middle-aged black man about six feet tall and weighing maybe one hundred and eighty pounds.
He looked me over, blatantly staring at my breasts as he said, “My name is Kendall, and I was hoping to see Tammy here today. Is she still employed, or are you the new girl?”
I stood up to shake his hand and replied, “Hi, Kendall, my name is Cassie. I'm Michael’s wife and I have replaced Tammy. It’s nice to meet you. What can I do for you today?”
He replied, “It’s probably not going to be the same without Tammy. I've always looked forward to the, uh… shall we say, special attention she gave me when we were selecting items in the garage. You're a very pretty and hot replacement, though, with that nice ass and huge tits of yours. I’m surprised that Michael would let you expose yourself this way. The fact that he doesn’t mind makes me wonder if you have taken on all of Tammy’s former duties. I sure hope that you have, since I’d like to keep buying my product here.”
Michael was right that the men would be aggressive, and the fact that I'm Michael’s wife didn’t faze Kendall in the least. I have to admit that it was somewhat arousing being dressed that way, being undressed further with his eyes, and having a handsome, mature man who I thought was a player hitting on me. I didn’t want to let Kendall know that I was aware of Tammy’s extra services; yet I also knew that his not-so-veiled threat about losing his business was a problem.
I wanted to talk to Michael and give myself time to think of what I should do, and said, “I don’t know what you mean about Tammy’s former duties, but I’d be happy to show you whichever samples you desire. I need to make a quick phone call and will meet you in the garage in a couple of minutes.”
Kendall went to the garage, and I called Michael, hoping that I could catch him on his cell phone. He had just left one factory and was in the car headed to another one. I recounted every word of my conversation with Kendall.
Michael was obviously upset when he said, “Holy fucking shit, Cassie, I was afraid this would happen. Kendall has five stores in the metro DC and Baltimore area and averages about ten percent of our sales volume. Is there any way that you could flirt with him or something, to at least keep him from switching distributors until I can get home and talk to him? I’m sorry to ask you to do that, but maybe you could lead him on a little and keep him satisfied.”
I could hardly believe what he was asking me to do. I wanted clarification and asked, “I want to help, but what are you saying? How far are you willing for me to go?”
Michael paused for a few moments before saying, “I trust you to use you best judgment, honey. You just need to realize how important his business is to us.”
I was hoping to get more understanding and better advice from Michael. It seemed like he was leaving it for me to decide, while also stressing how important it was to retain the sales volume. I decided to just play it by ear and see how insistent Kendall would be.
When I got to the garage, Kendall was in the dildo section, holding one of our life-like, black dildos that's ten inches long, very thick, and with big molded balls. I wasn’t that familiar with the products yet and was impressed by the size and how realistic it looks.
I moved over next to him as he said, “These dildos and the twelve-inch black ones are very popular with my white, women customers. Have ever handled one of these before?”
I replied, “No, I’m not that familiar with the merchandise yet.”
He then said, “Here, take this one in your hands and let me know if you think it feels realistic.”
Kendall nonchalantly put his arm around my waist as he handed it to me. I sure didn’t want to admit that I had experience with a real, black cock. I thought it would be helpful to be a little playful, so I squeezed it and cupped the balls for effect, before giggling and saying, “Wow, this thing is so long, thick and heavy, and the skin feels nice and soft, and has those thick veins molded in. I can’t tell you whether it feels realistic, though, since I’ve never felt a real one this size.”
I knew the moment after those words left my mouth that I had stupidly given him a way to plausibly continue the conversation about black cocks. Holding that fake cock was more of a turn on than it should have been, and it was a reminder of the black men I fucked before I was married. I was still thinking about those past lovers when Kendall dropped his hand down farther to rub my ass. The touch of his big hand on me felt nice, and I didn’t have the will to stop him. Then he turned sideways and stepped closer, as he pressed his groin against my torso. Because of our height difference, his obviously large, but-still-soft cock lump was pressed against my side and a little above my waist.
He leaned down close to my ear, and in a deep, whispery voice said, “You know, Cassie, you need to be familiar enough with your products that you can describe and compare them for your customers. You’ve got an opportunity right now to compare this dildo to my cock, which just happens to be a little larger at almost eleven inches long. Come on, Cassie, Michael knows full well all the things that Tammy was doing for his customers. He had to know what he was getting you into when you took this job. If your sorry ass husband wants to share you this way, for a little more sales volume, then why not just enjoy it? What did he tell you about Tammy’s duties anyway?”
Kendall’s comments and the feel of his cock pressing into me were further weakening my willpower to resist. I was also getting pissed at Michael, since I had the impression that Tammy and the other girls had been doing more than he told me, and he wouldn't admit it. Kendall started massaging me with his hand deep into my ass crack, and I pressed my ass back and swiveled it against his hand.
Then I responded, “Michael told me that Tammy was jerking and sucking off a few of the men. So, tell me, what was she really doing?”
From our position standing there, it was easy for him to continue deeper and lower into my butt crack, so that he was almost touching my vulva from behind with his left hand. Since I wasn't struggling against him, he reached for my breasts and began rubbing them with his right hand.
Then he said, “Damn, white girl, what a fucking body you have. Your ass and these huge fucking titties are amazing. Michael told me that you guys had a child in the past few months, and from the wetness on your t-shirt, I can tell that you must be lactating. You are leaking now, and I’d love to drain these big milk jugs for you.”
He paused for a moment and continued, “But to answer your question, a couple of the other girls before Tammy would let me feel them up, and sometimes stroked my cock for me. When Tammy came along everything changed. She skipped the stroking, and went straight to sucking me off, and I also sucked her tits. Not long after that she started fucking me, and I’ve been getting into that sweet, white cunt pretty steadily for the last year.”
I interrupted and asked, “Did you always fuck out here in the garage?”
He responded, “We’d sometimes start fooling around out here, but always ended up in the back bedroom. Michael was here many of those times and heard all the moaning and banging going on. She told me that about half of the other customers were fucking her too. Oh, you’ll love this, Tammy told me that Michael used to come back to the bedroom after the men left, and he sucked her pussy clean before fucking her himself. She said that he has a tiny little dick but loved having him eat her out. And within the last couple of months, she’s been demonstrating the use of the fucking machines for us. That fucking whore has had so much black and brown cock in her that she can almost take those fourteen-inch attachments all the way to the balls in that cavernous cunt of hers.”
I was furious with Michael for lying to me, fucking Tammy, and especially for eating out her just-fucked pussy. He’d come home and kiss me after sucking her pussy and eating all that cum. As far as I was concerned, it was fair game for me to do anything I wanted with Kendall and the other men. I was still seething with anger when Kendall turned to face me and tilted my head back to kiss me. That was a passionate, deep kiss and we were sucking on one another’s tongues like high school kids. His big cock was then hardening and pressing into my belly.
