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I have never seen anything more orange than an African sunset. On that day, it was more surreal than any other, before or since. It was as if the entire sky seared with the bloodshed it reflected. The sun, however, too ashamed of what it had witnessed, was nowhere to be seen. It left the squalid landscape drenched in an unworldly monochrome.

I had no other reason to hold my head up.

Finally relieved of my duty to guard the fence line, I could surrender the pretence I kept up for my men. The officer ushered the eight of us back into the hospital. He could see I needed a minute to myself, and let me slink off around the corner with a sympathetic nod once the rest of my section was inside.

The humidity was stifling. Together with the dark mud that sucked at my boots, it fought to slow my retreat. The shirt of my disruptive pattern combat uniform clung to my back, almost hosed on. I despaired. There was no escape. My breathing lumbered, and countless stars joined the moisture welling in my eyes.

I reached the back of the Besser block building, gripping the cool concrete to wrench myself around the corner. It was the closest thing this so-called hospital had to privacy: a narrow cement walkway between the rear wall and the rusted metal shed that housed the backup generator. What little warm breeze there was, was non-existent back there. The sweltering air glowed a deep, dirty orange from the merciless sunset above.

Scuffing as far down the makeshift corridor as I could, I leaned back against the wall and scraped myself down to the ground. I stretched my legs out, pressing the soles of my boots against the rusted sheet metal. The shed groaned, then clanged under the pressure.

I laid my rifle across my lap and glared down at it. The thin barrel and handles of the Steyr made it look more like a toy than a weapon. For all the good it did that day, it might as well have been. I remember hating it in that moment. That worthless, fucking thing! It was nothing more than a symbol of my impotence.

I began to shake. It was far too great a responsibility for me to bear. I was only nineteen for fuck’s sake.

I don’t know how I held it together. But I couldn’t any longer. I began to cry. My face flushed with heat and humiliation. Lifting my knees up, I hugged them and buried my face in the sweat-soaked camouflage. I was racked with violent sobs, my shoulders bouncing uncontrollably.

The gasp of a wet sniffle jolted me from my self-pity some time later. It was one of the Médecins Sans Frontières nurses standing at the entrance of the corridor a few metres away. I think her name was Tabitha. She was holding her hand over her mouth, the other supporting her wrist. Tears streamed from her eyes and rippled over her fingers.

Quickly wiping the tears and snot from my face, I spluttered, “What’s wrong?”

She shook her head and stifled another sob. Then composing herself, she lowered her hands and whined softly in a heavy French, or maybe Belgian accent, “I hate to see a man cry.”

“I’m not a man,” I blurted out, the utter humiliation seizing me in undignified sorrow. I bawled into my knees, unable to keep myself from wailing like a banshee.

I felt the moist heat of her presence as she crouched down beside me and draped her left arm across my back. “Shhh,” she soothed in my ear, placing her other hand on my knee.

“Men don’t do that,” I sobbed hysterically. “Men don’t let that happen.”

I had us at the fence line. Our weapons aimed, fingers on the triggers, but safety switches on, we were on the brink. It was my decision to keep us there. It was my decision to hold our fire.

It was my decision to do nothing.

Tabitha laid her cheek on my shoulder. She knew better than to argue with me at that moment. She just held me close and tried to comfort me. I needed time to come to terms with what had happened, to get it all out.

The frozen terror I forced us all to watch would be forever burned in our memories. I would never forget the chilling evil that stared back at me up the barrel of my own rifle, provoking me. They wanted me to fire.

God knows I wanted to as well. My men were begging me to give the order to shoot. Our blood was boiling. But it was mine to keep my cool.

“You saved our lives, Corporal,” she whispered when my outpouring had finally reduced to a pitiful shiver. “You saved all of us.”

The officer would have explained to the medical staff that protecting the hospital and the people within it meant abandoning those on the other side of the wire. He would have told them that if we had tried to stop it, if we had fired, we would have been overrun.

Tabitha shuffled on the ground next to me, sitting down out of her crouch. Her baggy, blue-green scrubs looked almost pink in the warm orange gloom. The heat of her body pressed against mine caused fresh droplets of sweat to trickle down along my right side.

Conscious of her proximity, I lifted my rifle off my lap and stood it up against the wall away from her on my left. When I turned back, she gave me a sad smile and took my hand between hers, placing one underneath and the other on top. Her touch was wonderfully warm, and the gentle caress of her thumb across the back of my hand was lovely.

