Diavolo Ch 03 free porn video

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Paulina couldn’t keep her eyes off him, though he could tell she tried to be discreet. Her face looked wooden, pale, but her eyes…those black orbs glittered full of poison, hatred…there was so much malice in those eyes.

During dinner, Daniel regaled them with tales of his many trips around the world, searching for budding new musicians and singers. North Star Records dealt mainly with non-mainstream music. What they lacked in the way of famous pop recording artists, they made up for in an abundance of renowned orchestras and symphonies as well as single artists and singers.

“I’d like to branch out and expand our repertoire. It’s the reason my people have been in contact with your representative,” Daniel was saying as he dabbed at his lips with a crisp white napkin. He grinned at Gabriel, his light brown eyes twinkling. “I promise not to mix tonight with business, but later on I cannot promise anything.”

Gabriel tried to smile back at him. Lifting one corner of his lip was almost too much effort.

“Ah,” Paulina finally spoke up, her eyes boring into Gabriel’s, “what type of instrument do you play?’

Gabriel leaned back in his chair, his chin lifting fractionally, “I play keyboard, any string instruments, and percussion.”

The woman’s eyes flicked over him coldly, “Oh, so you read music?”

Daniel chuckled. “He reads and composes, mother.”

Gabriel narrowed his eyes at her, almost tempted to add that he could add and subtract too.

Mikayla snorted, “Mother made us take music lessons when we were younger. It was just so boring. I’d rather just listen.”

Gabriel focused on Abigail. “Do you play anything?”

Before she could answer, Paulina stated, “Abigail is quite an accomplished pianist. Naturally not quite as talented as my son, Daniel, but it is a joy to listen to her.”

Abigail blushed under his scrutiny. Mikayla only rolled her eyes and sulked, her eyes darting from him to her sister.

“She also has a lovely singing voice,” Marjorie Brown added with an indulgent smile at her eldest daughter. Abigail began to imperceptibly shake her head, but her mother pressed on, “perhaps later, she can allow us the pleasure to hear her perform something.”

Abigail’s mouth opened in dismay, her eyes imploring her mother.

“That sounds like a great idea,” Gabriel said, his eyes never leaving Abigail’s face.

When Paulina cleared her throat, he reluctantly glance her way. Whereas before, the woman’s expression was devoid of any outward emotion, now, her lips were pressed together tightly and her brows much lower over her eyes.

Gabriel cocked his head at her, daring her to say anything about his obvious display of interest in Abigail.

“Mother,” Daniel began, steel in his tone, “Gabriel has asked Marjorie for Abigail’s hand.”

Paulina slammed her napkin down on the table. All the females started in their seats. Abigail lowered her eyes to her folded hands in her lap, Mikayla sat back, her eyes keenly interested in what her future mother-in-law was about to say, and Marjorie had her hands clasped against her chest, her eyes staring beseechingly at Paulina.

Paulina remained silent a long while, just glaring at Gabriel. She finally sat back in her chair, spine completely stiff and straight, and lips pursed. “And how do you feel about this, Abigail?’

Gabriel’s attention flew to Abigail’s face, his fists tightening to either side of his plate.

She looked at him over the rims of her glasses, the sweet red hue covering her cheeks intensifying. Whatever she saw in his face made her cringe more.


“Well,” she began, her voice so soft and low it was a miracle if those sitting at the opposite end of the table even heard her, “we still haven’t discussed this fully.”

Paulina’s blistering gaze swung back to Gabriel before going back to Abigail. “I thought you were seeking a religious vocation?”

“Well,” Gabriel interrupted, a tad scathingly, “now she’s obviously found something better.”

Paulina’s cold gaze settled on him once more, her nose lifting infinitesimally. “You consider yourself better than God?”

Gabriel grinned, but didn’t answer. Paulina’s eyes narrowed a bit.

Dinner trudged on with various courses. Each plate had a minute amount of food, artfully arranged on the Montenegro estate’s fine porcelain china.

A second bottle of wine that probably cost more than a hundred grand was opened like nothing.

Gabriel wrinkled his nose at the silver cup of sherbet he was being served.

He’d change all of this crap for a heaping plate of his grandmother’s cooking. They’d gone through four courses and he was still starving.

Abigail was nibbling at her food. She took dainty little bites and chewed, lips sealed tight, eyes on her plate.

He thought of the kiss he’d given her. Seeing the horrified look on Mikayla’s face had pleased him. He felt bad for his idiot half brother. He’d never been engaged or had a formal girlfriend, but the day he did, he’d be pissed if the chick fucked around behind his back.

His eyes focused on Abigail’s soft lips.

That kiss…she’d been so hesitant…so shocked. Fuck. If he didn’t know any better, he’d swear it might have been her first.

Jesus Christ. That was impossible. She was in her mid twenties. First kisses were for preteens and high schoolers.

Where the hell had these people had this chick stashed away?

Ah…the convent.


Leaning back as they cleared away his fourth dish and brought a fifth, he huffed a sigh of frustration. She was too innocent for the likes of him. His first woman had been older—a sexually ravenous freak who’d taken advantage of his young stamina while he was in his teens.

That lasted for a long time until the band started taking off, and then she’d turned into a jealous psycho.

He frowned down at his steak as he cut into it angrily.

Okay, he was getting off point here. There was nothing between him and Abigail. He wasn’t sure why he’d kept up the pretense there was something between them…why he’d kissed her.

He smirked.

Fine. He’d kissed her because he wanted to antagonize Mikayla and Abigail looked totally kissable shivering at the sight of him. Hell, that alone had been quite a turn on.

Chicks always pounced on him. They didn’t flush beguilingly and look at him as if he were a great big hungry panther and they a succulent little mouse.

Abigail’s wide blue eyes rose to his shyly. Her flush intensified as her lashes fluttered over her cheeks.

He hardened in his pants. Interesting reaction. Completely stupid too.

He finally tore his gaze from her and concentrated on finishing this unsatisfying dinner.

The butler poured him another glass of wine and he gulped it down, uncaring that he’d just swallowed a mouth full of something that probably cost more than his treasured Fatboy outside.

The torture continued for an hour more until they finally stood and proceeded to the main parlor.

The room was enormous, two stories high with glass panes looking out to vast gardens and a view of the setting sun. A balcony hugged the front and left side of the room, giving a glimpse of the second floor to one of the manor’s various wings. The white marble floors gleamed beneath an array of sumptuous rugs. Expensive art hung on almost every wall and vases filled with blooming flowers decorated almost every table.

The large fireplace, only one of the breath taking focal points in the room, had an arrangement of red roses bursting within.

Paulina excused herself a moment as Daniel sat at the Steinway and played an impressive piece for all of them.

Gabriel sat on the edge of the cream-colored leather couch and waited.

So far, the subject he’d wanted to broach had been cautiously avoided, due to the presence of the Brown women.

