Sarah free porn video

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Sarah had been in Paris for some six months when, out of the blue, I received a call from her asking if she could come and stay with me at my apartment in Rome for a week or two. Of course I said yes. I had not seen Sarah since we left college in Chicago three years previously and went our separate ways. She, with the ultimate aim of becoming a writer, went to work for a small publishing company in New York. I, on the other hand, decided to spend, or some would say waste, a year traveling the world. She was hoping to find her sense of perspective while I was hoping to lose mine. Ironically, in no small measure we both achieved what the other was seeking.

Having written a novel and two volumes of short stories, none of which had been favorably received by any of the publishers she had submitted them to, for whatever reason she decided to embark on a stuttering and largely unsatisfactory odyssey as something of a femme fatale. Physically she was perfect for the role, with a sleek torrent of tousled, untamed, shoulder-length ebony hair, moonless and whispering eyes bathed in seduction, vertiginous cheekbones, and full, luxurious lips which seemed to reflect a natural, dark and sun-kissed cherry hue. She had several brief ‘affairs’, which lasted no more than a matter of days before she would make some excuse to end them. She would retreat discreetly into whatever solitary space she could find in a desperate attempt to reclaim her perspective. Having done so, she would exit her brittle, self-woven cocoon once more.

A secret part of me had always loved Sarah. I had tried on more than one occasion during our college years to seduce her. However, I had soon realized that Sarah’s life was essentially lived within the velvet confines of her mind. Some would call her a fantasist, but that was unfair. I had formed the conclusion that she was simply afraid of relationships. It seemed to me that somehow every part of her, down to the warm, syrupy, insistent responses between her legs, was made for sensual pleasure. There was, however, a restraint within her which suddenly seemed to provoke the lowering of a dark veil over her ability to control the inevitable feelings and emotions that followed them.

Eventually, partly in order to satisfy her all-consuming need to write, but more with the intention of building herself a soft, save haven in which to play out the desires of her alter ego to what she considered to be their natural conclusions, she began to write erotica, with increasing commercial success. She steadily began to build a reputation for herself within the genre. However at the same time she also found herself attracting the attention of some, primarily predator males, who simply wanted to slip inside her panties and enjoy the pleasure of her wild and vivid sexual imagination. They assumed that if she was creating a world of rampant sex and lust in her books that she would certainly be interested in enjoying them herself with just about anyone. In many ways she became a self-fulfilling prophecy. The more erotica she wrote, the more successful she became. The more successful she became, the more attention she attracted. The more attention she attracted, the more she felt compelled to lock herself away and write more erotica. 

It was mainly for this reason that Sarah decided move to Europe for a while. She chose Paris for a variety of reasons. For her it held an allure of sensuality and more than a suggestion of sophisticated licentiousness. She spoke no French whatsoever and made the decision not to learn. Paris did not disappoint her, with its barely-hidden sexuality and casual infidelity constantly caressing and feeding her mind and senses. She did not understand it, but what she did not understand she embraced. As she did, she would write for hour after long hour. She was interrupted only by the ever-increasing need she felt to tease her fingers into her panties and relieve the mounting sexual frustration that built in her until the crescendo of desire could no longer go unfulfilled. As she pleasured herself, her mind would slip down new avenues of sexual fantasy and desire, and weave their way into her stories. Her fingers would fill her, fuck her and stimulate her body and mind to new heights of creativity. Eventually she finished what she believed to be her most powerful writing to date. It left her feeling spent, both emotionally and physically. For a time she did not wish to write another word.

“Emma, you are not, I repeat not, to let me write anything for the whole time I am here!” she said, hugging me on her arrival in Rome. I knew she had been writing voraciously. She looked full and voluptuous, as though deliciously swollen with the fruit of her wild, unfettered sexual imaginings. She told me that when she shut herself away to write she always ate a little more and exercised a little less. Her blouse opened a little, exposing the swell of her breasts as they curved down and disappeared within the confines of her white lace bra. She saw my eyes linger. She smiled. I felt the coquettish and irresistible nature of the femme fatale in her rising again for the briefest moment.

For the following days I again became a tourist in the city which had become my home. We visited all those places – places resonating with life, death, hope, disappointment, greed, beauty and every other shade of human emotion and experience - that most visitors to Rome consider a ‘must see’. We laughed, drank coffee, hugged, reminisced, drank coffee, shopped, danced, drank coffee; and, of course, ate. ‘Dolce far niente’ as the Romans say. And at night we would take walks; sometimes alongside the River Tiber past Castel Sant’Angelo, to the Spanish Steps or Fontana di Trevi, or in whichever direction our feet took us. We would return to the apartment late in the evening. We would then sit and drink Sangiovese late into the night until our eyelids felt like little strips of lead.

I found myself falling in love with Sarah all over again. It was as though the years had slipped into the slow flow of the Tiber and dispersed them. I began to flirt with her more openly, if subtly. One evening, as we sat on my sofa, my arm strayed over her shoulder and suddenly I felt her lean in to me. She turned her head. Our eyes met and I brought my lips to hers. The kiss was deep and gentle. It moved easily into a depth that quickly began to submerge my senses. Her mouth, soft and warm, yielded, and then yielded again. Her fingers slipped into my hair, brushing it back over my ear as her tongue plunged into my mouth in search of my own. Then suddenly she drew back. She made a fuzzy, intoxicated apology and went to bed. The room was, for a few moments, thick with the reality that Sarah was living in fear of something, namely herself.