I don’t know how long we sat there, silently watching the pendulum swing of Tabitha’s thumb on my skin. It seemed like a while. I didn’t even notice the weight of her head on my shoulder. The feeling had always been there. I remember nothing in my life feeling more natural. It belonged.

The greasy ash blonde curls of her hair, wrestled into submission by a tight bun, had an almost strawberry sheen in the sunset. A few frizzy strands had escaped, indecisively swaying back and forth, unsure of whether to rescue more of their friends or tickle my cheek. It was almost hypnotic.

It’s hard to explain, but I found myself forgetting the horrors of the day. My whole world became the intricate, little details of Tabitha’s presence. Nothing else mattered.

I know now that it was a coping mechanism. I had compartmentalised the trauma, and my subconscious was doing whatever it could to slam the lid shut.

My right hand, sandwiched between hers, was almost poaching in our combined sweat. But there was no way I was going to pull it away. Instead, I placed my left on top of hers and gave it a gentle squeeze.

Tabitha looked up at me, more of her neglected hair falling free as she did. Her eyes were raw, but soft. Somehow they managed to stay blue in the orange haze. The corners wrinkled slightly as she smiled, betraying her age. I figured she was in her late-twenties, maybe early-thirties.

I snorted my own smile in return. Then self-consciously, I dipped my gaze a second. Our hands danced in my lap, our fingers interlocking, then sliding apart. The intimacy of the gesture stained my face with warmth.

It was Tabitha’s turn to huff her amusement. The knowing look she gave me when I lifted my eyes intensified my blush. The sweat prickled my forehead, causing her to let out a breathy giggle. Then her smile slipped away and her expression became…

I can’t remember who kissed whom. Regardless, we were joined, connected at the mouth and tentatively suckling at each other’s lips. Still holding hands, I felt for her in the darkness of my own closed eyes, inching forward when she pulled back, and allowing her to push against me when she pressed forward.

The humidity of the kiss struck me most as I struggled for breath in the smothering closeness. It was so hot and wet, and growing in both. Then her tongue eased into my mouth, slowly, but forcefully. It slid across my top lip and teeth before dipping inside. My own gingerly came out to cradle hers.

She tasted of cigarettes and stale coffee. I would usually find such a sensation repulsive, but on that day, in that moment, I was so incredibly thankful for it. It filled my senses, and masked the smell of blood that hung thick in the air. I was finally free of it.

Lifting my left hand from hers still bundled in my lap; I reached up and cupped the side of her head. She mewled gently into my mouth as I traced the shell of her ear with my thumb. Then slipping my right hand from between hers, I wrapped it around her waist. I revelled in the feeling of her soft contours, and I couldn’t help but grip her side, just below her ribs.

Tabitha kept her hands in my lap as we kissed, our heavy breathing reaching a fever-pitch. I hardened beneath her touch, which moulded to accommodate it. She rubbed my length through my pants, as best as the thick camouflage fabric and my underwear allowed. Heat flushed through my body as things escalated.

She broke the kiss to look down at what she was doing. Fumbling at the belt on my webbing, she tilted her head back up and met my gaze. Her ice-blue eyes twinkled, and she snorted another silent giggle before re-joining the kiss.

I couldn’t help but chuckle into her mouth as she made a dog’s breakfast of getting my belt undone. Begrudgingly releasing her waist, I helped her with my belt, as her nimble fingers dove for the button of my pants. I flushed again when both my webbing and pants popped open simultaneously a few agonising seconds later.

Tabitha fished in my underwear for my cock. Gripping my shaft, she almost snapped it as she flicked it out past my waistband. She shuffled beside me, sitting up onto her heels. Then she yanked at my pants, scratching my hips with her nails as she did so.

I flexed my legs against the shed to lift my ass up off the ground, the rusted corrugated iron creaking its protests. Together we managed to get my pants down a few inches, as much as the thigh straps of my webbing would allow. Breaking the kiss, I opened my eyes to see Tabitha pull the drawstring of her scrubs and wriggle the pinkish blue-green cotton down over her hips. I fought to keep control of my breathing as more of her sweat-slicked skin came into view. I watched her kick her left leg free of her pants, a thrashed Dunlop Volley tumbling over my shins. It was one of the most incredible things I had ever seen.