He broke the kiss and easily lifted me up to sit in front of him on the dildo boxes, at the perfect height to suck my tits. He pulled my tight t-shirt up and latched onto my right nipple and areola as my big tits swung heavily in front of me. My only previous experience with breast feeding was with my baby, and having an aggressive grown man strongly sucking me was an entirely new experience. I wrapped my legs around his waist to hold him against me as my pussy was getting wetter and swelling with lust. He sucked one and then the other of my breasts, hungrily drinking and swallowing my sweet mother’s milk.
Kendall sucked my breasts that way for almost twenty minutes, with my legs locked around him and my wet pussy soaking through my shorts onto his chest. He finally lifted me with one arm under my ass and the other around my back and carried me to the front office to lock the door, and then to the bedroom. He laid me back on the bed and I watched as he removed his pants, underwear and shoes, and I removed my tight workout pants. His huge, uncircumcised cock was almost hard, at over ten inches long, and it's at least six inches in circumference. I had fucked a few black men previously, but never had a cock that large inside of me.
He first moved up by my head on his knees and pressed his cock to my mouth. He said, “That’s it, Cassie, get my cock fully hard and nice and wet for your cunt. It’ll probably be pretty tight knowing what a little dick your wimpy ass husband has.”
I had sucked plenty of black and brown cocks before, and had no problem taking it into my mouth. The foreskin is thick and was flooded with his precum, and I tongued and sucked it like a lollipop. After a few minutes sucking him, he moved down between my wide-spread legs and rubbed his cock head through my hairy, soaking wet labia.
He started pressing his fuck meat into me and said, “Relax and I’ll take it slow, so we don’t hurt you this first time. I can already tell that your pussy has tightened up since the birth of your baby. I hope you can take it all like Tammy is able to do. I just love having my cock buried to the balls in you white whores.”
Just as he had seven inches of his cock inside of me and was pressing against my cervix, he asked, “You’re on birth control, aren’t you, Cassie? We don’t want to be giving you a black baby here today, not unless you want one.”
I had considered that, and thought I was safe. So, I responded, “I’m not on birth control, but I should be in the safe part of my cycle. I haven’t started back on the pills since our baby was born. Michael hasn’t been fucking me that much anyway, and the pills make me gain weight. From what you told me, that asshole has been sucking and fucking Tammy instead of me. No matter what, I want to feel your Negro seed flooding my pussy.”
He said, “Ahhh fuck, that’s wonderful. I love fucking you slutty white wives bareback when you don’t have protection either. I’m going to press a little harder now. Swivel that nice ass of yours so we can try to get my cock buried in your cunt.”
I rotated my hips until my uterus shifted and his cock was all the way inside of me. Then he leaned down to kiss me as he began fucking me with long, deep strokes. It had been years since I had felt a big, thick cock like that, and was having almost continuous orgasms.
Kendall broke the kiss and said, “It feels so damn good fucking you, Cassie. I wouldn’t have thought it possible, but you’re a better fuck than Tammy. I must be the first customer to fuck you, and I can feel your pussy clamping down on my cock. Get ready, because I’m close to inseminating your married womb.”
Kendall started moaning, and I wrapped my legs around his ass to hold him in place, just as I felt his cock throbbing and spraying inside of me. He held his cock in me for a few minutes until it was soft. When he pulled out I immediately moved down to suck his sweaty cock and balls clean of our juices. After that he sucked milk from my breasts for what seemed like fifteen minutes, until his cock got hard again. We fucked again, and he lasted twenty minutes that time, with me creaming on his fuck meat the whole time.
We finally got dressed and went to the office, where he gave me a huge order for our various products. As he was leaving he laughed and said, “You might be new to the business, Cassie, but you damn sure know how to close a sale.”
Kendall had been there for two hours by the time he left at around 1:00 pm. I went to the bathroom and washed my groin area and inner thighs in the sink, trying to clean up those two big cum loads that were drying on my skin, and still oozing out of my pussy. After that, I was sitting at my desk in a dream-like state, thinking about the two great fucks that Kendall gave me. The phone rang at around 2:00 pm, and it was Michael.
He asked, “Tell me, Cassie, how did it go with Kendall? Were you able to save the business? If so, how far did you have to go to do it?”
I knew that Michael wouldn’t be home until Thursday afternoon, and I didn’t want to upset him by letting him know that I had been fucked or that I knew he was a cum-sucking liar, at least not yet. I decided to test his willingness to let me be used by those men by lying about what happened, just to get his reaction.
So, I responded with an upbeat tone, “It went very well, honey. Kendall is a nice guy, and I got a huge order from him. He really liked me in my tight outfit, too. I didn’t have to do too much. We were in the garage looking at a ten-inch, black dildo, and he asked me if I thought it was realistic. I told him that I had nothing to compare it to. Before I knew what was happening, he whipped out his cock, and I had it in my hand.”
“Oh my goodness, Michael, his cock is longer and thicker than the dildo, and so heavy and meaty. He said that I could get the order by jacking him off. I got down on my knees to masturbate him. What a huge load of thick cum he sprayed all over my face and t-shirt.”
It was all I could do to keep from busting out laughing as the phone stayed silent for about ten seconds, which is a long time on the phone. Then he said, “Oh shit, honey, I’m so glad you got the order. I had no idea that you would…I mean I’m amazed that you would…holy shit, honey, you actually jacked him off? How did you feel about doing that for him? Do you think you would have done even more if he wanted you to?”
His response was all I needed to hear. It was clear that he was mostly concerned about the order, and happy that I jacked off Kendall. He was even trying to find out if I would have done more with him, and never showed his disapproval or concern at my actions.
I was so pissed off at him and decided to really give him a mind-fuck, by saying, “I felt like a real slut down there stroking his cock, but it was exciting for me in a way. When I was on my knees in front of him, with my face only inches from his huge cock, I smelled his pleasant, musky odor, as his low-hanging balls swung heavily to the rhythm of my stroking. I’m sorry, honey, but I was getting so turned on that I actually considered taking his cock into my mouth. I probably would have too if he hadn’t ejaculated at that moment, even spraying some of his semen and sperm into my open mouth.”
That time the phone was silent for fifteen seconds. Michael stammered a little as he asked, “So…so…so…, you were really going to suck his cock? Does that mean you would do that for him the next time he comes in? And if you were getting that aroused by his cock and balls, does that mean that you might even consider fucking him?”
All doubt about his agenda was gone. He was almost encouraging me to cuckold him, in a deceptive way. I wanted him to at least be a man and say what he wanted, and maybe admit some of his lies.
So, I said, “I don’t know, honey, it would be pretty extreme to fuck him just to save a little sales volume. I’m not on any birth control now either. And besides, you told me that the most Tammy was doing was giving the men blowjobs. Why would you think I’d need to go as far as fucking? Tell me the truth; would you want me to fuck him and some of the other customers?”
