Bacall 1 free porn video

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I had fancied her for a lifetime.

When I was a girl my dad always rattled on about Lauren Bacall, the actress who was married to Humphrey Bogart. I am nearly an expert on her since he spent so much time telling me about her. It was not until I was a developing 16 year old that I began to see what he saw and then I would often, I mean very often, jill my way to sleep imagining her. I am not saying my dad, or Ms Bacall come to that, made me a lesbian but, well, they sort of set me on the road.

I was brought up in a very ordinary middle class home. Lesbianism was something one knew about but it was NOT something that occurred in our sort of household. The fact that I knew I was that way inclined was unsettling of course and so I pretended not to be. My pretence did not go as far as ‘going’ with boys as my mother would have put it. Oh, naturally, I pretended that I had otherwise all the other girls at my all girl school would have made my life a misery. I invented holiday romances with Italian boys and French boys or boys from wherever we’d been on holiday.

The problem was the more I pretended, the more I knew I wanted to touch, feel and kiss a woman. My schoolgirl crushes were focused on a narrow range of people, limited by a strict upbringing and life in a boarding school. My thoughts centred for a while, when I was probably 16 or 17, on the head girl. Her name was Sonia and she was Lebanese. She had dramatic black eyes and black hair that was long, almost to her arse. She played hockey amazingly well and I would watch her as she wove her way through the opposition, her hair tied back but still flying. Her long, firm athlete’s legs captivated me as did her firm breasts, trussed in her sports bra.

Occasionally I’d find an excuse to go into the changing room so I could watch her undress, which she did with a total lack of self-consciousness. I learned to cum quietly in the dormitory and less quietly when I had my own room when I reached the sixth form, by which time, of course, Sonia had left the school.

There was only one person who knew, my oldest school friend, Ros. We did the gap year thing and travelled all over the world. It was a magical nine months and, in Thailand one evening, we arrived hot, tired and sweaty. We could only get a room with a double bed but neither of us cared. We showered and dropped into deep slumber in the beach hut that cost next to nothing. That was the first time I kissed a girl properly. Or, to be more accurate, that I was kissed by another girl.

It happened as dawn broke. Something must have woken us and we lay on the cool sheets and looked into each other’s eyes and something passed, unspoken, between us. Ros kissed me. It started as a light touch on the lips and grew, slowly and to my mind deliciously into a deep exchange of tongues. Her hand went to my naked breast and she held it, caressed it and stroked my nipple. Then what had started as a kiss became a much more significant thing as the first finger other than my own entered me. It was also the first time my finger had entered anyone but me. Watching each other intently we fingered and stroked deep inside each other then resumed our kiss. There was no inept fumbling. It was if each knew what the other needed. My orgasm came a little while after hers. By this time we were hungry for more and soon we were head to pussy, both eating the other in a soft, tantalizing way, hands going where they wanted as they wanted. Two more orgasms, hers and mine before we lay sweating and sated.

‘Jesus, Hils,’ said Ros eventually, ‘I’ve always known, you know.’


‘Oh, because.’

The remainder of the trip we shared a bed every night and sometimes all day and we enjoyed and explored each other. Ros went off to a University in Scotland and I to Oxford after we’d declared undying love which, quite naturally and without acrimony, died on campus. Ros subsequently married the rugby captain and I was her bridesmaid and on the eve of her marriage she asked me if I minded and I said of course not, which was true.

Everything changed completely for me when I went to University. The liberty was, for someone like me, incredible and I went a bit crazy. In my second week I found the lesbian club and joined. It was, however, so fucking dull that I gave up on it. One evening while I was supposed to be working there was a knock on my door in the hall of residence. There stood the chair of the society, Glenys, asking why I had not attended. So I told her and to my surprise she laughed.

‘You’re not wrong,’ she said, smiling. ‘They are a bit up themselves.’

Glenys was a small woman of about 35. She had short, mousey hair and pale blue eyes. Nobody could have been less like my idea of a lover.

‘The problem,’ I said, ‘was that it seems to be more about feminism than about sexuality.’ I invited her in for a coffee.

She was great company and we laughed a lot. She listened as I told her about my repressed upbringing, my ghastly, stiff mother. In a different story we’d probably have ended up in bed together but in fact we merely became firm friends.