That night I awoke to the sound of light scrabbling coming from Sarah’s room. I could hear drawers being opened and shut and similar sounds. After a little while, I went to her door, knocked lightly and waited.

“Come in,” she said. When I did, I saw her sitting on the end of her bed, every curve of her body exposed except for a wisp of black satin which was barely covering her sex.

“What’s wrong?” I asked. “Are you looking for something?”

“I need something to write with,” she said, a hint of frustration in her voice. “A pen, pencil, paper... anything.” I sighed and smiled softly.

“It was you who told me there was to be no writing while you were here, Sarah. Give your mind a rest. There will be plenty of time to write when you get back to Paris.” Sarah flung herself back on the bed, her full breasts heaving above her as she grabbed a pillow, held it lightly over her face and let out a small grunt of exasperation into it.

“Goodnight, Sarah,” I said, closing the door.

I woke up the following morning to both brilliant sunshine pouring like warm liquid gold through my open window, and once more to the sound of Sarah in her room next door. This time I was left in no doubt what she was doing. The long, languid moans told me that she was in the throes of pleasuring herself and that her climax was building. I sat up in bed a little and listened. Her moans were becoming louder, more like little screams. Each one was becoming a little faster and more breathless. I could hear her through the thin dividing wall, yielding to her pleasure; “Oh god, oh god... fuck,” she would moan, over and over. I closed my eyes and pictured her on her bed, as she had been when I left her during the night, her hand delving in her panties, her thighs parted, her fingers sliding in and out of herself and using her moisture to lubricate her protruding, sensitive bud. As I did so I could feel my own arousal build quickly between my legs. I squeezed my fingers into the palms of my hands as they lay stretched out beside me, and clenched my thighs together tightly. My own need was becoming urgent. I hadn’t pleasured myself for several days. As I uncurled my fingers from within my palms, the telephone on my bedside table rang, and suddenly I was jolted back to reality.

I had already decided to take Sarah for a walk that morning. I wanted to show her some of the lesser-known, more ‘intimate’ Rome, and to buy her coffee at a bar I had discovered when I first arrived, Bar Rambollini. I put on a wafer-thin white cotton-silk summer dress with delicate noodle straps, with a flirty mid-thigh length hemline that teased my thighs. We linked arms as we walked through the narrow streets, but I could tell that Sarah was not her usual self. She seemed more reticent, as though deep thoughts were congregating in her mind and affecting her mood.

Bar Rambollini was quiet. I knew it would be. We ordered two capuccini scuri and found ourselves a quiet booth to sit and talk.

“Sarah,” I said, taking a deep breath and hoping to penetrate the shell I sensed she was beginning to surround herself with. “There’s something the matter. What is it?”

Sarah took a long, slow sip of her coffee.

“Can I be honest with you?” she asked. I nodded. “For almost six months, I have written almost all day, every day. I have shut myself away in my apartment, pouring myself out and into every word I have written. When you are alone with yourself, with your thoughts, feelings, emotions and, yes, desires, things can become very clear to you.” I nodded again.

“And what, if anything, has become clear to you, Sarah?” She paused again for a short time.

“As time passed, I began to realize some things about myself that I can no longer ignore. For whatever reason, I cannot ‘do’ relationships, Emma. Whenever anyone gets close to me, I retreat into my carapace and allow my deepest needs to be fulfilled through what I write. All my desires find form within my mind, and then are transformed into word after word, page after page of expression and emotion.” I remained silent, nodding as if to signal my concerned understanding at what she was trying to convey.

“Last night, when we kissed,” she whispered, “I felt all those feelings of insecurity and fear surge through me like wild, crackling electricity. You know that my body was responding to you, don’t you. But my mind was also suddenly beginning to become paralyzed with fear. All I could think of was to detach myself, to be alone, shut myself away and write again. It’s almost as though my reality only now exists on sheets of vellum and expressed through ink on a page. It is as though I need to somehow express my feelings in a story, rather than experience it myself. It’s where I feel... safe.” Sarah took a deep breath and another mouthful of coffee.

“You are a storyteller, Sarah,” I said, smiling at her and placing the palm of my hand on top of hers. “Storytellers have existed as long as anyone can ever remember. Before stories were written down, they were imagined and told. However, whether they are written down and find their expression between the covers of a book, or whether they are shared around a camp fire, all stories, Sarah, need to find an audience. They need a reader, a listener, whatever. It doesn’t matter, but they find life in being read or heard.” It was Sarah’s turn to nod in agreement. I stroked the back of her hand with my fingertips. Her skin felt warm and smooth against them, like olive porcelain.

“Why don’t you tell me a story, Sarah?” I whispered. “I want to hear one.”

After a moment or two, Sarah turned to me. She rattled her cup lightly against her saucer as she replaced it.

“Is that a challenge?” she said, smiling.

“No, Sarah,” I replied, my voice lowering a little, “It’s an invitation.”

