Daddy's Girl free porn video

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I met the man I call "Daddy" when I was in college. I was a first year student in business administration and management at Indiana Tech. It was beautiful, sunny, springtime day in Fort Wayne, Indiana, and I was in the backyard of the apartment I had rented off-campus, just soaking up some sun one Saturday afternoon. It had been an unusually long cold winter that year and the sun felt wonderful on my skin. I was wearing my mini-shorts (think the shorts that professional cheerleaders wear) and my bikini top. Sitting in a chaise lounge chair with my sunglasses on, the warmth of the sun was making me very drowsy. I was just about to fall asleep there in the chair when I suddenly heard a noise in the backyard of the house next door. I sat up, but I still couldn't see because of the bushes blocking my view. My curious nature got the better of me and I got up and went over to see what was happening. That's when I saw him... my future Daddy.

I should probably explain. I am what is known as a "little" or little girl. While I am chronologically 20 years old, I enjoy living as a little girl. The Daddy/little girl relationship I enjoy is not an incestuous one. My daddy is not my father or any other blood relation. Instead he is a man who cares for me and looks out for me as his part of the roleplay game we both enjoy. He likes taking care of me and calls me his little girl and I like pleasing him and calling him daddy. We take these roles because we enjoy them and because it fills a need in us. I need the comfort, protection, and love my daddy gives me. He, in turn, needs me as well. It is a mutually beneficial arrangement we both enjoy and are perfectly happy with.

Anyway, that Saturday as I peeked over the top of the solid wood fence, I saw him. He was gorgeous! The neighbors were putting in a deck and he was part of the construction crew hired to do the work. Standing six foot four inches tall and weighing about 230 pounds, he was the most beautiful thing I had ever laid eyes on. Because it was warm that day, he had taken his shirt off and that only showed off his thick, muscular chest, bulging biceps, and washboard abs. He was in peak condition and as I watched I could feel my pussy getting wet.

I stared at him, mouth open for several minutes until he suddenly looked up from where he was nailing down some boards and saw me. Instantly I dropped down behind the fence embarrassed to have gotten caught snooping. I gave it a few seconds, then peeked over the fence again. He had gone back to his work and I ogled him some more. Once again he looked up unexpectedly and caught me watching him. I ducked down again, kicking myself this time for getting caught twice. I waited, then peeked over the fence once more.

This time however, he was waiting for me and as I looked over the fence he was there! Oh my god - he had come over to the fence and was waiting for me to pop my head back up!

"Hi there, my name is Mark," he said. He flashed me a smile that melted my heart on the spot. His blue eyes were so kind and twinkled as he spoke and I felt my legs go weak at his voice.

"I... I'm Rebecca," I stammered. I could feel my cheeks getting hot and I knew I must be blushing beet red. He reached over the fence and offered his hand. Taking it, I felt the restrained strength in his grip. His hand was rugged and rough - a real working man's hand. But he held my small hand so soft and gentle, like he had a tiny bird instead of my hand in it.

"It's nice to meet you Rebecca," he said smiling again.

"You... can call me... Becky," I said shyly.

"Well it's nice to meet you Becky," he repeated.

"Nice to meet you too Mark," I said, blushing again. Now I am not normally a shy person, but Mark's presence was so powerful and assertive that it took my breath away.

We had just started talking when one of the other men came up behind Mark. "Excuse me boss, but the truck is here with the decking materials," the other man said.

"So you're the boss? I should have figured," I said, coyly.

"Yeah I'm the boss. And I guess I should get back to work. It was nice talking to you though, Becky," Mark said. He turned and went back to work and I went back to inside my apartment.

As luck would have it, I have a window in my apartment that faces my neighbors house. I use it to watch their house when they go on one of their frequent trips. But now that window allowed me to watch the construction, and more importantly my new friend Mark, at work. I watched as the truck the other man mentioned pulled around to unload. Castle Construction was the sign on the side of the truck with a phone number on it. I wrote down the phone number on a pad and put it near the phone for later.

I had made a pitcher of iced tea that morning, planning to enjoy some that afternoon, but now I found a new way to enjoy the iced tea. I gathered together every glass I had in the place and hoped I had enough. I put the pitcher on a platter along with the glasses and took it all next door.

Walking around the side of the house, I found Mark talking to one of his men. I waited for a minute until he was done talking and then his worker nodded and he turned around.

"Oh, hi Becky, what can I do for you?" he asked.