There was no time to savour the vision. Tabitha swung around on her bare knee and straddled my lap. Reaching again for my cock, she crashed her upper body into mine in urgent search of another kiss. With several awkward adjustments, she ground herself up my thighs until I felt the steaming prickle of her pubic hair on the underside of my shaft.

It was then that time seemed to stand still.

The dull murmur of crying and moaning from inside the hospital and the surrounding compound faded away. All I could hear was our breathing, and the steady pounding of my heart in my ears. It was almost in slow motion.

Struggling to breathe, I pulled back slightly, leaving her mouth gaping. The sensation of her hot breath against the sweat sheeting from my face was strangely refreshing. The soft puffs of tobacco and coffee-scented air tingled against my lips and chin.

Tabitha’s bright blue eyes shone directly into mine. They were the only colour in the impossible orange of the sunset. They were my only connection to humanity. Her warmth, her kindness, was all that kept me from slipping into the abyss.

She lifted herself up a fraction, the prickle of her sex transforming into a deliciously smooth kiss against the head of my cock. I held my breath. We both did. Then she let herself ease down my shaft, engulfing my length in a wonderfully searing heat. The spectacular sensation sent a shiver down my spine.

I half-moaned, half-whimpered. I was lost in her, albeit temporarily.

She sank into me, pressing her cheek to mine as she wrapped her arms around me. Tabitha gripped me tightly with every fibre of her being. Her fingers combed firmly through my hair, radiating tingling waves across my scalp. The faint crackling sound of her skin against my uneven stubble amplified her closeness.

My hands found the cool flesh of her ass. I was actually surprised by how soft it was; the airbrushed lies of pornography leading me to believe a woman’s backside would be much firmer. But it didn’t matter. Tabitha felt amazing. Digging my fingers into her pliable flesh, I ground her roughly into my groin.

Tabitha responded with a deep groan, throwing her head back and pulling my face into her throat. It was wanton, and neither of us could get enough.

Despite the urgency, it wasn’t about sex. At least not entirely. I didn’t want to grab her ass and slam her up and down on my cock. I wanted to be close to her. I needed to be close to her. Sex was just a way of connecting.

Letting go of her ass, I slid my hands up under her top, mopping her sweat up her back to the smooth lycra of her sports bra. Her body was tiny in my arms, almost like a doll, but the fine bones of her ribcage and the warm muscles in her back blazed with life. I squeezed her tightly, wringing as much out of her as I could. The rise and fall of her torso brought me so much comfort. The slow roll of her hips energised me.

She had incredible control of her pelvic floor, bearing down on my cock as she rocked her hips forward, then allowing me to slip an inch or two free as she rocked back. Her breath, then mine, fell in time with her gyrations. Each exhalation as she ground home seemingly increased in intensity. More and more of her voice mixed with her panting, punctuated by the slurping of her sopping pussy.

I kissed at her face, missing her lips. But somehow, the clumsy peck on her cheek held more intimacy than our tongues deep inside each other’s mouths. There was a real sweetness to it.

I felt so incredibly close to her.

As I nuzzled the side of her face, she whispered something French in my ear. I couldn’t understand it, but her tone was unmistakable. She repeated herself, or something like it. Each time the whisper became more and more of a moan.

The escalation of her secret words lifted the tension within me. A tingling chill trickled down the back of my neck until it vibrated into a warm glow deep in my core. I was close. Approaching the brink, I was unable to hold myself back.

I cried out as I came inside her. Holding her even tighter than I had earlier, I buried my face in the side of her neck as I shook and trembled in spasms.

Tabitha’s French was broken by heaving periods of silence. Her body twitched, the smooth roll of her hips degenerating into violent, involuntary jerks. Then eventually, she fell still and her grip slackened. She was spent.

Her limp body against mine was such a lovely feeling. Despite the heat and stickiness, there was a real comfort in the weight of her on me. She resumed her soft, soothing whispers in my ear. I couldn’t understand a word of it, but the cool brush of her lips against my ear as she spoke was all that mattered. So too the gentle snorts of white noise as she breathed out.

I inhaled her as my labouring heart slowed. Messy strands of her hair were plastered to her moist skin, and I had to lick the occasional loose end from between my lips. It was funny how those little irritants made their presence felt in such a perfect moment. Tiny, choking tendrils of reality that just had to remind me that my respite was only temporary.