“Then I will accept,” she replied. She slid herself a little closer to me in the booth, turned her head. Suddenly I felt the warmth of her breath playing lightly against my ear, sending a tingling wave of little electric shocks cascading from the back of my head down my spine. “Here goes,” she said.

“Sarah had spent the morning in her bed, lavishing pleasure on herself. Since arriving in Rome, she had gradually felt her desire building like a slow roll of a single bass drum within her. She lay there, her body warm and wanting and her mind filling with images she was powerless to control. All that mattered to her at that moment was her selfish satisfaction and she indulged it over and over. She was used to surrendering to her lust whenever it surged within her, like an obedient submissive to a demanding mistress.

She knew that Emma was aching for her. She could sense Emma was craving her touch, her kiss and her provocative, whispered words. She had known it since they were in college together. And now, there they were, together again, in the mellow Roman heat, each knowing that the other was close to a line that they both wanted to cross. Somehow both knew that line would be crossed.

As they sat together in a quiet bar, Sarah felt the urgency of her need rise within her once more, as it had that morning in her bed. Between her legs she felt a familiar moist warmth gathering. It was one that she knew would have to be obeyed. The mistress of her sultry, wet sex was calling once more. She slipped her fingers onto the knee of the woman who was craving her, and slowly eased it under the hem of her skirt.”

At that moment, now with my eyes almost closed and my mind fluid and floating as if held in the warm breath of a sea breeze, I felt Sarah’s fingertips brush the soft skin of my thigh and ease underneath the skirt of my dress. Her fingers began working their way slowly and intuitively up my leg, until her hand was fully under my dress. I felt her fingers spread slowly over my thigh, and then extend, caressing my inner thigh with a delicate lightness that made those inexplicable tingles ripple once more in waves down my spine.

“Sarah felt the smooth skin of Emma’s inner thigh, thrilling at the way the sensation of it under her fingers felt like silk to the touch as she eased them, almost imperceptibly, ever higher. As she did so Emma almost instinctively began to part her long, slender legs slightly, as though urging her friend’s fingers to slide higher.”

My responses were effortlessly beginning to harmonize themselves with Sarah’s words which were saturating my senses. I felt Sarah’s fingers, stroking my inner thigh and, blending intoxicatingly with her words. They were slipping like warm oil into every recess in my mind and my arousal was beginning to overtake me. I knew where we were, but the risk of being in such a public place only served to heighten and inflame my desire. I parted my legs and invited Sarah to take the story wherever she wanted it to go.

“Sarah could feel her hand, resting for a brief moment between Emma’s provocatively parted thighs. It was being warmed by the radiation of lust emanating from her hungering sex. ‘Part them for a me a little more,’ Sarah said. Her voice was barely more than a husky whisper in Emma’s ear. As Emma felt Sarah’s lips pull lightly on her ear lobe, she moaned softly. As she did so Sarah allowed her fingertips to drift lazily over the delicate fabric of Emma’s panties. ‘God, they’re so wet aren’t they’, Sarah purred.

I felt my desire rising almost uncontrollably.

“Come on,” I said, my words almost crumbling under their own weight. “I need more.”

We left the bar and slid into the back of a nearby taxi. Within moments, Sarah had moved her mouth back to my ear, and her hand had snaked its languid way back under the skirt of my dress. I bit my bottom lip and let out an instinctive moan of pure pleasure as I felt her fingernails dragging tantalizingly over the almost weightless fabric of my panties. She moved them up and then down in a slow, teasing motion.

“Sarah felt Emma’s wet desire betraying her. She turned her head momentarily and her eyes met the dark, almost disbelieving gaze of the young taxi driver. As they did so, Sarah eased aside the wisp of material barely that was barely covering Emma’s honey-drenched sex and slid her fingers over it. The taxi driver’s eyes were flitting like young butterflies between the two women as he became ever more lost in their lust. Sarah turned her head back to Emma, She surveyed her surrendering body, She knew that every movement of her fingers was moving Emma closer to the loss of control she so desperately craved. She moved closer still. Their soft, moist mouths were now almost touching. In one easy movement two of Sarah’s fingers slithered easily between Emma’s open, inviting lips.”

I felt Sarah’s fingers penetrate my sex. I let out a long, low moan of pleasure as I felt them disappear inside me. I parted my legs a little more to accommodate their insistent pressing. Almost at the same moment, Sarah’s mouth moved to mine. She parted my lips with hers and pushed her tongue into my mouth with the same urgent insistence as the fingers that were buried within the sweet depths of my sex. Her other hand slid across and cupped my breast. My senses were assailed and awash with a wild wave of reckless pleasure and feeling of moral abandonment. Her tongue was slithering in my mouth and between my legs her fingers were deep within the honey-drenched inferno, causing a raging fire that was beginning to melt every sane thought in my mind. Over and again I felt Sarah’s fingers slipping in and out, every now and then twisting and curling them.