"Um... I thought, well it's pretty hot out, and..." I said, not knowing the words to say. Mark's bearing and the aura that surrounded him made my tongue fail me and I just shut up rather than make more of a fool out of myself.

"So you brought this for us," he said, finishing my sentence. "Thank you, Becky." He smiled at me with his sparkling blue eyes. My heart leapt and my breath caught in my throat. All I could do was return his smile, looking down shyly.

I poured the iced tea into glasses and passed them out to everyone. Fortunately, I had brought enough glasses and the tea held out until everyone had gotten a glass. After everyone finished their tea, the guys put their glasses back on the tray and I got ready to take them back home.

"I really appreciate your thoughtfulness and I know my guys do as well. Would it be too out of place if I asked you out - as a way of thanking you for your hospitality?" he asked. I just about died right then and there!

"I would love to go out with you Mark," I said, trying my best not to sound to eager and excited, even though my heart was racing.

"Okay then, how about next weekend, say Saturday night? There's a new restaurant I've been meaning to check out - it would be nice to have some company when I do," he said with a smile.

"That sounds wonderful," I said. On the outside I was trying to maintain some semblance of dignity, but inside I was busting with excitement and happiness!

That following week was the longest I think I ever spent. I was like a little kid waiting for Christmas, and the days dragged on. I could barely focus on my studies as my mind was on Mark and my upcoming date with him. Just when I thought I couldn't stand it anymore, Friday came along. Now on Fridays I only had two classes early in the morning, so that by noon, the school day was over for me. I decided to go shopping for a new outfit and hit the beauty shop to get ready for my big date.

Saturday afternoon came and I started getting ready. I jumped in the shower and while I was in there I made sure to shave my legs and underarms. I wanted to look my very best for my date and for Mark. After making sure my legs and underarms were smooth and silky, I looked down at my pussy. I had thought about shaving it a time or two before - I had seen pictures on the Internet of porn stars who were bare down there. But I had never done it myself... I didn't have anyone I wanted to impress. However with my date with Mark I thought this was my chance. Who knows, it may just come in handy if things went well! The feeling of the lather and the razor scraping my pubes away turned me on more than I thought it would and as I watched my growth falling off, I came very close to masturbating in the shower. But I didn't want anything to get in the way of what I secretly hoped would happen so as hard as it was, I resisted the urge.

I finished showering and went to the bedroom to get dressed. I had bought a slinky little black dress that fit me like a second skin with tiny little spaghetti straps that crossed in the back. The front had a plunging V in front that showed off my breasts very well and in the back it was cut clear down the small of my back. The hem on the dress came perilously close to revealing what it was supposed to cover - it was a very sexy and provocative little number! I went equally as bold in my choice of footwear. I picked out a pair of silver open-toe sandals with a tiny rhinestone embellished ankle straps and six inch heels.

Once I was finished dressing, I went in and put on my makeup. I would have to hurry now, but I wanted my makeup to be perfect. Finally I was satisfied with my look and I grabbed the matching silver purse and went into the living room to wait for Mark.

About five minutes later, right at 6:00 promptly, there was a knock on the door to my apartment. I answered the door and Mark stood on the front stoop dressed in a very smart black Armani suit, slacks, and white shirt with tie.

"Wow! You look incredible!" he said, looking me up and down.

"Thank you. I didn't know what the dress for tonight would be... I'm glad to see I'm not overdressed. You look very handsome too," I said.

"Well this is supposed to be a very nice restaurant but I don't know it's dress code either so if we are overdressed, at least we will both be overdressed!" he quipped. He offered me his arm and we walked to his car together. He seated me in the passenger seat of his Cadillac CTS and then went around to get in himself. We drove for a little while to get to the restaurant and as we drove, I marveled at the interior of the car. I had never been in anything so nice, and as my fingers ran over the butter-soft leather of the dash and felt the seat under my legs, I thought to myself that Mark must be making a pretty good living.

He must have noticed my admiration of his car too. "It's a pretty nice car," he said.

I looked at him and smiled. "Yes it is very nice," I said.

"Well this is my show-off car. I use it when I have to schmooze a potential customer... or a date!" he said, winking at me. I blushed as he continued, "Usually you can find me driving around in my truck - that's the vehicle I do most of my work in - either at the worksite or running to get parts or supplies."

"I see," I said. We drove a few more minutes before reaching the restaurant. Mark parked the car and got out, coming around to help me out of the car. Then we went inside.