The great benefits that accrued to me through Glenys were a wider group of friends and a consequent loss of anxiety about being and admitting to being a lesbian. By no means all her friends were lesbians but a good few were and the others didn’t give a toss about it. Glenys and I remained friends through my time at Uni and after.

I got laid a few times at college but never fell in love. The first was a woman of about 40 who, apparently, liked freshers. She seduced me like a huntress going after a deer. She was stealthy, cautious and wily. I ended up in her bed one Friday night and she taught me more in that one night than I had ever known or imagined about sex. Over the next few weeks she taught me to enjoy my body and hers.

The night her finger found my rear entrance was the night I felt I had grown of age. The taboo of anal sex was laid to rest as her fingers filled me and her tongue explored my pussy and brought me to a screaming climax that beat any other I had ever known.

She showed me that that and other things people like me thought were taboo were, in fact, joyous. There was almost nothing that she would not do to arouse me and she taught me, gently but firmly to do the same for her.

She ditched me after three weeks and I didn’t care. I’d hatched. Ros had been a revelation, this was discovery.

It was two years after I left University that I was with Glenys at a party. It was a fairly civilized affair, a celebration of a mutual friend’s birthday. We’d all assembled at one of the City’s best hotels and there was a sit-down meal followed by a bit of dancing and general jollity.

There she was. Lauren Bacall. Obviously not THE Lauren Bacall but she so resembled her that I was smitten. She had those eyes, that hair and those legs, clearly on show under a knee length dress that had risen up her thigh as she had sat on the arm of a chair. She wore black stockings and black heels and the dark blue dress was tight across sensible sized tits. She looked incredibly like the actress.

I had fancied her for a lifetime.

I walked across to where Glenys was making doe eyes at a tall, well-dressed woman with hair drawn tightly back in a bun and thick glasses. She introduced me to her companion, Sylvia, a librarian who actually looked like one. I joined their conversation, dying for a moment alone with Glenys. After an eternity Sylvia went to get drinks for us and I squeezed Glenys’s arm.

‘Who,’ I hissed, ‘is the woman in the blue dress?’

Glenys looked behind me and smiled.

‘That,’ she said, ‘is Constance Beecham. Nice, huh?’

‘You know her?’

‘Of course. She used to live with Stella Grange,’ here she indicated a svelte, rich-looking blonde who was in the group Constance was sitting with. ‘They ditched each other amicably about four months ago. I’ve known Stella forever.’ She looked at me with new comprehension. ‘Oh, babe, you’re way out of your class. Constance is a big hitter in the local hospital, something to do with management I think. Rumour is that she and Stella did a lot of nurse training if you get my drift.’

‘Introduce me.’

At that moment, Constance turned her head and seemed to be surveying the room. I looked away and suspected that I had blushed. Sylvia returned with drinks and I swallowed almost all of mine in the first gulp. My mouth had dried and I felt hot. I made excuses to Glenys and Sylvia and went, via the bar, out onto the terrace to take some air.

I heard heels clicking on the flagstones and turned.

‘I’m Stella Grange,’ said the tall blonde. ‘Who are you?’

I extended my hand and she took it. ‘I’m Hilary Tenant, nice to meet you.’

‘You too. You’ll forgive me saying but I couldn’t help noticing how you reacted when you saw my ex in there.’ She did a sort of backward nod to indicate the room inside. ‘You noticed the resemblance didn’t you?’

‘I did, yes.’

‘Lots of people do but they are usually a lot older than you.’

Up close Stella’s age was much more apparent and, I guessed, about 55.

She studied me. ’45?’

’43.’ I smiled at her accuracy and explained my dad’s obsession with Bacall.

‘Ah, well, that explains it then. Legacy lust.’ She grinned. ‘I couldn’t believe it when I first saw her. I assumed she made an effort to look like her but she doesn’t, it’s entirely natural. You have a partner?’

‘We split.’

Stella moved closer and in a strangely intimate gesture, brushed my hair behind my ear.

‘Constance and I parted too. We decided we wanted different things in life. Was it like that for you?’

‘No.’ I could not bring myself to say more. She was close, very close and I felt like my space had been invaded.

‘Tell me.’

Then, for some reason, it all came tumbling out of me. How Linda had been with me for six years. She spent a lot of time at her company’s head office in New York and I discovered she had a woman there too. They shared an apartment, a car and a bed.

‘How did you find out?’