“The taxi was approaching Emma’s apartment, but Sarah’s lust was building uncontrollably as she felt Emma pushing her hips forward. She was seeking more of the exquisite pleasure that was enveloping her senses like a deep, downy blanket of wanton warmth. Sarah could see the eyes of the taxi driver in the rear view mirror, burning like a furnace of frustrated lust. As the taxi slowed to a stop, Sarah withdrew her fingers, now warm and slick, from Emma’s deep, hungry pussy.”

Almost immediately, I felt Sarah hook her fingers into the waistband of my panties. Instinctively I lifted my bottom slightly from the seat. In a smooth, easy movement I felt them being pulled down my legs and slipped off. Sarah leant forward and handed the taxi driver twenty euros for the fare. Then, as he turned, I watched as she slowly lifted her hand. My moist panties were hanging like the silk-spun web of a spider from her slender fingers. She pressed them playfully to his mouth. I watched as he breathed in deep the scent of my sex, filling his nostrils with it. “Your tip,” Sarah whispered to him, as she pushed them into his mouth.

We kissed on the threshold of the door to my apartment as I fumbled for my key. Once through the door, Sarah pressed me almost immediately against the hallway wall, lifting my arms over my head and holding my wrists tightly with her hands. Her mouth moved to my neck. I felt her mouth, warm, wet and insistent, against my skin, and then her tongue running all the way from my neck to behind my ear. I opened my eyes, and saw our reflection in the full-length hallway mirror opposite where Sarah had pinned me. I began to feel deliciously wanton, craving more.

I ran my fingers into her hair as her tongue slid over my neck. She then plunged it into my mouth again.

“I’ve wanted you so badly,” she groaned, “So badly.”

With that she suddenly sank to her knees below me. I watched in the mirror as she used her hands to push up the skirt of my dress. My legs parted. It was instinct. It was encouragement. It was craven desire and lust. She pushed the skirt up to my waist, revealing my waxed-smooth sex glistening with need. Sarah moved her mouth and nose between my legs. “Fuck,” she purred, breathing me in. “Your scent is divine.”

I ran my fingers into her hair as she knelt below me. Suddenly I felt her tongue being drawn slowly up the wet, puffy-pink lips of my pussy. The shock and sheer ecstasy of her tongue between my legs caused me to press my back involuntarily against the wall and part my thighs a little wider. She lapped at me for a few moments before sliding the full length of her tongue between the soft petals of my pussy. My fingers tightened in her hair as I felt her tongue snake deeper. I could feel myself flooding my lust onto her tongue. A mix of her saliva and my juices ran in a honey-stream down my inner thigh. Every so often her tongue would withdraw, find the stream and lick it upwards, before driving her tongue inside me once more.

My eyes for a moment focused on the mirror once more, where I could see our mutual lust playing out visually in front of my eyes. As Sarah’s tongue worked its way inside me, every now and then flicking my sensitive clit with the tip and driving me into a frenzy of lust, I lifted my hands to my shoulders. I slipped my fingers under the noodle straps that delicately held my dress and in one easy movement lowered them over my shoulders, allowing the dress to fall. My firm, swollen breasts fell free. My pink and engorged nipples were pointing firmly and insistently into the air. I began to massage my breasts. Between my legs Sarah’s tongue was slithering inside me and fucking me into a frenzy of abandonment and desire. I felt two of her fingers push up inside me as her tongue teased and tormented my swollen clit. I could smell the heavy scent of my arousal. I could feel myself flooding. I could hear the sound Sarah’s fingers were making in the depths of my wet pussy as she fucked me with them, ever faster.

“I want you in my bed,” I gasped. My mouth by this time was struggling to form words coherently. “I want to take you to my bed and fuck you.”

She lifted herself easily from her knees, sliding her tongue over my breasts as she did so. As she stood in front of me I could see fire in her wild, wanton eyes. She pressed her mouth to me and drove her tongue inside its moist, velvet confines. Instantly I could taste myself. I could taste my love for her, sweet and easy on her tongue.

As we fell into my bedroom, Sarah pulled my dress down, over my waist, leaving me naked before her. In one smooth motion she slid the side-fastening zip of her own dress down and dropped it off her shoulders. She pushed me back onto my bed, so I was lying on my back. She then swung herself around and straddled me, so that her drenched pussy was inches over my mouth. I moaned again as she lowered her head and once more brought her tongue between my legs. Almost simultaneously she lowered her wet pussy lips onto my mouth. She began to move her hips, grinding her wanton, flooded pussy against my mouth and chin. She dribbled her lust over me in waves as my tongue found its way between her yielding pussy lips. I was intoxicated by her scent, which overpowered all of my senses. Between my legs I could feel her tongue and fingers once more fucking me. It was pleasuring me and driving me on, as my lust began building to a beautiful crescendo.

As my tongue licked and lapped, I could feel her legs begin to shake and judder and her moans become louder and more violent. She was grinding her pussy against my mouth. She was becoming urgent and more desperate now. She was seeking my tongue and wanting it deep within the depths of her. I drank her in like warm wine and moaned myself as her tongue and fingers filled me and fucked me. Suddenly, in a heavenly crescendo of uncontrollable lust, I screamed out as my climax thundered over me, sending me into spasms of indescribable pleasure. Sarah’s climax followed almost immediately after. She flooded my tongue with her wet lust, filling my mouth as her orgasm broke in wave after seemingly endless wave over her. Her body was quivering and heavy on mine as I sensed she was almost unable to support her own weight any more. I continued to lick and bathe my face in her love, until we eventually rolled over, spent of every physical and emotional ounce of energy in our exhausted bodies.