"We have a reservation - Castle, table for two," Mark told the maitre d' when we got in the restaurant.

"Very good. Please follow me," he said, and he took us to a quiet corner table by the fireplace. He lit a candle in the center of the table and then left us to talk.

"So it's Mark Castle then?" I asked "You are not only the boss, but the owner of your construction company?"

"Yes. It started out as my father's company and I worked for him but after he passed away a couple years ago, I took over and have been running it ever since," Mark said.

"Oh, I'm sorry," I said, "My last name is Andrews. Rebecca Andrews."

"That's a very pretty name. But if it's okay with you, I'd like to continue calling you Rebecca. It sounds much more sophisticated than just calling you Becky," Mark said. I thought it was a nice compliment so I agreed... of course he could have called me dog biscuit and it would have been all right with me!

We talked for awhile and Mark asked me what I would like before the waiter came. When the waiter did come to take our order, Mark ordered for both of us - a little touch I found to be quite attractive and sexy! Once Mark had placed our order for our meals and drinks, I excused myself to go to the restroom. Once more, Mark's class and gentlemanliness appeared as when I got up to leave, he also raised up. This man was really putting on the charm!

I went to the bathroom and once I had found a vacant stall and sat down, I noticed that my pussy was very wet. Mark was definitely getting to me and I knew that I was going to have a hard time keeping my cool this night! I made short work of my bathroom routine and went back to my date as quick as I could.

We ate our dinner and talked - it was amazing how much we had in common! We both had lost a parent lately. Mark lost his father a couple years ago as he told me and I had lost my father a bit more recently. My mother had been gone for some time so I was really a daddy's girl, and the loss of my father really left me lonely and I missed having someone. Neither of us had ever been married although Mark had lived with a past girlfriend and her daughter. Mark said he missed having someone call him daddy.

I sat and listened to Mark talk and was mesmerized by how he talked about his life. And the more he talked, the more I found myself attracted to him. I had never met anyone like him. I'd had boyfriends in the past, sure, and I had long since given up my cherry, but Mark was unique. Something about him just got to me, and I wanted him. Badly.

We finished our dinners and after Mark paid the bill and we left the restaurant, we got to the car and as we pulled out of the parking lot, Mark turned to me.

"So do you have to get right home or would you like to go for a drive?" he asked me.

"I don't need to rush home. I'd love to go for a drive," I said. I didn't want the date to end and I was glad he didn't either. So I let him drive and I sat there just enjoying talking and being with him. He drove to Traders Point Park, a small park on the banks of the St. Mary's River. We stopped and got out to walk a bit. As we walked, he took my hand and my heart flopped in my chest like a fish out of water! We walked until we got to a large oak tree and he stopped.

"What are we doing here?" I asked.

"This is a favorite spot of mine. I come to the park here when I have had a stressful day and unwind a bit," he said.

"So have you had a stressful day today?"

"Hardly. Today has been one of the best days I can remember. No, I just wanted to show it to you."

"It's very beautiful," I said, blushing a bit. That's when Mark made his move.

Mark looked at me for a second before taking me gently by the upper arms and pushing me back against the tree. "It's very beautiful now that you are here," he said, reaching up to stroke my cheek.

As he stroked my cheek soft and gentle, I felt my panties getting wet. My legs trembled and I gripped the trunk of the tree to keep from falling. I closed my eyes and a soft, almost imperceptible moan escaped. Then suddenly, I felt his lips softly brushing across mine. I threw my arms around his neck and pulled him to me without thinking. I couldn't help myself, this man had hit all the right marks and in just the right order. I kissed him hard and parted my mouth as an invitation for his tongue. He took up the invitation too, and I felt his tongue seeking out mine. His strong arms wrapped around my waist and he crushed me to him so tightly I moaned into his mouth. I felt so secure, so protected in those arms, I just wanted to stay there forever.

We kissed for several glorious moments before I simply had to come up for air. As I broke the kiss, I gasped for that first breath. "Please Mark... I want you," I whispered.

He pulled back and looked at me for a moment. He studied my face, his eyes locked on mine. I guess he was waiting for some kind of explanation or further comment from me. But he got all the explanation he needed as he looked at me.

"Your place or mine?" he asked.

"Well I would love to see where you live... you've already seen where I live," I said.

"True, but I've not seen the inside. We can go to my place though, if you want," he said. We drove to his house on the other side of town. As we pulled up to his house I was impressed. He lived in a split level brick home with an attached garage. It looked very well-kept with the grass cut and the hedges trimmed. Mark pushed the button on the visor remote and the garage door opened and we pulled in.