Gabriel was anxious to speak with Paulina and Daniel though.

He wanted to see Paulina Montenegro’s reaction when she found out his father had left him half of everything.

Everything—fucking halfsies!

He wasn’t remotely interested in the obscene amount of wealth around him. He’d still continue to live in his beach house, but he was interested in starting some kind of charity for homeless people and maybe free music schools for young kids in the city. So much more could be done with all this wealth than pamper this pack of wolves around him.

His eyes fell on Abigail again.

She was different. She wasn’t like them. He could see it in her eyes and the way she acted. Pop Tart was a simple girl with simple tastes.

Christ. A sane man could lose his heart to a sweet girl like her.

He could almost imagine her wearing one of his shirts at the house, walking barefoot out onto the back deck that overlooks the beach.

Her hair would be loose, the breeze toying with its golden waves. He’d entice her into the woven hammock he had tied beneath a cluster of coconut trees near the glass doors to his bedroom.

He’d kiss her again, feel the satin texture of her pretty legs, press his chest against the softness of hers, feel her nipples harden into sharp little points against him.

Light clapping had him tearing his gaze from Abigail to look at Daniel. He’d finished his fancy piece.

Not bad playing. Now he wanted to see the man play something from Dreamtheater.

Gabriel snickered at the ridiculousness of it.

Daniel was watching him, and his smile didn’t quite reach his eyes. Why was he so touchy? Did he not like the way Gabriel devoured his spurned ex with his eyes? Daniel might have been stupid enough to drop Abigail for Mikayla, but Gabriel didn’t have a stupid bone in his body. Pop Tart was going to be his.

Paulina swept into the room as Daniel stood.

“If you ladies will excuse us, my mother and I would like to speak with Gabriel in the study.”


Abigail didn’t dare look at him anymore. Good Lord! The man had stared at her almost all during dinner. He alternated between predatory observations of her every movement to volatile glares at auntie Paulina.

Abigail had decided the best thing to do was simply not look anymore…at anyone. Keep her head low and escape the first possible opportunity.

She was still reeling about him announcing their engagement.

Why? Why was he doing this? Why had he chosen her to sacrifice? She didn’t deserve to be treated this way—a pawn to whatever Machiavellian scheme he was plotting.

What Mikayla had done was deplorable, of course, but now he was involving the rest of the family.

Daniel was keenly interested in signing his band onto North Star Records. Auntie Paulina, though she appeared neutral on the subject, would most likely not agree. She hated what she termed as the devil’s music.

Abigail had even seen her look of extreme displeasure when Daniel mentioned that Gabriel’s band was called Diavolo—devil in Italian.

Abigail wondered about that. Why had they picked that name?

She shuddered. Perhaps they were devil worshipers.

Oh-holy-mother-of-God! She’d kissed a devil worshiper!

She peeked up from beneath lashes to see Gabriel, Daniel, and her aunt walk toward the study adjacent to the living room.

Gabriel’s shoulders were broad, his dark hair coming just between his shoulder blades.

Though dressed like a Hell’s Angel, he looked authoritative, imposing.

This charade had to end. She needed to leave. Go back to Italy and the safety of the convent before she lost her soul.

The devil with the feline green eyes and midnight hair would certainly tempt her into a life of debauchery. Oh, she would resist, but still, she feared his arduous charm would eventually overwhelm her. She wasn’t accustomed to being accosted by men. She wasn’t accustomed to men-period!

Brutal fingers gripping her arm and hauling her up snapped her out of her dismal pensive mood.

Her mother and sister flanked her and drew her out onto the terrace.

“What is the meaning of this?” her mother demanded swinging her about to face her.

Mikayla stood almost between them, her eyes blazing.

Abigail cringed and gulped. “Um…well…we’re engaged…I guess.”

Marjorie opened her mouth, but Mikayla cut in enraged, “that’s bullshit! You never even knew of Gabriel’s existence until last week.”

Abigail was out of words or ideas to explain. Anger surfaced now. She wasn’t one to lie and that was what she was being forced to do…all this to protect Daniel from being hurt by Mikayla’s behavior.

“Fine,” Abigail finally snapped. “If you want to know the truth, he threatened to spill all to Daniel.” Abigail stepped into Mikayla’s personal space and continued despite her sister’s defiant glare, “He’ll tell Daniel and probably aunt Paulina all about your illicit affair. He might even take your shame as far as the media. Everyone will know how you’ve cuckolded poor Daniel,” she finished on a sob.

Her mother gasped, horrified as she stared from one daughter to the other.

Mikayla lifted her nose, “he wouldn’t dare.”

Abigail clenched her teeth as her sister smirked at her.

“I knew he wouldn’t be interested in you.” She laughed, her eyes flicking over Abigail with insulting superiority. “As if.”

Abigail felt her eyes smart with the onset of tears, but she refused to let herself seem weak before her much prettier sister. There were more important things than outward beauty, and Abigail had never been vain in her life anyway.

Marjorie Brown grabbed Mikayla’s arm and yanked her around. “Listen here, young lady—“

“Ow,” Mikayla complained with a pout, trying to wrench her arm from her mother’s vise grip.

Marjorie would not relent though. She went nose to nose with a now cringing Mikayla and hissed, “I have been living with Paulina Montenegro for many years now. I’ve sacrificed my life to remain by her and am not going to let you ruin all that for me, you little tramp.”

Abigail’s eyes widened. Mikayla sputtered.

Marjorie continued, clearly not done with her tirade, “you seduced and tempted Daniel between your legs, took him from your sister, now you keep him.”

“I never seduced him and, for your information, we’ve never fucked. Daniel is too uptight and antiquated to manage such a feat. That’s why I went after Gabe. A girl needs a good fuck every once in a blue to stay sane.”

Abigail grimaced. Her mother winced and released Mikayla’s arm in disgust.

Mikayla only laughed. “Look at you two. The saint and the old maid—“

Her mother sputtered. “I will not permit you to disrespect me—“

“Oh, stuff-it, lady,” she sneered, turning on her heel to flounce off.

Marjorie rubbed her temples, eyes closed in frustration.

Abigail wringed her fingers. She wanted to leave. This was not her mess…but…poor Daniel. There had to be a way to convince Gabriel to back down.

He was famous and had to have hoards of women following him. Why was he so obsessed with Mikayla? Why was he so angry with her deception?

“So he’s using you?” her mother asked folding her arms over her chest.

“He said he wanted revenge.”

Marjorie’s eyes widened. “Revenge? Just because Mikayla…but that’s absurd.”

“I know, mother. I don’t understand myself.”

Her mother sieved a well-manicured hand through her bob and took a few steps toward the outdoor fireplace. “He can’t. If word of this becomes public…” She turned around suddenly, eyes wild, “We’ll be ridiculed. Your aunt won’t stand for this. She’ll throw me out and I have nothing, Abigail.”