There was another long pause, and he replied, “Well, the truth is that I do think that Tammy was fucking some of the men, and that’s how we kept them as customers. I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you that upfront. The other thing is, I’ve been around this porn material for so long, and have read stories and watched videos about men who are cuckolded. Sorry, honey, but I have to admit that it really turns me on thinking about you fucking other men, especially black and Latino men with big cocks. I even want to watch and participate.”
“I could never bring myself to ask you to fuck other men. It’s just that I thought if you were exposed to some of our customers, you might get excited about it too. When you told me about masturbating Kendall, and on your first day alone on the job, I got excited thinking that you might cuckold me one day. So yes, honey, I would like to see you fuck other men; it’s just that I won't ask you to do that. What are you thinking right now?”
Michael had diffused some of my anger by telling me at least part of the truth. I wanted to respond in a way that gave me time to consider how I wanted to proceed. I also wanted to stir up his obvious submissive emotions, since I already knew that he had been eating other men’s cum from Tammy’s pussy.
So, I said, “What I’m thinking now is that I am very confused by all of this, especially learning just now that my husband is not the man I thought he was, since he wants to willingly give me up to other men to be fucked. I know a little about this cuckolding stuff, and I also wonder if, in addition to watching, you want to suck my pussy clean after I’m fucked, and maybe suck the men’s cocks.”
“I have to think about all of this and we can discuss it when you get back Thursday afternoon. I have to admit, though, that Kendall’s big cock was very tempting, especially after being accustomed to your little dick for so long. I can visualize myself riding his big cock to multiple orgasms, while you watch, jerk your little dick, and then clean both of us up with your mouth. Is that really what you want, Michael? You’d better be sure, because there’s no going back if we get this started.”
Michael was more contrite on the phone, after hearing me characterize his submissiveness. He replied, “I think that’s what I want, Cassie. We can talk about this more on Thursday. Thanks for your understanding and willingness to consider it. In the meantime, how will you handle any other customers that come to the office?”
I wanted to tease him a little more, so I laughed and said, “We’ll just have to see about that, Michael. I don’t know which customers might stop by, or if the word has spread that I jerked Kendall off. And who knows, Kendall might even come back for more since he likely saw me moving in to suck his cock just at the time he was shooting his cum all over me. You’ve given me some pretty wide latitude, though, and there’s no telling what I might do, given the opportunity. Just remember, you agreed to let me take the job, knowing full well what the customers were doing to Tammy, and that it was critical to maintain sales. Be sure to give me a call when you know what time you’ll be home on Thursday.”
Several customers phoned in orders on Monday afternoon, but there were no more personal visits. I went to pick up my son before going home, and then fixed myself a nice dinner. I went to bed that night and masturbated myself to sleep, thinking about the great fucking Kendall gave me with his huge, black cock.
The next day at work was routine until about 1:00 pm when one of our Puerto Rican customers came to the office. Luis is a good looking, fit man, probably in his early forties, with a medium-olive complexion.
After we briefly introduced ourselves he said, “Nice to meet you, Cassie. When my friend, Kendall, called to tell me that Tammy was no longer with your company, I was very disappointed. But then he told me that you provided even better customer service than she did and were willing to put it all out there to make a sale. And damn, girl, you are one hot piece of ass. I’m prepared to place a big order with you today, but you need to work for it.”
I smiled at him and said, “Well, it’s nice to meet you too, Luis. You sure don’t mind getting to the point, do you? Just what do you have in mind for me to earn your order?”
Luis replied, “Let’s lock the door so we won’t be interrupted. I’d like to take you to the bedroom and drink some of that tasty mother’s milk from your huge jugs that Kendall told me about. And in addition to the obvious, I’d also like for you to demonstrate one of those fucking machines for me. Kendall told me that you were still learning about the products. I’d like to teach you to use the fucking machine, after I lubricate your cunt for you with my Rican cum. Those are big ticket items and I’ll order two of them if you cooperate.”
We went to the garage to select one of the fucking machines and several attachments, and Luis carried them to the bedroom. I was surprised at myself for having given in so easily to Kendall the day before, and now to Luis. It was somehow exciting to me that I was being used as a whore by those men. Maybe I wasn’t receiving any direct payment for fucking the men, but the additional sales would sure help the earnings of our business. There was no doubt that I was whoring myself for the business.
I followed Luis into the bedroom, and as he setup the machine, I quickly stripped off my t-shirt and shorts. I heard a gasp from him as he gazed upon my totally nude and voluptuous body. After the machine was ready, I sat on the bed as he stood in front of me, and I removed his pants and underwear. His soft, thick, uncircumcised cock is dark brown and was over eight inches long. His crotch and egg-sized, low-hanging balls are hairy and he had a strong, though not unpleasant, musky man smell. I took his cock and balls into my hands and sucked the thick, foreskin-covered head into my mouth, tasting his copious precum.
After sucking his cock for only a few minutes, we moved back onto the bed with him lying between my legs with his mouth sucking my right areola and nipple. My milk started flowing right away. His strong suction on my breast was increasing my lust, and I wrapped my legs tightly around his ass and thighs, and pressed my hairy, soaking wet pussy against his stomach. He alternated sucking my milk-swollen breasts, as he arched his back and brought his hard cock to my hairy labia.
His thick cock has to be at least eleven inches long and I tightened my legs to pull as much of him inside of me as I could. He finally bottomed out on my cervix and then pulled away from my nipple for a moment to say, “Holy fuck, Cassie, Kendall was right about you having a nice, tight cunt, and you seem to want this even more than I do. What a fucking white whore you are for brown and black cocks. He told me that you aren’t on birth control either, so I’m going to enjoy sliming your womb with my Rican baby seed.”
He continued sucking my tits as I was having one orgasm after another on his thick cock. He was in me to the balls when his cock began to throb and spray deep inside my pussy. He gasped as he said, “That’s it, you fucking whore, take my cock cream right into your slutty married womb. Oh fuck, your cunt is gripping my cock like it’s hungry for it and sucking me dry.”
Luis held his cock inside of me until his cock was soft again. Then he pulled out and moved me down to where my ass was at the edge of the foot of the bed. The fucking machine was configured so I could lift my legs and rest them on two padded leg rests that were on either side of the piston. He had attached a fourteen-inch, black dildo to the machine, which lined up perfectly with my pussy after he placed a pillow under my ass. Then he showed me how to use the remote control, which regulates the speed, depth and rotation of the machine’s thrusts. Finally, he used soft, padded rope to bind my legs to the leg pads, which would still allow me to pivot and rotate my hips against the pressure of the thrusting machine.
I felt so exposed, vulnerable and nasty being strapped to the machine that way, and I liked the feeling of being under his control. He made one final adjustment to the alignment of the dildo and then I turned on the machine. I started with it thrusting slow and shallow, just parting my vulva, so I could get used to the thickness of the dildo. I much prefer to be fucked by real cocks, but the dildo is very pliable and realistic.