Mark opened the door for me and took my hand, leading me up the three steps to the door into his home. Walking into Mark's home, the first thing I noticed was how large it is and how well decorated it was. Mark had excellent taste. He took me into the living room and we sat on the large leather couch.

The drive back to his place gave me a chance to regroup a little and cool down. Mark's pinning me against that tree and kissing me like that took my breath away, and I needed a chance to get my thoughts organized. As we sat on the couch, I tried to figure out how to tell him my little secret. I really liked him and wanted to get to know him better, but I also didn't want to get all into him and then he find out about my special "kink" and run off. I had been down that road and it was no fun. So I wanted him to know about me right off and if he bolted it wouldn't hurt quite so much. I wouldn't have invested a lot of time and gotten so close to him. But how to tell him?

Mark could tell something was bothering me too. As we sat on the couch, he traced his fingers up and down my thigh. His fingers felt so good and I wanted more than anything to let them have their way with my body but my reservations about talking to him were more important right then.

"What are you thinking about, baby?" he asked. Funny, he should call me baby just then.

"Mark, there's something I have to tell you. Something you need to know about me before this goes much further. I really like you Mark, but you need to know something about me." I said, looking down at the floor.

"What is it, 'becca?" he asked.

"Well... um... oh I hope you don't think I'm weird or anything!" I blurted out.

"Rebecca, I don't think you're weird at all. Unless you are about to tell me you used to be a guy, or you worship the devil or something!" he said, trying to lighten the mood a bit.

"No, nothing like that. You remember when we were talking earlier about our parents and how we missed them? Well like I told you I was very close to my dad, and when he died I kinda went... well it affected me in a very odd way. Do you know what a "little" is? It is a woman who, for whatever reason, enjoys roleplaying the part of a little girl. Well my daddy's death made me want to find a daddy and I became a little," I said, fidgeting with my hands as I waited for his reaction.

Mark took his time, thinking about and processing what I had said. I was about to tell him to forget I said anything when he spoke again. "I see. Tell me more. How old are you when you are a little girl - are we talking bottles and diapers and such?"

"No not that young. I guess I'm around eight or ten. I have a 'stuffie' - a stuffed teddie bear, and my favorite doll, Lilly, but no diapers or bottles or even a pacifier. I just like the security that I used to know when I was young... when my father was still around," I said.

"Well I can understand that. I know there have been a lot of times when I wished my father was still around." he admitted. "So what do you do as a... little?"

"Well I do everything a regular ten year old girl does. I like to play house, I like playing dress up, I love cuddling, and things like that," I told him. I couldn't believe he was actually interested in this stuff! I thought for sure when I told him I was a little girl, he would head for the hills!

"I see. And how about... um... how do you..." he stalled.

"What Mark? What are you asking?" I asked him.

"Well what about... sex? Do you...?"

"Oh yeah, I enjoy sex even as a little, but a bit differently. I'm not a virgin, real or pretend, but as a little girl, I want to show my 'Daddy' that I'm a big girl so I am a real potty mouth. I am a little girl who wants to show she can do grown up things, can you understand that?" I explained. "All little girls want to act more grown up than they are just like boys want to be thought of as men. My difference is that I really am grown up."

"A potty mouth?" he asked, with a little grin on his face.

"Yeah, I tend to talk dirty and say things a little girl ought not to say. I know it will get me in trouble and I kinda want that. But it is also my way of acting grown up and showing 'Daddy' I am a big girl."

"Oh, okay."

There was a long and excruciatingly uncomfortable silence. I looked down and fidgeted with my hands, looking for something to say. Mark sat there taking in and processing what I had told him. Neither of us knew what to say next.

Finally I couldn't take the silence anymore. "Mark? What are you thinking?" I asked, terrified I might not like the answer. I really wanted this guy and I may have just blown any chance I had.

"Well it is certainly not what I expected. I understand what you have told me..." he started. My heart dropped and I prepared myself for the worst. "and I will admit that it will be interesting in learning more. So if you are willing, I'd love for you to show me what being a 'little' is like."

You could have knocked me over with a feather! I sat there for a few seconds dumbstruck as the words filtered their way into my head. I had so expected him to say he couldn't handle my special kink that his words had to get past the blockade I had put up.

"Really, Mark? Really? You still want to see me?" I asked, needing confirmation.