Abigail turned her face away, unwilling to hear her mother’s rant again.

“You talk to that man, Abby. Dissuade him from this scandalous pursuit. Make him listen to the voice of reason.”

Abigail closed her eyes as her mother took her hands and squeezed. “I’ll try, mother. I promise.”

“Abigail, I know you’ve always been a good girl, darling, but perhaps in this instance you need to leave your piousness aside and take a more…drastic measure to insure this man forgets your sister and her promiscuousness.”

Abigail blinked her tears back, staring at her mother in disappointment. “You want me to lose my virginity to keep you from becoming destitute?”

Her mother dropped her hands in angered exasperation. “Really, Abigail, I cannot believe you’ve taken your antiquated beliefs this far. I know a woman shouldn’t delve in immoral behavior, but you’re almost in your thirties for Christ’s sake. Surely, at least one lover wouldn’t have been frowned upon even for curiosity’s sake.”

Abigail gaped at her mother. Her own mother was telling her she should…Oh, it was too horrifying to contemplate.

She turned away, unable to bear the shame of looking at her any longer. “I’ll do the best I can,” she repeated in a dead tone, even to her own ears.

Her mother squeezed her shoulders and kissed her cheek. “I am relying on you, sweetheart.”

She heard her mother’s footsteps fade away and she was now alone on the terrace.

A warm breeze caressed her, played with her loose hair. Reaching back, she gripped the loose ends and sighed. Her hair-tie was somewhere out in the front entry.

Her life was slowly coming apart.

First, Daniel had fallen for Mikayla instead of her. Her heart had been so broken, she’d actually become physically ill for days. Always having been a bit too rounded in the hips and thighs, she lost so much weight her college professors had asked her if she was sick.

As the time passed, she’d been content to imagine Daniel happy. It was all that mattered. Love wished no ill and she certainly didn’t begrudge Daniel his happiness, though she was completely broken inside.

And now this. Gabriel.

He had to be dealt with. He needed to go. She would not allow dear sweet Daniel to suffer because of the wiles of two selfish people.


Gabriel sipped his glass of cognac, his eyes never leaving Paulina’s face. Daniel went on about the benefits of branching out their genres of music to expand their recording enterprise.

“What do you think, Gabriel?” Daniel was saying.

Daniel was quiet a moment before leaning back in his armchair and crossing his ankle over his knee. “That sounds reasonable, but I leave those kinds of discussions to my band manager. My real purpose for coming here has nothing to do with Diavolo.”

Daniel nodded and sat back in his chair too, his shoulders squaring out. He looked into his own glass of liquor as if for inspiration.

“And to what do we owe the pleasure of your visit?” Paulina asked, one brow lifted.

Gabriel reached into the inner pocket of his jacket and retrieved a copy of one of his father’s letters to his grandmother. He stood and sauntered over to her. Those black eyes scanned him thoroughly, embarrassingly thorough. He tossed the letter unceremoniously onto Paulina’s lap and stood before her, hands on hips.

Paulina, her elbows resting on the arms of her chair, pressed her fingers together forming a steeple. Her eyes stared at the letter as her lips tightened into a frown.

Gabriel’s patience was wearing thin when she simply said nothing for the longest time.

Finally, she raised her head and stared at him fully again. “How much do you want?”

Gabriel frowned at her. “I don’t want your filthy money.”

Her lips twitched, almost smiling. “You look like you need it. How is my mother? Is she still alive?”

Rage detonated in Gabriel’s heart. Were she not a woman he would have slugged her. As it was, he barely restrained himself from throttling her anyway.

“Anna Maria Arroyo is alive and well,” he hissed.

A brief flicker of emotion, a blink, and it was gone, too fleeting to gage or ponder. Paulina just nodded. “She favored your mother always over me. Blamed me for what happened, though I was nothing more than a victim.”

She blinked innocent eyes up at him, but he knew better.

Gabriel snorted. “Victim? I read her diary. I know exactly what happened.”

Paulina’s face went red with rage. She stood, letter in hand and faced Gabriel, shoulders back and hands fisted. “Lies. She couldn’t bear knowing Daniel preferred me after all, and did her best to lure him away.”

Just as Gabriel was about to give her a scathing retort, Daniel stepped in.

“This is all terribly misfortunate, but rehashing the past cannot fix the damage already done. Mother, Gabriel is in his right to feel angry over this situation. He grew up without our prestigious name and all it entails. Had my father been alive, I’m sure he would have rectified this situation.”

“This situation has no rectification except to put a price on it,” Paulina spat, her eyes blazing as she looked from Daniel to Gabriel. “And, as for this,” she shook the envelope in front of them before striding to the fireplace in the study. “This is what I think of this rubbish.”

Daniel made a sound of dismay as he darted forward, even too late, to rescue the smoldering letter from the flames of the hearth.

Gabriel gripped his shoulders to halt Daniel’s momentum, his eyes on Paulina’s smug face though. “Don’t worry about it. It was just a copy.”

Paulina’s smug expression slipped a bit. “State once and for all what you want and then kindly leave my home.”

“Mother,” Daniel snapped, expression scandalized.

Gabriel released Daniel and stood straighter.

What did he want? Certainly not to just walk out and leave this bitch here, pleased with herself.

“Well for starters,” he began crossing his arms back over his chest, “I want what my father intended me to have.” He stepped closer to Paulina. She stood her ground and tossed her head back defiantly. “Half,” Gabriel spit out.

Her eyes literally glowed with rage. “Over my dead body,” she answered through gritted teeth.

“That could be arranged,” Gabriel seethed before Daniel stepped in and pushed them apart.

“Enough,” Daniel barked.

Paulina looked like a snake about to strike. “You heard him. He had the audacity to threaten me. I should call the authorities.”

“Go ahead,” Gabriel dared. “I can almost hear the paparazzi that followed me here buzzing overhead. They’d certainly love to see a line of cop cars pulling up outside. It’ll be a great intro for my tell-all interview.”

Her eyes widened and face grew pale. “You are an abomination.”

Gabriel just laughed in her face.

“Let’s discuss this in a civilized manner, shall we?” Daniel said, adjusting his tie. He looked at his mother angrily. “I do not want to judge, but I think Gabriel is owed some sort of recompense for all that has happened. It couldn’t hurt to allow him to learn the ropes at the company and perhaps even be part of the board.”

Paulina made a disgusted sound and stepped around them. “Do whatever you want.”

Gabriel watched her stalk out of the study, enraged that she’d backed off. He wanted to continue to tear away at her. Let her see that as much as she’d tried to come between his father and mother, their love had been too strong. He was the proof of that.

Daniel was clearing his throat. “Forgive my mother. She’s a very strong willed woman.”

“Forgive her? Did you read through that diary?” Gabriel said incredulously.

Daniel straightened, his face impassive, and in that moment, Gabriel hated him too. “Look, Gabriel. There was no excuse for whatever she did—“

“She stole my father from my mother!”