Then he said, “You should really enjoy this because of the way I've already lubricated your cunt.”
Luis watched the dildo fucking me for a few minutes and then got up on the bed, kneeling by my head. He pressed his cum and pussy juice covered cock to my mouth, so I could suck him clean. After his cock was clean he straddled my face and pressed his hairy balls to my mouth and I hungrily sucked them. What a sight that must have been, with my legs raised in the air and strapped to the machine, with the huge, black dildo fucking me, and Luis sitting on my face and smothering me with his balls.
I used the remote control to speed up and increase the depth of the dildo’s thrusts, and I was having an almost continuous orgasm. I wasn’t sure how much of the dildo I was taking inside of me until Luis said, “Damn, Cassie, this is hard to believe, but you're almost taking the entire dildo inside of you. We’re going to have to do this again when I have my camera to film the action. You're a perfect model to sell the benefits of the machine, especially with your huge tits swaying and jiggling to the motion.
Luis moved off my face and lay down beside me, as the machine hummed on fucking me. He was sucking and draining my breasts again, and the combination of everything that was happening had me in a frenzy of lust.
I used the machine for another five minutes, and then he said, “I want to try just one more thing with you today. I’m going to reposition the machine, and I want you to turnover onto your stomach. Then we’ll let the machine fuck your pussy again, while I try out that beautiful ass of yours. Plenty of my cum leaked down there which should give you good lubrication.”
I had never been fucked in the ass before, but I was so turned on that I would have done anything he wanted me to do. He lengthened the piston, so I could move up a little farther on the bed, to give him room to straddle my legs and the piston moving beneath him. As I reengaged the machine, I felt him pressing the head of his cock against my asshole. He moved it up and down my ass crack to get more cum for lubrication, and then began pushing it into me. It was a little painful until the head of his cock penetrated my sphincter. Then I had the wonderful feeling of two big cocks being pushed inside of my body.
We fucked that way for fifteen minutes, with me being double penetrated, until he held himself in my ass to the balls. His cock started throbbing, pulsing and spaying his second load of the day as he moaned and said, “I thought your pussy was tight, but your virgin ass feels so good squeezing my shooting cock. You can count on getting all of my business if you continue to take care of me this way.”
I was still being fucked by the machine when Luis pulled his cock out of my ass and moved to sit on the bed right in front of my face. I sucked his slimy cock and balls clean of his juices and my anal mucus. We finally got dressed and cleaned the machine before he left the office. We had been fucking for over two hours, and it was then 3:30 pm.
I talked with Michael that night and told him about the big order I got from Luis. He got really quiet on the phone, and finally said, “I’m impressed that you got such a big order, honey, but what did you have to do to get it? In the past, we only got big orders from him when Tammy was particularly nasty with him in bed.”
He got quiet again when I responded, “Oh, don’t worry, honey, I’m just doing what you wanted me to do to get the business. By the way, Luis is a really nice guy, and his cock is even bigger than Kendall’s. We can talk all about it when you get home on Thursday. What time do you expect to arrive?”
Michael replied, “I should be back to the office by around 4:00 pm. I’m really looking forward to hearing about how you managed to make such big sales, and in only your first two days on the job.”
There were no visitors to the office on Wednesday, which was probably a good thing since my pussy and ass were sore from all the fucking of the previous two days. I was sitting in the office on Thursday morning and getting horny for more big cocks. That’s when I thought of a way to show Michael what he had encouraged his wife to become. I called Kendall and told him that I wanted to surprise Michael when he came home and asked if he could stop by the office at about 3:00 pm.
He not only agreed, but said, “Hell yeah, sweet britches. I’ll be over and will even bring my business partner, Luther, with me. He’s anxious to get some of that sweet milk and creamy pussy of yours, after I told him about what we did on Monday. I can hardly wait to see the look on Michael’s face when he sees you being blacked right in front of him.”
I sat at my desk using one of the realistic, black, twelve-inch dildos on myself, until I knew it was almost time for Kendall and Luther to arrive. My pussy was wet and swollen with desire as I anticipated fucking those men, and having Michael catching me in the act. I didn’t pump any breast milk at noon as I had planned, because I wanted my tits to be bursting with milk for the men. Kendall and Luther showed up right on time, and we locked the front door and headed for the bedroom.
Luther looks to be about the same size and age as Kendall, and they are both lean and handsome black men. We wasted no time in getting undressed, and I was soon looking at two, big, soft black cocks and their huge black balls.
Luther looked at my big breasts and shapely ass and said, “Damn, white girl, Kendall wasn’t kidding when he said you have a hot fucking body. Let’s all lay back on the bed together, so we can drain those milk-engorged tits of yours.”
I lay back in the middle of the two men, and they immediately latched onto my nipples and areolas and began sucking. At the same time, they were rubbing my inner thighs and fingering my soaking-wet pussy. They sucked me that way for about twenty minutes, and then Luther got up on his knees by my head and fed me his cock. His cock is just a little shorter than Kendall’s, but even thicker. I loved the musky smell of his hairy crotch and his big, black balls swinging against my face.
After his cock was fully hard he said, “Whoa, girl, that’s enough for now. I want my first load to be in one of your other holes.”
Luther moved back down to suck my tits while Kendall straddled my face and fed me his thick cock. It was really turning me on being used by those middle-aged black men that way, and I wanted to do everything I could to please them. We continued that way, with the men alternating between sucking my breasts and feeding me their cocks. Then, at about 3:45 pm, I wanted to get into position to be fucked, anticipating Michael’s arrival in another fifteen minutes or so.
I pushed Luther on his back and rolled on top of him, with his cock head poised at my labia. Then I slid slowly down on his fuck meat until he was in me all the way. Kendall then scooped up some of my pussy juices with his fingers and massaged it into my ass crack and asshole. That was only the second time I was to be fucked anally, and I loved the tightness of his cock head as it pushed through my sphincter. Following that, both men got into a rhythm fucking me so that one was pulling out as the other was pushing in. The feeling of having both holes stuffed with huge, black cocks was overwhelming to me, and I was having one orgasm after the other.
They had been fucking me that way for a good ten minutes, when I heard the front door to the office being opened as Michael called out, “Hey, Cassie, I’m home, honey. Where are you, baby?”
It was hard for me to speak clearly with the men pounding me with their big cocks, but I was able to yell out, “I’m in the bedroom, honey, trying to get another big sales order for us. Come on back and I’ll show you how I’ve been able to successfully negotiate with the men.”
I heard Michael’s steps as he approached the bedroom door, and then heard a gasp as he saw me being fucked. From the door, he had a perfect view between our legs, with me lying on Luther, with his thick cock stretching my white pussy, as Kendall reamed my ass with his huge cock. There were a squishing and slurping sounds as they moved their cocks in my wetness, and their big balls were swinging and slapping loudly on my ass and thighs.