The awful day came back to me in vivid reality. I’d decided to pay a surprise visit to New York to celebrate our anniversary, six years to the day since I had moved into her flat and arranged to let my own. I arrived at her apartment carrying a large bunch of yellow roses, her favourite. I’d dressed to arouse under a simple black dress. I rang the doorbell at 8pm. The woman who opened the door looked at me quizzically but coldly, then, without a word to me, said over her shoulder, ‘Lin, babe, I suspect this is for you.’

Behind her I saw Linda, my beautiful Linda, poke her head out from a doorway and the look on her face told me everything. I dropped the flowers and turned away, my vision blurred with tears and the next I knew I was back at the hotel where I had slept briefly after my flight, where I had put on her favourite underwear and stockings and perfume, where I had felt the excitement growing in me. My mobile rang a couple of times I think but I didn’t answer it.

Back in England I had stayed for a few days with Glenys and made arrangements for my tenant to leave my flat, removed all my stuff from Linda’s flat and found myself somewhere temporary until I could move back alone and dispirited into my own.

I apologised for unburdening myself as I had. I was surprised at myself but she was kind, gentle and didn’t seem to mind at all.

‘How long ago was that?’

‘Six months.’

‘Let’s get a drink?’

Stella led me back into the room, her hand on my elbow. She poured me a glass of Champagne and we drifted to the group she had been in before she’d joined me on the terrace. Constance was now sitting properly in the armchair, her long legs crossed and she looked with a questioning eye at Stella.

‘Meet Hilary.’

She smiled at me and went on talking to her neighbor and I sat quietly, exchanging words with Stella and others. Occasionally Constance would look at me but not once did she speak to me directly until I had said something about the film, Titanic and how I thought it was such a dreadful waste of wonderful technology to create the amazing ship by computer and then set such a naff story in it.

‘You’re right.’

Those were the only words she said but she held me with a gaze that made my heart race. I returned to Glenys and her librarian. It was clear, however, that their minds were on other matters and when the librarian went to the toilet Glenys squeezed my arm conspiratorially.

‘Will you be okay going home alone, Hils? Glenys is about to get laid. Isn’t she something else?’

She most certainly was. She had thick-lensed glasses, mousey hair cut tight to her scalp and wore a man’s watch. She was manly and right up Glen’s street but not mine at all. Each to her own, I thought. I said, of course, that she was lovely and I was quite happy to make my own way home. The City of Bath is genteel and a woman alone seldom feels unsafe. I cadged a cigarette from the birthday celebrant, Sandra, and went out onto the terrace to smoke it. The night was balmy and I felt no chill until I heard heels clacking on the flags for a second time that evening. I turned and saw Constance Beecham approaching.

She too was smoking and she said, ‘Don’t you know smoking is bad for you?’

God, I thought, she even has the voice.

‘I don’t think one a week will kill me.’

She stood close by and inhaled deeply and I watched the smoke curling from her nose and mouth in the light from the terrace walls. Her blonde hair shone as did her lovely eyes. We stood silently, enjoying the late evening air.

‘You are Glenys’s friend, Hilary?’

‘And you are Constance.’

‘Well, at least we have reminded each other of our names.’ She smiled at me. ‘Stella says you recognised the resemblance. I don’t exaggerate it, nor do I hide it. Truth is, I like it.’

‘I can’t say I blame you.’

‘What did Glenys say about me?’

‘She told me your name.’

‘Because you asked?’

I smiled. ‘Do you blame me for asking?’

“What else did she say?’

‘She said you were out of my class.’

This seemed to amuse her. She slipped her arm through mine casually and held my wrist gently.

‘And what do you think?’

‘I think she may well be right.’

I was amazed when she pulled a pen out of her bag, took my hand and wrote a number on the back of it. ‘Call me on Wednesday and we’ll see.’

With that she stubbed out her cigarette, kissed me lightly on the cheek and clicked her way back into the hotel. I stayed out there, thinking but not thinking if you can understand me. I found my hand pressing on my mound, not rubbing, just pressing as if I were reassuring it. When I went back inside she had gone. Stella smiled at me as I passed and I went to the cloakroom, grabbed my coat and went home.

At home and in bed I was in a seedy hotel room in ‘To Have and Have Not’ with her. I pulled my nightdress up and my fingers were her fingers as they explored me, entered me, stroked me and, ultimately, brought me to a noisy climax.