Even now, some twenty years on, I can still taste them.

Tabitha sat back, my softening cock squelching uncomfortably in her wetness, then slipping from her. Holding my face in both hands, she gazed earnestly into my eyes. There was no smile, nor frown; just a deeply penetrating stare. She licked her lips, then kissed me softly on the mouth before dismounting me.

I watched her roll onto the concrete next to me and untangle the empty leg of her scrubs which were hanging from her other ankle. I didn’t know what to say. Conscious I was staring, I wrestled myself back into my pants and did up my uniform. I could hear her grunting and scuffing beside me as I got my webbing fastened, and couldn’t help but sneak another peek.

She was arching her back to get her scrubs up over her ass. When she finally did, I scanned up her body. Her breasts, the first time I noticed them, were pressed tightly against her top. Tabitha cleared her throat, causing me to shoot my gaze up to her face.

“Would you please pass me my shoe?” she smirked.

I was mortified, my face searing with embarrassment. I choked out some sort of grunt and leaned over to retrieve her Dunlop Volley. When I turned back, I saw Tabitha openly ogling my ass.

“Merci,” she whispered with a crooked grin as she took her shoe. Putting it back on, she recovered a small packet from an unseen pocket. “Would you like a cigarette?”

“No.” I shook my head, then quickly added with a smile, “I don’t smoke.”

“Suit yourself,” she mumbled around a cigarette, already being lit in her mouth.

Leaning against me, she rested her head on my shoulder and lifted my arm around hers. We sat there together in silence while she smoked. I was just thankful I still had her there to hold close.

The sky was still orange. The tiny alley behind the hospital was still filthy. And the sounds of wholesale pain and misery still wafted in the humid air.

“Come,” Tabitha barked as she stubbed out her cigarette and rose to her feet. “We can use the help.”


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"I'm not Santa," said Bob doggedly. It was, perhaps, the thirtieth time he'd said it since he landed on the jolly old elf. "Facts are facts, Santa," said Gobelon Ferreneil, who had been claiming for the last half hour that he was now Bob's right hand man. "You have the powers. Only Santa has the powers. It's been that way for thousands of years." "The Santa myth is only centuries old, not thousands of years," said Bob, who was grasping at any straw that might cause his life to...

4 years ago
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SRU The Way of the Manga

SRU: The Way of the Manga By Melissa Virus Copyright 2000 Matt and Jason headed into the mall. Every Tuesday they went to Cedar Oaks Mall to pick up the latest issues of their favorite comics at Skanky's Comic and Video; today was especially exciting because a Class of Ninja High School video Jason had special-ordered was supposed to be coming in. Matt made fun of him. "You know that Ninja High shit's American, right? That's not real. The guy who makes it is named fuckin' Ben," he...

2 years ago
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The Beauty Of Japan fragile and innocent

Introduction: day 1 of 7. my time spent in japan. The Beauty Of Japan: fragile and innocent Its winter here in Korea. If you look out the big picture window in the loft area you see a blanket of snow covering the ground. The smell of hot chocolate and pine fill the house. My daughter loves Christmas. We celebrate it every year together. It doesnt snow much here and shes excited. But this year i have to go to japan on a business trip. Shes upset that she has to spend Christmas with the elderly...

1 year ago
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Oscar and IreneChapter 2

He said, “Hi! Are you Irene Pena? Wow! If you are, it’s my lucky day to work with such a beautiful lady.” I said, “That’s a good start and you are?” “I’m Rob Malone. My company in the States has contracted with your company to market our products overseas. I’m told you are to be my contact. Do you have some time to spare that I may present our company’s mission and products to you?” I thought, “My, My. Who is this gorgeous American? I’m in love.” He’s at least 6’3” in English terms with...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess6e19 Sadie Fernandez 45

Series 6, Episode 18: Sadie Gonzalez (45) from Motherwell We fade in on a drone shot – flying over the middle of a small town ... Not too pretty, low rise, tightly packed ... Then panning around over a large, craggy area of parkland, before coming to rest on a large old-school factory. We hover over the factory for a moment, then cut to... Outside the factory ... Ground level. Our hostess – in a low cut top that shows off her fake boobs and chest covering ‘DOGWHORE’ tattoo – and tight...