Michael was standing there stunned as he watched me being fucked in a way that he would never be able to do. He had still not said anything, so I leaned over a little to look him in the eyes and said, “Come on down here between our legs, honey. From what Kendall told me, you’ve been sucking Tammy’s pussy clean after all of these me fucked her. So, get ready to clean me up after Kendall and Luther inseminate my pussy and asshole.”
The bed moved as he got down between our legs. Then he said, “Holy fucking shit, honey, these men aren’t wearing condoms and you aren’t on your birth control pills now. Aren’t you afraid of getting pregnant by them?”
I wanted to play to his innate submissive nature and the conflicted feelings that many cuckold men have regarding their wives being inseminated by other men. So, I said, “It is much more enjoyable for Kendall and Luther, knowing that they will be shooting their big loads of cum into my unprotected cunt. I should be in the safe part of my cycle, but the risk of being impregnated by them and the other men who will be fucking me is a big turn on for me too. You better do a good job cleaning me up and try to get to get all of their fuck cream out of me.”
My comments about being unprotected, plus the fact that they had been draining my tits of mother’s milk as I sucked their cocks, had put the men over the edge. I felt Michael’s hot breath on my ass and pussy as the men buried their cocks to the balls in my ass and cunt, as they began throbbing and pulsing, and filling me with their huge loads of Negro cum. It had to be quite a sight for Michael to have a close-up view of me being impaled on those two, huge black cocks, and watching their shafts flex as they injected their cum into me.
The men held their cocks in me until they were soft. As they began pulling out of me I told Michael, “Lay back on the bed, so you can eat all of this nasty fuck slime out of me.”
He obediently laid back on the bed, and I quickly moved over to sit on his face. He didn’t hesitate to suck and lick my pussy, draining Luther’s cum from me. Then I shifted my ass forward until I felt his mouth on my asshole. I sat down hard on his face as he then tongued and licked my asshole. Kendall and Luther looked on and laughed as Michael noisily slurped and licked both of my holes clean.
Then Kendall said, “Tammy was sure right about this nasty cum sucker. And since he doesn’t mind eating our cum, he might as well clean our cocks and balls too.”
I rolled off Michael, and he immediate moved over to suck Kendall’s cock and balls clean of our fuck juices. He was hungry for that black meat and even pushed his arms under Kendall’s ass to pull him tightly against his mouth. Then he cleaned Luther the same way.
We sat around and relaxed for a few minutes, and Michael’s face was red with embarrassment. That’s when I told him, “I told you that if you encouraged me to get started whoring myself this way, that I wouldn’t stop. Now I plan to suck and fuck all the men that want me, and you can do your part by cleaning me up and sucking their cocks for them.”
As the men rested up, they fed on my breasts again as Michael alternated sucking their cocks and balls. After about a half hour the men fucked me again as Michael crawled between our legs to watch. Two loads of cum later the men got dressed and left, as Michael cleaned me up again. It was almost 6:00 pm before Kendall and Luther left, and Michael and I stayed in the bed talking, after receiving another big order. I explained to him that I still loved him but had lost respect for him as my husband. I reiterated that I was going to fuck all of the customers who wanted my tits, pussy and ass, and he could take his place as my cum and cock sucking cuckold husband.
Word quickly spread about my willingness to whore myself for the business, and Michael’s active participation as the cleanup man. I was soon fucking two dozen different men of various ethnicities, with the only stipulation being that they had to give us a big order each time. It got to the point that I averaged fucking at least two men each work day, with the most in one day being seven men. My favorites are the black, Latino, and Indian men. I just love their dark cocks and balls and the taboo of fucking men of color. A few of the men even stop by on the weekends to fuck me.
I never began taking my birth control pills, and I always let the men fuck me bareback. So, I guess that it was inevitable that I missed my period about three weeks after the first time Kendall fucked me. The men loved fucking me even more as my pregnant belly and breasts got bigger and bigger. They all imagined that they might be the father. I’m now in my eighth month, and we’ll soon know at least the race of the father. I’m just guessing, but in my heart, I think the father is Kendall, based on how strong my desires to have sex with him were that first day, and the thickness and slickness of my cervical mucus.
After watching Sunday Night Football and being fucked by Kenny, her 8.5" Big Black Cock fuckbuddy. My wife made a bet on the AFC Championship with Kenny. If she won the prize was $1000 CASH but if he won she would dress in a French maid outfit and serve his friends drinks during his SuperBowl party.My hotwife lost the bet and spent the afternoon of the SuperBowl getting a manicure and pedicure then came home undressed, laid naked on our bed so I could shave her completely bald. While showering...
"Ok, here are the key clauses for the husband:1. Upon entering this agreement, your status will now be a cuckold or simply cucky. Your wife will be known as the hotwife/mistress and her black owners will be called black bulls.2. Although you are still her husband, you no longer have permission to have any sexual intercourse whatsoever.3. You will be required to wear chastity belt all the time and your hotwife will hold the key to your chastity belt. Or should your hotwife chooses, she can give...
Do you know what a hotwife is? It’s a woman who enjoys the lifestyle of being able to enjoy as many different cocks as she wants while still loving her husband. Of course, for these kinds of women, the dick their husbands provide them with is not enough, so they have to go to other lengths to get the enjoyment they so desperately need. And while you might not be participating in this kind of thing and lifestyle, you might be aroused by it. Maybe you like seeing guys allow their wives to get...
Reddit NSFW ListMy name is Anne. On our second anniversary, my husband James paid for my breasts and ass enhancements. He loves how I look in a bikini, or denim cutoff short shorts and short halter tops. He buys translucent blouses, t-shirts, and hot styles of clothing showing my body with no bra or panties. I have had a lot of attention from guys I work with and guys my husband is friends with or his business associates. I currently have had guys call me on my cellphone that my husband is friends with....
Wife LoversMy Hotwife Life of Fun:My life, in my opinion, is very comfortable, very happy and sexually fulfilling to a point. Not the greatest of opening lines, though true nonetheless. Emotionally, financially and every way I could wish, my life is all it could be, with one possible small exception. And that possible exception is that my sexual desires verge on the exhibitionist, somewhat carnal and can at times, prove to be incredibly unfaithful, regarding my marital vows, almost to the point of being...
Understanding Our Man’s Hotwife Fantasy and How to Use That to Our AdvantageThe fantasy of having a “Hotwife” is growing, in fact, research shows it is growing at a higher rate than a good majority of the other lifestyle alternatives, including the old staple of “swinging” and the modern “open relationship”. Why is it that a fantasy that revolves around only one part of a relationship – the woman – going out and finding pleasure from another man more intriguing to an increasing number of men...