I called the number as soon as I got home from work. It went straight to her voicemail and I left a message including my number. I popped a bottle of Prosecco and poured a glass, switched on the tv and watched something anodyne without watching it. I was waiting for the call that never came. At least, it never came that evening, unlike me. I came as I had every night since the party, her eyes locked on mine.


It was about 11 and I was standing, dripping in the bathroom, my hair wrapped in a towel as I dried myself off. The bloody phone rang and I wonderd who the hell that would be at that time of night. I made no effort to get to it quickly but managed to before she rang off.

‘I’m sorry. I was just drying myself after a shower.’

‘I’m sorry too. It’s a hideous time to call.’ That voice! ‘I couldn’t take your call yesterday, I was busy and then it got too late to call you.’

‘Well, Constance, thanks for getting back to me.’

‘Fancy a drink tomorrow night, Hilary?’ It is sometimes so hard to keep enthusiasm from my voice but I hoped I managed to make it less than blindingly obvious.


I watched heads turn, male and female, as Constance walked imperiously into the bar. The bar at the hotel where the party had been held was sophisticated and expensive, and I had nursed a glass of Merlot for the thirty minutes I had to wait for her. She was wearing a gunmetal grey dress which emphasised the shape of her body. A flunky took the black coat which she proffered with barely a glance at the fawning waiter. I’d selected a black number from my extensive collection of black numbers. It had little straps and a tight waist and fell loosely to mid calf level. It was my ‘intellectual frock’ as Glenys called it.

She came to my table and sat, ordered a bottle of the wine I was drinking and smiled.

‘I won’t keep saying I am sorry to keep you waiting. Please, take it as said. I had a meeting with a group of lawyers, I wonder what the collective noun is for that?’

‘A grasp, perhaps?’

She smiled at the small, feeble joke and placed her hand on mine. ‘Very probably. Now, tell me all about yourself, Hilary.’

‘My friends call me Hils.’

‘I prefer Hilary.’ So, that was that!

And I told her. I told her about my job in the advertising agency, writing copy for products most people never needed. I told her about my flat, my break up with Linda and, well, everything. She listened as we talked. It wasn’t a monologue about me. She interspersed my account with snippets about herself and her separation from Stella. It was easy, comfortable and she revealed a sense of humour that reminded me so much of Bacall.

Her hand tightened on mine. ‘I’m not her, you know.’

Now of course, I knew that but I could understand that a lot of people might have wanted her to be. I didn’t and said so which made her smile. She leaned close to me and I noticed, without lingering, that her left breast was almost exposed.

‘That’s good, then. You know a lot of people thought Stella and I enjoyed certain perks, working in the hospital?’ I nodded. ‘Well, there is a little truth in it. The reason we split is that Stella fell head over heels for a Sister and I wasn’t prepared to come between her and real love. Ours was pure sex and damned good it was too.’

I nodded again and wondered if she would take this as mute stupidity or genuine listening.

‘Are you good in bed?’

Now, there’s a question to put a girl on the spot. I thought about it. ‘Not good enough to keep Linda, not bad enough for anyone to complain.’

‘Let’s find out?’

‘Are you good in bed?’ I thought I’d turn the table.

‘Very.’ That was all she said and her eyes sparkled mischievously.

We walked through the late night bustle, past the theatre which was spewing customers onto the pavement. We turned into a mews and she led me to a black, glossy door with a lion’s head in brass as a knocker. We went into the small but welcoming entrance hall and she closed the door behind us. I stood, not knowing where to go and she came to me, taller than me by at least five inches. Her coat was open and she leant to kiss my mouth. I tasted wine and her hand slid between the folds of my own coat and went to my waist. The kiss endured then was broken as she led me into a warm, cosy sitting room. She removed her coat and threw it over the back of a chair and I copied her.

‘I love the dress. You have lovely little tits.’ She came close and her hand went to my breast and her nail traced its line under the material of my dress. It ran from the tip of my nipple, up the strap of my left shoulder and to my cheek. I put my hand on her hip and she leant again, her mouth hovering close to mine, her fingertip touching my skin below my ear.

Her free hand covered my breast and she rubbed her palm over my stiffened nipple. As her tongue entered me so her hand drifted tantalizingly down over my belly to press gently against my mound and she pushed her finger against me. The fingertip that had touched my cheek moved behind my head and under my hair and she held me against her so I could feel her nipple through the soft fabric of her dress.