1 year ago
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MomsTight Aiden Ashley Mom Gets Her Softball Practice

Aiden Ashley dresses in workout clothes, including tight shorts and knee high socks and then puts on a baseball jersey. Once she’s satisfied that she’s looking hot, she grabs her bat and heads out to softball practice. On the way out the door, Aiden bumps into her stepson, Joshua Lewis. As if that wasn’t awkward enough, Joshua is wandering around the house in a towel that falls the second Aiden makes contact. Aiden deals with the awkward moment by running out the door. When Aiden comes back,...

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Perfect Sunday

Introduction: My flatmate and I meet up with my work colleague and her mega-rich boyfriend Sunday mornings in the apartment I share with Ebony are always lazy and relaxed. I was up and around first making some coffee when Ebonys bedroom door opened and she emerged, yawning and rubbing her eyes. Hi Candy, what time is it? she asked. Almost eleven fifteen, I replied Jesus, how did I manage to sleep so long? The sight of Ebonys silky body sent a little tingle through me. Her curvy figure was...

2 years ago
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He Remembers Tracey Ch 05

I followed Tracey out of the movie theater, watching her sexy butt sway in her short skirt. Anyone looking would have noticed the big bulge in the front of my pants, and probably notice the flush on her face as well. We walked out to my truck and I opened her door for her. As she climbed into the seat, I reached up and slid my hand up between her legs, nudging her pussy. It only took a second, and I did it just to make her jump. When my fingers touched her, she was still wet enough that they...

1 year ago
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Second Year

Perspective: Jacob He pushed me onto the bed and our lips met. “Jacob,” he said, “I can’t believe…” His sentence turned into a moan as I began to pull off his clothes and explore his body. He didn’t need to finish the sentence. I knew roughly how he felt. I had moved into my first apartment three months ago, at the beginning of my second year of university. I wasn't the most prepared student, so as is typical I had left the house-hunting to the last minute. The friends I had made during my...

3 years ago
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Dreams Do Come TrueChapter 11

Charles collapsed on top of Diana after his hips stopped bucking. He was able to prop himself up on his forearms enough so she could breathe and he turned his head to the right toward hers as it rested on the pillow next to him. She turned her head to look at him and they smiled softly at each other as they took a few slow, deep breaths. He asked, "Where did you go for a few minutes? What took your mind away from us?" She lowered her eyes for a few seconds. What should I tell you? "I was...

3 years ago
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HI frinds kasy hain ap log boys and girls ap sub ka bohat thanks kay ap nay mujhy sms ph cal or e-mail per rabta kia or stori ko like kia or 2nd part ki kahwish ki jo aj may ap ki kidhmat may pash kar raha hoon 2nd part kay bary may bhi ap ki mail or sms ka intizar rahay ga to boys apny apny LUND ko hath may pakar lain or girls apni shalwar may hath dal kar apni choot per rakh lain ya story ap sub ko hot karday gi is say pahly ki stori may ap nay mahar kay sath jo may nay kia tha ap nay read...

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Billy Oldhams WarChapter 11

They spent a day in Kansas City so that the women could do some window shopping, but they didn't buy anything because they didn't want to encumber themselves while they were on patrol. It was just as well because they ran into some jayhawkers who had crossed the Kansas-Missouri border to cause some trouble with "slavers." The jayhawkers simply wanted to cause trouble for Southern sympathizers in Missouri, and anybody who they found along the river was a slaver by definition. This was a...

2 years ago
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Lie still little girl Daddy wants your arse

Laying back as he looks at me, I notice His cock growing. My pulse quickens, simultaneously my breathing shallows. Grabbing my hair He pushes me towards his growing mound."Suck" He growls.My mouth opens and as I close my lips around him, it hits the back of my throat, forcing me to gag and gasp for air. Daddy doesn't do nice soft lazy blow jobs; When I suck His cock it's like a work out, pushing myself to please Him, to fit His cock down my throat. I try to impress Him with my mouth, show him...

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Kellys Comeuppance

Kelly?s Come-uppance By Doctor Quirt A young prostitute offends the Drug Barons and suffers the consequences. Abducted She had been walking her usual beat when it happened. Business had been slow that night and she badly needed to score with a punter so that she could get her fix. When the black BMW pulled up to the kerb she leaned down, eager to negotiate and when the door suddenly opened and she was pulled inside the car she was taken by surprise. Before she could make a sound, a...