Daniel scowled. “Now neither of us were alive at the time and we shouldn’t make rash judgments.”

“Are you fucking kidding me?”

Daniel lifted his hands in a placating manner. “I understand your anger—“

“No you don’t,” Gabriel snapped. “You understand nothing. You’ve lived all your life in this palace, waited on hand and foot like a fucking prince, oblivious of my mother’s existence—oblivious of my and my grandmother’s existence.”

“And what fault do I have in that,” Daniel answered calmly. “I was not responsible for the conditions into which I was born, anymore than you. I’d like to resolve this situation in a manner that is suitable for all involved.”

Gabriel looked his brother up and down. Why did he have to be so level-headed and calm and collected?

Gabriel’s emotions were just boiling inside him. He wanted to hit something, wanted to rant and yell, but the person responsible for all his rage had walked out like a fucking queen.

Gabriel turned, running his fingers through his hair. “I need to think.” Truth.

“I understand,” Daniel replied, the epitome of tranquility and wisdom.

Gabriel clenched his fists. There was nothing more he could do.

“Look…I’m sorry I lost my cool.”

Daniel clapped him on his shoulder a slight smile on his face. “I don’t hold it against you. This must have been quite a disturbing shock for you to find out about your real father.” He dropped his hand and turned with a sigh, walking a few steps away, head bowed. “I’ve heard that my—“ He quickly rectified with an apologetic look over his shoulder aimed at Gabriel, “our father was quite the ladies man back in his day.” Daniel turned again, eyes pinned on Gabriel. “Did you know he came from a family of renown musicians in Spain? Some of our ancestors played for the kings and queens in Europe. I’m told that our own father once sang for the pope himself before he journeyed here to America. He was an accomplished opera singer.” Daniel grinned. “You must have inherited your amazing voice from him.”

Gabriel looked away feeling…strange. His father—his real father was a stranger to him. He knew nothing of the man except that he’d founded North Star Records, and from the talks around the dinner table that night, they also had a vineyard and a rose farm.

I’d like to say goodnight to Abs before I leave,” was all he said.

“Of course,” Daniel replied, his smile dying completely. “About Abigail…she really is a very…innocent girl. She grew up abroad. My mother sent her to the finest girls schools in Europe.”

Gabriel hardened all over again imagining Abigail in a schoolgirl’s uniform, pigtails, and her glasses. Holy shit!

“I believe she was quite enamored with me, but Mikayla…” Daniel’s gaze grew far away, his eyes glassy, “Mikayla has captured my heart like no other.”

Gabriel tried not to scoff. Instead, he stepped up to Daniel and said in a low voice. “Don’t worry about Abigail. I think I’m man enough to fix her broken heart.”

Daniel winced and blinked a few times. “She’s been through allot. I never meant to hurt her. I didn’t think she’d continue to harbor her girl’s crush after so many years. I don’t understand this sudden association with you, but please don’t just use her and—“

“I won’t,” Gabriel snapped. “I know a good thing when I see it.”

They regarded each other for a few seconds before Daniel nodded and offered him his hand. “Fine. I’ll have one of the wait staff fetch Abigail for you. She might have retired for the night.” Daniel looked at his watch. “We’ve been in here for three hours.”

“Let me find her. Just tell me where her room is.”

Daniel’s eyes grew hard. “If Abigail wants to invite you into her room, I’ll let her decide for herself. She’s not the type of girl who indulges in pleasures of the flesh.”

Gabriel almost smirked. Daniel was an uptight nerd. No wonder Mikayla was creeping around on him, not that that was a good excuse for her slutty behavior though.

“Whatever,” Gabriel replied with an indifferent shrug.

Daniel narrowed his eyes briefly before gesturing for Gabriel to follow him back out to the living room.

He nodded to Gabriel and left him waiting in the softly lit room.

With a sigh, Gabriel removed his jacket and walked over to the piano.

Like a lover calling to him, he sat at the bench and caressed the keys.

Slowly a melody seeped from his fingertips, poignant and haunting.

Soft hands slid over his shoulders, over his pectorals and abs.

Gabriel shuddered at the contact until a lush mouth skimmed over his left ear to poke a naughty tongue into his ear hole.

Gabriel shoved to his feet, gripping Mikayla’s wrists to glare down at her.

“I miss you, baby,” she whined.

“Buy yourself a vibrator,” Gabriel sneered.

He grabbed her hand when she tried to slap him and laughed in her face.

“Fucking asshole. You’re so pathetic trying to use my sister to get back at me.”

“Use? I’d never use a girl like Abigail.”

Mikayla laughed, tossing her head back. “Please. You couldn’t possibly be interested in the likes of her.”

Gabriel rested his hands on his hips. “Why not? She’s fucking hot with her blond hair and blue eyes.”

Mikayla looked aghast. “She’s a little prude. You couldn’t pry her legs apart with a crowbar.”

Gabriel lowered his face inches from hers, “Yeah. That’s the part that excites me the most. No one’s ever had her…until me of course.”

Mikayla shoved him away, her eyes flashing. “You’re a pig. Go on…do that idiot the favor, but you’ll be running back to me when you get bored.”

“Don’t count on it,” Gabriel snorted.

“I hate you,” she hissed. “I swear—you’re going to be sorry you did this to me, you bastard.”

Gabriel just smirked.

She flounced away. That’s when he noticed Abigail standing under the archway between the hallway and living room. As Mikayla moved past her, the younger sister shoved Abigail against the column.

Gabriel started in surprise at Mikayla”s aggressive behavior toward her sister. He even took a step toward Abigail before restraining himself. Mikayla kept walking away.

Abigail rubbed her shoulder before slowly making her way toward him, eyes on the floor.

“Daniel said you wanted to speak with me.”

Gabriel felt his anger ignite again. The fucker could go to her room but barred him.

He swallowed his anger, hands itching to touch and hold the shy girl in front of him. “I just wanted to say good night.”

Abigail nodded. “Of course.”

He stepped closer and she took a tiny step back. Never one to back down, he stalked her until her back met the column.

Big blue eyes stared at him from behind cute glasses.

Yeah. She was different from his usual status quo. He liked that she was real…that she was…sweet and untainted. He was curious to get to know her better.

“How’d you like to go into town and get something to drink?”

Abigail stared up at him in horror. “I’ve never ridden a motorcycle.”

Gabriel smiled. “You don’t know what you’re missing.”

She shook her head, her face taking on a stern look. “Those things are dangerous.”

Gabriel stepped right into her personal space. “That’s what makes it more exciting, Abigail.” She shuddered, her eyes huge. Those little shudders of hers were going to be the death of him. “Don’t you like excitement?”

Her breathing grew labored and she licked her lips, shaking her head vehemently.

Unable to resist, Gabriel spread his fingers over her throat softly, tipping her head up to his as he lowered his head to hers. “But I excite you. Don’t you like feeling excited like that?”