‘The bedroom is upstairs.’

To be continued.

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В жизни проститутки хватает разного неприятного, но весёлые случаи тоже случаются. Вспоминаю несколько происшествий и совпадений, которые годятся чуть ли не для анекдота. Первый из случаев вообще повторяет анекдот.Я тогда еще училась в универе, но уже съехала из общаги, снимала квартирку с подругой и больше времени уделяла ебле, чем учёбе. Меня на целую ночь заказали двое мужчин. Одного, его звали Колей, я знала хорошо, обслуживала его несколько раз, а его приятеля нет. Коля недавно развёлся и...

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Mount Erin 5

After they walked down to the truck, Tiger jumped from Erin´s shoulder to the navigator seat, which was warmed by the sun. Erin smiled. "It looks like we will need to share the drivers seat, Pete. You wouldn´t want me to sit in the middle on the gear-stick or the handbrake, would you?" Pete laughed and took his seat.Pete was stupified. Erin mounted him, instead of taking Tiger on her lap. "Let me ride your gear-switch first. We´ll see, who´ll get to drive us down!"Quickly Erin got Pete´s...

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Forbidden FantasiesChapter 7

As they lay on the bed Karen told Bill Taylor has been sexually active for over a year. When she turned fifteen she asked her mother for birth control. According to Karen, Taylor’s first love was a seventeen-year-old boy and he was demanding more than oral sex. It was a bit of an eye-opener for Bill to find out his daughter had been sucking cock since she was fourteen and started fucking her boyfriend after she turned fifteen. Karen had decided that it was better to agree to get her birth...

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Some Kind of HeroChapter 30

I was used to well off. As Harley I had been used to far more than well off. But a billionaire? Three times over? Oh My God. Throw in a few expletives while you're at it! God Damn! "I'm richer than Donald Trump." I said through my slack-jawed daze. "you're richer than quite a few billionaires," Michael laughed. "The Forbes 400 is a list of the 400 richest Americans and you are richer than almost three hundred of them." "How does this work then?" I asked through my slowly...

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Dating Site

This is a true story that happen just before my birthday this year in November. I had been sitting in front of my PC at the house when I noticed this notification pop up. I did not pay it much mind as we always get some type of notification popping up seeing how the entire house hold uses this PC. Well it ended up popping up about 6 or 7 times and was beginning to bother me some. So the next time it popped up I clicked on it and it went to this dating site. I was about to delete it when I...

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The StartChapter 4

When I awoke I was still lying face down beside Julie and she was now turned on her side facing me. She was still asleep and had curled up, her knees pulled up and her arms wrapped round them, her suit was still down to her waist with her little breasts squeezed together by her arms and peeping saucily from between them. The way her knees were had pulled her swim-suit up, baring part of her bum cheeks, and stretched it tightly over her pussy, moulding it clearly. All in all she was a very...

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Wifes interview

Wife interviewThe following is true. I get off on hearing of my wife's past and she indulges me often. One particular affair has always intrigued me. It involves her as a very young girl and her boss whom she had an affair with while she dated another guy and the boss was married. Finally I was able to get the details awhile back. It took a long night of drinks and flirting but the following was relayed to me while I was between her gorgeous thighs, on the couch, licking and sucking her clit....

3 years ago
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A Quiet Little Town

(If you enjoy this story please consider leaving a comment saying what it was you liked, or would like to see more of. Feedback really encourages writers to add more threads!) You are Bob, a freelance journalist, scraping a living writing terrible pieces for the worst magazines, tabloids and websites. When you started out you had dreams to making your name by finding the fabled Big Scoop, but as the years dragged by, you find yourself struggling just to pay the rent. Recently, however, you've...

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Wife Gets Even By Pegging Me

Last week I had the day off. M my next door neighbor Carol called me to fix her garbage disposal. The fix was easy so we had some coffee and began talking. The subject turned to sex when Carol said “hey Ken, Jean says you have a seven and a half inch monster? I laughed. Carol replied well I’m lucky when my old man can get it up just to his puny four inches. I was not surprised when Carol reached under the table and began rubbing my flaccid cock which did not stay that way as she gently rubbed...

2 years ago
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The Mask

Casey was very lonely fellow. He didn't have a wife, girlfriend, or any more living family members. It wasn't that he wasn't a nice person, he was, or that he was bad looking, he wasn't. He just had rotten luck all the time. His entire family had perished in a car accident not too long ago. He had been in an orphanage for awhile but now he was going to go live with some extended family members. Their names were Holly and Kelly Johnson and they were his second cousins, and they were...