Sarah and I spent several more heavenly days together before she had to return to Paris. The book she had worked on for several months had delighted her publishers, who then wanted her to return to New York for publicity and the eventual launch. She had written me a long, loving letter when she first returned to Paris, but all of me sensed that she would, once more, retreat into herself, and that I would probably never hear from her again. And I didn’t.

Until three days ago, that is. Out of the blue I received a telephone call from her from New York. In an emotional phone call that lasted over two hours, she told me how much she had missed me and wanted to see me again. I told her that I wanted that more than anything. It was then that she told me that she had bought a ticket to Rome. It was a one way ticket, she said, and told me that she would be arriving in three days time.

And so here I am now, excitedly on my way to Fiumicino airport to meet her, having called a taxi to take me. When it arrived, the driver knocked on the door of my apartment. I opened it to see two familiar eyes and a wide Roman smile. “Signorina,” he said, holding out his hand “I think these are yours?”

Same as

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Prologue My business card is very discrete. It says quite simply Sebastian - Male Escort Absolute Discretion Assured Telephone xxxxxxx For those unfamiliar with the term ‘Male Escort’, let me explain. It is a euphemism for a man who is a professional copulator, selling what is usually known as anal stimulation to his exclusively male clientele. Crudely put, a Male Escort is a man who fucks other men’s arses for money. And let me say, with no false modesty, that I am a consummate...

Gay Male
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Senior Trip

Jim was the typical high school stud. He was the star running back for the football team, held the record for home runs on the baseball team, carried a 4.0 grade point and dated the sexiest girl in school and head cheerleader. He also had scholarship offers in both academics and sports from over a dozen highly rated universities. He was a stud in every way, including having a nice 8 inch cock which was the envy of every guy that shared a locker room with him. And though he had been with 6...

1 year ago
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TrueLesbian Laney Grey Anna Claire Clouds How Do You Know

Phoebe Wren (Anna Claire Clouds) is a famous actress and model going through an existential crisis after a public scandal. Ever since then, she’s bitterly hidden herself away, putting her already rocky career even more at risk. Then one day, after ignoring multiple phone calls and texts, Phoebe walks downstairs and finds a cheerful stranger in her home. The stranger introduces herself as Piper (Laney Grey), a writer sent by Phoebe’s management team. She’s been tasked with...

3 years ago
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Our First Dogging Session

Let me describe my wife. Tall. 5'10". Buxom is the old fashioned term. Nice pair of 38D's and long full thigh legs. She's got an arse that goes with the thighs and a bit of a belly too. She is not the prettiest of ladies but she looks great to me still at forty-two. The best is her gorgeous ginger hair that she still wears long, halfway down her back. She scoops it into a loose bun when she needs it out of the way to work.After just over twenty years married and two kids going off to uni we...

Group Sex
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Taboo Tabi

Taboo TabiA short story by Dave--------------------------------------Dave’s sexual content disclaimers:The following material is an original erotic fictional story, intended exclusively for an adult audience. If you are not of legal age to view such material, please exit now, thanks.Graphic language and detailed descriptions for all aspects of various sexual situations and encounters are central to this story, from beginning to end. The content within may be considered taboo and therefore...

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Emma Chapter 3

Emma has just watched her mother tortured and broken by her father. Emma sits with pussy cum drooling from her smooth cunt watching Ed approach with his hard cock swaying in front of him. Her father also with his cock out stands watching what Ed will do to his daughter, with a lustful grin on his face. Pleasure and Pain Ed stops in front of Emma, his cock inches from her nose. Precum drips at a fast pace from his excited cock head. He looks down into her doe eyes, and asks. Did you enjoy...

2 years ago
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Home AgainThe senior year at the university was over at last. Tom had already broken up with Carrie. She was his mother's age and married. It wouldn't have lasted no matter how good the sex was. There had been two others before her, both similar ages, both married. He was handsome and could have had his pick of beautiful coeds. They never seemed to offer the same excitement. ------oOOo----- Tom had been home nearly a week. The house was on several acres on the outskirts of town - rural...

4 years ago
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When I was a teenager, my family would take long road trips, and to save money we stayed at campgrounds around the country. Every day we'd break camp, load up the van, and head for a new place. We saw a lot of the country that way, and had some great experiences. Some more memorable than others..If we were lucky, a campground would have a hot shower available, usually on a coin operated timer. Many were also unisex, and they might have nothing more than a couple curtains for privacy in a given...

3 years ago
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High School part 2

“Stop arguing, I’m not sure if I would even have stayed in the nurse’s office with you even…” she says. I take the piece of gum, and put it in my mouth, she does the same, “So what if he is… It’s not like I’d know…” Almost as if to answer my question, Pat appears and sits next to me, as well as another kid. I’m assuming he’s from the football team as well, he has really nice eyes, and the UnderArmor shirt he was wearing did his pecs justice. Sitting down next to Kelly, he was the first to...