Hi, To all Iss reader this is my first story hope U all would like it a complete self raj i live in Mumbai this story is about my aunty nandita,let me describe her she is in her 30s,lives with her husband and daughter.She is born beauty with an awesome fig of 36.28.40 ..her assets are her huge melons of 36 d and her ass that will give a hard on to any guy who looks at it So now my story starts this was like 5 years ago when I was appearing for my 12 th HSC examination at that time my...
My Slut Hotwife Life of Fun:My life, in my opinion, is very comfortable, very happy and sexually fulfilling to a point. Not the greatest of opening lines, though true nonetheless. Emotionally, financially and every way I could wish, my life is all it could be, with one possible small exception. And that possible exception is that my sexual desires verge on the exhibitionist, somewhat carnal and can at times, prove to be incredibly unfaithful, regarding my marital vows, almost to the point of...
I’ve always been a very sexual person. My husband realized that very quickly and has encouraged me to have fun. As along as I let him know what I’m doing, and even let him watch, he's my biggest cheerleader. I was very reluctant at first because I felt I was happy with my sex life and the idea of being a hotwife seemed totally crazy to me. One day, we left a friend's wedding for an overnight stay in a hotel, and we struck up a conversation in the hotel bar with a salesman. He happened to sell...
CuckoldWant to find a bull who will make your cuckolding fantasies come true?Cuckolding couples might think it’s easy to find a guy who’s happy to sleep with a hotwife. While it’s true that many men will be into a cuckold arrangement in theory, making the right connection can be a bit trickier than it sounds. But no need to make things complicated.Before the Bull Hunting Begins Get clear on your cuckolding desires:Make sure both cuck and hotwife are on the same page before moving any closer...
Chapter 1 I'm a hotwife, always have been. What's a hotwife, you ask? Well, on my computer The Urban Dictionary defines it as: A married woman she has sexual relations with with other men, with the husbands approval. Usually while the husband watches or joins. Please don't blame me for the poor English of the definition, that's what's on their website. Also, I go a bit beyond their definition - I like women, too. So, I want to tell you how I got to be that way, how I became a...
You've just finished kneeling in front of Charles, sucking and licking his monster cock while Jamie snapped pictures of you performing...but the thought in the back of your mind has always been about how this thick, long cock will feel in your're torn between thoughts of your own pleasure and being unfaithful to Jamie...he's told you time and time again, it's not being unfaithful, you've been given permission from him...but still...then you see Charles's cock again, standing rigid...
You know what’s not fair? Guys can brag about sex all they want, whether they did it or not, and other guys praise and envy them for their success… for their conquests. But us girls? Guess what… guys need us or there are no conquests, yet we don’t dare tell even our closest friends about it or we’re branded as sluts or worse.From my point of view though, guys were my conquests too. I just couldn’t boast about it so I discretely started to put each of them in a special trophy case I kept in a...
Group SexChapter 1Given just how revealing the slutty little outfits are that my hotwife wears to pubs, clubs and bars,I'm amazed that she's never been arrested for indecent exposure, breach of the peace or grossindecency! She constantly pushes out the boundaries of what she wears and what she gets up to.I first met Kim four years ago at a property exhibition I'd rented a stand at. Through an agency I'dhired four promotions girls to help out on the stand. They were all in their twenties,...
My wife becoming a hotwifeMarie's journey from housewife to hotwifeThis is a true story about my shy demure wife's journey into exhibitionism and into being shared.I am Eugene and my wife is Marie. This a true story about her journey from a woman who would never even think about cheating, to the role of my hotwife and on to slutwife. She was 5'4"and tipped the scale at about 135 but she carried it well. Her best assets were her 38D tits with very prominent dark nipples which she always tried to...
I was disappointed that Derreck was not going to be in town for the weekend. Our three intimacy sharing occasions had totally infatuated me with him. I spent more time preoccupied with him than maybe I should have, but I was craving him. It had been difficult accepting and getting my mind around what I had become, a hotwife. Such a simple term for a very complicated style of living, one that could easily turn into an addiction. It would be come my heroin if I was not careful.I had finally...
CuckoldThere was a 70 year old grandma that moved in right next to my apartment, I was 18 at the time and my grandpa was 74. I lived with my grandpa at the time. The old grandma would come to talk to my grandpa each day, she would keep teasing him, she would flirt with him, she tried to seduce him. My grandpa ignored her at first but then he started flirting with her after a couple days. I once came out of my apartment only to see her sucking his dick outside on the porch while he was touching her...
Hi, I am Ronny I live in the suburbs of Mumbai in Dombivli. I work for a BPO as a team leader in Airoli.I am 27 years old 6ft tall and I have decent cock fair and good in bed too.I don’t discriminate in age and skin tone of a woman. But I have turn on for mature women i.e; milfs. What is a bull you might be wondering. A bull is a wife’s lover, chosen to take over her husband’s sexual role in their marriage. The term “Bull” denotes his superior sexual prowess. A bull always seeks a hotwife and...
Asia's Fantasy 2: Asia's Hotwife Transformationby Max, Asia, and RLM===========================================================Prologue:In 2009, Max and Asia contacted me to let me know how excited they got when reading some of my posted stories. Max’s unedited e-mail message to me follows:------------------Hi RLM,I have been a consistent reader of your stories for a long time and truly appreciate the effort you have put into them. They are truly magnificent.I and my wife both share the fantasy...
Hello everyone my nickname is Wild Red, I'm construction65's Hotwife. This is what happened on my first overnight hotwife weekend. I hope you enjoy.My date was with Marcus was with one of the studs that my piercer and tattoo artist, Angelina, hooked me up with from a previous story. I meet him at a very upscale club that I arranged for but made hubby pay for the room.When I walked in he was waiting for me, wearing a very nice three-piece suit. He stood up and gave me a very passionate full...
Wife LoversFirst let me start by saying this really happened and was way better than any night I could have planned myself. I changed our names for obvious reasons. I'm the cuckold I'll call myself George. My wife will go by Ann. So Ann and I have been together in a very happy marriage since we were teenagers. I myself had only had sex with one person when we met and Ann was a proud virgin. I took me over two years before we had sex. Now we are in our mid thirties and have been together for...
Let me say right up front that Gunther was definitely not a young man.I knew he had been around the Santa operation at the North Pole long before I arrived with my bright ideas for cost reduction. I was called in to promote increased toy production by the easily distracted Elves. Those little imps preferred being silly rather than busy little workers focused on their quotas like dedicated employees. As a small-sized human male, I was able to relate easily to the female Elves because they liked...
Fantasy & Sci-FiI want you to experience what it might be like if I ever was to embrace your fantasies and become a true hotwife. Before we begin I want you to take out your cock for me. Lie back with it in your hand while I read this to you. The more turned on you get the harder I want you to stroke your cock until you can’t hold any more and give me your cum. I know you love to give me your hot cum so I want to be able to see it when it happens. I want to see if I can turn you on so much that it explodes...