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My Bodyguard Lover

Ever since I could remember, I’ve always had a bodyguard. You see, my family is quite high class if you know what I mean? I’ve pretty much been very wealthy since the day I was born. And I’ve had about 5 bodyguards since then. Anyways, my names Chris, I am 18, about 5”7’ and about 150pounds, I am Caucasian with medium brown hair and light greyish blue eyes. I’m not muscular, I just have a nicely toned body from all the sports I play. Since I was 16, my bodyguard has been the same man named...

3 years ago
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Rhythm and the Blue Line Ch 45

Ryan covered a yawn as she walked into the hotel lobby. The show had gone well and she was beat. Tired enough, she had decided, to head back to her room while the others hung out somewhere. Her fatigue must have shown, since none of them had made more than a token effort to convince her to go with them. She pondered that in the elevator. It was unlike Lara to leave her alone these days. Ever since the day Lara had forced Ryan into the restaurant, her friend had stuck close. It wasn't like...

Love Stories
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Spizoo Honey Demon Curvy Bombshell Honey Demon Intense Pussy Drilling

Curvy bombshell, Honey Demon, is doing some drilling work in her backyard when Michael Fly comes over and offers her to take a break. She goes inside the house with Michael and starts kissing him passionately on the lips. She then leads him to the bed and surrenders her big tits and shaved pussy to the lucky stud. Michael gives Honey a pussy licking before letting her give his stiff rod a sensual blowjob. He then pounds Honey’s sweet hole with his hard cock in missionary. Honey...

2 years ago
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Jilnar Jardalys a Dirty Slut

Hi, guys!It's your favorite Arabian slut here to tell you another of my cherished sexcapades.Unless you've been living in a cave, you must know what a dirty cum-slut I am by now. Whenever I go on vacation, my main requirement is that it be somewhere where there will plenty of guys and gals to suck and fuck. I call them my "sexcations". One of my favorite sexcations was my trip to the red light district of Amsterdam. So why not get out your beautiful, big, hard cocks & start stroking while I...

3 years ago
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Strange RelationshipsChapter 34A Randalls Reputation

Nate and Roland were out making the rounds. Roland kept his mouth shut until they'd made their first delivery; Nate was fuming pretty heavily without it. But as they pulled away, Roland opened up, "Awright, inquiring minds wanta know. What the fuck?" "I got a case of diahhrea of the mouth, an' Nora had to get a look at Stella," Nate rasped. "An' you couldn't keep it from happenin'?" "No. I couldn't," Nate groused. "I know it makes me look whipped, and I'm gonna take...

2 years ago
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The Purge Begins

Barry's wide eyes reflect the light from his computer screen; sweat forming at his hairline. He types a few quick sequences on his keyboard without taking his eyes off the screen; windows pop up rapidly, his eyes quickly glancing at each once. The screens stop and he leans in, staring at a particularly telling entry line; he scrolls down. "Hey." Barry jumps, startled; his keyboard hand twitches as if flicking an imaginary pen. He slides back in his chair and turns; it's Natalie,...

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Replacement Therapy

Replacement Therapy By Cheryl Lynn This is a copyrighted fictional story. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely accidental. This is a forced feminine/dominant female story featuring sections of both physical and mental sexual cruelty. Such actions are not condoned by the author and just part of a story. If you do not like such stories then Do Not read or comment as you have been warned. Constructive criticism on style and grammar are welcome....

3 years ago
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Hell of a ride

(Would you like a German translation? I can make one as German. ) Hello. This story started as roleplay between me and a very sweet and sexy Girl from Kent. (If you read this. I hope it goes on for a very long time. Every word from you is pure sexy gold). I will write this story out of our two perspectives. so you can play the "innocent" Hitch-hiking Boy or the sexy Hot Shemale Queen. Other persons are apear later in the story. I´m just a German boy writing in English so excuse the grammar and...

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Being A Fuck Buddy

So, back to the past my friends, with my virginity lost and having had sex twice with Karen. I then had three sexual encounters in the span of 4 months with two different women. After never having fucked a girl until my late teens, the world had changed for me. My next fuck buddy was Fran, a high school friend. It happened two times due to drunken house party antics. We did it in a bathtub while the rest of our friends were in the living room doing whatever it was they were doing. I had bruises...