1 year ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 465 Lesson Plans

Oh damn, I have homework too. Do I have to do lesson plans? The dean emailed me to say I had to scale back to only three foreign languages in the freshman AP class because their parents were all up in arms about it. I had even more complaints about Sanskrit for many crazy reasons. Three languages are probably enough, anyway. After working up the next two weeks of teaching the two language classes, I shot the Freshman class’s parents an email. I explained that the students were required to...

2 years ago
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Raman Nair opened his daughter in law's bedroom door and stopped still. The CD player was in full blast and his daughter in law, Menaka was dancing to the tune. He had actually come there to tell her to reduce the volume, but seeing her in her mini skirt and loose T shirt dancing with her breasts bouncing stopped him. He leaned against the door and watched as she wriggled her hips and stepped about her mini skirt half lifting showing her fleshy thighs and the red laced panties. Because of the...

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The Challenges

The Challenges by AtomicWriter Everything in this story is fictional, do not read if you are under the legal age for reading adult fiction in your place of residence. "I don't know, that seems kind of unfair," Kyle said skeptically. "You don't think you can win, do you?" his sister, Jessica asked back. She smiled that annoying smug smile, the same one she always had when she teased him. "I didn't say that, it just seems like the bet makes it very easy for you to get what...

4 years ago
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Legacy of a LegendChapter 18

“I’m really getting tired of this mountain. Now I understand why Klimmek wanted us to bring supplies up here.” “Look at the bright side, my Thane. It’s doing wonders for our legs and thighs.” “True. Yours were very nice when wrapped around my face last night.” Either Lydia was blushing, or the cold from climbing the mountain was bringing color to her cheeks. “I could say the ... Watch out!” A bear rose from where it was resting beside the path. I quickly ran to my right. “FUS RO DAH!” One...

3 years ago
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Everything Will Change Ch 03

-When I realized she was a virgin, I froze. I couldn’t understand how this beautiful, delicate flower had gone untouched. She was too magnificent for me. The perfection of the creature is unparalleled. I can’t believe I am going to get to keep this innocent for my own. I know he must have felt my hymen. How he must hate me. How he must view me: as a pathetic and sad creature. I know a 22 year old, virgin girl seems unbelievable and ridiculous. Not completely innocent, and not entirely without...

1 year ago
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Hangouts To Farmhouse

Kaise ho meri pyasi rasbhari kamsin ras tapakati chutwaliyo aur mere lundwale dosto kaise ho aap mai aapka yogu age 25. Aaj ki story meri aur mere kamsin story readar bhabhi ki hai jiska fig mast bhara hua tha unki fig siz 36c 32 38g thi ek din mai aise hi mera gmail khol kar cheak kr raha tha tbek anjaan aurat ka msg mila maine unhe reply diya aur muze turant unka reply mila aur hamare beech chat hone laga kuch din bad unhone muze google hangout par video chat ke liye bola aur maine bhi haa...

2 years ago
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Reunited Friends

Reunited Friends A Story by EskimomanMy heart was pumping as I walked down the short driveway to number 23. That was the address given to me by Jo whom I had not seen in 20 odd years. It was a nice house from the outside, detatched, discrete, with a well maintained garden. I wondered who tended the gardens - did Jo have a boyfriend, or a gardener, or both, or were they the same. My mind was in turmoil. It was out of the blue when the email arrived in my inbox. Quite unexpected.  I had not seen...

2 years ago
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A visit from the girls

One of my early sexual encounters that I remember best was when I was eighteen or nineteen at a church youth weekend away. Two or three times a year a bunch of the teenagers at the church my parents took me to went away for a weekend of games, country walks and uplifting talks. After all these years I’ve forgotten some of the detail so in places I’ve added details which being a sex mad teen boy I’m sure would have happened.There would be about four of us boys in a dormitory. I still remember...

2 years ago
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Couples Encounter

The last message I received from her told me where to meet and what time. It was a local hotel not too far from where I was. I pull into the parking lot and check messages one last time, the message reads "My husband will meet you in the lobby and will bring you up to the room." which added a little bit of anxiety to the situation. Regardless I was going to go through with it all, I made it this far right? I walk into the lobby and I didn't know who to look for, perhaps he knew to look for me....

3 years ago
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Stacey The Beginning

I welcome all comments, both positive and negative, on my stories or please feel free to email me on [email protected]. Stacey - The Beginning My wife no doubt thought that I fancied Stacey but she clearly never knew the lengths that I might go to, to make my dreams come true. My name is Paul and I am 46 and live in Scotland, my wife Daisy is a gorgeous and very sexy 41 year old and we have a happy marriage and good sex life. But then the girl next door is something...

1 year ago
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TeenJOI Vienna Black Confessions Of A Sex Starved Teen

Thanks so much forme here today. I have been struggling with my sex life. Specifically, I just want to be satisfied. It is so bad that after we have sex, I always have to masturbate in the shower afterwards. Wow, I feel so silly saying that. It does not help either that you are really handsome. It is fun being sexual with someone. You are really good at your job, and you are such a good listener. I know you want to watch me masturbate, and I am totally game for that. Do you like my caramel skin...