Her only reply was to puff out a little breath. Her pulse hammered wildly at her throat. He could feel it beneath his fingertips. Hot color raced up into her face and her pupils grew wide.

Fuck. She was as turned on as he was.

He swept his lips over hers, learning their softness. He’d been too rough the first time, letting his anger rule him. Now, he wanted to savor her.

Again, he let his lips brush over the petal softness of hers. She trembled and whimpered, her eyes fluttering closed as her lips parted.

Gabriel slid his hand to the back of her head and gripped her hair lightly, pulling her head back and exposing her throat to him. He used his body to press her against the column, letting her feel what she did to him, how worked up he was for her. She stiffened and brought her hand up as if to push him away.

He let his tongue slide into her mouth. She made a strangled surprise sound at the back of her throat.

Gabriel stroked her tongue with his, coaxing it into play. She was shy, but it only made him hotter, made him gentle his efforts to coax her out of her shell. Her fingers tightened on his black Apocalyptica t-shirt and she began to respond.

Holy-shit! His blood sang in his ears before pooling all in his groin. He throbbed like a sore tooth and felt uncomfortable. His other hand lowered from its perch at the dip of her waist to cup her sweet derriere.

To his disappointment, she shot out of his embrace like a jumpy cat.

“I’ll have you know, Mr. Raven, that I am not easy. So, I’ll thank you to please keep your hands in their appropriate place,” she snapped, gloriously riled.

Such passion. She might be uptight now, but he’d be willing to bet his manhood once worked up, Abigail would be pure fire in bed…and he’d be the first to find out.

Hell yeah!

“And stop looking at me like that,” she demanded with a shaky voice.

Gabriel quirked a brow at her. “Like how?”

She cupped her throat, something he realized she did allot, especially when she was worked up and nervous. “I can almost see your perverse machinations in your eyes.”

He grinned now, liking how she expressed herself, so refined and proper. He bit his lip feeling himself twitch in his pants. “It’s hard not to.”

She frowned, as if confused, before her face smoothed to stoic endurance. “Nice try. Perhaps I pose a challenge to you, but that’s all I guess I am, and I’m not willing to sacrifice myself to appease some passing fancy for a playboy rock star!”

Ouch. Gabriel frowned. “You don’t know the first thing about me, Pop Tart.”

She bared her teeth at him, and he imagined her nipping him with those pearly whites. “Stop calling me Pop Tart! What does that even mean?”

He laughed. That’s what his grandmother nick-named his eighth grade teacher. Miss Harper hated his refusal to cut his hair. Back then, it reached his waist. His grandmother wasn’t enthused with his choice either, but since he’d been a straight A student, she at least respected his choice of self expression and didn’t bother him too much about it.

Abigail’s glasses were similar to Miss Harper’s, or, like he and his friends used to call her behind her back, Miss Harpy, but sweet Abby looked nothing like the hook-nosed shrew that tried to make his life impossible when he was a kid.

“It’s my pet name for you,” he said, his voice coming out really deep. He began stalking toward her slowly. She retreated just as slow, eyes going round. “I love Pop Tarts. Know what my favorite flavor is?”

“N-no,” she answered breathlessly.

“Cherry,” he growled, and licked his lips as he let his gaze blaze over her.

She was still wearing the same dress. He wanted to rip it off her and take her right on that damned Steinway behind them.

Her hands came up, landing on his chest. “Stop it! Maybe that type of aggressive lustful behavior works on the other type of women who frequent you, but it won’t work on me.”

A challenge he would only be too pleased to take up. He smiled down at her. “You’ve got me all wrong, Pop Tart. I know more than you think, how different you are from the other chicks who always make a play for me. I like you.” He stressed the word like, and hoped his eyes conveyed the heat he felt every time he looked at her. “And I’d like to get to know you better.” He shrugged. “After all, you are my girlfriend.”

Abigail’s mouth dropped open. “Yes. About that…I…I’m confused as to what you hope to gain with this pretense.”

Gabriel wrapped his hands around her waist and pulled her closer. “Who says it has to be pretense?”

He tried to kiss her again, but she shrugged out of his hold and stood with her back to him.

“I don’t know what type of game you’re playing, but I don’t appreciate being used like this.” Her voice was so soft and defeated, it tugged at him deep in his chest.

Tamping down his raging lust, he conceded that she had a point. He really liked her, would fuck her in a heartbeat, but she deserved better than that. What if she were right and it were just the fact no one ever touched her that had him all worked up? He’d hate to hurt her especial since Daniel had already broken her heart.

The thought of Daniel had him getting angry again. Daniel had been too stupid to keep her, but Gabriel was going to get to know her.

“Sure you don’t want to ride with me? We can go to this little place not far from here. They’ve got the best fried fish and fries,” he said sidestepping the topic of using her.

She shook her head and stayed with her back to him.

Gabriel wrapped his arm around her shoulders and led her to the foyer. “At least see your boyfriend out then, woman.”

She accompanied him stiffly to his bike. Overhead, he heard the familiar sound of helicopters off in the distance, not close enough to worry about at least.

Leaning on the seat of his Harley, he pulled her between his thighs and cocked his head at her pout.

“I can always stay if you invite me to spend the night.” At her outraged gasp, he hastily added with a grin, “We don’t have to do anything, Abs. Haven’t you ever slept with a man?”

“Of course not,” she retorted, scandalized.

Gabriel laughed. “Not even when you were a kid with Daniel?”

Her face changed and he realized he’d just stuck his foot in his mouth. Stupid-stupid rock star. “Hey,” he said trying to cuddle her closer. He’d never considered himself a jealous man, but in that instant he wanted to punch Daniel in the face. “Abigail, I’m sorry. I’m an idiot.” He still wanted to know if she’d ever slept with Daniel, damn-it. “Let me help you forget that douche-bag.”

She pushed against him, her pretty face angry now. “Release me. I know how you intend on making me forget.”

“Really?” Gabriel crooned. “How?” he goaded now. She blushed and turned her face away.

He used both palms to cup her cheeks and bring her shy gaze back to his face. “Let’s make a deal. I promise not to pressure you into having sex with me and you promise to give me a chance…give us a chance. Let’s get to know one another, Abs. I mean really know each other. I meant it when I said I liked you, and I’d like to get to know you better.”

“You won’t ever try to…” Her eyes closed for a second before opening again to stare deeply into his. “You won’t keep trying to seduce me?”

Gabriel smiled and shook his head slowly. “Sorry, babe. I’m only a man. I can’t promise you that. I promised not to pressure you, not stop completely, baby.”

She tried to turn her lips away from his when he dipped his head again. His lips lingered at the corner of her mouth and he fought the grin that threatened to spread over his face when she trembled with a little breathy moan.

He whispered against her lips, “Do you like me too, Abs? Maybe just a little?”