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Secret Lives of King Togo Island Part 30

I hailed a cab and told the driver to take me to St. Martin street. From what I have read St. Martin Street is like a red light district. There is a lot of of causal bars there but also there are strip clubs and some brothels. After about a 5 mile cab ride I arrived at St. Martin Street and paid the driver and proceeded to walk down the street. I pulled out my phone and re-looked at the picture of Nicole. Nicole had brunette hair, a pretty face, and massive natural looking breast for her...

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Two Sides to Every Story

"Two Sides to Every Story" This story is purely fictional and was co-written by my friend and co-author, Alex999 Lead in sentence: When one romance writer helps another cure a hopeless case of writer's block, you know its going to be erotic. I'm Alex and my wife's name is Pearl. We both love to write erotic romance and, in fact, that is how we first met. From then on, even after we married, we continue to write stories to supplement our fantasies. We are now toying with the idea of sharing...

Straight Sex
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Showing wife sex tape to our kids

Everything change when it we finish our final paper, I asked her to sleep with my best friend, who is Malay. His name is Abdul, he isn't good looking and he is fat type so he get pick on quite a bit. She know I wasn't joking and the result isn't out yet but she played along because she said she love me a lot. I already got lisence at that time and I drove my dad car, an Estima with full Tinted glass. Abdul was sitting at the back seat, my nervous wife was sitting right next to me. I park...

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Being Jim Ch6 Lessons of Life pt2

Life is a tapestry, a cloth woven of many different threads that create the whole. This story is a thread, one of many, contributing to the waft and weave that is the Whole cloth, being Jim. Being Jim Ch.6 Lessons of Life By Frodov This story is based entirely on true experiences from my past. Names and a few details have been changed to...

2 years ago
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Because We Can

I'd been coming round for a few weeks and I'd shared some amazing moments with my younger lover. We both found these illicit meetings hugely exciting. We liked lots of foreplay as it built the anticipation. Then when our passions and desires really took over we explored pleasures that felt new and exciting for both of us. As soon as I got up to your room and closed the door I grabbed you by the arms and pulled you to my chest. You were looking up into my eyes with a faint smiling, almost...

Straight Sex
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Jack & Janiebyjack_straw©Jack parked his bicycle on the back porch of the house he shared with his sister, Janie, after spending most of the evening working on a term paper at the campus library.After two years of junior college, Jack was getting the hang of life at a big university. But the work was a lot more than he'd experienced at junior college, and that hadn't left much time for a social life. Still, he was looking forward to kicking back with a cold beer and a hot doobie with his...

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RUNAWAY Chapter 16 Pleasing Others

She took another look at the map and made the decision to walk along a Northwest interstate. It took her almost 45 minutes to get along the interstate she wanted where she thought she might get a ride. She continued to walk but also looked back at the cars and trucks and on occasion would put her thumb out. Finally after another 45 minutes a sleek black big rig pulled over. Sammi had to walk almost 100 yards as it took the truck time to pull over and stop after passing her. Finally...

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Scary dreams arnt so bad

=^-^= A typical Friday. Taylor played counterstrike, Samira drew. Led Zeppelin blasted so loud in the room they probably couldn’t have heard each other even if they were screaming. When the CD was over Samira looked up from her artwork. “How long you gonna play that game Taylor-kun?” Taylor narrowed his eyes and look back at her “Another hour or two. Don’t call me Taylor-kun.” Samira pouted “You’re so mean!! Samira and Taylor were both 8th graders, they weren’t related in any ways,...

3 years ago
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Battle for Castle Fairlith

"Lady Fila, Lady Fila," shouted a royal handmaiden, flying frantically through the royal chambers, searching for the Queen of Emeraldin. Clearly concerned, the very pregnant fairy queen fluttered out to meet her breathless servant. Standing at nearly a foot high, Queen Fila towered over most of her subjects and it was in no small part due to her divine size and in-born ability to command that she gained her status on the throne. "Calm down Imadea," said the queen, grasping the shoulders of...