"Yes, 'becca... if you'd like to. I mean I don't see this as a big issue. We all have certain tastes and certain needs. Yours are pretty mild compared to some I have heard about! Besides, I know a lot of girls who still like to have a stuffie as you call it - and they don't consider themselves 'littles'."

"Oh, Mark! You don't know how happy this makes me! I was so afraid that once I told you about this you would never want to see me again!" I was very nearly in tears, I was so happy. Mark must have sensed it too, because he wrapped a strong arm around my waist and pulled me onto his lap. I sat there happier than I had been in some time, sitting on his lap with my head on his shoulder and his big strong arms wrapped so securely around me. I felt safe, warm, protected, and even loved at that moment.

I was beyond delirious. I had found a guy that made my head spin and when I told him about my unique needs, he didn't run off, never to be heard from again. Not only did he not run, he actually wanted to know more! I couldn't believe my luck! When he told me he wanted to know more and that my being a "little" was not a big issue, I was floored - so many other guys (and guys a lot less hot than him) had thought I was some kind of crackpot and took off like I had told them I'm pregnant!

I squealed happily and threw my arms around Mark's neck kissing him deeply and with all I had. He returned everything I gave him too - damn he was a good kisser! As we tasted each other and allowed our tongues to play together, I felt him shift his weight a bit. I felt myself leaning over and he eased me down onto the couch without breaking our kiss. With me on my back now on the couch, Mark laid down on top of me kissing me then moving to my neck and then he nibbled my ear.

When he started on my earlobe my heart stopped. "Oh God not there!" I thought to myself. Kisses and nibbling on my ears were one of my greatest weaknesses.

"Ohhh Mark..." I moaned softly.

"Call me... Daddy," he said softly into my ear. I pushed him up, looking at him a bit stunned at his words. He smiled that same heart-melting smile he used the day we met. "Well, if you are going to play the little girl, I guess that makes me the Daddy in this arrangement doesn't it? We might as well get used to it. Besides... I kinda like being a daddy again."

That was it. My heart had heard enough. My eyes teared up and I felt the wetness run down both cheeks as I looked at him. I pulled him back down kissing him even harder this time and holding onto him like I would never let him go.

"Ohhh Daddy," I sobbed. Right then and there I gave him my heart.

"It's okay, sweetheart. I know. It's okay," he said holding me. I clutched onto him, burying my face in his wide shoulder and wetting his shirt with my tears of happiness. I know it may sound funny since we had only just met a few days ago and this was our first date, but I really, REALLY liked this guy and now that I had told him my secret and he didn't think I was sick or perverted it was like he lifted a giant weight off my heart.

I laid there bawling like... well like a little girl, for a few minutes before he raised up and gently pulled me up to straddle his lap facing him.

"Now no more crying, okay. Daddy's wants to see a pretty smile. Can you give me a pretty smile, sugar?" he asked.

I couldn't help but smile at that - he was taking to his new "role" like a seasoned actor! I smiled and looked at him. He wiped my tears away and kissed where they had run down my face.

When I had stopped sniffling and he had kissed my tears away he hooked his finger under my chin and lifted my face to his. I looked into his beautiful green eyes as he spoke.

"Now why don't we go upstairs and you can show Daddy how much of a big girl you are, okay honey?" he said softly.

I nodded my head and put my arms around his neck. He picked me up as he got up and carried me easily into the bedroom, putting me down on the floor next to the bed. "Want Daddy to help you get undressed?" he asked. I stood there, shyly pigeon-toed head down with my finger in my mouth as I looked up at him. I nodded yes and he stepped forward, slowly and gently slipping the spaghetti straps off my shoulders and kissing each in turn. He pulled my dress down an inch at a time slowly revealing more and more of me. When my dress suddenly slipped past my breasts it fell the rest of the way off and I gasped at my abrupt revealing. Left in only my silver heels now I stood there bare before him. Daddy stood there looking me up and down. I blushed and looked down waiting for him to say something. Once again it seemed like forever before he spoke - Daddy sure did like a dramatic pause!

"You are so... beautiful honey," he said. I blushed again and my heart skipped a beat.

I stood there watching as Daddy got undressed now. I had a certain part of him I wanted to see - a part that I had felt when I straddled his lap on the couch, a part that had poked insistently at me as we kissed. Daddy removed his shoes and then his pants. I saw the first telltale bulge letting me know how big Daddy's cock was. I couldn't help but lick my red lips at the prospects...