Her eyes were still closed, and he heard her gulp hard. Soft pouty lips parted on a sigh. Very minutely, almost imperceptibly, she nodded.

“Say it, Abigail,” he hissed close to her lips.

Her tongue darted out to wet her lips, touching his own and sending his mind reeling with want, but he steeled himself against ravaging that sweet mouth.

“Y-yes,” she whispered, her eyes opening to reveal the fire within. “Yes. I like you, Gabriel.”

It was his turn to tremble. His heart pounded in his ears and in his groin. He brushed his lips across hers, in the sweetest of kisses and backed off. Her lips followed him, parted, begging, but he kept himself in check. Tonight he’d leave her wanting more…aching as he was aching.

“Goodnight, Abigail,” he said releasing her to pull his jacket back on.

She stepped away from him, her eyes watching his every move.

Once he put his gloves and helmet on, he switched the ignition and revved his machine. She gave a startled little leap back and he smiled. He’d have her on his bike before the month was over. That was a promise to himself.

His grandmother would definitely like her too.

The thought was sobering. He’d only ever brought one girl home to his grandmother. Six months later, Alexandra had confessed she was a lesbian and had wanted to lie with a man at least once before she made up her mind completely. He kind-of figured something was up. The girl knew more about cars, bikes, and chicks than he did. They’d stayed good friends after his initial temper tantrum, but he’d never brought another girl home to his grandmother.

Abigail wrapped her arms around herself, biting her lower lip.

“What’s your number? Can I call you tonight?”

She shook her head. “I don’t have a cell phone.”

He shook his head, disappointed and reached into his pocket. “Here.”

He handed her his phone.

“What’s this for?” she asked looking at him baffled as he handed her his Galaxy.

“Duh, to call you,” he answered. Her eyes widened and before she could utter another word, he revved his Fatboy and peeled rubber around the circular driveway.

He had another phone. The one he used to conduct business. The one he’d given her was only for his grandmother, band mates, and the few really close personal friends he had. Tomorrow he’d just get himself another personal use phone.

He slowed down at the front gates, giving the massive metal monstrosities time to swing open for him and continued on his way out onto Route 1.


Abigail stared at the huge phone in her palm incredulously. The crazy man had given her his phone.

She stared at it a few seconds before touching the screen in wonder. It blinked to life. The screen saver was a picture of the emblem of Diavolo, an electric guitar on fire with the word Diavolo written out in fancy script across it. The bottom of the screen read slide to unlock.

She stroked her finger across the words and the screen changed. Now there was a picture of Gabriel, shirtless and grinning, hugging an adorable old woman.

Abigail couldn’t help but grin herself at their big smiles.

The woman was tiny, blue eyes twinkling, her white hair wrapped in a thick braid that formed a crown around her head. She was very pretty and sweet looking.

There were various colored squares at the top of the screen. One said gallery and she tapped it.

An entire page of pictures popped open.

Walking slowly back to the house, Abigail tapped the first one.

It was a picture of a bunch of music equipment. The next one had a black woman, hair in bright green curlers and hands held out to the camera with a scowl. She looked like she hadn’t wanted her picture taken.

Abigail snickered. That Gabriel was such a rascal.

She flicked to the next picture and it showed Gabriel seated at a piano, very pensive. The light of a window was shining over the front of his face bringing out the subtle red highlights in his dark hair. His long lashes shuttered his green eyes, but he still looked so beautiful. What was he thinking about in this picture?

The next picture was him still sitting at the piano, obviously a few seconds later, smirking and saluting whoever took the picture with his middle finger.

Abigail shook her head, despite her smile. Such a naughty boy.

His eyes were so green and looked so striking with his tawny complexion and dark hair.

Like a sexy pirate of old, Gabriel’s appeal robbed her of her common sense. She couldn’t believe she’d let him stick his tongue in her mouth…twice, and she’d…she’d mimicked his strange but inciting behavior.

How wicked of her. Did people kiss like that all the time?

When he’d left, he’d kissed her again, but achingly sweet. Her heart had thundered in her chest and her knees had wobbled. She wanted more…more of how he’d kissed her earlier, but he only feathered his strong wonderful lips over hers, leaving her throbbing and achy everywhere.

The next picture wasn’t a picture at all, but a video.

Abigail recognized Angelo and Ariel, but the other two men with guitars were strangers to her. Both had black hair. The big burly one’s locks reached just a bit past his shoulders. The man was huge with a pleasant face and light brown eyes. The other one was shorter and slim, but with a nice build. His hair was longer, coiled in tight curls that looked like dreads. His eyes were dark and his smile devilish.

They were playing their music, a dark driving tune that made Abigail’s stomach flutter. Their music was very…sexual. There was no other way to describe it. It made Abigail feel things she’d never allowed herself to feel before.

Gabriel held the microphone stand with two hands, his long legs spread, eyes piercing as his voice bewitched her. He poured his soul into the song, mesmerizing her. His voice was so powerful, his entire stance…so manly.

This was the man who’d just kissed her senseless…the man who’d also seduced her sister.

Abigail tapped furiously at the screen to stop the video.

She was an idiot and felt disgusted with herself. God only knew what revolting things he’d done to Mikayla with that same mouth. The mere possibilities had her gagging.

Uttering a curse for the first time in her life, she rushed back to her room. A cold shower was in order to rid her body of these immoral inclinations.


Rob Zombie’s Demon Speeding blasted in his ears from the little Bluetooth speakers in his helmet. His hard-on had finally begun to wilt, but thinking of Abigail’s kisses didn’t let it fade completely.

He hadn’t felt this excited since Mrs. Torin had felt him up when he was in high school. He used to mow her lawn. Afterwards, it was more than just her outside garden he tended to.

Grinning, he shifted to a higher gear, his bike taking the sharp turn on the road beautifully.

The night was crisp, the air cool, filling his jacket with a strong current that amped his senses. There was nothing like riding his Harley, topped only by Abigail’s kisses and performing onstage before thousands.

If things worked out for them, he’d take her on their next tour. He wanted the world to see the classy chick he was dating now. Everyone thought musicians only dated trashy strippers and porn stars, but Gabriel would show them his tastes were more elevated.

Bright lights came up behind him. He looked at his speedometer. He was doing ninety-five. Glancing at his rearview mirror, he could barely make out the shape of the black SUV behind him because of its long beams glaring in the bike’s mirrors.

Whoever it was, was too damned close for comfort…and getting closer.

An uneasy feeling settled in his stomach. His hands began to sweat as he slowed a bit. The SUV kept pace with him.

Maybe he was being paranoid.

Another curve was coming up and then a straightaway. After the curve, he’d pull over and let the asshole by.

Shifting down again as he coasted into the curve, leaning the bike sideways, his adrenaline picked up once more as he literally felt the heat of the SUV at his back.


The fucker’s bumper slammed into the back of his precious bike, sending Gabriel into a skid…right over the guardrail of the road.