Wife LoversJust a short recap from the last chapter. My hubby had made the excuses of going out to buy beer and asked his buddy, Eddie to massage for me instead. After my hubby had gone off, we were left alone and Eddie wasted no time to proceed with the massage. I lay on my front, fully naked, and was too shy to face him. So I just closed my eyes and enjoyed his hands massaging my body. His hands wandered from my shoulders to my toes and covered almost every part of my body. He started from my...
Wife LoversAt around that time, even before we were to start our new lifestyle, I found out that I was pregnant. It must be due to my daily teasing that my hubby getting so excited, he would shoot tons of cum deep inside my belly. Should I have considered that to be unlucky since I was about to proceed with these hotwife actions or should it be a blessing as my pregnancy actually increased my sex drive! I had checked around with my friends who had been pregnant before and some like it too but some just...
ExhibitionismAfter a stiff drink in our resort room and some convincing, Ellen finally agreed to remove her panties and go without any undergarments. We headed down to the club with her wearing nothing but a slim fitting, black dress that went to above her knee, her sparkled champagne colored heels, a black lace choker and nothing else. Her 5' 2 inch 110 lb body looked amazing in the dress, the tight cut accentuating her bubbly ass and the heels highlighting her toned legs. A pair of small but perky tits...
Introduction: It was all her idea and I just went along because I really didnt have a choice. It all started when my 28 year old wife Sarah told me that her best friend Jill (who is married) was seeing a black guy on the side. It had started out as just a casual thing where Sarah was just sneaking around but now had progressed a month later to the point where Sarah was contemplating splitting up with her husband Dave and was moving in with Marc her new black lover. I was shocked. Jill and my...
It all started when my 28 year old wife Sarah told me that her best friend Jill (who is married) was seeing a black guy on the side. It had started out as just a casual thing where Jill was just sneaking around but now had progressed a month later to the point where Jill was contemplating splitting up with her husband Dave and was moving in with Marc her new black lover. I was shocked. Jill and my wife were best friends and the thought of Jill fucking a black guy was just shocking.My wife just...
My wife just couldn’t hold on to the secret any more you see, and I half think she just wanted to see what my reaction was to the thought of Jill sneaking around and of course what I thought about the whole interracial thing. Apparently Jill and Dave had nearly stopped having sex and Dave just seemed to have lost interest in Sarah. Dave’s loss in my opinion as Jill is fucking knockout. Jill had met Sarah back in college. I was dating Sarah at the time but I had always fantasized about...
I woke up in a state of confusion. My phone vibrated on the nightstand. It took me a minute to remember I was sleeping in a rented beachfront townhouse. I picked up the phone and saw that it was Stela. It was just after midnight. I’d been enjoying the kind of deep sleep that only comes after a long day, some good wine, and a mindblowing orgasm thanks to the blowjob she’d given me a few hours earlier.I didn’t understand why she was calling in the middle of the night. She should have been...
Cheating“I have a trip next week with my family,” Stela wrote in a text. “You never mentioned that,” I texted back.A day earlier we’d spent the entire night fucking while her husband was at home with her kids. It was only her third experience as a hotwife. I knew the other two men had left her unsatisfied, just like her husband usually did. I’d given her the wildest night of her life, but she had warned me upfront that she was afraid of getting attached. More importantly, her husband was afraid she...
CheatingOn the way back from the Hilton, and Mathias, my phone vibrated; I knew who it was, or was at least ninety-some percent sure. Derreck had been texting me since he left about this coming Saturday. “It is hard right now, just thinking about Saturday”; “I am so looking forward to the night with you”; “You are SO hot babe, I wish I was in you right now!”; “Is that cooch and ass ready?? ”; all of them were along those lines, the same basic theme—he wanted me and how much.He was pretty persistent in...
InterracialIntroduction: Jen becomes a hotwife My wife Jen was turning 30 soon and I wanted to do something special for her. It had been a big few months for us and we had grown so close as a couple, closer than we had been in all our 11 years together. I had finally been able to tell her about my fantasy of seeing her with another guy and to my surprise she told me that she was intrigued and would consider it but needed to process that other men would find her sexy and want to be with her. I knew that...
I‘m the husband…the writer and the communicator. My luscious hotwife Katie is the insatiable slut and…well…just insert whatever feels good right here. She’s my inspiration and consistently helps with my stories. I try to make sense of her twisted thoughts and wild experiences so we can all share. Sometimes I get quite aroused as I write about some of the things she’s done or would like to do. On more than one occasion she’s thoughtfully assisted my focus by crawling under my oversized home...
Group SexWe had another unique chance to go on holiday together. We did a road trip in Spain and visited several beautiful cities and ended in the south to relax in a small naked resort called “Costa Natura”. My boyfriend rented a little studio with great sea-view, in the distance we could see the rock of Gibraltar.All studio’s and apartments were connected to each other so left and right we had neighbors. Left from us an older man who got visitors: his son and girlfriend, a couple in their early...
Chloe got home from work over an hour later than usual. “Oh, I called in at the tattoo shop. Look.”she said, lifting up her red leather mini-skirt. “Max took out my old cunt rings and put in these bignew 6 gauge silver titanium rings. Don't they look so fucking slutty, Dave?”The four new rings through her labia, two on either side, were at least three times the size of her oldones. They were, indeed, incredibly slutty!“Max told me not to change the ring in my pierced clit hood because it would...
Slutty Hotwife Annabel: Friday Night Pick-UpChapter 1Friday evenings were 'pick-up' nights for Annabel. We would go into a downtown bar or club separately withthe intention of Annabel getting picked up by another guy, while I watched from nearby. The formula hasn'tchanged much since before the time we got married, almost 4 years ago. But her outfits have got ever moreslutty and outrageous; her flirting, cockteasing and flashing ever more brazen!I waited in the living room for Annabel to emerge,...
My husband spoils me with a trip to a naked paradise...*I had such a great time at the New Years party. That kind of wild extra sex gets my inner fires stoked. The opportunity to enjoy so many new guys in one night is always a super turn on for me.Jack got totally jumped and ridden hard that night once we got home.My birthday is in early January, and he always finds ways to pamper me. Among flowers and several gifts he bought for my big day, there was also a large and nicely decorated envelope....
This story is fiction and all the characters are fictitious in the story. Hope you will love the story.Making Of a Hotwife?Was I making a hotwife,or was she training her cuckold?It started from the moment I met my wife.I was happily married at the time, or so I thought, until she opened my eyes and set free the disires and passions that I didn't realize I had.She was a new hire for the company, one of about a dozen. I first saw her walking through the halls on her orientation tour. I was...
I'm writing this not with the intention of writing an erotic story, rather more of a glimpse into our life as a cuckold and hotwife. It's not full of sexual details, just more of a mental picture of our relationship. You can visit our page for more detailed information about us. Just a thumbnail sketch, we a very happy and secure Mid 30's couple in the Midwest. She has a few guys that she has sex with but she doesn't just fuck anyone. I am locked in a small chastity cage 24/7. I have big...