Daddy then took hold of his boxers and pulled them down, freeing his big fat cock and I saw him for the first time. My eyes got wide as I saw how big he was. Daddy said it was eight inches long and two inches thick. All I know is he was bigger than anyone I had ever seen before! Of course, I just played with some boys my age so it was understandable... I had never had a real man before. And now I was determined to show Daddy how big his little girl was! I wanted to show Daddy I could be his big girl more than anything.

"Oh, Daddy..." I moaned as I looked at his cock standing straight up and twitching with eagerness. I swear my little pussy twitched in time with his cock!

"Okay sweetheart, get in bed. Daddy wants a better look at that little cunny of yours," he said. I smiled and climbed into bed and crawled to the center, lying down on my back and raising my knees and spreading my legs wide. I was thankful that I shaved my pussy earlier... it looked so hot being bald!

Daddy crawled into bed and up between my legs. He knelt there admiring me and I could tell he was pleased with what he saw. "Oh sweetheart, I am so glad to see you have such a young looking little cunny. Did you shave it today just for me?" he asked.

"Yes, Daddy... I wanted to look pretty for you," I told him.

"Well you do look pretty. In fact you look pretty enough to eat!" he said chuckling. I giggled at his joke but then he moved closer and used two finger to open my little pussy up a bit. Having him finally touching me down there was amazing and I moaned my pleasure.

"Ohhh, Daddy..." I moaned and spread my legs a bit wider.

"Sweetheart your little cunny is so pink and so wet..." he said. He began running a finger up and down the slit, just inside my sensitive lips but not entering me just yet. I gasped at first and then began softly panting as his fingers made my little pussy tingle.

"Daddy please lick me there... please lick my wet pussy," I moaned lifting my hips for emphasis.

"Okay honey, but we call it your cunny from now on all right? It sounds cuter and you are my cute little girl okay?" he said.

"Yes, Daddy. Please lick my little cunny... I want to feel your tongue down there. Please?" I moaned again. His fingers were doing a number on me and his voice and his words were like a magic spell. I was quickly falling under it, too.

He leaned forward and took a deep breath, filling his nose with the smell of my cunny aroma. I had never had anyone do that and I almost came just watching how he enjoyed it! When he had gotten his fill of my scent he leaned further down and took a long slow lick at my weeping slit with the flat of his tongue. Oh my god it felt wonderful!

"Ohh, Daaaddyy!" I moaned long like his lick. I pushed my hips upwards to meet his mouth, wanting more... more...

With that, Daddy laid down on his stomach between my legs, wrapping an arm around the tops of my thighs to hold me in place. He buried his face in my crotch then and began eating my little cunny like he was starving for it! He shoved his tongue deep into me and licked the walls of my tunnel lapping up every drop of sweet juice he could find. His tongue flicked over my aching clit, teasing the button and making me wet all over again. He knew exactly what he was doing and what he was doing was making me crazy!

"Oh, fuck, Daddy! Oh yes, eat my little cunny! Yes! Oh yesss, Daddy!" I cried twisting and writhing under him. Part of me wanted to get away from his maddening tongue and the torment he was putting me through, and the other part wanted to guide him to make him lick me where I needed it most. All I know was that I was being driven insane... deliciously out of my mind with lust.

Daddy licked and lapped at my little slit as I lay there bucking and squirming. I began pinching and pulling at my nipples and clawing at my breasts as he made a meal out of me. I tossed my head back and forth like I was crazy (which at this point I was!) and babbled incoherently.

But Daddy was far from done with me - he had more tricks up his sleeve! Just when I thought I couldn't take anymore of his tongue's tormenting and teasing, I felt Daddy suddenly shove two fingers deep into my cunny under his tongue and curl the tips to rub my g-spot!

"OH GOD DADDY! I screamed as I felt him invade me. My hips shot skyward involuntarily and I came. I came hard, spewing my juices out onto the bed and onto Daddy as well. I had never squirted before, but Daddy was going to make me do a lot of new things. I fell back onto the bed with Daddy still licking and now fingering me. He was drawing out my orgasm and by now I was begging and pleading with him to stop. He did stop after a couple moments but those moments seemed like an eternity and the whole thing left me drenched in sweat and sucking in huge breaths of air as I came back to earth.

I would have been happy if Daddy stopped right there. I already had the biggest orgasm of my life. I already had a wonderful new Daddy. I lay there on the sweat-soaked bed perfectly content with the evenings activities. However Daddy had other ideas...