4 years ago
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Book 7 New DragonsChapter 9

Rav had watched his son toss and turn most of the night, he finally got up before dawn and left the beach. Pulling the light sheet up over Kat, Rav got up also and went to the kitchen for a cup of coffee. Rav held out a cup to Revanche "why I'm drinking hot coffee when the morning already seems to be a scorcher is beyond me." Revanche chuckled "if we're lucky there will be a good rain soon to break this heat." Rav nodded "it's in the air just hasn't cut loose yet, when it does it's...

1 year ago
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The Last of Her KindChapter 7 When Worlds Collide

Leaving the wheelchair behind in that roadside diner had felt a lot like losing a friend, leaving an empty feeling in Ana’s gut as she scurried across the roof of the restaurant. The human Ana had pretended to be was encapsulated by the battered conveyance now sitting empty in the bathroom, waiting quietly to be discovered and eventually discarded. Tears formed in her eyes as she snuck down and through the parking lot, her heart pounding in her chest. She was truly alone, and officially...

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Jerked Off By Kathie Lee Gifford

"A stage hand is caught by his ultimate fantasy and she finishes him off"I have been hot for kathie lee ever since I started working for theshow. one day my lust got the better of me and I snuck into her dressingroom during rehersal. I opened her drawer and found thehottest pair ofwhite thong panties ever. I just stood there looking at them. I got aglimpse up her skirt once and she gave me a look that told me she didntapprove.I got so hot that I started to stroke my cock on her panties. They...

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Straightening Out Wrinkles Ch 03

The call came on Tuesday just after I’d got in from work. Malcolm said to meet at 11o’clock sharp the next day. He gave the address of am office, his office, he was successful it was on an upper floor of a city block! I was told to, “Wear a business suit with silk panties, suspenders and stockings underneath. The dong is to be where it now lives!” If I was late at all I’d suffer. At 11:01 I turned up as ordered. The secretary nodded to me when I said I had an appointment, apparently I...

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Always shower after workout

‘Always Shower After a Workout’ Alice showed the girl at the desk her membership card, then hurried down the stairs. Spinning class had started five minutes ago, and she hated to be late, but the Town traffic had been particularly bad for a Thursday night. Besides, she’d make up for it by pushing extra hard tonight. She hustled into the almost full spinning room, about forty fit young people already pedaling away on a fifty-percent-resistance climb, the music blasting. Alice searched for an...

4 years ago
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Missing my love honey

Hi friends its gabby again with my second sex experience at my maternal grand parents house in moga with my loving boy friend honey. As i told u earlier about my 1st sex with honey at his room . That was so nice awsome. After that we come more close that we strart talking dirty with each other with no limits .nd i start rubbing my red soft pussy every night while talking 2 honey. And honey also massage his peenis . We both imagine each other .. But we both were satisfied with that as we have...

1 year ago
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The thing

If you want to be the slut in this story or you feel the need to contact me for any reason you will find me on. Yahoo: sadistic_gentleman Email and MSN: [email protected] Thing Part 1One day when I just happened to have my slut friend Id over for some fucking a message is waiting for me when I log on to a community site. It's from a nineteen year old girl from Stockholm without a profile picture. The mail says: "Hello. I dropped in and looked at your page and was a little curious about...

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Joans Room Chapters 21 and 22

Chapter 21 Showdown I slept fitfully all night long. I awoke several times to reality during the night and had a very difficult time trying to get back to sleep. Finally, I gave up and dragged myself off of my makeshift bed. Lying there served no useful purpose. I never thought I could feel for another human being what I felt for the unborn fetus in Sam's womb. I just had to find some way to protect that baby. This wasn't a hypothetical woman...

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She Invited Me To a Nude Photo Shoot

This is a totally true story.I am a 64 year old senior and I have a great xHamster friend that I chat with a lot! She is if you want to see her awesome profile. We both live within a few miles of each other so we kind of bonded easily. I told her that one of my all-time favorite fantasies was to be present at a nude photo shoot. We talked about it for several months and the stars finally aligned for both of us and she invited me to a shoot October 3rd 2019....

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My Little VentrueInterlude 3

~~Author’s Note~ This chapter is 100% sex, just for funsies. Also contains some very minor swinging elements. ~~Samantha~~ Othello was so handsome. Ugh, the thought made her feel so guilty. Jacob was super handsome too! But Othello was the sort of handsome you found on a book cover, standing on a porch of a mansion by a tropical beach, hair blowing in the wind, wine glass in hand, half naked beauty beside him. Even Jacob admitted the man was pretty, too damn pretty. The big muscles, the...