4 years ago
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The Girl With No NameChapter 29 The Scribe

After delivering the sedative that would allow Oana to separate her soul from her body, Danka returned to the safe-house, changed into a workers’ outfit, and left Novo Sokukt Tok. She returned to the farmhouse, packed her bucket, and went to sleep. She’d have to wait for Ernockt to return from work before departing. He had promised to help her leave the area, but he had to stay at his desk in the city councilmen’s building until sunset. When Ernockt returned, he handed the stolen trial...

1 year ago
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NuruMassage Abby Cross Smoked Out For Cheating

After cheating on his ex-girlfriend, Damon Dice returned home to find she had burned it to the ground. Now, he’s living in a Hotel Room, but with all that stress, he needs some relief from masseuse Abby Cross. Damon explains he was caught cheating, and Abby guarantees a delicious massage. Abby shows Damon to the shower where she begins stroking his hard cock and rubs her perky boobs over his chiseled chest. She teases his cock with her tongue to keep it erect for his warm bath. When they...

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Chaos Statue Requiem Part 2

Readers should absolutely read Part One prior to reading this. I kind of hit a rut when writing, but I do not like leaving things unfinished, so while this could have been strung out, I chose to complete it. I will likely write more, well-developed stories in the future, but I a choosing to end this one. This picks up immediately where Part One left off. Stephanie in her chiseled, masculine body feels her new cock absolutely throbbing. The prospect of fucking her best friend's...

2 years ago
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After a young man discovers his girlfriend8217s infidelity and subsequent impregnation by another man

My name is Kevin Randle. Moving back home after several years was tough. I had set up a decent office job after I’d gotten out of college and had what I thought was a pretty happy life. I had money in the bank, a nice car, a decent condo and a girlfriend I thought I was madly in love with. It’s funny how things change. I just recently broke up with my girlfriend, Sarah. She’d be cheating on me with her personal trainer and had been doing so for almost six months. We’d...

1 year ago
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Phone MailChapter 5

As soon as Lisa hung up, she turned her head towards Steve, who was lifting a bottle to offer her a drink. He was only planning on a sip, but he tipped the bottle too much and too quick. Lisa’s found her mouth overflowing with booze. Steve jumped back to keep from getting sprayed, “Oh shit! Sorry...” Lisa spit and swallowed and coughed and gagged, “What the...” “Tequila!” Tim laughed as Lisa felt the front of her shirt absorb the booze that didn’t make it down her throat. Before she could...

4 years ago
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25 June 2009Chapter 8

All the girls began enjoying their fun. The sounds of mouths clicking and slurping of cocks filled the room. Several guys moaned their appreciation of the job being done on his cock. “Men, please try to keep your moans of pleasure to a minimum or we’d be kicked out if discovered having a cock sucking game,” Karen cautioned. She paused sucking on Derek and looked around the room. She smiled at the female heads bobbing back and forth sucking on their cock. Wendy continued to be so horny, she...

3 years ago
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How I Fucked This Hottie In California

Hi to all this is Telugu guy. I am here to narrate my true story which happened a few days back. Yes it happened in USA I am doing my ms here. This is the place where really hot chicks used to live. Let me come to the story. This my story which happened in USA. This is my story of the decade. Don’t just read this feel it.I want to taste a aunty who wants to have a secret relation or just for some pleasure can contact me. Any aunties or girls are welcomed to chat and have fun with me you can...

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Sex Studio Secrets 25 Lauren1

Lovely Lauren looks lovely: a slender sensual sexy sweet beautiful blond baby curious to cross bordersLovely Lauren longs for her first ever spanking of her bare bum by an erotic expert in the tasty treatLovely Lauren looks lovely: I invite her for a free visit to my sex studio and an intimate inspectionLovely Lauren longs to learn pleasures I promise her in my invitation to try my sweet sexy seduction!Lovely Lauren learns first how to properly present herself to me for intimate inspection as a...

3 years ago
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The Sverf

Chapter 1 - The SwapNot that he was complaining, or was he? But this was completely out of character for Sarah. Not that he could do much about it. His hands were thread through the iron railings of the bed and tied with a scarf, his wife’s pussy was an inch from his face, whilst he strained to lick it. She teased him on and off, a few minutes of licking, a few minutes of her rubbing her clit, fucking her pussy with her hand. Occasionally, she would stroke his rock hard member. All the time his...

1 year ago
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Saw Neighbour Girl Fingering Pussy Watching My WorkOut

Hi, horny readers and ISS fans, this is Arjun and I am sharing my experience here for the first time. I have been a huge fan of the ISS site for more than 7 years and visit the website daily. I have read every story posted on a daily basis. After a huge thought, I decided to pen down my stories and experiences here and also connect with like-minded people. About myself: My name is Arjun and I am from Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. I am currently 25 years old. I am 6 feet tall and 65...

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WebYoung Scarlett Sage Kenzie Reeves Don8217t Share With Anyone

Kenzie Reeves is on the phone with a friend but Scarlett Sage is bored and wants her attention. As Kenzie tries to get up-to-date with the latest gossip, Scarlett won’t leave her alone. When Kenzie tells her to fuck off, Scarlett just laughs it off. She tries to resume her conversation but Scarlett isn’t done with her yet. As she tries desperately to ignore her, Scarlett starts snapping pictures of her with her phone. Kenzie tries to get rid of her by flashing her boobs defiantly...