Daddy raised up and moved up my body until he was face to face with me. He held himself up with his strong arms as he maneuvered himself into position. Then as I lay there still in a fog from my orgasm and still not quite back from my bliss, he plunged his hard fat, huge cock into my sopping wet cunny in a single thrust. His cock slid easily into my slippery cunny all the way in until I felt his balls slap my ass.

Daddy told me afterwards that at that moment my eyes snapped open wide as dinner plates and my mouth dropped open trying to scream but nothing came out at first. He says I arched like a gymnast and froze in place from the shock of him skewering me like that. Suddenly the scream that I had been searching for came out.

"OHHHDAAADDDYYYGAAAWWDDD!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. The sound of my cry bounced off the walls and ceiling of the room. But I couldn't hear anything. Daddy had wasted no time - after plunging deep into my cunny, he began pounding me like he was going to punch a hole in me! I had told him that I liked my sex a bit harder and rougher than most girls and that I liked knowing I got fucked afterwards. And he obviously took my words to heart because he was fucking me like it was an Olympic event! All I could do was cling to him as best I could and ride it out, the pounding and grunting and screaming coming as it may.

"Fuck me Daddy! Fuck me harder! I want to be your big girl! I want to be a big girl for you Daddy!" I cried as he pounded away. I don't remember how many times I came while he was trusting into me. I know it was multiple times because afterwards I was so sore I could barely walk. But I stayed right there and gave Daddy all I had.

Finally I could hear him from far off as he said "I'm coming sweetheart... Daddy's coming!" I could only groan something - speech was by now impossible. Then I felt him shove once more into me and lay down on top of me, holding me to him as he pumped me full of his hot sweet cum. I screamed once more, coming as he filled me, our combined juices flowing out of me and further drenching the bed below. He must have pumped a gallon of his cum into me before his cock was empty. He lay on top for a moment until he had mustered the strength to roll off me. We lay together gasping for breath as cum oozed out of my abused cunny. I had never felt so incredibly happy in my life.

A couple minutes later Daddy reached over to me, putting his arm under my head and pulled me to him. I lay there with his arm around me cuddling with my new Daddy and feeling like the luckiest little in the whole world.

The above story is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and events in it are products of the author’s imagination and are used as fantasy. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. All characters portrayed in this story are over sixteen (16) years of age.

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Divorce is a weird thing. After a year spent finally getting back to ‘single’ status all I can think of is finding a new woman! The trouble with that is guys of forty-four aren’t readily attractive to young women so I went out looking for one of my own age, what a flop that was! Most had masses of baggage, set in their ways or still looking for a handsome young ‘Mr Right’ and that most certainly was not me. Then, at the risk of telling my story backwards, I found not one, but two and not only...

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Daddys Girl pt1

So there I was, lying in bed with my sweet and beautiful daughter. It didn’t take much for her to seduce me. I had always wanted her, and apparently, she had lusted after her father for a long time. I didn’t know how this might change our relationship, it was definitely new ground. It felt right, it felt good, and my guilty feelings were few. She was 18 and able to make her own decisions. I had never felt more loved, or loved someone as much as I loved her. We were meant to be together.Heather...

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Daddys Girl pt1

So there I was, lying in bed with my sweet and beautiful daughter. It didn’t take much for her to seduce me. I had always wanted her, and apparently, she had lusted after her father for a long time. I didn’t know how this might change our relationship, it was definitely new ground. It felt right, it felt good, and my guilty feelings were few. She was 18 and able to make her own decisions. I had never felt more loved, or loved someone as much as I loved her. We were meant to be together.Heather...

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Daddys New Girl Part 7

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4 years ago
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Lori sat in her room on the bed running her hands over her large D cupped breasts. She was feeling horny, but it was late and she knew her Father wouldn’t let her go out. She grunted at the injustice of it all. She was 20, and should have been able to do as she pleased at this point, but her parents insisted that as long as she lived in the house she was to abide by their rules. Her mom had gone to visit her grandparents which left just her and her Father. If only he’d gone with her Mother, she...

3 years ago
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Daddys Special Massage Part 2

After the girls left this morning I had alternating bouts of intense guilt followed by intense pleasure reliving the memories of this morning, intense enough to give me a steady hard-on, which just started me on another cycle of guilt. After three weeks of fucking my daughter you would think I had resolved the guilt issue. I think I had gotten this far without thinking much about it because our sex had been all one sided. It had been more like masturbating. I rationalized that I had barely been...