He flew through the air, letting go of the bike and praying that it didn’t crush him as they tumbled. His body crashed into the unforgiving cliff-side and he screamed when he felt his ribs crack. Metal crashed and glass broke. The Harley’s lamps winked out as they continued to roll down the steep cliff. Oh-God. The sound of the ocean was deafening, but before he fell into its lethal embrace, his leg twisted in the wrong direction, the horrifying pain seizing him and, blessedly, rendering him unconscious.

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MyDirtyVault Carmen Valentina Carmen Conquers BBC

Carmen Valentina has to be one of my favorite stars in this industry and this video just proves it even more. She has her beautiful pale skin, a fat ass, silky blonde hair, nice flopping tits, a tight pussy, juicy dick-sucking lips, and the way she moans and shakes in pleasure just makes me want to start jacking off. Today we have her paired up with Asante and he knows a thing or two about snowbunnies. Carmen lets him touch her all over, even removing her bra and panties for all of us to see....

2 years ago
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Experience As Male Escort

This is my second story on Indian sex stories dot net. Thank you, everyone, for your response to my previous sexstory. I am Karan from Bangalore. Any women/aunties/college girls want to have fun, sex chat can contact me. You can write your feedback to me to This is another true incident which happened two months back when I posted an ad on locanto as a male escort. I provide services to woman who have not been satisfied on the bed. After two weeks I received a mail. The woman of the story...

2 years ago
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Addicted To Sex

My name is Romeo(name changed) age:- 21, well build and I am a well-bearded guy which every girl likes? I stay in Pune, Maharashtra so any girl, lady, interested can email me at Okay, getting directly on the sex story, As I told in my previous sex story, I fucked my neighbor woman(milf) finally, after so many days, and honestly, she is the hottest woman I ever saw. After having sex with her for 3-4 times, I just couldn’t resist fucking her. I started calling her daily, we fucked on the terrace...

3 years ago
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A New Submission Part 1

Samantha sat on the train heading into London and staring out the window. She tried to keep her composure but inside she was shaking with nerves, this was going to be a day she would never forget.To set the scene correctly, Samantha is 22 years old, a petite 5’1” and weighs just 49 kilos. However despite her small frame she has a more than ample 34D chest that certainly gets some looks! Her hair is long straight and brown and she has a very pale complexion. Her white skin on this day is...

1 year ago
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TandraChapter 92

Henry sat in the command chair of the small ship. It was not much larger than a simple shuttle. Both Mom and Bennechi were present to help power the craft. Its construction was aimed more at gaining stealth and speed than anything else. A great many small probes masquerading as asteroids had been assembled and modified. The new crystals also had the ability to be opaque to the sensors of this kind. A census of the system had a hundred and forty three vessels now operational or being worked...

3 years ago
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Massage to Working Lady

Hi to all readers. I am regular reader of this site and love reading stories of ladies being used in crowded buses and trains. My experience of the same will come on the basis of feedback of my this story. About myself. I am working with a life insurance company and i am in sales. Though I am at a senior level I still go on calls and sell life insurance in field. Apart from this I have done lot of study on body massage for relaxation. I am based in ahmedabad taking care of entire...

3 years ago
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Light of Hellfire Chapter 8

Chapter 8 The sky was filled with thousands of Gargoyles, all bursting from the ground and gathering above the city like a cloud of toxic gas in the first battle of New York. Working together to counter the army of darkness, all the Angels grouped together and attacked like a tidal wave of light, slamming into the Gargoyle swarm and slaughtering hundreds of beasts every minute with their combined power. Selene was not among them, as Baltoh wanted her close by at all times when the...

1 year ago
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The Wildest Place

Hello all!It's time for me to answer another question in detail! I get asked a lot, "Where is the wildest place you have ever fucked?" The short answer, on the sofa of a night club. Now it's time for the whole story.*Last fall, I was heading out to a dance club here in my small middle American town. A goth/industrial night only happens about once a month here and the October event is the BEST one. It was a cool night here in Indiana. I wore a nice long black velvet skirt, the long flowly heavy...

1 year ago
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Earths CoreChapter 24 The Wrath Of A Father

“Come here, Niel”. Zax motioned with his hand. Pleased with himself, Niel ran to his father and took his hand. “Remember your promise, dad. I’m ready to go adventuring”. He had the brown hair of his father and the blue eyes of his mother, a combination that coupled with his boyish charm made him look so adorable and yet the things he spoke of were of significant consideration to every other expert with the same cultivation level. ‘That’s it’. Zax determined the source of his son quick...

2 years ago
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Puri Laaz Ke Sath Chudvaya Choti Bhabhi Ne 8211 Part 2

To be continued……… Hi friends this the second part of story. Agar apne pehla part nahi padha to please pehle padh lijiye… Tabhi uske badan ne firse harkat ki. Me ab samaj gaya tha ke vo nind se uth chuki hai. Me besabri intejar kar raha tha ke vo kya karegi , kya kahegi muje, me kaise explain karunga usse .Lekin abhi bhi jagah se hill nahi rahi thi usne mehsus kiiya ke mera hath uske boobs par hai or me thik uske piche leta hu. Tab me yahi soch me tha k sayad usse samaj nahi aa rha ke vo...

2 years ago
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My Wife My Mommie part3

"Doctor I have just a few questions before we leave," Annsaid. "How does he feel at the moment? Will he ever be able to befunction as 'normal' male again? If I were to say "Tom's Home",what will happen?" Without knowing it Ann had said the magic words "Tom's Home"Immediately Tami became aware of his state of dress and tried tocover himself up. He looked down and saw that he was not only wet,but was dressed in only Pink rubber panties and WET diapers. Healso saw the pink pacifier in his...

3 years ago
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Mature Mom starts New Life

I'm a 49 year old Mom of three. My husband left me with them for a younger woman 12 years ago. This changed my life and turned it up site down, I was alone to raise the 3 k**s. My life consisted of work then tending to all the c***dren's needs. I was now at the point in my life where the k**s were all gone from home I sold the house moved into a condo, but I wanted more of what I had missed and sacrificed. I did have a couple boyfriends over the years but nothing ever got serious, I was just...

3 years ago
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Danganronpa Admin Privileges

Somewhere in the Danganronpa world, Monokuma decides it's a good idea to give a certain character "admin privileges", allowing them to alter reality as they see fit and do nearly anything they want. Only one condition; they can't use it to leave or completely end the killing game. But which location and scenario does this end up in? Note for anyone who wants to add chapters: There aren't really any specific rules, and you can go wild with how the power works. Basically, the protagonist learns...

1 year ago
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Sex With Elder Sister And Then Naked Mom

Our family consists of 4 members…dad and mom got married at very young age..And as a result…they had me and my elder sister who is 4 years elder than me..Now my plus 2 exams were completed and I was waiting for my eng. Counseling to complete..I was roaming with my friends and was idol in the home for about 3 months.. Now coming to the story..I have a elder sister who is in fair complexion..Well built..And is of same shape my mom does…they both resemble same in physique..My sister has huge boobs...