4 years ago
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Home alone babysitter

RING!!!!! RING!!!!! Can you get that please Hun, Kelly's mum shouted down from the shower, tonight is her and my fathers school reunion and where both upstairs getting ready. Kelly answered the phone, "hello" she said, "kelly it's stacie fancy going to a party tonight it Jimmy's 18th", stacie asked, "sorry I cant I have to be babysit for my 2 year old brother, another time though", kellys mum was shouting down, "who is it", " just stacie", Kelly replied, with that kelly said her goodbyes and...

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What Lies AheadChapter 3

I spent the rest of the week getting into the groove of being in school again, and trying to balance that with my increased work schedule. If last year seemed busy, this year was starting off insane! I was going into the office every day after school, getting home and working through homework, then passing out; just so I could wake up a few hours later, to start it all over again. I knew I couldn’t keep this up for long, and would have to find a way to make it balance. Actually, it...

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Just Call Me B

I am a waiter at a local restaurant. It is quite upmarket and the food is excellent. Most of the people who come are there to enjoy the experience, talk with their dinner companions and take their time over dinner. It makes for a great place to work as over the course of an evening you have sufficient time to get to know your customers should they be friendly enough to engage you. It is also the kind of place a friendly middle-aged man like myself can enjoy working. The cafe or diner is a...

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Doing MandyChapter 13 Getting Some Help

Tom finished fucking Mandy and no sooner had he put his cock back into his boxers that morning than he began to hatch the next sex rendezvous that he would share with his busty blonde sex partner. He went and got a bite of breakfast, giving Mandy a little time to catch her breath after their lusty fuck that morning. About two hours later, Tom went to a phone booth and dialed Mandy's number at her office. The phone rang a couple of times and then he heard Mandy's sexy soft voice...

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My Wicked WaysChapter 17

After a little breather, sure enough, I was back at it, stopping the movie to grab Cherry and turn her over the bed so I could enter her once again. She didn't even hesitate to accept me in her cunt, rather opting to desperately fuck me back with vigorous movements of her hips and ass. I felt every single stroke as she frantically welcomed me balls deep inside her. That Latin cougar had long since proven that she could fuck when she had a mind to do it, and ever since she and I hooked up,...

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Curious WM 30

cock sucking – cock licking – crotch licking – ball licking – curious male – curious older male – sweet cumCURIOUS WM, 30 looking for first time oral experience from another man. All calls answered. 4257You've seen the ads. Maybe you even thought about answering one. Maybe you did. I saw this ad and was drawn to it. It was so simple. A curious guy wants to find someone to satisfy his need to know what it would be like to have a man give him head. He may have had oral sex from a woman but he...

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Avatar Establishment Book 2Chapter 15

There were quite a number of people at this ritual. Lughnasad was the time when the bread made of the season's first grain was shared. Sally had, of course, made a lot of bread. Ken doubted that it was actually made with the season's first grain, but it was the thought that counted. In addition to the current Circle members, Gary and Bill, Ellen, Kim and Sandy had also shown up. Joan happily joined in with her two lovers. And when Ken drew down the Goddess, everyone's breath caught as She...

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My husbands overseas part 4

I got up Monday morning and as usual I got my daughter ready for crèche, dropped her off and headed to gym. While walking into gym, I received a msg from Nick asking me what time I would be home.I replied saying, in 90 mins and asking why? He replied he's been horny and has been think of me the whole weekend and would like to see me. I replied asking him, what exactly is on his mind? He replied saying he would like to have my soft naked body against his. I told him I'll msg him when i'm on my...

3 years ago
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Big Blue EyesChapter 23

“No, it’s just an expression. Ask me? Come on ... ask me right now?” “Maurice Lebertain – musician extraordinaire, would you and your synthesizers like to be the entire orchestra for Santa Fe University’s production of DISNEY’S BEAUTY AND THE BEAST?” I heard over the phone a scream like I never heard before, at least from a guy. “Hell yes, Randall. I’ve been telling people for years, it could be done, but I never thought I’d get a chance to do it. Have you had this approved of?” “Don’t...

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A Minds Eye

A Mind?s Eye By Deputy Duffy  You are led into a brightly-lit room, squinting until your eyes adjust. The door slams shut behind you with a metallic crash. A sudden feeling of aloneness envelops you. Your eyes scan the strange environment until they focus on a polished steel table in the room's center, bright reflections of light bouncing off in all directions. You're instantly uneasy as to its purpose. There's a yellow line, about two feet long, just in front of the table. Your eyes...

2 years ago
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Goes Without SayingChapter 14

On Friday he phoned Alex. “D’you fancy coming round for some beer at home? Celia is out on the town, so I’m housebound.” There was a moment’s pause before he replied. “Sorry old son, I’m out on a date. How about Saturday at the pub?” “That would be good, but if you came to mine instead, Celia would be there and the three of us could have an evening in together. I’ve plenty of beer in. You never see Celia and me at the same time. It would relieve her of another boring evening in.” Another...

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