2 years ago
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Daddys New Girl

Daddy’s New Girl, Part 8 House Rules After Stephanie finished her ‘snack,’ she crawled into my arms and we fell fast asleep, both of us exhausted. We awoke the next morning around 9:00. I followed Stephie into the bathroom and let her have the toilet first. Again, I stood in front of her to watch. She was a little hesitant, but didn’t want to cross me so she pushed herself to get her water started. ‘Spread your legs for me, Sweetie.’ She separated her knees slightly. Her flow started as I...

1 year ago
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Daddys New Girl

While driving home from dinner one night I thought, why not cruise the Hooker Highway for a little sensory enjoyment. I like to see the various tarts out strutting their stuff on a hot night. Leering at them and making them think I might be their next john. Just a little game I like to play now and then. I was almost at the end of my cruise when I saw her. She was almost angelic in her looks, but I could see the toll the drugs and street life had begun to take on this little girl. She was...

2 years ago
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Daddys little helper 3

My heart was still racing as I stood up, pulled my underwear back into place and walked into the bathroom. I used a facecloth to wipe away the cum that had spattered my chest and neck when I had lost control watching my father and my best friend have sex.I hurried to my room and picked up a memory stick and returned to my father's room. I plugged the stick in and copied the folder onto it. I put the laptop back in its place, gathered up my clothes and walked back into my bedroom. I lay on top...

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Daddys Daughters diary part 20

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Daddys Little Hooker

Mike was feeling increasingly restless. Susan, his 18 year old teenage daughter was staying at her friends, and he had the house to himself. Just him; all alone. Just him and the computer, with only his frustration and loneliness to keep him company. He was flicking through some teen porn pics, the one’s he liked, the one’s that he secretly knew, but his conscience self denied; most resembled his Susan. For a brief, unguarded moment, he allowed her to slip naked into his mind, his cock...

4 years ago
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Daddys little helper 2

I was in shock. I had just watched a video of on my father's computer of my dad and my best friend Sam on the very bed I was sitting on. My friend was dressed in sexy pink lingerie and had sucked my father's dick until he had exploded all over Sammi's (as daddy called her) face. The pair of them had very obviously enjoyed the experience.That wasn't what had really shocked me though, the shock came from a couple of things. The first was that as my father had unloaded his come all over my best...

2 years ago
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Darla had no idea her world as she knew it would change forever. It was Tuesday morning around 9am and her husband was away on a two-week business trip. She'd been having trouble with her van, so late the night before she'd called her dad who is a mechanic by trade and they agreed he'd stop by the next morning around 9am. Darla was unaware that when she called, her dad was in the middle of giving his wife a good pounding, but the mood was gone and he'd gone to bed frustrated. Darla was a...

4 years ago
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Evie stretched out on the sofa in the living room as she watched cartoons. The t-shirt she had worn to be barely hit the top of her thighs and when she turned to the side you could see her black underwear and the curve of her sweet young ass. Her father, James, walked through the living room as he prepared to leave for work."Are you ever going to do anything besides sit in front of the tv?" he asked. Evie flipped onto her back and looked up at him, her legs spread innocently as she replied....

2 years ago
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Daddys Princess

I posted this a year ago, so thought id repost it.I had come home earlier than I had planned with business a little slow at the store and plenty of help there. I figured I could use the time to load more stuff to my online store. I have a comfortable office at home and get more done when I'm alone and not being interrupted. Besides, I wasn't in the best of moods because of the argument with my wife Linda last night. Not having sex in over a month helped to start the argument, but knowing my...

3 years ago
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Daddys Princess

I had come home earlier than I had planned with business a little slow at the store and plenty of help there. I figured I could use the time to load more stuff to my online store. I have a comfortable office at home and get more done when I'm alone and not being interrupted. Besides, I wasn't in the best of moods because of the argument with my wife Linda last night. Not having sex in over a month helped to start the argument, but knowing my wife as I did, I accused her of not having a similar...

3 years ago
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Daddys Problem

Daddy has this problem. He drinks a lot sometimes. I have a problem,too. I've always wanted to touch his dick. I don't know why, but since Iwas about 7 or so I've watched to touch it. I've been able to check it outsometimes, like when he comes out of the shower, or we change together atthe pool. As I've gotten older (I'm 10 now) I've also wondered what itmight taste like. I've looked up stuff on the Internet, and it's only madewe want to do it more. In fact, just last night I was looking for...

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