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FilthyBlowjobs Dani Blu Dani Blu Fucked Tony8217s Big Cock

Young cock worshipper Dani Blu came into guzzle cock but got her pussy pounded in the process too. Yup, the horny teen couldn’t contain herself. She slurped and worshipped Tony Rubino’ big cock, using both hands to jerk it off. Dani sucked his nuts as she tugged him too. She showed off her impressive deepthroat skills before she decided to plant Tony’s fat cock in her tight hole. Dani bounced her phat ass & wet pussy on Tony’ dick, spreading herself wide open until...

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My Perfect Life Part Five

I couldn't eat at the restaurant, suddenly my appetite had vanished. I didn't want food in my mouth, I wanted Phillip's monster cock!I ordered a chicken salad but only pecked at it. My mind was preoccupied with illicit thoughts about this incredible black man sitting next to me.The angel on my right shoulder kept telling me to eat and forget what was happening between us but, the devil on my left shoulder was stronger and in control of my mind more than I expected.Kevin tucked into a nice pork...

4 years ago
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I was sunk deep in Marge's love passage when the door opened and her young daughter walked in and saw me buried deep inside her mother, who had her legs wide with her heels on my buttocks. "Mum, I'm going to tell daddy what you and this man are doing." I immediately pulled out of Marge and stood up revealing to the young girl a dripping wet erect nine inch penis as Marge shot off the bed and took hold of the young girls upper arms. The young girls gaze was glued on to my glistening still...

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Back in Time Day 1 rewritten

Andre went to prom with his friends, but it didn’t quite feel right. He was always a bit awkward, so getting into relationships was next to impossible for him. Spending senior prom without a date made him feel unworthy, so he looked up at the night sky and whispered. “If only I could have another chance with Lila. If only I could tell her how I felt back then. Maybe things would be different.” That night Andre went to sleep, and when he awoke, he could help but feel different. He seemed to...

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Catching my wife Part 13

After I ejaculated all over my wife’s gaping cunt, she was brutally fisted by this extremely sadistic woman. I stood there like an idiot and watches the entire fisting. My wife was then led away, and I was told to clean up and to go home and wait for her. When I arrived home, I received a text that said not to worry but that my wife would not be returning home for a week and to go on with business as usual until I received further instructions.After 7 days, I received a text to go back to...

1 year ago
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The TreatmentChapter 6 Sorority House Fun

I had just begun to explore my new sexual attraction and prowess when I happened to attend a football game with my friend Ron from work. It was the local university playing an in-state rival in a game under the lights. We had no trouble finding seats because, in spite of the rivalry, the teams weren't very good and didn't attract much of a crowd. We were able to sit in the third row at about the 45 yard line. We had a great look at the game from there and were also very close to the home...

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Lauras Journey

Laura’s Search for Happiness They had been married for almost 8 years. By now they were strangers living in the same house. The sex, if they had it at all, was perfunctory. It was unusual if it lasted 5 minutes. He would just roll over, pull her nightgown up over her waist and stick his cock inside her. No foreplay and certainly no cuddling afterward. No, he just rolled over and went to sleep after he had had his sexual relief. They didn’t have any kids. He blamed it on her. Telling her she...

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Reddit TitFuck, aka r/TitFuck! If you’re looking for a good place to go to where you can see some of the hottest babes getting titty fucked, you’ve come to the right place. This subreddit is called /r/titfuck and it’s the optimal place to go to if you’re looking for a good time with hot titfuck sessions, as the name suggests. You can bet your ass that I visit this place on the regular because of how good the posts are. Seriously though, I’ve seen and been through so many subreddits, and they...

Reddit NSFW List
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Brittany and Her Daddy Part 1

“Dad? Daddy? I’m home!” Brittany closed the door behind her. She went into the kitchen, but her father was not there and he was also not in his office. “Daddy? Where are you?” She called again, but there was still no answer. “Daddy?” She yelled as she walked up the stairs. Brittany was the only child of Martha and Gregory Andrews, and she was 16 years old. She had beautiful green eyes just like her father and long wavy blonde hair just like her mother’s. She was about 5 feet 7 inches and she...

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THE Harem Tales 4 We Gotta Get Outta This PlaceChapter 12 Pussy Riot In The Park

Then, the harem almost bit off more than they could chew. It happened this way... Rachel, Cathleen, and Hannah were all on the ground leading small, targeted pickups of various specialists that colonies had requested. These excursions also let them extract a few specialists for the Harrad Colony. Having a list of needs from the various colonies greatly assisted in identifying probable needs for their own. While waiting in their ‘ready room’ should backup be needed, Michael, Patricia, and...

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