1 year ago
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Poolside Seduction

Leaves blew in the forest breeze as a 18 year old girl walked to her home in the forest. No one seemed to bother or live in the forest near the girl, just her and her family. Her black hair blew in the wind as the sun beat down on it. Lily Thompson was a very beautiful girl , with raven black hair and hazel eyes that were bright and lit up a room. She had a tanned complexion with an hourglass shaped body. She had a big chest and butt while she had a small waist. She was the typical sweet, kind,...

3 years ago
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Dark Nites I

The slap reverberated around the room. Jason gritted his teeth trying desperately to keep hold of his temper. Daphne started towards the door but Jason caught hold of her wrist, his eyes steely. "You're not going anywhere until we've got this settled. Daphne glanced coolly at his hand and then back to his face. Then she brought her foot down on his. Hard. Jason gave a furious growl and exploded into action. Grabbing her, he swept her off her her feet and headed toward the bedroom. Daphne...

4 years ago
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When I was 11 years old, I already liked the big cocks of older men, and whenever I had the opportunity to be with someone, I would grab the cock and the balls, and when I was hot I liked to suck them thoroughly, and if I saw that they liked it, I continued until They came in my mouth.On a summer vacation we went on the bus to visit the grandparents as we traveled as a family I usually chose to sit apart and usually I always had an older man in the seat next to me, that time already at dawn and...

4 years ago
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After reading some of the stories in your wife watch collection, I find my own story isn't so unusual after all. You can post this to the Net and perhaps some other men will identify with my situation. For the past four years, I've been married to a beautiful woman, who is ten years younger than myself. Jo has the kind of face and figure men dream about. She is now twenty-three years old, stands five feet five inches and weighs about a hundred fifteen pounds. Her measurements are a stunning...

3 years ago
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Cheating Sexual Desires Chapter 3

It's been six months since Derek caught Gabby cheating on him. For the first four months, he stayed at Tom's guest house. When Derek finally went home, he found a note from Gabby, but he didn't bother reading it and just tossed it in the trash. He had the engineer in his Condo, change his locks just in case she showed up. Derek was trying his best to move on. He spent the majority of his time at the club working with Tom on an expansion.It was Friday morning, Tom and Derek just completed the...

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The Enslaving of brittney

"I can't believe this! You're telling me you don't have your rent money again! Fuck! Completely unacceptable! You need to do something about this. Now!" Holly fumed as her roommate Brittney teetered in front of her. "Look, I'll get the money! I just need a little more time. I'm looking for work, I think I have a line on something tomorrow. Please, just give me a break," Brittney whined. In truth, she had no idea how to come up with the money. With her recent degree from the Walter Cronkite...

2 years ago
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Road TripChapter 14

“Gold?” Oops. Maybe? Death and taxes? Geology says there is no gold on this side of the mountain. Why do I want to look for it on this side? I shrugged, pouted and rolled my eyes. From the air it is easy to see where Wolf Creek is today. From the air it possible to see where Wolf Creek WAS. The creek...

2 years ago
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Ladz Local Lovelies 58 EmmaChapter 3

They hurried back to Charing Cross, caught the next train to Westmouth and sat next to each other, kissing and fondling. Jake marvelled at how smooth Emma’s legs were. Her breasts felt good too—even through her blouse. Jake had left his car at the station car park. He jumped in the driver’s seat and started the engine before Emma had even gotten her seat belt on. As he backed out of the parking space, she put her hand on his leg and purred, “How far is your apartment?” “On the edge of town....

4 years ago
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The Cafe Down the Road

Danny sat perched on the edge of his seat across from Alison, who was absentmindedly stirring sugar into her coffee. A soft murmur of voices surrounded them, people coughing and scrapping chairs, hanging damp coats on brass hooks or carefully laying dripping umbrellas down on the floor. The rain sizzled softly outside, hitting the pavement and pattering the windows. ‘Does this feel strange to you,’ Alison asked Danny, looking across at him attentively. ‘What, us having coffee together,’...

4 years ago
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Sunny CornerChapter 7

Mitchell’s Creek, Sunny Corner, New South Wales, Australia:7 The first thing we did was get out; that rock had to go somewhere. We played embarrassed cat ... you know ... the cat does something particularly stupid and immediately checks the area to see if anybody noticed ... and then starts grooming... I meant to do that. We both walked ... not the action we took getting out of the crack ... down to the high banker to check our spoils. Jim even videoed it ... twice. The first go-round he...

1 year ago
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Laundry Room Surprise

--- It had been a particularly long day, and I arrived home with a lot of pent up energy from all the frustration. I made a simple dinner and settled down into the evening, though unsure of what to do with myself. I had the house to myself tonight, since Rob had sent me a text earlier saying he’d be home late from work. Although it didn’t fit my energy level, I settled on some recreational...

3 years ago
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Jasons TaleChapter 25 High Finance redux

That was without question the best meal I’d had since we stepped into the bank at Widemouth. It was clearly good to be king here. The company was delightful, too, with three clean and attractive women present. Of course, I wasn’t sleeping with any of them, but it was still a very pleasant meal. Maybe I could bring Ceecee along if I was ever invited back again. Actually, it wasn’t just the clean women. This whole place smelled a lot better than Widemouth did, too. Didn’t Eric say that no one...

2 years ago
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IBE The Days Of WanderingBangor

I slept fairly well. I realized that the outcome of this was not heavily weighing on my mind. Perhaps that was a sign of wellness. Whatever happened, I had Kelly and Cheryl. I had my family. I knew I could get my father to move to North Dakota. I’m sure he was very lonely in the world where he lived with my mother. Over the course of the night Jenny had crept over to my side of the bed. We were spooned together lightly with her arm around me. It felt nice that she still trusted me when it...

4 years ago
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Stressful Business

“Kenzie, can you check this for me?” Kenzie Hennessy brushed aside the black hair raining over her paperwork and glanced over at her boss, saw the folder marked Tapas, and rolled her eyes. Brian James had been stalling on that client for too damn long. For a moment, she actually forgot the man’s name, since they’d both been calling him Tapas for months, given that they’d always take him to lunch for that particular dish when trying to coax him into signing. But now that Mister Tapas was...

3 years ago
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A Date at the Beach

The sound of fingers clacking on keyboards filled the office. I sat at my desk, blankly staring at a glowing monitor. I let out a bored sigh as I opened another pointless excel document. My long, lithe fingers clacked on the keyboard as my mind wandered. I’d been restless this entire morning. It was the same boring shit everyday. Just thinking about the monotony of work made me bored and horny. I needed a break. I needed something new to spice things up. My phone vibrated in the pocket of my...

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