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Glab Rmid AmabChapter 8

The rest of Carlotta’s shift passed in a blur. She spent most of it hopping around the kitchen as Jason barked commands at her, so aroused by his masculine presence that she literally found her juices literally onto the floor. When Jason noticed, he made her lick it up. That only served to create a fresh wave of juices, which further caused issue when he unloaded inside her once more. “Wait here,” he said thoughtfully, and came back a few minutes later with a pair of warm panties. Carlotta...

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Briannas MasterChapter 2 Training

Brianna was a privileged girl who had been indulged by her parents. She had never experienced any pain in her life. But now all she could feel was pain! Pain! All Brianna was now was a mass of pain. Every muscle in her body was cramping up and hurting. She had felt the ship get underway and realized now that they were far at sea and far away from help from her family. When Howard had left her she had cried her eyes out for a long time, the shock of being sold finally penetrating her. She also...

3 years ago
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How IMORNERY81 Lost His Cherry

A young female friend on here asked me how I lost my virginity. I tried to describe it for her. I'm sure it isn't a unique story, but ... I decided to share it, not just with her but with all of my readers.----------------I can remember every detail of that first time! It was prom. I was Junior, she was a Senior. God I was a stupid, naive idiot!! It had been a wonderful night, lots of laughs, dancing, and the after prom was in a town not too far away. We had rented out a movie theater for the...

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Friday Night Alchemy

(Author’s note – This is a 90% non-erotic story. The only erotic scene has been submitted separately as the short story ‘alone at last’.) It was April. It was raining. It was hardly a surprise. The weekend had started well: boy had met girl and the Friday night alchemy that turns alcohol into meaningless sex had just begun when the spell, or rather a Budweiser bottle, was broken by a not-quite-ex-boyfriend who mistook me for the villain in the tragedy that passed for his love life. I was in...

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Olivias Office

Spending every night with Rachael and Andrea over the past week had put me behind on my work. When Rachael left on Saturday afternoon I had returned home and spent Sunday relaxing alone. Monday morning came too quickly and it was Thursday before I was caught up. Andrea had no plans for me during the week, explaining she was worn out from all of our recent activity and needed a break. My Thursday meeting with her changed to a meeting with Olivia, the dark-skinned beauty from Production.Ryan...

Office Sex
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OyeLoca Natty Mellow Que Afortunado

Natty is lucky enough to catch a star soccer player just after he has signed his contract renewal. He wants to celebrate! And what better way than fucking a smoking hot babe right off the street? Say no more. Natty quickly finds out that this stud doesnt just score goals, he is also capable of giving her a rock hard dick to suck, a real provider this one. Once she tastes it, she needs to feel it in her most sensitive spot. He sticks it right into her spicy little cunt and doesnt take it out...

2 years ago
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Police Woman Goes MissingChapter 10

When it came time for Anthony Benedetto’s trial, the corrupt judge presiding over the trial ruled that there hadn’t been sufficient evidence to warrant issuing the search warrant that Detective Callaway used during the raid on Anthony’s ranch. Therefore, any and all evidence found at the ranch was ruled inadmissible. The judge dismissed the case with prejudice. For the next few years, Detective Callaway regularly stopped by to check on Abby, Cheryl, and the kids. He would take them all out...

4 years ago
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I had trouble believing my eyes. I recognized her right away even though the last time I had seen her was fifteen years ago and three thousand miles away. I stood there and watched her as she circulated and socialized and I couldn't help but wonder if she would recognize me without the beard and glasses. If she did it could possibly prove to be embarrassing for the both of us. I decided to err on the side of caution and I kept a close eye on her and whenever she started to move toward my part...

1 year ago
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The Tug Cock

My mood poem, a short interlude of disgust.I am wanking(again).Across the room Lewis fucks my wife.I am of little or no consequence. I wank because Lewis tells me to. It's better than facing his anger. I'm embarassed about masturbating. Not the act itself you understand, no I've long outgrown the Adrian Mole anxieties of my teenage years. No I'm, embarassed about masturbating when I listen to my wife Chloe fuck and even more so if I tug on my cock when I watch her with Lewis. It is the noises...


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