Over the weekend found a note my #hotwife wrote to me about a year ago. It was kinda hot reading it again and looking back, not much has changed at all since the day I first read it. A picture of the letter is in my gallery.A little back story, I was feeling down one night about not being able to please her so in the morning I found this note by the coffee maker after she had left for work. It was so reassuring and also hot to read. She is the best hotwife and keyholder ever!TEXT FROM THE NOTE...
2nd Hotwife (breeding Success)So about a week after my hotwife experience at the swingers party, (don't think I posted that in this group, but you can read it on my profile I posted it in a few groups) I got a call from Tamika, saying she wanted to invite me to a party down in Washington state. I had got a taste and swing parties and I was like fuck ya!! Then she said this one is a little different. I asked her how so, well she said she had confided in a friend about her and mine little weekend...
I'll tell you all a bit about me. I'm a 24 year old girl and in a long term relationship with a great guy. We got engaged recently and plan on getting married next September. We've been into 'swinging' for about 3 years now. In that time we've met couples, and single guys for mfm threesomes. Last year we discussed the possibility of me meeting guys by myself, and after a few near misses, I finally got the chance.My first experience as a Hotwife occurred during a work night out- this is all...
I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...
Amanda had been so excited when her husband Dan invited her to go to Philadelphia with him on the business trip. As a young woman from the South, Amanda had never traveled up North before, especially not by plane. She was fascinated by the size of the city. She and Dan had a wonderful meal at the downtown hotel and that evening Dan was so passionate with her. When Dan left for his meeting, Amanda found his laptop computer opened and still connected to the Internet. Although she knew it was...
Family Randi (Bitch) Family Randi (Whore) M+/f, incest, humiliation, non-consentMy mother wasn?t the prettiest but wasn?t bad looking either. Simple and traditional are two words that fit her nicely. At 40 her figure wasn?t bad either. 38-28-38. Ok, so it wasn?t great either. As I said she was moderately fine. A perfect housewife. Traditional Indian dresses was all that she wore. Daily poojas (prayers) was part of her routine. Not once did I see any skin on her other than her arms and...
Wearing dark sunglasses, a knee high blue colored dress and a handbag in my hand, I stepped out of my car. A couple of young guys, who were standing a few feet away from my car, looked at my deep cleavage. I was thirty-seven years old. I had blonde hair, blue eyes, and I managed to have a quite fit body. My breasts were 34D size, and I loved playing with my boobs every time I masturbated. I was married, but still I had to fuck myself with my toys and fingers. My husband was good at sex, but he...
HardcoreAs we were driving through the parking lot toward the exit, I saw George was still hard. I thought he must really need some relief, so I told him to pull into a parking space and turn out the lights. He asked why; I told him to just do it.“Now unzip and I will take care of your obvious needs,” I said as I pulled the top of my dress down. “I am sure you can find something to play with while I devour your load.”“Ah, my two favorite things,” he said, quickly unzipping and releasing his cock.I...
Wife Lovers“So Megan, I have been thinking about this and want to ask you something...”“Well ask away,” I said with a smile.“Have you ever thought about or desired to have sex with another man?”I was stunned speechless when he asked me that. Where was this coming from? Why would he even think to ask this?We had been married for six years. We were both thirty-one, having met when we were twenty four and married at twenty-five. We were both high school teachers, me biology, him physics. We taught at the...
Wife Lovers“We’re here!” Grandma cried as she and Grandpa came through the front door with their suitcases. “Grandma!” the children shouted as quickly the five of them surrounded their Grandparents. Grandma and Grandpa hugged them all – letting their hands grab the firm young asses of their grandchildren. Grandma took special care to press her massive bosom against their chests feeling her nipples harden as she did. Grandpa’s large pecker had been hard since...
***** Chapter 5 - Grandpa's Love While still in a daze, someone shouted my name and asked about my well-being. I looked towards the golf cart to see which security guard recognized me. My eyes widened in fear when I saw my Grandpa Harold sitting there staring at me with a look of horror on his face, while I sat on a shipping crate, naked and doused in cum. Grandpa Harold is my deadbeat father's step-dad. We are not blood related but I do consider him family. He is the only person, on my...
I gave Theresa's ass a good smack. "I didn't say you could look at me! Eyes straight ahead, whore!" She instantly whipped her head back straight and looked at the wall in front of her. I placed both hands on her hips as if I was about ready to fuck her and felt her shudder with excitement. Then one hand, I began slowly sliding up her spine and she held her breath waiting to see what would happen next. My hand slid up to the back of her head and I massaged her scalp for a moment."Mmmm..."Then I...
AnalDear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.It was Saturday morning,...
IncestHi iss reader Mastram is back with my unforgettable moment to share with u all,and thanks again for lovely feedback to my previous stories. To aap logo kaa jada time naa lete hue mai story pe aata hu,let me introduce to the lady her name is Chandni,figure 34 30 36 approx.Coming to the story. Ye baat tab ki hai jab mai Mumbai,Vasai shift hua mai apni studies ke liye mere ghr jo kafi time se band pada tha.Aur mai apne purane ghr aur aunties aur bhabhiyo ko bhi miss kar rha tha,but mai shift ho...
My name is Mark Wood and I work as a Personnel Manager for a large corporation here in Dallas. My job basically is to serve as a liaison between the management and the blue-collar employees that work here. I also have to deal with all the harassment issues, be it sexual harassment, racism, or whatever.Needless to say, I hear a lot of whining, complaining, and outright anger on a day-to-day basis. Sometimes it gets to be too much and I have to find a way to decompress at the end of a tough day....
AnalSo me my husband use to drink a lot and play cards with his brother. Sometimes when he was at work we'd sext or play or add fantasies to the mix. sometimes I'd cuckold him or send him pictures of me being a good naughty Hotwife. So we was drinking the one night and I was flirting hard core with his brother well my husband decided to go around the corner to pee and the go out the door next to the bathroom to smoke. I kissed my brother in law grabbed his belt dropped his pants and sucked his dick...
So it’s been 6 years since I’ve given an update on me and Sarah. Sarah had been sold to a d**g lord named TJ by my wife’s bull James to help us out financially and Sarah ended up being put on the street to earn money by selling sex. By the time I found out she was gone. She was turning tricks on the street and was hooked on d**gs. It was only supposed to last 3 months and then I’d get her back but I was so naive I guess. She ended up being sold off to someone else in another city. I totally...
When my wife first met Dr, Sharon C. it was her first day at work. Sharon was an orthopedic surgeon and my wife was her new assistant. Sharon was your typical doctor...driven, confident, and the boss. My wife was more nurturing and had a better bed side manner. They were opposites but the made it work. They did share a lot of interests and became good friends. We had hung out with Sharon and her husband Jake many times. Sharon's bitchiness wore on my wife. Bonnie would constantly say she was...